
Norfolk: Lookups in One Name Studies


The people below have collected information about surnames that is far more extensive than their own familes, and they are happy to share their information. The resources offered here relate to Norfolk.

See also the Guild of One Name Studies.
For lookups in censuses, directories and parish records, see the Norfolk Lookup Exchange.

Composing your Query

Please send one query per email message, say which surname and which resource that your query refers to, and say that you found the volunteer's name on the Genuki Norfolk One Name Surname Studies Page. Remember that you may not get an immediate reply, as people may be on holiday, have family commitments, etc.

Queries should not require extensive research, and the volunteers will judge how much work is needed to answer each one. They may reply that they cannot help, and that you need to employ a researcher. It is a private matter between you and the volunteer if you decide to employ him or her.

Sending your Thanks

The volunteers appreciate it if you acknowledge receipt of the information that they send to you. Whether your request was for a simple lookup, or for something more extensive, please remember to thank them.

Joining the Volunteers

More people are always welcome to join the volunteers.

If you have collected all occurrences of a surname from a parish register, or the GRO indexes, or a census, or indexes of wills, etc, and are happy to share this research, please contact me. Remember that your resources must include Norfolk.

Please send:

  • Surname
  • Spelling variations included, if any
  • Resource
  • Years covered
  • Location
  • Your name and email address.
  • Address of the web page, if the information is online.

For examples, please see the list below.

Copyright © Pat Newby
November 2009

Lookups in One Name Surname Studies

Audrey has a database for the surnames COXALL and RAWLIN(G) and all their variations for the King's Lynn parish. It includes St Margaret's Church and the chapel of St. Nicholas. A lot of this is on FreeREG but not all. She has also attempted to put the data into a chart format to identify families. She also has the COXALL entries for St James workhouse. Audrey Fawn
Historically the Guyton/Gyton name was concentrated in Norfolk and the north-east corner of Suffolk but the one-name study covers the name throughout the world. The study is registered with the Guild of One Name Studies and covers all periods and sources of information nationally and internationally. David F Guyton
Extensive data from many sources, including censuses for 1841-1901, parish registers and other records, GRO indexes (births, marriages and deaths), wills, administrations, hearth taxes, etc. About 6000 records of HERRINGs in Norfolk. Lillian Dorsey
GRO indexes (marriages 1861-1877, deaths 1869-1890) for all of England and Wales. Pat Newby
Extracts for baptism, marriage and burials from parish registers, ATs, GRO indexes (births, marriages and deaths) - all Norfolk entries 1837-1900 at the moment. Various extracted details from other sources, approx 10,000 entries relating to those in Norfolk and their descendents who migrated around the world. Geoff Lowe
Parish registers, GRO indexes and censuses. Susan Doyle
GRO indexes (births, marriages and deaths), 1837-1899, covering all of England except Yorkshire, Northumberland and Durham. Sharyn Seaboryne
Robert Sterry is doing a worldwide One-Name Study, which includes the name in Norfolk. His web site STERRY WORLDWIDE includes extracts from parish registers, Bishops' Transcripts, the GRO indexes and the IGI.
The Turner Family of Mulbarton and Great Yarmouth, 1547-1906. [Privately printed book, 1907]. Sylvia Dibbs