
Markets and Fairs in Northumberland

Place Markets Fairs Hirings
Allendale Friday Last Friday in April
22nd August [obsolete by mid 19th century]
First Friday after 29th October
Hirings for servants are held at the April and November Fairs.
Alnwick Saturday 12th May
Last Monday in July
First Tuesday in October
24th December
[Palm Sunday - obsolete by early 19th century]
Hiring for servants on the first Saturday in March.
Belford Tuesday Tuesday before Whitsuntide
23rd August
Bellingham Saturday Wednesday before Good Friday
First Saturday after 15th September
12th May
12th November
Hirings for servants on Saurday before 12th May, Saturday before 12th November. (Later changed to the Wednesday before Good Friday and the Saturday after 15th September?)
Berwick Saturday
(Later Wednesday?)
Friday in Trinity Week
(Later last Friday in May?)
Second Wednesday in May (High Market)
Wednesday before 26th August (High Market)
First Wednesday in November (High Market)
Hirings for servants are held at the May, August and November High Markets
Haltwhistle Thursday
(Later Tuesday?)
14th May
17th September
22nd November
Hirings for servants on 12th May and 11th November.
Hexham Tuesday
6th August
9th November
25th March (Tryst Fair)
2nd July (Wool Fair)
First Tuesday in March for hinds; first Tuesday after 12th May and first Tuesday after 12th November for male and female servants.
Morpeth Wednesday Wednesday/Thursday/Friday before Whitsuntide
Wednesday before 22nd July
Variable - announced in provincial Newspapers (for hinds and servants).
Newcastle Tuesday
12th August and following nine days
29th October and following nine days
22nd November
Last Tuesday in May
First Tuesday in every month
Hirings for farm servants are held on the first Tuesday in May and on the first Tuesday in November.
Rothbury Friday Friday in Easter Week
Whit Monday
2nd October
All Saints' Day
Stagshaw Bank   Saturday preceding Whitsunday
3rd and 4th July
24th November (Tryst Fair)
5th August (Tryst Fair)?
24th October (Tryst Fair)?
Tynemouth Friday (at North Shields) Last Friday in April
First Friday in November
(both at Tynemouth)
For servants at the November fair (at North Shields)
Wooler Thursday 4th May
17th November
27th September (St Ninian's Fair at Fenton)
Second Thursday in March (High Market)
Third Monday in July
4th May
17th October
4th May and 17th October for hiring servants