Hornsea Directory of Trades and Professions for 1823
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for HORNSEA in Baines's Directory of 1823.
Letters, - William Burn, foot post-man to Leven on Mon. Wed. Thur. and Fri. dep. at 9 morn. ret. at 1 noon.
- Corey Rev. Charles, curate
- Forge Rev. Chpr. curate of Mappleton
- Layburn Captain John
- Sykes Rev. James, Calvinist minister
- Bedell Benjamin
- Day Rebecca
- Eagle Mrs.
- Gibson Mrs
- Green George
- Hudson John
- Runton John
- Smith Dorothy
- Wilson C. B
- Smith Thomas
- Wadforth John
- Acklam Thos.
- Grantham Wm, & parish clerk
- Greensides Wm.
- Harrison John
- Lawson Robert
- Welburn Robert
- Gale John
- Grantham Richard
- Russell Wm.
- Russell John
- Taylor Wm.
- Bennet John
- Bulson John
- Bulson Wm. and tallow chandler
- Linskin Stephen
- Bennet Geo.
- Burn Thos.
- Davison Wm.
- Fisher Samuel
- Foster Ralph
- Frost Samuel
- Galloway John
- Harrison Thos.
- Heron Robert
- Jackson Richard
- Merrit Francis
- Noble James
- Simpson Joseph
- Stork Wm.
- Warcup Isaac
- Whiten Wm.
- Cooper Richard
- Henderson Wm. and druggist
- Hillaby John
- Leeson William baker & gardener
- Loundsbrough W.
- Walter Robert
- Woodhouse Wm.
- Brown George
- Nicholson John
- Ballantine James
- Harrison Charles
- Pool John
- Southwick Matt
- Dawson John
- Southwick Wm,
- Wallis Thomas
- Amers Wm. vict. & miller, Pr. of Wales
- Bald S. Chief constable of N. Holderness
- Barnard John, excise officer.
- Byass Robert, rope and twine maker
- Capes and Son, plumbers and glaziers
- Heslop John vict., Old Hotel
- Marsh Thomas, saddler.
- Milnes Wm, Painter
- Pool Joseph, clock and watch maker
- Stafe John, weaver
- Straker Martin, vict. Hare and Hounds
- Tate Wm. vict. New Hotel
- Wallis John, Mole catcher
- Ward Mary, hosier
- Waters Geo. Lapidary
- Wells Wm. gardener
- West Benj. hairdresser
- to Hull daily except Fri.
- D. Robinson, J. Noble, M. Harwood, and W. Wilson, to Hull Tu. & Fri.; to Beverley every Sat.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for HORNSEA BURTON in Baines's Directory of 1823.
Farmers, - Baker Wm.
- Lamplugh Christr.
- Lawton Philip
- Watson Wm.