
Pillaton Muster Roll 1539




These persons next foloyng be abull men with bowes.
In primis, Ric. Dickynson.
Item, Robert Collyns.

Thes persons foloyng be abull men with bylls and harnes and artillarie as foloyth their names.
Richard Littleton gent.
Item, Edward Barker.
Item, William Rowley.
Item, Thomas Hamlett.
Item, John Reynolde.
Item, John Blake.
Item, John Paynell.
Item, Thomas Byrch a salett and a bill.
Item, William Hollies a bowe and xij arrows.
Item, William Chalton a bill.
Item, John Warde a bill.

Thes persons foloyng have hernes and artillarie as hereafter foloyth their names.
In primis, Hamlett Byrch a sallett and a bill.
Item, Edward Byrch a bill.
Item, John Corbett a gestern a sallett a gorgett and a bill.
Item, Hugh Pole a scoll: and a gussett of mayle.
Item, Thomas Reynolds a sallett and a bill.
Item, John Corke a bill.
Item, Ric. Stedmon a bill.
Item, Ric. Milner a bill.


Transcribed by Mike Harbach 2021