Norfolk Newspapers -
Norfolk Chronicle
Extracts from July 12th 1783
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Copyright © Pat Newby
September 2005
Norfolk Chronicle Extracts from July 12th 1783
Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.
These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.
Note: the Norfolk Chronicle was published in Norwich. When no place is referred to exactly, or the term "this city" is used, Norwich is the place referred to. Similarly, mentions of "the Castle", the City Gaol" etc refer to institutions in Norwich.
Page 2, column 4
On Wednesday last, the Rev. Horatio DOWSING, Clerk, B.A., was instituted by the Lord Bishop of Norwich, to the Vicarage of Hindringham, in Norfolk, on the presentation of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich.
On Saturday last died at Coltishall, Miss CHURCH, daughter of Mr John CHURCH, late of that place, surgeon.
Yesterday se'nnight died at his house in Jermyn-street, London, Richard CROFTES, Esq., of West Harling, in this county.
Page 3, column 1
William BELOE,
China-Man, Market-Place, Norwich;
Has just received from the India Company's Sale a large and regular Assortment of useful and ornamental China, Japanned Tea Boards, Waiters, Toilet and Card Boxes, the best India Soy, Fish and Counters, Fans, etc, etc. which will be sold at the present London Prices. He has also a large Parcel of useful China from Commodore JOHNSTONE's Prize Goods taken from the Dutch, which will be sold cheap.
He is lately returned from Staffordshire with a very large and elegant Assortment of that much improved Manufactory, particularly some compleat [sic] Table Services, after the Dresden Manner and from their Patterns; and in consequence of his frequent Attendance on that Manufactory, he will be able to supply his Warehouse in Norwich immediately with every new and improved Pattern.
The above Goods, with all Sorts of Glass, Stone, Delft, and Earthen Ware, will be sold Wholesale and Retail upon very low Terms.
N.B. All Wholesale Dealers will meet with very great Encouragement for ready Money.
Spilsbury's Drops, in Bottles of Four Shillings, from the Proprietor, Soho Square, London.
Richard MARSHALL, Successor to Messrs HOLLINGWORTH, Booksellers, Lynn, Respectfully acquaints the Nobility, Gentry, and Public at large, that he has laid in a fresh Stock of this excellent Medicine, so eminently famous for affording Relief in Cases of the Scurvy, Gout, Rheumatism, nervous Complaints, etc --- As a Rise in Price of this Medicine, and indeed in general all others, owing to a Tax which will shortly take place, Persons will do well in forwarding their Orders. -- The above Medicine, and all others which are sold by R. MARSHALL, the Public may be assured are always in Perfection; his Sale being large, occasions a continual fresh Supply of them.
Page 3, column 2
On Wednesday, July 16, (being County Sessions) QUANTRELL's Gardens will be illuminated as usual; and betwixt the Concert will be exhibited the favourite Dialogue and Song between the Traveller and the insolent Carpenter, with a great Addition, After the Concert will be exhibited the Siege of Gibraltar. To conclude with many curious Pieces of Illuminations, Transparencies, etc as will be expressed in the Bills of the Day.
Admittance one Shilling, Sixpence to be returned in Liquor, etc.
Lynn, July 9, 1783,
Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership between William BOLINGBROKE, of East Dereham, in the County of Norfolk, Coach and Harness Maker, and Robert WILLIAMS, of King's Lynn, in the said County, Portrait and Coach Painter, is dissolved by mutual Consent, and that they intend upon henceforth to carry on their respective Business on their separate Account only, unconnected with each other.
A Landoreti,
Elegant and light, to be disposed of, perfectly sound in all its Parts, with a green Cloth Lining quite fresh, Wheels as good as new, and the Carriage free of Blemishes; Cork Screw Springs.
Enquire of Mr James GOODAIRE, Coach-maker, Lynn, who will wait on the Party to shew [sic] it.
Page 3, column 3
To Gentlemen, Agents, Bricklayers, and Carpenters,
To be Sold at Reymerston, in Norfolk, a very large old House, called Reymerston Hall (the same to be taken down and cleared from off the Premises by the Purchasers), the Materials of which consist of upwards of One hundred thousand Bricks, with many thousand good small Tiles, a very large Quantity of different sized Scantlings of good sound Oak Timber, and a large Quantity of Glass, Lead, and Iron, fit to replace in other Buildings.
Also to be Sold, an exceeding good Oak-framed Barn, upwards of Sixty Feet long and Twenty-three Feet wide; the same in good Repair; the Roof, which is of Oak so exceedingly good as to be capable of being framed the same Size again, covered with a good Reed, and such Covering in such perfect Condition as to be able to be removed and relaid with very little Waste.
For further Particulars enquire of Mr Bailey BIRD, Land Surveyor, Norwich.
Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.
These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.