
From Monks to the Millennium: A History of Yarcombe


Ruth Everitt (1999)

Indexed by

Joan Zorn



NameAssociated PropertyDate at propertyPage(s)
Addington, Dr.Birch Oak179763, 70, 120
---Birch Mill------
Addington, Lord SidmouthBirch Oak187619, 70,
Anley, DorothyBeacon Farm---66
Anning, JWatchford193141
Arundell, Hon. R.A.Sheafhayne Manorlate 19th C84
Atwood, JohnSheafhayne Manor150383
Atwood, Isabel---------
Babb, Ann---83 
Bailey, SarahCalways172772
Barefoot, EdwardPithayne160079
Bastarde, WilliamMarsh Farm160051
Batstone, WilliamEmmet's Farm185162
Batt, William------47
Batten, RCollyforches193162
Baylie, Robert------9
Baylie, John------9
Baylie, Joane------9
Baylie, Elizabeth------9
Beer, HenryBears (or Beers)172772
Bennett, JohnMoorpit1600109
Bennett, WilliamPeterhays1600111
Benson, Capt. Percy G.R.Northam's192838
---Sheafhayne Bungalows---81
---Sheafhayne Manorearly 20th C82, 84, 85
---Garden HouseWW287
Bethel, KingsleyPanshayne174078
Bishop, JosephChurchtown1798, 181072
Bishop, MrsMiddle Moorhayne1782108
Bishop, JohnMiddle Moorhayne1798-1810108
Bishop, JohnStockhouse1810115
Bishop, Betty---1829117
Blackmore, JohnStodbear183438
Bond, Isaac & JacobBirch Oak---70
Bond, JohnLey1558, 1697105
Bond, JamesLey---105
Bond, L.Jubilee Hall193887
Bond, SamuelYarcombe Inn175492
Bond, WidowHigher Moorhayne1798107
Bond, WilliamMarsh Chapel185451
Bond, WilliamShutlands179763
Bond, WilliamPeacross180179
Bonevylle, WilliamPanshayne146177
Bonfield, AbrahamFour Elms1841118
BovettKnight's Mill---36
Bovett, Clement & MaryBirch Oak167770
Bovett, ThomasNorth Waterhayne---76
BowditchUnion Cottagesearly 20th C57
Bowyer, WilliamBirch Millearly 19th C69
---Springfield Cottage---86
Boyland, JosephPithayne179880
Bradelegh, Alice de---13325
Brett, AlexanderPithayneabt 160079
Brett, Sir RobertPanshayne160077
Brewer, JasperPeterhays1600111
Brewer, RobertBeacon House(Yarcot)182766
Bright, BenjaminCornhill, Moorhayne172798, 108, 119
---Underdown, Sellwood------
Bright, BenjaminSpiller's Cottage181264
Bright, ElizabethRosehay(ne)1727112
Bright, JohnGlebe Farmhouse188873, 75
Bright, WilliamElscombe1832/345
Broom, HenryBlackhall1832/332
Browinge, MaudeLivenhayes1600106
Burrow, JohnLivenhates1810106
Byllinge, HughYarcombe Mill1600120
Carewe, RichardKnightshaynepre 15857, 48
Case, NathanielBirch Mill178870
Cate, WilliamElscombe160045, 47
Chase, Gamaliel---170912
Chick, HPanshayne187278
Clarke, MaryLey1702105
Clarke, Naboth------13
Clarke, W.E.Calways193172
Clarke, WilliamWhitehorns179892
Claxton, JohnDrake's Arms Farm183934
Cleall, EWinnowing Knap193167
Codrington, ChristopherPanshayne------
---Birch Millearly 19th C69, 78
Coleman, RichardMarsh Farm185650, 53
Collier, JohnCroakham & Dynyngton160032
Combe, GilesShorthayne160056
Combe, ThomasPithayne172779
Cook, JohnRosehay(ne)1727112
Cooke, JohnLongbridge1770s13, 72, 76, 109
Coombs, William---d 189927, 99
Cozens, SamuelChaffhey172797
Crabb, CharlesMarsh Chapel185450
Crabb, HughHigher Moorhayne1832107
Crabb, MarathaBaptist Chapel1787117
Craucombe, Matthew de---13325
Culverwell, AlfredHillside (Tilery Cott.)---63
Culverwell, ThomasPithayne, Smokey Hse179880, 81, 86
---Axviney, Whitehorns181992
Culverwell, ThomasSchool House1852-190388
Daniell, HenryPithayneabt 160079
Dare, RobertClifthayne, Glebe160044, 73
Dare, JohnClifthayne163744
Davey, JohnGroveland/well1594102
Daveye, ElizabethStockhouse1600114
De la Birche, Christopher & RichardBirch Oak12194
Dean, IsaacPithayne172779
Deane,Birch Oak178270
Deane, ThomasBlackhayes184695
Denslow, LCourt Place1895/699
Derryman, J---193887
Dommett, JohnMarsh Cottage184159
Drake, Ffrancis---16008
Drake, Sir Francis---15817, 8, 48
Drake, Sir Francis, 3rd Baronet---171211, 12, 71, 77, 114
Drake, Sir Francis Henry---173912, 13, 14, 54, 109
Drake, Sir Thomas Trayton Fuller Elliot---?1800-187115-18, 20, 55, 62, 64, 81, 88, 95, 107, 110,118
Drake, Sir Francis George Augustus Fuller-Elliotd 191518-20, 27, 86, 90, 
Drake, Richard---15968
Drake, Thomas---abt 16008, 48
Drake, Ursula---abt 16008
Dunham, JohnUnion Cottages186157
Dyer, ThomasKeat's Mill---47
Eames, W.D.Underdown1877120
Edwards, CharlotteLivenhayes1850106
Elliott Drake, Lady---187218, 98, 118
Every, AlfredLee's Cottage1888105
Every, JosephUnion Cottages186157
Farrant, GeorgeMill Cottages189189
Farrant, MrYarcombe Inn---102
Faun, MrDrake's Arms Farm183334
Flood, JohnKnight's Mill178536
Ford, Rev. MortimerThe Vicaragelate 19th C91
French, AdaPost Officeearly 20th C101
French, SamuelBaptist Chapel1829117
French, WilliamCollyforches19th C62
Fuller, Augustus Elliott------15
Fuller, Francis John------15
Fuller, John Trayton------15
Fuller, Robert Fitzherbert------15
Fuller, Rose Henry------15
Fuller, Thomas Trayton------15
Fuller, William Staphen------15
Furzey, HannahBlackaller or Back Allers---71
Gardener, JohnChaffhay, Court Place152597, 99
Gifford, MrNortham's, Willianbeer172737, 42
Glade, GeorgeClifthayne181044, 46
Glade, JamesMarsh184149
Glade, JohnMarsh182959
Godfree, HenryRosehayne1844113
Godwin, SilasHeathfield Arms184153
Gollop, JamesWatchford177541
Gollop, GeorgeToller's Marsh184458
Gollop, StephenToller's Marsh---58
GoughUnion Cottagesearly 20th C57
Grabham, JohnElscombeearly 20th C46
Grabham, OliverFlintlock Inn188158
Grenville, Sir BevillKnightshayne162748
Hake, AndrewStotehayesabt 193787
Hake, SarahGrovewell1775102
Hall, GeorgeCurehays172733
Hamlyn, WilliamBrimbly160095
Harcombe, JoshuaKnight's Mill---36
HardingRyecroft Cottagelate 19th C101
Harding, FrancisBelle Vue---101
Harner, ThomasPithayne160079
Haydon, AgnesHigher Stout160035
Helliar, AliceLivenhayes1600106
Hille, John---13325
Hockey & CoStout Mill189739
Hockey, ThomasCornhill179898
Horner, GeorgeChaffhay Head Cottage1888112
Hurford, F. S.Higher Stout192835
Hurford, B.Northam's192838
Hurford, John---186628
Hurr, W. J.Linton193166
Hurrell, John & AmyChapel Cottage1888118
Hutchings, W.H.G.Farthings193135
HutchingsHill House Farm185174
Jennings, JohnBirch Oak180570
Jennings, WilliamCoburns, North Waterhayne179845, 76
Johnson, JohnBirch Mill178869
Keeping, RichardMarsh Chapel185451
Kellaway, ChristopherCalways170371
Kerly, JohnToller's Marsh184458
King, LordBirch Oak, Peeke Cross1787, 180170, 79, 92
Knight, AbrahamDrake's Arms Farmpost 183934
Knight, GeorgeBlackhall, Marsh Farm, Pithayne1674, 172732, 33,51,79
Knight, JamesLower Moorhayne1832108
Knight, JoelMarsh Chapel, Yonder Marsh185450, 59
Knight, JoanGrovewell1591102
Knight, JohnGrovewell1591102
Knight, JohnMarsh Farm182751
Knight, NicholasGrovewell1594102
Knight, RobertGrovewell1600102
Knight, SBaptist Church1829117
LacyUnion Cottagesearly 20th C57
Langdon, WilliamCroakham1794/532
Lartiliot, CatherineBelle Vue---101
Lawrence, WilliamBeacon Farm185166
Leach, DouglasLye House---50
Leat, RichardSpark's Cottage185167
Leat, SamuelSpark's Cottage185166
Leat, SusannaSpark's Cottage185166
Lee, BenjaminPithayneabt 160079
Lee, JohnMoorhayne's Cottages1888104
Lee, MargaretPithayneabt 160079
Lee, RobertElscombe Cottage183246
Legett, ElianorHigher Moorhayne1727107
Leggett, JacobHigher Moorhayne1766107
Legh, JohnLey1437105
Lental, JohnKnapp193136
Loaring, R---182946
Loaring, RobertHeathfield Arms181851, 52, 53
Lock, RobertOld Woodhayne181056, 67
Lockyer, Henry Bayer---185451
Locock, EdwardRosehayne, Rower Hill, Underdown1798,1810112,113,120
Locock, JohnUnion Cottages186157
Locock, WilliamChaffhay, Grovewelllate 18th C97, 103
LongUnion Cottagesearly 20th C57
Long, CharlesStodbear181038
Long, JohnMiddle Stout179737
Loosemore, JamesNortham's1810-183838
Loosemore, JohnNortham's179837
Loosemore, FCroakham188433
Loveridge, JohnPanshaynepost 187278
Lukin, J---early 20th C20
Maior (Major), DorothyRosehayne1600112
Maior (Major), Thomas---16th C9, 112
Mallett, WilliamPanshayne18th C78
Manley, WilliamStout Mill178239
Manning, AgnesKnightshayne162749
Manning, JohannKnightshayne162749
Manning, WilliamKnightshayne162749
Marchant, MrDrake's Arms Farm183334
Marricke, Robert & JohnRosehayne1600112
Marricke, WilliamCornhill160098
Martin, AnnSheafhayne Manor---83
Martin, ElizabethSheafhayne Manor---83
Martin (Martyn), GilesSheafhayne Manor162683
Martin, JohnSheafhayne Manor---83
Martin, RebeccaSheafhayne Manor---83
Martin, SarahSheafhayne Manor---83
Mathew, ElizabethHay1600104
Mathew, JohnKnight's Mill, Watchford160036, 41
---Marsh Farm, New Barn---51, 54
Mathew, JohnBlackaller179471
Mathewe, WilliamKnightshayne162749
Matthews, JohnSouth Waterhayne1833114
Matthews, Mr.Homeleigh, Yarcombe Sch1872,188875, 118
Matthews, SamuelMoorpit1779109
Matthews, WilliamHay1727104
Meyrick, Capt. Richard Owen Tapps-Gervis---1930s20
Meyrick, Owen John Augustus------20
Meyrick, Owen Putland------20
Meyrick, Richard Anthony------21
Meyrick, Sir George Augustus Elliott Tapps-Gervis------20
Miller, AlbertBirch Oak189071
Miller, BessieBirch Oak189071
Miller, EdwardBirch Oak189071
Miller, EleanorBirch Oak189071
Miller, GeorgeBirch Oak189071
Moore, WilliamBlackhayes, Grovewell170095, 102
Morley, John---15817
Mullet, Mr.---193493
Musgrave, Dr.Sheafhayne Manor170584
Mutter, JohnStout Mill160039
Mutter, RichardHay1817104
Naish, ThomasSheafhayne Manor---83
Newbery, Ann---168511
Newbery, JohnMiddle Moorhayne1685,172711, 108
Newbery, RobertBlackhayes, Broadley,1700, 179813, 95, 96
---Rosehayne, South Waterhayne1727112,114
---Underdown, Livenhayes1727119, 106
Newbury, SamuelGrovewell, Livenhayes, Moorpit1662, 172702, 106,109
Newbery, SusannaLivenhayes1727106
Newbery, ThomasShutlands18th C13, 63
Newman, Mary---15968
Newman, JonathanPeterhayes1728111
Northam, AliceStout160037
Northam, JohnYarcombe Inn167292
Northam, ThomasNortham's Cottage181754
Northmore, ThomasSheafhayne Manorabt 170084
Palmer, JohnUnderdown1750120
Palmer, Mr.New Barn189454
Palmer, SarahGrovewell1817103
Palmer, Rev W.Shutlands, Blackhayes1786, 179714, 63, 95
Palmer, RobertRower Hill1798113
Palmer, ThomasGrovewell1832103
Palmer, Thomas NewberyUnderdown, Grovewell1748102,119, 120
Paris, MaryKnapp172736
Parkhouse, IsaacMiddle Moorhayne1798-1810108
Parris, AlanSheafhayne Manor Farm193986
Parris, CharlesFarthings1794/534
Parsons, HenryCroakham160032
Patten, LionelSheafhayne Manorabt 190084
Pavey, CharlesBroadley, Hay160096, 104
Pavey, DavidHay1727104
Pavey, RBeacon House (Yarcot)187766
Pavie, Charles---late 16th C7
Petre, John s/o LordPanshayne160577
Phillips, George---late 19th C19
Phillips, George---193493, 101, 107,111
Pike, JohnBeacon house (Yarcot)182766
Pollexfen, Henry---171211
Pope, John------14
Pope, Joseph------14
Pope, Mary------14
Pope, Sarah------14
Powell, Rev. JosephElmdene1874-1904117
Pringe, Alexander------9
Pullen, JohnLivenhayes1600106
Quick, FStout Mill193139
Rattenbury, WalterSheafhayne Manor Farm193986
Rich P. R.Livenhayes1931107
Roberts, MaryLower Moorhayne1716108
Roberts, PeterLower Moorhayne1716108
Robins, JohnCurehays160033
Robins, FrancisElscombe, Podgers172745, 56
Rodgers, SamuelFoxenhole181047
Russell, ThomasSouth Waterhayne1833114
Salter, J---193887
Searle, JamesRosehayne1727112
Seaton, Lady---1930s20, 21, 79, 85, 87
Selwyn, GYarcombe School1870118
Seward, JohnNorth Waterhayne, Peterhays179876, 111
Shire, JamesBeacon Farm---66
Singleton, AdamHigher Pithayne187580
Smith, JohnPeterhays1810111
Smith, RobertPeterhays1832111
Smythe, WalterUnderdown1600119
Southcott, JaneLower Moorhayne1798108
Sparke,Ivy & Rose Cottages, Marsh---50
Sparke, JamesFlintlock Inn (Globe Inn)180857
Sparke, JamesCalways, Hill House Farm179872, 74
Sparkes, TommyFour Elms20th C118
Speke, Sir JohnSheafhayne Manor150383
Spiller, AbrahamLivenhayes, Baptist Churchh1832, 1829106, 117
Spiller, AliceNorth Waterhayne, Crimshawes, Farm Ground---75
Spiller, AmyRosehayne, Watchford181041,112,113
Spiller, BenjaminNew Barn, Panshayne1782-183254, 78
Spiller, CharlesBrimbly172795
Spiller, HenryBlackhall, Littledown1798,181014, 17, 32
---Coburns, Keat's Mill---36, 45, 47
Spiller, JohnStout Mill, Higher Moorhayne1782, 179839, 107
Spiller, JohnMarsh, Four Elms184149, 118
Spiller, JosiasThe Beacon (Spiller's Cottage)181264
Spiller, RobertNew Barn, North Waterhayne1600,178254, 75
Spiller, SarahCrymeshays172776
Spiller, WilliamWatchford, Marsh1801, 184141, 49
---New Barn---54
Spiller, WilliamUnion Cottages186157
Spiller, ZacharyNorth Waterhayne---75
Stapledon, Bishop Walter---13115, 89, 110, 111
Stevens, JamesCalways, Old House179872, 76
Stevens, JoanStodbear172738
Stevens, RichardStodbear, Pipenhayes172738, 42
Steward, Edward TuckerWatchford180141
Steward, Mrs GabrielWatchford180141
Stickland, JohnKnightshayne, Moorpit1832, 179849, 109
Stone, ThomasMarsh184149
Stowel, Sir JohnSheafhayne Manor1598, 162683
Streeche or StretchleyNorth Yarcombe13566
Strickland, JohnHay, Pithayne1727,179814,104, 80
Summerhayes, JohnUnion Cottages186157
Summerhayes, RPithayne179880
Summerhayes, RobertSumner's Marsh182751
Summerhayes (Somerhaies), ThomasBlackhall160032
Symes, JohnHill House Farm, Peterhayes, Pithayne162074, 79, 111
Symes, ThomasPanshayne17th C77
Toller, PeterToller's Marsh178458
Toms, SumnerMarsh Farm187351
TrottMiddle Moorhayne1798-1810108
Trott, JStockhouse1798115
Trott, JamesBaptist church1829117
Trott, SusannaHay1727104
Trott, ThomasStout Mill, Old Woodhayne189739, 56
---Hillside, Linton, Yarcombe Sch---63, 65, 118
Trott, WilliamBlackaller1794/571
Turner, BrigettHay1600104
Turner, WilliamRosehayne1727112
Vincent, ChristianCroakham, Knapp160032, 35
Vincent, HenryFoxenhole, Shorthayne1727,179447, 56
Vincent, JamesPithayne172779
Vincent, JohnKnightshayne162749
Vincent, JohnMarsh Farm182751
Vincent, SamuelBaprtist Church1829117
Vincent, ThomasineWilliambeer160041
Wadleton, WilliamFlintlock Inn185158
WaleHamperlands, Lee's Cottage1888104, 105
Wale, JohnMiddle Moorhayne1832108
Wale, WilliamHigher Stout, North Waterhayne1832, 179735, 76, 117
Wale (Whale), JohnBlackallers179471
Waleran, LordSheafhayne Manorearly 20th C85
Walsh, IsottBlackhayes, Grovewell170095, 102
Ward, JamesElscombe Cottage183246
Ward, JohnUnion Cottages186157
Warwick, Richard---16th C7
Webber, EdwardKnapp---36
Webber, HenryOld Woodhayne183256
Webber, William---mid 19th C28
Westlake, BettyStodbear18th C38
Westlake, ThomasStodbear18th C38
Weston, StephenPeterhayes18th C111
Wilce, JohnStout Mill---39
Willey (Willie), JohnDrake's Arms Farm, Clifthayne1801, 179834, 44
Willey (Willie), HenryDrake's Arms Farm, Old Woodhayne179234, 56
Willey (Willie), RobertStout Mill178239
Willey (Willie), WilliamOld Woodhayne179256
Williams, JohnSheafhayne1739, 177913, 84
Witcombe, ElynorMoorhayne1600107
Wolfron, JohnCalways16th C72
Wood(e), ChristianPanshayne160077
Wood(e), JohnCoburns, Sheafhayne Manorabt 160045, 83
Wyatt, RichardMarsh184149
Zane, AliceOld Woodhayne160055
Zane, GeorgeYarcombe Mill1727120
Zane, RobertCroakham160032

Brian Randell, 9 Jun 2004