Index to The History of Warwickshire by William West (1830) - O
Surnames beginning with 'O'
Transcribed by Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand © 1990
A B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z
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O'DONNELL, John | Tin plate worker of Henley | 507 |
OATES, J.P. | , Castle end, Kenilworth | 698 |
ODELL, David | Hairdresser 14, Royal Parade, Leamington | 719 |
ODELL, Wm. | Hatter & hosier, Burgess, Coventry | 776 |
OGDEN, Jas. | Lapidary, Ranelagh St, Leamington | 719 |
OKEOVER, Haughton F Esq | Oldbury Hall, Nuneaton | 561 |
OKEOVER, F.H. Esq | Owner of mansion at Oldbury | 557 |
OLDAKER, Mr | Churchwarden for Old Stratford parish | 539 |
OLDAKER, William | Avon House Stratford | 539 |
OLDHAM, Mr | Engineer of the Bank of Ireland | 177 |
OLDHAM, Thomas | Builder, Southam | 746 |
OLDHAM, Jas. | Butcher, Regent St, Leamington | 719 |
OLDHAM, Jas. | Maltster, Old Mill, Leamington | 719 |
OLIVER, Ann | MistressNat Sch.,Kenilworth St, Leamington | 719 |
OLIVER, Captain | Mancester | 553 |
OLIVER, Robert | Farrier & farmer, Stratford Heath | 543 |
OLORENSHAW, Robert | Carpenter etc, Little Park St, Coventry | 776 |
OMER, Rev. Philip | , Rugby | 735 |
ONION, Joseph | Butts Lane, Coventry | 776 |
ONION, Thomas | Victualler, High St, Coventry | 776 |
ORAM, James | Corn miller, Rock Mills, Warwick | 675 |
ORAM, W. | Assistant Burgess of Warwick | 669 |
ORAM, Wm. | Solicitor, Hogg Lane, Kenilworth | 698 |
ORAM, Wm. | Lodging Ho., Union Parade, Leamington | 719 |
ORAM, Wm. | Butcher, Market Square, Warwick | 675 |
ORCHARD, William | Carrier to Ashby de la Zouche, Atherstone | 556 |
ORMROD, Geo. | Straw hat maker, Back St, Nuneaton | 562 |
ORTON, John | Straw hat maker, Southam | 746 |
ORTON, Richard | Tailor & Habit maker, Atherstone | 555 |
ORTON, Thomas | Baker, Church St, Tamworth | 608 |
ORTON, Thomas | Rope maker, Church St, Tamworth | 608 |
OSBORN, Chas. | Linen & woollen draper, High St, Warwick | 675 |
OSBORN, N. M. | Plasterer & colourer, West St, Warwick | 675 |
OSBORN, Wm. | Ironmonger, Market Square, Warwick | 675 |
OSBORN, Wm. | Bailiff, Castle St, Warwick | 675 |
OSBORNE, Eliz. | Shopkeeper, Binton, Stratford | 543 |
OSBORNE, Samuel George | Mason, Binton, Stratford | 543 |
OSBURN, John | Mentioned in King Edward 6th's Charter | 196 |
OSMOND, George | Currier, West Orchard, Coventry | 776 |
OSWIN, Ann | Haberdasher, Smithford St, Coventry | 776 |
OSWIN, James | warehouseman. Priory Row, Coventry | 776 |
OSWIN, Jno. | Ribbon maker, White Friars Lane, Coventry | 776 |
OSWIN, Mary | Milliner & dressmaker, Priory Row, Coventry | 776 |
OSWIN, Thomas | Post Office, Smithford St, Coventry | 776 |
OSWIN, Thomas | Thread maker, Smithford St, Coventry | 776 |
OUGHTON, John | Gun barrel maker, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
OUGHTON, John | Cooper, New Buildings, Coventry | 776 |
OUGHTON, Robert | Watch finisher, Spon St, Coventry | 776 |
OUGHTON, Wm. | Baker, Much Park St, Coventry | 776 |
OUTLAW, Mrs | Ely Street, Stratford | 543 |
OUTRAM, Rev Dr. | Rector of St Phillips Birmingham 1812 | 248 |
OUTRAM, Rev Edward | Preached 6/7/1815 at Free Ch. 6/7/1813 | 215 |
OVER, John | Builder and Carpenter, Rugby | 736 |
OVER, Richard | Tailor, Kenilworth St, Leamington | 719 |
OVER, Richard | Builder etc, Rugby | 736 |
OVERBURY, Rich | Angel Inn & Posting Ho. Henley St Alcester | 493 |
OVERLEY, Geo | Farmer & brickmaker,Knowle | 592 |
OVERTON, Charles | Carrier, High St, Kenilworth | 699 |
OVERTON, Jno. Lowe | Builder, Park St, Leamington | 719 |
OVERTON, John | Surgeon, Bishop st, Coventry | 776 |
OVERTON, John | Carrier to Kenilworth from, Coventry | 784 |
OVERTON, John James | Silk dyer, Spon St, Coventry | 776 |
OWEN & ROBERTS | India warehouse, Clemens St, Leamington | 719 |
OWEN, James | Gent Atherstone | 553 |
OWEN, Owen | Music seller, Clemens St, Leamington | 719 |
OWEN, Rev John | Atherstone | 554 |
OWEN, Rev John | Cole Hill, Tamworth | 605 |
OWEN, Thomas | Grocer, Fleet st, Coventry | 776 |
OWEN, Thomas | Boot & shoe Maker, Fleet st, Coventry | 776 |
OWEN, William | Tailor & draper, Smithford St, Coventry | 776 |
[Transcribed by the late Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand, 1st January 1990.
Prepared for GENUKI by Peter Abbott]