Will of William Newbery or Newberye of Yarcombe
Proved 6 December 1596
© Crown Copyright
PROB 11/88/399, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Dated 26 May 1596, Proved 6 Dec 1596
Transcribed by Kathleen Noye
In the name of God, Amen the Six and Twentith daie of Maye Anno Domini 1596, Annoq regni D[omi]ne m[agiste]re Elizabeth dei gra[tia] Anglie ffrancie et hib[erniae] Regnie fidei defendoris &c Tricesimo Octavo [Translation: In the thirty-eighth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God Queen of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, etc.] I William Newbery of Yorkecombe in the Countie of Devon sicke of Bodye but perfecte of Remembraunce god be thancked Doe make my Laste will and Testamente in manner and forme followinge / ffirste I bequeathe my soule to almightye god and my Bodye to th'earthe , but my worldlye I thus dispose viz [that is to say] Imprimis I geue [give] and bequeathe vnto the poore of the Parrishe of Yorcombe ffyve shilling[es] / Item I geue and bequeathe vnto Ellyne Newberye my wiefe , All her Apparrell , the vse of three kye [cows] to take the milke of them to her owne vse alwais duringe her liefe , and the vse of sufficient household stuffe as longe as she remayneth in my dwellinge howse Item I geue and bequeathe vnto Thristryam Smithe Three shilling[es] foure pence and to his wiefe Three shilling[es] foure pence , and to every of theire children Three shilling[es] foure pence a peece / To be paide vnto them when by lawe they are able to geue discharge to th'executour / Item I geue and bequeathe vnto William Smithe Three shilling[es] foure pence , and to everye of his Children Three shilling[es] ffoure pence the pece [apiece] / So that he geue my Executor a discharge for his Legacye that I haue paide hym alreadye / And my will is that his children shall haue their money when they shall be of age as afore / Item I geue and bequeathe vnto John Smithe Three shilling[es] foure pence , and to his boye three shillinges foure pence As also before when he shalbe of full age / Item I geue and bequeathe vnto the same John Smithe Sixe powndes Thirtene shilling[es] foure pence To be paide vnto hym whensoever he shall surrender his righte in Powd Hill att request and in staunce of my Executour / Item geue and bequeath vnto every of Richarde Newberyes Children Thirtene powndes sixe shillinge eight pence a peece, to be paide to every of them when they shalbe of age to geue discharge as before / And yf anie of them dye before that tyme , Then his parte shalbe devyded amounge the Survyvors / Item I geue and bequeathe vnto every of my servant[es] men and women , that shalbe with me att my deathe in service three shilling[es] foure pence a peece / Item I ordeyne William Hamlyn William Bennet and Hughe Billinge to be my Overseers of this my Last will , and to them I geue Three shilling[es] foure pence a peece / The Rest of my goodes not geven nor bequeathed my debts and Legacies paide I geue and bequeathe vnto Richarde Newberye my sonne , and hym I make the whole Executour of this my Last will and Testamente / whereby also I ordeyne and appointe the same Richarde to be for me and in myne steede [stead] to deale and to doe in all thing[es] concernynge the money geven to the poore by Henry Parker as I my selfe mighte and should Witnesse herevnto Thomas Mayor Viccar William Hamlyn and Hughe Billinge /
Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London Coram venerabili viro mag[iste]ro Will[i]mo Lewin [?] Legum Doctore Curie Prerogatiue Cantuar[iensis] mag[iste]ro Custode siue Comissario / Sexto die mensis Decembris Anno Domini Millesimo Quingentesimo Nonogesimo Sexto / Juramento ffrancisci Clerke notarij publici / Procuratoris Richardi Newberye Executoris in huismodi Testamento nominati / Cui com[m]issa fuit administracio Bonoru[m] Juriu[m] et Creditoru[m] dicti defuncti / De bene et fideliter administrand &c / Ad sancta dei Evangelia Jurat /
Translation: The above-written will was proved in London before the venerable Sir William Lewis [?], Doctor of Law, Master, Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, on the sixth day of the month of December in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred ninety-six, on oath by Francis Clerke, notary public, agent [?] for Richard Newbery, executor named in the same will, to whom was given administration of the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased, sworn on the Holy Gostpel well and faithfully to administer the same, etc.