
Norfolk Newspapers -


Norfolk Chronicle

Extracts from May 17th 1783

These are the main topics. Please scroll down the page to see all the extracts.

  • Page 2, column 3
    Brig found abandoned; Smuggling; Marriage; Deaths; Inquest on Mr Rump; Dragoons; Theft from Mr Delf.
  • Page 2, column 4
    Adverts by C. Christian and S. Wright, and William Burt.
  • Page 3, column 3
    Estate for sale at Deopham; Horse missing from Costessey; Book published about stenography; Ass races at Trowse.
See also Other Extracts from Norfolk Newspapers.

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Copyright © Pat Newby
August 2005

Norfolk Chronicle Extracts from May 17th 1783

Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.

These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.

Note: the Norfolk Chronicle was published in Norwich. When no place is referred to exactly, or the term "this city" is used, Norwich is the place referred to. Similarly, mentions of "the Castle", the City Gaol" etc refer to institutions in Norwich.

Page 2, column 3

A brig has been carried into Breckstoc, in Norway, which was found in the North-sea, by a Swedish ship (of about 150 tons, laden with barley, wheat, and pease [sic]) and is supposed by all circumstances, and an old journal found on board, to be the Pegasus, late Kimin, of Lynn, though the Imperial or Ostend colours were flying, and no living creature on board.

Sunday last Captain FISHER, of the Custom-house Smack, brought into Yarmouth Haven a smuggling cutter, deeply laden with tea and spirits.

On Monday last was married at Holt, by the Rev. Mr POTTS, Mr William GOOCH, of Woodton, to Mrs GILLS, of the same place.

On Sunday last died in Charlotte-street, Bedford-square, London, Mrs Frances BOWYER, a maiden lady, sister of the late Sir William, and aunt of the present Sir William BOWYER, Bart.

On Monday died, in Holles-street, Cavendish-square, London, in the 64th year of her age, Mrs ROBERTS, sister to the late Wenman COKE, Esq., of Holkham, in this county.

A few days ago died, at Robert LUKIN's, Esq., Mrs RUSSELL, relict of the late William RUSSEL [sic], Esq., of Barningham-Hall, in this County.

A few days since died in this city, Mrs BRADY, in the 69th year of her age.

On Wednesday se'nnight died, after a tedious illness, which he bore with true Christian fortitude and resignation, Mr John FEARCHILD, of Stoke Ferry, in this county; a man of uprightness and great integrity, very much respected and deservedly lamented by his family, friends, and acquaintance.

On Friday morning Mr RUMP, farmer at Hempstead, near Holt, was found dead near Oulton, on his way home from North Walsham market. His pockets were turned inside-out, and 'tis supposed he had lain there all night. The Jury sat on the body, and brought in their verdict accidental death. The person who first saw him was suspected of taking his money, and being threatened to be sent to prison, confessed it. The amount was 26 pounds 14 shillings and 6 pence.

Yesterday se'nnight the 11th regiment of dragoons quartered in this city, was reviewed by Lieutenant General JOHNSTONE, their commander, on Moushold-heath, previous to their being reduced to the peace establishment, when he expressed the highest satisfaction at their alertness in their different manoeuvres.

Wednesday a lad, named ALLEN, was committed to Bridewell for further examination, charged with stealing the till of Mr DELF, grocer in St Andrew's, containing eleven shillings in halfpence. The above ALLEN was lately tried at the Castle-hill for robbing a grocer at Acle.

Page 2, column 4

No.11, Upper-Market Street, Norwich,

Having entered into Partnership in the Millinery and Haberdashery Branches, takes [sic] this Opportunity of acquainting their Friends, and the Public in general, that they are just returned from London with a great Assortment of Goods in the newest and most fashionable Taste, and all Sorts of Perfumery, on the lowest Terms.
     C. CHRISTIAN returns her sincere Thanks for the Encouragement she has already met with. Herself and Partner assure their Friends no Exertions shall be wanting to merit the Continuance of their Favours, and all Commands executed with the utmost Punctuality.
     N.B. An Apprentice wanted immediately.

William BURT, Upholder, Appraiser, and Auctioneer,

Having taken a Shop the Corner of Brigg's Lane, next the Hay-market, Norwich, and laid in an entire new and fashionable Variety of every Article in the Upholstery Branch, he solicits the Favour of his Friends and the Public, flattering himself the Neatness, Fidelity, and Dispatch with which their Orders will be executed, will ensure him a Continuance thereof.
     N.B. The best Price given for Feathers and Bees Wax. Two large Cellars to lett [sic]. Also two Houses, very pleasantly situated in Saint Faith's Lane, with Gardens, and good Convenience, at easy Rents. Enquire as above.

Page 3, column 3

To be Sold,

An Estate at Deopham, in Norfolk, consisting of a Farm-house, Barn, Stable, and other convenient Out-houses, with Forty-two Acres, or thereabouts, of exceeding good arable and Pasture Land, Part Freehold and Part Copyhold, in the Occupation of Mr John LANE. Also a Cottage in Deopham, with an Acre and Half of Land adjoining.
     For Particulars apply to Mr Gamaliel RANSOME, of Wymondham, or Mr IVES, of Coltishall.

Stolen or Strayed, from Mr Thrower BUCKLES, of Cossey, the 11th or 12th of April last, a Black Filly, three Years old, near 14 Hands high, some White on the Forehead, and sideways down the Nose, and long Tail and Mane. Whoever gives proper Intelligence of the same to the said Mr BUCKLE, shall be handsomely rewarded.

In the Press, and will be published in June by Subscription,
Printed on Superfine Writing Paper, in Quarto,
A Treatise on Stenography; or the most easy and concise Method of Writing Shorthand.

On an Entire New Plan, composed of simple Marks. By M. NASH, All Saint's Plain, Norwich.
     This System, which is shorter, and much more intelligible than any yet published, is rendered so familiar to every capacity, that whoever can write may become an Adept in the Science, without any other Instruction.
     Price to Subscribers Half a Guinea, neatly half-bound. A List of Subscribers (amounting already to upwards of 100) will be published, and those who wish to encourage the Work, are requested to favour either the Author with their Names, or the following Booksellers: Mess. CHASE and Co. or Mess. BERRYs, Norwich; Mr SHAVE, Ipswich; Mr MERRIL or Mr DEIGHTON, Cambridge; Mr BEW, Pater-noster Row; Mr EGERTON, opposite the Admiralty, Charing Cross; or Mess. RICHARDSON and URQUHART, under the Royal Exchange, London.
     Note. The List will be closed on June 14.

Fun! Fun! Fun!

Trowse, first Spring Meeting for Asses will be on Monday next, the 19th Instant. A handsome Saddle and Bridle will be run for by Asses of all Ages, the best of three Heats, from Trowse Toll Bar round the Direction- post (standing between Bungay and Beccles Road) and back again. -- To start at half past Six o'Clock in the Evening. -- No crossing will be allowed. -- Also a Smock will be run for by Fillies.
     The Asses and Fillies to be entered at the White Horse, from half past four till the Time of starting.
     *** Amazing Sport is expected, as many capital Asses have been some Time in training. Vivant Rex et Regina.

Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.

These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.