
Norfolk: Starston - 1747 - Overseers' Rate


Starston raised money at various times, to either support its poor (from the Overseers' Rate) or to pay for other parish expenses (from the Churchwardens' Rate). This rate was levied on the occupiers (who may not have owned the land) and based upon the value of the property (which was usually a rental valuation). Both occupiers and owners are found living in and outside the parish.

For more information on these records see the Parish Accounts page.

This is one item from Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference PD 119/129 and microform MF1406/7] and is the Overseers' Rate for 1747. It is part of a series containing various years from 1747 onwards. This document also includes other information about rents and amounts payable.
Note that there is another document with the reference PD 119/128 containing the Poor Rate for 1747 (amongst other years).

Other accounts available

- Churchwardens' Accounts - 
- Overseers' Accounts - 


The next pages have been given numbers (not present on the original) to illustrate the layout in the original book. Some lines on Page 1 appear to refer to entries on Page 2. To show how these line up an extra column has been added to both pages to indicate the approximate layout.

The same applies to Pages 3 and 4 and also 5 and 6.

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

[Page 1]

The duplicate of a Terrar as delivered in at a Visitation of Bishop Bakers is lodg'd in a box wth Mr Arrowsmith's Writings.

 L s
 rent 22.00.00 Mr Moor to pay 2.15.0
12Bottereds farm hir(e)d by Houchin to pay 5:15:0 } 46 -.-
 Quan whether it bin't 50 & an 6:5:0 } 23 -.-
 Mem: Mrs Moss's farm 23 by ye Parish rates &
 let at 30 pd per an: 04.-.-
 Mem: Brewster pays 32 pds per an to ye 32.-.-
 Parish rate 4.0.0         _t by ye Parish Rate
 22.-.-     2.15.0
 Tubbys? farm let to Sallers
 N.B. Houchin pays 50 pd per an

[Note - Some of above "to pay" are calculated at 2s/6d per £ eg. 22 * 2/6 = 44+11=55s = £2 15s ]

Figures above of form 22.-.- and 22:00:0 appear to mean money ie. £ s d and "an" ="annum".

[Page 2]

[Line] £sd
1The Tithes of Starston as left by Dr Williams
2Mr John Moore rent of Glebe30  0  0
3tithes14  0  0
4Mr Thomas Manning  612  6
5Benjamin Green1016  -
6Mr John Tuttle for his own Lands }  210  -
7for ye Duke of Norfolks }  -  7  -
8Robt Barker for Mrs Gibson's farm }  5  -  -
9for Lands late Tubbys }  110  -
10Barret  -14  -
11Mr Francis Bottered paid by J Seagon  117  6
12John Seagon for Pelhams farm }  2  5  -
13for Bottered's }  410  -
14for Mrs Moss's }  210  -
15Ricd Brewster for his mother  -  8  -
16for Sarah Gowers farm  3  4  -
17Widow Dixon of Rednall  2  4  -

19 8718  -

[Page 3]

7N.B. I am told yr 55 or 50
 pds per an: lies in Starston 37.00.00
10---s farm a new Tennant to pay 6.15.0 54.00.00
14a new Tennant next year Wm Crow 28:00:00

[Page 4]

[Line] £sd
1James Pearse  -  5  -
2Revens Pearce of Shelton  110  -
3Mr Saml Gibbs of Pulham  -16  -
4for a piece of Glebe  -  3  -
5John Goodwin  2  -  -
6Lewis Cock  -16  -
7Jer: Gobbit  -  2  6
8John Syrett  3  -  -
9for a piece of Glebe  -  3  4
10Henry Richards  5  -  -
11Francis Richards of Shelton  1  1  -
12John Ward  -14  -
13Mr John Whiting  210  -
14Daniel Preston  210  -
15Jonas Moore  315  -
16J. Laws late Evans's  -  8  -
17Jer Ollyot  -  2  -


[Page 5]

3John Jackson Mrs Rowse's farm let to
 Colby at 45:00.00 per an: 5:12:6 66:00:00
 Mr Long's farm let to Fisk at
 24:00:00 per an 3.0.0
15hires of Mr Bosworth 28 pds
 x of Rotheram 17 pds

[Page 6]

[Line] £sd
1Simon Hayle of Needham  2  7  6
2John Houchin Tennison's farm  3  4  -
3{ John Jackson for Mrs Rowse's farm  318  -
4{ & for Mr Long's farm late Sam Fuller's  116  6
5{ & for a piece of Glebe  -  3  6
6John Lincoln  -  2  6
7Mr Richard Page  1  5  -
8Mr John Cotten  412  -
9James Roberts  -12  -
10Mat. Rose of Shelton for highfield farm  214  -
11Saml Tubby  -16  -
12Henry Brabon  -  8  -
13{ Daniel Creyk  -10  -
14{ & for ye Church Yard  -12  -
15x Edmd Colby  314  -
16Robt Saunders  -10  -
17Wm Barns  -  8  -
18James Roberts  -12  -
19Wm Bunn for ground rent of ye Alehouse  -  2  -
20John Carter of Pulham  -16  -

  2913  -


Annual Deductions£sd
Land Tax at 4s1012  -
Window Tax  1  7  0
Procurations & Synodals  -  911½
In exchange for glebe wth Waldegrave
Pelham Esq
  2  -  -
Pension to Mendham Priory to Mr
Bransby for Mrs Whitacre
  -  3  4
Tenths  110  -
Poor Rate com: an:  118  8
Add Exhitio_? Orders & rent to
ye Rectory of Pulham for a piece
of his glebe occupied by Mr Moor
  -  6  8

 18  7  7


Poor Rate of Starston made April 7th 1747 by Mr Daniel Creak Overseer at 5d per pd
[Names only given - amounts paid are on original]

Thomas Manning Gent
John Tuthill Gent
& for land belonging to ye Duke of Norfolk
{ John Moore
( & for ye Glebe
John Cotton
Richard Page
Daniel Creak
Benj. Green
John Syrett
John Whiting
{ John Seagon
{ & for Mr Pelham's Lands
{ & for Mr Bottered
{ & for Mr Moss's
Henry Richards
{Robert Barker
{ & for Mr Tubbys Lands
{ Edmund Colby
{ & for Mr Rederham's Lands
John Houchin
Richard Brewster
Widow Brewster
Thomas Evans
Daniel Preston
Henry Brabon
Lewis Cock
Robert Saunders
Wm Barnes
James Pearse
James Roberts
*[William Barns]*
Jerem: Gobbett
John Goodwing
Jeremy Ollyot
John Kemp
John Lincoln
Jonas Moor
Out Setters
Francis Richards
Samuel Gibbs
*[Stephen]* Revens Pearse
Samuel Tubby
Simon Hale
John Jackson for Mr Rowse's Land
& for Mr Longs
Widow Dixon
Robert Barret
John Ward
John Barns for Wil: Laws
John Carter
Mat: Rose



[End of Document]


  • Rednall is probably Redenhall.
  • The following may be alternative spellings when comparing the above list to other parish documents.
    • Goodwing/Goodwin, Ollyot/Olyett
  • Entries enclosed by "*[" and "]*" were crossed out.

See also the Starston parish page.

These pages are for personal use only. They may not be copied, and the links within them may not be harvested for use on your own web pages. Please see the Copyright Notice.

Copyright © Mike Bristow.
September 2008