
Norfolk: Bressingham


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1845

[Transcription copyright © Ann Duncan]

BRESSINGHAM, is a large scattered village, on the north side of the open vale of the Waveney, 2 miles W. by N. of Diss, and has in its parish 647 inhabitants, and 2287A. of land, lying mostly in the Duke of Norfolk's manors of Bressingham and Boyland, (fines arbitrary,) and partly in the rectory manor, and Buckenham Priory manor. L. Palmer, Esq., is lord of the latter.

Boyland Hall, an ancient mansion, with a large farm, is the Duke's property, and was built by Sir Richard de Boyland, an itinerant judge of the time of Edward I., who formed here a subterraneous walk, or conduit, by which water was brought to his baths and moats from an overflowing well, which still remains.

The Church (St. John the Baptist,) was rebuilt by Sir Roger Pilkington, in 1526, and repaired after the civil wars. It is a large structure, with a fine tower and five bells. The east window has four figures in stained glass. The rectory, valued in the King's Book at £15, is in the gift of the Duke of Norfolk, and incumbency of the Rev. G.H.C. Bidwell, A.B., who has 36A. 12P. of glebe, a handsome Rectory-House, built in 1842, and a yearly rent of £613, awarded in 1843 in lieu of tithes.

In 1728, Elizabeth Barker left a house and land, to be applied by the rector and churchwardens in the support of a school for poor children. The property, including an allotment awarded to it at the enclosure, consists of a house and school-room, and 5A. 3R. 8P. of land, worth about £15 a year. The master teaches eight free scholars reading and writing.

A yearly rent-charge of £2, left by John Welham, in 1702, is distributed among the poor in bread. The Fuel Allotment, 24A. 15P., was awarded at the enclosure, in 1802, and is divided into small lots, on which the poor cut turf, &c. The Town Lands, partly acquired at the enclosure, comprise 10A. 31P., let for about £20 a year, which is carried in equal moieties to the church and poor rates. Here are also two houses and 3R. of land occupied by paupers.

           Bidwell   Rev. Geo. Henry
                       Clarke, A.B.   rector
           Eaton     Peter            wheelwright
           Fisher    Mr. Benj.
           Kent      John             gent
           Linstead  George           carpenter
           Taylor    Burgess          cabinet maker
           Thwaites  Jas.             shopr. & vict. Chequers
           Loveless  J. and Wm. F.
           Punt      Jeremiah
              Corn Millers.
           Eaton     John
           Fisher    Nathaniel
           Hewson    Henry
                      FARMERS (* are Owners).
           Annis     John             Jolly     George
         * Baldry    John             Knights   Robert
         * Betts     John           * Murton    Wm.
           Bryant    John           * Page      Jeremiah
           Bryant    Samuel           Palmer    Richard
           Bunn      Robert           Potter    Rt. Roper
           Crich     Simon            Punt      George
         * Davy      John           * Robinson  Thos.
           Diver     Thomas H.        Rodwell   Samuel
           Eaton     Isaac            Roper     Edward
           Elliott   Wm.            * Smith     Thomas
           Fisher    Benj.            Tacon     Abraham  Boyland Hall
           Fuller    Garrard          Whitmore  Richd.   Hall
           Garnham   John             Woodcock  Robt.
           Hart      Nathaniel        Wright    John
         * Hoskins   James
           Landemore John
           Porcher   John
           Thwaites  Jas. H.

See also the Bressingham parish page.

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April 2001