WHITTINGTON: Geographical and Historical information from the year 1824.
"WHITTINGTON, a parish in the upper division of the hundred of Oswestry, a rectory remaining in charge, in the diocese of St. Asaph, and the deanery of Marchia. 273 houses, 1,749 inhabitants. 3 miles north-east of Oswestry.
It is the opinion of learned antiquaries that this was the place so famed by the name of Drev-wen, or the White Town, by the illustrious Welsh poet Lowarch Hen, who lived in the year 590. He says that a prince of his country named Cynnddylan was defeated and fell here, in opposing the progress of the Irish who had invaded the country. This ancient bard expresses the rage of the battle in so energetick a manner, that if we should attempt to describe it, we should fall far short of the original: we shall therefore content ourselves with quoting his own words.
" Y * Drev uen yin mron y hoed
" Yseu yn y hervas eiryoed " A uyneb y guelht y guaed
" Y Drev uen yn yd hymyr
" Y hervas y-Llas vyver
" Y guared ydan draed y gwyr."
* The Welsh call it Dre Wen to this day.
In the time of Roderick the Great, king of all Wales, A.D. 843, Ynyr ap Cadfarch, a British nobleman, built the castle of Whittington; in which he was succeeded by his son Tudor Trevor, who though possessed of many palaces, with rich and extensive domains, made this his chief residence. By right of his father he obtained the lordship of both Maelors, Whittington, Chirk, Oswestry, Ewais, and Urchenfield; and by right of his mother Rhiengar, the earldom of Hereford. His mother was grand-daughter to Caradoc Freichfas, who fell in the field of battle at Rhuddlan, A.D. 795, gloriously maintaining the cause of the Britons against their Pagan invaders, the Saxons.
The descendants of Tudor continued possessed of the Castle for several generations; and many families both in this neighbourhood and North Wales, boast their origin from him.
At the conquest, A.D. 1060, Whittington became the property of Pain Peverel, who having no issue, it was seized on his decease by Roger earl of Shrewsbury. This place was called in Doomsday Book, Wititone; and consisted at that time of eight corn farms, twelve ox- stalls, and a very extensive wood; the cows yielded five shillings per annum, and all Welsh residents were obliged to pay twenty shillings rent among them.
The castle and lordship of Whittington next passed into the hands of Hugh, and afterwards of his brother Robert, sons of the late earl of Shrewsbury. Upon the defeat and forfeiture of Robert by Henry the first, it was restored to the Peverels in the person of Sir William, a sister's son of Pain Peverel. This Sir William is famed in history for his noble and valiant enterprizes, in one of which it is stated that he was mortally wounded, but was miraculously recovered by eating part of a wild boar; and that to testify his gratitude to Heaven for his preservation he built three churches.
A.D. 1083. He had two daughters, the younger of whom was named Mellet; she with the spirit of an Amazon, resolved to wed no one but the knight of most consummate valour. Her father published this declaration, and promised the castle of Whittington as her dower. Several distinguished combatants assembled at Peverel's place in the Peak, Derbyshire, to contend for the fair prize; among whom were, a eon of the king of Scotland, Baron Burgoyne, and a noble Lorrainer, Guarine De Metz, (sheriff of Shropshire and chief counsellor to the earl of Shrewsbury;) the latter came with a shield of silver, and a proud peacock upon his crest; and having overthrown his rivals, obtained the beautiful Mellet.
As chivalry was the greatest accomplishment in these times, the progeny of this famed couple could hardly avoid being eminently distinguished by feats of arms, and the consequence was, that their names occupied very great portions in romances both at home and abroad.
We must not forget to state, that Guarine De Metz was a great benefactor to the Monks: one remarkable instance of which is this: after a conflict with the Welsh, led by their prince Jorwerth, (in which action the latter was discomfited with all his host) our hero founded the New Abbey, better known by the name of Alberbury.
The posterity of this great man for nine generations assumed the Christian name of Fulk; they continued possessed of the castle from the end of the reign of Henry the first, till the time of Henry the eighth, a period of near four hundred years. Their common name was Fitz-Gwarine. Mr. Dovaston in his poem, thus expresses himself on this subject:-
" Sires were his from days of yore, " Who all the same distinction bore, " Of title and of name; " A name that valour's blazon'd blade, " In feats of chivalry had made, " The favourite of fame."
Guarine De Metz died in the reign of Henry the first, at Alberbury, where he was interred; his wife and his son Fulk Fitz- Gwarine being present on the occasion.
Fulk Fitz-Gwarine became desperately enamoured of Hawys, daughter of Sir Joos, of Normandy, who had been appointed guardian of the hero in question. Fitz-Gwarine observing Hawys to be frequently in great sorrow, desired to know the cause of it, and was informed that it proceeded from the dangerous situation of her father, who was at that time in the hands of Walter Lacy, and Sir Arnold de Lis, two of his inveterate enemies. Upon hearing this, Fulk resolved to rescue him, and setting off immediately, arrived just in time to save the head of Joos from the fatal stroke that would instantly have severed it from the body. The consequences were that Lacy and Arnold were taken prisoners and confined in Ludlow castle; Joos was rescued from a most perilous situation, and to crown all, Fulk and Hawys were united, and harmony again reigned in both families.
A.D. 1122, Fulk Fitz-Gwarine acted in all his enterprizes with such vigour, capacity and celerity, that Henry the first, knighted him, made him steward of his house, and conferred on him the arduous office of Lieutenant of the Marches; it was this that gave him the name of Fulco, or Fulk, signifying Lieutenant. In this department his sword did not long remain undrawn; the Cambrian Prince, Gryffydd ap Cynan, according to the practice of his countrymen, made a descent upon the lordship of Whittington, and the surrounding country. These incursions were made so frequently, and attended with effects so pernicious, that the power of the Lords Marchers was often necessary to repel them. In the present instance Fitz- Gwarine conducted himself with uncommon valour, wounded the Welsh King in the shoulder, and completely routed his army. The Welsh however returned soon after, drove Fulk from the castle of Whittington, and gained possession of the lordship; and it appears from a peace made by Henry the second, with Owen Gwynedd, the succeeding prince of Wales, that it was kept by the latter, and bestowed on one of his favourites, of the name of Roger; Fulk had the manor of Alston, in Gloucestershire, as a recompence.
It is recorded that Fulk Fitz-Gwarine, and John son to Henry the second, afterwards King John, were playing at chess together, when it happened that they disagreed, and the prince gave Fulk a severe blow on the head with the board, which the latter returned in so violent a manner, as almost to kill the young prince: a circumstance, which would not have been much to be regretted, but for the consideration of the Magna Charta afterwards obtained from him.
Mr. Dovaston in speaking of the noble actions of Fitz-Gwarine, mentions Fulk and John's quarrel in the following manner:-
" Enough to name our last affray, " The prince his temper lost at play, " The chess-board swung with coward sway, " And hurl'd my head upon. " Ill could the wrong my bosom brook, " I sent him first a furious look, " Then firm with knuckles clench'd I strook, " The pate of royal John."
Fulk Fitz-Gwarine was succeeded by his son, who bore the same name. He raised the glory and dignity of his family beyond any thing it had yet attained by numerous brave actions. At the time of his father's death, he was actively engaged in Lombardy, where he conducted himself with such ability and vigour, that King Richard the first, just before he went on the Crusades, made him Lord Marcher of Wales, an office that required all the exertion and capacity that could possibly exist in one man.
In the beginning of King John's reign, Whittington was in the hands of Maurice, brother to the person to whom Owen Gwynedd presented it. Fulk Fitz-Gwarine made application to John for this place, the ancient property and residence of his family; but Maurice by means of his opulence and welltimed presents had sufficient influence over the King, to retain the possessions he so much desired. Fitz-Gwarine, however, had a steady and judicious friend in one John of Raumpayne, a minstrel, whom he made his trusty spy over the conduct of Maurice at Whittington. In those times when men considered the sword a better instrument of revenge or defence, than the laws of their country, and when one Baron insulted another, a petty war frequently ensued between them, which was often attended with much bloodshed, and generally concluded with the demolition, or at least capture of the castle of one party by the other. In the battle between Fulk and Maurice, the latter was slain, and the King of Wales gave Fulk the castle of Whittington, by which it appears, that that prince espoused his cause. But the English King made Wrenoc (son of Maurice) Lord of Whittington, and sent privately to the prince of Wales to behead Fulk, who avoided the policy of King John by flying into France, under the assumed name of Sir Amice, a wandering knight. He was so admired by the French King for his honourable and chivalrous conduct, that that monarch offered him a barony of France, which Fulk politely declined.- By some means it happened that Lewis, the French King, discovered Fitz-Gwarine; upon which, the latter fled into Brittainy, where his deeds of chivalry were so applauded, that a celebrated French author collected and published them. The work was universally read by the chevaliers and ladies of that age. The title given to the English translation is, "THE GESTES OF GWARINE AND HIS SUNNES."
Fitz-Gwarine at length formed the resolution of leaving France, and returning to his own country. He accordingly embarked, and landed at Dover, with a full determination to see King John. For fear of discovery, Fulk exchanged clothes with a peasant, and in this habit, attended by his brothers and other followers who had gone with him to France, and followed his fortunes home again, he repaired to Windsor forest, where he found the King hunting, and what was more advantageous to Fulk's purpose, John happened to be alone. The King asked Fulk whether he saw or could find any game ? who answered, that if be would come with him, he would have game in abundance. John was led to Fulk's brothers, and Fulk having the King in his power, menaced him severely for the treatment he (Fitz-Gwarine) had received from him; and obliged the captive King to grant to him the castle of Whittington, to which that pusillanimous monarch readily agreed.
The poem of Fitz-Gwarine, thus describes this subject.
" For woodman's garb I chang'd my cloak, " In Windsor's wood of ancient oak, " We found a safe retreat;' " The King I knew there chas'd the deer, " And with my faithful comrades there, " I conn'd a cunning feat, " One day the King alone appear'd, " When scarce the distant horn was heard " Our hiding place hard by; " And as across my way he came, " Know'st thou (quotb he) of any game? " Aye-game enough, (quoth I.) " Ride to you briery dingle rough " Trust me, I'll rouse ye game enough, " My bugle then I sounded, " My comrades heard the blast I blew, " Obey'd the signal that they knew, " And soon the King surrounded. " Cow'd was the King with speechless fear, " Yet stammer'd out, Who have we here? " I flung my bonnet from my brow, " Know'st thou (quoth I) Fitz-Gwarine now? " I took a sword and o'er him swung it, " And turning to my comrade class, " Open, (I cried,) and let him pass. " Now go, Sir King, in freedom go, " And copy courage from a foe. " I'll grant (he cried,) a pardon free, " Fitz-Gwarine unto thine and thee, " And I'll restore to thee anon " The franchise fair of Whittington."
John, however, disregarded his promise, for as soon as he arrived home, be sent fifteen knights after Folk, either to capture, or kill him. Fulk acted his part with such valour, that the knights were entirely discomfited, and their leader taken prisoner. Soon after this, John sent Randolph, earl of Chester, with a numerous retinue to take Fulk, but the latter fled to sea, on board a ship belonging to Madour of the Mount, a true friend of Fitz-Gwarine's.
While lying in the channel, Fulk observed a knight in disguise coming to kill him; but the courage of our hero did not forsake him on this occasion, for in the laudable act of self defence, he slew the concealed assassin, and sailed to Orkney. Here he released a damsel from captivity; and by some noble exploit, won his celebrated hauberk of hard steel, which with other ancient pieces of armour belonging to his family, hung till Cromwell's time in the church of Whittington.
The stay of Fitz-Gwarine at Orkney was short, for we soon after find him driven by tempests to the coast of Barbary. Upon his return to England he had the good fortune to obtain a pardon for himself and his followers, together with the restoration of Whittington castle, and all its appendages. John had indeed given this place to Wrenoc, but he held it for the service of being interpreter between the Welsh and English; and when the King gave Whittington to Fulk, Wrenoc had certain estates in the neighbourhood, given him in compensation.
The splendour in which Fitz-Gwarine lived is described by Mr. Dovaston in so striking a manner, that we cannot refrain from quoting his language.
" Other guests than yon lone bird, " And other musick here was beard, " In times of better days; " Festive revelry went round, " The board with blushing goblets crown'd, " And costly carpets clad the ground, " Where now yon cattle graze. " Days were those of splendour high, " Days of hospitality, " When to his rich domain " Welcom'd many a crested knight, " Welcom'd many a lady bright, " Fitz-Gwarine of Lorraine."
A.D. 1207. The next laudable action of Fitz-Gwarine, of which we have any authentick account, is his going on an expedition into Ireland, in the service of the English king. He behaved with such intrepidity and loyalty, that after his return to England, be received the title of THE GREAT: an appellation more frequently conferred an the destroyers of the human race, than on those who contribute to the real welfare of mankind, by their useful discoveries.
A.D. 1216, On the rebellion of the Barons against king John Fulk joined with them; for we find his name among the number that were excommunicated by the Pope, for extorting from John that firm basis of English liberty, called MAGNA CHARTA.
A.D. 1219. In the succeeding reign, viz. that of Henry III., Fitz- Gwarine procured a grant of his estates, to him and his heirs for ever; for which he gave the king two coursers, and two hundred and sixty-two pounds, an enormous sum in that age, and which gives us a high idea of the wealth of Fitz-Gwarine. The same monarch granted him the liberty of a fair on St. Luke's day, and a market on Wednesday, at Whittington; but on account of its proximity to Oswestry and Ellesmere, both market and fair are now quite lost. There were, however, fairs on the last Thursdays in April, July, and November, within the memory of several of the present inhabitants; but on account of insufficient attendance, they were discontinued. They consisted of horses, oxen, sheep and swine, which were in a great measure, furnished from the extensive common of Babin's wood: upon the inclosure of which, great part of the land that before had reared cattle, sheep, &c. was converted to arable purposes, and consequently the fairs were but ill supplied. This was the principal cause of the cessation of the fairs.
Strange, lord of Knockin, and possessor of the castle there, had several conflicts with Fitz-Gwarine, during the agitated reign of John. In some of these skirmishes they threw down, or considerably damaged each other's castle; for we find grants given by Henry III. to each of these Barons to repair and fortify them. Whittington castle was so completely fortified by Fitz-Gwarine, that we never after hear of its being taken from its possessors. Out of the refuse materials Fitz-Gwarine built a chapel which afterwards became the parish church.
On a tower in the gateway there was till very lately a figure on horseback, representing Fitz-Gwarine, painted in a coarse manner, under which were the following lines, alluding to his fortifying the castle.
" This was Sir Foulke Fitz-Warine, late a great and valiant knight, " Who kept the Britons still in awe and oft times put to flight; " He of this castle owner was, and kept it by command, " Of Henry late surnam'd the Third, then king of all this land. " His grandfather, a Lorrainer, by fame was much befriended, " Who Peverley's daughter took to wife, from whom this Fulk descended; " His ancient acts of chivalry, in annals are recorded, " Our king of England afterwards, him baron made and lorded."
Fulk Fitz-Gwarine had the misfortune to be stricken with blindness in his old age. He was buried in the porch of Whittington church; and his remains were found there in an oak coffin three inches thick, by digging a grave in the year 1796.
He had a daughter named Eva, who was second wife to Llewelyn, king of Wales. Fulk the second, was married to Clarice of Abbourville, but of what family she was; or when they were married we have not been able to discover. Fitz-Gwarine, it is stated, went generally by the appellation of Proudhome, as a mark of respect to his nobility.
He left behind him a son, who enjoyed his father's estates and titles, but for no considerable time. He followed king Henry the third through all that Prince's adverse fortune, and fighting in his behalf at the battle of Lewes, was unfortunately drowned in the act of crossing a river. He left behind him a young son, the fourth Fitz- Gwarine.
Dugdale states, that it was Fitz-Gwarine the second who was drowned at Lewes; but though, a most excellent historian, he is certainly wrong in this particular, for the following reasons: When Fitz- Gwarine the second was appointed Lieutenant of the Marches in the first year of Richard the first he must, at least, have been of age; and from that time to the battle of Lewes was seventy-five years; consequently be must have been near one hundred years old; an age, at which it is highly improbable he could have been found in the field of battle. Besides, we are informed, that the Fulk who fell at Lewes, left a son in his minority, which is very unlikely to have been the case with Fulk the second, at such an advanced age. Again, it is certain that Fitz-Gwarine the second was buried at Whittington; a circumstance that could hardly have taken place, if Dugdale's statement had been correct. But though this might have happened, yet the other two reasons are sufficient to prove that that author has mistaken the father for the son.
Immediately after the battle, (the events of which must be known to every person who has read the English history,) the earl of Leicester created Peter de Montford, one of his chief accomplices, governor of Whittington castle. Leicester also obliged the captive King to deliver Whittington with several other bordering castles, into the hands of Llewelyn ap Gryffydd, King of Wales, by a writ dated from Hereford, June 22, 1265. That cruel earl likewise, in Henry's name, gave Llewelyn the entire sovereignty of Wales, and homage of all the barons under him. Henry, after he regained his liberty, confirmed those grants, in consideration of 30,000 marks which Llewelyn gave him as a recompence.
Fulk the fourth having arrived at years of maturity, made proof of his age to Edward the first, who invested him with all his patrimonial estates except Whittington, which he also obtained upon his accompanying the English monarch on his expedition against the Welsh. He behaved with such intrepid bravery, that Edward, in reward for his meritorious conduct, allowed him the liberty of a Free Warren on his lands in this manor, and likewise forgave him two hundred pounds that Fulk owed to the exchequer.
A.D. 1300, This year the King used his influence in reconciling Fitz- Gwarine and Richard, earl of Arundel, in consequence of a quarrel prevailing at that time between these two powerful and predominant barons; but the breach was amicably adjusted by the interposition of Edward's good offices.
Fitz-Gwarine died in the reign of Edward the second, leaving a son, at that time engaged in the war prosecuted by that King against France. His lady Eleanor had permission to use livery for this manor, until her husband could return to do homage. He performed very considerable services for the King in sundry campaigns, particularly in Flanders and Scotland, where, by his gallant conduct, he made himself as much renowned as any of his predecessors.
A.D. 1329, Edmund earl of Kent, uncle to the King, being suspected of circulating reports, that Edward the second was then alive, he accused Fitz-Gwarine of promising him aid, in case Kent could bring about a rebellion, for which our hero was deprived of the castle of Whittington; but some of his friends, who had influence with Edward the third, obtained it back for him in the following year, the King being perfectly convinced of his loyalty.
A.D. 1350, In this year, or the twenty-third of Edward the third, Fitz-Gwarine the fifth departed this life; and was succeeded by his son, Fulk the sixth; who, four years before had the honour of signalizing himself at the memorable battle of Cressy. Fitz-Gwarine, likewise, accompanied the Black Prince into Gascoigne, when that young prince carried his successful arms into that quarter of France; and was present at the illustrious battle of Poictiers.
Fitz-Gwarine, for the important services he rendered to his country, was, upon his return there, created BARON MARCHER of Wales; this is the last well-grounded account we have of him, except the date of his death, which took place in the forty- seventh of Edward the third.
The next Fulk was only seven years old at the death of his father. He became possessed of a greater extent of property than any of his ancestors, but did not long enjoy it: he was cut off at the early age of twenty-five; and by will ordered that his body should be interred in the chancel of Whittington church. The greater part of his possessions lay in other counties, but he considered Whittington the most eligible place for his sepulture, as it had been the general residence of his family for several generations. It appears that he left a minor son, for his will appoints J. Audley, guardian over the young prince.
The only account we have of this Fulk, is the following humane action: when Owen Glyndwr carried his arms into these borders, on purpose to meet Percy, earl of Northumberland, at Shrewsbury, several persons in this manor, joined that potent rebel; but Fitz-Gwarine, by solicitations to Henry the fourth, procured for them a general pardon. His son and successor was the ninth and last Fulk Fitz- Gwarine: he died in his minority, and the male line of this noble and distinguished race, closes; though the title of Fitz-Gwarine, or Fitz-Warine was assumed for a few generations afterwards.
Elizabeth, only sister and heiress to Fulk the ninth, was married to one Richard Haukford, who dying, left all his possessions to his only daughter Thomasine, who married Sir William Bourchier, brother to Henry, first earl of Essex. The title of Lord Fitz-Warine was given to Sir William in consequeuce of his marriage. John, third in descent from him, exchanged Whittington with Henry the eighth, for other landed property. This John was the first earl of Bath, and his posterity preserved the title of Fitz-Warine till the race became extinct, which took place at the death of Henry, fifth earl of Bath.
After the castle passed into the hands of Henry the eighth, we hear nothing further respecting it till the following reign, when the King presented it to Henry Grey, duke of Suffolk, who forfeited it in consequence of being convicted of High Treason. This took place in the reign of Mary, and shortly after, the castle was by that Queen granted to Fitz-Alan, last earl of Arundel: he mortgaged it to a number of citizens, who obtained the place in default of payment from him. William Albany, chief man among the number, was, by the joint consent and approbation of the rest, put into sole possession of it. By the marriage of his great grand-daughter, with Thomaa Lloyd, of Aston, Esq., Whittington passed into the hands of the worthy family who enjoy it at the present time.
The keep was the place of last resort in times of great danger, and was in consequence defended with the utmost precaution. In the present case, it was fortified with five round towers, each forty feet in diameter, and a hundred in height; and the walls were twelve feet in thickness. We have not been able to discover at what time the keep fell into a state of dilapidation, but undoubtedly many years ago, as an aged mulberry is growing in it.
About the year 1760, the eastern tower fell into the moat after a severe frost, and some years afterwards, one of the northern towers and the western wall, were taken down to repair the roads leading from Whittington to Halston bridge. The northern tower that now remains, was undermined for the same purpose. In 1809, a smaller tower, used many years as a pigeon-house, was taken down to repair the exterior gateway, which is still inhabited,
The keep is now used as a garden, at an even depth under which, is a pavement of free-stone; at the north corner is a well, which was discovered and opened in 1809, when there were found the handle of the bucket, a pair of large iron fetters for the legs, a large jug, the remains of stags' heads and swords; and upon removing some rubbish about the same time, there appeared a curious carved stone head, and some highly gilt glass bottles.
Within the trenches are some very fine lofty wych elm and ash trees, which add greatly to the beauty of the ruins. The ancient and present state of the castle, is beautifully contrasted by Mr. Dovaston, in the following manner:-
" In ancient days of high renown, " Not always did you castle frown, " With ivy-crested brow; " Nor were its walls with moss embrown'd, " Nor hung the lanky weeds around, " That fringe its ruins now. " Other hangings deck'd the wall, " Where now the nodding foxgloves tall, " Their spotty hoods unfold; " Harebells there with bugloss vie, " And gilliflowers of yellow dye, " Seem now, to musing Fancy's eye, " To mock the mimick tapestry, " That flaunted there of old."
It is situated amidst fine and fertile meadows, through which a rapid stream having commenced a subterraneous course about a mile above, emerges near this place. Its border is shaded with poplars, till it enters the castle moat, where encompassing the walls, whose ruins are richly fringed with ivy, and hung with wild flowers and woodbine, it enters the Perry among the meadows below, formerly the site of an extensive lake. The ancient fosses and intrenchments may yet very visibly be traced to a surprising distance beyond the castle, westward from the termination of the lake, in some fields, still called " The Runtings."
The internal scenery, where the aged elms expand their immense arms among the now gloomy ruins, formerly the scene of hilarity and carousing, is, perhaps, not surpassed by any on the border.
A court leet and court baron are annually holden by the Lord Mayor in a room in the castle, to which the inhabitants are summoned to pay one penny each, and upon non-attendance are fined sixpence. Chief- rents are paid to the Lord.
In the township of Daywell, in the parish of Whittington, Watt's Dyke makes its appearance, extending from a place called Gobowen, adjoining the parish of Selattyn, into that of St. Martin. The extent between this Dyke and Offa's (which crosses the hills above Selattyn) is about four miles. These Dykes point north and south, and the intervening space is said to have been a common mart, where the English and Welsh met to carry on a commercial intercourse with each other; but, if either party transgressed these bounds, they were exposed to the severities of war. Upon Watt's Dyke, at a place called Brynycastle, near to Gobowen, is the site of an old Watch fort, and another a little further on towards St. Martin's.
The village of Whittington is on the great London and Holyhead road, and also, on the turnpike road leading from Oswestry to Ellesmere. It consists of a considerable collection of houses thinly scattered, a church, a school for each sex, and the remains of the castle before- mentioned. In ancient records we find it called Chwytunton, Wititone, Whittentowne, and Vica Alba. It is situated in latitude 52, 55, 30 north, and longitude 2, 57, 30 west. The church is valued in the King's books at £25 4s.; it was originally designed, as before stated, as a chapel to the castle, and was dedicated to St. John the Baptist. The body of the church was rebuilt in 1806, from a design by Mr. Harrison, of Chester; it is a large brick building of sixty feet by fifty, and cost £1,500. In the body of the church are three aisles, and six rows of seats, all faced with Dantzick oak. The ceiling is neatly executed, being made of wood, and consequently very pleasant to the officiating minister. In the gallery stands a barrel organ, placed there by subscription, in 1810: it was built by England, and is considered a good instrument.
In 1761, the church-yard contained several venerable yew trees, which Mr. Roberts, the then rector, had the bad taste to destroy and replace with lime trees. In the garden at the rectory, is an uncommonly fine yew tree; it is seventeen and a half feet in circumference at the distance of four feet from the ground, about forty feet in height, and the space of ground under the branches is one hundred and forty-two feet and a half in circumference: it is very healthy and in a growing state.
In 1810, the church-yard wall being in bad repair, was rebuilt with stone, and the gates were removed opposite to the entrance to the steeple.
In the Register we find the following curious Epitaphs:-
March 13th, 1766, died, THOMAS EVANS, Parish Clerk, aged 72.
" Old Sternhold's lines, or Vicar of Bray, " Which he tun'd best 'twas hard to say."
SAMUEL PEATE, of Whittington Castle died, aged 84.
" Here lies Governor Peate, " Whom no man did hate; " At the age of four score " And four years more, " He pretended to wrestle " With Death for his Castle; " But was soon out of breath " And surrender'd to Death, " Who away did him take, " At the eve of our wake, " One morn about seven, " To keep wake in heaven."
ANDREW WILLIAMS, WAS Born A.D. 1692, and died April, 18, 1776, Aged 84. OF WHICH TIME HE LIVED UNDER The Aston Family, as Decoyman, 60 Years.
" Here lies the Decoyman who liv'd like an otter, " Dividing his time betwixt land and water ! " His hide he oft soak'd in the waters of Perry, [A river near Whittington.] " Whilst Aston old Beer his spirits kept cheery; " Amphibious his trim, Death was puzzl'd they say, " How to dust to reduce such well-moisten'd clay. " So Death turned Decoyman and decoy'd him to land, " Where he fix'd his abode till quite dried to the hand; " He then found him fitting for crumbling to dust, " And here be lies mouldering, as you and I must."
" He retired to Whittington (upon a freehold be had purchased with the perquisites of his place,) for a few years before his death."
The Registers are quite complete from the year 1591, to the present time, with the exception of that of marriages, from the year 1654, to 1659."
" BERGHILL, a township in the parish of Whittington, and in the upper division of the hundred of Oswestry."
" DAYWELL, a township in the parish of Whittington, and in the upper division of the hundred of Oswestry. 3 miles north of Oswestry."
" ERNALL, a township in the parish of Whittington, in the hundred of Oswestry. 4 miles northeast by north of Oswestry."
" FERNHILL, a township in the parish of Whittington, and in the upper division of the hundred of Oswestry."
" FORTON, a township in the parish of Whittington, and in the upper division of the hundred of Oswestry."
" FRANKTON (Welsh), a township in the parish of Whittington, and in the upper division of the hundred of Oswestry. 2½ miles south-west of Ellesmere."
" HENLEY, a township in the parish of Whittington, and in the hundred of Oswestry."
" HENLLE, a township in the parish of Whittington, and in the upper division of the hundred of Oswestry."
" HINDFORD, a township in the parish of Whittington, and in the hundred of Oswestry."
" MARTON. (Old) A township partly in the parish of Whittington, and partly in the parish of Ellesmere, and in the hundred of Oswestry. 3 miles south-west by west of Ellesmere.
Mr. John Pridden, who was born at Old Marton Hall, was one of the many instances in which integrity and perseverance have introduced their votaries to ease, affluence, and satisfaction; and a few particulars respecting this truly worthy man, may be useful in animating others to appreciate the value of unsullied honour, and to bear up against the torrent of stern oppression.
His parents were respectable, and rather wealthy, but his father dying when he was only twelve years old, and his mother marrying again, the subject of this memoir soon experienced the withdrawn protection of a mother, and the most unmerciful and cruel treatment of a step-father. The severity with which he was treated, was so great that he was frequently laid up, and often rescued by the neighbours from the tyrannick grasp of his father-in-law. But, nothing could subdue the inexorable temper of his foster-father, and the oppressed youth determined at last to leave his home, and seek his fortune in the metropolis. This happened soon after the commencement of the French war, in 1744, when having proceeded on his journey as far as Worcester, and finding there a hot press for soldiers, he did not relish the probability of a military attachment, but adopting what he considered the least of two evils, returned home. For this self-defensive offence he was regularly and systematically thrashed every Tuesday and Saturday, the days of his exit and return, for three years, when unable any longer to endure his unmerited sufferings, he once more bade an eternal adieu to his unpropitious habitation, and arrived in London, on the 25th of March, 1748, where he soon found protectors in Mr. John Nourse, in the Strand, and Mr. Richard Manly, Ludgate-hill; the latter of whom, he succeeded in business. The libraries of many eminent and distinguished characters passed through his hands; his offers, on purchasing them, were liberal; and, being content with small profits, he soon found himself supported by a numerous and respectable set of friends, not one of whom ever quitted him. Before the American Revolution, his house was the rendezvous of the clergy, of that country: and when that unfortunate event took place, both his purse and his table were open to their wants. About the year 1782, he became totally blind, but was relieved from that malady by the judicious hand of Baron De Wenzel, and enjoyed his eye sight to the last. He was naturally of a weak habit of body, but his extreme temperance and uninterrupted complacency of mind, insured to him an almost constant flow of health and spirits. To do good, was his delight; to communicate happiness to all around him, was his unceasing aim. He was a most amiable and indulgent parent, a sincere friend, and in the strictest sense of the terms, an honest man. The following anecdote appeared in one of the publick prints, immediately on his death, no doubt inserted by some grateful friend as a memorial of the goodness of his heart: "Seven years ago, on the failure of his less fortunate next door neighbour, he invited him to his house, and relinquished business to give him the opportunity of continuing on the spot: his kind intentions met with success; and he frequently expressed the pleasure he felt at seeing his friend prosper under his roof." He married, March 27, 1757, Anne, daughter of Mr. Humphrey Gregory, of Twemloes, near Whitchurch, Shropshire, by whom he had fourteen children, nine of whom died young, of the small pox; and two sons and three daughters survived him. His wife died April 1, 1801: he survived till March 17, 1807. John, the eldest son, was educated at St. Paul's school, and at Queen's college, Oxford; B.A. 1781, M.A. 1789,- he became vicar of Caddington, in Bedfordshire, a minor canon of St. Paul, London, and of St. Peter, Westminster; and one of the Priests of his Majesty's chapels Royal. The other son, Humphrey Gregory, was, for a short time, a Bookseller, and was lately living, but wholly retired from business. The daughters, all married respectably."
[Transcribed information from A Gazetteer of Shropshire - T Gregory - 1824](unless otherwise stated)
[Description(s) transcribed by Mel Lockie ©2015]