
Emmison's Elizabethan Life - Home, Work and Land

  • Emmison's Elizabethan Life
  • The wills of Gentry
  • The wills of Merchants
  • The wills of Yeomen
  • Disorder
  • Morals and the Church Court
    •    ==========================================================================                    
        Elizabethan Essex - a names index
               The following names are indexed from "Elizabethan Life"
                            by Dr Frederick George Emmison
        Dr Emmison is a former County Archivist of the Essex Record Office
        and has written many books, with the advantage of his unrivalled
        access to Essex historical material.
        This book is full of names, based especially on Wills and on court
        records.  In indexing it, I have tried to include anything directly
        useful in a genealogical sense.  Dr Emmison's own index is very good but
        not quite complete.  In many cases I can supply a little more material
        by reference to the book.  This book is but one volume in a set of five,
        all entitled Elizabethan Life but with different subtitles.
        Where the date of a will is given, it must usually mean that the person
        died within a few years of that date.  In quoting from wills, Dr Emmison
        obviously only picks out odd items.
        I have used abbreviations as necessary.  To save space I have often used
        W1571 instead of will 1571 or 1571 will.  Where I can, I have given the
        place-name at the beginning of the description field.  If you import the
        file into a spread-sheet and parse it, you can sort on the description
        and thus get the file grouped very largely by locations, eg you will find
        over 80 names referenced to Colchester.
            Indexed by Mike Foster, Wellington, 1994.  The book is my own copy.
        ABBOT      Richard      Colchester tanner, pump access for wife, W1571   99
        ABBOT      Robert       Maldon baker, money/gift  maids,  will 1574     127
        ABBOTT     Henry jnr    E Colne, injured William Clerke, 1592           232
        ABELL      John         E Mersea, succeeded to land ex Thos Abell dcd   211
        ABELL      Thomas       Bradwell/j/m, rector, executed 1540             211
        ADAMS      Joan         Ashdon, aka Mary Bocher                         139
        ADAMS      Robert       Norton Mandeville, storing grain c1570          179
        ADESLIE    Joan         Gt Bardfield widow, 1598 will - buttery equipt   28
        ADSLEY     Thomas       Gt Bardfield dyer, left equipt to son, will 1576 77
        ADSLEY     Thomas jnr   Gt Bardfield, son of Thomas Adsley               77
        ADYE       John         Thaxted, manor steward 1599                     223
        AILET      Richard      Kelvedon ymn, nephew Tabor to be appr, W1585    127
        ALBERT     Edward       Felsted, allegedly defamed Jn Strayte re theft  217
        ALBERT     Richard      Maldon draper, his hat to overseer, will 1559   142
        ALDEN      William      Gt Clacton 1584 will lists all his livestock     50
        ALDERS     John         Danbury svnt, gave gloves in will of 1592       130
        ALEXANDER  Thomas       Goldhanger 1584 will, best sheep to his son      48
        ALEXANDER  Thomas jnr   Rettendon, son of Thos Alexander                 48
        ALLARD     Richard      Rettendon, servant to Thomas Stammer             89
        ALLEN      Christopher  Dovercourt 1566 will left sheep/cattle/horses    48
        ALLEN      Edward       Ridgewell, son of Robt A, urged to be a chandler122
        ALLEN      John         Gt Ilford Crown Inn, gift in will of Wm Squire  134
        ALLEN      John         Dovercourt ymn, will written by Jn Forber, 1599 141
        ALLEN      Robert       Ridgewell hsbdmn, ho to son if  chandler, 1597  122
        ALLEN      Roger        Felsted, Thos Ardon entered his house 1578      216
        ALLEN      Thomas       Coggeshall shearman, left much equipt, will 1570 78
        ALLINE     Joan         Lt Burstead, will of 1591                         4
        ALLYN      Roger        Felsted, brough suit against Thos parker 1561   216
        ALMON      Henry        Burnham, 1581 will mentions two boats            64
        ALMON      Henry        Burnham sailor, goods equally   7 chn, 1581     110
        ALMON      Thomas       Danbury, son of Wm Almon, appr to fuller, 1575  158
        ALMON      William      Danbury, father of Thos Almon                   158
        ALMON      William      W Hanningf'd hsbdmn 1582 left theeves/hoggerels  49
        ALVIN      Frances      Panfield, servant maid to Thos Binckes          129
        ALYTE      Goodman      Fyfield, hoarded wheat/barley c1570             179
        AMYCE      Israel       Son of Roger Amyce JP & master of Jn Welles     106
        AMYCE      Margaret     Apptd gdn of Anne Welles                        106
        AMYE       Charles      Coggeshall, died c1596, involved w Robt Martin  145
        ANDERKYN   James        Creeksea ymn, mansion/oysters etc   wife, 1585   69
        ANDERKYN   Margaret     Creeksea, wife of Jas Anderkyn                   69
        ANDEWE     Geoffrey     Prittlewell, son of Thos Andewe                 125
        ANDEWE     Thomas       Prittlewell, bequeathed Latin books, 1578       124
        ANDREW     Thomas       Collier Row, son to be schooled etc, will 1582  121
        ANDREWES   Henry        Chelmsford butcher, killed unbaited bulls 1572  239
        ANDREWES   John         Creeksea, single, prob svnt at Creeksea Place   136
        ANDREWES   Thomas       Noak Hill 1594 will, timber to his brother       55
        ANDREWS    Agnes        Received bequests in will of Wm Goodyn           60
        ANDREWS    Lancelot     Received bequests in will of Wm Goodyn           60
        ANDREWS    Thomas       London, mariner, father of Lancelot/Agnes        60
        ANNES      William      Colchester beadle, owed money to Robt Beard      92
        APPLETON   Henry        S Benfleet, JP, of Jarvis Hall                  129
        ARBUSTER   Agnes        Colchester widow, 7/- to son for lodging, 1560  138
        ARCHER     Francis      Halstead, wrongfully occupied sundry lands 1578 223
        ARCHER     Harry        Theydon Garnon, son of Wm Archer, in 1559 will    4
        ARCHER     Henry        Gt Ilford ?, sought licence for Richd Steele    177
        ARCHER     Michael      Mistley, big legacy to foster child, 1575       128
        ARCHER     William      Theydon Garnon, 1559 will, re roof chamber        3
        ARDEN      Thomas       Felsted, charged for shooting doves, 1578       237
        ARDON      Thomas       Felsted, entered house of Roger Allen 1578      216
        ARMOND     George       Coggeshall clothier, Machins Mill, 1576         278
        ARSONNE    John         Theydon Bois hsbdmn, left Fabian Chron, W1589   125
        ARTHURE    John         Springfield, father-in-law of Micah Barker      174
        ASHELEY    John         Apptd guardian to John, ygr son of Jn Bennet    106
        ASHEWELL   Gilbert      Fyfield, hoarded wheat/barley c1570             179
        ASHLYE     Jacob        Colchester shipwright, 1/3 of boat   wife, 1595  65
        ASHLYE     Jacob        Colchester sh/wright warned sons re mother 1595 115
        ASHLYE     Jacob jnr    Colchester, son of Jacob A. of St Leonard's     115
        ASHLYE     Joan         Colchester St Leonards, wife of Jacob Ashlye     65
        ASHLYE     John         Colchester, son of Jacob A. of St Leonard's     115
        ASPLAND    Robert       Heydon, 1564 will re some sheep runs             39
        ASPLAND    Robert       Heydon, 1564 will incl gift to s-i-law Mr Barley 43
        ATKINS     Henry        St Osyth, house-stwd to Lord Darcy              133
        ATKINS     Henry        Steward of Sir Thos Darcy                        92
        ATKINS     Richard      Romford curate, witnessed will of Margery Cooke 104
        ATKYNSON   William      W Ham (Upton) mares on Lord Rich's common 1563  245
        ATKYNSON   William      Nevendon rector, gave books   parsons, 1570     125
        AUDLEY     Thomas       Stanway (?) gmn                                 151
        AULEFER    Edward       Epping vicar 1571                               235
        AULEFER    Jane         Epping, vicar's wife, scolded neighbours 1571   235
        AUNSELL    Joan         Coggeshall widow aged, left 2 looms, will 1597   76
        AUSTEN     Richard      Mentioned in will of Richd Barthlett             37
        AWGAR      William      Shalford ymn, forestalled wheat, 1574 Assizes   180
        AWSOP      Francis      Ch Ongar, debtor to Jas Fynch (30 pounds)        67
        AYERS      John         Brightlingsea ymn, clothing   maid, will 1585   128
        AYERS      John         Brightlingsea yman 1585 will left virginals      23
        AYME       John         Hutton ymn, 1588 will, carts ploughs &c   son    55
        AYSONE     Richard      Sheering, engrossed seed wheat, 1590            183
        BACKHOUSE  John         Woodham Ferrers brickmkr, debts owing, will 1590 87
        BACKHOUSE  John jnr     Woodham Ferrers, son of John Backhouse           87
        BACKOUSE   Ellis        Chelmsford trader, used a light weight, 1583    302
        BADBROKE   John ygr     Gt Bardfield, heir to 1/2 acre of land, 1586    221
        BADCOCK    John snr     Halstead, many looms etc to sons, will 1594      77
        BADCOCKE   George       Rayleigh (ex London) will 1588 re bldg            6
        BAGLEY     William      Newport shoemaker, fined for poor work 1567     306
        BAKER      Christopher  Brook Walden, wife rescued cattle from bailiff. 236
        BAKER      John         Tillingham, owed 30s to Thos Cottysforth         92
        BAKER      John         Epping, must move his harmful woodstack 1569    261
        BAKER      John         Epping, fined for card-playing 1573             238
        BAKER      Walter       Chelmsford, overpaid servants, brothel kpr ?    154
        BAKER      Walter       Chelmsford brewer, great overcharging 1583      302
        BAKER      William      Gt Chishall hsbdmn 1568 will, saffron land wife  43
        BALLARD    John         Cousin/friend of Jn Hewson of Rayleigh          105
        BALLARD    William      Bocking wvr, put off appr one year early 1574   157
        BANKES     Mr           London cutler, Geo Chapman's son his appr, 1601 172
        BANKS      Joan         Dovercourt widow, will 1587                      66
        BANKS      Thomas       Dovercourt, son of Joan Banks, a mariner         66
        BARBER     John         Clavering hsbdmn, will re strips in open fields  38
        BARBER     Richard      Romford 1578 will left wethers on the common     49
        BARFFORD   Robert       Harlow Bury, hanged 1583, goods possessed/sold  212
        BARFOTE    Mr           Fyfield (rector?), hoarded grain c1570          179
        BARKER     Micah        Woodham Ferrers, apprentice to glover, 1597     174
        BARKER     Robert       Thaxted glazier, left glass/tools servant, 1598  87
        BARLE      Richard      W Ham ?, charge of engrossing butter 1599       186
        BARLEE     Richard      Elsenham, Esq, master of Jn Marteyne            139
        BARNARD    Agnes        Halstead ?, wrongly employed Reynold Grene 1574 157
        BARNARD    Avery        Elsenham, son of Agnes Pamphylyn - 1st marriage 110
        BARNARD    Henry        Gt Waltham ymn 1586 will re tillage etc          37
        BARNARD    John         Elsenham, son of Agnes Pamphylyn - 1st marriage 110
        BARNARD    Margaret     Elsenham, dau of Agnes Pamphylyn - 1st marriage 110
        BARNARD    Nicholas     Elsenham, son of Agnes Pamphylyn - 1st marriage 110
        BARNARD    Richard      Elsenham, son of Agnes Pamphylyn - 1st marriage 110
        BARNARD    Thomas       Moulsham, outlawed, pardoned for 5 pds, 1599    212
        BARNARD    Thomasine    Elsenham, dau of Agnes Pamphylyn - 1st marriage 110
        BARNARD    William      Elsenham, son of Agnes Pamphylyn - 1st marriage 110
        BARNARDE   John         Halstead, gmn, was blocking river, 1579         280
        BARNARDE   William      Newport glover, fined for poor work 1567        306
        BARNARDISTNJohn         Canewdon gmn, Thos Pyke held land from him      263
        BARNES     John         Stansted/m/f, costs for son's school, will 1588 119
        BARNES     Thomas       Stansted/m/f, son of John Barnes, schoolboy     120
        BARON      Thomasine    Layer Breton widow, 1591 will virginals   son    23
        BARON      Richard      Stansted/m/f, son of John and Thomasine Baron    23
        BARRET     John         Lt Thurrock hsbdmn, left bows/arrows, will 1600 134
        BARRETT    Thomas       Harlow Bury, dug up a boundary bank, 1578       247
        BARRINGTON Anne         Colchester widow, 1571 will, coal/shells   son   56
        BARRINGTON Richard      Colchester St Giles, son of Anne Barrington      56
        BARTHLETT  Richard      Lt Thurrock Curate, 1587 will - straw shocks     37
        BARTHOLOMEWChristopher  Stanford, sheep/nets/boat wife then son (1576)   65
        BARTHOLOMEWThomas       Stanford, son of Chris B,  20yrs in 1576         65
        BARTON     William      Layer Breton, aka William Cooke                  81
        BASEWICKE  John         Stansgate, cousin of Wm Basewicke               107
        BASEWICKE  William      Stansgate, mute wife care of cousins, will 1578 107
        BASTWICK   John         Burnham ymn, ferryowner, 1596 will               72
        BATEMAN    Robert       Bardfield Saling cptr, axe & wedges, will 1603   82
        BATMAN     Thomas       Halstead, engrossed wheat in his cellar 1566    178
        BATTELL    Ellen        Eastwood, wife of John Battell                   31
        BATTELL    George       Leigh on Sea, son of Jn Battell,  20 in 1558    103
        BATTELL    John         Eastwood yman, 1597 will includes apples   wife  31
        BATTELL    John         Leigh fisherman, will mentions sprats, 1558      70
        BATTELL    John         Leigh, left 40/- each to four children, 1558    103
        BATTELL    Margery      Leigh on Sea, dau of Jn Battell,  20 in 1558    103
        BATTELL    Richard      Leigh on Sea, son of Jn Battell,  20 in 1558    103
        BATTELL    Robert       Leigh on Sea, son of Jn Battell,  20 in 1558    103
        BAW        Thomas       E Mersea sailor, yearly firewood   wife, W1594   97
        BAWDEN     John         Hornchurch, brother of Richard Bawden           118
        BAWDEN     Richard      Hornchurch, bro keeps lodgings in his ho, 1588  118
        BAXTER     Bartimeus    St Osyth, schooling/keep ex Joan Lacy will      121
        BAYLIFFE   Jerome       Gt Bardfield, dispute over boundary tree, 1586  221
        BAYLYE     Henry        Finchingfield, s of Wm B, to be appr at 13      126
        BAYLYE     John         Finchingfield, son of Wm Baylye, smith           84
        BAYLYE     William      Finchingfield smith, ygr son to be appr, W1578  126
        BAYLYE     William      Finchingfield smith, tools/iron son, will 1578   84
        BEANE      Thomas       Brentwood, aka Thos Danwood                      84
        BEANE      Thomas       Maldon hsbdman, 1592 will allocating houses       7
        BEARD      Robert       Colchester, 1566 will part-forgave a debt due    92
        BEARNARDE  Richard      Gt Bardfield, cpyhlds in trust for Thos B, 1586 221
        BEARNARDE  Thomas       Gt Bardfield, heir of Richard Bearnarde, 1586   221
        BEAUMOND   Edmund       St Osyth hsbdmn, master Darcey as o/seer 1582   142
        BEAUMOND   Edmund       St Osyth hsbdmn, bequest   Mary Norman, 1582    113
        BECKE      John         Langdon Hills lbr, bow/arrows/quiver/pike, 1590 135
        BEDILL     Alice        Prittlewell, wife of John Bedill                 62
        BEDILL     John         Prittlewell, complex bequest of boat wf/dau 1559 62
        BEDILL     Susan        Prittlewell, dau of John Bedill, married Roger   62
        BEDLE      Erasmus      Hatfield Bd Oak wheelwright, left tools &c, 1596 83
        BELCHAMP   Thomas       Felsted, opprobious words in court, fined 1594  309
        BELL       Thomas       Thaxted ymn, bequest to wife, 1591              102
        BELVIS     William      Tolleshunt, neighbour of Thos Cottysforth       116
        BENDLOWE   Clement      Bro of John Bendlowe of Gt Bardfield             84
        BENDLOWE   John         Gt Bardfield smith, list of tools brother, W1584 84
        BENDLOWES  William      Gt Bardfield, copyholder of Crowes, 1586        221
        BENDYSH    Thomas       Coggeshall, examined Crowe's hurt appr 1598     170
        BENNET     John         W Tilbury, gdnship for several children, 1568   106
        BENNET     John elder   W Tilbury, son of Jn Bennet   Robt Bretton      106
        BENNET     John ygr     W Tilbury, son of Jn Bennet   Jn Asheley        106
        bENNET     Thomas       Waltham, bt 2 loads of wheat @ Waltham 1571     179
        BENNETT    George       Finchingfield, employed by Geo Bynckes 1574     158
        BENNETT    Hugh         W Ham cooper, left 20 hundred hoops, 1593        82
        BENOLL     William      Hockley, 1589 will re almshouse                   6
        BENOLL     William jnr  Hockley, son of Wm Benoll                         6
        BENTALL    Agnes        Halstead, wife of John Bentall brewer            87
        BENTALL    John         Halstead brewer, brew vessels   wife, will 1588  87
        BENTLEY    John         Helions Bumpstead ymn, his will 1608            184
        BENTLEY    John         Servant to Sir William Petre, will 1597          23
        BENTLEY    John         Servant of Sir John Petre, a gmn                211
        BENTON     Edward       Epping, constable of Upland 1571                235
        BENTON     Edward       Bocking clothier, surety for Jas Crowe 1598     170
        BERGHE     Elizabeth    Colchester, wife of Theodorus van den Berghe    117
        BERGHE     Elizabeth    Colchester, dau of Theodorus v/d Berghe         117
        BERGHE     Mary         Colchester, dau of Theodorus v/d Berghe         117
        BERGHE     Samuel       Colchester, son of Theodorus v/d Berghe         117
        BERGHE     Theodorus v/dColchester Fleming, 1598 will re chn's marriage 117
        BERGHE     Tobias       Colchester, son of Theodorus v/d Berghe         117
        BESTON     Agnes        E Colne widow, gave all to son, will 1588       144
        BESTON     William      E Colne, son of Agnes Beston                    144
        BETT       Isaac        Ingatestone, can cut a coppice, 1602            317
        BETTES     Arthur       Finchingfield, engrossing wheat, 1598           187
        BETTES     William      Wivenhoe parson, books wife's sons, will 1570   125
        BETTRELL   Richard      Newport shoemaker, fined for poor work 1567     306
        BEVYS      John         Harlow, a Chief Constable, court 1562           149
        BEYLDE     William      Manningtree mariner left shares in boat son 1592 60
        BICKNER    Alice        G/dau of Amy Pease of Gt Baddow                 114
        BICKNER    Amy          G/dau of Amy Pease of Gt Baddow                 114
        BICKNER    Grace        G/dau of Amy Pease of Gt Baddow                 114
        BICKNER    Margaret     G/dau of Amy Pease of Gt Baddow                 114
        BICKNER    Thomasine    G/dau of Amy Pease of Gt Baddow                 114
        BICKNER    William      G/son of Amy Pease of Gt Baddow                 114
        BIGGES     George       Dedham, employed Wm Greive & Jn Mellar          129
        BILLING    Alice        Leigh widow, bible/testament   3chn, 1600       123
        BINCKES    Thomas       Panfield, servant/godchild, 1590 will           129
        BIRCHETT   William      Langham, well stricken in years, will 1584      141
        BIRD       Edward       Stow Maries, `saltweller', will of 1608          89
        BIRD       John         Chelmsford collarmaker, will re shop stk 1594    81
        BIRDE      Stephen      Barking, boats & salmon nets to nephew (1588)    63
        BIRDE      William      Erith, nephew of Stephen Birde of Barking        63
        BISHOP     Stephen      Chelmsford, murdered by Richd Rogers            212
        BLACKMORE  William      Buttsbury ymn, will 1581 herd of 108 cattle      50
        BLAND      Anthony      Halstead fuller, river pollution 1593           196
        BLOSSOM    John         Downham ex-cook, will of 1586                   129
        BLOSSON    John         Downham, late cook to Thos Tirrell, will 1586   115
        BOCHER     Joan         Ashdon widow, goods equally between daus, 1596  139
        BOCHER     Joan jnr     Ashdon, dau of Mary Bocher, caring in sickness  139
        BOCHER     Mary         Ashdon, dau of Mary Bocher, caring in sickness  139
        BOCKING    Edmund       Stanway, presided @ Petty Sessions 1568         150
        BOND       Clement      Bradwell-j-m mariner, all boats to wife (1573)   64
        BOND       Elizabeth    Hawkwell widow, bring up children   20yrs, 1602 104
        BOND       Margaret     Bradwell juxta Mare, wife of Clement Bond        64
        BONDE      John         Son of Revd Richard Underwood                    51
        BONDE      John         Ingatestone, recovered Hyckes at Hyde 1601      317
        BONDE      Richard      S Fambridge Parson (in will of Roger Underwood)  51
        BONDE      Robert       Bradwell/j/m, home rights   wife, will 1571      99
        BONNER     Abraham      Leigh on Sea, son of Alice Bonner                66
        BONNER     Alice        Leigh widow, left quay/buildings son, will 1571  66
        BONNER     Henry        Chadwell, schooling for 2 eld sons, will 1589   119
        BONNER     Henry        Chadwell, an elder son of Henry Bonner          119
        BONNER     Joan         Chadwell, wife of Henry Bonner                  119
        BONNER     John         Rayleigh brickmkr, owed to Bart Rawlin           87
        BONNER     Margaret     Canewdon widow, 1587 will, gave a cow            54
        BONNER     Richard      Chadwell, an elder son of Henry Bonner          119
        BONNER     William      Leigh on Sea, deceased husband of Alice          66
        BOOSEY     Thomas       Broomfield, instructions re care of chn, date?  102
        BORDELLS   William      Newport draper, fined for profiteering          301
        BOREMAN    Gideon       Gt Totham svnt, then   Tolleshunt Major 1572    155
        BORLEY     Thomas       Gt Bardfield, fined 3d for non-appearance, 1586 221
        BORNE      Richard      Beaumont, felled an ash of Jn Wright 1568       252
        BORNE      Robert       Bobbingworth gmn, hoarding wheat/oats 1574      180
        BOTESWORTH Thomas       Stock, in court as a scold, 1558, fined 4d      235
        BOTTRELL   Richard      Newport, fined for netting house doves, 1571    237
        BOWEN      Margaret     Tolleshunt Major widow, 1588 will re son's farm  48
        BOWER      Blanche      Leigh, left 1/16 of ship Primrose (1596)         62
        BOWLAND    Humphrey     Wanstead gmn, to oversee will of Wm Foxe        142
        BOWLINGE   William      Chipping Walden, gmn, apptd constable 1583      224
        BOWNDE     Marion       Burnham, married dau of Jas Anderkyn             69
        BOWNDE     Nicholas     Burnham, son in law of Jas Anderkyn of Creeksea  69
        BOWNE      Thomas       Wallasea ymn, shellfish/boat left in will 1584   69
        BOWSER     Edward       Springfield ?, his horse stolen by Jn Smythe    212
        BOWSEY     Thomas       Chelmsford Tye Hawe, illegal lodgers 7yrs, 1600 271
        BOWTELL    Ralph        Rayleigh ymn 1602 will, leaves stock to mother   50
        BOWYAR     Joan         Braintree widow/tanner, left tanning stk, 1560   79
        BOYER      Roger        Waltham brewer, selling beer dear, 1571         179
        BRADEY     Thomas       Coggeshall, son of Thos Bradey snr               76
        BRADEY     Thomas snr   Coggeshall wvr, left son 2 shop looms etc, 1599  76
        BRAGGE     William      Sible Hedingham, profiteering/truck, 1574       157
        BRANDE     John         Newport glover, fined for poor work 1567        306
        BRANHAM    Hugh Revd    Dovercourt/Harwich Vicar, c1602                 102
        BRASIER    Anthony      Ingatestone clerk, licence to lop for fuel 1582 317
        BRAUNCH    Roger        Nevendon, master of Jn Gladdin                  106
        BREADCAKE  Stephen      Leigh mariner, 1602 will leaves part of ship     62
        BREAME     Arthur       Halstead, got manor of Abells 1577              208
        BREDG      Anne         Harlow widow, bequeathed fair lease son 1589     90
        BREDG      Edward       Harlow, son of Anne Bredg                        91
        BREDGE     Margaret     Felsted, w of Thos Bredge, parlour etc +p97      98
        BREDGE     Thomas snr   Felsted hsbdmn, 5 loads wood   wife p/a, 1575    97
        BREDGE     Thos jnr     Felsted, son of Thos Bredge snr                  97
        BRENDE     Joan         Newport, daughter of John Brende                 43
        BRENDE     John         Newport glover, 1572 will saffron land daughter  43
        BREST      Nicholas     Gt Birch 1583 will, one yoke of oxen bequeathed  51
        BRET       Anthony      Langford yman, 1588 will details fitting a room   7
        BRET       Anthony      Langford, 1588 will inc repair of lute/case +p30 23
        BRETT      John         Latchingdon, will of 1566 on deathbed           144
        BRETTE     Andrew       Gt Burstead wh/wright, gun/bow/armour, 1582     135
        BRETTEN    Richard      Sible Hedingham 1595 will re acre of hop garden  40
        BRETTEN    Susan        E Tilbury 1590 will. Late husbd gave stock daus  48
        BRETTON    Robert       Apptd guardian to John, son of Jn Bennet        106
        BREWER     John         W Tilbury, 1600 will, sheep/beasts   wife        48
        BREWER     Richard      Springfield, 80 in 1576, f-in-law of Wm Hore    282
        BREWRE     John         Hornchurch, 1559 will, 2nd best bed to wife      31
        BREWRE     Margaret     Hornchurch, wife of John Brewre                  31
        BREWSTER   John         Finchingfield, employed by Geo Bynckes 1574     158
        BRIDGE     Henry        E Colne ?, wheat promised him by Thos Grene     187
        BRIDGEMAN  John         Epping, felled elms on next-door land, 1576     253
        BRIDGES    Anthony      Plaistow gmn, engaged men @ Becontree 1574      156
        BRIDGES    John         Harlow, to repair "Crown" inn, 1587             261
        BRIDGES    John         Paglesham, Rector from 1562                      30
        BRIGHT                  Witham miller, ordered to fill pit in road 1596 287
        BRIGHT     John         Brother of Margery Cooke of Romford, executor   104
        BRIGHT     Richard      Gt Warley ymn, left armour/weapons, will 1572   135
        BRITAIN    Mary         Gt Bardfield, must expel Wm Townsend, 1586      221
        BROCK      Thomas       Stock, died after fall from cart, 1595          213
        BROCKAS    Abisaye      Havering Grn, dau (?) of John Brockas           101
        BROCKAS    Achior       Havering Grn, son (?) of John Brockas           101
        BROCKAS    Edmund       Havering Grn, son of John Brockas               101
        BROCKAS    Elizabeth    Havering Grn, dau of John Brockas               101
        BROCKAS    John         Havering Grn painter, goods chn/wife 5:3, 1582  101
        BROCKAS    John         Havering Grn painter, books &c to sons, 1582    123
        BROCKAS    John jnr     Havering Grn, son of John Brockas               101
        BROCKAS    Richard      Havering Grn, son of Jn Brockas                 123
        BROCKAS    Samuel       Havering Grn, (eldest?) son of John Brockas     123
        BRODBELT   William      Gt Saling miller, overcharged for milling 1564  191
        BRODWATER  James        Rayleigh, son of Nicholas Brodwater              90
        BRODWATER  Nicholas     Rayleigh ymn, shops/stalls/tallow, will 1592     90
        BRODYE     William      Fingrith, to remove tenant from his house 1575  270
        BROMAN     Andrew       S Weald tallowman, left equipt son, will 1591    81
        BROMAN     Richard      S Weald, son of Andrew B, tallow-chandler        81
        BROMAN     Richard      Canewdon, licence to fell an elm 1555           263
        BROOKE     John         New Hall, Bradwell, name in will of Robt Bonde   99
        BROOKE     William      Gt Ilford, name in decree of 1598 about starch  188
        BROOMAN    John         S Weald, 1574 will re house contents to remain   10
        BROWNE     Anne         Ingatestone, 1589 will incl pawned silver spoon  93
        BROWNE     Edy          Ingatestone, dau of Anne Browne                  93
        BROWNE     Henry        Stratford Langthorne, sought by Justices 1597   187
        BROWNE     John         Colchester, son of Margt Browne, part of ho/gdn 107
        BROWNE     John         Prittlewell tanner, left leather to son 1595     80
        BROWNE     John         Hadleigh, son of Robt Browne                     47
        BROWNE     Margaret     Colchester widow, shared house among chn, W1585 107
        BROWNE     Oliver       Colchester, son of Margt Browne, part of ho/gdn 107
        BROWNE     Paul         Wivenhoe, s of wife of Wm Bettes, parson        125
        BROWNE     Richard      Colchester, son of Margt Browne, part of ho/gdn 107
        BROWNE     Robert       Hadleigh ymn, 1560 will. Lease & stock   son     47
        BROWNE     Robert       Doddinghurst vicar, in will of Richd Payne      123
        BROWNE     Robert       Colchester shearman, shop equipt son, 1570 will  77
        BROWNE     Thomas       Epping, to remove woman lodger, 1582            269
        BROWNE     Thomas       Cutler Chlmsfd, house/tools cousin Thos Button   85
        BROWNE     William      Prittlewell, son of John Browne                  80
        BRUCE      Thomas       Lt Burstead, Rector                              10
        BRYCE      Thomas       Lt Burstead parson, supervisor of Thorpe will   121
        BRYCKETT   William      Mentioned in will of Thos Fuller of Gt Burstead  36
        BRYDGES    John         Harlow, a Chief Constable, court 1562           149
        BRYSTOWE   John         Wanstead gmn, name in decree of 1598 re starch  188
        BUCKE      Erasmus      Littlebury, son of Thos Bucke                   100
        BUCKE      Joan         Littlebury, wife of Thos Bucke                  100
        BUCKE      Richard      Newport tanner, fined for poor work 1567        306
        BUCKE      Thomas       Littlebury hsbdmn, grain/wood wife, will 1581   100
        BUCKLER    John         Servant to Earl of Sussex, will 1601            130
        BUCKLEY    John         Barking tanner,  3 to his servant, 1587         127
        BULLOCK    John         W Mersea, failed to supply bull/boar, 1549      320
        BULLOCKE   John         Gt Wigboro, part of house wife for 6 mos, 1561  101
        BULMAN     Edward       Canewdon, felled 4 elms without licence 1563    263
        BUNDOCK    Richard      B Notley, murdered 2, charged 1589, goods seized212
        BUNDOCK    Robert       B Notley, helped bury bodies (v Richd Bundock)  212
        BUNTINGE   Ellen        Halstead, wife of Wm Buntinge                   101
        BUNTINGE   William      Halstead, her chamber   his wife, will 1598     101
        BUNTYNGE   John         Halstead, tenement in main street ?, 1578       293
        BURCHETT   Joan         Langham, wife of William Burchett                51
        BURCHETT   Richard      Langham, son of William Burchett                 51
        BURCHETT   William      Langham, will 1584 re maintaining his herd       51
        BURDE      Robert       1st option to buy John Hawes' ship share         65
        BURGES     Robert       Owed money to Robt Weeles cutler for sword work  86
        BURGEYS    Thomas       W Bergholt fuller, had Thos Almon as appr 1575  158
        BURLES     Arthur       Tollesbury, son of Joan Hickes, prob young      143
        BURLZ      Thomas       Maldon alderman, will 1585 left salt works       89
        BURLZ      Thomas jnr   Maldon, son of Thos Burls                        89
        BURNETT    Thomas       Cressing, employed abscondee servant 1567       172
        BURROWES   Christopher  Purleigh tailor, appr absconded, 1598           172
        BURTON     Thomas       Plaistow ymn, "not in court", but died 1574     156
        BUSHE      John         Tolleshunt, neighbour of Thos Cottysforth       116
        BUSHE      John         Hornchurch, liable for sea-wall repair, 1574    246
        BUSTE      John         Halstead, Towneford Mill, ponding water 1579    279
        BUTLER     John         Bro of Wm Butler, to bring up his son Wm jnr    120
        BUTLER     Nathan       Waltham Abbey gmn, appr taken by Thos Robinson  172
        BUTLER     William      Hawkwell hsbdmn, provides for son, will 1589    120
        BUTLER     William jnr  Hawkwell, son of Wm B of Hawkwell,  21yrs       120
        BUTTOLF    John elder   Gt Bardfield, wrongful boundary ditch, 1586     221
        BUTTON     John         Cutler, will gives tools between sons, 1592      85
        BUTTON     John jnr     Son of John Button cutler                        85
        BUTTON     Thomas       Son of John Button cutler (v Thos Browne - 1601) 85
        BYATTE     Alice        Stebbing, wife of William Byatte                 96
        BYATTE     William elderStebbing, will 1578, dau to care for her mother  96
        BYLLES     Elizabeth    Thorpe, schooling for youngest son, will 1561   119
        BYLLES     John         Thorpe, youngest son of Elizabeth Bylles        119
        BYNCKES    William      Finchingfield, employed by Geo Bynckes 1574     158
        BYNCKS     George       Finchingfield tailor, illegal employer, 1574    158
        BYNDLEY    Anne         Boreham, sister of Valentine Byndley            112
        BYNDLEY    Bennett      Boreham, sister of Valentine Byndley            112
        BYNDLEY    Valentine    Boreham hsbdmn, money wife/mother/child &c 1587 112
        BYRDE      John elder   Ingateston ymn, left a corselet, will 1574      135
        BYRDE      John snr     Ingatestone yman, 1574 will, dairy equipment     30
        BYRDE      Richard      Aveley tiler, all his goods   Robt Harris, 1584 138
        BYRDE      Thomas       Aldham bowmaker, engaged Jn Chamberlen, 1568    150
        CAMBER     Richard      Father of Richard jnr who died young             64
        CAMBER     Richard jnr  Burnham mariner, left part boat to father (1573) 64
        CAMBREDG   Thomas       Moze, had house in Oakley, will 1567             90
        CAMMOCK    Thomas       W Mersea, genl surveyor to Lord Darcy, 1572     319
        CAMPE      James        Gt Ilford, workman for Robt Person, smith        84
        CANNON     John         Foulness, bro of Stephen Cannon                 134
        CANNON     Stephen      Foulness, will 1573 declared overdue wages &c    92
        CANNON     Stephen      Foulness, left bows/arrows, will 1573           134
        CANNON     Thomas       Walthamstow gmn, unlicensed butter trade, 1576  182
        CARDER     Thomas       Wethersfield, laid an information 1601          171
        CARDINALL  Charles      Beaumont, leased holding 1585                   209
        CARR       Roger        Rayne parson, mention in will of Thos Binckes   129
        CARTER     Hamon        Walden, miller, fined for disobedience 1560     279
        CARTER     Richard      Gt Waltham, alias Lyngeye                       127
        CARVER     Frances      Dunmow widow, ordered to rebuild, 1565          262
        CASSE      Henry        Aythorp Roding 1591 will re land upkeep          35
        CASTELL    James        Stock, son of Thomas Castell                     86
        CASTELL    Thomas       Stock brickmkr, all equipt son, will 1590        86
        CASTELYN   Thomas       Brentwood mercer, petition v wrong trading 1572 169
        CASTER     Francis      Colchester wvr, left loom and combs, will 1596   76
        CASTLYN    John         Canewdon, permit to lop 15 elms, 1567           263
        CATONNE    John         Thaxted, s of Thos Catonne, recd smithy in will  84
        CATONNE    Nicholas     Thaxted, s of Thos C, recd house/coal in will    84
        CATONNE    Thomas       Thaxted smith, home son, shop other son, W1579   84
        CATONNE    Thomas       Thaxted smith left a chalder of coal (1582)      56
        CAWDERON   Roger        Chelmsford ymn charged with extortion 1591       53
        CAYWOOD    John         Tillingham Hall, in will of Thos Cottysforth     92
        CELY       John         Rettendon gmn, owned Lt Hayes, c1600            208
        CHAMBERLAYNJohn         St Osyth glover, Peny Ho, Pond Lane, will 1591   80
        CHAMBERLEN John         Aldham, engaged by Thos Byrde, 1568             150
        CHAMBERLEYNJames        Stock, fined for killing cockerel, 1565         233
        CHAMBERLEYNRoger        Bocking, appr to Jn Freman, defrauded 1574      157
        CHAPMAN    George       Epping innholder, his son absconded 1601        172
        CHAPMAN    John         Waltham, bt one load of what @ Waltham 1571     179
        CHAPMAN    Richard      Stebbing tailor, information by Edwd Hedd 1597  171
        CHAPMAN    Richard      Rainham labourer, will incl share of boat (1559) 65
        CHARITYE   Richard      Newport, ordered to cut overhanging trees 1567  288
        CHARVELL   Goodwife     S Benfleet, mention in will of Geo Lentton      128
        CHEEKE     Robert       Gt Bardfield, his svnt injured Mr Smethe 1586   221
        CHOPPYN    Ralph        Tillingham, had 180 sheep in 1565                58
        CHURCH     Bartholomew  E Colne, left a chest with a lock                20
        CHURCH     John         E Colne, overseer for cloth manufacture 1602    194
        CLARCKE    John         Fryerning, servant of Solomon Whiskerd           79
        CLARK      Joan         St Osyth, dau of Wm Clark, given part of house  107
        CLARK      John         St Osyth, son of Wm Clark, given part of house  107
        CLARK      Mary         St Osyth, dau of Wm Clark, given part of house  107
        CLARK      Thomas       Barking, left cock-boat to s/i/law (1574)        63
        CLARK      William      St Osyth cptr, divided house among 3 chn, W1585 107
        CLARKE     Ellen        W Ham, wife of Richard Clarke                    65
        CLARKE     Ellen        Leigh on Sea, dau of Thos Clarke,  21 in 1565    66
        CLARKE     Henry        Gt Bardfield, to expel tenant Packman, 1586     221
        CLARKE     Henry        White Roothing to take his timber off road 1575 287
        CLARKE     John         New Hythe mariner, left fuel wood (1573)         56
        CLARKE     Richard      W Ham fisherman, fishg boats wife (1589)         65
        CLARKE     Richard      Mundon hsbdmn, 1590 will, butter & hard cheese   30
        CLARKE     Robert       Fryerning glover, licence to fell wood, 1582    317
        CLARKE     Robert       Fryerning, mention in will of Solomon Whiskerd   80
        CLARKE     Stephen      Billericay draper will 1589 brown cow   son-i-l  50
        CLARKE     Thomas       Waltham Hundred, appr to Robt Hancock in 1575   158
        CLARKE     Thomas       Leigh mariner, proceeds of ship to his chn, 1565 66
        CLARKE     Thomas jnr   Leigh on Sea, son of Thos Clarke,  21 in 1565    66
        CLAXTON    Anthony      No address, weaponry to various people, W1600   136
        CLAY       William      Leigh on Sea, son of dau of Robert Grove         61
        CLAYTON    Oliver       Stock rector, his animals on Lord's land, 1557  248
        CLEIVELAND              Son/i/law of Peter Saunder, was left 2nd slay    76
        CLEMENCE   Jonathan     Overseer of will of Eliz Bond of Hawkwell       104
        CLEMENTS   Jonathan     Hawkwell, subtenant of "Salmons" 1607           131
        CLERE      Benjamin     Boxted clothier, indicted 1607 re cloth mfr     194
        CLERK      John         Takeley hsbdmn, son to work for his wife, 1558  100
        CLERK      Thomas       Takeley, s of Jn Clerk, to plough &c for mother 100
        CLERKE     Alice        E Colne, d of Edmund C, ? 21 @ time of will 1576 75
        CLERKE     Edmund       E Colne clothier gave wool  wife/dau, will 1576  75
        CLERKE     Israel       Gt Dunmow, son of Jn Clerke, weaver              76
        CLERKE     John         Gt Dunmow wvr, left much wvg gear to son, 1574   76
        CLERKE     John         Paglesham, dau was g/dau of Wm Cocke            115
        CLERKE     Margaret     Earles Colne, wife of Edmund Clerke              75
        CLERKE     William      E Colne, his hand injured by Hy Abbott 1592     232
        COCK       Edward       Lexden Hundred, appr to Jn Neele, Inworth 1575  158
        COCK       Richard      Wivenhoe, probably a sailor                      66
        COCK       Thomas       Mariner, house/boat/oysters etc in will 1591     69
        COCK       William jnr  Paglesham sailor, will 1583 forgives part debt   92
        COCKE      Henry        Henham,  20 to son for schooling, 1568 will     122
        COCKE      Henry        Kelvedon glover, engrossing grain &c 1574       180
        COCKE      Henry jnr    Henham, son of Henry Cocke snr                  122
        COCKE      Ralph        Dedham shearman, all shop equipt son, will 1601  78
        COCKE      Robert       Brother of Wm Cocke of Wallasea                  69
        COCKE      Samuel       Dedham, son of Ralph Cocke                       78
        COCKE      Thomas       Wallasea, brother of Wm Cocke                    69
        COCKE      William      Brentwood draper, Chlmsfd stallholder, will 1598 90
        COCKE      William jnr  Wallasea area, oysters brothers, will 1583       69
        COCKE      William jnr  Paglesham sailor, gave   4 god/chn, will 1583   115
        COCKELEY   William      Pedlar's license for fish/oysters 1572          176
        COCKERELL  John         Shenfield, manor steward in 1580s               223
        COCKET     John         Newport, held land next to Stephen Nyghtyngale's 38
        COKE       Joan         Sister of Wm Coke of W Mersea                    66
        COKE       William      W Mersea mariner, boat/goods sister/father 1590  66
        COKE       William snr  W Mersea, father of Wm Coke                      67
        COKER      John         Canewdon, licence to fell 20 elms, c1576        263
        COKER      John         Wdhm Mortimer ymn, wills for care of son, 1595  105
        COKER      Ralph        Woodham Mortimer, son of John Coker,  20        105
        COKER      Titus        Ramsden Crays, appt as woodward of manor, 1593  228
        COKES      John         Brother in law of Edwd Mighell of W Ham         104
        COKOE      Clement      Gt Clacton, clothing   infant orphan, will 1588 113
        COLE       John         Newport, to repair the common well, 1588        287
        COLE       John         St Osyth, to keep/school Bartimeus Baxter       121
        COLE       Thomas       Newport brewer/baker, fined for profiteering    300
        COLE       Thomas       Stansgate ymn 1585 will re sheep                 47
        COLE       Thomas       Stansgate yman, 1574 will - cheese equipment     30
        COLENS     John         Willingale Doe, wheat stored @ Fyfield c1570    179
        COLLARD    George       Walthamstow brickmkr, bond 1571 re Blackmore    211
        COLLARD    Giles        Walthamstow brickmkr, bond 1571 re Blackmore    211
        COLLARD    William      Son-in-law of Anthony Claxton                   136
        COLLYE     Thomas       Ware, beneficiary of Anthony Claxton (sword)    136
        COLLYN     Ellen        Beauchamp Roding, wife of Stephen Collyn         98
        COLLYN     Robert       Beauchamp Roding, son of Stephen Collyn          98
        COLLYN     Stephen      Beauchamp Roding 1575 will, sawn timber          56
        COLLYN     Stephen      Beauchamp Roding, parlour/cow &c to wife, 1575   98
        COMMYNGES  Stephen      Barking fishmn, bequeathed relig book, 1588     123
        COMMYNGES  Stephen      Barking, left house and salmon nets (1588)       63
        COMMYNGES  William      Bro of Stephen Commynges of Barking, beneficiary 63
        COMMYNS    Robert       To value tanning goods of Thos Fletcher for sale 79
        CONDALL    John         Romford, gave  6 to servant, will 1560          127
        CONNYE     John         Coggeshall wvr, gives ho   wife for life, 1597  108
        CONNYE     John         Coggeshall wvr, will 1597 mentions a narrow loom 76
        COOK       Nicholas     Hatfield Peverel butcher, engrossing, 1578      182
        COOKE      Dorothy      Dau of Margery Cooke `to remain with my lady'   105
        COOKE      Edward       Romford, son of Margery Cooke,  21              104
        COOKE      Elizabeth    Romford, dau of Margery Cooke, to Mrs Flouere   105
        COOKE      George       Romford, son of Margery Cooke                   105
        COOKE      Henry eldest Castle Hed'ham, left fair equipt son             91
        COOKE      Henry ygr    Castle Hedingham, son of Henry Cooke             91
        COOKE      John         Rochford gmn, undertook to engage labourer 1572 155
        COOKE      John         Heybridge grocer, expt of butter/cheese 1591    181
        COOKE      John         Layer Breton tallowman, will of 1584             81
        COOKE      John         Landlord of Lawrence White of Gt Baddow          80
        COOKE      Lawrence     Colchester, son of Richd C,  21yrs in 1583       80
        COOKE      Margery      Romford, widow of Tristram C, d'bed will 1563   104
        COOKE      Richard      Colchester shoemaker, shoes/leather son 1583     80
        COOKE      Tristram     Romford, died before 1563                       104
        COOKE      William      Brentwood mercer, petition v wrong trading 1572 169
        COOKE      William      Mentioned in will of Margery Cooke of Romford   104
        COOKE      William      Stebbing, 1581 will - cheese/butter/bacon        30
        COOKE      William      Stebbing, wood Mertens mansion ho for wife, 1581 97
        COOKE      William      Stebbing 1581 will includes hops and wood   wife 40
        COOKE      William      Layer Breton, father of Jn C, tallow-chandler    81
        COOLE      John         Thorrington miller, illegal expt grain &c 1575  181
        COOPER     John         N Weald Bassett, son of Richard Cooper           86
        COOPER     Richard      N Weald Bassett, toolmkr, tools son, will 1591   86
        COOPER     Thomas       Ilford, High Constable, gdn apptd by R Harwood  106
        COOTE      Agnes        Radwinter, wife of Robt Coote (v also p31)       98
        COOTE      Anne         dau-in-law of Thos Wackefeilde, wool in his will 75
        COOTE      John         Son-in-law of Thos Wackefielde, executor        115
        COOTE      Robert       Hempstead cptr, planks & joinery, will 1592      82
        COOTE      Robert       Radwinter hsbdmn, allowed parlour &c wife, 1585  98
        COOTE      Robert       Radwinter hsbdmn 1585 will, provisions wife      31
        COPPIN     Mark         Harwich shoemaker, gear/stock to be sold, 1570   80
        CORNEY     Robert       Gt Bardfield ex constable, engrossing in 1565   178
        COSTELL    John         Owed 3pds to Wm Shawcroft of Aveley              92
        COTMAN     Richard      Plaistow brickie, left halberd/dagger, 1591     135
        COTTON     Robert       E Bergholt gmn, overseer for cloth mfr 1602     194
        COTTRELL   Edward       Rochford ymn, bullock to overseer. No date.     142
        COTTYSFORTHJohn         Tolleshunt, son of Thos Cottysforth (Langbrokes)116
        COTTYSFORTHMary         Tolleshunt, dau of Thos Cottysforth (+ 2 others)116
        COTTYSFORTHThomas       Tolleshunt D'Arcy ymn, will 1588 re debt owing   92
        COTTYSFORTHThomas       Tolleshunt ymn, v conditional will re chn, 1588 116
        COULSON    Thomas       Walden svnt, left dagger/bow etc, will 1587     134
        COWLING    Francis      Witham flethcer, tools/timber   son, will 1583   82
        COWLING    Harry        Witham, son of Francis Cowling                   82
        COWPER     John         Newport, the heyward, 1571 (kept the pound)     227
        COX        John         Ramsden Bellhouse curate (will of Wm Atkynson)  125
        CRAMMER    Nicholas     Copford, agreement with Thos Grenelefe 1558      35
        CRAMPHORNE Mr           His son robbed. Robbers executed. Epping court. 212
        CRANE      Lynnet       Steeple Bumpstead, butter/cheese licence 1572   176
        CRANE      William jnr  Steeple Bumpstead, engrossed butter 1595        185
        CRANE      William snr  Steeple Bumpstead, engrossed butter 1595        185
        CREATHORNE John ygr     Boxted, cared for Michael Manners when sick     138
        CREFEILDE  Edward       Messing ymn, corselet/sword/arrows, 1579 will   135
        CREKE      John         Hockley, saltmaker, will of 1547                 89
        CRIMBLE    John         Hawkwell, wife to remain @ home 1 month then go  99
        CRIPES     James        Foulness, son of John Cripes snr                 71
        CRIPES     James        Foulness hsbdmn, will 1596 re keddle/tenement    71
        CRIPES     John snr     Foulness, 1586 will, keddle son James            71
        CRIPES     John snr     Foulness, 1586 will includes pieces of pewter    24
        CRIPES     Mary         East End, wife of Jas Cripes hsbdmn              71
        CRIPES     William      Bro of John Cripes snr of Foulness               71
        CRIPS      Eleazar      Fobbing, son of John Crips                       62
        CRIPS      Joan         Fobbing, wife of John Crips                      62
        CRIPS      John         Fobbing, gave boat shares to son/wife (1597)     62
        CRIPS      William      Foulness 1581 will, beds   sons                  31
        CROMPE     Agnes        Althorne, dau of John Crompe                     69
        CROMPE     Henry        Althorne, son of John Crompe                     69
        CROMPE     John         Althorne, eldest son of John Crompe              69
        CROMPE     John snr     Althorne oysterman, detailed will 1584           69
        CROMPE     John yngr    Althorne, son of John Crompe                     69
        CROMPE     Sarah        Althorne, dau of John Crompe                     69
        CROUCH     Richard      Bocking wvr, put off appr one year early 1574   157
        CROWCHE    John         Paglesham, a god/child of Wm Cocke jnr          115
        CROWCHE    William      Paglesham, Jn Crowche was his son               115
        CROWE      James        Coggeshall, ill-treated an apprentice, 1598     170
        CROXETON   Edward       Ramsden Crays, appt as woodward of manor, 1593  228
        CRYPPES    John         Foulness, will 1580 re his keddles (fish traps)  71
        CRYPS      John snr     Foulness, left fishing grounds to son, 1572      70
        CRYPS      Robert       Foulness, son of John Cryps (will 1572)          70
        CUCKOK     Francis      Colchester, son of Geoffrey Cuckok baker        112
        CUCKOK     Geoffrey     Colchester baker, legacies to children, 1584    112
        CUCKOK     Geoffrey jnr Colchester, son of Geoffrey Cuckok baker        112
        CUCKOK     John         Colchester, son of Geoffrey Cuckok baker        112
        CUCKOK     John ygr     Colchester, son of Geoffrey Cuckok baker        112
        CUCKOK     Mary         Colchester, dau of Geoffrey Cuckok baker        113
        CUCKOK     Nicholas     Colchester, son of Geoffrey Cuckok baker        112
        CUCKOK     Prudence     Colchester, dau of Geoffrey Cuckok baker        112
        CUCKOK     Rose         Colchester, dau of Geoffrey Cuckok baker        112
        CUCKOK     Susan        Colchester, dau of Geoffrey Cuckok baker        112
        CUCKOK     Thomas       Colchester, son of Geoffrey Cuckok baker        112
        CUPER      George       E Mersea millwright, son care of bro/law, 1585  121
        CURRYN     Humphrey     Colchester, servant to Wm Lambe                 128
        CURTIS     Robert       Enfield, bt 5qr oats @ Waltham 1571             179
        CUTLER     Andrew       Salcott cptr, boat wife & then  son, will 1575   64
        CUTTLE     Ellen        Harwich, wife of Robt Cuttle                     62
        CUTTLE     Robert       Harwich, left share of ship wife (1563)          62
        DABBS      Charles      Chelmsford notary, gifted weapons, will 1588    134
        DADRYE     Walter       Buttsbury brickmkr, house/kiln son, will 1566    86
        DADRYE     William      Buttsbury, son of Walter Dadrye                  86
        DALE       Joan         Stock, widow. 1586 will, barred chest            21
        DALE       Matthew      E Hanningfield ymn, education of 2 sons, W1586  118
        DALE       Matthew      Stock yman, Gt Greenwoods, 1586 will, furniture  18
        DALE       Richard      Colchester cooper, leaves timber stock, 1569     82
        DAMOTE     Agnes        Coggeshall, wife of Thomas Damote                36
        DAMOTE     Edward       Coggeshall, son of Thos Damote   weaving appr   105
        DAMOTE     Thomas       Coggeshall, 1567 will defining grazing practice  36
        DAMOTE     Thomas       Coggeshall, arranged care of son Edward, 1567   105
        DAMOTE     Thomas       Coggeshall, gift   appr to comb wool, will 1567 127
        DAMYON     William      Gt Wakering fisherman, Wakering Hall, will 1575  64
        DANBYE     John         Colchester sailor, exported biscuits/beef, 1576 181
        DANIELL    John         Sandon, appr to Margt Daniell's late husband    126
        DANIELL    Margaret     Gt Wakering, all   son of former prentice, 1592 126
        DANWOOD    Thomas       Brentwood smith, all working tools son, W1587    84
        DANYELL    William      Colchester, 1567 will re house fixtures           9
        DANYELL    William      Colchester, 1567 will 2/100 wood to his wife     96
        DARBYE     John         Brentwood mercer, petition v wrong trading 1572 169
        DARBYE     John         Ramsden, felled tree for house repair ?1577     260
        DARBYE     John         Brentwood, son of John Darbye snr                83
        DARBYE     John snr     Brentwood smith, 1561 will, various tools son    83
        DARCEY     Brian        St Osyth Priory, master of Edmund Beaumond      142
        DARGINSON  Richard      Halstead, stole timber, broke hedges, 1595      256
        DAVED      Griffin      Chelmsford, bro-in-law of M Davison             126
        DAVISON    Morris       Chelmsford ostler, money   bro-in-law, no date  126
        DAVY       Peter        W Hanningfield, Gracious St, in will of Wm Shaw  56
        DAVYE      Margaret     Berners Roothing, servant of Hugh Maddocke      127
        DAWNY      Edward       Witham, servant enticed away by vicar 1570      172
        DAYE       George       Newport, overgrazing the common, 1569           244
        DAYNSE     Harry        Gt Stambridge ymn, 1560 will, cattle   wife      50
        DEBBET     John         Barking, son of Peter Debbet                     63
        DEBBET     Margaret     Barking, wife of Peter Debbet                    63
        DEBBET     Peter snr    Barking fisherman, boat/nets son (1602)          63
        DEBENHAM   Jeremy       Belchamp Walter, will 1592 (re sale of ground)    3
        DENNIS     Rose         Weeley widow, 1585 will, several beds to various 32
        DICKENSON  Robert       Romford cptr, 1597 will gave debt owed him       92
        DICKISON   John         Walthamstow cptr, bond 1571 re Blackmore land   211
        DOCKER     Thomas       Layer Hall servant, will 1574                   129
        DODDES     James        Lexden, contract to serve Jn Sparke, 1568       150
        DORRELL    Prudence     Fingringhoe, wife of Richd Dorrell, 1597 will    65
        DORRELL    Richard      Fingringhoe sailor, left boat   wife/son (1597)  65
        DORRELL    Tobias       Fingringhoe, son of Richd Dorrell, 1597 will     65
        DOWNES     John         Eastwood hsbdmn, will 1587 mentions wool cloth   75
        DOWSETT    William      Moreton smith, list of tools, will 1601          85
        DRANE      John         Fairstead, complained about Nicholas Want 1592  196
        DRYWOOD    Anna         Gt Warley, mistress of Reynold Willsum          129
        DRYWOOD    Humphrey     S Benfleet ymn 1595 will, many sheep             46
        DRYWOOD    William      Gt Warley gmn, master of Reynold Willsum        129
        DUKE       Edward       Brightlingsea yman, 1572 will   seawall repair    8
        DUKE       Richard      Layer/d/l/Haye tilemkr, Tilehouse, will of 1575  87
        DUNT       Robert       Romford innkpr, left a shirt of mail, 1560      135
        DURRANT    Thomas       Chelmsford miller, fined for high charge, 1581  300
        DURRANT    Thomas       Springfield miller, engrossing grain &c 1574    180
        DURRISSE   Edward       Bro-in-law of John Lewger                        51
        DYDDON     Isabel       Orsett, wife of Thos Dyddon                      99
        DYDDON     Thomas       Orsett, wife to continue on farm , will 1567     99
        DYER       John         Gt Maplestead, will includes a caliver, 1570    133
        DYRER      John         Gt Maplestead hsbdmn, 1570 will left 11 hives    30
        DYRRINGTON George       Harlow Bury, leave to rebuild, 1566             262
        EASTERFORD John         Kelvedon, alias John Wood                       122
        EDES       John         Bocking wvr, released from Thos Reve 1574       157
        EDWARDES   Edward       Foulness, elder son of John Edwardes            120
        EDWARDES   John         Foulness, elder son to educate younger, 1581    120
        EDWARDES   Michael      Foulness, ygr son of Jn Edwardes, school age    120
        EDWARDS    John         Foulness (?), master of Stephen Cannon           92
        EDWARDS    Thomas       Hadleigh, left annuity ex barge revenue (1558)   63
        ELEMENT    John         Shenfield, tenement called Edwardes, d1585      209
        ELIE       Joan         Rettendon widow, money   illegit chn, will 1597 113
        ELIE       John         Lt Bromley, trees wife for fire/fence, will 1587 97
        ELLICE     Thomas       Gt Bardfield, pay 2/- per bullock killed, 1586  221
        ELLICE     William      Servant to Robt Barker glazier of Thaxted        87
        ELLYOT     Joan         St Osyth, wife of Jn Ellyot                      72
        ELLYOT     John         St Osyth, left fish weir to wife, 1560           72
        ELLYOT     William      Herdsman to Graunthammes at Coombe Farm          48
        ELLYOTT    John         St Osyth shipwright, saw/tools   2 sons, 1574    83
        ELVEY      Frances      S Benfleet, servant to Hy Appleton              129
        ELVOLDE    Thomas       Wanstead, rector circa 1460                     218
        EMERY      Anne         Danbury, eldest dau of Thos Emery               139
        EMERY      Thomas       Danbury ymn, house "Peppers"   eld dau, 1602    139
        EMERY      Thomas       Danbury ymn 1602 will, land/sheep/cattle to son  47
        EMSON      Philalego    Wivenhoe lab, money for those nursing him, 1585 138
        EMYNG      Emmanuel     Latton potter, mention in will of Robt Hylles    87
        ENEVER     William      Gt Easton, engrossed butter 1595                185
        ESTWOOD    Edward       E Donyland, son of Thos Estwood                 117
        ESTWOOD    Edward       E Donyland, son of Thos Estwood                  66
        ESTWOOD    John         E Donyland, son of Thos Estwood                  66
        ESTWOOD    Margery      E Donyland, wife of Thos Estwood                 66
        ESTWOOD    Margery      E Donyland, wife of Thos Estwood                117
        ESTWOOD    Thomas       E Donyland sailor, boats   wife/sons, will 1583  66
        ESTWOOD    Thomas       E Donyland sailor, will allocates home, 1597    117
        ETHYN      John         Waltham Hundred, appr to Aaron Yonge 1575       158
        EUSTACE    Henry        Tolleshunt, neighbour of Thos Cottysforth       116
        EVANSE     John         Coggeshall, appr to Thomas Damote               127
        EVE        Alice        Dunmow widow, 1593 will re bed/bedding           15
        EVE        Alice        Gt Dunmow, will of 1593                           4
        EVE        George       Aythorp Roding ymn, will 1575 giving plough etc  54
        EVE        William      Beauchamp Roding 1559 will re sawn timber etc    56
        EVERARD    William      Gt Waltham, legacy to his servant, will 1571    127
        EVERARD    William      Gt Waltham, major ymn, left horses, will 1571    91
        EVERED     John         No location, gave all books to son, 1586        125
        EVERED     John jnr     Son of John Evered (will 1586)                  125
        EVERSSON   Cornelius    Old Thorndon Hall, joiner's workhouse, 1592      81
        EWEN       Dorothy      Gt Bardfield, wife/widow of Robt Ewen, 1586     221
        EWEN       Richard      Gt Bardfield, illegit son of Robt Ewen          113
        EWEN       Robert       Gt Bardfield, bequeathed Thornes   wife, 1586   221
        EWEN       Robert       Gt Bardfield, gave illegit son, will 1587       113
        FANNE      John         Thaxted ymn, 1602 will gave sawn timber etc      56
        FANSHAWE   Mrs          Barking, former mistress of Ursula Kilby        123
        FARMER     Katherine    Colchester, attendant on Lucas family           130
        FARRANT    Alice        Hadstock, dau of Robt Farrant                    39
        FARRANT    George       Hadstock, son of Robt Farrant                    39
        FARRANT    Robert       Hadstock, 1574 will leaving land and proceeds    39
        FAUKONER   Richard      Walden, Castle St, 1579 will, gave bedcover      14
        FAWBOTT    William      Dagenham roper, will of 1569                     83
        FELGATE    John         Beaumont, cut trees, built house, fined 1597    259
        FELLEXE    Robert       Gt Oakley smith (?), list of tools, will 1598    85
        FENNER     Peter        Halstead, s of Robt, going to university        122
        FENNER     Robert       Halstead clothier, help for University, 1569    122
        FENZHAM    John         Chigwell carpenter, 1595 will, 66 sheep/lambs    49
        FENZHAM    John         Chigwell cptr, legacies to be invested, 1595    143
        FERRAS     John         Gt Bardfield, illegal smithy on the waste, 1586 221
        FERRER     John         Littlebury, sheep wrongly on the common, 1564   244
        FERRER     William      Wethersfield smith, list of tools, will 1593     85
        FILBYE     Grace        Burnham, wife of Nicholas Filbye                 61
        FILBYE     Nicholas     Burnham sailor, left boat shares   his wife 1593 61
        FINCH      Edward       Fryerning butcher, monies   son, will 1595      126
        FINCH      Joan         Chelmsford, 1597 will, dying friendless          93
        FIRLYE     John         Colchester sailor, boat/tack etc  wife/sons 1597 67
        FISHER     Roger        Ingrave, his maid to be brought up, will 1573   127
        FISHER     Thomas       To value tanning goods of Thos Fletcher for sale 79
        FLETCHER   Agnes        The `now wife' of Thos Fletcher of Barking 1583  79
        FLETCHER   Richard      Leyton, served as constable vice Jn Leice 1593  225
        FLETCHER   Thomas       Barking tanner, left tanning materials, 1583     79
        FLOUERE    Mrs          To care for Elizabeth Cooke (Romford)           105
        FLOWER     Widow        E Mersea, ordered to improve her bread, 1577    305
        FOOCKES    William      W Mersea, will 1582 re house Sowthes              7
        FORBER     John         London, member of Scriveners' Company           141
        FORD       Beatrice     Langham, in service, will of Wm Gardiner        129
        FOREST     George       Thorrington shipwright, left tools in will 1573  83
        FOSTER     Agnes        Epping widow, to remove her lodger, 1577        269
        FOSTER     John         Epping, fined for rudeness to jurors, 1593      309
        FOSTER     Thomas       London, laid information re engrossing 1599     186
        FOSTER     Thomas       Langdon Hills, informed against Robt Taylor     193
        FOSTER     William      Romford smith, 1573 will re shop implements      10
        FOWLE      John         Tolleshunt, overseer & s/i/law of Thos C'forth  117
        FOWLE      Peter        Burnham on Crouch, son of Thomas Fowle           64
        FOWLE      Thomas       Burnham, half boat to son, will 1584             64
        FOX        Margery      Newport widow rescued sheep ex impoundment 1570 236
        FOXE       Michael      Chelmsford innkpr, gave surety to court 1596    185
        FOXE       Thomas       Bromley Kent, charged re grain trading 1596     185
        FOXE       William      Barking ymn, Humphrey Bowland as overseer 1562  142
        FRANK      Thomas       Dunmow JP 1572                                  155
        FRANKE     Francis      Lt Ilford, 8 cows &c on Lord Rich's common 1563 245
        FRAUNCYS   Gregory      Canewdon, lodged illegally with Thos Saffolde   272
        FREMAN     John         Bocking, defrauded an apprentice, 1574          157
        FREMAN     Robert       Ashen (Sfk) parson (will of Wm Atkynson)        125
        FRENCHE    John         Crewman for John Mylles of Harwich               68
        FRENCHE    Richard      Crewman for John Mylles of Harwich               68
        FREND      John         Sold keddles sold to John Hancocke               71
        FREND      Richard      Sudbury mcht exported pease ex Manningtree 1576 181
        FREND      Robert       Gt Warley hsbdmn, pension to quiet mother, 1587 117
        FRESELL    Glode        Prittlewell brickie, list of creditors (date ?)  91
        FRINDE     Joan         S Benfleet, eld dau of Jn Frinde,  21 in 1581   110
        FRINDE     John         S Benfleet, 6 ewes willed to daughter, 1581     110
        FRITH      Humphrey     N Ockendon ymn, gave shooting bow/quiver, 1591  135
        FROSTE     John         Belchamp Walter, bt land of J Debenham  chimney   3
        FRYER      Walter       Moulsham cooper, took poultry, goods taken 1598 212
        FULLER     Anne         Romford, dau of Richard Fuller,  21 in 1560     111
        FULLER     Elizabeth    Rettendon, wife of Wm Fuller                     61
        FULLER     Hugh         Rettendon, son of Wm Fuller                      61
        FULLER     James snr    Colchester sailor,ship to be sold for will, 1602 63
        FULLER     John         Halstead, pawnbroker (will of Mary Harvy)        93
        FULLER     Richard      Romford (Wydoms) money dau at 21, will 1560     111
        FULLER     Thomas elder Gt Burstead ymn 1585 will re harvesting          36
        FULLER     Thomas elder Gt Burstead ymn, 3 loads firewood   wife, W1585  97
        FULLER     William      Barking 1558 will - left stock in several places 49
        FULLER     William      Rettendon, boat shares to wife/son in will 1588  61
        FYLLUPP    William      Gt Wenden 1559 will. Saffron for his daus.       43
        FYNCH      Dennice      Younger sis of Jas Fynch, High Laver             67
        FYNCH      Grace        Sis of Jas Fynch of Ch Ongar, 6pds 13/4 willed   67
        FYNCH      James        Ch Ongar, extensive will quoted, proved 1594     67
        FYNCH      Joan         Sis of Jas Fynch of Ch Ongar, 6pds 13/4 willed   67
        FYNCH      Margaret     Sis of Jas Fynch of Ch Ongar, 6pds 13/4 willed   67
        FYNCHE     John         Ingatestone tilemkrs (2), wills 1573/1603        87
        FYNCHE     Robert       Waltham draper, their shop illegal, 1575        158
        FYNCHE     William      Waltham draper, their shop illegal, 1575        158
        FYTCHE     Richard      Steeple Bmpstd, bequeathed caliver/equipt, 1602 133
        GAEDGE     Richard      Colchester svnt, gift   kitchen boy, will 1603  130
        GALE       John         Peldon sailor, will includes `my boat' (1596)    65
        GALLOWAYE  Richard      Ramsey, wood to Bridge St for wife, will 1582    97
        GAMMEDGE   Alice        Walden, widow, husband made painted cloths, 1591 78
        GAMMIGE    Thomas       Walden, will of 1578, husband of Alice ?         78
        GANSLITT   William      Lawford, single, legacy for nursing care, 1597  138
        GARDENER   Lucy         `Intended' of Chris Tucket (codicil 1589)        61
        GARDINER   William      Langham hsbdmn, livestock   young maid, 1590    129
        GARINGTON  Daniel       Mundon hsbdmn, will of 1602                     109
        GAROLDE    John         Goldhanger ?, son-in-law of Richd Kennatt       143
        GARRALDE   Elizabeth    Downham, illegit dau of Humphrey Garralde       113
        GARRALDE   Ellen        Downham, wife of Humphrey Garralde               10
        GARRALDE   Humphrey     Downham, 1601 will re trees, garden &c           10
        GARRALDE   Humphrey     Downham, bequests to illegit dau, will 1601     113
        GARRAT     Agnes elder  1566 will, firewood to dau Anne HALL             56
        GARROLD    Katherine    Ridgewell, nuncupative will 1577, details       144
        GARROLL    Joan         Ingrave, maid to Roger Fisher (his will)        127
        GATE       Alexander    Springfield parson, bequeathed books, 1560      125
        GATES      Barbara      Paglesham, dau of Wm Gates,  21 in 1584         116
        GATES      Richard      Paglesham, son of Wm Gates ymn                  121
        GATES      William      Paglesham ymn gave wheat to rector, will 1584    92
        GATES      William      Paglesham ymn, legacy to daughter, will 1584    116
        GATES      William      Paglesham ymn, schooling for son appr, W1584    121
        GAUNT      Mother       Wivenhoe, nursed Philalego Emson when sick      138
        GAWDERNE   Nicholas     Canewdon 1588 will left many sheep               47
        GELBARD    Thomas       W Hanningfield, 1570 will, sheep to his son      49
        GELBARD    Thomas jnr   W Hanningfield, son of Thos Gelbard              49
        GEMMYNGES  Nicholas     Romford, son of Richd Gemmynges                 135
        GEMMYNGES  Richard      Romford fletcher, bows/arrows   son, will 1562  135
        GENT       Thomas       JP at Essex Qtr Sessions, Easter 1572           176
        GENYE      Andrew       Dovercourt hsbdmn, left boat   son (1570)        65
        GEORGE     Katherine    Abberton widow, conditions on gift to dau, 1573 117
        GEORGE     Martha       Abberton, dau of Katherine George               117
        GEY        Margaret     Fingrith, wife of Richd Gey                     260
        GEY        Richard      Fingrith, to repair ho @ Clatterford End, 1565  260
        GIFFORD    Francis      Epping, a lodger with Wm Gifford 1577           269
        GIFFORD    William      Epping, fined for having a lodger, 1577         269
        GILBERT    Anne         Fryerning, wife of Jn Gilbert                   101
        GILBERT    John         Fryerning ymn, house `Knapps"   wife, will 1574 101
        GILBERT    John jnr     Fryerning, son of John Gilbert                  101
        GILBERT    Thomas       W Hanningfield, son to be educated, will 1597   120
        GILBERT    Thomas jnr   W Hanningfield, son of Thos Gilbert             120
        GILDEN     John         Ridgewell, Vicar, 1585 will re bedstead          13
        GILDEN     Thomas       Ridgewell, son of Revd John Gilden               13
        GLADDIN    John         Nevendon, apptd master as son's guardian, 1600  106
        GLADDIN    William      Nevendon, son of Jn Gladdin,  21                106
        GLADWYN    Thomas       Lexden miller, illegal export of grain &c 1575  181
        GLADWYNE   John         Epping Heath, built cottage unlawfully 1579     266
        GLASCOCK   Anne         Dau of Margt Browne, given part of house/garden 107
        GLASCOCK   John         Stisted gmn, regrated grain & pease, 1591       183
        GLASCOCK   John         St Osyth, m Anne Browne dau of Margt Browne     107
        GLASCOCK   John         Hatfield Peverel gmn, sold corn to N Cook 1578  182
        GLASCOCKE  Matthew      Stanford Rivers, bro-i-law of Jas Fynch Ch Ongar 67
        GLASCOCKE  Thomasine    Fyfield, wife of Wm Glascocke (+p101)            97
        GLASCOCKE  William      Fyfield ymn, either house or jointure wife 1575 101
        GLASCOCKE  William      Fyfield ymn, annual firewood   wife, will 1579   97
        GLASCOCKE  William      Fyfield, armour/weapons   son, will 1579        135
        GLASCOCKE  William      Lt Bardfield fanwright, tools/material bro, 1597 83
        GLASCOCKE  William      Fyfield yman, 1579 will re kitchen implements    10
        GLASCOCKE  William jnr  Fyfield, son of William/Thomasine Glascocke      97
        GLASCOK    Edward       Sandon, son of Richard G,  20yrs in 1570         49
        GLASCOK    Richard      Sandon 1570 will re lease of Southlands farm     49
        GODFREY    John         Theydon Garnon cptr provided for wife, will 1587 98
        GODFRI     William      Wrabness, left goods/clothes hostess, 1584 will 138
        GOLDINGE   George       Auditor to Sir Thos Darcy                        92
        GOLSTON    John         E Mersea mariner, boat son, who to pay siblings  62
        GOLSTON    John elder   E Mersea, son of John G, under 21 in 1571        62
        GOLSTON    John younger E Mersea, son of John G, under 21 in 1571        62
        GOLSTON    Mary         E Mersea, dau of John G, under 21 in 1571        62
        GOLSTON    Naomi        E Mersea, dau of John G, under 21 in 1571        62
        GOLSTON    Rose         E Mersea, dau of John G, under 21 in 1571        62
        GOLSTON    Thomas       E Mersea, son of Jn Golston, 1571 will gave boat 62
        GOODAY     Edward       Coggeshall clothier, mention in will of Jn G    142
        GOODAY     John         Coggeshall, 2 sons to be schooled, will 1566    119
        GOODAY     John         Coggeshall clothier, his will 1566              142
        GOODDAYE   Thomas       Braintree, son of dau of Joan Bowyar             79
        GOODDINGE  Edward       Wrote letter 1567 from Ipswich to Sir Wm Cecil   89
        GOODFELLOW Robert       Wethersfield miller, high charges, often fined  300
        GOODWYN    John         Ch Ongar, licence to buy/sell corn c1580        177
        GOODYEARE  John         Mucking, provision for his sister, will 1576    114
        GOODYEARE  Margery      Mucking (?), sister of Jn Goodyeare             114
        GOODYN     William      Horndon chandler willed shares in boats (1561)   60
        GOOSON     Thomas       Barking fisherman, `hebbing cock' in will, 1589  63
        GORE       John         Gt Bentley hsbdmn, will 1596 left fowling piece 136
        GORE       Robert       Epping, elected for collection of fines 1582    275
        GOULDTHAYTEThomas       Coggeshall, son of William Gouldthayte           82
        GOULDTHAYTEWilliam      Coggeshall cooper, left timber to his son, 1587  82
        GRAUNT     Anthony      Danbury 1561 will re sheep grazing on commons    49
        GRAUNTHAME Anthony      Canewdon ymn, 1565 will, cheese and butter       29
        GRAUNTHAME Anthony      Canewdon ymn 1565 will, sheep to young(?) son    48
        GRAUNTHAME Anthony      Canewdon ymn, will 1565 mentions wool packs      75
        GRAUNTHAME Anthony      Canewdon ymn, s to Davy Sympson at 5  21 yrs    106
        GRAUNTHAME Edmund       Canewdon, son of Anthony G, lease of Coombes fm  48
        GRAY       Henry        Leigh, his nets destroyed by Wm Hare, 1560      238
        GRAYE                   Epping cutler, fined for card-playing 1573      238
        GRAYE                   Epping, lodging with Widow Agnes Foster 1577    269
        GRAYE      Charles      St Osyth left share of two boats to wife (1583)  60
        GRAYE      Margery      Coggeshall, widow, 1568 will re wall hanging     22
        GRAYE      Samuel       St Osyth, son of Chas Graye                      60
        GRAYE      Thomas       Harwich sailor (no date given)                  142
        GRAYE      Thomas       Burnham sailor, leaves boats to his wife 1580    61
        GRAYE      Winifred     Burnham, wife of Thomas Graye                    61
        GREEN      John         Leighs, cook/svnt, gift to other svnt, 1574     130
        GREENE     Bartholomew  Kelvedon, felled 8 oaks without permit, c1580   252
        GREENE     Richard      Brentwood, mention in will of Jn Darbye, smith   84
        GREENEWARD Henry        E Mersea, ordered to repair house, 1569         261
        GREGORY    Arthur       Beneficiary of Anthony Claxton (2 bows)         136
        GREIVE     William      Dedham, servant of Geo Bigges                   129
        GRENE      Alice        St Osyth, dau of John Grene                      61
        GRENE      John         Ongar, a Chief Constable, court 1562            149
        GRENE      John         St Osyth mariner, share of vessel   dau (1562)   61
        GRENE      John         Died before 1593                                 10
        GRENE      John         Halstead constable altered the mkt measure      192
        GRENE      John         Kelvedon, licence to cut trees etc, 1568        251
        GRENE      Katherine    Shelley, widow of John Grene, will 1593          10
        GRENE      Reynold      Halstead, did day work illegally, 1574          157
        GRENE      Richard      Brentwood mercer, petition v wrong trading 1572 169
        GRENE      Thomas       E Colne miller, engrossed 3 bushels wheat 1601  187
        GRENELEFE  Thomas       Copford, agreement with Nicholas Crammer re seed 35
        GRIFFIN    Thomas       Chelmsford miller, used a false measure, 1583   302
        GRIFFIN    Thomas       Chelmsford miller, fined for high charge, 1581  300
        GRIFFIN    William      Chelmsford, illegal lodgers for 2yrs, 1600      271
        GRIFFINE   Thomas       Chelmsford, assaulted Thomas Mantle 1575, fined 234
        GROVE      Ambrose      Fingrith, tenant of Wm Brodye, evicted 1575     270
        GROVE      Christopher  Wethersfield miller, high charges, often fined  300
        GROVE      Emmanuel     Eld son of John Grove (g/son of Robert Grove)    61
        GROVE      John         Leigh on Sea, eld son of Robert Grove            61
        GROVE      Richard      Leigh on Sea, son of Thomas Grove                61
        GROVE      Robert       Leigh, 1593 will leaving his boat to chn         61
        GRYFFEN    Hugh         Tolleshunt Ma, hsbdmn, money chn, will 1559     116
        GRYFFEN    Michael      Tolleshunt Ma, 1 of several chn of Hugh Gryffen 116
        GRYFFYN    Roger        Springfield, Moulsham Mill, wharf built 1572    278
        GUNBY      Katherine    Fingringhoe widow 1574 will, bullock cart equipt 55
        GYLES      William      Wivenhoe, probably a sailor                      66
        GYLLETT    William      Barking fisherman, will 1586 leaves his lighter  63
        GYNIS      Richard      Colchester mariner willed 2 small boats, 1589    68
        GYRTEN     William      Inworth wvr, appr to serve his time, will 1559  127
        GYVER      John         Walden, to demolish an encroaching cottage 1571 266
        HACHE      Richard      Stanford le H, nets/boats to be sold debts, 1569 65
        HAGER      Agnes        Gt Chishall, dau of Hy Hager                     42
        HAGER      George       Gt Chishall, son of Hy Hager                     42
        HAGER      Henry        Gt Chishall, 1569 will giving saffron lands chn  42
        HAGER      Richard      Gt Chishall, son of Hy Hager                     42
        HAGGER     John         Clavering, held land next to John Barber's       38
        HALES      Edward       Witham gmn, to cleanse his ditch 1583           294
        HALES      Edward       Witham vicar, guilty of enticing servant 1570   172
        HALL       Anne         dau of Agnes Garrat the Elder (no location)      56
        HALL       John         Manningtree glover, in will of Richd Vyvens      80
        HALL       Thomas       W Ham (Upton), sheep on Lord Rich's common 1563 245
        HALLES     Agnes        Thaxted widow, lived @ the Dyehouse, will 1587   77
        HALLES     Robert       E Mersea, bro-in-law of George Cuper            121
        HAMMON     Elizabeth    Danbury widow, 1585 will re Rallins in Danbury    6
        HAMMOND    John         St Osyth, 30pds to be invested for son, 1594    143
        HAMMOND    Stephen      Richard Poole of Rochford owed him 4d            92
        HAMMOND    William      St Osyth, son of Jn Hammond                     143
        HANCOCK    Robert       Waltham, Thos Clarke his appr illegally, 1575   158
        HANCOCKE   John         His keddles near those of Jn Staples the Eldest  71
        HANE       Nicholas de  Colchester (?), will mentions dissension, 1585  118
        HANE       Nicholas de  Colchester Fleming, gave testament, will 1584   124
        HANES      Thomas       E Mersea, will 1581 notes debts owing/owed       91
        HANKIN     Edward       Stock potter, kiln gear son, will 1599           87
        HANKIN     William      Stock, son of Edwd Hankin, potter                87
        HANKYN     William      Stock potter, his refuse a nuisance 1607        297
        HARCKEWOOD Thomas       Weald, lent  7   Thos Thomsone of Prittlewell   118
        HARDINGE   Martha       Mother of Ralph Bowtell, a widow in 1602         50
        HARDINGE   Robert       Maldon, mention in will of Richd Albert         142
        HARE       John         Felsted innkpr, Jn Sponer excaped ex his house  236
        HARE       William      Leigh, fished in creek without permit, 1560     238
        HARKEWOOD  Henry        Crondon Hall, Stock, 1589 will re contents       10
        HARLAKINDENThomas       E Colne gmn, overseer for will of Jn Knight     142
        HARMAN                  Brentwood, mention in will of Jn Darbye, smith   83
        HARMAN     Edward       Chingford, ploughed up boundary marks, 1595     247
        HARMON     John         Romford baker, bought/sold grain for gain, 1596 184
        HARRE      John         Heybridge, false marking of wood 1587           193
        HARRIS     Agnes        Gt Waltham, dau of Anthony H                      7
        HARRIS     Eleanor      Wickford, dau of Joan Risson's earlier marr.    112
        HARRIS     John         Gt Waltham, son of Anthony H                      7
        HARRIS     John         Mountnessing, engrossed corn, 1574 Assizes      180
        HARRIS     Margery      Gt Waltham, dau of Anthony H                      7
        HARRIS     Robert       Aveley, lodged with & nursed Richd Byrde        138
        HARRIS     Sarah        Wickford, dau of Joan Risson's earlier marr.    112
        HARRIS     Thomas       Gt Waltham, son of Anthony H                      7
        HARRIS     Thomas       Gt Waltham fencemaker, will 1600 re house         7
        HARRIS     Vincent      JP at Essex Qtr Sessions, Easter 1572           176
        HARRISON   John         Kelvedon, fined for having beagles/ferrets 1567 237
        HARRISON   Ralph        W Ham, 4 cows on Lord Rich's common 1563        245
        HARRISON   Richard      Harlow Bury vicar 1587, to repair bridge        281
        HARRISON   Thomas snr   Walden ymn, ornamented armour, will 1587        135
        HARRYE     John         Halstead shearman, filth nr his house, 1579     293
        HARRYS     James        Wickford, 1561 will left butter and cheeses      29
        HARRYS     William      Newport tanner, fined for poor work 1567        306
        HART       John         Harwich sailor, detailed provision wife, W1591   98
        HART       Richard      Rickling hsbdmn, guardian for son, will 1596    119
        HART       Thomas       Rickling, son of Richard Hart,  14 in 1596      119
        HARTE      John         Ardleigh glover, tools mentioned in will 1570    80
        HARTE      John         Canvey hsbdmn 1559 will devised sheep/lambs      46
        HARTE      John snr     Thaxted butcher, will of 1594, Richd Taylor o/s 142
        HARTE      John snr     Thaxted butcher, list of tools of trade, W1594   88
        HARTE      Thomas       Godfather to Edwd Mighell                       104
        HARVY      John         Halstead ?, wrongly employed Reynold Grene 1574 157
        HARVY      John         Halstead shearman, blocked passageway, 1579     307
        HARVY      Mary         Halstead widow, silver goods in pawn, will 1590  93
        HARVYE     James        Dagenham (Ilford) chn's gdn apptd by R Harwood  106
        HARVYE     John         Lt Bardfield hsbdmn, sell bull, money chn, 1596 110
        HARVYE     Robert       Newport tanner, fined for poor work 1568        306
        HARWOOD    Richard      Harwich ymn, apptd guardians for his chn, 1591  106
        HARWOODE   Elizabeth    Colchester, 1594 will left a Turkish carpet      17
        HARYSON    John         Foulness, choice of 2 farms for wife, 1578       99
        HARYSON    John         Foulness, 1577 will left butter/cheese           29
        HARYSON    John         Foulness lessee 1577 running 300 ewes            47
        HASLER     Humphrey     Rettendon, absent as sworn juryman 1603         310
        HASTING    John         Chelmsford miller, unemployed 1571              154
        HASTLER    Thomas       Rettendon ymn, bequeaths bible &c, will 1582    124
        HAUGHTON   Cecily       Lt Chesterford widow 1596 will, saffron 9 gchn   43
        HAUKIN     Thomas       Salcott mariner, left boats to his wife, 1591    70
        HAWARDE    Thomas       Barking parish clerk, sick with plague ?, 1582  140
        HAWARDE    William      Barking, bro of Thos Hawarde                    140
        HAWES      John         Brother of Thos Hawes of E Mersea                66
        HAWES      John         Bro of Thos H, E Mersea, gets proceeds of ship   65
        HAWES      Thomas       E Mersea, gives best garments to friends, 1581   66
        HAWES      Thomas       E Mersea, share of ship to be sold, will 1581    65
        HAWES      Thomas       Hatfield Peverel (Grayes Mill) encroached 1580  279
        HAWKENS    John         Coggeshall cook, long equipt list, will 1588     88
        HAWKES     Thomas       Newport tallowchandler fined for poor work 1567 306
        HAWKYNE    Thomas       Gt Burstead, son of Revd Hawkyne                121
        HAWLKINS   Thomas       N Ockendon curate, all books   son, will 1587   125
        HAYLE      John         Romford, in will of John Marvyn                 120
        HAYVER     Henry        Father of Wm Hayver                              38
        HAYVER     Thomas       Harlow husbdmn 1562 will re Stort meadows        38
        HAYVER     William      Given land by Thomas Hayver's will               38
        HAYWARD    Grace        Messing, wife of Richd Hayward                  122
        HAYWARD    Richard      Messing ymn, wife to see dau schooled, 1585     122
        HAYWARD    Thomas       Wrabness husbandman, 1569 will re house bldg      5
        HAYWARDE   John         Colchester, gave his share of boat kinsman, 1597 62
        HAYWARDS   Peter        Coggeshall, aka Peter Saunders                   76
        HAYWOODE   William      Stock, elected to test bread/ale etc 1565       225
        HAYZ       Andrew       Barking, his servant engrossed butter 1565      178
        HEADE      Edward       Elmdon gmn, informer re Cranes/Nerses/Enever    185
        HEARD                   Bro in law of Geo Osbonde of Goldhanger          64
        HEARD      Thomas       Hornchurch marsh-reeve, 1574                    246
        HEARNE     Osias        Chelmsford tailor, illegally had shop, 1577     160
        HEDD       Edward       Barking ?, informed against miller, 1597        170
        HENEAGE    Thomas       Epping, manor granted to him 1572               261
        HENWORTH   Mr           Danbury, care of legacy bu Joan Hickes          143
        HEWITT     Dorothy      Braintree, wife of Wm Hewitt snr                 98
        HEWITT     William      Braintree butcher, house son access wife, 1570   98
        HEWITT     William jnr  Braintree, son of Wm Hewitt                      98
        HEWSON     John         Rayleigh, dau to care of cousin + 12 pds, 1575  105
        HICKES     Joan         Tollesbury widow, money to be held   son, 1571  143
        HICKES     John         Tollesbury ymn, will dated April 1570           143
        HILL       William      Fobbing, son parson of Fobbing  14yrs, 1586     121
        HILL       William jnr  Fobbing, son of Wm Hill, school then apprentice 121
        HILLE      James Rev    Braintree vicar, s'vising will of Jas Wylkinson 109
        HILLES     Lewis        Musician, overseer of will of Jn Warde of W Ham 142
        HILLES     Robert       Gt Chesterford miller, will of 1585             141
        HILLES     Robert       Gt Chesterford miller 1585 will re saffron land  43
        HILLES     Thomas       Stock watchman, attacked by Wm Palmer 1584      234
        HILLES     William      Arkesden, tailoring illegally in 1574           160
        HIMDS      Thomas       Ingatestone, fire without chimney, 1600         267
        HINDE      Thomas       Ingatestone tenant 1601, court case re chimney    3
        HINSDON    Thomas       Enfield, bt 3 loads wheat @ Waltham 1571        179
        HIXE       Francis      Danbury victualler, sold under-wt bread 1577    190
        HIXON      George       Stratford Langthorne miller, bro/law Hy Browne  187
        HODGE      John         Lt Burstead cook (@ Ingatestone Hall) will 1600 130
        HODGE      John         Lt Burstead cook, apptd Lady Petre gdn, 1600    106
        HODGE      Richard      Lt Burstead, son of John Hodge                  106
        HODGE      William      Bradwell-j-m 1588 will re Dillimes lease & sheep 48
        HODSHONE   Richard      Debden rector, applied for tenement 1591        261
        HODSON     Elizabeth    Halstead, apparently two houses, will 1598       90
        HODSON     Richard      Debden rector, had polluting privy 1587         295
        HOGGE      Thomas       Bethnal Grn trdr, charge re grain trading 1596  185
        HOGGE      Thomas       Norton Mandeville, hoarding barley c1570        180
        HOLDERNESS Anthony      Barking shipwright, boat/tools   son (1599)      63
        HOLDERNESS Nicholas     Barking, son of Anthony Holderness               63
        HOLMAN     Nicholas     Hornchurch tanner, 1580 will re beds/bedding     15
        HONICKE    Thomas       Lt Waltham, miller, 1597 will left a ship chest  20
        HONOR      Robert       Harwich mariner, part of boat to cousin, 1587    66
        HORE       Alice        Fingringhoe, dau of Jn Hore, several gdns       106
        HORE       Joan         Fingringhoe w of Jn Hore, apptd gdn of dau Alice106
        HORE       John         Fingringhoe sailor, provides for dau Alice 1567 106
        HORE       William      Springfield, information re Stone Bridge 1576   282
        HOWE       John         Navestock, cutting furze on common 1603, fined  251
        HOWE       Thomas       Netteswell miller, list of tools, will 1569      88
        HOWE       William snr  Langham carpenter, 1599 will re cereals          36
        HOWELL     Edy          Margaret Roothing, widow of Richd Howell, old   145
        HOWELL     Nicholas     Canvey 1581 will gave sheep and grazing          46
        HOWELL     Richard      Margaret Roothing labr, died pre-1587           145
        HOWELL     Thomas       Paglesham, Rector c1584 ?                        92
        HOWSON                  Chelmsford, dwelling in Moulsham hamlet, c1571  154
        HUBBERD    Robert       Theydon Garnon ymn, son 16, will 1599          119
        HUBBERT    John         Walden yman, will disposing lands                38
        HUBBERT    Roger        Bro of Jn Hubbert of Walden                      38
        HUDSWELL   George       Bocking, acts as shearman w/out appr/ship, 1574 157
        HUEN       Roger        Walden Springwell, 1593 will left hives/bees     30
        HULL       John         Rettendon, overcharged by Alex Watson 1594      300
        HULL       Thomas       Canewdon, permit to fell old trees, c1570       263
        HUMBERS    Richard      Owed rye/barley to Wm Shawcroft of Aveley        92
        HUMFREY    John         Ingatestone gmn, can lop on Helders, 1603       317
        HUMFREY    John         Shenfield miller, overcharged for milling 1573  191
        HUMPHREY   Robert       Bulphan, 1569 will left stock/lands   wife       48
        HUNNICKE   John         E Colne ?, sold wheat to Thos Grene 1601        187
        HUNT       Nicholas     Colchester, appr to Stephen Mumford             127
        HUNT       Robert       Clavering, held land next to John Barber's land  38
        HUNTE      Joan         Gt Clacton, servant to Robt Newman, good legacy 128
        HUNTE      John         Bro of Matthew Dale of E Hanningfield (London)  119
        HUNWICK    William      Halstead gmn, held manor of Boyes, d1576        209
        HUNWYCKE   Thomas       Lt Waltham miller, old and sick, will 1597      140
        HURRELL    Alice        Sible Hedingham widow, clothing servant, 1603   127
        HURT       Bridget      Orsett, dau of Wm Hurt                           48
        HURT       William      Orsett ymn 1559 will, rent of grazing   daughter 48
        HYDE       John         Paglesham left part boat to Wm Miller, 1581      64
        HYLLES     Robert       Latton, 2/- each to three potters, will 1592     87
        HYNDES     John         Epping baker, information by Edwd Hedd 1597     171
        ILGER      John         Stansted Mnfcht ymn, firewood   wife, will 1600  96
        INCE       Edward       Burnham sailor, proceeds of boat sale sons 1575  61
        INCE       Edward jnr   Burnham on Crouch, son of Edward Ince            61
        INCE       John         Burnham on Crouch, son of Edward Ince            61
        INGRAM     John         Halstead fuller, river pollution 1593           196
        INGRAM     Richard      Chelmsford tailor, illegally had shop, 1577     160
        INGRAM     Richard      W Hanningfield tailor (ex Chmsfd) will 1609     160
        ISAAC      Gilbert      Rayleigh, will 1597 re house alterations +p9      3
        JACKSON    Thomas       Gt Burstead, he and wife "now deceased", 1588   265
        JACOB      Gregory      Bradwell, sailor, left half boat/nets, will 1600 64
        JAMES      John         Billericay tchr, property to wife, will 1599    103
        JAMES      John         Stock                                           234
        JAMES      Margery      Stock, wife of Jn J, assaulted the bailiff 1574 234
        JENEWAYE   Ralph        Potter Row brickmkr, shed/bricks wife, will 1601 86
        JENKYN     John         Colchester 1563 will re house fittings            9
        JENKYN     Katherine    Wife of John J of St Runwald, Colchester          9
        JENNINGS   Richard      N Benfleet court 1603, gmn, a defaulter         205
        JENNYNGS   William      Matching ymn, money   servant at 20, will 1576  127
        JENYNGES   Thomas       Harlow 1558 will includes a great ware chest     20
        JEPPES     George       Newport, fined for shooting mallard, 1571       237
        JOHNSON    John         Owed Richd Theward freight on load of corn       62
        JOHNSON    Peter        Crewman for John Mylles of Harwich               68
        JOHNSON    Richard      Leigh on sea, mariner, bequeathed boat (1586)    61
        JOHNSON    Roke         Walden, licence to buy/sell corn, c1580         177
        JOHN(S)    Stephen      Colchester mcht, illegal exports, 1576          181
        JONES      Christopher  Harwich, a ship master                           62
        JONES      Zachary      Gt Ilford, name in decree of 1598 about starch  188
        JONSSONE   William      Vicar of S'minster will 1559, gave best gown     54
        JOSE       Bridget      Lt Burstead, d of Jn Jose, willed a cow when 21 110
        JOSE       Isaac        Lt Burstead, s of Jn Jose, willed a cow when 21 110
        JOSE       Joan         Lt Burstead, d of Jn Jose, willed a cow when 21 110
        JOSE       John         Lt Burstead, s of Jn Jose, willed a cow when 21 110
        JOSE       John         Lt Burstead 1567, cattle/sheep wife & then 5chn 110
        JOSE       Rose         Lt Burstead, wife of Jn Jose                    110
        JOSE       William      Lt Burstead, s of Jn Jose, willed a cow when 21 110
        JOSLYN     Gabriel      Braintree(?) to sell Geo Inn @ death of Eliz W  109
        JOYCE      John         Rettendon, 1583 will re bed linen etc            15
        JOYCE      John         Rettendon, dug up a Herd Marsh mark bank, 1581  247
        JOYCE      John         Rettendon, Lt Hayes, svnt drowned in well 1573  288
        JUSTICE    Edward       Purleigh smith, assault with hammer, 1564       234
        JUSTICE    Richard      Mundon, left gaming bow etc   brother, 1586     136
        JUSTYS     Richard      Mundon, 1561 will re marsh lease and stock       47
        KEALE      Edward       Gt Baddow, engrossed/forestalled barley &c 1602 188
        KEBLE      Robert       Gt Oakley, 1564 will - copper pan   wife         10
        KEBLE      Robert       Gt Oakley, chn to be raised/educated, will 1564 118
        KEBLE      Robert       Gt Oakley slaughterman, education of chn, 1564  103
        KEBLE      William      Gt Oakley, s of Robt Keble, help mother re chn  103
        KECHE                   Kelvedon, mention in will of Jn Darbye, smith    84
        KEMPE      Mr           Gt Bardfield, land bordered Jn Buttolf, 1586    221
        KEMYDD     John         Maldon, appr to Wm Skott, barber-surgeon        126
        KENNATT    Richard      Goldhanger sexton, legacy to g/chn (Garoldes)   143
        KERVYLE    John         Wivenhoe, s of wife of Wm Bettes, parson        125
        KEY        Widow        Thaxted, required to repair bridge 1571         281
        KEYES      Thomas       Waltham Hundred, appr to Thos Robinson 1575     158
        KILBY      Katherine    Barking, dau of Ursula Kilby                    123
        KILBY      Ursula       Barking widow, dau to care of friends, W1591    123
        KINGE                   Strode Grn, owed work   Richd Poole of Rochford  92
        KINGE      Edward       Dunton, son of Joan Kinge                       135
        KINGE      Joan         Dunton widow, armour/bill to son, 1583 will     135
        KINGE      John         Stanstead, osierground was an obstruction 1594  280
        KIRBY      John         Foulness, father-in-law of Stephen Cannon       134
        KITCHING   Mr           Hadleigh windmill, overcharing 1589             191
        KITTERIDGE Bennet       Rettendon, illegit child of Joan Elie           113
        KITTERIDGE Richard      Rettendon, illegit child of Joan Elie           113
        KNAPPYNG   John         Bladesmith, shop/house   son, will 1597          86
        KNAPPYNG   Thomas       Son of John Knappyng (place ?)                   86
        KNEIGHT    Robert       Gt Ilford clerk, books   Lt Ilford parson 1571  125
        KNIGHT     George       Chelmsford shoemkr (Griffin Daved his appr)     126
        KNIGHT     John         E Colne, his horses a nuisance in street, 1584  248
        KNIGHT     John         E Colne ymn, appts 2 overseers for will (1562?) 142
        KNOWLDEN   Robert       Bocking wvr, petition 1594 for an apprentice    169
        LACY       Joan         St Osyth widow, provided for young Baxter, 1598 121
        LACYE      Avery        Stansted Montfcht, basketmaker, will 1600        83
        LACYE      Avery        Stansted/m/f fanwright, legacies   invest, 1600 144
        LACYE      Grace        Wife of Nicholas Lacye of Widdington             99
        LACYE      Nicholas     Widdington ymn, food/cow/access wife, will 1599  99
        LACYE      William      Widdington, son of Nicholas Lacye                99
        LADD       John         Lt Wakering mariner, left oyster beds, will 1591 69
        LAKE       William      Theydon Garnon ymn 1591 will, 2 yokes of oxen.   52
        LAMBARTE   Nicholas     New Hythe merchant, will mentions shipping, 1600 65
        LAMBE      Beatrice     Leigh on Sea, wife of John Lambe                 61
        LAMBE      John         Leigh sailor, left his barge 3:1 to wife/son     61
        LAMBE      John         Easthorpe turner, will mentions pots, 1559       87
        LAMBE      John         Leigh on Sea, son of John Lambe                  61
        LAMBE      Joseph       Leigh on Sea, son of John Lambe                  61
        LAMBE      Richard      Leigh on Sea, son of John Lambe                  61
        LAMBE      William      Colchester, big legacy to servant, 1574 will    128
        LAMBERT    William      Ramsden Bellhouse, Jane Pierson was his servant 138
        LAMKYN     John         Shalford vicar, left books &c   church, 1560    125
        LAMPLEY    John         Epping, farrier's man, unemployed, 1575         159
        LANGLEY    Joan         Colchester, wife of John Langley                102
        LANGLEY    John         Colchester clothier, wife's good returned, 1572 102
        LATHAM     William      Upminster, Esq, refused to pay common fine 1561 206
        LAW        Joan         Arkesden, wife of William Law                    99
        LAW        Stephen      Arkesden, son of William Law, eldest (?)         99
        LAW        William      Arkesden, home/produce   wife, will 1574         99
        LAWRENCE   John         Braintree(?) to sell Geo Inn @ death of Eliz W  109
        LAWSON     John         Black Notley, granted admn of Seabroke will     113
        LAWSON     Mary         Black Notley, base daughter of Sarah Seabroke   113
        LAYE                    Langford painter, Anthony Bret's lining canvas    7
        LEA        Edward       Harwich sailor, owner of ferry boat, will 1597   72
        LEA        Edward jnr   Harwich, son of Edward Lea                       72
        LEA        Robert       Harwich, son of Edward Lea                       72
        LEAPE      William      Wivenhoe sailor, moneys to servants, will 1588  127
        LEARKE     John         Workman to John Page of Southminster, smith      85
        LEE        Ralph        Gestingthorpe vicar, 1558 will, inc tapestry     22
        LEES       Thomas       Canewdon mariner, leaves boats/gear in will 1560 69
        LEICE      John         Leyton, pd Richd Fletcher to be constable 1593  225
        LENTFORDE  John         S Weald, son of Thos Lentforde                   90
        LENTFORDE  Thomas       S Weald, a poulter, left horses/gear son, 1591   90
        LENTTON    George       S Benfleet, lamb maidservant, will 1575         128
        LEONARD    Robert       Chelmsford d1576, will included brewing vessels  28
        LETTEN     Thomas       Canvey 1562 will bequeaths sheep & lambs         46
        LETTON     George       S Benfleet 1575 will, nearly 100 sheep           46
        LEVERICHE  Thomas       Kelvedon innkpr "Angel", light bread, 1585      190
        LEVETT     John         Ridgewell, mention in will of Katherine GArrold 144
        LEWGER     John         Purleigh, 1573 will re farming of his stock      51
        LICHORAS   Margaret     S Benfleet, goods to fellow servant, will 1588  129
        LIDGARD    Ralph        Tolleshunt, engaged Gideon Boreman svnt c1572   155
        LIVERMORE  William      Wethersfield potter, will left looms, 1589       87
        LIVESGATE  Nicholas     Gt Baddow, servant to Lawrence White             80
        LOCKE      John         Canewdon, tenement of Paternosters 1589         264
        LOK        Thomas       Thorpe, Marsh House, left hand-gun, will 1559   136
        LONE       John         Colchester, illegal export of grain &c 1575     181
        LONGE      Thomas       Springfield lab, given rood of S/field Grn 1585 268
        LONGE      William      Marhills tenant, liabilities in Dunmow, 1581    214
        LONGLEY    Robert       Boxted hsbdmn, house sell   wife/chn(@21) 1588  108
        LOVE       John         Brightlingsea mariner, prob trader, will 1561    66
        LOVE       John         Colchester, aka Lone ?                          181
        LOVE       William      Thaxted lab, goods equally   chn, will 1583     109
        LOWE       Edward       Witham butcher, killed unbaited bulls, 1571     239
        LOWYS      William      Clacton lab, cottage wife for life, will 1588   110
        LOY        Adrian       Halstead, Flemish weaver, his will 1587         307
        LUCAS      John         Manningtree gmn, gave surety for a tailor c1570 153
        LUCYE      Timothy      Dagenham, Valence, small trader, 1594           184
        LUKIS      Edward       Latchingdon, Lawling Hall                       143
        LUN        Grace        Burnham, wife of Richard Lun                     72
        LUN        Hugh         Burnham, son of Richard Lun                      72
        LUN        Richard      Burnham, weir shares  wife then  son, 1574       72
        LUNT       Robert       Bury St Edmunds, son-in-law of Elizabeth Bylles 119
        LUTER      Ralph        Stebbing, aka Ralph Robinson                     77
        LYDDYE     John         Stebbing 1581 will. Hop revenue to sons          40
        LYNCOLNE   William      Gt Burstead, 40/- per annum to wife, will 1560  101
        LYNGEYE    Richard      Gt Waltham, servant to Wm Everard (alias Carter)127
        LYNNE      William      Stanway, a Constable, court session 1568        150
        LYSE       William      Cousin of Wm Nycholle of Burnham on Crouch       65
        LYSTER     Thomas       Felsted, allegedly defamed Jn Strayte re theft  217
        LYTHAM     Joan         Hornchurch widow, goods/clothes maid, 1571      128
        MADDOCK    Thomas       Harwich, left weir to his wife, 1586             72
        MADDOCKE   Hugh         Berners Roothing, curate, will of 1573          115
        MADDOCKE   Hugh         Berners Roothing curate, annuity   servant      127
        MAIOR      John         Wivenhoe, probably a sailor                      66
        MAISTON    Emme         Marks Tey widow, 1593 will, kitchen equipt       28
        MAKIN      William      Canewdon bailiff, manor of Canewdon Hall 1588   263
        MALLE      George snr   Hornchurch ymn, dwelling/supplies wife, 1575    101
        MAN        Edward       Woodham Ferrers, son to learn read/write, 1600  120
        MAN        John         Woodham Ferrers, son of Edward Man              120
        MAN        Richard      Braintree ymn, sufficient firewood   wife, 1571  97
        MANGER     John         Kelvedon, fined 2d for fishing, 1565            237
        MANN       John         Harwich sailor, wife to care for children, 1602 102
        MANNERS    Michael      Boxted joiner, tools father of C Engaine, 1602   82
        MANNERS    Michael      Boxted, gifts for nursing care, will 1602       138
        MANNINGE   Elizabeth    Maldon, wife of John Manninge                     9
        MANNINGE   John         Maldon shoemaker, 1581 will, Spread Eagle  wife   9
        MANTLE     Thomas       Chelmsford, assaulted by Thomas Griffine, 1575  234
        MANTON     John         Gt Waltham, son of Wm Manton                     77
        MANTON     William      Gt Waltham wvr, gave slays to son, will 1581     77
        MARKAUNT   Edward       Colchester, Fingringhoe manor steward 1553      223
        MARREDGE   Elias        Lt Easton tailor, information by Edwd Hedd 1597 171
        MARSHALL   Margaret     Stock, dau of Robt Marshall   son/i/law         105
        MARSHALL   Robert       Stock, arranged for care of daughter, 1562      105
        MARTEN     Richard      Finchingfield w/wright, list of good tools, 1570 83
        MARTEYNE   John         Elsenham, svnt, died in Bath, will 1589         139
        MARTIN     Ellen        Cousin of Robt Honor of Harwich                  66
        MARTIN     Robert       Coggeshall, very aged and sick, affidavit 1596  145
        MARTIN     Roger        Walden, will mentions two bows, 1598            136
        MARTINDALE Thomas       Gt Totham, Gideon Boreman his ex-servant 1571   155
        MARTYN     John         Moze, son of Thomas Martyn                      120
        MARTYN     Robert       Newport, rescued his pigs from heyward 1572     236
        MARTYN     Thomas       Moze, fund for son's schooling, will 1561       120
        MARTYNE    George       Lt Clacton, son of Jn Martyne,  14              104
        MARTYNE    John         Lt Clacton hsbdmn, legacy if brings up son 1587 104
        MARVYN     John         Ramsey ymn, chn Jn Hayle as guardian, will 1571 120
        MARVYNE    John         Ramsey ymn 1571 will, sheep on Stour estuary     48
        MARYFFE    Richard      Stapleford Abbots priest. Will re music          23
        MARYON     Elizabeth    Inworth, dau of John Maryon, 10 pds at age 21   140
        MARYON     Elizabeth    Inworth, wife of Jn Inworth snr, also frail     139
        MARYON     John         Inworth, son of John Maryon, 10 pds at age 26   140
        MARYON     John snr     Inworth, goods   wife, she to pay   chn, 1594   139
        MARYON     Margaret     Inworth, dau of John Maryon, 10 pds at age 21   140
        MARYON     Martha       Inworth, dau of John Maryon, 10 pds at age 21   140
        MARYON     Mary         Inworth, dau of John Maryon, 10 pds at age 21   140
        MARYON     Sarah        Inworth, dau of John Maryon, 10 pds at age 21   140
        MASON      William      Fingringhoe cptr, list of tools, will 1569       81
        MASTER     Edward       In will of John Master 1575                      56
        MASTER     John         Stapleford Abbots ymn left wood   charcoal 1575  56
        MAWLTER    William      Kelvedon, bought right to lop trees, 1586       252
        MAXEY      Henry        Coggeshall, examined Crowe's hurt appr 1598     170
        MAYDESTONE Emma         Marks Tey, wife of Jeffrey Maydestone           101
        MAYDESTONE Jeffrey      Marks Tey, wife to bring up children, 1583 will 101
        MAYE       Robert       Ingatestone cobbler charged with extortion 1591  53
        MAYLER     John         Lt Laver, bt oats from Robt Adams of Norton     180
        MAYOR      Mr           Thaxted, to oversee will of Wm Love             109
        MEAD       Thomas       Walden Brook, miller, stopping water 1559       279
        MEADE      Agnes        Berden, will of 1601                              4
        MEADE      Edward       Hatfield Peverel hsbdmn, wages claimed, 1580    167
        MEADOW     Philip       Elsenham, residue between children, will 1572   109
        MEATHAM    Nicholas     Manningtree, boats/net to be sold funeral (1601) 65
        MEDDOWES   Thomas       E Tilbury smith, list of creditors, will 1585    91
        MEDE       John         Ugley, cow to son after apprenticeship, 1576    126
        MELBORNE   Thomas       Harlow Bury, hanged 1583, goods possessed/sold  212
        MELLAR     John         Dedham brewer/servant, gift fellow srvnt, 1586  129
        MERCHAUNT  William      Father of Agnes Garrat                           56
        MERES      Richard      Steeple Bumpstead, butter/cheese licence 1572   176
        MERKE      Thomas       Langenhoe, endowment son's schooling, 1559 will 120
        MERKE      Thomas jnr   Langenhoe, son of Thos Merke                    120
        MICHELL    Richard      Gt Bardfield, reqd to divert water course 1586  221
        MIGHELL    Edward       W Ham, money sons with interesting proviso 1560 103
        MIGHELL    Edward       W Ham fisherman, left boat/oars in will 1560     64
        MIGHELL    Jeremy       W Ham, son of Edwd Mighell,  10 in his will, 21 103
        MIGHELL    John elder   Bro of Edwd Mighell of W Ham                    103
        MIGHELL    William      W Ham, s of Edwd Mighell,  10 in his will,  21  103
        MILDMAY    Thomas       Springfield gmn, engaged labourer 1572          155
        MILDMAY    William      Moulsham, bro of Lord Mildmay, fined            270
        MILLER     William      Son in law of Thos Clark of Barking              63
        MILLER     William      Paglesham, beneficiary in will of Jn Hyde 1581   64
        MILLS      Thomas       Gt Hallingbury smith, list of tools, will 1593   84
        MONDEFORTH Edward       Alternate executor for Thos Wackefeilde         115
        MONDEFORTH Thomas       Supervisor for will of Thos Wackefeilde         115
        MONFORD    Mr           Radwinter Hall, to oversee will of Thos Webb    108
        MOPTAYD    John         Harwich shipwright, will of 1570 (incl quay)     65
        MORE       Joan         Little Canfield, wife of Thos More               91
        MORE       Richard      Braintree tailor, goods   ex-appr, will 1587    126
        MORE       Thomas       Ramsden Bellhouse grocer, fined, bad fruit 1570 305
        MORE       Thomas       Lt Canfield ymn, left brass pot wife, will 1566  91
        MORICE     James        Ch Ongar, requested licence for Jn Goodwyn      177
        MORIS      John         Harwich anchor smith, will of 1610               83
        MORRIS     John         High Ongar, a crossbow from Jn Peacocke         135
        MORRIS     Thomas       Dedham shearman, will incl French tools, 1580    77
        MORRISSE   Edward       Salcott sailor, will incl best boat (1567)       65
        MOSSE      Thomas       E Ham, 9 cows &c on Lord Rich's common 1563     245
        MOTT       Adrian       Braintree, sold growing wheat   Richd Smythe    183
        MOTT       Henry        Moze, boats sons, nets wife, will 1560           64
        MOTT       Joan         Chigwell, servant of Lancelot Ree               129
        MOTT       Richard      Rickling, goods between 8 children, will 1562   109
        MOTT       William      Colchester aldrmn, lamb each servant, will 1562 128
        MOTTE      Katherine    Nether Yeldham, wife of Robt Motte              144
        MOTTE      Robert       Nether Yeldham                                  144
        MOUNTFORD  Thomas       Radwinter gmn, bad ditches etc, 1551            288
        MOYSE      John         Thorpe, 1558 will re food stores &c   wife       10
        MOYSE      Margaret     Thorpe, wife of John Moyse                       10
        MUMFORD    John         Danbury victualler, sold under-wt bread 1577    190
        MUMFORD    Stephen      Colchester musician, provision for appr, W1594  127
        MUNKE      John         Chelmsford baker, fined for underwt bread, 1583 302
        MUNKE      John         Chelmsford chandler, fined 5x betwn 1574 & 1599 300
        MUNSON     Robert       St Osyth ymn, left money to apprentices         126
        MUSSETT    Thomas       Barking miller, information by Ed Hedd 1597     170
        MUSTRUM    John         N Benfleet court 1603, gmn, a defaulter         205
        MYLBORNE   John         Wanstead, will of 1571                          141
        MYLLER     Thomas       Maldon collarmkr, incited servant away 1587     172
        MYLLES     John         Lexden ymn, guardian for his son, will 1593     142
        MYLLES     John         Harwich, sick overseas, will 1565                67
        MYLLES     John         Billericay, his horse shoe stolen 1557          233
        MYLLES     John jnr     Lexden, son of Jn Mylles, warded till 23        142
        MYLLIENTE  Edmonde      Gt Bardfield, nuisance from water course 1586   221
        NEELE      John         Inworth brickmkr, Edwd Cock his appr 1575       158
        NERSE      John         Steeple Bumpstead, engrossed butter 1595        185
        NERSE      Richard      Steeple Bumpstead, engrossed butter 1595        185
        NETHERSTRT Thomas       Epping, suicide, all goods forfeit, 1584        213
        NEVARD     Grace        Ardleigh, blind dau of Hy Nevard, recd houses &c111
        NEVARD     Henry        Ardleigh, provided for blind dau, will 1563     111
        NEVARD     Henry jnr    Ardleigh, s of Henry N, to care for blind sister111
        NEVARD     John         Ardleigh, younger son of Henry Nevard           111
        NEVELL     Edward       Gt Baddow tailor, to take Richd Tabor as appr   127
        NEVELL     Thomas       Willingale Doe 1560 will, standing timber   son  56
        NEVELL     Thomas jnr   Willingale Doe, son of Thos Nevell               56
        NEVITT     Robert       Chigwell, charcoal burner, horses in will 1563   90
        NEWMAN     Arthur       Rayleigh tailor, bible/sermons   son, 1587      123
        NEWMAN     Edward       Greenstead/j/c sailor, condit'nal gift son 1584 116
        NEWMAN     Francis      Chelmsford tailor, in will of Chas Dabbs 1588   134
        NEWMAN     Lawrence     Coggeshall, vicar, 1596                         145
        NEWMAN     Nathaniel    Hawkwell, witness of will of Elizabeth Bond     104
        NEWMAN     Robert       Gt Clacton, provision for maidservant, W1574    128
        NEWMAN     Thomas       Ashdon hsbdmn 1584 will incl timber sawn & hewn  56
        NEWTON     Andrew       Marks Tey, son of Anne Newton, 21 in 1602      142
        NEWTON     Anne         Marks Tey, 20/-   mother till son of age, 1602  142
        NEWTONE    Richard      Danbury victualler, sold under-wt bread 1577    190
        NICCOULSON John         Southchurch Parson (in will of Glode Fresell)    91
        NICHOLES   Edmund       St Nicholas Colchester, cptr, will of 1600       81
        NICHOLSON  Anthony      Lexden pointmaker, will re stock in trade 1601   81
        NICKELSOUN Thomas       Barking, left small fishg boats in will 1592     63
        NICOLLS    George       Walden JP, letter suggesting corn   poor, 1595  184
        NIGHTINGALEGeoffrey     Beaumont, manor steward, 1581                   223
        NOBLE      John snr     Ashdon hsbdmn 1597 will re sawn/hewn timber      56
        NOKE       John         Springfield riparian owner, 1572                278
        NORMAN     Mary         St Osyth, raised by Ed Beaumond,  20 in 1582    113
        NORMAN     Roger        Gt Canfield svnt to Wyseman family, will 1579   130
        NORRYS     John         Mentioned in will of Thos Fuller of Gt Burstead  36
        NORTHE     Henry        Thundersley, son of Jn Northe, 6/8d in his will 143
        NORTHE     Joan         Thundersley, dau of Jn Northe, 6/8d in his will 143
        NORTHE     John         Thundersley lab, sm legacies to 3 chn, 1581     143
        NORTHE     Robert       Colchester miller, illegal expt  grain &c, 1575 181
        NORTHE     William      Thundersley, son of Jn Northe, 6/8d in his will 143
        NORTHEN    William      Colchester shearman, 1576 will left cloths/tools 77
        NULAND     John         Orsett, charged with engrossing wheat/rye 1557  177
        NUMANE     John         Gt Bardfield, wrongly taken 3p of common 1586   221
        NYCHOLAS   Edward       Chelmsford cptr, tools   apprentices, 1589      126
        NYCHOLAS   Edward       Son of Edwd N snr,  17 in 1589                   81
        NYCHOLAS   Edward snr   Chigwell cptr, left tools son & prentices, 1589  81
        NYCHOLLE   William      Burnham sailor, his half boat to be sold (1572)  65
        NYCHOLLS   John         Buttsbury cptr, will of 1600                     81
        NYCOLL     Robert       C Engaine, provided servant for wife, will 1599 100
        NYCOLLS    George       Walden, requested licences for Johnson/Wylmote  177
        NYGHTYNGALEStephen      Newport yman will 1565 re consolidated strips    38
        NYGHTYNGALEStephen jnr  Newport, son of Stephen Nyghtyngale snr          38
        NYTINGALE  George       Newport glover, fined for poor work 1567        306
        NYTINGALE  Stephen      Newport glover, fined for poor work 1567        306
        NYTINGALE  William      Newport glover, fined for poor work 1567        306
        OLIFFE     Joan         Harwich, wife of Wm Oliffe, aka Lambert          70
        OLIFFE     William      Harwich mercer, boats/fishing ground   wife,1603 70
        OLLIE      Bridget      Laindon, dau of Nicholas Ollie,  20yrs in 1569  142
        OLLIE      Nicholas     Laindon, goods to dau Bridget, will 1569        142
        ORSONE     Christopher  Hockley, goods   wife & 5 chn, will 1583        109
        OSBONDE    George       Goldhanger, half boat & nets to mother, 1575     64
        OSBORNE    Edmund       E Mersea, will dated 1590                        66
        OSBORNE    Ellen        Stock, dau of Jn Osborne fletcher               108
        OSBORNE    John         Stock fletcher, house sell proceeds chn, 1574   108
        OSBORNE    John ygr     Stock, son of Jn Osborne fletcher               108
        OSBORNE    Robert       Halstead fuller, left four tweezers, will 1579   77
        OSBORNE    Thomas       Son/i/law of Robt Marshall of Stock             105
        OSBORNE    Thomas       Stock, son of Jn Osborne fletcher               108
        OSBURNE    Mistress     N Fambridge Hall, in debt to Wm Walker, C Norton 92
        OVER       Margaret     Barking widow, daughter brother till 18, 1574   105
        OVEREYE    Henry        Dagenham, gave lambs   2 servants, will 1562    128
        OXBUROWE   John         Gt Henny, his servant enticed by Thos Turner    172
        OZELL      Henry        Colchester, Flemish weaver, will 1582           307
        PACE       John         Barking fishmn, named two friends overseers     141
        PAGE       John         Southminster smith, detailed will re w/shop 1583 85
        PAGE       Joseph       Stratford baker, sold under-weight bread 1597   191
        PAGE       Richard      Billericay soldier, 20/- for sick care, 1563    139
        PAGE       Thomas       Peldon, overseer Thos Cottysforth will, s/i/law 117
        PAGGE      Joseph       Stratford baker, sold light bread in E Ham 1594 190
        PAKE       John         Broomfield gmn, engrossed grain in 1590         183
        PAKEMAN    Christopher  Wrabness, son of Thos Pakeman                   124
        PAKEMAN    Margaret     Wrabness, wife of Thos Pakeman                  101
        PAKEMAN    Thomas       Wrabness ymn, left all books   son, 1599 will   124
        PAKEMAN    Thomas       Wrabness, ref to 3rd foot of his house, 1558    101
        PAKEMAN    Thomas       Wrabness, left hand-gun in will 1599            136
        PALMER     Agnes        Tolleshunt, dau of John Palmer                  117
        PALMER     Elizabeth    Tolleshunt, dau of John Palmer                  117
        PALMER     Humphrey     Stock, mentioned in will of Jn Lambe, Easthorpe  87
        PALMER     Joan         Ch Ongar widow, a suspect person, 1562          149
        PALMER     John         Tolleshunt hsbdmn, money daus on marriage, 1584 117
        PALMER     Mary         Tolleshunt, eldest dau of John Palmer           117
        PALMER     William      Stock, bloody attack on Thos Hilles, 1584       234
        PAMPHELON  John         Gt Bardfield, guilty, injured Thos Sayers 1586  221
        PAMPHLYN   Thomas       Bro-in-law of Richd Hart of Rickling            119
        PAMPHYLYN  Agnes        Elsenham, willed to her 7 sons & 2 daus, 1597   110
        PAMPHYLYN  Edmund       Elsenham, son of Agnes Pamphylyn                110
        PAMPHYLYN  John         Elsenham, son of Agnes Pamphylyn                110
        PAMPHYLYN  Thomas       Elsenham, deceased husband of Agnes             110
        PARE       Robert       Kelvedon, no highway work, fined 1580           243
        PARKE      William      Attorney, representing Roger Allyn etc 1561     216
        PARKER     Henry        Woodford gmn, engaged men at Becontree 1574     157
        PARKER     John         Walden shoemaker, wills tallow equipt, 1593      81
        PARKER     Thomas       Shenfield, Ropers Far, disorderly in court 1559 309
        PARKER     Thomas       Shenfield, rebuilt without licence, 1559        261
        PARKER     Thomas       Felsted, failed to deliver suit of armour 1561  216
        PARKER     Thomas       Shenfield gmn, stopped a watercourse, 1573      284
        PARKER     Thomas       Walden, father of John Parker                    81
        PARKINSON  John         E Colne parson, oversees will of Jn Knight      142
        PASCALL    Mrs          Gt Baddow, mention in will of John White 1572   130
        PASFEILD   Edward       Wethersfield miller, information laid, 1601     171
        PASSESLYE  William      Beneficiary from will of Edwd Mighell 1560       64
        PAULE      Philip       Bocking, appr to Richd Crouch, off early 1574   157
        PAVETT     Ann          Gt Dunmow, dau of Jeremy P, schooling till 16   122
        PAVETT     Jeremy       Gt Dunmow ymn, schooling for dau  16, 1590      122
        PAVETT     Jeremy       Gt Dunmow ymn, execs to invest till dau=16      143
        PAVYET     John         Gt Dunmow ymn 1584 will, gave much timber        56
        PAVYET     Thomas       Gt Dunmow, son of John Pavyet                    56
        PAWLE      Thomas       Gt Ilford, sought licence for Richd Steele      177
        PAYCOCK    Thomas       Coggeshall clothier, in will of Jn Gooday       142
        PAYCOCKE   Thomas       Supervisor of will of Jn Hawkens                 88
        PAYNE      John         Bulphan, heard jury secrets from Jn Pepercorne  310
        PAYNE      Richard      Doddinghurst, gave psalter to vicar, 1571 will  123
        PAYNE      Thomas       Epping, not to be harboured by anyone, 1583     269
        PAYNE      William      Elmstead ymn, 1568 will, 20 ewes & ram           49
        PAYNE      William      Elmstead yeoman, 1568 will, house alterations     4
        PEACOCKE   John         High Ongar, willed 2 crossbows                  134
        PEACOCKE   Richard      Lambourne glover,  20   apprenticeship, 1593    126
        PEACOCKE   Richard jnr  Lambourne, s of Richd P, appr Mr Butcher, Ldn   126
        PEACOKE    Robert       Colchester cptr, tools son ex appr/ship, 1577   126
        PEACOKE    Thomas       Colchester, son of Robt Peacoke (appr cptr)     126
        PEARSON    John         Gt Easton smith, left tools/receivables, W1584   84
        PEASE      Amy          Gt Baddow widow, willed to 14 named g/chn, 1589 114
        PEASE      John         Gt Baddow, son of Amy Pease                     114
        PEASE      John jnr     Gt Baddow, s of Jn Pease and g/son of Amy Pease 114
        PEASE      Priscilla    Gt Baddow, dau of Jn Pease & g/dau of Amy Pease 114
        PEASE      Ralph        Gt Baddow, s of Jn Pease and g/son of Amy Pease 114
        PEASE      Robert       Gt Baddow, s of Jn Pease and g/son of Amy Pease 114
        PEASE      William      Gt Baddow, s of Jn Pease and g/son of Amy Pease 114
        PEATCHIE   Joan         2 kine in will of Robt Peatchie of Norton        84
        PEATCHIE   Richard      Bro of Richd P & mentioned in his will           84
        PEATCHIE   Robert       Norton Mandeville smith, tools/sheep, will 1562  84
        PECHIE     John         Norton Mandeville, hoarding oats c1570          180
        PECHIE     Theophilus   Woodham Ferrers (born) itinerant musician       271
        PECHYE     John         Bardfield Saling, his miller overcharged 1564   191
        PECKE      John         Gt Wakering, 1589 will   boundary maintenance     8
        PECKE      John elder   Burnham hsbdmn, support of children, will 1584  103
        PECKE      John snr     Burnham hsbdmn, firewood for sister, will 1585  114
        PEEKE      Richard      Foulness, half boat in will of Jn Staples, 1586  71
        PEELE      William      W Ham, dau bt 100lb of butter at Waltham 1571   179
        PEMMERTON  John         Lt Ilford, 16 sheep on Lord Rich's common 1563  245
        PENNELL    Thomas       Stebbing cptr, unemployed/disorderly, 1574      157
        PEPER      John         Bobbingworth, sold victuals ill-measured 1574   180
        PEPERCORNE John         Bulphan, revealed jury secrets 1567             309
        PEPPER     Alice        Ingatestone, suicide, goods given to poor 1573  213
        PEPPER     John         Colchester ymn, bequeathed a caliver &c, 1593   133
        PERLE      Robert       Epping, stole 22 sheep, arrested/attainted 1577 212
        PERRIENT   Thomas       Sandon gmn, to invest legacies for Solme's chn  143
        PERRY      William      Chelmsford butcher, used unsealed weight, 1583  302
        PERSE      Joan         Matching, servant to Wm Jennyngs,  20 in 1576   127
        PERSON     Robert       Gt Ilford smith, tools   his workman, will 1592  84
        PETCHE     John         Felsted ? partner of Robt Taylor, smith          84
        PETCHIE    Elizabeth    Harwich, wife of John Petchie                    61
        PETCHIE    John         Harwich, left share of boat to his wife.         61
        PETIT      John         Kelvedon Hatch gmn, failed to trim trees, 1588  289
        PETT       Richard      W Ham miller, name in decree of 1598 re starch  188
        PETTICAN   Elizabeth    Wormingford widow, 1598 will - 30 pcs of pewter  24
        PETYCREWE  Jeffrey      Stock, harboured Jn & Margery James 1575        234
        PHYEFF     John         Walden cordwainer, bequest appr, will 1603      126
        PIERSON    Jane         Ramsden, her belongings  3 women nurses, 1589   138
        PIGBONE    John         Margaret Roothing parson, 1587                  145
        PIGGOTT    Mr           Felsted, Thos Ardon was his servant             216
        PILBOROUGH John         Hatfield Peverel gmn, employer of Edwd Meade    167
        PLATT      Robert       Chelmsford vintner, overcharged, fined 1583     302
        POLLARD                 E Mersea, was owed a debt by Thos Hanes          91
        POLLEY     Edward       Stebbing, son of John Polley                     96
        POLLEY     Giles        Gt Wigboro ymn 1574 will kine/sheep/cornlands    48
        POLLEY     John         Stebbing, 1598 willed his wife to be cared for.  96
        POLLYE     Adam         New Hythe mariner, qr shre of boat   wife (1573) 61
        POLLYE     Agnes        Colchester, wife of Adam Pollye of New Hythe     61
        POLLYE     John         To be ultimate guardian of Alice Hore           106
        POLTER     Henry        Mistley, son of Robt Polter                      61
        POLTER     Jane         Mistley, dau of Robt Polter                      61
        POLTER     Joan         Mistley, wife of Robt Polter                     61
        POLTER     Robert       Mistley, gave three boats to wife/chn (1590)     61
        PONDE      Anne         Fryerning, dau of Jn Ponde gentleman            211
        PONDE      Clemence     Fryerning, dau of Jn Ponde gentleman            211
        PONDE      Edward       Fryerning, guardian of chn of Jn Ponde gmn      211
        PONDE      John         Fryerning gmn, deceased c1572                   211
        PONDE      John         Fryerning 1573 will, gt trough for salting hogs  53
        PONDE      John         Fryerning yman, 1573 will re salting trough      10
        PONDE      John jnr     Fryerning, son of Jn Ponde gentleman            211
        POOLE      Gefferye     Gt Bardfield, trustee for Rich Bearnarde 1586   221
        POOLE      John         Langdon Hills, victim of extortion 1591          53
        POOLE      John         Bobbingworth, hoarding wheat/oats 1574          180
        POOLE      Nicholas     Fryerning, caring for Clemence Ponde            211
        POOLE      Richard      Rochford, will notes some debts, 1581            92
        POPE       Clement      Chelmsford glover, Micah Barker his appr 1597   174
        PORTER                  Witham miller, ordered to fill pit in road 1596 287
        PORTWAYE   Josias       Braintree tailor, informed agin 3 traders 1591  170
        POTTER     John         Gt Burstead Tye Common, manslaughter 1581       212
        POTTER     John         Colne Engaine, pawnbroker/ymn (will Mary Harvy)  93
        POTTER     John         W Colne, wife `good honest serviceable', W1573  100
        POYNTER    William      London mercer, cousin of Matthew Dale (E Hgfld) 119
        PRADALES   Francis van  Colchester Fleming, bequest of books            124
        PRATT      William      Felsted, his ewe stolen by Jn Sponer 1577       236
        PREBLE     William      To value tanning goods of Thos Fletcher for sale 79
        PRENTICE   Henry        Richard Poole of Rochford owed him 4d            92
        PRENTICE   Stephen      Hornchurch, servant of Roger Rede                23
        PRENTYS    Thomas       Rettendon, will mentions debt for wool, 1570     75
        PRESTON    John         Barstaple ? clerk to constables, 1600           161
        PRESTON    Peter        Overseer of will of Robt Rochel (own will 1585) 142
        PRIOR      Edward       Colchester, son of Wm Prior haberdasher         144
        PRIOR      Ellen        Colchester, dau of Wm Prior haberdasher         144
        PRIOR      Henry        Colchester, son of Wm Prior haberdasher         144
        PRIOR      Valentine    Colchester, son of Wm Prior haberdasher         144
        PRIOR      William      Colchester haberdasher, o/s Jn Rellison, 1568   142
        PULLEYN    Anthony      Lexden Hundred, engaged Joan Smyth fm 8/3/1569  151
        PUMFRET    John jnr     Walden butcher, left shops/slaughter housen 1576 88
        PURCAS     Peter        Thaxted, to oversee will of Wm Love             109
        PURCAS     Ralph        Thaxted, son of Richard Purcas ymn              119
        PURCAS     Richard      Thaxted ymn, schooling &c for son, will 1576    119
        PURCHAS    Samuel       Writer on Atlantic voyagers 1625                 63
        PURLE      William      Gt Dunmow, son of Wm Purle snr                   79
        PURLE      William snr  Gt Dunmow, wh leather tanner, tools son 1575     79
        PYGOT      Robert       Crewman for John Mylles of Harwich               68
        PYKE       Richard      Foulness fshrmn .. bringing up little chn, 1602 104
        PYKE       Thomas       Canewdon, twice felled elms w/out leave 1571/4  263
        PYNDER     William      Stock rector, chickens on Lord's land, 1589     248
        QUICK      Francis      Aveley innkpr, gave a shooting bow/quiver, 1590 135
        QUICK      John         Hornchurch marsh-reeve, 1574                    246
        QUILTER    Thomas       Gt Dunmow joiner/turner, equipt sons (no date)   82
        RABBETT    Agnes        Bequeathed bedcover in 1579                      14
        RADLE      Thomas       Father in law of Thos Stammer jnr                89
        RADLEY     Thomas       Aldham butcher, engaged by Jn Sperlinge 1568    150
        RADMOLL    Edward       Bradwell tailor, 1592 will left bacon flitches   31
        RAFFE      Thomas       Newport, fined for shooting mallard, 1571       237
        RAM        William      Shenfield, manor steward 1578, clerk of peace   223
        RAMPSON    Thomas       Walthamstow gmn, engaged men @ Becontree 1574   157
        RAMPTON    John         Chingford Esq, trouble over his hogs, 1559      248
        RAMPTON    Thomas       Purleigh hsbdmn, hanged, goods seized 1591      212
        RAND       Thomas       Halstead miller until 1569                      279
        RANDALL    Peter        Kin of late wife of Jn Haywarde of Colchester    62
        RANDE      Robert       Halstead milleer, 21yr lease in 1584            279
        RANOLES    Thomas       S Benfleet, mention in will of Jn Frinde 1581   110
        RAVENS     William snr  Gt Bromley cptr, list of tools, will 1603        82
        RAWLIN     Bartholomew  Buttsbury labourer, will notes debts owing, 1589 87
        RAWLIN     Henry        Harwich, son of William Rawlin                   62
        RAWLIN     Mary         Harwich, wife of William Rawlin                  62
        RAWLIN     William      Harwich, left boats to wife/son alike (1593)     62
        RAWLINS    Thomas snr   Stock brickmaker, educatn of 2 sons, will 1580  118
        RAWLYN     Walter       Buttsbury, aka Walter Dadrye                     86
        RAYE       Thomas       Chipping Walden, gmn, apptd constable 1583      224
        RAYNER     Henry        Wh Notley millwright, axe/tools/timber, 1603     83
        RAYNESFORD Richard      Epping, cut down oak unlawfully, 1586           253
        READE      Edward elder Maldon cook, list of equipment, will 1588        88
        REDDE      Henry        Gt Bardfield, beneficiary of Wm Robertson 1586  221
        REDE       Joan         Harlow Bury widow, lived next Geo Dyrrington    262
        REDE       Roger        Hornchurch smith, 1573 will, viol servant        23
        REDE       William      Harlow weaver, employed Wm Wryet "unlawfully"   153
        REDHEDD    Thomas       Epping, to remove wife's sister from town 1590  270
        REDMAN     Thomas       Canewdon, 25 acres, dispute re trees, 1588      263
        REE        Lancelot     Chigwell, livestock given   servant, 1582       129
        REEVE      Joan         Abbess Roothing, m-in-law of Reynold Willsum    114
        REEVE      William      Abbess Roothing, br-in-law of Reynold Willsum   114
        REIGNALD   Thomas       Maldon, overseer of will of Richd Albert        142
        RELESON    Anne         Lt Bentley widow, farm profit daughter, 1581    110
        RELESON    Anne jnr     Lt Bentley, dau of Anne Releson widow           110
        RELLISON   John         Lt Bentley, bow & arrows in Wm Prior will       142
        REVE       Edmund       Latton potter, mention in will of Robt Hylles    87
        REVE       John         Harlow shearman, left much equipt in will 1569   78
        REVE       Thomas       Bocking wvr, released Jn Edes after 6yrs, 1574  157
        REVE       William      Walden basketmkr, stole lord's willows 1565     252
        REYNOLDE   Roger        Gt Canfield, aka Roger Norman                   130
        REYNOLDE   Roger        Canvey, son of Thos Reynolde,  18 in 1593        46
        REYNOLDE   Thomas       Canvey ymn 1593 will gave 120 sheep to son       46
        RICHARDES  William      Lt Ilford parson (will of Robt Kneight)         125
        RICHARDSON Adam         Panfield rector, felled wood in Shalford 1562   253
        RICHARDSON Richard      St Osyth glover, leather stk to be sold, 1581    80
        RICHARDSON William      St Osyth, son of Richd R, left glovers' tools    80
        RIDDLESDALEJames        Lt Clacton, provides for v aged mother, W1600   113
        RIDGE      George       Walden hsbdmn, gave all to god/dau, will 1598   115
        RIDLEY     Samuel       Beneficiary of Anthony Claxton (sword/dagger)   136
        RISSON     Joan         Wickford widow, will protects hcapped dau, 1567 112
        ROBERTS    Parnell      Given sheep in will of Geo Letton, S Benfleet    46
        ROBERTSON  William      Gt Bardfield, willed Isoles to Hy Redde, 1586   221
        ROBINSON   Edward       Stebbing, s of Ralph R, got loom/share of slays  77
        ROBINSON   Miles        Stebbing, s of Ralph R, given share of slays     77
        ROBINSON   Ralph        Stebbing, loom to Ed, slays Ed/Miles, will 1576  77
        ROBINSON   Robert       Havering svnt, gifts to employers, will 1559    130
        ROBINSON   Thomas       Waltham Abbey tanner, took female appr 1599     172
        ROBINSON   Thomas       Waltham tanner, took Thos Keyes as appr 1575    158
        ROCHEL     Robert       Ingatestone, Peter Preston as overseer, 1565    142
        ROCHESTER  John         Terling, son of master of Wm Smyth of W Notley  130
        ROE        James        Aveley 1590 will allowing grazing for ploughing  37
        ROGERS     John         Steeple Bumpstead, tools/ lease &c   son, W1584  84
        ROGERS     John         Moulsham shoemkr, tools, stall, kiosk, will 1601 90
        ROGERS     John jnr     S of John Rogers, blacksmith                     84
        ROGERS     Richard      Chelmsford brewer, guilty of murder 1569        212
        ROGERS     William      Brother in law of Richd Theward of Grays         62
        ROGERS     William      Chelmsford baker, broke the assize 1583         301
        ROLFE      Thomas       W Ham baker, sold under-weight bread, 1596      190
        ROMAINE    William      Walden 1577 will disposing of saffrom ground     43
        RONDE      Robert       Chelmsford miller, fined for high charge, 1581  300
        ROODE (de) Abigail      Colchester, dau of Jn de R, recd black bible    124
        ROODE (de) Hester       Colchester, dau of Jn de R, recd relig books    124
        ROODE (de) John         Colchester Fleming, gave books   chn, will 1593 124
        ROODE (de) John jnr     Colchester, s of Jn de R, recd bks on Moses     124
        ROODE (de) Judith       Colchester, dau of Jn de R, recd bks by Calvin  124
        ROODE (de) Mary         Colchester, dau of Jn de R, recd red cover bible124
        ROODE (de) Nathaniel    Colchester, s of Jn de R, recd small bible &c   124
        ROODE (de) Samuel       Colchester, s of Jn de R, recd commentaries     124
        ROODE (de) Sarah        Colchester, dau of Jn de R, recd expositions    124
        ROOKE      William      Becontree, Church St, hired 4m 1w, 1574         156
        ROOKES     Agnes        Gt Chesterford widow 1585 will, saffron   daus   42
        ROPER      John         Barking cptr, his will dated 1575                81
        ROSE       Nicholas     s of Elizabeth, sister of Thos Morris of Dedham  77
        ROST       Benjamin     Bocking, appr to Wm Ballard, put off early 1574 157
        ROULLES    John         Lt Chishall, 1574 will re new saffron planting   42
        RUNHAM     Anne         Gt Chesterford, dau of Jane Runham               43
        RUNHAM     Jane         Gt Chesterfod widow 1572 will, saffron   chn     43
        RUNHAM     Jane         Gt Chesterford, dau of Jane Runham               43
        RUNHAM     William      Gt Chesterford, dau of Jane Runham               43
        RUSHE      Edward       Romford, servant of Jn Condall                  127
        RUSSELL    William      Harwich, shipowner & merchant, c1565             68
        RUSSHE     Widow        Stock, lamb stolen by Jn Tavernor 1557          233
        RUSTE      Edward       Debden, son of Nicholas Ruste, to share fire     99
        RUSTE      Joyce        Debden, wife of Nicholas Ruste ( + p99)          53
        RUSTE      Mr           Felsted vicar, order to expel tenant in 1577    271
        RUSTE      Nicholas     Debden ymn, 1597, 2 beasts 1 hog   wife          53
        RUSTE      Nicholas     Debden ymn, housing/food/fuel wife, will 1597    99
        RUTTER     Anne         Hockley on the Hill, wife of Thos Rutter        103
        RUTTER     James        Hockley, son of Thos Rutter                     103
        RUTTER     John         Hockley, eld s of Thos Rutter, to help other chn103
        RUTTER     Martha       Hockley, dau of Thos Rutter                     103
        RUTTER     Mary         Hockley, dau of Thos Rutter                     103
        RUTTER     Thomas       Hockley hsbdmn, wife/son to bring up chn, 1584  103
        RYCARD     William      License to buy/sell butter/eggs etc             177
        RYCHARDSON William      Black Notley, house be sold if no heirs, 1560   108
        RYCHARDSON William jnr  Black Notley, son of Wm R snr                   108
        SABERY     Edmund       Chelmsford stallholder 1590s                     90
        SAFFOLDE   Henry        Bradwell-j-m ymn, 1590 will, horse   wife        54
        SAFFOLDE   Martha       Bradwell-j-m, wife of Hy Saffolde                54
        SAFFOLDE   Thomas       Canewdon, big fine for having tenant 1589       272
        SALLISBURY John         Witham tailor, left shop equipt in will of 1559  78
        SALMON     Lawrence     Broomfield, aka Lawrence Salmon                 180
        SALMON     Thomas       Blackmore, felled 7 oaks on his land, 1575      260
        SALMON     Thomas       Doddinghurst, money   son's studies, 1581 will  122
        SALMON     Thomas jnr   Doddinghurst, s of Thos S,  21 in 1581          122
        SAMAN      Thomas       Fingrith, only allowed one tenant, 1560         270
        SAME       John         Thaxted, to oversee will of Wm Love             109
        SAMMES     William      Stanway, a Constable, court session 1568        150
        SANDELL    John         Basildon 1588 will incl cattle feed for wife     44
        SANDELL    Thomas       Downham, in will of John White aka Parker       134
        SANDEN     Mary         dau of wife of John Ayers, virginals from John   23
        SANDOLL    Richard      Stanford ymn, schooling for 2 sons, will 1580   121
        SANDOLL    Richard jnr  Stanford le Hope, son of Richd Sandoll ymn      121
        SANDOLL    Thomas       Stanford le Hope, son of Richd Sandoll ymn      121
        SANSOME    Robert       Witness of will of Eliz Bond, Hawkwell          104
        SAPSTER    Thomas       Gt Wakering, left an oyster bed (1595)           69
        SARGIANT   Humphrey     Bobbingworth, sold victuals ill-measured 1574   180
        SAUNDER    Alice        Mistley, fosterchild (?) to Michael Archer      128
        SAUNDER    Edward       Son of Peter S, was left 3rd slay/narrow loom    76
        SAUNDER    John         Son of Peter S, was left the best kersey slay    76
        SAUNDER    Peter        Coggeshall wvr, left looms/slays to sons, 1596   76
        SAWARD     Margery      Gt Waltham ?, servant 1573                      127
        SAWARDE    Thomas       Thaxted "Bell" Inn, 1588 will re sheep runs      39
        SAWEN      Agnes        Stock, accused of bewitching s of Roger Veale   234
        SAWKIN     John         Tollesbury, charged as masterless, 1589         161
        SAWKYN     Anthony      Goldhanger, son of John Sawkyn, sch age 1594    120
        SAWKYN     John jnr     Goldhanger hsbdmn, schooling for son, will 1594 120
        SAYER      Susan        East Mersea, wife of Wm Sayer                    48
        SAYER      William      E Mersea carpenter 1603 sheep/cows to wife       48
        SAYERS     Thomas       Gt Bardfield, injured by Jn Pamphelon 1586      221
        SCORE      Thomas       Stratford baker, sold under-wt bread 1596       190
        SCOTT      Henry        Abells manor, poles blocking water flow, 1586   280
        SCOTT      Mr           Barnston, poss father of Richd Scott            136
        SCOTT      Richard      Son-in-law of Anthony Claxton                   136
        SCOTT      William      Pebmarsh, wheat engrossing charge 1566          178
        SEA        Francis      Ulting Vicar, in will of Wm Styleman             30
        SEABOROWE  John         Lt Wakering, shares in many boats   wife (1580)  69
        SEABROKE   Sarah        Black Notley, money   `base dau', will 1594     113
        SEARLE     John         Westbury, to bring up dau of Ursula Kilby       123
        SEARLE     Robert       Walden (?), books incl surgery   son, will 1588 125
        SEARLE     Robert jnr   Walden, son of Robt Searle                      125
        SEDCOLE    John         Epping, no highway work in 1593, fined          243
        SEGGES     Thomas       Chelmsford butcher, killed unbaited bulls 1572  239
        SELL       John         Littlebury, son of John Sell elder               43
        SELL       John elder   Littlebury ymn 1601 will, saffron land   chn     43
        SELL       Judith       Littlebury, dau of John Sell                     43
        SELL       Marcy        Littlebury, dau of John Sell                     43
        SERLES     Richard jnr  Gt Bardfield, dispute over boundary tree, 1586  221
        SEWELL     George       Halstead fuller, river pollution 1593           196
        SEYMER     William      Billericay, trespass on common, 1559            244
        SHACHE     Nicholas     Gt Waltham single, working by the day, 1575     158
        SHARLES    Thomas       Bro of Margaret Over of Barking                 105
        SHARLES    William      Bro of Margt Over of Barking, care of her dau   105
        SHARMAN    John         Dedham, will c1575, legacy   Rev Edmund Chapman  78
        SHARPE     William      Gt Wakering 1576 will gives firewood             56
        SHARPENTON Thomas       Colchester, will 1603, part-owner of carvel      63
        SHAW       William      W Hanningfield ymn 1576 will gives short faggots 56
        SHAWCROFT  William      Aveley, will 1587 balanced debts/debtors         92
        SHEARMAN   Henry        Dedham, apptd supervisor of will of Thos Morris  78
        SHEENE     William      Pleshey brickmkr, owed wages   Bart Rawlin       87
        SHELFORD   John         Walden ymn 1595 will, saffron lands to son       43
        SHELLEY    John         Harlow, ploughed up a marker dole, 1599         247
        SHELLEY    William      Stondon Massey, Esq, attainted of treason 1593  211
        SHEPHERD   Henry        Braintree(?) to sell Geo Inn @ death of Eliz W  109
        SHEPHERD   William      Heydon, rector, letters re Sunday fairs 1578    193
        SHERE      Thomas       Inworth, appr to Wm Gyrten                      127
        SHETELWOOD William      Fambridge saltman, will of 1605                  89
        SHIPMAN    William      Walden plowwright, left grindstone, will 1587    83
        SHOUNCKE   Thomas       Havering, Pyrgo St, 1589 will re wall hangings   22
        SHOYLE     Robert       Kelvedon innkpr "Bell", light horse bread 1585  190
        SIDEY      William      Steward to Thomas Mildmay                       215
        SIMPSON    Nicholas     Sheep left him in will of Richd Barber 1578      49
        SIMSON     Esdrau       Brightlingsea, son of Richd Simson              122
        SIMSON     Richard      Brightlingsea ymn,  30 for son Cambridge 1575   122
        SIRRHA     Giles        Gt Bardfield, tenant of Crowes 1586, felled wood221
        SKOOT      John         Thaxted cutler, tools/stock   sons, will 1583    85
        SKOOT      John jnr     Thaxted, son of John Skoot, cutler               85
        SKOOT      Nathan       Thaxted, son of John Skoot cutler                85
        SKOTT      John         Gosfield, son of Richd Skott, given armour etc  135
        SKOTT      Richard      Gosfield ymn, weapons/armour sons, 1599         135
        SKOTT      Richard jnr  Gosfield, son of Richd Skott, given war bow     135
        SKOTT      William      Maldon barber, bequests to apprentice, 1583     126
        SKYNNER    Emme         Braintree, wife of Wm Skinner of Angel Inn      109
        SKYNNER    Richard      Braintree, brother of Wm Skynner                109
        SKYNNER    Richard      Crewman for John Mylles of Harwich               68
        SKYNNER    William      Braintree, inn wife then sell chn, will 1565    109
        SLEAPE     Thomas       East Ham hsbdmn, took 3 apprs @ Becontree 1574  157
        SLEDD      Anne         Harwich, 2nd wife of Wm Sledd shipwright        114
        SLEDD      Susan        Harwich, dau of Wm Sledd by first wife          114
        SLEDD      William      Harwich sh/wright, care step-daughter, W1603    114
        SLYE       John         E Mersea, will dated 1588                        66
        SMART      Humphrey     Leigh, his nets destroyed by Wm Hare, 1560      238
        SMITH      John         Gt Birch ymn, long list of items   wife, 1560   102
        SMITH      John         Gt Birch ymn, 1560 will, annual firewood   wife  96
        SMITH      William      Gt Bardfield, will lists some tools, 1602        82
        SMITH      William snr  Gt Sampford cptr, left bench & grindstone, 1598  82
        SMITHE     John         Tillingham hsbdmn, dau   schooling/sewing etc   122
        SMYTH      Joan         Lexden Hundred, engaged by Anthony Pulleyn 1569 151
        SMYTH      John         Harwich, cared for Thos Smyth of Blackwall      139
        SMYTH      Lawrence     Broomfield, engrossed corn, 1574 Assizes        180
        SMYTH      Thomas       Radwinter, to oversee will of Thos Webb         108
        SMYTH      Thomas       Blackwall sailor, belongings   John Smyth 1592  139
        SMYTH      Thomas       Ilford gmn, engaged men at Becontree 1574       157
        SMYTH      William      White Notley, gold angel to Jn Rochester, 1588  130
        SMYTH      William      Brook Walden gmn                                236
        SMYTHE     John         Colchester gaol 1589 for theft of horse         212
        SMYTHE     Mary         Dau of Michael Smythe                           114
        SMYTHE     Michael      Brother of Roger Smythe of Matching             114
        SMYTHE     Nicholas     Rivenhall gmn, maid-svt absconded 1567          172
        SMYTHE     Paul         Beneficiary of Anthony Claxton                  136
        SMYTHE     Richard      Messing ymn, engrossed wheat in Braintree, 1592 183
        SMYTHE     Roger        Matching, furniture to sister (?), will 1594    114
        SMYTHE     William      Hatfield Bd Oak yman 1588 will re open fields    38
        SMYTHE     William jnr  Hatfield Broad Oak, son of Wm Smythe             38
        SNOWE      Peter        Witham butcher, killed unbaited bulls, 1571     239
        SNOWE      Peter        Downham, mention in will of Jn Blossom          129
        SOBIE      Helen        Epping widow, subtenant (widow) must go, 1591   270
        SOLME      Ralph        Sandon, Thos Perrient to invest legacies, 1598  143
        SOMMERS    William      Rayleigh tinker, 1586 will left tinkers' kettles 26
        SOMMERSON  Elizabeth    Gt Birch, s of Jn Sommerson, given Vertue book  123
        SOMMERSON  George       Gt Birch, s of Jn Sommerson, given testament    123
        SOMMERSON  John         Gt Birch hsbdmn, books to 6 chn @ 21, will 1573 123
        SOMMERSON  Margaret     Gt Birch, s of Jn Sommerson, given psalter &c   123
        SOMMERSON  Peter        Gt Birch, s of Jn Sommerson, given bk w/clasps  123
        SOMMERSON  Robert       Gt Birch, s of Jn Sommerson, given testament    123
        SOMMERSON  Tobias       Gt Birch, s of Jn Sommerson, given bible        123
        SOONES     John         Colchester, left bibles/testaments &c, 1602     124
        SORBY      Giles        Walden cptr, timber & finished ware, 1588 will   82
        SORRELL    Alice        Chelmsford, gifts to Joan Watse, will 1587      113
        SORRELL    John         Great Saling, supervising will of Jas Wylkinson 109
        SOUTH      John         W Mersea, 1567 will, existing firewood   wife    96
        SPARKE     John         W Bergholt, took Jas Dodde in service 1568      150
        SPARKE     Richard      Newport, ordered to cut overhanging trees 1567  288
        SPARROW    Joan         Sible Hdnghm, wife of Jn Sparrow of `Sparrowes'  97
        SPARROW    John snr     Sible Hdghm ymn, `Sparrowes'   wife, will 1590   97
        SPARROW    William      Halstead tanner, left tanning gear etc, 1602     79
        SPENSER    Richard      Bro of Robt Spenser of St Osyth                 133
        SPENSER    Robert       St Osyth, servant of Sir Thos Darcy, will 1582   92
        SPENSER    Robert       St Osyth, svnt of Lord Darcy, will of 1582      133
        SPERLINGE  John         Aldham butcher, engaged Thos Radley 1568        150
        SPIGURNELL John         Maldon, his son/srvt enticed away, 1587         172
        SPILTIMBER John         Stambourne hsbmn, wife keeps fm if single, 1573 101
        SPILTIMBER John         Stambourne hsbdmn, legacy to 3 daus, will 1573  116
        SPONER     John         Felsted, stole ewe from Richd Pratt, fled 1577  236
        SPONER     Richard      Felsted, father of John Sponer                  236
        SPOONER    John         Braintree(?) to sell Geo Inn @ death of Eliz W  109
        SPRIGGE    Francis      Thaxted shearman, sell house, money chn, 1591   108
        SPRYNG     John         Walden, apprentice to Jn Phyeff                 126
        SQUIRE     William      Gt Ilford clerk, left 2 dictionaries, will 1588 125
        SQUIRE     William      Gt Ilford, almshouse chaplain, dagger &c, 1589  134
        STACE      Lawrence     Epping, cut 3 oaks for house repair, 1577       260
        STAINFORD  James        Witham, his servants broke into the pound 1570  236
        STAMAGE    William      Langham dyer, mentions grease & woad, will 1593  77
        STAMER     Amy          G/dau of Amy Pease of Gt Baddow                 114
        STAMER     Anne         G/dau of Amy Pease of Gt Baddow                 114
        STAMER     Edmund       Lt Warley ymn, re son's upbringing, will 1594   119
        STAMER     Thomas       G/son of Amy Pease of Gt Baddow                 114
        STAMMER    Edmund       Rettendon, son of Thos Stammer,  19 in 1571      89
        STAMMER    Joan         Rettendon, wife of Thos Stammer                  89
        STAMMER    Thomas       Rettendon salter ymn, detailed will of 1571      89
        STAMMER    Thomas       Rettendon 1571 will bequeaths 40 best sheep      48
        STAMMER    Thomas jnr   Rettendon, son of Thos Stammer, his will 1572    89
        STAMMER    William      Bro of Thos Stammer jnr, in Thos's will          89
        STANDLY    Thomas       Widford glazier, willed a birding-piece, 1588   136
        STANE      William      Norton Mandeville, storing wheat suspiciously   179
        STANLEY    John         Tollesbury ymn, aka Jn Hickes                   143
        STANTON                 Wickham, owed money to Robt Weeles, cutler       86
        STANTON    Robert       W Ham, his maid bt 50lb butter @ Waltham 1571   179
        STAPLES    Elizabeth    Wife of Jn Staples Elder, Jn's portion till 21   71
        STAPLES    Emme         Foulness, dau of Jn Staples the Elder            71
        STAPLES    Joan         Wife of Jn Staples Eldest, recd cottage etc      71
        STAPLES    John Elder   Son of John Staples the Eldest, recd keddles etc 71
        STAPLES    John Elder   Will 1604, similar to his fathers of 1586        71
        STAPLES    John Eldest  Crouch area, detailed will of 1586               71
        STAPLES    John Younger Was less than 19 at time of father's will, 1586  71
        STAPLES    Mary         Foulness, dau of Jn Staples the Elder            71
        STAPLES    Rachel       Foulness, dau of Jn Staples the Elder            71
        STAPLES    Thomas       Becontree tanner, hired men/apprs 1574          156
        STAPLES    Thomas       Son of Jn Staples, keddles &c in father's will   71
        STAPLES    William      Son of Jn Staples Elder, recd keddles/grazing &c 71
        STAYWORTHE John         Paglesham clerk, will 1562 wheat/malt &c   wife  30
        STAYWORTHE John         Foulness Rector                                  31
        STEBBYNGE  John         Thaxted, lodged with Rooke Westley, Bardfield G 273
        STEDE      William      Chrishall, 1570 will, 2 loads of wood   wife     96
        STEELE     Richard      Barking, licence to deal in butter/cheese c1580 177
        STEEVEN    John         Ardleigh clothier, will 1586 mentions tenter yd  77
        STEPHEN    Matthew      Fordham ymn, 1567 charged with wrong enclosure   37
        STEPHENS   Matthew      Lexden, guardian of Jn Mylles jnr till 23       142
        STERNE     Dorothy      Fordham, wife of Thos Sterne                     29
        STERNE     Thomas       Gt Fordham ymn, legacy if brings up chn, 1599   104
        STERNE     Thomas       Fordham yman, 1599 will left butter & cheeses    29
        STEVEN     Jane         Given an annuity by Thomas Edwards of Hadleigh   63
        STEVEN     John         Langford, sold lining canvas to Anthony Bret      7
        STEVENS    Thomas       Danbury victualler, sold under-wt bread 1577    190
        STEWARD    John         Gt Dunmow hsbdmn, sell houses bros, will 1593   109
        STEWARD    John         Thundersley ymn engrossed eggs/cheese &c c1575  181
        STEWARD    Miles        Gt Dunmow(?) bro of Jn Steward, sale cash chn   109
        STEWARD    Thomas       Gt Dunmow(?) bro of Jn Steward, sale cash chn   109
        STEWARD    William      Gt Dunmow(?) bro of Jn Steward, sale cash chn   109
        STILEMAN   William      Ulting ymn, chest of goods   servant maid       128
        STILEMAN   William      Ulting ymn, 1584 will, sheep/cattle/bull         49
        STOCK      Elizabeth    Prittlewell, wife of William Stock              103
        STOCK      Elizabeth    Prittlewell, an older dau of William Stock      103
        STOCK      Joan         Prittlewell, a younger dau of William Stock     103
        STOCK      William      Prittlewell, wife/dau to care for ygr dau, 1594 103
        STOCKMER   Richard      Walden, alias Richd Faukoner                     14
        STONARDE   Ann          Chigwell, "Mistress Stonarde"                   129
        STONE      Christian    Lt Bentley, crippled dau of Thos Stone          111
        STONE      James        Moulsham, suicide, all goods forfeit, 1560      213
        STONE      Thomas       Lt Bentley ymn, willed for crippled dau, 1588   111
        STONERDE   Henry        Stock, elected to test bread/ale etc 1565       225
        STONLEY    Richard      Kelvedon, allowed to fell timber trees, 1574    251
        STOOKES    William      Fyfield, home wife for 16yrs, will 1581          99
        STORYE     Stephen      New Hythe, part shares in 2 boats   wife (1598)  61
        STOWE      William      Gt Holland, son to learn read/write, 1591 will  120
        STOWE      William      Gt Holland, ygst son of Wm Stowe, in 1591 will  120
        STRACHIE   John         Walden. Jn Gyver's cottage affected his land.   266
        STRAYTE    John         Dagenham ? defamation case v Edward Albert 1560 217
        STUBBERFLD Thomas       Waltham shoemkr, jrnymen hired illegally, 1575  160
        STUCKE     Helen        Rochford, wife of Wm Stucke, ho for life        108
        STUCKE     John         Moulsham baker mentions tools in will 1595       88
        STUCKE     William      Rochwood, Prittlewell ho wife/chn, will 1575    108
        STURDY     Robert       Norton Mandeville, keeper of windmill c1570     180
        STURGEN    William jnr  Gt Baddow, son of Wm Sturgen snr                135
        STURGEN    William snr  Gt Baddow, armour to his son, will 1596         135
        STYKERDE   Thomas       Canewdon, permit to lop/fell trees c1570        263
        STYLEMAN   William      Ulting, 1584 will left hives of bees             30
        SUMNER     John         Canewdon, bequeathed a cow by Margt Bonner       54
        SWALLOWE   Grace        Walden, dau of Gregory S & god/dau of Geo Ridge 115
        SWALLOWE   Gregory      Walden tailor                                   115
        SWALLOWE   Margery      Hornchurch, dau of Thos Swallowe                 79
        SWALLOWE   Thomas       Hornchurch Hare St, tanner, hides in will 1564   79
        SWETINGE   Edward       Margaretting, s of Thos S, Jn's appr for 7 yrs  126
        SWETINGE   John         Margaretting, s of Thos S, Edwd appr for 7yrs   126
        SWETINGE   Thomas       Margaretting, son appr to other son, will 1590  126
        SWORDER    Henry        Hatfield Broad Oak, son of Wm Sworder            96
        SWORDER    William      Hatfield Bd Oak ymn, sons to care for wife, 1591 96
        SWORDER    William jnr  Hatfield Broad Oak, son of Wm Sworder            96
        SWYFTE     Richard      Servant to Valentine Wheler                      90
        SYMON      Katherine    Dau of Margt Browne, given part of house/garden 107
        SYMON      Robert       Colchester wvr, marr Katherine Browne           107
        SYMOND     John         Walden fletcher, bows/feathers &c &c   son, 1591 82
        SYMOND     Toby         Walden, son of John Symond                       82
        SYMPSON    Davy         Canewdon ?, gmn, apptd gdn to s of A Graunthame 106
        SYMPSON    William      Stock, took 3 trespassing sheep ex pound 1583   236
        SYTHESTON  John         Wakes Colne hsbdmn, contract to serve, 1568     150
        TABOR      Amy          Stock, wife of John Tabor                        96
        TABOR      John         Stock, 1586 will, his wife to be cared for.      96
        TABOR      Richard      Kelvedon, nephew of Richd Ailet                 127
        TABOR      Thomas       Ingatestone, fell 40 Collyers Croft trees 1597  317
        TANNER     John         Chigwell, servant, gave to fellows, will 1587   129
        TATEM      Christopher  Chelmsford, killed 1597 by musket accident      213
        TAVERNER   William      Harlow, order to correct river flow, 1597       281
        TAVERNOR   John         Stock, fined for small robberies 1557           233
        TAWNEY     Thomas       Epping bailiff 1576                             236
        TAYLEFOR   William      Blackmore, heir to land 1571 as a minor         211
        TAYLER     John         Asheldham hsbdmn, bible &c   son @21, will 1591 124
        TAYLER     Ralph        Asheldham, son of Jn Tayler                     124
        TAYLOR     Agnes        E Mersea, wife of Thoms Taylor                  109
        TAYLOR     John         Stebbing smith, mention in will of Robt Taylor   84
        TAYLOR     Richard      Thaxted physician, overseer to will of Jn Harte 142
        TAYLOR     Robert       Langdon Hills, sold fire logs improperly 1599   193
        TAYLOR     Robert       Felsted smith, tolls son, shop ptnr, will 1578   84
        TAYLOR     Thomas       E Mersea, goods between wife/son, will 1589     109
        TAYLOR     Thomas       Chelmsford, messy slaughteryeard, 1574          296
        TAYLOR     Thomas ygr   E Mersea, son of Thomas Taylor (the only ?)     109
        TAYLOR     John         Felsted, s of Robt Taylor, anvil/tongs/hammer    84
        TEALE      Edmund       Witham, haberdasher ex grocer, will 1608        142
        TEDEMAR    Stephen      Wallasea Canewdon, 1564 will mentions long boat  64
        TEDEMER    Stephen      Wallasea 1564 will left sheep/cattle             47
        TEY        Thomas       Gt Birch, given yoke of oxen by Nicholas Brest   51
        TEY        Thomas       Layer Hall, Esquire, employed Thos Docker       129
        THACKERWREEGilbert      Weaver, his will of 1598 mentions his yarns      76
        THEWARD    Richard      Grays bargeman, part of barge to br/i/law 1563   62
        THOMSONE   Thomas       Prittlewell hsbdmn, forgives a debt, will 1590  118
        THORNE     Daniel       Thaxted, son of John Thorne glover              108
        THORNE     John         Thaxted glover/sell home/money children, W1592  108
        THORNE     John jnr     Thaxted, son of John Thorne glover              108
        THORNE     Samuel       Thaxted, son of John Thorne glover              108
        THORNE     Thomas       Thaxted, son of John Thorne glover              108
        THORNE     Thomas       Manningtree, gifts   father's apprs, will 1589  126
        THORNTON   Alice        Wallasea, wife of Wm Thornton                    69
        THORNTON   Josuah       Rettendon, overcharged by Alex Watson 1594      300
        THORNTON   Thomas       Wallasea, son of Wm Thornton, was left 2nd boat  69
        THORNTON   William      Wallasea oysterman, oyster beds/boat  wife 1558  68
        THOROWGOOD John         W Ham, his name in decree of 1598 about starch  188
        THOROWGOOD John         Witham yman, 1602 will re portable privy         16
        THORP      Thomas       Gt Burstead, minister, dagger in will, 1570     134
        THORPE     Thomas       Gt Burstead minister, debt for schooling, 1570  121
        THROCKMORTNKenelm       Dunmow JP 1572                                  155
        THRUSSELL  Thomas       Purleigh hsbdmn, harboured abscondee appr 1598  172
        THURGOOD   Richard      Roxwell hsbdmn, examined re wheat sale 1596     184
        THURGOOD   Robert       Ongar, a Chief Constable, court 1562            148
        TILL       John         Goldhanger, copyhold land   wife, 1570          100
        TINGE      William      Stanford Rivers, chased a widow c1562            67
        TIRELL     Thomas       Downham, & Fremnels, Esquire                    129
        TIRRELL    Thomas       Downham                                         115
        TOLLER     Bostock      Hitchin, gmn steward of the manor               309
        TOMKINES   Richard      Islington, bt 100lb of butter @ Waltham 1571    179
        TOMLYNSON  Richard      Colchester dyer, had tenter yards, will 1564     77
        TOOD       Anthony      Braintree, ex apprentice of Richd More, tailor  126
        TORNER     John         Stansted/m/f, looms to ygr son, will 1578       121
        TORNER     John jnr     Stansted/m/f, ygst son of John Torner (weaver ?)121
        TORNER     Thomas       Stansted/m/f, older son of Jn Torner            121
        TOWNSEND   Judith       W Ham widow, charge of engrossing butter 1599   186
        TOWNSEND   William      Gt Bardfield, living with My Britain 1586 ?     221
        TOWNSEND   William jnr  Hinckford, engrossed butter 1575                181
        TRAPPES    Rowland      N Benfleet court 1603, gmn, a defaulter         205
        TREWE      John snr     Coggeshall clothier, left teasel poor, will 1576 77
        TREWE      Richard      Mentioned in will of John Trewe snr Coggeshall   77
        TROTT      John         Lt Hallingbury hsbdmn, 1588 will - lead cistern  10
        TROTT      William      Mundon hsbdmn, boats/nets between all sons, 1590 64
        TRUELOVE   John         Hornchurch yman, 1574 will left lute & case      23
        TRUELOVE   John         Hornchurch ymn, left several books, will 1574   125
        TUBBES     John         Walden shoemaker, left shoes/leather/tools 1594  80
        TUBBES     John         Walden shoemaker 1594 will bequeathed coneys     54
        TUCKET     Christopher  Harwich, left boat share to dau when 18 (1588)   61
        TUCKET     John         Harwich, bro of Chris T, boat use till dau is 18 61
        TUCKET     William      Harwich, bro of Chris T, boat use till dau is 18 61
        TURNER     John         Gt Waltham ymn 1592 will re cropping practice    37
        TURNER     John         Gt Waltham, will 1592 re house developments       5
        TURNER     Thomas       Gt Henny, enticed away a servant 1582           172
        TWEDIE     W            Maldon gmn, boro records regarding armour       132
        TWEDY      Richard      JP at Essex Qtr Sessions, Easter 1572           176
        TWETTY     Richard      Boreham gmn, illegally cit timber house, 1560   262
        TYBALL     Isaac        Rettendon, suicide, all goods forfeit, 1581     213
        TYLL       John         Tolleshunt, neighbour of Thos Cottysforth       116
        TYLL       Thomas       s of Wm Tyll, was left other loom & accessories  76
        TYLL       William jnr  s of Wm Tyll snr, was left the broad shop loom   76
        TYLL       William snr  Coggeshall wvr, left looms to 2 sons, will 1594  76
        TYLNYE     John         Dovercourt mariner, boat/nets to wife/sons, 1570 64
        TYNGE      William      Stanford Rivers, to keep clear of Joan Palmer   149
        TYNGE      William      Ch Ongar, will 1592, intended going to Portugal  67
        TYRRELL    Thomas       Woodford baker/gmn, information by Ed Hedd 1597 171
        UNDERELL   William      Aveley gmn, enticed maid from her master 1564   172
        UNDERWOOD  Agnes        Walden, wife of Wm Underwood                    108
        UNDERWOOD  Roger        Southminster 1600 will re running of cattle      51
        UNDERWOOD  William      Walden musician, house wife for life, 1596      108
        UNDERWOODE John snr     Greenstead, wife can remain 1 year/kitchen, 1593 99
        UNGELEY    John         Towneford Mill, fine of  30 on entry 1588       209
        UNGELEY    John         Halstead, got Towneford mill in 1587            279
        UPHAVERINGEJohn         Hornchurch (?) ymn tanner, tan gear   son, 1585  79
        UPHAVERINGERichard      Hornchurch (?), son of John Uphavering           79
        VEALE      Roger        Stock bailiff, assaulted with firebrands 1574   234
        VERE       Edward       Owed 5pds for wool to Thos Prentys, 1570         75
        VERE       Robert       Hornchurch, uncle of Robt Whest, cared when sick139
        VERNON     William      Maldon bailiff, boro records re armour          132
        VICCARS    Thomas       Woodham Ferrers, gun/javelin/sword, will 1592   136
        VINCENT    Thomas       Gt Tey, left tools/timber &c in his shop, 1573   83
        VIRGIN     Agnes        Barnston, wife of Stephen Virgin                 14
        VIRGIN     Clemence     dau of Stephen Virgin,  21 in 1566               14
        VIRGIN     Stephen      Barnston brickie, 1566 will re featherbeds       14
        VIRLEE     George       Walden cptr, legacy to Jn Whitnie, will 1577    113
        VYGEROUS   Joan         Langham, widow, will of 1567                      4
        VYNCENTE   Joan         Gt Stambridge widow has oyster beds, will 1581   69
        VYNE       Alexander    Halstead poacher, fined 1581/85/92              237
        VYVENS     Richard      Manningtree butcher, bequeathed skins 1593       80
        WAAD       William      Clerk to the Privy Council                      195
        WACKEFEILDEJoan         dau of Thos W, rec'd wool in his 1569 will       75
        WACKEFEILDEThomas       Radwinter hsbdmn, left stock of wool  wife/daus  75
        WACKEFEILDEThomas       Radwinter hsbdmn, safeguards in will, 1569      115
        WACKEFEILDEThomas jnr   Nephew of Thos Wackefeilde of Radwinter, exec.  115
        WADE       Joan         Bulphan, wife of William Wade                    51
        WADE       Rose         Tilbury next Clare, wife of Thomas Wade         144
        WADE       Thomas       Tilbury next Clare                              144
        WADE       William      Bulphan 1559 will, profits of stock   wife       51
        WAILETT    Elizabeth    Lambourne, dau of Wm Wailett, was left 35 pds    79
        WAILETT    Mary         Lambourne, dau of Wm Wailett, was left 35 pds    79
        WAILETT    Thomas       Lambourne, 2nd son of Wm Wailett                 79
        WAILETT    William      Lambourne tanner, tanning gear son, money, 1603  79
        WAILETT    William jnr  Lambourne, eld son of Wm Wailett, tanner         79
        WALDEGRAVE William      Felsted, manor steward 1603                     223
        WALDEN     Thomas       E Mersea, his ship share to be sold, will 1574   65
        WALKER     John         W Hanningfield mapmaker, will of Thos Gilbert   120
        WALKER     Thomas       Chelmsford baker, left sword/halter, 1603       136
        WALKER     William      Cold Norton, 1602 will, re debt from Ms Osburne  92
        WALKER     William      Cold Norton Hall, 1593 will, sheep/cattle   son  49
        WALKER     William jnr  Son of Wm Walker of Cold Norton Hall             49
        WALLE      John         Freshwell constable, witnessed Hadstock will    141
        WALLER     Thomas       Brentwood mercer, petition v wrong trading 1572 169
        WALLER     William      S Weald 1562 will re cattle/sheep etc on common  49
        WALLFORDE  Alexander    Shalford ymn, help   son @ Cambridge, 1580      122
        WALLFORDE  Richard      Shalford, s of Alexander S, Cambridge scholar   122
        WALLYS     Richard      Pattiswick, son of Robert Wallys                 82
        WALLYS     Robert       Pattiswick palemaker, pales/tools   son, 1603    82
        WALLYS     Robert       Bocking sessions 1574, accused as vagabond      157
        WALPOLE    John         Rochford Hall, kitchen clerk (to Lord Rich)     142
        WALTER     William      St Osyth wheelwright, left timber son, 1589      83
        WALTER     William jnr  St Osyth, son of William Walter                  83
        WANT       Nicholas     Fairstead tanner, obstructed a stream, 1592     196
        WARDE      John snr     W Ham, will of 1585                             141
        WARDEN     John         Romford ymn, will 1588 left a fowling-piece     136
        WARNER     John         Gt Bardfield, trustee for Rich Bearnarde 1586   221
        WARREN     Nicholas     Lt Baddow miller, 1603 will left cheese/butter   30
        WAST       Thomas       Tolleshunt Major weaver, will 1595 re house       8
        WATKYNSON  Edmund       N Benfleet ymn, gave fuel daughter, will 1591   114
        WATKYNSON  Susan        N Benfleet, dau of Edmund Watkynson             114
        WATSE      Joan         Chelmsford, in care of Alice Sorrell            113
        WATSON     Alexander    Rettendon windmill, overcharged, fined, 1594    300
        WATSON     Edmund       Dedham dyer, left all shop equipt son, 1585      77
        WATSON     John         Barking, apprentice to Margt Willoughbye        126
        WATSON     Thomas       Chelmsford, his building encroached, 1594       266
        WATTER     Walter       Plaistow plasterer, 1588 son aid wife's harvest 100
        WEBB       Edward       Radwinter, son of Thos Webb, proceeds of house  108
        WEBB       Jane         Radwinter, wife of Thos Webb, ho for life       108
        WEBB       John elder   Radwinter, son of Thos Webb, proceeds of house  108
        WEBB       John ygr     Radwinter, son of Thos Webb, proceeds of house  108
        WEBB       Nicholas     Radwinter, son of Thos Webb, proceeds of house  108
        WEBB       Thomas       Radwinter, son of Thos Webb, proceeds of house  108
        WEBB       Thomas       Radwinter, sell ho after wife dies   chn, 1583  108
        WEBBE      Roger        Chelmsford, to clean his gutter, 1564 bylaw     293
        WEBSTER    John         Romford ymn, regrated 20 qrs of wheat, 1590     183
        WEELES     Robert       Colchester cutler, 1582 will   house repairs      8
        WEELES     Robert       Colchester cutler, list of debts owing, 1583     86
        WELCHE     Bennet       Lt Thurrock hsbdmn, guardianship for daus, 1587 106
        WELCHE     Bennett      Lt Thurrock hsbdmn,cash bros/sisters, will 1587 114
        WELCHE     Joan         Lt Thurrock, dau (1 of 2) of Bennet Welche      106
        WELLE      John         Moulsham bowyer, engrossing grain &c 1574       180
        WELLES     Anne         Dau of Jn Welles, to the care of Margt Amyce    106
        WELLES     John         Servant of Jn Amyce Esq, dau/son Amyces, W1574  106
        WELLES     William      Son of Jn Welles, to the care of Israel Amyce   106
        WELLS      Richard      Chelmsford miller, fined for high charge, 1581  300
        WENLOCK    Ralph        Langham weaver, annual firewood wife, will 1595  97
        WENTFORD   William      Kinsman of Jn Woode of Kelvedon                 122
        WESTE      William      Chelmsford barber, had tenants, fined, 1574     271
        WESTLEY    Rooke        Thaxted, lodger with him at Bardfield Grn 1600  273
        WESTWOOD   Benet        To be gdn of Alice Hore if mother dies pre-18   106
        WETT       James        Paglesham, owed money to Wm Cock, mariner        92
        WEVER      James        Lt Baddow, his nbew building seized, 1576       264
        WHARTON    Barnard      Fryerning, caring for John Ponde jnr            211
        WHEATLYE   Thomas       Buttsbury, will leaves boards & timber, 1585     82
        WHELER     John         Tollesbury ymn 1576 will re milch stock          47
        WHELER     Valentine    Buttsbury fishdealer 1590 will, horses servant   53
        WHELER     Valentine    Buttsbury fishcarrier, used packhorses, W1587    90
        WHEST      Andrew       Hornchurch, bro of Robt Whest                   139
        WHEST      Anne         Hornchurch, sister of Robt Whest                139
        WHEST      Elizabeth    Hornchurch, sister of Robt Whest                139
        WHEST      John         Hornchurch, bro of Robt Whest                   139
        WHEST      Robert       Hornchurch, residue Thos Vere for caring, 1569  139
        WHISKERD   Charles      Stock miller, 6 loads firewood/yr   wife, W1587  96
        WHISKERD   Solomon      Fryerning glover, 1561 will, house to be built    5
        WHISKERD   Solomon      Fryerning glover, detailed instructions in will  79
        WHITE      John         Downham, svnt to Sir Hy Tyrell, will 1572       130
        WHITE      Lawrence     Gt Baddow glover, bequests of leather, 1571      80
        WHITE      Philip       Fobbing parson, see will of William Hill        121
        WHITE      Sibyl        Gt Baddow, 1598 will left a jewel casket (?)     20
        WHITLOCK   John         Coggeshall, complaint by apprentice 1595        170
        WHITNIE    John         Walden, base son of Thos Whitnie gmn (v Virlee) 113
        WHYTE      James        Brother of Thos Whyte of Gt Hallingbury         100
        WHYTE      Joan         Gt Hallingbury, wife of Thos Whyte              100
        WHYTE      Thomas       Gt Hallingbury, bro to plow for wife, will 1558 100
        WIBARD     Richard      Enfield, bt 1 load of wheat @ Waltham 1571      179
        WILHAM     Thomas       Lt Burstead ymn 1593 will re cattle feed   wife  44
        WILKES     Robert       Boreham, bro/i/law of John Coker (W Mortimer)   105
        WILKINSON  William      N Weald cptr, left wood   church repair, 1585    82
        WILLIAMS   Hugh         Wanstead, ordered to repair hedges 1565         267
        WILLIAMSON Edmund       Bulphan, rector?  Warned re Bulphan Fen grazing 246
        WILLOUGHBYEMargaret     Barking widow, clothes   apprentice, will 1583  126
        WILLSUM    Reynold      Gt Warley hsbdmn, provided for m-in-law, W1597  114
        WILLSUM    Reynold      Gt Warley hsbdmn, gave  poor/mistress, W1597    129
        WILSON     Christopher  Chelmsford, fined for assault 6/8d 1602         234
        WILSON     Daniel       W Thurrock hsbdmn engrossed @ Billericay 1576   182
        WILSON     John         Gt Bromley 1575 will left 10 woolly ewes/lambs   49
        WILSON     John snr     Hinckford, engrossed butter 1575                181
        WINDELL    Richard      Bocking clothier, surety for Jas Crowe 1598     170
        WINTROPE   Adam         Groton Sfk gtmn                                 104
        WINTROPE   Adam         Beneficiary of Eliz Bond of Hawkwell            104
        WITNEY     Thomas       Walden gmn, lessee of water mill, warned 1565   279
        WODE       Henry        Prittlewell, bequests of books, will 1582       124
        WOOD       Joan         Chelmsford, wife of Thos Wood surgeon           120
        WOOD       John         Moulsham shoemkr, unlawful surgery, c1571       154
        WOOD       John         Gt Waltham, N End, surgeon, 1585 will - cloths   22
        WOOD       John         E Colne mercer, 1584 will re wall cloths         22
        WOOD       Matthew      W Ham, 6 oxen on Lord Rich's common 1563        245
        WOOD       Roger        Felsted soldier, his armour in re Thos Parker   216
        WOOD       Thomas       Chelmsford surgeon, encroachment on waste 1599  265
        WOOD       Thomas       Chelmsford surgeon, re son's education, W1602   120
        WOOD       Thomas       Beaumont, held tenement called James, d1592     209
        WOOD       Thomas       Beneficiary in will of Thos Nickelsoun, Barking  63
        WOOD       Tiberius     Chelmsford, son of Thos Wood, to learn Latin !  121
        WOODD      George       Beaumont, s of Thos W, urged   3 Rs             122
        WOODD      John         Beaumont, s of Thos W, urged   3 Rs             122
        WOODD      Richard      Beaumont, s of Thos W, urged   3 Rs or   MA     122
        WOODD      Robert       Beaumont, s of Thos W, urged   Master of Arts   122
        WOODD      Thomas       Beaumont, provides for 5 sons, will 1591        122
        WOODD      Thomas jnr   Beaumont, s of Thos W, urged to husbandry       122
        WOODE      John         Kelvedon, gave kinsman for study support, 1564  122
        WOODLAND   Thomas       Barking, leaves `hebbing boat' in will (1587)    63
        WOODWARD   John         Harwich sailor, died in Gosport, will 1584      139
        WOODWARD   Margaret     Harwich, wife of Jn Woodward, to bring up chn   139
        WOODWARD   Margaret     Gosport, sister of Jn Woodward of Harwich       139
        WOODWARDE  Jason        Heybridge miller evidence against Jn Harre 1587 193
        WOOLCOT    Humphrey     Hitchin, abused steward in court                309
        WORDEN     John         Bro-in-law of Wm Skynner                        109
        WORTHAM    Thomas       E Hanningfield hsbdmn, gifts to fellows, 1602   129
        WORTHAM    William      Ramsden, too many cattle on Crays Common 1559   244
        WORTLEY    John         Chelmsford grocer, his gun killed Chris Tatem   213
        WRAIGHT    Thomas       Gt Stambridge, shipwright, will of 1592          65
        WRIGHT     Elizabeth    Lawford, cared for Wm Ganslitt when sick        138
        WRIGHT     John         Harlow Bury, hanged 1583, goods possessed/sold  212
        WRIGHT     John         Stanford le H, boat/nets   son/wife (1574)       65
        WRIGHT     John         Latton potter, mention in will of Robt Hylles    87
        WRIGHT     John         Kelvedon tailor, furze from common, fined 1561  251
        WRIGHT     Matthew      Stanford le Hope, son of John Wright             65
        WRIGHT     Peter        Hornchurch shoemaker, leaves tools eld sons 1573 80
        WRIGHT     William      Canewdon, 1564 will left cheese and butter       29
        WROTHE     Robert       SW Essex, landowner, his servant assaulted 1595 234
        WROTHE     Robert       Issued licence for Gt Bardfield trader c1580    177
        WRYET      William      Harlow, served Wm Rede as a weaver 1572         153
        WUDDALL    Henry        Chrishall, left part of grindstone   son, 1591   84
        WYATT      Goodman      Thundersley, care for legacies to Northe's chn  143
        WYLDE      John         Felsted, aka Wyles                               77
        WYLES      Henry        Felsted, eldest son of John Wyles                77
        WYLES      John         Felsted fuller, half shop gear to son, 1577      77
        WYLKINSON  Elizabeth    Braintree, wife of Jas W, keeper of George Inn  109
        WYLKINSON  James        Braintree innkeeper, inn wife then 8 chn, 1599  108
        WYLLYMOTTE Simon        Chipping Walden, gmn, apptd constable 1583      224
        WYLMOT     Alexander    Fryerning, caring for Anne Ponde                211
        WYLMOTE    Simon        Walden, licence to buy/sell corn, c1580         177
        WYLSON     Christopher  Chelmsford butcher, overpaid an employee, 1571  154
        WYLSON     Daniel       W Ham, charge of engrossing butter 1599         186
        WYNTER     John         Stanford/hope, turned away his servant, 1587    160
        WYSEMAN    William      Long-time steward for Lord Rich's manors        223
        WYTHER     William      Chelmsford, will lists stock of timber, 1595     82
        YNGOLD     John         Roydon, smith, will of 1560                      83
        YONGE      Aaron        Waltham Abbey tailor, Jn Ethyn his appr 1575    158
        YONGE      Richard      Gt Totham hsbdmn,  5   Edmund Teale (no date)   142
        YONGER     Richard      Colchester smith, tools sell 7 chn, will 1571   110
        YONGER     Richard      Colchester smith, equipt   son, will 1571        84
        YONGER     Robert       Colchester St Mary, son of Richard Yonger        84