The English Peerage - Extinct Peerages
Odo, bishop of Bayeux in the province of Normandy, and maternal brother to king William the conqueror, was created by that monarch earl of Kent, which title became extinct at his death 1096.
D'IPRES, -- ---- 1141.
William D'Ipres was created by king Stephen earl of Kent, which title became extinct at his death 24 January 1162.
DE BURGH, 11 February 1226.
Hubert De Burgh was created by king Henry the third earl of Kent, which title became extinct at his death 4 May 1243.
PLANTAGENET, -- ---- 1322.
Edmund, son of king Edward the first, was created by king Edward the second, his brother, earl of Kent. The title became extinct in this family upon the death of John third ead of Kent.
HOLLAND, -- ---- 1354.
See Duke of Surrey, p.11.
NEVILE, -- ---- 1461.
See Earl of Abergavenny, Vol. I. p.425.
GREY, 3 May 1465.
See Marchioness Grey, Vol. I. p.123.
FITZOSBORNE, -- ---- 1067.
William Fitzosborne, a distant relation to king William the conqueror, was created by that monarch earl of Hereford, which title became extinct by the forfeiture of Roger, second earl of Hereford, 1078.
25 July 1141.
Milo was created by the empress Maud earl of Hereford, which title became extinct in this family upon the death of Walter, third earl of Hereford.
BOHUN, -- ---- 1187.
Humphrey Bohun succeeded to the title of earl of Hereford in right of Margery his mother, daughter of Milo. Humphrey, third earl of Hereford, succeeded to the title of earl of Essex in right of his mother Maud, daughter of Geoffrey Mandeville earl of Essex. William, son of Humphrey sixth earl of Hereford, was created by king Edward the third 14 March 1337 earl of Northampton. The titles became extinct in this family upon the death of Humphrey, ninth earl of Hereford and second earl of Northampton, 17 January 1371.
PLANTAGENET, -- ---- 1371.
See Duke of Gloucester, p.5.
STAFFORD, -- ---- 1403.
See Duke of Buckingham, p.10.
Robert de Mortaigne, maternal brother to king William the conqueror, was created by that monarch earl of Cornwal, which title became extinct by the forfeiture of William, second earl of Cornwal, 1106.
Reginald de Dunstanville, natural son of king Henry the first, was created by king Stephen earl of Cornwal, which title became extinct at his death 1175.
PLANTAGENET, -- ---- 1170.
John, son of king Henry the second, was created by that monarch earl of Cornwall and by king Richard the first earl of Nottingham, Lancaster, Devonshire and Dorset. He succeeded 1189 to the title of earl of Gloucester in right of Isabel, his wife, daughter of William de Mellent earl of Gloucester. These titles merged in the crown upon the accession of that prince to the throne of England.
PLANTAGENET, 3 June 1226.
Richard, son of king John, was created by king Henry the third, his brother, earl of Cornwal, which title became extinct upon the death of Edmund, second earl of Cornwal, 1300.
GAVESTON, -- ---- 1308.
Piers Gaveston was created by king Edward the second earl of Cornwal, which title became extinct at his death 1 July 1312.
PLANTAGENET, -- ---- 1327.
John, son of king Edward the second, was created by king Edward the third, his brother, earl of Cornwal, which title became extinct at his death 1329.
MONTGOMERY, -- December 1067.
Roger de Montgomery, a distant relation to king William the conqueror, was created by that monarch earl of Arundel and Shrewsbury, which titles were forfeited. to the crown by Robert third earl of Arundel 1102.
ALBINI, -- ---- 1140.
William de Albini was created by the empress Maud earl of Arundel, which title became extinct in this family upon the death of Hugh, fourth earl of Arundel, 7 May 1243.
FITZALAN, -- ---- 1243.
John Fitzalan succeeded to the title of earl of Arundel in right of Isabel, his mother, daughter of William de Albini, third earl of Arundel. Richard, third earl of Arundel, succeeded 1347 to the title of earl of Surrey in right of Alice, his mother, grand-daughter of John Plantagenet third earl of Surrey. The titles became extinct in this family upon the death of Henry, twelfth earl of Arundel, 25 February 1579.
MONTGOMERY, December 1067.
See Earl of Arundel, p.27.
Gherbod was created by king William the conqueror earl of Chester, which title became extinct by his abdication 1070.
D'ABRINCIS, -- ---- 1070.
Hugh D'Abrincis, alias Lupus, nephew of king William the conqueror, was created by that monarch earl of Chester, which title became extinct in this family upon the death of Richard, second earl of Chester, 25 November 1119.
MESCHINES, -- ---- 1119.
Ranulph de Meschines was created by king William the conqueror earl of Cumberland, which title he soon after resigned. He succeeded to that of earl of Chester in right of ----- -----, his mother, daughter of Hugh d'Abrincis first earl of Chester. Ranulph, fourth earl of Chester, succeeded 1188 to the dukedom of Bretagne and the title of earl of Richmond in right of Constance, his wife, daughter of Conan fourth earl of Richmond. By king John 1216 he was created earl of Lincoln. The titles became extinct at his death 1232.
See Earl of Huntingdon, p.34.
PLANTAGENET, -- ----- 1245.
Edward, son of king Henry the third, was created by that monarch earl of Chester, which title he soon after resigned.
MONTFORT, -- ---- 1265.
See Earl of Leicester, p.41.
This title was by king Edward the third 1344 bestowed upon Edward the Black Prince, his son, and has since been constantly annexed to the dignity of the prince of Wales.
Alan, count of Bretagne, was created by king William the conqueror earl of Richmond, which title became extinct in this family upon the death of Conan, fourth earl of Richmond, 1171.
Geoffrey, son of king Henry the second, succeeded to the duchy of Bretagne and to the title of earl of Richmond in right of Constance, his wife, daughter of Conan fourth earl of Richmond. The title became extinct in this family upon the death of Arthur, second earl of Richmond, who was murdered by king John, his uncle, 1202.
MESCHINES, -- ---- 1188.
See Earl of Chester, p.28.
Guy de Touars succeeded to the dukedom of Bretagne and the title of earl of Richmond in right of Constance, his wife, daughter of Conan fourth earl of Richmond. The title became extinct in this family at his death.
Peter de Dreux succeeded to the dukedom of Bretagne and the title of earl of Richmond in right of Alice, his wife, daughter of Guy de Touars and of Constance daughter of Conan fourth earl of Richmond. The title became extinct in this family upon the death of John, fifth earl of Richmond, 16 May 1340.
John, duke of Bretagne, was created by king Edward the third earl of Richmond, which tide he surrendered in the following year in favour of John of Gaunt, afterwards duke of Lancaster; but it was restored to him in the year 1371. It was forfeited to the crown by John duke of Bretagne, second earl of Richmond, 1390.
NEVILE, -- ---- 1399.
See Earl of Abergavenny, Vol. I. p.422.
TUDOR, 23 November 1452.
Edmund Tudor, maternal brother to king Henry the sixth, was created by that monarch earl of Richmond, which title merged in the crown upon the accession of Henry, second earl of Richmond, to the throne of England.
Copsi, brother of Godwin earl of Kent, was created by king William the conqueror earl of Northumberland, which title became extinct at his death, one month after his creation.
COMYN, -- ----- 1069.
Robert Comyn was created by king William the conqueror earl of Northumberland, which title became extinct at his death 28 January in that year.
Cospatric, descended from the earls of Northumberland previous to the conquest, was created by king William the conqueror earl of that county, which title he forfeited to the crown 1072.
Waltheof, descended from the earls of Northumberland previous to the conquest, was created by king William the conqueror earl of that county, and soon after earl of Huntingdon and Northampton, which titles he forfeited to the crown 29 April 1075.
Walcher, bishop of Durham, was created by king William the conqueror earl of Northumberland, which title became extinct at his death 14 May 1080.
Alberic was created by king William the conqueror earl of Northumberland, which dignity he resigned 1087.
Geoffrey, bishop of Constance, was created by king William the second earl of Northumberland, which title became extinct at his death.
MOWBRAY, -- ---- 1092.
Robert de Mowbray was created by king William the second earl of Northumberland, which title he forfeited to the crown in the fo]lowing year.
PUZAS, 1189.
Hugh Puzas, bishop of Durham, was created by king Richard the first earl of Northumberland for life. He died 1197.
NEVILE, 1464.
See Earl of Abergavenny, Vol. I. p.424.
GIFFARD, -- ---- 1070.
Walter Giffard, earl of Longueville in the province of Normandy, a distant relation to king William the conqueror, was created by that monarch earl of Buckingham, which title became extinct in that family upon the death of Walter, second earl of Buckingham 1164.
See Earl of Clare, p.43.
PLANTAGENET, -- ---- 1378.
See Duke of Gloucester, p.5.
STAFFORD, -- ---- 1403.
See Duke of Buckingham, p.10.
VILLIERS, 5 January 1617.
See Earl of Jersey, Vol. I. p.262.
Odo, earl of Champagne in the kingdom of France, was created by king William the conqueror earl of Albemarle and Holdernesse. William, third earl of Albemarle, was created by king Stephen 1138 earl of York. The titles became extinct in this family at his death 1179.
See Earl of Essex, p.45.
William de Fortibus succeeded to the titles of earl of Albemarle and Holdernesse in right of Hawise his wife, daughter of William third earl of Albemarle, which title became extinct upon the death of William, third earl of Albemarle -- June 1260.
BETHUNE, -- ---- 1194.
Baldwin de Bethune succeeded to the title of earl of Albemarle in right of Hawise, his wife, relict of William de Fortibus, first earl of Albemarle, which title became extinct in this family at his death 1212.
BEAUCHAMP, -- ---- 1417.
See Duke of Warwick, p.10.
See Earl of Northumberland, p.31
SAINT LIZ, -- ---- 1073.
Simon Saint Liz was created by king William the conqueror earl of Huntingdon and Northampton. Simon, his son, succeeded him in the title of earl of Northampton, but was not admitted to the dignity of earl of Huntingdon till 1152. Simon, his son, succeeded him in the title of earl of Northampton, but was not admitted to the dignity of earl of Huntingdon till 1173. The titles became extinct upon his death 1184.
David, son of Malcolm the third king of Scotland, afterwards king David the first, was created by king Henry the first earl of Huntingdon, which title was restored 1152 to the family of Saint Liz, and again conferred in the following year upon Malcolm the fourth, king of Scotland. It reverted to the family of Saint Liz 1173, and was restored to the royal house of Scotland 1184. John, sixth earl of Huntingdon, succeeded 1232 to the title of earl of Chester in right of his mother Maud, daughter of Ranulph de Meschines, earl of Chester. The titles became extinct at his death 9 June 1244.
CLINTON, 16 March 1337.
See Duke of Newcastle, Vol. I. p. 103.
Guiscard D'Angoulesme was created by king Richard the second earl of Huntingdon, which title became extinct at his death 1380.
HOLLAND, -- ---- 1387.
See Duke of Exeter, p.6.
GREY, 24 August 1471.
See Earl of Stamford, Vol. I. p.199.
HERBERT, 4 July 1479.
See Earl of Pembroke, Vol. I. p.167.
See earl of Northumberland, p.31.
SAINT LIZ, -- ---- 1073.
See Earl of Huntingdon, P.34
BOHUN, 17 March 1337.
See Earl of Hereford, p.25.
PLANTAGENET, -- ---- 1371.
See Duke of Gloucester, p.5.
STAFFORD, -- ----1403.
See Duke of Buckingham, p.10.
HOWARD, 13 March 1603.
See Duke of Norfolk, Vol. I. p. 13.
GUADER, 1073.
Ralph Guader was created by king William the conqueror earl of Norfolk and Suffolk, which title became extinct by his forfeiture 1078.
BIGOD, 1136.
Hugh Bigod was created by king Stephen earl of Norfolk, which title became extinct upon the death of Roger, fifth earl of Norfolk, 1296.
PLANTAGENET, 16 December 1312.
See Duke of Norfolk, p.8.
GUADER, -- ---- 1073.
See Earl of Norfolk, p 36.
UFFORD, 16 March 1336.
Robert Ufford had summons to parliament by the title of lord Ufford 1308, and was created by king Edward the third earl of Suffolk, which titles became extinct upon the death of William, second earl of Suffolk, 15 February 1382.
DE LA POLE, 6 August 1385.
See Duke of Suffolk, p.11
NEWBURGH, -- ---- 1081.
Henry de Newburgh, son of Roger de Bellomont earl of Mellent in the province of Normandy, was created by king William the conqueror earl of Warwick, which title became extinct upon the death of Thomas, sixth earl of Warwick, 26 June 1242.
MARSHAL, -- ---- 1242.
John Marshal, of the family of the earls of Pembroke, succeeded to the title of earl of Warwick in right of Margery, his wife, daughter of Henry de Newburgh, fifth earl of Warwick, and died immediately after.
PLESSET, -- ---- 1243.
John de Plesset succeeded to the title of earl of Warwick in right of Margaret his wife, relict of John Marshal earl of Warwick, which title became extinct at his death 26 February 1263.
MAUDUIT, -- ---- 1263.
William Mauduit, baron of Hanslape, succeeded to the title in right of Alice his mother, daughter of Waleran de Newburgh, fourth earl of Warwick, which title became extinct at his death 8 January 1367.
BEAUCHAMP, -- ---- 1267.
See Duke of Warwick, p.10.
NEVILE, 23 July 1449.
See Earl of Abergavenny, Vol. I. p.423.
PLANTAGENET, -- ---- 1471.
See Duke of Clarence, p.2.
DUDLEY, -- ---- 1547.
See Duke of Northumberland, p.12.
DUDLEY, 26 December 1562.
Ambrose, son of John Dudley duke of Northumberland, was by queen Elizabeth created baron Lisle and earl of Warwick, which title became extinct at his death 21 February 1589.
RICH, 6 August 1618.
Richard Rich was created by king Edward the sixth 16 February 1547 baron Rich. Robert, third lord Rich, was created by king James the first earl of Warwick, and had issue, 1. Robert, second earl of Warwick. 2. Henry, who was created by king James the first 8 March 1622 baron Kensington, and 24 September 1624 earl of Holland. The titles became extinct upon the death of Edward, eighth earl of Warwick, and fifth earl of Holland 1759.
Osmond de Sees, bishop of Salisbury, was created by king William the conqueror earl of Dorset, which title became extinct at his death 1099.
BEAUFORT, 5 July 1411.
See Duke of Exeter, p.6.
BEAUFORT, 28 July 1441.
See Duke of Somerset, p.9.
MESCHINES, -- ----- ----,
See Earl of Chester, p. 28.
CLIFFORD, 18 June 1523.
See Lord Clifford of Appleby, p.57.
William, earl of Warren in the province of Normandy, a distant relation of king William the conqueror, was created by king William the second earl of Surrey, which title became extinct in this family upon the death of William, third earl of Surrey, 1148.
William, natural son of king Stephen, succeeded to the titles of earl of Warren and Surrey in right of Isabel his wife, daughter of William third earl, which titles became extinct at his death -- October 1160.
PLANTAGENET, -- ---- 1163.
Hameline, natural brother to king Henry the second, was admitted. to the titles of Earl of Warren and Surrey in right of Isabel his wife, daughter of William third earl. John, third earl of Surrey, was created by king Henry the third 1243 earl of Sussex. The titles became extinct upon the death of John fourth earl of Surrey 30 June 1347.
FITZALAN, -- ---- 1347.
See Earl of Arundel, p.27.
MELLENT, -- ---- 1100.
Robert de Mellent, natural son of king Henry the first, was created by that monarch earl of Gloucester, which titles became extinct upon the death of William second earl of Gloucester 23 November 1173.
PLANTAGENET, -- ---- 1189.
See Earl of Cornwal, p.26.
DEVEREUX, -- ---- 1216.
Almeric Devereux succeeded to the title of earl of Gloucester in right of Mabel, his mother, daughter of William de Mellent second earl of Gloucester, which title became extinct upon his death 1226.
CLARE, -- ---- 1226.
See Earl of Hertford, p.43.
MONTHERMER, -- ---- 1298.
See Earl of Hertford, p.43.
AUDLEY, -- ---- 1336.
Hugh Audley succeeded to the title of earl of Gloucester in right of Margaret his wife, daughter of Gilbert de Clare third earl of Gloucester, which title became extinct at his death 1346.
LE DESPENCER, -- ---- 1398.
See Duke of Marlborough, Vol. 1 p.57.
REDVERS, -- ---- 1100.
Richard de Redvers was created by king Edward the first earl of Devon, which title became extinct at the death of Baldwin, eighth earl of Devon, 1262.
COURTENAY, -- ---- 1296;
See Viscount Courtenay, Vol. II. p.34.
STAFFORD, 7 May 1469.
Humphrey Stafford was created by king Edward the fourth 1464 baron Stafford of Southwic, and afterwards earl of Devon, which titles became extinct at his death 17 August in that year.
BLOUNT, -- ---- 1603.
Walter Blount was created by king Edward the fourth 1465 baron Montjoy. Charles, seventh lord Montjoy, was created by king James the first earl of Devon. The titles became extinct at his death 1606.
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