Index to The History of Warwickshire by William West (1830) - L
Surnames beginning with 'L'
Transcribed by Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand © 1990
A B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z
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LACEY, Hy. | Attorney, Little Park St, Coventry | 774 |
LADBROOK, Thomas | Boot & shoe Maker, Rugby | 736 |
LADBROOK, William | Victualler, Rugby | 736 |
LADBURY, G.B. | Importer of wines, Cross cheaping, Coventry | 774 |
LAFANU, Mrs | of Henley | 507 |
LAGOE, William | Victualler, Atherstone | 555 |
LAING, John | County Fire Office, Smithford St, Coventry | 769 |
LAING, John | Provident Ins. Office, Smithford St,Coventr | 777 |
LAING, John & Charles | Solicitors, Smithford St, Coventry | 774 |
LAKE, Captain Charles | , Rugby | 735 |
LAKE, Edward | Shoemaker, Castle Bromwich | 574 |
LAKE, Henry | Millwright, Castle Bromwich | 574 |
LAMB, C.H. & J. | Hat makers & furriers, Market Pl, Warwick | 674 |
LAMB, Charles | Marble House, Wall Dyke, Warwick | 674 |
LAMB, John | Needlemaker Priory lane Alcester | 493 |
LAMBLEY, Edward | Maltster, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
LAMBLEY, Wm. | Farmer, Hill Morton near Rugby | 774 |
LAMBLEY, Wm. | Wine & spirits, Cross Cheaping | 774 |
LAMMIN, Rev T.P. | Master of Free Grammar School, Tamworth | 604 |
LAMMIN, Rev Thos. Parsons | Master Grammar School, Tamworth | 607 |
LAMPRAY, George | Draper etc, Castle end, Kenilworth | 698 |
LAMPRAY, Jno. | West of Eng, Fire & Life, Chapel St,Warwick | 674 |
LAMPRAY, Wm. | Grocer, New St, Warwick | 674 |
LANCASTER, Abel | Boot and Shoe maker, Knowle | 592 |
LANDOR, H. Eyres | Attorney, Northgate St, Warwick | 674 |
LANDOR, Henry Ayres Esq | Northgate, Warwick | 670 |
LANDOR, Mrs & Miss | Smith St, Warwick | 670 |
LANE & GOODMAN | Needle makers of Henley | 507 |
LANE, Edward | Maltster, Coleshill | 577 |
LANE, John | Post-master, Henley St, Stratford | 543 |
LANE, Mr | Surveyor of Highway Stratford | 539 |
LANGHAM, Thomas | Vict. Ranelagh St, Leamington | 718 |
LANGLEY, Edward | Bricklayer, Coleshill | 577 |
LANGLEY, W. | Leather cutter, Much Park St, Coventry | 774 |
LANGSHAW, Ralph | Brazier & Victualler, Fleet st, Coventry | 774 |
LANGSTON, John | Corn merchant High St Alcester | 493 |
LAPWORTH, Benjn. | Ribbon maker, Well st, Coventry | 774 |
LAPWORTH, Charles | Boot & shoe maker, Regent St, Leamington | 718 |
LAPWORTH, Elizabeth | Grocer & tea dealer, Atherstone | 555 |
LAPWORTH, Jas. | Tailor, Castle St, Warwick | 674 |
LAPWORTH, Jas. | Clerk of St Nicholas, Mill St, Warwick | 674 |
LAPWORTH, Jas. | Tailor, Mill St, Warwick | 674 |
LAPWORTH, Matthew | Tinman, Smith St, Warwick | 674 |
LAPWORTH, R. | Fire Office Agent - Protector | 545 |
LAPWORTH, R. | Jury member Stratford | 539 |
LAPWORTH, Richard | Bookseller, Stationer, High St, Stratford | 543 |
LAPWORTH, Saml. | Shoe maker, Castle St, Warwick | 674 |
LAPWORTH, Stephen | Ribbon maker, Bishop st, Coventry | 774 |
LAPWORTH, Wm. | Boot & shoe maker, Bridewell Lane, Warwick | 674 |
LATHAM, Henry | Builder, Spon st, Coventry | 774 |
LATHAM, Jas. | Boot & shoe Maker, Crsoss Cheaping,Coventry | 774 |
LATHAM, Miss | Ladies' seminary, Gosford Terrace, Coventry | 774 |
LATHAM, Thos. | Builder, Spon st, Coventry | 774 |
LATIMER, Wm. | Butcher, Saltisford, Warwick | 674 |
LATTIMER, John | Builder & surveyor, Bridge St, Stratford | 543 |
LAUDEL, George | Carrier to Wattenbury from, Coventry | 784 |
LAUGHTON, John | Excise Officer Henley | 507 |
LAURENCE, Charles | Boot & shoe maker, Regent St, Leamington | 718 |
LAURENCE, Charles | Lodging Ho., Union Parade, Leamington | 718 |
LAURENCE, M. | Confectioner, Regent St, Leamington | 718 |
LAWLEY, Francis Esq MP | Manor House, Middleton, Colsehill | 613 |
LAWLEY, Miss Sarah | Ashfurlong, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
LAWLEY, Sir Robt | Canwel, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
LAWRANCE, Wm. | Boot & shoe Maker, Rugby | 736 |
LAXON, William | Tailor, Knowle | 592 |
LAXON, Wm. | Victualler, Gosford St, Coventry | 774 |
LAY, Wm. | Butcher, Silver st, Coventry | 774 |
LEA, Christopher | Grocer, Union Buildings, Coventry | 774 |
LEA, Rev. Thomas | Bishops Itchington , Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
LEA, Saml. Esq | Union Terrace, Warwick St, Leamington | 715 |
LEA, Thomas Esq | of Henley | 507 |
LEA, Wm | Tailor & draper Church St Alcester | 493 |
LEA, Wm Welch | Solicitor of Henley | 507 |
LEA. Edw. | Tailor, Little Park St, Coventry | 774 |
LEADER, William | Victualler, Rugby | 736 |
LEAKY, Mrs. | Solihull | 589 |
LEATHERLAND, Wm. | Builder, Gerrard St, Warwick | 675 |
LEAVIS, George | Grocer, Jordan well, Coventry | 774 |
LEAY, Mrs Sarah | Solihull | 589 |
LEDBROOKE & ORAM | Flour millers, Rock Mills, Kenilworth | 703 |
LEDBROOKE & ORAM | Millers, Rock Mills, Emscote, Leamington | 718 |
LEDBROOKE, Robt. | Victualler, West St, Warwick | 675 |
LEDSAM, Joseph Frederick | Lived in Hagley Row | 281 |
LEE, Mr. | Farmer, Solihull | 589 |
LEE, Thomas Esq | Of Birmingham , Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
LEEDHAM, Jos. | Furniture broker, Atherstone | 555 |
LEES, Benjamin | Farmer, Meriden | 599 |
LEES, Mrs. Mary | Coleshill | 576 |
LEES, Thomas | Coventry Wharf M/c, St Nicholas, Coventry | 769 |
LEES, Wm. | Eborough's Charity School, Rugby | 736 |
LEESON, John | Painter Plumber Evesham St Alcester | 493 |
LEESON, Mrs. | Straw, hat maker Gloucester Rd , Leamington | 718 |
LEESON, Mrs. | Estate Agent? Grafton House,, Leamington | 718 |
LEESON, William | Lodging Ho,, Union Parade, Leamington | 718 |
LEESON, Wm. | Warehouseman, Union Place, Coventry | 774 |
LEIGH, Chandos Esq | Stoneleigh Abbey, Leamington | 715 |
LEIGH, Chandos Esq | Stoneleigh Abbey, Warwick | 670 |
LEIGH, Chandos Esq | Stoneleigh, Coventry | 765 |
LENT, John Esq | Park St, Coventry | 765 |
LENTON, John | Dealer etc, Castle end, Kenilworth | 698 |
LENTON, Jos. | Butcher, Rosemary Hill, Kenilworth | 698 |
LETTS, James | Baker, Clemens St, Leamington | 718 |
LETTS, Samuel | Builder, 8 Church St, Leamington | 718 |
LEWIN, Dav. | Bookbinder, Cross Cheaping, Coventry | 774 |
LEWIN, Mrs | Solihull | 589 |
LEWIN, Mrs. | Solihull | 589 |
LEWIS, Caleb | Butcher, Great Butcher Row, Coventry | 774 |
LEWIS, Elizabeth | Ladies' boarding School, Atherstone | 555 |
LEWIS, Geo. | Butcher, Gosford St, Coventry | 774 |
LEWIS, George | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
LEWIS, H. | Jobbing smith, Spon st, Coventry | 774 |
LEWIS, Henry Esq | Radford Semele, Warwick | 670 |
LEWIS, Henry G Esq | of Malvern Hall, died 12/5/1829 aged 75 | 590 |
LEWIS, James | Cooper of Henley | 507 |
LEWIS, John | Gent. , Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
LEWIS, John | Tailor of Henley | 507 |
LEWIS, John | Hatter, High st, Coventry | 774 |
LEWIS, Mr | Theatre Manager Birmingham ex Liverpool | 211 |
LEWIS, T. | Flour factor, Kenilworth St, Leamington | 719 |
LEWIS, Wm. | Hoop maker of Henley | 507 |
LEYTON, Edward | Wine & spirit merchant,Shakespeare Inn, | 543 |
LIEBENROOD, George | Master Nat Sch., Kenilworth St, Leamington | 719 |
LIEBENROOD, George | Royal Exchange Ass, Co. Kenilworth St, | 719 |
LIGHTWOOD, Wm. | Coach maker, Park St, Leamington | 719 |
LILLINGSTONE, Abr Spooner | of Elmdon , Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
LILLINGTON, A.S. Esq | Elmdon Hall, Solihull | 589 |
LILLINGTON, Abraham S Esq | Residence at Elmdon. | 597 |
LILLY, Charles | Gent., Spon St, Coventry | 765 |
LINCH, Abraham | Currier & leather cutter, Wood St Stratford | 543 |
LINCOLN, C. | Schoolmaster, Coventry Rd, Warwick | 675 |
LINDSAY, Mrs | West St, Warwick | 670 |
LINES, Wm. | Watchmaker, West St, Warwick | 675 |
LINFORTH, Richard | Shopkeeper, Coleshill | 577 |
LINGARD, John | Gent, Atherstone | 553 |
LINGARD, Mary | Dealer in sundries, Atherstone | 555 |
LINGHAM, Ann | Ribbon maker, Atherstone | 555 |
LINNETT, Jos. | Carpenter & joiner, Rugby | 736 |
LINNEY, G. | Van office, Tavistock St, Leamington | 719 |
LINNEY, George | Carrier, Leamington to Coventry | 722 |
LINNEY, Wm. | Victualler, Castle end, Kenilworth | 698 |
LIPTROTT, Miss A. | , Rugby | 735 |
LITCHFIELD, Samuel | Grocer, Jordan well, Coventry | 774 |
LITLETON, Sam. | Comb maker, High St, Kenilworth | 698 |
LITTLE, WOODCOCK & Son | Bankers, High st, Coventry | 774 |
LITTLETON, Fras. | Comb maker, High St, Kenilworth | 698 |
LITTLETON, J.G. sen | , High St, Kenilworth | 698 |
LITTLETON, Misses | , High St, Kenilworth | 697 |
LITTLETON, Thomas | Carpenter, Spon st, Coventry | 774 |
LITTLEWOOD, F. | Butcher, Great Butcher Row, Coventry | 774 |
LITTLEWOOD, John | Hertford Street, Coventry | 774 |
LLOYD & Son | Paper dealers, Much Park st, Coventry | 774 |
LLOYD, Alfred Esq | Brunswick St, Leamington | 715 |
LLOYD, Benj. | Comb maker, Castle end, Kenilworth | 698 |
LLOYD, Charles | Banker | 273 |
LLOYD, Eliza. & Martha | (misses) Milliners, Bath St, Leamington | 719 |
LLOYD, G.P. | Chemist, Royal Parade, Leamington | 719 |
LLOYD, George Esq | of Wellcombe | 539 |
LLOYD, John Esq | of Oak Farm | 539 |
LLOYD, Mrs | Rother Market, Stratford | 543 |
LLOYD, Rev. Robert | Boys' Boarding academy, Church St, Tamworth | 607 |
LLOYD, Wm. | Builder, Mill lane, Coventry | 774 |
LLOYD, Wm. | Victualler, Much Park st, Coventry | 774 |
LOACH, Wm. | Tailor & draper, Solihull | 589 |
LOAD, Charles | Butcher, Great Butcher Row, Coventry | 774 |
LOCKINGTON, Henry | Builder, Market St, Warwick | 675 |
LOCKITT, C.T. | Hat maker. Cross Cheaping, Coventry | 774 |
LOCKITT, Wm. | Butcher, Silver st, Coventry | 774 |
LOLE, Benjamin | Victualler, Gosford St, Coventry | 774 |
LOND, James | Miller, Maxtoke, Coleshill | 577 |
LONDON, Dr, Charles | , Bath St, Leamington | 715 |
LONDON, Jno | Carpenter & joiner Studley Alcester | 493 |
LONDON, John | vict. Studley Alcester | 493 |
LONDON, R.W. | Printer of Henley | 507 |
LONDON, Rich | Auctioneer & Surveyor of Henley | 507 |
LONDON, Wm & Son | Auctioneer of Henley | 507 |
LONDON, Wm & Son | Cabinet maker & Carpenter of Henley | 507 |
LONG, Geo. | Shirley End, Solihull | 588 |
LONG, Mrs. Sarah | Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
LOONE, John | , Smithford St, Coventry | 774 |
LOOT, Jno. | Fishmonger, Corn Market, Warwick | 675 |
LORD, Mrs | Chapel St, Stratford | 543 |
LOSEBY, Thomas | Butcher , Spon st, Coventry | 775 |
LOVATT, Wm. | Farmer & dealer, Castle end, Kenilworth | 698 |
LOVE, Benj. | Auctioneer etc, Rugby | 736 |
LOVEDAY, Jas. | Solicitor, High St, Warwick | 675 |
LOVEDAY, Mrs Sarah | High St, Warwick | 670 |
LOVEDAY, R. | Furniture broker, Square, Warwick | 675 |
LOVEITT, Joseph | Chemist & druggist, High st, Coventry | 774 |
LOWE, George John | Fishmonger, Swan St, Warwick | 675 |
LOWE, Humphrey | of Coventry bequeathed a farm 1677 | 253 |
LOWE, John | Rope maker, George St, Tamworth | 607 |
LOWE, M. | Upholsterer, Much Park st, Coventry | 775 |
LOWE, S. | Medical Practicioner Stratford | 540 |
LOWE, S. | Burgess of Stratford | 539 |
LOWE, Thomas | Farmer, Binton | 543 |
LOWE, Wm. | Victualler, Ironmonger row, Coventry | 775 |
LOWICK & PURDEN | Ladies Academy, Ber?? Circus, Leamington | 719 |
LOWNDES, Henry Dalton | Clerk of Assize, Northgate St, Warwick | 675 |
LOWNDES, R. | Clerk of Assize, Northgate St, Warwick | 675 |
LUARD, Dr P.F. | Northgate St, Warwick | 670 |
LUARD, Dr. Peter | , Bath St, Leamington | 715 |
LUCAS, Christopher | Boot and Shoe maker, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
LUCAS, John | Maltster of Henley | 507 |
LUCAS, John | Victualler, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 607 |
LUCAS, John | Painter, Plumber & glazier,, Southam | 746 |
LUCAS, John | cotton dyer, new buildings, Coventry | 775 |
LUCAS, Joseph | Sovereign Place, Coventry | 775 |
LUCAS, Samuel | Hunscote, Stratford | 543 |
LUCAS, Samuel | Farmer of Wootton Wawen | 507 |
LUCAS, Simon | Corn miller of Henley | 507 |
LUCAS, Thomas | Maidenhead Rd, Stratford | 543 |
LUCAS, Urum | Castle Inn, Market St, Tamworth | 606 |
LUCAS, William | New Street, Warwick | 675 |
LUCAS, Wm. | Veterinary Surgeon, Atherstone | 555 |
LUCY, Charles | Miller, College St, Stratford | 543 |
LUCY, George Esq MP | of Charlecote | 539 |
LUCY, Mr | Mill owner nr Straford church 1828 | 080 |
LUCY, Rev J. | Paid for Hampton Lucy Church himself c1800 | 512 |
LUCY, Rev John | of Hampton Lucy | 539 |
LUCY, Rev. John | of Hampton Lucy , Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
LUCY, Thomas & Son | Millers, Stratford Mill | 543 |
LUDFORD, John Newdigate | Owner of manor of Ansley | 558 |
LUDGATE, Samuel | Cooper High St Alcester | 493 |
LUDGATE, Thos. | Cooper, Castle St, Warwick | 675 |
LUNT, Christopher | Property taken for building Town Hall | 233 |
LUTWYCHE, Mr J | Shirley End, Solihull | 588 |
LYNE, Wm. | Cabinet maker, Earl st, Coventry | 775 |
LYNES, John | Maltster, West Orchard, Coventry | 775 |
LYNES, Wm. | Boot & shoe Maker, Rugby | 736 |
LYONS, John | Butcher, Great Butcher Row, Coventry | 775 |
LYSTER, Edward | Medical Practicioner Stratford | 540 |
LYTHALL, Maurice Ed Esq | Hartshill, Atherstone | 553 |
LYTHALL,Miss | Earl st, Coventry | 775 |
[Transcribed by the late Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand, 1st January 1990.
Prepared for GENUKI by Peter Abbott]