
Norfolk Newspapers -


Norfolk Chronicle

Extracts from December 28th 1782

These are the main topics. Please scroll down the page to see all the extracts.

  • Page 1, column 2
    Royal Assent to Bills.
  • Page 2, column 3
    Ports to be open for import of grain; Marriage; Attack on the Moulton carrier; Inquest on William Brokenham; Theft from William Bray; Gifts to prisoners and the poor.
  • Page 2, column 4
    Driver of John Ellis's cart fined; Theft from Noah Baker; Cow with two heads.
  • Page 3, column 2
    Adverts by Isaac Maltby, and Sarah Dye; Tenement to be let or sold in Norwich.
  • Page 3, column 3
    Apology to John Ashmanall.
See also Other Extracts from Norfolk Newspapers.

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Copyright © Pat Newby
July 2005

Norfolk Chronicle Extracts from December 28th 1782

Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.

These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.

Note: the Norfolk Chronicle was published in Norwich. When no place is referred to exactly, or the term "this city" is used, Norwich is the place referred to. Similarly, mentions of "the Castle", the City Gaol" etc refer to institutions in Norwich.

Page 1, column 2

This day his Majesty went to the House of Peers, and gave the Royal Assent to the following bills viz.

  • To the bill for granting an aid to his Majesty of 4 shillings in the pound land-tax, to be raised on all lands and tenements in Great Britain, for the year 1783.
  • To the bill for continuing the duties on malt, mum, cyder [sic], and perry, for the year 1783.
  • To the bill to prevent the enemy from being supplied with British ships and vessels by sale.
  • And the bill for allowing the importation of wheat, flour, rye, barley, and all sorts of grain, at a low duty.
After which both Houses adjourned for the Christmas Holidays; the Commons to the 21st of January, and the Lords to a few days longer.

Page 2, column 3

Notice was sent on Tuesday to Ostend, to inform them that the ports of London were opened for the importation of foreign wheat, etc, in order that they might make it known to the Captains of neutral vessels.

Yesterday was married at St Peter's of Mancroft church, in this city, John HARVEY, Esq., (son of Robert HARVEY, Esq., of Norwich) to Miss KERRISON, daughter of Roger KERRISON, Esq., Receiver General of the land-tax for this county.

Last Saturday evening as the Moulton carrier was on his return home from this city, he was attacked between Bracon and Flordon, by three footpads, who robbed him of nine guineas and a half in gold, and fourteen shillings and sixpence in silver; two of the men were dressed in dark coloured cloaths [sic], about five feet seven inches high, of dark complexion, and wore their own hair; the other man was smaller in statue [sic], with light-coloured cloaths [sic], a light-coloured wig, and a round hat.

On Monday last the Coroner's inquest sat on the body of William BROKENHAM, aged 74 years, who was thrown down yesterday se'nnight by a cart, in the market-place, when one of the wheels going over his body and head, in an oblique direction, he was so terribly bruised that he expired the next day. -- The Jury after some consideration on the nature of the evidence, and the view of the body, (every gentleman of the faculty applied to by the Coroner refusing their attendance) brought in their verdict accidental death, and the cart and horse a deodand of the value of one guinea.

Sunday last was committed to the castle by J. SMYTH, Esq., John LUSHER, John HEAD, and Nathaniel HARRISON, of Swaffham, charged with entering the warren belonging Mr Wm. BRAY, and stealing several conies, his property.

The aged people in DOUGHTY's Hospital return their sincere thanks to Mr GOSS, for his kind present of one pound fourteen shillings.

The prisoners in the castle return thanks to the unknown benefactor for 1 pound 1 shilling given to them on Christmas Day. Also for the hot dinner and a quart of strong beer each, being 47 in number, which was a great relief to them.

Page 2, column 4

Last week the driver of a cart belonging to Mr John ELLIS, of Beighton, farmer, was convicted before Jeremiah IVES, Esq., of St Saviour's, of the offence of riding on the same upon the turnpike road in the hamlet of Thorpe, and paid the penalty required by law.

Some time since was committed to Thetford gaol by George CLARKE, Esq., Mayor, Sarah EDZARD, charged on suspicion of stealing a quantity of furniture from out of the dwelling-house of Mr Noah BAKER, of Thetford, aforesaid. -- Elizabeth MESSLIN [might be MEFFLIN], John PETT, and Diana, his wife, were also committed to the above gaol, for receiving part of the said furniture, knowing them to be stolen.

By Permission of the Mayor.
To the Nobility, Gentry, and the Admirers of the wonderful productions of Nature.

Just arrived, and to be seen alive, in a commodious room adjoining Mr MATTHEW's glass warehouse, the upper side of the market-place, Norwich. The surprizing [sic] Worcestershire Heifer, three years old, being the most curious production of nature ever exhibited in this kingdom. This very surprizing creature has two heads, four horns, four eyes, four ears, four nostrils, through each of which it breaths [sic], etc and what is still more surprizing [sic], it takes its sustenance with both mouths at the same time. One of the heads, together with the horns, represents that of a bull, and the other a cow.
     ** This Heifer has had the inspection of the Royal Society, and the principal gentlemen of the faculty in London, and by them universally allowed to be the most astonishing living phaenomenon [sic] in nature.
     The above curiosity may be seen by any number of persons from ten in the morning till six at night. Ladies and Gentlemen 1 shilling. Tradesmen 6 pence. Servants, etc 3 pence.

Page 3, column 2


To be sold, any Number from one Brace to ten Brace of Greyhounds, of the best and most approved Breed, in the County of Norfolk, they are handsome, and chiefly Black, and will be disposed of on very reasonable Terms.
     Enquire of Isaac MALTBY, in Fincham, near Downham, Norfolk.

Norwich, Dec. 28, 1782.

Mrs Sarah DYE, Widow and Relict of Mr William DYE, late of Norwich, Corn-merchant, deceased, begs Leave to acquaint the Friends and Customers of her late Husband, that she intends to carry on the Coal and Cinder Trade, at her Cinder Ovens, adjoining Conisford-gates; and will be exceedingly obliged to them, and to such other Persons as may think proper to deal with her in those Articles, and takes this Opportunity of assuring them, that they shall be served with the best Articles, and upon the most reasonable Terms.
     N.B. All Monies received and paid, will be transacted at the late Mr DYE's Counting-house, in St Martin's by the Palace.

A Fellmonger's Office,

With a good and convenient new-built Tenement thereon, to be lett [sic] or sold, and entered upon immediately, with or without every necessary Utensil compleat [sic] and fit for the Business, situate in St Faith's Lane, Norwich, and lately in the Occupation of Mr Joseph HUGMAN. Enquire of Mr N. CHAMBERS, Surgeon, Norwich.

Page 3, column 3

We the undersigned having propagated a malicious and scandalous Report, tending to injure the Character of John ASHMANALL, of Great Yarmouth, in the County of Norfolk, Fisherman, for which the said John ASHMANALL hath commenced an Action against us, but at our request hath stopped all further Proceedings therein on our publicly declaring the Falsity of such Report, which we do hereby acknowledge to have been propagated by us without any Foundation in Truth, as Witness our Hands this 21st of December, 1782.
     [signed] Hannah HEALLY,
     Susannah DARNELL.
     William SMITH,
     James SAYERS.

Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.

These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.