Worcester and Hereford Railway, 1852 - Worcestershire
Transcription by Robert Deloyde © 2000
Below is a list of landowners and occupiers who lived on the proposed route of the Great Western Railway in 1852. The book the list was compiled from also provides details of the properties involved, and who owned the cottages, farm land, &c.Editorial note: I don't know what the book referred to as the source of this transcription is, but would guess it's a manuscript source, as there are queries over interpretation of surnames, and references to "Farington" should (I think) read "Tarrington". Many of the places mentioned are in Herefordshire, and (obviously) lie along the route of the present Worcester to Hereford railway line]
Abell John parish of Colwall Adams Thomas parish of Great Malvern Alcott James parish of Holmer Allen William parish of Eastmor Allen William parish of Eastmor Allgood Alfred parish of Ledbury Anthony Charles parish of Holmer Anthony Charles parish of Holmer Anthony Charles parish of Holmer Anthony Charles parish of Holmer Apperley William Harvard parish of Lugwardine Apperly William Harvard parish of Withington Archer John parish of Great Malvern Archer John parish of Great Malvern Archibald Maria parish of All Saints Archilbald Sylrannus? parish of Holmer Archilbald Sylvanus parish of Holmer Arnold Eliza parish of Holmer Arrowsmith George parish of Withington Aston William parish of Withington Aston William parish of Lugwardine Bachelot John parish of Newland Baldwin William parish of Liegh Balgury John parish of All Saints Balgury John parish of John the Baptist Balguy John parish of All Saints Ballard Thomas parish of Ledbury Ballard Stephen parish of Colwall Barcley Robert parish of Hanley Castle Barnes William parish of Liegh Barnes William parish of Liegh Barnnett Eliza parish of Great Malvern Barrett Henry parish of All Saints Bayley Jasper Leigh parish of Ledbury Baylis William parish of Weston Beggard Baylis Philip Sen parish of Ledbury Bayliss William Prof parish of All Saints Bayliss William parish of Withington Bayliss William parish of Lugwardine Bayliss William parish of Weston Beggard Bayliss Thomas parish of Colwall Beach Sarah Ann parish of Holmer Bennett James parish of All Saints Benniams William parish of Holmer Bennianms? William parish of Holmer Berkeley Robert parish of Hanley Castle Berkeley Robert parish of Leigh Berkeley Robert parish of Powick Berry Stephen parish of Great Malvern Beuchamp Henry General parish of Leigh Bird Joseph parish of Ledbury Bird William parish of Liegh Bishop Thomas parish of Liegh Boswick Richard parish of Saint Nicholas Bosworth James parish of Eastmor Bowers Thomas parish of Holmer Bowers James parish of Holmer Bowers John parish of All Saints Bridge James Oakes parish of Liegh Bright Henry parish of Colwall Bright Henry parish of Colwall Bright Henry parish of Colwall Bristow Edward Lewis parish of All Saints Brown Edward parish of Colwall Buckam John Dixon parish of Holmer Buckham John Dixon parish of Holmer Buckham John Dixon parish of All Saints Buckingham John Dixon parish of Holmer Bullock William parish of Great Malvern Bullock William parish of Great Malvern Bulmer Charles parish of Holmer Bulmer Thomas parish of Holmer Burlingham Samuel parish of Leigh Burlingtham Samuel parish of Powick Cale Robert parish of Ledbury Careless Joseph parish of Holmer Carless Joseph parish of Holmer Carver George parish of All Saints Chamberlian Benjamin parish of Withington Chamberlian James parish of Weston Beggard Chamberlian James parish of Weston Beggard Chance William parish of Newland Chid John parish of All Saints Child William Jun parish of All Saints Child John Sen parish of All Saints Clewer Samuel parish of Liegh Cliffe William Bateson parish of Hanley Castle Cofield Esther parish of Liegh Cole Thomas parish of Withington Cole Willliam parish of Withington Cole Richard parish of Withington Cole William parish of Withington Cole Henry parish of Liegh Coleman Ann parish of All Saints Compton William parish of Liegh Compton William parish of Liegh Cook Henry parish of Liegh Cooke John parish of All Saints Cooke Henry parish of All Saints Cooke Henry parish of All Saints Cooke Henry parish of All Saints Cooke William parish of Ledbury Cooke William parish of Eastmor Cooke Henry parish of Liegh Cooke John parish of All Saints Cope Elizabeth parish of Withington Cowley William parish of Liegh Cox William parish of All Saints Creswell John parish of Liegh Croose George parish of Holmer Dale George Thomas parish of Holmer Dale George Thomas parish of Holmer Dale George Thomas parish of Holmer Dance Ann parish of Great Malvern Davies Thomas parish of All Saints Davies William parish of All Saints Davies Thomas Theophilas parish of Holmer Davies Christopher parish of Holmer Davies Ann parish of Stoke Edith Davies Christopher parish of Holmer Davis Ann parish of Yarkill Davis Ann parish of Yarkill Davis Henry Hay Ward parish of Great Malvern Davis William parish of Liegh Day Timothy parish of All Saints Day Thomas parish of Holmer Deakin Richard George parish of Eastmor Deakins Francis Henry parish of Ledbury Deam William parish of Withington Dent John parish of Leigh Dent John parish of Powick Devebin? Thomas parish of Eastmor Dipple Richard parish of Colwall Disson James parish of Colwall Dixon John Dixon parish of Holmer Dolphin William parish of Leigh Dowding George parish of Withington Dunn George parish of Ledbury Dutson Thomas parish of Munsley Dyer Thomas parish of All Saints Edwards James parish of Holmer Edwards Thomas parish of Withington Edwards John parish of Withington Edwards Mary Anne parish of Withington Edwards Thomas parish of Withington Edwards John parish of Withington Edwards Mary Ann parish of Withington Edwards Frances parish of Withington Edwards Thomas parish of Withington Edy Thomas parish of Ledbury Ellesmere James parish of Withington Elliott James parish of Holmer Essex William parish of Leigh Essex William parish of Powick Evans Wiliam parish of Holmer Evans Edward parish of Leigh Evans Edward parish of Powick Evans Edward parish of Powick Evans William parish of Holmer Eveans John parish of Yarkill Farmer Elizabeth parish of Ledbury Fawke Thomas parish of Weston Beggard Fawke Thomas parish of Yarkill Fawke Thomas parish of Stoke Edith Fawke James parish of Liegh Fennell Joseph parish of Yarkill Ferguson George parish of Yarkill Ferguson George parish of Farington Ferguson George parish of Ledbury Ferguson George parish of Pixley Flint Charles parish of Holmer Foley Emily parish of Withington Foley Emily Lady parish of Weston Beggard Ford John parish of Ledbury Ford John parish of Ledbury Foster John parish of Eastmor Freeman Thomas parish of Farington Frewin James parish of Holmer Frewin Thomas parish of Holmer Fritton Robert parish of Hanley Castle Fritton Henry parish of Hanley Castle Gabb Elizabeth parish of Liegh Galliers Thomas parish of Yarkill Galliers Thomas parish of Ledbury Gardiner Charles Wiliam parish of Holmer Gardiner Richard Lewis parish of All Saints Garstone Edmund parish of All Saints Gelthen Frances Cicely parish of All Saints Gelthen Philip parish of All Saints Gelthen Harvey parish of All Saints Gibbons David parish of Ledbury Gibbons David parish of Eastmor Giles John parish of All Saints Ginham William parish of Holmer Ginham William parish of Holmer Ginham William parish of Holmer Ginham William parish of Holmer Gittins James parish of Colwall Givillin George parish of Farington Godsall John parish of Withington Godsall William parish of Withington Godsall Elizabeth parish of Withington Godsall John parish of Withington Godsall John parish of Lugwardine Goodsall John parish of Holmer Gretton James parish of Holmer Gretton William Reverend parish of Withington Grettons William Reverand parish of Withington Hack Mark Christopher parish of All Saints Hale George parish of Yarkill Hales John parish of Withington Halfhide Edward parish of All Saints Hall George parish of Weston Beggard Hall Benjamin parish of Hanley Castle Hall Frederick parish of Leigh Hall Frederick parish of Powick Hall William parish of Ledbury Hammond John parish of Ledbury Hampden Reverend Doctor parish of Saint Nicholas Hancorn William parish of All Saints Hankins Richard parish of Dormington Harcourt Mary parish of Hanley Castle Harley Richard parish of Saint Nicholas Harris Martin parish of Withington Harris Proverbs parish of Eastmor Harris Elizabeth parish of Leigh Harris Elizabeth parish of Powick Harris Elizabeth parish of Powick Harris Elizabeth parish of Powick Harris Robert parish of Holmer Harvard William parish of Withington Harvis? Elizabeth parish of Leigh Hasting Charles Sir parish of Powick Hastings Charles parish of Leigh Hatton Robert parish of Ledbury Haynes William parish of Holmer Haynes Alice parish of Withington Heach Thomas parish of Newland Heaford Samuel parish of Withington Heaford Samuel parish of Weston Beggard Heaford Samuel parish of Weston Beggard Hemis Henry parish of Liegh Hemus? Henry parish of Liegh Hendrich William parish of Colwall Herby? Ann parish of Great Malvern Hereford Richard parish of Holmer Hering Thomas parish of Colwall Herring Nash Thomas parish of Colwall Herving Thomas parish of Colwall Hickson James parish of All Saints Higgins Joseph Allen parish of Ledbury Higgins Joseph Allen parish of Ledbury Higgins Joseph Allen parish of Ledbury Higgins Joseph Allen parish of Ledbury Hill Rowland Reverend parish of Holmer Hill Thomas parish of Withington Hill Thomas parish of Lugwardine Hill Richard Thomas Shymer? parish of Ledbury Hill Skynner? parish of Eastmor Hill Edward parish of Liegh Hill William parish of Newland Hill John parish of Powick Hill John parish of Powick Hitchings Thomas parish of Holmer Hodges Joseph parish of Holmer Hodges Thomas parish of Colwall Hodges Joseph parish of Holmer Holland John parish of Powick Hollings Francis Woodhouse parish of Holmer Homes William parish of Ledbury Homes William parish of Chapeby Honeyold Thomas Charles parish of Hanley Castle Honeyold? Thomas Charles parish of Hanley Castle Hook John parish of All Saints Hooper William parish of Ledbury Hooper William parish of Eastmor Hooper George parish of Great Malvern Hopton John Reverend parish of Farington Hopton John Rev parish of Farington Hopton John Rev parish of Pixley Hopton John Rev parish of Chapeby Hopton John Rev parish of Munsley Hopton William Parsons parish of Holmer Hopton Wiliam Parsons parish of All Saints Howells Edward Reverend parish of Lugwardine Humphries Sarah parish of All Saints Hunt Charles parish of All Saints Hunt Charles parish of All Saints Hunt Charles parish of All Saints Hunt Charles parish of All Saints Hunt Charles parish of All Saints Hunt Charles parish of Holmer Hyde John parish of Liegh Jacob Sarah parish of Liegh Jakeman Robert parish of Liegh James William parish of Saint Nicholas James William parish of Withington James William parish of Lugwardine James William parish of Lugwardine James William parish of Lugwardine James William parish of Dormington James William parish of Dormington James John parish of Colwall James Robert parish of Colwall James Issac parish of Leigh James Nash parish of Leigh James Issac parish of Powick James Nash parish of Powick James Jesse parish of Holmer Jauncey John parish of Withington Jauncey John parish of Lugwardine Jenkins Thomas parish of Holmer Jenkins Thomas parish of Holmer Jenkins Thomas parish of Holmer Jiones John parish of Hanley Castle Johnson William parish of All Saints Johnstone John parish of All Saints Johnstone John parish of John the Baptist Jones Richard parish of Saint Nicholas Jones William parish of All Saints Jones Richard parish of All Saints Jones Robert parish of Withington Jones James parish of Withington Jones William parish of Farington Jones John parish of Ledbury Jones James parish of Ledbury Jones Joseph parish of Great Malvern Jones Richard parish of All Saints Jordan Philip parish of All Saints Joyner William parish of Liegh Judge Thomas parish of Great Malvern King Henry parish of Colwall Kite Benjamin parish of Liegh Lewis William parish of Leigh Lakin Henry parish of Newland Lambert Benjamin parish of Ledbury Lambourne Joseph parish of Ledbury Lane Robert parish of Saint Nicholas Lane Thomas parish of Ledbury Lane James parish of Colwall Lashford Mary parish of Great Malvern Lashford John parish of Great Malvern Lashford James parish of Great Malvern Lastlett William parish of Hanley Castle Laughton James parish of Ledbury Lawrence Thomas parish of Ledbury Layton Ann parish of Colwall Lea William parish of Liegh Leighton Richard parish of Great Malvern Lewis William parish of Holmer Lewis William parish of Leigh Lewis William parish of Powick Lewis William parish of Powick Lewis William parish of Holmer Lewis William parish of Holmer Ligham William Dolphin parish of Powick Lilley John parish of Leigh Lilley John parish of Powick Lilley John parish of Powick Lingham William Dolphin parish of Powick Lloyd William parish of Holmer Lloyd William parish of Holmer Lloyd Benjamin parish of Holmer Lloyd William parish of Holmer Longworth William parish of Liegh Machintosh Hugh parish of Holmer Mackintosh Hugh parish of Holmer Mailes Peter parish of Colwall Mann? James parish of Liegh Martin John parish of Ledbury Martin John parish of Ledbury Martin John parish of Ledbury Martin John parish of Ledbury Martin John parish of Ledbury Mason Richard parish of Withington Mason Charles Adnam Water Bailiffs parish of Great Malvern Mason John parish of Great Malvern Mason John parish of Great Malvern Mathews William parish of Holmer Mathews William parish of Ledbury Mathews William parish of Eastmor Mathews Joseph parish of Great Malvern Mathews William parish of Holmer Mathews Thomas parish of Yarkill Mc Cann George Bailiff parish of Great Malvern Meacham Edwin parish of Eastmor Meachamp Edwin parish of Ledbury Meredith William and Charles Reverend parish of All Saints Merrick John parish of Weston Beggard Merrick John parish of Yarkill Miles John William parish of Munsley Miles John William parish of Ledbury Miles John William Miles parish of Ledbury Miles William parish of Holmer Mills Thomas parish of Liegh Mills James parish of Liegh Mills Thomas parish of Newland Moore Daniel parish of Ledbury Morgam John parish of All Saints Morgan Joseph parish of Holmer Morgan Joseph parish of Holme Morgan James parish of Withington Morriss Frederick William parish of Weston Beggard Morton James parish of Liegh Movis Frederick William parish of Yarkill Nash William parish of All Saints Nash Charles parish of Liegh Nash Issac James parish of Powick Newman Thomas parish of Yarkill Newman Thomas parish of Ledbury Newman Thomas parish of Pixley Newton Marcellus parish of Holmer Niblet John parish of Liegh Nicholas James parish of Saint John the Baptist Nicholls James Thomas William parish of Ledbury Onley John Deakin parish of Leigh Onley? John Deakin parish of Leigh Padmore Richard parish of Leigh Padmore Richard parish of Powick Paleshall Elizabeth parish of Holmer Palfrey Edmund parish of Munsley Parry Philip parish of All Saints Parsons William parish of Holmer Pedlingham John parish of Munsley Pedlington John parish of Ledbury Peyton Peter parish of Colwall Peyton Reynolds parish of Colwall Phelps Samuel parish of Holmer Phelps Samuel parish of Holmer Phelps Samuel parish of Holmer Phelps Thomas Prankhard Vicar parish of Farington Phelps Samuel parish of Saint John the Baptist Pherzey? Thomas parish of Newland Philips Ann parish of Holmer Pinigree John parish of Liegh Pitt Thomas parish of Withington Pitt Thomas parish of Withington Pitt Catherine parish of Lugwardine Pitt John parish of Weston Beggard Pitt John parish of Farington Pittway John parish of Liegh Pool James parish of All Saints Poole James parish of Holmer Poole Henry parish of Farington Poole Henry parish of Farington Poole John parish of Farington Poole James parish of Holmer Powell Edwin parish of All Saints Powell Abraham parish of All Saints Powell John parish of Holmer Powell William parish of Withington Powell William parish of Withington Powell John parish of Withington Powell John parish of Lugwardine Powell William parish of Lugwardine Powell William parish of Lugwardine Powell Richard parish of Weston Beggard Powell Thomas parish of Colwall Powell Thomas parish of Colwall Powell Thomas parish of Liegh Powell Mathew parish of All Saints Preece Ann parish of All Saints Preece Jane parish of All Saints Preece William parish of All Saints Preece Samuel parish of Dormington Preece William parish of All Saints Prichard William parish of Holmer Pricthard William parish of Holmer Pritchard William parish of Holmer Pritchard William parish of Holmer Pritchard Elizabeth parish of Holmer Pritchard Richard parish of Holmer Pritchard Wiliam parish of Holmer Pritchard John parish of Withington Pritchard Jonathon parish of Farington Pritchard William parish of Holmer Pritchard David parish of All Saints Proctor John parish of Withington Proser John parish of Withington Prosper Thomas parish of Liegh Prosser Thomas parish of Hanley Castle Prosser Thomas parish of Liegh Proverbs John parish of Ledbury Pullen William parish of Weston Beggard Pullen William parish of Newland Reece James parish of Lugwardine Reece William parish of Hanley Castle Reeves George parish of Liegh Richard Padmore parish of Powick Richard Winter parish of Holmer Richardson William parish of Liegh Rideout Charles parish of Hanley Castle Robbins William parish of Colwall Roberts John parish of Hanley Castle Robins James parish of Colwall Robins William parish of Colwall Robins William parish of Colwall Robinson George parish of Liegh Rogers Ann parish of Colwall Roper Thomas parish of Liegh Rowlands William parish of All Saints Rowlands William parish of All Saints Rowlands Williams parish of All Saints Rowlands Wiliams parish of John the Baptist Rrance Thomas parish of Liegh Rudge Daniel parish of Liegh Russell Thomas parish of Ledbury Samuel Burlingham parish of Powick Saunders William parish of Withington Sexhy Mary Ann parish of Ledbury Shephard John Pook parish of Powick Sheppard William parish of Colwall Shepphard James Pook parish of Leigh Siviell John parish of Withington Slack Mark Christopher parish of Holmer Smith Charles parish of Holmer Smith Thomas parish of Weston Beggard Smith Thomas parish of Yarkill Smith Thomas parish of Stoke Edith Smith Thomas parish of Farington Smith Mary parish of Colwall Smith William Henry parish of Hanley Castle Smith Sarah parish of Liegh Smith George parish of Liegh Smith Charles parish of Holmer Somers Charles parish of Munsley Somers Charles parish of Ledbury Somers Earl parish of Ledbury Somers Charles parish of Eastmor Somers Earl parish of Eastmor Spencer John parish of Withington Spencer John parish of Liegh Spozzie Charles parish of Holmer Sprozzie Charles parish of Holmer Ssouth Charles parish of Ledbury Stephens John parish of Ledbury Stevens John parish of Colwall Stowe Robert Acton parish of Holmer Stowe Robert Acton parish of Holmer Stowe Frederick Henry parish of Holmer Stowe Robert Acton parish of Holmer Stowe Frederick Henry parish of Holmer Strallard John parish of Powick Tatlor Hannah parish of Chapeby Taylor Elizabeth parish of All Saints Taylor Henry parish of Holmer Taylor Bennett parish of Farington Taylor Bennett parish of Farington Taylor Thomas parish of Farington Taylor Hannah parish of Ledbury Taylor William parish of Leigh Terry Charles parish of All Saints Terry George Robert parish of Holmer Terry George parish of Holmer Terry Helana parish of Holmer Terry George parish of Holmer Terry Helana parish of Holmer Thackwell John parish of Ledbury Thomas Frances Henry parish of Holmer Thomas Elizabeth parish of Withington Thomas Richard parish of Eastmor Thomas Edward parish of Colwall Thomas Abel parish of Liegh Thomas Joseph parish of Liegh Thomas Francis Henry parish of Holmer Thomas Henry parish of All Saints Tolley John parish of Liegh Tombs James parish of Colwall Tomkins George parish of Withington Tomkins William parish of Holmer Treherne Henry parish of Ledbury Tyler James parish of Newland Vaughan Mary parish of Withington Vaughan James parish of Holmer Vaughan James parish of All Saints Vevers John Brace parish of Farington Waite John James parish of All Saints Waite Eliza parish of All Saints Wakefield Thomas parish of All Saints Walker John parish of Holmer Walker John parish of Holmer Walker John parish of Holmer Wall Samuel parish of All Saints Ward James parish of Holmer Warner James parish of Liegh Warner James parish of Liegh Warner James parish of Liegh Washbourne Edward parish of Hanley Castle Watkins Eleanor parish of All Saints Watkins Peter parish of Holmer Watkins William parish of Colwall Watkins Peter parish of Holmer Webb John parish of Munsley Webb Edward parish of Leigh Webb Edward parish of Powick Went Charles parish of Colwall Wetson George parish of Ledbury Wharton William parish of Colwall Whitmore John parish of Leigh Whitnore John parish of Powick Whooton John parish of Holmer Wigley William parish of All Saints Wiliams Joseph parish of All Saints Willan George parish of Liegh Williams George parish of All Saints Williams John parish of All Saints Williams George parish of All Saints Williams John parish of Holmer Williams Frederick parish of Holmer Williams John parish of John the Baptist Williams George parish of John the Baptist Williams Thomas William parish of Lugwardine Williams Joseph parish of Dormington Williams Philip parish of Farington Williams John parish of Liegh Williams Thomas parish of Liegh Williams Charles parish of Holmer Willis John parish of Ledbury Willis John parish of Eastmor Wilson George parish of Withington Wilson George parish of Lugwardine Wilson George parish of Lugwardine Wilson George parish of Dormington Winnall John parish of Newland Wood Richard parish of Colwall Woodhouse Anna Maria parish of Holmer Woodhouse Maria parish of Holmer Woodhouse James Thomas parish of Hanley Castle Yapp Zacariah parish of Holmer Yeomans William parish of Withington Yeomans William parish of Withington
[Posted originally to a RootsWeb Mailing List by Robert Deloyde, and last modified 16 Apr 2004.
Prepared for GENUKI by Peter Abbott]