Norfolk Newspapers -
Norfolk Chronicle
Extracts from November 22nd 1783
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Copyright © Pat Newby
June 2007
Norfolk Chronicle Extracts from November 22nd 1783
Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.
These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.
Note: the Norfolk Chronicle was published in Norwich. When no place is referred to exactly, or the term "this city" is used, Norwich is the place referred to. Similarly, mentions of "the Castle", the City Gaol" etc refer to institutions in Norwich.
Page 2, column 3
On Monday last Charles HARVEY, Esq., of Boswell-court, London, Barrister at Law, was unanimously chosen by the Common-council, Steward of this city, in the room of John CHAMBER, Esq., lately elected Recorder.
On Friday the 14th inst. Mr William YARRINGTON, of Swaffham, in this county, was admitted an Attorney in the Court of the King's Bench.
The Rev. Dr POYNTZ, of North Creak, in this county, it is expected will succeed to the Canonry of Christ-church, vacant by the appointment of the Rev. Mr SHAFTO to a Prebendary of Durham.
On Tuesday last a grant passed the great Seal to Mr Benjamin WISEMAN, of Diss, in this county, for his new-invented sails for windmills, with horizontal levers, vesting in him the sole and exclusive rights, by patent, of making and vending the same.
On Thursday last was married Mr William BAIZE, a considerable farmer at North Pickenham, in this county, to Miss Mary KEABLE, of that place.
Last week was married at St Michael at Coslany, Mr Richard AYERS, to Miss WIGG, daughter of Mr Barnard WIGG, corn-merchant, in this city.
On Tuesday last died, greatly lamented, after a severe illness, Mr Samuel TODD, who paid the fine for being excused serving the office of Sheriff for the year 1781.
On Wednesday died, advanced in years, the Rev. Samuel TAYLOR, M.A. many years the Rector of Great Hautboys, in this county.
Yesterday died Mrs MOTTRAM, wife of Mr Samuel MOTTRAM, Chief Constable.
Last week died at Bath, Miss NELSON, daughter of the Rev. Mr NELSON, of Burnham, in this county.
The small-pox, we hear, rages amongst the prisoners in the Wymondham Bridewell.
Saturday last the warehouse of Mr BOTWRIGHT, grocer, in St George's of Colgate, was broke open, and robbed of eleven household cheeses, with which they got off undiscovered.
Same night a cobler's [sic] shop in St Mary's was broke open, and robbed of a considerable quantity of shoes.
On Saturday last died, in the 54th year of his age, Mr Edmund VARNISH, a capital butcher and grazier in this city.
On Sunday night last the wash-house of Mr PEROWNE, throwster, in St Martin's at Oak, was broke open, and robbed of 14 gross, 11 dozen, and 2 skains [sic], of Saxon-green crewel, with which the villains got clear off.
Thursday morning early the shop of a glover and breeches-maker at Newton Flotman was broke open, and about twenty pair of breeches, a large quantity of gloves, a sack of corn, and several other articles, were stolen thereout. -- Hand-bills are dispersed offering a reward for the apprehending of the robber.
On Thursday night some villains attempted to break into the house of the Rev. Mr HIRST, of Bracondale, but were disappointed of their booty; only having an opportunity of taking away a few fowls, etc.
On Friday se'nnight a free pardon arrived at the castle for John HEWSTON, who have [sic] been long under confinement for several offences.
Page 2, columns 3 and 4
Wednesday the notorious Thomas FLOWERS, an accomplice of WHITMORE and SOUTHGATE, now in custody, was committed to the city gaol, for further examination, charged on suspicion of breaking open the warehouse of Mr BOTWRIGHT, grocer, in St George's Colgate, on Saturday night last, and stealing a great quantity of cheese. -- Also was committed to Bridewell, for further examination, the wife of the above SOUTHGATE, an accomplice.. -- FLOWERS was tried and convicted at the assizes for stealing a large quantity of cheese from Mr BOTWRIGHT before, but his sentence was mitigated on condition of his serving on board a King's ship, from which he soon returned.
Page 2, column 4
Friday last was committed to the castle by Robert HARVEY, Esq., Susannah HOLMES, charged on the oath of Jabez TAYLOR, of Thurlton, butcher, with having in the night of the 13th inst. stolen from out of his house one pair of sheets, a linen gown, a shirt, four yards of Irish cloth, four handkerchiefs, three neck-cloths, two black silk cloaks, two silver tea-spoons, and two large silver spoons, the property of the said Mr TAYLOR, which she has since confessed.
Holkham, Nov. 22, 1783.
William FODDER begs Leave to inform the Public in general, that he has taken the Ostridge [sic] Inn, near Holkham-Hall, which he has fitted up in a particular Manner for the Accommodation of Ladies and Gentlemen who shall take the Norfolk Tour; he has also laid in a Stock of Wines and Spirituous Liquors of that Quality which he hopes, together with his Attention to oblige, will give Satisfaction to all those who will please to favour him with their Company, whose Favours will be very gratefully acknowledged.
Page 3, column 3
To be Sold by Auction by William SEAMAN,
(Under a Commission of Bankrupt against William GOOCH) at VINCENT's Tavern in Great Yarmouth, in Norfolk, on Thursday next, the 27th of November Instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon,
1. The Brewhouse called the White Lion Brewhouse, in Great Yarmouth, held on Lease for twenty-one Years from Lady [sic], 1783, at a Ground Rent of 10 pounds a Year, late in the Occupation of the said Mr GOOCH. And the said Mr GOOCH's Interest in a Malthouse, Storehouses, and in twenty good-accustomed Drawing-houses, the greater Part of them under Lease for twenty-one Years. Also the Brewing Utensils and Stock of Beer and Malt.
Note, This Brew-Office is in excellent Repair, and very commodious; has been established upwards of forty Years, is in full Trade and high Repute, and most conveniently situated for the Ship Trade in the Roads.
2. The pleasant, elegant and convenient Dwelling-House of the said Mr GOOCH, situate on the Quay in Great Yarmouth, consisting of a Drawing-room 37 Feet long, two large Parlours, a Study, Dressing-room, Kitchen, Servants Pantry, Store-room and Offices, a Landry [sic], seven Lodging rooms, good Cellars, etc and an excellent Three-stall Stable and a Hay Chamber.
Note. The Bow-windows command an extensive View of the Quay, the River, and the adjacent Country.
And at the said Dwelling-house, On Monday the 1st of December, 1783, and the four following Days, will be Sold, All the Household Furniture of the said William GOOCH, consisting of several exceeding good Bedsteads, with worsted Damask and other Hangings, Stoves, Pier and other Looking glasses, in carved, gilt, and other Frames, Mahogany and inlaid Side-boards, Tables, Chairs, Carpets, Plate, Linen, China, and Variety of other Articles, all quite new, and very elegant; also a Set of Coach Harness for two Horses, never used.
The Sale to begin each Morning at Ten o'Clock.
*** The Goods to be viewed Friday and Saturday before the Sale. --
Catalogues to be had at the Auctioneer's. For Particulars respecting the Estates, apply to Mr BELL, Attorney, at Yarmouth.
To be Sold by Auction by William SEAMAN,
(Under a Commission of Bankrupt against Henry GOOCH and Thomas COTTON) at the Bear Inn, near Yarmouth Bridge, on Wednesday the Third Day of December, 1783, at Half an Hour after Three in the Afternoon,
1. Two Coal Yards adjoining, that will contain about 1200 Chaldrons of Coals, held on Lease for a Term whereof 68 Years were unexpired at Michaelmas last, subject to a clear yearly Ground Rent of 3 pounds.
2. A Malthouse of 70 Coombs Steep, with Granaries over the same that will contain 200 Lasts of Corn, and a Yard on the North Side, 12 Feet wide, extending the whole Length. The working Floors of the Malthouse have lately been laid with Tarras, and the Chamber Corn Floors and Roofs were new in 1772. Leasehold for Term of which 68 Years were unexpired at Michaelmas last, at the Ground Rent of 5 pounds a Year.
3. A Malthouse of 70 Coomb Steep, with commodious Granaries over and adjoining to the same Eastward, which will contain about 200 Lasts of Corn, and a Yard on the North Side 12 Feet wide, extending nearly the whole Length; chiefly new built in 1772, and held on Lease for a Term of which 68 Years were unexpired at Michaelmas last. Subject to a Ground Rent of 5 pounds a Year.
4. A large and commodious Granary that will contain about 400 Lasts of Corn, with a new Steep and Kiln for the washing and drying Corn; Leasehold for Term of which 68 Years were unexpired at Michaelmas last. Subject to a Ground Rent of 5 pounds per annum.
5. A Malthouse of 70 Coombs Steep, at the Back of and adjoining the Bear Inn. The Floors new laid with Tarras in 1781, and held on Lease for a Term of which 68 Years will be unexpired at Christmas, 1783. Subject to a clear yearly Ground Rent of 17 pounds.
6. Two Granaries, which will contain 100 Lasts of Corn each; a large Coal house and Coaly-yard adjoining, that will hold upwards of 2000 Chaldrons of Coals; two Cinder Ovens and a Cottage contiguous, with about an Acre of Marsh, Leasehold for a Term of which 46 Years will be unexpired at Christmas, 1783. Subject to a Ground Rent of 7 pound 6 shillings 9 pence per Annum.
The whole of the above Premises were late in the Occupation of the said Henry GOOCH and Thomas COTTON, are very advantageously situated for Trade on the West Side of Yarmouth Haven, the first four Lots to the North, and the others to the South of the Bridge, and are all in excellent Repair; new and commodious Quays have lately been made before them at a great Expence [sic], where Ships of any Burthen that use the Haven can load and deliver without the Expence [sic] of Cartage. The Water to the Malthouses is very good, coming from a Spring at Burgh, and there are also large Reservoirs for Rain Water to each Office. The Premises are exempt from Land Tax, and the Parish Rates are remarkably moderate.
7. A Marsh of two Acres, also on the West Side of Yarmouth Haven, held by Lease for a Term of which 47 Years will unexpired at Christmas, 1783, at the clear yearly Ground Rent of 12 pounds 18 shillings and 3 pence. About half this Marsh was late in the Occupation of the said Messrs GOOCH and COTTON, and the Remainder is lett [sic] by them, viz. a small Part on Lease to Captain Richard MILLER, for 30 Years from Michaelmas 1776, at the yearly Rent of 4 pounds and the residue to Mr Francis WOODEN, Shipwright, for 30 Years from the 10th of October, 1783, at the annual Rent of 14 pounds.
8. A large and very convenient Workshop, with Deal-yard and Dock adjoining, near to the Wherry Quay in Yarmouth, late used for the Mast-making Business by the said Messrs GOOCH and COTTON, and held by Lease from the Corporation for a Term of which 18 Years were unexpired at Michaelmas last. Subject to a clear yearly Ground Rent of 3 pounds.
9. The said Henry GOOCH's Share and Interest in Yarmouth Theatre, leased to the Proprietors of the Theatre Royal, Norwich, for 92 Years yet to come, at a clear yearly Rent of 5 pounds 8 shillings. Also his Silver Ticket for Admission.
For Particulars of the above Estates apply to James TURNER, Esq., and Mr Thomas SCRATTON, Merchant, the Assignees; or to Mr John WATSON, Attorney, in Yarmouth.
Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.
These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.