
Norfolk: Great Ellingham


Hunt's Directory of East Norfolk with Part of Suffolk, 1850

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

ELLINGHAM (GREAT), a village 15 miles S.W. of Norwich, and 2 miles N.W. of Attleborough. The parish comprises an area of 2530 acres, and the population in 1841 was 838. Post-Office at Charles H. Hannent's. Letters delivered at 9 a.m. and despatched to Norwich and all parts, via Attleborough at 6 p.m.

         Barnard    Lydia          grocery dealer
         Bartram    John           beer retailer
         Brooks     William        wheelwright
         Castleton  Jonas          blacksmith
         Chaplain   William        wheelwright
         Chapman    James          'Chequers'
         Cragg      Mr. James      (baptist minister)
         Dennis     Benjamin       parish clerk
         Fielding   Jeremiah       miller
         Foulsham   John           beer retailer
         Hannent    Chas. Hy.      grocer & draper
         Houchen    Stephen        shoemaker
         Lane       Aaron          baker
         Lebbell    Robt.          'Crown' & blacksmith
         Leeder     William, jun.  farrier
         Leeder     William, sen.  farrier
         Matthews   Robert         shoemaker
         Poll       Robert         gardener
         Smith      James          shoemaker
         Stebbings  Michael        butcher
         Watts      Henry          grocer
         Wilkins    William        shoemaker
         Adams      Henry
         Barnard    Benjamin       Hall
         Barnard    James          (& corn merchant)
         Barnard    John
         Brighton   William
         Chapman    James          (and dealer)
         Colman     Henry
         Downes     William
         Mann       Mary
         Rivett     Jonathan
         Turner     Joseph
         Warren     Samuel         (and tanner)
         Wright     Phillis

See also the Great Ellingham parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
June 2014