Pigot & Co's Commercial Directory for Kent, 1823
Surname index
This index was compiled by Alec Whitfield. Note that this Index has not been independently checked. Also note that Pigot's compilers did not always spell names the same way on every occasion. A few characters were occasionally ambiguous such as 'i' and 'l'. Please bear this in mind if you do not immediately find the person you are seeking. Where the page numbers are qualified by another thus: 12(3); the qualifying number indicates how many times that surname/placename appeared on that page. Please also note that some places which we know were in Kent, were listed in by Pigot in their Middlesex directory. Those places are noted in the accompanying place name index.
Abbot 381 Ablett 383 Abraham 406,414(2) Abrahams 383(2),384 Abrams 400 Acworth 382 Adam 408 Adams 381,389,396,398,403,409,412,415,416,418 Addis 379 Adley 406 Admans 378,379 Albion 391 Alchin 402 Aldersley 396 Alderton 404(2) Aldridge 401 Alexander 383,399,414(2),415,418 Allan 380 Allchin 386,400 Allen 377(2),386,387,390,397(4),398(3),399(2),408,409,417 Alley 380 Alliss 419 Allman 391 Allnutt 400 Allwork 413 Alston 404(2) Ambler 378 Ambrose 414 Amis 387(2) Amouse 400 Anderson 384(2),396 Andrews 377(2),380,386(2),390,397,399 Ankcorn 383 Ansell 387 Apollo 391 Appleby 383 Appleton 388 Appleyard 380 Apps 400,417 Apsley 377 Archer 399 Archibald 414 Argles 399(2),400,401(2) Arkcoll 400 Arlidge 383 Arliss 404 Arman 379 Armstrong 416 Arney 414 Arnold 378,379,395(2),396,403,411,413 Arrow 413,418 Ash 378,379 Ashby 419,420 Ashdown 377,384,413 Ashenden 378,382(2),384,409 Ashley 384 Ashman 412 Ashtell 398 Ashton 418(2) Assiter 396,400 Atherden 405 Atherfold 420 Atkins 391,399 Atkinson 383 Attaway 415 Austen 378,380,396,399(2),400(2),402(3),403,405(2),406(3),407(2),413,418 Austin 379,387 Avann 379 Avery 399,413 Ayres 410,418 Back 377(3),381,389,394(2) Bagster 382 Bailey 381,397,405 Baily 400 Baines 379(3),380(2) Baker 378(2),379,382(3),383,387,388,389,390(2),394(2),399,406,408,409,411,413,415(2),418 Balcomb 408(2) Baldock 378,380,383,384 Baldwin 399 Balfour 408 Ball 411 Ballard 385,400(2),408 Balston 400 Banister 381 Banks 377,379,409,414 Banner 383 Barber 379,380,396 Bareham 418 Barfour 418 Barker 377 Barling 407 Barlow 383 Barnard 381,383,409,415(4) Barnaschina 396 Barnes 380,391,393,417(2) Barnett 401(2),414 Barrell 386 Barren 414,415 Barrett 413 Barrill 383 Barrow 406 Bartholomew 398,409 Bartlett 392,401,404 Barton 387(2),390(3),396 Basden 411 Baskerville 379(2),380 Bass 383,390,396,398(3) Basset 390 Bassett 398,419 Baster 389 Batcheller 389,390,391(2),392 Batchellor 418 Bate 383,393(2),415(4) Bateman 379,394 Bates 416 Bathurst 415,416 Batten 408(3) Battyll 408 Bauckham 396 Bax 380,388,405,406 Baxter 391 Bayley 377(2),387,403(2),417(2) Bayly 387(2),394(2),406,407 Beaching 391,418 Beal 412(5),414(2),415 Beale 378,382,393,417,419(3) Beall 393(2) Bean 386 Bear 406 Beard 378(2),395 Beasley 379 Beattie 411 Beaumont 396,399(2),401,415 Beauvais 380 Bebington 414 Beck 390 Becket 395(2) Bedwell 379,393 Beecham 389 Beeching 400,418(2),419 Beeman 385 Beer 378,379(3),380,390 Beioley 380 Bel? 387 Bell 402,413,419 Bender 409 Benjamin 400 Bennett 378,379,393,394(2),396,400,401,415,417,419(3),420 Bensted 401(2) Bentham 414 Bentlif 399(2) Bently 404 Benton 377 Bernard 396(2) Best 382 Bettison 402,403(2) Betts 391 Bevan 396,413 Bing 391(2) Birch 383,387,389,390,393,404,408,417 Bird 378,379,406 Birt 378(2) Bishop 382,383,401,402,414,417(2) Bishopp 384,385 Black 393(2) Blackburn 379 Blackford 402 Blackley 379 Blackman 385,413 Blackmur 414 Blair 397 Blake 412 Blaxland 387,404,408 Blenkinsop 408 Bligh 379 Blinkhorn 399,400 Blissenden 406(2) Blitz 388 Blundell 384,401,417 Blunden 391 Boghurst 377(2) Boncey 403 Bond 382,394,396(2),408 Bone 403 Bonnell 383 Bonner 393 Bonsey 403 Bonython 389,390,391 Booker 386 Bookham 402 Boorman 377,384,410,417 Boorn 390,394(2),397 Boosey 383 Booth 409,418 Borman 402 Bosnell 409 Boss 417 Boswell 413 Bosworth 420 Botten 419 Boucher 409(2) Boulding 415 Bourn 381,393,407 Bourne 385,410 Bovis 401 Bowes 404(2),412 Bowlden 399 Bowler 389 Bowles 389,391(2),396 Bowling 387 Bowman 380,393,408,414 Bowmer 409 Bowra 413(2) Boxer 394(4) Boy 378,401 Boyce 389,390 Boys 384,400,402,403(2),408(2),409 Boyton 391 Braddy 384,396,408(2) Bradley 386,415 Bradly 411,412 Braine 402 Bramley 402 Brand 386,413 Branford 392,393 Brasher 403 Brasier 402,403 Brattle 400 Braund 386 Bray 416 Breeze 405 Brenchley 395,396,399(3),400,415 Brent 380 Brett 389,390(2),391,403 Brewer 383,386 Brice 378 Bridge 409 Bridger 413,419 Bridges 378,381 Brigden 418 Briggs 383,400,413 Brightwell 380 Brisenden 415,418(3) Brisley 396,409 Brissenden 410,416 Bristow 387,403 Britcher 417 Brittain 383,384 Brittenden 397(2) Broad 392 Broadbelt 408 Broadbridge 393(3) Brock 383,400,401 Brocklesby 386 Brockman 390,391(2) Brockwell 379 Bromley 391,409 Brook 403 Brooke 399,404,412 Brooker 388 Brooks 379,380,406,408(2) Brooksby 387 Broome 403 Brothers 414 Brown 377,386,387(2),388(3),390,393(2),395,400,401(2),405,409(3),414(2),416,417,418 Browne 379,380(2) Bryan 396(3),416 Bryant 383,395(2) Buck 388 Buckhurst 387,414 Buckland 386 Buckley 380 Buckton 378 Buckwell 399 Budden 380 Budds 385(2),400(2),404 Budgen 386(2) Buesden 393 Buley 418 Bullard 384,391,401 Bullinaria 409 Bullock 386 Bunce 379 Bundock 379,380,403 Bunton 406,411,412(2) Bunyar 399(2),400,415 Bunyard 400 Burch 380,392,401,408,409 Burden 377 Burdett 383 Burgeis 385 Burgess 379,381,382,383,399,400(2),404,405(4),406(5),407 Burkett 398 Burley 415 Burnap 411 Burnham 385,416 Burr 382(3),383,399(2) Burrell 413(2) Burren 383 Burrill 382,383 Burrows 381,390,403,419 Burt 384 Burtenshaw 412 Burton 380,393,414 Burvill 380 Busbridge 406 Busby 396,401 Bushell 387(3),388,403,409 Buss 377,385,398(5) Butcher 384,395(2),408 Butler 388,406,410 Butt 414 Butter 384 Butterworth 389 Button 417 Buttress 388 Byrne 387 Cabbell 399 Cadd 409 Caddel 396(2),408(2),409 Cadell 395 Caister 394(2) Callaway 381 Camfield 418,419 Cannaby 404 Capon 402 Carey 380,381,388,404,414 Carley 395,396 Carlin 396 Carlton 403 Carman 420 Carnell 418 Carpenter 397(2),408 Carr 420 Carreck 377(2) Carrick 419 Carroway 384,403(2) Carter 380,381,388,390,399(2) Carthew 403,404 Carver 407 Cassam 419 Castell 403 Castle 379,380,394(2),412(2),415 Castleden 379 Catchpool 383(2) Catt 398(2) Cattell 420 Caught 406 Cauty 389 Cavell 386,387,388(2) Cayley 403(2) Cesar 391 Chalk 389,391,405 Chalklen 402,416 Chambers 380(3),383(2),388,393(2),400,416,417 Champion 396,419 Chancellor 403(3) Chandler 380,390,412 Chantler 401,413 Chaplen 412(2) Chaplin 384(4),390,399(2),409(5) Chaplyn 408 Chapman 378(3),384,385,395,396,402,403,406,414,419,420 Charles 400,401 Charlton 399,400(2),416 Chatfield 401 Chaudler 379 Chester 390 Chidley 384 Chidwick 382,406 Children 418 Chipperfield 379,395(2) Chisholm 377 Chitten 377 Chittenden 377,390,392(2),393,400,401,407 Chitty 382(3),384,387,409(2) Chrisfield 404 Christen 378 Christian 379,387(5),388 Church 382,383,415 Clackett 380 Clapham 418 Clapperton 413(2) Clapson 401 Claridge 413 Claringbould 390(2),394 Claringbull 411 Claris 380,392,393,406,407 Clark 378,379(2),381,382,383(2),389,390(2),391,393,396,397,400(2),406,409(2),413(2),414(3),415,416 Clarke 381,383(2),385,386,391,396,404,408,412,414 Clarkson 414 Clause 393 Clay 380,393 Clayson 388 Clayton 399 Cleave 415 Clement 382(4) Clements 380,381(2),393,408(2),409 Clemment 389 Clendon 391,406 Cleveland 391,396 Clifford 397,415,419(2) Clifton 378,418 Cloke 389 Clout 401,413(3) Cloute 417 Clover 377 Cobb 377(2),391,393(3),397,403(3),404,410,416 Cock 381(2),397,403 Cocke 391 Cocking 411,412(2) Coe 395 Cogger 401 Cohan 383(2) Cohen 414 Colbeck 416 Cole 383,399,408,413,414(2) Colebrook 417 Colegate 379,380(2),392,420 Coleman 380,387(2),390(2),391(2),392,393,400,410,412,420 Coles 409 Collard 381,405,406,411,412 Collens 379,400(3) Collings 400,402 Collins 379,386,390,395,416,417(3) Collis 391,399 Colvill 416 Colvin 417 Colyer 386,390(2),391 Comfort 413 Commerford 407 Coody 414 Cook 399 Cooke 411 Coomber 393 Cooper 378,380(2),386,391,403,406,408,409,410,413,415,416 Coppin 403(3) Corbett 390 Cordell 401 Cork 408 Corke 419 Cornford 399 Cornwall 419 Cornwell 387(2),388 Corrail 408 Corrall 399,408 Corrie 383 Cory 388 Costen 416 Costidell 420 Coterel 403 Cottew 388 Cottingham 409 Cotton 383(2),409 Cottrell 379 Couchman 385,408,417 Coulter 408 Coulthard 390 Court 379,392,393,404,414 Couves 395 Covell 413 Cowell 409 Cowin 410 Cowland 379,415 Cowtan 378,379(2),380 Cox 383(2),396,414,418,419(2) Coyler 386 Cozens 379(2) Craddock 414 Crafter 396 Crambrook 388,412 Cramp 391,403,406 Cranch 382 Crandall 400 Crandell 383 Craven 406 Creasey 394 Creasy 386 Creed 378,403 Crickett 406(2) Crippen 380,393 Cripps 419(2) Crisford 406 Croasdill 380 Crockford 382,383,384,406 Croft 379,384 Crofts 403(2) Crook 409 Crosby 386 Crosoer 411(2) Cross 416(2) Crossman 383,384 Crouch 380,394 Crow 393(3),403,404,406(2),413(2),416 Crowder 399 Cruden 395 Crump 405,406(2) Crundwell 399,416,419 Cruttenden 404 Cubitt 403 Cull 405,406(4),412 Cullen 378,381(2),386,388,394(4),415 Cullin 406 Culling 377 Culmer 391 Cunningham 387 Curd 395,419 Curling 387,388(3),406(2),407,412(2) Curteis 377,378 Cutbush 377,399(5),400(5) Dabenham 391 Dadd 383(2),384,396(2),403(2),410 Dadson 383,384 Dakens 417 Dalton 409 Dan 393 Dane 381,393 Daniel 405,406 Dann 400 Darby 387 Darnley 410(2) Dartnall 402 Datson 404 Davey 379,380(3) Davids 386(2) Davies 384,389,400 Davis 383(2),394,399,400(2),408,414,420(2) Daw 381,417 Dawes 396 Dawson 377(2),387,393,409 Day 400,401(2),408(2),417,420 Daykin 413 Deacon 386,406 Dean 379(2),392,406,415 Deane 387,390,391,420 Dear 406,415 de Bock 412(3) Delacour 384 Delasaux 378,397 Delo 393 Delves 419 Denham 412 Denne 403,411(2) Dennett 384,393 Denton 379 Denue 411 Denyer 419 Dering 403(2) Dervall 393 Deverson 412(2) Deveson 388 Dewsberry 400 Dickenson 402 Dickinson 391 Dicks 390 Diggins 419 Diplock 418 Diprose 392,399(2) Ditch 385 Ditchburn 395,396 Divers 389,390,399,404 Divine 391 Dixon 403 Dobell 377,384,385(9) Dockery 386 Dodson 400 Dombrain 381 Donmall 382 Dook 417 Dorkin 410 Dorm 377 Dorman 377,379(2),380,386,415 Dorrett 408(2) Dorrinton 402 Dorset 412 Douch 419 Douglas 382 Dove 386 Dowle 410 Down 397(2),400 Downing 394 Downs 416 Dowsett 403,404 Dowthwaite 418 Drake 378,415 Dransfield 413 Draper 404 Dray 394,398 Drayson 390,393(2),403,412(3),415(3) Dress 401 Drewett 380,408(2) Driver 418 Drury 417 Duckett 383,403 Dudlow 402 Duke 391 Duncan 420 Dunford 382 Dungey 384,385(3) Dunk 383(2),385 Dunkin 403 Dunmill 400 Dunn 379(2),387(5),388,414,415 Dunne 388 Dunning 399,408,416 Dunstall 408 Durban 406,411,412 Durrant 400(3),409 Durtnall 390(2),391 Dutt 402 Dyason 405(3) Dyer 419 Dyke 408 Dykes 414 Eades 405,413(2) Eagleton 402 Earl 414 Eason 404 Eastes 380,387(3),390(2),391(2),397(3) Eastham 383 Eastland 419(2) Easton 381 Eastwood 413,419 Ebdon 380 Eccleston 413 Edmeades 414,416 Edmeads 399 Edmed 395,396 Edmet 399 Edmett 399,400 Edmonds 386 Edmunds 403 Edward 384 Edwards 383,390,394(2),396,398,409(5),413(2),416 Edwin 394 Eives 379,380 Elcomb 407 Elenden 390 Elfic 404 Elgar 378,379(2),389,390,391(2),394(5),406(2),417,418(2) Elkin 396 Elling 380 Elliott 377(5),386,419(3),420 Ellis 386,391,400,418 Ellison 412 Elmore 382 Elms 409 Elsted 391 Elvery 380 Elvey 380,391,409(2),415 Elvy 383,390,393,397 Elwin 386,390,391 Elwyn 397,412 Ely 383 Emanuel 388 Emery 386 Emmerson 411(3),412(2) English 383 Epps 387,407,408,409,411 Espenett 417 Etherington 382,383 Evans 392,400,404,406,409 Eve 399(2) Evenden 402,418 Everard 418 Eversfield 395(3),396 Eves 377 Ewell 411,412 Exall 417 Eyles 379,380 Eyre 400 Fagg 394,397,403,404 Fairbrass 377,381,383,393(2) Faircloth 402 Falkner 403 Famariss 411(2) Fariner 390 Farley 378,394,406,419 Farmer 377,392,396 Farrant 414 Farrenden 387 Farris 383,415 Feakins 381,414 Featherstone 418 Fector 389(2),390 Fedarb 379 Felgate 395 Fellgate 395,396 Fells 387 Fen 381 Fenn 393 Fenner 419(2) Fenton 386 Fenwick 396(2) Ferris 384 Ferry 379,388 Field 377,393,400,414(2),419(3) Fielding 393 Fife 414 Fill 380 Filmer 389 Finch 381,386(2),392,394,400 Finn 381,394,398(2),404 Finnis 387,388,389,390(2),391,397(3),404 Fish 399 Fishenden 418 Fisher 379(2),383,391,398(2),399,406(2) Fitch 380,385,387 Fitzgerald 388(2),389 Flack 416 Fleet 386 Fleming 405 Fletcher 380,396 Flint 377,379(2),381 Flisher 410,411 Flood 379 Flooks 379 Flory 414 Floyd 416 Foat 387,403(2) Follwell 387 Folwell 381 Fone 383 Fooks 386 Foord 377,379,380,383,384,385,390,408 Foot 384,407,414 Ford 380,404 Foreman 380,397 Forester 390 Forster 403,404,414 Fortune 378(2) Foster 382,383(2),387,404,408,412 Fouljam 378 Fowie 417 Fowler 377,381,406(2),407(3),414 Fox 391(2),393,396,403 France 400 Francis 379,380,389,407,408(2),420 Francklin 403,404 Franklin 387 Franks 380 Frazer 391 Freebody 403 Freeland 409 Freeman 391(2),416(2) French 383(3),391,399,400,401,408,414 Frend 381(2),405 Friar 381 Frid 383 Friday 396 Friend 387,388,389(2),390(2),391,406(2),409,411,419 Frost 383,391,403 Fry 419(2) Fryer 397(2) Fuggle 385(2),417(2) Fuller 390(2),391,406,411,412(2),413,415 Furrell 408,409 Gambier 379 Gamman 418 Gamon 408 Gandee 416 Gardner 389(2),390,396,406,414 Garner 402,403(2) Garnham 419 Garrett 397(3),411,415,416 Garrington 405 Gaskin 414 Gates 390,416,419 Gatt 410 Gausden 400(2) Geer 385 Gegan 399,400 Gent 412 Gentry 418 George 380,382,406,420 Gibb 388 Gibbons 387,390(3),393,397(3) Gibbs 393(4),405,410,416(2) Gifford 406 Gilbert 382,390,397(4),398,399,401,419 Gilby 378 Giles 379,381,382,395,401 Gill 379,402,410 Gillbee 391 Gillham 381 Gillman 378,380(2),381(2) Gimber 412 Giraud 393 Gittins 394(2) Gladdish 396 Gladwell 395,396 Gleadstion 386 Gleid 396 Glennie 410(2) Glover 410,420 Goatley 381 Goble 377 Goddard 382 Godden 394(3),397,400,402 Godfrey 378,382,383(3) Going 391 Gold 396 Golder 394(5) Goldfinch 379,387,388,404 Goldsmith 390,405,406(3),407 Goldston 416 Golliper 394 Goodbourn 391 Goodchild 411,412 Gooding 382 Goodsall 417 Goodwin 387,388,398,406(2),410(2),417 Gordelier 393(2) Gore 403(3) Gorely 379,380 Gorham 401,414,415 Gorley 390(2) Gosby 388 Gouge 404,416 Gould 395(2),408(2) Goulden 378,379(3),381 Gover 382 Gowen 416 Gower 414 Gowlland 410 Grainger 403 Grant 383,390,392,403,405 Gravener 389 Graves 410 Gravett 410 Gray 405 Greatbatch 383 Greaves 381 Green 380,383,399,400(3),401,406(2),413(2),415(2),420 Greenbill 377 Greenhill 377 Greensted 384 Greenstreet 396,404 Greenwood 392,409 Greet 405 Greey 412 Grey 406 Griffey 379 Griffin 405,414 Griffiths 408 Griggs 387,390(2),406 Grindley 378 Grinsted 414 Grisbrook 417 Grist 379,380 Grosvenor 410 Grover 402 Grundy 395,406 Gumbleton 388 Gurney 400 Gurr 383,407 Gutteridge 409 Guy 383,417 Gwilliam 387 Habgood 400 Hacker 379,380(2),410 Hadden 397 Hadlee 409 Hadley 379 Haffenden 377(2) Hagell 379(3) Hague 384 Haines 387 Haismer 393 Hales 395 Halford 378,388 Halke 397 Hall 377,382,383,386(2),390,393,394,396,399(2),400,401,405(2),410 Hallsley 419 Hambrook 390(2),391 Hamilton 391,408 Hamling 414 Hammon 377,397(3) Hammond 378(3),379,381,386(3),387(2),388,393(3),411,414(2) Hancock 381 Handcock 393 Hands 416 Hanington 396(2) Hankins 393(2) Hanlon 377 Hanskom 380 Harcourt 401 Harding 379,385,390 Hards 382,386(2) Hardwick 419 Hargraves 419 Harland 418 Harling 408 Harlow 407 Harman 386(2),391,395,417,418 Harms 415 Harnden 383,384,410 Harnett 406 Harper 392,399 Harris 380,381,390,393,400(2),410,418 Harrison 377(2),378,379,392,394(4),395,398,403(2),404,406,407,409,412,415,417 Harrisson 387,412 Hart 381,391(2),393,394,406,409,419 Hartley 389 Hartrige 404 Harvey 391,413 Hatch 387,389,390,416 Hathaway 414 Havill 414 Hawkes 380,406 Hawkins 382,385,399(3),400(2),411 Hay 404 Hayler 384 Hayman 387(2) Haynes 406 Hays 403 Hayward 379,381,387(4),388 Haywood 406(2) Hayzelden 404,406 Head 414,420 Headdey 381 Headland 418(3) Healy 377 Heard 396 Hearden 379 Hearnden 416 Heath 396 Heathcote 384 Heathorn 395,399 Heawood 395,399 Hedgcock 391,408(2) Hendrey 390 Henley 383 Henslow 408,409 Henty 383,399 Hepper 380 Herbert 414 Heritage 386 Heron 385 Heselden 417(2) Heseltine 396 Hewitt 406 Hickmott 419(2) Hickmutt 409 Hicks 412 Hickson 408 Hider 409,418 Higgens 390 Higgins 383(4),388,393,397,402,412 Higham 396 Highgood 417 Highman 395 Hight 387,388,390 Hilder 420 Hill 377,391,401 Hiller 389,390 Hillett 390 Hills 379,393(2),395,399(2),400,401(3),406,419 Hillyer 402 Hilton 392 Hinde 404(2),415 Hinds 405,406(2) Hinkley 385 Hipgrave 390 Hoad 390,392 Hoadly 399,400 Hoar 399 Hobbs 416 Hobcraft 395(5) Hobday 380(2),381,405,406(2) Hodder 414 Hodges 377,380,384,394(2),399,400,405,417,419 Hodgman 412 Hodgskin 385 Hodgson 411(2),412(2),419 Hodsoll 386,413 Hoffman 403 Hogben 393(3),398(2),401,414,415 Hogbin 389,391 Hoile 403,410,411,412 Holdstock 378,379 Holford 405 Holladay 407 Hollamby 418 Hollams 403 Holland 417 Holliday 383 Hollingbourn 400 Hollingworth 400 Hollis 410 Holloway 399(3),407,408 Holman 380,381,406 Holmans 412 Holmes 391(2),393,413,414,418(2) Holness 381,388 Holtium 379 Holton 406 Homan 408 Homersham 379(3),380,381 Homewood 399,400 Homwood 378 Honey 399(2) Honeysett 419 Honeywood 378 Hook 386,388,397,417(3) Hooker 395,414(3) Hooper 412,413(3) Hope 379,381,383,389,390,407(2),412(2) Hopkins 383,401,416 Hopley 392 Hopper 381,396,415 Horlock 396 Horn 378,379 Hornby 413(2) Horne 381,393,396 Horsnaill 389,390,416(4) Horsnill 408 Horton 377,390,392,394,397(2),399,412,417 Hosking 414,415 Hoskins 410 Hosmar 378 Hougham 388 Houghton 377(2),389(3) How 394(2),401,413 Howard 381,387(2),409,412,417,420 Howe 403 Howell 406(2) Howes 409,416 Howeth 386 Howland 380(2) Hoye 386 Hubbard 386(2),391,403,409 Hubble 395 Huben 383 Huckins 417 Hudson 397,399,404,406(2),407 Huggen 415 Huggens 415 Huggett 409 Huggins 408 Hughes 383(2),392,393(2),395,400,415 Hulburd 399,400(2) Hulke 387(3),388(2) Hulkes 416 Humphery 377 Humphrey 386,410 Humphreys 391 Hunt 404(2),406,415,419 Hunter 403(4),407 Huntly 389,390(2) Hurst 380,386,406(4),412(2) Hutchins 388,394 Hutchinson 397,406(2) Hutton 377 Hyde 400(2) Iggleden 379 Igglesden 384,389(2) Iggulden 387(2),388,391 Ingelfield 413 Ingmire 404 Iremonger 404 Irwin 384 Isaacs 383 Isard 418 Ismay 390(2) Ives 413 Jackson 380,381,384,385,391,396,397,401,405,409,415 Jacobs 377,381 Jagar 380 Jager 379 James 386(2),390,393 Jameson 411 Janeway 394,397 Jaques 396 Jardine 386 Jarman 406,412 Jarrett 414 Jarvis 380,382(2),403,408 Jay 404,415 Jefferson 418(2) Jeffery 381,393,394,413,418,419(2) Jefferys 382(2),383,392 Jeffrey 377 Jeken 390 Jel 398 Jell 390,391 Jemmett 377(3) Jenkins 380,391,397,403(4),419 Jenner 384(2),385,404 Jennings 377,379,380,381,386,415 Jerry 396 Jeudwine 378 Jewell 401 Jewhurst 418 Jeyes 384 Jezard 407 Jezzard 412 Joad 388,405 Johncock 379 Johnson 384,391(2),395(5),404,410,414 Joliffe 414 Jolly 396,403 Jones 380,381,384,386,392,393(2),394,398,399 Jonson 418 Jordan 398,404(4),408 Joslin 384(2) Joy 377(2),418 Judge 390,405,417 Jury 400(2) Kadwell 417(2) Karn 407 Keble 404,412 Keddele 414 Keddell 396(2) Keeff 385 Keeler 379 Keen 380(2) Kelcey 410 Kelsey 406 Kelson 413 Kemp 393,406 Kempley 406 Kemsbley 384 Kendall 388 Kennard 383,388,399(2) Kennett 378,384,388,389,394,397,398(2),400 Kerby 404 Kettle 377,397,412 Kidder 420 Kidman 404 Kidwell 408(2) Killick 382,386,390,395,416 Kimber 414 Kindon 396 King 381,382,384,394(3),395,396(3),397(2),405,408,418 Kingsford 378,379,380,390,391(3) Kingsmill 387(2) Kipping 418 Kipps 413 Kirk 386 Kirkby 379,401 Kirkley 380 Kirkwood 411 Kirton 414 Kite 379,398 Kitham 391 Kither 386 Knatchbull 377,378 Knewstub 414 Knight 389,394,412,413,414(2) Knocker 389,392 Knott 377,397,403(3),406 Knowland 409 Knowler 379,386,403,412 Knowles 393,396,404,412,415 Knox 417,418 Krull 409 Lacy 405 Ladams 416 Ladbrook 400 Ladd 388,403(3),404,411 Ladewig 408(2) Ladson 379 Laker 377,399 Lamb 389,390(2),391,416,418 Lambert 387,388 Lamburn 396 Lampard 419 Lamprey 399 Lancefield 379 Landale 385,386(2) Lane 380,386,395(2) Langley 380,382,387 Langridge 418,419(2) Langshaw 396 Lansberry 380 Lansell 403(2),404,415 Large 382,414 Larkin 387,408,409 Larkins 388(2) Lash 416 Lashmar 419 Latham 389(2),390,391 Latter 405 Laud 390 Laurence 410,416 Lavender 379 Law 408(2) Lawrence 379,380,381(2),387,400,404,405,406,410 Lazarus 381 Lea 403(2) Leapard 384 Ledger 385 Lee 381,382,397,411,413 Leeds 397,415 Lefty 414(2) Leigh 390,391,417 Leith 387,416(2) Leman 403,411,412 Lepine 377(2),381(3) Leplastrier 392 Lepper 398(3) Lester 377,391,414(2) Letley 384 Levey 392,404,407 Levi 379 Levy 407,408 Lewis 377(3),378,382,402,403,406(2),408,410,413,419 Lindridge 417 Linford 379,380 Lingard 418 Link 400 Linton 404 Little 385,392,393,396 Littlewood 396 Livingston 405 Lockyer 415 Loft 396,409 Lomax 391(2) Long 379,387(5),391,399,410 Longley 380,398(2),406,411,412,417,419 Loof 419 Lord 385 Lorden 385 Lording 392(2) Lott 395,396,408 Lough 415 Love 397(2) Lovejoy 418 Low 405 Lowe 386 Lowes 410(2) Lowman 407 Lowrey 408,409 Lowry 400 Loyd 397 Lucas 383,393 Luck 417(3) Luckhurst 413(2),418(2) Luddington 378 Lukes 395,396 Lukyn 393 Lunt 395(2) Lurcock 416 Lurcook 377 Luscombe 396 Lushington 378 Lyng 404 Lyon 409 MacAdams 403(2) MacAndrew 380 MacArthur 388 Mace 394,416,417 Mackay 415 Mackellow 401 Mackeson 397 Mackett 414(2) Mackney 412 Mackrell 386 MacLean 397,408 Maddocks 415 Magnus 383 Mair 402(2) Major 394(3),410 Mallery 383,409,416 Mallyon 383,408 Manclark 408 Mankett 387 Manley 384 Manlove 383,384 Mannering 391,410 Mannerings 382(2),401 Mannings 412 Manser 398 Mantell 389 Mapham 415 Marbrook 412 Marchant 385,399(2),413(3) Mardin 387 Mares 399,400 Marks 389,390(2),394,414 Marlow 387,388,417 Marrable 408 Marriner 382 Marryat 411 Marsh 378,380,387(3),388,389(2),390,394,397,399,400,403(2),411,415,416 Marshall 378,379(2),386,396(2),397(3),400,405,412,413 Marston 388,414 Martin 383(3),386,391(3),393,395,396,399(2),400,402(2),413(2),418(3) Masey 410 Maskell 410 Mason 399(2),401(5) Masters 380(2),384,385,398,399,400,415,417 Mate 377,389,391,394,397,410(2) Mathers 380,381 Mathews 396,401,403 Matson 387(2) Matthew 419 Matthews 383,389,394,395(2),414(3),416 Maxtead 398 May 387(2),414 Maylam 385 Maynard 415 Mayne 390(2) Mayo 419 Mayor 394 Mead 393,412 Meame 380 Mears 383,384 Mecrow 390 Mercer 387(2),399(3),400(2),403(2),418,419(3) Merralls 384(2) Merrell 398 Merritt 383 Merryweather 409 Messiter 411,412 Mexted 410(2) Michael 414 Mickleburgh 402(2) Middleton 391 Miete 381 Miette 378 Mileham 395 Miles 379(2),382(7),412(2) Millechamp 405 Millen 395(2) Miller 377,380,385,392,403,406,408(2),409(2),415,416,418 Millgate 387,388 Milligan 414 Millingchamp 401 Millingen 384 Mills 380,390,391,420(2) Milsted 417 Milway 404 Minet 389 Minter 382(2),387,391,392,393,405,412 Missing 396 Mitchell 384,386,390,404,418 Mittell 398,410(2) Moat 412 Mockett 387 Mockitt 387 Molland 391 Monk 414 Montier 419 Moody 406 Moon 391,392 Moore 380,384,391,393,399,401,406,409,413,416 Morbey 386 Morford 394 Morgan 388,392,397,400,413,418 Morland 380 Morley 391,397,419 Morphew 390,391,413(2) Morris 377,379,385,389,390(2),399(2),413(4),418 Morrison 398 Morson 382 Moses 379,391,392 Moss 379,380,404,408 Mote 409 Moulton 415 Mowle 387 Muddle 384,385(2),387 Mull 396 Mullett 418 Mullinger 383,414 Mumbray 387 Mumm 400 Mummery 379,388,390,391,392,394(3),403,404 Munday 387,408 Mungeam 415 Munn 384(2),409,417(2) Munns 380,395,396(2) Munro 386(2) Murton 393(3),404 Mussared 404,414 Mutton 379(2),391 Myhill 388 Nance 377(2) Nash 387(2),406,419(5) Nathan 390(2) Naylor 408 Nazer 390 Neal 419 Neale 416,419 Neales 390(4) Neame 379,403 Neaves 381 Nettleingham 396 Newble 402 Newby 391,403,404 Newing 396 Newman 389,395,396(2),399,410,413 Newport 381 Newson 396,409 Newton 390 Nicholson 383(2),408 Nickalls 383 Nisbett 379 Nixson 393 Noakes 387,388,408,411 Norfor 407 Norley 377(2) Norris 406 Norton 408,420(2) Norwood 377(2),389,390,391,406 Nutt 378 Nye 418,419(6) Oakenfull 379,381 Oakes 395,396(2) Oakeshott 382 Oakley 406(2) Oclee 407 Offen 390(2) Oldfield 387,402 Oliff 383 Oliver 399(2),400,401 Ollive 385 Omer 382(2),412 Orme 386 Orpin 403 Osborn 383(3),390(2),403,404 Osburne 418 Osley 391 Ottaway 394 Ovenden 379 Overy 400 Owlett 402,404 Oyler 385 Pack 377,393 Packe 380 Packer 384,392,403,404 Packham 397 Page 390,394,400,403,404,406,410 Pain 387,389,394,410,412,417 Paine 397,399,403(2),408,417 Palmer 381,403,409,414 Pankhurst 397 Pantin 406 Panton 407 Paramor 403 Pardon 379 Parish 407 Park 396 Parker 380,381,387(2),388,389,396,413(6),418 Parkin 382 Parkinson 403 Parks 385,391,416 Parnell 377,378,391 Parnum 378,379 Parrinton 378,380 Parsley 378 Parson 402 Parsons 396 Parton 383,410 Pascall 391(2) Patten 408,409 Pattenden 410 Patterson 416 Pattison 383 Pawley 397 Pawsey 377 Pawson 385 Paxman 384 Pay 389,393,394(2) Payn 390 Payne 383,386,393,397,400(2),408,409,415 Payton 403 Peacock 402 Peake 389,390(2),404,406 Peall 408(2) Pearce 386(5),394(2),406 Pearch 402,418 Pearson 394(2),395,412 Peat 413 Peck 395(2) Peckham 391 Peele 386 Peen 396 Peene 400 Pegden 403,412 Peirce 378,379(3),386,391,407 Pell 399(3),401 Pellatt 405 Pellett 381 Pelton 386 Pemble 382 Penfold 380(3),382 Penn 379,382(2),391,402,408 Pepper 391,392 Percival 402,416 Perfect 402 Perkins 393(2),411 Perrin 383,408,413 Perrins 393 Perry 395(2),405(2) Pescott 408 Peters 399,400 Pethurst 384(2),385 Petley 417 Petman 381 Pettit 380,410 Pettman 405,406 Pexton 401 Philcox 381,386 Phillips 402,404,415 Philpoott 407 Philpot 378,381,401 Philpott 379,389(2),390,408,412,415 Phipps 391 Pickard 377 Pickering 403,404 Pierce 381,400,418(2),419 Pierre 418 Piety 397 Pigott 385 Pigou 386 Pigram 400 Piguenit 384 Pilbrow 380 Pilcher 377,381(2),391(2),397,405,406,407,415(2) Pile 384,417 Pillow 379,381(2) Pine 400(4) Piper 398,400(2) Pipler 396(2) Pittock 388,392,419 Plain 399 Plank 381(2),397 Plant 409 Plenderleath 406 Plomer 378 Plommer 393 Plummer 378 Plumptre 378 Pobgee 383,417 Pocock 386,395,396 Podevin 390 Pointon 403 Polhill 398 Pollington 414 Pollock 414 Pool 379 Poole 390(2),400 Poolly 399(2),401(6) Pope 394,400 Popkins 390 Popkiss 389,391 Popple 406 Porter 386,390,399(2),411 Posket 394 Pott 411(2),412(2) Potter 379(2),380,384,386,400,404 Potts 414 Poulter 413 Pound 391 Pout 378,379 Powel 387 Powell 380,388(2),391,406(2),411 Power 377 Poynton 383,391,409 Prall 395,408,409 Prance 400 Pratt 386 Prebble 391,399,404,410 Prentis 401,408 Prescott 388 Prett 378 Price 384,386(2),401,404,408,414 Prier 380 Prince 418,419 Pringuer 379,380,394 Pritchard 387 Proctor 382 Prosser 395 Puckett 414 Pullen 385(2),395 Pullin 419 Punnett 394 Purday 410(2),411 Purdon 390 Purfield 417 Puttee 394 Pybus 401 Quaif 382 Quait 386,413(2) Quested 378,379,380,394,397,411,412 Rabson 377(3) Rachael 400 Rackstraw 395,396 Radcliffe 411 Radford 380 Rae 419 Raggett 407 Rains 392 Ralfs 418 Ralph 387,388(2),412 Ramell 388(2) Rammell 406,407(2) Rance 409 Randall 391,399,400 Randolph 410 Ranger 385,399 Ranoe 391 Rashbrook 416 Ratcliff 381,387,388,389,397(2) Raven 384 Rawlings 396,408 Ray 404 Rayfield 399,401 Rayner 397,410 Read 379,388,389,403,407 Reader 385(3),386,399(2),400,401(2),412(2),416 Reading 382 Reakes 387 Reaks 405,411 Reason 415 Redley 388 Redman 387 Reed 389,391,404,408,413 Rees 396 Reeve 377(3),391,392,410 Reeves 389,399 Remmington 399 Render 417 Rete 404 Reuben 391,392 Reynolds 382,383(3),387(2),389(2),390(2),391(3),401,402,404,408,411 Rhodes 406(2) Ribbens 396 Rice 389,390,391 Rich 395(2) Richards 389,390,391,394,415 Richardson 380,394(2),396,407,409,415,419 Rickman 383,387,408 Rickords 388 Ridley 392 Ridout 379(2),380 Rigden 377,379,389,390,391(2),392,393,399 Ring 408,413(3) Roalfe 379,380(3) Robarts 398 Robason 404 Robbins 408 Roberts 379,381,403,408,409,410,411 Robertson 379,402,414 Robins 414 Robinson 379,384,389,391(3),399,400,402,404,405 Roch 396 Rodmell 416 Rofe 417 Roffway 416 Rogers 377(5),390(2),393,396(2),403(2) Rolfe 394,417 Ronalds 397(3) Rook 408 Root 418 Roots 384,419 Roper 390 Rose 401,411,413 Rouse 379(2),380(2),390 Rowe 400,403(5) Rowell 408(2),409 Rowland 390 Rowley 391 Royle 381 Ruck 383,399(4),400,401 Rudden 382 Ruddock 405 Ruffin 391(2) Ruglys 380 Russell 382,387,402,407,408 Rutley 381(2),390,392 Rutter 412 Rybot 403 Rye 396,409 Sabine 378,380 Sackett 405,406(5),407 Sackree 397,411 Saddington 396 Saffery 378,414 Sage 400 Salmon 402 Salter 403(2),404 Sanders 396,413(2) Sands 396 Sandys 378 Sanford 391 Sanham 386(2) Sankey 379,380,381,391 Sansom 414(2) Sargeant 398 Saunders 393,394,395,399,403,411(2) Saven 393 Savery 414 Sawkins 403 Sawyer 406,410,419 Saxby 380,393,406,412,420 Saxton 408,409 Sayer 387,402,403(2),408 Scath 409 Schnebbelie 408 Scoones 404 Scoons 400,418 Scott 377,380,397(2),401,408(2),409,414,419 Scrimes 409(2) Scudamore 380,399 Scultup 400,401 Sea 404(2) Seager 399 Seamer 419(3) Sears 382,384,386(2),420 Seaton 382(2),409 Sebber 392 Sedgwick 397,400 Selby 402,415 Selden 394(2) Sellers 409 Selth 387,388 Senior 415 Senmer 419 Sewell 407 Sexton 405 Sexty 400 Seymour 377,385 Sharp 378,379(3),380(2),386,392,393(2),400(2),409(2),414,419(2) Sharpe 386,391(2),393(2) Shaw 395 Sheen 384,399 Sheepwash 393 Shenstone 420 Shepherd 392,393(2),400,409(3) Shepley 393 Sherenbeck 384 Sherer 399 Sherwood 397(2) Shewen 413,420 Shilling 404 Shindler 380 Shipdem 389,397(4) Shirley 383,408 Shoobridge 417(2) Shorland 384 Shotter 415 Shrewsbury 382,383(2),387,388(2),394 Shrubsell 414 Shrubsole 383,393(3),414(2) Shudgett 401 Sibbit 391 Sidden 409 Siddens 408 Sidders 392 Siggs 384,385 Silk 400 Sills 377 Silvester 405 Simmonds 380,399(2),400(2),401(2),416 Simmons 396,401,402,403,408,411 Simonet 387 Simons 383 Simpson 384,397 Sims 390(2) Sinclair 416 Singer 389,406 Sinnock 403(2) Skiller 408,409 Skinner 377(2),378,402,418 Sladden 379 Slanden 419 Slaughter 408,412 Sloman 383(2),401 Sly 410 Small 381(2) Smallman 400(2) Smead 415 Smith 378,379(4),384,385,386(2),393(2),394(3),395,396(5),397(3),399(2),400(5),401,402,403,404(4), 406(5),407(2),409(5),410,414(3),415(5),418,419,420(3) Smithett 391(3) Smithson 381 Smooker 416 Smyth 399(2),401 Smythe 399 Snelling 379,410,415(2) Snowden 386,406 Solley 407,411 Solly 380,381,393,403 Soloman 383 Solomon 381,396 Sothers 396 South 404,414 Southby 389,396 Southee 378(2),379(2),380(2),381 Southern 413 Southgate 395 Southon 400 Spain 387(2),389,394,414 Spencer 379,391,395,401 Spice 377,391,415 Spillett 409 Spradbrow 393 Spraggon 396 Sprakeling 379,380 Spratford 410 Spratt 416 Springett 381,401(2) Sprott 419 Spurway 394 Squier 392(2) Squire 394 Stace 394 Stacey 380,399 Standen 390,391,417 Standon 390 Staner 403(2) Stanford 399 Stapley 419(2) Starbuck 395,396(4) Starr 378 Startridge 396 Stead 403 Stebbing 394 Steddy 377,381,390 Stedman 396,402,408 Steed 377 Steer 400(2),420 Stephens 382,399 Stevens 385,392,405 Stevenson 394,406 Stewart 403,411 Stickals 381 Stidolph 386(3),418,419(2) Stiff 382 Stockdale 419(2) Stockwell 392 Stoddard 383 Stoddart 377(2) Stokes 381,387,388,397(4),399,406 Stone 379(2),380,400,410,411(2),418,419 Stoneham 394 Stonehouse 384 Stonham 401 Strand 403 Strange 419(2) Stranger 400(2) Stratton 420 Street 380 Streeter 384 Stringer 380,410 Strong 393,407 Stronghill 383 Stroud 390,396,408(2) Stubberfield 381 Stubbersfield 416 Stukeley 407 Stunt 414 Stupper 407 Sturges 381 Sturley 413 Stutley 415 Styles 383,396 Summers 380,384,408 Surflen 403,404 Surtherden 386 Sutton 378,383,388,399,400,401,403,413(2),418(4) Swabey 394 Swaby 397 Swain 378 Swan 418 Swansborough 418(2) Swatland 384 Sweet 416 Sweetlove 400 Swetman 392 Swinfen 401 Swinford 403,404 Swinny 395 Swoffer 393 Sydall 419 Sydel 386 Sympson 379,387 Tadhunter 403 Tadman 396,416 Tann 384 Tanner 400(2),401(2),407,417 Tapley 383,394(2) Tappenden 377 Tarpe 404 Tasker 386 Tassell 399(2),400(2) Tate 401 Tatnell 407,410 Tatum 408 Tavenor 388,411 Taylor 377(2),379,380,383,384(2),385(2),386,394,395,399,403,408(2),410,412,414,418,419 Teasdale 417 Tempest 381 Temple 411,412(3),414 Tennant 406(2),410 Tenney 391 Terry 379,383,398,402,407,408,419 Tetly 418 Tevelein 380 Thatcher 394 Thiselton 393,412 Thomas 380,381,383,384,397,408(3),416 Thompson 383(4),391,392,396,404,405,408(2),409(3),420(2) Thornton 378(2),380,391,406,412 Thorpe 377(2),394,397(2) Thrussell 379 Thurston 377,384 Thyne 403 Tickner 417 Tiddeman 379,393 Tiffen 397(4) Tilbe 378,379,380(2) Tilby 399 Tilly 415 Timson 417(2) Tindall 389 Tippetts 386 Tite 394 Titford 385(2) Tiver 408 Tolputt 394 Tomblin 383 Tomkin 385 Tomkins 408 Tomlin 389,396 Tomsett 378 Tomson 406 Tonge 415 Tooth 385(3),390 Toovey 379 Topping 399 Towell 392 Towgood 386 Townsend 377 Townson 383 Towse 379 Tozer 383(2),409 Tracy 415 Tranah 408 Trezise 396 Tribe 383(3),408 Trice 419 Tritton 378,397(4),410 Troughton 396(4) Troup 408 Tucker 379,381,387,412 Tuffill 409 Tumey 408 Tunbridge 377(7),378,392,410 Turmaine 381 Turner 383(2),387,396,400,401,415,416(2),420 Turney 420 Turral 406 Turston 392 Tusler 400 Twinny 420 Twiss 395,396 Twoo 403 Twopeny 408 Twort 420 Tye 385 Tyree 414 Tyrrell 399(3) Tyson 380 Uden 390,397 Underdown 387,388 Underhill 405 Unicume 385 Upton 394,396 Urquhart 413(2) Urwick 408,409 Usborne 408 Usher 393 Usmar 401,402 Vaile 402 Valder 402,403 Valentine 400(2) Vallance 415 Vaughan 409 Vaux 419(2) Venable 414 Vennall 412 Verdon 416 Verity 384 Victtuler 383 Vidion 408(2) Vigden 410 Vile 388 Villiers 405 Vincent 414 Vincer 391 Viner 402 Viney 394,408 Voss 388 Vye 406 Waddington 403 Waddle 411 Wadman 382 Waghorn 414,419 Wagstaff 417 Wakefield 394 Wakeford 386 Wakeham 387 Walker 386,390(2),412,415 Walkington 379 Wall 382,383(2),418 Wallace 396 Waller 387 Wallis 418 Walsh 404 Walter 377,389,416 Walters 384,388 Wanstall 388 Want 402 Warcup 386 Ward 382,395,409,414,415,420 Ware 418 Wareham 403 Warman 406,412(2) Warren 380,381,392,396 Warrender 411 Warwick 400 Waterman 406 Watermen 417 Waters 385(2),396,400,420 Watson 378,383,386,391,392,400,403,408,414,416(2) Watt 388,416 Wattell 399 Watts 385,387(2),397(2),400,407,411 Webb 379,382,386,394,408,409,413(2),414,415,419(2) Webster 380(3),389,396,403,406 Wedd 400 Weekes 399,401,409,412 Weeks 379,380,394(2) Welby 378,381(2) Welch 400,419 Weldish 393(2) Wellard 379(2),388,389 Wellden 388 Weller 383,384,406(2),409,418(2),420 Wells 382(2),383,394,397,398,405,413 Wenner 398(2) West 388,395(2),415,416(2) Weston 408 Westrope 389 Wetherelt 408,409 Wetherill 403 Whatman 384,400,409 Wheeler 400,416 Whichord 400 Whiffing 416 Whitby 402 White 378(2),379(3),381,382(2),387(2),388(3),392,393(2),403(2),404,406,407,412,415,416 Whitehead 382,384,405,413 Whiteman 382 Whitfield 377 Whitmore 420 Whitnall 415 Whitthorn 383,384 Whittle 402 Whorrell 410 Whyte 414 Wicken 415,417(3) Wickenden 408 Wicker 419 Wickes 389,390,391 Wickham 399(2),400(2),416 Wicks 399 Wiggens 413 Wightwick 405,410,413,417(2) Wigzall 413(2) Wilbraham 389 Wilcocks 384 Wild 378 Wildash 393,408(3),409 Wildes 399 Wildey 399 Wilding 386 Wildish 380,400,406 Wilds 387 Wildsih 400 Wiles 389(2),394(2),410 Wilgress 413 Wilkins 387,414 Wilkinson 406(3),408(2) Wilks 386(3) Willard 413,419 Willcock 415 Willcocks 400(2) Willding 386 Wille 379 Williams 381,384(2),385,386,387(2),389(3),390,391,397,399(2),400(2),402(2),407,412 Williamson 379(2),380 Willis 384,399 Willows 383 Wills 384,389,400 Willson 415 Wilmot 413 Wilmshurst 378,385(4) Wilsden 394 Wilson 378,383,386,387,391,393,395(2),396,399(2),400,415,416(2) Wilton 414,415 Wilts 417 Wimble 399,401,412 Wimsett 385 Winch 393,403(2),409,416 Winchester 390,418,420 Winder 390(2) Windyer 382 Winser 417(3) Winston 390 Winter 386(2),388,389,390,391 Wise 387,393,400(2),418 Wisenden 384 Witherden 403(2),404 Witheridge 383 Wodsworth 411 Womersley 403 Wood 379(2),381(2),382,383(3),386,390(2),391,397,398(2),403,404,406,408,409(2),411(2),412(2),415(2), 420 Woodcock 411 Woodford 396 Woodgate 395,396 Woodham 408 Woodhams 408 Woodruff 380,387,388,411 Woodward 414 Woodyard 382 Woollett 410 Woolley 414 Woollven 401 Woolly 377,397,398,401(2) Woore 406 Woottam 408 Wootton 380 Worger 377 Worley 382 Worsfold 389,390(3) Wraight 381 Wraith 380,384 Wrake 383,393(2) Wreight 392(2),405,410 Wright 380,381,386(3),390,399,403,404,405,408,411 Wrighton 407 Wrightson 391 Wyatt 414(2) Wyborn 387,406,407,412 Yates 400 Yerlett 384 Youden 391,392 Young 383,384(2),386(2),402,403,406 Zachariah 383(2) Young 409(7),411,415(2),416,419