Minehead Marriages 1776-1815
Shortcut for not defined in the taxonomy term.
Transcribed by Ireen Warbrooke
See: Conditions of Use.
- 19 Oct 1776 by Banns
- William Murray
- Mary Haddon, Spinster
- 27 Jan 1777 by Banns
- John Tomms
- Betty Godfrey, Spinster
- 2 May 1777 by Licence
- John Brown
- Mary Dabb, Spinster
- 23 May 1777 by Licence
- Samuel Hayman Warren
- Ann Blake, Spinster
- 13 Jul 1777 by Banns
- George Govier?
- Mary Adams, Spinster
- 20 Nov 1777 by Banns
- John Williams
- Elizabeth Freck, Spinster
- 24 Jan 1778 by Banns
- Thomas German
- Betty Norcombe, Spinster
- 27 Jan 1778 by Banns
- Robert Leigh
- Elizabeth Sydenham, Spinster
- 14 Feb 1778 by Banns
- Benjamin Gard
- Joan Widlake, Spinster
- 29 Mar 1778 by Banns
- John Court
- Sarah Milton
- 25 May 1778 by Banns
- Christopher Harding
- Ann Williams
- 9 Aug 1778 by Banns
- William Spear
- Hannah Collings
- 6 Sep 1778 by Banns
- Thomas Clogg
- Betty Pope?
- 31 Jan 1779 by Banns
- Thomas Griffith Husbandman
- Mary Hurford, Spinster
- 28 Feb 1779 by Banns
- Henry Chellacombe?
- Betty Jones
- 18 Apr 1779 by Banns
- Joseph Belford
- Ann Jones
- 16 Jun 1779 by Banns
- Jenkin Jenkins
- Mary Jones
- 20 Jun 1779 by Banns
- Richard Leach, Widower
- Sarah Hole, Widow
- 27 Jul 1779 by Banns
- Samuel Richmond
- Joan Watts
- 18 Aug 1779 by Licence
- John Merrick
- Sarah Hooper of Selworthy
- 6 Sep 1779 by Banns
- Andrew Bouchier
- Betty Creech
- 12 Sep 1779 by Banns
- Joseph Wilcox
- Ann Mico
- 26 Oct 1779 by Licence
- George Bennett
- Jane Wackrill
- 16 Jan 1780 by Licence
- John Jenkins
- Mary Underwood
- 6 Feb 1780 by Banns
- James Cane
- Joan Cording
- 6 Feb 1780 by Licence
- John Radford
- Ann Widlake
- 27 Mar 1780 by Banns
- William Long
- Alice Rawle
- 9 Apr 1780 by Banns
- Thomas Bryant
- Jane Howe
- 6 Jul 1780 by Banns
- John Williams
- Nancy Ware
- 9 Jul 1780 by Banns
- George Hensley
- Sarah Boone
- 17 Jul 1780 by Banns
- Edward Collard of Brushford
- Mary Leigh
- 10 Oct 1780 by Banns
- Henry Dugdall
- Ann Frank
- 30 Oct 1780 by Banns
- Edward End of Ireland
- Elinor Sullivan of Of The Same Kingdom!
- 30 Oct 1780 by Banns
- Nathaniel Wallis of Froome
- Martha Pritchat of Newland Glocester
- 4 Nov 1780 by Banns
- James Purse
- Joan Melton
- 15 Nov 1780 by Banns
- Peter Woodley
- Frances Adams
- 8 Mar 1781 by Licence
- John Wells
- Mary Harrison
- 20 Mar 1781 by Banns
- Michael Flannigan
- Rebecca Edbrook
- 13 May 1781 by Banns
- Bartholemew Richmond
- Charity Bryant
- 30 May 1781 by Licence
- Edward May jnr
- Betty Thomas alias poulsfo
- 4 Jun 1781 by Banns
- David D'arques
- Nancy James
- 16 Jun 1781 by Banns
- John James
- Rachel Fraser of St Georges
- 2 Oct 1781 by Banns
- Edward Davis
- Sarah James
- 27 Oct 1781 by Banns
- Joseph Fortune
- Betty Wescott
- 25 Dec 1781 by Banns
- Richard Howe
- Joan Poare?
- 1 Jan 1782 by Licence
- John Adams
- Sarah Jenkins
- 21 Mar 1782 by Banns
- Thomas Cooper
- Mary Pugsley
- 25 Jul 1782 by Licence
- Thomas Huxtable
- Betty Alford
- 21 Sep 1782 by Banns
- John Rawle
- Mary Stacey
- 15 Oct 1782 by Banns
- George Bryant
- Hannah Escot
- 9 Nov 1782 by Banns
- James Purse
- Betty Priscott
- 19 Nov 1782 by Licence
- Samuel Tidball
- Frances Martin
- 28 Jan 1783 by Banns
- Thomas Cobly
- Elizabeth Venn
- 3 Mar 1783 by Banns
- Robert Chaplin of Luccombe
- Ann Young of Lydiard St Laurence Somerset
- 29 Apr 1783 by Licence
- Patrick O'malley of Burronson? In The Kingdom Of I
- Ann Taylor, Widow
- 17 Jul 1783 by Licence
- Thomas Lott
- Joanna Forrest of
- 2 Nov 1783 by Banns
- James White
- Betty Merrick
- 30 Nov 1783 by Licence
- Thomas Baggs
- Catharine Franks
- 24 Feb 1784 by Licence
- Thomas Manston
- Margaret Poole, Widow
- 27 Mar 1784 by Banns
- Benjamin Gard of Old Cleeve Somerset
- Mary Hensley
- 2 May 1784 by Banns
- John Thomas
- Mary Bugg
- 9 May 1784 by Banns
- James Hensley
- Mary Hill
- 30 May 1784 by Banns
- John Bennett of Dunster
- Eleanor Hardwicke
- 13 Jun 1784 by Banns
- Jabez/Afer? Young
- Betty Sages?
- 25 Sep 1784 by Banns
- Richard Griffis
- Mary Creech
- 2 Oct 1784 by Banns
- Robert Thorn of Selworthy
- Ann Atkins
- 9 Oct 1784 by Banns
- John Hulett
- Margaret Cobley
- 30 Oct 1784 by Banns
- Francis Rice
- Betty Clogg
- 13 Dec 1784 by Licence
- George Davis
- Sarah Hardwicke
- 30 Dec 1784 by Banns
- John Cobly
- Mary Poole
- 6 Jan 1785 by Licence
- John North of Fitzhead Somerset
- Joan Kent
- 4 Mar 1785 by Licence
- Phillip Ball
- Elizabeth Catharine Hollings
- 26 Mar 1785 by Banns
- Robert Hill
- Mary Watts
- 27 Mar 1785 by Banns
- William Griffith
- Mary Cunibeer
- 30 Mar 1785 by Banns
- Thomas Mogford
- Ann Hill
- 19 May 1785 by Banns
- Charles Joans
- Betty White
- 3 Jul 1785 by Banns
- William Morris
- Sarah Burge
- 22 Jul 1785 by Banns
- John James, Widower
- Mary Seaman, Spinster
- 22 Jul 1785 by Licence
- Edward Smith
- Mary Cording
- 3 Aug 1785 by Banns
- Samuel Jenkins, Widower
- Mary Drew, Spinster
- 28 Oct 1785 by Banns
- Thomas Short Husbandman
- Mary Chapman, Spinster
- 31 Jan 1786 by Licence
- John Wells
- Martha Tayler
- 31 Jan 1786 by Banns
- William Wyatt
- Betty Ward
- 16 Feb 1786 by Licence
- John Jenkins
- Mary Deake
- 17 Apr 1786 by Licence
- Henry Ball
- Mary Hollings
- 18 Apr 1786 by Banns
- John Bennett
- Mary Roberts
- 28 Apr 1786 by Banns
- Thomas Richards
- Mary Jones
- 29 Jun 1786 by Licence
- Thomas Trap of Chard Somerset
- Christian Tudball
- 8 Jul 1786 by Banns
- John Moggridge
- Betty Partridge
- 29 Aug 1786 by Licence
- William Bucknoll of Huish? Champflower
- Catharine Bryant
- 7 Sep 1786 by Banns
- John Hensley
- Mary Slape
- 30 Sep 1786 by Banns
- George Withy
- Charity Carett
- 26 Nov 1786 by Banns
- Henry Callaway
- Mary Chilcott
- 5 Jan 1787 by Banns
- Walter Edwards of Bampton Devon
- Betty Roberts
- 27 Feb 1787 by Licence
- Robert Bindon/Ward
- Mary Ward/Bindon
- 25 Mar 1787 by Banns
- William Kent
- Mary Litley
- 2 Apr 1787 by Banns
- Joseph Morgin
- Joan Allen
- 4 Apr 1787 by Licence
- Francis Pearce
- Margaret Tanner
- 21 Jun 1787 by Banns
- John Kinner
- Anne Moreman
- 29 Jul 1787 by Banns
- William Cunnibeer
- Mary Cunnibeer
- 4 Aug 1787 by Banns
- James Stacey
- Elizabeth Davis
- 21 Aug 1787 by Licence
- James Cooth of Liverpool Lancaster
- Susanna Browne Vicary
- 17 Sep 1787 by Banns
- Henry Strong
- Hannah Pearce
- 27 Nov 1787 by Licence
- Murdoch Mackenzie
- Sarah Ann Cox
- 29 Jan 1788 by Banns
- Heffner James
- Sarah Richards
- 2 Feb 1788 by Banns
- William Kemp
- Ann? Bastone of Porlock
- 2 Mar 1788 by Banns
- Richard Emett
- Elizabeth Knight
- 28 Mar 1788 by Banns
- John Mudon?? of Luckham
- Mary Milton
- 6 Apr 1788 by Banns
- James White
- Elizabeth Hensley
- 26 Sep 1788 by Banns
- Richard Richards
- Sarah Quinke?
- 28 Sep 1788 by Banns
- John Cobly
- Mary Conniberr
- 23 Nov 1788 by Banns
- William Stacy
- Mary Reed
- 30 Nov 1788 by Banns
- John Lucas of Dunster
- Mary Floyd
- 21 Dec 1788 by Banns
- William Jenkins
- Joanna Hoyle
- 14 Apr 1789 by Banns
- John Knight
- Elizabeth Widlake
- 31 Aug 1789 by Banns
- George Bryant
- Dorothy Gully
- 9 Sep 1789 by Banns
- James Crockford
- Grace Roberts
- 22 Nov 1789 by Banns
- Richard Hole
- Mary Knight
- 25 Jan 1790 by Banns
- William Richmond
- Betty Morgan
- 22 Feb 1790 by Banns
- George Case
- Jane Jones
- 22 Feb 1790 by Banns
- Thomas Chapman
- Sarah Reed
- 1 Mar 1790 by Banns
- Nathaniel Alloway
- Jenny Cobley
- 28 Mar 1790 by Banns
- James Duddridges
- Ann Bale
- 20 Apr 1790 by Banns
- Henry James
- Ann Barnes of Cutcombe???
- 24 May 1790 by Banns
- Edward Short
- Jane Pasmore
- 13 Nov 1790 by Licence
- John Gore? Devonshire
- Elizabeth Matthews
- 5 Dec 1790 by Banns
- James Jones
- Mary Dollin
- 16 Jan 1791 by Banns
- John Smith
- Mary Brown
- 24 Jun 1791 by Banns
- John Melton
- Jane Priscott
- 26 Jun 1791 by Banns
- Thomas Huxtable
- Ann Broadmead
- 14 Aug 1791 by Banns
- George James
- Agnes Dyer
- 2 Oct 1791 by Banns
- John Coles of Dunster
- Peggy Pinn?
- 20 Nov 1791 by Banns
- Robert Philpott
- Mary Glass
- 31 Jan 1792 by Banns
- John Reed
- Jane Bale
- 9 Jul 1792 by Banns
- James White of Luxborough
- Sarah Beague
- 9 Sep 1792 by Banns
- James Four ackres
- Peggy Horman
- 13 Sep 1792 by Licence
- John Deake, Bachelor
- Sarah Griffiths, Spinster
- 21 Oct 1792 by Banns
- James Edbrooke
- Betty Leigh Griffith
- 13 Jan 1793 by Banns
- Joshua Wood
- Mary Guppy
- 2 Feb 1793 by Banns
- George Bushin
- Sarah Shurt
- 7 Mar 1793 by Banns
- William Griffith
- Elizabeth Tudball
- 11 Apr 1793 by Licence
- Thomas Williams
- Berry Martin
- 29 Apr 1793 by Banns
- William Berry
- Elizabeth Strong
- 21 Sep 1793 by Banns
- Philip Headford
- Mary Chapman, Spinster
- 26 Sep 1793 by Licence
- George Radford
- Mary Jenkins
- 22 Jan 1794 by Banns
- Thomas Baker
- Hannah Sully
- 28 Jan 1794 by Banns
- Robert Smith
- Sarah Milton
- 20 Feb 1794 by Licence
- James Priscott of Wootton Courtney
- Joan Griffith
- 20 Apr 1794 by Banns
- Robert Hooper
- Mary Berry
- 17 Jul 1794 by Banns
- John Callaway
- Jane Carpenter
- 7 Sep 1794 by Banns
- Samuel Tackel
- Nancy Leigh
- 8 Sep 1794 by Banns
- John Hensley
- Ann Swanger
- 6 Dec 1794 by Banns
- John Chegge
- Betty Check
- 30 Mar 1795 by Banns
- Thomas Dyer
- Mary Horn
- 5 Apr 1795 by Banns
- Willm. Griffiths
- Margaret Hunt
- 29 May 1795 by Banns
- Joseph Shurp
- Charity Richmond
- 11 Nov 1795 by Licence
- John Emra of Holberton Devon
- Elizabeth Bastone Blake
- 6 Jan 1796 by Licence
- Richard Sawyer of St Augustine's City of Bristol
- Elizabeth Tanner
- 3 Apr 1796 by Banns
- Thomas Nichols
- Elizabeth Baker
- 20 Apr 1796 by Banns
- John Thomas
- Mary Winter
- 23 May 1796 by Banns
- Anthony Mogford
- Mary Guard
- 26 Jun 1796 by Licence
- William Hawkins of Barnstaple Devon
- Mary Bulls
- 6 Aug 1796 by Licence
- William Cobley, Widower
- Susanna Barnstable, Widow
- 16 Sep 1796 by Banns
- William Groves
- Ann Mogford
- 1 Dec 1796 by Licence
- Joseph Rawle
- Elizabeth Blake
- 6 Dec 1796 by Banns
- John Wey
- Jenny Cooxly
- 15 Aug 1797 by Banns
- John Reed
- Elizabeth Copley
- 19 Nov 1797 by Banns
- Isaac Moore
- Mary Kent
- 13 Jan 1798 by Licence
- John Callaway
- Susanna Blake
- 8 Apr 1798 by Banns
- James Moore of Timberscombe
- Mary Jones
- 24 Jun 1798 by Banns
- Samuel Cann?
- Ann Venn
- 9 Jul 1798 by Banns
- Robert Baker Batchalor!
- Ann James, Spinster
- 17 Sep 1798 by Banns
- John Harman
- Mary Sully
- 14 Nov 1798 by Banns
- Richard Smith
- Mary Bushen
- 1 Jan 1799 by Banns
- Mark Coles
- Jane Slade
- 20 Feb 1799 by Banns
- Richard How
- Joan Kemp
- 11 Mar 1799 by Banns
- Charles Fry
- Elizabeth Slade
- 27 Jun 1799 by Licence
- James Needs
- Elizabeth Chapple Buller
- 8 Jul 1799 by Licence
- Edward Graddon of Bishop Lydeard
- Elizabeth Joyce
- 14 Jul 1799 by Licence
- Samuel Joyce
- Sarah Mudon
- 14 Oct 1799 by Banns
- Henry Guppy
- Mary Taylor
- 20 Oct 1799 by Licence
- John Widlake of John
- Mary Berry of Callaway
- 28 Oct 1799 by Licence
- John Rich of Lydeard St Lawrence
- Ann Craigg
- 31 Dec 1799 by Banns
- Thomas Hooper
- Elizabeth Short
- 17 Feb 1800 by Banns
- Peter Martin of
- Ann Reed
- 1 Mar 1800 by Licence
- Edward Troth
- Frances Tedball
- 30 Mar 1800 by Banns
- William Gardner of Old Cleeve
- Mary James
- 31 Mar 1800 by Licence
- James Taylor of Selworthy
- Mary Tapscott
- 18 Jun 1800 by Licence
- William Philips of Bridgwater
- Joanna Needs
- 27 Jul 1800 by Licence
- John Fry
- Sarah Martin
- 29 Sep 1800 by Banns
- William Jones
- Joan Hensley
- 5 Nov 1800 by Banns
- Thomas Williams
- Mary Heard
- 6 Jan 1801 by Banns
- James Chapman
- Elizabeth Griffith
- 19 Jan 1801 by Banns
- John Tout
- Betty Bourchier
- 23 Mar 1801 by Banns
- Henry Cane
- Martha Jervis
- 17 May 1801 by Banns
- John Bushin
- Sarah Pain?
- 4 Jun 1801 by Banns
- John Parfett
- Mary Conybere
- 18 Jun 1801 by Licence
- John Corrins of Backenford Devon
- Catharine Ann Land
- 3 Sep 1801 by Licence
- Joseph Guerin, Bachelor of West Bagborough
- Maria Lucy Eliza Shuldham
- 15 Sep 1801 by Banns
- James Ingram
- Hannah Lott
- 20 Jun 1802 by Licence
- Joseph Court
- Mary Hensley
- 20 Jun 1802 by Licence
- James Joyce
- Jane Jones
- 26 Jul 1802 by Banns
- Thomas Carse??, Widower of Dulverton
- Mary Graddon, Spinster
- 15 Aug 1802 by Banns
- John Wheddon
- Mary Alloway
- 30 Sep 1802 by Banns
- Nathaniel Long
- Mary Barns
- 18 Oct 1802 by Licence
- William Horn
- Elizabeth Burnell
- 20 Nov 1802 by Banns
- William Slade
- Mary Burnell
- 24 Jan 1803 by Banns
- Henry Nichols of Dunster
- Joan Thorn
- 2 Apr 1803 by Banns
- William Boyles
- Catharine Clatworthy
- 17 Apr 1803 by Banns
- Robert Slade
- Ann Brailey
- 21 Apr 1803 by Banns
- James Ware of Timberscombe
- Elizabeth Kidnor
- 30 Apr 1803 by Banns
- Thomas Brewer of Timberscombe
- Sarah Smith
- 30 May 1803 by Banns
- William Lewry, Bachelor
- Mary Richards, Widow
- 30 Jul 1803 by Banns
- Thomas Stacey, Bachelor
- Joanna Craigg Brewer, Spinster
- 4 Oct 1803 by Banns
- James Lewry, Bachelor
- Betty Toutt, Widow
- 7 Nov 1803 by Banns
- Thomas Williams, Widower
- Mary Hensley, Widow
- 28 Nov 1803 by Banns
- William Barnes, Bachelor
- Edith Ridler, Spinster
- 29 Jan 1804 by Banns
- Samuel Thomas Hill, Bachelor
- Rachael Mogridge, Spinster
- 27 Mar 1804 by Licence
- William Griffith, Bachelor
- Jane Widlake, Spinster
- 3 Aug 1804 by Banns
- William Hole, Bachelor of Dunster
- Mary Lott, Spinster
- 6 Aug 1804 by Banns
- John Passmore Jewell, Bachelor
- Jane Nicholls, Spinster
- 6 Jan 1805 by Banns
- William Webber, Bachelor
- Fany Partridge, Spinster
- 19 Feb 1805 by Licence
- William Atkins, Bachelor
- Elizabeth Harding, Widow
- 24 Mar 1805 by Banns
- Thomas Graddon, Bachelor
- Sarah Stenner, Spinster
- 18 Apr 1805 by Banns
- John Rawle, Widower
- Elizabeth Berry, Widow
- 19 Jul 1805 by Licence
- Thomas Eastway of Ilfracombe
- Elizabeth Needs, Spinster
- 5 Sep 1805 by Licence
- James Tudor, Bachelor of Timberscombe
- Ann Williams, Spinster
- 6 Feb 1806 by Licence
- Joseph James Barnes, Bachelor
- Ann Hensley, Spinster
- 28 Apr 1806 by Banns
- Michael Thomas, Bachelor
- Betty Hobbs, Spinster
- 10 May 1806 by Licence
- Thomas Parsells, Bachelor of St Tipells Pembrokeshire
- Sarah Crockford, Spinster
- 8 Jun 1806 by Banns
- William Reed, Bachelor
- Ann Sellick, Spinster
- 17 Jun 1806 by Banns
- George Pile, Bachelor
- Grace Kemp, Widow
- 25 Dec 1806 by Banns
- George Warr, Bachelor
- Sarah Cobley, Spinster
- 28 Dec 1806 by Banns
- John Tribe, Bachelor
- Susannah Smith, Spinster
- 6 Jan 1807 by Banns
- Richard Winter, Bachelor
- Frances Baker, Spinster
- 7 Feb 1807 by Banns
- James Hensley, Bachelor
- Joanna Reed, Spinster
- 3 Mar 1807 by Licence
- William Summers, Bachelor
- Sarah Richards, Widow
- 31 Mar 1807 by Banns
- William Bryant, Bachelor
- Ann Howe, Spinster
- 17 May 1807 by Banns
- William Barnes, Widower
- Salome Rew, Spinster
- 28 Jun 1807 by Banns
- William Bushin, Bachelor
- Mary Fry, Spinster
- 12 Oct 1807 by Banns
- William Jones, Bachelor
- Sarah Lang, Spinster
- 25 Dec 1807 by Banns
- William Reed, Bachelor of Dunster
- Jane Kent, Spinster
- 24 Jan 1808 by Banns
- George Jones, Bachelor
- Joan Jones, Widow
- 5 Apr 1808 by Banns
- William Hurford, Bachelor
- Elizabeth Mills, Spinster
- 27 Dec 1808 by Banns
- John Webber, Bachelor
- Joan Gard, Spinster
- 11 Feb 1809 by Banns
- Joseph Jervis, Bachelor
- Mary Rawle, Spinster
- 6 May 1809 by Licence
- James Merrick, Bachelor
- Ann Butterfill, Spinster
- 3 Jun 1809 by Banns
- James Webber, Widower
- Sarah Chapman, Spinster
- 26 Jun 1809 by Licence
- Joseph Porters, Bachelor
- Louisa Cross, Spinster
- 22 Mar 1810 by Licence
- William Warren, Widower
- Anna Roberts, Spinster
- 27 Mar 1810 by Licence
- Michael Cross, Bachelor
- Jane Greensill, Spinster
- 1 Apr 1810 by Banns
- Hugh Crockford, Bachelor
- Sarah Rendell, Spinster
- 7 May 1810 by Banns
- John Cobley, Bachelor
- Ann Burge, Spinster of Dunster
- 29 May 1810 by Banns
- Nathanael Long, Widower
- Elizabeth Thomas, Widow
- 30 May 1810 by Licence
- John Coles, Bachelor
- Jane Callaway, Widow
- 1 Jul 1810 by Licence
- William Edmonds, Bachelor
- Elizabeth Summerfield, Spinster
- 18 Sep 1810 by Licence
- Thomas Atkins, Bachelor
- Sarah Fry, Widow
- 14 Nov 1810 by Banns
- John Ellard, Bachelor
- Grace Kingdom, Spinster
- 1 Dec 1810 by Licence
- Robert Blake, Bachelor
- Elizabeth Birchinhay?, Spinster
- 30 Dec 1810 by Banns
- George Pasmore, Bachelor
- Ann Mogford, Widow
- 17 Feb 1811 by Banns
- John Vincent Broadmead, Bachelor
- Grace Pile, Spinster
- 24 Mar 1811 by Banns
- William Hensley, Bachelor
- Sarah Cobley Brewer, Spinster
- 26 Mar 1811 by Banns
- John Richards, Bachelor
- Mary Cobley, Spinster
- 19 May 1811 by Banns
- John Thorne, Bachelor
- Prudence Dyer, Spinster
- 11 Sep 1811 by Banns
- James Gay of Dunster
- Rachel Wicklen
- 27 Mar 1812 by Banns
- John Mooreman, Bachelor
- Elizabeth Balmond, Spinster
- 19 Apr 1812 by Licence
- Richard Morle, Bachelor of St Decumans
- Mary Lee, Spinster
- 27 Jun 1812 by Banns
- James Nicholls, Bachelor
- Mary Jones, Spinster
- 29 Jun 1812 by Banns
- William Barnes, Widower
- Grace Tink, Spinster
- 23 Nov 1812 by Banns
- Thomas Davis, Widower of Timberscombe
- Jane Short, Widow
- 19 Dec 1812 by Banns
- John Thorne, Bachelor
- Mary Court, Spinster
- 29 Dec 1812 by Banns
- Robert Staddon, Bachelor of Wivelscombe
- Mary Baker, Spinster
- 14 Jan 1813 by Banns
- Robert Baker, Widower
- Susanna Passmore, Spinster
- 6 Mar 1813 by Licence
- Amos Greenslade
- Charlotte May, Widow
- 15 Mar 1813 by Licence
- Edward Short, Bachelor
- Charlotte Dugdale, Spinster
- 20 May 1813 by Licence
- William Harrison, Bachelor
- Ann Floyde
- 30 May 1813 by Banns
- Thomas Edwards, Bachelor
- Sarah Morish
- 15 Jun 1813 by Licence
- Samuel Joyce, Widower
- Grace Escott??
- 2 Sep 1813 by Licence
- Richard Russell of Cheltenham Gloucester
- Mary Wells
- 9 Jan 1814 by Banns
- Robert Slade, Bachelor
- Margaret Huxtable, Spinster
- 28 May 1814 by Licence
- Francis Merrick, Bachelor
- Ann Radford, Spinster
- 4 Aug 1814 by Licence
- Samuel Bourchier, Bachelor
- Mary Hill, Spinster
- 10 Sep 1814 by Banns
- John Slade, Bachelor
- Elizabeth Horn, Spinster
- 7 Oct 1814 by Banns
- Edward Jones
- Elizabeth Allen
- 8 Oct 1814 by Banns
- Richard Rawle
- Ann Hill
- 15 Oct 1814 by Banns
- William Pollard, Widower of Porlock
- Jane Wheddon
- 8 Nov 1814 by Banns
- John Poole, Bachelor of Old Cleeve
- Sarah Chapman, Spinster
- 21 Nov 1814 by Banns
- John Stedfold, Bachelor
- Mary Edbrooke
- 24 Dec 1814 by Banns
- John Cullum, Bachelor
- Jane Wethers, Spinster
- 21 Mar 1815 by Banns
- Thomas Dyer, Widower
- Sarah Kent, Spinster
- 17 Apr 1815 by Banns
- James Chapman, Widower
- Ann Court, Spinster
- 30 Dec 1815 by Banns
- William Thorne, Bachelor
- Elizabeth Cane
Reproduced with the permission of Somerset Archive and Record Service.
Please see: Conditions of Use.