
Norfolk: Norwich



Yards and Courts of Old Norwich

This list has been created by, and is copyright ©, Robin Brierley from the extensive information collected by him, Geoffrey Monument and Derek Powles about the yards and courts, their locations, inhabitants, buildings, etc.

INDEX - KEY - Yard Names - Street Names - Parishes - Sources

Contact Rob via old_norfolk @ btinternet.com
(Please remove the spaces in the email address before sending your message).

Last Revised: 18th September 2002

Brief Introduction

When the medieval burghers of Norwich built their city walls, they enclosed a high proportion of open land.   Some of this remained as open space, but most was taken up by gardens, courtyards, stables, orchards and other private areas all enclosed within the large irregular blocks of buildings.   These otherwise hidden parcels of land were usually entered through gaps, archways and openings in the street frontages varying in size from a single doorway to archways capable of taking a fully loaded cart or mail coach.

Historically, as agricultural employment declined in the surrounding countryside, industrial employment increased within the city.   This, among other reasons, caused an influx of people, many of whom were poor or destitute.   To cope with this, huge amounts of additional accommodation was needed and most of this was provided by the intensive development of the enclosed back-lands.   These developments were known as the "Norwich Yards & Courts" and this webpage is a list of those places.   Not all the "yards" listed here include the word "Yard" or "Court" in their names, but were places that at some point in their history served a purpose similar to those which did.

Unfortunately, as the 17th and 18th centuries progressed, population pressure continued to increase, while, in many cases, building maintenance declined, leaving many yards & courts seriously overcrowded and disgustingly insanitary.   A problem that was not solved until Norwich expanded beyond it's city walls and large estates of terraced housing and suburban villas gave the city centre slum-dwellers the chance of bettering themselves.

KEY to the main LIST:

Each item in the main list is made up of two lines
1. Yard Name - Street Name (with location or notes)
2. Parish - Source Dates

The following notes describe each of these parts:
Key   Top

Yard name: (listed alphabetically)

  • The main list uses the longest form of the yard's name,
    even though the commonly used name may be shorter.
    For instance look for "Adelaide" under "Queen Adelaide."
    Click here for a list of name variations.
  • Where there were two yards of the same name in close
    proximity these were distinguished by a prefix such as
    "Great" or "Little" - to keep these together alphabetically
    Prefixes meaning "Great" have usually been omitted or
    have been bracketed and moved to the end of the name.
  • The prefixes "Old" and "New" were mostly used for yards
    connected with inns, taverns, public houses or other
    landmark buildings, and where used, tended to reflect
    the status of the building not the yard.   These words have
    also been bracketed and moved to the end of the name.
  • Names marked "(PH)" were associated with an inn, tavern
    or public house, but not necessarily of the same name,
    since such drinking houses often changed their signs.
  • Many yards were named after their owner, owner's agent or
    company, many more were named after the inn, tavern, beer
    house or other drinking den to which they were attached
    or located close by; some were named for landmark buildings,
    and some were named after prominent occupants or tradesmen.
    For instance "Bakers" Yard would have been associated
    with the Baker family, not the trade of baking.
  • A yard might have changed its name several times during its
    history, sometimes being known by two or more names at the
    same time. An inn yard might carry both a colloquial or full
    version of the inn's name and the name of the inn's landlord,
    owner, licensee or manager, or even a name not associated
    with the inn at all.
  • Yard names also vary from source to source due to spelling
    fashions or errors, reflections of common usages and dialect.
    This can be misleading, and - unfortunately - despite the
    care taken in compiling this list, it is sure to contain or
    continue some errors - if you spot any, please let us know.

Key   Top

Street name: (sides & numbers where known)

  • Norwich street names changed over time, as did the street
    numbering conventions. Sometimes starting at an end, running
    down one side then back along the other, sometimes alternating
    side to side (odds & evens). The most awkward change being
    when a street was subdivided into parts with different names or
    where a sectionalised street was joined to form one long street.
    Click here for some street name variations.
  • Where street numbers are shown in the main list, the first
    set shown is the earliest and may relate to the street under
    an earlier name or numbering convention.
  • For streets ending in "gate" the word "Street" is ommitted.

Key   Top

Parish/s: (where known)

  • Some yards spanned parish boundaries.   In census lists,
    such a yard may appear as if there were two of them because it
    would have come under two different enumeration districts.
    Often yards had similar names, but were located far apart.
  • Some parishes were divided into parts that were not contiguous
    so that a yard, seemingly in the same parish as another, may
    actually be quite distant.

Key   Top

Source Dates:

  • The dates listed refer to documents where the specific yards
    are mentioned by name.   However, absence of a mention does
    not necessarily mean that the yard did not exist at that date.
  • The documents used to prepare this list are as follows:
    1845, 1854, 1883 - WHITE's Directories
    1900, 1933 - KELLY's Directories
    1908 - JARROLD's Directory
    1851, 1881, 1891 - CENSUS Listings (1891 Coslany only)
    1885 - Marked on the Ordnance Survey Map (surveyed 1883)
    (1885) - Locatable, but not marked on the 1885 OS map.
    1864 - Norfolk Chronicle


A   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

A.B.C. Yard - Fishgate
parish? - 1908
Abb's Yard/Court - Coslany Street (or St. Mile's Bridge Street)
St. Michael Coslany - 1881, 1891, 1908
Abel's Court - Magdalen Street (east side, behind 65 or between 57 & 59)
parish? - 1881, 1908, 1933
Abel's Yard - Essex Street (was Chapel Street) (between 169 & 173)
St. Stephen (extended) - 1908, 1933
Aborne's Yard - Lower Westwick Street
St. Swithin - 1851
Adam & Eve Garden's (PH) - Tabernacle Street (at junction of with Bishopgate)
St. Helen - 1881, 1908
Adam & Eve Yard (PH) - St. Benedict's Street (south side, between 86 & 88)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Addison's Yard - Magdalen Street (east side, between 117 & 119)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Alden's Court/Yard - Ber Street (west side)
St. Michael at Thorn - 1881, 1883
Alden's Court - St. Stephen's Plain
All Saints - 1851
Alderson's Buildings - St. Catherine's Plain
St. John Sepulchre - 1845
Alefounder's Yard - Lower Westwick Street (south side, between 77 & 95 (off Browne's Yard))
St. Swithin - 1851, 1881, 1908, 1933
All Saints Yard/Alley - All Saints Green (west side, between 22 & 26)
All Saints - 1851, 1896, 1908
Allcock's Yard - King Street (east side, between 43 & 47)
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1851, 1881, 1908, 1933
Allen's Yard - St. Benedict's Street
parish? - 1851
Anchor (of Hope) Yard (PH) - Calvert Street (west side, near 64)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Anchor Court/Yard (PH) - Surrey Street
St. Stephen - 1851, 1908
Anchor Yard (PH) - Barrack Street (north side, between 103 & 113)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1896
Anchor Yard (PH) - St. George's Street (east side, behind 123)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Andrew's Yard/Court - St. Stephen's Street (east side)
St. Stephen - 1851, 1854, 1881, 1885
Angel Yard (PH) - Castle Street
St. Peter Mancroft - 1845
Angel Yard (PH) - Oak Street (east side, between 140 & 154)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1891, 1908, 1933
Annison's Yard - Bull Close (west side, between 14 & 20)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Ansells Buildings - in Mill Yard
Lakenham - 1851
Appleton's Court/Yard - St. George's Street (east side, between 93 & 119)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Appleton's Yard - Cowgate
St. James - 1881
Arabian Horse Yard (PH)(Little) - Oak Street (east side, near 70)
St. Martin at Oak - 1933
Arabian Horse Yard (PH) - Oak Street (east side, near 70)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1881, 1908, 1933
Archer's Yard - Muspole Street (between 18 and corner)
St. Mary Coslany - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Armis's Court - Barrack Street (south side)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1851, 1881, 1883
Arnold's Yard - Lower Westwick Street (St. Margaret's Plain)
St. Margaret - 1851
Arnold's Yard - Middle Street
St. Augustine - 1851
Atkins's Yard - Ten Bells Lane
St. Swithin - 1881
Austin's Court - Bethel Street (south side)
St. Peter Mancroft - 1851, 1845, 1854, 1881, 1883, 1908
Austin's Yard - Magdalen Street
parish? -
Avey's Yard - Ber Street
parish? - 1908

B   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Back Trafalgar Opening - Trafalgar Street
Lakenham? - 1908
Back of the Walls - St. Augustine's Gates to St. Martin's Gates
parish? - 1883
Bagley's Yard/Court - Pottergate
parish? -
Bagshaw's Yard - location?
St. Michael Coslany - 1851
Bailey's Buildings - West Pottergate (south side, between 26 & 28)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Bailey's Yard - Magdalen Street (west side, between 136 & 138)
St. Paul - 1881, 1908, 1933
Baker's Arms Yard - Eaton Street
parish? - 1908
Baker's Yard/Court - location?
St. George Colegate - 1851
Baker's Yard - Barrack Street (north side, between 121 & 125 or 116 & 128)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1896, 1908, 1933
Baker's Yard - Fishgate
parish? - 1854
Baker's Yard - Lower Westwick Street (north side)
parish? - 1883
Baker's Yard - Oak Street (east side, near 192)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1933
Baker's Yard - Surrey Street
St. Stephen - 1851
Baker's Yard - Waterloo Road
parish? - 1908
Baker's Yard - Wellington Lane to Pottergate north side (between 57 & 59)
St. Giles - 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Bakers' Arms Yard (PH) - Ber Street (west side, near 9 or between 3 & 23)
St. John Timberhill - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Bakers' Arms Yard (PH) - Lower Westwick Street (St. Margaret's Plain, south side, behind the PH)
St. Margaret - (1885)
Balaclava Terrace (Yard) - Bishopgate
St. Helen's - 1908
Baldry's Buildings/Yard - Barn Road (west side, between 71 & 77)
parish? - 1883, 1896, 1900, 1908, 1933
Baldwin's Yard - Calvert Street
parish? - 1908
Baldwin's Yard - Oak Street to Quaker's Lane (near 96 to near 10)
St. Martin at Oak - 1881, 1883, 1891, 1908, 1933
Bales' Yard - location?
St. Lawrence - 1851
Ball's Yard - Bull close
parish? - 1908
Balloon Yard & Wharf (PH) - Lower Westwick Street (north side)
parish? - 1883, (1885)
Banes' Yard - Ber Street (west side)
St. John Sepulchre - 1881
Barge Yard (PH)(Old) - King Street (east side, between 123 & 125)
St. Julian - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1933
Barker's Yard - Rosemary Lane (east side)
St. Michael Coslany - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1885
Barker's Yard - Westwick Street (north side, between 68 & 90)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Barlow's Court - St. Benedict's Street (north side)
parish? - 1883
Barnard's Buildings - Stepping Lane
parish? - 1908
Barnard's Yard - location?
St. Martin at Oak - 1851
Barnard's Yard - Fishgate (north side, near 15)
parish? - 1883, 1933, 1908
Barnard's Yard - Midland Street
parish? - 1908
Barnard's Yard - Wensum Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
Barnes' Yard/Court - St. Augustine's Street (north-east side)
St. Augustine - 1851, 1854, 1881, 1883
Barnes' Yard - Church Street (Colegate)
St. Michael Coslany - 1881, 1891
Barnes' Yard - Magdalen Street (east side, between 87 & 89)
St. Saviour and St. Paul - 1845, 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Barrack Loke - Barrack Street to Mousehold Street
parish? - 1908
Barrack Steps - St. Martin's Road
parish? - 1908
Barrack Yard - location?
St. Michael Coslany - 1851
Barrack Yard (Little) - Middle Street
St. George Colegate - 1851, 1881
Barrack Yard - Middle Street (west side, near 110)
St. George Colegate - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Barwell's Court - St. Stephen's Street (north side, between 10 & 12)
St. Stephen - 1845, 1908, 1933
Bateman's Court - Upper St. Giles' Street (South side)
St. Giles - 1883
Bath House Court/Yard - Botolph Street
St. Augustine - 1851
Bath House Yard - location?
St. Clement - 1851
Bath House Yard - Oak Street (west side, near 97)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1891, 1908, 1933
Baxter's Court/Yard - King Street (west side)
St. Julian - 1851, 1881, 1883
Baxter's Yard - King Street (off Ship Yard)
St. Ethelred - 1851
Baxter's court - King Street
parish? - 1908
Bayes' Yard - Ber Street
St. John Timberhill - 1851
Bayfield's Yard - Ber Street (east side, 146 & 152)
St. John Sepulchre - 1851, 1881, 1908, 1933
Bayfield's Yard - Magdalen Street (east side, 57 & 59)
St. Saviour - 1851, 1854, 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Bazaar Court - St. Andrew's Street
St. Andrew? - 1854
Bear & Staff Yard (PH) - Fisher's Lane
St. Lawrence - 1851, 1854, 1908
Bear Yard (PH) - Gentleman's Walk
St. Peter Mancroft - 1851, 1854
Beaumont place - Eagle Street
parish? - 1908
Beckham's Yard - Cowgate (east side, near 91)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Beckham's Yard - Magdalen Street (west side, between 128 & 134)
St. Saviour - 1881, 1908, 1933
Beckwith's Court - Quayside
St. Martin at Palace - 1881, 1883, 1933
Bedford's Yard - Scoles Green (between 4 & 16)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Beehive Yard (PH) - Palace Plain
St. Martin at Palace - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1933
Beehive Yard (PH) - St. Benedict's Street (north side, behind 67)
St. Benedict - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Bell's Yard/Court - Bethel Street (south side, between 25 & 31)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Bell's Yard - St. Mary's Alley (between 2 & 5)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Bell's Yard - Wellington Lane
St. Giles - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Bennett's Court - St. Peter's Street (between 5 & 11)
St. Peter Mancroft - 1851, 1854, 1908, 1933
Bennett's Yard - Ber Street (west side, between 133 & 135)
St. John Sepulchre - 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Bennett's Yard - Cowgate (west side, between 98 & 100)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Bennett's Yard - St. Giles' Street (near Bethel Street?)
St. Giles - 1851
Bensly's buildings - Union Street
parish? - 1908
Benton's Yard - St. Mary's Alley (became Bantam's Yard)
St. Mary Coslany - 1851, 1885, 1908
Berry's Yard/Court - Ber Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
Berry's Yard - Bull Close Road
St. James - 1881
Bests' buildings - Waterloo Road
parish? - 1908
Bett's Buildings - Distillery Street
Heigham - 1845
Bett's Court - Cross Lane (near 14)
parish? - 1933
Bett's Yard/Court - West Pottergate (south side, between 32 & 38)
Heigham - 1881, 1908, 1933
Bett's Yard - Douro Street (east side)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Bett's Yard - Oak Street (west side, behind Staff of Life PH)
St. Mary Coslany - 1885, 1864
Betts' Court - location?
St. Lawrence - 1851
Betts' Row - Waterloo Road
parish? - 1908
Bexfield's buildings - Rupert Street
parish? - 1908
Bexley's Square - Grapes Hill (west side, near 35)
parish? - 1933
Bidle's Yard - Oak Street
St. Martin at Oak - 1851
Bignold's Court/Yard - Surrey Street (west side, near 21)
parish? - 1883,1908, 1933
Bird in Hand Yard (PH) - location?
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1851
Bird in hand Yard (PH) - Barrack Street (north side, between 47 & 53 later near 68)
St. James - 1851, 1896, 1908, 1933
Bird's Court - Red Lion Street
St. Stephen - 1845, 1883
Bird's Yard - Midland Street
parish? - 1908
Bishop's Yard/Court - Magdalen Street (west side, between 60 & 62)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Bixley Square - Grapes Hill
parish? - 1908
Black Boy's Yard (PH)(Old) - Colegate (south side, 30 & 34)
St. Clement - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Black Boy's Yard (PH) - Barrack Street (south side)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1851, 1883, 1908
Black Horse Yard (PH) - location?
St. Lawrence - 1851
Black Swan Yard (PH) - Ber Street (west side, between 23 & 25)
St. Michael at Thorn - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Blacksmith's Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Blacksmith's Yard - Ber Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
Blacksmith's Yard - Fishgate (north side, near 29)
St. Edmund - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Blake's Yard - location?
St. Martin at Palace - 1851
Blake's Yard - Heigham Street (north side 24 & 36)
Heigham - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Blakeley's Yard - Pitt Street (east side, 8 & 12)
St. Mary Coslany - 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Blazeby's Court/Yard - Bethel Street (north side, near 18)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Bleach Yard - Rising Sun lane
St. Michael at Thorn - 1851, 1908
Bleakley's Yard - location?
St. Mary Coslany - 1851
Blods Court - St. Andrew's Street
St. Andrew - 1845, 1854
Boarded Entry Yard - Ber Street (east side, between 56 & 58)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Boars Head Yard (PH) - Surrey Street
St. Stephen - 1851
Boatswains Call Yard (PH) - Botolph Street
St. Augustine - 1851
Boddy's Yard - Barrack Street (south side, between 118 & 130 or 149 & 171)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1851, 1883, 1896, 1908, 1933
Boldes Yard - Calvert Street (east side)
parish? - 1883
Bolingbroke's Yard (PH) - Calvert Street (east side)
parish? - 1883
Bone's Yard - location?
St. Margaret -
Bonney's Court - location?
St. Peter Mancroft - 1851
Borrow's Court - Willow Lane (near 15)
St. Giles - 1908, 1933
Boston's Court - Cattle Market
parish? - 1883
Boyce's Yard - location?
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1851
Bracefield's Yard - Cowgate
St. Martin at Palace - 1881
Bradberry's Yard - location?
Heigham - 1851
Bradfield's Yard - Cowgate (west side, between 126 & 136)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Brady's Yard - Redwell Street (not the same as Bray's Yard)
St. Andrew - 1851, 1883
Bray's Yard - St. Georges Bridge Street (west side)(not the same as Brady's Yard)
St. Andrew - 1851, 1883, 1908
Bream's Yard - Oak Street (east side)
St. Martin at Oak - 1883, 1885
Brensby's Yard - location?
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1851
Brenton's Yard - Barrack Street
St. James - 1851
Brett's Yard - Heigham Street (south side, between 1 & 7)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Brew Yard (Little) - Oak Street (east side)
St. Martin at Oak - 1883
Brew Yard (Old) - Oak Street
St. Martin at Oak - 1851
Brew Yard - Oak Street
St. Martin at Oak - 1851
Brewery Yard - location?
St. Ethelred - 1851
Brewery Yard (Little) - Barrack Street
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1851
Brewhouse Yard (PH?) - Coslany Street
St. Martin at Oak - 1845, 1854
Brickwood's Buildings - World's End Lane
St. Martin at Palace - 1845
Bridge's Yard - Heigham Street
parish? - 1908
Bridget's Yard - location?
St. Julian - 1851
Brigg's Yard - Cowgate (west side, between 126 & 136)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Brighty's Opening - Northumberland.Street
parish? - 1908
Brock's Yard - Middle Street
St. Augustine - 1851
Brook's Yard - Ber Street (aka Ratcatcher's Yard)
parish? - 1908
Brown's Buildings - St. Faith's Lane
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1845
Brown's Buildings - West Pottergate (south side, between 26 & 28)
parish? - 1933
Brown's Yard - location?
St. Lawrence - 1851
Browne's Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Browne's Yard/Court - St. Benedict's Street to Pottergate
St. Gregory - 1845, 1854, 1885, 1908, 1933
Browne's Yard/Court - St. Stephen's Street (south side, between 39 & 41)
St. Stephen - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1881, 1908, 1933
Browne's Yard - All Saints Green
All Saints - 1851
Browne's Yard - Lower Westwick Street
St. Swithin - 1851
Browne's Yard - Ten Bells Lane
St. Swithin - 1851
Brundell's Court/Yard - Redwell Street
St. Michael at Plea and/or St. Andrew - 1851, 1854
Buck Yard (Little) (PH) - Oak Street (west side, behind 139)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1883, 1933
Buck Yard (PH) - Oak Street (west side)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908
Buck's Yard - Oak Street (not the same as Buck Yard)
St. Mary - 1885, 1908
Bull Row - Bull Close
parish? - 1908
Bull Yard (PH) - Ber Street
St. Michael at Thorn - 1851
Bull Yard - Bishopgate (north side)
St. Helen - 1883, 1908
Bull's Head Yard (PH) - Ber Street (west side, between 135 & 137)
St. John Sepulchre - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Bullard's Yard - St. Stephen's Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
Bullifant's Yard - location?
St. John Timberhill - 1851
Bunkle's Row - Miller's lane
parish? - 1908
Burrages Yard - Ber Street
St. John Timberhill - 1851
Burrell's Yard alias Loose's Yard - Magdalen Street
St. Saviour - 1845, 1851, 1883
Burrell's Yard - Middle Street (near 168)
St. Augustine - 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Burrell's Yard - Peacock Street
parish? - 1854
Burton's buildings - Southwell Road
parish? - 1908
Bushel Yard (PH) - St. Augustine's Street
St. Augustine - 1851, 1881, 1908
Bushnell's Court - West Pottergate
parish? - 1883
Bussey's Yard - location?
St. Michael at Thorn - 1851
Butcham's Yard - location?
St. Paul - 1881
Butcher's Alley - Ber Street (west side, between 119 & 125)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Butcher's Square - St. Martin's Lane
parish? - 1883
Butcher's Square - St. Martin's lane
parish? - 1908
Butcher's Yard - location?
St. George Colegate - 1851
Butcher's Yard/Court - Theatre Street (north side, between 9 & 13)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Butcher's Yard - Barrack Street (south side, between 12 & 14 or 35 & 75)
St. James - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1896, 1908, 1933
Butcher's alley - Ber Street and Surrey Street
parish? - 1908
Butchers' Arms Yard (PH) - Ber Street (east side, between 72 & 80)
St. John Sepulchre - 1851, 1881, 1908, 1933
Butler's Yard - Lower Westwick Street (north side)
parish? - 1883, 1908

C   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Campling's Yard - St. Saviour's Lane (south side, between 10 & 24)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Cannell's Court - Ber Street (east side, between 10 & 12)
St. John Timberhill - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1883, 1908, 1933
Cannell's Court - St. Giles' Street
parish? - 1854, 1883
Cardinal's Cap Yard (PH)(Little) - St. Benedict's Street
St. Swithin - 1851
Cardinal's Cap Yard (PH) - St. Benedict's Street (south side, between 84 & 86)
St. Swithin - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Carlton terrace - Surrey Street
parish? - 1908
Carpenters Arms Yard (PH) - location?
St. Michael at Thorn - 1851
Carter's Yard - All Saints Green
parish? - 1908
Cartwrigbt's Yard - Rosemary .lane
parish? - 1908
Cartwright's Court - Rampant Horse Street (south side, between 15 & 17)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Carver's Yard - location?
St. Michael at Thorn - 1851
Case & Steward Yard - Duke Street (east side, near 7)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Case's Court - location?
St. George Colegate - 1851
Castle Court - location?
St. Peter Mancroft - 1851
Cat & Fiddle Yard (PH)(Old) - Botolph Street (south side, near 10)
St. Saviour - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Cat & Fiddle Yard (PH) - Magdalen Street (not the same as Old Cat & Fiddle Yard)
parish? - ???
Catherinewheel Opening (PH) - St. Augustine's Street (east side, near 61)
St. Augustine - 1885, 1908, 1933
Cattermoul's Yard - Pitt Street (west side, between 14 & 16)
St. Mary Coslany and/or St. Augustine - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Catton's Yard - location?
St. Benedict - 1851
Cellar House Yard (PH) - King Street
St. Peter Southgate - 1851
Chantry Court - Theatre Street (south side)
St. Stephen - 1851, 1854, 1908, 1933
Chantry Yard - St. Miles' Church Alley Yard
St. Michael Coslany - 1851, 1854
Chapel Alley - Hall Road
parish? - 1908
Chapel Alley - Holt's Lane
parish? - 1908
Chapel Alley - Queen's Road
parish? - 1908
Chapel Court - location?
St. George Tombland - 1851
Chapel Yard - location?
St. Mary Coslany - 1851
Chapel Yard - Botolph Street (north side, between 35 & 37)
St. Saviour - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Chapel Yard - Chapel Street
Heigham - 1851
Chapel Yard - Chapel Street (became Essex Street)
St. Stephen (extended) - 1881
Chapel Yard - Cowgate (north side)
parish? - 1883, 1908
Chapman's Buildings - Old Palace Road
parish? - 1908
Chapman's Yard - location?
St. Giles - 1851
Charing Cross Court - Charing Cross (north side)
parish? - 1883
Charrod's Buildings - Union Street
parish? - 1908
Chequer's Passage - Middle Street
parish? - ???
Chequers Yard (PH) - Coslany Street (west side, near 15)
St. Michael Coslany - 1851, 1883, 1885, 1908, 1933
Cherry Tree Yard (Little) (PH) - Middle Street
St. Augustine - 1851, 1883
Cherry Tree Yard (PH) - Middle Street (west side)
St. George Colegate - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1881, 1908, 1933
Chesnut's Court - location?
St. Gregory - 1851
Chester Place - Foulger's opening
parish? - 1908
Chester Row - Trafalgar Street
parish? - 1908
Chestnut Court alias Chesnutt's Court - St. Giles' Street (north side, between 15 & 17)
parish? - 1854, 1883, 1908, 1933
Chestnut Place - Palace Street (between 23 & 35)
parish? - 1933
Chestnut's Court - Cow Hill (near 7)
St. Giles - 1908, 1933
Chickerell's Yard - Colegate (South Side)(became Chickering's Yard)
St. Clement - 1851, 1881
Chiddick's court - Palace Street
parish? - 1908
Chittock's Court - Rising Sun Lane (south side, between 3 & 5)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Chronicle Office Court - Market place
parish? - 1908
Church Yard - location?
St. Benedict - 1851
Church Yard - location?
St. Michael at Plea - 1851
Church Yard - location?
St. Michael Coslany - 1851
Church Yard - Peacock Street
St. Paul - 1851
Church Yard - Sexton's Passage (off Tombland)
St. George Tombland - 1851, 1881
Church Yard - Westlegate
All Saints - 1851
Cinder Ovens Row/Yard (PH) - King Street (west side, opposite PH)
parish? - 1883, 1908
City of Norwich Yard (PH) - Westlegate
All Saints - 1851
Clabburn Court - Pitt Street
parish? - 1883
Clabburn's Yard - Magdalen Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
Clarke's Yard - location?
St. Michael Coslany - 1851
Clarke's Yard Or Square - Crooks Place
St. Stephen (extended) - 1851
Clarke's Yard - Ber Street (west side, near 192)
St. John Sepulchre - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1908, 1933
Clarke's Yard - Heigham Street (south side, between 11 & 15)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Clay's Court - location?
St. Stephen - 1851
Clement Court - Bank Plain to Redwell Street
St. Michael at Plea - 1845, 1854, 1883, 1908, 1933
Coach & Horses Yard (PH) - Bethel Street (south side)
St. Giles - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908
Cobb's Yard - Ber Street (west side)
St. John Sepulchre - 1881, 1883
Cobb's Yard - Magdalen Street (west side, near 56)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Cock & Pie Yard (PH) - Quayside (between 5 & 8)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Cock House Yard (PH) - Duke Street (corner of Muspole Street)
St. Mary Coslany - 1851, 1881, 1908, 1933
Cock Yard (PH) - St. Giles' Street (south side, between 80 & 82)
St. Giles - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Cockell's Yard - Rosemary Lane
St. Mary Coslany - 1881, 1883
Cocks Yard - Catton
St. Faiths - 1851
Cocksedge's Yard - Ber Street
St. Michael at Thorn - 1845
Coe's Yard - Upper Westwick Street (became St. Benedict Street)
St. Lawrence - 1845, 1851
Coggles' Yard - location?
St. Mary Coslany - 1851
Cogman's Court/Yard - Ber Street
St. Michael at Thorn - 1851, 1881, 1908
Coleby Place - Lower Westwick Street
St. Benedict - 1845
Coleman's Yard - location?
St. Margaret - 1851
Coleman's Yard - Bull Close (west? side, between 24 & 34)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
College Court - Palace Street (behind 21 (Horseshoes PH))
parish? - 1854, 1908, 1933
Cook's Yard/Court - Pottergate (north side, near 27)
St. Giles - 1851, 1883, 1933
Cook's buildings - Denmark Road
parish? - 1908
Cook's court - Pottergate Street
parish? - 1908
Cooper's Yard - Barn Road (west side, near 63)
parish? - 1883, 1896, 1900, 1908, 1933
Copping's Yard - location?
St. Stephen - 1851
Corrick's Yard - Colegate (south side)
parish? - 1883
Cossey's Court - Middle Street (west side, near 110)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Cossey's Yard - Botolph Street (north side, near 21)
St. Saviour - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908
Cott's Yard - Pottergate (north side, between 19 & 21)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Counties Raily (sic) Station Yard - Thorpe next Norwich (a single cottage?)
St. Andrew Thorpe - 1851
Cow & Hare Yard (PH) - Heigham Street
Heigham - 1851, 1883
Cow Yard (PH)(Little) - Cow Hill
St. Giles - 1851, 1883
Cow Yard (PH) - by 16 Cow Hill
parish? - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Cowling's Yard - Lower Westwick Street (north side, between 68 & 90)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Crape Factory Yard - Botolph Street
St. Augustine - 1881
Crawfoot's Yard - Ber Street (west side, between 27 & 45)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Cremer's Yard - Botolph Street (south side)
St. Saviour - 1881
Crocodile Yard (PH) - Heigham Street (south side, near 27)
St. Benedict - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Crook's Yard - Colgate (north side, St. George's Plain)
St. Michael Coslany - 1851, 1854, 1883
Cross Keys Yard (PH) - Magdalen Street (west side, between 104 & 110)
St. Paul - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Crotch's Yard - St. James' Street (north side)
parish? - 1883
Crow's Yard - St. Benedict's Street (south side)
St. Lawrence - 1851, 1883
Crown & Anchor Yard (PH) - Calvert Street to Middle Steet
St. Augustine - 1851, 1883
Crown & Angel Yard (PH) - St. Stephen's Street (south side, between 41 & 43)
parish? - 1933
Crown & Star Yard - Timberhill
St. John Timberhill - 1851
Crown Court/Yard (PH) - Elm Hill (north side)
St. Peter Hungate - 1883, 1908, 1933
Crown Yard - location?
St. Benedict - 1851
Crown Yard (Little) (PH) - Oak Street (west side)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1881, 1883
Crown Yard (PH)(Old) - Oak Street (west side)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1881, 1883
Crown Yard (PH) - St. Benedict's Street (north side)
parish? - 1883, 1908
Cubitt's Court - location?
St. Peter Mancroft - 1851
Cudbird's Court - Walpole Street
parish? - 1908
Culyer's Court - location?
St. Stephen - 1851
Curson's Opening - Philadelphia lane
parish? - 1908
Curtis Buildings (yard?) - West Pottergate (south side)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Curtis' Buildings (yard?) - Thorn Lane (north side)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Curtis' Buildings - Union Street
parish? - 1908

D   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Dabson's Court/Yard - Magdalen Street
St. Saviour - 1851, 1854
Dapling's buildings - West Pottergate
parish? - 1908
Dark Entry Yard - Pitt Street
St. Augustine - 1851, 1883
Davison's Court - Rising Sun Lane
parish? - 1883
Dawson's Yard - Golden Ball Street (east side)
parish? - 1883
Day's Court/Yard - St. Peter's Street
St. Peter Mancroft - 1845, 1851, 1854
Day's Yard - St. Stephen's Street
St. Stephen - 1845, 1854
De Caux's Court - Wensum Street
St.s Simon & Jude - 1845
De Hague's Court - Elm Hill (north side)
St. Peter Hungate - 1845, 1883
Delph's Yard - St. Augustine's Street (north-east side)
St. Augustine - 1851, 1883, 1908
Dial Court/Yard (PH) - Coslany Street merging with Oak Street (west side)
St. Michael Coslany - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1883, 1908, 1933
Dial Square/Yard - Heigham Street (became Waterworks Road) (north side, between 302 & 310)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Dial Yard (PH) - Barrack Street (south side, between 76 & 78 or 111 & 119 also 119 & 127)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1851, 1883, 1893, 1908, 1933
Dingle's Row - Miller's Lane
parish? - 1908
Distillery Yard (PH?) - Coslany Street merging with Oak Street (west side, between 23 & 37)
St. Michael Coslany and St. Mary Coslany - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1883, 1885, 1908, 1933
Dix's Buildings - Coslany Street
St. Martin at Oak - 1845
Dixon's Yard - location?
St. John Timberhill - 1851
Dog Yard (PH) - Oak Street to Quaker's Lane (east side)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1883, 1908
Dolphin Yard (PH) - Oak Street (east side)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1881, 1883
Dolphin Yard - Oak Street
parish? - 1908
Doman's passage - City Road
parish? - 1908
Dove Yard (PH) - St. James' Street (became Barrack Street (north side, between 39 & 43))
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1883, 1896, 1908
Dowson's Yard - King Street
St. Peter Southgate - 1881
Drake's Yard/Court - Middle Street (west side, between 110 & 140)
St. George Colegate - 1854, 1851, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1908, 1933
Duke of Wellington Yard (PH) - Bedford Street? (between Hole in the Wall Lane and Webster's Yard/Court)
St. Andrew - 1851
Duke of Wellington Yard (PH) - St. Stephen's Street (west side)
St. Stephen - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1881, 1883, 1908
Duke's Palace Yard - Duke Street
parish? - 1883
Dunk's Court - Muspole Street
parish? - 1883
Dunn's Yard - West Pottergate (south side, between 48 & 58)
parish? - 1933
Dutton's Court - Elm Hill (north side, near 20)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933

E   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Eagle Opening - Sussex Street
parish? - 1908
Eagle Passage - Rupert Street
parish? - 1908
Eagle Yard (PH)(Big) - Lower Westwick Street (north side)
North Heigham - 1883, 1885
Eagle Yard (PH)(Little) - Lower Westwick Street (north side)
North Heigham and St. Swithin - 1883, 1885
Eagleton's Yard - Trafalgar Street
parish? - 1908
Eastbourne Place - Prince of Wales' Road
parish? - 1908
Ebenezer Terrace - Sussex Street
parish? - 1908
Edwards' Yard - location?
St. Martin at Oak - 1851
Eight Ringer's Yard (PH) - Oak Street merging with Coslany Street (east side)
St. Michael Coslany - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Eldon Row - Chapel Field Road
parish? - 1908
Elephant & Castle Yard (PH) - King Street (west side)
St. Julian - 1851, 1883
Elephant Yard (PH) - Magdalen Street (west side, between 58 & 60)
St. Saviour - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Ellis's Yard - location?
St. Martin at Oak - 1851
Ellwood's buildings - Rupert Street
parish? - 1908
Ely's Yard - Pitt Street (east side, between 17 & 29)
St. George Colegate - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Emm's Court - Ber Street (east side)
parish? - 1883
English's Yard - Lower Westwick Street
St. Swithin - 1851
Exhibition Court (PH) - Ber Street (east side)
parish? - 1883

F   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Fair Flora Yard (PH) - location?
St. Margaret and St Lawrence - 1851
Fairman's Yard - Barrack Street (south side, between 66 & 68 or 99 & 103)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1883, 1896, 1908, 1933
Farnell's Yard/Court - St. John's Street/Alley (between the church & chapel)
parish? - 1883, 1908
Felmonger's Yard (PH) - Oak Street (east side, behind 90 (Railway Arms PH))
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Ferry Boat Yard (PH) - King Street (east side, between 243 & 249)
St. Peter Southgate - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Fiddy's Yard - Ber Street (west side, between 101 & 103)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Filbey's Yard - Lower Westwick Street
St. Gregory - 1851
Finch's Yard - Cowgate (north side, near 55)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Fisher's Buildings (yard?) - Grapes Hill (previously St. Giles' Hill) (west side, between 65 & 67)
St. Giles - 1883, 1908, 1933
Fisher's Court - Magdalen Street (east side)
parish? - 1883, 1908
Fisher's Yard - Fishgate
St. Edmund - 1845, 1854
Fitt's Yard - Ber Street (east side)
St. John Sepulchre - 1851, 1883, 1908
Flecked Bull Yard (PH) - Ber Street (east side, between 38 & 40)
parish? - 1883, 1908
Fleece Yard (PH) - Fishgate (north side)
St. Edmund - 1851, 1883, 1908
Flint House Yard (PH) - St. Andrews Hill (east side)
parish? - 1883
Flower Pot Yard (PH) - Oak Street (west side)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908
Flower in Hand Yard (PH) - Heigham Street (south side, between 9 & 11)
St. Benedict - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Flower's Court - Wensum Street (east side, between 11 & 15)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Flying Dutchman Yard (PH) - Trafalgar Street
parish? - 1908
Ford's Yard - Ten Bells Lane
parish? - ???
Foster's Yard - Water Lane (off Barrack Street)
St. James - 1851
Foulger's Opening - Ber Street (east side, near 174)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Foulger's Yard - Ber Street (west side, between 153 & 167)
St. John Sepulchre - 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Foundry Yard - location?
St. Andrew - 1851
Foundry Yard - Thorn Lane (south side, King Street end)
St. Julian - 1851
Fountain Yard (PH)(Old) - Botolph Street
St. Augustine - 1851, 1881, 1908
Fountain Yard (PH) - St. Benedict's Street (north side, between 85 & 87)
St. Benedict - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Fox & Goose Yard (PH?) - St. Martin's Lane (off Oak Street)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908
Fox & Hounds Yard (PH) - Ber Street (west side, between 149 & 153)
St. John Sepulchre - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Fox's Court - St. Giles' Street to Chapelfield
parish? - 1883
Fox's Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Fox's Yard - Cowgate
St. Paul - 1851
Foy's Yard - Rose Lane
parish? - 1883
Foyson's Yard - Rose lane
parish? - 1908
Freeman's Yard - location?
St. Andrew - 1851
Freeman's Yard/Court - St. Giles Street
St. Giles - 1851, 1908
Freeman's buildings - Thorn lane
parish? - 1908
Freestone Yard - St. Benedict's Street
St. Swithin - 1851
Fremar's Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1881
Friar's Yard (became Fryer's Yard) - Bull Close (west side)
parish? - 1883, 1885, 1908
Fuller's Hall? - St. Martin's Road
parish? - 1908
Fuller's Hole - Oak Street
St. Martin at Oak - 1845, 1883, 1933

G   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Gaffer's Yard & Buildings - Grapes Hill (west side,near 65)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Gaffer's Yard - St. Benedict's Street (north side, between 20 & 22)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Gale's Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Garden Back lane - Thorn lane
parish? - 1908
Garden Place - Magdalen Street (east side, between 157 & 161)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Gay's Yard - Oak Street
parish? - 1908
Gays' Yard - St. Benedict's Street
St. Swithin - 1851
General Windham Yard (PH) - Cowgate (west side, between 118 & 126)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
General's buildings - Bishop Bridge Road
parish? - 1908
Gent's Yard - Coslany Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
Gerrard's Yard - Bull Close (west side)
parish? - 1883
Gibson's Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1881
Gilbert's Yard - Pitt Street (west side, between 48 & 56)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Gildencroft Lane/Row - St. Augustine's Street (west side)
St. Augustine - 1845, 1883, 1933
Gill's Court - location?
St. Gregory - 1851
Gill's Yard - location?
St. Lawrence - 1851
Gilling's Yard - Magdalen Street (east side, between 131 & 133)
St. Paul - 1851, 1854, 1881, 1885, 1908, 1933
Girdlestone's buildings - Trafalgar Street
parish? - 1908
Gitting's Yard - Magdalen Street (probably same as Gilling's Yard)
St. Paul - 1851
Gladstone Place - Mariner's lane
parish? - 1908
Globe Passage - Union Street
parish? - 1908
Globe Row - Globe Street
parish? - 1908
Globe Yard (PH) - Botolph Street (north side)
St. Augustine - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908
Globe Yard (PH) - Heigham Street (north side, between 12 & 14)
Heigham - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Globe Yard (PH) - Scoles Green (near 16)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Goat Yard (PH) - Oak Street (east side, near 102)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Golden Cross Yard (PH?) - Charing Cross (off St. Gregory's Lower Alley)
St. Gregory - 1883, 1908
Golden Lion Yard (PH) - location?
St. John Maddermarket - 1851
Goldeworth's building's - Bishopgate
parish? - 1908
Gooch's Passage/Yard - Trafalgar Street
Lakenham - 1908
Gooch's Yard - Charing Cross (north side, between 17 & 25)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Goodman's Yard - St. Stephen's Street (west side)
St. Stephen - 1883
Goodrum's Yard - Bishopgate
parish? - 1908
Goodrum's Yard - Tabernacle Street or Bishopgate north side (between 1 & 13)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Goodwin's Yard - location?
St. Martin at Palace - 1851
Goreham's Yard - location?
St. Benedict - 1851
Gowing's Passage - St. Stephen's Street
St. Stephen - 1845
Graham's Court - St. Peter's Street alias Upper Market
St. Peter Mancroft - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1883
Granby Yard - Bishopgate
St. Helen - 1851
Grapes Yard (PH) - Colegate (south side, between 52 & 62)
St. Michael Coslany - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
Gray's Yard - St. Benedict's Street
parish? - 1908
Great Yard - World's End Lane
St. Martin at Palace - 1845, 1854
Greave's Buildings - Globe Street
parish? - 1908
Green Dragon Yard (PH) - Bishopgate
St. Helen - 1851
Green Man Yard (PH) - King Street (east side, between 129 & 135)
St. Julian - 1851, 1908, 1933
Green Yard - Barrack Street (north side, between 102 & 103 or 86 & 102)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Green's Lane - Middle Street to Calvert Street
St. George Colegate - 1845, 1908
Green's Yard/Court - St. Benedict's Street (south side)
parish? - 1883, 1908
Greenland Fishery Yard (PH) - Oak Street (east side)
St. Mary Coslany and St. Michael Coslany - 1883, 1908
Greyhound Opening - Midland Street
parish? - 1908
Greyhound Yard (PH) - Ber Street (east side)
St. John Sepulchre - 1881, 1883, 1908
Griffin Yard (PH) - Barrack Street (north side)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908
Griffin Yard (PH?) - King Street
St. George Tombland - 1851
Griffin's Yard/Court - St. Benedict's Street (south side, near 110)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Griffin's court - St. Benedict's Street
parish? - 1908
Grigg's Yard - St. Benedict's Street (south side)
St. Lawrence - 1851, 1883
Griggs' Yard - St. Benedict's Street
parish? - 1908
Grime's Yard - Botolph Street (west side, between 24 & 30)
St. Saviour - 1851, 1883, 1933
Grimes' Yard - Botolph Street
parish? - 1908
Grimmer's Yard - Ber Street (west side, between 153 & 167)
St. John Sepulchre - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1933
Grimmer's court - St. Andrew's Street
parish? - 1908
Grout's Court/Thoroughfare - Timberhill to Golden Ball Street
St. John Timberhill - 1845, 1854, 1881, 1883, 1933
Grout's Court - Magdalen Street (east side)
parish? - 1883
Grout's thoroughfare - Timberhill
parish? - 1908
Guild Court (Old) - location?
St. George Colegate - 1851
Guild Yard (became Burrell's Yard) - Colegate (north side, between 47 & 51)
parish? - 1883, 1908, 1933
Gummer's Court - St. Andrew's Street
parish? - 1883
Gummer's Yard - Ber Street or Finketgate (maybe be Grimmer's Yard)
St. John Sepulchre - 1881
Gun Lane - Old Haymarket
St. Stephen - 1845
Gunhouse Yard - Goal Hill
St. Peter Mancroft - 1845, 1854
Gunn's Court - Upper St. Giles' Street (south side, between 82 & 84)
parish? - 1933
Gunn's court - St. Giles' Street
parish? - 1908
Gurney's court - Magdalen Street
parish? - 1908

H   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Hacon's Yard - Magdalen Street (west side)
parish? - 1883, 1885, 1908
Hale's court - St. Giles' Street
parish? - 1908
Hales' Court - Upper St. Giles' Street (south side, between 72 & 74)
parish? - 1854, 1933
Half Moon Court (PH?) - Market Place
St. Peter Mancroft - 1851
Half Moon Yard (PH) - King Street (east side, near 243)
St. Peter Southgate - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
Hall's Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Hall's Yard - location?
St. Michael at Thorn - 1851
Hall's Yard - location?
St. George Colegate - 1851
Hall's Yard - Calvert Street (west side)
parish? - 1883, 1908
Hall's Yard - Oak Street (west side (c/f Holl's Yard)
parish? - 1883
Hamlet Place - St. Giles' Hill (became Grapes Hill)
Heigham - 1845, 1854
Hampshire Hog Yard (PH) - St. Swithin's Alley
St. Swithin - 1883, 1908
Hanks Yard - location?
St. Michael Coslany - 1851
Hannant's Yard - St. Benedict's Street (south side, between 24 & 26)
parish? - 1933
Hannent Yard - St. Benedict's Street
parish? - 1908
Hardiment's Yard - Midland sitreet
parish? - 1908
Hardy's Yard - location?
St. Stephen - 1851
Hare's Yard - Rosemary Lane
parish? - 1883
Harmer's Court - location?
St. Giles - 1851, 1881
Harper's Buildings (yard?) - St. Saviour's Lane (north side, between 21 & 25)
parish? - 1933
Harper's Yard - King Street
St. Ethelred - 1851
Harper's buildings - St. Saviour's lana
parish? - 1908
Harrison's Court - Upper St. Giles Street
St. Giles - 1854
Harrison's Yard - location?
St. Giles - 1851
Harrison's Yard - Castle Meadow
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1845, 1854
Hart's Yard - Botolph Street
parish? - 1908
Hart's Yard - Botolph Street (north side, near 21)
St. Saviour - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1933
Hartley's Yard - Cowgate
parish? - 1908
Hartley's Yard - Cowgate (north side, between 55 & 71)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Harvey's Yard - Peacock Street (east side, between 15 & 31)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Harvey's Yard - Peacock Street
parish? - 1908
Harvey's terrace - Telegraph lane
parish? - 1908
Harwood's Yard - Stafford Street
St. Stephen - 1881
Haslip's Opening - Midland Street
parish? - 1908
Haver's Yard - location?
St. Michael Coslany - 1851
Haw's Place - Hall Road
parish? - 1854
Hawes' Place - Hall Road
parish? - 1908
Hawke's Yard - Oak Street (west side, beside Mission Hall)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1933
Hawke's Yard - Oak fctreet
parish? - 1908
Hawthorne row - West End Street.
parish? - 1908
Hayward's Buildings - Barrack Street (in Griffin Yard)
St. James - 1851
Haywood's Yard - Ber Street (west side, near 192)
St. John Sepulchre - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1908, 1933
Heale's buildings - Rose lane
parish? - 1908
Heigham Watering - Heigham Street
parish? - 1908
Hen and Chicken Yard - St. Mary's plain
parish? - 1908
Herring row - West Pottergate
parish? - 1908
Herring's Yard - Magdalen Street
St. Saviour - 1851
Hewitt's Yard - Ber Street (west side, 103 & 113)
parish? - 1933
Hewitt's villas - Stone Road
parish? - 1908
Hill's Yard - location?
St. Michael Coslany - 1851
Hill's Yard - Middle Street (west side, between 172 & 188)
St. Augustine - 1851, 1881, 1933
Hill's passage - Trafalgar Street
parish? - 1908
Hind Yard - location?
St. Margaret - 1851
Hind's Yard - St. Augustine's Street
St. Augustine - 1851
Hinde Yard - location?
St. Margaret - 1851
Hinde's Yard - St. Augustine's Street
St. Augustine - 1851
Hinde's Yard - St. Benedict's Street
parish? - 1908
Hindes' Yard - Botolph Street (south side)
St. Saviour - 1851, 1881, 1883
Hindes' Yard - St. Augustine's Street (east side, between 13 & 15)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Hindes' Yard - St. Augustine's Street
parish? - 1908
Hindes' Yard - St. Benedict's Street (south side, between 72 & 74)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Hindes' terrace - Rosary Road
parish? - 1908
Hinds Yard - Cowgate
St. Paul - 1851
Hipper's Yard - Three King Lane
St. Margaret - 1851
Hipper's Yard - Three King lane
parish? - 1908
Hobrough's Lane (Yard?) - King Street (east side, between 129 & 135)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Hodd's Yard - Ber Street (west side)
St. John Sepulchre - 1885
Hodd's Yard - Botolph Street (west side, between 46 & 48)
St. Augustine - 1851, 1933
Hodd's Yard - Botolph Street
parish? - 1908
Hole in the Wall Lane - Pottergate (became Bedford Street)
parish? - 1845, 1883
Holl's Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Holl's Yard - Oak Street
parish? - 1908
Holl's Yard - Oak Street (west side, between 133 & 139) (c/f Hall's Yard)
parish? - 1933
Holmes' Buildings - Globe Lane
parish? - 1908
Holmes' Court - Lower Westwick Street (north side)
parish? - 1883
Holmes' Yard - Westwick Street
parish? - 1908
Hood's Buildings - Market lane
parish? - 1908
Hook's Yard - Colegate (north side, near 53)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Horne's Yard - Chapel Street (became Essex Street)
St. Stephen (extended) - 1881
Horseman Square - Timberhill
St. John Timberhill - 1845
Horton's Yard - Oak Street (west side, between 109 & 115)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1933
Horton's Yard - Oak Street
parish? - 1908
Houghton's Yard - Ber Street (west side, near 67)
St. Michael at Thorn - 1881, 1883, 1933
Houghton's Yard - Elm Hill
St.s Simon & Jude - 1845, 1854
Hovel's Yard - Pottergate (south side)
parish? - 1883
Hovell's passage - City Road
parish? - 1908
Howard's Yard - Botolph Street (south side)
parish? - 1883
Howard's Yard - Bull Close (west? side, between 12 & 14)
parish? - 1908, 1933
Howard's buildings - Stepping lane
parish? - 1908
Howard's passage - Trafalgar Street
parish? - 1908
Howes' Court - Pottergate
St. Lawrence - 1851
Howes' Yard - location?
St. Julian - 1851
Howlett's Court - Botolph Street (south side, between 14 & 16)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Howlett's court - Botolph Street
parish? - 1908
Howman's Yard - Oak Street (west side, between 75 & 77)
parish? - 1881, 1883, 1933
Howman's Yard - Oak Street
parish? - 1908
Huby's Yard - Magdalen Street
St. Saviour - 1851
Hudson's Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Huggin's Row - St. Benedict's Street
parish? - 1845
Hunt's Yard - St. Stephen's Street
parish? - 1908
Hyde's Yard - location?
St. Augustine - 1851

I   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Imperial Arms Yard (PH) - King Street
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1845, 1854
Infirmary Square - Magpie Road and Waterloo
parish? - 1908
Ivory Square - Scoles Green
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1845, 1854

J   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Jack of Newberry Yard (PH) - Fye Bridge Street (east side, behind 19)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Jackson's Yard - location?
St. Edmund - 1851
Jarrett's Yard - Bull Close (west? side, near 12)
parish? - 1933
Jay's Court/Yard - Bethel Street (north side, near 18)
St. Peter Mancroft - 1851, 1854, 1883, 1933
Jay's Court - Fisher's Lane
St. Lawrence - 1851
Jay's Square - Rose Lane
parish? - 1883
Jay's Yard - West Pottergate (Leeder's & Dapling's Buildings)
parish? - 1933
Jeckell's Yard - Ber Street (west side, near 192)
St. John Sepulchre - 1881, 1933
Jenkin's Lane (Yard?) - Oak Street (east side, near 114)
St. Martin at Oak - 1845, 1883, 1933
Jenning's Yard - Magdalen Street (east side)
parish? - 1883
Jermy's Yard - Lower Westwick Street
St. Swithin - 1851
Johnson's Yard - Barrack Street
St. James - 1851
Jolly Butcher's Yard (PH) - Ber Street (west side, between 119 & 125)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Jolly Farmers Yard (PH) - location?
St. John Maddermarket - 1851
Jolly Sawyer's Yard (PH) - St. Pauls Plain (off Cowgate)
parish? - 1883
Jones' Yard - Oak Street
St. Martin at Oak - 1851
Jubilee Yard (PH) - Ber Street (west side)
St. Michael at Thorn - 1851, 1881, 1883

K   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Keel & Wherry Yard (PH) - King Street (west side, between 214 & 216)
St. Julian - 1851, 1883, 1933
Kerrison's Court/Yard - Tombland
St. George Tombland - 1851, 1883
Keth Yard - location?
St. Giles - 1851
Key & Castle Yard (PH) - Oak Street (west side, between 105 & 107)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1854, 1881, 1883, 1933
Kidd's Yard - location?
St. Michael Coslany - 1851
King George Yard (PH) - Barrack Street (north side, between 93 & 101 or 86 & 102)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1851, 1881, 1896, 1908, 1933
King George Yard (PH) - St. Stephen's Street (west side, between 64 & 66)
St. Stephen - 1851, 1883, 1908, 1933
King George the Fourth Passage (PH) - Essex Street to Shadwcll Street (west side, between 187 & 189)
parish? - 1908, 1933
King George the Fourth Yard (PH) - Ber Street (east side, behind 72)
parish? - 1908, 1933
King's Head Yard (PH) - Magdalen Street (west side, between 40 & 42)
parish? - 1933
King's Head Yard (PH) - St. Stephen's Street
St. Stephen - 1845, 1854
King's Yard - Cow Hill
St. Giles - 1851, 1881
Kings Arms Yard (PH) - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Kings Head Yard (PH)(Old) - location?
St. Stephen - 1851
Knight's Court - St. Benedict's Street (north side)
parish? - 1883
Knight's Yard - Ber Street (east side)
parish? - 1883

L   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Lacey's Court - Princes Street (north side)
parish? - 1883
Lady's Square - Lady's Lane (west side, between 11 & 21)
parish? - 1933
Lamb Inn Yard/Court (PH) - Haymarket to Orford Place
St. Peter Mancroft - 1851, 1933
Lamb Yard (PH) - Ber Street (east side, near 30)
St. Michael at Thorn - 1851, 1883, 1933
Lamb Yard (PH?) - location?
St. Michael Coslany - 1851
Lamb's Court - Golden Ball Street
St. John Timberhill - 1851
Lancastman School Yard - Palace Street
St. Martin at Palace - 1851
Lander's Yard - location?
St. Stephen - 1851
Lane's Yard - King Street (east side, between 79 & 93)
parish? - 1933
Laws' Yard - location?
St. Mary Coslany - 1851
Lawson's Yard - Middle Street
St. Augustine - 1851, 1854
Le Neve's Yard - location?
St. Edmund - 1851, 1881?
Leach's Yard - St. Martins Lane
St. Martin at Oak - 1851
Leache's Court - Elm Hill (south side)
parish? - 1883
Leeds' Court - location?
St. Lawrence - 1851
Lewis's Yard - King Street (east side)
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1851, 1883
Library Court - St. Andrew's Street
St. John Maddermarket - 1845, 1854
Lifford's Yard - King Street (east side)
parish? - 1883
Light Horseman Yard (PH) - Barrack Street (south side, behind 130 or between 149 & 171)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1851, 1883, 1896, 1933
Lincoln's Court/Yard - Grapes Hill (west side)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Lincoln's Yard/Court - King Street (west side, near 182)
St. Etheldred - 1881, 1933
Lincoln's Yard - Pump Street
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1851
Ling's Yard/Court - Magdalen Street (east side, between 49 & 51)
St. Saviour - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1883, 1933
Ling's Yard - Pottergate
St. Andrew - 1845
Lion & Castle Yard (PH) - Timber Hill (west side, between 23 & 27)
St. John Timberhill - 1851, 1883, 1933
Lipfield's Yard - Magdalen Street (east side)
parish? - 1883
Livingston's Court & Terrace - Goal Hill
St. Peter Mancroft - 1845
Lock & Key Yard (PH) - Ber Street (west side, between 85 & 91)
St. John Sepulchre - 1851, 1883, 1933
Lock's Court (PH) - St. Stephen's Street (west side, between 62 & 64, behind the Curriers Arms PH)
St. Stephen - 1883, 1933
Lockett's Court - St. Andrew's Street (not same as Lockett's Yard)
parish? - 1883
Lockett's Yard - St. Andrew's Street (not same as Lockett's Court)
parish? - 1883
Long Lane (Yard?) - Charing Cross
St. John Maddermarket - 1845
Long Walk - Bethel Street
St. Giles - 1845
Long Yard - Bishopgate
St. Helen - 1851
Long's Yard - Fishgate (south side)
St. Clement - 1883
Long's Yard - Fishgate (north side, between 39 & 47)
St. Edmund - 1851, 1883, 1933
Loose's Yard alias Burrell's Yard - Magdalen Street (east side, between 41 & 43)
parish? - 1933
Lord Camden Yard (PH) - Charing Cross (north side, between 15 & 17)
St. Gregory - 1851, 1883, 1933
Lord Howe Yard (PH) - St. Benedict's Street (south side, between 6 & 8)
St. Gregory and St. Lawrence - 1851, 1883, 1933
Love's Yard - Palace Street
parish? - 1883
Loveday's Yard - location?
St. James - 1881
Lovick's Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Lowe's Yard - Middle Street (east side, between 37 & 49)
St. George Colegate - 1851, 1883, 1933
Lower Square - Thorn Lane (north side)
parish? - 1883
Loyalty Court (PH) - St. Stephen's Street (west side, between 34 & 36)
parish? - 1933
Lucketts Court/Yard (PH) - St. Andrew's Street (north side, behind the Golden Can PH)
St. John Maddermarket - 1851
Luke's Yard - St Augustines Street
St. Augustine - 1851

M   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Mace's Buildings (yard?) - Heigham Street (south side, between 213 & 239)
parish? - 1933
Mace's Yard - St. James' Street (south side)
St. James - 1883
Madon's Buildings (yard?) - Dereham Road
Heigham? - 1845
Magnet Square - St. Stephen's Street (west side)
St. Stephen - 1883
Malt House Yard - location?
St. Martin at Oak - 1851
Malthouse Yard - Peacock Street
St. Paul - 1851, 1881
Malthouse Yard - Upper Goat Lane (west side)
parish? - 1933
Maltster's Yard - All Saints Green (east side, between 15 & 23)
All Saints - 1885, 1896, 1900
Manchester Buildings (yard?) - Union Place
Heigham - 1845
Mancroft Yard/Court - St. Peter's Street (between 33 & 35)
St. Peter Mancroft - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1883, 1933
Mandell's Court - Princes Street (north side, near 12)
St. George Tombland - 1881, 1883, 1933
Mandell's Yard - Wensum Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
Manning's Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Manning's Yard - Golden Ball Street (between 3 & 5)
parish? - 1933
Mansfield's Yard - St. Stephen's Street (east side)
St. Stephen - 1883
Marquis of Granby Row/Yard (PH) - Barrack Street (south side, near 142 or between 149 & 171)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1883, 1896, 1933
Marriss' Yard - location? (possibly Morris' Yard)
St. Julian - 1881
Marshall's Yard - Magdalen Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
Marsham's Yard - St. Benedict's Street (north side)
parish? - 1883
Martin's Court - Pottergate (orth side)
parish? - 1883
Martin's Court - St. Benedict's Street (south side)
parish? - 1883
Martin's Yard - Pitt Street
St. George Colegate - 1851
Martins Yard - Pitt Street
St. Augustine - 1851
Mason's Buildings (yard?) - Dereham Road
Heigham - 1845
Mason's Court - Ber Street (east side, between 12 & 16)
parish? - 1933
Mason's Yard - Ber Street (east side, between 16 & 18)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Mason's Yard - Lower Westwick Street
St. Swithin - 1851
Master's Court - Bethel Street (south side)
parish? - 1883
Matthews Yard - Thorn Lane
St. Julian - 1851
Maude's Court - St. Benedict's Street (or Lower Westwick Street)
St. Lawrence? -
May's Court - St. Giles' Street (north side, between 83 & 85)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Mayes' Court - St. Benedict's Street (south side)
parish? - 1883
Mayes' Yard - location?
St. Margaret - 1851
Meek's Yard - Tinkler's Lane
parish? - 1883
Middle Square - Thorn Lane (north side)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Mill Yard - location?
St. Mary Coslany - 1851
Mill Yard - location?
Lakenham - 1851
Millard's Yard - Princes Street
St. George Tombland - 1851, 1881
Miller's Court - Surrey Street
parish? - 1883
Mind? Yard (The) - Magdalen Street (probably Mint Yard or Blind yard)
St. Paul - 1851
Minn's Court - Magdalen Street (west side, between 100 & 102)
St. Saviour - 1845, 1854, 1881, 1883, 1933
Mint Yard - Fishgate (north side, between 3 & 5)
St. Clement - 1881, 1883, 1900
Mint Yard - Magdalen Street
St. Paul - 1851
Mint Yard - Thorn Lane
St. Julian - 1851
Mints Yard - Inside Walls
St. Augustine - 1851
Mischief Yard (PH) - Peacock Street
parish? - 1883
Mission Place - King Street
St. Julian - 1845
Mitchell's Yard - Pitt Street
parish? - 1883
Mollett's Staith/Yard - Fye Bridge Street merging with Magdalen Street (west side)
St. Clement - 1851, 1854, 1881, 1883
Monastery Yard - Elm Hill
parish? - 1933
Money's Court - location?
St. Benedict - 1851
Moon & Stars Yard (PH) - Colegate (south side, between 52 & 62)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Morris or Tooley Yard - Thorn Lane
St. Julian - 1851
Morris's Buildings/Yard - Market Lane off Thorn Lane
St. Julian - 1851, 1885, 1883
Mounser's Yard - Timberhill
parish? - 1883
Mountsear's Yard/Court - Princes Street (north side, between 20 & 22)
St. George Tombland - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1933
Mowey's Court - St Giles Hill
St. Benedict - 1851
Mulberry Tree Yard (PH) - location?
St. Benedict - 1851
Murrell's Yard - King Street (east side, between 53 & 55)
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1851, 1883, 1933
Museum Court - St. Andrew's Street
St. John Maddermarket - 1851, 1854, 1883, 1885, 1933

N   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Nailor's Lane (yard?) - Charing Cross
St. John Maddermarket - 1845
Nash's Yard - Charing Cross merging with Lower Westwick Street (north side)
St. Gregory - 1851, 1883
National School Yard - Princes Street (south side)(became Model School Yard)
St. Michael at Plea - 1845, 1883
Neale's Square - Pottergate (north side)
parish? - 1883
Nelson Tavern Yard (PH) - Timberhill
St. John Timberhill - 1851
Nelson Yard - West Pottergate (south side, between 30 & 32)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Nelson's Monument Yard (PH) - King Street
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1851
New Mills Yard - Oak Street to Lower Westwick Street
St. Mary Coslany - 1845, 1883, 1933
New Yard - Magdalen Street (east side, near 125)
parish? - 1883, 1885, 1933
Newbegin's Yard - St. Mary's Plain (became Atkinson's Yard)
St. Mary Coslany - 1881, 1883, 1891
Newman's Yard - Ber Street (west side, between 93 & 95)
St. John Sepulchre - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1933
Nichol's Court - location?
St. Lawrence - 1851
Nichol's Yard - St. Augustine's Street (east side, between 19 & 21)
parish? - 1933
Nickall's Buildings - St. James' Street (became Barrack Street (south side, between 35 & 75))
St. James - 1883, 1933
Nickall's Yard - Barrack Street (north side, between 9 & 13 or 32 & 38)
St. James - 1896, 1900, 1933
Nickol's Yard - Chapel Street became Essex Street (near 149)
St. Stephen (extended) - 1881, 1933
Nightingale's Yard - Colegate (south side, between 24 & 26)
St. Clement - 1881, 1883, 1933
Ninham's Court - Bethel Street to Chaplefield North
St. Giles - 1854, 1881, 1933
Noah's Ark Yard (PH) - Heigham Street
St. Benedict - 1851, 1883
Nobbs' Yard - location?
St. Peter Mancroft - 1851
Norgate's Court - Frukett (sic) Street? (near Steam Packet Inn)
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Norgate's Court - St. Stephen's Street
St. Stephen - 1851, 1854
Norris's Yard/Court - Elm Hill (between 27 & 29)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Norton's Yard - Heigham Street (north side, between 302 & 310)
parish? - 1933
Norwich Corporation Yard (PH?) - King Street (east side, near 199)
parish? - 1933
Nowhere Yard (PH) - location?
St. Margaret - 1851
Nunn's Court/Yard - St. Augustine's Street (north-east side, between 31 & 33)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Nunns Yard - location?
St. Augustine - 1851

O   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Oak Yard - Oak Street
St. Martin at Oak - 1851
Oatmeal Makers Yard (PH) - location?
St. George Tombland - 1881
Obey's Yard - King Street (east side, between 57 & 67)
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1851, 1883, 1933
Old Bank of England Court - Queen Street off Bank Plain
parish? - 1883
Old Barrack Yard - St. Miles' Bridge?
St. Michael Coslany - 1845, 1854
Old Friend's Yard (PH) - Mariner's Lane
parish? - 1883
Old Meeting House Yard - Colegate (north side, between 17 & 19)
parish? - 1854
Old Post Office Court/Yard - Gentleman's Walk to Castle Street
St. Peter Mancroft - 1845, 1854, 1883, 1933
Old Post Office Yard - location?
St. Andrew - 1851
Old Post Office Yard - Bedford Street (north side, between 19 & 21)
parish? - 1883
Old Post Office Yard - Market Place
(east side) - St Peter Mancroft
One Post Ally/Passage - St. Stephen's Street (west side)
parish? - 1845, 1854, 1883
Osborne's Buildings - Oak Street (east side, near 160)
St. Martin at Oak - 1883, 1933
Osborne's Square/Court - Timberhill
St. John Timberhill - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1883
Osborne's Yard - Oak Street (east side, between 80 & 82)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1933

P   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Page's Yard - Church Street off Haymarket
parish? - 1883
Palmer's Yard - Timber Hill (west side, between 19 & 21)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Paradise Place (yard?) - Magdalen Street (east side, between 139 & 141)
St. Paul - 1851, 1933
Paradise Place - Market Lane off Thorn Lane
parish? - 1883
Parish Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Parsonage Square - Bedford Street to Exchange Street
parish? - 1885, 1933
Patterson's Cut (The Cut) - Barrack Street (south side, between 70 & 72)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1883, 1896, 1908
Pattisons Yard - Magdalen Street (became Minn's Court)
St. Saviour - 1851
Paul's Yard - Ber Street (east side, between 154 & 156)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Pauls Yard - location?
St. Margaret - 1851
Paved Yard - location?
St. Martin at Oak - 1851
Pawsey's Yard - Magdalen Street
St. Saviour - 1851
Peacock Yard (PH) - Red Lion Street (east side, between 1 & 3)
St. Stephen - 1851, 1883, 1933
Peak's Court - Magdalen Street (became Fye Bridge Street)
St. Clement - 1845, 1883
Pearce's Yard - Coslany Street (east side)
parish? - 1883
Peel's Yard - Lower Westwick Street (south side, near 77)
St. Margaret - 1885, 1933
Pegg's Yard - Ber Street (west side)
St. John Sepulchre - 1881, 1883
Pelican Yard (PH) - Pitt Street (east side, near 31)
St. George Colegate - 1851, 1883, 1933
Pembrock's Yard - Ber Street?
St. John Sepulchre - 1881
Perowine's Yard - location?
St. Mary Coslany - 1851
Pestell's Yard - Cowgate (west side, between 110 & 118)
St. Paul - 1851, 1883, 1933
Phoenix Yard (PH) - Cowgate (north side, between 55 & 71)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Pigeon Yard (PH) - location?
St. Edmund - 1851
Pigg's Buildings - Water Lane
St. Edmund - 1845
Pipe Burner's Yard/Row - Bull Close (east side)
St. James - 1881, 1883, 1883
Pipe Burners' Yard - Pottergate to St. Benedict's Street (south side)
St. Gregory - 1851, 1933
Pipe Burners' Yard - St. Stephen's Street (north side, between 42 & 44)
parish? - 1933
Pipe Yard - Lower Westwick Street (south side, near 77)
parish? - 1933
Pipes Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Plain Yard - St. Stephen's Street
All Saints - 1851
Plasterers Arms Yard (PH) - Bull Close (west side)
parish? - 1883
Playford's Court - Pottergate (north side, between 63 & 71)
St. Lawrence - 1851, 1883, 1933
Plough Yard (PH)(Great) - Ten Bells Lane to St. Benedict's Street
St. Margaret - 1851, 1883, 1933
Plough Yard (PH)(Little) - St. Benedict's Street (south side, between 56 & 58)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Plummer's Yard/Court - Oak Street
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1854, 1881
Pope's Head Yard (PH) - St. Peter's Street
St. Peter Mancroft - 1883
Pope's Yard - location?
St. Margaret - 1851
Porter's Yard - World's End Lane
St. Martin at Palace - 1883
Priest Court - Rampant Horse Street
parish? - 1854
Primrose's Yard - Pitt Street
St. Augustine - 1851
Prince of Wales Yard (PH) - location?
St. Augustine - 1851
Prince of Wales Yard (PH) - St. Augustine's Street (north-east side)
parish? - 1883
Prince of Wales Yard (PH) - St. Benedict's Street (south side, between 32 & 34)
St. Lawrence - 1851, 1883, 1933
Prince of Wales Yard (PH) - Tombland
St. George Tombland - 1881
Princes Inn Lane (PH) - Princes Street
St. George Tombland - 1845
Princes Yard - Botolph Street
St. Augustine - 1851
Priory Square - Barrack Street (south side, between 35 & 75)
St. James - 1881, 1933
Priory Yard - Cowgate (east side)
St. James - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1883
Pump Yard - location?
St. Lawrence - 1851
Pump Yard - Cowgate
St. Edmund - 1851, 1883
Pump Yard - Heigham Street (became Waterworks Road (north side, between 242 & 253, by Dolphin Bridge))
parish? - 1883, 1933
Pye's Yard - Palace Plain (near 6)
St. Martin at Palace - 1851, 1883, 1933

Q   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Quantrill's Court - Surrey Street (east side, between 22 & 24)
parish? - 1933
Quart Yard (PH) - location?
St. Giles - 1851
Queen Adelaide Yard/Court (PH) - Pitt Street (behind 53)
St. Augustine - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1908
Queen Ann Yard/Court (PH) - Colgate (Church Street) (north side, behind 59)
St. Michael Coslany - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1891
Queen Caroline Yard (PH)(Little) - Oak Street (west side, between 39 & 73)
St. Martin at Oak - 1933
Queen Caroline Yard (PH) - Oak Street (west side, between 39 & 73)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1883, 1933
Queen of Hungary Yard (PH)(Little) - St. Benedict's Street
St. Margaret and/or St. Swithins - 1851
Queen of Hungary Yard (PH) - St. Benedict's Street (north side, between 47 & 49)
St. Margaret and/or St. Swithins - 1851, 1883, 1933
Queen's Head Yard (PH) - Cowgate
St. Paul - 1851

R   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Rackham's Court - location? (Preparatory School)
St. Gregory - 1851
Ragged School Yard - Oak Street (west side, between 103 & 105)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Rainbow Yard (PH) - King Street (west side, between 186 & 190)
St. Ethelred - 1851, 1883, 1933
Rampant Horse Yard (PH) - Fishgate (north side, between 33 & 39)
St. Edmund - 1851, 1883, 1933
Ratcatchers Arms Yard (PH) - Ber Street (west side, between 71 & 73)(became Brook's Yard/Court)
St. Michael at Thorn - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1933
Raven Yard (PH)(Old) - King Street (west side)
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1851, 1883
Rayner's Yard - King Street (west side, near 196)
St. Julian - 1851, 1933
Rayner's Yard - Oak Street
St. Martin at Oak - 1881
Red Cow Yard (PH) - Barrack Street (south side, behind 118)(became Dun Cow Yard)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1851, 1883, 1896, 1908
Red Lion Yard (PH) - location?
St. Andrew - 1851
Red Lion Yard (PH) - Coslany Street (east side, near 26)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Red Lion Yard (PH) - Magdalen Street (east side northern)
St. Paul - 1851, 1881, 1883
Red Lion Yard (PH) - Magdalen Street (east side southern)
St. Clement - 1851, 1881, 1883
Red Lion Yard (PH) - St. George's Street (west side, between 18 & 20)
parish? - 1933
Reeve's Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Reeve's Yard - Coslany Street (west side)(became Reed's Yard?)
St. Mary Coslany - 1845, 1854, 1883
Reeve's Yard - St. Benedict's Street (north side, between 49 & 51)
parish? - 1933
Rice's Court - Wensum Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
Rifleman Yard (PH) - All Saints Green
All Saints - 1851
Rigby's Court - Bethel Street to St. Giles' Street
St. Giles - 1845, 1851, 1883, 1933
Ringer's Court - Essex Street (near 169)
parish? - 1933
Roach's Court - Elm Hill (north side)
St.s Simon & Jude - 1845, 1854, 1883, 1933
Roache's Court - Fisher's Lane
St. Lawrence and/or St. Giles - 1845, 1951, 1854
Robin Hood Yard (PH) - Barrack Street (north side)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1851, 1881, 1883
Robinson's Yard - location?
St. Michael Coslany - 1851
Robinson's Yard - Oak Street (west side near Coslany Street)
St. Martin at Oak - 1845, 1854, 1851, 1881, 1883
Rock Yard - St. James' Street (became Barrack Street (north side, between 30 & 32))
St. James - 1883, 1900, 1933
Roe's Yard - Peacock Street
parish? - 1883
Roger's Yard - Lower Westwick Street
St. Swithin - 1851
Rosary Yard - Rosary Road (south side, near 95)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Rose & Crown Yard (PH) - Bishopgate
St. Helen - 1851
Rose Yard (PH) - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Rose Yard (PH)(White/Red) - Castle Street
St. Peter Mancroft - 1851
Rose Yard (PH) - St. Augustine's Street (east side, behind 5)
parish? - 1851, 1854, 1883, 1933
Rose Yard (PH) - St. Stephen's Street (east side, between 57 & 59)
St. Stephen - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1883, 1933
Roshier Court - Quayside
parish? - 1933
Royal Oak Yard (PH) - location?
Heigham - 1851
Royal Oak Yard (PH) - Ber Street (east side, near 69)
parish? - 1883
Royal Oak Yard (PH) - Oak Street (east side, behind 132)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Royal Oak Yard (PH) - St. Augustine's Street (west side, behind 64)
St. Augustine - 1851, 1933
Royal's Yard - Magdalen Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
Rudd's Yard - Coslany Street merging with Oak Street (east side)
parish? - 1883
Rumps' Yard - location?
St. Benedict - 1851
Russell's Yard - Ber Street (west side, between 145 & 147)
St. John Sepulchre - 1881, 1933

S   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Sadd's Yard - Coslany Street
parish? - 1854
Sadler's Yard - Oak Street (west side)
St. Martin at Oak - 1881, 1883
Salmon's Court - location?
Heigham - 1851
Salter's Court - Magdalen Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
Samson & Hercules Court - Tombland
St. George Tombland - 1845, 1854
Sardinian Court (PH) - St. Stephen's Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
Saul's Yard - location?
St. Giles - 1851
Saw Mill Yard - Fishgate (south side)
St. Edmund - 1883
Saw Mills Yard - Coslany Street merging with Oak Street (west side, between 11 & 15)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Sawyers Yard - location?
St. Edmund - 1851
Say's Yard - St. James' Street (became Barrack Street (north side, between 15 & 21 or 38 & 44))
St. James - 1883, 1896, 1933
Sayer's Buildings - Lower Heigham
Heigham - 1845
Sayers' Yard - location?
St. Gregory - 1851
School Yard - Barrack Street (north side)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1881
Schoolroom Yard - Crooks Place
St. Stephen (extended) - 1851
Scott's Yard - Ber Street (west side, between 119 & 125)
St. John Sepulchre - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1933
Scott's Yard - Timberhill?
parish? - 1883
Seaman's Yard - location?
St. John Maddermarket - 1851
Self's Yard - St. Benedict's Street (north side, between 33 & 35)
St. Margaret and/or St. Lawrence - 1851, 1883, 1933
Seven Stars' Yard (PH) - Barrack Street (south side, behind 112 or between 139 & 149)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1851, 1883, 1896, 1933
Severn's Court/Yard - Cowgate (west side, 10 & 20)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Sexton's Yard - Calvert Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
Shaldns Court - Redwell Street
St. Michael at Plea - 1851
Shaler's Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1881
Shaw's Yard/Court - Colegate (south side)
St. Clement - 1851, 1881, 1883
Ship Yard - location?
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1851
Ship Yard - location?
St. Ethelred - 1851
Ship Yard (PH)(Little) - King Street (west side, between 166 & 168)
St. Julian - 1851, 1881, 1933
Ship Yard (PH)(Old) - Thorn Lane (north side)
parish? - 1883
Ship Yard (PH) - Cowgate (west side, 100 & 110)
St. Paul - 1851, 1933
Ship Yard (PH) - King Street (west side, between 168 & 182)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Shorten's Yard - Rising Sun Lane (south side, 17 & 21)
parish? - 1933
Shoulder of Mutton Yard (PH) - location?
St. Andrew - 1851
Shoulder of Mutton Yard (PH) - St. Stephen's Street (west side)
St. Stephen - 1851, 1883
Shrimpling's Yard - Magdalen Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
Shuttle Yard (PH)(Old) - Pitt Street
St. Augustine - 1851
Shuttle Yard (PH) - Heigham Street
Heigham - 1851, 1883
Sir John Barleycorn Yard (PH) - Cowgate
St. James - 1881, 1908
Sizeland's Yard - Bethel Street (north side)
parish? - 1883
Smith's Yard - location?
St. Giles - 1851
Smith's Yard - Oak Street (west side)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1881, 1883
Snendors Yard? - Colegate
St. George Colegate - 1851
Snowdon's Yard - Bridge Street (east side)
parish? - 1883
Soman's Yard - Fishgate (south side, between 16 & 20)
St. Edmund - 1883, 1933
Son's of Commerce Court (PH) - Thorn Lane (north side)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Soup Office Yard - Fishgate (south side)
St. Clement - 1854, 1881, 1883
South Yard - Lower Westwick Street
St. Gregory - 1851
Southeron's Buildings/Court - Lady's Lane (east side, near 10)
St. Peter Mancroft - 1845, 1933
Sportsman Yard (PH) - Barrack Street (south side, behind 108 or between 139 & 149)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1851, 1883, 1896, 1933
Springall's Yard - Ber Street
St. John Timberhill - 1851
Springfield's Yard - location?
St. George Colegate - 1851
Springfield's Yard/Court - St. Martin's Lane
St. Mary Coslany - 1851, 1881, 1883
St John's Head Yard (PH) - location?
St. Michael Coslany - 1851
St. Anne's Staith Lane - King Street (east side)
parish? - 1883
St. Clement's Court - St. Clement's Church Alley (not the same as Clement Court)
St. Clement - 1883
St. Giles Terrace - Bethel Street (north side)
St. Giles - 1883
St. James' Factory Yard - Cowgate (east side, between 121 & 143)
St. James - 1881, 1883, 1908, 1933
St. James' Palace Yard - St. James' Street (south side, between 44 & 54 or near 109)
St. James - 1883, 1896, 1933
St. Lawrence School Yard - St. Benedict's Street (south side, between 36 & 38)
St. Lawrence - 1933
St. Michael's Square - Thorn Lane (north side)
parish? - 1933
St. Paul's New Terrace - Barrack Street (near 22)
St. Paul - 1900
St. Paul's Opening - Peacock Street (east side, between 31 & 33)
St. Paul - 1883, 1933
St. Peter's Court - St. Peter's Street (between 23 & 25)
St. Peter Mancroft - 1883, 1933
St. Simon's Yard - Bridge Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
St. Swithin's Wharf - Lower Westwick Street (north side)
parish? - 1883
Staff of Life Yard (PH) - Fishgate (north side, near 53)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Stafford's Yard - Chapel Street (became Essex Street) (west side, between 177 & 181)
St. Stephen (extended) - 1881, 1933
Stamp Office Yard (Old) - St. Andrew's Street
St. Andrew - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1883
Star & Crown Yard (PH) - Timberhill
St. John Timberhill - 1854, 1881, 1883
Star Inn Yard (PH) - Haymarket
St. Peter Mancroft - 1851, 1883
Starling's Yard - Botolph Street
St. Saviour - 1881
Steward's Court - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Steward's Court/Yard - Middle Street (west side, near 140)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Steward's Yard - Bull Close (west side)
parish? - 1883
Stewardson's Yard - Barrack Street (north side, between 15 & 21 or 38 & 44)
parish? - 1933
Stewardson's Yard - Bull Close Road (south side)
parish? - 1883
Stocking's Yard/Lane/Alley - St. Stephen's Street (west side)
St. Stephen - 1883
Stone's Buildings - Infirmary Road?
St. Clement - 1881
Stone's Yard - location?
St. Martin at Oak - 1851
Stonemason's Yard - location?
St. George Colegate - 1851
Stonemason's Yard/Square - Middle Street (west side, between 110 & 140)
St. Mary Coslany and St George Colegate - 1851, 1854, 1881, 1883, 1933
Stonemason's Yard - St. Augustine's Street (north-east side)
parish? - 1883
Strike's Yard - King Street (west side)
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1851, 1883
Stuart Court - Recorder Road (south side)
parish? - 1933
Suffolk Arms Yard (PH) - Oak Street (west side)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1881, 1883
Sultzer's Yard/Court - Botolph Street (north side, between 61 & 63)
St. Augustine - 1881, 1883, 1933
Sun Yard (PH) - Coslany Street (east side)
St. Michael Coslany - 1851, 1883
Surrey Court - Surrey Street
St. Stephen - 1845, 1854, 1883
Sutton's Yard - Magdalen Street (east side)
parish? - 1883
Swan Yard (PH)(Old) - Oak Street (east side, between 160 & 184)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Swan Yard (PH)(Old) - St. Peter's Street
parish? - 1883
Swan Yard (PH) - King Street (west side, between 68 & 70)
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1883, 1933
Swan Yard (PH) - St. Stephen's Street
St. Stephen - 1845, 1851, 1854
Sweep's Yard - Magdalen Street
St. Paul - 1851
Symond's Yard - location?
St. Andrew - 1851

T   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Tabernacle Row - Tabernacle Street
St. Martin at Palace - 1845
Talbot's Yard - Oak Street (east side, between 106 & 110)
St. Martin at Oak - 1851, 1883, 1933
Tawler's Court - Magdalen Street
St. Clement - 1851
Taylor's Court - Surrey Street
St. Stephen - 1851
Taylor's Yard - location?
St. Martin at Palace - 1851
Ten Bells Yard (PH) - Ten Bells Lane
parish? - 1883
Thatched House Yard - Rampant Horse Street
St. Stephen - 1851
Thompson's Yard - Fishgate (north side, near 39)
St. Edmund - 1851, 1883, 1933
Thorn's Yard - Duke Street
parish? - 1883
Thoroughfare Yard - location?
St. Mary Coslany - 1851
Thoroughfare Yard - Baddings Lane
St. Martin at Palace - 1851, 1883
Thoroughfare Yard - Cowgate
St. Paul - 1851
Thoroughfare Yard - Fishgate to Magdalen Street (near 29 to between 11 & 15)
St. Clement - 1851, 1854, 1881, 1883, 1933
Three Kings Yard (PH) - St. Benedict's Street (south side, between 44 & 46)
St. Margaret - 1851, 1883, 1933
Three Tuns Yard (PH) - King Street (west side, between 60 & 62)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Tiger Yard (PH) - Fishgate (north side)
St. Edmund - 1851, 1883
Till's Court - Ber Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
Tillet's Yard - Botolph Street (north side)
parish? - 1883
Tillett's Yard - location?
St. Edmund - 1851
Tipple's Court - location?
St. John Maddermarket - 1851
Todd's Yard - White Friar's Street
parish? - 1883
Toll's Court - Brigg Street & Little Orford Street
St. Stephen - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1883
Tombland Yard (PH?) - Tombland
St. George Tombland - 1881
Toper's Square - Thorn Lane (north side)
parish? - 1883
Towler's Court - Elm Hill
St.s Simon & Jude - 1845, 1883, 1933
Troughton's Yard - location?
St. Michael Coslany - 1851
Trowse Yard - Ten Bells Lane (west side)
parish? - 1933
Trumpet Yard (PH) - St. Stephen's Street (west side)
St. Stephen - 1851, 1883
Trumpet lane - St. Stephen's Street (west side) (not the same as Trumpet Yard)
parish? - 1883
Tubby's Yard - Muspole Street (between 18 and corner)
St. Mary Coslany - 1851, 1883, 1933
Tuck's Court - St. Giles' Street (south side, between 24 & 28)
parish? - 1854, 1883, 1933
Tuns Yard (PH) - Oak Street merging with Coslany Street (west side, near 5)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Turk Yard (PH) - Lower Westwick Street
St. Gregory - 1851
Turner's Court - location?
St. Lawrence - 1851
Turner's Court - St. Benedict's Street (south side, between 30 & 32)
St. Lawrence - 1845, 1883, 1933
Turner's Square - Rose Lane
parish? - 1883
Turner's Yard - location?
St. Saviour - 1881
Turrell's Yard - Ber Street (west side, between 147 & 149)
St. John Sepulchre - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1933
Twiddy's Yard/Court - Ber Street (east side, between 32 & 34)
St. Michael at Thorn - 1851, 1883, 1933
Two Brewers Yard (PH) - location?
St. John Maddermarket - 1851
Two Brewers' Yard (PH) - Calvert Street (west side, between 52 & 62)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Two Brewers' Yard (PH) - Magdalen Street (east side, between 149 & 151)
St. Paul - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1933
Two Quarts Yard (PH) - Bridge Street (west side)
parish? - 1883

U   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Under the Walls - Oak Street to St. Augustine's Gates
parish? - 1883
Under the Walls - St. Augustine's Gates to Magdalen Gates
parish? - 1883
Unicorn Yard (PH) - Coslany Street (west side)
parish? - 1883
Unicorn Yard (PH) - St. Stephen's Street to St. Stephen's Back Street
St. Stephen - 1851, 1883

V   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Valentine Square - Wellington Lane
parish? - 1883
Velentine's Yard - Ten Bells Lane
St. Swithin - 1851

W   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Wade's Court/Yard - Bank Street (between 6 & 8)
St. Michael at Plea - 1851, 1883, 1896, 1900, 1933
Wade's Court - St. Stephen's Street (north side, between 46 & 48)
St. Stephen - 1933
Waggon & Horses Yard (PH) - Coslany Street (west side, near 15)
St. Michael Coslany - 1881, 1883, 1933
Waggon & Horses Yard (PH) - Tombland
St. George Tombland - 1881
Waites Court - Upper Goat Lane
St. Gregory - 1851
Waites Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1881
Wales Square - Prince of Wales Road (north side, between 58 & 60)
parish? - 1933
Wales Yard - Pump Street
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1851
Wales' Buildings - St. Augustine's Street
St. Augustine and St. Clement - 1845
Waller's Yard - Peacock Street (east side, near 33)
parish? - 1933
Ward's Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Warner's Yard - Upper Goat Lane (west side, between 12 & 14)
parish? - 1933
Watchman's Yard (PH?) - Heigham Street
parish? - 1883
Watehams Yard - location?
St. Benedict - 1851
Waterman Yard (PH) - King Street (west side, between 142 & 148)
St. Julian - 1851, 1883, 1933
Waterman Yard (PH) - Lower Westwick Street (north side)
St. Margaret - 1883, 1885
Watson's Court - King Street (west side)(not same as Watson's Yard)
parish? - 1883
Watson's Yard - Ber Street (east side, between 122 & 124)
parish? - 1933
Watson's Yard - Distillery Street (near 48)
parish? - 1933
Watson's Yard - King Street (east side)
St. Peter Parmentergate (per Mountergate) - 1851, 1883
Watson's Yard - King Street (west side)(not same as Watson's Court)
parish? - 1883
Watt's Court - Bethel Street to Chapelfield North (south side, between 55 & 57)
St. Giles - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1883, 1933
Webb's Yard - Magdalen Street (west side, 142 & 144)
St. Paul - 1881, 1883, 1933
Websdale's Court - Bedford Street (between 15 & 17)
St. Andrew - 1883, 1933
Websdale's Yard - King Street (east side)
St. Julian - 1881, 1883
Webster's Court - Peacock Street (west side, between 4 & 18)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Webster's Yard - Bedford Street (probably the same as Websdale's Court)
St. Andrew - 1851
Weeds' Square - Bishop Bridge Road (near Gas Hill)
Thorpe Hamlet - 1883, 1885
Wellington Square - Wellington Lane to Pottergate (named after the lane, not the PH)
St. Giles - 1851, 1885
West Yard - location?
St. George Colegate - 1851
Weston's Square - Heigham Street (south side, near 7)
parish? - 1933
Wheatsheaf Yard (PH) - St. Stephen's east side (between 51 & 53)
St. Stephen - 1851, 1883, 1933
Wheeler's Court - City Road (west side, between 2 & 24)
parish? - 1933
Whip & Nag Yard (PH) - Pitt Street
St. Mary Coslany - 1851, 1881
White Entry Yard - Bull Close (east side, between 7 & 27)
parish? - 1883, 1933
White Hart Yard (PH) - Ber Street (east side, behind 6)
St. John Timberhill - 1851, 1883, 1933
White Horse Yard - location? (aka Sayers Place)
St. Stephen - 1851
White Horse Yard (PH)(Little) - Botolph Street (north side, near 21)
St. Saviour - 1881, 1933
White Horse Yard (PH) - Barrack Street (south side, between 114 & 118 or 149 & 171)
St. James (Pockthorpe) - 1851, 1883, 1896, 1933
White Horse Yard (PH) - Botolph Street to Magdalen Street
St. Saviour - 1933
White Horse Yard - Botolph Street
St. Saviour - 1851
White Lion Inn Yard - location?
St. Benedict - 1851
White Lion Lion Yard (Little) - location?
St. Benedict - 1851
White Lion Yard - location?
St. Martin at Oak - 1851
White Lion Yard (PH)(Little) - St. Benedict's Street (south side, between 108 & 110)
parish? - 1883, 1933
White Lion Yard (PH) - Magdalen Street (east side, between 135 & 137)
parish? - 1881, 1883, 1933
White Lion Yard (PH) - Oak Street (west side, behind 73)
parish? - 1883, 1933
White Lion Yard (PH) - St. Benedict's Street (south side, between 104 & 106)
parish? - 1883, 1933
White's Court - Upper Goat Lane
parish? - St Gregory
White's Yard - location?
St. Michael at Thorn - 1851
Whitening Yard - location?
St. Michael at Thorn - 1851
Whiting's Yard/Court - Magdalen Street (west side, between 150 & 152)
St. Paul - 1881, 1933
Wickham's Yard - King Street (east side, 191 & 197)
St. Julian - 1851, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1933
Wickham's Yard - Rosary Road (east side, 93 & 95)
parish? - 1933
Wigg's Yard - location?
St. Edmund - 1851
Wilde's Buildings/Yard - Scoles Green (near 4)
St. John Timberhill - 1845, 1933
Wiley's Yard - location?
St. Mary Coslany - 1851
Willett's Court - Ten Bells Lane (east side, 4 & 6)
parish? - 1933
Windmill Alley/Lane (PH) - Ber Street (east side, near 24)
St. Michael at Thorn - 1851, 1883
Wine Coopers' Arms Yard/Square (PH) - St. Augustine's Street (west side, between 30 & 32)
St. Augustine - 1883, 1933
Winter's Yard - location?
St. John Timberhill - 1851
Winter's Yard - Pitt Street (west side, near 84)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Wiseman's Yard - Muspole Street
St. Mary Coslany - 1845, 1851, 1854, 1881, 1883
Wood's Yard - Albermarle Street
St. Stephen - 1881
Wood's Yard - Mariner's Lane
parish? - 1883
Wooden Entry Yard - Pottergate (between 32 & 40)
St. Lawrence - 1854, 1933
Woodhouse Yard - Finklegate (near 7)
parish? - 1933
Woodrows Yard - location?
St. Michael Coslany - 1851
Woods' Yard - location?
St. John Sepulchre - 1851
Woolcombers' Arms Yard (PH) - Magdalen Street (east side, between 77 & 79)
St. Saviour - 1851, 1933
Woolpack Yard - location?
St. John Timberhill - 1851
Woolpack Yard (PH) - Botolph Street
St. Saviour - 1851, 1854
Woolpack Yard (PH) - Colegate (north side)
St. George Colegate - 1851, 1883
Woolpack Yard/Thoroughfare (PH) - Golden Ball Street (between 7 & 9)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Wounded Hart Lane - St. Peter's Street
St. Peter Mancroft - 1845
Wrestler's Yard (PH) - St. James' Street (north side, between 21 & 29 or 44 & 48 also 29 & 35 or 48 & 56)
St. James - 1883, 1896, 1933
Wright's Buildings - West Pottergate (south side, between 80 & 82)
Heigham - 1845, 1933
Wright's Court - location?
St. Gregory - 1851
Wright's Court - Elm Hill (south side, near 37)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Wright's Foundry Yard - Muspole Street (between 25 & 31)
parish? - 1883, 1933
Wright's Yard - location?
St. Julian - 1851
Wright's Yard - location?
St. Lawrence - 1851
Wright's Yard - Ber Street (west side, between 153 & 167)
St. John Sepulchre - 1881, 1883, 1933

Y   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Yard Oppisite (sic) Church - Timberhill (probably the yard beside the Red House PH)
St. John Timberhill - 1851
Yard - Julian Street
Heigham - 1851
Yard - Upper Goat Lane
St. Gregory - 1851
Yard - West Pottergate
Heigham - 1851
Yarmouth Bridge Yard (PH) - Red Lion Street
St. Stephen - 1851
Yarrington Court - Wensum Street
parish? - 1854
Yeast Yard (Old) - Muspole Street (between 8 & 18)
St. George Colegate - 1851, 1881, 1933
Youell's Opening - Hall Road (east side, between 27 & 37, behind Freemasons' Arms PH)
parish? - 1885, 1933

Z   Top   Index   Key   Variations:   Yards   Streets

Zipfel's Court - Magdalen Street (east side, between 111 & 113)
parish? - 1933

Key   Top

Yard Naming Variations:

"... Yard" - (error in LDS 1881 Census CD) see Self's Yard
Abb or Abbss - See Abb's
Adelaide or Adeliade - see Queen Adalaide
Amiss - see Armis
Ane Buildings - see Lewis's Yard
Ann - see Queen Ann
Arches Yard - see Archer's Yard
Atkinson - see Newbiggin
Bantam - see Benton
Banton - see Benton
Back of the Walls - see also Under the Walls
Baker (Rosemary Lane) - see Barker's Yard
Barleycorn - see Sir John Barleycorn
Barrack - see also Little Barrack
Baxter's Garden - King Street west side (May not be near Baxter Court)
Bears Yard - see Bear Yard
Beckworth - see Beckwith
Bee Hive - see Beehive
Bennet or Benet - see Bennett
Big Eagle Yard - Eagle Yard
Black Bay or Black Bays - Black Boys
Black Boy or Blackboy - Black Boys
Black Swam - see Black Swan
Blackly, Blakly or Blakley - see Blakeley
Body or Bodys - see Boddy's
Breadfield - see Bradfield
Brett's Boat Yard - see Holl's Yard
Brewers' Yard - see Two Brewers' Yard
Brook's Yard/Court, Ber Street - see Ratcatchers Yard
Brownes, Browne's - not necessarily the same as Browns or Brown's
Buck's Yard - yard named after either Mr. Buck or the (Old) Buck Inn
Bushell - see Bushel (Inn)
Bussy - see Bussey's
Carey's Boat Yard - see Little Buck Yard
Caroline Yard - see Queen Caroline Yard
Castle - see Key & Castle
Cattermaul - see Cattermoul
Cattermole - see Cattermoul
Caux - see De Caux
Chanty - see Chantry
Cherry - see Cherry Tree
Chiccrell - see Chickerell
Chickering - see Chickerell
Chittick - see Chittock
Clement - see also St. Clement
Cock & House, Cockinghouse or Cockhouse - see Cock House
Cock & Pye - see Cock & Pie
Cock & Magpie - see Cock & Pie
Coggles - see Cockells
Colman - see Coleman
Cooke - see Cook
Cooper's - see also Wine Coopers' Yard
Commerce - see Sons of Commerce
Cronn - see Crown
Crockadile - see Crocodile
Curriers Arms Yard - see Lock's Court
Cut (The) - see Patterson's Cut
Dark Enrty - see Dark Entry
Deal Yard - see Dial Yard
Doman's Buildings - part of Houghton's Yard
Dun Cow, Barrack Street - see Red Cow, Barrack Street
Eley - see Ely
Ephant - see Elephant
Factory - see Crape Factory &/or St. James' Factory
Ferry - see Ferry Boat
Flickered Bull - see Flecked Bull
Flowerpot - see Flower Pot
Foundry Yard - see St. Mary's Foundry Yard or Wright's Foundry Yard
Fountain - see also Old Fountain
Gey or Geys - see Gay or Gay's
George - see King George
George IV - see King George the Fourth
Gilden Court - see Gildencroft
Godolphin - see Arabian Horse
Goose - see Fox & Goose
Gransby - see Granby
Great Arabian Horse - see Arabian Horse
Great White Lion Yard - see White Lion Yard
Great White Horse - see White Horse Yard
Grout's Court - see Grout's Thoroughfare
Harpley - See Hartley
Hawker's - see Hawke's
Horseshoes Yard - see College Court
Haywar, Heyward or Heywood - see Hayward
Hind - see Hindes
Infant School Yard - see School Yard (Barrack Street)
Key or Keys - see Lock & Key or Cross Keys
La Neve - see Le Neve
Lewess - see Lewis
Light Horse - see Light Horseman or Light Dragoon
Lion - see Red Lion or White Lion
Mill Yard - see New Mills Yard
Minn's Court - formerly Patterson's/Pattison's Yard
Model School Yard - see National School Yard (Princes Street)
Molet or Mollet - see Mollett
Monument - see Nelson's Monument
Mounsear - see Mountsear
Mountseer's - see also Mouser's
Mouser's - see also Mountseer's or Mountsear's
Nashes - see Nash's
Noris - see Noriss
Obeys, Obees - see Oby's
Old Barge - see Barge
Old Cat & Fiddle - not necessarily the same as Cat & Fiddle
Old Crown - see Crown Yard
Old Raven Yard - see Raven Yard
Osbornes, osborn's - see Osborne's
Peacok - see Peacock
Palace Yard - see St. James' Palace Yard
Pattison's or Patteson's Yard - became Minn's Court
Patterson's Yard - became Minn's Court
Peek - see Peak
Pipeburners - see Pipe Burner's
Rackham's Court/Yard - see St. Peter's Court
Red Cow Yard, Cow Hill - see Cow Yard, Cow Hill, also Barrack Street
Reed's - see Reeve's
Right Ringer's - directory error, should be Eight Ringer's
Roach's - see Roache's
Rumpt Horse - see Rampant Horse
Sawmill - see Saw Mill
School Yard - maybe Model, National, Infant, Ragged, Bluecoat or St. Lawrence School Yards
Shark Inn Yard - census error, should be Star Inn Yard
Southern - see Southeron
St. Mary's Foundry Yard - see Wright's Foundry Yard
Sutzer - see Sultzer
Shl Mutton, Shld Mtn, etc - Shoulder of Mutton
The Cut - see Patterson's Cut
Thorofare - see Thoroughfare
Tigar - see Tiger
Tuns - see Three Tuns
Tunns - see Tuns or Three Tuns
Turreles - see Turrell's
Two Brewery - see Two Brewers
Tyrrell - see Turrell
Upper Yard - see Gent's Yard
Wardes - see Wade's
Wall's Court - directory error, should be Watt's Court
Wheat Sheaf - see Wheatsheaf
Wellington - see Duke of Wellington
Whip & Egg - see Whip & Nag
Wood Entry - see Wooden Entry
Wordingham's Buildings - part of Turrell's Yard
Wounded Heart - see Wounded Hart
Yard (on it's own) - decide from street and parish
Zippels - see Zipfel's

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Street Naming Variations:

Barrack Street (western part only)
also known as St. James' Street
Bridge Street
see St. George or St. Miles (Michael)
Broad Street
see St. Andrew's or St. Giles
Chapel Street in St. Stephen's Parish (extended)
became Essex Street
Conisford, (Connesford, etc.) Street
King Street
Coslany Bridge
see St. Miles' Bridge
Coslany Court
see Chequer's Yard
Coslany Street
southern extension of Oak Street
Fishgate (Street)
also known as Fishergate (Street)
Lower Conisford
not necessarily the same as Lower King Street
Lower Market
Gentleman's Walk or The Walk
Lower Westwick Street
Westwick Street
Middle Street
northern part of St. Georges' Street
Oak Street
also known as St. Martin's at Oak Street or St. Martin's Street
Soutergate (Street)
part of Colegate (Street)
Southgate Street
see Soutergate (Street) or maybe south end of King Street
St. Andrews' Broad Street
part of St. Andrews' Street
St. Benedict's Street
also known as Upper Westwick Street
St. Georges' Bridge Street
southern part of St. Georges' Street
St. Giles' Broad Street
part of St. Giles' Street
St. James' Street
western part Barrack Street
St. Martin's (at Oak) Street
see Oak Street
St. Martin's Road
extension of Oak Street beyond the city gates
St. Michael's
see St. Mile's
St. Mile's (Michael's) Bridge Street
southern part of Coslany Street
St. Stephen's Plain
sometimes included as part of Red Lion Street
Tooley Street
part of Pitt Street
Upper Conisford Street
usually King Street, sometimes Lower King Street
Upper King Street
northern end of King Street adjoining Tombland
Upper Market
St. Peter's Street
Upper Westwick Street
also known as St. Benedict's Street
Westwick Street
maybe Upper or (more probably) Lower Westwick Street

See also the Norwich parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
September 2002