
Easington Churchyard gravestones etc.


Easington Churchyard gravestones etc..



The last photos of the Easington Churchyard gravestones etc. were taken in 2016 and consequently no graves after this date appear here.

The index consists of a table of surnames (below), each being linked to the first image of that surname. To get to the rest of the same surname images, simply use the scroll facilities on each succeeding page.

The number for the photograph is given in the caption below the photograph.

No attempt was made to remove grass from overgrown graves (no tools) but tried to remove the moss etc. from the graves which consist of a cross.

If you can identify the names on the "Unknown" graves, please drop Colin a line by email (use the "Report Problems" link at the bottom of the relevant page).

There are three sizes of photos: the thumbnail images which link to a page containing a larger image (640 by 480 pixels), and then a full size image which is linked from the previously mentioned larger image. The full size image can of course be saved for your own personal use.

You will appreciate that there is ample scope for errors in this, so if you find any, please drop Colin a line - there is a link to the error form at the bottom of each page.

Happy hunting!

Colin Hinson.

!General  Anson  Atkin  Bacchus  Bachus  Barnes 
Bird  Blenkin  Booth  Braimbridge  Branton  Bride 
Buchanan  Buck  Butterwood  Cammidge  Canby  Carrick 
Charlton  Charter  Child  Clubley  Coates  Connor 
Cooper  Coy  Craig  Croford  Curtis  Cuthbert 
Dennison  Douglas  Douglass  Dunn  Edmonds  Escreet 
Fewson  Foster  Fussey  Garside  Gray  Green 
Greenwood  Hall  Hodgeson  Hodgson  Hunton  Jackson 
Johnson  Kettle  Kilvington  Lawson  Loftus  Longhorn 
Longman  Maddock  Maister  Mason  Medforth  Nicholson 
Nixon  Overton  Pattinson  Petch  Quinton  Reid 
Richardson  Roberts  Rome  Self  Sharp  Smith 
Staniforth  Staples  Suggett  Tennison  Thompson  Tiddy 
Turner  Unknown  Unknown*  Wade  Walker  Watson 
Webster  Weiley  White  Wiley  Wilson  Wood 
* Please note that the "Unknown*" section contains those with unreadable full surnames.