
Howden Churchyard gravestones etc.


Howden Churchyard gravestones etc..



This is approximately one fifth of the headstones and plaques etc. at Howden Minster. My apologies for the poor quality of some of the images.

The last photos of the Howden Churchyard gravestones etc. were taken in 2022 and consequently no graves after this date appear here.

The index consists of a table of surnames (below), each being linked to the first image of that surname. To get to the rest of the same surname images, simply use the scroll facilities on each succeeding page.

The number for the photograph is given in the caption below the photograph.

No attempt was made to remove grass from overgrown graves (no tools) but tried to remove the moss etc. from the graves which consist of a cross.

If you can identify the names on the "Unknown" graves, please drop Colin a line by email (use the "Report Problems" link at the bottom of the relevant page).

There are three sizes of photos: the thumbnail images which link to a page containing a larger image (640 by 480 pixels), and then a full size image which is linked from the previously mentioned larger image. The full size image can of course be saved for your own personal use.

You will appreciate that there is ample scope for errors in this, so if you find any, please drop Colin a line - there is a link to the error form at the bottom of each page.

Happy hunting!

Colin Hinson.

!General  Ainslie  Air  Allanson  Anderson  Anderton 
Andrew  Athorpe  Bancroft  Banks  Barker  Barlow 
Barrie  Bates  Baxter  Beal  Bell  Belt 
Benson  Bentley  Beverley  Blakey  Bland  Boldon 
Booth  Bordon  Boulby  Bovill  Bowman  Bowray 
Braithwaite  Bramley  Briggs  Briskham  Bristow  Bromley 
Brook  Brown  Bryan  Buckle  Bullement  Bulmer 
Burwell  Buttle  Buttrick  Calvert  Camp  Campbell 
Carmichael  Carrer  Carter-Clough  Carter  Cawkill  Chafer 
Chant  Chantry  Chatham  Clarke  Clayton  Clough 
Collinson  Collis  Colton  Constable  Cook  Cooke 
Cooper  Cowell  Cowling  Crawford  Cumpstone  Cutts 
Dalton  Day  DeSioblade  Dickenson  Donaldson  Douglass 
Downes  Dowson  Drury  Dunlop  Dunn  Edwards 
Ellerker  England  EP  Eskricke  Etherington  Featherstone 
FH  Finnigan  Fitch  Foster  Fox  Frood 
Gamble  Gamwell  Gatenby  Glew  Godmon  Goodall 
Goodel  Goose  Gott  Graves  Green  Hanson 
Harden  Harman  Harriman  Harrison  Hart  Hartley 
Haward  Henrickson  Hewitt  Hiley  Hill  Hobson 
Holliday  Holmes  Holroyd  Horner  Horrocks  Howden 
Howdle  HP  Hughes  Hunt  Hutchinson  Hutton 
Jackson  Jaques  Jarred  Jenkinson  Johnson  Kealey 
Keay  Kedar  Kellington  Knaggs  Lapish  Lappish 
Laverack  Leach  Leak  Linton  Lockwood  Lumby 
Macleod  Maltman  Mann  Marsden  Martin  Martinson 
Maw  Mawer  McLintock  Meadley  Mell  Millington 
Moore  Morgan  Morritt  Mounser  MP  Neville 
Newham  Nicholson  Palmer  Parry  Pass  Patteson 
Peirson  Pemble  Pennington  Pereson  Perkins  Perrett 
Pidd  Pittaway  Pitter  Porteous  Powell  Powls 
Proctor  Pulleyn  Rackham  Rawson  Rhodes  Richardson 
Rowland  Ruddock  Saltmarsh  Saltmarshe  Sanders  Sanderson 
Savage  Scholfield  Sharpe  Shaw  Shearer  Sherbourne 
Sherburn  Shillington  Silvester  Simister  Simms  Simpson 
Singleton  Smith  Snarr  Snidle  Snowball  Spilman 
Spivey  Stainton  Stamp  Steele  Steels  Stephenson 
Stevens  Storry  Sugden  Sunderland  Sweeting  Taylor 
Thoburn  Thompson  Thornton  Thorp  Tooke  Tune 
Turnell  Turner  Turnill  Tutill  Tutsston  Tutty 
Underwood  Unknown  Unknown*  Vollans  Waddington  Wadsworth 
Walker  Wallis  Ward  Watson  Weddall  Westoby 
Wetherell  Wheldrake  Whileblood  Whitaker  White  Whittaker 
Wigglesworth  Wikeley  Wilbey  Wilde  Williamson  Wilson 
Winter  Wise  Worsop  Wray  Wright  York 
* Please note that the "Unknown*" section contains those with unreadable full surnames.