Norfolk Newspapers -
Norfolk Chronicle
Extracts from November 8th 1783
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Copyright © Pat Newby
June 2007
Norfolk Chronicle Extracts from November 8th 1783
Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.
These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.
Note: the Norfolk Chronicle was published in Norwich. When no place is referred to exactly, or the term "this city" is used, Norwich is the place referred to. Similarly, mentions of "the Castle", the City Gaol" etc refer to institutions in Norwich.
Page 2, column 3
On Thursday last was married, at Thorpe next Norwich, Mr BETTS, a considerable farmer at Felthorpe, to Miss Jane DODD, daughter of Mr DODD, at Thorpe-hall.
Thursday se'nnight was married, Mr YOUNG, of Tilney, to Mrs BANKS, of Lynn.
On Monday last died at Downham Market, in this county, after a short but painful illness, universally regretted by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance, and deservedly lamented by a large family, Mrs Mary MANBY, widow and relict of the late Matthew Pepper MANBY, Esq.
On Monday last died, much lamented. the Rev. Mr WHISTON, one of the senior Fellows of Trinity-college, Cambridge.
Tuesday died, after a few day's illness, Mr POSTLE, a considerable farmer at Oby, near Acle.
On Saturday morning last died, Mrs SYMONDS, wife of Mr Nathaniel SYMONDS, jun. of Yarmouth.
On Saturday died, in an advanced age, Mr John SPENCER, liquor- merchant in Lynn.
Thursday se'nnight died at Lynn, after a long illness, Mrs GOSKAR, wife of Thomas GOSKAR, Gent.
On Monday a troop of the 15th regt. of Light Dragoons, commanded by Gen. ELLIOTT, marched into Lynn, for winter quarters, in order to assist the Revenue Officers against the smugglers, who are arrived to the most daring height ever remembered.
Tuesday a Keel, laden with coals, sunk suddenly in Yarmouth harbour, in the middle of the stream.
On Wednesday se'nnight at night as Mr ERRINGTON, tide-officer of Yarmouth, was going on board a ship in that harbour, he unfortunately fell from a plank that was laid from the Quay to the ship, and was drowned.
To the Printer of the Norfolk Chronicle.
By inserting this in your paper you will greatly oblige many of your customers, who are inhabitants of the Thirteen Towns.
In answer to a paragraph in the Norwich Mercury of last week, concerning the enclosing and parceling [sic] out Moushould Heath, which belongs to thirteen towns, their hamlets and suburbs, whose inhabitants, by a just calculation, amount to above four thousand persons, and who have all a just and undeniable right to put on cattle to pasture, and to cut ling and brakes from off this spacious and extensive common, which is full five miles in length and breadth.
It has always proved a glorious relief to the industrious poor, a right they have enjoyed for ages past, and the fear of losing that privilege has caused great uneasiness and discontent among us the inhabitants of the several towns; but still we hope that our wise Legislators and Guardians of the public will consider that in this country, where liberty so conspicuously shines, that it is their duty to preserve the property of the poor unmolested, as it was left by our ancestors for succeeding generations, and which they, our wise and good forefathers, so generously and nobly designed should continue from age to age for their relief and freedom.
Page 3, column 1
Tuns Inn, Yoxford, Suffolk.
Stephen BARNES, (Late Waiter at the Wrestlers, Yarmouth)
Begs Leave to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, and others, that he has taken the above Inn, which he has fitted up in a most commodious Manner, and has laid in an entire fresh Stock of the neatest Wines, and Spirits of the best Qualities.
He humbly hopes that his Care and Attention to oblige his Customers will not only merit, but also engage their future Favours. ---Neat Post Chaises.
October 30, 1783.
Page 3, column 2
A Tan-Office.
To be Lett, and entered upon immediately, a convenient Tan-office, in Briston, in Norfolk, late in the Occupation of Mr Robert MASSINGHAM, deceased, with an exceeding good Dwelling-house, Barns, Stables, etc, and thirty-five Acres of enclosed Arable Land adjoining.
For Particulars enquire of T. DEAN, Holt, Norfolk.
Merchandize [sic] and Malting.
To be Lett [sic] at Midsummer or Michaelmas next, the House, Malt- house, Granaries, and other convenient Buildings, with about fourteen Acres of Land, and more if required, situate at Setch Bridge, on the navigable River Narr, four Miles from Lynn, on the Turnpike Road to London, now in the Occupation of Mr Arthur REDDY, who will shew [sic] the Premises.
N.B. The Malt-house and Granaries, with a Coal Wharf, may be had without the Dwelling-house and Land. -- Enquire of William WILKIN, of Wrongay; or Mr James SMITH, in the Market-place, Norwich.
Also to Lett at Lady [sic] next, a large Dwelling-House at the top of Elm Hill, in Norwich, now in the Occupation of Edward SILYARD, Esq. --Enquire of the said Mr SMITH.
To be Sold,
Lot 1. A Freehold Estate, situate at Hempton, in the County of Norfolk, consisting of a Messuage, Barn, two Stables, Yard and Garden, now in the Use of John MITCHELL, at the yearly Rent of Six Pounds, and of three Acres of Land, now in the Use of Edward DREWELL.
Lot 2. A Freehold Messuage, or Public-house, known by the Name or Sign of the Deer's Head, in Hempton aforesaid, with the Brewhouse, Stable, and Yard thereto belonging, now in the Use of Robert DEWSON, at the yearly Rent of Nine Pounds.
Note. -- The above Premises are moderately assessed to the Land-tax.
For the price and further Particulars enquire of Mr JONES, at Fakenham, in Norfolk.
Page 3, column 3
To be Sold by Auction, by James GARTHORN,
On Monday the 24th Instant,
All the Household Furniture and Brewing Utensils of Mr John PLATTEN, Baker, in Bethel-street, Norwich, consisting of good Feather beds, Bedsteads, with checked and other Furniture, Mahogany Chest of Drawers, ditto Dressing and other Tables, Eight day Clock in a Wainscot Case, Copper Boilers, Saucepans, etc with an Assortment of China, Glass, Kitchen Furniture.
Also to be Sold, in divers Lots,
A Chest of Carpenter's Tools.
The Goods to viewed the Morning before the Sale, which will begin at Ten o'Clock precisely.
N.B. The Baking-office to be Lett [sic], and entered immediately, and the Implements of the said Office to be taken at a fair Appraisal. -- For Particulars enquire of the Auctioneer, or of Mr Adam SIZELAND, who lives on Part of the Premises.
Page 3, column 4
Just Published.
An Address to Persons after Confirmation, pointing out the Means of attaining Christian Perfection and True Happiness. Delivered August the 24th, 1783, to a very numerous Audience; and published at their Request.
By Samuel COOPER, D.D. Minister of Great Yarmouth.
Yarmouth Printed: (for the Benefit of the Charity Schools) and sold by EATON, BOULTER and NEEVE; RIVINGTON and BECKET, in London; and all the Booksellers in Norfolk and Suffolk.
October 31, 1783.
Lost from Sall, a Bright Bay Filly, three Years off, rising four, a Star on her Forehead, docked short with a switch Tail, about fourteen Hands and a Half high, a very thick Mane, of the Cart Kind, and without Shoes, the Property of Mr Jeremiah PRATT, of Sall, near Reepham.
November 1, 1783.
Ran away from his Master Henry SIZER, Heel Maker, in St Michael at Thorn, Norwich, Joseph LUCKETT, a Lad about nineteen Years of Age, about five Feet four Inches high, dark brown Hair, dark Complexion, very much pitted with the small pox, and bowed Legs. Had on when he left his said Master an old blue Coat, and old blue Jacket, a light-coloured Waistcoat, and old Pair of black Shag Breeches mended, one Piece is Leather, and an old rusty round Hat, bound with a Ribbon. If any Person harbours or employs the said Apprentice, they will be prosecuted; but if the said Joseph LUCKETT will return, and behave well to his said Master, in one Month after Date, he will be kindly received, if not, I will punish him according to Law.
Stolen, out of the Stable of Mr Benjamin TUTTELL, at Whitacre All Saints, in Norfolk, on Sunday Night, the 19th of October, 1783, or early on Monday Morning, a Chesnut [sic] Mare Hobby, and a Weymouth Bridle; she is four Years old, off, with a hanging Mane and long Tail, rather inclined to a flaxen, with a few white Hairs on her Forehead, between twelve and thirteen Hands high, and a very good Goer.
Whoever will give Information of the said Hobby, so that she may be had again, shall receive a Guinea Reward, and all reasonable Charges, by me, Benjamin TUTTELL.
Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.
These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.