Norfolk Newspapers -
Norfolk Chronicle
Extracts from June 28th 1783
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Copyright © Pat Newby
August 2005
Norfolk Chronicle Extracts from June 28th 1783
Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.
These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.
Note: the Norfolk Chronicle was published in Norwich. When no place is referred to exactly, or the term "this city" is used, Norwich is the place referred to. Similarly, mentions of "the Castle", the City Gaol" etc refer to institutions in Norwich.
Page 2, column 2
Tuesday last the house of Mr PAUL, manufacturer in St Augustine's, was broke open, and robbed of a large quantity of linen etc.
On Saturday last, at a full Court of Mayoralty, Thomas WATSON, Esq., was sworn an Alderman of this city, and a Justice of the Peace for the great Northern Ward.
On Tuesday last was married at Holt, Mr William BIRCHAM, of Reepham, to Miss ALPE, of Holt.
On Monday died, in the Cathedral precinct, Mr Richard LUBBOCK, formerly an Attorney at Northwalsham. He was son of Richard LUBBOCK, Esq., Alderman of East Wymer ward, who died Mayor of this city in 1717.
Page 2, column 3
Mr RIVETT begs Leave to inform the Public, that his Academy will be removed this Mid-summer Vacation from Dereham to a very commodious and convenient House, remarkably airy and pleasantly situated in Wymondham, in Norfolk, within a Quarter of a Mile of the Town; and will be opened on Monday, July the 14th, for the Reception of young Gentlemen intended for the Army, Navy, Compting-house, Mechanic, and other Employments.
Mr RIVETT begs his Friends will accept his most grateful Thanks for their generous Encouragement and Approbation; and hopes that his future Exertions to discharge his Duty in his Profession, will merit the Patronage of the Public.
Page 2, column 4
Takes this Opportunity of returning his most grateful Thanks to the Gentry and others of Norwich, and the neighbouring Country, for the many Favours conferred on him, and begs Leave to acquaint them that he has taken Mr TUDOR, from London, as a Partner in the Pin and Perfumery, with Variety of other Fancy Goods, at their Warehouse, No.5, London-lane, where they humbly solicit a Continuance of their Friends and the Public.
Also Mrs Gibson's well-known Italian Paste, her innocent Liquid, which will change red or grey Hair to a beautiful brown or jet black.
Her curious Compound, with will in half a Minute take out Hair by the Roots, which grows too low, or irregular, on the Forehead or Temples.
Her Preparation, which thickens and fastens Hair, the true original Bear's Grease.
And Lady Molyneaux's Liquid Bloom, which in a Moment gives to a pale Cheek the Rose of Nature, which the icest [sic - perhaps meant to be 'nicest' ?] Eye cannot suspect for Art.
N.B. Genteel Lodgings to lett, furnished or unfurnished.
Education and Husbandry.
Mr SMITH, at Suton, in Wymondham, is desirous of taking a young Gentleman, whose Inclination may tend to the above, for the Term of three or four Years, to instruct as follows: Surveying Superfici-s [part of word is missing] and Solids, Carpenters, Bricklayers, Masons, Glaziers, and Painters' Work, with the usual Price of each; useful Problems in Geography and Astronomy; the Use of the Terrestrial and Celestial Globes; Algebra, Gauging, or any other Part or Parts of Mathematics which may be thought useful; also the Italian Method of Book-keeping, if required; Husbandry, old and new, under the Direction of a Head Servant; the Method of cultivating La Lucern, St Foine, Burnet, and other Sorts of Grass.
N.B. Estates looked after on reasonable Terms.
Notice to the Public.
Mr BRERETON's Stage Waggon [sic], which sets off from Briston every Thursday Morning, and used to go by Elmham, Brisley, Mileham, Lytcham, and Swaffham to Brandon, will in future go by Elmham, Dereham, and Watton to Brandon.
All Persons indebted to John SWANTON, now or late of East Rudham, in the County of Norfolk, Dealer and Chapman, (who has been lately declared a Bankrupt) are desired to pay their respective Debts nt [sic] Mr Christopher RODWELL, of Swaffham, in the said County; Assignee of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects, within one Month from the Date hereof. -- June 24, 1783.
Page 4, column 1
To be Lett [sic] and entered upon immediately, two Wine Vaults, and two Warehouses, on the North Side of Common-Staith Yard in Lynn, in Norfolk; each Vault will hold about 30 Pipes of Wine, and the Warehouses over them the same Quantity. Also another Vault, and Warehouse over it, on the South Side of Common Staith Yard. This Vault will hold about 45 Pipes of Wine, and the Warehouse the same Number.
For further Particulars apply to Mr ELMINGTON, Wine-Cooper, at Lynn, who will shew the Premises.
To be Sold,
A Messuage, and about Four Acres of very good Land, in Bawburgh, in Norfolk, in the Use of Henry REEVE, at Eight Guineas a Year. -- The Estate adjoins to, and has a Right of Commonage over a good Common in Bawburgh.
For Price and further Particulars apply to Mr Thomas SMYTH, Attorney at Dereham.
Whereas about a Fortnight since the Ship called the Fair Trader, William STEWARD Commander, laying in Yarmouth Haven, was broke into, and a Trunk, containing several Silk Gowns, Petticoats, Shifts, and other Wearing Apparel feloniously stolen and taken thereout. Notice is hereby given, that any one giving Information to Captain STEWARD, or discovering the Person or Persons guilty of the said Felony, shall receive a Reward of Ten Guineas on the Conviction of the Offender or Offenders.
Page 4, column 2
To be Sold by Auction,
On Saturday the Twelfth Day of July next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, at the Wrestlers Tavern in Great Yarmouth,
A Small Farm in Runham, in the County of Norfolk, consisting of a Farm-house, Barn, Stable, and other Outhouses, and about 26 Acres, by Estimation, of Arable Land, with an unlimited Right of Commonage on Runham Common, now in the Occupation of Richard FISH.
For further Particulars apply to Mr Samuel TOLVER, or Mr Thomas CLOWES, both of Yarmouth. -- The Tenant will shew the Premises.
Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.
These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.