
East Surrey FHS Virtual Fair is on Sat 25 Jan with morning and afternoon sessions (GMT). It is free with a good range of societies participating and we will be there in a GENUKI room. So if you want to see some of us or have any questions please go to the link, sign up for the zoom meeting and join us.

Norfolk: Starston - 1804-1806 - Overseers' Payments


Starston raised money at various times, to either support its poor (from the Overseers' Rate) or to pay for other parish expenses (from the Churchwardens' Rate). This rate was levied on the occupiers (who may not have owned the land) and based upon the value of the property (which was usually a rental valuation). Both occupiers and owners are found living in and outside the parish.

For more information on these records see the Parish Accounts page.

This Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference PD 119/110 and microform MF1405/12] contains the Overseers' accounts (1779-1806) and from these have been extracted payments to the poor from Easter 1804 to Michaelmas 1806.
Note that only extracts have been transcribed but this includes most items which mention surnames. Many people had weekly and other handouts as per the 1807 payments (see link below) and have been excluded here.

Other accounts available

- Churchwardens' Accounts - 
- Overseers' Accounts - 


[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

Disbursements of Mr Lingwood Overseer from Easter 1804 to Michaelmas 1804 being 27 Weeks.

John Bird (of) Harleston
Dr Taylors bill
Mrs Davys bill
Mr Westgate for Cloth
Recd of J Lincoln for his child 25 Weeks at 1/3 per week
Recd of Jas Sillett 25 Weeks at 1/3 per week
Recd of Constable 25 Weeks at 1/6 per week
Pd J Walne for an Alarm Flag
had of Mrs Poole £2/12/6

The Disbursements of Jno Theobald Overseer from Oct 10th 1804 to Easter following (ie. 1805).

To Barbers Wife for army service £1/10/-
Dr Strowger
Overseer of Southminister for Wid Reeve £15/1/4½

The Disbursements of Thurston Chalker serving Overseer from Michaelmas 1805 to Easter 1806 being 25 Weeks.

Pd Thomas Cooper in illness
Burying Wm Bunn omitted
Repairing Wm Hewetts stockings
Pd Elizabeth Lock in Pregnancy
Pd Young Gobbett in Lameness
Pd George Titlows poor rates
Dec 9 - to Carting Bricks for Parrish House
Pd Mr Lingwood for 2 Ch(al)dron Coals carting
Pd Wd Bunn in Childbed
Pd Jno Walne for Carting 2 Chd of Coals
T Aggas for burying Richd Page
Pd Quarterage money £3/0/8
Midwife for Eliz Self
Eliz Self in Childbed
Boy Bird out of Work
the Examination and warren(t) of Martha Bird
attending the sitting and expence to Yarmouth after Davy
Examination of Wm Taylor
for certificate for Asaac Adams
Amma Alger in need
Examination of E Self
sweeping the Town House chimney 2/-
Feb 26 - bandages for Cattermoles leg 2/-
Mr Westgate for Roberts Coals
John Adams (of) Pulham in Need
Wm Neave for Carting Coals
T Hart for 4 Chd of Coals Carting
J Theobald for 3 Chd of Coals Carting
pair of Pattens for R Howards Girl
J Walne for carting Bricks
J Kyberd for his cart
Coal bill per Mann
Coal bill per Kerrison
Coal bill per Dowson
Carpenters Bill
Publicans Bill
Drapers Bill per Coleby
Drapers Bill per Poole
Breeches makers bill
Hosiers bill per Davy
Shoe makers bill per Habberton
Taylors bill per Wake
Taylors bill per Allured
for an Iron for Town House
Pd Wm Rodwells bill
Pd John Theobald for Brick
to the Treasury Wm Neave sub(stitute)
[a similar payment went to Treasurer at Norwich for same]
Recd Thos Foster Heatherset
Recd for Richd Pages things sold
Pd to Southminister for Wd Reeve

The Disbursements of Wm Cole serving Overseer from Easter 1806 to Michaelmas 1806 being 27 Weeks.

Pd Wm Neave substitute
Pd Jas Browns substitute 13 weeks
Pd Mr Westgate his bill for hemp Cloth
Drapers bill Mr Coleby
Mr Land Breeches makers Bill
for sarving out Coals
Mr Manns Bill Coal
Mr Kerrisons Bill Coal
the Thos Cooper Rent
Pd Wm Fisk for Silletts Child
Pd Mr Doughty pair of shoes for Boy Bird
Pd Survey one penny Rate



[End of Document]


  • Heatherset is Hetherset.

See also the Starston parish page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
September 2008