
East Surrey FHS Virtual Fair is on Sat 25 Jan with morning and afternoon sessions (GMT). It is free with a good range of societies participating and we will be there in a GENUKI room. So if you want to see some of us or have any questions please go to the link, sign up for the zoom meeting and join us.

Norfolk: Costessey


Hunt's Directory of East Norfolk with Part of Suffolk, 1850

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

COSTESSEY is a village 4 miles N.W. by N. of Norwich. The parish comprises an area of 2648 acres, and the population in 1841, was 1074. Post-Office, at John Spaul's. Letters delivered at 9,30 a.m. and despatched to Norwich and all parts, at 4,30 p.m.

         Stafford   Lord George           Costessey Hall  [see note below]
         Jerningham the Hon. Henry
                      Valentine Stafford  Costessey Hall  [see note below]
         Banham     James                 well sinker, &c.
         Banham     William               butcher
         Barnham    Mr. John
         Bealey     Thomas                grocery dealer and wheelwright
         Beloe      Charles               tailor
         Blowers    John                  land agent to Lord Stafford
         Bolton     James                 master of British school
         Cannell    Jacob                 butcher
         Clarke     John                  'White Hart'
         Cole       John                  wheelwright
         Cook       John                  tailor
         Culley     John, Esq.
         Culley     Hy. Utting            miller, &c.
         Cushion    William               shoemaker
         Dye        Philip                postman
         Easter     William               clerk
         Elwes      Rev. James            chaplain to Lord Stafford
         Evans      Rev. James W. M.A.    (incumbent)
         Farman     Benjamin              basket maker
         Fox        Robert                clerk at Taverham mills
         Galley     John                  beer retailer
         Grant      Joseph                glass stainer
         Gunton     George                brickmaker
         Hastings   Edward and William    joiners and wheelwrights
         Hastings   William               wheelwright
         Hudson     James                 'Falcon Inn'
         Husenbeth  Mr. Frederick
                      Charles             catholic minister
         Ivory      Mr. John              baptist minister
         Kidd       John L.J.             builder
         Kidd       Thomas                bricklayer
         Laws       Mark                  shoemaker
         Laws       Robert                tailor
         Linall     James                 carver at the Hall
         Middleton  Charles Esq.
         Miller     John                  brewer & beer retailer
         Money      Elden                 lime burner
         Moss       John                  master of Church school
         Norman     John, jun.            lime burner and bricklayer
         Rogers     William               joiner
         Sadler     John                  shoemaker
         Savage     John                  saddler
         Sidney     Robert C.             grocery dealer
         Sissons    Thomas                'The Swan'
         Smith      Charles               catholic school
         Spaul      John                  blacksmith and grocery dealer
         Spaul      John                  tailor (and Post-Office)
         Spaul      Richard               gardener
         Stevens    Jeremiah              fireman
         Taylor     John                  watchmaker, and the 'Bush'
         Watcham    Charles               pork butcher
         Whisker    John                  grocery dealer
         White      Richard               woodman
         Whiting    John                  gardener to Lord Stafford
         Banham     William
         Barker     Robert
         Culley     John
         Harman     John
         Howard     Peter
         Lovett     Ann
         Martin     Edmund
         Neville    William               (and rat-catcher)
         Salter     William P.
         Sidney     John
         Taylor     William
         Watcham    Robert

CARRIER to Norwich, Whiting, Mon. Wed. and Sat. at 10 morn.

Note:in the original this is:
     Stafford, Lord George, and Jerningham the Hon. Henry Valentine Stafford, Costessey Hall

See also the Costessey parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
December 2007