Northumberland GENUKI Service providers
The following people have provided the information on the GENUKI Northumberland pages. If you can provide content for our web pages, specifically information about local history or genealogy resources, articles of interest or transcripts/indexes of original records, then please contact the GENUKI Trustees. You must, of course, have any required permissions to put the material online.
The list of the people providing additional information on these WWW pages is given here to acknowledge their contributions, and to provide a contact for reporting errors and for supplying additional information. Please do NOT send general genealogical queries to them as they are not professional researchers, and they put in the considerable amount of effort to provide this service in their own free time.
Area/page | Information Provider |
Bartholomews Gazetteer | Colin Hinson |
Transcript Material | George Bell Kath Willans |
MIs | Kath Willans |
Marriage Witness Index | Hugh Winters |
Earsdon data | Ron Branscombe |
North'd and Durham FHS | NDFHS |