Howden Registers - Burials 1600-1624.
Transcription of the Howden Registers - Burials 1600-1624.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/ERY/HowdenParishRegs1.txt Please note I cannot guarantee that my software has always extracted the date in the date column correctly.
The dates are given in the order the appear in the register which is not necessarily numerical order.
Also note that the year commenced on the 25th March up to 1752.
The dates are given in the order the appear in the register which is not necessarily numerical order.
Also note that the year commenced on the 25th March up to 1752.
Date | Name(s) and relationship |
Aprill 1600. | |
07/04/1600 | Andrew Fingley of Bermbie viio. |
11/04/1600 | James s. to James Beale of Bermbie xjo. |
13/04/1600 | Willm. s. to henry nelson of belbie xiijo. |
14/04/1600 | Agnes dawson of Yockflete xiiijo. |
15/04/1600 | Eliz. d. to Nicolas Arlush of Knedlington xvo. |
24/04/1600 | Custance wif to Peter Andersen of booth 24o. |
27/04/1600 | Isabell Badking of Skelton xxvijo. |
29/04/1600 | Alice wif to John beilbie of Balkholme xxixo. |
Maye 1600. | |
02/05/1600 | Robart gilpin of Kilpin ijo. |
04/05/1600 | Willm. Johnson of Balkholme iiijo. |
07/05/1600 | An d. to Rich. Stapleton of Howden vijo. |
12/05/1600 | Thoms. s. to Thomas Thorp of Asselbie xijo. |
17/05/1600 | Mawde wif to mathew Ellis of Thorp xvijo. |
17/05/1600 | Isabell noble of Asselbie xvijo. |
21/05/1600 | John s. to lawrence garnet of Howden xxjo. |
22/05/1600 | Margaret d. to george goforth of Knedlington xxijo. |
25/05/1600 | John s. to Willm. Collin of Bermbie xxvo. |
27/05/1600 | John s. to Guye Yong of Thorp xxvijo. |
27/05/1600 | Robt. s. to Allan dun of Skelton xxvijo. |
28/05/1600 | Xpofer nelson of belbie xxviijo. |
29/05/1600 | John s. to Wm. beilbie of Skelton xxixo. |
June 1600. | |
02/06/1600 | Jennet wif to Guy Yonge of Thorpe ijo. |
06/06/1600 | Jone wif to Thoms. Nickoll of Howden vjo. |
13/06/1600 | Hercules Smith of Howden xiijo. |
28/06/1600 | Margaret wif to Jerman Skelton of Howden 28o. |
Julie 1600. | |
01/07/1600 | Jone d. to Rich. Barker of Howden vx. |
06/07/1600 | Richard dallison of Bermbie vjo. |
06/07/1600 | Robt. s. to James Ray of Howden vjo. |
11/07/1600 | Catheren noble of Howden xjo. |
12/07/1600 | Isabell Barker of Howden xijo. |
21/07/1600 | Robt. s. to An Readshaw a stranger xxjo. |
21/07/1600 | Willm. s. to Thoms. Thorp of Asselbie xxjo. |
24/07/1600 | John s. to Rich. Thorp of belbie xxiiijo. |
August 1600. | |
02/08/1600 | Jone d. to Bryan Pannell of Cotnes ijo. |
02/08/1600 | Mawde d. to lawrence Craven of duncots ijo. |
07/08/1600 | Jone d. to george dudding of Kilpin vijo. |
11/08/1600 | Catherin Jackson of Laxton vid. xjo. |
18/08/1600 | Jelion d. to Peter Anderson of booth xviijo. |
19/08/1600 | John s. to Wm. Stevenson of Howden xixo. |
24/08/1600 | Bettriss d. to John Freman of Howden xxiiijo. |
30/08/1600 | John s. to Robt. heward of Howden xxxo. |
September 1600. | |
03/09/1600 | John s. to Agnes short of Laxton iijo. |
13/09/1600 | Willm. Barker of Howden xiijo |
15/09/1600 | Jane d. to Wm. Carie of Howden xvo. |
18/09/1600 | Thoms. s. to Thoms. Faireburn of Howden xviijo. |
13/09/1600 | Eliz. d. to John Armitt of Skelton xiijo. |
27/09/1600 | Isabell d. to marie dawson of Howden xxvijo. |
October 1600. | |
09/10/1600 | Thoms. s. to Christofer gill of Saltmarsh ixo. |
09/10/1600 | John s. to Marmaduke Stevenson of Kilpin ixo. |
09/10/1600 | Jennet norman, vid. ixo. |
13/10/1600 | Mathew. Lea of Bermbie xiijo. |
13/10/1600 | Jelion d. to Christofer gill of Saltmarsh xiijo. |
13/10/1600 | An d. to Robt. Newbie of Skelton xiijo. |
13/10/1600 | Margaret d. to Rich. Barton of Knedlington xiijo. |
24/10/1600 | Alison hunsley of Thorp, vid. xxiiijo. |
26/10/1600 | Agnes wif to John Petch of Howden xxvjo. |
23/10/1600 | John s. to [blank] of belbie xxiijo. |
November 1600. | |
08/11/1600 | Thos. s. to Robt. Collin of Saltmarsh viijo. |
12/11/1600 | Thos. s. to Wm. Spinke of Howden dike xijo. |
12/11/1600 | John s. to Thoms. Baxter of Howden xij. |
13/11/1600 | Catherine Awdus of Knedlington vid. xiijo. |
16/11/1600 | John Pewtherer of Howden xvjo. |
20/11/1600 | Jelion wif to Thoms. Busbie of Howden xxo. |
December 1600. | |
04/12/1600 | Agnes Watkin of Laxton vid. iiijo. |
06/12/1600 | Willm Cobgrave of Bermbie vjo. |
11/12/1600 | Nicolas Pearson of Cotnes xjo. |
15/12/1600 | Marie d. to Thoms. Watkinson of Howden xvo. |
17/12/1600 | John s. to Frances Wadsdale of Skelton xvijo. |
18/12/1600 | Jone d. to John Branton of Asselbie xviijo. |
24/12/1600 | Ux. Cromocke of Howden xxiiijo. |
25/12/1600 | Antony s. to Wm. Marshall of Balkholme xxvo. |
27/12/1600 | Willm s. to John Casse of Howden xxvijo. |
Januarie 1600. | |
05/01/1600 | Marie d. to Thoms. Endike of Howden dike. vo. |
05/01/1600 | An. d. Frances Pennyngton of Knedlington vo. |
06/01/1600 | Ellen wif to Xpofer Munssie of Howden vjo. |
07/01/1600 | Robt. s. to Robt. Archer of Howden vijo. |
12/01/1600 | Willm. Yong of durisme xijo. |
24/01/1600 | Awdery heward of Howden vid. xxiiijo. |
24/01/1600 | Edward Cockerland of Boothe xxiiij. |
27/01/1600 | Jennet Pinder of Laxton xxvijo. |
28/01/1600 | Robt. s. to Thoms. Sutton of Asselbie xxviijo. |
29/01/1600 | Ellen Belwood of Balkholme, vid. xxixo. |
29/01/1600 | John & Frances s. to Willm. Barker of Thorp ultimo |
Februarye 1600. | |
04/02/1600 | Willm. Constable of Newland, gent. iiijo. |
06/02/1600 | Frances d. to Wm. Morton of Asselbie vjo. |
06/02/1600 | Isabell Wilfet, John her son of Asselbie vjo. |
07/02/1600 | Robt. s. to John hastings of Knedlington vijo. |
10/02/1600 | Robt. s. to Robt. Slater of Skelt. xo. |
10/02/1600 | An d. to Xpofer herrison of Bermbie xo. |
13/02/1600 | Sibill wif to Thomas Parker of Bermbie xiijo. |
16/02/1600 | John s. to Thoms. Watkin of Balkholme xvjo. |
17/02/1600 | John Colterd of Asselbie xvijo. |
19/02/1600 | John s. to John Smith of Bermbie xixo. |
20/02/1600 | Edward Jewet of Laxton xxo. |
21/02/1600 | Alice d. to Thoms. Binks of Bermbie xxjo. |
21/02/1600 | Nicolas s. to John Awdus of Knedlington xxjo. |
26/02/1600 | Ralfe s. to Eliz. Cowper of Howden xxvjo. |
27/02/1600 | Catherine d. to Robt. Cotnes of Asselbie xxvijo. |
March 1600. | |
01/03/1600 | Willm. Atkingson, a stranger vx. |
02/03/1600 | dorothie harrall of Skelton ijo. |
03/03/1600 | Christofer adaman of Bermbie iijo. |
05/03/1600 | Margaret d. to John Rogerson of Howden vo. |
05/03/1600 | An d. to Thomas Yong of Skelton vo. |
08/03/1600 | Mathew s. to John Tayler of houke viijo. |
09/03/1600 | James s. to Jervis hunsley of belbie ixo. |
10/03/1600 | John s. to Wm. Spinke of Howden dike xo. |
13/03/1600 | Thoms. Crosier als. Tayler of Saltmarsh xiijo. |
13/03/1600 | Thoms. Busbie of Howden fish clerk xiijo. |
15/03/1600 | Willm s. to Edward Norman xvo. |
16/03/1600 | George s. to Edward Norman xvjo. |
March 1601. | |
26/03/1601 | John s. to Wm. Burton of Skelt. xxvjo. |
29/03/1601 | An d. to Rich. Simson of Howden xxixo. |
30/03/1601 | John Stoner of Howden xxxo. |
30/03/1601 | Frances d. to John Freman of Howden ultimo |
Aprill 1601. | |
10/04/1601 | Margaret d. to Thoms. Broune of Angr' xo. |
15/04/1601 | John s. to Rich. Barker of Howden xvo. |
16/04/1601 | Steven howthernes of Thorp xvjo. |
18/04/1601 | Robart morton of Asselbie xviijo. |
27/04/1601 | Willm herrison of Howden xxvijo. |
Maye 1601. | |
02/05/1601 | Jennet d. to Wm. Storme of belbie ijo. |
04/05/1601 | An d. to An Dickson of Howden iiijo. |
04/05/1601 | Jane Farar of Howden vid. iiijo. |
04/05/1601 | Agnes wif to Alexander baitman of Balkholme iiijo. |
05/05/1601 | Mathew s. to Ralf Tomlinson of Howden vo. |
06/05/1601 | Jennet wif to Robt. Blanton of Asselbie vjo. |
14/05/1601 | Roose d. to Rich. Freman of Balkholme xiiijo. |
16/05/1601 | John s. to Ralf Cowper of Balkholme xvjo. |
24/05/1601 | Nicolas Collinson of Howden xxiiijo. |
25/05/1601 | Willm. s. to John Baines of Howden xxvo. |
30/05/1601 | An d. to Wm. Sanderson of Bermbie xxx. |
June 1601. | |
02/06/1601 | John s. to John Beilbie of Balkholme ijo. |
11/06/1601 | Thoms. s. to Thomas Thorp of Asselbie xjo. |
15/06/1601 | Peter dowson of Howden xvo. |
25/06/1601 | Robt. s. to Willm. kirssie of Bermbie xxvo. |
Julie 1601. | |
05/07/1601 | Antonie Baines of Howden vo. |
06/07/1601 | Lawrence s. to Robt. Pinder of Laxton vjo. |
12/07/1601 | Ellen d. to Wm. hutcheson of Howden xijo. |
25/07/1601 | Margaret d. to Edward Rimer of Knedlington xxvo. |
27/07/1601 | Alice wif to Wm. Barker of belbie xxvijo. |
August 1601. | |
02/08/1601 | Frances d. to Wm. Roe of Howden dike ijo. |
04/08/1601 | Jone d. to Rich. Cattell of Asselbie iiijo. |
15/08/1601 | Walter s. to Thoms. Crosier of Saltmarsh xvo. |
16/08/1601 | John s. to nicolas Tomson of Balkholme xvjo. |
18/08/1601 | Eliz. wif to myles noddall of Howden xviijo. |
21/08/1601 | Thoms. s. to John Jerratt of belbie xxjo. |
September 1601. | |
01/09/1601 | Alice wife to Robt. Fotherbie of Howden vx. |
08/09/1601 | Jennet d. to Antony nutbrowne of Knedlington viijo. |
13/09/1601 | Robt. Witton of Howden xiijo. |
17/09/1601 | Eliz. d. to henry Lawton of Bermbie xvijo. |
October 1601. | |
02/10/1601 | Ellen Fletcher of Laxton ijo. |
04/10/1601 | Leonard Wilson of Bermbie iiijo. |
20/10/1601 | An d. to Robt. Banks xxo. |
21/10/1601 | Willm. s. to nicolas Collinson of Howden xxjo. |
25/10/1601 | Thoms. s. to Willm. Beilbie of Skelton xxvo. |
30/10/1601 | Thomas Thorp of Howden ultimo |
November 1601. | |
03/11/1601 | John s. to Agnes Fowster of Cotnes iijo. |
06/11/1601 | Grace wif to Wm. Richeson of Skelton vjo. |
07/11/1601 | Frances d. to Ralf herrison of Asselbie vijo. |
08/11/1601 | Jane Abbott of Howden vid. viijo. |
10/11/1601 | John Dent of Kilpin xo. |
10/11/1601 | Ux. Kirkbie of Howden xo. |
11/11/1601 | Agnes d. to Wm. Blansherd of Laxton xjo. |
12/11/1601 | Peter s. to henry Chapman of Balkholme xijo. |
12/11/1601 | Robt. s. to Marmaduke Stevenson of Balkholme xijo. |
20/11/1601 | Nicolas s. to Jone Burdsall of Howden xxo. |
23/11/1601 | Margaret & Margerie d. to Thoms. haddlesey of Skelton xxiijo. |
27/11/1601 | Jelion wif to John Storme of darbie xxvijo. |
December 1601. | |
06/12/1601 | Phillip d. to Bryan Browne of Laxton vjo. |
10/12/1601 | Thoms. s. to Thoms. Smith of Howden xo |
10/12/1601 | Willm. s. to John Clark of Howden xo. |
10/12/1601 | Edward Dickson of Thorpe xo. |
11/12/1601 | Alice wif to Christofer herrison of Bermbie xjo. |
12/12/1601 | Christofer s. to Christofer herrison of Bermbie xijo. |
14/12/1601 | henrie s. to John Casse of Howden xiiijo. |
15/12/1601 | Catherine d. to John Casse of Howden xvo. |
26/12/1601 | Jennet wif to Robt. gunbie of Saltmarsh Car 26o. |
29/12/1601 | Jennet d. to Robt. Awme of Bermbie xxixo. |
Januarie 1601. | |
05/01/1601 | Eliz. wif to Robt. Nelson of Thorp vo. |
10/01/1601 | Marie Gibson of Asselbie xo. |
10/01/1601 | John s. to Edward Eratt of Howden xo. |
10/01/1601 | Jennet Bell of Skelton xo. |
10/01/1601 | John s. to Robt. Thorp of Knedlington xo. |
11/01/1601 | Marie Shan of Skelt. vid. xjo. |
12/01/1601 | Jone d. to Willm. Carie of Howden xijo. |
17/01/1601 | John Starkie Junr. of Knedlington xvijo. |
28/01/1601 | Mawde wif, John s. to Robt. Cornwell of Balkholme 28o. |
31/01/1601 | Isabell Wharrington of Howden vid. xxxjo. |
31/01/1601 | George Awckland of Knedlington xxxjo. |
Februarye 1601. | |
10/02/1601 | Robt. Carbutt of Howden xo |
11/02/1601 | Willm s. to Thoms. Sutton of Knedlington xjo. |
13/02/1601 | Eliz. wif to Ralf Wright of Howden xiijo. |
14/02/1601 | Margaret Lupton of Saltmarsh, vid. xiiijo |
14/02/1601 | Walter kirssie of Bermbie xiiijo. |
15/02/1601 | George hartforth of Howden xvo. |
17/02/1601 | John Robson of Cotnes xvijo. |
18/02/1601 | Eliz. Sisson of Howden vid. xviij |
20/02/1601 | Sicilie Willmson of Skelton vid. xxo. |
21/02/1601 | Myles Bell of Cotnes xxjo. |
27/02/1601 | Isabell d. to George Stowe of Howden xxvijo. |
March 1601. | |
02/03/1601 | Catherine wife to Willm. Richeson of Howden ijo. |
08/03/1601 | Catherine Wildon of Laxton vid. viijo. |
10/03/1601 | Eliz. wif to John Emson of Skelton xo. |
17/03/1601 | Thomas Awdley of Salt marsh xvijo. |
22/03/1601 | Thoms. s. to John Rainforth of Laxton xxijo. |
Aprill 1602. | |
03/04/1602 | Alice Collin of Howden vid. iijo. |
99/04/1602 | Marie d. to Eliz. [blank] |
13/04/1602 | Jone d. to Willm. davison of boothe xiijo |
17/04/1602 | Barthol. s. henry Lawton of Bermbie xvijo. |
20/04/1602 | Alexander Riccall of Kilpin xxo. |
22/04/1602 | [blank] wif to Thoms. Milner of Kilpin xxijo. |
24/04/1602 | Alice Fearneley of Howden xxiiijo. |
24/04/1602 | Nicolas Bell of Howden xxiiijo. |
May 1602. | |
05/05/1602 | John s. to George Jackson of Howden vo. |
08/05/1602 | Jennet d. to george dudding of Kilpin viijo. |
09/05/1602 | Marie holdernes of thorpe, vid. ixo. |
12/05/1602 | Thoms. Bradley of holme, xijo. |
17/05/1602 | Willm. s. to Willm. Bowes of Howden xvijo. |
17/05/1602 | John Thorp of boothe xvijo. |
17/05/1602 | Andrew Starkie of Knedlington xvijo. |
18/05/1602 | An wif to John hereson als Milnr. of Bermbie 18o. |
18/05/1602 | Willm. s. to John Wilson of Sand hall xviijo. |
19/05/1602 | [blank] d. to Rich. Underwood of Asselbie xixo. |
19/05/1602 | Marie d. to John Nutbrowne of Knedlington xixo. |
20/05/1602 | Jane Nelson of belbie xxo. |
20/05/1602 | Agnes Nutbrowne of Asselbie vid. xxo. |
21/05/1602 | John Wooddall of Howden xxjo. |
23/05/1602 | Catherine d. to Xpofer Bailes of Kilpin 23o. |
23/05/1602 | Robart Collin of Cotnes xxiijo. |
26/05/1602 | An wif to henry Petwardine of Knedlington 26o. |
26/05/1602 | Jennet wif to Thomas Atkinson of Howden 26o. |
30/05/1602 | Catherine d. to Wm. Morton of Asselbie ultimo |
June 1602. | |
06/06/1602 | Robert Browne of Howden vjo. |
06/06/1602 | Thoms. s. to Thoms. dun of Cotnes vjo. |
11/06/1602 | John s. to John Jerratt of Thorp xjo. |
11/06/1602 | John s. to Rich. Cattle of Asselbie xjo. |
11/06/1602 | Thoms. Kilpin of Howden xjo. |
16/06/1602 | Margaret d. to James bradley of Newland xvjo. |
19/06/1602 | Jennet wif to John Lambley of Knedlington xixo. |
22/06/1602 | James Barrowe of Howden xxijo. |
23/06/1602 | Jone d. to Sicili Storie of Thorpe xxiijo. |
24/06/1602 | Thoms. s. to John Awdus of kned. xxiiijo. |
25/06/1602 | Agnes Atkinson of Howden vid. xxvo. |
28/06/1602 | Eliz. Skin of Asselbie vid. xxviijo. |
30/06/1602 | Agnes wif to Marmaduke kettlewell of Howden xxxo. |
Julie 1602. | |
02/07/1602 | Wm. s. to Thoms. Sutton of Asselbie ijo. |
03/07/1602 | Frances d. to Robt. Awme of Bermbie iijo. |
07/07/1602 | Margaret wif to Robt. Plasterer of Howden vijo. |
08/07/1602 | Grace d. to giles Tomlin of Yockflet viijo. |
11/07/1602 | Jone wif to Rich. Leaven of Howden xjo. |
12/07/1602 | Thoms. s. to Peter herrison of Howden xijo. |
13/07/1602 | An d. to Willm. Middlewood of Howden xiijo. |
15/07/1602 | Jennet Morton of Asselbie xvo. |
17/07/1602 | Eliz. d. to Giles Tomlin of Yockflet xvijo. |
20/07/1602 | Margaret d. to Margaret Preston of Howden xxo. |
26/07/1602 | Eliz. wif to Rich. Jackson of Howden xxvjo. |
29/07/1602 | Ellen wif to Robt. Beck of Howden xxixo. |
August 1602. | |
03/08/1602 | Jone d. to Steven Smith of Bermbie iijo. |
04/08/1602 | Thoms. garnitt of Howden, bellman iiijo. |
07/08/1602 | Sicilie d. to Wm. Lawtie of Saltmarsh vijo. |
12/08/1602 | Jone d. to Jerman Skelton of Howden xijo. |
19/08/1602 | Eliz. Sutton of Howden xixo. |
19/08/1602 | Eliz. d. to Wilfray [blank] of Howden xixo. |
20/08/1602 | Eliz. a wich died at Knedlington xxo. |
22/08/1602 | Jennet wif to John Watkin of Laxton xxijo. |
24/08/1602 | Isabell herrison of Bermbie vid. xxiiijo. |
29/08/1602 | Eliz. d. to henrie Collinson of Howden xxixo. |
30/08/1602 | Janet Robingson of Howden vid. xxxo. |
September 1602. | |
03/09/1602 | Ux Browne of Howden vid. iijo. |
04/09/1602 | Catherine d. to John gathorne of Kilpin iiijo. |
06/09/1602 | Isabell higgon of Saltmarsh vid. vjo. |
07/09/1602 | Thoms. s. to Wm. Evans of Howden vijo. |
10/09/1602 | Marie d. to John hunter of Howden xo. |
10/09/1602 | Eliz. d. to Robt. haddlesey of Skelton xo |
13/09/1602 | Willm. Greene of Bermbie xiijo. |
14/09/1602 | Willm herrison of Bermbie xiiijo. |
14/09/1602 | John s. to Robt. Stainforth Senr. of Bermbie xiiijo. |
16/09/1602 | Agnes Rudley vid. a stranger xvjo. |
16/09/1602 | John s. to Thomas Drumell of Bermbie xvjo. |
16/09/1602 | Thoms. s. to Robt. Bond of Knedlington xvjo. |
19/09/1602 | Eliz. Stead of Asselbie vid. xixo. |
22/09/1602 | Jone d. to Wm. Robinson of Howden xxijo. |
22/09/1602 | John s. to John Pickering of Laxton xxijo. |
24/09/1602 | George s. to [blank] brought of Howden xxiiijo. |
25/09/1602 | John s. to Robt. Nayler of Skelt. xxvo. |
25/09/1602 | Robt. Browne of Howden xxvo. |
26/09/1602 | Willm. s. to Robt. Morris of Kilpin xxvjo. |
26/09/1602 | John s. to Eliz. Underwood of Howden xxvjo. |
27/09/1602 | Willm. Carle of Howden xxvijo. |
28/09/1602 | Nicolas Proudfellow of Skelton xxviijo. |
31/09/1602 | Christofer hartforth of Howden ultimo |
October 1602. | |
02/10/1602 | Jone d. to Rich. Stevenson of Skelton ijo. |
05/10/1602 | Isabell wif to Cuthbt. hunsley of Thorpe vo. |
06/10/1602 | Ellen d. to Frances Reed of Skelt. vjo. |
09/10/1602 | Willm. s. to Robt. Townesley of Skelton ixo. |
12/10/1602 | Alice wif to John Kirssie of Bermbie xijo. |
13/10/1602 | Margaret d. to [blank) knowles xiijo. |
15/10/1602 | An wif to Wm. Robinson of Howden xvo. |
16/10/1602 | Eliz. d. to Xpofer Fenwick of newland xvjo. |
16/10/1602 | Isabell d. to John gray of bainton xvjo. |
17/10/1602 | Myles s. to Rich. Webster of Bermbie xvijo. |
28/10/1602 | Alexander herreson of Bermbie xxviijo. |
28/10/1602 | The wife of Thoms. Stonr. of Howden xxviijo. |
29/10/1602 | Agnes d. to John Parkin of Howden xxixo. |
30/10/1602 | Isabell d. to nicolas dickson of Laxton ultimo |
November 1602. | |
01/11/1602 | Willm. s. to John Emson of Saltmarsh vx. |
04/11/1602 | Thomas Fingley of Bermbie iiijo. |
07/11/1602 | John s. to Robt. Cotnes of Asselbie vijo. |
08/11/1602 | Christofer Collin of Bermbie viijo. |
09/11/1602 | An d. to henry Peacock of Howden ixo. |
09/11/1602 | Eliz. Starkie of Knedlington vid. ixo. |
15/11/1602 | John Dawson of Bermbie xvo. |
15/11/1602 | Jennet wif to Samuell Beale of Howden xvo. |
23/11/1602 | John Busbie of Howden xxiijo. |
23/11/1602 | Willm. s. to John Brown of belbie xxiijo. |
23/11/1602 | Marie d. to lawrence Craven of linton 23o. |
23/11/1602 | Jone d. to Jane dickson of Saltmarsh xxiijo. |
24/11/1602 | Eliz. d. to John Blansherd of Bermbie xxiiijo. |
25/11/1602 | Jone d. to George arksay of Laxton xxvo. |
26/11/1602 | Agnes kirksie of Bermbie vid. xxvjo. |
27/11/1602 | Christofer Smith of Laxton xxvijo. |
29/11/1602 | Eliz. wif to george arksay of Laxton xxixo. |
December 1602. | |
04/12/1602 | Willm. s. to Edward Cockerline of Howden iiijo. |
06/12/1602 | Robt. s. to Jone buckell of flakflit vjo. |
16/12/1602 | An Marshall of Knedlington xvjo. |
10/12/1602 | Thoms. s. to Willm. Freman of Howden xo. |
18/12/1602 | Willm. Lawton of Asselbie xviijo. |
19/12/1602 | Eliz. Sparrow of Knedlington xixo. |
21/12/1602 | Thoms. s. to Willm. Ridsley of Saltmarsh xxjo. |
25/12/1602 | Eliz. wif to John Nutbrown of Knedlington xxvo. |
30/12/1602 | Agnes wife to Ralf Wood of Cotnes xxxo. |
30/12/1602 | Ellen d. to Lance Thorp of Howden xxxo. |
January 1602. | |
04/01/1602 | John s. to henry blackburn of sand hall iiijo. |
04/01/1602 | Willm. s. to John Robinson of Asselbie iiijo. |
06/01/1602 | Agnes d. to Thoms. Cressie of Bermbie vjo. |
06/01/1602 | Willm s. to Willm. Nelson of Howden vjo. |
11/01/1602 | Frances s. to Antony Nutbrown of Knedlington xjo. |
15/01/1602 | Eliz. d. to Rich. gathorne of Howden xvo. |
18/01/1602 | Mathew s. to Wm. Nelson of Howden xviijo. |
21/01/1602 | Agnes d. to James Beale of Bermbie xxjo. |
21/01/1602 | Frances d. to Robt. Awdus of Knedlington xxjo. |
21/01/1602 | George Consett of Howden gent. xxjo. |
24/01/1602 | John s. to George Apthrop of Knedlington xxiiijo. |
24/01/1602 | Margaret wif to Wm. Burton of Skelt. xxiiijo. |
26/01/1602 | Phillip wif to Wm. nayler of Skelt. xxvjo. |
27/01/1602 | Agnes d. to Willm. Collin of Bermbie xxvijo. |
30/01/1602 | Bettris d. to Rich. Barker of Howden xxxo. |
Februarye 1602. | |
01/02/1602 | Frances d. to George Hartforth of Howden vx. |
03/02/1602 | An d. to Wm. headley of Saltmarsh iijo. |
04/02/1602 | Thoms. Petch of Cotnes iiijo. |
05/02/1602 | Marie d. to Thoms. Nicolson of Saltmarsh vo. |
07/02/1602 | John s. Frances d. to Thoms. Jackson of belbie vijo. |
11/02/1602 | Thomas Browne of Skelton xjo. |
22/02/1602 | Jone d. to Thomas Rainforth of Saltmarsh xxijo. |
24/02/1602 | Frances d. to John Rainforth of Laxton 24o. |
26/02/1602 | Robt. s. to Robt. Slater of Skelton xxvjo. |
27/02/1602 | Richard s. to Robt. Crosier of Saltmarsh xxvijo. |
March 1602. | |
01/03/1602 | John Haistell of Knedlington vx. |
03/03/1602 | John s. to John darbie of Kilpin iijo. |
05/03/1602 | Willm Johnson of Clubhurst vo. |
14/03/1602 | marie d. to Eliz. Edwardson of Kilpin xiiijo. |
16/03/1602 | hugh Stevenson of Bermbie xvjo. |
18/03/1602 | Willm. Morton of Asselbie xviijo. |
24/03/1602 | An. d. to Thoms. dun of Cotnes xxiiijo. |
27/03/1602 | Ern. d. to Wm. herrison of Bermbie ferrie xxvijo. |
27/03/1602 | George Johnson of boothe xxvijo. |
Aprill 1603. | |
03/04/1603 | An d. to nicolas Binds of Howden iijo. |
06/04/1603 | Ellen appleyard, a sert. of Knedlington vjo. |
08/04/1603 | Edward dalbie, a sere. of Howden viijo. |
10/04/1603 | Willm. Porter of Howden xo. |
18/04/1603 | John Palmer of Whitgift ferie xviijo. |
26/04/1603 | Jelion Colterd of Asselbie vid. xxvjo. |
27/04/1603 | John s. to Robt Saltmarsh of Saltmarsh Esqr xxvii |
Maye 1603. | |
02/05/1603 | John s. to Thoms. Norrise of Howden ijo. |
06/05/1603 | Frances s. to Robt. Nicolson of Kilpin vjo. |
07/05/1603 | Jennet d. to Morgan hebblewhit of Kilpin vijo. |
10/05/1603 | James Dalbie Mi'ster of this church xo. |
10/05/1603 | Frances wif to Christofer herrison of Bermbie xo. |
15/05/1603 | Jennet Binds of Howden vid. xvo. |
15/05/1603 | Richard s. to George Awdus of Asselbie xvo. |
16/05/1603 | Robt. s. to Willm. good of Asselbie xvjo. |
18/05/1603 | John s. to Thoms. Ranold of Howden xviijo |
19/05/1603 | Robert Dunch of Howden xixo. |
19/05/1603 | Jone wif to George Casse of Bermbie xixo. |
24/05/1603 | Edward s. to George hartforth of Howden xxiiijo. |
28/05/1603 | Richard Freman of belbie xxviijo. |
29/05/1603 | Willm. s. to Wm. Kirsey of Bermbie xxixo. |
June 1603. | |
02/06/1603 | An d. to John Wilson of Sand hall ijo. |
07/06/1603 | Bettris dunch of Howden vid. vijo. |
10/06/1603 | An hunsley of Skelton xo. |
10/06/1603 | Eliz. d. to Seale Smith of Asselbie xo. |
11/06/1603 | Willm. Morgan of Howden xjo. |
12/06/1603 | Frances d. to Edward Nutt of Howden xijo. |
23/06/1603 | Ellen wif to nicolas Skin of Howden xxiijo. |
Julie 1603. | |
03/07/1603 | Thoms. s. to Thoms. Cowper of belbie iijo. |
13/07/1603 | Jone d. to Steven Smyth of Bermbie xiijo. |
16/07/1603 | Willm. s. to Richard Watson of Saltmarsh xvjo. |
19/07/1603 | John Lowther of Howden Senr. xixo. |
24/07/1603 | Catherine Shan of Skelt. vid. xxiiijo. |
25/07/1603 | John s. & Frances d. to Rich. Barker of Howden xxvo. |
August 1603. | |
02/08/1603 | Margaret wif to Rich. Underwood of Asselbie ijo. |
04/08/1603 | Thomas Petwardtine of Skelton iiijo. |
06/08/1603 | [blank] s. to John Shape of Bermbie vjo. |
07/08/1603 | Ralf s. to Edward Ewbanke of Howden vijo. |
09/08/1603 | Edward s. to Wm. Anderson of Asselbie ixo. |
16/08/1603 | John Sharpe of Bermbie xvjo. |
17/08/1603 | Grace wif to Rich. Barker of Howden xvijo. |
19/08/1603 | Frances d. to James Sillyman of Howden xixo. |
20/08/1603 | Robt. s. to Thoms. Yong of Skelt. xxo. |
27/08/1603 | Jennet hayton of Howden vid. xxvijo. |
28/08/1603 | Isabell Collin of Howden xxviijo. |
28/08/1603 | Willm halliday of Asselbie xxviijo. |
September 1603. | |
01/09/1603 | An d. to Thomas Geare of hernibie vx. |
06/09/1603 | Jane d. to John gathorne of Kilpin vjo. |
11/09/1603 | Eliz. Robinson of Howden xjo. |
18/09/1603 | Thoms. s. to Rich. harmone of Asselbie xviijo. |
23/09/1603 | John s. to Myles Sisson of Howden xxiijo. |
October 1603. | |
09/10/1603 | Marie d. to Alice Johnson of Howden ixo. |
09/10/1603 | Frances d. to Robt. mell of Laxton ixo. |
18/10/1603 | Jennet d. to Rich. Webster of Bermbie xviij. |
18/10/1603 | Hellen Oakes of Skelton xviijo. |
21/10/1603 | Thoms. s. to Rich. Turner of Bermbie xxjo. |
21/10/1603 | Leonard hawdell of Howden xxjo. |
21/10/1603 | Catheren Pocklinton of Skelton xxjo. |
28/10/1603 | John s. to Thoms. hide of Skelton xxviijo. |
November 1603. | |
02/11/1603 | John Kirkbie of Howden ijo. |
04/11/1603 | Margaret d. to Robt. Branton of Asselbie iiijo. |
12/11/1603 | Hellen howdell of Howden vid. xijo. |
17/11/1603 | Willm. s. to John Underwood of Bermbie xvijo. |
25/11/1603 | John s. to George Sutton of Howden xxvo. |
26/11/1603 | Aldred Barlow of Kilpin xxvjo. |
27/11/1603 | Alice wif to Rich. Wetherall of Kilpin xxvijo. |
30/11/1603 | Willy, Adams of Howden xxxo. |
December 1603. | |
02/12/1603 | John s. to Peter Jackson of Laxton ijo. |
08/12/1603 | Laurence s. to Robt. dowson of Balkholme viijo. |
10/12/1603 | Anthony Acklam of Cotnes xo. |
13/12/1603 | Marie d. to John Blanshert of Bermbie xiij |
17/12/1603 | Eliz. d. to John blanshert of Bermbie xvijo. |
18/12/1603 | Jennet d. to Ralf herrison of Asselbie xviijo. |
21/12/1603 | Christofer nicolson of Laxton xxjo. |
26/12/1603 | A son of Marmaduke Elwick of duncots xxvjo. |
28/12/1603 | John s. to henry Brown of Bermbie xxviijo. |
29/12/1603 | Eliz. d. to Marmaduke Elwick of duncots xxixo |
January 1603. | |
05/01/1603 | Marie d. to Roger Foster of Cotnes vo. |
15/01/1603 | Willm s. to James Webster of Howden xvo. |
22/01/1603 | A son of Robt. halles of Asselbie xxijo. |
25/01/1603 | John Turner of Howden thelder xxvo. |
Februarye 1603. | |
06/02/1603 | Thoms. Apthorp of Kilpin vjo. |
11/02/1603 | Robt. s. to Robt. durisme of Thorpe xjo. |
12/02/1603 | An d. to James Wray of Howden xijo. |
12/02/1603 | Willm s. to Robt. Dawson of Howden xijo. |
22/02/1603 | Annes wif to Thoms. Roo of Cotnes xxijo. |
26/02/1603 | Thoms. s. to Wm. Nayler of Skelton xxvjo. |
Marche 1603. | |
08/03/1603 | Jone d. to Thoms. Storrie of Kilpin viijo. |
10/03/1603 | Catheren wif to Thomas Noble of Kilpin xo. |
16/03/1603 | Willm. s. to gregorie Awdus of Asselbie xvjo. |
31/03/1603 | Willm. Wilson of knaysbrough xxxjo. |
Aprill 1604. | |
02/04/1604 | Margaret Westibie of Asselbie ijo. |
05/04/1604 | An d. to Willm. Parke of Howden vo. |
11/04/1604 | A son of Edward Fox of Saltmarsh xjo. |
22/04/1604 | John s. to John Kirsie of Bermbie xxijo. |
25/04/1604 | Jane d. to Thoms. Watkinson of Howden xxvo. |
28/04/1604 | Catheran d. to Robt. Johnson of Kilpin xxviijo. |
Maye 1604. | |
05/05/1604 | Thoms. Nutbrown of Thorpe vo. |
10/05/1604 | Thoms. Petch of Howden webst. xo. |
13/05/1604 | Brigit wif to Christofer herrison of Bermbie xiijo. |
23/05/1604 | Jennet wif to Willm. Boridge of Howden xxiijo. |
28/05/1604 | Eliz. d. Jerman Skelton of Howden xxviijo. |
30/05/1604 | Christofer Dent of Kilpin ultimo |
June 1604. | |
05/06/1604 | Isabell d. to Peter herrison of Howden vo. |
12/06/1604 | John Brodbent of Asselbie xijo. |
13/06/1604 | John a child of James Bradley of Newland xiijo. |
21/06/1604 | Eliz. d. to Willm. Adams of Howden xxjo. |
Julie 1604. | |
02/07/1604 | Martha wif to Robt. Osburne of Knedlington ijo. |
09/07/1604 | Two sons of John Branton of Asselbie ixo. |
25/07/1604 | Nicolas Kirkbie of Armine xxvo. |
27/07/1604 | Phillip d. to Thoms. Drumond of Bermbie xxvijo. |
29/07/1604 | Eliz. d. to Robt. Abbott of Howden xxixo. |
29/07/1604 | [blank] wif to Walter Waller of Howden xxixo. |
August 1604. | |
01/08/1604 | Richard s. to Lancelet Thorp of Howden vx. |
10/08/1604 | Isabell d. to Thomas Johnson of Thorpe xo. |
15/08/1604 | Catheren wif to Peter Smith of Howden xvo. |
17/08/1604 | An d. to Christofer hartforth of Howden xvijo. |
24/08/1604 | Edward s. to Edward Eratt of Howden xxiiijo. |
24/08/1604 | Willm. s. to George Bins of Howden xxiiijo. |
26/08/1604 | Edward s. to Robert heward of Howden xxvjo. |
27/08/1604 | Walter Eratt of Kilpin xxvijo. |
29/08/1604 | John s. to James Silliman of Howden xxixo. |
September 1604. | |
01/09/1604 | Jennett d. to Robt. Awdus of Asselbie vx. |
03/09/1604 | [blank] wif to Wm. Collin als. Nicolson of Kilpin iijo. |
06/09/1604 | Thoms. s. to Thoms. Tayler of Skelton vjo. |
08/09/1604 | Frances wif to James Silliman of Howden viijo. |
24/09/1604 | John Apthrop of Kilpin xxiiijo. |
25/09/1604 | John s. to henry Coltherd of Knedlington xxvo. |
October 1604. | |
05/10/1604 | Thoms. s. to Thoms. Atkinson of Howden vo. |
12/10/1604 | Thomas Brogdon of York xijo. |
20/10/1604 | A daughter to henrie harrison of Bermbie xxo. |
22/10/1604 | Joseph s. to Robt. Thornton of Balkholme xxijo. |
30/10/1604 | John s. to Robt. Tod of welton xxxo. |
30/10/1604 | Eliz. hudson, a sert. of Howden xxxo. |
November 1604. | |
01/11/1604 | Augustine s. to James Wray of Howden vx. |
03/11/1604 | Petronell d. to John Rainforth of Laxton iijo. |
04/11/1604 | An wif to Robt. Plasterer of Howden dik iiijo. |
06/11/1604 | An wif to Robt. Pinder of Laxton vjo. |
06/11/1604 | Margaret wif to Wm. Redsdale of Saltmarsh vjo. |
09/11/1604 | Willm s. to John Thorp of Howden ixo. |
10/11/1604 | Willm. `Margeson, an app'ntice of Howden xo. |
13/11/1604 | John s. to John Cade Junr. of Howden xiijo. |
19/11/1604 | Marie d. to John Thorp of Howden xixo. |
19/11/1604 | Eliz. d. to John Pearson of Howden xixo. |
21/11/1604 | Richard Foster of Skelton xxjo. |
21/11/1604 | Jennet Rimer of Knedlington xxjo. |
27/11/1604 | Catheren d. to Bryan Smith of Howden xxvijo. |
30/11/1604 | Jone d. to Wm. Thackwray of Asselbie xxxo. |
30/11/1604 | John s. to Wm. Nelson of Howden xxxo. |
December 1604. | |
06/12/1604 | Peter s. to John Thorp of Howden vjo. |
06/12/1604 | Isabell d. to Willm. Nelson of Howden vjo. |
06/12/1604 | Peter s. to Nathaniell Baylie of Laxton vjo. |
08/12/1604 | [blank] wif to Wm. Nelson of Howden viijo. |
09/12/1604 | John Thorp of Howden ixo. |
09/12/1604 | Robart mayson of Howden ixo. |
09/12/1604 | Jennet wif to John Jenyngs of Balkholme ixo. |
09/12/1604 | Alice garton of Knedlington vid. ixo. |
11/12/1604 | John s. to Robt. Cotnes of Asselbie xjo. |
20/12/1604 | Alison Ward of newland xxo. |
16/12/1604 | Marie d. to Wm. Middlewood of Howden xvjo. |
21/12/1604 | Wm. Middlewood, apprentice of Howden, xxjo. |
21/12/1604 | An d. to George Sutton of Howden xxjo |
22/12/1604 | Judith d. to henry Sawre of Howden xxijo. |
22/12/1604 | Jone d. to Magdalen Newmarch of Howden xxijo. |
25/12/1604 | Marie d. to Lanclot Bard of Howden xxvo. |
28/12/1604 | Magdalen Newmarch of Howden xxviijo. |
Januarie 1604. | |
02/01/1604 | Roger Johnson als. Wright of Howden ijo. |
03/01/1604 | A daughter to Thomas dudding of Kilpin iijo. |
03/01/1604 | Thoms. stamp als. Pattrick of Saltmarsh iijo. |
07/01/1604 | John & John twins of Robt. Mell of Laxton vijo. |
08/01/1604 | John munssie of Asselbie viijo. |
09/01/1604 | Mathew dunce, a sert. of Howden ixo. |
12/01/1604 | Willm. Pocklinton of newland xijo. |
13/01/1604 | Eliz. d. to Hugh Lawtie of Asselbie xiijo. |
16/01/1604 | [blank] d. to George Robinson of Howden xvjo. |
18/01/1604 | George Robinson of Howden xviijo. |
23/01/1604 | Isabell d. to Wm. Nayler of Skelton xxiijo. |
25/01/1604 | Willm Toppam, an app'ntice of Howden xxvo. |
28/01/1604 | Isabell d. to Jane dalbie of Saltmarsh xxviijo. |
29/01/1604 | Jone d. to henry Pearson of Howden xxixo. |
Februarye 1604. | |
02/02/1604 | Micaell s. to Thoms. Nicholl of Howden ijo. |
09/02/1604 | An d. to Thoms. Cutt of Howden ixo. |
09/02/1604 | Agnes & Eliz. d. to John Spencer of Bermbie ixo. |
15/02/1604 | John s. to John Hesselwood of booth xvo. |
18/02/1604 | Thoms. s. to Rich. Plasterer of Skelt xviijo. |
26/02/1604 | Edmund Painter of Metham xxvjo. |
March 1604. | |
02/03/1604 | Isabell d. to Rich. Cattell of Asselbie ijo. |
03/03/1604 | John Roydes of Bermbie iijo. |
08/03/1604 | James Richerdson of Asselbie viijo. |
09/03/1604 | An Coates, a sert. of Howden ixo. |
11/03/1604 | Edward Lawton of Howden xjo. |
14/03/1604 | Thoms. Lillie of Howden xiiijo. |
14/03/1604 | Thoms. Atkinson of Howden xiiijo. |
18/03/1604 | Thoms. s. to Edward Lawton of Howden xviijo. |
19/03/1604 | Catheren dalbie a serf. of Howden xixo. |
19/03/1604 | John s. to Wm. Wilberd of Kilpin xixo. |
28/03/1604 | John s. to Ralf Bell of Thorp xxviijo. |
28/03/1604 | An Browne of Bermbie, vid. xxviijo. |
Aprill 1605. | |
02/04/1605 | alice Pearson, a serf. of Howden ijo. |
02/04/1605 | John Palmer, a sert. of Thorp ijo. |
14/04/1605 | John Copgrave of Bermbie xiiijo. |
15/04/1605 | Nicolas Tomlin of Howden xvo. |
17/04/1605 | Robt. s. to Myles Noddall of Howden xvijo. |
18/04/1605 | Alison Clark of Howden xviijo. |
22/04/1605 | Marcie wif Leonard Tomson of Howden xxijo. |
28/04/1605 | Myles Noddall of Howden xxviijo. |
28/04/1605 | Robt. Yonge of Skelton xxviijo. |
29/04/1605 | Jane d. to John Jerrard of Thorp xxixo. |
May 1605. | |
02/05/1605 | Mathew s. to John Jerrard of Thorp ijo. |
05/05/1605 | An d. to John Sutton of Knedlington vo. |
16/05/1605 | John Jerrard of Thorp xvjo. |
16/05/1605 | Reginold s. to John Jarrard of Thorp xvjo. |
18/05/1605 | Isabell d. to Willm. Thorp of Thorp xviijo. |
26/05/1605 | Margaret Awdus of Knedlington xxvjo. |
30/05/1605 | Robert Branton of Asselbie xxxo. |
June 1605. | |
07/06/1605 | [blank] of Willm. Thorp of Thorp vijo. |
21/06/1605 | Reginold s. to Rich. hutcheson of Howden xxjo. |
23/06/1605 | Willm. Browne of Thorpe xxiijo. |
Julie 1605. | |
09/07/1605 | Annes wif to Robt. newbie of Skelton ixo. |
09/07/1605 | Jone d. to the said newbie ixo. |
10/07/1605 | Robt. s. to Rich. Jackson of Newland xo. |
14/07/1605 | John s. to Willm. Lye of Laxton xiiijo. |
14/07/1605 | James s. to John Wawdsworth of Knedlington xiiijo. |
August 1605. | |
10/08/1605 | Jone d. to Edward Fox of Saltmarsh xo. |
16/08/1605 | An d. to Willm. Boyes of Howden xvjo. |
24/08/1605 | An Lowrie of Howden xxiiijo. |
24/08/1605 | dorothie [blank] of Howden xxiiijo. |
26/08/1605 | Henrie Nelson of belbie xxvjo. |
29/08/1605 | Thoms. s. to John Blansherd of Laxton xxixo. |
September 1605. | |
09/09/1605 | Alice wif to Thomas Milner of Knedlington ixo. |
12/09/1605 | Jone d. to henrie Coltherd of Knedlington xijo. |
19/09/1605 | John Blanshert of Laxton xixo. |
21/09/1605 | Cicilie d. to Edward Jewet of Laxton xxjo. |
21/09/1605 | Isabell d. to John Lambe of Howden xxjo. |
25/09/1605 | Beatrice d. to Cuthbt. musgrave of Howden 25o. |
October 1605. | |
02/10/1605 | John s. to John herrison of Asselbie ijo. |
10/10/1605 | Eliz. d. to Edward Lawton of Howden xo. |
10/10/1605 | John Thornton of holme in spalding mor xo. |
18/10/1605 | Alice wif to Gilbert Tench of Howden xviijo. |
25/10/1605 | Alice wif to Willm. Ellett of Howden xxvo. |
November 1605. | |
07/11/1605 | Frances d. to Thomas Thorp of Asselbie vijo. |
07/11/1605 | [blank] s. to Wm. dudding of Kilpin vijo. |
12/11/1605 | Jane Smyth of Skelton xijo. |
21/11/1605 | John Clarke of Howden xxjo. |
22/11/1605 | Thoms. Langley of belbie xxijo. |
December 1605. | |
01/12/1605 | An wif to Wm. Beilbies Senr of Skelt. vx. |
07/12/1605 | Jennet apthrop of Kilpin vijo. |
25/12/1605 | Marie d. to Conon Wells of Skelt. xxvo. |
28/12/1605 | Mawde Torson of Bermbie xxviijo. |
29/12/1605 | Thoms. Pearson of Saltmarsh xxixo. |
29/12/1605 | Willm. s. to John Jennyngs of Balkholme xxixo. |
Januarie 1605. | |
01/01/1605 | Jane wif to John Jennyngs of Balkholme vx. |
15/01/1605 | Margaret wif to Robt. Fotherbie of Howden xvo. |
20/01/1605 | John s. to Rich. Jackson of Balkholme xxo. |
February 1605. | |
01/02/1605 | Ux. Watrowse of Howden vx. |
03/02/1605 | John s. to Thoms. Proudfellow of Skelt. iijo. |
11/02/1605 | Willm s. to John goldsbrough of Howden xjo. |
12/02/1605 | Phillip wif to Thoms. hembrough of Laxton xijo. |
15/02/1605 | Roger Fotherbie of Howden xvo. |
15/02/1605 | Thoms. Champley of Balkholme xvo. |
23/02/1605 | An Steads of Bermbie xxiijo. |
25/02/1605 | Myles Wilson of heighington, tinker xxvo. |
26/02/1605 | Nicolas Thorp of Skelton xxvjo. |
26/02/1605 | Thoms. Richardson als. Tayler of Howden 26o. |
28/02/1605 | Willm s. to George goforth of Knedlington xxviijo. |
March 1605. | |
02/03/1605 | Margaret Awman of Skelton ijo. |
03/03/1605 | Agnes Noble of Asselbie, vid. iijo. |
05/03/1605 | Robert s. to Rich. Steven of Balkholme vo. |
07/03/1605 | Richard s. to Antony Watson of Laxton vijo. |
08/03/1605 | Robt. s. to Rich. hutcheson of Howden viijo. |
09/03/1605 | Marmaduke s. to george blanshert of Laxton ixo. |
10/03/1605 | John s. to John Awdus als. brighton of Knedlington xo |
10/03/1605 | Richard Pearson of Saltmarsh xo. |
15/03/1605 | A child of Wm. Stories of cotnes xvo. |
15/03/1605 | Margaret wife to Rich. Freman of Balkholme xvo. |
17/03/1605 | Reginold s. to Robt. Slater of Skelton xvijo. |
17/03/1605 | Margaret Woolfoote of Asselbie xvijo. |
19/03/1605 | Thoms. s. to Antonie Watson of Laxton xix |
March 1606. | |
25/03/1606 | [blank] s. to Robt. Nayler of Skelton xxvo. |
26/03/1606 | a son to Thoms. Inchbald of Kilpin xxvjo. |
29/03/1606 | An d. to Robt. Stainforth of Bermbie xxixo. |
29/03/1606 | Eliz. wif to Rich. Mawe of Howden xxixo. |
Aprill 1606. | |
02/04/1606 | Anthonie s. to John Fotherbie of Howden ijo. |
06/04/1606 | Joane d. to Isabell Mayson of Howden vjo. |
06/04/1606 | Richard Smyth of belbie vjo. |
10/04/1606 | Richard Smart of Saltmarsh xo. |
10/04/1606 | Two sons of Wm. Thorp of Thorpe xo. |
11/04/1606 | Jane d. to John Johnson of Rocliff xjo. |
13/04/1606 | John Lancaster of Balkholme xiijo. |
18/04/1606 | Isabell martinson of fockerbie xviijo. |
19/04/1606 | Ralfe Wawdsworth of Knedlington xixo. |
30/04/1606 | Jone d. to John Crosier of Howden xxxo. |
31/04/1606 | John Stevenson of Skelton xxxjo. |
Maye 1606. | |
06/05/1606 | John & Jone ch. to John Smith of Asselbie vjo. |
13/05/1606 | Marie d. to Myles Sisson of Howden xiijo |
24/05/1606 | John s. to Willm. headley of Saltmarsh xxiiijo. |
25/05/1606 | Jennet d. to Rich. Freman of Balkholme xxvo. |
25/05/1606 | Christofer s. to Christofer herrison of Bermbie xxvo. |
June 1606. | |
05/06/1606 | Eliz. d. to Robt. Stainforth of Bermbie vo. |
08/06/1606 | Edward s. to Robt. Belton of Rocliff viijo. |
09/06/1606 | Isabell d. to John Morton Junr. of Asselbie ixo. |
Julie 1606. | |
18/07/1606 | Thoms. Blaister of Howden a servt. xviijo. |
20/07/1606 | Eliz. d. to John Anderson of Howden xxo. |
22/07/1606 | Eliz. d. to John Wharrington of Howden xxijo. |
30/07/1606 | Isabell d. to Robt. Reynerd of Bermbie xxxo. |
31/07/1606 | Thoms. s. to Peter Thornton of Howden xxxjo. |
August 1606. | |
30/08/1606 | Thoms. s. to Xpofer Colling of Bermbie xxxo. |
31/08/1606 | John s. to Rich. Webster of Bermbie xxxjo. |
September 1606. | |
03/09/1606 | Catherine d. to John Ricroft of Bermbie iijo. |
09/09/1606 | Jone d. to Frances Cowlam of Howden ixo. |
13/09/1606 | Eliz. d. to Xpofer Colling of Bermbie xiij |
08/09/1606 | Thoms. Stayner of Howden pip. viijo. |
09/09/1606 | A child of Marmaduke kettlewell of Howden ixo. |
19/09/1606 | [blank] d. to henrie Coltheard of Knedlington xixo. |
24/09/1606 | Eliz. wif to Wm. Richerdson Junr. of Skelton xxiiijo. |
09/09/1606 | An d. to Tho : Endike of Howden ixo. |
14/09/1606 | Eliz. wif to Leonard Nelson of Howden xiiijo. |
24/09/1606 | Willm. s. to John dowson of Asselbie xxiiijo. |
26/09/1606 | Willm. s. to John daile of Bermbie xxvjo. |
26/09/1606 | An d. to Wm. Armestrong of Knedlington xxvjo. |
08/09/1606 | John s. to Jane dalbie & Wm. Reesdale viijo. |
23/09/1606 | An d. to Wm. Proudfellow of Skelton xxiijo. |
22/09/1606 | Em. wif to Thoms. Walker of Howden xxijo. |
23/09/1606 | Richard s. to Samuell Beane of Howden xxiijo. |
27/09/1606 | An Allon, a servt. of Skelton xxvijo. |
30/09/1606 | Margaret dawson of Bermbie xxxo. |
January 1606. | |
05/01/1606 | Agnes wif to Wm. Barker of belbie vo. |
11/01/1606 | John s. to Rich. Steven of Balkholme xjo. |
16/01/1606 | Isabell Wilie of Howden vid. xvjo. |
18/01/1606 | Jone d. to Robt. Bond of Knedlington xviijo. |
28/01/1606 | Robt. s. to Thoms. Proudfellow of Skelton xxviijo |
29/01/1606 | Richard Peacock of Howden xxixo. |
Februarie 1606. | |
06/02/1606 | Eliz. d. to John Clerke of Howden vjo. |
17/02/1606 | Myles Smyth of Asselbie xvijo. |
March 1606. | |
18/03/1606 | Willm. Coates Senr. of Bermbie xviijo. |
19/03/1606 | Jane Norwoode of Howden xixo. |
28/03/1606 | Effam d. to Willm. Thornton of Asselbie xxviijo. |
Aprill 1607. | |
05/04/1607 | John s. to John Jennyngs of Balkholme vo. |
05/04/1607 | John s. to Wm. Plasterer of Howden vo. |
07/04/1607 | dorothie d. to Thoms. dun of Skelton vijo. |
07/04/1607 | Reginold s. to Thoms. Pocklinton of Howden vijo. |
01/04/1607 | 1 II |
08/04/1607 | Jane Collin of Saltmarsh viijo. |
08/04/1607 | Thoms. Blacklock of Howden viijo. |
09/04/1607 | Willm. Richardson als. Tayler of Skelton ixo. |
09/04/1607 | Xpofer Collin of Bermbie ixo. |
13/04/1607 | John s. to Thoms. hembrough of Laxton xiijo. |
17/04/1607 | Thoms. Jackson of belbie xvijo. |
18/04/1607 | Marie wif to george Steven of sparringt. 18o. |
21/04/1607 | Margaret wif to Phillip lambert of holme xxjo. |
25/04/1607 | An Porter of Howden xxvo. |
26/04/1607 | henrie Petwardine of Knedlington xxvjo. |
Maye 1607. | |
06/05/1607 | Eliz. Thornton of Balkholme, vid. vjo. |
08/05/1607 | Mr. John Gaite of Howden Esqr. viijo. |
22/05/1607 | John s. to miles Sisson of Howden xxijo. |
23/05/1607 | Robert Abbott of Howden xxiijo. |
June 1607. | |
12/06/1607 | Jone d. to Jennet Browne of Thorp xijo. |
12/06/1607 | Richard s. to Thoms. Jackson of belbie xijo. |
16/06/1607 | Christine d. to Thomas heward of Howden xvjo. |
19/06/1607 | dorothie wif to John Thorp of belbie xixo. |
21/06/1607 | Marie Kirkbie of bardsey xxjo. |
Julie 1607. | |
07/07/1607 | Susanna d. to Wm. Smith of Yockflet vijo. |
08/07/1607 | Jone d. to Edward Fox of Saltmarsh viijo. |
21/07/1607 | Marie d. to Augustine Metcalf of Howden xxjo. |
August 1607. | |
03/08/1607 | Willm. Colling of Bermbie iijo. |
03/08/1607 | Alice d. to Robt. Bowes of Howden iijo. |
10/08/1607 | Richard s. to Wm. Leaper of Bermbie xo. |
13/08/1607 | Grace d. to John Fotherbie of Howden xiijo. |
15/08/1607 | Willm s. to Rich. Webster of Bermbie xvo. |
17/08/1607 | Theodore s. to Jerman Skelton of Howden 17o. |
19/08/1607 | Thoms. s. to Wm. Berrage of Howden xixo. |
23/08/1607 | John s. to John Coats of Bermbie xxiijo. |
September 1607. | |
03/09/1607 | John s. to Thoms. norris of Howden iijo |
12/09/1607 | Margaret wif to Rich. Chambers of Asselbie xijo. |
17/09/1607 | Eliz. d. to John Pearson of Howden xvijo. |
18/09/1607 | John son to Nicolas Arlush of Knedlington xviijo. |
29/09/1607 | Michaell s. to John Thornton of Asselbie xxixo. |
October 1607. | |
02/10/1607 | Jane White of Thorpe ijo. |
03/10/1607 | Mary d. to Wm. Smyth of booth iijo. |
04/10/1607 | Jone d. to henrie Coltherd of Knedlington iiijo. |
15/10/1607 | Thoms. s. to Xpofer Stork of Kilpin xvo. |
21/10/1607 | George s. to Margerie Johnson of feildhouse xxjo. |
23/10/1607 | Nicolas Oldfeild of Howden xxiijo. |
26/10/1607 | Willm. Stevenson Senn of Howden xxvjo. |
27/10/1607 | An d. to Willm. Boyes of Newland xxvijo. |
27/10/1607 | [blank] s. to Rich. Barker of Howden xxvijo. |
November 1607. | |
02/11/1607 | John hodgson of Howden ijo. |
04/11/1607 | margaret d. to Thoms. Inchbald of Kilpin iiijo. |
16/11/1607 | Willm s. to John Pearson of Howden xvjo. |
16/11/1607 | Julian d. to John Bell of Pomfrett xvjo. |
21/11/1607 | Edward s. to James Morley of Cotnes xxjo. |
25/11/1607 | Jane wif of Wm. Parke of Kilpin xxvo. |
December 1607. | |
04/12/1607 | Jennet Battell of Saltmarsh, vid. iiijo. |
05/12/1607 | Jone d. to Frances Barker of Bermbie vo. |
05/12/1607 | Eliz. d. to Frances Fox of Howden vo. |
15/12/1607 | John s. to Margaret Wilbert of Saltmarsh xvo. |
16/12/1607 | Thoms. Stevenson of Asselbie xvjo. |
17/12/1607 | Robart s. to Robt. Wells of belridding xvijo. |
30/12/1607 | Jone d. to John Godfrey of Laxton xxxo. |
30/12/1607 | Isabell wif to John Godfrey of Laxton xxxo. |
January 1607. | |
02/01/1607 | Thoms. s. to george hutcheson of Laxton ijo. |
05/01/1607 | Frances d. to Wm. Colling late of Bermbie vo. |
06/01/1607 | Alice d. to John Crowsie of Cotnes vjo. |
16/01/1607 | Margaret d. to Thomas Johnson of Skelton xvjo. |
February 1607. | |
01/02/1607 | Edmond Haxbie of boothe vx. |
06/02/1607 | Margaret d. to Rich. Webster of Bermbie vjo. |
09/02/1607 | Robart Plasterer of Skelton ixo. |
09/02/1607 | Robt. & An ch. to Thoms. herrison junr. of Bermbie, ixo. |
13/02/1607 | John Beilbie of Bermbie xiijo. |
19/02/1607 | Margaret wif to Win. Thorpe of Howden xixo. |
22/02/1607 | Robt. s. to Peter Conyngworth of Asselbie xxijo. |
24/02/1607 | Edward s. to Robt. heyseltine of Knedlington xxiiijo. |
March 1607. | |
04/03/1607 | Nicolas Arlush of Knedlington iiijo. |
22/03/1607 | Willm. Force of Skelton xxijo. |
23/03/1607 | Willm durham of Howden xxiijo. |
29/03/1607 | Wm. Norwood s. to ux. Morgan of Howden xxixo. |
29/03/1607 | Phillip d. to Wm. Atkinson of Laxton xxixo. |
30/03/1607 | dorothie d. to Mr. Robt. Readhead of Sandhall xxxo. |
Aprill 1608. | |
03/04/1608 | Jone d. to John Watkin of Asselbie iijo. |
04/04/1608 | Margaret Gilliat of Saltmarsh, vid. iiijo. |
09/04/1608 | Willm s. to John Wharrington of Howden ixo. |
13/04/1608 | Reginold s. to Wm. davison of boothe xiijo. |
13/04/1608 | Alice d. to henrie Peacock of Knedlington xiijo. |
24/04/1608 | Alice wif to Bryan maskall of Cotnes 24o. |
24/04/1608 | Em. wif to Wm. Semer of boothe xxiiijo. |
Maye 1608. | |
10/05/1608 | Robart Dickson of Saltmarsh xo. |
10/05/1608 | Barbara d. to Rich. Westibie late of Asselbie xo. |
11/05/1608 | Cicilie d. to Xpofer Thackerey of spathe xjo. |
12/05/1608 | John Stevenson of Saltmarsh xijo. |
16/05/1608 | Jone d. to Robt. Wooddall of Howden xvjo. |
19/05/1608 | Eliz. wif to John Wharrington of Howden xixo. |
23/05/1608 | John s. to John nelson Junr. of Kilpin xxiijo. |
23/05/1608 | Willm Burton of Skelton xxiijo. |
June 1608. | |
04/06/1608 | Willm. s. to Andrew Fingley of Bermbie iiijo. |
06/06/1608 | [blank] s. to Rich. Lawson of Skelt. vjo. |
10/06/1608 | Peter Willm. of Skelton xo. |
11/06/1608 | Ellen d. to Phillip garvey late of Howden xjo. |
12/06/1608 | Richard herrison of Bermbie xijo. |
13/06/1608 | Agnes d. to Thoms. Thornell of Howden xiijo. |
14/06/1608 | Richard s. to James Webster of Howden xiiijo. |
26/06/1608 | Eliz. d. to Thoms. Hide of Skelt. xxvjo. |
Julie 1608. | |
03/07/1608 | Jone d. to John Smyth of newland iijo. |
03/07/1608 | John s. to Robt. nickoll of Howden dyke iijo. |
05/07/1608 | Steven Smith of Bermbie vo. |
10/07/1608 | An wif to John Cockgrave of Bermbie xo. |
12/07/1608 | John s. to Edward Finder of Balkholme xijo. |
13/07/1608 | [blank] d. to Thoms. Sutton of Knedlington xiijo. |
14/07/1608 | Jane d. to Robert Cotnes of Asselbie xiiijo. |
15/07/1608 | John s. to Robt. Wetherall of Laxton xvo. |
16/07/1608 | Thoms. s. to Thoms. Kellon of gateside xvjo. |
23/07/1608 | Allan s. to Allan Arlush of Skelton xxiijo. |
August 1608. | |
05/08/1608 | John s. to Robt. Steele of Saltmarsh vo. |
10/08/1608 | Margaret wif to Robt. Steele of Saltmarsh xo. |
18/08/1608 | Jone wif to miles Sisson of Howden xviij |
21/08/1608 | Robt. s. to Rich. Sutton of Howden xxjo. |
30/08/1608 | Marie d. to Rich. Stapleton of Howden xxxo. |
September 1608. | |
03/09/1608 | Jane d. to Thomas Jackson of newland iijo. |
21/09/1608 | [blank] d. to Edward Fox of Saltmarsh xxjo. |
29/09/1608 | Robart s. to Thoms. Walker of Howden xxixo. |
October 1608. | |
10/10/1608 | Thoms. Wilson of Yockflet xo. |
17/10/1608 | Allan dun of Skelton xvijo. |
22/10/1608 | Jane wif to henrie Coltherd of Knedlington xxijo. |
24/10/1608 | Marie d. to Wm. Boyes of Howden xxiiijo. |
30/10/1608 | An wif to Steven Fingley of Bermbie xxxo. |
November 1608. | |
04/11/1608 | Willm. Thorpe of Howden iiijo. |
04/11/1608 | dorothie Fletcher of Laxton iiijo. |
12/11/1608 | Jone d. to Peter herrison of Howden groves xijo |
12/11/1608 | marie d. to henry Layton of Howden xijo. |
19/11/1608 | Joseph s. to Thomas geare of Bermbie xixo. |
21/11/1608 | Eliz. d. to Robt. Awdus of Knedlington xxjo. |
22/11/1608 | James Beale of Bermbie xxijo. |
23/11/1608 | Alison Johnson of Kilpin, vid. xxiijo. |
27/11/1608 | Jennet mergeson of Knedlington vid. xxvijo. |
December 1608. | |
03/12/1608 | Jone d. to Thoms. Inchbald of Kilpin iijo. |
11/12/1608 | John s. to Willm. Park of Kilpin xjo. |
13/12/1608 | Thoms. Jewet of Saltmarsh xiijo. |
16/12/1608 | nicolas posthums. s. to nicolas Oldfeild xvjo. |
22/12/1608 | Robart s. to Xpofer Carrier of Howden xxijo. |
17/12/1608 | Robt. a poore milner at Howden xvijo. |
20/12/1608 | Eliz. d. to Ralf hudson of Howden xxo. |
22/12/1608 | Bryan Pannell of Cotnes xxijo. |
22/12/1608 | Eliz. d. to Mathew Levings of Howden xxijo. |
24/12/1608 | Thoms. s. to John Cowlson of Howden xxiiijo. |
31/12/1608 | Robt. s. to Willm. Smart of Skelton xxxjo. |
Januarie 1608. | |
01/01/1608 | An d. to Thoms. watkinson of Howden vx. |
03/01/1608 | John s. to Thomas Thorp of Asselbie iijo. |
10/01/1608 | Margaret Freman of Balkholme vid. xo. |
16/01/1608 | An wif to Thoms. Thorp of Asselbie xvjo. |
22/01/1608 | Catherine d. to Robt. Smith of Bermbie xxijo. |
31/01/1608 | Eliz. wif to Lawrence watkinson of Howden xxxjo. |
Februarie 1608. | |
01/02/1608 | Alison d. to Thomas Rea of Cotnes vx. |
02/02/1608 | Lawrence s. to lawrence watkinson of Howden ijo |
07/02/1608 | John webster of Howden vijo. |
07/02/1608 | dorothie Atkinson of Howden vid. vijo. |
11/02/1608 | John s. to John Tayler of Howden xjo. |
11/02/1608 | Thoms. s. to Eliz. Parkin of Howden xjo. |
13/02/1608 | Hugh s. to Rich. Baker of Howden xiijo. |
13/02/1608 | Jone d. to John noble of Saltmarsh xiijo. |
13/02/1608 | John & Jone ch. to An Wright of Howden xiijo. |
15/02/1608 | Richard s. to Thoms. Lawson of Howden xvo. |
15/02/1608 | John Underwood of Bermbie xvo. |
18/02/1608 | Nicolas s. to James Wray of Howden xviijo. |
24/02/1608 | Robt. Silvester als. dowson of Balkholme xxiiijo. |
March 1608. | |
06/03/1608 | Henrie Peacock of Knedlington vjo. |
07/03/1608 | John s. to John Yates of Laxton vijo. |
11/03/1608 | Robert Rainforth of Bermbie xjo. |
12/03/1608 | John s. to John Apthrop of Saltmarsh xijo. |
16/03/1608 | An d. to Thomas Tomson of Yockflet xvjo. |
16/03/1608 | Eliz. Wilbert of Kilpin, vid. xvjo. |
17/03/1608 | Ux Richeson of Howden xvijo. |
19/03/1608 | John s. to Thoms. Endike of Howden xixo. |
24/03/1608 | Willm. [blank] of Howden xxiiijo. |
March 1609. | |
25/03/1609 | Beatrix Owson of Howden vid. xxvo. |
25/03/1609 | Edward s. to Peter Conyngworth of Asselbie xxvo. |
27/03/1609 | Eliz. d. to Robt. Bowes of Howden xxvijo. |
28/03/1609 | Thoms. grabarne of Saltmarsh xxviijo. |
31/03/1609 | Willm. Coates of Howden xxxjo. |
Aprill 1609. | |
02/04/1609 | Mathew s. to John hodgson late of Howden ijo. |
03/04/1609 | [blank] milner als. herrison of Skelton iijo. |
08/04/1609 | Awtherie d. to Robt. Beilbie of Saltmarsh viijo. |
09/04/1609 | Richard Sayler als. ustry of Howden ixo. |
13/04/1609 | An wif to Frances popleton of Howden xiijo. |
14/04/1609 | Willm Watkinson of Laxton xiiijo. |
16/04/1609 | Mary wif to Rich. Bras of Howden xvjo. |
17/04/1609 | John dowson of Asselbie xvijo. |
18/04/1609 | Eliz. d. to Thoms. Stamper of Balkholme xviijo. |
18/04/1609 | John s. to James Morley of Cotnes xviijo. |
19/04/1609 | Jennet wif to Peter Jackson of Laxton xixo. |
24/04/1609 | Agnes hall of Skelton, vid. xxiiijo. |
Maye 1609. | |
03/05/1609 | John Binds of Howden iijo. |
07/05/1609 | Frances s. to John benyson of belbie vijo. |
08/05/1609 | Richard Gathorne of Howden viijo. |
11/05/1609 | Catheren d. to Ralf [blank] a stranger xjo. |
12/05/1609 | Thoms. Westgarth of Howden xijo. |
17/05/1609 | An old woman of Saltmarsh xvijo. |
19/05/1609 | Christofer Munsie of Howden xixo. |
21/05/1609 | Christofer Riplay of Thorpe xxjo. |
23/05/1609 | John Morton of Asselbie xxiijo. |
June 1609. | |
03/06/1609 | Agnes d. to Nicolas Cotnes of Asselbie iijo. |
07/06/1609 | Jennet Stevenson of Saltmarsh vijo. |
11/06/1609 | Catherin d. to Thomas Noble of Asselbie xjo. |
13/06/1609 | Richard Underwood of Asselbie xiijo. |
18/06/1609 | Robert Inglebie of Bermbie xviijo. |
24/06/1609 | Peter Anderson of boothe xxiiijo. |
Julie 1609. | |
05/07/1609 | Thoms. Lye of Laxton vo. |
07/07/1609 | Isabell d. to Willm. Awdus of belbie vijo. |
09/07/1609 | Gilbert Townesley of Skelton ixo. |
13/07/1609 | Eliz. wif to George Yeoman of Laxton xiijo. |
18/07/1609 | John Taylier of Howden xviijo. |
22/07/1609 | And. to Thoms. Richerdson als. Tayler of Skelton xxijo. |
28/07/1609 | Robert s. to Robt. durham of Howden xxviijo. |
August 1609. | |
08/08/1609 | Thoms. Dun of Cotnes viijo. |
16/08/1609 | Grace Coates of Howden vid. xvjo. |
22/08/1609 | Anthonie Robinson of Howden xxijo. |
22/08/1609 | Lawrence s. to Lawrence Yong of Thorp xxijo. |
September 1609. | |
01/09/1609 | Isabell d. to John Peppertine of booth vx. |
21/09/1609 | [blank] wif to John Freman of Howden xxjo. |
22/09/1609 | Thoms. s. to Nicolas Wamlaids of thirklebie 22o. |
23/09/1609 | Peter Conyngworth of Asselbie xxiijo. |
29/09/1609 | Isabell wif to Wm. Nayler of Skelton xxixo. |
30/09/1609 | Jennet wif to Mathew Ellis of Thorp xxxo. |
29/09/1609 | Ellen d. to Wm. Anderson of boothe xxixo. |
October 1609. | |
19/10/1609 | Eliz. d. to John Smith of Asselbie xixo. |
23/10/1609 | Willm s. to Willm. Barker of booth xxiijo. |
24/10/1609 | Catherine Sutton of Asselbie, vid. xxiiijo. |
25/10/1609 | George Car of Laxton xxvo. |
18/10/1609 | Jane d. to George Binds of Howden xviijo. |
28/10/1609 | An d. to Robt. Awdus of Knedlington xxviijo |
November 1609. | |
01/11/1609 | Thomas milner of Knedlington vx. |
01/11/1609 | An d. to Paul Conyngworth of Howden vx. |
02/11/1609 | John s. to Edward Fox of Saltmarsh ijo. |
07/11/1609 | Richard Browne of Laxton vijo. |
09/11/1609 | John Starkie of Knedlington ixo. |
09/11/1609 | Willm. s. to George Armestrong of Howden ixo. |
10/11/1609 | Richard Barker of Howden xo. |
12/11/1609 | Margaret d. to Rich. Watson of Laxton xijo. |
15/11/1609 | Isabell d. Michaell Lawrence of Asselbie xvo. |
18/11/1609 | Mawde wif to Robt. Mell of Laxton xviijo. |
18/11/1609 | Grace wif to John Jewet of Saltmarsh xviijo. |
18/11/1609 | Frances d. to Wm. Kersey of Bermbie xviijo. |
23/11/1609 | Thoms. Jackson of Laxton xxiijo |
28/11/1609 | George Hance of Howden xxviijo. |
28/11/1609 | dorothie d. to Steven Sparrow of Howden xxviijo. |
29/11/1609 | Robt. s. to John Jewet of Saltmarsh xxixo. |
December 1609. | |
02/12/1609 | Isabell Patton of Howden dike ijo. |
05/12/1609 | Willm. s. to Willm. Park of Kilpin vo. |
17/12/1609 | Peter s. to George Blansherd of Laxton xvijo. |
23/12/1609 | Nicolas Palmer of Kilpin xxiijo. |
30/12/1609 | Christofer s. to Thoms. Wallis of Howden xxxo. |
Januarie 1609. | |
11/01/1609 | Thomas Richardson of Skelton xjo. |
14/01/1609 | Robart s. to Robt. Osburn of Knedlington xiiijo. |
17/01/1609 | marie d. to Alice Chapman of Howden xvijo. |
20/01/1609 | Isabell Stevenson of Skelton vid. xxo. |
28/01/1609 | Robert Perker of Saltmarsh xxviijo. |
28/01/1609 | Agnes wif to Rich. Sawer of Howden xxviijo. |
28/01/1609 | Eliz. d. to Wm. northabie of newland xxviijo. |
29/01/1609 | Thoms. Shawe of Saltmarsh xxixo. |
Februarie 1609. | |
05/02/1609 | margaret d. to Robt. Awdus of Knedlington vo. |
07/02/1609 | Winyfred dowe of Laxton vijo. |
07/02/1609 | George s. to Thoms. Smyth of Balkholme vijo. |
16/02/1609 | [blank] wif to Robt. Awdus of Knedlington xvjo. |
16/02/1609 | [blank] wif to Thoms. hembrough of Laxton xvjo. |
16/02/1609 | A s. to John Apthrop of Kilpin xvjo. |
17/02/1609 | Nicolas s. to John Skin of Asselbie xvijo. |
29/02/1609 | Isabell d. to Willm. Thackrey of Asselbie xxixo. |
29/02/1609 | Marie d. to henry Coltherd of Asselbie xxixo. |
29/02/1609 | Jane wif to Ralf Atkinson of Howden xxixo. |
March 1609. | |
01/03/1609 | margaret Endik of Howden vx. |
03/03/1609 | An d. to Thoms. Cutt of Howden iijo. |
05/03/1609 | John s. to Willm. Okes of Thorpe vo. |
05/03/1609 | George Smith als. Walker of barnill vo. |
07/03/1609 | Eliz. wif to Thoms. Goote of Howden vijo. |
15/03/1609 | Margaret hesselwood of Knedlington vid. xvo. |
23/03/1609 | [blank] wif to John Pickering of Laxton xxiijo. |
27/03/1609 | Eliz. d. to Ralf Lawson of Knedlington xxvijo. |
27/03/1609 | John Lowther of Howden xxvijo. |
March 1610. | |
29/03/1610 | Ellen Newbie of Skelton xxixo. |
30/03/1610 | Julian Sparke of Laxton xxx |
30/03/1610 | John s. to Edward Steven of Balkholme xxxo. |
Aprill 1610. | |
01/04/1610 | John Boothbie of Asselbie vx. |
02/04/1610 | [blank] to John Soule of Howden dike ijo. |
03/04/1610 | Phillip s. to John Noble of Saltmarsh iijo. |
05/04/1610 | Richard s. to John Soule of Howden dike vo. |
05/04/1610 | An d. to Thoms. Freman of Skelton vo. |
07/04/1610 | Jennet wif to Willm. Chapman of Howden vijo. |
11/04/1610 | Jane d. to Thoms. Sutton of Asselbie xjo. |
15/04/1610 | Thoms. Pasbie of Howden xvo. |
15/04/1610 | George Taylier of Howden xvo. |
Maye 1610. | |
02/05/1610 | An wif to Thoms. Gilpin of Kilpin ijo. |
09/05/1610 | Marie d. to Ralf Wright of Knedlington ixo. |
11/05/1610 | Marie d. to Cuthbt. Gilpin of Kilpin xjo. |
14/05/1610 | An d. to henry Smith of Howden xiiijo. |
14/05/1610 | Mr. John Smith, Minister of this church xiiijo. |
19/05/1610 | Effam d. to Rich. Collin of Howden xixo. |
22/05/1610 | Grace d. to Nicolas Oldfeild of Howden xxijo. |
23/05/1610 | Margaret Wooddall of Bermbie xxiijo. |
June 1610. | |
04/06/1610 | Willm. Fingley of Bermbie iiijo. |
13/06/1610 | Agnes wif to John Hutcheson of Laxton xiijo. |
13/06/1610 | Isabell wif to John Abbott of Howden xiijo. |
19/06/1610 | Isabell d. to John Smyth of Bermbie xixo. |
19/06/1610 | Eliz. d. to Robt. Wooddall of Bermbie xixo. |
27/06/1610 | Eliz. Cockerland of Knedlington vid. xxvijo. |
Julie 1610. | |
05/07/1610 | Thoms. s. to Willm. Plasterer of Balkholme vo. |
07/07/1610 | John Watkin of Asselbie vijo. |
10/07/1610 | An d. to Frances Collam als. Widdowes xo. |
13/07/1610 | An d. to John Smith of Bermbie xiijo. |
13/07/1610 | Grace d. to Willm. Elliott of Howden xiijo. |
16/07/1610 | Jone d. to Thomas Awmon of Skelt. xvjo. |
19/07/1610 | John s. to Thomas Tomson of Yockflet xixo. |
21/07/1610 | Richard s. to Rich. Hide of Skelton xxjo. |
31/07/1610 | Willm Woodcroft of Balkholme xxxjo. |
August 1610. | |
04/08/1610 | Thomasin d. to Willm. Smith of Laxton iiijo. |
04/08/1610 | John Pearsie of Howden iiijo. |
05/08/1610 | Willm. Robinson of Balkholme vo. |
15/08/1610 | Eliz. Abbott of Howden vid. xvo. |
18/08/1610 | Robert s. to Roger Spiser of Thorp xviijo. |
30/08/1610 | Thoms. Fairebarne of Howden xxxo. |
September 1610. | |
03/09/1610 | Jane wif to Peter herrison of Howden groves iijo. |
07/09/1610 | Thoms. Browne of belbie vijo. |
07/09/1610 | Marie d. to Thoms. Thornell vijo. |
10/09/1610 | Alice d. to Thoms. Cooke of kned. xo. |
12/09/1610 | Robert s. to Rich. Taylier of Howden xijo. |
13/09/1610 | Tho' s. to John Smith of Asselbie xiijo. |
21/09/1610 | Peter s. to Willm. hutton of Skelton xxjo. |
21/09/1610 | Robt. s. to Wm. Armestrong of Knedlington xxjo. |
27/09/1610 | hellen wif to Robt. Stevenson of Howden xxvijo. |
27/09/1610 | Grace d. to Robt. Thorp of Howden xxvijo. |
29/09/1610 | Eliz. d. to Peter Blansherd of Balkh. xxixo. |
31/09/1610 | Richard Eliott of Howden ultimo |
October 1610. | |
01/10/1610 | Robt. Chappellay of Knedlington vx. |
05/10/1610 | Em. d. to Martin Sawghwell of Bermbie vo. |
08/10/1610 | Thoms. Noble of Howden viijo. |
12/10/1610 | An wif to Thomas Freman of Skelton xijo. |
13/10/1610 | Wm s. to John Awdus als. Brighton of Knedlington 13o. |
14/10/1610 | Marie d. to Wm. Proudfellow of Laxton xiiijo |
13/10/1610 | The d. to Wm. Pack of Kilpin xiijo. |
16/10/1610 | Willm s. to Steven Lawtie of Asselbie xvjo. |
19/10/1610 | Steven s. to Robt. Leeds of Asselbie xixo. |
28/10/1610 | Eliz. d. to John Beelbie of Saltmarsh xxviijo. |
29/10/1610 | Ranold Simson of Skelton xxixo. |
30/10/1610 | Catheren wif to Thomas Hide of Skelton xxxo. |
November 1610. | |
01/11/1610 | Alice Mooke of Howden vid. vx. |
02/11/1610 | Margaret wif to Robt. herrison of Bermbie ijo. |
05/11/1610 | Jane d. to John North of Asselbie vo. |
07/11/1610 | David Longley of bernell vijo. |
10/11/1610 | Jane d. to Thoms. smith of Bermbie xo. |
12/11/1610 | Margaret hudson of Howden vid. xijo. |
17/11/1610 | Peter s. to Thomas Wilson of Howden dike xvijo. |
19/11/1610 | Eliz. wif to Willm. Stevenson of Howden xixo. |
21/11/1610 | Lawrence Harrison of Howden xxjo. |
23/11/1610 | Susanna d. to John Robinson nup. de Asselbie 23o. |
30/11/1610 | The d. to Edward Fox of Saltmarsh xxxo. |
December 1610. | |
01/12/1610 | Alison Richardson of Howden vid. vx. |
01/12/1610 | Isabell Thorpe of Howden vx. |
02/12/1610 | Edith wif to Wm. Spencer of Knedlington ijo. |
05/12/1610 | Robart Gilliat of Saltmarsh vo. |
06/12/1610 | John Awmon of Skelton vjo. |
08/12/1610 | Eliz. d. to Alice Smart of Skelt. viijo. |
15/12/1610 | Eliz. d. to Steven Robinson of Asselbie xvo. |
26/12/1610 | John Smyth of Bermbie xxvjo. |
27/12/1610 | Catherin wif to Robt. Osburn of Knedlington xxvijo. |
28/12/1610 | Ralf Fletcher of Laxton xxviijo. |
29/12/1610 | Thoms. s. to Robt. Osburn of Knedlington xxixo. |
Januarie 1610. | |
01/01/1610 | Eliz. d. to John Fotherbie of Howden vx. |
02/01/1610 | Reginold s. to Simon Wmson of Skelton ijo. |
02/01/1610 | Marie d. to John herrison of Bermbie ijo. |
05/01/1610 | The d. to Thoms. Stevenson of Howden vo. |
07/01/1610 | Agnes Greene of Bermbie, vid. vijo. |
08/01/1610 | viijo. |
09/01/1610 | John Anderbie of Howden ixo. |
09/01/1610 | Frances s. to John Mason, Minister of Howden ixo. |
09/01/1610 | Raynold Umfray of Howden ixo. |
14/01/1610 | The s. of George Casse of Bermbie xiiijo. |
15/01/1610 | John Bennyson of belbie xvo. |
17/01/1610 | Steven s. to Isabell Watson of Saltmarsh xvijo. |
18/01/1610 | Willm. Bradmar of Knedlington xviijo. |
20/01/1610 | Robart Johnson of Kilpin xxo. |
20/01/1610 | Thoms. Child of Bermbie xxo. |
24/01/1610 | Jane wif to George Casse of Bermbie xxiiijo. |
25/01/1610 | Two childr. to John Noble of Saltmarsh xxvo. |
26/01/1610 | Robt. Awdus the litle [?] of Knedlington xxvjo. |
27/01/1610 | Nicolas s. to Thoms. Endike of Howden xxvijo. |
29/01/1610 | Marie wif to Thoms. Dun of Skelton xxixo. |
February 1610. | |
04/02/1610 | Eliz. d. to Willm. howdell of Bermbie iiijo. |
10/02/1610 | Eliz. Plasterer of Howden xo. |
11/02/1610 | Eliz. d. to Thomas Wallis of Howden xjo. |
16/02/1610 | George s. to Wilfray Milner of Howden xvjo. |
17/02/1610 | Joan d. to Thoms. Binks of Bermbie xvijo. |
19/02/1610 | Thoms. s. to John Apthrop of Kilpin xixo. |
22/02/1610 | An d. to Thomas Tomlin of Cotnes xxijo. |
22/02/1610 | An d. to Hugh Wm'son of Kilpin xxijo. |
March 1610. | |
04/03/1610 | Em. wif to Wm. dudding of Kilpin iiijo. |
09/03/1610 | Robt. Nicolson als. Tomlin of Kilpin ixo. |
13/03/1610 | Frances w. to John Awdus senr. of kned. xiijo. |
15/03/1610 | Margaret Garnett of Howden vid. xvo. |
19/03/1610 | Richard s. to Ux. Gaythorne of Howden xixo. |
21/03/1610 | Robert Hall of Asselbie xxjo. |
March 1611. | |
26/03/1611 | Agnes wif to John Watson of Bermbie xxvjo. |
28/03/1611 | Valentine Robinson of Asselbie xxviijo. |
29/03/1611 | Willm. Branton of Knedlington xxixo. |
29/03/1611 | Isabell wif to Thoms. Storie of Kilpin xxixo. |
30/03/1611 | Michaell Norwood of newsom xxxo. |
30/03/1611 | Hellen wif to Robt. Starkie of Balkholme ultimo |
Aprill 1611. | |
05/04/1611 | Willm. Richardson senr. of Skelton vo. |
09/04/1611 | Thoms. Pattricke of Linton ixo. |
09/04/1611 | Thoms. Robt. sons to Nicolas Moore, a stranger ixo. |
09/04/1611 | John s. to Paull Conyngworth of Howden ixo. |
13/04/1611 | An d. to Thoms. Pattrick of Balkholme xiijo. |
14/04/1611 | Robt. s. to Robt. Wood of Knedlington xiiijo. |
16/04/1611 | Edwin s. to Samuell hardin of Thorpe xvjo. |
20/04/1611 | Beatrice wif to John Jackson, Coler xxo. |
25/04/1611 | NicolIas Abbott of Howden xxvo. |
28/04/1611 | An d. to Robt. Starkie of Balkholme xxviijo. |
Maye 1611. | |
05/05/1611 | George s. to george goforth of kned. vo. |
08/05/1611 | Robert Palmer of Howden viijo. |
08/05/1611 | Xpofer s. to Rowland Sanderson of Skelton viijo. |
09/05/1611 | Willm s. to Robt. Arlush of Skelton ixo. |
14/05/1611 | An d. to John Smith of newland xiiijo. |
19/05/1611 | Edward hesseltine of Knedlington xixo. |
24/05/1611 | Jane d. to John Fidling of Howden xxiiijo. |
26/05/1611 | Marie d. to Thoms. Watkinson of Howden xxvjo. |
28/05/1611 | Isabell Pocklington of Bermbie xxviijo. |
30/05/1611 | Steven atkinson of Balkholme ultimo |
30/05/1611 | Margaret wif to John Ricroft of Bermbie ultimo |
June 1611. | |
05/06/1611 | Peter Jackson of Laxton vo. |
06/06/1611 | Daniell Bilbrough of Howden vjo. |
09/06/1611 | John Higdon of Laxton gent. ixo. |
15/06/1611 | Richard s. to Lawrence garnett of Howden xvo. |
16/06/1611 | An wif to Rich. Freman of Howden xvjo. |
16/06/1611 | Margerie wif to Leonard Tomison of Howden xvjo. |
21/06/1611 | Jennet Willmson of Skelton, vid. xxjo. |
23/06/1611 | George Chapman of Howden xxiijo. |
27/06/1611 | Margaret Browne of Laxton vid. xxvijo. |
Julie 1611. | |
02/07/1611 | An Blancherd of Laxton vid. ijo. |
04/07/1611 | Catheren wif to Originall Tod of Howden iiijo. |
06/07/1611 | Robt. s. to Willm. Rainforth of Laxton vjo. |
10/07/1611 | Margaret wif to John Nelson of Kilpin xo. |
15/07/1611 | Eliz. d. to John Atkinson of Carhouse xvo. |
18/07/1611 | Edward Ewbank of Howden xviijo. |
22/07/1611 | An wif to Thoms. Feather of Cotnes xxijo. |
26/07/1611 | Richard Frisle of Bermbie xxvjo. |
27/07/1611 | Peter s. to Rich. Sharp of Bermbie xxvijo. |
28/07/1611 | Robt. s. to John Barker of Bermbie xxviijo. |
August 1611. | |
01/08/1611 | A son to Wm. Proudfellow of Laxton unbapt. vx. |
03/08/1611 | Eliz. wif to Robt. Jackson of Howden iijo. |
03/08/1611 | Marie d. to Wm. Kirkbie of Howden iijo. |
03/08/1611 | Robt. s. to John gaythorne of Howden iijo. |
04/08/1611 | Xpofer s. to Wm. Sarreat of Howden iiijo. |
05/08/1611 | Grace d. to nicolas Binds of Howden vo. |
13/08/1611 | A son to John Eshton of Asselbie, unbapt. 13o. |
16/08/1611 | Isabell wife to John Eshton of Asselbie xvjo. |
23/08/1611 | Anthonie s. to Thoms. heward of Howden xxiijo. |
29/08/1611 | Sicilie d. to Marmaduke Stevenson of Kilpin 29o. |
September 1611. | |
03/09/1611 | Robt. s. to Thoms. slater of Saltmarsh iijo. |
04/09/1611 | Lawrence Gill, a servt. of Howden iiijo. |
04/09/1611 | Edward s. to Robt. heward of Howden iiijo |
06/09/1611 | Henrie Collinson of Howden vjo. |
06/09/1611 | Edmond s. to Rich. waterhouse of Howden vjo. |
07/09/1611 | Eliz. wife to Wm. Parke of Kilpin vijo. |
08/09/1611 | Isabell d. to Rich. Spencer of Howden viijo. |
09/09/1611 | Cuthbert Atkinson of Metham ixo. |
12/09/1611 | Isabell d. to Eliz. Lowther of Howden xijo. |
16/09/1611 | Robert Thorpe of Howden xvjo. |
21/09/1611 | John s. to Peter White of Balkholme xxjo. |
24/09/1611 | Barbara wif to Xpofer Stork of Kilpin 24o. |
24/09/1611 | John s. to John Baynes of Howden xxiiijo. |
27/09/1611 | Isabell d. to Xpofer Bowes of Howden xxvijo. |
28/09/1611 | Willm s. to Julian Starkie of Knedlington xxviijo. |
28/09/1611 | An Walker, a servt. of Metham xxviijo. |
29/09/1611 | The s. of Edward Fox of Saltmarsh xxixo. |
29/09/1611 | The s. of John Smith Junr of Bermbie xxixo. |
October 1611. | |
01/10/1611 | Richard s. to Rich. Webster of Bermbie vx. |
03/10/1611 | A son to John Rudhill of Skelton iijo. |
07/10/1611 | Eliz. d. to Thoms. Taylier of Howden vijo. |
09/10/1611 | Eliz. d. to John Cobgrave of Bermbie ixo. |
10/10/1611 | Eliz. wife to Xpofer Lambe of Howden xo. |
14/10/1611 | Thoms. s. to Thoms. Lawson of Howden xiiijo. |
15/10/1611 | A son to Robt. Wawds of Asselbie xvo. |
16/10/1611 | Eliz. wif to John harrison of Asselbie xvjo. |
22/10/1611 | John s. to John kirkbie of Howden xxijo. |
23/10/1611 | Lawrence s. to Nichol Sanderson of Howden 23o. |
30/10/1611 | A d. to Willm. Anderson of Boothe ultimo |
November 1611. | |
07/11/1611 | George Crags of Knedlington vijo. |
09/11/1611 | Agnes wife to John Browne of Laxton ixo. |
14/11/1611 | Marie d. to Thoms. Thornell of Howden xiiijo. |
17/11/1611 | Eliz. wife to James Storie of Saltmarsh xvijo. |
18/11/1611 | Margaret d. to ux. dowson of Balkholme xviijo. |
19/11/1611 | Robert Haddlesey of Skelton xixo. |
27/11/1611 | Ellen wife to Willm. Dent of Bermbie xxvijo. |
29/11/1611 | Agnes d. to Willm. Storme of belbie xxixo. |
December 1611. | |
09/12/1611 | Richard s. to Wm. Jackson of Bermbie ixo. |
18/12/1611 | Eliz. wife to Robt. Robinson of Asselbie xviijo. |
27/12/1611 | Margaret Richardson of Laxton xxvijo. |
27/12/1611 | An d. to Jeremie Wicklif of Howden xxvijo. |
27/12/1611 | A s. to Wm. Richardson of Howden xxvijo. |
28/12/1611 | Willm s. to Rich. Steven of Balkholme xxviijo. |
28/12/1611 | Robart Carie of Knedlington xxviijo. |
29/12/1611 | Marie Parke of Howden xxixo. |
30/12/1611 | Bartholomew garton of Kilpin xxx |
Januarie 1612. | |
01/01/1612 | Jane Wharrinton of Bermbie, vid. vx. |
08/01/1612 | Jane d. to Rich. Webster of Bermbie viijo. |
09/01/1612 | Antonie s. to John Saule of Howden dike ixo. |
16/01/1612 | Xpofer Lambe of Howden, Inholder xvjo. |
18/01/1612 | A s. to John Abbott of Howden xviijo. |
18/01/1612 | Ellen Beelbie of Bermbie xviijo |
22/01/1612 | Edward Cotham of Bermbie xxijo. |
25/01/1612 | John s. to Robt. Mell of Laxton xxvo. |
26/01/1612 | Isabell d. to ux. Dowson of Balkholme xxvjo. |
26/01/1612 | Isabell Cowper of Kilpin, vid. xxvjo. |
26/01/1612 | An d. to Edmond dawson of Howden xxvjo. |
29/01/1612 | Thoms. s. to Savage hereson of Bermbie 29o |
Februarie 1611. | |
02/02/1611 | Thoms. s. to Ux. Anderbie of Howden ijo. |
02/02/1611 | A s. to Willm. Sawer of Howden ijo. |
03/02/1611 | John s. to Thoms. Stevenson of Howden iijo. |
07/02/1611 | Robt. s. to Ralf Cowper of Kilpin vijo. |
09/02/1611 | A s. to John Athrope of Kilpin ixo. |
09/02/1611 | Alice Bainton, an old woman ixo. |
14/02/1611 | Frances d. to Thoms. stevenson of Howden xiiijo. |
19/02/1611 | Thoms. s. to Robt. Osbrun of Knedlington xixo. |
22/02/1611 | Jennett Lancton of Knedlington xxijo. |
22/02/1611 | Margaret wife to Frances Maison of Howden 22o. |
25/02/1611 | Richard s. to Rich. Collin of Howden xxvo. |
26/02/1611 | John Kirsie of Bermbie xxvjo. |
27/02/1611 | Marie d. to John Rainforth of Laxton xxvijo. |
28/02/1611 | Willm s. to Wm. Richardson of Skelton xxviijo. |
29/02/1611 | Thoms. godfray of Saltmarsh xxixo. |
29/02/1611 | gilbert s. to Robt. nicolson of Howden xxixo. |
Marche 1611. | |
04/03/1611 | Eliz. Harrison of Bermbie, vid. iiijo. |
05/03/1611 | Willm. Stamper of Asselbie vo. |
05/03/1611 | Catherine d. to Wm. Collin of Bermbie vo. |
05/03/1611 | A d. to henrie Stotheron of Howden vo. |
06/03/1611 | Willm. s. to george Shillito of Knedlington vjo. |
07/03/1611 | Robart Pinder of Laxton vijo. |
08/03/1611 | Edward s. to Thomas Palmer of Howden viijo. |
08/03/1611 | mawde Gradon of Knedlington viijo. |
09/03/1611 | Robt. s. to Philip Colline of Balkholme ixo. |
10/03/1611 | Willm s. to Wm. Plasterer of Balkholme xo |
10/03/1611 | Isabell Gate of Howden, vid. xo. |
10/03/1611 | Robt. s. to John Barker of Bermbie xo. |
18/03/1611 | Margaret Stevenson of skelton, vid. xviijo. |
Marche 1612. | |
30/03/1612 | Isabell d. to John Noble of Saltmarsh xxxo. |
Aprill 1612. | |
02/04/1612 | Jennet Thorpe of Howden vid. ijo. |
02/04/1612 | A s. to Roger Spicer of Thorpe ijo. |
03/04/1612 | Robart s. to Robt. Awdus of Asselbie iijo. |
09/04/1612 | Frances d. to Frances Widdowes of Howden ixo. |
11/04/1612 | Margaret d. to James Tomson of Wighton xjo. |
13/04/1612 | Grace d. to John golsbrough of Howden xiijo. |
15/04/1612 | Willm Middlewoode of Howden xvo. |
16/04/1612 | Agnes Dowson of Howden xvjo. |
20/04/1612 | Willm. Hance of Howden, yongn. xxo. |
21/04/1612 | Robt. s. to margaret loncaster of Knedlington xxjo. |
25/04/1612 | Thoms. Beale of Howden xxvo. |
27/04/1612 | Jennett Garbutt of Howden xxvijo. |
Maye 1612. | |
05/05/1612 | Joane d. to John Crosier late of Howden vo. |
08/05/1612 | Isabell d. to Antony home of Skelton viijo. |
16/05/1612 | Marie d. to James Whitton of Howden xvjo. |
17/05/1612 | Thoms. s. to Willm. Storm of belbie xvijo. |
20/05/1612 | Dorothie Wilson of Howden vid. xxo. |
20/05/1612 | An d. to Thoms. Smyth senr. of Bermbie xxo. |
25/05/1612 | Isabell d. to John Thorpe of Skelton xxvo. |
26/05/1612 | Two infants ch. to Wm. leper of Bermbie xxvjo. |
26/05/1612 | Grace d. to Bryan Smith of Howden xxvjo. |
29/05/1612 | An Beale of Howden, vid. xxixo. |
30/05/1612 | Marie wife to Peter blansherd of Balkholme ultimo |
June 1612. | |
26/06/1612 | An Witton of Howden singlewoman xxvjo. |
Julie. | |
02/07/1612 | A s. to Peter Bolton of Howden ijo. |
06/07/1612 | Frances d. to Franc noble of Asselbie vjo. |
06/07/1612 | Luce wif to Rich. Carie of Howden vjo. |
11/07/1612 | Roger Sawghwell of Howden xjo. |
15/07/1612 | An d. to Robert Simson of Skelton xvo. |
22/07/1612 | Catherine d. to Peter Willmson of Skelton xxijo. |
28/07/1612 | Henrie s. to Wily dudding of Kilpin xxviijo. |
29/07/1612 | Robert s. to John Mayson of Howden m'cer xxixo. |
31/07/1612 | A s. to Symon Crouch of Howden ultimo |
31/07/1612 | A d. to John Fidling of Howden ultimo |
August 1612. | |
02/08/1612 | An d. to Robert Apthrope of Kilpin ijo. |
07/08/1612 | Eliz. d. to gabriell goodman of besecar vijo. |
15/08/1612 | Briget d. to Martin Sawghwell of Bermbie xvo. |
16/08/1612 | John s. to John Tawbut of Kilpin xvjo. |
19/08/1612 | Willm. s. to Robert Lie of Laxton xixo. |
22/08/1612 | Joane wife to henrie barnes of Bermbie xxijo. |
22/08/1612 | Margaret d. to Robt. Lie of Laxton xxijo. |
23/08/1612 | Ellen wif to Willm. Hoode of Kilpin xxiijo. |
23/08/1612 | A d. to Robert Foster of Howden xxiijo. |
27/08/1612 | Thos. Burne of Skelton xxvijo. |
28/08/1612 | A s. to Thoms. Thomson of Balkholme xxviijo. |
29/08/1612 | George s. to Thoms. Robinson of Howden xxixo. |
September 1612. | |
01/09/1612 | Margaret d. to Thoms. Smith of Balkholme vx. |
02/09/1612 | Margaret d. to Willm. Barvell of Laxton ijo. |
04/09/1612 | Dorothie Underwoode of Asselbie, vid. iiijo. |
06/09/1612 | John Eliott of Knedlington vjo. |
06/09/1612 | Robt. s. to Thoms. Yong of Skelton vjo. |
07/09/1612 | Thomas Johnson of Skelton vijo. |
09/09/1612 | Two infants s. to John haxbie of booth ixo. |
10/09/1612 | Robt. s. to Willm. Nayler of Skelton xo. |
11/09/1612 | Alice d. to george golding of Howden dike xjo. |
12/09/1612 | s. to Wm. Juncking of belbie xijo. |
12/09/1612 | Mathew s. to Thoms. Widdowes of Bermbie xijo. |
12/09/1612 | John s. to John Bailyea of Skelton xijo. |
14/09/1612 | Frances d. to John Pearson of Howden 14o. |
14/09/1612 | Old John Awdus of belbie xiiijo. |
16/09/1612 | Margaret wif to Rich. Cowper of Saltm : 16o. |
17/09/1612 | Ellen Painter of Howden vid. xvijo. |
17/09/1612 | Margaret d. to Marie White of Laxton xvijo. |
18/09/1612 | Eliz. d. to Rich. Freman of Howden xviijo. |
20/09/1612 | George Scomerscales of Thorpe xxo. |
21/09/1612 | An d. to Rich. Collin of Howden xxjo. |
22/09/1612 | Catherine Parke of Saltmarsh, vid. xxijo |
24/09/1612 | An d. to marie Watson of Howden 24o. |
28/09/1612 | An d. to Peter gibson of Laxton xxviijo. |
October 1612. | |
02/10/1612 | Thoms. Hide of Skelton ijo. |
03/10/1612 | Robart s. to John Haxbie of boothe iijo. |
03/10/1612 | Robart Robinson of Asselbie iijo. |
05/10/1612 | John Petwardine of Knedlington vo. |
05/10/1612 | Eliz. wife to Ralf Atkinson of Howden vo. |
07/10/1612 | Agnes wif to John Fingley of Saltmarsh vijo. |
09/10/1612 | An d. to Rich. Watson of Laxton ixo. |
10/10/1612 | Isabell wif to Thomas Tomson of Howden xo. |
13/10/1612 | Robart Stainforth of Bermbie xiijo. |
14/10/1612 | Willm s. to marmaduke Stevenson of Kilpin 14o. |
18/10/1612 | Robart Rumley of Laxton xviijo. |
20/10/1612 | Willm. Allane of Balkholme xxo. |
21/10/1612 | A s. to Ralfe Wigforth of belbie xxjo. |
24/10/1612 | Willm. Oakes of belbie xxiiijo. |
24/10/1612 | Bartholomew s. to Ranard nutbrowne of kned. 24o. |
24/10/1612 | Jane Foster of Howden xxiiijo. |
27/10/1612 | Robart Thornton of linton xxvijo. |
30/10/1612 | Robart Skin of Saltmarsh xxxo. |
30/10/1612 | Jarvace Noble of Asselbie xxxo. |
30/10/1612 | Leonard Tomison of Howden xxxo. |
30/10/1612 | Thoms. Runckhorne of hemingbro xxxo. |
November 1612. | |
02/11/1612 | Anthonie Robinson of Linton ijo. |
04/11/1612 | A d. to Richard Webster of Bermbie iiijo |
05/11/1612 | Anthonye Moorebie of Kilpin vo. |
06/11/1612 | Isabell wif to Paull Barker of Asselbie vjo. |
07/11/1612 | Eliz. wif to Thoms. Walker of Howden vijo. |
08/11/1612 | Isabell d. to Robt. Steele of Saltmarsh viijo. |
09/11/1612 | Jennet wif to John hunter of Howden ixo. |
09/11/1612 | A d. to Edward Fox of Saltmarsh ixo. |
13/11/1612 | Isabell wif to Rich. Webster of Bermbie xiijo. |
14/11/1612 | Ellen d. to Rich. Turner of Bermbie xiiijo. |
14/11/1612 | Willm. Bowes of Howden qu ... suspendit. xiiij. |
15/11/1612 | John s. to Thomas Underwoode of Bermbie xvo. |
16/11/1612 | Isabell wif to John harrison of Asselbie xvjo. |
18/11/1612 | Jennett Beverley of Kilpin xviijo. |
18/11/1612 | John Armytt of Skelton xviijo. |
19/11/1612 | Agnes Smart of Skelton xixo. |
20/11/1612 | Agnes wif to Robt. Townsley of Skelton xxo. |
21/11/1612 | A d. to Willm. Courser of Laxton xxjo. |
21/11/1612 | An d. to Willm. Barker of belbie xxjo. |
22/11/1612 | Margaret Sadler of Howden xxijo. |
23/11/1612 | Willm Lowson senr. of Laxton xxiijo. |
24/11/1612 | Jennett d. to george Patricke of Saltmarsh xxiiijo |
25/11/1612 | A s. to Ralf Cowper of Kilpin xxvo. |
26/11/1612 | Margaret d. to george Arksay of Laxton xxvjo. |
26/11/1612 | Allan s. to Allan Arlush of Skelton xxvjo. |
27/11/1612 | Dorothie wif to Ralf Wigforth of belbie xxvijo. |
28/11/1612 | Alice wif to george Budding of Kilpin 28o. |
29/11/1612 | John Nutbrowne of Knedlington xxixo. |
December 1612. | |
02/12/1612 | Eliz. wif to Ralph Cowper of Kilpin ijo. |
08/12/1612 | Alice wif to hercules Bland of Howden viijo. |
09/12/1612 | Alice wif to henrie Stevenson of Skelton ixo. |
09/12/1612 | Richard s. to hugh Robinson of Howden ixo. |
10/12/1612 | Jane Nutbrowne of Knedlington vid. xo. |
13/12/1612 | Robart s. to John harrison of Asselbie xiijo. |
15/12/1612 | Alison Margeson of Knedlington xvo. |
21/12/1612 | Martha wif to Wm. Stevenson of Knedlington xxjo. |
22/12/1612 | Margaret d. to Wm. Okes of belbie xxijo. |
25/12/1612 | An Hesslewoode of Knedlington xxvo. |
25/12/1612 | Eliz. Hance of Skelton xxvo. |
26/12/1612 | A s. to Willm. Parke of Kilpin xxvjo. |
26/12/1612 | John s. to Steven Palmer of Yockflett xxvjo. |
26/12/1612 | Eliz. d. to Thoms. Plasterer of Skelton 26o. |
27/12/1612 | Agnes Rumley of Laxton, vid. 27o |
28/12/1612 | Willm Edwine of Howden xxviijo. |
31/12/1612 | Robt. s. to Wm. Cockaline of Knedlington ultimo |
Januarie 1612. | |
02/01/1612 | Jane d. to John Barker of Bermbie ijo. |
04/01/1612 | Isabell d. to Peter Jackson late of Laxton iiijo. |
06/01/1612 | Anthonie s. to Thomas Johnson late of Skelton vjo. |
08/01/1612 | Awtherie Noble of Kilpin, vid. viijo. |
15/01/1612 | Jarvace Hunsley of Belbie xvo. |
15/01/1612 | An Banks of Howden, vid. xvo. |
16/01/1612 | Dorothie wif to Thoms. Robinson of Howden xvjo. |
22/01/1612 | George Golding of Howden xxijo. |
23/01/1612 | Richard Leppinton of Belbie xxiijo. |
23/01/1612 | Mathew s. to Robt. Ellis of Thorp xxiijo.+ |
23/01/1612 | Anthonie s. to Margaret Townsley of Skelton xxiijo. |
24/01/1612 | Jennett wif to Robt. M'geson of boothe xxiiijo. |
29/01/1612 | Thoms. s. to Robt. Biggerdike of Howden xxixo. |
29/01/1612 | Jennet wif to Thoms. Proudfelo of belby xxixo. |
30/01/1612 | Richard Storie of Skelton xxxo. |
29/01/1612 | John Browne of Laxton ultimo die. |
Februarie 1622. | |
01/02/1622 | Jane d. to hugh Stevenson of Asselbie vx. |
02/02/1622 | Frances wif to Xpofer Nelson of Balkholme ijo. |
04/02/1622 | Hellen d. to Robart Ellis of Thorpe iiijo. |
04/02/1622 | Anthony Todd of Thorpe iiijo. |
05/02/1622 | Willm Harrison of Bermbie vo. |
06/02/1622 | James s. to Willm. Lawtie of Saltmarsh vjo. |
07/02/1622 | Agnes Massom of Saltmarsh, vid. vijo. |
09/02/1622 | An wif to John Abbott of Howden ixo. |
11/02/1622 | A s. to John Saull of Howden dike xjo. |
11/02/1622 | Marie d. to Willm. Storme of belbie xjo. |
11/02/1622 | Peter s. to Peter White of Balkholme xjo. |
12/02/1622 | Em. wife to Willm. Smythe of Boothe xijo. |
15/02/1622 | Thoms. Storie of Skelton xvo. |
16/02/1622 | An d. to Jane Jackson of Laxton xvjo. |
18/02/1622 | An wif to Willm. Goforth of Balkholme xviijo. |
19/02/1622 | Peter s. to Willm. Anderson of booth xixo. |
23/02/1622 | George s. to Anthony morebie of Kilpin xxiijo. |
25/02/1622 | Alison Daye of Laxton, vid. xxvo. |
25/02/1622 | Willm Osbarne of Skelton xxvo. |
26/02/1622 | Robart s. to Symon Willmson of Skelton xxvjo. |
March 1612. | |
01/03/1612 | Willm. Park of Howden vx. |
05/03/1612 | Thoms. s. to Willm. Binks of Skelton vo. |
08/03/1612 | Phillip s. to Symon Simson of Balkholme viijo. |
09/03/1612 | Wilim. Storie of Laxtcn ixo. |
09/03/1612 | Frances s. to marmaduke Kettlewell of Howden ixo. |
10/03/1612 | marie d. to John Wetherall of Kilpin xo. |
12/03/1612 | Willm s. to Robart Nickoll of Howden xijo. |
12/03/1612 | Brigett d. to George Pearson of Howden xijo. |
14/03/1612 | A s. to Thomas Cootes of Howden xiiijo. |
14/03/1612 | An d. to Robart Stainforth of Bermbie xiiijo. |
16/03/1612 | Allan Arelush of Skelton xvjo. |
16/03/1612 | dorothie d. to Willm. Yonge of Skelton xvjo. |
17/03/1612 | John Saule of Howden dike xvijo. |
17/03/1612 | Alice wife to Thoms. Lawson of Howden xvijo. |
20/03/1612 | Richard Mawe of Howden xxo. |
20/03/1612 | Isabell wif to miles hoode of Kilpin xxo. |
23/03/1612 | Nicholas s. to John Petwardine of Knedlington xxiijo. |
23/03/1612 | Margaret wif to Cuthbt. hunsley of Thorp xxiijo. |
March 1613. | |
25/03/1613 | An wif to Willm. Binks of Skelton xxvo. |
25/03/1613 | Jane wif to laurence Collie of Skelton xxvo. |
27/03/1613 | Constance Walles of Skelton xxvijo. |
28/03/1613 | Mawde wif to Edward Thorp of belbie xxviijo. |
31/03/1613 | Eliz. d. to Richard Palmer of Skelton xxxjo. |
Aprill 1613. | |
01/04/1613 | Willm. Stevenson of Howden vx. |
01/04/1613 | Catherine d. to John Hodgson of Howden vx. |
14/04/1613 | Willm Lowson of Laxton gener. xiiijo. |
14/04/1613 | Willm. Barker of belbie xiiijo. |
14/04/1613 | Willm s. to George Robinson of Howden xiiijo. |
14/04/1613 | Jennett Gilpin of Kilpin xiiijo. |
16/04/1613 | Willm Smyth of Laxton xvjo. |
20/04/1613 | James Storie of Saltmarsh xxo. |
21/04/1613 | John Spenser of Bermbie xxjo. |
21/04/1613 | Thoms. s. to Thoms. Spender of Bermbie xxjo. |
24/04/1613 | Eliz. d. to Willm. Headley of Skelton xxiiijo. |
25/04/1613 | Julian wif to Robt. Plasterer of Howden xxvo. |
27/04/1613 | Thoms. Claybrough of Howden xxvijo. |
May 1613. | |
04/05/1613 | Peter Howson of Howden iiijo. |
05/05/1613 | Richard Owbery of Skelton vo. |
06/05/1613 | Jane wife to John Cherie of Bermbie vjo. |
07/05/1613 | Jennet wif to John Sutton of Knedlington vijo. |
08/05/1613 | Marie d. to Robert Awdus of Asselbie viijo. |
10/05/1613 | Richard Lawson of Knedlington xo. |
14/05/1613 | Thoms. s. to John Norrison of Kilpin xiiijo. |
16/05/1613 | An Freman of Bermbie, vid. xvjo. |
18/05/1613 | Thoms. Coltheard of Asselbie xviijo. |
20/05/1613 | John s. to Rich. Carie of Skelton xxo. |
27/05/1613 | An Hall, a servt. of Skelton xxvijo. |
28/05/1613 | John Cheery of Bermbie xxviijo. |
30/05/1613 | Anthony Goforth of Saltmarsh ultimo die. |
June 1613. | |
04/06/1613 | Margaret d. to Michaell Sewell of Howden iiijo. |
13/06/1613 | An wife to Willm. Flawoode of Asselbie xiijo. |
22/06/1613 | Jane Dowson of Laxton xxijo. |
26/06/1613 | Eliz. wife to George Sutton of Asselbie xxvjo. |
31/06/1613 | Catherine Hargell of Laxton ultimo |
Julie 1613. | |
05/07/1613 | Charatie wife to John Wayring of Kilpin vo. |
15/07/1613 | Thomas Dighton of Bermbie xvo. |
20/07/1613 | A. s. to Robert Lunde of Howden xxo. |
21/07/1613 | Jane d. to Robert Nicholl of Howden xxjo. |
22/07/1613 | Eliz. wife to Willm. Lye of Laxton xxijo. |
25/07/1613 | A s. to John Pickering of Howden xxvo. |
26/07/1613 | An wif to Thoms. Stevenson of Howden xxvjo. |
26/07/1613 | Thoms. s. to John Johnson late of Howden xxvjo. |
28/07/1613 | An wife to Thoms. stevenson of Skelt. xxviijo. |
30/07/1613 | a d. to george apthrop of Knedlington xxxo. |
August 1613. | |
01/08/1613 | Richard Cattell of Asselbie vx. |
04/08/1613 | Eliz. d. to Robert Lunde of Howden iiijo |
05/08/1613 | John Smythe theldest of Bermbie vo |
06/08/1613 | Willm s. to Thoms. spire of Kilpin vjo. |
07/08/1613 | John s. to John Mayson of Howden, Cur. vijo. |
07/08/1613 | Frances d. Peter harrison of Howden groves vijo. |
10/08/1613 | Jennet d. to Marke Turner late of Kilpin xo. |
14/08/1613 | Marie d. to Thoms. Thornell of Howden xiiijo. |
21/08/1613 | Mathew Stevenson of Howden xxjo. |
23/08/1613 | Eliz. d. to John Cade Junr. of Howden xxiijo. |
27/08/1613 | Eliz. wife to George Thorp of Skelton xxvijo. |
28/08/1613 | Willm. s. to John halliwell of Saltmarsh xxviijo. |
30/08/1613 | Agnes wife to george apthrop of Knedlington 30o. |
30/08/1613 | Edward Raines of Saltmarsh 30o. |
30/08/1613 | Jennet wife to John Masfeld of Saltmarsh 30o. |
30/08/1613 | Eliz. d. to Joan Rainforth of Laxton 30o. |
10/08/1613 | An Somerscales of Thorpe 310. |
September 1613. | |
01/09/1613 | An wife to Anthony Tayler of Howden vx. |
03/09/1613 | John s. to Edward Norman of Howden iijo. |
06/09/1613 | Catherine wife Thoms. Rainforth of Saltmarsh vjo. |
08/09/1613 | Edward s. to John Casse of Howden viijo. |
09/09/1613 | Edward s. to Eliz. Spink of Saltmarsh ixo. |
09/09/1613 | Thoms. a servant at Metham ixo. |
10/09/1613 | John Smyth of Newland xo. |
13/09/1613 | Frances Graves of Saltmarsh xiijo. |
14/09/1613 | John Willmson of Skelton xiiijo. |
19/09/1613 | Willm s. to Samuell Beane of Howden xixo. |
19/09/1613 | Isabell Robinson of Howden xixo. |
20/09/1613 | An d. to Thoms. Awmon of Skelton xxo. |
21/09/1613 | Thoms. s. to Anthony Morbie of Kilpin xxjo. |
23/09/1613 | Alice wif to Wm. Haward of Howden xxiijo. |
27/09/1613 | Isabell wif to henry Browne of Bermbie 27o. |
27/09/1613 | John s. to Willm. Thrackray of Asselbie 27o. |
29/09/1613 | Christofer Dudding of Sandhall xxixo. |
October 1613. | |
01/10/1613 | Catherine d. to Willm. Casse of Knedlington vx. |
01/10/1613 | Ellen Smyth of Bermbie, vid. vx. |
02/10/1613 | Steven Fingley of Bermbie ijo. |
03/10/1613 | Robert Thornton of Asselbie iijo. |
04/10/1613 | Thoms. s. to Henry Brown of Bermbie iiijo. |
06/10/1613 | Margaret d. to Anthony Nuttbrown of Knedlington vjo. |
07/10/1613 | Alice wif to Willm. Smithson of Cotnes vijo. |
09/10/1613 | Miles Harrell als. grund of Skelton ixo. |
11/10/1613 | An wif to Bryan Mascall of Cotnes xjo. |
14/10/1613 | Thoms. s. to Ralf Cowper of Kilpin xiiijo. |
15/10/1613 | Bryan Mascall of Cotnes xvo. |
18/10/1613 | Robert Bowes of Howden xviijo. |
19/10/1613 | Robt. Margeson of Boothe xixo. |
20/10/1613 | Eliz. d. to Thomas Lancton of Skelton xxo. |
20/10/1613 | Robert s. to Charles Stoner of Howden xxo. |
22/10/1613 | An d. to Robt. Osburne of Knedlington xxijo. |
23/10/1613 | Charles s. to An Clubley of pocklin. 23o. |
24/10/1613 | Isabell d. to Christofer gadlad of Newland xxiiijo. |
27/10/1613 | John s. to Robt. Awdus of Asselbie xxvijo. |
27/10/1613 | A s. to Robt. Awdus of Knedlington xxvijo. |
30/10/1613 | Eliz. d. to Thoms. Lawtie, vicar eccliae ultimo |
November 1613. | |
01/11/1613 | An d. to Christofer Bayles of Kilpin vx. |
05/11/1613 | John s. to Jeremy Wicklife of Howden vo. |
08/11/1613 | Robert Sutton of Thorpe viijo. |
10/11/1613 | A s. to John Peppertine of Asselbie xo. |
17/11/1613 | Margaret wif John Pepptin of Asselbie xvijo. |
18/11/1613 | Isabell d. to Thomas Tomson of Balkholme xviijo. |
18/11/1613 | Willm Proudfellow of Laxton xviijo. |
22/11/1613 | Margaret wif to Thomas Tomson of Balkholme xxijo. |
27/11/1613 | John Millington of Balkholme xxvijo. |
27/11/1613 | Robert Fotherbie of Howden xxvijo. |
29/11/1613 | Willm s. to Robt. Wells of Howden xxixo. |
December 1613. | |
01/12/1613 | Richard Thorp of Belbie vx. |
05/12/1613 | Jane wif to James Morley of Cotnes vo. |
05/12/1613 | A d. to Henry Smith of Knedlington vo. |
06/12/1613 | Richard s. to Michall Willmson of Bermbie vjo. |
06/12/1613 | Frances d. to Rich. Waterhouse of Asselbie vjo. |
08/12/1613 | John Awdus als. Brighton of Knedlington viijo. |
08/12/1613 | Xpofer Ashe of Howden viijo. |
08/12/1613 | Robt. s. to Thomas Hembrough of Laxton viijo. |
11/12/1613 | An wif to Robt. Pattrick of Saltmarsh xjo. |
12/12/1613 | A d. to Rich. Freman of Howden xijo. |
16/12/1613 | Agnes Steeds of Howden, vid. xvjo. |
16/12/1613 | Xpofer Bayles of Kilpin xvjo. |
19/12/1613 | Margery wif to James Bell of Howden xixo. |
22/12/1613 | Alison Richardson of skelton, vid. xxijo. |
22/12/1613 | Thomas Leadbetter of Howden xxijo. |
23/12/1613 | Catherine d. to Peter gibson of Laxton xxiijo. |
23/12/1613 | Mary d. to Thoms. Wallis of Howden xxiijo. |
24/12/1613 | John s. to Willm. Barvell of Laxton xxiiijo. |
28/12/1613 | Robert s. to Anthony Horne of Skelton xxviijo. |
28/12/1613 | An wif to Thoms. Robinson of Asselbie xxviijo. |
31/12/1613 | Grace wif to Robt. Atkinson of Howden ultimo |
January 1613. | |
04/01/1613 | John Barker of Bermbie iiijo. |
10/01/1613 | An wif to John Horsley of Howden xo. |
12/01/1613 | Ralfe s. to John Underwood of Asselbie xijo. |
16/01/1613 | Thoms. s. to Steven Lawtie of Howden dike xvjo. |
17/01/1613 | A s. to An Lee, a stranger xvijo. |
19/01/1613 | Eliz. Palmer of Howden, midwife xixo. |
21/01/1613 | Margaret wif to Rich. Thorpe of belbie xxjo. |
22/01/1613 | Richard s. to Peter Howson late of Howden xxijo. |
25/01/1613 | Ellen wif to Rich. Collin of Howden xxvo. |
25/01/1613 | John s. to Willm. Webster of Howden xxvo. |
26/01/1613 | Thoms. Stevenson of Skelton xxvjo. |
30/01/1613 | Thoms. Raye of Laxton xxxo. |
February 1613. | |
01/02/1613 | A s. to John Eshton of Asselbie vx. |
02/02/1613 | Willm Haward als. Gray of Howden ijo. |
06/02/1613 | John s. to John Jackson of Laxton vjo. |
09/02/1613 | Eliz. wif to John Eshton of Asselbie ixo. |
10/02/1613 | A d. to Ralf Wigfull of belbie xo. |
16/02/1613 | Steven Palmer of Yockflete xvjo. |
18/02/1613 | Christofer Barker of Howden xviijo. |
28/02/1613 | Nicolas Tomson of North Duffell xxviijo. |
28/02/1613 | An wif to Rich. hewett of Asselbie 28o. |
March 1613. | |
01/03/1613 | Ellen Rudderfirth of Howden, vid. vx. |
02/03/1613 | Paull Parker of Asselbie ijo. |
03/03/1613 | Alison Johnson of Asselbie, vid. iijo. |
04/03/1613 | Agnes Morton of Asselbie iiijo. |
04/03/1613 | John s. to Robt. Thornton of Asselbie iiijo. |
09/03/1613 | Willm Berrige of Howden ixo. |
09/03/1613 | An d. to Antony Tomson of Skelton ixo. |
11/03/1613 | John Yates of Laxton xjo. |
11/03/1613 | Thoms. s. to Rich. Badkin of belbie xjo. |
12/03/1613 | Sarai Anderson, a stranger xijo. |
12/03/1613 | John s. to John Dallison of Bermbie xijo. |
14/03/1613 | A s. to John Apthrope of Kilpin xiiijo. |
14/03/1613 | Laurent Colling of Skelton xiiijo. |
15/03/1613 | Richard Gibson of Balkholme xvo. |
15/03/1613 | Richard Gilpin of Kilpin xvo. |
17/03/1613 | Julian d. to John Smith Junr. of Bermbie xvijo. |
17/03/1613 | Marie d. to James Webster of Howden xvijo. |
18/03/1613 | An wif to Robt. Hunsley of Howden xviijo. |
19/03/1613 | Henry Earle of Skelton, a servt. xixo. |
March 1614. | |
25/03/1614 | Joane wif to Rogers Spicer of Thorp xxv. |
25/03/1614 | Isabell d. to Peter Blansherd of Balkholme xxv. |
26/03/1614 | Ellen d. to John Dallison of Bermbie xxvjo. |
26/03/1614 | Thoms. s. to Frances Bell of Thorpe xxvjo. |
27/03/1614 | Frances wif to Wm. Barvell of Laxton xxvijo. |
28/03/1614 | Eliz. d. to Willm. Awdus of belbie xxviijo. |
28/03/1614 | Robt. s. to Frances Bell of Thorpe xxviijo. |
29/03/1614 | Robt. s. to Thomas Robinson of Howden xxixo. |
30/03/1614 | John Crowsie of Cotnes xxxo. |
Aprill 1614. | |
02/04/1614 | Willm. s. to Robt. Wetherall of Laxton ijo. |
02/04/1614 | Ellen Dixon of Asselbie, vid. ijo. |
03/04/1614 | An Howdall of Kilpin, single woman iijo. |
07/04/1614 | An wif to nicolas Binds of Howden vijo. |
08/04/1614 | Jennett wif to Wm. Nayler of Skelton viijo. |
10/04/1614 | Frances d. to Thoms. Smith of Howden xo. |
13/04/1614 | Willm Boyes of Howden xiijo. |
15/04/1614 | Edward Batman of Howden xvo. |
16/04/1614 | tBriget d. to Thoms. harrison of Bermbie xvjo. |
22/04/1614 | Mary wif to Frank Davie of Howden xxijo. |
26/04/1614 | An d. to Nicholas Oldfeild late of Howden xxvjo. |
30/04/1614 | Jennet Pickering of Howden xxxo. |
Maye 1614. | |
03/05/1614 | Alice d. to Thoms. Walker of Bermbie iijo. |
07/05/1614 | Jane wif to Thoms. Fidling of Howden vijo. |
08/05/1614 | Thomasine d. to Wm. Proudfellow late of Laxton viijo. |
09/05/1614 | John s. to Willm. Barker of Boothe ixo. |
14/05/1614 | Richard Haddlesay of Laxton xiiijo. |
18/05/1614 | Willm. Roodes of Wakefeild xviijo. |
20/05/1614 | John s. to John Lancton of Kilpin xxo. |
21/05/1614 | Roger Daniell of Howden xxjo. |
23/05/1614 | Dorothie wif to Thoms. Nicolls of Howden 23o. |
24/05/1614 | Robert s. to Frances Mayson of Howden xxiiijo. |
25/05/1614 | Hester d. to John Tuck of Yockflet xxvo. |
26/05/1614 | Eliz. d. to Hugh Robinson of Howden xxvjo. |
27/05/1614 | Christofer Atkinson of Howden xxvijo. |
27/05/1614 | A d. to Peter Willm'son of Skelton xxvijo. |
28/05/1614 | Laurence Pattrick als. Stamp of Saltmarsh 28o. |
28/05/1614 | Thoms. Haddlesay of Howden xxviijo. |
30/05/1614 | An wif to John Haselwood of boothe xxxo. |
June 1614. | |
01/06/1614 | Eliz. wif to Robert Arelush of Skelton vx. |
01/06/1614 | John s. to John Masfeild of Saltmarsh vx. |
03/06/1614 | George s. to George Palmer of Balkholme iijo. |
07/06/1614 | A s. to Willm. Hoode of Kilpin vijo. |
12/06/1614 | Robt. s. to John Nelson of Skelton xijo. |
14/06/1614 | Robert Ellis of Thorpe xiiijo. |
18/06/1614 | Marie d. to Hugh Lawtie of Thorpe xviij |
20/06/1614 | Jane wif to Willm. Good of Asselbie xxo. |
30/06/1614 | Edward Gray Of Howden xxxo. |
30/06/1614 | Thomas Porter of Howden xxxo. |
Julie 1614. | |
02/07/1614 | A. s. to Robt. Willm'son of Skelton ijo. |
04/07/1614 | A s. to John Horseman of Laxton iiijo. |
05/07/1614 | Jane wif to John horseman of Laxton vo. |
06/07/1614 | Eliz. wif to Thoms. Cherie of Balkholme vjo. |
06/07/1614 | Brygett Boyes of Howden, vid. vjo. |
08/07/1614 | Nicholas Nutbrowne of Thorpe viijo. |
08/07/1614 | A s. to Thoms. stevenson late of Skelton viijo. |
11/07/1614 | An wif to Thoms. Freman of Howden xjo. |
12/07/1614 | Hugh s. to Edward Palmer of Howden xijo. |
14/07/1614 | A s. to Will., Yonge of Boothe xiiijo. |
19/07/1614 | Mathew s. to Mathew Leaven of Howden xixo. |
24/07/1614 | Thomas Moore of Laxton xxiiijo. |
August 1614. | |
08/08/1614 | An d. to James Collin of belbie viijo. |
11/08/1614 | Margaret harrell als. grund of Skelton xjo. |
24/08/1614 | John s. to George Robinson of Howden xxiiijo. |
26/08/1614 | Thoms. s. to hugh Willm'son of Skelton xxvjo. |
26/08/1614 | Eliz. d. to Robert Cade of Howden xxvjo. |
29/08/1614 | Steven s. to Willm. Harrison of Bermbie xxixo. |
30/08/1614 | Robert s. to Thoms. Rainforth Junr. of Saltmarsh ultimo |
September 1614. | |
01/09/1614 | Eliz. d. to hercules Blande of Howden vx. |
10/09/1614 | An wif to Thomas gilpin of Howden xo. |
13/09/1614 | John kirkbie of Howden xiijo. |
16/09/1614 | A d. to John Rudhill of Skelton xvjo. |
18/09/1614 | Ellen wif to Mathew Hunsley of Howden xviijo. |
18/09/1614 | Margaret Hamelton of Metham xviijo. |
20/09/1614 | John Cobgrave of Bermbie xxo. |
25/09/1614 | Margaret wif to John Rudhill of Skelton xxvo. |
26/09/1614 | Isabell d. to Robt. Ellerton of belbie xxvjo. |
27/09/1614 | Margaret wife to Barthol : monson of Rippon xxvijo. |
29/09/1614 | George Tayler of Balkholme xxixo. |
October 1614. | |
04/10/1614 | Dionis gilpin of Kilpin iiijo. |
05/10/1614 | A s. to Christofer goodlad of Balkholme vo. |
05/10/1614 | Jane d. to John Watkinson of Howden vo. |
06/10/1614 | An d. to Jane humfray of Howden vjo. |
13/10/1614 | Marie Wren of Skelton xiijo. |
15/10/1614 | Margaret Noble of Asselbie xvo. |
17/10/1614 | Isabell wif to Wm. Beelbie of Skelton Senn xvijo. |
18/10/1614 | Eliz. Berridge of Howden xviijo. |
22/10/1614 | Catherine d. to Thoms. Noble of Asselbie xxijo. |
25/10/1614 | Margaret kirkbie of Howden, excom : xxvo. |
29/10/1614 | Margaret Morton of Asselbie xxixo. |
29/10/1614 | John s. to Willm. kirkbie of Howden xxixo. |
30/10/1614 | A s. to Edward Fox of Saltmarshe ultimo |
November 1614. | |
09/11/1614 | Julian wife to Thoms. Endike of Howden ixo. |
15/11/1614 | Willm. Sutton of Bermbie, excom : xvo. |
16/11/1614 | Jane wif to Willm. Davison of booth xvjo. |
20/11/1614 | Eliz. wife to Willm. Slater of Saltmarsh xxo. |
20/11/1614 | Mary d. to John Pattrike late of Saltmarsh xxo. |
23/11/1614 | Ellen wif to Rich. Stapleton of Howden xxiijo. |
December 1614. | |
10/12/1614 | Dorothie wife to Thoms. Sutton of Asselbie xo. |
17/12/1614 | Willm s. to John Petwardine of Asselbie 17o. |
18/12/1614 | Isabell Rogeson of Howden spinster 18o. |
26/12/1614 | A d. to Sibell Bradley of newland 26o. |
January 1614. | |
10/01/1614 | Isabell d. to Wm. Willm'son of Skelton xo. |
19/01/1614 | Isabell wif to gregorie Rainforth of Bermbie xixo. |
24/01/1614 | Mrs. Dorothie Lee late of Eastrington 24o. |
25/01/1614 | John Pearson of Cotnes, young man 25o. |
26/01/1614 | Margaret d. to Tho. Sutton of Asselbie 26o. |
26/01/1614 | A s. to Henry Browne of Bermbie 26o. |
29/01/1614 | Robert s. to Robt. Awdus of Asselbie 29o. |
29/01/1614 | Eliz. d. to George Dudding of Kilpin ultimo |
February 1614. | |
09/02/1614 | Eliz. Jackson of Howden ixo. |
17/02/1614 | John and Alice ch. of John Maskall of Cotnes xvijo. |
21/02/1614 | John s. to John Fidling of Howden xxjo. |
23/02/1614 | Eliz. Palmer of Skelton xxiijo. |
24/02/1614 | Margaret Hastings of Knedlington xxiiijo. |
28/02/1614 | Dionis Harwood & her s. of Kilpin 28o. |
March 1614. | |
06/03/1614 | Effam Birdsall of Howden vid. vjo. |
08/03/1614 | Mathew s. to Luce Clerk of Howden viijo. |
19/03/1614 | Bartholomew s. to phillip Collin of Balkholme xixo |
19/03/1614 | Jennett wif to John Milnes of Kilpin xixo. |
March 1615. | |
25/03/1615 | John s. to george Pattricke of Saltmarsh xxvo. |
30/03/1615 | Alice Simson of Swineflet, vid. xxxo. |
Aprill 1615. | |
04/04/1615 | Marie d. to Robt. Durham of Howden iiijo. |
06/04/1615 | Thoms. s. to John Awdus of Knedlington Junr. vjo. |
08/04/1615 | Eliz. Jewett of Saltmarsh, Spinster viijo. |
12/04/1615 | Isabell d. to Susanna Jackson of Eastringt. xijo. |
16/04/1615 | John Lunde of Readnes xvjo. |
18/04/1615 | Robert Wells of Howden xviijo. |
23/04/1615 | An d. to Edward Palmer of Howden xxiijo. |
24/04/1615 | Marie d. to Bartholomew Whit of Kilpin xxiiijo. |
30/04/1615 | Eliz. d. to John Petwardine of Knedlington xxxo. |
May 1615. | |
03/05/1615 | Eliz. d. to John Robinson of Boothe iijo. |
06/05/1615 | John Fingley of Saltmarsh vjo. |
06/05/1615 | A s. to Thoms. stevenson of Howden vjo. |
16/05/1615 | A d. to Nicolas Arelush of belbie xvjo. |
18/05/1615 | Alison Bradmer of Knedlington xviijo. |
20/05/1615 | Beatrix wif to Nicholas Arelush of belbie xxo. |
22/05/1615 | John s. to Thoms. stevenson of Howden xxijo. |
24/05/1615 | A s. to henry Smyth of Knedlington 24o. |
26/05/1615 | Isabell Thornton of linton, vid. 26o. |
30/05/1615 | Robt. s. to Robt. Osburne of Balkholme ultimo |
June 1615. | |
01/06/1615 | Eliz. d. to Willm. Hutton of Skelton vx. |
10/06/1615 | Mary wife to Thoms. Plasterer of Skelton xo. |
13/06/1615 | Catherine d. to Thomas Plasterer of Skelton 13o. |
16/06/1615 | Richard Willmson of Belbie xvjo. |
24/06/1615 | Willm Nelson of Howden xxiiijo. |
26/06/1615 | A d. to John Blansherd of Knedlington 26o. |
28/06/1615 | An d. to Anthony Pickering of Balkholme 28o. |
Julie 1615. | |
06/07/1615 | Ux. Chappell of Knedlington vjo. |
18/07/1615 | An Hargill of Howden Spinster xviijo. |
22/07/1615 | George s. to Robt. Hesletine of Knedlington xxijo. |
23/07/1615 | Peter Willmson of Skelton Junr. xxiijo. |
31/07/1615 | Richard s. to Peter Willmson of Skelton ultimo |
31/07/1615 | Ux. Earatt of Kilpin ultimo |
August 1615. | |
06/08/1615 | Robert Willmson of Skelton vjo. |
10/08/1615 | Jane Turner of Howden Spinster xo. |
20/08/1615 | An d. to Willm. Kirsie of Bermbie xxo. |
26/08/1615 | A s. to henry Wilson of Howden xxvjo. |
27/08/1615 | Jennett d. to John Smyth late of Newland 27o. |
29/08/1615 | Willm s. to John Cheriholm of Bermbie xxixo. |
September 1615. | |
03/09/1615 | Robert Newby of Skelton iijo. |
04/09/1615 | Thoms. Hawker of Balkholme iiijo. |
16/09/1615 | Xpofer Harforth of Howden xvjo |
24/09/1615 | An d. to Thoms. slater of berinbie xxiiijo. |
28/09/1615 | Marie d. to Ux. Garton of Kilpin xxviijo. |
29/09/1615 | Ux. Busbie of Howden xxixo. |
30/09/1615 | Michaell s. to John Hutcheson of Laxton xxxo. |
30/09/1615 | Willm s. to Willm. Jackson of Bermbie xxxo. |
31/09/1615 | Hugh s. to Willm. Binks of Howden ultimo |
October 1615. | |
03/10/1615 | An d. to John Wilson of Skelton iijo. |
05/10/1615 | Jane d. to Robt. Ellerton of Belbie vo. |
07/10/1615 | Willm. S. to Willm. Swan late of gilberdike vijo. |
14/10/1615 | Alice Machell of Cotnes, vid. xiiijo. |
17/10/1615 | Eliz. Watkin of Laxton xvijo. |
26/10/1615 | John s. to Willm. Hoode of Kilpin xxvjo. |
27/10/1615 | Jane d. to Thoms. Jackson of Newland 27o. |
27/10/1615 | Margaret d. to Eliz. adams of Howden xxvijo. |
27/10/1615 | Ralf Atkinson of Howden xxvijo. |
28/10/1615 | Robert s. to Wm. Swan late of gilberdik xxviijo. |
29/10/1615 | A s. to Edward Fox of Saltmarsh xxixo. |
November 1615. | |
05/11/1615 | Robert s. to Willm. Barker of boothe vo. |
09/11/1615 | A. & B. d. to John Tomson of Knedlington ixo. |
09/11/1615 | An wife to John Tomson of Knedlington ixo. |
16/11/1615 | Jennett Smyth of thorpe, vid. xvjo. |
17/11/1615 | Willm. Stevenson of Knedlington xvijo. |
18/11/1615 | Eliz. d. to Samuell Cooke of Howden xviijo. |
22/11/1615 | An d. to Laurence Garnett of Howden xxijo. |
23/11/1615 | Agnes Hallyday of bermby, vid. xxiijo. |
29/11/1615 | Thoms. Bond of Howden xxixo. |
31/11/1615 | Thoms. s. to Thoms. Richardson of Skelton ultimo |
December 1615. | |
11/12/1615 | Alice d. to Frances Mayson of Howden xjo. |
14/12/1615 | Margaret d. to Robt. Smart of Skelton xiiijo. |
24/12/1615 | Jennett d. to Robt. Jewett of Saltmarsh xxiiijo. |
26/12/1615 | Richard Freman of Howden xxvjo. |
27/12/1615 | Phillip Collin of Balkholme xxvijo. |
27/12/1615 | Jennett d. to John Noble of Saltmarsh xxvijo. |
28/12/1615 | Margarett Witton of Howden spinst. xxviijo. |
29/12/1615 | Alice wif to Cuthbt. musgrave of Howden xxixo. |
31/12/1615 | Christofer Atkinson of Saltmarsh ultimo |
January 1615. | |
02/01/1615 | Edward s. to John Gaythorn of Howden ijo. |
06/01/1615 | A d. to Willm. Thorpe of Laxton vjo. |
09/01/1615 | A s. to Thoms. Freman of Howden ixo. |
13/01/1615 | Richard Maire of Howden, youngn xiijo. |
13/01/1615 | Thoms. Yong of Skelton xiijo. |
13/01/1615 | A d. to Robert Wooddall of Howden xiijo. |
13/01/1615 | Willm s. to Robt. Wooddall of Balkholme xiijo. |
13/01/1615 | An Richardson of Asselbie, vid. xiijo. |
14/01/1615 | Isabell Nicholson als. Tomlin of Kilpin xiiijo. |
14/01/1615 | Robert Nayler of Skelton xiiijo. |
16/01/1615 | Margaret wif to Robt. Wooddall of Howden xvjo. |
17/01/1615 | Edward Nutt of Howden xvijo. |
18/01/1615 | A s. to Willm. Collin of Bermbie xviijo. |
19/01/1615 | Sara d. to Thoms. Robinson of Howden xixo. |
22/01/1615 | John s. to Robt. Awdus of Knedlington xxijo. |
22/01/1615 | Symon s. to Frances Howdall of Howden xxijo. |
24/01/1615 | Alice d. to Hugh Robinson of Howden xxiiijo. |
25/01/1615 | Willm. Cattell of Sandhall xxvo. |
29/01/1615 | Jane d. to Robert Tindall of Cotnes xxixo. |
29/01/1615 | Willm. Richardson of Skelton ultimo |
February 1615. | |
01/02/1615 | Thomas Walker of Howden vx. |
06/02/1615 | Hester d. to John kirton of Howden vjo. |
06/02/1615 | Edward Thorpe of Laxton vjo, |
08/02/1615 | Willm s. to Thoms. spender of Bermbie viijo. |
09/02/1615 | Willm. s. to Willm. kirkbie of Howden ixo. |
10/02/1615 | An wif to Thoms. Dowson of Howden xo. |
11/02/1615 | Robert Wooddall of Howden, senr. xjo. |
14/02/1615 | An Thomasine of Howden vid. senr. xiiijo. |
15/02/1615 | Alexander s. to Savige Harrison of Bermbie xvo. |
15/02/1615 | Anthony s. to nicholas Porter of Laxton xvo. |
16/02/1615 | Willm Blansherd of Laxton xvjo. |
17/02/1615 | Gregorie s. to Robt. Bambrough of Howden xvijo. |
18/02/1615 | Willm. Smart of Skelton xviijo. |
20/02/1615 | A d. to An Appleyard of Howden xxo. |
Marche 1615. | |
03/03/1615 | Isabell d. to Thomas Dallie of Balkholme iijo. |
04/03/1615 | David s. to Em. Thorp of Belbie, vid. iiijo. |
05/03/1615 | Willm Storme of belbie vo. |
05/03/1615 | Thoms. Noble of Asselbie vo. |
05/03/1615 | Thomas Leeds of Asselbie vo. |
05/03/1615 | A d. to Robt. Hesseltine of Knedlington vo. |
06/03/1615 | Jennett Wells of Cotnes, vid. vjo. |
07/03/1615 | Margaret d. to Thoms. Richardson of Skelton vijo |
07/03/1615 | Agnes wif to John Skin of Asselbie vijo. |
12/03/1615 | Eliz. d. to Jane Ward of Asselbie xijo. |
14/03/1615 | Symon Daire of Cavill xiiijo. |
16/03/1615 | Paull Conyngworth of Howden xvjo. |
17/03/1615 | An Durham of Howden vid. xvijo. |
21/03/1615 | Steven Sparrow of Howden xxjo. |
21/03/1615 | Willm s. to John Dallison of Bermbie xxjo. |
22/03/1615 | A s. to John Osburne of belbie xxijo. |
24/03/1615 | Willm. s. to John Smyth of Bermbie, Junr. xxiiijo. |
27/03/1615 | Thoms. s. to Thos. Stevenson of Whitgift xxvijo. |
27/03/1615 | A d. to Richard Carie of Skelton xxvijo. |
29/03/1615 | An wif to Thoms. Harrison of Bermbie, Senn xxixo+ |
Aprill 1616. | |
01/04/1616 | Willm. Beelbie of Skelton Senr. vx. |
08/04/1616 | Jennett Martine of Bermbie, vid. viijo. |
15/04/1616 | Robert Awdus of Asselbie xvo. |
17/04/1616 | Robt. s. to Richard Riche of Skelton xvijo. |
22/04/1616 | John Stevenson of Skelton, Junr. xxijo. |
22/04/1616 | Eliz. wif to Laurence Hessay of Kilpin xxijo. |
24/04/1616 | Grace d. to Thoms. stevenson of Howden xxiiijo. |
24/04/1616 | Cuthbert Hunsley of Asselbie xxiiijo. |
May 1616. | |
04/05/1616 | A. d. to Richard Sutton of Howden iiijo. |
08/05/1616 | Catherine Atkinson of Howden vid. viijo. |
08/05/1616 | Willm Leaper of Bermbie viijo. |
09/05/1616 | Richard s. to Thoms. Morton of Howden ixo. |
10/05/1616 | Catherine Gowland of Belbie xo. |
11/05/1616 | Christofer Nelson of Balkholme xjo. |
15/05/1616 | Thoms. Bakebie of Balkholme xvo. |
16/05/1616 | Margaret wif to Anthony Tomson of Skelton xvjo. |
June 1616. | |
18/06/1616 | Anthonie S. to Rich. Gofer of Saltmarsh xviijo. |
24/06/1616 | Richard Ripplinghm. of Balkholme xxiiijo. |
24/06/1616 | Grace wif to Wm. Harrison of Howden xxiiijo. |
26/06/1616 | Eliz. wif to Richard Hart of Howden xxvjo. |
28/06/1616 | Eliz. d. to Edward Nutt late of Howden xxviijo. |
05/06/1616 | George s. to John Cade of Howden Junr. vo. |
08/06/1616 | Thoms. s. to George Noble of Saltmarsh viijo. |
08/06/1616 | A d. to George Pattrick of Saltmarsh viijo. |
18/06/1616 | Eliz. d. to John Jackson of Laxton xviijo. |
18/06/1616 | John s. to Robert Lunds of Howden xviijo. |
21/06/1616 | A s. to Thoms. Hinchbald of Kilpin xxj |
26/06/1616 | John s. to John Noble of Kilpin xxvjo. |
26/06/1616 | Richard Pocklington of Bermbie xxvjo. |
26/06/1616 | John Mayson of Howden tannr. xxvjo. |
Julie 1616. | |
01/07/1616 | Isaac s. to Thoms. Smyth of Asselbie vx. |
04/07/1616 | Agnes Fingley of Bermbie, vid. iiijo. |
04/07/1616 | An d. to Richard Badkin of belbie iiijo. |
05/07/1616 | Richard s. to Henry Pickerd of nottinghm. vo. |
12/07/1616 | Joane d. to John Rudhill of Howden xijo. |
22/07/1616 | Dorothie d. to Thoms. Bilbrough of Saltmarsh xxijo. |
23/07/1616 | Barbara d. to John mason of Howden taler xxiijo. |
August 1616. | |
04/08/1616 | An wif to Rich. Stapleton of Howden iiijo. |
08/08/1616 | Xpofer s. to george Cooke of Howden viijo. |
09/08/1616 | Jane d. to Steven Collison of newland ixo. |
16/08/1616 | Jennett Dallison of Bermbie, vid. xvjo. |
22/08/1616 | Frances d. to Oswold Tod of Howden xxijo. |
23/08/1616 | Mathew s. to Robt. Stevenson of Howden xxiijo. |
September 1616. | |
10/09/1616 | A s. to Nicholas Chappell of Knedlington xo. |
10/09/1616 | Catherine d. to Robt. Westabie of Asselbie xo. |
13/09/1616 | Thoms. Thorpe of Asselbie xiijo. |
13/09/1616 | Thoms. Roberts, vicar of Ellerton xiijo. |
18/09/1616 | Susanna d. to Thoms. sutton of Asselbie xviijo. |
25/09/1616 | A s. to Cuthbert Hall of Asselbie xxvo. |
28/09/1616 | Nicholas Skin of Howden xxviijo. |
October 1616. | |
01/10/1616 | John Hallywell of Saltmarsh vx. |
02/10/1616 | John Cowper of Howden ijo. |
04/10/1616 | Marmaduke Gilson, a strangr. iiijo. |
11/10/1616 | Thoms. s. to Robt. Thorpe of Asselbie xj.. |
18/10/1616 | Jennett Owberrie of Skelton xviijo. |
18/10/1616 | Eliz. Sutton of Bermbie xviijo. |
25/10/1616 | Alison Jewett of Saltmarshe xxvo. |
27/10/1616 | Willm s. to Wm. Flawoode of Asselbie xxvijo. |
28/10/1616 | A s. to Willm. Anderson of boothe senr. xxviijo. |
29/10/1616 | Anthony s. to Wm. Beelbie of Skelton xxixo. |
30/10/1616 | Willm. Newsom of Howden ultimo |
30/10/1616 | Margaret Burne of Knedlington ultimo |
November 1616. | |
02/11/1616 | A s. to Thoms. Gilpin of Howden ijo. |
03/11/1616 | Eliz. d. to Wm. Newton of lathm. iijo. |
05/11/1616 | A s. to Willm. Beelbie of Skelton vo. |
05/11/1616 | Robert Parke of Howden vo. |
06/11/1616 | An wif to Wm. Plasterer of Balkholme vjo. |
08/11/1616 | Eliz. d. to Wm. Harforth of Howden viijo. |
09/11/1616 | An Fletcher of Howden spinster ixo. |
09/11/1616 | An d. to John Thorpe of Thorpe ixo. |
11/11/1616 | Margaret Crowsie of Cotnes, vid. xjo. |
22/11/1616 | A d. to John kirton of Howden xxijo. |
26/11/1616 | Thomas Harrison of Bermbie senr. xxvjo. |
27/11/1616 | Willm. s. to Wm. Sanderson of Bermbie xxvijo. |
27/11/1616 | Dorothie d. to John Maskill of Cotnes xxvijo. |
31/11/1616 | Margaret wif to Mathew Turner of Newsom ultimo |
December 1616. | |
08/12/1616 | Christabell Soule of Saltmarsh, vid. viijo. |
10/12/1616 | Jane Lancaster of Asselbie, spinster xo. |
10/12/1616 | Margarett Newbie of Kilpin xo |
12/12/1616 | Thoms. to Wm. Sarratt of Howden xijo. |
13/12/1616 | John s. to John Inglebie of Bermbie xiijo. |
17/12/1616 | John Smart of Skelton xvijo. |
17/12/1616 | Grisell d. to Rowland Sanderson of Skelton xvijo. |
22/12/1616 | Dorothie wif to Robt. Jewett of Saltmarsh xxijo. |
23/12/1616 | Thoms. s. to Ralf Wigfull of Belbie xxiijo. |
23/12/1616 | Catherine d. to John Horsley of Howden xxiijo. |
29/12/1616 | Richard Smyth of Bermbie xxixo. |
January 1616. | |
04/01/1616 | Thomas Endike of Howden iiijo. |
05/01/1616 | A d. to Robert Awdus of Knedlington vo. |
09/01/1616 | Marie d. to Thomas Plasterer of Skelton ixo. |
09/01/1616 | Thoms. s. to Leonard Richardson of Asselbie ixo. |
12/01/1616 | Isobell d. to John Mayson of Howden m'cer xijo. |
13/01/1616 | Agnes Widdowes of Howden vida. exc. xiijo. |
13/01/1616 | Robt. s. to Edward Nutt late of Howden xiijo. |
16/01/1616 | Lewes s. to John Cade of Howden junr. xvjo. |
18/01/1616 | Thoms. s. to Willm. Richardson of Howden xviijo. |
19/01/1616 | Eliz. d. to Robt. Awdus of Knedlington xixo. |
20/01/1616 | Alice Cattell of Asselbie, vid. xxo. |
28/01/1616 | Margarett Wilkinson of Howden vid. xxviijo. |
29/01/1616 | Thoms. s. to Frances Awdus of booth xxixo. |
February 1616. | |
07/02/1616 | An wif to Willm. Jackson of Howden vijo. |
10/02/1616 | James Alus of Howden xo. |
11/02/1616 | Catherine d. to Willm. Barker of Bermbie xjo. |
12/02/1616 | Eliz. Awderson of Howden xijo. |
15/02/1616 | Joane d. to Robt. Starkie of Balkholme xvo. |
16/02/1616 | Ellen d. to Robt. Cade of Howden xvjo. |
17/02/1616 | Margerie d. to John Lodge of Howden xvijo. |
23/02/1616 | Thoms. Thomson of Belbie xxiijo. |
27/02/1616 | Isabell wif to Thoms. Stevenson of Whitgift 27o. |
28/02/1616 | Xpofer Harrison of Bermbie xxviijo. |
March 1616. | |
05/03/1616 | Thoms. sharpe of Asselbie, fidler vo. |
06/03/1616 | Dorothie d. to Wm. Stevenson of belbie vjo. |
07/03/1616 | A s. to Edward Fox of Saltmarsh vijo. |
09/03/1616 | Nicholas Sanderson of Howden ixo. |
09/03/1616 | An d. to george Belt of Howden ixo. |
16/03/1616 | Willm. Anderson of Boothe xvjo. |
21/03/1616 | Wm. s. to John Meodley of Whitgift ferrie xxjo. |
22/03/1616 | Marie d. to Rowland Sandersen of Skelton xxijo. |
March 1617. | |
28/03/1617 | Frances Pennyngton of Knedlington 28o. |
29/03/1617 | Eliz. d. to Henry Clifton of Howden 29o. |
30/03/1617 | A. & B. s. to John Masfeild of Saltmarsh 30o. |
Aprill 1617. | |
04/04/1617 | Willm. s. to Willm. Dent of Bermbie iiijo. |
04/04/1617 | A s. to Margarett Shepherd of Skelton iiijo |
08/04/1617 | Eliz. Beelbie of Barmbie viijo. |
08/04/1617 | Richard Bent of Bermbie viijo. |
09/04/1617 | Thoms. Pattrick of Saltmarsh ixo. |
11/04/1617 | An d. to Willm. Hoode of Kilpin xjo. |
14/04/1617 | Marie Stoner of Howden xiiijo. |
19/04/1617 | Eliz. d. to Peter Willmson of Skelton xixo. |
20/04/1617 | Will., Harrison of Asselbie xxo. |
23/04/1617 | John Rock of Howden xxiijo. |
24/04/1617 | John Anderson, a scotsman xxiiijo. |
26/04/1617 | Robert Nicholson of Howden xxvjo. |
May 1617. | |
13/05/1617 | Marie wif to Hugh Robinson of Howden xiijo. |
21/05/1617 | A d. to Thoms. Hinchbald of Kilpin xxjo. |
21/05/1617 | John s. to Robert Wood of Knedlington xxjo. |
25/05/1617 | A d. to Frances kempe of Howden xxvo. |
26/05/1617 | Agnes wif to Robt. Jarrard of Thorpe xxvjo. |
27/05/1617 | John s. to Uxor fletcher of Laxton xxvijo. |
June 1617. | |
02/06/1617 | Eliz. d. to Richard Sharpe of Bermbie ijo. |
08/06/1617 | Margaret wif to John Beelbie of Skelton viijo. |
19/06/1617 | Guy Yong of Thorpe xixo. |
22/06/1617 | John Nelson of Kilpin xxijo. |
26/06/1617 | An d. to John Tomyson of Howden xxvjo. |
27/06/1617 | Isabell wif to Thoms. Pattrick of Balkholme 27o. |
29/06/1617 | Margarett d. to Thoms. Cook of Knedlington xxixo. |
Julie 1617. | |
05/07/1617 | John s. to Lawrence Hessey of Kilpin vo. |
06/07/1617 | Isabell wif to Wm. Coccoline of Knedlington vjo. |
12/07/1617 | Jane wif to Georg Awdus of Knedlington xijo. |
20/07/1617 | Dorothie d. to Thoms. Endik late of Howden xxo. |
25/07/1617 | Robert Readhead of Howden Esqr. xxvo. |
26/07/1617 | An d. to Robt. Fletcher of Howden xxvjo. |
27/07/1617 | John Twhaits of Saltmarshe xxvijo. |
29/07/1617 | Marie d. to An Nicholson of Howden xxixo. |
August 1617. | |
16/08/1617 | Susanna d. to Nicholas Chappell of Knedlington xvjo. |
19/08/1617 | Jane d. to John Noble of Asselbie xixo. |
20/08/1617 | Catherine d. to John Noble of Asselbie xxo. |
23/08/1617 | A s. to Thoms. Townsley of Asselbie xxiijo. |
24/08/1617 | An d. to Henrie Hunsley of Howden xxiiijo. |
30/08/1617 | Robert s. to John Lancton of Kilpin ultimo |
30/08/1617 | Isabell d. to Wilfray milner of Howden ultimo |
September 1617. | |
05/09/1617 | Robert Starkie of Balkholme vo. |
10/09/1617 | Alison wif to Robt. Walker of Bermbie xo. |
17/09/1617 | Eliz. wif to Willm. Wilbert of Kilpin xvijo. |
17/09/1617 | Eliz. d. to An Heward of Howden xvijo. |
17/09/1617 | Hester d. to An Raynard of Howden xvijo. |
17/09/1617 | Jane wif to Phillip Burie of Howden xvijo. |
20/09/1617 | Thoms. Johnson of Howden xxo. |
31/09/1617 | Isabell wif to Wm. Parker of Asselbie ultimo |
October 1617. | |
03/10/1617 | Richard s. to John Ashton of Asselbie iijo. |
03/10/1617 | Nicholas Robinson of Howden iijo. |
15/10/1617 | Catherine wif to John Skin of Asselbie xvo. |
21/10/1617 | Frances d. to georg Palmer of newland xxjo. |
21/10/1617 | Alice d. to Richard Johnson of Asselbie xxjo. |
22/10/1617 | Nicholas s. to Nicholas Cutt of Howden xxijo. |
25/10/1617 | Robert s. to Peter Collinson of Howden xxvo. |
30/10/1617 | Thoms. s. to Robt. Thorpe of Asselbie xxxo. |
30/10/1617 | Frances wif to John Stevenson of Knedlington xxxo. |
November 1617. | |
03/11/1617 | Marie wif to James Morley of Cotnes iijo. |
07/11/1617 | George Mooke of Howden vij |
08/11/1617 | A d. to John Rainforth of Laxton viijo. |
12/11/1617 | Isabell Trotter of Knedlington xijo. |
24/11/1617 | Michaell s. to Thomas Lawtie of Cotnes xxiiijo. |
December 1617. | |
01/12/1617 | George Empson of Saltmarsh vx. |
07/12/1617 | Catherine Sutton of Knedlington, vid. vijo. |
08/12/1617 | An wif to Thoms. Tomson of Balkholme viijo. |
09/12/1617 | Thomas Watkinson of Howden ixo. |
10/12/1617 | Thoms. s. to Willm. Palmer of Howden xo. |
11/12/1617 | An d. to John Lambley of Knedlington xjo. |
15/12/1617 | Dorothe d. to Willm. Thackray of Howden xvo. |
17/12/1617 | Peter Wright of Knedlington xvijo. |
25/12/1617 | Robert Becke of Howden xxvo. |
28/12/1617 | Jane d. to Rich. Horsell of Armyn xxviijo. |
29/12/1617 | Robt. s. to John Pattrick late of Saltmarsh xxixo. |
29/12/1617 | Marie Prowdfot d. to Robt. Fleare of Howden xxixo. |
29/12/1617 | Agnes wif to Thoms. sothabie of Bermbie xxixo. |
Januarie 1617. | |
05/01/1617 | A s. to Georg Fingley of Bermbie vo. |
08/01/1617 | Grace d. to John Smart late of Skelton viijo. |
09/01/1617 | Ralf Hudson of Howden ixo. |
10/01/1617 | Grace Pattrick of Saltmarshe, vid. xo. |
12/01/1617 | Isabell Fingley of berm bie, spinst. xijo. |
22/01/1617 | An d. to George Belt of Howden xxijo. |
24/01/1617 | marie wif to Robt. Fleare of Howden xxiiijo. |
28/01/1617 | John s. to Richard martin of Bermbie xxviijo. |
28/01/1617 | Willm s. to Robt. Durham of Howden xxviijo. |
31/01/1617 | Thoms. Blansherd of Newland xxxjo. |
February 1617. | |
06/02/1617 | Alice wif to John Willan of Howden vjo. |
07/02/1617 | Margarett Rawdon of Bermbie vijo. |
07/02/1617 | Willm s. to Robt. Francland of Kilpin vijo. |
08/02/1617 | Eliz. wif to Willm. Dawson of Saltmarshe viijo. |
08/02/1617 | Eliz. d. to John Hargell of Laxton viij |
11/02/1617 | John s. to John Ashton of Asselbie xjo. |
13/02/1617 | A s. to Steven Smith of Bermbie, junr. xiijo. |
14/02/1617 | Dorothie d. to mr. Willm. Langdale Esqr. xiiijo. |
15/02/1617 | Eliz. d. to Ux. Pennyngton of Knedlington xvo. |
15/02/1617 | Marmaduk s. to Wm. Smithson of Cotnes xvo. |
25/02/1617 | Thoms. s. to Lawrence Hessay of Kilpin xxvo. |
25/02/1617 | Isabell Porter of Howden, vid. xxvo. |
26/02/1617 | A s. to Thomas Hembrough of Laxton xxvjo. |
26/02/1617 | Xpofer s. to Xpofer Watkin of Asselbie xxvjo. |
27/02/1617 | A. & B. childer to John Wmson of Skelton xxvijo. |
Marche 1617. | |
01/03/1617 | Ellen wife to Thoms. Stevenson of Bermbie vx. |
02/03/1617 | Steven s. to Robt. Stevenson of Howden ijo. |
02/03/1617 | Catherine Clarke of Howden ijo. |
04/03/1617 | An wif to Richard Belwood of Skelton iiijo. |
06/03/1617 | Jennett Twhaits of Saltmarsh, vid. vjo. |
08/03/1617 | Thoms. s. to Ux. Collin of Balkholme viijo. |
10/03/1617 | Thoms. Pocklington of Knedlington xo. |
15/03/1617 | Hugh s. to John Mason late of Howden xvo. |
16/03/1617 | Ellen Stotheram of Howden, vid. xvjo. |
17/03/1617 | A s. to Ralf Wigfall of Thorpe xvijo. |
19/03/1617 | Richard Watson of Laxton xixo. |
20/03/1617 | A d. to George Awdus of Asselbie xxo. |
22/03/1617 | Catherine wif to Ralf Wigfall of Thorpe xxijo. |
24/03/1617 | nicholas Porter of Laxton xxiiijo. |
March 1618. | |
25/03/1618 | Jennett Skin of Saltmarsh xxvo. |
28/03/1618 | Agnes maison of Howden 28o. |
29/03/1618 | John Jewett of Saltmarsh 29o. |
30/03/1618 | Em. wife to John Empson of Howden 30o. |
Aprill 1618. | |
01/04/1618 | Thomas Harrison of Bermbie, balife vx. |
03/04/1618 | Margaret wife to John Thornton of Asselbie iijo. |
06/04/1618 | Margaret d. to Willm. Dawson of Saltmarsh vjo. |
07/04/1618 | Robert Bowett of Kilpin vijo. |
07/04/1618 | Willm Elliott of Skelton vijo. |
08/04/1618 | Eliz. Witton of Howden viijo. |
10/04/1618 | Em. wife to Barthol : Freman of Laxton xo. |
11/04/1618 | A s. to Lawrence Yong of Thorpe xjo. |
12/04/1618 | Agnes wif to Willm. Gofar of Balkholme xijo. |
13/04/1618 | Jane d. to Leonard Steed of Asselbie xiijo. |
16/04/1618 | Mary d. to Peter Willmson of Skelton xvjo. |
Maye 1618. | |
05/05/1618 | A d. to Edward Fox of Saltmarsh vo. |
07/05/1618 | Frances d. to Margaret Craven of Howden vijo. |
11/05/1618 | Margaret Jackson of Portington, vid. xjo. |
12/05/1618 | Hugh Mergeson of Belbie xijo. |
14/05/1618 | John s. to Robt. Simson of Skelton xiiijo. |
14/05/1618 | Willm Seamer of Boothe xiiijo. |
16/05/1618 | Xpofer s. to John Morton of Asselbie xvjo. |
16/05/1618 | An d. to Robt Purrell of Bermbie xvjo. |
17/05/1618 | Briget d. to george Blansherd of Laxton 17o. |
22/05/1618 | John s. to John Rabie of Skelton 22o. |
23/05/1618 | Margaret wife to Thoms. Thorp of Howden sent. 23o. |
28/05/1618 | Tempere. d. to Robt. Portington of Yockflet 28o. |
28/05/1618 | John Witton of Howden 28o. |
June 1618. | |
02/06/1618 | Thomas Casson of Howden ijo. |
06/06/1618 | Robt. s. to Thomas Watkinson late of Howden vjo. |
14/06/1618 | Mathew s. to Willm. Wallis of Howden xiiijo. |
18/06/1618 | A s. to Roger Spicer of Thorpe xviijo. |
20/06/1618 | Xpofer Fingley of Bermbie xxo. |
24/06/1618 | Frances Esh of Howden xxiiijo. |
July 1618. | |
12/07/1618 | Eliz. Robinson of Howden, spinst. xijo. |
14/07/1618 | Robt. s. to Robt. Niccoll of Skelton xiiijo. |
25/07/1618 | An d. to Edward Wilson of Howden 25o. |
25/07/1618 | An d. to Robt. Lunde of Howden 25o. |
August 1618. | |
04/08/1618 | Henrie Stevenson of Skelton iiijo. |
06/08/1618 | Michaell Lawrence of Asselbie vjo. |
15/08/1618 | Robt. s. to Ux. Noble of Asselbie xvo. |
16/08/1618 | A s. to mathew Heward of Howden xvjo. |
26/08/1618 | Richard s. to Ux. Lawrence of Asselbie 26o |
30/08/1618 | John s. to John Gaythorne of Howden ultimo |
September 1618. | |
06/09/1618 | Richard Hart of Howden vjo. |
07/09/1618 | Robt. s. to Thoms. mawde of Saltmarsh vijo. |
09/09/1618 | Marie d. to John Mayson of Howden fishm : ixo. |
10/09/1618 | Marie d. to Willm. Sanderson of Bermbie xo |
10/09/1618 | Dorcas d. to Willm. Waugh of Laxton xo. |
11/09/1618 | Nicholas s. to Willm Flawoode of Asselbie xjo. |
15/09/1618 | Steven s. to Steven Fingley of Bermbie xvo. |
21/09/1618 | Robert s. to John Gaythorne of Howden xxjo. |
29/09/1618 | Willm. Richardson of Howden 29o. |
October 1618. | |
01/10/1618 | A s. to John Apthrope of Kilpin vx. |
10/10/1618 | Eliz. d. to Thoms. Barker of Bermbie xo. |
10/10/1618 | A d. to Willm. Awdus of Belbie xo. |
14/10/1618 | Jennett wif to John Apthorpe of Kilpin xiiijo. |
15/10/1618 | A. & B. sons to John Knight of Kilpin xvo. |
16/10/1618 | Briscam Mires, a stranger xvjo. |
November 1618. | |
09/11/1618 | Willm. Lye of Laxton ixo. |
13/11/1618 | Jane Robinson of Balkholme, spinst. xiijo. |
17/11/1618 | John s. to John Smithe of Knedlington xvijo. |
18/11/1618 | Margarett wif to Ralf Tayler of Howden xviijo |
31/11/1618 | marie d. to John Harrison of Bermbie ultimo |
December 1618. | |
07/12/1618 | Robert Thornton of Howden vijo. |
09/12/1618 | Eliz. d. to John Rainforth of Laxton ixo |
09/12/1618 | John s. to Richard Goodlad of Newland ixo. |
10/12/1618 | Sithe Courser of Laxton vid. xo |
11/12/1618 | Timothie s. to Philip Bury of Howden xjo. |
11/12/1618 | Willm. Dudding of Kilpin xjo. |
12/12/1618 | Susanna d. to John Ashton of Asselbie xijo. |
14/12/1618 | Alice Jackson of Howden, spinst. xiiijo. |
19/12/1618 | Isabell d. to John Nicholson of Howden xixo. |
27/12/1618 | Eliz. d. to John Lodge of Howden xxvijo. |
30/12/1618 | Eliz. Crowsie of Cotnes, spinster xxxo. |
January 1618. | |
04/01/1618 | Jane d. to Richard Cattell of Asselbie iiijo. |
06/01/1618 | A s. to Peter Willmson of Skelton vjo. |
19/01/1618 | Thoms. Dallie of Balkholme xixo. |
19/01/1618 | John Parkin of Kilpin xixo. |
21/01/1618 | Robert Hargrave of Skelton xxjo. |
24/01/1618 | Robt. s. to Robt. Crosier of Saltmarsh xxiiijo. |
26/01/1618 | Samuell Cooke of Howden xxvjo. |
30/01/1618 | Anthony & B. childr : to John Wmson of Skelton 30o. |
29/01/1618 | Thoms. s. to John Willmson of Skelton ultimo |
29/01/1618 | Alice Stevenson of Asselbie ultimo |
February 1618. | |
21/02/1618 | John s. to John Lambley of Knedlington xxjo. |
23/02/1618 | Dorothie d. to Ellen Barker of Howden xxiijo. |
24/02/1618 | Catherine d. to Willm. Casse of Knedlington xxiiijo. |
25/02/1618 | Jane d. to Steven Lawtie of Kilpin xxvo. |
26/02/1618 | Cuthbert s. to Cuthbert Hall of Asselbie xxvjo. |
26/02/1618 | Mathew s. to henry Coltherd of Knedlington xxvjo |
28/02/1618 | A s. to Thomas Johnson of Laxton xxviijo |
28/02/1618 | Ellen wif to Thoms. Walker of Bermbie xxviijo. |
28/02/1618 | John Atkinson of the Carhouse xxviijo. |
28/02/1618 | Jane Cooke of Skelton xxviijo. |
March 1618. | |
01/03/1618 | Joane Fingley of Bermbie, spinst. vx. |
02/03/1618 | Willm s. to Willm. Thackray of Howden ijo. |
03/03/1618 | Alice wif to Ralf Wright of Knedlington iijo. |
06/03/1618 | Thoms. Palmer of Howden vjo. |
08/03/1618 | Willm s. to Richard Barker of Asselbie viijo. |
13/03/1618 | An wif to Marmaduke Machell of Cotnes, gent. xiijo. |
13/03/1618 | Robert s. to John Ingelbie of bermby xiijo. |
15/03/1618 | A d. to Richard Woode of Balkholme xvo. |
17/03/1618 | Jane Hamelton of Howden, vid. xvijo. |
17/03/1618 | John Arksay of Laxton xvijo |
18/03/1618 | Frances Mayson of Howden xviijo. |
March 1619. | |
25/03/1619 | Isabell d. to John Nelson of Howden xxvo. |
27/03/1619 | Effam d. to Edward Norman of Howden xxvijo. |
Aprill 1619. | |
01/04/1619 | Isabell d. to John Slater of Bermbie vx. |
05/04/1619 | A s. to Edward Pinder of Laxton vo. |
06/04/1619 | John s. to John Spencer of Bermbie vjo. |
06/04/1619 | Robert Bambrough of Howden vjo. |
08/04/1619 | Robt. s. to Robt. Readhead late of Howden Esqr. viijo. |
09/04/1619 | James s. to John Wray of Howden ixo. |
10/04/1619 | Grace wif to John Raines of Saltmarsh xo. |
10/04/1619 | margaret Bowes of Howden, vid. xo. |
11/04/1619 | Edward Chadwick of Howden xjo. |
11/04/1619 | Robert Lyon of Balkholme xjo |
12/04/1619 | A s. to Peter Collyson of Howden xijo |
13/04/1619 | Francis wife to Edward Widdowes of Knedlington xiijo. |
18/04/1619 | Willm Pocklington of Bermbie xviijo. |
18/04/1619 | Richard s. to Willm. Sutton of Asselbie xviijo. |
18/04/1619 | An kirkbie of Howden, spinster xviijo. |
25/04/1619 | Thomas Raineforth of Saltmarsh xxvo. |
25/04/1619 | Isabell d. to Peter harrison of ye groves xxvo. |
26/04/1619 | Jennet d. to Robert Purrell of Bermbie 26. |
27/04/1619 | Thoms. Spencer of Howden xxvijo. |
29/04/1619 | Eliz. d. to Rich. Atkinson of Knedlington 29. |
May 1619. | |
02/05/1619 | James Morley of Cotnes ijo. |
10/05/1619 | Thoms. Crosier of Howden xo. |
12/05/1619 | Margaret Hudson of Howden xijo. |
18/05/1619 | Catherine d. to Willm. Nelson of Kilpin xviijo. |
19/05/1619 | Alice wif to Willm. Riccall of Howden xixo. |
23/05/1619 | Catherine wif to Jerman Skelton of Howden xxiijo. |
26/05/1619 | Robert Jarratt of Thorp xxvjo. |
27/05/1619 | Eliz. d. to Edward Widdowes of Knedlington xxvijo. |
June 1619. | |
06/06/1619 | Em. d. to John Pickering of Laxton vjo. |
23/06/1619 | Jane wife to John Kennyley of Howden xxiijo. |
27/06/1619 | Edward Abbott of Howden xxvijo. |
Julie 1619. | |
04/07/1619 | Catherin d. to John Binds of Howden iiijo. |
06/07/1619 | Jacob s. to Thoms. stevenson of Howden vjo. |
09/07/1619 | Agnes Gilliatt of Saltmarsh, vid. ixo. |
10/07/1619 | Phillip s. to Willm. Headley of Skelt. xo. |
17/07/1619 | Eliz. Parkin of Howden xvijo. |
20/07/1619 | Robert s. to Robert Beelbie of Saltmarsh xxo. |
23/07/1619 | A s. to Robert Stevenson of Skelton xxiijo. |
26/07/1619 | A d. to Edward Fox of Saltmarsh xxvjo. |
28/07/1619 | George s. to Ux. Bambrough of Howden xxviijo. |
August 1619. | |
02/08/1619 | Jennett s. to Edward Fox of Saltmarsh ijo. |
02/08/1619 | Margarett Hallywell of Saltmarsh ijo. |
04/08/1619 | A d. to John dawson of Saltmarsh iiijo. |
05/08/1619 | Phillip s. to Rich. Stapleton of Howden vo. |
08/08/1619 | John s. to Rich. Atkinson of Saltmarsh viijo. |
08/08/1619 | Willm s. to Eliz. Parkin of Howden viijo. |
19/08/1619 | Alice kennyley of Howden vid. xixo. |
19/08/1619 | Jane Mercer of Howden spinst. xixo. |
22/08/1619 | Edward Pearson of Howden xxijo. |
24/08/1619 | Mary d. to John Earatt of Howden xxiiijo. |
September 1619. | |
05/09/1619 | A s. to Jarvaise Richardson of Asselbie vo. |
06/09/1619 | An wif to Jarvaise Richardson of Asselbie vjo. |
06/09/1619 | Martha wif to Peter Frodson of Laxton vjo. |
12/09/1619 | Edward s. to Edward Jewett of Balkholme xijo. |
13/09/1619 | Thomas Gilpin of Howden xiijo. |
16/09/1619 | A s. to Thoms. Hembrough of Laxton xvjo. |
17/09/1619 | Alice d. to John Binds of Howden xvijo. |
17/09/1619 | Eliz. wif to John Masfeild of Saltmarsh xvijo. |
17/09/1619 | An d. to Thoms. Simson of Balkholme xvijo. |
18/09/1619 | John s. to Thoms. Hembrough of Laxton xviijo. |
19/09/1619 | Henry Coltherd of Knedlington xixo. |
21/09/1619 | Alice d. to Robt. Crosier senr. of Saltmarsh xxjo. |
24/09/1619 | James Webster of Howden xxiiijo. |
25/09/1619 | Margaret wif to Tho. hembrough of Laxton xxvo. |
26/09/1619 | georg s. to John Blansheard of Knedlington xxvjo. |
October 1619. | |
01/10/1619 | Agnes Deft of Skelton, spinst. vx. |
01/10/1619 | Jane d. to Edmond dawson of Howden vx. |
07/10/1619 | Robert s. to Robert Mudd of holme vijo. |
16/10/1619 | Richard Story of Saltmarsh xvjo. |
16/10/1619 | Frances s. to Franc Widowes of Howden xvjo. |
17/10/1619 | Eliz. wif to Rich. Petch of Howden xvijo. |
17/10/1619 | Peter s. to John Hutcheson of Laxton xvijo. |
18/10/1619 | Henry s. to John nutbrowne of Knedlington xviijo. |
19/10/1619 | Eliz. d. to Rich. Petch of Howden xixo. |
22/10/1619 | John s. to George Arksay of Laxton xxijo. |
28/10/1619 | Agnes wif to James Bradley of newt. 28o |
30/10/1619 | Edward Dawson of Howden xxxo. |
November 1619. | |
03/11/1619 | Jane Cook of Balkholme, vid. iijo. |
05/11/1619 | Isabell Elliott of Howden vid. vo. |
07/11/1619 | Willm Beelbie of Bermbie vijo. |
09/11/1619 | John s. to Ux. Bambrough of Howden ixo. |
11/11/1619 | Mathew s. to Robt. Ellerton of belbie xjo. |
26/11/1619 | Isabell wif to Rich. Atkinson of Skelt. xxvjo. |
26/11/1619 | Jane Bennyson of Asselbie, ux. xxvjo. |
28/11/1619 | Isabell Beard of Howden spinst. xxviijo. |
December 1619. | |
05/12/1619 | Phillip s. to george Barker of Cotnes vo. |
08/12/1619 | A s. to Willm. Hallyday of Laxton viijo. |
10/12/1619 | Eliz. wif to John Horsman of Laxton xo. |
14/12/1619 | Agnes Walls of Skelton, vid. xiiijo. |
15/12/1619 | Isabell wif to Thoms. Storme of belbie xvo. |
17/12/1619 | George Jewett of Saltmarsh xvijo. |
21/12/1619 | Willm s. to Rich. Gofar of Balkholme xxjo. |
24/12/1619 | Jane wif to Mathew heward of Howden xxiiijo. |
27/12/1619 | Symon Hesselwoode of Cotnes xxvijo. |
January 1619. | |
05/01/1619 | Robt. Hesseltine of Knedlington vo. |
05/01/1619 | Alice wif to John Watkinson of Howden vo. |
15/01/1619 | John Pickering of Laxton, senior xvo. |
16/01/1619 | A d. to Ralf Wigfall of Thorpe xvjo. |
19/01/1619 | Jennett wife to Xpofer Wood of Balkholme xixo. |
22/01/1619 | Jennet Cave of Bermbie, spinster xxijo. |
22/01/1619 | Willm. Riccall of Howden xxijo. |
22/01/1619 | Robert s. to John Binds of Howden xxijo. |
22/01/1619 | Marie d. to Percivell Wilson of Howden xxijo. |
24/01/1619 | Robert s. to John Pagett of Knedlington xxiiijo. |
25/01/1619 | An d. to Charles Stoner of Howden xxvo. |
25/01/1619 | Alison Awckland of Knedlington xxvo. |
26/01/1619 | Grace d. to Edward Jewett of Balkholme xxvjo. |
29/01/1619 | Alice Morley of Knedlington, spinst. xxixo. |
29/01/1619 | Agnes wife to Robert Idle of Skelton xxixo. |
February 1619. | |
01/02/1619 | An Hudson of Howden, spinster vx. |
06/02/1619 | John Gibson of Balkholme vjo. |
07/02/1619 | Thoms. s. to Anthony Horne of Saltmarsh vijo. |
07/02/1619 | Willm s. to Willm. Smithson of Cotnes vijo. |
11/02/1619 | Willm kersie of Bermbie theldr. xjo. |
19/02/1619 | John s. to Willm. Dent of Bermbie xixo. |
20/02/1619 | Isabell wif to Willm. Pavier of Howden xxo. |
20/02/1619 | Ellen Beelbie of Saltmarsh, vid. xxo. |
21/02/1619 | Jane Perker of Thorp xxjo. |
23/02/1619 | A s. to Peter Collynson of Howden xxiijo. |
24/02/1619 | Miles s. to Miles Spencer of Bermbie xxiiijo. |
25/02/1619 | Edward Waterhouse of Skelton xxvo. |
25/02/1619 | Eliz. Adam of Howden xxvo. |
27/02/1619 | Robert Nelson of Thorpe xxvijo. |
27/02/1619 | Robert Windhouse of Howden dike xxvijo. |
March 1619. | |
01/03/1619 | Catherine d. to Rich. Robinson of linton vx. |
08/03/1619 | Agnes wif to Robt. Rainforth of Saltmarsh viijo |
08/03/1619 | A s. to Ralfe Watson of Howden viijo. |
08/03/1619 | Alice Sawer of Howden vid. viijo. |
08/03/1619 | Thoms. Freman of Howden viijo. |
10/03/1619 | Vincent s. to Mary Binds of Howden xo. |
16/03/1619 | Catherine Parkin of Howden vid. xvjo. |
22/03/1619 | A s. to Steven Lawtie of Kilpin xxijo. |
23/03/1619 | Mary d. to Steven Lawtie of Kilpin xxiijo. |
March 1620. | |
26/03/1620 | Dorothie wife to Richard Badkin of belbie 26o. |
26/03/1620 | A. & B. childr. to Richard Badkin of belbie 26o. |
26/03/1620 | Jennett Skelton of Asselbie 26o. |
28/03/1620 | A s. to Richard Sandwth. of Howden 28o. |
Aprill 1620. | |
02/04/1620 | Robert s. to Willm Armestrong of Howden ijo. |
06/04/1620 | Isabell d. to Steven Smith of Bermbie vjo. |
06/04/1620 | Thoms. s. to george Eshton of Howden vjo. |
09/04/1620 | Marie Lawson of Howden ixo. |
10/04/1620 | John Thorpe of Belbie xo. |
17/04/1620 | Anthony Starkie of Knedlington xvijo. |
17/04/1620 | Eliz. Gilpin of Howden, vid. xvijo. |
18/04/1620 | Thoms. Willmson of Skelton theldr. xviijo. |
18/04/1620 | John s. to John nicholson of Howden xviijo. |
19/04/1620 | Willm s. to John Cooke of Balkholme xixo. |
23/04/1620 | A s. to Isabell Forebrand of Howden xxiijo. |
25/04/1620 | Jennet d. to Willm. mounsie of Bermbie xxvo. |
27/04/1620 | An d. to Robert Banks of Howden xxvijo. |
29/04/1620 | Catherine d. to John Raybie of Laxton xxixo. |
May 1620. | |
07/05/1620 | Bryan s. to Robert Cade of Howden vijo |
08/05/1620 | Edward s. to John Raines of Saltmarsh viijo. |
10/05/1620 | Alice d. to Edith Crowsie of Knedlington xo. |
12/05/1620 | Eliz. wif to Willm. Binks of Howden xijo. |
14/05/1620 | Isabell wif to Willm Morton of Asselbie xiiijo. |
14/05/1620 | Marie d. to James Whitton of Howden xiiijo. |
15/05/1620 | Hester d. to Isabell Horsman of Laxton xvo. |
18/05/1620 | Isabell Carter of Bermbie xviijo. |
20/05/1620 | Jennett wif to nicasius Knowles of Bermbie xxo. |
20/05/1620 | Catherine d. to Robert Thorpe of Skelton xxo. |
23/05/1620 | An Pearson of Howden, excom. xxiijo. |
27/05/1620 | Jane Willmson of Skelton, spinst. xxvijo. |
30/05/1620 | A d. to Peter Willmson of Skelton xxxo. |
June 1620. | |
08/06/1620 | Thoms. s. to George Ellis of Howden viijo |
10/06/1620 | Agnes wif to Thoms. Wallis of Howden xo. |
11/06/1620 | Isabell wif to George Ellis of Howden xjo. |
14/06/1620 | Jane wif to Richard Sandwth. of Howden xiiijo. |
16/06/1620 | A s. to Peter Gibson of Laxton xvjo. |
17/06/1620 | Thoms. s. to Thoms. storie of Asselbie xvijo. |
18/06/1620 | A s. to John Empson of Saltmarsh xviijo. |
25/06/1620 | Eliz. d. to John Bewett of howdendike xxvo. |
28/06/1620 | A s. to John Empson of Howden xxviijo. |
Julie 1620. | |
02/07/1620 | Eliz. wif to Willm. Webster of Hull ijo. |
03/07/1620 | Miles Wright of Howden, butcher iijo. |
04/07/1620 | Ellen Bennyson of Thorpe iiijo. |
08/07/1620 | Isabell Cooke of Thorpe, vid. viijo. |
13/07/1620 | Jane wif to Robert Smith of Howden .... xiijo. |
17/07/1620 | John Slater of Bermbie xvijo. |
17/07/1620 | Thoms s. to John Pinder of Laxton xvijo. |
23/07/1620 | Eliz. wife to John kirsie of Bermbie xxiijo. |
August 1620. | |
05/08/1620 | Margaret Parke of Kilpin vo. |
08/08/1620 | A s. to Thomas Walker of Bermbie viij |
15/08/1620 | A d. to Richard Sharpe of Bermbie xv |
17/08/1620 | James s. to Thoms. Johnson of Laxton xvijo. |
22/08/1620 | Richard Carie of Howden xxijo. |
25/08/1620 | Eliz. d. to John Kirkbie of Skelton xxvo. |
30/08/1620 | Eliz. d. to Robert Dayles of Bermbie ultimo |
September 1620. | |
07/09/1620 | Grace Harrison of Bermbie, vid. vijo. |
12/09/1620 | Thoms. s. to Thoms. Rock of Laxton xijo. |
18/09/1620 | Robt s. to Peter Bellay of Howden xviijo. |
18/09/1620 | Catherine d. to Willm. Bell of Howden xviijo. |
21/09/1620 | Eliz. Sanderson of Howden, vid. xxjo. |
18/09/1620 | Margarett wif to Peter Bellay of Howden xviijo. |
31/09/1620 | A s. to Richard Carie of Skelton ultimo |
October 1620. | |
06/10/1620 | Catherine wife to Thoms. Sands of Howden vjo. |
09/10/1620 | Eliz. wif to Peter Harrison of the groves ixo. |
14/10/1620 | Willm. Flawood of Asselbie xiiijo. |
17/10/1620 | John s. to Richard Freman of Howden xvijo. |
19/10/1620 | Alice d. to Thomas Benyson of Knedlington xixo. |
30/10/1620 | Catherine Sharpe of Bermbie ultimo |
November 1620. | |
08/11/1620 | A s. to Willm. Nelson of Kilpin viijo. |
10/11/1620 | Jane wif to George Belt of Howden xo. |
11/11/1620 | Robert Casse of Bermbie xjo. |
14/11/1620 | Robert s. to John Wetherell of Kilpin xiiijo. |
29/11/1620 | George s. to Willm. Casse of Knedlington xxixo. |
December 1620. | |
02/12/1620 | Edward Townsley of Skelton ijo. |
03/12/1620 | Thoms. Lancton of Howden iijo. |
07/12/1620 | Agnes wif to Wm. Junckin of Thorpe vijo. |
08/12/1620 | Eliz. d. to Richard Barker of Asselbie viijo. |
24/12/1620 | Frances s. to George Pullan of Howden xxiiijo. |
30/12/1620 | Jennett dent of Kilpin, widow xxxo. |
January 1620. | |
05/01/1620 | Jane Skin of Howden, vid. vo. |
05/01/1620 | Jennett d. to Robert Thorpe of Skelton vo. |
10/01/1620 | Robert Walker of Bermbie xo. |
16/01/1620 | Alexander Freman of Bermbie xvjo. |
17/01/1620 | Margaret d. to Thoms. Durram of Howden xvijo. |
19/01/1620 | John Harrison of Balkholme xixo. |
20/01/1620 | Thomas to Robert Thorp of Asselbie xxo. |
27/01/1620 | Henrie Gate of Howden, Esqr. xxvijo. |
28/01/1620 | A d. to Thomas Awmond of Skelton xxviijo. |
30/01/1620 | Samuell Hardie of Thorpe xxxo. |
February 1620. | |
04/02/1620 | Robert Foster of Howden iiijo. |
05/02/1620 | Jennett Willmson of Skelton vo. |
10/02/1620 | Eliz. d. to Frances Hutcheson of Howden xo. |
11/02/1620 | Thoms. s. to Thoms. Graves of Thorpe xjo. |
11/02/1620 | Thoms. s. to Isabell Jackson of Howden xjo. |
23/02/1620 | Eliz. Morgam of Howden xxiijo. |
28/02/1620 | John s. to Thoms. Sutton of Asselbie xxviijo. |
March 1620. | |
08/03/1620 | Robert s. to John Pagett of Knedlington viijo. |
09/03/1620 | Margarett Pope of Thorpe ixo. |
13/03/1620 | Margarett Saughwell of Laxton xiijo. |
24/03/1620 | Willm s. to Willm. Harrison of Bermbie senr. xxiiijo. |
Marche 1621. | |
28/03/1621 | Isabell d. to Willm Harrison of Bermbie 28o. |
30/03/1621 | John Noble of Kilpin xxxo. |
Aprill 1621. | |
01/04/1621 | John Morton of Asselbie vx. |
04/04/1621 | An d. to John Jackson of Laxton iiijo. |
09/04/1621 | An wife to John Browne of belbie ixo. |
13/04/1621 | Robert s. to Richard Lawson of Howden xiijo. |
17/04/1621 | Richard s. to Thoms. Skelton of Asselbie xvijo. |
18/04/1621 | Robert Smith als. Drumer of Howden xviijo. |
24/04/1621 | John Herring, a stranger xxiiijo. |
29/04/1621 | Margarett wife to Wm. Smith of boothe xxixo. |
29/04/1621 | Agnes Lawson of Knedlington, vid. xxixo. |
31/04/1621 | Margarett wif to Willm. Awcock of Asselbie ultimo |
31/04/1621 | Alison Cowper of Howden, vid. ultimo |
May 1621. | |
05/05/1621 | Alice d. to John Petwardine of Asselbie vo. |
08/05/1621 | Eliz. d. to Robert Banks of Howden viijo. |
13/05/1621 | Robert s. to Thoms. storie of Asselbie xiijo. |
13/05/1621 | Phillip d. to Robt. Osbarne of Knedlington xiijo. |
28/05/1621 | Peter Thornton of Howden xxviijo. |
30/05/1621 | Henrie Hunsley of Sparington ultimo |
June 1621. | |
01/06/1621 | Alice Smart of Skelton vid. vx. |
07/06/1621 | Dorothie d. to Thoms. nicolls of Howden vijo. |
09/06/1621 | Grace d. to John kirkbie of Skelton ixo. |
11/06/1621 | John s. to Richard Gofar of Balkholme xjo. |
12/06/1621 | Dorothie d. to Willm. Bell of Howden xijo. |
23/06/1621 | Eliz. Fidling of Howden xxiijo. |
24/06/1621 | Willm s. to Steven Lawtie of Kilpin xxiiijo. |
Julie 1621. | |
02/07/1621 | Thoms. Dawson of Saltmarsh ijo. |
06/07/1621 | Edward Awdus of Saltmarsh vjo. |
19/07/1621 | Jane d. to George Pearson of Howden xixo. |
August 1621. | |
03/08/1621 | A s. to Richard Tayler of Howden iijo. |
10/08/1621 | John s. to John Bynds of Howden xo. |
14/08/1621 | Isabell Johnson of Howden, vid. xiiijo. |
September 1621. | |
02/09/1621 | John Lee of Bermbie ij. |
06/09/1621 | Catherin d. to Willm. Smithson of Cotnes vjo. |
06/09/1621 | Em. d. to Willm. Pickering of Laxton vjo. |
14/09/1621 | An d. to Edward Jewett of Balkholme xiiijo. |
15/09/1621 | Eliz. d. to Ralfe Wright of Knedlington xvo. |
16/09/1621 | Isabell wife to Rich. Robinson of Linton xvjo. |
18/09/1621 | Thoms. s. to Robert Durham of Howden xviijo. |
16/09/1621 | Peter s. to Peter marwood of Howden xvjo. |
22/09/1621 | Willm s. to George Storie of Howden xxijo. |
23/09/1621 | Jane d. to Robert Westabie of Asselbie xxiijo. |
23/09/1621 | Em. Bambrough of Howden xxiijo. |
23/09/1621 | A d. to Peter Nappie of Howden xxiijo. |
24/09/1621 | Robert s. to Robert Smart of Skelton xxiiijo. |
25/09/1621 | Margarett Mounsie of Asselbie xxvo. |
October 1621. | |
03/10/1621 | Ellen d. to Edward Widdowes of Knedlington iijo. |
10/10/1621 | Marie wife to Willm. Noble of Asselbie xo. |
12/10/1621 | Margaret d. to Margaret Gibson of Kilpin xijo. |
13/10/1621 | Alice d. to Robert Gaythorne of Howden xiijo. |
14/10/1621 | John s. to Robert Harrison of Laxton xiiijo. |
14/10/1621 | A d. to Robert Petwardine of Boothe xiiijo. |
17/10/1621 | Susanna d. to Willm. Parker of Asselbie xvijo. |
22/10/1621 | Alice Dallie of Balkholme, vid. xxijo. |
24/10/1621 | Jane d. to Willm. Noble of Asselbie xxiiijo. |
24/10/1621 | George s. to George Pullen of Howden xxiiijo. |
25/10/1621 | Eliz. d. to Thomas Rainforth of Bermbie xxvo. |
November 1621. | |
02/11/1621 | Mathew s. to Robt. Richardson of Howden ijo. |
03/11/1621 | A s. to John Wawde of Howden iijo. |
08/11/1621 | Thoms. s. to Thoms. sutton of Asselbie Junr. viijo. |
12/11/1621 | Thoms. smyth of Howden xijo. |
12/11/1621 | Robert s. to Isabell Forebrand of Howden xijo. |
15/11/1621 | Thoms. s. to Lawrence Jempson of Skelton xvo. |
16/11/1621 | Nicholas s. to George Pearson of Howden xvjo. |
16/11/1621 | Mary d. to Mathew durham of Howden xvjo. |
20/11/1621 | Catherine Collin of Bermbie vid. xxo. |
22/11/1621 | Marie d. to John Pearson of Howden xxijo. |
25/11/1621 | Catherine wif to John Rainforth of Laxton Junr. xxvo. |
27/11/1621 | Xpofer s. to Richard Stapleton of Howden xxvijo. |
December 1621. | |
03/12/1621 | Brygett Spenser of Howden iijo. |
06/12/1621 | Thomas Wayring of Kilpin vjo. |
08/12/1621 | Thoms. s. to Thomas Rock of Laxton viijo. |
10/12/1621 | A s. to Peter Willmson of Skelton xo. |
13/12/1621 | Eliz. wife to Willm. Wooddall of Bermbie xiijo. |
14/12/1621 | A s. to Richard Carie of Skelton xiiijo. |
14/12/1621 | Peter Doleman of Kilpin Esqr xiiijo. |
16/12/1621 | An d. to Willm. Atkinson of Kilpin xvjo. |
19/12/1621 | Bartholomew Jackson of Belbie xixo. |
21/12/1621 | A s. to John Waterhouse of Asselbie xxjo. |
24/12/1621 | George Dudding of Kilpin xxiiijo. |
28/12/1621 | Alexander s. to John Woulfe of Howden xxviijo. |
30/12/1621 | A s. to Phillip Pearson of Skelton xxxo. |
January 1621. | |
07/01/1621 | Marie d. to Robert Wolley of Howden vijo. |
10/01/1621 | An Johnson of Kilpin, spinster xo. |
12/01/1621 | Garman Skelton of Howden xijo. |
16/01/1621 | An wife to nicholas Cutt of Howden xvjo. |
18/01/1621 | Nicholas s. to An Heward of Howden xviijo. |
23/01/1621 | Isabell wife to Xpofer Smart of Skelton xxiijo. |
24/01/1621 | Eliz. wife to Thoms. Slater of Bermbie xxiiijo. |
25/01/1621 | A s. to Thoms. Spire of Howden xxvo. |
25/01/1621 | Willm s. to Frances Malleburd of Howden xxvo. |
28/01/1621 | Thomas Haddlesey of Skelton xxviijo. |
25/01/1621 | An Nutbrowne of Knedlington xxvo. |
February 1621. | |
04/02/1621 | Robert s. to Henrie Hargill of Bermbie iiijo. |
11/02/1621 | An wife to Thoms. sutton of Asselbie Junr. xjo. |
17/02/1621 | A s. to Thoms. Hinchbald of Kilpin xvijo. |
18/02/1621 | Xpofer s. to Xpofer Smart of Skelton xviijo. |
22/02/1621 | Marie d. to Thoms. sutton of Asselbie junr. xxijo. |
March 1621. | |
02/03/1621 | A s. to nicolas Dowson of Howden ijo. |
08/03/1621 | Jennett wif to John Lambert of Laxton viijo. |
10/03/1621 | Robert s. to Willm. Riccall late of Howden xo. |
15/03/1621 | Sara Atkinson of Howden, spinster xvo. |
20/03/1621 | John s. to Thoms. spire of Howden xxo. |
23/03/1621 | Frances Harrison of Asselbie xxiijo. |
26/03/1621 | Willm. Smith als. Andrew of Boothe xxvjo. |
Aprill 1622. | |
05/04/1622 | Eliz. Pocklington of Bermbie vo. |
10/04/1622 | An Smith of Skelton xo. |
12/04/1622 | Eliz. d. to John Lee late of Bermbie xijo. |
17/04/1622 | An Watkin of Asselbie xvijo. |
21/04/1622 | Frances d. to John Wilfett of Asselbie xxjo. |
28/04/1622 | Richard Middleton of North Duffill, gent. xxviijo. |
May 1622. | |
07/05/1622 | Peter Barker of Saltmarsh vijo. |
07/05/1622 | Isabell wif of Xpofer Willmson of Howden vijo. |
10/05/1622 | A s. to Thoms. Andrew of Bermbie xo. |
12/05/1622 | A s. to Willm. Awdus of belbie xijo. |
15/05/1622 | John s. to Richard Hunsley of Skelton xvo. |
15/05/1622 | An d. to Robert Purrell of Bermbie xvo. |
18/05/1622 | Sithe Robinson of Howden, vid. xviijo. |
21/05/1622 | Eliz. wif to Rich. Snawsell of Howden xxjo. |
June 1622. | |
01/06/1622 | Margarett d. to Leonard Steede of Howden vx. |
03/06/1622 | Catherine d. to John Thorpe of Thorpe iijo. |
04/06/1622 | Thoms. s. to John Thorpe of Thorpe iiijo. |
08/06/1622 | Margarett wif to Peter Reed of Knedlington viijo. |
11/06/1622 | Hugh s. to Thoms. Gowthorpe of Skelton xjo. |
13/06/1622 | Robert s. to Agnes Dixon of Knedlington, vid. xiij.; |
13/06/1622 | margaret d. to Thomas Durham of Howden xiijo. |
23/06/1622 | Thoms. Robinson of Howden xxiijo. |
25/06/1622 | Marie Empson of Laxton, spinster xxvo. |
26/06/1622 | Thoms. s. to John Noble of Asselbie xxvjo. |
28/06/1622 | Amable wif to Willm. Cleving of Saltmarsh 28o. |
Julie 1622. | |
06/07/1622 | Jane d. to Robert awdus of Asselbie vjo. |
09/07/1622 | Frances wif to Robt. Weddall of Duncotes ixo. |
25/07/1622 | Marie wif to John Harrison of Bermbie, Junr. xxvo |
26/07/1622 | Peter s. to Rich. Lunde of Howden xxvjo. |
28/07/1622 | Alice Harrison of Bermbie, vid. xxviijo. |
28/07/1622 | A d. to Phillipp Gunbie of Asselbie xxviijo. |
30/07/1622 | Eliz. d. to Robert Osburn of Knedlington xxxo. |
30/07/1622 | Thoms. s. to George Palmer of newland xxxo. |
August 1622. | |
02/08/1622 | Eliz. wife to Rich. Palmer of Skelton ijo. |
28/08/1622 | Frances d. to George Palmer of Newland xxviijo. |
29/08/1622 | Xpofer s. to Willm. Harwood of Howden xxixo. |
30/08/1622 | John Higdon of Laxton, gent. ultimo |
September 1622. | |
04/09/1622 | Barbara d. to Michaell Eskrick of Cotnes iiijo. |
08/09/1622 | Margaret Stork of Skelton, vid. viijo. |
19/09/1622 | Marian Hallyday of Balkholme, vid. xixo. |
19/09/1622 | Richard Jackson of Cotnes xixo. |
21/09/1622 | John s. to John Gaythorne of Howden xxjo. |
23/09/1622 | John s. to Nicolas Cutt of Howden xxiijo. |
28/09/1622 | An wife to Lawrence Jempson of Skelton xxviijo. |
October 1622. | |
02/10/1622 | Robert Wetherall of Laxton ijo. |
02/10/1622 | Frances d. to Ux. Harrison of Balkholme ijo. |
03/10/1622 | Mathew s. to Peter Nappie of Howden iijo. |
07/10/1622 | Jennett Jennyson of Balkholme vijo. |
12/10/1622 | Eliz. d. to John Pagett of Knedlington xijo. |
13/10/1622 | Richard Carle of Skelton xiijo. |
14/10/1622 | Eliz. Carle of Balkholme xiiijo. |
16/10/1622 | Robert s. to George Arksay of Laxton xvjo. |
24/10/1622 | An Scott of Laxton, spinster xxiiijo. |
November 1622. | |
04/11/1622 | An d. to John Oldfeild of Howden iiijo. |
14/11/1622 | Isabell wif to Thoms. storme of belbie xiiijo. |
21/11/1622 | Thoms. Dowson of Howden xxjo. |
01/11/1622 | 1. |
22/11/1622 | A d. to Richard Carie late of Skelton xxijo. |
22/11/1622 | Mathew s. to Mathew Leven of Howden xxijo. |
23/11/1622 | Catherine Carle of Skelton, vid. xxiijo. |
23/11/1622 | Robert s. to Robert Colterd of Newland xxiijo. |
24/11/1622 | Em. wif to Walter Walls of Howden xxiiijo. |
24/11/1622 | marie d. to Willm. Smithson of Cotnes xxiiijo. |
December 1622. | |
02/12/1622 | Robert Stevenson of Howden ijo. |
03/12/1622 | John Rabie of Laxton iijo. |
04/12/1622 | Alexander s. to Savage Harrison of Bermbie iiijo. |
06/12/1622 | Isabell d. to Mathew Durram of Howden vjo. |
12/12/1622 | Agnes Simson of Saltmarsh xijo. |
13/12/1622 | John s. to ux. Nutt of Howden xiijo. |
18/12/1622 | Jennett Coltheard of Asselbie xviijo. |
18/12/1622 | Thoms. s. to Lawrence Jempson of Skelton xviijo. |
20/12/1622 | Barbara wife to Ralf Watson of Howden xxo. |
25/12/1622 | Willm. Pickering of Laxton xxvo. |
27/12/1622 | Willm. s. to John goldsbrough of Howden xxvijo. |
31/12/1622 | An d. to John Spencer of Bermbie ultimo |
31/12/1622 | Jennet Watson of Laxton ultimo |
31/12/1622 | An wife to Thoms. stevenson of Howden ultimo |
31/12/1622 | Eliz. Yeoman of Howden ultimo |
January 1622. | |
01/01/1622 | An d. to Margaret Talentire of Howden vx. |
02/01/1622 | Catheren Childe of Bermbie ijo. |
06/01/1622 | John s. to Thoms. Lawtie, Curat of Howden vjo. |
10/01/1622 | Willm. Gofar of Balkholme xo. |
11/01/1622 | John Aire of Boothe xjo. |
17/01/1622 | Thoms. sands of Howden xvijo. |
19/01/1622 | Catherine wife to John Nelson of Thorpe xixo. |
10/01/1622 | Frances & Eliz. d. to Willm. Nelson of Belbie x |
27/01/1622 | Hugh s. to margaret Talentire of Howden xxvijo. |
29/01/1622 | Eliz. d. to Eliz. Pocklinton of Knedlington xxixo, |
30/01/1622 | Henrie s. to Eliz. Pocklinton of Knedlington xxxo. |
February 1622. | |
01/02/1622 | Henrie s. to Oswald Tod of Howden vx. |
01/02/1622 | An wif to Robert Freman of Thorpe vx. |
03/02/1622 | Eliz. dixon of Howden iijo. |
06/02/1622 | Ellen wif to John norrison of Kilpin vjo. |
08/02/1622 | John s. to Richard Freman of Howden viijo. |
08/02/1622 | A s. to George Storie of Howden viijo. |
08/02/1622 | Sara Hart a stranger viijo. |
09/02/1622 | Jane d. to Robert Freman of Thorpe ixo. |
09/02/1622 | Eliz. d. to Willm. knevitt of Asselbie ixo. |
10/02/1622 | John s. to Ux. Hardie of Thorpe xo. |
11/02/1622 | Thoms. s. to Thoms. Freman late of Skelton xjo. |
11/02/1622 | Alice Sisson of Skelton, vid. xjo. |
15/02/1622 | Xpofer Storie of Kilpin xvo. |
15/02/1622 | Nicholas Arlush of Belbie xvo. |
16/02/1622 | An. d. to Willm. Child of Bermbie xvjo. |
16/02/1622 | Cicilie d. to Thomas Cooke of Knedlington xvjo. |
16/02/1622 | Mary d. to John Aire late of boothe xvjo. |
19/02/1622 | Jennett Thorpe als. Shepherd of Skelton xixo. |
19/02/1622 | Mary wif to Thoms. spire of Kilpin xixo. |
19/02/1622 | Eliz. wif to John White of Balkholme xixo. |
22/02/1622 | Willm. s. to Ux. Lowrie of Asselbie xxijo. |
25/02/1622 | Margarett Johnson of Howden xxvo. |
25/02/1622 | A d. to Nicholas Dowson of Howden xxvo. |
25/02/1622 | Jane d. to Thoms. Wallis of Howden xxvo. |
26/02/1622 | Grace d. to Henry Nelson of Thorp xxvjo. |
26/02/1622 | John Casse of Howden xxvjo. |
27/02/1622 | Margarett wif to Rich Rabie of Laxton xxvijo. |
27/02/1622 | Margarett dowson of Howden vid. xxvijo. |
28/02/1622 | Cicilie Wetherall of Laxton, vid. xxviijo. |
28/02/1622 | Thoms. Rawdon of Bermbie xxviijo. |
28/02/1622 | Lawrence Yong of the moore xxviijo. |
March 1622. | |
03/03/1622 | Grace Shercroft of Howden, vid. iijo. |
03/03/1622 | Cuthbert s. to michaell Musgrave of Howden iijo. |
04/03/1622 | John Watkingson of Howden iiijo. |
05/03/1622 | Raynard Nutbrowne of Knedlington vo. |
08/03/1622 | Marmaduke s. to Isabell Yates of Laxton viijo. |
10/03/1622 | Willm Anderson of Boothe xo. |
11/03/1622 | Susanna Apthrop of Howden xjo. |
13/03/1622 | An wif to Robert Apthrop of Kilpin xiijo. |
13/03/1622 | Marie & Phillip d. to Ux. Dudding of Kilpin xiijo. |
13/03/1622 | Willm s. to nicolas Jackson of Howden xiij. |
14/03/1622 | Mary d. to Henry Smith of Knedlington xiiijo. |
14/03/1622 | Robert Jackson of Howden xiiijo. |
14/03/1622 | Eliz. Hudson of Howden, spinst. xiiij. |
14/03/1622 | A d. to Willm. Harrison of Bermbie, senr. xiiijo. |
15/03/1622 | Humfray Fawcett of Bermbie xvo. |
18/03/1622 | An wif to Roger Spicer of Thorpe xviijo. |
21/03/1622 | Marie d. to george Pullan of Howden xxjo. |
21/03/1622 | An wife to Willm. Fingley of Kilpin xxjo. |
22/03/1622 | Thoms. Stevenson of Thorpe xxijo. |
22/03/1622 | An d. to Ux. Yong of the moore xxijo. |
23/03/1622 | Thoms. Pattrick of Balkholme xxiijo. |
24/03/1622 | Thoms. s. to John Empson of Saltmarsh xxiiij. |
24/03/1622 | Jane Awme of Bermbie, vid. xxiiijo. |
March 1623. | |
26/03/1623 | Phillip d. to Willm. Fingley of Kilpin xxvjo. |
30/03/1623 | An d. to Cuthbert Peacock of Howden xxxo. |
Aprill 1623. | |
02/04/1623 | Thoms. Fidling of Howden ijo. |
02/04/1623 | John s. to Dorcas Ray of Asselbie ijo. |
05/04/1623 | Henry s. to John Petwardine of Asselbie vo. |
05/04/1623 | John Sawghwell of Belbie vo. |
06/04/1623 | a stranger at Linton vjo. |
06/04/1623 | James s. to michael Willmson of Bermbie vjo. |
06/04/1623 | Cicilie Skelton of Bermbie vjo. |
12/04/1623 | Margaret d. to miles Smith of Yockflet xijo. |
13/04/1623 | Agnes Smith of Knedlington xiijo. |
14/04/1623 | Willm. Harrison of Howden xiiijo. |
16/04/1623 | Agnes Wooddall of Howden, vid. xvjo. |
19/04/1623 | Xpofer Mounckton of Howden xixo. |
22/04/1623 | [blank] d. to ux. Yong of the Moore xxijo. |
23/04/1623 | Richard Steven of Balkholme xxiij. |
25/04/1623 | John Cock shall of Metham xxvo. |
25/04/1623 | Margarett Proudfellow of Skelton xxvo. |
26/04/1623 | Catherine Conyworth of Howden xxvjo. |
26/04/1623 | Jennett Robinson of Balkholme xxvjo. |
28/04/1623 | An White of Hithe xxviijo. |
29/04/1623 | Ellen Haddlesay of Skelton xxixo. |
May 1623. | |
02/05/1623 | John s. to Willm. Howdell of Bermbie ijo. |
04/05/1623 | A s. to Thoms. storie of Asselbie iiijo. |
04/05/1623 | An wif to Barthol : Benyson of Knedlington iiijo. |
07/05/1623 | Isabell Conyworth of Asselbie vijo. |
13/05/1623 | Alice Jackson of Howden, vid. xiij |
16/05/1623 | Margaret d. to John Nelson of Skelton xvjo. |
16/05/1623 | Thoms. Harbert of Howden xvjo. |
21/05/1623 | Margarett Steed of Howden spinst. xxjo. |
24/05/1623 | Margery Collinson of Howden vid. xxiiijo. |
30/05/1623 | Ellen Dawson of Howden spinst. ultimo |
30/05/1623 | Thomas Yong of Thorpe ultimo |
30/05/1623 | Jennett wif to Thoms. Evers of Knedlington ultimo |
June 1623. | |
01/06/1623 | A d. to george Watson of Balkholme vx. |
02/06/1623 | Jennett wif to george Watson of Balkholme ijo. |
03/06/1623 | Jennett Hawker of newland iijo. |
04/06/1623 | Margarett Hance of Howden iiijo. |
08/06/1623 | Hester d. to ux. maison of Howden viijo. |
10/06/1623 | George Jackson of Skelton xo. |
10/06/1623 | A d. to John Skin of Asselbie xo. |
12/06/1623 | An wif to John Blansherd of Bermbie xijo. |
13/06/1623 | Margaret wif to John Skin of Asselbie xiijo. |
22/06/1623 | Hester d. to Thoms. stevenson of Howden xxijo. |
25/06/1623 | Eliz. d. to Steven Lawtie of Kilpin xxvo. |
25/06/1623 | Eliz. d. to John Sharpe of Bermbie xxvo. |
26/06/1623 | Jane d. to John Nelson of Skelton xxvjo. |
29/06/1623 | Willm. Skin of Howden xxixo. |
31/06/1623 | Marmaduke s. to Cuthbt. Simson of Skelton ultimo |
31/06/1623 | Dorothie wif to John Nelson of Skelton ultimo |
July 1623. | |
04/07/1623 | Sithe wif to Willm. dixon of Yockfiete iiijo. |
06/07/1623 | Willm. Hartforth of Howden vjo. |
11/07/1623 | An wif to Edward Croft of hallyfax xjo. |
11/07/1623 | Isabell daniell of Howden xjo. |
16/07/1623 | Lancelott Thorpe of Howden xvjo. |
21/07/1623 | Jane d. to Robert Fletcher of Howden xxjo. |
24/07/1623 | Robert Apthropp of Kilpin xxiiijo. |
29/07/1623 | Eliz. d. to Miles Leven of kirkbie lownsdale 29. |
29/07/1623 | A d. to John Oldfeild of Howden xxixo. |
30/07/1623 | Margarett Storie of Saltmarsh xxxo. |
30/07/1623 | Isabell d. to Rowland Sanderson of Skelton xxxo. |
August 1623. | |
02/08/1623 | Eliz. wif to John Harrison of Bermbie Junr. ijo. |
03/08/1623 | An d. to Richard Palmer of Skelton iijo. |
05/08/1623 | Eliz. d. to John kirkbie of Skelton vo. |
05/08/1623 | John s. to John Harrison of Bermbie Junr. vo. |
10/08/1623 | An wife to Peter Bellay of Howden xo. |
10/08/1623 | Hellen Slater of Howden, vid. xo. |
14/08/1623 | Catherine Thorpe of Howden, vid. xiiijo. |
16/08/1623 | A stranger died at Bermbie xvjo. |
18/08/1623 | Isabell Leven of Saltmarsh xviijo. |
20/08/1623 | Eliz. d. to Richard Palmer of Skelton xxo. |
23/08/1623 | A s. to Thoms. Binks of howdendike xxiijo. |
25/08/1623 | Willm. s. to Willm. Barker of Boothe xxvo. |
25/08/1623 | Jennett Pottage of Asselbie, vid. xxvo. |
25/08/1623 | Robert Richardson of Howden xxvo. |
26/08/1623 | Robert s. to Willm. Robinson of Howden xxvjo. |
September 1623. | |
01/09/1623 | Alice d. to marmaduke Stevenson of Kilpin vx. |
04/09/1623 | Nicholas Dowson of Howden iiijo. |
08/09/1623 | Robert s. to Anthonie Willmson of Skelton viijo. |
09/09/1623 | Eliz. d. to John Owsam of Howden ixo. |
09/09/1623 | Willm. Readsdale of Laxton ixo. |
10/09/1623 | Eliz. d. to Edward Richardson of Howden xo. |
11/09/1623 | Willm. Marshall of Balkholme xjo. |
14/09/1623 | Eliz. d. to Isabell Marshall of hull xiiijo. |
17/09/1623 | Jennett d. to Robt. Ellerton of belbie xvijo. |
17/09/1623 | A d. to Robert Osburn of Knedlington xvijo. |
24/09/1623 | An d. to Thoms. Gowthrop of Skelton xxiiijo. |
25/09/1623 | Willm. s. to Thomas Nelson of Belbie xxvo. |
29/09/1623 | A d. to Thoms. Smith of Asselbie xxixo. |
October 1623. | |
02/10/1623 | Hugh s. to John Owsam of Howden ijo. |
04/10/1623 | Thoms. kirsie of Bermbie iiijo. |
07/10/1623 | John s. to John Pickering of Howden vijo. |
09/10/1623 | Xpofer s. to Thoms. spire of Kilpin ixo. |
12/10/1623 | An wif to Robert Raynard of Barmbie xijo. |
27/10/1623 | Isabell Fingley of Bermbie, vid. xxvijo. |
30/10/1623 | Jane Willmson of Skelton, vid. xxxo. |
30/10/1623 | Agnes Noble of Asselbie, vid. ultimo |
30/10/1623 | John Cade of Howden Junr. ultimo |
November 1623. | |
01/11/1623 | Dorothie wif to John dailes of Bermbie vx. |
07/11/1623 | A s. to John Stainforth of Bermbie vijo. |
14/11/1623 | Nicholas s. to Robert gilpin of Kilpin xiiijo. |
15/11/1623 | George Shillito of Knedlington xvo. |
16/11/1623 | Brigett Rawdon of Bermbie, vid. xvjo. |
22/11/1623 | A s. to John Empson of Saltmarsh xxijo. |
26/11/1623 | Willm s. to Willm. Wooddall of barmbie xxvjo. |
27/11/1623 | Catherin Atkinson of Saltmarsh, vid. xxvijo. |
28/11/1623 | Robert Freman of Thorpe xxviijo. |
29/11/1623 | Isabell Spencer of Barmbie, vid. xxixo. |
31/11/1623 | Walter Walles of Howden ultimo |
December 1623. | |
01/12/1623 | Agnes wif to Frances Readsdale of Saltmarsh vx. |
03/12/1623 | Willm Hutton of Skelton iijo. |
07/12/1623 | Isabell wife to John Cade of Howden vijo. |
09/12/1623 | George Hutcheson of Laxton ixo. |
11/12/1623 | Thoms. s. to Thoms. Cherie of Balkholme xjo. |
11/12/1623 | Willm Woddall of Barmbie xjo. |
12/12/1623 | A d. to Willa Cotes of Bermbie xijo. |
13/12/1623 | Robert Hunsley of Howden xiijo. |
16/12/1623 | John Marshall of Howden xvjo. |
17/12/1623 | An d. to Thoms. Dromell of barmbie xvijo. |
19/12/1623 | Edward Pinder of Laxton xixo. |
26/12/1623 | Margaret d. to Willm. knevitt of howdendike xxvjo. |
28/12/1623 | Alice Shillito of Knedlington, vid. xxviijo. |
28/12/1623 | Willm. Thackray of Asselbie xxviijo. |
29/12/1623 | John Awdus of Knedlington junr. xxixo. |
29/12/1623 | Eliz. Irish of Howden, vid. xxixo. |
January 1623. | |
02/01/1623 | James Collin of Belbie ijo. |
03/01/1623 | Catherine wife to James Wray of Howden iijo. |
07/01/1623 | Marie Barker of Howden, vid. vijo. |
10/01/1623 | Jane d. to Miles Underwood of barmbie xo. |
10/01/1623 | Willm Juncking of Thorpe xo. |
16/01/1623 | Hester d. to Willm. Roame of Thorpe xvjo. |
19/01/1623 | A s. to George Pattrick of Saltmarsh xixo. . |
22/01/1623 | Symon s. to Robert niccolls of Skelton xxijo. |
23/01/1623 | A d. to Thoms. Storie of Cotnes xxiijo. |
30/01/1623 | Thoms. s. to Jarvace Cotnes of Asselbie xxxo. |
29/01/1623 | John Ricroft of Barmbie ultimo |
February 1623. | |
06/02/1623 | Mary d. to Ux. newson of Howden vjo. |
10/02/1623 | Margaret Hunsley of Belbie, vid. xo. |
11/02/1623 | Robart Laysing of Barmbie xjo. |
12/02/1623 | Isabell Waddinghm. of Laxton xijo. |
12/02/1623 | A s. to Thoms. Thornton of Howden xijo. |
17/02/1623 | An Juncking of Belbie, vid. xvijo. |
17/02/1623 | Roger Spicer of Thorpe legat xvijo. |
21/02/1623 | An wif to Phillip Gunbie of Asselbie xxj |
24/02/1623 | Willm s. to Thoms. Barker of barmbie xxiiijo. |
25/02/1623 | Em. wife to Edmond dawson of Howden xxvo. |
25/02/1623 | Thoms. s. to Willm. Jackson of Howden Junr. xxvo. |
25/02/1623 | Barbara wife to Miles Sisson of Howden xxvo. |
27/02/1623 | Isabell wif to Richard Tayler of Howden xxvijo. |
28/02/1623 | Catherine d. to Henry Roame of Thorp xxviijo. |
March 1623. | |
06/03/1623 | Thoms. Smith als. Andrew of Barmbie vjo. |
07/03/1623 | An d. to Thomas Tayler of Howden vijo. |
13/03/1623 | Mary wif to Willm. Petwardine of Howden xiijo. |
15/03/1623 | Margarett Fingley of Barmbie, vid. xvo. |
17/03/1623 | A s. to Willm. Harrison of Barmbie senr. xvijo. |
22/03/1623 | Cuthbert s. to Thoms. Lawtie, miser. ecclesiae xxijo. |
March 1624. | |
26/03/1624 | Catherine Harrison of Barmbie, vid. xxvjo. |
26/03/1624 | Barbara d. to Robt. Underwood of Asselbie Junr. xxvjo. |
29/03/1624 | John king s. to Peter Frodson of Laxton xxixo. |
30/03/1624 | Robert Sawer of Howden ultimo |
30/03/1624 | Jane d. to Frances Hutcheson of Howden ultimo |
Aprill 1624. | |
02/04/1624 | John s. to Thoms. Apthrope of Saltmarsh ijo. |
02/04/1624 | Dorothie wif to Richard Simson of Howden ijo. |
07/04/1624 | Margaret Steven of Balkholme vid. vijo. |
08/04/1624 | An d. to Thoms. Storme of Belbie viijo. |
11/04/1624 | Marie d. to John Thorpe of Thorpe xjo. |
13/04/1624 | Edmond Dawson of Howden xiijo. |
18/04/1624 | Robt. s. to Rich. Hutcheson of Howden senr. xviijo. |
20/04/1624 | Richard Thorpe of Belbie xxo. |
22/04/1624 | Thomas Badkin of Belbie xxijo. |
24/04/1624 | Willm s. to John Gaythorne of Howden xxiiijo. |
29/04/1624 | Alice Thorpe of Belbie, vid. xxixo. |
29/04/1624 | Alice d. to Robt. Atkinson of Howden xxixo. |
29/04/1624 | An wif to Marmaduke Stevenson of Kilpin xxixo. |
31/04/1624 | Margarett Turner of Kilpin, spinster ultimo |
Maye 1624. | |
02/05/1624 | Isabell wif to John Fidling of Howden ijo. |
09/05/1624 | George s. to george Blansherd of Laxton ixo. |
09/05/1624 | John s. to Julian Webster of Howden ixo. |
10/05/1624 | Alison Smart of Skelton, vid. xo. |
13/05/1624 | Thoms. s. to Robart Gilpin of Kilpin xiijo. |
15/05/1624 | Eliz. d. to John Brodbent of Knedlington xvo. |
21/05/1624 | John s. to Henrie Browne of barmbie xxj |
22/05/1624 | Thoms. Day of Laxton xxijo. |
June 1624. | |
25/06/1624 | Isabell d. to Frances noble of Asselbie xxvo. |
27/06/1624 | Dorothie wif to george Binds of Howden xxvijo. |
Julie 1624. | |
06/07/1624 | Jennett Wooddall of Howden, vid. vjo. |
08/07/1624 | James s. to John Mayson of Howden viijo. |
11/07/1624 | Thoms. Awdus of Boothe xjo. |
15/07/1624 | John Pickering of Laxton xvo. |
16/07/1624 | Jennett Owberie of Skelton xvjo. |
16/07/1624 | John s. to Robart Watkin of Thorpe xvjo. |
19/07/1624 | Frances s. to John Mounckton of Garton, gent. 19o. |
21/07/1624 | Jane d. to Margarett Underwood of barmbie xxjo |
23/07/1624 | Nicolas s. to Ux. Dowson of Howden xxiijo. |
August 1624. | |
09/08/1624 | Miles s. to John Burnett of Howden ixo. |
17/08/1624 | Catherine Woddall of Knedlington xvijo. |
21/08/1624 | John s. to Robart Thorpe of Asselbie xxjo. |
22/08/1624 | Robart Storie of Knedlington xxijo. |
23/08/1624 | John s. to Thoms. Rainforth of barmbie xxiijo. |
28/08/1624 | Margarett Proudfote of Barmbie xxviijo. |
September 1624. | |
01/09/1624 | Jane d. to John Pearson of Howden vx. |
01/09/1624 | John s. to John Wawde of Howden vx. |
02/09/1624 | Mary d. to Robert Thorpe of Asselbie ijo. |
06/09/1624 | Mary d. to Thoms. Sawer of Howden vjo. |
11/09/1624 | Marmaduke kettlewell of Howden xjo. |
11/09/1624 | John s. to John Oldfeild of Howden xjo. |
03/09/1624 | Peter s. to Paull Coniworth late of Howden iijo. |
15/09/1624 | Mathew s. to Barthol : Jackson of Belbie xvo. |
22/09/1624 | Frances kettlewell of Howden vid. xxijo. |
26/09/1624 | A d. to Eliz. Grime of Balkholme xxvjo. |
26/09/1624 | Julyan Webster of Howden, vid. xxvjo. |
29/09/1624 | A s. to Thomas Binks of Howden dike xxixo. |
October 1624. | |
02/10/1624 | Roger Hage of Marston ijo. |
08/10/1624 | Eliz. d. to Tho : Burtwissell of Skelton viijo. |
09/10/1624 | Isabell wif to John Webster of Knedlington ixo. |
13/10/1624 | John White of Balkholme xiijo. |
14/10/1624 | Lawrence Smith of Howden xiiijo. |
17/10/1624 | Dorcas Pearson of Howden xvijo. |
19/10/1624 | Anthonie s. to george Palmer of Newland xixo. |
22/10/1624 | Jane d. to Robart Simson of Skelton xxijo. |
25/10/1624 | A d. to John Empson of Saltmarsh xxvo. |
26/10/1624 | Margarett Cobgrave of barmbie xxvjo. |
November 1624. | |
03/11/1624 | Richard Anderbie of Boothe iijo. |
10/11/1624 | Thoms. s. to Barthol. Marshall of Balkholme xo. |
11/11/1624 | A d. to John Noble of Asselbie xjo. |
16/11/1624 | Alice d. to Robart Cave of Howden xvjo. |
18/11/1624 | Eliz. Cherie of Barmbie, vid. xviijo. |
22/11/1624 | Willm. Fingley of Barmbie sent. xxijo. |
22/11/1624 | Edward Harrison of Howden xxijo. |
24/11/1624 | Margarett wif to Robt. Westabie of Asselbie xxiiijo. |
28/11/1624 | Richard Webster of Barmbie xxviijo. |
28/11/1624 | Margarett Fawcett of Barmbie xxviijo. |
28/11/1624 | John s. to Edward Palmer of Howden xxviijo. |
31/11/1624 | An wif to Thomas dromell of barmbie ultimo |
December 1624. | |
03/12/1624 | Henry Browne of Barmbie iijo. |
04/12/1624 | Alexander Coggrave of barmbie iiijo. |
16/12/1624 | Agnes Smith als. Andrew of barmbie xvjo. |
17/12/1624 | John Skin of Asselbie xvijo. |
20/12/1624 | A s. to Thoms. Cooke of Knedlington xxo. |
24/12/1624 | Catherine Owberre of Skelton xxiiijo. |
25/12/1624 | A s. to Thomas Cooke of Knedlington xxvo. |
26/12/1624 | An wif to Willm. Barrett of Asselbie xxvjo. |
28/12/1624 | John Harrison of Asselbie xxviijo. |
31/12/1624 | Mary d. to Willm. Gofar of Balkholme ultimo |
31/12/1624 | Ellen wif to Willm. Heward of Howden ultimo |
January 1624. | |
03/01/1624 | Cicilie Starkie of Asselbie, spinst. iijo. |
05/01/1624 | Willm Middlewood of Thorpe vo. |
06/01/1624 | Jane d. to Willm. Roame of Thorpe vjo. |
11/01/1624 | Eliz. wif to Robart Wood of Knedlington xjo. |
15/01/1624 | Thoms. Robinson of Asselbie xvo. |
15/01/1624 | Mary d. to Jeremy Wicklif of Howden xvo. |
18/01/1624 | Mathew s. to Mathew Heward of Howden xviijo. |
25/01/1624 | A s. to Richard Gibson of Thorpe xxvo. |
28/01/1624 | Hugh s. to John Waterhouse of Asselbie xxviijo. |
February 1624. | |
03/02/1624 | An Stevenson of Howden, vid. iijo. |
07/02/1624 | Willm s. to Peter Nappe of Howden vijo. |
08/02/1624 | Frances d. to John Awdus of Knedlington viijo. |
09/02/1624 | Peter s. to Peter Thorpe of Howden ixo. |
11/02/1624 | Alice d. to Robart Gofar of Balkholme xjo. |
16/02/1624 | Robert Atkinson of Howden xvjo. |
19/02/1624 | Ellen mayson of Howden, vid. xixo. |
24/02/1624 | Willm Lawtie of Saltmarsh xxiiijo. |
25/02/1624 | Mary Colterd of Asselbie, spinst. xxvo. |
26/02/1624 | Eliz. d. to John Hans of Howden xxvjo. |
28/02/1624 | Richard s. to Robert Niccolls of Skelton xxviijo. |
March 1624. | |
02/03/1624 | Isabell dalbie of Howden vid. ijo. |
07/03/1624 | Jane Waterhouse of Skelton, vid. vijo. |
14/03/1624 | An d. to Lawrence Hessey of Howden xiiijo. |
16/03/1624 | Willm Smith of Howden xvjo. |
17/03/1624 | A d. to Willm. Lawson of Knedlington xvijo. |
17/03/1624 | Raynold Consett of Howden sent xvijo. |
18/03/1624 | An d. to Thomas Bennyson of Knedlington xviijo. |
18/03/1624 | Robert s. to Robert dailes of Bermbie xviijo. |
19/03/1624 | Alice Atkinson of Howden, spinst. xixo |
23/03/1624 | John s. to Eliz. Watson of Laxton xxiijo. |
24/03/1624 | Thoms. s. to Willm. Robenson of Howden xxiiijo. |
Data transcribed from
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1905
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
This page © 2020
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1905
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
This page © 2020