
Emmison's Elizabethan Life - The wills of Gentry

  An index of names from :
            Elizabethan Life : Wills of Essex Gentry & Yeomen
                     by Dr F G Emmison

 This index is based on pp20-83, the wills of Gentry.  Most of the quaint
 Elizabethan spellings have been retained, with their final e's and their
 great use of y's.  Where the same family name is obviously spelt variously
 in the one will I have sometimes standardised on one spelling.

 I have tried to emphasise relationships and to indicate the names of
 properties as far as possible, but often the properties willed are far too
 numerous to include. A few people have appeared twice in different wills.
 I hope that my abbreviations/contractions are sufficiently obvious.

 The book was borrowed from the Massey University Library.
 It has been indexed by Mike Foster of Wellington, New Zealand
 ABBOT      Thomas     Cranham scrivener, named in will of Thos Wigenton  83
 ABBOTT     George     E Tilbury gentleman will of 20/12/1580             20
 ABBOTT     Henry      Earles Colne? Witnessed will of Robt Pyerson 1587  60
 ABBOTT     Susanna    E Tilbury, wife of Geo, recd land in W Tilbury     20
 ABBOTT     Thomas     Bro of Geo                                         20
 ABBOTTE    Philip     Recd 5/- in will of Wm Abell (W Bergholt)          20
 ABELL      John       Gentleman, father of Wm Abell of W Bergholt        20
 ABELL      John       Bro of Wm Abell (W Bergholt) recd Mile End land    20
 ABELL      Mary       Sister of Wm Abell (W Bergholt), recd annuity      20
 ABELL      William    W Bergholt, gentleman, will 1591                   20
 ABRAHAM    John       Chrishall, witnessed will of Thos Meade            52
 ABRAHAM    Thomas     Chrishall, witnessed will of Thos Meade            52
 ADKYN      Susan      Barking, svt of Saml Stokes, 40/- in his will      71
 ALDRIDGE   Francis    Canterbury, b-i-law Richd Cartmell (=Alldrytche)   31
 ALISANDER  Jerman     Epping?  Witness to will of Edmund Staunton 1574   71
 ALLDRYTCHE Francis    s-i-law of Jn Cartmell of Romford, in his will     30
 ALLDRYTCHE Francis jr s of Francis A, & g/son of Jn Cartmell of Romford  30
 ALLEN      Edmund     Gmn, 26/8d in will of Jn Pilborough                59
 ALLEN      Edmund     Hatfield Peverel esq, nephew of Robt Glascock      44
 ALLEN      John       Gt Ilford ymn, to supervise will of Thos Pounsett  60
 ALLEN      John jnr   Mention in will of Jn Hovill 1578                  47
 ALLEN      Margaret   Lt Clacton, sis of Jn Stubbes, Jackes copyhold     71
 ALLEN      Robert     s of Margt A, Brockemans c'hold from Jn Stubbes    71
 ALLEN      Thomas     Given 1/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 ALLEXANDER Matthew    Given 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 ALLEYNE    John       Epping? 3/4d in will of Edmund Staunton            71
 ALLIN      Edmund     Overseer of will of Wm Studhawe 1586               73
 ALLYN      Francis    Gt Holland?  Witnessed will of Thos Markante 1597  51
 ALYCE      John       Farnham, owed 2.5pds to Rowland Eliot (his will)   38
 ANDERKIN   William    Runwell, witnessed will of Nicholas Younge 1598    83
 ANDREWES   Thomas     Orsett, 5/- in will of Richd Raystell, "my boy"    62
 ANDREWS    Joan       Orsett, svt of Rich Raystell, 5/- in his will      62
 APOWEN     Rice       W Ham gentleman, will 1597                         20
 APOWEN     William    W Ham, s of Rice Apowen, apparently d pre-1597     20
 ARCHER     John       Hatfield P?  Witnessed will of Jn Pilborough       59
 ARCHER     John       Stanford Rivers? Witnessed will of Jn Stanton 1559 70
 ARCHER     Roose      Gt Horkesley, svt of Jn Roose, 6/8d in will        64
 ARDES      Robert     Kinsman of Wm Filloll, colt or 20/- in his will    40
 ARNDOND    John       Witham, witnessed will of Hy Songer 1569           69
 ARNOLD                Maldon cooper, St Mary's, Jn Gaywood's tenant      42
 ARROATHER  ChristopherGiven 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 ASKEWE     Thomas     Finchingfield? Big gold ring in Edwd Smith's will  68
 ASTELEY    Anne       Given 40/- in will of Joan Waldegrave              79
 ASTELEY    Edward     Given 40/- in will of Joan Waldegrave              79
 ASTELEY    Thomas     Given a ring in will of Joan Waldegrave            79
 ATKINS     Henry      St Osyth ? Witnessed will of Jn Sandon 1582        67
 ATKINS     Richard    Romford curate, witnessed will of Marcelyn Halles  46
 ATKINSON   Richard    Witness to will of Thos Baron of Alboro Hatch      23
 ATSLOWE    Henry      Runwell, witnessed will of David Sympson 1594      73
 ATWILL     Lawrence   Witness to will of Robt Fremlinge, 1596            41
 ATWOOD     Edward     Stanford Rivers, s of Wm Atwood, 10pds &c in will  21
 ATWOOD     John       Stanford Rivers, eld s of Wm, executor of his will 21
 ATWOOD     Richard    Stanford Rivers, s of Wm, chest/clothes &c in will 21
 ATWOOD     Thos elder Stanford Rivers, s of Wm, 20 pds &c in will        21
 ATWOOD     Thos ygr   Stanford Rivers, s of Wm Atwood                    20
 ATWOOD     William    Stanford Rivers gmn, will 1600                     20
 ATWOOD     William    Stondon? Witnessed Reynold Hollingworth will 1573  47
 AUFEILD    John       Colchester weaver, sold More Elms to Robt Northen  56
 AUGER      Constance  Clacton? God/dau of Wm Stubbes (deleted from will) 72
 AUSOPE     John       Stanford Rivers tenant of Jn Stanton, 1 peck wheat 69
 AWGOOD     Thomas     Witness to will of Simon Montford 1602             54
 AWSOPE     John       Stanford Rivers, tenant of Mottes Croft 1559       70
 AYLETT     Edward     Godson of Andrew Larder, 40/- in his will          50
 AYLETT     Henry      Bro-i-law of Andrew Larder, supervisor of his will 50
 AYLEWYN    Marian     Halstead, dau of Jn Hunwicke, recd a house         47
 AYLOFFE    John       Hornchurch (Bryttens), Marryons from Jn Fowlar     41
 AYLOFFE    John jnr   Hornchurch, s of Jn A, godson of Jn Fowlar         41
 AYLOFFE    William    Witness to deed of Francis Gill 1595               43
 AYLOFFE    William    Hornchurch esq, lands bounded Marryons             41
 BABINGTON  John       Bradwell esq, master of Jn Maxye, owed back wages  51
 BAGEWORTH  Charles    Bro of Thos Bageworth, mention in his will of 1568 21
 BAGEWORTH  Edward     Bro of Thos Bageworth, mention in his will of 1568 21
 BAGEWORTH  Elizabeth  Lt Clacton, wife of Thos Bageworth                 21
 BAGEWORTH  Frances    Lt Clacton, dau of Thos B, 4yrs old in 1568        21
 BAGEWORTH  George     Bro of Thos Bageworth, mention in his will of 1568 21
 BAGEWORTH  Jyellis    Bro of Thos Bageworth, mention in his will of 1568 21
 BAGEWORTH  Richard    Bro of Thos Bageworth, mention in his will of 1568 21
 BAGEWORTH  Thomas     Lt Clacton gmn, will 1568, svt to Lord Jn Darcie   21
 BAKER      James      Romford ? Tenant of Marcelyn Halles 1561           46
 BAKER      Robert     Bro-in-law of Wm Berriff, recd copyholds in will   24
 BAKER      William    Halstead, called "my man" by Arthur Breame, 20/-   27
 BAKER      William    Feering, svt of Robt Weston, russet cloak in will  81
 BALDWYN    Thomas     Godson of Jn Fowlar, 40/- in his will              41
 BALKASKER  James      Gt Easton curate, witnessed will of Alice Nicolls  55
 BALLARD    Richard    Stanford Rvrs, his land abutted Totte Hill         69
 BALLENGER  John       Farnham, owed 3pds to Rowland Eliot (his will)     38
 BAMBRICKE  Agnes      Kelvedon, maidsvt of Wm Filloll, 3/4d in his will  40
 BANCKES    Mr         Hosier, was owed 9pds by Thos Lord of Wanstead     50
 BARBOR     John       f-i-law of Richd Taverner                          73
 BARFOOT    Benedict   Poss bro of Edwd Barfoot of Hatfield Bd Oak        22
 BARFOOT    Edward     Hatfield Bd Oak gmn, will of 1598                  22
 BARFOOT    Francis    Hatfield Bd Oak, eld s of Edwd,  21 in 1598        22
 BARFOOT    George     Bro of Edwd B of Hatfield Bd Oak, executor of will 22
 BARFOOT    John       Witness to the will of Edwd B of Hatfield Bd Oak   22
 BARFOOT    Katherine  Hatfield Bd Oak, d of Edwd,  21yrs in 1598         22
 BARFOOT    Robert     Bro of Edwd B of Hatfield Bd Oak, executor of will 22
 BARFOOT    Thomas     Hatfield Bd Oak, ygr s of Edwd,  21 in 1598        22
 BARFOOT    Thomas     Son of Benedict Barfoot                            22
 BARFOOT    William    Witness to the will of Edwd B of Hatfield Bd Oak   22
 BARFOOT    Winifred   Hatfield Bd Oak, w of Edwd, 450 pds &c in will     22
 BARFOOT    Winifred   Hatfield Bd Oak, d of Edwd,  21yrs in 1598         22
 BARKER     Anne       Halstead, svt of Jn Coggeshall, 5/- in his will    33
 BARKER     Elizabeth  Romford, d of Robt Barker, 15pds ex Robt Fremlinge 41
 BARKER     Robert     Romford, m Eliz Fremlinge                          41
 BARKER     Thomas     Bro of Urias Barker, given his goods/lands         21
 BARKER     Urias      Colchester gmn, will of 1595                       21
 BARNARD    Elizabeth  Witham, svt of Hy Songer, ewe/lamb in his will     69
 BARNARD    Francis    Esq, name in will of Richd Greene of Gt Bardfield  45
 BARNARD    John       Sold lease of Warners to Hy Songer                 68
 BARNARDE   Ama        Given 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 BARNARDE   Henry      To have 100 pds from Hy Songer (will of Richd B?)  69
 BARNARDE   John       To have 4mks pa from Hy Songer (will of Richd B?)  69
 BARNARDE   Richard    Bro of Alice Nicolls, "of Lindsell, yeoman"        55
 BARNARDE   Richard    Hy Songer bound to him (by will?) to pay Hy/Jn B   69
 BARNARDISTNJohn       Hatfield P ? Witnessed will of Wm Studhawe 1586    73
 BARNE      Thomas     Alboro Hatch, aka Thos Baron, owned fish ponds     23
 BARNES     Francis    Silk doublet in will of Nicholas Marshall          51
 BARNEY     Elizabeth  Wethersfield g/wmn, will 1576, served Lady Ann M   22
 BARNEY     Ellen      Sister of Eliz Barney of Wethersfield              22
 BARNYSHE   Cecily     Shalford g/wmn, will 1563                          22
 BARNYSHE   Elizabeth  Sister of Cecily Barnyshe, prob married Cornewell  22
 BARNYSHE   Jane       Sister of Cecily Barnyshe (surname not nec right)  22
 BARON      Mary       Alboro Hatch, w of Thos B, recd land/fishponds     23
 BARON      Thomas     Alboro Hatch gmn, will 1596, wind/water mills      23
 BARTRIGE   Grace      Dau of Jane Michell, featherbed + 10pds willed     53
 BARWISSE   Dorothy    Moulsham, w of Richd B, his residual legatee       23
 BARWISSE   Elizabeth  Moulsham, d of Richd B  15 in 1593, bed &c in will 23
 BARWISSE   Ellen      Moulsham, dau of Richd B  15 in 1593, bed in will  23
 BARWISSE   Richard    Moulsham gmn, will of 1593                         23
 BASSETT    Joan       Grays, tenant of Sherwell (Richd Raystell)         62
 BATHO      Robert     Clavering, 3/4 of malt in will of Jn Cotton        34
 BAWLDWYN   BartholomewSvt of Brian Tuke, 2/6 in will of Eliz T           76
 BAYLY      Edward     Nevendon? Tenant of Wm Pascall                     58
 BAYNING    John       Bro of Agnes Stubbes (deleted from Jn's will)      72
 BECKMAN    John       Lt Burstead, witness to will of Richd Jeffrey 1603 48
 BEDWELL    Elizabeth  Warley ? Witnessed will of Jn Drywood of Gt Warley 36
 BELL       John       Fryerning ?  Witnessed will of Wm Roydon 1571      65
 BENSON     Elizabeth  Barking, svt of Thos Pounsett, 3/4d in his will    59
 BERE       John       Grays, witnessed will of Philip Watkins 1600       80
 BERIFFE    John       Bright'sea gmn, executor of will of Wm Thimble     75
 BERIFFE    John       Bright'sea sailor,Selfcottes mortgaged -Wm Thimble 75
 BERRIFF    William    Colchester gmn, will of 1602                       24
 BERYFFE    Katherine  Sister of Wm Beryffe of Gt Hallingbury             24
 BERYFFE    Katherine  Gt Hallingbury w of Wm B, recd Linches/Bright'sea  23
 BERYFFE    Sarah      Gt Hallingbury dau of Wm B,  21 in 1601            23
 BERYFFE    Ursula     Sister of Wm Beryffe of Gt Hallingbury             24
 BERYFFE    William    Gt Hallingbury gmn, will of 1601                   23
 BERYFFE    William yr Gt Hallingbury s of Wm B,  21 in 1601.             23
 BETENSON   Peter      Witness to will of Jn Coggeshall 1600              33
 BETT       William    Witness to will of Cecily Barnyshe, 1563           23
 BETTE      John       Hornchurch, 3pds 16/8 in will of Jn Fowlar         41
 BEVIS      Henry      Stanford Rvrs, valued Jn Stanton's stock for sale  70
 BEVYS      Henry      N Weald tenant of Jn Stanton, bushel of wheat      69
 BEWLEY     Thomas     Godfather of Thos Eyres, sealing ring in his will  39
 BINGHAM    John       Eld s of William Bingham, succeeds to Bakers Croft 54
 BINGHAM    Lawrence   Bro-in-law of Thos Lord, recd Danbury property     50
 BINGHAM    Lawrence   High Ongar gmn, csn of Geo Munnes, 20pds in will   54
 BINGHAM    Lawrence jrH Ongar, s of Lawrence B, 5pds given by Geo Munnes 54
 BINGHAM    William    Csn of Geo Munnes, only s of Mary Tylford, LLD     54
 BINGHAM    William    H Ongar, s of Lawrence B, 5pds given by Geo Munnes 54
 BIRD       Alice      Debden, wife of Wm Bird                            24
 BIRD       Alice      Debden dau of Philip, 100 marks in his will        24
 BIRD       Ann        Debden dau of Philip, 100 marks in his will        24
 BIRD       ChristopherDebden s of Philip, recd Amberden End land         24
 BIRD       Edward     Thaxted, witnessed will of Ralph Turner 1595       78
 BIRD       Edward     Debden s of Philip, recd Cobbyes/Wimbish land      24
 BIRD       George     Debden s of Philip, recd Woodwards/Bierstons Gro   24
 BIRD       Mary       Hatfield P?  3/4d in will of Jn Pilborough         59
 BIRD       Mary       Debden dau of Philip, 100 marks in his will        24
 BIRD       Philip     Debden gmn, will of 1592                           24
 BIRD       Thomas     Debden s of Philip, recd Brewettes & Walden land   24
 BIRD       William    Debden s of Philip, recd Walden properties         24
 BLACKE     John       s of sis of Jn Stanton, in line in his will        69
 BLACKE     Richard    s of sis of Jn Stanton, in line in his will        69
 BLADWYN    John       Castle Hdghm, witnessed will of Francis Glemham    44
 BLAKE      Alice      Billericay, w of Robt Blake                        26
 BLAKE      ChristopherLt Baddow, s of Richd Blake, executor of will      25
 BLAKE      Elizabeth  Gt Burstead, w of Humfrey, got Legges/Mylk Hall    25
 BLAKE      Elizabeth  sis-in-law of Humfrey Blake, 20/- in his will      25
 BLAKE      Ellen      Lt Baddow, wife of Richd Blake, h'hold goods &c    25
 BLAKE      Francis    Bro of Humfrey/Robt/John (in Robt's will)          26
 BLAKE      Giles      Lt Baddow, eldest son of Richard Blake             25
 BLAKE      Giles      Lt Baddow gmn, will overseer for Lawrence Broome   28
 BLAKE      Giles      Gentleman, relative of Humfrey B of Gt Burstead    25
 BLAKE      Humfrey    Gt Burstead gmn, his will 1598 (bros Jn & Robt)    25
 BLAKE      Humfrey    Wrote the will of Richd Blake in 1588              25
 BLAKE      John       Billericay, s of Robt, Hanningfield land in will   25
 BLAKE      John       Lt Baddow, brother of Richard Blake of Lt Baddow   25
 BLAKE      John       Gt Burstead,nephew of Humfrey,  21 in 1598         25
 BLAKE      John elder Bro of Humfrey B of Gt Burstead (& of Robt)        25
 BLAKE      Mabel      Cousin of Robt Blake, Billericay (100pds in will)  26
 BLAKE      Richard    Lt Baddow gmn, will of 1588                        25
 BLAKE      Robert     Billericay gmn, will of 1587 (bros Humfrey & Jn)   25
 BLAKE      Robert     Bro of Humfrey B of Gt Burstead                    25
 BLAKE      Thomas     Nephew of Humfrey B (? s of Giles B)               25
 BLAKE      Thomas     Lt Baddow, s of Richd Blake, 20 in 1588            25
 BLAKE      Vincent    Lt Baddow s of Richd B (mention in Robt's will)    26
 BLANCHARD  Beatrix    Barking, w of Wm B, silver salt in will Sam Stokes 71
 BLANCHARD  William    Barking vintner, name in will of Samuel Stokes     71
 BLOCKE     Isabel     London, wife of Richd Blocke                       50
 BLOCKE     Richard    London, ironmonger, main legatee of Thos Lathum    50
 BODE       Edward     Bro of Nicholas Marshall, cloak in will            51
 BODE       Edward     Bro of Wm Bode, to oversee his will.               26
 BODE       Frances    Gt Stambridge, dau of Wm Bode                      26
 BODE       John       Gt Stambridge, s of Wm Bode, 1/3 of lands          26
 BODE       Susan      Gt Stambridge, dau of Wm Bode, 2/3 of lands        26
 BODE       William    Gt Stambridge gmn, will 1591                       26
 BODE       William    Bro of Nich Marshall, to oversee will              51
 BOLTON     John       Mountnessing, witnessed will of Chas Traughton     75
 BONE                  Tollesbury tenant of Jn Mellowes                   53
 BONUM      Charles    Witham, holding a crossbow of Jn Songer            69
 BOTHE      Margery    Gt Horkesley, svt of Jn Roose, 6/8d in will        64
 BOULTWOOD  William    Given 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 BOWDELL    Lawrence   Thaxted, witnessed will of Ralph Turner 1595       78
 BOWDISHE   Margaret   Dau of Miles B, 5/- in will of Thos Pounsett       59
 BOWDISHE   Miles      Godson of Thos Pounsett, 10/- in his will          59
 BOWDISHE   Miles      Barking? Witnesswriter, will of Samuel Stokes 1584 71
 BOWEN      Thomasine  W Hanningfield, svt of Jn Elles, 10/- in his will  38
 BOWYTON    Richard    Gt Horkesley, svt of Jn Roose, 6/8d in his will    64
 BOYSE      Captain    Given 5pds in will of Robt Weston                  81
 BOYSE      Mistress   mother-i-law of Robt Weston, 2 angels in his will  81
 BOYSE      Robert     Br-i-law of Robt Weston, gelding in his will       81
 BOYTON     William    Walden ?  Witnessed will of Thos Ray 1594          62
 BRABYE     Anthony    Mile End hsbdmn, 6pds in will of Robt Glascock     44
 BRACKESTED Thomas     Colchester, s of Wm B, tenement ex Jane Rampstone  61
 BRACKESTED Thomas eld Nephew of Jane Rampstone, bedstead in her will     61
 BRACKESTED William    Colchester, nphw of Jane Rampstone, recd tenement  61
 BRADLEY    Robert     Dunton ? Witness to will of Jn Drywood, 1596       36
 BRADWELL   Jane       Sis of Richd Taverner of Upminster                 74
 BRAMPTON   Thomas     Chadwell ? Witness to will of Walter Darrell 1592  35
 BRATHWAYT  John       Witness to will of Richard Blake of Lt Baddow      25
 BRAUNCHE   Roger      Fryerning ?  Witnessed will of Wm Roydon 1571      65
 BREAME     Arthur     Halstead gmn, long will of 1601                    26
 BREAME     Jane       Halstead dau of Arthur Breame, m Garner pre 1601   26
 BRETTON    William    Horndon, annuity payable to Jn Drywood             36
 BREUERTON  Reynold    Romford?, 20pds from Jn Cartmell at age 21         30
 BRIAN      Richard    Finringhoe ymn, bro of wife of Wm Thimble          75
 BRIDGES    John       Overseer of will of Jn Elles (+ 3pds)              38
 BRIDGES    Thomas     Overseer of will of Jn Elles (+ 3pds)              38
 BRIDGIS    Thomas     Chelmsford, witnessed the will of Thos Knotte 1576 48
 BRISLEY    Anne       D of Grace Bartrige, 5pds willed by Jane Michell   53
 BRISLEY    Henry      Given 40/- in will of Jane Michell                 53
 BRISLEY    Jane       D of Grace Bartrige, 10pds willed by Jane Michell  53
 BRITTEN    Richard    Witness to will of Nicholas Chebborne 1585         31
 BROCKE     Richard    Executor of will of Jn Elles, 1588                 38
 BROCKE     Robert     Gmn, witnessed will of Jane Rampstone, 1567        61
 BROCKSHAM  Thomas     s of Wm B & godson of Thos Rawlins, in his will    61
 BROCKSHAM  William    Kinsman of Thos Rawlins of Rayleigh                61
 BRODDOCKE  John       Nevendon, tenant of Thos Pascall (Lunsses)         58
 BRODWATER  Nicholas   Rayleigh, overseer for Jn Semer's will 1559        67
 BRODWATER  Thomas     Rayleigh? Witnessed will of Thos Rawlins 1597      61
 BROMELIE   Thomas     Gt Dunmow, witnessed will of Jn Jennyns 1603       48
 BROMELY    Thomas     Marr Katherine Covylde, 1 dau at least             55
 BROMLY     Lewis      Overseer of will of John Maxye 1600                52
 BROOKE     Margaret   Aunt of Richd Taverner of Upminster                73
 BROOKE     Richard    Barking, svt of Thos Pounsett, 3/4d in his will    60
 BROOKE     Robert     Chrishall, sold open-field land to Thos Meade      52
 BROOME     Elizabeth  Lt Baddow, d of Lawrence, "young" in 1597          28
 BROOME     Lawrence   Lt Baddow gmn, will of 1597                        28
 BROOME     Mary       Lt Baddow, w of Lawrence, C Hedingham messuage     28
 BROOME     Susan      Lt Baddow, d of Lawrence, "young" in 1597          28
 BROTHERTON Roger      Gt Tey ?, witnessed will of Lawrence Chryssull     32
 BROUN      Richard    Romford ?, witnessed will of Jn Carewe 1564        29
 BROWEN     Joan       Dame, widow of Sir Anthony Browen                  41
 BROWN      Ralph      W Bergholt (?), witness to will of Wm Abell        20
 BROWN      Richard    s of Thomasine Brown, gift in will of Robt Northen 56
 BROWN      Thomasine  Gt Tey, dau of Robt Northen, a silver "nut" willed 56
 BROWNE     Anne       Sis of Wistan Browne, m Thos Perryn, 10pds in will 28
 BROWNE     Anthony    Elmstead esq, bro of Wistan Browne                 28
 BROWNE     Christian  Epping, mistress, demised CowLease Edmund Staunton 70
 BROWNE     Edward     London gmn, recd Rayleigh rent from Richd Geslyng  42
 BROWNE     Elizabeth  Elmstead, w of Anthony B, in will of Wistan Browne 28
 BROWNE     Elizabeth  Sis of Wistan Browne, m Thos Cheyney, given 10pds  28
 BROWNE     Henry      Debden, tenant of Davies in Amberden End (P Bird)  24
 BROWNE     Jane       Sis of Wistan Browne, m John Fyllal, 10pds in will 28
 BROWNE     John       Prittlewell? Witnessed will of Nicholas Marshall   51
 BROWNE     John       Given wedding ring in will of Thos Eyres           39
 BROWNE     John       Given 1/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 BROWNE     John       Gt Braxted gmn, bro of Wistan Browne of Colchester 28
 BROWNE     Mary       Sis of Wistan Browne, 10pds in his will            28
 BROWNE     Sybil      Married Jn Christmas gmn                           28
 BROWNE     Thomas     Witness to will of George Munnes of Fobbing 1580   54
 BROWNE     Thomas     Witham innholder, Dedham ho from Roger Vaughan     78
 BROWNE     Walter     London, to oversee will of Geo Raynsforde          62
 BROWNE     Westian    Colchester gmn, will of 1590                       28
 BROWNE     William    E Mersea? Witnessed the will of Edwd Lambard 1566  49
 BRUER      Bennet     Ashdon, dau of Joan B, stock/money ex Geo Munnes   54
 BRUER      Joan       Ashdon, w of Jn B, niece of Geo Munnes, 6pds       54
 BRUER      John       Ashdon, named in will of Geo Munnes                54
 BRYTHER               Aunt of Edmund Staunton, heifer in his will        70
 BUDD       Giles      Witness to will of Jn Colvyle, 1602                33
 BUGBEY     George     Tenant to Thos Tendringe, 2 b undisturbed for life 74
 BUGG       Edward     Bro-i-law of Andrew Larder, i/c Weald Hall lease   49
 BUGG       Margaret   Goddaughter of Andrew Larder, 40/- in his will     50
 BUGG       Martha     Dau of Edwd Bugg, 20/- in will of Andrew larder    50
 BUGG       Richard    Son of Edward Bugg                                 49
 BULLOCKE   Robert     Sold Bagges Croft 3ac to Ralph Turner of Thaxted   77
 BULLOCKE   William    Witness to will of Jn Cotton of Clavering          34
 BUMPSTED   Marcel     Epping? 3/4d in will of Edmund Staunton            71
 BUMPSTED   Sandryna   Epping? 3/4d in will of Edmund Staunton            71
 BUNNER     William    Earles Colne? Witnessed will of Robt Pyerson 1587  60
 BURDE      Ellen      Widow, witnessed addition to will Robt Blake 1588  26
 BURR       Thomas     Gt Bentley, tenant of Hy Berriff of C'chester      24
 BURTON     Richard    N Weald ? Witnessed will of Geo Raynsforde 1559    62
 BUTLER     Barbara    Epping? 3/4d in will of Edmund Staunton            71
 BUTLER     Erkenwald  Epping? 2/- in will of Edmund Staunton             71
 BUTLER     Margaret   Epping? 3/4d in will of Edmund Staunton            71
 BUXTONE    Mary       Colchester, sis of Thos, 20/- &c from Jn Latimer   50
 BUXTONE    Richard    Colchester, witnessed will of Jn Latimer 1575      50
 BUXTONE    Thomas     Colchester, jewelry in will of Jn Latimer          50
 BUXTONE    William    Colchester, bro of Thos, 20/- &c from Jn Latimer   50
 BYATT      Edward     Hatfield P?  Witnessed will of Jn Pilborough       59
 BYCKENER   Geoffrey   Gt Dunmow, witnessed will of Jn Jennyns 1603       48
 BYRD       Agnes      Earles Colne? D of Robt Pyerson, 2 pcs gold 20/-   60
 BYRD       Alice      Sis of Thos B, recd 20pds in his will              29
 BYRD       Andrew     Bro of Josias B, executor of his will              29
 BYRD       Anne       Sis of Thos B, recd 20pds in his will              29
 BYRD       Anne       Walden, sis of Josias, malt in his will, m Calton  29
 BYRD       ChristopherYoungest bro of Thos B, living in Walden ?         28
 BYRD       Cowper     Walden, sis of Josias, given malt in his will      29
 BYRD       Dorothy    Walden, sis of Josias, given malt in his will      29
 BYRD       Edward     Bro of Thos B, recd his books & 40pds in will      29
 BYRD       George     Gmn, 40/- in will of Rowland Eliot                 37
 BYRD       George     Bro of Thos B, living in Walden ?                  28
 BYRD       George     Owed Rowland Eliot 10/- for wheat                  38
 BYRD       Josias     Walden gmn, will of 1586, bro of Christopher B     29
 BYRD       Josias jnr Son of Samuel Byrd, in will of his uncle Josias    29
 BYRD       Margery    Wife of Christopher Byrd (Walden ?) nursed Josias  29
 BYRD       Mary       Sis of Thos B, recd 20pds in his will + his bed    29
 BYRD       Philip     Son of Andrew Byrd, 20/- from Josias B at age 21   29
 BYRD       Philip     Father of Thos Byrde (of Walden ?)                 28
 BYRD       Samuel     Bro of Josias Byrd, mention in his will            29
 BYRD       William    Eld son of Philip Byrd, Walden land from Thos B    29
 BYRDE      Thomas     Debden gmn, will of 1595, also land in Walden      28
 BYSHOPPE   Anthony    Lawford, witnessed will of Joan Waldegrave 1589    79
 BYTTENSON  Edward     Park land in will of Arthur Breame 1601, s-i-law   27
 BYTTENSON  Peter      Properties in will of Arthur Breame 1601, s-i-law  27
 BYTTENSON  Richard    s-in-law of Arthur Breame, got Abells manor &c     27
 CAMBER     John       Bro-i-law of Richd Geslyng, overseer of will       43
 CANNAM     Henry      Lt Clacton (?), 20/- in will of Thos Bageworth     21
 CANNAM     Thomas     Lt Clacton (?), s of Hy & godson of Thos Bageworth 21
 CANNON     Henry      Gt Hallingbury, overseer for will of Wm Beryffe    24
 CARELES    John       N Weald, svt of Andrew Larder, 26/8d in his will   50
 CAREWE     Edward     Bro of Jn Carewe of Romford, conditional legacy    29
 CAREWE     Edward     Romford, eld son of John Carewe                    29
 CAREWE     John       Romford gmn, will of 1564                          29
 CAREWE     John jnr   Romford, s of Jn Carewe, given Shenfield lands     29
 CARLTON    George     Eld son of Jn Carlton, gilt bowl/salt fm g/mother  53
 CARLTON    John       Theydon Garnon, eld s of Jane Michell, will exctr  53
 CARLTON    John ygr   Given 5pds in will of Jane Michell at 21           53
 CARLTON    Sibyl      Given 5pds in will of Jane Michell at 18           53
 CARLTON?   Avice      Wife of Francis C? bowl willed by Jane Michell     53
 CARLTON?   Francis    s of Jane Michell, 2xgilt tankard in her will      53
 CARR       Roger      Rayne rector, witnessed will of Vincent Sadler     65
 CARR       Thomas     Mention in will of Jn Cotton of Clavering          34
 CARROWE    Thomas     Gmn, witnessed will of Jn Carewe of Romford 1564   29
 CARTER     Anne       Foxearth, w of Thos C, reqd to bring up his chn    30
 CARTER     Henry      Epping?  Witness to will of Edmund Staunton 1574   71
 CARTER     John       Mention in will of Robt Blake of Billericay        26
 CARTER     Mary       w of John Carter, 6/- in will of Robt Blake        26
 CARTER     Thomas     Foxearth gmn, nuncupative will 1582                30
 CARTMELL   Audrey     Romford, w of Jn C, v detailed bequests his will   30
 CARTMELL   Dorothy    Romford, wife of Richd Cartmell                    31
 CARTMELL   Edward     Romford, s of Richd/Dorothy Cartmell,  21 in 1585  31
 CARTMELL   Elizabeth  Romford, d of Richd/Dorothy Cartmell,  21 in 1585  31
 CARTMELL   George     Romford, a son of Jn Cartmell, 20pds in his will   30
 CARTMELL   John       Romford (Wisdens) gmn, will 1577, proved 1578      30
 CARTMELL   John       Romford, s of Richd/Dorothy Cartmell,  21 in 1585  31
 CARTMELL   Parnell    Romford, s of Richd/Dorothy Cartmell,  21 in 1585  31
 CARTMELL   Richard    Romford, s of Jn C, residuary legatee              30
 CARTMELL   Richard    Romford gmn, will 1585 (prob s of Jn Cartmell)     31
 CATEMER    Robert     Given 10/- in will of Wm Bode of Gt Stambridge     26
 CAWFELD    Anne       Wife's sister's dau, 5/- from Jn Stanton's will    69
 CAWSONNE   Philip     Cousin of Thos Bageworth, given roan in his will   21
 CHAMPNES   Parnell    Bradwell widow, sis of Wm Thimble, 40/- pa 4 life  75
 CHAPLEIN   William    St Osyth ? Witnessed will of Jn Sandon 1582        67
 CHAPMAN    Edmund Dr  Dedham preacher, name in Roger Vaughan will        78
 CHAPPELL   Thomas     Wanstead?  Witnessed will of Thomas Lord 1576      51
 CHASER     Nicholas   Feering, owed 26/- to Jn Weston (his will)         80
 CHAUNCY    Robeert    Stanford Rivers? Witnessed will of Jn Stanton 1559 70
 CHAUNCYE   Francis    Gmn, witnessed will of Jn Carewe of Romford 1564   29
 CHEAPE     Thomas     Witness to will of Robt Glascock 1595              44
 CHEBBORNE  Agnes      Sis of Nicholas C, 40/- from his will              31
 CHEBBORNE  Anne       Sis of Nicholas C, recd bed/covering/chest         31
 CHEBBORNE  ChristopherBro of Nicholas C, 10 chn alive in 1585            31
 CHEBBORNE  Elizabeth  dau of Mathew Chebborne (will of Nicholas C)       31
 CHEBBORNE  Humphrey   Bro of Nicholas C (spelt Umphray, Umphrye)         31
 CHEBBORNE  Mathew     Bro of Nicholas C                                  31
 CHEBBORNE  Nicholas   Messing gmn, will of 1585                          31
 CHEVELEY   Jane       Mother of Edwd Wyott, 20/- in his will to her      83
 CHEVELEY   Mary       Sis of Edwd Wyott, 10/- in his will                83
 CHEVELEY   Nicholas   Bro of Edwd Wyatt, 13pds 6/6 in his will           83
 CHEVELEY   Rebecca    dau of Nicholas C, 10pds in will of Edwd Wyott     83
 CHEVELEY   Thomas     son of Nicholas C, 10pds in will of Edwd Wyott     83
 CHEVELEY   Thomas     Gmn, supervisor of will of Andrew Larder 1592      50
 CHEVELEY   Thomas     Gmn, overseer of will of Jane Michell, 20/-        53
 CHEVELEY   Thomas     F-i-law of Edwd Wyott, to hold legacies to 21 yrs  83
 CHEYNALL   Thomas     Married Elizabeth Browne of Colchester             28
 CHEYNEY    Tabitha    Cousin of Rowland Eliot, 100/- in his will         37
 CHIBBORNE  Charles    To bring up Amy Weston  21 or marriage + a gelding 81
 CHISHALL   Elizabeth  Named executor of will, Richd Greene Gt Bardfield  45
 CHISHALL   Giles      s of Elizabeth C, executor of will, Richd Greene   45
 CHISHULL   Agnes      Bardfield Saling, wife of Edward C, sole legatee   31
 CHISHULL   Edward     Bardfield Saling gmn, will of 1588                 31
 CHRISTMAS  John       m Sybil Browne, witness to will of Wistan Browne   28
 CHRISTMAS  Richard    Layer Marney, tenant of Robt Weston (11pds pa)     80
 CHURCH     Mistress   Mother of Jn Drywood of Dunton                     35
 CHURCH     William    Witness to will of Jn Colvyle, 1602                33
 CHURCHE    Charles    Runwell, s of Jn Churche, given Southlands Farm    32
 CHURCHE    Daniel     Gt Bromley, s of Wm C, 5pds in will of Wm Berriff  24
 CHURCHE    Edmund     Runwell, ygr s of Jn C, given Gt Park Takeley &c   32
 CHURCHE    Francis    Cousin of Jn Churche, 20/- & 20 lambs in will      32
 CHURCHE    John       Runwell Hall gmn, will of 1578                     32
 CHURCHE    Margaret   Runwell Hall, wife of Jn Churche                   32
 CHURCHE    Martha     Runwell, dau of Jn C, m to a Reade                 32
 CHURCHE    Thomas     Runwell Hall, tenant of Geo White                  82
 CHURCHE    Thomas     Runwell Hall, s of Jn C, residuary legatee         32
 CHURCHE    Thomasine  Maid of Edwd Wyott's mother, 6/8d in his will      83
 CHURCHE    William    Gt Bromley (mention in will of Wm Berriff 1602)    24
 CHYSSULL   Agnes      Gt Tey, wife of Lawrence C, given most of goods    32
 CHYSSULL   Lawrence   Gt Tey gmn, numcupative will, buried 1593          32
 CHYSSULL   Winifred   dau of bro of Lawrence Chryssull of Gt Tey         32
 CLADEN     Charles    Witnessed will of Thos Byrde of Debden             29
 CLARCKE    Elizabeth  Mrs, 5/- in will of John Maxye                     52
 CLARK      John       N Weald, svt of Andrew Larder, 26/8d in his will   50
 CLARKE                Barking? Witness to will of Samuel Stokes 1584     71
 CLARKE     Anne       d of Thos Clarke & Anne Osborne, 40/- from Wm O    57
 CLARKE     James      s of Thos Clarke & Anne Osborne, 40/- from Wm O    57
 CLARKE     Mary       Niece of Richd Taverner, 50pds in his will         74
 CLARKE     Mother     Stanford Rivers? Widow, 12d from Jn Stanton's will 69
 CLARKE     Nicholas   Danbury, tenant of Thos Lord                       50
 CLARKE     Roosse     Given 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 CLARKE     Thomas     s-i-law of Wm Osborne                              57
 CLARKE     William    s of Thos Clarke & Anne Osborne, 40/- from Wm O    57
 CLEATON    Margaret   Witness to the will of Wm Rooke of Upton (WHam)    64
 CLERKE     Abel       Sold W Hanningfield land to Robt Blake of B'cay    25
 CLIBERYE   William    Halstead vicar 1560-90                             27
 CLIBERYE   William    Halstead vicar, 2/- in will of Jn Hunwicke         47
 CLOPTON    Anne       Prob g/dau of Joan Waldegrave, 40/- pa in will     79
 COCKERELL  Thomas     W Bergholt (?), witness to will of Wm Abell        20
 COCKSALL   John       Halstead gmn, alternate legatee of Arthur Breame   27
 COGGESHALL Elizabeth  Halstead, 1st w of Jn C, several children          33
 COGGESHALL John elder Halstead gmn, will of Dec,1600, proved Jan 1601    33
 COGGESHALL John elder Halstead, s of Jn C & Elizabeth                    33
 COGGESHALL John ygr   Halstead, s of Jn Coggesahll & 2nd wife            33
 COGGESHALL Katherine  Halstead, 2nd wife of Jn C.                        33
 COGGESHALL Katherine  Dau of Jn C & Elizabeth                            33
 COGGESHALL Richard    Halstead, s of Jn C by first wife                  33
 COGGESHALL*Anne       Dau of Katherine nee Coggeshall - surname unknown  33
 COGGESHALL*John       Son of Katherine nee Coggeshall - surname unknown  33
 COGGESHALL*Katherine  Dau of Katherine nee Coggeshall - surname unknown  33
 COGGESHALL*Susan      Dau of Katherine nee Coggeshall - surname unknown  33
 COGGESHALL*Thomas     Son of Katherine nee Coggeshall - surname unknown  33
 COGGESHALL*William    Son of Katherine nee Coggeshall - surname unknown  33
 COKERYLL   Robert     Witness to will of Cecily Barnyshe, 1563           23
 COLE       William    Colchester dyer, tenant of house of Robt Northen   56
 COLEMAN    Robert     Cousin of Robt Fremlinge, gmn, exectr of his will  41
 COLLEY     Giles      Scribe/witness to will of Jn Colvyle, 1602         33
 COLLINS    ChristopherGiven 3/4d in will of Hy Harleston                 46
 COLLINS    Edward     Father of Wm Collins, mention in will Hy Harleston 46
 COLLINS    Margaret   S Ockendon, wife of Wm C, resid Harleston legatee  46
 COLLINS    Thomas     Given ring with red stone, will of Thos Eyres      39
 COLLINS    William    s of Edwd Collins, 3/4d in will of Hy Harleston    46
 COLLYN     Henry      Chickney, f-i-law of Ralph Turner                  77
 COLLYN     John       s of Hy Collyn, to bring up Ralph Turner  21       77
 COLLYN     John       Broxted Hall, bro of Hy Collyn of Chickney         77
 COLLYN     Thomas     Witness of will of Thos Eyres (=Collins?)          39
 COLLYN     William    s of Hy Collyn ? To bring up Wm Turner of Thaxted  77
 COLMAN     Edward     H'hold goods in will of Edwd Lambard at age 24     49
 COLMAN     Mary       dau of wife of Arthur Breame                       27
 COLVYLE    Anne       Brentwood, dau of Jn Colvyle, 20pds in his will    33
 COLVYLE    Elizabeth  Brentwood, w of Jn C, 10pds pa ex Swan Inn         33
 COLVYLE    John       Brentwood gmn, will Nov 1602. Bro + 2 sisters      33
 COLVYLE    John ygr   Brentwood, s of Jn C, given lands in Ingrave       33
 COLVYLE    Mary       Brentwood, dau of Jn Colvyle, 20pds in his will    33
 COMPORTE   John       Romford ? Witnessed/wrote will of Wm Sendy 1575    68
 COOKE      Anthony    Knight                                             41
 COOKE      Robert     Bocking, name in will of Thos Smith of Shalford    68
 COOKE      Samuel     Mention in will of Thos Meade of Chrishall         52
 COPPYN     John       Halstead ?  Witnessed will of Francis Gillam 1580  65
 COPWOOD               Named as cousin by Arthur Breame of Halstead       27
 CORBETT    Thomas     Dr of Divinity overseer of will of Robt Weston     81
 CORMOTH    John       N Weald vicar, witnessed will of Geo Raynsforde    62
 CORNEWELL  Bennet     s of Elizabeth (nee) Barnyshe                      22
 COTTON     Alice      Clavering, dau of Robt Cotton, 100mks in will      33
 COTTON     Ann        Clavering, dau of Robt Cotton, 100mks in will      33
 COTTON     Edmund     Godson of Jn Sandon, silver spoon in his will      66
 COTTON     Edmund     Clavering, s of Jn Cotton                          34
 COTTON     John       Given 10pds in will of Wm Filloll at age 21        40
 COTTON     Lettice    Clavering, w of Robt C, 18yr rents from farm       33
 COTTON     Margaret   Clavering, dau of Robt Cotton, 100mks in will      33
 COTTON     Mary       Clavering, dau of Robt Cotton, 100mks in will      33
 COTTON     Nicholas   Romford ? Tenant of Marcelyn Halles. Witness       45
 COTTON     Philippa   Clavering, dau of Robt Cotton, 100pds + lands      33
 COTTON     Priscilla  dau of Thos Tendringe, 5pd annuity                 74
 COTTON     Richard    Witness to will of Richd Cartmell, 1585            31
 COTTON     Richard    Given a bullock in the will of Wm Filloll          40
 COTTON     Robert     Clavering gmn, will of 1566                        33
 COTTON     Robert     Gmn, supervisor of the will of Jn Sandon 1582      67
 COTTON     Robert     s-i-law of Thos Tendringe, will supervisor, plate  74
 COUNSLEY   John       Writer/witness of will of Jn Pilborough 1603       59
 COUSEN     John       Sold lands in Heydon, Chrisall &c to Thos Meade    52
 COVYLDE               1st hsbd of Alice Nicolls, chn Jas/Margt/Lewis &c  55
 COVYLDE    Dorcas     Share of Copt Hall income, will of Alice Nicolls   55
 COVYLDE    James      Share of Copt Hall income, will of Alice Nicolls   55
 COVYLDE    Joan       Share of Copt Hall income, will of Alice Nicolls   55
 COVYLDE    Katherine  Share of Copt Hall income, will of Alice Nicolls   55
 COVYLDE    Lewis      Share of Copt Hall income, will of Alice Nicolls   55
 COVYLDE    Margaret   Share of Copt Hall income, will of Alice Nicolls   55
 COWLMAN    Edward     Prittlewell, svt of Nich Marshall, money+clothing  51
 COWPER     Elizabeth  Clacton ? w of Jn Cowper, 60pds in will Jn Stubbes 72
 COWPER     John       Clacton ? Name in will of Jn Stubbes (struck out)  72
 COWPER     William    W Ham, svt of Wm Rooke, land/house in W Ham        63
 COWPERCE              Lawford, his wife a kercher, will Joan Waldegrave  79
 CRACHEROOD Elizabeth  Toppesfield, widow of Wm C, gmn, her will 1588     34
 CRACHEROOD John       Toppesfield, s of Eliz & Wm C, execs of her will   35
 CRACHEROOD Matthew    Toppesfield, s of Eliz & Wm C, execs of her will   35
 CRACHEROOD Thomas     Toppesfield, eld s of Eliz C, land in her will     34
 CRACHEROOD Thomas     Toppesfield, ygst s of Eliz C, nr Stoke next Clare 34
 CRACHEROOD William    Toppesfield gmn, died pre-1588                     34
 CRACHEROOD William    Toppesfield, s of Eliz & Wm C, execs of her will   35
 CRANFORD   William    Godson of Wm Filloll, steer bullock in his will    40
 CRECHROODE John       Gt Tey ?, given best cloak by Lawrence Chryssull   32
 CRECHROODE Matthew    Gt Tey ?, given gold ring by Lawrence Chryssull    32
 CRECHROODE Thomas     Gt Tey ?, given 3rd cloak by Lawrence Chryssull    32
 CRECHROODE William    Gt Tey ?, given 2nd cloak by Lawrence Chryssull    32
 CRESTENEEREJohn       Esq, executor of will of Jn Gaywood                42
 CRIAMS     Katherine  Mountnessing, witnessed will of Chas Traughton     75
 CROFT      James      Walden notary, witnessed will of Josias Byrd 1586  29
 CROFT      James      Walden notary, witnessed will of Thos Ray 1594     62
 CROMER     Anthony    Knight, decd pre-1567, agreement with Jn Fowlar    40
 CROSSE     John       Shalford ? Witnessed will of Thos Smith 1587       68
 CROWCHE    William    Gt Bentley? Witnessed will of Jn Meridale 1592     53
 CROWDER    William    Orsett curate, 5/- in will of Richd Raystell       62
 CROYDON    Nicholas   St Osyth ? Witnessed will of Jn Sandon 1582        67
 CULVERTON  Joan       Earles Colne, dau of Thos Culverton                60
 CULVERTON  Thomas     Earles Colne, decd by 1587, Robt Pyerson an exctr  60
 CULVERTON  Thomasine  Earles Colne, dau of Thos Culverton                60
 CUNNY      George     Given 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 CUTBERDE   Richard    Sible Hedingham, owed Jn Hunwicke 10 pds           47
 DANIEL     William    Witness to will of Wm Berriff of Colchester        24
 DARBY      Richard    Witness to will of Robt Fremlinge, 1596            41
 DARRELL    Dorothy    Chadwell, wife of Walter D, recd goods/plate etc   35
 DARRELL    Margaret   Chadwell ? Witness to will of Walter Darrell 1592  35
 DARRELL    Walter     Chadwell gmn, will of Dec 1592, proved Jan 1593    35
 DAVYE      Agnes      Thaxted Cutlers Grn, w of Jn Davye                 78
 DAVYE      John       Thaxted Cutlers Grn, sold land to Ralph Turner     78
 DAWBENEY   William    Given 40/-, sword/dagger/cloak  &c by Saml Stokes  71
 DAWSON     Robert     W Ham gmn, 5pds pa ex Wm Rooke   poor of W Ham     63
 DAYE       Nicholas   Witham, witnessed will of Hy Songer 1569           69
 DENISONE   Robert     Dedham, witnessed will of Roger Vaughan 1602       78
 DENTONE    Alexander  Given 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 DIBNEY     William    W Bergholt (?), witness to will of Wm Abell        20
 DOBSON     Ellis      Rayleigh? Witnessed will of Thos Rawlins 1597      61
 DOD        Wilfred    Witnessed the will of Edwd Wyott 1585              83
 DOE        George     Godson of Geo Munnes, 10/- in his will             54
 DOWBLEDAY  Edward     Lt Baddow ?, notary, witness to Broome will 1597   28
 DOWCETT    John       Lt Hallingbury, 60pds in will of Rowland Eliot     37
 DOWNAM     Robert     Given 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 DOWNEHAM   Richard    Shellow Bowells, witness will of Stephen Sampford  66
 DRAKE      William    Brightlingsea?  Witnessed will of Hugh Nevill 1602 55
 DRYPPE     Anne       Niece of Richd Geslyng, a cypress chest (Trippe?)  43
 DRYWOOD    Elizabeth  Dunton, wife of John D, many leases for life       35
 DRYWOOD    Frances    Sister of Jn Drywood of Dunton                     35
 DRYWOOD    George     bro-i-law of Richd Raystell, 20/- in his will      62
 DRYWOOD    George     Dunton, elder s of John D,  21 in 1596             35
 DRYWOOD    George     Uncle of Jn Drywood of Dunton, 10/- in his will    35
 DRYWOOD    John       Dunton gmn, will June 1596, proved Dec 1597        35
 DRYWOOD    John       Gt Warley gmn, will 1601 in mother's house, v sick 36
 DRYWOOD    John       Dunton, ygr s of John D,  21 in 1596               35
 DRYWOOD    Katharine  Dunton, dau of Jn Drywood, 400pds at age 18        35
 DRYWOOD    Lewis      Warley ? Witnessed will of Jn Drywood of Gt Warley 36
 DRYWOOD    Robert     bro-i-law of Richd Raystell, 20/- in his will      62
 DRYWOOD    Susan      Dunton, dau of Jn Drywood, 400pds at age 18        35
 DRYWOOD    Thomas     bro-i-law of Richd Raystell, 20/- in his will      62
 DRYWOOD    Thomas     Warley ? Witnessed will of Jn Drywood of Gt Warley 36
 DRYWOOD    Thomas     Uncle of Jn Drywood of Dunton, 10/- in his will    35
 DRYWOOD    Thomasine  Sister of Jn Drywood of Dunton                     35
 DRYWOOD    Thomasine  Dunton, dau of Jn Drywood, 400pds at age 18        35
 DRYWOOD    William    Uncle of Jn Drywood of Dunton, 10pds in his will   35
 DRYWOOD    William    Cousin of Jn D, his tenant in Fobbing/Vange        36
 DYER       Margaret   Witham, w of Richd D & cousin of Geo Munnes, 6pds  54
 DYER       Nichals    Owed 5pds to Rowland Eliot (Eliot's will)          38
 DYER       Richard    Witham clothworker                                 54
 EDLYN      Richard    Orsett ? Witnessed will of Richd Raystell          63
 EDMONDS    Mary       aka Mary Lawson                                    51
 EDWARD     James      Toppesfield, witness to will of Eliz Cracherood    35
 EDWARD     William    Toppesfield, witness to will of Eliz Cracherood    35
 EDWARDES   Anne       Lawford, clothing in will of Joan Waldegrave       79
 EDWARDES   George     Lawford, named in will of Joan Waldegrave          79
 EDWARDES   Henry      Bright'sea, witnessed will of Wm Thimble 1590      75
 EDWARDS    Richard    Gt Waltham, tenant of Hugh Nevill (& Downham)      55
 EDWARDS    Walter     Witness to the will of Wm Rooke of Upton (WHam)    64
 ELDERTON   Agnes      Hatfield Bd Oak, svt of Edwd Barfoot, gift in will 22
 ELIOT      Abraham    Cousin of Rowland Eliot, bro of Jn, 100/- in will  37
 ELIOT      Anne       Farnham, wife of Rowland Eliot                     36
 ELIOT      Austin     Eld son of George Eliot, will of Rowland Eliot     36
 ELIOT      Edward     Bro of Rowland Eliot, given lease of Earlsbury     37
 ELIOT      Edward     Ygr son of George Eliot, will of Rowland Eliot     36
 ELIOT      George     London, cousin of Rowland Eliot, 100/- in will     37
 ELIOT      George     2nd son of George Eliot, will of Rowland Eliot     36
 ELIOT      George     Bro of Rowland Eliot of Farnham, recd Walkefare    36
 ELIOT      John       Albury Herts, cousin of Rowland Eliot, given 100/- 37
 ELIOT      John       Bro of Rowland Eliot, sold Rowland Walkefare Manor 36
 ELIOT      Rowland    Farnham gmn, will 1576, proved Nov 1576            36
 ELLES      Anne       W Hanningfield, dau of Jn Elles, 80pds at age 20   38
 ELLES      Bridget    W Hanningfield, dau of Jn Elles, 80pds at age 20   38
 ELLES      Charles    W Hanningfield, s of Jn Elles, 63pds at 23         38
 ELLES      Edmund     W Hanningfield, s of Jn Elles, 63pds at 23         38
 ELLES      Jane       W Hanningfield, dau of Jn Elles, 100pds at age 20  38
 ELLES      Joan       W Hanningfield, wife of John E                     38
 ELLES      John       W Hanningfield gmn, will Mar 1588, proved May 1588 38
 ELLES      John jr    W Hanningfield, s of Jn Elles, 63pds at 23         38
 ELLES      Philippa   W Hanningfield, dau of Jn Elles, 100pds at age 20  38
 ELLES      Richard    Bro of Jn Elles (W H'field) 40/- pa for life       38
 ELLET      John       St Osyth, hsbd of Sarah E.                         75
 ELLET      Sarah      St Osyth, kin of Wm Thimble, w of Jn E, will 26/8  75
 ELLIOTE    John       Witness to will of Humfrey Blake of Gt Burstead    25
 ELMER                 dau of Aunt Bryther & cousin of Edmund Staunton    70
 ELYOTT     Walter     Pitsea, Bowers Gifford? Tenant of Wm Pascall.      58
 EMERY      Anne       Thaxted, dau of Richd E, 30pds + bed etc in will   38
 EMERY      Henry      Thaxted, s of Richd E, 13pds at age 20             38
 EMERY      Isabel     Thaxted, wife of Richd Emery, houses/land   10yrs  38
 EMERY      Jane       Thaxted, dau of Richd E, 30pds + bed etc in will   38
 EMERY      John       Thaxted, s of Richd E, 13pds at age 20             38
 EMERY      Lettice    Thaxted, dau of Richd E, 30pds + bed etc in will   38
 EMERY      Richard    Thaxted gmn, will March 1576 proved June 1576      38
 EMERY      Robert     Thaxted, s of Richd Emery, jt executor of will     38
 EMERY      Thomas     Thaxted, s of Richd E, 13pds at age 20             38
 EMERY      Thomas     Boreham, witnessed will of Thos Tendringe 1603     74
 ENGLEDEWE  John       Given 20/- in will of Nicholas Marshall            51
 ENNYVER    William    Much Easton, holding Blamsters of Jn Jennyns       48
 ERINGTON   Anthony    Horndon on the Hill gmn, will 1582, proved 1582    39
 ERINGTON   Margery    Horndon on the Hill, wife of Anthony E             39
 ESTYE      Henry      Stanford Rvrs, valued Jn Stanton's stock for sale  70
 ESWELL     Nicholas   Gave an annuity to Philip Bird of Debden           24
 EVANS      Hercules   Given 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 EVERED     John       Brightlingsea, rented property fm Wm Beryffe       23
 EVERETT    John       Orsett, svt of Rich Raystell, 5/- in his will      62
 EYRES      Henry      S of Robt Eyres, 30pds in will of Thos Eyres 1575  39
 EYRES      John       S of Robt Eyres, 30pds in will of Thos Eyres 1575  39
 EYRES      John       Rochford, base son of Thos Eyres, 20pds in will    39
 EYRES      Robert     Bro of Thos Eyres of Rochford                      39
 EYRES      Samuel     S of Robt Eyres, 30pds in will of Thos Eyres 1575  39
 EYRES      Thomas     Rochford gmn, will Aug 1575, proved Nov 1575       39
 EYRES      Thomas     S of Robt Eyres, 30pds in will of Thos Eyres 1575  39
 EYRES      William    S of Robt Eyres, 30pds in will of Thos Eyres 1575  39
 EYRES      Zachary    S of Robt Eyres, 30pds in will of Thos Eyres 1575  39
 FARMERIE   John       Chelmsford, witnessed the will of Thos Knotte 1576 48
 FARR       Arthur     Gt Burstead, s of Richd F, lease of Traversdown    39
 FARR       Francis    Gt Burstead, 2nd s of Richd F, lease of Snackles   39
 FARR       Henry      Gt Burstead, eld s of Richd F, Manor of W'house &c 39
 FARR       Henry elderBro of Richd Farr of Gt Burstead, will overseer    40
 FARR       Richard    Gt Burstead gmn, will 1594                         39
 FARR       Richard jr Gt Burstead, s of Richd F, lease of Cranes Bridge  39
 FARR       Ursula     Gt Burstead, wife of Richd F, goods till chn 21    39
 FARR       Walter     Gt Burstead, s of Richd F, lease of Old Hall Downs 39
 FARR       Zachariah  Runwell, witnessed will of David Sympson 1594      73
 FEARN      John       Witnessed the will of Geo White of Hutton Hall     82
 FELLOWE    Isabel     Stanford Rvrs, svt of Jn Stanton, ewe/lamb in will 69
 FELTON     Mistress   Mother of Edmund Staunton, death's head ring       71
 FENNELL    George     Godson of Geo Munnes, 10/- in his will             54
 FERMER     Mary       Mistress, given watch in will of Edwd Smith        68
 FERRINGE   William    Stondon? Witnessed Reynold Hollingworth will 1573  47
 FILLOLL    Edward     Kelvedon, eld s of Wm F, 20pds in his will         40
 FILLOLL    Grace      Kelvedon, dau of Wm Filloll, 20pds at marriage     40
 FILLOLL    Henry      Kelvedon, son of Wm F, 20pds in his will           40
 FILLOLL    John       Son of bro of Wm Fillol, Kelvedon, 20 mks in will  40
 FILLOLL    Katherine  Kelvedon, wife of Wm Filloll, residuary legatee    40
 FILLOLL    Mary       Kelvedon, dau of Wm Filloll, 20pds at marriage     40
 FILLOLL    William    Kelvedon gmn, will Jan 1569 proved March 1569      40
 FINCHE     Richard    Stanford Rivers tenant of Jn Stanton, wheat/coat   69
 FINCHE     Robert     Stanford Rivers tenant of Jn Stanton, wheat/coat   69
 FINTNOR    John       Witness of will of Jn Mellowes of Lt Totham        53
 FIRMYN     William    Foxearth, witness to will of Thos Carter 1582      30
 FISHER     Grace      Bright'sea, svt of Wm Thimble, 10/-                75
 FLEMING    Simon      Debden, tenant in Church End (of Philip Bird)      24
 FLEMYSH    James      Gt Easton, witnessed will of Alice Nicolls 1569    55
 FLORY      Peter      Witness to will of Thos Baron of Alboro Hatch      23
 FLOWER     William    Given 26/8 in will of Nicholas Chebborne           31
 FLOWERDEWE Thomas     Godson of Thos Rawlins, Rayleigh lands in will     61
 FLUD       Margaret   Colchester widow, willed land   Wm Abell           20
 FLUDD      John       Colchester, witnessed will of Jeffrey Veere 1572   79
 FOSTER     Lionel     Gt Tey vicar, witnessed will of Robt Northen 1588  56
 FOSTER     Thomas     s of Lionel Foster, ewe/lamb in Robt Northen will  56
 FOWLAR     John       Romford (Malardes Grn) gmn, will 1567, proved 1568 40
 FOWLAR     Thomas     London barber, 10pds in will of Jn Fowlar          41
 FOWLER     John       Hornchurch gmn, exectr of will of Marcelyn Halles  46
 FOXE       Richard    W Bergholt (?), witness to will of Wm Abell        20
 FRANCIS    John       Given 5pds in will of Jane Michell at 21           53
 FRANCKLEYN Thomas     Scribe, witness to will of Jn Coggeshall 1600      33
 FRANCYS    Thomas     Prittlewell? Witnessed will of Nicholas Marshall   51
 FRANKE     Josias     Terling, mention in will of Robt Blake, Billericay 26
 FRANKELINGEThomas     Rented house/land from Thos Byrde                  29
 FRANKLINGE Thomas     Walden, tenant of Philip Bird                      24
 FREEBODIE  John       Cranham, witnessed will of Thos Wigenton, 1603     83
 FREMLINGE  Elizabeth  Romford, dau of Robt F                             41
 FREMLINGE  Elizabeth  Romford, wife of Robt F                            41
 FREMLINGE  Joan       Romford, dau of Robt F, 20pds at age 20            41
 FREMLINGE  John       Romford, s of Robt F, 20pds at 23                  41
 FREMLINGE  Robert     Romford gmn, will of Nov 1596 proved Jan 1597      41
 FREMLINGE  Thomas     Bro of Robt F, gmn, executor of his will           41
 FREMLINGE  Thomas     Romford, s of Robt F, 20pds at 23                  41
 FRENCH     Thomas     Halstead gmn, alternate legatee of Arthur Breame   27
 FRENCHE    Thomas     Witness to will of Jn Coggeshall 1600              33
 FREVYLE    Thomas     Witness to deed of Francis Gill 1595               43
 FULLER     Charles    Given 5/- in will of Jn Churche                    32
 FULLER     Edward     Stanford Rvrs, executor of will of Jn Stanton 1559 70
 FULLWOODE  Cecily     Widow, s of Marcelyn Halles, rent of Gilles Epping 46
 FURBUSHER  William    aka Turner, prob of Thaxted.                       77
 FURNER     Anne       Halstead, 5pds @ marriage in will of Arthur Breame 27
 FURNER     Elizabeth  dau of wife of Arthur Breame                       27
 FUSTADYNE             Epping? 3/4d in will of Edmund Staunton            70
 FYLLAL     John       Married Jane Browne of Colchester                  28
 GALL       Thomas     Notary, witness to will, Wm Rooke of Upton (WHam)  64
 GARDNER    John       Lt Burstead, witness to will of Richd Jeffrey 1603 48
 GARNER     Thomas     s-in-law of Arthur Breame, recd Boyes/Burnes Halls 27
 GASE       John       Sold Thaxted messuage   Ralph Turner. Decd by 1595 77
 GATHORNE   John       Friend of Richd Taverner, will overseer, seal ring 73
 GATTES     William    Halstead, also witness to will of Francis Gillam   66
 GAYWOOD    Elizabeth  Maldon, wife of Jn Gaywood, recd Kyngseye in will  41
 GAYWOOD    Joan       Given 6/8d pa for life in will of Jn Gaywood       42
 GAYWOOD    John       Maldon gmn, will of 1561, proved 1562              41
 GEFFREY    Agnes      Barking, svt of Thos Pounsett, 3/4d in his will    59
 GELSTONE   Jeffery    Stanford Rvrs, svt of Jn Stanton, 4d in will       69
 GENTE      Thomas     Supervisor/witness, will of Jn Cotton of Clavering 34
 GEORGE     Thomas     Witnessed will of Rice Apowen 1597                 20
 GESLYNG    Avice      E Tilbury, wife of Richd Geslyng, 10pds pa in will 42
 GESLYNG    Elizabeth  Dau of Richd Geslyng, married by 1589              43
 GESLYNG    George     E Tilbury, s of Richd G, new table setting in will 43
 GESLYNG    Isaac      E Tilbury, s of Richd G, wife to care for him      43
 GESLYNG    Isabel     E Tilbury, dau of Richd G, 40pds at 21 in will     43
 GESLYNG    Richard    E Tilbury gmn, will Sept 1589, proved November     42
 GESLYNG    Richard jr E Tilbury, son of Rich Gesling & Avice             42
 GIBSON     Walter     Upminster, svt of Richd Taverner, best doublet     74
 GILBYN                N Weald tenant of Jn Stanton, 1/2 bushel wheat     69
 GILL       Edward     Anstey Herts, recd goods of Francis G by deed 1595 43
 GILL       Francis    Heydon gmn, deed to tfr goods   Hamonde/Gill 1595  43
 GILL       John       Dunton ? Witness to will of Jn Drywood, 1596       36
 GILL       John       Feering, svt of Jn Weston, best coat in his will   80
 GILL       William    Witness to will of Jn Colvyle, 1602                33
 GILLAM     Alice      Halstead, dau of Francis G, 20pds in his will      65
 GILLAM     Francis    Halstead gmn will 1580 (aka Salparwyk), proved '81 65
 GILLAM     Joan       Halstead, w of Francis G, goods & part meadows     65
 GILLAM     Joan       Halstead, dau of Francis G, 50pds in his will      65
 GILLAM     John       Halstead, s of Francis G, land in Parsonage Meadow 65
 GLADWYN    John       N Weald ? Witnessed will of Geo Raynsforde 1559    62
 GLASCOCK   Anne       2nd wife of Robt G, prob previously Wright         44
 GLASCOCK   Frances    Manningtree, 1st w of Robt G, buried @ Mistley     43
 GLASCOCK   Richard    London haberdasher, bro of Robt (Manningtree) ?    44
 GLASCOCK   Robert     Manningtree gmn, will Feb 1596 proved April        43
 GLEMHAM    Francis    Castle Hedingham gmn, will 1567, proved 1568       44
 GLEMHAM    Lettice    Castle Hdghm, wife of Francis G, messuage/lands    44
 GODARD     Thomas     Bright'sea, sold meadow to Hy Thimble              75
 GONSON     Mr         Given 2 angels in will of Edward Lambard           49
 GOOD       Nevell     E Tilbury, witness to will of Geo Abbott 1580      20
 GOOD       Nevill     Satin doublet & velvet hose from Nicholas Marshall 51
 GOODDAY    Robert     Marr Joan Covylde                                  55
 GORE       Sarah      S Ockendon, 12d in will of Hy Harleston            46
 GOULSTONE  Richard    Cousin of Thos Rawlins, his chn in Thos' will      61
 GOWER      Thomas     Shellow Bowells, witness will of Stephen Sampford  66
 GRATE      John ygr   Farnham ? Witness to will of Rowland Eliot 1576    37
 GRAVE      Richard    Farnham ? Witness to will of Rowland Eliot 1576    37
 GRAVELINGE Agnes      Barking, svt of Thos Pounsett, 6/8d in his will    59
 GRAVELINGE Thomas     Barking, witnessed will of Thos Pounsett           60
 GRAY       George     Manuden, owed Rowland Eliot 15/- for wood/grass    38
 GRAYFORDE  Richard    Bro of Jn Stanton of Stanford Rivers, gmn          70
 GREENE     Alice      Shelley, (married) dau of Jn G, 10pds in will      45
 GREENE     Elizabeth  Shelley, (married) dau of Jn G, 40/- ea   her chn  45
 GREENE     Francis    Given 2 calves in will of Jn Churche of Runwell    32
 GREENE     Joan       Shelley, (m'd) dau of Jn G, 10pds + 40/- ea   chn  45
 GREENE     John       Shelley, eld s of Jn G, perhaps decd pre-1594      45
 GREENE     John       Shelley gmn, will Sept 1594 proved Dec, v wealthy  44
 GREENE     John       Defford (Worcs) to supervise will of Thos Pounsett 60
 GREENE     John       Eld s of Robert Greene (Shelley)                   45
 GREENE     Katherine  Shelley, w of Jn G, goods/cattle @ Shelley Hall    44
 GREENE     Mary       D of Jn Greene & G/dau of Jn G elder, 5pds in will 45
 GREENE     Naomi      D of Jn Greene & G/dau of Jn G elder, 5pds in will 45
 GREENE     Parnell    D of Jn Greene & G/dau of Jn G elder, 30/- in will 45
 GREENE     Parnell    Shelley, (married) dau of Jn G, 10pds in will      45
 GREENE     Reynold    Shelley, s of Jn G, given Smethes & other lands    44
 GREENE     Richard    Gt Bardfield gmn, brief will 1562                  45
 GREENE     Richard    Shelley, s of Jn G, Madelles Manor Epping          44
 GREENE     Robert     Shelley, s of Jn G, Shelley Hall &c &c             44
 GREENE     Rooke      Nephew of Richd Greene of Gt Bardfield             45
 GREENE     Thomas     Shelley, s of Jn G, Boyce manor & other properties 44
 GREENE     Thomas     St Osyth, sold house/gdns/orchards to Jn Sandon    66
 GREENE     William    Shelley, s of Jn G, Burrowes manor Stanford Rivers 44
 GREENE*    Constance  Dau of Alice Greene whose married name not known   45
 GRIFFIN    Elizabeth  S Ockendon, wife of Richd G ? 20d fm Hy Harleston  46
 GRIFFIN    Richard    S Ockendon vicar, witnessed will of Hy Harleston   46
 GRIFFITH   Howell     Witness to will of Jn Churche of Runwell           33
 GRIGGES    Alice      St Osyth, dau of Jn Sandon, 20pds in his will      66
 GRIGGES    Anne       d of Robt Grigges & Mary Osborne, 40/- from Wm O   57
 GRIGGES    Robert     s-i-law of Wm Osborne                              57
 GROWTE     Steven     Clavering, 5/- in the will of Jn Cotton            34
 GRUBBE     John       Witness to the will of Wm Rooke of Upton (WHam)    64
 GUDGE      John       Wickford, in will of Nicholas Younge of Runwell    83
 GUYE       Richard    Woodham Mortimer, witness, will of Jn Semer 1559   67
 GYBBIN     Andrew     Godson of Andrew Larder, 20/- in his will          50
 GYLL       John       S Ockendon ? Witnessed will of Hy Harleston 1589   46
 GYLLAM     John       Halstead, also witness to will of Francis Gillam   66
 GYLSTON    Jeffery    Stanford Rivers? Witnessed will of Jn Stanton 1559 70
 HALE       Agnes      Dau of Wm Hale & Alice (later Alice Blake)         26
 HALE       Alice ygr  Dau of Wm Hale & Alice (later Alice Blake)         26
 HALE       Richard    Plaistow ymn, 5pds pa ex Wm Rooke   poor of W Ham  63
 HALE       Thomas     Son of Wm Hale & Alice (later Alice Blake)         26
 HALE       William    Maldon ? Witness to the will of Jn Gaywood 1561    42
 HALE       William    Previous husbd of Alice Blake (w of Robt)          26
 HALE       William ygrSon of Wm Hale & Alice (later Alice Blake)         26
 HALIS      Edward     Witham vicar, witnessed will of Hy Songer 1569     69
 HALL       Bridget    dau-in-law of Humfrey Blake, 10/- in his will      25
 HALL       Elizabeth  d of Nicholas (& Bridget?), in will Humfrey Blake  25
 HALL       Nicholas   Received 10/- in will of Humfrey Blake             25
 HALL       Sarah      d of Nicholas (& Bridget?), in will Humfrey Blake  25
 HALL       Thomas     Upminster ?  Witnessed will of Thos Lathum 1590    50
 HALL       William    Witness to will of Robt Blake of Billericay 1587   26
 HALLES     Edward     Father of Marcelyn Halles                          45
 HALLES     Edward     Romford, s of Marcelyn, Gilles manor, Epping       45
 HALLES     Marcelyn   Romford gmn (or Hales), will 1561 proved 1567      45
 HALLES     Thomas     Romford, s of Marcelyn, lands incl Stuardes &c     45
 HALLIDAY   Thomas     Thaxted vicar, witness/scribe will of Richd Emery  39
 HAM        Alice      Halstead, d of Jn Hunwicke, m Thos Ham, recd house 47
 HAM        Thomas     Halstead, s-i-law of Jn Hunwicke (m Alice)         47
 HAMERTON   Elizabeth  Given 10/- in will of Thos Eyres 1575              39
 HAMLEN     Richard    Witness to will of Richd Farr of Gt Burstead 1594  40
 HAMME      Henry      Witham, witnessed will of Hy Songer 1569           69
 HAMMON     Thomas     s-i-law of Richd Geslyng (m Eliz ?), overseer      43
 HAMMOND    Henry      Thaxted, witnessed will of Ralph Turner 1595       78
 HAMMONDE   Philip     m Margaret Byrd, sis of Thos Byrde of Debden ?     29
 HAMON      Agnes      Dau of Robt Eyres, 10pds in will of Thos Eyres     39
 HAMOND     Edmund     Godson of Philip Bird of Debden                    24
 HAMOND     Frances    Gt Hallingbury, svt to Wm Beryffe (his will 1601)  24
 HAMONDE    Alexander  New Chipping, recd goods of Francis Gill by deed   43
 HAMPTLER   Agnes      Dau of Robt Eyres, 10pds in will of Thos Eyres     39
 HANCHETT   Anne       Clavering, 3/4 of malt in will of Jn Cotton        34
 HARDY      ChristopherFoxearth, witness to will of Thos Carter 1582      30
 HARE       William    Epping, tenant of Gilles manor (Marcelyn Halles)   46
 HARIS      William    Witness to will of Wm Berriff of Colchester        24
 HARLAKENDONRoger      Earles Colne esq, Earldom manor                    60
 HARLESTON  Henry      S Ockendon gmn, will 1589, proved 1590             46
 HARMOND               Maldon St Mary's, Jn Gaywood's tenant              42
 HARRES     Margaret   dau of Jn Harres, 10pds in will of Jn Fowlar       41
 HARRES     Robert     Hornchurch                                         41
 HARRIS     Margaret   w of Richd H, 10/- in will of Eliz Tuke            76
 HARRIS     Richard    Name in will of Eliz Tuke                          76
 HARRISON   Elizabeth  svt to Eliz Tuke, s-i-law of Eliz Tuke, a gown     76
 HARRYS     Anne       Niece ofRowland Eliot, 40pds in his will           37
 HARRYS     Elizabeth  d of Mathy H (& Sarah ?), 10/- from Humfrey Blake  25
 HARRYS     Mary       d of Mathy H (& Sarah ?), 10/- from Humfrey Blake  25
 HARRYS     Mathy      Received 10/- in will of Humfrey Blake             25
 HARRYS     Mathy jnr  s of Mathy H (& Sarah ?), 10/- from Humfrey Blake  25
 HARRYS     Robert     Lincolns Inn gmn, cousin of Rowland Eliot, m Anne  37
 HARRYS     Sarah      dau-in-law of Humfrey Blake, 10/- in his will      25
 HART       Grace      Theydon Garnon? W of Jn H, 20/- from Jane Michell  53
 HART       John       Theydon Garnon ?  Named in will of Jane Michell    53
 HARTLEY    Edward     Given 5pds in will of Jane Michell at 21           53
 HARTLEY    Jane       Dau of Jane Michell, given bed &c + 10pds in will  53
 HARTLEY    Joan       Given 5pds in will of Jane Michell at 18           53
 HARTLEY    Lucy       Given 5pds in will of Jane Michell at 18           53
 HARTLEY    Margaret   Given 5pds in will of Jane Michell at 18           53
 HARTLEY    Mary       Given 5pds in will of Jane Michell at 18           53
 HARTLEY    Richard    Given 5pds in will of Jane Michell at 21           53
 HARVIE     John       Greenstead, Cchstr, tenant of Robt Northen         55
 HARVYE     William    Given a bullock in the will of Wm Filloll          40
 HASTELER   Humfrey    m Elzabeth Nevill, dau of Hugh Nevill              55
 HASTELER   John       s of Jn/Eliz Hasteler, 3ry legatee of Hugh Nevill  55
 HASTELER   Richard    Marr Margaret Covylde, 1 dau at least              55
 HAUKIN     John       Bro-i-law of Eliz Tuke, 40/- gold ring in will     76
 HAUKIN     Margaret   Sis of Eliz Tuke, wearing linen in her will        76
 HAVELL     James      Bright'sea, witnessed will of Wm Thimble 1590      75
 HAWES      William    Lawford, witnessed will of Joan Waldegrave 1589    79
 HAYES      Clement    Bro of Thos Hayes, the s-i-law of Jn Cartmell      30
 HAYES      Thomas     s-i-law of Jn Cartmell of Romford, in his will     30
 HAYNES     John       Cousin of Rowland Eliot, given 100/- in will       37
 HAYNES     Margaret   Cousin of Rowland Eliot, given 100/- in will       37
 HAYNES     Mary       Cousin of Rowland Eliot, given 100/- in will       37
 HAYRE      Richard    Woodham Mortimer, witness, will of Jn Semer 1559   67
 HAYWARDE   John       E Tilbury, witness to will of Geo Abbott 1580      20
 HEDGMAN    John       s of Wm H, 33pds 6/8d in will of Richd Raystell    62
 HEDGMAN    Richard    s of Wm H, 33pds 6/8d in will of Richd Raystell    62
 HEDGMAN    William    Agreement with Richd Raystell of Orsett            62
 HEDGMAN    William    s of Wm H, 33pds 6/8d in will of Richd Raystell    62
 HERE       John       Romford ? Butcher, tenant of Marcelyn Halles 1561  46
 HERWICH    William    Chelmsford, witnessed the will of Thos Knotte 1576 48
 HETHE      Elizabeth  Witham?  Given best cloak in will of Hy Songer     69
 HEWES      Daniel     Gt Tey ?, witnessed will of Lawrence Chryssull     32
 HEWES      Henry      N Fambridge, marsh tenant of Wm Osborne            56
 HEYTCHMAN  Jeffrey    Farnham ? Witness to will of Rowland Eliot 1576    37
 HEYWARD    William    Halstead, svt of Jn Coggeshall, 5/- in his will    33
 HIBDICHE              Barrow (Som), sis of Thos Pounsett, 20/- in will   59
 HILLS      John       married Ellen Nevill, dau of Hugh Nevill           55
 HILLS      Robert     s of John Hills and Ellen Nevill (d of Hugh N)     55
 HOBSON     Mary       Maid of sis of Nicholas Marshall, 10/- willed      51
 HODSON     Richard    Debden parson, witnessed will of Thos Byrde        29
 HODSON     Thomas     W Ham, svt of Wm Rooke, house + 3 acres for life   63
 HODSON     William    Writer of will of Nicholas Marshall                51
 HOLDSTOCKE Mr         Given a gown in will of Edward Lambard             49
 HOLLINGW'THHelen      Stondon, wife of Reynold H, portion of his goods   46
 HOLLINGW'THLawrence   Stondon, cousin of Reynold H, portion of his goods 46
 HOLLINGW'THReynold    Stondon gmn, will 1573 proved 1576                 46
 HOLLINGW'THWilliam    Stondon, cousin of Reynold H, portion of his goods 46
 HOLMES     John       Witness to will of Robt Glascock 1595              44
 HOLMESTED  John       Halstead gmn, mention in will of Francis Gillam    65
 HOPPER     Henry      Witness to deed of Francis Gill 1595               43
 HOPPER     Richard    Given 10/- in will of Nicholas Chebborne           31
 HOPPER     Richard    N Weald, svt of Andrew Larder, 40/- in his will    50
 HOPWOOD    Richard    Woodham Mortimer rector, witness for Jn Semer 1559 67
 HOVILL     Agnes      Dovercourt, dau of Jn Hovill, recd 100pds @ 21yrs  47
 HOVILL     Joan       Dovercourt, wife of Jn Hovill, house/lands   her   47
 HOVILL     John       Dovercourt gmn, brief will 1578                    47
 HOVILL     William    Dovercourt, kin of Jn Hovill, his will 1578        47
 HOWGH      Ralph      Rayleigh? Witnessed will of Thos Rawlins 1597      61
 HOWKINS               Stanford Rivers, svt of Wm Atwood ?                21
 HUBBARD    Richard    Lt Clacton, in will of Jn Stubbes but struck out   72
 HUDSONNE   George     Witness to will of Thos Bageworth                  21
 HULL       Arthur     Halstead, godson of Arthur Breame, bequeathed 10/- 27
 HULL       Thomas     Walden, forgiven a debt in will of Josias Byrd     29
 HULLOCKE   Roger      Bro-i-law of Samuel Stokes of Barking              71
 HULLOCKE   Sarah      Barking? Given 20/- in the will of Saml Stokes     71
 HUNT       Edward     Boreham, witnessed will of Thos Tendringe 1603     74
 HUNT       Mr         Halstead?, gold ring in will of Arthur Breame      27
 HUNT       Thomas     Gt Baddow gmn, friend/executor of David Sympson    73
 HUNWICKE   Alen       Halstead, s of Jn H, father's best clothes in will 47
 HUNWICKE   Dorothy    Halstead, d of Jn H, recd household goods in will  47
 HUNWICKE   Edmund     Halstead, son of Wm Hunwicke, 6/- + coat in will   47
 HUNWICKE   John       Halstead gmn, will May 1561, proved July.          47
 HUNWICKE   Robert     Halstead, s of Wm H and g/son of Jn H, 20/- recd   47
 HUNWICKE   William    Halstead, s of Jn H, 20/- in his will              47
 HURTE      William    s-i-law of Richd Raystell, 10pds in his will       62
 HUTTON     John Esq   Gave an annuity to Philip Bird of Debden           24
 HUTTON     Widow      Farnham, cared for Rowland Eliot when sick         37
 ILINGHUNT  Thomas     Witness to the will of Wm Rooke of Upton (WHam)    64
 INGRAM     Richard    Witness of will of Jn Elles of W Hanningfield      38
 INGRAM     Thomas     Chelmsford, 3pds in will of Jn Elles 1588          38
 ISACKE                Chlmsfd, sis of Thos Tendringe of Boreham, widow   74
 JAYKE      Leonard    Witness to will of Richd Cartmell, 1585            31
 JEBBE      Anthony    Witness to will of Jn Fowlar of Romford, 1567      41
 JEFFERYE   Mr         Romford, surety for contract by Jn Cartmell        30
 JEFFREY    Hester     Lt Burstead, dau of Richd J, 21 in 1603            48
 JEFFREY    Jane       Lt Burstead, wife of Richd J, properties for 10yrs 47
 JEFFREY    John       Lt Burstead, eld s of Richd J, most of estate      48
 JEFFREY    Richard    Lt Burstead, s of Richd J,  21 in 1603             48
 JEFFREY    Richard    Lt Burstead gmn, will of Feb 1603 proved May       47
 JENNYNS    Anne       Gt Dunmow, d of Jn J, Blamsters Much Easton 4 life 48
 JENNYNS    Frances    Gt Dunmow, dau of Jn J, 100mks in his will         48
 JENNYNS    Isabel     Gt Dunmow, dau of Jn J, 100mks in his will         48
 JENNYNS    Jane       Gt Dunmow, w of Jn J, Shingle Hall &c for life     48
 JENNYNS    John       Gt Dunmow gmn, will 1575 proved 1577               48
 JENNYNS    Katherine  Gt Dunmow, dau of Jn J, 100mks in his will         48
 JENNYNS    Margaret   Gt Dunmow, dau of Jn J, 100mks in his will         48
 JENNYNS    Mary       Gt Dunmow, dau of Jn J, 100mks in his will         48
 JENNYNS    Richard    Gt Dunmow, s of Jn J, inherits Shingle/Blamsters   48
 JERNEGAN   Elizabeth  dau of Rowland Eliot, m Thos Jernagan              37
 JERNEGAN   Susan      Dau of dau of Rowland Eliot, 100/- in his will     37
 JERNEGAN   Thomas     Gmn, s-i-law of Rowland Eliot                      37
 JERRAM     Peter      Danbury, tenant of Thos Lord                       50
 JOHNSON    Bennet     Cousin of Rowland Eliot, given 100/- in will       37
 JOHNSON    Henry      Mistley rector, supervised will of Jane Rampstone  61
 JOHNSON    John       London, cousin of Richd Raystell of Orsett         63
 JOLIE      Thomas     Thundersley parson, witnessed will of Jn Churche   33
 JOLLY      Thomas     Overseer of will of Richd Geslyng                  43
 JOLLYE     John       Shelley ?  Witnessed will of Jn Greene 1594        45
 JONES      Hugh       Halstead, occupied land (acc Arthur Breame)        27
 JOSLIN     John       Mountnessing, witnessed will of Chas Traughton     75
 KEALE      Lucy       Maid of Edwd Wyott's mother, 6/8d in his will      83
 KELHAM                Epping ? Svt to father of Edmund Staunton, 10/-    70
 KELWAY     Richard    Tenant of Jn Drywood, Waterhalls messuage          36
 KEMES      Richard    Kelvedon, svt of Wm Filloll, 3/4d in his will      40
 KEMP       John       Rochford, svt of Thos Eyres, 4pds in his will      39
 KEMPE      William    Brentwood, tenant of Jn Greene of Shelley          44
 KETRICHE              Halstead, "old", tenant of Jn Hunwicke             47
 KINGE      Thomas     His wife to receive 4mks pa from Eliz Songer       68
 KIRKHAM    Bridget    Cousin of Thos Rawlins, her chn in Thos' will      61
 KNAPE                 Prob s-i-law of Jn Cartmell of Romford             30
 KNOTTE     Katherine  Chelmsford, w of Thos K, recd his goods            48
 KNOTTE     Thomas     Chelmsford gmn, will Aug 1576 proved Sept.         48
 KNOWLES    Thomas     Gmn, witnessed will of Marcelyn Halles 1561        46
 KYGHELEY   Bridget    Given 4pds at marriage, will of Joan Waldegrave    79
 KYRBYE     Richard    Gold angels in will of Jn Gaywood                  42
 KYRKBY     John       Castle Hdghm, witnessed will of Francis Glemham    44
 LAMBARD    Edward     E Mersea gmn, will 1566 proved 1567                48
 LAMBARD    Edward jr  s of Thos L, bedstead &c &c in will of Ed Lambard  49
 LAMBARD    Mary       Sis of Edwd L, 5pds in his will                    49
 LAMBARD    Richard    Bro of Edwd L, 5pds and best coat &c in will       49
 LAMBARD    Rose       Wife of Thos Lambard, named in will of Ed Lambard  49
 LAMBARD    Thomas     E Mersea, s of Edwd L and residuary legatee        49
 LAMBARD    Thomas     Bro of Edward Lambard of E Mersea ?                49
 LAMBE      John       Gt Braxted, to suprvise will of Wm Filloll         40
 LAMBERT    William    Vicar, witness to will of Jn Cartmell of Romford   31
 LANE       John       S Ockendon ? Witnessed will of Hy Harleston 1589   46
 LARDER     Andrew     s-i-law of Geo Raynsforde, the farm lease + 20pds  62
 LARDER     Andrew     N Weald Basset gmn, will Apr 1592 proved July      49
 LARDER     Anne       N Weald, dau of Andrew L, 100 pds at 18 + bedstead 49
 LARDER     Constance  N Weald, dau of Andrew L, 100 pds at 18 + bedstead 49
 LARDER     Elizabeth  N Weald, dau of Andrew L, 100 pds at 18 + bedstead 49
 LARDER     Joyce      N Weald, dau of Andrew L, 100 pds at 18 + bedstead 49
 LARDER     Martha     N Weald, w of Andrew L, given lease of Weald Hall  49
 LARDER     Martha     N Weald, dau of Andrew L, 100 pds at 18 + bedstead 49
 LARDER     Walter     N Weald, father of Andrew, bur N Weald Bassett Ch  49
 LARDER     Walter jr  N Weald, s of Andrew L,  21 1592, leases inc WHam  49
 LARKINGE   Thomas     Supervisor, will of Jn Roose (also Larken)         65
 LATHAM     Ellen      nee Browne, aunt of Wistan Browne, gold in will    28
 LATHAM     Ellen      sis of Edmund Staunton, marr Jn Latham             70
 LATHAM     John       Esq, executor of will of Edmund Staunton 1574      70
 LATHAM     John       Esq, m Ellen the aunt of Wistan Browne             28
 LATHUM     Thomas     Upminster gmn, will of Dec 1590, proved Feb 1591   50
 LATIMER    John       Colchester gmn, will 30/3/1575, exhibited 1/4/1575 50
 LAWRENCE   Edward     E Tilbury, witness to will of Geo Abbott 1580      20
 LAWRENCE   Rebecca    Gt Horkesley, svt of Jn Roose, 6/8d in will        64
 LAWSON     Mary       Niece of Nicholas Marshall, 50pds at age 21        51
 LAYTHAM    John       Witnessed the will of Thos Pascall of Gt Baddow    58
 LEAPER     John       Runwell, witnessed will of Nicholas Younge 1598    83
 LEFFINGWELLThomas     Earles Colne? Witnessed will of Robt Pyerson 1587  60
 LEGATE     John       Uncle of Jn Drywood of Dunton                      35
 LEGATE     Thomas     Cousin of Richd Cartmell (bro of Jn Legatt ?)      31
 LEGATE     Thomas     Hornchurch, cousin of Jn Drywood of Dunton         35
 LEGATT     John       Witness to will of Jn Cartmell of Romford 1577     31
 LEGG       Edward     Maldon ? Witness to the will of Jn Gaywood 1561    42
 LETTONE    John       S Benfleet, overseer for Jn Semer's will 1559      67
 LEWGOR     Lawrence   Danbury, tenant of Thos Lord                       50
 LEYNGLEY   Robert     Epping?  Witness to will of Edmund Staunton 1574   71
 LIDGERD    John       Witham, supervisor of will of Jn Mellowes          53
 LIDGITT    Joan       dau of Jn Mellowes, m Ralph L                      52
 LIDGITT    Ralph      s-i-law of Jn Mellowes, Westinghams(B'ham) in will 52
 LISTLEY               Mention in brief will of Anthony Erington 1582     39
 LITLE      John       Dagenham                                           59
 LITLE      William    Dagenham, s of Jn L, 5pds in will of Thos Pounsett 59
 LITLEBURIE Anne       Niece of Jane Rampstone, featherbed in will        61
 LITTLE     John       Overseer of will of Samuel Stokes of Barking 1584  71
 LOCKE      John       Gt Bentley? Witnessed will of Jn Meridale 1592     53
 LONDON     Margaret   Niece of Robt Weston, 15pds at marriage            81
 LONDON     Samuel     Father of Margt London, br-i-law of Robt Weston ?  81
 LORD       Henry      Uncle of Thos Lord of Wanstead, will overseer      50
 LORD       Joan       Mother of Thos Lord of Wanstead                    50
 LORD       Thomas     Wanstead gmn, will of 1576, proved 31/12/1576      50
 LORD       Thomas jr  Godson of Thos Lord, 3pd 6/8 at 21 in his will     50
 LOWTHE     John       Gt Holland? Supervised will of Thos Markante, 10/- 51
 LOWTHE     John       Colchester, witnessed will of Jeffrey Veere 1572   79
 LUCKIN     Ann        dau of Stephen Sampford of Shellow B, 6pds 13/4d   66
 LUFKIN     David      Chrishall vicar, witness for Thos Meade will       52
 LUFKIN     Zachary    Chrishall clerk, witnessed will of Thos Meade      52
 LYE        Thomas     Epping? 3/4d in will of Edmund Staunton            71
 LYES       James elderSupervisor to will of Robt Glascock 1596           44
 LYMAN      Frances    Dunton, svt of Jn Drywood, 40/- in his will        35
 LYNIGER    Edward     Dovercourt ? Acted re lands of Jn Hovill 1578      47
 LYTELBORNE            Barking? Witness to will of Samuel Stokes 1584     71
 LYTTELL    Jeffry     Halstead gmn, alternate legatee of Arthur Breame   27
 LYTTLE     Thomas     Farnham, svt of Rowland Eliot, 10/- in his will    37
 MAKES      Henry      Cousin of Reynold Hollingworth, executor           47
 MALKYN     Francis    Witness to will of George Munnes of Fobbing 1580   54
 MAN        Margaret   dau of Stephen Sampford of Shellow B, 6pds 13/4d   66
 MAN        William    si-law of Stephen Sampford, best cloak in will     66
 MANNOCKE   Anne       dau of Thos Tendringe, 5pd annuity                 74
 MANNOCKE   Thomas     s-i-law of Thos Tendringe, one piece of plate      74
 MARKANTE   Jane       Gt Holland, wife of Thos M, main legatee           51
 MARKANTE   Thomas     Gt Holland gmn, brief will of 1597                 51
 MARKEHAM   George     Finchingfield? Witnessed will of Edwd Smith 1603   68
 MARKES     Eme        Kelvedon, svt of Wm Filloll, 3/4d in his will @ 18 40
 MARSHALL   Mary       Prittlewell, wife of Nicholas M, resid legatee     51
 MARSHALL   Nicholas   Prittlewell gmn, will of 1585                      51
 MARTIN     Robert     Given 6/8d in will of Robt Northen of Gt Tey       56
 MARTINE    Mistress   Chrishall, leased in Chalk Mead &c to Thos Meade   52
 MARTYN     Agnes      Cheapside, sis of Geo Munnes, 4pds pa for 3 yrs    54
 MASON      Richard    Gt Holland?  Witnessed will of Thos Markante 1597  51
 MATCHOK    Henry      Given 20/- in will of Edwd Wyott                   83
 MATHERS    George     Moulsham, witness to will of Richd Barwisse 1593   23
 MATHEW     John       Prob a nephew of Nicholas Chebborne, gift in will  31
 MATHEW     Susan      Goddaughter of Nicholas Chebborne (in his will)    31
 MAULE      George     G/father of Edwin/Stephen Sampford                 66
 MAXEY      Anthony    Late master of Jn Maxye, decd pre 1600             51
 MAXEY      Anthony    Cousin of Wm Studhawe, esq, overseer of will       73
 MAXEY      Henry      Cousin of Jn M, 20/- in his will                   51
 MAXEY      William    Cousin of Jn M, 20/- in his will                   51
 MAXIE      Anthony    Friend of Hy Songer, to oversee 4 of his chn       69
 MAXYE      Edward     Bro of Jn Maxye, 11pds in Jn's will                51
 MAXYE      John       Bradwell-j-Coggl, gmn, will May 1600, proved June  51
 MAYE       Richard    London mcht tailor, agt of 3/5/1580 with Wm Rooke  63
 MAYNE      John       Gt Horkesley, svt of Jn Roose, 6/8d in will        64
 MEADE      Anne       Chrishall, wife of Thos M, lands/leases for life   52
 MEADE      Anthony    Chrishall, s of Thos M, 40pds in his will          52
 MEADE      Bridget    Chrishall, dau of Thos M, 60pds at 18              52
 MEADE      Francis    Chrishall, s of Thos M, lands in Heydon/Chrishall  52
 MEADE      John       Farnham ? Witness to will of Rowland Eliot 1576    37
 MEADE      John       Chrishall, s of Thos M, Chrishall lands in will    52
 MEADE      John       Gt Easton gmn, executor of will of Ralph Turner    77
 MEADE      Reynold    Sold land to Thos Meade of Chrishall               52
 MEADE      Robert     Chrishall, s of Thos M, Duxford/Fowlmere lands     52
 MEADE      Thomas     Chrishall gmn, will 1598 proved 1599               52
 MEADE      Thomas     Wendon Lofts esq, leases to Thos Meade (Chrishall) 52
 MEADE      William    Chrishall, s of Thos M, Gentlemans in his will     52
 MEDCALFE   Thomas     Prob a svt, given 2/6 in will of Eliz Tuke         76
 MEERS      Mr         Gave Rayleigh land to Thos/Joan Rawlins            61
 MEGGES     William    Friend of Thos Pounsett, 20/- gold ring in will    59
 MEIRS      ChristopherOverseer of will of Samuel Stokes of Barking 1584  71
 MELLOWES   Edmund     Lt Totham, s of Jn M, recd his household goods     53
 MELLOWES   John       Lt Totham gmn, will 1575                           52
 MERIDALE   Elizabeth  Gt Bentley, dau of Jn M, silverware when w dies    53
 MERIDALE   John       Gt Bentley gmn, brief will Sep 1592 proved Oct     53
 MERIDALE   Joyce      Gt Bentley, w of Jn M, all John's goods for life   53
 MERYTON    Richard    London cptr, 5pds pa ex Wm Rooke   poor of W Ham   63
 MESIANTE   John       Owned land in Thaxted (Ralph Turner will)          78
 MICHELL    Jane       Theydon Garnon gwmn, will Sep 1589 proved Feb 1590 53
 MIDHURST   John       W Hanningfield sch/mstr, 40/- in will of Jn Elles  38
 MILDMAY    Walter     Esq, uncle of Edwd Wyott                           83
 MILLER     John       s-i-law of Jn Weston, best hat/doublet in will     80
 MILLER     Mary       Dau of Jn Weston, featherbed in will               80
 MITCHELL   Anne       Given 40/- in will of Jane Michell at 18           53
 MITCHELL   Francis jr Given 40/- in will of Jane Michell at 21           53
 MITCHELL   Francis sr Father of Francis/John/Mary/Anne                   53
 MITCHELL   John       Given 40/- in will of Jane Michell at 21           53
 MITCHELL   Mary       Given 40/- in will of Jane Michell at 18           53
 MOCKE      Richard    Fobbing marshman, 10/- in will of Geo Munnes       54
 MONOX      Douglas    Prob s-i-law of Joan Waldegrave, 40/- in will      79
 MORGAN     John       Upminster ?  Witnessed will of Thos Lathum 1590    50
 MORICE     John       Cousin of Eliz Tuke                                76
 MORICE     Lora       w of John Morice, grogram gown from Eliz Tuke      76
 MORICE     Margaret   Layer Marney, w if Thos M, 2 angels fm Eliz Tuke   76
 MORICE     Mary       Layer Marney, d of Thos M, 5pds from Eliz Tuke     76
 MORICE     Richard    Witness to will of Wm Bode of Gt Stambridge 1591   26
 MORICE     Thomas     Layer Marney rector, uncle of Eliz Tuke, 4 angels  76
 MORRIS     Joan       London widow, 3pds 6/8 from Roger Vaughan will     78
 MORRIS     John       Maldon draper, witnessed will of Thos Rawlins 1597 61
 MORRYCE    Alice      Lt Maldon, wife of Robt Morryce                    42
 MORRYCE    Jane       Sis of Edwd Wyott, 5pds in his will                83
 MORRYCE    Philip     br-i-law of Edwd Wyott, 6/8d in his will           83
 MORRYCE    Robert     Lt Maldon, Manor Ho dwelling per Jn Gaywood 1562   42
 MORRYS     John       Maldon, witness to Jn Gaywood's codicil 1562       42
 MORSE      Thomas     Thaxted, witness to will of Richd Emery            39
 MORTON     Margaret   W Ham, dau of Rice Apowen, recd Glams land         20
 MORTON     Thomas     Esq, overseer for will of Wm Sendy 1575            68
 MOUNTFORD  Anna       Radwinter, marr'd d of Simon M, black 3yr colt     54
 MOUNTFORD  Edward     Witness to will of Simon Montford 1602             54
 MOUNTFORD  Elizabeth  Radwinter, marr'd d of Simon M, a "brown beast"    54
 MOUNTFORD  Hester     Dau of Simon M Jr, 10pds in g'father's will        54
 MOUNTFORD  Joan       Radwinter, wife of Simon M, all h'hold goods       54
 MOUNTFORD  John       Radwinter, s of Simon M, 50pds + White Fen (Cambs) 54
 MOUNTFORD  Nathaniel  Radwinter, s of Simon M, recd house/ground         54
 MOUNTFORD  Rhoda      Radwinter, d of Simon M, 50pds at age 18           54
 MOUNTFORD  Simon      Radwinter gmn, will of 1602                        54
 MOUNTFORD  Simon jr   Radwinter, s of Simon M, residue of estate         54
 MOUNTFORD  Thomas     Radwinter, s of Simon M, 100 pds in his will       54
 MULLINS    John       Theydon Garnon rector, witnessed will Jane Michell 53
 MUMFORD               Owed Rowland Eliot 3pds for tithe corn             38
 MUNNES     George     Fobbing gmn, will of 1580, proved 1583             54
 MUNNES     Isabel     Dau (married) of Marcelyn Halles, Gilles perhaps   46
 MUNNES     John       Gt Warley (prob died pre 1580)                     54
 MUNNES     Mary       Mother of Geo Munnes of Fobbing, alive 1580        54
 MUNNES     Mary       Fobbing, wife of Geo M, given Bakers Croft etc     54
 MUNT       Anthony    s of Hy/Bridget, 5pds in will of Wm Berriff @ 21   24
 MUNT       Bridget    Wife of Henry Munt (deceased by 1602)              24
 MUNT       Henry      His chn to receive 5pds in will of Wm Berriff      24
 MUNT       Henry jnr  s of Hy/Bridget, 5pds in will of Wm Berriff @ 21   24
 MUNT       Lancelot   s of Hy/Bridget, 5pds in will of Wm Berriff @ 21   24
 MUNT       Mary       d of Hy/Bridget, 5pds in will of Wm Berriff @ 21   24
 MUNT       Robert     s of Hy/Bridget, 5pds in will of Wm Berriff @ 21   24
 MUNT       William    s of Hy/Bridget, 5pds in will of Wm Berriff @ 21   24
 MURYELL    James      Gt Dunmow, witnessed will of Jn Jennyns 1603       48
 MYDDLETON  Mr         Falconer, was owed 5pds by Thos Lord of Wanstead   50
 MYDLETONE  Nicholas   E Mersea? Witnessed the will of Edwd Lambard 1566  49
 MYLES      Gregory    Given 1/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 MYLES      Thomas     Given 10/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell       52
 MYNAR      William    Given 5/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 NASHE      John       Witness to will of Wm Osborne of N Fambridge 1591  57
 NASSHE     William    Witness to will of Cecily Barnyshe, 1563           23
 NAYLER     Richard    S Ockendon ? Witnessed will of Hy Harleston 1589   46
 NEAL       William    N Weald?  Clerk, witnessed will of Andrew Larder   50
 NEDLE      William    Theydon Garnon ?  Witnessed will of jane Michell   53
 NEVILL     Elizabeth  Brightlingsea d of Hugh N, m Humfrey Hasteler      55
 NEVILL     Elizabeth  w of Hugh Nevill jr, 3 best kine in f-i-law will   55
 NEVILL     Ellen      dau of Hugh N of Brightlingsea, m Jn Hills, d1602- 55
 NEVILL     Hugh       Brightlingsea gmn, will of 1602                    55
 NEVILL     Hugh jr    Bright'gsea, s of Hugh, Gt Waltham/Downham lands   55
 NEVILL     Thomas     Brightlingsea, s of Hugh N, died pre 1602          55
 NEVILL     Thomas     Witness to will of Jn Coggeshall 1600              33
 NEVILL     Thomas jr  S of Thos N & g/son of Hugh N, 2ndary legatee      55
 NEVILL     Thomasine  Brightlingsea, dau of Hugh Nevill                  55
 NEVILL     William    Orsett ? Witnessed will of Richd Raystell          63
 NEWCOMEN   Thomas     Witness to deed of Francis Gill 1595               43
 NEWE       Edward     Maldon ? Witness to the will of Jn Gaywood 1561    42
 NEWE       John       Maldon ?  Executor of will of Jn Gaywood 1561      42
 NEWMAN     Edward     Colchester, witnessed will of Thomas Sammes 1598   66
 NEWMAN     Richard    Braintree, name in will of Thos Smith of Shalford  68
 NEWMAN     Richard    Gmn, named in will of Alice Nicolls of Gt Easton   55
 NEWMAN     Robert snr Gt Easton, executor of will of Alice Nicolls       55
 NEWMAN     Roger      Braintree, s of Richd Newman                       68
 NEWTON     Stephen    W Bergholt (?), witness to will of Wm Abell        20
 NICHOLAS   Nicholas   Bro of Robt W (=s of Jn W), in line Prested Hall   80
 NICHOLLES  Thomasine  Widow, dau-i-law of Marcelyn Halles, given annuity 46
 NICOLLES   Robert     Gt Easton, 2nd hsbd of Alice Nicolls, sons         55
 NICOLLS    Alice      Gt Easton, will of 1569 proved 1570                55
 NICOLLS    George     Share of Copt Hall income, will of Alice Nicolls   55
 NICOLLS    Julian     Share of Copt Hall income, will of Alice Nicolls   55
 NICOLLS    Kelham     Share of Copt Hall income, will of Alice Nicolls   55
 NOKES      William    Barking, to give to poor ex will of Nich Marshall  51
 NORRINGTON John       Dunton ? Witness to will of Jn Drywood, 1596       36
 NORRYS     John ygr   Witness to will of Humfrey Blake of Gt Burstead    25
 NORTHEN    Agnes      Gt Tey, wife of Robt N                             55
 NORTHEN    Ralph      Gt Tey, s of Robt N, salt/cushions in his will     56
 NORTHEN    Richard    Gt Tey, s of Robt Tey, lands in Colchester         55
 NORTHEN    Robert     Gt Tey gmn, will of 1588                           55
 NORTHEN    Samuel     s of Ralph N, silver pot in will of Robt Northen   56
 NORTHFOLKE John       Radwinter, sold 1/2a cust'y land   Simon Mountford 54
 NUDDIGATTE Thomas     Witham? Recd 10/- in will of Hy Songer             69
 NYALE      William    Shellow Bowells, witness will of Stephen Sampford  66
 ONGE                  Sold Princhettes in Runwell to Jn Churche          32
 ORAM       William    Lt Parndon rector, overseer for Frances Turner     76
 OSBOLSTEN  Lambert    Scrivener, named in will of Edwd Wyott             83
 OSBORNE    Anne       N Fambridge d of Wm O, marr Thos Clarke, 40/-      57
 OSBORNE    Anne       N Fambridge, w of Wm O, home/pastures/stock &c     56
 OSBORNE    Dorothy    N Fambridge, dau of Wm Osborne                     57
 OSBORNE    Elizabeth  N Fambridge d of Wm O, 100pds @ 21                 57
 OSBORNE    James      Witness to will of Wm Bode of Gt Stambridge 1591   26
 OSBORNE    James      N Fambridge s of Wm O, i/c Peter 21                57
 OSBORNE    Joan       N Fambridge d of Wm O, 100pds @ 21                 57
 OSBORNE    John       N Fambridge s of Wm O, E Marsh E Croft &c in will  56
 OSBORNE    Mary       N Fambridge d of Wm O, marr Robt Grigges, 40/-     57
 OSBORNE    Peter      N Fambridge s of Wm O, Mundon Wick & stock willed  56
 OSBORNE    Thomas     N Fambridge, s of Wm O, Westwick Marsh & Plomes    56
 OSBORNE    Thomas     Bro of Wm O of Fambridge, rmg lease of Althorne Fm 57
 OSBORNE    William    N Fambridge (Hall) gmn, will Jan 1591 proved March 56
 OUTTREDE   John       Middle Temple gmn, friend of Marcelyn Halles       46
 OUTTREDE   William    Romford ? Tenant of Cappes (Marcelyn Halles)       46
 OVERALL    John       Sold Mill Croft 6ac to Ralph Turner of Thaxted     77
 PAFFILDE   Margaret   Given 4/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 PAGE       John elder F-in-law of Jn Drywood who therefore m Eliz Page   35
 PAGE       John ygr   Bro-in-law of Jn Drywood of Dunton, b of Eliz Page 35
 PAGE       Robert     Witnessed will of Rice Apowen 1597                 20
 PAINE      Edward     Clavering, farm tenant of Robt Cotton              33
 PAINTER    Edward     s of Mary P, succeeds to More Elms, Clchr, ex g/fr 56
 PAINTER    Mary       d of Robt Northen, widow, house for life in will   56
 PAINTER    Robert     Supervisor to will of Robt Glascock 1596           44
 PAKEMAN    ChristopherClacton ? Name in will of Jn Stubbes (struck out)  72
 PAKEMAN    Thomas     Clacton ? Father of Christopher P.                 72
 PALMER     Elizabeth  W Hanningfield, svt of Jn Elles, 10/- in his will  38
 PAREPOINTE            Barking? Witness to will of Samuel Stokes 1584     71
 PARISHE    Thomas     Clavering, 5/- in the will of Jn Cotton            34
 PARKER     Robert     Lt Bardfield vicar, witnessed will of Richd Greene 45
 PARRE      John       Given 1/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 PARRYS     Thomas     Witness to will of Jn Cotton of Clavering          34
 PARSONS    Thomas     Gmn, owned land in Hockerell (Stortford)           37
 PASCALL    Alexander  Witnessed the will of Thos Pascall of Gt Baddow    58
 PASCALL    Anne       S Hanningfield, 2nd w of Wm Pascall, many lands    58
 PASCALL    Anne       S Hanningfield, dau of Wm P & Anne, 100mks at 21   58
 PASCALL    Edmund     Gt Baddow, s of Thos P, Lunsses in Nevendon        58
 PASCALL    Elizabeth  Gt Baddow, d of Thos P, 100pds at marriage         58
 PASCALL    Elizabeth  S Hanningfield, dau of Wm P & Anne, 100mks at 21   58
 PASCALL    John       Cousin of Robt Blake of Billericay, given 10/-     26
 PASCALL    John       Gt Baddow, s of Thos P, Waskettes & Fryarn &c      57
 PASCALL    John       S Hanningfield, eld s of Wm Pascall by 1st wife    58
 PASCALL    John       Sold land to Robt Blake of B'cay, decd by 1587     25
 PASCALL    John ygr   S Hanningfield, s of Wm P & Anne, 100mks at 21     58
 PASCALL    Margaret   Gt Baddow, d of Thos P, 100pds at marriage         58
 PASCALL    Margaret   S Hanningfield, d of Wm Pascall by 1st wife, 20pds 58
 PASCALL    Mary       Gt Baddow, d of Thos P, 100pds at marriage         58
 PASCALL    Mary       S Hanningfield, d of Wm Pascall by 1st wife, 20pds 58
 PASCALL    Mary       Gt Baddow,w of Thos P, Spenders messuage for life  57
 PASCALL    Philippa   Gt Baddow, d of Thos P, 100pds at marriage         58
 PASCALL    Robert     Cousin of Robt Blake of Billericay, given 10/-     26
 PASCALL    Robert     S Hanningfield, s of Wm P & Anne, 100mks at 21     58
 PASCALL    Thomas     Gt Baddow gmn, will of Feb 1577 proved June        57
 PASCALL    William    Gt Baddow, yr s of Thos Pascall, Spenders/RyeMead  58
 PASCALL    William    S Hanningfield gmn, will Jan 1564 proved Feb       58
 PASCALL    William    S Hanningfield, s of Wm P & Anne, 100mks at 21     58
 PASCHALL   Alexander  Witnessed the will of Jn Paschall of Nevendon 1585 57
 PASCHALL   Andrew     Nevendon, s of Jn P, 20pds pa in his will          57
 PASCHALL   Andrew ygr Witnessed the will of Jn Paschall of Nevendon 1585 57
 PASCHALL   Anne       Nevendon, dau of Jn P, 50pds at 21 in his will     57
 PASCHALL   John       Gt Baddow esq, cousin of Jn P of Nevendon          57
 PASCHALL   John       Lt Burstead, witness to will of Richd Jeffrey 1603 48
 PASCHALL   John       Nevendon gmn, will 1585 proved 1586                57
 PASCHALL   Mary       Nevendon, w of Jn P, nee Reede, goods + annuity    57
 PASCHALL   Mary       Nevendon, dau of Jn P, 50pds at 21 in his will     57
 PASCHALL   William    Woodham Ferrers ? Witnessed will of Jn Sandys 1559 67
 PASFYLDE   Joan       Witham, Mdx houses in will of Roger Vaughan        78
 PASFYLDE   Simon      Witham, Mdx houses in will of Roger Vaughan        78
 PATTERIDGE Katherine  Given 5/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 PAULE      William    Witness to will of Jn Colvyle, 1602                33
 PEACOCKE   ChristopherW Hanningfield parson, witness/scribe to Jn Elles  38
 PEACOCKE   Nicholas   Boreham, svt of Thos Tendringe, 30/- in will       74
 PEARCE     Joan       Warley ? Witnessed will of Jn Drywood of Gt Warley 36
 PEASE      Henry      Woodham Walter ymn, to supervise for Jn Meridale   53
 PECHIE     Edward     Woodham Ferrers ? Witnessed will of Jn Sandys 1559 67
 PEIRCE     Robert     Barking, 3/4d in will of Thos Pounsett, svt ?      59
 PEKE       Richard    Witness to will of Robt Glascock 1595              44
 PELSTON    Richard    Gt Bardfield, bro-in-law of Rowland Eliot          37
 PERRY      John       Sold Arnoldes 18ac to Ralph Turner of Thaxted      78
 PERRY      Thomas     Thaxted Cutlers Grn, tenant of Ralph Turner 1595   78
 PERRYN     Thomas     Married Anne Browne of Colchester                  28
 PHARRER    Margaret   Given 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 PHILLIPOT  William    Scribe/witness to will of Richd Cartmell, 1585     31
 PHIPP      Richard    E Tilbury ? S of Avice Geslyng, annuity ex Richd G 42
 PHIPP      Thomas     Old gown/shirts in will of Richd Geslyng 1562      43
 PICK       William    Fobbing, tenant of Mill Field & Mill Hill, 1567    40
 PICKAS     Elizabeth  Sister of Wm Berriff of Colchester                 24
 PILBOROUGH Alice      Hatfield Peverel, w of Jn Pilborough               59
 PILBOROUGH John       Hatfield Peverel gmn, will 1603                    59
 PILGRAM    Thomas     Halstead, alternate legatee of Arthur Breame       27
 PILGRIME   George     Witness to will of Philip Bird of Debden 1592      25
 PILSTON    George     Cousin of Rowland Eliot, given 100/- in will       37
 PITSEY     Steven     Chadwell ? Witness to will of Walter Darrell 1592  35
 POLLIFOOTE Thomas     Colchester, witnessed will of Jn Latimer 1575      50
 POOLE      John       Shelley ?  Witnessed will of Jn Greene 1594        45
 POOLE      Richard    Stanford Rvrs, valued Jn Stanton's stock for sale  70
 POOLE      Robert     Witness to will of Robt Glascock 1595              44
 POOLEY     John       Tenant to Thos Tendringe, 2 b undisturbed for life 74
 POPE       Henry      aka Hy Makes or Maykes                             47
 POPE       John       Witnessed the will of Geo White of Hutton Hall     82
 POPE       Paul       Was owed 80pds by Thos Latimer of Wanstead         50
 PORTER     John       E Hanningfield, 10/- in will of Jn Elles 1588      38
 POTTER     John       Wanstead?  Witnessed will of Thomas Lord 1576      51
 POTTER     Simon      Witness to will of Robt Blake of Billericay 1587   26
 POUNSETT   Henry      Barking, s of Thos P, 120pds at 21                 59
 POUNSETT   Hunnis     Barking, s of Thos P, 120pds at 21                 59
 POUNSETT   John       Bro of Thos Pounsett, 20/- in his will             59
 POUNSETT   Robert     Barking, s of Thos P, 120pds at 21                 59
 POUNSETT   Thomas     Barking gmn, will May 1590 proved August           59
 POUNSETT   Thomas     Barking, s of Thos P, 120pds at 21                 59
 POUNSETT   William    Uncle of Thos P, bur in Barking ch, alabaster tomb 59
 POUNSETT   William    Barking, s of Thos P, all lands in will            59
 POWELL     Jeffrey    London, Buggch Row (will of Nicholas Chebborne)    31
 PRATTE     Robert     Given 1/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 PRENTES    Thomas     Witness of will of Jn Elles of W Hanningfield      38
 PRENTICE   Robert     Prittlewell, to oversee will of Nicholas Marshall  51
 PRESTON    Katherine  sis-i-law of Robt Weston, 5pds in his will         81
 PRESTON    Peter      Fryerning ? Overseer of will of Wm Roydon + 3/4d   65
 PRETMAN    Thomas     s-i-law of Jn Stubbes of Lt Clacton                72
 PRICE      Mr         Tendring, owed 26pds to Jn Latimer                 50
 PUGGLE                Tenant of Jn Drywood (messuage Aldwins)            36
 PULLIN     John       Feering, svt of Robt Weston, money in his will     81
 PULPRET    Henry jnr  Witness to will of Jn Roose of Gt Horkesley        65
 PUMFRETT   George     Lt Dunmow, witnessed will of Geo Raimond 1594      61
 PURCAS     Thomas     Witness to will of Richard Blake of Lt Baddow      25
 PURPLE     ChristopherWitness of will of Edwd Chishull 1588              31
 PURVEY     Adam       Barking, sold houses to Reynold Hollingworth       47
 PYERSON    Edmund     Earles Colne, s of Robt P, share of lands          60
 PYERSON    Joan       Earles Colnes, w of Robt P, dwelling/lands &c      60
 PYERSON    John       Earles Colne, eld s of Robt P, Sparrows tenement   60
 PYERSON    John ygr   Earles Colne, ygr s of Robt P, 10pds in his will   60
 PYERSON    Robert     Earles Colne gmn, will1587 proved 1588             60
 PYERSON    Robert ygr Earles Colne, s of Robt P, share of lands          60
 PYERSON    Rose       Earles Colne, d of Robt P, 40pds at marriage       60
 RADLEY     John       Witness to will of Robt Blake of Billericay 1587   26
 RAIMOND    Alice      Lt Dunmow, witnessed will of Geo Raimond 1594      61
 RAIMOND    Anne       Lt Dunmow? Dau of Giles R, 50/- in will of Geo R   60
 RAIMOND    Augustine  Lt Dunmow, s of Geo R, residuary legatee           60
 RAIMOND    George     Lt Dunmow gmn, will 1594 proved 1595               60
 RAIMOND    Giles      Lt Dunmow, s of Geo R, witness to will 1594        61
 RAIMOND    John       Lt Dunmow, s of Geo R, bed/cpbd/tables/brewing eqt 60
 RAIMOND    Katherine  Lt Dunmow? Dau of Giles R, 50/- in will of Geo R   60
 RAIMOND    Mercy      Lt Dunmow, witnessed will of Geo Raimond 1594      61
 RAIMOND    Rachel     Lt Dunmow? Dau of Giles R, 50/- in will of Geo R   60
 RAIMOND    Robert     Lt Dunmow? I/c brewing vessels/quern of Geo R      60
 RAIMOND    Susan      Lt Dunmow? Dau of Giles R, 50/- in will of Geo R   60
 RAMPSTONE  Jane       Manningtree gwmn, will Feb 1567 proved November    61
 RAMPSTONE  Thomas     Manningtree gmn, predeceased wife Jane             61
 RANDALL    William    Lt Baddow ?, witness to will of Lawrence Broome    28
 RANDE      Thomas     Mention in will of Thos Meade of Chrishall         52
 RATTALE    John       Witness to will of Richd Farr of Gt Burstead 1594  40
 RAWLINS    Joan       Rayleigh, w of Thos R, his lands/houses for life   61
 RAWLINS    Thomas     Rayleigh gmn, will 1597 proved 1604                61
 RAY        Elizabeth  Walden, w of Thos R, his sole legatee              62
 RAY        Thomas     Walden gmn, brief will Mar 1559, proved June       62
 RAYMOND    Allen      Thaxted, holding Copt Hall of Alice Nicolls        55
 RAYNSFORDE George     N Weald gmn, will of March 1559 proved June        62
 RAYNSFORDE Henry      N Weald, s of Geo R, 10pds at 18                   62
 RAYNSFORDE Hercules   N Weald, s of Geo R, 20pds in 4yrs' time           62
 RAYNSFORDE Jane       N Weald, dau of Geo R, 40pds at marriage or 4yrs   62
 RAYNSFORDE John       N Weald, s of Geo R, 10pds in 4yrs' time           62
 RAYNSFORDE Richard    N Weald, s of Geo R, 4ys fm lease & Park lease     62
 RAYNSFORDE Ursula     N Weald, dau of Geo R, 20pds at 18 in his will     62
 RAYSTELL   Agnes      Orsett, d of Joan Raystell, 10pds in Richd's will  62
 RAYSTELL   Alice      Orsett, d of Joan Raystell, 10pds in Richd's will  62
 RAYSTELL   Elizabeth  Orsett, d of Joan Raystell, 10pds in Richd's will  62
 RAYSTELL   Frances    Orsett, d of Joan Raystell, 10pds in Richd's will  62
 RAYSTELL   Henry      Cousin of Richd Raystell                           62
 RAYSTELL   Henry jr   s of Henry R, share of Sherwell, will of Richd R   62
 RAYSTELL   Joan       Orsett, w of Rich R, tenement Sherwell in will     62
 RAYSTELL   Margaret   Orsett, d of Joan Raystell, 10pds in Richd's will  62
 RAYSTELL   Michael    s of Henry R, share of Sherwell, will of Richd R   62
 RAYSTELL   Richard    s of Henry R, share of Sherwell, will of Richd R   62
 RAYSTELL   Richard    Orsett gmn, will of 1588 proved 1589               62
 RAYSTELL   William    s of Henry R, share of Sherwell, will of Richd R   62
 READE      Edmund     s of Martha Reade, nee Churche, in will of Jn C    32
 READE      John       s of Martha Reade, nee Churche, in will of Jn C    32
 READE      Margaret   Lt Clacton, svt to Thos Bageworth, 20/- in will    21
 READE      Margaret   dau of Martha Reade, nee Churche, in will of Jn C  32
 READE      Robert     Earles Colne? Witnessed will of Robt Pyerson 1587  60
 READE      William    Wickford, friend & executor of David Sympson       73
 REDE       Elizabeth  Halstead, maid to Arthur Breame, given 40/- &c     27
 REDLEY     Mary       Stanford Rivers, gift in will of Wm Atwood         21
 REDRICHE   Thomas     Hutton vicar, 40/- in will of Geo White            81
 REE        William    Witness to will of Thos Barker 1595                22
 REED       John       Toppesfield, witness to will of Eliz Cracherood    35
 REED       William    Wickford gmn, to sell Rawlins' land after Joan dcd 61
 REEDE      William    f-in-law of Jn Paschall of Nevendon                57
 REVILL     John       Given white doublet in will of Robt Weston         81
 REWSE      Robert     Svt, mention in will of Eliz Barney                22
 REYNOLDS   John       W Hanningfield, 20/- left by Jn Elles (related?)   38
 REYNOLDS   William    W Hanningfield, 20/- left by Jn Elles (related?)   38
 RICHARDSON Matthew    Witness to will of Eliz Barney, Wethersfield 1576  22
 RICHARDSON Walter     Kelvedon vicar, to supervise will of Wm Filloll    40
 RICHMAN    John elder Sold East Croft to Wm Osborne of Fambridge         56
 RINGER     Robert     Given 1/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 ROBARTES   Anne       Dau (married) of Marcelyn Halles, Gilles perhaps   46
 ROBARTES   Thomas     Overseer of will of Marcelyn Halles                46
 ROBERDES   John       Owned a tenement in Park Street, Thaxted           77
 ROBERTES   Faith      Hatfield P, d of Jn Pilborough, 20/- in his will   59
 ROBGENT    Robert     Recd mills in will of Thos Baron                   23
 ROBINSON   Nicholas   Upminster, svt of Richd Taverner, 2nd best doublet 74
 ROCHESTER  Mary       Aunt of Wm Abell of W Bergholt (in his will)       20
 ROGERS     Richard    Maldon, tenant of Jn Gaywood occupying a house     42
 ROGERS     William    Runwell Street, sold land/houses   Jn Churche      32
 ROKLYN     John       St Osyth, sold meadow to Jn Sandon                 66
 ROOKE      Anne       Upton, w of Wm R, mansion/lands for life           63
 ROOKE      Clement    In care of Wm R, 13pds pa after Anne R dies        63
 ROOKE      Elizabeth  In care of Wm R, 1000pds in will over 16yrs        63
 ROOKE      Robert     s of Saml R, succeeds to Upton Grove (will Wm R)   64
 ROOKE      Samuel     Southwark, s of Wm R (will of Wm Rooke of Upton)   64
 ROOKE      Samuel     Kinsman of Wm R, 40pds pa after Anne R dies        63
 ROOKE      William    Southwark, kinsman of Wm Rooke of WHam (Upton)     64
 ROOKE      William    Cousin/gson of Wm Rooke/Upton, s of Wm R/Southwark 64
 ROOKE      William    Upton gmn, will March 1597 proved June             63
 ROOSE      Anne       Gt Horkesley, d of Jn R, 40pds + slvr spoons at 21 64
 ROOSE      Edward     Gt Horkesley, s of Jn R, 40pds + Horkesley Pk &c   64
 ROOSE      Elizabeth  Gt Horkesley, d of Jn R, 40pds + slvr spoons at 21 64
 ROOSE      John       Gt Horkesley gmn, will Sept 1570 proved October    64
 ROOSE      Mary       Gt Horkesley, sis of Wm R, 6/8d at age 18          65
 ROOSE      Mary       Gt Horkesley, w of Jn R, land/leases for life      64
 ROWLANDUM  Robert     Stondon? Witnessed Reynold Hollingworth will 1573  47
 ROYDON     Joan       Fryerning, w of Wm R, all goods in his will        65
 ROYDON     William    Fryerning gmn, v brief will 1571, proved 1574      65
 ROYNON     Jane       Married sis of Edmund Staunton, cow in his will    70
 ROYSTON    Richard    Witness to will of Thos Barker 1595                22
 RUCKE      Susan      Dunton, svt of Jn Drywood, 20/- in his will        35
 RUDD       Matthew    Wanstead?  Witnessed will of Thomas Lord 1576      51
 RUMBOLD    Margaret   Widow, witnessed addition to will Robt Blake 1588  26
 RUSH       Frances    Given seam of wheat in will of Robt Northen        56
 RUSH       William    Husbd of Frances Rush                              56
 RUST       Edward     Witness to will of Philip Bird of Debden 1592      25
 SADDELTON  William    Halstead, witness to will of Jn Hunwicke, 1561     47
 SADLER     Vincent    Rayne gmn, nunc will July 1597, proved July        65
 SALUSBURYE H          Witness to will of Wm Osborne of N Fambridge 1591  57
 SAMMES     Elizabeth  Gt Totham, dau of Wm Studhawe, half his manor      72
 SAMMES     John       Gt Totham, s-i-law of Wm Studhawe & his executor   72
 SAMMES     Mary       Colchester, w of Thos S, to hold W Bergholt lands  66
 SAMMES     Richard    Colchester s of Thos S, W Bergholt lands when 21   66
 SAMMES     Thomas     Colchester gmn, nunc will 1598                     66
 SAMPFORD   Edwin      Shellow Bowells s of Stephen S, 40pds in will      66
 SAMPFORD   Elizabeth  Shellow B, w of Stephen S, various articles given  66
 SAMPFORD   George     Shellow Bowells, eld s of Stephen S, all residue   66
 SAMPFORD   Stephen    Shellow Bowells gmn, will Mar 1600 proved May      66
 SAMPFORD   Stephen jr Shellow Bowells s of Stephen S, 6pd &c in will     66
 SANDERS    George     Woodham Ferrers ? Witnessed will of Jn Sandys 1559 67
 SANDON     Anne       St Osyth, w of Jn S, leases for life Cockett Wick+ 66
 SANDON     Anne       St Osyth, dau of Jn Sandon, 20pds in his will      66
 SANDON     Edmund     St Osyth, s of Jn S, house/orchards/meadow &c      66
 SANDON     Elizabeth  St Osyth, dau of Jn Sandon, 20pds in his will      66
 SANDON     Francis    St Osyth, s of Jn S, dwelling house + 40pds        66
 SANDON     John       St Osyth gmn, will of Apr 1582, proved June        66
 SANDON     Mary       St Osyth, dau of Jn Sandon, 20pds in his will      66
 SANDYS     Anne       Woodham Ferrers w of Jn S, most of estate for life 67
 SANDYS     John       Woodham Ferrers gmn, will 1559 proved 1561         67
 SANDYS     William    Woodham Ferrers, s of Jn S, residuary legatee      67
 SANSON     William    Given 10/- in will of George Munnes                54
 SAUNDER    Simon      Debden, aka Simon Fleming                          24
 SAVELL     Elizabeth  Clavering, 3/4 of malt in will of Jn Cotton        34
 SAWMON     James      Given 40/- in will of Nicholas Marshall            51
 SAYE       Frances    Given 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 SCOTTE     Thomas     Foxearth, witness to will of Thos Carter 1582      30
 SEALE      John       Takeley (Park), tenant of Jn Churche               32
 SEAMER     Margaret   S Hanningfield, witnessed will of Thos Tyrell 1592 78
 SEARLE     Mark       Godson of Andrew Larder, 20/- in his will          50
 SEMER      Avice      Woodham Mortimer, w of Jn S, lands in Writtle      67
 SEMER      Avice      Woodham Mortimer d of Jn S, W Mortimer Hall @ 18   67
 SEMER      John       Woodham Mortimer gmn, will 1559                    67
 SENDY      Agnes      Romford, w of Wm S, 2/3 of lands for life          68
 SENDY      Arthur     Romford, s of Wm S, 1/3 of lands, balance later    68
 SENDY      William    Romford, s of Wm S, some Hampshire lands in will   68
 SENDY      William    Romford (Gooses) will 1575 proved Mar 1576         67
 SEQUENCE   William    Gt Tey? Witnessed will of Robt Northen 1588        56
 SETTELL    Dorothy    Niece of Geo White, 10pds in his will              82
 SHARPINGTONWidow      Given 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 SHAWE      John       Southwark leatherseller, 40/- from Rice Apowen     20
 SHELDRAKE  Richard    Lawford, svt of Joan Waldegrave, 10/- in will      79
 SHERMAN    Robert     Lt Clacton ? Witnessed will of Jn Stubbes 1588     72
 SHORLOCK   John       Witness to will of Thos Bageworth                  21
 SHORTE     Thomas     Lt Clacton ? Witnessed will of Jn Stubbes 1588     72
 SHRUBB     Mary       Boreham, svt of Thos Tendringe, 20/- in will       74
 SILKE      Robeert    Lt Clacton ? Witnessed will of Jn Stubbes 1588     72
 SILYE      Roger      Kelvedon, svt of Wm Filloll, cow if continues svt  40
 SIMNELL    Richard    Gt Tey? Witnessed will of Robt Northen 1588        56
 SIMPSON    Thomas     E Mersea, supervisor of will of Edwd Lambard       49
 SIMPSON    William    Shalford ? Witnessed will of Thos Smith 1587       68
 SKELE      John       Hornchurch, eld son of Wm Skele, lands in Fobbing  40
 SKELE      Robert     Hornchurch, s of Wm Skele, 40/- pa from Jn Fowlar  40
 SKELE      Thomas     Hornchurch, s of Wm Skele, Howse Land              40
 SKELE      William    Hornchurch, decd pre-1567, agt with Jn Fowlar      40
 SKELE      William jr Hornchurch, s of Wm Skele, Beane land              40
 SKELTON    John       Executor of will of Jn Elles, 1588                 38
 SKETES     John       Chadwell ? Witness to will of Walter Darrell 1592  35
 SKINGELL   Edward     S Ockendon ? Witnessed will of Hy Harleston 1589   46
 SKOTT      John       Halstead, alternate legatee of Arthur Breame       27
 SMALLYE    Alice      Bright'sea widow, nursed Wm Thimble, 40/-          75
 SMALLYE    Mary       Bright'sea, dau of Alice S, 10/- from Wm Thimble   75
 SMETH      John       Halstead, witness to will of Jn Hunwicke, 1561     47
 SMETH      Robert     Halstead, witness to will of Jn Hunwicke, 1561     47
 SMITH      Edward     Finchingfield gmn, nunc will Sep 1603, proved Sep. 68
 SMITH      Grace      Shalford, d of Robt Cooke, w of Wm S,decd by 1587  68
 SMITH      John       Lt Baddow ?, witness to will of Lawrence Broome    28
 SMITH      Mary       Shalford, sis of Thos Smith, 45pds after marriage  68
 SMITH      Thomas     Shalford gmn, will Feb 1587 proved July.           68
 SMITH      Thomas     Finchingfield? Bro of Edwd S, nag/tack in will     68
 SMITH      William    Shalford, fr of Thos S & main legatee              68
 SMITH      William    Halstead, svt to Arthur Breame, rec'd 20/- in will 27
 SMITHE     John       Gt Horkesley, svt of Jn Roose, 3/4d in will        64
 SMITHE     Mary       Gt Horkesley, d of Jn Smithe, 3/4d from Jn Roose   65
 SMITHE     Robert     London gmn, sold Prestons (S H'field)   Wm Pascall 58
 SMYTH      Constance  Cranham, witnessed will of Thos Wigenton, 1603     83
 SMYTH      Humfrey    S-i-law of Rice Apowen, gown in his will           20
 SMYTHE     Joan       W Ham, dau of Rice Apowen, recd Glams land         20
 SMYTHE     John       aka John Hovill, of Dovercourt                     47
 SMYTHE     Robert     Halstead, also witness to will of Francis Gillam   66
 SNELHAWKE  ChristopherFinchingfield? Witnessed will of Edwd Smith 1603   68
 SOME       Henry      W Hanningfield, svt of Jn Elles, 10/- in his will  38
 SONE       William    Witness to will of Jn Fowlar of Romford, 1567      41
 SONGER     Elizabeth  Witham, w of Hy S, Asslyns/Tendering ho for life   68
 SONGER     Elizabeth  Witham, d of Hy S,  21 in 1569                     69
 SONGER     Harry      Witham, s of Hy S,  21 in 1569                     69
 SONGER     Henry      Witham gmn, will Feb 1569 proved April             68
 SONGER     Jerome     Witham, s of Hy S,  21 in 1569                     69
 SONGER     Richard    Bro of Hy S, 6/8d per qtr ex Phillips/Newlands     68
 SONGER     Robert     Witham, s of Hy S, Tendering after Eliz S dies     68
 SONGER     Robert     Bro of Hy S, given colt/crossbow/arrows in will    69
 SONGER     Rooke      Witham, prob eld s of Hy S, Asslyns in will        68
 SONGER     Steven     Witham, s of Hy S,  21 in 1569                     69
 SOOTHIE    Richard    Witnessed will of Thos Byrde of Debden             29
 SORELL     Thomas     Brightlingsea?  Witnessed will of Hugh Nevill 1602 55
 SOTHERTON  George     Owed 50 pds to Eliz Tuke, according to her will    76
 SPAROW     Robert     Tenant of Jn Drywood (Blankettes, Malles Meads)    36
 SPARROW    John       Earles Colne, tenant of Robt Pyerson               60
 SPENCER    Christian  sis of Wm Roose, m Lancelot S, angel in Roose will 65
 SPENCER    Lancelot   Supervisor of will of Wm Roose of Gt Horkesley     65
 SPRINGE    John       Given 5/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 SPROTT     Anthony    Kinsman of Anne Rooke (will of Wm Rooke)           63
 SPROTT     Edward     Overseer for will of Wm Rooke of W Ham (Upton)     63
 SPROTT     Roger      Bro of Anne Rooke, to be i/c Eliz Rooke            63
 SPROTT     William    Bro of Anne Rooke, to be i/c Eliz Rooke            63
 SPRYNGER   John       N Weald ? Witnessed will of Geo Raynsforde 1559    62
 SPRYNGFELD John       Witness to will of Richd Farr of Gt Burstead 1594  40
 SPUIGHTE   Thomas     Woolwich ymn, 2.5ac in Plaistow Marsh, ex Wm Rooke 63
 SPUIGHTE   Thomas ygr Stratford Langthorne, 5pds pa ex Wm Rooke   poor   63
 STANSMORE  George     London clothwkr, agt pf 3/5/1580 with Wm Rooke     63
 STANTON    Francis    Stanford Rvrs, eld s of Jn S, Borowes manor &c     69
 STANTON    John       Kinsman of Richd Raystell, 5pds in his will        62
 STANTON    John       Stanford Rivers gmn, will Jan 1559 proved May      69
 STANTON    Thomas     Kin of Wm Stanton of Stanford Rivers               69
 STANTON    William    A brother of Thomas Stanton                        69
 STANTON    William    Stanford Rvrs, s of Jn S, Totte Hill, 10pds &c     69
 STAUNTON   Anne       Epping, w of Edmund S, given rents from Cow Lease  70
 STAUNTON   Edmund     Epping gmn, will 1574                              70
 STAUNTON   John       Uncle of Edmund S, 2 sons in Edmund's will         70
 STAUNTON   Nicholas   Bro of Edmund S, late share in Cow Lease rent      70
 STEBINGE   Edward     Given 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        52
 STEEDE     John       Sold land to Thos Meade of Chrishall               52
 STERNE     Thomas     Feering vicar, black cloak in will of Robt Weston  81
 STEVENS    Robert     Moulsham, witness to will of Richd Barwisse 1593   23
 STEVENS    Thomas     Upminster ?  Witnessed will of Thos Lathum 1590    50
 STEWARDE   Steven     Walden maltster (?), in will of Josias Byrd        29
 STILEMAN   Richard    Forgiven 10/- debt in the will of Eliz Tuke        76
 STOKES     Samuel     Barking gmn, will June 1584, proved Sept           71
 STOKES     Susan      Barking, w of Saml S, lands in London &c for life  71
 STONE      James      Shelley parson, witnessed will of Jn Greene 1594   45
 STONERDE   John       Esq, witnessed will of Jn Carewe of Romford 1564   29
 STOUGHTON  Thomas     Received 10/- in will of Humfrey Blake             25
 STRANGE    Paul       Hatfield P ? Witnessed will of Wm Studhawe 1586    73
 STROODE               Maldon, ex Chelmsford, shop tenant of Jn Gaywood   42
 STROUDE    Mark       Gmn, sold land to Wm Pascall of S Hanningfield     58
 STUBBES    Agnes      Lt Clacton, w of Jn S, Cotton Hall lease for life  71
 STUBBES    John       Lt Clacton gmn, will 1588 proved 1595              71
 STUBBES    Philip     Lt Clacton s of Jn S, Cockes, Cotton Hall &c &c    71
 STUDHAWE   Jane       Hatfield P, d of Wm S, 1/2 manor of Toppingho &c   72
 STUDHAWE   William    Hatfield Peverel gmn, will 1586                    72
 SUCK       Margaret   Gt Tey, dau of Robt Northen, silver/gilt mazer     56
 SWAINE     John       Given clothing in will of Nicholas Chebborne       31
 SWALLOWE   William    Sold Stanbrooke land to Ralph Turner, Thaxted      77
 SWAYNE     Anne       Prob sis of Jn Swaine, brass in will of Nicholas C 31
 SWETTINGE  Nurse      Upminster, nurse, recd 20/- in will of Thos Lathum 50
 SYDAYE     William    Witnessed the will of Robt Weston 1601             81
 SYDAYE     William    Bures gmn, br(-i-law?) of Jn Weston of Feering     80
 SYLVESTER  John       Romford (Maylardes), 40/- in will of Jn Fowlar     41
 SYMNELL    Richard    Clacton, supervisor of will of Jn Stubbes 1588     72
 SYMPSON    Bridget    Runwell, d of David S, recd Brettes in Roxwell     73
 SYMPSON    David      Runwell gmn, b St Clement Ldn, will Aug 1594       73
 SYMPSON    Joan       Mother of David S, her will 1558                   73
 SYMPSON    Vincent    Runwell, s of David S, recd Linfords in Roxwell    73
 SYMPSON    William    Kirby le Soken vicar, 10/- from Jn Sandon's will   66
 SYTHE      Randall    Wanstead?  Witnessed will of Thomas Lord 1576      51
 TABOR      Nicholas   Ramsden Bellhouse, witnessed will of Thos Tyrell   78
 TALOR      Hugh       Woodham Ferrers ? Witnessed will of Jn Sandys 1559 67
 TAVERNER   Christian  niece of Richd Taverner, recd money for ring       74
 TAVERNER   Elizabeth  Upminster, w of Richd T, residuary legatee         74
 TAVERNER   John       Bro of Richd Taverner, best horse in his will      73
 TAVERNER   Richard    Upminster gmn, will May 1595 proved July           73
 TAVERNER   Susan      Upminster, d of Richd T, 100pds in his will        73
 TAYLOR     Humfrey    Castle Hdghm, svt of Francis Glemham, left 20/-    44
 TAYLOR     Mary       Debden svt of Philip Bird, 20/- in his will        24
 TENDRINGE  Cecily     Boreham, w of Thos T, Old Tabors for life          74
 TENDRINGE  Mary       dau of Wm T, 40/- in will of Thos Tendringe        74
 TENDRINGE  Thomas     Boreham (Burnt Hall) gmn, will 1603                74
 TENDRINGE  Thomas     Boreham, s of Thos T, residuary legatee/executor   74
 TENDRINGE  William    Bro of Thos Tendringe (Mary his dau)               74
 TEYE       William    Peldon ? Overseer of will of Wm Studhawe           73
 THAKEMAN   Thomas     Given 10/- in will of Wm Bode of Gt Stambridge     26
 THEYDAN    Jane       Maldon, occupying the Clock House, 1561            42
 THIMBLE    Bridget    Bright'sea d of Hy T, Northland in Bradwell        75
 THIMBLE    Cleer      Bright'sea d of Hy T, residual part in will        74
 THIMBLE    Edward     Bright'sea s of Hy T, 20/- in his will             74
 THIMBLE    Henry      Brightlingsea gmn, will Oct 1590 proved Dec        74
 THIMBLE    Henry jr   Bright'sea s of Hy T, Woodes/Redwyns/Collmans &c   74
 THIMBLE    Katherine  Bright'sea d of Hy T, Woodes in Bradwell           75
 THIMBLE    Martha     Bright'sea d of Hy T, residual part in will        74
 THIMBLE    Olive      Bright'sea d of Hy T, residual part in will        75
 THIMBLE    William    Bright'sea s of Hy T, Byames/Deeringes/Picknetes   74
 THIMBLE... Anne       Manningtree d of Francis T, will of Jane Rampstone 61
 THIMBLE... Francis    Manningtree (Thimblethorpe) will of Jane Rampstone 61
 THIMBLE... Jane       Manningtree d of Francis T, will of Jane Rampstone 61
 THIMBLE... Justine    Manningtree, w of Francis T, exctr of J Rampstone  61
 THIMBLE... Mrs        Manningtree, w of Thimblethorpe, kin of Jn Latimer 50
 THOMAS     Anne       Widow, m Wm Rooke of Upton, Grove House for life   64
 THOMSON    Edward     Gmn, deceased before 1576                          37
 THOMSON    Henry      Halstead, also witness to will of Francis Gillam   66
 THORMUND   John       Gt Horkesley, 6/8d in will of Jn Roose             64
 THORNE     John       Gt Horkesley? Witnessed will of Jn Roose           65
 THORNE     John       Chrishall, aka Jn Abraham                          52
 THORNE     Thomas     Chrishall, aka Thos Abraham                        52
 THORROWGOODThomas     Godson of Jn Fowlar, 40/- in his will              41
 THURGOOD   Edward     Admn of will of Edwd Smith granted 1603            68
 THURGOOD   William    Finchingfield ? Most goods of Edwd Smith's will    68
 THURLOE    Margaret   Sis of Thos Byrde, m Philip Hammonde ?             29
 THUSTANE   William    Given 1/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        51
 THWAITES   John       Proved the will of Urias Barker in 1596            22
 THYMBLE    John       Clacton ? s of Wm T, will of Jn Stubbes (deleted)  72
 THYMBLE    Parnel     Clacton ? d of Wm T, will of Jn Stubbes (deleted)  72
 THYMBLE    William    Clacton ?  Decd pre 1588 (will of Jn Stubbes)      72
 TIBBALL    John       Hatfield P, svt of Jn Pilborough, 26/8d in will    59
 TICHBORNE  Henry      Witness to will of Robt Fremlinge, 1596            41
 TICHBORNE  William    Witness to will of Robt Fremlinge, 1596            41
 TILLINGHAM Edward     Feering notary, best cloak in will of Jn Weston    80
 TIRRELL    George     Fobbing, Lord of Manor 1561, re Jn Fowlar's lands  40
 TIRRELL    Joan       Fobbing, Lord of Manor 1561, re Jn Fowlar's lands  40
 TOSSELL    Margaret   Layer Marney, maid to Eliz Tuke, a tawny gown      76
 TRAUGHTON  Charles    Mountnessing gmn, nunc will Feb 1601, proved Mar   75
 TRAUGHTON  Margaret   Mountnessing, w of Chas T, recd all goods/leases   75
 TRULOVE    Edmund     Hatfield P?  3pds 6/8 in will of Jn Pilboro        59
 TRULOVE    Ellen      Hatfield P?  6pds 13/4 at 18 in will of Jn Pilboro 59
 TRYPPE     Henry      s-i-law of Richd Geslyng, gold ring in his will    43
 TUKE       Brian      Gmn, bro of Eliz Tuke, 6pds in her will            76
 TUKE       Edward eld s of Peter Tuke, 3pds in will of Eliz Tuke         76
 TUKE       Edward ygr s of Peter Tuke, 3pds in will of Eliz Tuke         76
 TUKE       Elizabeth  Layer Marney gwmn, will 1593                       75
 TUKE       Elizabeth  sis-i-law of Eliz Tuke, "Mistress"                 75
 TUKE       George     Layer Marney, father of Eliz T                     75
 TUKE       George     s of Peter Tuke, 3pds in will of Eliz Tuke         76
 TUKE       Katherine  Sis of Eliz Tuke, taffeta gown in will             76
 TUKE       Morice     Gmn, bro of Eliz Tuke, 20pds in her will           76
 TUKE       Peter      Bro of Eliz Tuke                                   76
 TUKE       Thomas     Gmn, bro of Eliz Tuke, 20pds in her will           76
 TUKE       William    s of Peter Tuke, 3pds in will of Eliz Tuke         76
 TUNSTALL   William    Hatfield P ? Witnessed will of Wm Studhawe 1586    73
 TURKE      Matthew    Orsett, svt of Rich Raystell, 6/8d in his will     62
 TURNAR     Besse      Halstead, dau of Jn Hunwicke, recd a house         47
 TURNER     Benjamin   Lt Parndon, s of Frances T, share rest of goods    76
 TURNER     Edward     Halstead ?  Witnessed will of Francis Gillam 1580  65
 TURNER     Edward     Lt Parndon Canons, s-i-law of Frances T, overseer  76
 TURNER     Edward     W Hanningfield, svt of Jn Elles, 40/- in his will  38
 TURNER     Eleanor    Thaxted, w of Ralph T, use of household goods etc  77
 TURNER     Elizabeth  Thaxted, d of Ralph T, 120 pds in his will at 18   77
 TURNER     Frances    Lt Parndon gwmn, will 1600 proved 1603             76
 TURNER     John       Lt Parndon, s of Frances T, bedstead/chest/bed     76
 TURNER     Joseph     Lt Parndon, s of Frances T, share rest of goods    76
 TURNER     Mary       Lt Parndon, d of Frances T, various good furniture 76
 TURNER     Nathaniel  Lt Parndon, s of Frances T, share rest of goods    76
 TURNER     Ralph      Thaxted gmn, will 1595 proved 1600                 77
 TURNER     Ralph      Thaxted, s of Ralph T, 60pds in his will at 21     77
 TURNER     Richard    Thaxted, s of Ralph T, Household &c                77
 TURNER     Thomasine  Lt Parndon, d of Frances T, various good furniture 76
 TURNER     William    Colchester, witnessed will of Thomas Sammes 1598   66
 TURNER     William    aka Furbusher, sold pasture Ralph Turner, Thaxted  77
 TURNER     William    Thaxted, s of Ralph T, 60pds in his will at 21     77
 TURNOR     John       Witnessed will of Frances Turner                   76
 TURNOR     Robert     Walden, tenant of Philip Bird                      24
 TUTTIE     Robert     St Katherines Ldn cooper, will of Thos Rawlins     61
 TYE        Robert     Bright'sea, svt of Wm Thimble, 20/- (wrote will)   75
 TYE        Robert     Brightlingsea?  Witnessed will of Hugh Nevill 1602 55
 TYFFEN     Mr         Halstead ?, loving friend of Arthur Breame         27
 TYLARE     Edmund     Maldon, tenant of Jn Gaywood occupying a shop 1561 42
 TYLFORD    John       Son-i-law of Geo Munnes, 5pds in his will          54
 TYLFORD    Mary       Late d-in-law of Geo Munnes (as at 1580)           54
 TYLFORD    Robert     Son of Wm T, an old angel in will of Geo Munnes    54
 TYLFORD    William    Son-i-law of Geo Munnes, 5pds in his will          54
 TYMOND     John       Stanford Rvrs, valued Jn Stanton's stock for sale  70
 TYNGE      William    Hallingford Common, a tenant there 1559            70
 TYRELL     Anne       S Hanningfield, dau of Thos T, 40/- in will        78
 TYRELL     Edward     S Hanningfield, son of Thos T, 40/- in will        78
 TYRELL     Francis    S Hanningfield, eld s of Thos T, 4mks in will      78
 TYRELL     Jane       S Hanningfield, w of Thos T, rest of his goods     78
 TYRELL     Thomas     S Hanningfield gmn, nunc will Jan 1592 proved Feb  78
 TYRELL     Thomas     Downham, overseer of will for Thos Tyrell          78
 TYRRELL    Thomas     Friend of Geo White, 40/- in will for a ring       82
 UDALL      Peter      Witness to the will of Wm Rooke of Upton (WHam)    64
 UNDERWOOD  John       Given 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        51
 UPCHER     Joan       Dau-i-law of Robt Northen, 10pds in his will       56
 UPCHER     John       Witness to will of Wm Filloll 1569                 40
 UPCHER     John       Scribe/witness to will of Nicholas Chebborne 1585  31
 UPCHER     John       s? of Joan U, g/son of Robt Northen, spoon willed  56
 UPCHER     Robert     s? of Joan U, g/son of Robt Northen, spoon willed  56
 UPHAVERING John       Witness to will of Jn Fowlar of Romford, 1567      41
 UPHAVERING Thomas     Sold land (Gardeyns) to Marcelyn Halles            46
 UTNYALL    Anthony    Given 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        51
 VALE       John       Ex svt of Jn Latimer, 10/- in his will             50
 VANE       Richard    Dedham clerk, witnessed will of Roger Vaughan 1602 78
 VAUGHAN    Margery    Dedham, w of Roger V, houses in Mdx/Dedham, etc    78
 VAUGHAN    Roger      Dedham gmn, will 1602                              78
 VAUGHAN    Steven     Overseer of will of Geo White of Hutton Hall       82
 VEERE      Elizabeth  Colchester, w of Jeffrey V, all goods in will      79
 VEERE      Jeffrey    Colchester gmn, St Giles, nunc will 1572           79
 VEERE      John       Colchester, eld s of Jeffrey V, gilt salt in will  79
 VESSEY     Mr         Danbury, was owed 4pds by Thos Lord of Wanstead    50
 VIGEROUS   William    Earles Colne? Witnessed will of Robt Pyerson 1587  60
 VIGOROUS   William sr Shalford ? Witnessed will of Thos Smith 1587       68
 VIGORUS    William    Halstead, mention in will of Francis Gillam        65
 VYCORUS    William    Castle Hdghm, witnessed will of Francis Glemham    44
 WADE                  Bright'sea widow, to care for Bridget Thimble      75
 WADE       Robert     Colchester gmn, supervisor for Jn Meridale         53
 WAILETT    Steven     Witness to will of Jn Cotton of Clavering          34
 WAKEFYLD   John       Witness to will of Jn Cotton of Clavering          34
 WAKELEN    Henry      Witnessed will of Rice Apowen 1597                 20
 WAKELYN    Luke       Radwinter, sold Osiers 2ac.   Simon Mountford      54
 WAKELYNGE  John       Witness to will of Cecily Barnyshe, 1563           23
 WALDEGRAVE Edward     Lawford, s of Joan W, resid legatee/executor       79
 WALDEGRAVE Joan       Lawford gwmn, widow, will 1589                     79
 WALDEGRAVE John       Gentleman, mention in will of Wm Abell 1580        20
 WALDEGRAVE William    Given 10/- when old eno, will of Joan Waldegrave   79
 WALE       Thomas     Radwinter, sold land/house Simon Mountford's fathr 54
 WALFORD    Robert     Runwell, witnessed will of Nicholas Younge 1598    83
 WALKER     Anne       d of Richd Walker, 40/- in will of Wm Osborne      57
 WALKER     John       Sold land to Wm Pascall of S Hanningfield          58
 WALKER     Martha     dau of Thos Walker, 40/- @21 from Wm Osborne       57
 WALKER     Richard    Bro-i-law of Wm Osborne                            57
 WALKER     Richard jr s of Richd Walker, 40/- in will of Wm Osborne      57
 WALKER     Thomas     Bro-i-law of Wm Osborne ?                          57
 WALKER     Thomas jr  s of Thos Walker, 40/- @21 from Wm Osborne         57
 WALKER     William    s of Thos Walker, 40/- @21 from Wm Osborne         57
 WALKER     William    Br-i-law of Wm Osborne                             57
 WALL       Henry      Gt Hallingbury, witness to will of Wm Beryffe      24
 WALL       Thomas     Gt Hallingbury, bro of Kath Beryffe (nee Wall)     24
 WALLINGER  Thomas     Chelmsford, witnessed the will of Thos Knotte 1576 48
 WALLIS     John       s-i-law of Richd Raystell, overseer of his will    63
 WALLIS     Richard    Godson of Richd Raystell, 5pds in his will         62
 WANGFORD   Alice      Dau of John Wangford, in will of Jn Coggeshall     33
 WANGFORD   John       Bro-in-law of John Coggeshall (who d 1600)         33
 WARDE      John       Hunsdon Mill, Herts, decd, Rowland Eliot to chn    37
 WARNER     Joan       Maid of Edwd Wyott's mother, 6/8d in his will      83
 WARNER     Margaret   Gt Horkesley widow, 6/8d in will of Jn Roose       64
 WATERSON   Mr         London, friend of Edmund Staunton, 40/- in will    70
 WATESON    Richard    Boreham, witnessed will of Thos Tendringe 1603     74
 WATH       Nicholas   Walden ?, bible/Pliny in will of Josias Byrd       29
 WATKINS    Elizabeth  Grays, w of Philip W, 33pds & stock &c &c          79
 WATKINS    Mary       Grays, dau of Philip W, 33pds & stock              79
 WATKINS    Philip     Grays Thurrock gmn, brief will of 1600             79
 WATKINS    Philip jr  Grays, ygst s of Philip W, 33pds & stock           79
 WATKINS    William    Grays, s of Philip, prob main legatee              80
 WATSON     Elizabeth  dau of Jn Watson & g/dau of Jn Coggeshall          33
 WATSON     Elizabeth  Gt Horkesley w of Jn W, mattress from Jn Roose     64
 WATSON     John       Gt Horkesley, svt of Jn Roose, 6/8d in will        64
 WATSON     John       Halstead vicar & friend, 20/- in will of A Breame  27
 WATSON     John       s-i-law of Jn Coggeshall of Halstead               33
 WAYNWRIGHT Mrs        London, married sis of Jn Latimer of Colchester    50
 WEBBE      Richard    Maldon, mention in will of Jn Mellowes             53
 WEBSTER    Rose       Hatfield P?  5/- in will of Jn Pilborough          59
 WELLOCKE              Lawford, his wife a kercher, will Joan Waldegrave  79
 WELLS      Lawrence   Witness to will of Thos Baron of Alboro Hatch      23
 WELS       Richard    Gt Tey? Witnessed will of Robt Northen 1588        56
 WENTE      Anne       Lt Dunmow, svt of Geo Raimond, 4pds in his will    61
 WENTWORTH  Margaret   Lt Stambridge, w of Richd W, goods/leases          80
 WENTWORTH  Richard    Lt Stambridge gmn, brief will of 1580              80
 WESSLYE    Thomas     Given 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        51
 WESTON     Amy        Feering, dau of Rbt Weston, silver/gilt in will    81
 WESTON     Dorothy    Feering, w of Robt Weston, Prested hall for life   80
 WESTON     Elizabeth  Feering, dau of Jn W, 20mks at 21 in his will      80
 WESTON     Joan       sis of Robt Weston, 10pds in his will              80
 WESTON     John       Feering gmn, will 17 Oct 1590 proved 27 Oct.       80
 WESTON     Mary       Feering, dau of Rbt Weston, silver/gilt in will    81
 WESTON     Mary       Feering, dau of Jn W, 20mks at 21 in his will      80
 WESTON     Nicholas   Feering, s of Jn W, wheat/barley in will + 5pds    80
 WESTON     Robert     Feering gmn, will 1601 (=Robt s of Jn W)           80
 WESTON     Robert     Feering, s of Jn W, all armour etc in will         80
 WESTON     Sarah      Feering, w of Jn W, goods/plate/jewels             80
 WESTON     Susan      Feering, dau of Jn W, 20mks at 21 in his will      80
 WESTON     Susan      sis of Robt Weston, 10pds in his will              80
 WESTON     William    Cousin (Norfolk) of Robt Weston, rapier &c in will 81
 WESTONE    William    Overseer of will of Wm Pascall 1564                59
 WESTWOOD   Nicholas   Farnham ? Witness to will of Rowland Eliot 1576    37
 WHARTON    John       Witnessed the will of Geo White of Hutton Hall     82
 WHELER     Audrey     Clacton? d of Nicholas W, will Jn Stubbes, deleted 72
 WHELER     Giles      Clacton? s of Nicholas W, will Jn Stubbes, deleted 72
 WHELER     Nicholas   Oakley, given bay mare in will of Thos Bageworth   21
 WHELER     Nicholas   Clacton ?  Decd pre 1588 (will of Jn Stubbes)      72
 WHELER     Sarah      Given 2/- in will of John Maxye of Bradwell        51
 WHIGHT     Mr         Romford, surety for contract by Jn Cartmell        30
 WHITACORS  John       Given 20/- in will of Jn Pilborough                59
 WHITBRED   Thomas     Boreham, witnessed will of Thos Tendringe 1603     74
 WHITE      George     Hutton (Hall) will of Jun 1584, proved Sept.       81
 WHITE      John       Bro of Geo White of Hutton Hall                    82
 WHITE      Katherine  Hutton, w of Geo W, manor of Rawreth etc           82
 WHITE      Richard eldHutton, eld s of Geo W, main legatee               82
 WHITE      Thomas     s of John W, 5pds in will of Geo White             82
 WHITE      William    Stanford Rivers, svt/friend (?) of Wm Atwood       21
 WHITT      George     Hutton, overseer of will of Jn Churche             33
 WIGENTON   Elizabeth  Cranham, w of Thos W, share of proceeds of sale    82
 WIGENTON   Francis    Cranham, s of Thos W, share of proceeds of sale    82
 WIGENTON   Henry      Cranham, son of Thos W, 3 pds in his will          83
 WIGENTON   Margaret   Cranham, w of Thos W, share of proceeds of sale    82
 WIGENTON   Mary       Cranham, dau of Thos W, 3 pds in his will          83
 WIGENTON   Richard    Cranham, s of Thos W, share of proceeds of sale    82
 WIGENTON   Thomas     Cranham gmn, will Feb 1603, proved May             82
 WIGENTON   William    Cranham, s of Thos W, share of proceeds of sale    82
 WIGNALL    Richard    Barking vicar, to supervise will of Thos Pounsett  60
 WIGNALL    Richard    Witness to will of Thos Baron of Alboro Hatch      23
 WILBORE    Nicholas   Colchester, gold ring in will of Jn Latimer        50
 WILCOX     William    Lt Baddow, svt to Ed Dowbleday, wit to Broome will 28
 WILLIMOTT  Simon      Walden, witnessed will of Josias Byrd 1586         29
 WILLSON    Hugh       Gt Bentley? Witnessed will of Jn Meridale 1592     53
 WILLSONE   Elizabeth  Dedham, svt of Roger Vaugan, 13pds in his will     78
 WILSON     Henry      Colchester, called "my boy" in Wistan Browne will  28
 WISEMAN    John       Canfield esq, leased land   Wm Cracherood          34
 WISEMAN    John       s-i-law of Jn Weston, 10pds in his will            80
 WOADDY     John       Gt Holland clerk, witnessed will of Thos Markante  51
 WOOD       George     Manningtree? Witnessed will of Jane Rampstone      61
 WOOD       Thomas     Farnham ? Witness to will of Rowland Eliot 1576    37
 WOOD       William    Stanford Rivers gmn, overseer of will Jn Stanton   70
 WOODCOCK   Peter      Clavering, 5/- in the will of Jn Cotton            34
 WOODE      Anne       Rayne, witnessed the will of Vincent Sadler        65
 WOODE      Thomas     Rayne, mentioned in will of Vicnent Sadler         65
 WOODFEILDE William    Witness to the will of Wm Rooke of Upton (WHam)    64
 WOODWARD   James      Hatfield P?  5/- in will of Jn Pilborough          59
 WOODWARD   John       Sold Trunkswell 6ac to Ralph Turner of Thaxted     77
 WOOLEY     Richard    Witness to will of Philip Bird of Debden 1592      25
 WRATINGE   John       Stanford Rivers? Witnessed will of Jn Stanton 1559 70
 WRIGHT     Frances    Manningtree, dau of Anne Glascock by 1st hsbd      44
 WRIGHT     John       Stondon? Witnessed Reynold Hollingworth will 1573  47
 WRIGHT     Susan      Manningtree, dau of Anne Glascock by 1st hsbd      44
 WRIGHT     Thomas     Romford ? Witnessed will of Wm Sendy 1575          68
 WRITE      Nicholas   F-i-law of Wm Greene (Shelley). Wm had 5 daus.     45
 WYBERDE    George     Romford ? Witnessed will of Wm Sendy 1575          68
 WYBURDE    Alice      Barking, dau of Thos Pounsett, 5pds &c in his will 59
 WYBURDE    John       s-i-law of Thos Pounsett, will supervisor          60
 WYBURDE    Thomas     Barking, s of Jn/Alice, 5pds from Thos Pounsett    59
 WYBURDE    William    Barking, s of Jn/Alice, 5pds from Thos Pounsett    59
 WYLKINSON  William    Bright'sea, witnessed will of Wm Thimble 1590      75
 WYNGEAL    Margery    sis of Wm Roose, m Mr Wyngeal, angel in Roose will 65
 WYNGEAL    Mr         marr Margery Roose, sis of Jn Roose                65
 WYOTE      Thomas     Hornchurch, croft Tayles in will of Jn Fowlar      40
 WYOTT      Anne       Niece of Edwd Wyott, 3/4d in his will              83
 WYOTT      Anne       Dau of Isaac W, 10pds in the will of Edward W      83
 WYOTT      Bridget    Kin of Edwd Wyott (young?), 2/6 in his will        83
 WYOTT      Bridget    Dau of Isaac W, 10pds in the will of Edward W      83
 WYOTT      Edward     Theydon Garnon gmn, will 1585, proved 1587         83
 WYOTT      Elizabeth  Wife of Isaac Wyott, 10/- in will of Edwd W        83
 WYOTT      Isaac      Bro of Edwd W, 20 pds in his will                  83
 WYOTT      Jane       Dau of Isaac W, 10pds in the will of Edward W      83
 WYOTT      Jane       Kin of Edwd Wyott (young?), 2/6 in his will        83
 WYSEMAN    Mr         Maldon, occupying ground adjoining Kyngseye        41
 YONGE      Alice      Hornchurch, d of Jn Y, 10pds in will of Jn Fowlar  41
 YONGE      John       Hornchurch, Alice his dau.                         41
 YOUNGE     Frances    Runwell, w of Nicholas Y, house/lands for life     83
 YOUNGE     Frances jr Runwell, d of Nicholas Y, 40/- in his will         83
 YOUNGE     Nicholas   Runwell gmn, will Feb 1598, proved April           83
 YOUNGE     Nicholas jrRunwell, s of Nicholas Y, succeeds to lands        83
 YOUNGE     Pasco      Runwell, d of Nicholas Y, 40/- in his will         83
 YOUNGE     Priscilla  Runwell, d of Nicholas Y, 40/- in his will         83