
Norfolk Newspapers -


Norfolk Chronicle

Extracts from March 1st 1783

These are the main topics. Please scroll down the page to see all the extracts.

  • Page 2, column 3
    Rev Lancaster Framingham; New bridge in Norwich.
  • Page 2, column 4
    West Norfolk Militia; Committals to Norwich Castle and city gaol; Marriages; Deaths; Adverts by Richard Bacon.
  • Page 3, column 1
    Advert by Charles Chapman; Price of wheat.
  • Page 3, column 3
    Sale of houses in Norwich; Sale of houses, barns, land, etc in Gooderstone and Oxburgh.
See also Other Extracts from Norfolk Newspapers.

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Copyright © Pat Newby
August 2005

Norfolk Chronicle Extracts from March 1st 1783

Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.

These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.

Note: the Norfolk Chronicle was published in Norwich. When no place is referred to exactly, or the term "this city" is used, Norwich is the place referred to. Similarly, mentions of "the Castle", the City Gaol" etc refer to institutions in Norwich.

Page 2, column 3

On Wednesday last the Rev. Lancaster FRAMINGHAM, Clerk, M.A. was instituted to the vicarage of Rougham, in this county, on the presentation of the King.

Several plans of a new bridge at Black-friars were laid before the Assembly, one of which was proposed to be of cast iron, of which kind there is only one in the kingdom, the expence [sic] of constructing which would about 2,000 pounds, much the same as a stone bridge; but Mr LOCK, an experienced and skilful workman having delivered his opinion that the pier which is settled may be supported and rendered as firm and safe as ever, we hear it has been agreed to put it under his direction, and the reparation will be set about as expeditiously as the season of the year will permit.

Page 2, column 4

We hear that the West Norfolk regiment, now quartered at Lynn,etc will be mustered on the 12th of this month; and it is expected that the militia will be disembodied on the 25th, giving to each man twelve day's pay.

Saturday last was committed to the Castle, by Eagle KNIGHTS, Esq., Robert TURNER, of Martham, charged with breaking into and stealing out of the barn of Berney BROGRAVE, Esq., of Waxham, three sacks of wheat. -- He belongs to a gang who have committed divers robberies in that neighbourhood.

Same day were committed to the city gaol, two women, mother and daughter, for stealing several yards of linen from a shop of Messrs SIELY and Co.

On Tuesday last was committed to the Castle, by John KERRICK, Esq., Abraham CARMAN, of Laxfield, and Henry CABELL, of Mendham, both in the county of Suffolk, charged with breaking into the dwelling- house of Mrs Abigail HAMBLING, of Aldborough, as mentioned in our paper of the 8th ult. and stealing thereout several feather-beds, and divers other articles. In CARMAN's house was found a sheep, and several sheep-skins. Two of this gang fled immediately; but by the vigilance of the constables, Henry CABELL, son of the above, was apprehended on Thursday at Yoxford, and committed by the above Magistrate to the Castle, the other made his escape.

On Wednesday last was married Mr LULMAN, Attorney at Law, of East Dereham, to Miss POND of that place.

On Thursday last was married, Mr John MARKS, upholder, of this city, to Miss HERRING of Harpley.

On the 17th ult. was married at All Saint's [sic] Church, Derby, Nathaniel CLARKE, Esq., Barrister, to Mrs HOLDEN, widow of James Shuttleworth HOLDEN, Esq., an agreeable lady, with a handsome fortune.

Yesterday morning died, after a short illness, Mrs KITTON, wife of Mr KITTON, glover, in the Cockey-lane.

Monday last died, after a short illness, Mr John TUTHILL, at Starston, in this county, in the 80th year of his age.

On Sunday last died, after a short illness, Mr Christopher ROUTH, Attorney at Law, in this city. -- A man of sound knowledge and strict integrity in his profession. He lived and died the noblest work of God, "An Honest Man."

Same day died at Yarmouth, after a very painful illness, in the 50th year of her age, Mrs DRYDEN, wife of Mr John DRYDEN, malster, of the Angel inn, on the quay.

Last week died in the 83d year of his age, at Letton, in this county, Thornhagh GURDON, Esq., where he had resided for fifty years, beloved and respected by all his neighbours and dependents.

Register-Office for Houses.
Lower Goat Lane, No. 12.

Richard BACON, respectfully presents his Services to Owners of Houses in Norwich. He proposes opening a Register for empty Houses, describing the Nature and Situation of each, with the Terms they are to be lett [sic] or sold for. The Price of registering One Shilling; and the Price for the Book to be examined by those who want to hire or purchase, Sixpence. -- This Plan will certainly be of Utility, as by this means the Situation, etc, of every Empty House may be viewed at one Time by any Person desirous of hiring or purchasing, and every Landlord have an Opportunity of exhibiting his House for Sale or Hire at all Times.

Chandling Utensils.
     To be Sold, together or separate, an excellent Copper, capable of containing about fifty Stone of Tallow, with Bars and Frame. -- A good substantial Press, with Iron Screws, and proper Apparatus. -- A Chopping Trough, pair of Knives, and sundry other Articles.
     Apply to R. BACON, No.12., Lower Goat Lane.
Any young Person who has been used to the Millinery Branch, and can bring a good Character, may hear of an eligible Situation, by applying as above.

Page 3, column 1


Charles CHAPMAN of Norwich continues giving the best Prices for Norfolk and Suffolk Goose Feathers, at his Upholstery Warehouse, opposite the Post-office Court, every Wednesday and Saturday till the first Week in May. Upwards of thirty hundred Weight [sic] is wanted, and if not brought in within that time, orders will be given for them in Somersetshire and Lincolnshire (Feather Countries), which will reduce the Prices for them after that Time.

The supply of English wheat was not near so large today as last Monday, yet the quantity of foreign being very considerable, the sale in general was rather dull, and the prices something lower.

Page 3, column 3

To be Sold,

All that Estate in St Michael's at Plea, Norwich, consisting of a large Dwelling House and Garden, in the Use of Anthony NORRIS, Esq., and another Dwelling House adjoining, in the Occupation of Mrs SPENDLOVE.
     For Particulars enquire of Mr EMERSON, Norwich.

To be Sold by Auction, by Robert BRETT,

At the House of John GODMAN, called the Spread Eagle, in Oxburgh, in the County of Norfolk, on Thursday the 13th of March inst. between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall then be produced.

  • All the Estate of the late Mr Richard HARVEY, deceased, situate in Gooderstone and Oxburgh aforesaid, consisting of two Messuages or Tenements, Barn, Stables, and other convenient Outhouses, Yards, Gardens, and Appurtenances, together with 177 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land (more or less), late in the Occupation of the said Richard HARVEY, and others.
  • Also a Tenement and Garden in Gooderstone aforesaid, late in the Occupation of Thomas PLUMB.
The Premisses [sic] have three Common Rights upon the valuable Commons of Gooderstone aforesaid; are Part Freehold and Part Copyhold, moderately assessed to the Land Tax, and pay Quit-Rents to the Amount of 2 pounds 2 shillings and 8 pence per annum; and should an Inclosure take place (which has been some time in Contemplation), it will greatly enhance the Value of this Estate.
     For further Particulars apply to Mr James BRADFIELD, at Stoke Ferry; Mr John HOUCHEN, at Wereham; or Mr William STUCKEY, Attorney at Law at Swaffham, in the said County of Norfolk.

Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.

These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.