
Norfolk: Besthorpe


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1864

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

The description of the parish has not been transcribed because it is similiar to that in White's Directories for 1845 and 1883.

These are the names in the text that are not included in the list of residents and tradespeople, below:

         Palmer    Mr. Leonard Joseph
         Winterton Earl of

There are memorials in the church to Sir Wm. Drury and his family.

This is the list of the tradespeople and the most prominent residents.

         Banister  Rev. Edward       Vicarage
         Cowles    John              hawker
         Everett   Isaac             vict. Compasses
         Johnson   Robert            parish clerk
         Larkman   James             blacksmith
         Lovett    Robert James      corn miller
         Alpe      Philip            Murrell  Mark
         Ayton     Charles           Minns    George
         Ayton     Jacob             Page     Burrell
         Clarke    James             Palmer   Leonard J. (&
         Clarke    William                      at Snetterton)
         Cowles    Robert            Rose     Elizabeth
         Foster    John              Turner   Jonathan
         Johnson   Mary              Waller   Wm. P.
         Lebbell   Isaac             Warren   John
         Limmer    Ed. Hovell        Warren   Michael
         Bayes     John
         Jenny     Louisa
         Leeder    Maurice           (& beerhouse)
         Smith     Edward            (and blacksmith)

See also the Besthorpe parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
March 2009