
Norfolk: Aldborough - 1699-1701 - Churchwardens' Payments


Aldborough raised money at various times, to either support its poor (from the Overseers' Rate) or to pay for other parish expenses (from the Churchwardens' Rate). This was based upon the value of property which was owned by people living in and outside the parish. For more information on these records see the Parish Accounts page.

This is one item from a Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference PD 220/30 and microform MF712/20] which contains the Churchwardens' accounts (for the years 1670-1818).

Note that only extracts have been transcribed but this includes most items which mention surnames. Common events eg. bread/wine, some non-specific trade bills etc. have for the most part been excluded.

Other accounts available

- Churchwardens' Accounts -    


[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

The Account of Thomas Warner Churchwarden ffor ye year 1699 & 1700 of his disbursements and Moneys Rate and not Recd as followeth.

Imprimus att Southrepps Court when I [be]came viz Churchwarden 
for serving att ye Shreevees Jurn? 
for a Prayer booke6d
Ittem to William Frary for Glazing at Church 
For a Warrant for John Colsill? 
and an order to remove him in 1700 

November 1701
Account of John Jay & Jeames Bullerd

To Mr Arrowsmyth for __rerres left by 
Tho: Lubbock due upon prsentmt? 
Paid to Thomas Grand mason for worke at the church 
To the carpenter for ... 
To William Barnes ...... 
Timber for the carpenter 
Brick & Tyle & fetching 
M Gallant for Nay_es? [Nails?] 
To William Barrow for Nayles 
for the plummer 
To the plummer for solder 
More for new lead 600 wayt [cwt]4/16/-
for a Spar & fetching the lead from Holt 
[bills for other materials] 

Elias Marham Cler--
Stephen Aldhouse
Jeames Bullerd (X)
Robt Neale?
William Draper (X)
Clement Robins
John Hunt

[Note X= made their mark]


[End of Document]

See also the Aldborough parish page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
December 2008