
Norfolk Newspapers -


Norfolk Chronicle

Extracts from April 12th 1783

These are the main topics. Please scroll down the page to see all the extracts.

  • Page 2, column 3
    Freeholders should register to vote; Election of Common Councillors for Mancroft Ward; Election of MP for Yarmouth; Marriages; Deaths.
  • Page 2, column 4
    Committals to Norwich Castle; Thefts from John Freshfield, and Alderman Harvey; Carman and Cabell executed; Association for prosecuting warren thieves.
  • Page 3, column 1
    Norwich farmers protest at mode of levying money for maintenance of the poor; Legatees of Edna Moore; Creditors of John Knights.
  • Page 3, column 2
    Farm, cottages and lands to let at Fincham; House to let in Norwich.
  • Page 3, column 3
    Theft from Thomas Porter; Creditors of John Buck; Messuages, land and mill for sale at Bawdeswell.
See also Other Extracts from Norfolk Newspapers.

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Copyright © Pat Newby
August 2005

Norfolk Chronicle Extracts from April 12th 1783

Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.

These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.

Note: the Norfolk Chronicle was published in Norwich. When no place is referred to exactly, or the term "this city" is used, Norwich is the place referred to. Similarly, mentions of "the Castle", the City Gaol" etc refer to institutions in Norwich.

Page 2, column 3

As there will be very soon a general assessment of the land tax, throughout the kingdom, it may be necessary to inform freeholders, that, by a late act, they are excluded the right of voting at elections for Members to serve in Parliament, unless their names are inserted in the assessments of the several parishes, in which their freeholds are situated, at least six months previous to such election. -- It is therefore recommended to them, to transmit their names, with an account of their freeholds, to the assessors, as soon as they are chosen for the year ensuing.

On Tuesday last came on the election of Nominees of Common- council for the great ward of Mancroft, when, after the severest contest ever remembered in this city, Mr William FOSTER, attorney at law, Mr John BUCKLE, ironmonger, and Mr Thomas BLACK, confectioner, were chosen for the year ensuing.
     The poll-books were opened at ten o'clock, and closed at five in the afternoon, at which time the numbers were declared to be,
     For Mr FOSTER - 168, Mr BUCKLE - 161, And Mr MATTHEWS - 158.
     For Mr BLACK - 167, Mr JOLLINS - 160, And Mr REYNOLDS - 158.
On Wednesday Mr Hewitt RAND, Mr John ALDRED, and Mr John BRINGLOE, were unanimously chosen nominees for the Great Ward of Wymer. -- An on Thursday Mr Thomas TROUGHTON, Mr William CUTTING, and Mr Edmund PARTRIDGE were re-elected Nominees for the Ward beyond the Water, by a great majority.

Wednesday came on at Yarmouth the election of a Member for that borough, when Charles TOWNSHEND, Esq., was re-elected without opposition.

On Thursday was married the Rev. Mr HOWES, of Hockering, to Mrs BROWNE, widow of the late Mr BROWNE, surgeon of this city.

Same day was married, Mr KENT, of Fulham, to Miss NORTH, of East Dereham.

On Saturday last died Mrs PEETE, aged 68, wife of Richard PEETE, Esq., an Alderman of this city, after a very tedious and painful illness, which she supported with patience, fortitude, and resignation. In her domestic and social connections she was sincere and affectionate, and conducted herself in every situation with propriety and decorum.

On Sunday last died, aged 37, Mrs GEORGE, wife of Mr Thomas GEORGE of Dunston, near Norwich.

Page 2, column 4

Thursday was committed to the Castle, by Sir Edmund BACON, Bart., John BARNARD, labourer, and William BARNARD, carpenter, both of Burgh St Peter, charged with committing divers felonies in the parishes of Toftmonks, Aldeby, etc.

Yesterday se'nnight at night the house of Mr John FRESHFIELD, in Pitt-street, St Augustine's, manufacturer, was broken open, and robb'd of cash and a large quantity of Yarn. -- see the ad. in our third page. [pasted below]

On Monday night the warehouse of Alderman HARVEY was broken open, and robbed of yarn to the value of near 50 pounds. The villains came in a dyer's boat at the back of the premises.

On Saturday last CARMAN and CABELL were executed on the Castle hill, pursuant to their sentence.

An Address to the Public.

The Practice of robbing Warrens in the Night-time having of late become frequent, and so alarming to the Public in general, but more especially to those who occupy or have Property therein; it is necessary to enter into some effectual Means to prevent future depredations upon that kind of property.
     It may therefore not be improper to observe, that those who are guilty of this Species of Robbery, are the People who afterwards commit other felonious Acts - as Sheep-stealing, Horse-stealing, and House- breaking.
     For the Prevention of which, Notice is hereby given, that an Association is entered into by the principal occupiers of Warrens within the Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, and a Subscription raised, to support a Fund for the Purpose of defraying the Expence [sic] which may be incurred by the Prosecution of such Offenders as may hereafter be found trespassing upon Warrens, or Borders of Warrens, the Property, or in the Occupation of any of the Members of this Association; who humbly solicit the Assistance of the Magistrates, and other Gentlemen within the above-mentioned Counties, as well for the Preventing as Punishing such depredations within their respective Districts and Neighbourhood.
     It may not be unnecessary to mention, that these nightly Invaders are frequently on Horseback, armed; upon Horses taken out of the neighbouring Pastures, stolen for the above Purpose; and as this Sort of Property is more likely to be infringed or trespassed upon than any other, it is necessary to form a separate and distinct Association from those already undertaken for the Prosecution of other Felonies.
     Robert EAGLE, of Brandon,
     Secretary of the Society.
April 5, 1783.

Page 3, column 1

Several very respectable Farmers in the Hamlets of the City of Norwich, having requested me to call a Meeting of such Owners and Farmers of Land in the said Hamlets as think themselves aggrieved by the Mode adopted by the City for levying Money for Maintenance of the Poor,
     Notice is hereby given, that a Meeting will be held at TUCK's Coffee- house, on Monday the twenty first of this Month, at twelve o'Clock in the Forenoon precisely, in order to consider of the Means to obtain legal Redress. [signed] James CROWE.

North Walsham, April 2, 1783.
Legacies To Be Paid.

The Legatees of the late Mrs Edna MOORE, are requested to meet her Executors at the Cross Keys in North Walsham, on Friday the 18th Instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, to receive their respective Legacies.

Notice to Creditors.

John KNIGHTS, of Attleborough, in Norfolk, Miller and Baker, having assigned over his Effects to Jonathan KNIGHTS, of Carleton Rode, Miller, for the equal Benefit of his Creditors, the Creditors are requested to meet at the Cock in Attleborough, on Thursday the 24th of this Instant, April, at three o'Clock in the Afternoon, when the State of his Affairs will be laid before them, and the Assignment for the Execution. And all Persons who stand indebted to the said John KNIGHTS, are desired to pay the same forthwith to the said Jonathan KNIGHTS, or they will be sued for the same without further Notice. (Dated April 7, 1783.)

Page 3, column 2

To be Lett [sic], and entered upon at Michaelmas next, a compleat [sic] Farm, consisting of a Farm house, proper Offices, two Cottages for Labourers, and three hundred and ninety two Acres of exceeding rich Arable and Pasture Land, all enclosed, now in the Occupation of Mr Daniel SEWELL, of Fincham.
     Also a Moiety of the Corn Tythes [sic] of the said Parish of Fincham to be lett [sic], with or without the said Farm.
     For Particulars enquire of Mr Bartholomew RAMSEY, of Stow Hill, who will shew the Premises.

To be Lett [sic], and entered upon at Midsummer next, in a pleasant and airy Situation. A House in King Street, now in the Occupation of Mr William SLATER, containing a Kitchen, two Parlours, three Chambers, Garrets, Wash-house, Garden, etc.
     Enquire of J. LEWIS, Dyer.
     N.B. This will be advertised no more.

Page 3, column 3

Stolen in the Night of Thursday the 13th of March last, from out of the Field-barn Yard belonging to Thomas PORTER of Marham Hall, Three White Sows, with a small Piece of the right Ear, and about seven Weeks gone with Pig. -- Whoever will discover the Offender or Offenders, that he or they may be brought to Justice, shall on Conviction receive the Sum of Three Pounds, and all reasonable Charges, to be paid by me,
     Thomas PORTER.

April 9, 1783.

Whereas John BUCK, some Time since of Ingham, in the County of Norfolk, and now or late of Chulmleigh, in the County of Devon, Farmer, has assigned over all his Effects to Charles BUCK, of North Walsham, in the said County of Norfolk, Gent. in Trust for the Benefit of his Creditors. All Persons having any Demands on the said Effects, are requested within one Month from the Date hereof to apply to the said Charles BUCK, who will lay before them a true State of the Affairs of the said John BUCK, and propose such a Plan for discharging the Debts in general as Circumstances will admit of.
     All Creditors who have any Security for their Money are desired to bring them.

To be Sold,
  • A Messuage in Bawdeswell, in Norfolk, in the Use of John HILL, being a good accustomed Bake Office, with Barn, Stable, and about seven Acres of Land, in the Occupation of the said John HILL, at the yearly Rent of 17 pounds.
  • Another Messuage in Bawdeswell, with about two Acres of Land adjoining, lately rented at 5 pounds a Year.
  • Another Messuage in Bawdeswell, all Brick and tiled, now in three Tenements, with a good Butcher's Shop, in the Use of Thomas AUSTIN, Thomas MANNING, and another, at the yearly Rent of 10 pounds 15 shillings.
  • Also a Wind-Mill on Bawdeswell Heath, in the Use of Robert TERRY, at the yearly Rent of 10 pounds.

For Price, and further Particulars, apply to Mr Henry SMITH at Coltishall; or to Mr SMYTH, Attorney at Dereham.

Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.

These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.