Index to The History of Warwickshire by William West (1830) - B
Surnames beginning with 'B'
Transcribed by Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand © 1990
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z
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BACHE, Thomas | General carrier, Leicester Row, Coventry | 766 |
BACHE, Thomas | Canal carrier to London , Coventry | 784 |
BACHELOR, Jno | Maltster Sheep St Stratford | 540 |
BACKHOUSE, M. | China & Glass, Burgess, Coventry | 766 |
BACON, Joseph | Straw hat maker, Abbey Place, Nuneaton | 561 |
BACON, Theophilus | Ironmonger, Bishop St, Coventry | 766 |
BADAMS, John | Plumber, Glazier, Gerrard St, Warwick | 671 |
BADAMS, William | Plumber, Glazier, Church St, Warwick | 671 |
BADAMS, Wm | Carpenter Henley St Stratford | 540 |
BADDELEY, John | Resident of Birmingham Jan 1780 aged 80+ | 123 |
BAGSHAW, Charles | Victualler,Spon St, Coventry | 766 |
BAGSHAW, Jno. | Miller, Rugby | 735 |
BAGSTER, Samuel | Shirley End, Solihull | 588 |
BAGSTER, Widow | Shirley End, Solihull | 588 |
BAILEY, Chas. | Builder etc, Wellington St, Leamington | 715 |
BAILEY, I.B. | Ward end, Warwick | 671 |
BAILEY, John | Victualler, Fleet St, Coventry | 766 |
BAILEY, Wm. | Painter & glazier, Much Park St, Coventry | 766 |
BAINARD, Elz. | Dealer in groceries, Hertford St, Coventry | 766 |
BAINARD, Richd. | Coal merchant, St Nicholas Pl, Coventry | 766 |
BAKER, Amos | Turner, Much Park St, Coventry | 766 |
BAKER, Ann | Watchmaker, Market St, Tamworth | 605 |
BAKER, Ann | Bookseller, Aldergate St, Tamworth | 605 |
BAKER, C.W. | Assistant Instructor Deaf & Dumb School | 285 |
BAKER, Captain | , Charlotte St, Leamington | 715 |
BAKER, Edw. | Butcher, Bond St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BAKER, Edward | Srugeon, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 605 |
BAKER, Elizabeth | Victualler, Atherstone | 554 |
BAKER, Francis | Tailor of Wootton Wawen | 506 |
BAKER, Geo. | Tailor, Royal Parade, Leamington | 715 |
BAKER, Henry | Currier, Atherstone | 554 |
BAKER, James | Gent Atherstone | 553 |
BAKER, Jas. | Lodging House, Wise St, Leamington | 715 |
BAKER, John | Car proprietor, Wise St, Leamington | 715 |
BAKER, Jos. | Painter & glazier, Cuckoo Lane, Coventry | 766 |
BAKER, Mr. | Plumber Water Works, Cuckoo La, Coventry | 769 |
BAKER, S. & Sins | Plumber & glazier,, St Michaels, Coventry | 766 |
BAKER, Samuel | Victualler, Much Park St, Coventry | 766 |
BAKER, Thomas | Victualler, Atherstone | 554 |
BAKER, Thomas | Shop Owner | 195 |
BAKEWELL, Samuel | Victualler, Much Park St, Coventry | 766 |
BALDRY, Wm. | Victualler,St Jons St, Coventry | 766 |
BALDWIN, James | Calico Maker, Atherstone | 554 |
BALDWIN, Jno | Maltster Meer St Stratford | 540 |
BALDWIN, John | Overseer for Old Stratford parish | 539 |
BALDWIN, Joseph | Carpenter Green Hill St Stratford | 540 |
BALDWIN, Mr | Late head gardner to Lord Conway | 495 |
BALDWIN, Saml. | Butcher Sheep St Stratford | 540 |
BALDWIN, Thomas | Fellow Hort Soc. Evesham St, Alcester | 492 |
BALDWIN, Thomas | Whitlox & Foshaws Ends, Solihull | 588 |
BALDWIN, Wm. | Victualler Waterside Stratford | 540 |
BALDWIN, Wm. | Farrier Payton St Stratford | 540 |
BALL, James | Victualler High St Alcester | 492 |
BALL, John | Linen & woollen draper, Cross Cheaping | 766 |
BALL, Mrs Betsy | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
BALL, Thos. Wood | Linen & woollen draper, Market St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BALL, Wm. | Maltster, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BALLARD, Ann | Angel Commercial Inn, Regent St, Leamington | 715 |
BALLARD, George | Baker, Kenilworth | 697 |
BALLARD, Jno | Plumber, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BALLARD, John | Collar & harness maker, Atherstone | 554 |
BALLARD, John | Maltster, Burgess, Coventry | 766 |
BALLARD, Samuel | Gent. Abbey St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BALLARD, W. | Town Carrier, Warwick | 679 |
BALLARD, William | Milkman of Moors, Alcester | 492 |
BALLARD, Wm | Tailor & draper, Coventry St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BALLINGER, Jos. | Pawnbroker, Gloucester St, Leamington | 715 |
BALSTON, Wm | Wheelwright, Bons St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BALY, Ann | Wool packCommercial Inn,CornMarket, Warwick | 671 |
BALY, H. | Chemist & Druggist, Market Sq, Warwick | 671 |
BALY, John | Atlas Fire Office, High St, Warwick | 671 |
BALY, Joseph | Linen draper , Market Square, Warwick | 671 |
BALY, Mr. H. | Postmaster, Warwick | 678 |
BALY, Nathan | Cabinet maker, Oil Mill Lane, Warwick | 671 |
BALY, Nathaniel Sugar | Maltster, High St, Warwick | 671 |
BAMFORD, M. | Silk dyer, Spon St, Coventry | 766 |
BAMPTON, J.A. | Whitlox & Foshaws Ends, Solihull | 588 |
BANBURY, James | Park side, Coventry | 766 |
BANCOTT, Edwin | Swanswell Terrace, Coventry | 766 |
BANKS, J. L. & C. | Ribbon makers, West Orchard, Coventry | 766 |
BANKS, Langley | Stoke Green, Coventry | 766 |
BANKS, Rev M. | Pailton, Rugby | 735 |
BANKS, W.E. | Slay?? maker, Little Park St, Coventry | 766 |
BANNER, J. | Assistant Burgess of Warwick | 669 |
BANNER, James | Wheelwright, St Nicholas, Church St,Warwick | 671 |
BANNISTER, Richd | Watch & clock maker, Coleshill | 576 |
BANT, Ann | Fishmonger, Burgess, Coventry | 766 |
BANT, Jas. | Watch engraver, Spon St, Coventry | 766 |
BANT, Thomas | Watch case maker, Spon St, Coventry | 766 |
BANT, William | Plumber, Glazier & Painter, Knowle | 592 |
BARACLOUGH, Joseph | Carrier to Coventry, Nuneaton | 564 |
BARBER, Edward Esq | Berkstone, Meriden | 599 |
BARBER, J. | Boot & shoe maker, Gun Gate, Tamworth | 605 |
BARBER, J. | Boot & shoe maker, College Lane, Tamworth | 605 |
BARBER, John | Swanswell Terrace, Coventry | 766 |
BARBER, Wm. | China & glass, West Orchard, Coventry | 766 |
BARCLAY, William | , Castle end, Kenilworth | 697 |
BARFORD, E. | Tallow chandler, New Buildings, Coventry | 766 |
BARFORD, Thomas | Victualler, Atherstone | 554 |
BARFORD, Thomas | Victualler, Atherstone | 554 |
BARK, Robt. | Coach Builder Union Inn,Church StLeamington | 715 |
BARKE, W. | Jury member Stratford | 539 |
BARKE, Wm | Grocer tea dealer Bridge St Stratford | 540 |
BARKER & OWEN | Surgeons, Coleshill | 576 |
BARKER, Charles | Master Free Grammar Sch, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BARKER, Charles Esq | Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BARKER, George | Governor of B'ham school 1830 | 207 |
BARKER, George | Estate Owner | 283 |
BARKER, Lieut, George | Coleshill | 576 |
BARKER, Mr | Copper, Brass Wire dealer Temple Street | 239 |
BARKER, Stephen | Grocer & druggist of Henley | 506 |
BARLOW, Mr | Bookseller of Birmingham | 212 |
BARNACLE, Thomas | Grocer & tea dealer, Market Place, Nuneaton | 561 |
BARNACLE, Wm | Basket & sieve maker Ely St Stratford | 540 |
BARNACLE, Wm | Letter press printer Wood st Stratford | 540 |
BARNACLE, Wm. | Victualler, Jordan Well, Coventry | 766 |
BARNARD, J. | Carpenter, Satchwell St, Leamington | 715 |
BARNARD, Rev R. | of Lightbourne, Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
BARNES, Isaac | Horticulturalist, Nr Saltisford, Warwick | 671 |
BARNES, J & J. | Drapers & hosiers, Market Sq, Warwick | 671 |
BARNES, J & T | Farmers Luddington Stratford | 540 |
BARNES, Jno | Coffee House Bridge St Stratford | 540 |
BARNES, Joseph | Sovereign Place, Coventry | 766 |
BARNES, Richd. | Rope maker, High St, Kenilworth | 697 |
BARNES, Robert | Currier Wood St Stratford | 540 |
BARNES, THomas | Baker & flour dealer, Bishop St, Coventry | 766 |
BARNES, Thomas | Grocer & tea dealer, Bishop St, Coventry | 766 |
BARNES, Thos. | Maltster & miller, High St, Kenilworth | 697 |
BARNET, Thomas | Stone mason, Smith St, Warwick | 671 |
BARNET, Wm, | Schoolmaster Alverstone Stratford | 540 |
BARNETT, Mrs. | Boarding Academy, Brunswick St, Leamington | 715 |
BARNHURST & COPPIN Messrs | Attorney Stratford | 540 |
BARNHURST, Eliz | Milliner & dress maker Wood St Stratford | 540 |
BARNIKLE, Thos. | Baker, Satchwell St, Leamington | 715 |
BARNSLEY, Jos. | Collar & harness maker, Atherstone | 554 |
BARNWELL, John | Victualler,Bishop St, Coventry | 766 |
BARNWELL, Rich. | Corn miller, White Friars, Coventry | 766 |
BARNWELL, Richard | Carpenter & joiner, Much Park St, Coventry | 766 |
BARNWELL, Wm. | Baker, Tavistock St, Leamington | 715 |
BARR, Henry | Baker & flour dealer, Gosford St, Coventry | 766 |
BARR, Mrs & Miss | Hawkin's Boarding Sch.Chandos, Leamington | 715 |
BARRACLOUGH, Jno | Printer & music seller, Back St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BARRACLOUGH, Jno | Joiner, Bond St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BARRACLOUGH, Jno | Victualler, Bond St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BARRACLOUGH, Wm. | Painter, Church St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BARRATT, Rd. | Linen draper, Market St, Tamworth | 605 |
BARRELL, W.R. | Victualler, New St, Kenilworth | 697 |
BARRETT & Co | Wine merchants, Rugby | 735 |
BARRETT & WATKINS | Ribbon makers, Burgess, Coventry | 766 |
BARRETT, Captain C. | Milverton Lodge, Leamington | 715 |
BARRETT, John | Pin maker Rother market Stratford | 540 |
BARRETT, John | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
BARRETT, Thos | Victualler High St Stratford | 540 |
BARRON, Eliz. | Brazier, Royal Parade, Leamington | 715 |
BARRON, Mr | Payton St Stratford | 540 |
BARRON, Mr | Brass rod and Venetian blind maker | 240 |
BARRON, Wm | Butcher Priory St Alcester | 492 |
BARROWS, Miss | Ladies' Boarding Sch, Bishop St, Coventry | 766 |
BARRS, Benjamin | Chemist & druggist, Jordan Well, Coventry | 766 |
BARRS, Joseph | Corn miller,Burton Hastings, Nuneaton | 561 |
BARRS, Rd. | Corn miller, Caldicott Mills, Nuneaton | 561 |
BARSBY, Lois | Confectioner etc, Market St, Tamworth | 606 |
BARTLAM, R. | Retail brewer, Kenilworth St, Leamington | 716 |
BARTLEET, Benjamin | Brazier & tinman, Well St, Coventry | 766 |
BARTLETT, Robert | John St Stratford | 540 |
BARTLETT, Wm. | Gosford Green, Coventry | 766 |
BARTON, J.C. | Kings Arms Inn, Market St, Tamworth | 606 |
BARTON, Jabez | Chief Constable to County, Cross Cheaping | 766 |
BARTON, Mrs | Castle Bromwich | 574 |
BARTON, Thomas | Boot & shoe Maker, Broadgate, Coventry | 766 |
BARTON, Wm. Ashton | Surgeon, Hertford St, Coventry | 766 |
BARTRAM, Thomas Slater | , Saltisford, Warwick | 671 |
BASELEY, John | Butcher, Abbott's St, Leamington | 716 |
BASFORD, Daniel | Carpenter, Atherstone | 554 |
BASFORD, William | Victualler, Atherstone | 554 |
BASKERVILLE, John | b. Wolverley WOR 1706 - d 8/1/1775 | 260 |
BASKERVILLE, John | His Will of 6/1/1773 is printed in full | 266- |
BASKERVILLE, Sarah | Died March 1788 | 271 |
BASSETT, George | Saddler etc,Boleridge, Tamworth | 606 |
BASSETT, Jos. | Saddler, Collar & Harness maker, Atherstone | 554 |
BASSETT, Joseph | Builder, Spon St, Coventry | 766 |
BATCHELOR, Richard | Green grocer, Kenilworth St, Leamington | 716 |
BATCHELOR, W. | Gardener & seedsman, Tamworth | 606 |
BATCHELOR, Wm. | Victualler, Regent St, Leamington | 716 |
BATEMAN, John | Butcher, Much Park St, Coventry | 766 |
BATEMAN, Miss | Resident of Main St Stratford | 532 |
BATEMAN, Miss Ann | Ladies' School Old Town Stratford | 540 |
BATEMAN, Thos. | Butcher, Gosford St, Coventry | 766 |
BATEMAN, William | Butcher, Fleet St, Coventry | 766 |
BATES, Edward | Victualler, Coleshill | 576 |
BATES, Edward | Victualler, Coleshill | 576 |
BATES, Samuel | Dog Lane, Coventry | 766 |
BATES, Thomas | Grocer & tea dealer, Atherstone | 554 |
BATES, Thomas | Boot & shoe Maker, Smithford St, Coventry | 766 |
BATSFORD, John | Painter, plumber & glazier of Henley | 506 |
BATSFORD, John | Wheelwright St Nicholas, Church St, Warwick | 671 |
BATSFORD, Timothy | Rope maker, Market Square, Warwick | 671 |
BATTIN, Thos. | Victualler, Saltisford, Warwick | 671 |
BAXTER, Wm. | Bricklayer, Freeth St, Coventry | 766 |
BAYLEY, Charles | Gent. Atherstone | 553 |
BAYLEY, Henry | Chemist, Regent St, Leamington | 716 |
BAYLEY, W.E. | Herald painter, Much Park St, Coventry | 766 |
BAYLIS, Edw. | Grocer & tea dealer, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BAYLIS, Edward | Baker, Livery St, Leamington | 716 |
BAYLIS, J. | Car proprietor, Satchwell St, Leamington | 716 |
BAYLIS, Jas. | Car proprietor, Tachbrook St, Leamington | 716 |
BAYLIS, John | Victualler Sheep St Stratford | 540 |
BAYLIS, Mary | Victualler, Hill, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BAYLIS, Thomas | Engineer, Much Park St, Coventry* | 766 |
BAYLIS, Thos. | Engineer Greenhil St Stratford | 540 |
BAYLIS, Wm. | Boot and Shoe maker, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BAYLIS, Wm. | Tailor, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BAYLISS, J. Professor | Dancing Sch, Church St, Warwick | 671 |
BAYLISS, William | Baker, Spon St, Coventry | 766 |
BEACH, Richard | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
BEALE, Daniel | Schoolmaster, Knowle | 592 |
BEALE, Mr | Of Leicester held Charter 4/7/1801 | 206 |
BEALE, Thomas | Property taken for building Town Hall | 233 |
BEAMISH, Mary | Victualler, Market St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BEAMISH, Saml. | Plumber, Wash Lane, Nuneaton | 561 |
BEAN, Richard | Currier & corn agent, High St, Warwick | 671 |
BEARD, Abm. | Hatter, hosier & Manchester Fire,Tamworth | 606 |
BEARD, Elizabeth | Brickmaker, Victualler,Gun Gate, Tamworth | 606 |
BEARD, J. | Bookbinder, Aldergate St, Tamworth | 606 |
BEARD, Wiliam | Boot & shoe Maker, Much Park St, Coventry | 766 |
BEARDSWORTH, Mr | Horse and carriage repository - Cheapside | 258 |
BEASELEY, A. | Straw hat maker, John St, Leamington | 716 |
BEASELEY, Wm. | Butcher, Park St, Leamington | 716 |
BEASLEY, Mary | Shopkeeper, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BEASLEY, Richd. | Linen & woollen draper,Abbey St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BEASLEY, Wm | Hairdresser, New St, Kenilworth | 697 |
BEATES, John | Hairdresser, Smithford St, Coventry | 766 |
BEATTY, Thomas | Carver & gilder, Castle Hill, Warwick | 671 |
BEAUCHAMP, Saml. | Victualler,Warwick Lane, Coventry | 766 |
BEAUFOY, Samuel | Butcher, Meriden | 599 |
BEAUMONT, Francis | Linen & woollen draper Wood St Stratford | 540 |
BEAZLEY, Henry | St Nicholas, Church St, Warwick | 671 |
BECK & PRIME | Bankers, High St, Coventry | 766 |
BECK, Charles | Boys' Boarding Sch, Little Park St,Coventry | 766 |
BECK, J. Esq | County Treasurer for Warwick | 670 |
BECK, James Esq | Allesley Hall, Coventry | 765 |
BECK, Thomas | Baker & flour dealer, Butts, Coventry | 766 |
BECKET, W. | Fireman at Stratford | 545 |
BEDDOW, John | Carrier to Bedworth from , Coventry | 783 |
BEDFORD, Mrs | Cut Glass Showrooms in Birmingham | 187 |
BEDFORD, Rev W.R. | Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BEEBY, John | Linen & woollen draper, Atherstone | 554 |
BEECH, Ann | Chemist, druggist, Atherstone | 554 |
BEER, Robert | Maltster Rother Market Stratford | 540 |
BEESLEY, H. | Fireman at Stratford | 545 |
BEESLEY, James | Boot & Shoe maker Alcester | 492 |
BEESLEY, James | Watch gilder, Hill St, Coventry | 766 |
BEESLEY, Jno | Brewer & Cordwainer Rother Market Stratford | 540 |
BEILBY & KNOTTS | Paper marblers of Birmingham | 254 |
BELL, Launcelot | Maltster, Solihull | 589 |
BELL, Thomas | Victualler, Wheeldon, Coleshill | 576 |
BELL, William | Erected a Steam Mill | 291 |
BELLAMY, Henry | Blacksmith Studley Alcester | 492 |
BELLAMY, Mrs | Matron Deaf & Dumb School | 285 |
BELLAMY, Wm. | Victualler, Mill Lane, Coventry | 766 |
BELLERBY, Thos. | Police Officer, Theatre St, Warwick | 671 |
BENBOW, J. | Assistant Burgess of Warwick | 669 |
BENBOW, John | Ironmonger & Royal Exch.High St, Warwick | 671 |
BENE, Richard | Endowed St John's Chapel 1382 | 253 |
BENN, Mrs. Maria | , Rugby | 735 |
BENNETT, Frances | Milliner, Rugby | 735 |
BENNETT, James | Victualler of Alcester | 492 |
BENNETT, James | Heydon Way Coughton Alcester | 492 |
BENNETT, John | Needle maker Henley St Alcester | 492 |
BENNETT, John | Coal dealer Henely St Alcester | 492 |
BENNETT, John | Grocer, Grey Friars Lane, Coventry | 766 |
BENNETT, Rich | Victualler Rother Market Stratford | 540 |
BENNETT, Richard | Hairdresser, Rugby | 735 |
BENNETT, Wm. | Baker & flour dealer Chapel St Stratford | 540 |
BENNS, Misses Ann & Mary | , Rugby | 735 |
BENNS, Misses Maria | , Rugby | 735 |
BENNTT, Richard | Builder, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 606 |
BENOLIEL, Isaac | Jeweller etc, Rugby | 735 |
BENSON, Thos. | Gent., Solihull | 589 |
BENTLEY, Elizabeth | Resident of Birmingham Jan 1780 aged 88 | 123 |
BENTON, Henry | Slain April 1643 - Labourer | 163 |
BENTON, Wm. | Poulterer, Gloucester Rd, Leamington | 716 |
BERMINGHAM, William | m. Isabell dau of Wm Hilton | 142 |
BERNARD, Ab | Cabinetmaker Wood St Stratford | 540 |
BERNARD, Charles | Organ builder, Church St Alcester | 492 |
BERNARD, Miss | Music teacher of Church St Alcester | 492 |
BERRAY, John | Baker, Crompton St, Warwick | 671 |
BERRIE, Charles James | Druggist, grocer,Market St, Tamworth | 606 |
BERRY, Edwd. | Carpenter, New St, Kenilworth | 697 |
BERRY, Thomas | Ribbon maker, Ironmonger Row, Coventry | 766 |
BERRY, Wm. | Basket & Skip maker, Scholars Lane | 540 |
BERWICK, Jno | Farmer of Shottery, Stratford | 540 |
BESWICK, Mrs. Elizabeth | Bishop St, Coventry | 765 |
BETHELL, Thos | Millwright Church St Stratford | 540 |
BETTERIDGE, Joseph | Butcher, Friar St, Warwick | 671 |
BETTS, Robert | Victualler, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BETTS, Wm H. | Tailor, West St, Warwick | 671 |
BETTY, J. | Butcher, High St, Kenilworth | 697 |
BETTY, Joseph | Maltster, High St, Kenilworth | 697 |
BETTY, Wm. | Victualler, Castle end, Kenilworth | 697 |
BETTY, Wm. | Farmer, Ground Farm, Kenilworth | 697 |
BEVINGTON, Geo. | Hatter etc, Bath St, Leamington | 716 |
BICKLEY, John | Vict. Crompton St, Warwick | 671 |
BICKLEY, Mrs. Cape | Nr, Saltisford, Warwick | 671 |
BICKLEY, Thos. | Miller, Hill Oak, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BICKNELL, Charles | Linen & woollen draper, Cross Cheaping | 766 |
BICKNELL, Mrs. Sarah | , Southam | 745 |
BIDDLE, Charles | Swanswell Terrace, Coventry | 766 |
BIDDLE, James | Joiner, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BIDDLE, John | Butcher, Atherstone | 554 |
BIDDLE, Richard | Whitlox & Foshaws Ends, Solihull | 588 |
BIDDLE, Robert | Army Baker, Atherstone | 554 |
BIDDLE, Thomas | Tailor Butter St Alcester | 492 |
BIDDLE, Thomas | Farmer, Sheldon | 579 |
BIDDLE, Thomas | Victualler, Gun Gate, Tamworth | 606 |
BIDDULPH, John | Gent. Solihull | 589 |
BIDDULPH, Rev. Henry | Birbury, Rugby | 735 |
BIDDULPH, Rev. John | Birbury, Rugby | 735 |
BIDDULPH, Sir Theophilus | Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
BIDDULPH, Sir Theophilus | Birbury, Rugby | 735 |
BIGGERSTAFF, James | Watchmaker Greenhill St Stratford | 540 |
BILL, Bentley & Co | Ribbon makers Earl St, Coventry & London | 766 |
BILL, John | Silkman, Little Park St, Coventry | 767 |
BILL, Mary & Son | Ribbon makers, Little Park St, Coventry | 767 |
BILLING, Thos. | Corn dealer, High St, Warwick | 671 |
BILLINGE, Mr | Toolmaker of Bull Street Birmingham | 251 |
BILLINGSLEY, William jnr | Slain April 1643 | 163 |
BILLINGTON, William | Cutler, Southam | 746 |
BILTON, James | Grocer Priory St, Alcester | 492 |
BINDLEY, Catherine | Tallow chandler, George St, Tamworth | 606 |
BINDLEY, J & F | Milliners etc, Cole Hill, Tamworth | 606 |
BINDLEY, James & Francis | Permanent Library, Cole Hill,Tamworth | 608 |
BINDLEY, John | Farmer, Knowle | 592 |
BINDLEY, T. | Cutler, Fellmonger, George St, Tamworth | 606 |
BINGHAM, Thomas | Grocer and tea dealer, Atherstone | 554 |
BINLEY, Eliz. | Milliner, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BINLEY, John | Carrier to Nuneaton from, Coventry | 784 |
BINLEY, Wm. | Builder, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BINT, Francis | Maltster, Meriden | 599 |
BINT, John | Brandy merchant, Coleshill | 576 |
BIRBIDGE, Wm. | Linen & woollen draper, Cross Cheaping | 767 |
BIRCH Lieut. | Hampton Lodge, Warwick | 670 |
BIRCH, ?? | Shirley End, Solihull | 588 |
BIRCH, Capt | Hampton Lodge, Warwick | 670 |
BIRCH, Charles | Painter & glazier. Leicester Row, Coventry | 767 |
BIRCH, Jos. | Surgeon, Northgate St, Warwick | 671 |
BIRCH, Rev. William | , Rugby | 735 |
BIRCH, Thomas | Basket maker, Coleshill | 576 |
BIRCHALL,M Mary | Boot & shoe Maker, Smithford St, Coventry | 767 |
BIRD & Sons | Canal Carriers | 679 |
BIRD, Henry | Boot & shoe Maker, Earl St, Coventry | 767 |
BIRD, J. | Grocer, High St, Leamington | 716 |
BIRD, Josiah | Fancy trimmings maker, High St, Coventry | 767 |
BIRD, Mrs. Rebecca | Spring Cottage, Kenilworth | 697 |
BIRD, R & Son | Surgeons, Church St, Tamworth | 606 |
BIRD, Rev Roger | Assisant Master Rugby School, Rugby | 736 |
BIRD, Rev. Roger | , Rugby | 735 |
BIRD, Richard sen | Gent. George St, Tamworth | 606 |
BIRD, Saml. | Plasterer, Tavistock St, Leamington | 716 |
BIRD, Thomas | Ribbon maker, Gosford St, Coventry | 767 |
BIRKS, John | Butcher, Gosford St, Coventry | 767 |
BISHOP, Cecil | of Moulsford | 536 |
BISHOP, James | Hertford St, Coventry | 767 |
BISHOP, John | Baker, Swan St, Warwick | 671 |
BISHOP, Saml. | Combmaker, Union Row, Kenilworth | 697 |
BISHOP, Wm. | Farmer, Knowle | 592 |
BISHTON, Wm. | Esq Atherstone | 553 |
BISSELL, Jno | Brazier & tinman Ely St Stratford | 540 |
BISSETT, J. | Residence, Bellevue, Ranelagh St,Leamington | 716 |
BISSETT, J. | Paragon picture Gallery, High St,Leamington | 716 |
BLACKBURN, C | Auctioneer etc, Church St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BLACKWELL, W. | Carrier , Rugby to Daventry | 737 |
BLAIR, Mrs. & Miss | Ladies' Boarding Sch.Townpool St,Kenilworth | 697 |
BLAKE, Dr. | Spon St, Coventry | 767 |
BLAKESLEY, Chas. | Tea dealer, Castle end, Kenilworth | 697 |
BLAKESLEY, J. D. | Meriden | 599 |
BLAKESLEY, J.D. | Whateley Hall, Castle Bromwich | 574 |
BLAKEWELL, Sarah | Ladies' Day School, Townpool St, Kenilworth | 697 |
BLAKISTON, Rev. M. | Bilton, Rugby | 735 |
BLENCARNE, Mary | Watch hand maker, Spon St, Coventry | 767 |
BLENCOE, Richard | Baker, Rugby | 735 |
BLICK, Mrs | Longbridge, Warwick | 670 |
BLICK, Mrs | High Street, Warwick | 670 |
BLICK, Rev Francis | Millfield Hall, Tamworth | 605 |
BLINKINSOPP, Wm. | Surgeon, Regent St, Leamington | 716 |
BLINKINSOPP, Wm. | Surgeon, High St, Warwick | 671 |
BLISS, Thomas | Victualler, Market Sq, Warwick | 671 |
BLOOD, Thomas | Butcher, Market St Tamworth | 606 |
BLOOD, Wm | Watch & clock maker, Atherstone | 555 |
BLOOMFIELD, Edw. | Bookkeeper, Burgess, Coventry | 767 |
BLOOMFIELD, Mrs | Laundress, Church St, Leamington | 716 |
BLOXAM, Rev. A. | , Rugby | 735 |
BLOXAM, Rev. Richrd R. | , Rugby | 735 |
BLOXAM, Rev. Thomas Lawr. | , Rugby | 735 |
BLOXHAM, Thos. | Corn miller, Merson Jebbet, Nuneaton | 561 |
BLOXHAM, William | Surgeon, Meriden | 599 |
BLUNN, Hannah | Straw hat maker Bridge St Stratford | 540 |
BLUNN, James | Farmer, Balsal, Knowle | 592 |
BLUNN, Wm. | Saddler & Collarmaker Bridge St Stratford | 540 |
BLYTH, Richard | Shirley End, Solihull | 588 |
BODDEN, John | Tea dealer, West Orchard, Coventry | 767 |
BODDINGTON, Edward | Butcher, Rugby | 735 |
BODDINGTON, Josh. | Chace Farm, Kenilworth | 697 |
BODDINGTON, Mary | Chandler & soap dealer, New St, Kenilworth | 697 |
BODDINGTON, Mrs. | Butcher, High St, Kenilworth | 697 |
BODDINGTON, Rich | Butcher High St, Alcester | 492 |
BODDINGTON, William | Farmer, Kenilworth Castle | 695 |
BODDINGTON, Wm. | Farmer, Castle farm, Kenilworth | 697 |
BODDINGTON, Wm. | Surgeon, Castle end, Kenilworth | 697 |
BODDINGTON, Wm. | Coal merchant, Saltisford Wharf, Warwick | 671 |
BODELL, Thos. | Hatter etc Boleridge St, Tamworth | 606 |
BODGYE, William | Mentioned in King Edward 6th's Charter | 195 |
BODILY & LAMBERT | Corn millers, Southam | 746 |
BODILY, John | Victualler, Southam | 746 |
BOLTON W. Jun | Chamberlain of Stratford | 539 |
BOLTON, Eliz | Dressmaker High St Stratford | 540 |
BOLTON, Jas | Farmer of Snitterfield | 540 |
BOLTON, Jos. | Clothier, Castle end, Kenilworth | 697 |
BOLTON, Mrs. | Milliner, Royal Parade, Leamington | 716 |
BOLTON, W, jun | Fire Office Agent - Guardian | 545 |
BOLTON, Wm. | Burgess of Stratford | 539 |
BOLTON, Wm. | Linen & woollen draper, High St Stratfcord | 540 |
BOND, John | Surgeon, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BOND, John | Manor of Ward-end,Castle Bromwich in 1512 | 574 |
BOND, Mrs Sophia | Lichfield St, Tamworth | 605 |
BOND, Thomas | Ladies shoe maker Old Sq, Warwick | 671 |
BOND, Thomas | Maltster, Birdingbury, Southam | 746 |
BOND, Thos | Baker & flour dealer, Atherstone | 554 |
BOND, Wm. | Boot & shoe maker, Regent St, Leamington | 716 |
BONEHILL, Wm & John | Statuaries & masons, Coventry Rd, Warwick | 671 |
BOOK, B. | Invented church ballistrades 1810 | 215 |
BOON, John | Robertson Row, Coventry | 767 |
BOOTH, Dr | Humane Society Birmingham 1803 | 248 |
BOOTH, Isaac | Blacksmith, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BOOTH, John MD | Governor of B'ham school 1830 | 207 |
BOOTH, Josiah | Builder,, Little Park St, Coventry | 767 |
BOOTH, Mrs. | Coal dealer, Leicester Rd, Coventry | 767 |
BOOTH, Rd. jun | Atlas fire off. Bishop St, Coventry | 766 |
BOOTH, Riachrd sen | Builder etc, Hertford St, Coventry | 767 |
BOOTH, Rich. | Builder, Charlotte St, Leamington | 716 |
BOOTH, Richard jun | Appraiser & auctioneer,Hertford St,Coventry | 767 |
BOOTH, Richard jun | Builder, Bishop St, Coventry | 767 |
BOOTH, Thomas | Tallow Chandler,Smithford St, Coventry | 767 |
BOOTH, Widow | Shirley End, Solihull | 588 |
BORTON, Rev. Chas. | Regent St, Leamington | 715 |
BOSTN, Eliz. | Grocer & draper, Knowle | 592 |
BOSTOCK, E & K | Milliners, Back St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BOSTOCK, John | Butcher, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BOSTOCK, Jos. | Baker & flour dealer, Atherstone | 554 |
BOSTOCK, Rebecca | Post mistress, Church St, Nuneaton | 564 |
BOSTON, Daniel | Farmer, Knowle | 592 |
BOSTON, Dyonysius | Tallow Chandler, Knowle | 592 |
BOSTON, Mary | Farmer, Knowle | 592 |
BOSTON, Mrs W. | Ladies' Academy, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BOSWELL, G. Esq | Alderman of Warwick | 669 |
BOSWELL, George | Northgate St, Warwick | 670 |
BOSWELL, George Esq | of Warwick , Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
BOSWELL, Thos | Victualler Studley Alcester | 492 |
BOSWORTH, Edward | Farmer, Castle Bromwich | 574 |
BOSWORTH, Joseph | Olton & Burrough Ends, Solihull | 588 |
BOSWORTH, Wm. | Lodging House, Regent Grove, Leamington | 716 |
BOTRILL, Thomas | Hosier & glover, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BOTT, Francis | Jury St, Warwick | 671 |
BOTT, Jno. | Farmer, Knowle | 592 |
BOTT, John | Maltster, Solihull | 589 |
BOTT, Joseph | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
BOTT, Mrs | Of Henley | 506 |
BOTTERILL, Christopher | Carrier to Birmingham, Coventry | 767 |
BOTTRILL, Thos. | Ribbon maker,Abbey St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BOUCHER, John | Farmer of Snitterfield | 540 |
BOUDIER, Rev John | Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
BOUDIER, Rev. John | Vicarage House, Warwick | 670 |
BOUDIER,, Rev. John | Vicar of St Mary's Butts, Warwick | 671 |
BOULD, John | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
BOULD, M. | Farmer, Solihull | 589 |
BOULTBEE, John | Manor of Springfield, Knowle | 593 |
BOULTBEE, John Esq | Baxterley Atherstone | 553 |
BOULTBEE, Joseph Esq | of Springfield, Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
BOULTBEE, Joseph Esq | Springfield, Solihull | 589 |
BOULTBEE, Joseph Moore | of Kineton , Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
BOULTBEE, Rev Charles | Orton on the Hill Atherstone | 553 |
BOULTON & PRITCHARD | Surgeons, Lower Parade, Leamington | 716 |
BOULTON, John | Needle maker Studley Alcester | 492 |
BOULTON, John | Linen & wool draper, Studley Alcester | 492 |
BOULTON, Mr | Purchaser of Soho 1762 | 295 |
BOUNDS, John | Carpenter, Oil Mill Lane, Warwick | 671 |
BOURNE, Edwd. | Physician, Earl St, Coventry | 767 |
BOURNE, John | Woolstapler, Atherstone | 554 |
BOURNE, M. | Priory Row, Coventry | 767 |
BOURNE, Mrs Ann | Cole Hill, Tamworth | 605 |
BOURNE, Mrs Mary | Cole Hill, Tamworth | 605 |
BOWDEN, Wm. | Hairdresser, Brunswick St, Leamington | 716 |
BOWDLER, Mr | High Street Stratford | 541 |
BOWEN, Rev. Wm. | Meeting Ho, High St, Coventry | 767 |
BOWERS, Enoch | Tanner, Coleshill | 576 |
BOWES, Sarah | Lodging House, Charlotte St, Leamington | 716 |
BOX, M.A. | Mistress, Infant Public School, Atherstone | 555 |
BRACEBRIDGE, Abraham Esq | Atherstone | 553 |
BRACEBRIDGE, C.H. Esq | of Atherstone, Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
BRACEBRIDGE, Chas Holte | Atherstone | 553 |
BRACKEN, Miss H. | Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BRACKEN, Mrs | Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BRACKNELL, Daniel | Boot & Shoe maker, Saltisford Rock, Warwick | 671 |
BRADFORD, Catherine | Straw hatmaker High St Stratford | 541 |
BRADFORD, Edward | Surveyor, St Nicholas Chuchyard, Coventry | 767 |
BRADFORD, George | Straw hatmaker Wood St Stratford | 541 |
BRADFORD, John | Builder, Nicholas St, Coventry | 767 |
BRADFORD, John | Carrier to Stretton from, Coventry | 784 |
BRADFORD, Thomas | Carrier, Southam to Banbury etc | 747 |
BRADLEY, Gamble | Brazier & tinman. Cross Cheaping, Coventry | 767 |
BRADLEY, John | Butcher, Spon St, Coventry | 767 |
BRADLEY, Jos. | Manager Gas Works, Walter Hill, Warwick | 673 |
BRADLEY, Joseph | Engineer, Butts, Warwick | 671 |
BRADLEY, Mrs. | Butcher, Gloucester St, Leamington | 716 |
BRADLEY, Rev Wm. | Master, Free Grammar School, Atherstone | 554 |
BRADLEY, Wm,. | Master of Free Grammar School, Atherstone | 554 |
BRADSHAW, Ann | Victualler, Spon St, Coventry | 767 |
BRADSHAW, Richard | Wheelwright, Leicester Pl,, Coventry | 767 |
BRADSHAW, Samuel | Veterinary Surg, Bridge St Stratford | 540 |
BRADSHAW, Wm. | Union St, Coventry | 767 |
BRAIDWOOD, Thomas | of Hackney appointed to instruct Deaf/Dumb | 284 |
BRAMMALL, Thomas Esq | Castle, Tamworth | 605 |
BRANDIS, Sarah | Ironmonger High St Alcester | 492 |
BRANDIS, William | Alcester | 492 |
BRANDISH, Joseph | Urn maker of Alcester | 490 |
BRANSON, Joseph | worsted maker Bridge St Stratford | 541 |
BRANT, Charles | Builder, Gun Gate, Tamworth | 606 |
BRAY & HERBERT | Maltsters, Much Park St, Coventry | 767 |
BRAY & SMITH | Ribbon makers, Much Park St, Coventry | 767 |
BRAY, James | Ribbon maker, Much Park St, Coventry | 767 |
BRAY, John | Farmer & Victualler, Stoke Green, Coventry | 767 |
BRAY, John | Victualler, Gosford St, Coventry | 767 |
BRAY, John | Shopkeeper,Stoke Green, Coventry | 767 |
BRAY, Jon. | Manufacturer, Little Park St, Coventry | 767 |
BRAY, Jonathan | Stoke Green, Coventry | 767 |
BRAY, THomas | Butcher, Earl St, Coventry | 767 |
BRAY, Wm. | Ribbon Maker, White Friars Lane, Coventry | 767 |
BRAY, Wm. | Victualler & maltster, New St, Coventry | 767 |
BRAYN, John | Builder, Aldergate St, Tamworth | 606 |
BREADNEY, John | Butcher , Spon St, Coventry | 767 |
BREE, Mrs | Church Street Stratford | 541 |
BREE, Rev Dr. | Beausall, Warwick | 670 |
BREEDON, John | Tailor & habit maker Henley St Stratford | 541 |
BRENTNALL, Thomas | Victualler,Maney, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BRENTNALL, Thos. | Watch & clock maker, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BRESBY, M | Tinman of Henley | 506 |
BREWER, Rev. Jehoiada | Of Ebenezer Chapel opened 9/12/1818 | 221 |
BRIDGENS, George | Resident of Birmingham Jan 1780 aged 103 | 123 |
BRIDGENS, Mrs | Solihull | 589 |
BRIDGES, Rev Nathaniel | Hutton, Warwick | 670 |
BRIDGES, Thos. | Basket maker, Smith St, Warwick | 671 |
BRIDGEWATER, Joseph | Witnessed will of John Baskerville | 268 |
BRIERLY, Miss | Hertford Terrace, Coventry | 767 |
BRIGGS, John | Butcher, Atherstone | 554 |
BRIGGS, Michael | Butcher, Atherstone | 554 |
BRIGHT, Hannah | Ribbon maker, New St, Coventry | 767 |
BRIGHT, Joseph | Cabinet maker, Bull Ring, Coventry | 767 |
BRINTON, John | Farmer of Wootton Wawen | 506 |
BRISCOE, Wm. | Victualler, Market Sq, Warwick | 671 |
BRITAIN, John | dealer in earthenware, Kenilworth | 697 |
BRITTAIN, Isaac | Blacksmith, Knowle | 592 |
BROADBENT, Wm. | Pawnbroker, Atherstone | 554 |
BROADHURST, John | Hat maker, Cross Cheaping, Coventry | 767 |
BROCKMAN, Capt. John | Upper Union Street, Leamington | 715 |
BROGDON, Sarah | Victualler, Much Park St, Coventry | 767 |
BROMFIELD, Catherine | Milliner dressmaker, Burgess, Coventry | 767 |
BROMFIELD, Edw. | Observer Newspaper, Burgess, Coventry | 769 |
BROMFIELD, Edward | Observer Newspaper, Cross Cheaping | 776 |
BROMFIELD, Edward | Bookseller, Burgess , Coventry | 767 |
BROMFIELD, John | Maltster, Much Park St, Coventry | 767 |
BROMFIELD, Rev T.R. | of Napton, Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
BROMLEY, William | of Baginton- owned Haseley Manor | 518 |
BROMLEY,Rev. Mr. | Baggington, Coventry | 765 |
BROMWHICH, Henry | Carrier to Rugby from, Coventry | 784 |
BROMWICH, John | Farmer, Sheldon | 579 |
BROMWICH, M. | Painter & glazier, Rugby | 735 |
BROMWICH, Richard | Baker , Rugby | 735 |
BROMWICH, Richard | Carrier, Rugby to Coventry etc | 737 |
BROMWICH, Thomas | Spread Eagle Inn, Assembly Rooms, Rugby | 735 |
BROMWICH, Wm. | Plumber, Glazier, Chapel St, Warwick | 671 |
BROOK, Thos. | Watch case maker, Spon St, Coventry | 767 |
BROOKE, Thomas | Watchmaker, Spon St, Coventry | 767 |
BROOKE, Wm. | Victualler, Solihull | 589 |
BROOKES, Benj | Baker Henley St Alcester | 492 |
BROOKES, Charles | Tailor & Linen draper, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BROOKES, Jno. | Cooper, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BROOKES, John | Engine weaver's Harness maker, Jordan Well | 767 |
BROOKES, Mrs Sarah | Northgate, Warwick | 670 |
BROOKES, Rev. William | Free School, Coventry | 765 |
BROOKES, Wm. | Master Free Grammar Sch.,Bishop St,Coventry | 767 |
BROOKESBY, Nathaniel | Bishops Statute 21/10/1676 Birmingham | 200 |
BROOKHOUSE, Jos. Esq | Saltisford, Warwick | 670 |
BROOKHOUSE, M. | Lodging House, Union Pde, Leamington | 716 |
BROOKS, John | Shirley End, Solihull | 588 |
BROOKS, Wm. | Chief Constable, Knowle | 592 |
BROSTER, Thos. | Victualler,Market St, Tamworth | 606 |
BROW, John Esq | Witherley ,Atherstone | 553 |
BROWETT, Jos. | Furniture broker, Bull ring, Coventry | 767 |
BROWETT, Wm. | Linen & woollen draper,Cross Cheaping | 767 |
BROWN & Son | Pawnbrokers, Earl St, Coventry | 767 |
BROWN' John | Property taken for building Town Hall | 233 |
BROWN, Alexander | Steward to Earl of Warwick. Bridge End | 671 |
BROWN, Charles | Joiner, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BROWN, Daniel | Stoke, Coventry | 767 |
BROWN, Daniel | Ribbon maker, Stoke Green | 767 |
BROWN, Edw. | Green grocer, Regent St, Leamington | 716 |
BROWN, Edward | Tailor, Hay lane, Coventry | 767 |
BROWN, George | Spade & saw maker, Park, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BROWN, Hen. | Ribbon maker, Earl St, Coventry | 767 |
BROWN, Isaac | Victualler, Spon St, Coventry | 767 |
BROWN, James | Watch & clock maker, Coventry St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BROWN, James | Seedsman High St Alcester | 492 |
BROWN, James | Victualler Brown Inn High St Alcester | 492 |
BROWN, James | Coal dealer Henely St Alcester | 492 |
BROWN, Jas | Coal dealer, High St Alcester | 492 |
BROWN, John | turner & chair maker, Castle end,Kenilworth | 697 |
BROWN, John | Weaver's slay maker, Chantry Pl, Coventry | 767 |
BROWN, John | Gosford Terrace, Coventry | 767 |
BROWN, Joseph | Gold & silver watch dial maker, Spon St | 767 |
BROWN, Jospeh | Ribbon maker, Warwick Row, Coventry | 767 |
BROWN, M. | Watch case maker, Hay Lane, Coventry | 767 |
BROWN, Rich. | Tailor, Church St, Leamington | 716 |
BROWN, Richard | Plumber, Glazier & painter Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BROWN, Richard | Coal dealer Bancroft Stratford | 541 |
BROWN, Robert | Carpenter & joiner, Atherstone | 554 |
BROWN, Robert C. | Surgeon, Church St, Tamworth | 606 |
BROWN, Samuel | Surgeon, Prop of Stonehoue Asylum Henley | 506 |
BROWN, Samuel | Grocer & tea dealer, Smith St, Warwick | 671 |
BROWN, Samuel | Clerk,Savings Bank, Northgate St, Warwick | 678 |
BROWN, Samuel | Watch case maker, Spon St, Coventry | 767 |
BROWN, Samuel sen | Grocer & tea dealer, Saltisford, Warwick | 671 |
BROWN, Thomas | Farmer, Sheldon | 579 |
BROWN, THos. | Slay maker, Bailey Lane | 767 |
BROWN, Wm | Victualler, Atherstone | 554 |
BROWN, Wm,. | Blacksmith & edge tool maker, Atherstone | 554 |
BROWN, Wm. | Stone mason, Emscote, Warwick | 671 |
BROWN, Wm. | Slay maker, Burgess, Coventry | 767 |
BROWNELL, Mr | Proprietor of the Lamp Tavern next prison | 280 |
BROWNELL, Mr | Keeper of prison in High St Bordesley | 280 |
BROWNING, EDW. | Lodging House, Regent St, Leamington | 716 |
BROWNING, Miss | Milliner, Brunswick St, Leamington | 716 |
BROWNRIDGE, M. | Gardener etc, Emscote, Leamington | 716 |
BROWNRIDGE, Peter | Nursery man,Emscote, Warwick | 671 |
BRUCE, John | Farmer Blacksmith Tiddington Stratford | 541 |
BRUCE, John David | Property taken for building Town Hall | 233 |
BRUNTON, Mr | Theatre Manager Birmingham | 211 |
BRUTON, George | Boot & Shoe maker Evesham St Alcester | 492 |
BRYAN, James | Alcester | 492 |
BRYAN, James | Carrier to Dunchurch from , Coventry | 783 |
BRYAN, John | Butcher, High St, Kenilworth | 697 |
BRYAN, John | Butcher, Tavistock St, Leamington | 716 |
BRYAN, John | Dog Lane, Coventry | 767 |
BRYAN, John | Wine & spirit Dealer, Southam | 746 |
BRYAN, Thos. | Slay maker, Bailey Lane, Coventry | 767 |
BRYAN, William | Farmer, Kenilworth | 697 |
BRYDGES, Thos. | Basket maker, Smith St, Warwick | 671 |
BUCHANAN, J.W. | County Fire Office, Church St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BUCK, Mrs. | Warwick Row, Coventry | 767 |
BUCK, Rev John | of Hampton Lucy | 539 |
BUCKERFIELD, John | Grocer & Tea dealer High St Alcester | 492 |
BUCKERFIELD, T & E | Hatters, George St, Tamworth | 606 |
BUCKLER, James | Builder, Fleet St, Coventry | 768 |
BUCKLEY, Jno. | Boot and Shoe maker, New St, Warwick | 671 |
BUCKLEY, Richard | Brazier & tinman. Old Square, Warwick | 671 |
BUCKLEY, Sam. | Victualler,Much Park St, Coventry | 768 |
BUCKNILL, Mrs. Susannah | , Rugby | 735 |
BUCKNILL, Wm. | Surgeon, Market Place, Nuneaton | 561 |
BUCKNITT, Charles & Saml. | Surgeons, Rugby | 735 |
BUCKOLL, Rev. H.J. | Assisant Master Rugby School, Rugby | 736 |
BUCKOLL, Rev. Henry J. | , Rugby | 735 |
BUDDLE, Wm. | Builder, Regent St, Leamington | 716 |
BUFFERY, Mrs | Rother Market Stratford | 541 |
BUFFERY, Samuel | Dyer, West St, Warwick | 672 |
BULL, J. | Whitesmith, Clarendon St, Leamington | 716 |
BULL, Thomas | Proprietor The White Hart Inn | 252 |
BULL, William | Shoe maker. South Parade, Leamington | 716 |
BULLARD, Ann | Victualler, Regent St, Leamington | 716 |
BULLEN, Wm | Maltster Wood St Stratford | 541 |
BULLIN, Wm. | Banker, Rugby | 735 |
BULLIVANT, George | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
BULLIVANT, John | Farmer, Solihull | 589 |
BULLIVANT, Joseph | Shirley End, Solihull | 588 |
BULLIVANY, John | Shirley End, Solihull | 588 |
BULLOCK, Jos. | Bricklayer, West St, Warwick | 672 |
BUNN, Mr | Theatre Manager Birmingham | 211 |
BUNN, William | Tailor, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
BUNNEY, BUNNEY & PEPPER | Bankers, Little Park St, Coventry | 768 |
BUNNEY, Captain | Warwick Row, Coventry | 765 |
BUNNEY, Joseph | Boot & shoe Maker, Little Park St, Coventry | 768 |
BUNNEY, Robert H. | Gent., Spon St, Coventry | 765 |
BURBIDGE, John | Linen & woollen draper, Cross Cheaping | 768 |
BURBIDGE, Thomas | Innkeeper, Excise Office, Coleshill | 576 |
BURBIDGE, Thomas | Grocer tea dealer, Burgess, Coventry | 768 |
BURBIDGE, Thomas jun | Grocer & tea dealer, Smithford St, Coventry | 768 |
BURBIDGE, William | Hairdresser, Smithford St, Coventry | 768 |
BURBURY, D.W. | Attorney, Bedford St, Leamington | 716 |
BURBURY, D.W. | Solicitor, High St, Warwick | 672 |
BURBURY, D.W. Esq | Mayor of Warwick | 669 |
BURBURY, Jno. | Farmer, Chace Farm, Kenilworth | |
BURBURY, John | Resident of Birmingham Jan 1780 aged 84 | 123 |
BURBURY, Richard | Ribbon maker, Much Park St, Coventry | 768 |
BURBURY, Saml. | Tanner, West St, Warwick | 672 |
BURBURY, Saml. | Tanner, Hogg Lane, Kenilworth | 697 |
BURBURY, Thomas | Victualler,Gosford St, Coventry | 768 |
BURBURY, Wm. | Tanner, Well St, Coventry | 768 |
BURCOTT, Henry | Mentioned in King Edward 6th's Charter | 195 |
BURDON, Mrs Mary | High Street, Warwick | 670 |
BURFORD, B. | , Castle end, Kenilworth | 697 |
BURFORD, Thos. | Nail maker, West St, Warwick | 672 |
BURGESS, Thos. | Tailor, Wise St, Leamington | 716 |
BURMAN, James P | Surgeon (FRC) Prop Lunatic asylum & Bailiff | 506 |
BURMAN, Richard | Grocer of Henley | 506 |
BURMAN, Richard | Linen & woollen draper of Henley | 506 |
BURMAN, Sophia | Linen draper, Old Square, Warwick | 672 |
BURMAN, W. | Alderman of Stratford | 539 |
BURMAN, W. & Son | Chemist Maltsters etc Wood St Stratford | 541 |
BURN, Mrs. Mary | , Rosemary Hill, Kenilworth | 697 |
BURNE, John | Victualler,Cross Cheaping, Coventry | 768 |
BURRELL, John | vict. of Wootton Wawen | 506 |
BURRISH, Wm | Attorney Evesham St, Alcester | 492 |
BURROWS, Richard | Victualler,Bull Ring, Coventry | 768 |
BURSELL, Henry | Victualler, Kings Arms, Kenilworth | 697 |
BURT, Mrs | Sheppy Atherstone | 553 |
BURTLETT, William | , Castle end, Kenilworth | 697 |
BURTON, Gilbert & Wm. | Tanners, Silver St, Nuneaton | 561 |
BURTON, John | Carpert maker, Saltisford, Warwick | 672 |
BURTON, John | Builder, Butts Lane, Coventry | 768 |
BURTON, Wm. | Maltster, Coleshill | 576 |
BURY & LEES | Silk shag makers, Bailey Lane, Coventry | 768 |
BURY, Edwd. | Builder etc, Castle end, Kenilworth | 697 |
BURY, John | Surgeon, Priory Row, Coventry | 768 |
BURY, John, | , Castle end, Kenilworth | 697 |
BURY, Thos. | Ribbon maker, Ironmonger Row, Coventry | 768 |
BUSH, Mrs. | Green grocer, Park St, Leamington | 716 |
BUSHELL, Mrs. | Farmer, Knowle | 592 |
BUSWELL, Nathaniel | Ribbon maker, Little Park St, Coventry | 768 |
BUSWELL, T.G. | Grocer & tea dealer, Bishop St, Coventry | 768 |
BUSWELL, THomas | Victualler, Little Park St, Coventry | 768 |
BUTCHER, W. | Bread weighers for Stratford | 539 |
BUTCHER, Wm | Hairdresser Sheep St Stratford | 541 |
BUTCHER, Wm | Gardener & seedsman Church St Stratford | 541 |
BUTLER, Elizabeth | Victualler Wood St Stratford | 541 |
BUTLER, Frances | School of Industry, Castle St, Warwick | 676 |
BUTLER, Hannah | Boot and Shoe maker, Coleshill | 576 |
BUTLER, Hannah | Ladies' school, Church St, Tamworth | 606 |
BUTLER, Henry | Butcher, Clemens St, Leamington | 716 |
BUTLER, J. | Ironmonger, Market St, Tamworth | 606 |
BUTLER, J. | Lacemaker, Market St, Tamworth | 606 |
BUTLER, Jas. | Smith & Victualler, Butts, Warwick | 672 |
BUTLER, Joseph | Blacksmith, Coleshill | 576 |
BUTLER, Wm | Woolstapler & skinner, Malt Mill Lane | 492 |
BUTLER, Wm. | Fellmonger, West St, Warwick | 672 |
BUTLER, Wm. Henry | , High St, Kenilworth | 697 |
BUTTERWORTH, Benj. | Ribbon maker, Hertford St, Coventry | 768 |
BUTTERWORTH, Henry | Smithford St, Coventry | 768 |
BUTTERWORTH, John | Shopkeeper, Solihull | 589 |
BUTTERWORTH, Joseph | Grocer & tea dealer, Cross Cheaping | 768 |
BUTTERWORTH, Josh. | West of England Ins, Offce, Cross Cheaping | 781 |
BUTTERWORTH, Mrs. | Warwick Row, Coventry | 768 |
BUTTERWORTH, Thos. | Hatter & hosier, Corn Market, Warwick | 672 |
BYERLEYS, Misses | Ladies' Boarding School Old Town Stratford | 541 |
BYERLYS, Miss | Resident of Main St Stratford | 532 |
BYLTHE, Rev Thos | Knowle | 592 |
BYNG, M. | Druggist grocer, Market St, Tamworth | 606 |
BYRN, C. | Porter etc, Brooke St, Warwick | 672 |
BYRON, Mrs. Harriet | York Terrace, Leamington | 715 |
[Transcribed by the late Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand, 1st January 1990.
Prepared for GENUKI by Peter Abbott]