Norfolk Newspapers -
Norfolk Chronicle
Extracts from July 26th 1783
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Copyright © Pat Newby
September 2005
Norfolk Chronicle Extracts from July 26th 1783
Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.
These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.
Note: the Norfolk Chronicle was published in Norwich. When no place is referred to exactly, or the term "this city" is used, Norwich is the place referred to. Similarly, mentions of "the Castle", the City Gaol" etc refer to institutions in Norwich.
Page 1, column 4
On Tythes.
The tythes [sic] or tenths, allotted for the support of the clergy, were freely granted, on a religious principle, by the Crown, with the consent of the Lords and Commons of the realm in the Saxon times, when the King was proprietor of all the lands in the kingdom, and the charter is still extant in our ancient historians. -- They were not purchased by an owner, nor are they paid by an occupier of the land, if they were, the rents would be at least one seventh part higher than they now are. The tenant only surrenders what the land hath been charged with for 917 years; and so little can be laid to the account of the clergy for executing it with rigour, that I believe there are few amongst them who will not readily acquiesce in the terms made for themselves by the neighbouring lay proprietors.
The following circumstance deserves to be recorded to the honour of the Clergy, that out of 700 suits upon record (viz. in litigations relative to the tythes [sic] in the common courts of law), 600 of them have been carried by the clergy, which fact is sufficient to shew [sic], that, whatever may be said against individuals, Clergymen in general have been neither covetous nor litigious.
Page 2, column 4
Yesterday morning died, Mr EWEN, a considerable farmer at Cringleford, near Norwich.
On Thursday the 17th inst. Mr Samuel WRIGHT, a considerable farmer at Northwold, in this county, was found hanging in his stable. The Coroner's inquest sat the next day on the body, and brought in their verdict Insane.
As a duty upon all public medicines will take place on the 1st of September next, it is recommended to those who have experienced their efficacy to lay in a quantity before the duty commence. The printer of this paper, on account of the above duty, has laid in a large stock of that celebrated medicine so eminently famous for affording speedy relief in cases of the scurvy, gout, rheumatism, nervous complaints, etc prepared by F. SPILSBURY, chymist [sic], Soho square, London.
The bottles are marked 4 shillings and 7 shillings each.
Page 3, column 1
To Surrogates.
An Act of Parliament being passed for an additional Duty on all Bonds, which is to take place on the second Day of August next, the Surrogates within the Diocese of Norwich are requested to return such Licence Bonds as they may have in Hand undispatched, to the respective Offices to which they belong, in order that such Bonds may be exchanged for others with the new Duty.
[signed] John MORPHEW, Robert FRANCIS, Richard MOSS, Isham DALTON.
Yarmouth, July 19, 1783.
Robert ROUTH,
Haberdasher and Cutler,
Begs Leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he has opened a Shop in George-Street, opposite the Custom-House, with an Assortment of Articles entirely new, in the several Branches of the Trades. The Favours of his Customers will be gratefully acknowledged, and their Orders executed with the utmost Punctuality.
Litcham, July 18, 1783.
The Annual Venison Feast will be on Wednesday the sixth day of August, at the Bull Inn, Litcham.
[signed] W. C. WOODBINE, Esq., Nicholas RAVEN, Esq., } Stewards.
N.B. Dinner at Two o'Clock.
This is to give Notice, that there will be a Shew [sic] of free blowing Carnations, on Monday next, the 28th Instant, at William HORTH's, at the Shoulder of Mutton, St Andrew's, and will continue on Shew till Monday following.
N.B. A Prize to be given on the 28th Instant to whom shall bring the Six best Blossoms, and best blown. Judges to be appointed, and the Blossoms to be at the Place of Shew by Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, and the Prize to be judged at Five o'Clock.
This is to give Notice, that if Thomas LAYTON, Son of the late Mr Charles LAYTON, of Reedham Hall, in Norfolk, will immediately apply to Jonathan LAYTON, of Reedham aforesaid, he will hear of something much to his Advantage.
Note. The said Thomas LAYTON lately lived at Loddon. July 24, 1783.
July 17, 1783.
Lendwade Bridge Association.
Whereas an Association is entered into by the Gentlemen and Farmers of Weston, Lyng, Great Witchingham, Little Witchingham, Morton, Attlebridge, Taverham, Adderford [Alderford], Swanington, Bingland [Ringland], Sparham, and Esling (Elsing], for the Prosecution of Felony and other Offences committed within the said Parishes, Notice is hereby given, that Articles of the said Association are in the Hands of Mr Richard CANTRELL, of Lendwade Bridge aforesaid, and any Person or Persons chusing [sic] to send their Names, and pay their Subscriptions to the said Richard CANTRELL, on or before the first Day of October next, as no Subscription will be received after that Date.
Wanted on the 10th of October next, a Man Servant, not less than 24 or 25 Years of Age, must be steady, and understand managing a plain Kitchen and a small Flower Garden properly, and looking after two Horses particularly well, occasionally to wait on Table, and will at his leisure to turn his Hand to any thing. An unexceptionable Character from his last Master will be expected.
Any one capable of answering the above Particulars (not else) will be treated with, by applying to Mr AKERS, of Hindolveston, Norfolk.
Page 3, column 3
To be Sold by Auction, by Joseph HAW,
At the Angel, in the Market at Great Yarmouth, on Saturday next, the 2d of August, at Twelve o'Clock, An Inclosure of Arable Land, late WHILEY's, containing five Acres, or thereabouts, Freehold, in Toft Monks, in Norfolk, in the Occupation of John LAST, jun. Tenant at Will, at the yearly Rent of Six Pounds. For further Particulars inquire of John BELL, Attorney, at Yarmouth.
Holt, Norfolk, July 26, 1783.
To be Sold by Auction by Edward BLISS,
On Wednesday and Thursday next, the 30th and 31st Instant July, at Nine o'Clock in the Forenoon, at Field Dalling, in the said County, All that Household Furniture, Brewing and Dairy Utensils, of Robert NORTON, of Field Dalling aforesaid, consisting of several good Beds, Chairs, Tables, Chests of Drawers, etc. Also all the Horses, Waggons [sic], Carts, Plows, and all other the Farming Stock and Utensils of him the said Robert NORTON.
N.B. Such Persons as stand indebted to the said Robert NORTON, are desired to pay the same immediately to the Rev. Mr BROWN, of Field Dalling aforesaid, who is properly authorised to receive the same.
Yarmouth, July 23, 1783.
To be Sold by Auction,
On Wednesday the 30th Inst. between the Hours of Twelve and One o'Clock, at the Angel in the Market Place,
All that capital Messuage late in the Occupation of Mr Joseph DOBSON, Ship-builder, situate on the Quay, Yarmouth; consisting of two good Parlours, three Chambers, Garrets, and exceeding good Cellars under the whole, one of which is used as a Kitchen; also a Granary adjoining, now in the Occupation of Mr Richard AYTON, Baker, consisting of three Floors, each 18 by 22 Feet, and in good Repair.
N.B. The Premises are very convenient for the Corn-Trade, and may be viewed any Day before the Sale, by applying to Mr Thomas HOWES, Joiner, or Mr CARMAN.
Page 3, column 4
To be Sold by Auction, by James GARTHON,
On Tuesday next, the 29th Instant, at the World's End, Mulbarton, in the County of Norfolk, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced, A Convenient Cottage, Brick and Tile, in good Repair, late in the Occupation of Thomas CATTAMOULD, at the Rent of 2 pounds per Annum, situate in the said Parish of Mulbarton.
Also to be Sold, on Friday the First Day of August next, at the George at East Dereham, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced, A good-accustomed Public House, known by the Sign of the George, at Elmham, in the said County, in the Occupation of George ALCOCK; together with a Stable, Garden, Orchard, and Pightle adjoining.
For further Particulars enquire of Messrs. DEWING and RUSSEL, Attornies [sic], or of the said James GARTHON, Norwich.
N.B. In the Assize Week the Auctioneer will have about Ten capital Horses to be disposed of by Auction. -- Particulars at large will be given in due Time. -- Any Gentleman, Farmer, or others, having any Horses, Carriages, etc to dispose of, and desirous of embracing this Opportunity, are requested to send an Account thereof to the Auctioneer, at his House in St Giles's Norwich, that they may be properly Inserted in the said Catalogues, which will be printed and dispensed previous to the Sale.
Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.
These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.