Howden Registers - Marriages 1724-1770.
Transcription of the Howden Registers - Marriages 1724-1770.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/ERY/HowdenParishRegs2.txt Please note I cannot guarantee that my software has always extracted the date in the date column correctly.
The dates are given in the order the appear in the register which is not necessarily numerical order.
Also note that the year commenced on the 25th March up to 1752.
but that the date column numbers the months in the modern method (English format)
The dates are given in the order the appear in the register which is not necessarily numerical order.
Also note that the year commenced on the 25th March up to 1752.
but that the date column numbers the months in the modern method (English format)
Date | Groom's and Bride's names |
1724 | |
16/04/1724 | Apr. 16. Rich. Hill & Mary Tison, both of Barnby. |
21/04/1724 | Apr 21. Robt. Baldwin, of Barnby, & Ann Booth, of Skelton. |
28/04/1724 | Apr 28. Jon. Watson, Barnby, & Anne Hessey, of Wighton. |
30/04/1724 | Apr 30. Matth. Bell & Mary Routlidge, both of Howden. |
19/05/1724 | May 19. Geo. Wright & Mary Farrah. |
02/06/1724 | June 2. Mr. Tho Dickans & Mrs. Eliz. Birtwisle, both of Howden. |
11/06/1724 | Jun 11. Mr. Jon. Carnill & Mrs. Anne Wright. |
11/08/1724 | Aug. 11. Robt. Chapman & Mary Stephenson, both of Howden. |
03/11/1724 | Nov. 3. Robt. Jewson and Susanna Dowson, both of Howden. |
08/11/1724 | Nov 8. Wm. Ibbinson, of Swinefleet, & Anne Johnson, Barnby. |
15/11/1724 | Nov 15. David Philips, of Wresle, and Martha Hinchbal, Barnby. |
19/11/1724 | Nov 19. Jos. Beilby & Anne Perkins, both of Saltmarsh. |
01/12/1724 | Dec. 1. Jos. Tasker and Han Stainforth, both of Saltmarsh. |
08/12/1724 | Dec 8. Geo. Spence & Eliz. Wilkinson, both of Howden. |
15/12/1724 | Dec 15. Wm Nickolls & Han. Milner, both of Howden. |
27/12/1724 | Dec 27. (blank) of Loftsom & Margt. Keedor, of Saltmarsh. |
31/12/1724 | Dec. 31. Phil. Boynton, of Mettham, & Mary Barratt, same. |
07/01/1724 | Jan. 7. Thos. Hardie, Saltmarsh, & Ematt Woollas, of Skelton. |
17/01/1724 | Jan 17. Wm. Edwards, of Wighton, & Eliz. Kitchin, of Howden. |
1725 | |
02/04/1725 | Apr. 2. John Bovel, of Laxton, & Hanah Barker, of Howden. |
05/04/1725 | Apr 5. John Emson, of Bolchom, & Mary Steel, the same. |
07/04/1725 | Apr 7. Joseph Whery & Mary Priston, Howden. |
01/05/1725 | May 1. Tho. Nutbrown, of Howden, & Mary Hurst, of Thorp. |
02/05/1725 | May 2. Rob. Tomson, of hurst, & Ellis Phillopes, barmby. |
04/05/1725 | May 4. Fran. hildrake, of belcomn, & Mary dallbey, of Nuland. |
27/05/1725 | May 27. Thomas Hodenbey & Franses Webster, boath of Howden. |
21/06/1725 | June 21. Thomas bintley, of hembrouf, & Mary Ackison, of Aselbey. |
27/06/1725 | Jun 27. Isak Morris and Mary Car, boath of Howden. |
25/06/1725 | Jun 25. Lenard hill and Mary Ray, boath of Howden. |
22/09/1725 | Sept. 22. Jon Day, of Holthroup, & Margret Simson, of Aselbey. |
01/10/1725 | Oct. 1. Nicklous English & Mary Brown, boath of Howden. |
10/10/1725 | Oct 10. Gorge Kiching, of Saltmarch, and Ann Dickin (?), of Skelton. |
22/10/1725 | Oct 22. Tho. Barnet, of Swinflet, & Doritey Heselwod, of Thorp. |
07/11/1725 | Nov. 7. Jon. Clark, of Camsel, & Ann Wilson, of Howden. |
23/11/1725 | Nov 23. Willbet Carter, of Boulton, & Sewsanah Drurey, of Metoum. |
30/11/1725 | Nov 30. Thomas Good, of (blank), & Alethea Pearsey, of Saltmarsh. |
05/12/1725 | Dec. 5. Will. Borten & Mary Atkinson, of howden. |
10/12/1725 | Dec 10. Abraham douson & Franses hardcustel, of howden. |
05/01/1725 | Jan. 5. Will. Armatage & Ann Robson, of howden. |
11/01/1725 | Jan 11. James Gillyet & Franses Westebey, both Skelton. |
15/01/1725 | Jan 15. Jon. Stones & Ester holmes, boath of belbey. |
23/01/1725 | Jan 23. Nick. Louder & Mary Wodman, boath of Aselby. |
22/02/1725 | Feb. 22. Jon Willkisson & Mary Cade, both of howden. |
1726 | |
12/04/1726 | Aprill 12. Will. Parrot & Elizebeth Johnson, boath of Youckfleet. |
02/09/1726 | Sept. 2. Jon. Barrot & Mary Willson, boath of Yockfleet. |
04/09/1726 | Sep 4. Jon. Whitlah & Cattren Stefenson, boath of Lax : |
04/09/1726 | Sep 4. Jon Mateson, of Melton, and Mary Morret, of Thorp. |
04/09/1726 | Sep 4. Will. Newum, of Saltmarsh, & Lidea Peniton, of Reedness. |
11/09/1726 | Sep 11. David Langton & Arabelah Thorp, boath of Howden. |
17/09/1726 | Sep 17. Richard Cass, of barmbey, & Jane Leedum, of Roclef. |
21/11/1726 | Nov. 21. Jeramiah hall & Sarah hartlah, boath of barnel hous. |
21/11/1726 | Nov 21. Pall Pickhafer & Jane gibbouns, boath of barmby. |
28/11/1726 | Nov 28. Henery Shiperd & Elizebeth Richison, boath of howden. |
04/12/1726 | Dec. 4. Thomas Palmer & Ann Underwood, boath Laxton. |
21/12/1726 | Dec 21. Jon Roulah & Mary Tomson, boath of howden. |
21/12/1726 | Dec 21. Edward Stanforth, of howden, & Mary Claborn, of Saltmarsh. |
05/01/1726 | Jan. 5. Tho. harison & Ann harison, boath of barmbey. |
18/01/1726 | Jan 18. Jon. Mariom & Sarah Leeper, boath of Kilpin. |
21/01/1726 | Jan 21. Jon gill, of houck & Ann dranesfeld, of Kilpin. |
05/02/1726 | Feb. 5. Will. tod, of howden, & Mary Willson, of balkhum. |
14/02/1726 | Feb 14. Mr Robert Spoferd & Mrs. Maslen, boath of howden. |
1727 | |
02/04/1727 | Apr. 2. Joseph huchisson & Ann Corner, boath of Aselby. |
04/04/1727 | Apr 4. Wm. Bell & Eliz : Brampton, both of Barneby. |
09/04/1727 | Apr 9. William Snarr & Jane Dowson, both of Knedlington. |
18/04/1727 | Apr 18. John Dolly Newland & Mary Leighton, Skelton. |
23/04/1727 | Apr 23. John Rhodes & Mary Kirtman, both of Howden. |
24/04/1727 | Apr 24. Thomas Watson, Asleby, & Mary Gill, Kilpin. |
27/04/1727 | Apr 27. Thomas Fenton & Jane Chappel, both of Barmby. |
30/04/1727 | Apr 30. Timothy Dowler, Kilpin, & Eliz. Simpson, Hook. |
09/05/1727 | May 9. John Rhodes, Skelton, & Sarah Patterick, Belby. |
11/05/1727 | May 11. Robt. Peacock & Hannah Walker, both of Barmby. |
23/05/1727 | May 23. Christopher Seall, of Howden, & Anne Smithson, of Heck. |
04/06/1727 | June 4. Robert Palmer & Jane Key, both of Asselby. |
18/06/1727 | Jun 18. Richd. Watterson, of Eastrington, & Eliz. Wilkinson, of Newland. |
04/07/1727 | July 4. Mr. John Stainton & Mrs. Mary Brooks, both of Howden (licensed). |
03/09/1727 | Sept. 3. Sam : Graves, of Kilpin, & Margaret Richardson, Saltmarsh. |
13/09/1727 | Sep 13. Tho. Bullen & Anne Burks, both of Howden. |
21/09/1727 | Sep 21. Jno. Buttle & Mary Thurle, both of Barmby. |
11/11/1727 | Nov. 11. Christopher Glew & Dorathy Leadall, Howden. |
20/11/1727 | Nov 20. Marmaduke Gibson & Eliz. Fenton, Barmby. |
01/12/1727 | Dec. 1. John Good, of Belby, & Mary Bennison, of Kilpin. |
08/01/1727 | Jan. 8. Richd. Waller, Drax, & Anne Cowlam, Barmby Mash. |
09/01/1727 | Jan 9. Wm. Johnson, of Hull, & Anne Sharp, Yoakfleet. |
09/01/1727 | Jan 9. David Mitchell, Wressell, & Jane Collison, Howden. |
23/01/1727 | Jan 23. Robt. Thorp and Mary Seymour, of Belby. |
29/02/1727 | Feb. 29. Robt. Clark, of Thorp, & Margt. Paget, Skelton. |
05/03/1727 | Mar. 5. John Hessey, of Seaton, & Mary Cook, Yoakfleet. |
05/03/1727 | Mar 5. Tho. Hunter, of Brayton, & Mary Baley, Barmby. |
1728 | |
03/04/1728 | Apr. 3. Geo : Clay & Eliz : Field, of Howden. |
08/04/1728 | Apr 8. Mr. John Hudson and Mrs. Alice Nixon, Howden. |
28/04/1728 | Apr 28. James Hastings, North Cave, & Cath : Brownin, Barmby. |
18/06/1728 | June 18. Peter English, Laxton, & Mary Paget, Skelton. |
17/09/1728 | Sept. 17. Wm. Bradley, Coy-house, Snaith, & Mary Campbell, Howden. |
21/09/1728 | Sep 21. Jos : Townend & Grace Nicholson, Barmby. |
23/09/1728 | Sep 23. Gab. Hobson, Asleby, & Sarah Stickney, of Balkholme. |
22/10/1728 | Oct. 22. Robt. Brown & Mary Brown, both of Barmby. |
14/11/1728 | Nov. 14. Tho. Alcock, of Armin, & Eliz. Sanderson, Howden. |
14/11/1728 | Nov 14. Tho. Dreury, Linton, & Sarah Courser, Howden. |
19/11/1728 | Nov. 19. Wm. Ellinworth & Eliz. Laythman, Howden. |
19/11/1728 | Nov 19. Charles Cowlam, Howden, & Sarah Lidster, Knedlington. |
19/11/1728 | Nov 19. Tho : Dickinson, Barmby, & Katherine Marshell, Howden. |
20/12/1728 | Dec. 20. Jos : Jewet, Saltmarsh, & Jane Lowther, Assleby. |
31/12/1728 | Dec 31. Jno. Noble & Eliz. Lawrance, Barmby. |
18/02/1728 | Feb. 18. Leonard Thorp, Howden, & Eliz. Welles, Cottinworth. |
27/02/1728 | Feb. 27. Tho : Story & Margt. Stephenson, Belby. |
02/03/1728 | Mar. 2. John Bennison, Kilpin, & Susannah Parish, Howden. |
1729 | |
08/04/1729 | Apr. 8. Geo. Carr, Yokefleet, & Prudence Cooper, Whitgift. |
13/04/1729 | Apr 13. Wm. Wright & Eliz. Walker, Howden. |
01/05/1729 | May 1. Tho. Burton & Anne Breart, Howden. |
04/05/1729 | May 4. Matthew Kitchin & Mary Wharrey, Howden. |
08/05/1729 | May 8. Mr. Thos. Eskricke & Mrs. Hellen Maslen, Howden. |
20/05/1729 | May 20. Mr. Jno. Waile & Mrs. Mary Morritt, Howden. |
10/06/1729 | June 10. Tho. Harland, Howden, & Alice Stephenson, Skelton. |
08/07/1729 | July 8. Thomas Sugden, Laxton, & Anne Garton, Howden. |
03/08/1729 | Aug. 3. Ricd. Ramsey & Catherine Green, both of Asleby. |
05/08/1729 | Aug 5. Peter Holmes & Jane Smith, Saltmarsh. |
23/09/1729 | Sept. 23. Henry Clark, of Seaton Ross, & Mary Wheldrack, of Balkholme. |
28/09/1729 | Sep 28. Thomas Smith & Anne Harrison, of Howden. |
06/10/1729 | Oct. 6. Mr. John Watson & Mrs. Anne Empson, Saltmarsh. |
15/11/1729 | Nov. 15. Geo : Ryley & Eliz. Johnstone, of Wressell. |
20/11/1729 | Nov 20. James Day & Sarah Egar, Howden. |
29/11/1729 | Nov 29. Wm. Headon, Kilpin, & Mary Laverick, Balkholme. |
27/12/1729 | Dec. 27. James Savage, Kilpin, & Mary Hall, Howden. |
05/02/1729 | Feb. 5. Ricd. Pinder & Mary Addinson, Laxton. |
09/02/1729 | Feb 9. Tho. Singleton & Alice Good, Asleby. |
1730 | |
30/03/1730 | Mar. 30. Tho. Awcock and Eliz. Hall, Asleby. |
31/03/1730 | Mar 31. Wm. Leeper, Kilpin, & Esther Dowson, of Scorff parish, Drax. |
11/04/1730 | Apr. 11. Robt. Gilderdale, Laxton, & Eliz. Hutchinson, Fockerby. |
14/04/1730 | Apr 14. Tho. Armstrong, Thorp, & Eliz. Sarratt, Gunby. |
30/04/1730 | Apr 30. Tho. Drurey & Hannah Dowson, Kilpin. |
10/05/1730 | May 10. Richard Calvert & Jane Cross, Yokefleet. |
12/05/1730 | May 12. Wm. Burton & Hannah Hartley, Howden. |
18/05/1730 | May 18. Mat. Dove & Anne Fearn, Howden. |
18/05/1730 | May 18. Robt. Chapman & Anne Cade, Howden. |
07/06/1730 | June 7. Robt. Vavisor & Anne Thomas, Laxton. |
09/06/1730 | Jun 9. William Lowther & Anne Drabs, Asleby. |
29/06/1730 | Jun 29. Richard Stephens & Anne Stephenson, Howden. |
30/06/1730 | Jun 30. Thomas Tasker, Knedlington, & Mary Solly, Booth. |
07/07/1730 | July 7. Wm. Emmit, Thorgonby, & Anne Cliff, Barmby. |
18/07/1730 | Jul 18. Tho : Cobutt & Rachel Johnson, both of Kilpin. |
17/08/1730 | Aug. 17. Robt Ferryman, Howden, & Anne Moor, Barmby. |
31/08/1730 | Aug 31. Wm. Gyles & Margaret Leigh, both of Kilpin. |
22/09/1730 | Sept. 22. James Campbell, Howden, & Jane Leighton, Knedlington. |
01/10/1730 | Oct. 1. Wm. Bennison, Belby, & Anne Sheeperd, Balkholme. |
19/10/1730 | Oct 19. Francis Kirkhouse & Mary Kirkhouse, Howden. |
20/10/1730 | Oct 20. John Woodsworth & Mary Cross, Knedlington. |
27/10/1730 | Oct 27. John Bealby & Alice Gorge, Laxton. |
04/11/1730 | Nov. 4. Revd. Mr. Robt Potter and Mrs. Elizabeth Nixon, both of Howden. |
10/11/1730 | Nov 10. Tho : Plaister & Eliz. Wood, both of Howden. |
12/11/1730 | Nov 12. Robt. Man & Mary Palmer, both of Howden. |
14/11/1730 | Nov 14. John Carr & Eliz. Thompson, both of Thorp. |
17/11/1730 | Nov 17. Benjamine Watson & Anne Laverack, Assleby. |
17/11/1730 | Nov 17. Tho : Snowdale, Goole, & Mary Jackson, Belby. |
17/11/1730 | Nov 17. Michael Norwood & Mary Belby, Saltmarsh. |
30/11/1730 | Nov 30. Charles Taylor & Jane Schooles, both of Skelton. |
07/12/1730 | Dec. 7. Charles Dove & Mary Beelby, Saltmarsh. |
18/12/1730 | Dec 18. Matthew Stephenson & Mary Middleton, Howden. |
26/12/1730 | Dec 26. Matthew Pearson & Margt Sherwood, Howden. |
14/01/1730 | Jan. 14. Samll. Sharp & Anne Waud, Yoakfleet. |
24/01/1730 | Jan 24. Geo : Tuby, Aughton, & Mary Empson, Balkholme. |
16/02/1730 | Feb. 16. John Brabs, of Bubwith, & Mary Dowson, Kilpin. |
20/02/1730 | Feb 20. Tho : Buttle, of Cavil, and Anne Smith, Yoakfleet. |
1731 | |
20/04/1731 | Apr. 20. Thomas Batty & Anne Throstle, both of Assleby. |
27/04/1731 | Apr 27. John Hogg & Eliz. Thorp, both of Howden. |
06/07/1731 | July 6. William Keather & Alice Pocklington, Howden. |
29/07/1731 | Jul 29. Joseph Stainforth & Eleanor Brooks, of Howden. |
10/08/1731 | Aug. 10. John Bennison, Kilpin, & Anne Stephenson, Skelton. |
30/10/1731 | Oct. 30. John Stephenson & Eliz. Good, both of Assleby. |
02/11/1731 | Nov. 2. James Brown & Eliz. Smith, both of Howden. |
09/11/1731 | Nov 9. Robt Wadman, Saltmarsh, Eliz. Steel, Barmby marsh. |
15/11/1731 | Nov 15. John Thompson & Anne Cooke, both of Saltmarsh. |
15/11/1731 | Nov 15. John Smith, of South Duffield, & Eliz. Elleot, of Howden. |
16/11/1731 | Nov 16. Miles Pinder, of Skelton, & Anne Cooke, of Assleby. |
16/11/1731 | Nov 16. Booz Thompson, of Howden, & Susannah Menel, Yokefleet. |
16/11/1731 | Nov 16. James Cocking & Anne Snare, of Sandhall. |
23/11/1731 | Nov 23. Thomas Lieghton & Katherine Coats, both of Skelton. |
30/11/1731 | Nov 30. Robert Thornton & Mary Nutbrown, Assleby. |
03/02/1731 | Feb. 3. Richard Fearn & Jane Richardson, Howden. |
03/02/1731 | Feb 3. Robert Parrot & Eliz. Hart, both of Yoakfleet. |
06/02/1731 | Feb 6. Henry Chambers & Sarah Wilkinson, of Howden. |
07/02/1731 | Feb 7. James Hoop & Anne Watson, both of Assleby. |
10/02/1731 | Feb 10. Thomas Fearn & Sarah Stephenson, Howden. |
21/02/1731 | Feb 21. John Scales, Laxton, Rebecca Bealby, Saltmarsh. |
21/02/1731 | Feb 21. William Dent & Dorothy Beck, of Yokefleet. |
1732 | |
11/04/1732 | Apr. 11. Tho Barker & Rebecca Franks, both of Saltmarsh. |
27/04/1732 | Apr 27. John Drinkall & Anne Wilson, both of Howden. |
30/04/1732 | Apr 30. Robt. Dawson, of Greenoke, & Margt Forge, of Newland. |
21/09/1732 | Sept. 21. John Jackson, of Hook, & Dorothy Drewry, Howden. |
12/11/1732 | Nov. 12. Emmor Ettles & Jane Hartley, both of Skelton. |
16/11/1732 | Nov 16. Tho : Harrison, Cawood, & Dinah Mulkey, Belby. |
16/11/1732 | Nov 16. William Awcock & Mary Sanderson, both of Howden. |
23/11/1732 | Nov 23. Benjamine Wand & Mary Pickhaver, both of Yokefleet. |
30/11/1732 | Nov 30. Joseph Beelby, Saltmarsh, & Mary Mitchil, Knedlington. |
02/12/1732 | Dec. 2. John Burrow, Gole, & Sarah Sanderson, Howden. |
26/12/1732 | Dec 26. George Tudall & Eliz. Scissons, both of Yokefleet. |
16/01/1732 | Jan. 16. Marmaduke Johnson, Bennetland, Anne Stephenson, Kilpin. |
06/02/1732 | Feb. 6. Thomas Bishop & Mary Hueson, both of Laxton. |
1733 | |
27/03/1733 | Mar. 27. John Pinder & Sarah Addison, both of Laxton. |
27/03/1733 | Mar 27. Geo : Cross & Sarah Pearson, both of Balkholme. |
27/03/1733 | Mar 27. Jon : Underwood & Eliz. Rummins, both of Barmby. |
03/04/1733 | Apr. 3. Matthew Clark, North Cave, Eliz : Hogg, Howden. |
22/04/1733 | Apr 22. John Williamson & Esther Pennington, both of Barmby. |
24/04/1733 | Apr 24. John Steel & Anne Jackson, both of Barmby. |
04/05/1733 | May 4. Robert Sugden, Howden, & Mary Burton, Laxton. |
05/05/1733 | May 5. Richard Sharp & Sarah Atkinson, both of Yokefleet. |
06/05/1733 | May 6. Robert Richardson & Catherine Richardson, both of Howden. |
10/06/1733 | June 10. William Biggin & Elizabeth Gokeman, both of Howden. |
23/09/1733 | Sept. 23. William Haigh, of Grimesthorp, Anne Newmarch, Saltmarsh. |
06/10/1733 | Oct. 6. John Threlkeld, Clerk, & Elizabeth Turnell, both of Howden. |
07/10/1733 | Oct 7. William York & Elizabeth Bell, both of Howden. |
08/10/1733 | Oct 8. Thomas Palmer & Mary Newam, both of Laxton. |
13/11/1733 | Nov. 13. Richard Briers, Snaith, Susanna Baram, Howden. |
13/11/1733 | Nov 13. Thomas Vollans & Elizabeth Worell, both of Barmby. |
24/11/1733 | Nov 24. John Jackson & Susanna Cook, both of Laxton. |
27/11/1733 | Nov 27. Richard Farrar & Elizabeth Hessah, both of Laxton. |
27/11/1733 | Nov 27. John Snow, Knedlington, Margt Corner, of Assleby. |
27/11/1733 | Nov 27. Thomas Good, Saltmarsh, Eleanor Garton, of Howden. |
01/12/1733 | Dec. 1. Benjamine Taylor & Sarah Pickhaver, both of Howden. |
19/12/1733 | Dec 19. Martin Robinson, of Barton, Sarah Ary, of Cotness. |
01/01/1733 | Jan. 1. Matthew Long, Belby, Hannah Stevenson, Kilpin. |
07/02/1733 | Feb. 7. Robert Bishop & Elizabeth Cook, both of Laxton. |
21/02/1733 | Feb 21. Joseph Clemett & Anne Coakes, both of Barmby. |
25/02/1733 | Feb 25. George Bealby, Saltmarsh, Barbara Taylor, Skelton. |
26/02/1733 | Feb 26. Benjamine Wily, Whitgift, Sarah Leeton, Skelton. |
26/02/1733 | Feb 26. John Bennison & Anne Gibson, both of Kilpin. |
1734 | |
16/04/1734 | Apr. 16. John Mason & Eleanor Empson, both of Balkholme. |
21/04/1734 | Apr 21. Robert Harrison & Alice Patterick, both of Howden. |
23/04/1734 | Apr 23. Robert Todd, Selby, & Mary Butler, of Barmby. |
27/04/1734 | Apr 27. Michael Lamb & Elizabeth Parker, both of Howden. |
28/04/1734 | Apr 28. William Coates & Anne Baldwin, both of Barmby. |
07/05/1734 | May 7. George Burton, West Cottingworth, Susanna Lamb, Howden. |
09/06/1734 | June 9. Stephen Bulmer & Isabel Haram, both of Howden. |
10/07/1734 | July 10. Samuel South, of Yoakfleet, Anne Kitching, Kilpin. |
14/07/1734 | Jul 14. James Tune & Elizabeth Saunders, both of Howden. |
15/07/1734 | Jul 15. James Gilliot & Elizabeth Westobe, both of Kilpin. |
21/07/1734 | Jul 21. John Smith & Elizabeth Awdus, both of Yokefleet. |
21/08/1734 | Aug. 21. William Sanders, of Kilpin, Senr. & Frances Dowson of ye same. |
10/09/1734 | Sept. 10. William Robinson, Hemingbrough, Marge Spink, Assleby. |
17/09/1734 | Sep 17. Francis Wheldrake & Anne Neezbeck, both of Balkholme. |
21/09/1734 | Sep 21. John Scutt & Anne York, both of Yoakfleet. |
21/10/1734 | Oct. 21. Hezekiah Underwood, Beverley, Susanna Kitching, Howden. |
17/11/1734 | Nov. 17. William Sheriff & Elizabeth White, both of Howden. |
01/12/1734 | Dec. 1. Ralph Allen & Jane Smart, both of Laxton. |
30/12/1734 | Dec 30. Andrew Clemmy & Mary Noble, both of Howden. |
31/12/1734 | Dec 31. Francis Peck, Asselby, & Elizabeth Watson, Yoakfleet. |
28/01/1734 | Jan. 28. Robert Lister & Mary Rhodes, both of Howden. |
04/02/1734 | Feb. 4. Thos. Hutchcroft & Eliz. Bradley, both of Saltmarsh. |
09/02/1734 | Feb 9. John Leckenbye, Spaldington, Jane Bellah, Assleby. |
11/02/1734 | Feb 11. Robert Webster & Anne Stevenson, both of Howden. |
16/02/1734 | Feb 16. John Hobson & Jane Hart, both of Skelton. |
18/02/1734 | Feb 18. Henry Brockbank & Margaret Lawtie, both of Thorp Lidget. |
1735 | |
25/03/1735 | Mar. 25. Thomas Bradley & Mary Pullen, both of Howden. |
13/05/1735 | May 13. Peter English & Mary Frear, both of Skelton. |
13/05/1735 | May 13. Thomas Batman, Howden, Anne Storey, of Belby. |
18/05/1735 | May 18. William Hewson, & Mary Thomas, both of Laxton. |
27/05/1735 | May 27. John Sadler & Jane Clark, both of Howden. |
19/08/1735 | Aug. 19. Thomas Storey, of Belby, & Mary Clark, of Balkholme. |
22/09/1735 | Sept. 22. Thomas Nuam, of Kilpin, & Mary Cross, of Belby. |
08/10/1735 | 8br. 5. Richard Lee & Sarah Jackson, both of Kilpin. |
14/10/1735 | Oct 14. Richard Laycock & Alice Harrison, both of Howden. |
28/10/1735 | Oct 28. Thomas Dunn & Eizabeth Weddle, both of Howden. |
29/10/1735 | Oct 29. Peter Holmes & Eliz : Drinkall, both of Saltmarsh. |
11/11/1735 | Nov. 11. John Keiser & Elizabeth Lawton, both of Belby. |
11/11/1735 | Nov 11. John Ellis & Elizabeth Cass, both of Barmby. |
12/11/1735 | Nov 12. George Cass & Elizabeth Story, both of Barmby. |
13/11/1735 | Nov 13. Richard Maskel & Anne Hart, both of Barnhill Hall. |
13/11/1735 | Nov 13. Thomas Elmer & Mary Sharp, both of Yoakfleet. |
18/11/1735 | Nov. 18. John Brewins, Carrhouse, Jane Snar, of Clemet Thorp. |
18/11/1735 | Nov 18. Thomas Nelson & Eliz. Calvard, both of Yoakfleet. |
18/11/1735 | Nov 18. William Tasker & Anne Skelton, both of Howden. |
18/11/1735 | Nov 18. John Duckles & Rebecca Scales, both of Saltmarsh. |
27/12/1735 | Dec. 27. John Wright & Mary Snow, both of Knedlington. |
01/01/1735 | Jan. 1. Anthony Chapman, Gribthorpe, Dorothy Henderson, Howden. |
05/02/1735 | Feb. 5. William Branton & Faith Smith, both of Barmby. |
12/02/1735 | Feb 12. John Heckles & Elizabeth Cass, both of Barmby. |
12/02/1735 | Feb 12. John Cass & Mary Gibson, both of Barmby. |
17/02/1735 | Feb 17. Robert Halliwel, Laxton, Jane Lambert, Saltmarsh. |
17/02/1735 | Feb 17. Thomas Gowdale, of Spaldington, Eliz. Rose, of Barmby. |
08/03/1735 | Mar. 8. Edward Garnett, Portington, Sarah Pennington, Barmby. |
09/03/1735 | Mar 9. William Hueson & Eliz. Thompson, both of Howden. |
1736 | |
26/04/1736 | Apr. 26. James Foreshore & Dorothy Jackson, both of Skelton. |
27/04/1736 | Apr 27. John Hall & Eleanor Reed, both of Laxton. |
06/05/1736 | May 6. Thomas Brown & Eliz. Thompson, both of Laxton. |
13/05/1736 | May 13. John Fearn & Hannah Atkinson, both of Howden. |
24/08/1736 | Aug. 24. Robt. Baldwin, Junr. & Elizabeth Hill, both of Barmby. |
06/09/1736 | Sept. 6. Thomas Elmer & Elizabeth Mardison, of Yokefleet. |
29/10/1736 | Oct. 29. Robert Bell & Frances Scutt, both of Howden. |
07/11/1736 | Nov. 7. John Maplebeck, Drax, Margaret Armit, Barmby. |
09/11/1736 | Nov 9. Richard Wilson, Asleby, Jane Poppleton, Holme. |
11/11/1736 | Nov 11. Gervas Copley, Yokefleet, Margt. Blyth, Assleby. |
16/11/1736 | Nov 16. George Coam, Assleby, Jane Thornton, Knedlington. |
23/11/1736 | Nov 23. Joseph Brooks & Mary Brown, both of Howden. |
29/11/1736 | Nov 29. Joseph Belshaw & Anne Linsdale, both of Howden. |
29/12/1736 | Dec. 29. Lawrence Grundy, Howden, & Mary Laverack, Knedl : |
16/03/1736 | Mar. 16. Thos. Harrison & Mary Tayler, both of Sand Hall. |
11/04/1736 | Apr. 11. John Lyon, of Hook, & Rosamond Overend, Duncoats. |
14/04/1736 | Apr 14. Robert Borril Scalby & Anne Garton, Howden. |
28/04/1736 | Apr 28. Thomas Burton & Margaret Graves, both of Howden. |
28/04/1736 | Apr 28. Samuel Dawson & Anne Smith, both of Yoakfleet. |
06/05/1736 | May 6. Thomas Weddle & Elizabeth Dunn, both of Howden. |
16/05/1736 | May 16. Francis Chester & Anne Clarson, both of Howden. |
29/08/1736 | Aug. 29. Thomas Wells & Sarah Harper, both of Saltmarsh. |
08/10/1736 | 8br 3. Nicholas Youngson & Frances Hotham, of Howden. |
05/10/1736 | Oct 5. John Leaper & Anne Underwood, both of Barmby. |
29/10/1736 | Oct 29. Thomas Stoneley & Eliz. Hawksworth, both of Assleby. |
10/11/1736 | Nov. 10. Robert Scales, Yoakfleet, Hannah Turner, Holme. |
14/11/1736 | Nov 14. Thos. Addams, Skelton, Catherine Johnson, Saltmarsh. |
15/11/1736 | Nov 15. Christopher Waterhouse, Susanna Varlow, Howden. |
17/11/1736 | Nov 17. Robt. Featherstone, Eliz : Ashton, both of Yoakfleet. |
17/11/1736 | Nov 17. William Nelson, Anlaby, Margtt. Thornton, Barmby. |
06/12/1736 | Dec. 6. Robert Boothby & Ruth Middleton, both of Skelton. |
26/12/1736 | Dec 26. Miles Harrison & Martha Haward, both of Howden. |
27/12/1736 | Dec 27. Thos. Brown, Barmby, Jane Jewitt, Skelton. |
07/01/1736 | Jan. 7. John Nutshow & Frances Weadley, both of Welton. |
10/01/1736 | Jan 10. Robert Taylor, Cotness, Mary Hornsey, Howdendike. |
31/01/1736 | Jan 31. Robert Ellis, Spaldington, Eliz : Courser, Balkhome. |
18/02/1736 | Feb. 18. Thomas Jewitt & Eleanor Milner, both of Saltmarsh. |
1738 | |
02/04/1738 | Apr. 2. Edward Stainforth & Cath. Richardson, both of Howden. |
25/05/1738 | May 25. John Johnson & Mary Pearson, both of Assleby. |
30/05/1738 | May 30. Francis Brown & Ursula Empson, both of Howden. |
04/07/1738 | July 4. John Pearson, Howden, Anne Westobie, Howdendike. |
18/07/1738 | Jul 18. Philip Scholfield, Skelton, Mary Copley, Howden. |
24/07/1738 | Jul 24. William Coates & Esther Linsdale, both of Howden. |
07/11/1738 | Nov. 7. George Tuby, Aughton, Catherine Dudding, Thorp. |
11/11/1738 | Nov 11. Peter Holmes & Anne Prune, both of Saltmarsh. |
16/11/1738 | Nov 16. Matthew Lamb, Knedlington, Eleanor Bursah, Kilpin. |
28/11/1738 | Nov 28. John Wilson, Greenock, Anne Bellah, Skelton. |
28/11/1738 | Nov 28. Richard Clark & Elizabeth Stather, both of Thorp. |
30/11/1738 | Nov 30. Robert Foreshore, Hannah Keader, both of Howden. |
02/12/1738 | Dec. 2. Thomas Snell & Martha Fearn, both of Howden. |
26/12/1738 | Dec 26. John Richardson & Eliz. Ramsey, both of Assleby. |
26/12/1738 | Dec 26. Robert Bailey & Eliz. Philips, both of Yoakfleet. |
27/12/1738 | Dec 27. Nathaniel Bell & Eliz. Reynolds, both of this Town. |
29/12/1738 | Dec 29. Robt. Heathey & Susanna White, both of Howden. |
01/02/1738 | Feb. 1. Simon Chappel & Anne Fletcher, both of Barmby. |
13/02/1738 | Feb 13. David Belt & Anne Richardson, both of Howden. |
06/03/1738 | Mar. 6. John Robinson Armin, Mary Eager, of Howden. |
06/03/1738 | Mar 6. William Dixon & Mary Preston, both of Howden. |
1739 | |
23/04/1739 | Apr. 23. Robt. Clark, Skelton, Anne Bennison, Kilpin. |
08/05/1739 | May 8. John Ashton & Eliz. Priest, both of Howden. |
09/05/1739 | May 9. John Weighton & Eliz. Dunn, both of Howden. |
03/06/1739 | June 3. John Meggitt & Mary Patterick, both of Skelton. |
01/07/1739 | July 1. Rich& Horsely & Barbara Nicholson, both of Barmby. |
08/08/1739 | Aug. 8. Thomas Waterhouse & Eliz. Bird, both of Barmby. |
22/09/1739 | Sept. 22. Robert Faram & Sarah Robinson, both of Skelton. |
24/09/1739 | Sep 24. James Stead, of Walton, & Mary Peart, of Knedlington. |
18/10/1739 | Oct. 18. Robert Knowble & Sarah Low, both of Howden. |
06/11/1739 | Nov. 6. Thos. Higgins, of Yoakfleet, Sarah Sheppard, Belby. |
13/11/1739 | Nov 13. John Robinson, of Hook, & Elizabeth Raper, of Howden. |
25/11/1739 | Nov 25. John Brown, of Howden, Susanna Bradley, of Hull. |
02/12/1739 | Dec. 2. John Walton & Mary Dawson, both of Knedlington. |
16/12/1739 | Dec 16. William Robinson & Elizabeth Harrison, both of Barmby. |
26/12/1739 | Dec 26. John Gyles & Anne Dawson, both of Sand Hall. |
15/01/1739 | Jan. 15. James Moxon, of Hook, & Elizabeth Nutbrown, of Howden. |
29/01/1739 | Jan 29. Robert Ramsey & Jane Sutcliffe, both of Assleby. |
12/02/1739 | Feb. 12. Charles Bacon & Anne Smith, both of Howden. |
13/02/1739 | Feb 13. Robert Crowshay & Mary Westoby, both of Howden. |
19/02/1739 | Feb 19. Edward Burton & Jane Watson, both of Newland. |
21/02/1739 | Feb 21. William Stephenson & Hannah Milner, both of Saltmarsh. |
1740 | |
08/04/1740 | Apr. 8. Richd. Johnsen, Assleby, Mary Laverack, Balkholme. |
30/04/1740 | Apr 30. Simon Ayre & Elizabeth Stephenson, both of Howden. |
02/05/1740 | May 2. Abraham Evinson, Normanby, Jane Snell, of Howden. |
14/05/1740 | May 14. Thomas Camplishon, Loftsom, & Jane Laverac, Assleby. |
29/05/1740 | May 29. Joseph Jones, Johanna Middleton, both of Howden. |
03/06/1740 | June 3. John White Kilpin, Alice Bealby, Saltmarsh. |
24/06/1740 | Jun 24. William Richardson & Eliz. Easton, both of Howden. |
21/07/1740 | July 21. Robt. Lolley & Sarah Crane, both of Howden. |
29/07/1740 | Jul 29. Wm. Palmer & Mary Wright, both of Yoakfleet. |
17/08/1740 | Aug. 17. Wm. Alcock & Elizabeth Garton, both of Howden. |
13/11/1740 | Nov. 13. Robt Harwood, Metham, Anne Brafforth, West Linton. |
13/11/1740 | Nov 13. Thos. Cawbutt, Yoakfleet, Barbara Bealby, Saltmarsh. |
13/11/1740 | Nov 13. John Johnson & Mary Wade, both of Barmby. |
17/11/1740 | Nov 17. Samll. Dawson & Anne Priestley, both of Yoakfleet. |
17/11/1740 | Nov 17. Robt. Dudding, West Linton, Mary Oxtoby, Balkholme. |
25/11/1740 | Nov 25. Joseph Cass & Martha Hopper, both of Barmby. |
30/11/1740 | Nov 30. John Cambidge, Hannah Leaper, both of Knedlington. |
06/01/1740 | Jan. 6. Hugh Awdus & Anne Blith, both of Assleby. |
22/01/1740 | Jan 22. Mr. Joshua Dunn, Howden, Mrs. Maria Godfrey, Hook. |
03/03/1740 | Mar. 3. John Clayburne & Mary Horn, both of Howden. |
1741 | |
31/03/1741 | Mar 31. William Copley Newland, Mary Hessah, Laxton. |
02/04/1741 | Apr. 2. John Nutbrown, Spaldington, Anne Lyon, Howden. |
27/04/1741 | Apr 27. David Pearson, Elizabeth Padley, both of Assleby. |
05/05/1741 | May 5. John Dudding, Susannah Wardin, both of Knedlington. |
19/05/1741 | May 19. Thos. Brewer, Hook, Eliz. Peart, of Knedlington. |
21/07/1741 | July 21. Joseph Harrison, Mary Brown, both of Barmby. |
26/07/1741 | Jul 26. Edward Steers Rusholme and Hannah Drewry, Barmby. |
08/08/1741 | Aug. 8. Arthur Chapple & Eliz. Thompson, both of Barmby. |
27/08/1741 | Aug 27. Thomas Garbut & Margaret Robinson, both of Howden. |
19/10/1741 | Oct. 19. Thos. Nutbrown & Eliz : Bilbrough, both of Howden. |
22/10/1741 | Oct 22. Richard Baldwin & Anne Forster, both of Barmby. |
12/11/1741 | Nov. 12. Richard Blackburn, Eliz. Wilson, both of Assleby. |
14/11/1741 | Nov 14. John Smith Sr Grace Coates, both of Laxton. |
29/11/1741 | Nov 29. Ephraim Harper, Mary Thompson, both of Laxton. |
30/11/1741 | Nov 30. Ric : Hindsley, Greenoak, Grace Brown, Barmby. |
10/12/1741 | Dec. 10. John Cade & Elizabeth Sissons, both of Assleby. |
22/12/1741 | Dec 22. Wm. Seal, Assleby, Alice Leaper, Kilpin. |
24/12/1741 | Dec 24. Nicholas Bradley, Dorothy Gillison, Yoakfleet. |
27/12/1741 | Dec 27. Robt. Hurd, Balkholme, Eliz. Stoneley, Assleby. |
1742 | |
19/04/1742 | Apr. 19. Wm. Richmond, Mary Walker, both of Howden. |
20/04/1742 | Apr 20. Edmund Baxter, Jane Halliwel, both of Laxton. |
20/04/1742 | Apr 20. Wm. Copeland, Elizabeth Maskel, both of Howden. |
22/04/1742 | Apr 22. John Cooke, Luddington, Mary Atkinson, Laxton. |
27/04/1742 | Apr 27. John Lighton, Catherine Moseley, both of Skelton. |
29/05/1742 | May 29. George Wall, Eliz. Armstrong, both of Thorp. |
29/05/1742 | May 29. Edward Pindar & Ann Gudgeon, both of Laxton. |
01/07/1742 | July 1. Charles Taylor & Eliz. Thompson, both of Skelton. |
05/07/1742 | Jul 5. William Thersh, Knedlington, Ann Clarkson, Assleby. |
02/08/1742 | Aug. 2. William Blith & Ann Lowther, both of Assleby. |
29/08/1742 | Aug 29. Richd. Todd, Wheldrake, Ann Bell, Barmby. |
04/09/1742 | Sept. 4. Thomas Stoneley, Sarah Hoop, both of Assleby. |
27/10/1742 | Oct. 27. Gamaliel Thompson, Ann Wright, both of Howden. |
01/11/1742 | Nov. 1. Jno. Jaques, Yoakfleet, Jane Kilburne, Howden. |
02/11/1742 | Nov 2. Robt. Drinkal & Eliz : Laycock, both of Howden. |
14/11/1742 | Nov 14. Thomas Nutbrown, Alice Hurst, both of Howden. |
14/11/1742 | Nov 14. Thomas Smith, Alice Chapman, both of Howden. |
15/11/1742 | Nov 15. Thos. Scoam, Clare Cook, both of Belby. |
16/11/1742 | Nov 16. Robt. Dean, Mary Underwood, both of Barmby. |
18/11/1742 | Nov 18. Saml. Steel, Belby, Ann Hessah, Sand Hall. |
27/11/1742 | Nov 27. Edwd. Bishop, Mary Wood, both of Laxton. |
30/11/1742 | Nov 30. Richd. Stather, Howden, Cath. Barker, Barmby. |
??/12/1742 | Dec. - Robert Branton & Mary Harrison, of Barmby. |
27/12/1742 | Dec 27. James Savage & Edith Wilkinson, both of Howden. |
02/01/1742 | Jan. 2. John Fletcher & Mary Wilkinson, both of Howden. |
04/01/1742 | Jan 4. George Corner, Saltmarsh, Martha Taylor, Booth. |
01/02/1742 | Feb. 1. John Snow & Jane Chapman, of Knedlington. |
10/02/1742 | Feb 10. Leonard Branton & Sarah English, both of Barmby. |
1743 | |
04/04/1743 | Apr. 4. John Harrison & Ann Barker, both of Barmby. |
17/04/1743 | Apr 17. John Robinson & Ann Greenupp, both of Barmby. |
24/04/1743 | Apr 24. John Bursay, Mary Thompson, both of Belby. |
28/04/1743 | Apr 28. John Durham, Brackenholme, Ann Brownbridge, Belby. |
02/05/1743 | May 2. John Boothby, Elizabeth Bursay, both of Howden. |
05/05/1743 | May 5. Henry Hall, Sand Hall, Sarah Spencer, Rainsbird. |
17/05/1743 | May 17. Wm. Pallister, Elizabeth Knowble, both of Howden. |
16/06/1743 | June 16. Quintin Snarr, Anne Catterton, Balkholme. |
26/06/1743 | Jun 26. William Snarr, Knedlington, Mary Ashton, Howden. |
30/06/1743 | Jun 30. Thos. Lowther, Frances Hawkings, both of Assleby. |
26/07/1743 | July 26. Wm. Martin, Elizabeth Godfrey, both of Howd. |
07/08/1743 | Aug. 7. Thos. Morritt & Mary Newham, both of Howden. |
08/09/1743 | Sept. 8. Thos. Halliwel, Foggerthorp, Eliz : Wall, Thorp. |
26/09/1743 | Sep 26. Thos. Lee & Hannah Bracebridge, of Howden. |
03/11/1743 | Nov. 3. Samll. Iveson, Mary Dove, both of Saltmarsh. |
06/11/1743 | Nov 6. Wm. Rider, Eleanor Palmer, of Saltmarsh. |
12/11/1743 | Nov 12. Jno. Johnson, Mary English, both of Laxton. |
12/11/1743 | Nov 12. Wm. Bradley, Susanna Hunt, Knedlington. |
17/11/1743 | Nov 17. Jno. Hill, Ann Buttle, both of Yoakfleet. |
19/11/1743 | Nov 19. Jno. Jackson, Kilpin, Mary Duncalf, Howden. |
21/11/1743 | Nov 21. Robt. Belt, Mary Chapman, both of Skelton. |
01/12/1743 | Dec. 1. Thos. Burntoft, Garthorp, Mary Colthard, Assleby. |
18/12/1743 | Dec 18. Jno. Tomlinson, Selby, Mary Lawrence, Barmby. |
29/12/1743 | Dec 29. Robt. Breasley & Ann York, both of Howden. |
29/12/1743 | Dec 29. Edmd. Baxter, Laxton, Deb : Blackburn, Angleby. |
01/01/1743 | Jan. 1. Samll. Cotton, Mary Lambert, both of Howden. |
29/01/1743 | Jan 29. Wm. Fletcher, Assleby, Ann Arlin, of Howden. |
31/01/1743 | Jan. 31. Richd Dent, Poppleton, Eliz. Barker, Barmby. |
02/02/1743 | Feb. 2. Thos. Sissons & Ann Dodsworth, both of Assleby. |
1744 | |
27/03/1744 | Mar. 27. Thos. Empson, Thorp, Eliz : Gibson, Howden. |
02/04/1744 | Apr. 2. Thos. Wilkinson, York, Jane Butterfield, Metham. |
16/04/1744 | Apr 16. Geo. Harrison, Jane Cowlam, both of Yoakfleet. |
01/05/1744 | May 1. Thos. Wood, Skelton, Mary Burrel, Gribthorp. |
14/05/1744 | May 14. Frans. Savage, Swinfleet, Sarah Kevil, Yoakfleet. |
21/06/1744 | June 21. Hammond Seymour, Kilpin, Dorothy Hyde, Howdn. |
12/07/1744 | July 12. Jonathan Brown, Howdn. Mary Newmarch, Saltmarshe. |
22/07/1744 | Jul 22. Mr. Isaac Broadley, Hull, & Ann Eliz : Eskrick, Howd. |
16/10/1744 | Oct. 16. Wm. Meggott, Hook, Eliz. Dawson, Kilpin. |
13/11/1744 | Nov. 13. Jos : Bickerton, Ann Smith, both of Howden. |
13/11/1744 | Nov 13. Jno. Popplewel, Eliz : Cowling, of Saltmarsh. |
13/11/1744 | Nov 13. Jno. Hall, Ann Frank, both of Belby. |
13/11/1744 | Nov 13. Robt. Hurst, Barbara Bradley, of Saltmarsh. |
15/11/1744 | Nov 15. Richd. Ambler, Eliz : Lambert, both of East Linton. |
15/11/1744 | Nov 15. Matt : Dove, Eliz. Reynoldson, both of Howden. |
20/11/1744 | Nov 20. Luke Bell, Eliz. Whiteley, both of Howden. |
20/11/1744 | Nov 20. Thos. Ellis, Yoakfleet, Sarah Lonsdale, Cotness. |
22/11/1744 | Nov 22. Frans. Jackson, Moor Ends, Eliz. Walker, Howden. |
27/11/1744 | Nov 27. Richd. Watson, Ann Moxan, both of Barmby. |
04/12/1744 | Dec. 4. Jno. Atkinson, Mary Bramham, of Assleby. |
15/12/1744 | Dec 15. Leo : Thorp, Howden, Maria Wadsworth, Kned. |
26/12/1744 | Dec 26. Solomon Brewitt, Leah Pearson, Assleby. |
27/12/1744 | Dec 27. Wm. Relph, Barmby, Mary Underwood, Howden. |
01/01/1744 | Jan. 1. David Iveson, Mary Fearn, both of Howden. |
07/01/1744 | Jan 7. Jno. Royston, Ann Bradford, both of Yoakfleet. |
17/01/1744 | Jan 17. Robt. Hayton, Wellam Bridge, Rachel Drewry, Howden. |
21/01/1744 | Jan 21. Thos. Dodgson, Marth : Addiman, both of Howden. |
29/01/1744 | Jan 29. Wm. Underwood, Jane Jackson, both of Howden. |
1745 | |
21/04/1745 | Apr. 21. Jno. Perkin & Mary Lee, both of Kilpin. |
25/04/1745 | Apr 25. Joseph Waterhouse & Mary Harrison, both of Howden. |
01/05/1745 | May 1. John Tate, Sarah Dowson, both of Howden. |
12/05/1745 | May 12. Richd. Waterhouse, Cath : Wilson, Barmby. |
19/05/1745 | May 19. Robt. Fielder, Ann Wilberfoss, Sandhall. |
30/07/1745 | July 30. Jno. Hanker, Isabella Linsdale, both of Kilpin. |
31/07/1745 | Jul 31. James Pearson, Hook, Ann Beamont, of Kilpin. |
08/08/1745 | Aug. 8. Wm. Rusholme, Mary Richardson, both of Howden. |
12/08/1745 | Aug 12. Samll. Whitaker, Saltmarsh, Cat. Leckenby, Laxton. |
27/10/1745 | Oct. 27. Thos. Richardson, Selby, Eliz. Harland, Howden. |
09/11/1745 | 9br. 3. Thos. Marshal and Alice Mitchel, both of Belby. |
12/11/1745 | Nov 12. John Bealbey & Sarah Tomas, both of Yoakfleet. |
13/11/1745 | Nov 13. William Layburn, Eliz. Bajambe, both of Saltmarsh. |
14/11/1745 | Nov 14. John Leedom, Laxton, Jane Lademan, of Howden. |
17/11/1745 | Nov 17. Thomas Butler, Edith Breasley, both of Howden. |
17/11/1745 | Nov 17. George Hatfield, Laxton, Mary Winter, Kilpin. |
18/11/1745 | Nov 18. John Palmer, Susanna Leckenby, both of Balkholme. |
26/10/1745 | Oct. 26. Robt. Green & Mary Hudson, both of Barmby. |
28/10/1745 | Oct 28. Thos. Fielder & Rebecca Malson, both of Sandhall. |
26/12/1745 | Dec. 26. John Wall, of Hull, Sarah Rusholme, of Howden. |
30/12/1745 | Dec 30. Jo : Bullock, Barwick, Mary Richardson, Howden. |
01/01/1745 | Jan. 1. Herbert Dawson, Laxton, Ruth Blanshard, Howden. |
14/01/1745 | Jan 14. Edwd. Marshal, Redness, Eliz : Bickerton, Howden. |
31/01/1745 | Jan 31. Wm. Bland & Sarah Chambers, both of Howden. |
1746 | |
27/06/1746 | June 27. James Bilbrough & Ann Bray, both of Bilby. |
03/07/1746 | July 3. Matthew Dolphin, of Wresle, & Jane Birdwhistle, of Howden. |
23/07/1746 | Jul 23. Samuel Glasby & Grace Todd, both of Yorkfleet. |
05/08/1746 | Aug. 5. Thos. Long & Dorathy Dent, both of Yorkfleet. |
15/08/1746 | Aug 15. Mark Lowther, of Howden, & Mary Jewson, of Howden dyke. |
18/08/1746 | Aug 18. Joseph Moor and Ann Ward, Both of Yorkfleet. |
09/09/1746 | Septr. 9. Robert Mann & Ann Colton, both of Howden. |
02/11/1746 | Novr. 2. Peter Dean & Sarah Atkinson, both of Howden (Licence). |
09/11/1746 | 9. James Harrinson & Mary Empson, of Balkholme. |
10/11/1746 | 10. John Vicars, of Eastrington, & Mary Nutbrown, of Howden. |
13/11/1746 | 13. John Brigs, of Whitgift, & Barbara Chapman, of Howden. |
16/11/1746 | 16. Ralph Scott, of Blacktoft, & Sarah Bradley, of Howden. |
17/11/1746 | 17. Thos. Drury & Mary Sherburn, both of Belby. |
18/11/1746 | 18. Thos. Moor, of Laxton, & Mary Taylor, of Skelton. |
02/02/1746 | Feb. 2. Thomas Mardison & Mary Coneyworth, both of Howden. |
1747 | |
07/05/1747 | May 7. John Nicholson, of Asselby, & Ann Robin, of Howden. |
11/06/1747 | June 11. Benjamin Underwood & Mary Volans, both of Barmby. |
30/08/1747 | Augt 30. Jonathan Moor & Sarah Lolly. |
11/10/1747 | Octr. 11. Robt Clayburn & Ann Abba. |
10/12/1747 | Decr. 10. Edward Gibson & Elis : Hawksworth. |
21/12/1747 | 21. William Pearce & Jane Hall. |
05/01/1747 | Jany. 5. John Roberts, of Whitgift, & Mary Lambert, of Laxton. |
22/01/1747 | 22. Richard Elliotson & Ann Burtwhistle, of Booth Ferry (Licence). |
26/01/1747 | 26. Robert White, of Wressle Parish, & Margt Blancherd, of Howden (Licence). |
26/01/1747 | 26. John Underwood & Rachel Bulmer, both of Howden (Licence). |
1748 | |
18/04/1748 | April 18. William Barn & Jane Shaw, of Skelton. |
07/06/1748 | June 7 George Sterton & Elizabeth Jackson or Yoakfleet |
25/07/1748 | July 25. Tho Waterhouse & Sarah Hewat, both of Asselby. |
20/09/1748 | Sept. 20. Joseph Tindal, of Breighton, & Ann Leek, of Barmby. |
21/09/1748 | 21. Francis Hutchcroft & Catherine Jopson, both of Barmby. |
15/11/1748 | Novr. 15. John Boys & Elisabeth Dewse, both of Barmby. |
23/12/1748 | Decr. 23. Jervas Copley & Hannah Maram, of Howden Par : |
02/02/1748 | Feby. 2. Thos. White, of Loftsome, & Ellen Cass, of Barmby (Licence). |
03/02/1748 | 3. John Dennis & Elis : Underwood, of Barmby (Licence). |
1749 | |
04/04/1749 | April 4. Wm. Wood & Margt Brown, of Saltmarsh (Licence). |
27/04/1749 | 27. Wm. Cook & Mary Dowson, of Howden. |
05/06/1749 | June 5. Chars. Tayler & Mary Woolhams, of Skelton. |
25/06/1749 | 25. Matthew Jubb & Mary Laverick, of Yoakfleet. |
12/06/1749 | 12. James Richardson & Ann Argyle, of Howden. |
25/06/1749 | 25. Wm. Rushworth, Par. of Egbrough or Kellington, & Hannah Peacock, of this Parish. |
03/08/1749 | Augt. 3. Charles Metham, Sailor, & Ann Breasley. |
15/10/1749 | Octr. 15. John Green, of Saltmarsh, & Sarah Jewitt. |
12/11/1749 | Novr. 12. Matthew Hornsby, of Belferrys, York, & Jane Grasson, of Howden. |
17/11/1749 | 17. George Pickhaver & Ann South, of Howden. |
21/11/1749 | 21. John Thompson & Mary Goodhair, of Saltmarsh. |
30/11/1749 | 30. Will. Newham & Frances Heedal, both of Kilpin. |
30/11/1749 | 30. Benjamin Sanderson & Mary Bradley, Kilpin. |
02/12/1749 | Decr. 2. Benjamin Wilson, of Gainsborough, Sailor, & Ellin Breasley, of Howden. |
06/12/1749 | 6. George Carter, of Asselby, & Ellin Mason, of Howden. |
26/12/1749 | 26. Edward Brewster, of Kilpin, & Hanna Tasker, of Belby. |
26/12/1749 | 26. Arthur Otley & Ann Turner, of Barmby. |
26/12/1749 | 26. George Mason & Elis : Clark, both of Howden. |
30/12/1749 | 30. Joseph Willson & Ann Butler, both of Barmby (Licence). |
04/02/1749 | Feb. 4. Moses Drake & Mary Chimney, of Howden Dyke. |
05/02/1749 | 5. Wm. Andrew, of Barmby, & Jane Wilkinson, of Howden. (Licence). |
11/02/1749 | 11. Wm. Cliff & Sarah Nutbrown, of Howden. |
13/03/1749 | March 13. George Teatall, of Yokefleet, & Bridgett Johnson, of Welton. |
1750 | |
27/03/1750 | March 27. Tho Lewis & Ann Levens, of Howden. |
17/04/1750 | April 17. Robt. Skin & Martha Palmer, of Asselby. |
19/04/1750 | 19. George Farret & Mary Snarr. |
07/06/1750 | June 7. Joseph Thorp, of Armin, & Elis : Hessey, of Howden. |
05/07/1750 | July 5. German Gillyard & Sarah Bilton, of Howden. |
25/07/1750 | 25. Paul Pickhaver & Mary Johnson, of Barmby. |
10/08/1750 | Augt. 10. Abraham Holmes & Sarah Mowberry, of Yoakfleet. |
23/09/1750 | Septr. 23. William Waters & Mary Leaper, of Barmby. |
28/10/1750 | Octr. 28. John Nutbrown & Elis : Richardson, of Asselby. |
30/10/1750 | 30. David Belt & Mary meson, both of Howden. |
01/11/1750 | Novr. 1. Henry Horseman & Mary English, of Howden.(Licence). |
06/11/1750 | Nov. 6. William Fox & Elliner Story, of Barmby. |
13/11/1750 | 13. James Bramman, of Newland, & Ann Branton, of Barmby. |
13/11/1750 | 13. John Hobson & Alice Robinson, of Laxton |
15/11/1750 | 15. Saml. Hall, of Thorp, & Mary Johnson, of Laxton. |
26/11/1750 | 26. T hos. Watson, of Cavil, & Martha Harwood, of Thorp |
04/12/1750 | Decr. 4. John Torton, of Gripthorp, & Mary Stubbins, of Brin |
26/12/1750 | 26. John Wilkinson & Mary Coggrave, of Howden. |
31/12/1750 | 31. John Thorp & Hannah Robinson, of Howden. |
06/01/1750 | Jany 6. John Nutbrown & Grace Hall, of Howden. |
24/01/1750 | 24. Joseph Mayfield, of Barmby, & Jane Lambert, Newland |
04/02/1750 | Feby 4. Christopher Johnson & Elis : Wright, of Howden. |
12/02/1750 | 12. Thos. Bateson, of Weighton, & Elis : Butler, Barmby. (Licence). |
1751 | |
11/03/1751 | March 11. Thos Thompson & Mary Ayre, of this Town. (Licence). |
09/04/1751 | April. 9. Thos. Batty & Mary Ilinger, of Asselby. |
13/06/1751 | June 13. Richard Scott, of Rawcliff. & Eliza : Hastings, of Howden. |
15/06/1751 | 15. William Hodgson & Hannah Drury, both of Barmby. |
28/07/1751 | July 28. William Halliday & Bathsheba Smorfitt, of Barmby. |
02/08/1751 | Augt. 2. Ambrose Baxter & Ann Day, both of Saltmarsh. |
20/10/1751 | Octr. 20. John Laverick & Ann Jewett, both of this Parish. (Licence). |
20/10/1751 | 20. Thos. Ellison, of Hemingbrough, & Elis : Brown, of Barmby. |
03/11/1751 | Nov. 3. William Palmer & Mary Pinder, both of this Town. |
13/11/1751 | 13. William Pearson & Susan : Palmer, of this Town. |
14/11/1751 | 14. Richard Tomlinson & Elisa : Bell, of Saltmarsh. |
24/11/1751 | 24. Hugh Watkins & Isabella Stainforth, of Carhouse. |
24/12/1751 | Dec. 24. Thos. Good, of Saltmarsh, & Sarah Jewitt, of Redness. |
29/12/1751 | 29. Richd. Levitt & Mary Mounsier, both of Asselby. |
1752 | |
12/02/1752 | Feby 12. John Alcock & Hannah Grayton, of Sand Hall. |
11/03/1752 | Mar. 11. Boaz Thompson & Martha Middleton. |
31/03/1752 | 31. Richd. Olmley, of Laxton, & Cathe Whitaker, of Sandholme. |
11/04/1752 | April. 11. John Pearch & Mary Atkinson, both of Asselby. |
30/04/1752 | 30. John Martingale & Mary Cook, of Howden Dyke. |
06/06/1752 | June 6. Thos. White, of Barmby, & Sarah Winter, of Asselby. |
03/11/1752 | Novr 3. John Good & Sarah Smith, of Howden Dyke |
12/11/1752 | 12. Stephen Thompson & Mary Richardson. of Howden. |
21/11/1752 | 21. Joseph Andrew, of Barmby. & Elis : Ellis, of Kilpin. |
23/11/1752 | 23. Allen Hutch, of Whitgift, & Joanna Hill, of Howden. |
23/11/1752 | 23. David Long & Sarah Whickfall, of Yokefleet. |
26/11/1752 | 26. Wm. Winter & Elis : Weldrake, of Asselby. |
26/11/1752 | 26. Amor Duckles & Ann Carr, of Yoakfleet. |
26/12/1752 | Dec. 26. Christr. Tayler & Frances Newham. |
26/12/1752 | 26. John Tate & Joanna Moor, of Howden. |
1753 | |
05/05/1753 | May 5. George Brooks & Susannah Stephenson (Licence). |
18/06/1753 | June 18. George Clark, of Latham, & Ann Todd, of Barmby. |
03/07/1753 | July 3. Thos. Bromley & Hannah Bovil, of Howden. |
26/07/1753 | 26. Robert Rames & Mary Beaumont (pedlers). |
26/08/1753 | Aug. 26. George Moor & Mary Powis, of Saltmarsh. |
18/10/1753 | Octr. 18. James Smorfit, of Drax, & Ann Potter, of Howden. |
06/11/1753 | Novr. 6. John Wood & Susannah Bell, of Barmby. |
25/11/1753 | 25. John Thompson & Ann Bell, of Knedlington. |
27/11/1753 | 27. Richard Hindesley & Margaret Jewitt (Licence). |
27/11/1753 | 27. Guy Hawkins, of Wressle, & Alice Cook, of Balkholme. |
28/11/1753 | 28. Pelham Smith & Neaty Rowland, of Barmby. |
28/11/1753 | 28. Thomas Backhouse, of Laxton, & Ellen Larch. |
03/12/1753 | Dec. 3. George Jennison & Ann Greenwood. |
03/12/1753 | 3. Abraham Holmes, of Yoakfleet, & Mary Hawksworth, of Asselby. |
05/12/1753 | 5. Thos. Nutbrown & Ann Boys, of Barmby. |
24/12/1753 | 24. William Underwood & Mary Smorfit. |
24/12/1753 | 24. Thos. Parrot & Ann Thompson, both of Yoakfleet. |
1754 | |
30/01/1754 | Jany 30. Robert Johnson, of Skelton, & Ann Norwood, of Saltmarsh. |
04/02/1754 | Feby 4. John Mails, of Holme, & Ann Millington, of Howden. |
09/02/1754 | 9. John Brown & Rebecca Andrew (Licence). |
19/02/1754 | 19. Abram Haigh. of Saltmarsh. & Elisabeth Smith, of Asselby. (Licence). |
20/04/1754 | April 20. Hammond Seymour & Mary Masterman (Licence). |
(All marriages were by banns unless otherwise stated.) | |
02/05/1754 | 2 May. John Tate & Rebecca Whiteley, both of Howden, by John Mallison, Curate. Witns : James Godmond, Vicar, & Thos. Athorpe. |
22/05/1754 | 22 May. Thomas Handsome & Elisabeth Chappel, both of Howden. Witns : William Cooke, Mary Cook. |
27/05/1754 | 27 May. William Proctor & Anne Wentworth, both of Howden. Witns : Wm. Glew, Elener Potes. |
28/05/1754 | 28 May. Henry Brocklebank & Ann Wilson, both of Howden. Witns : Edward Vcase, Jr. James Godmond. |
30/05/1754 | 30 May. Thomas Bentley, Par : of Market Weighton, and Mary Robinson. of this Parish. (Licence). Witns : Jordan Brisby, Hannah Keader. |
04/06/1754 | 4 June. Robert Laybourne &.Margaret Railton, both of this Par : Witns : Edward Underwood, George Moore. |
24/06/1754 | 24 June. John Cavin & Ann Sharp, both of this Par : Witns 11 Robt. Waud, Mary Empson. |
03/07/1754 | 3 July. John Watson & Mary Williamson, both of this Par : (Licence). Witns : M. Taleor, William Cooke. |
15/07/1754 | 15 July. Thomas Wilicock, Joiner, & Hannah Noble, Spinster, both of Howden. Witns : Richd. Bainton, Mary Lister. |
15/07/1754 | 15 July. Paul Watkin, Tayler, & Mary Smith, spinster, both of Howden. Witns : Eliz : Preston, William Cooke. |
25/07/1754 | 25 July. Samuel Rodwell, of Thorn, Mariner, & Margaret Kitchen, of Howden, spinster. Witns : Matthew Kitchen, Hannah Keader. |
30/07/1754 | 30 July. William Flockton, Mariner, & Sarah Anderson, spinster, both of Howden. Witns : Richd. Ward, Elizth. Ward. |
15/08/1754 | 15 Augt. Francis Smith & Sarah Armitage, both of Howden. Witns : Wm. Armitage, Jacob Maslin. |
24/09/1754 | 24 Septr. Thomas Dowson, of Skelton, Husbandman, & Mary Dallby, of Howden. (Licence). Witns : John Dalby, Athorp Garton. |
03/10/1754 | 3 Oct. William Tasker, Labourer, & Ann Webster, widow, both of this Par : Witns : Mary Bullmar, Boaz Thompson. |
05/11/1754 | 5 Novr. William Tate, of Knedlington, & Anne Shepherd, of Howden. Witns : John Wadsworth, William Cooke. |
11/11/1754 | 11 Novr. George Mason, of Howden, Labourer, & Ann Wilson, of Brin, Par : Wressel. Witns : William Coats, William Cooke. |
12/11/1754 | 12 Nov. William Glew & Mary Fletcher, both of this Par : Witns : Tho. Leek, Mary Lister. |
26/11/1754 | 26 Nov. Samuel Green & Mary Todd, both of this Parish. Witns: Thomas Green, Elizabeth Cass. |
26/11/1754 | 26 Novr. Thomas Scalm, of Howden, & Mary Buttle, Par : Snaith. Witns : Thos. Brown, Jas. Watson. |
01/12/1754 | 1 Decr. Thomas Harper & Ann Colbert, both of this Par : Witns : George Cross, Sarah Cross. |
03/12/1754 | 3 Decr. John Wilson & Anne Thompson, both of this Par : Witns : Sothn. Millington, William Cooke. |
03/12/1754 | 3 Dec. John Fish & Sarah Arnal, both of Howden. Witns : Thos. Burntofts, Willm. Cooke. |
08/12/1754 | 8 Dec. Christopher White, Cooper, & Mary Spence, Spinster, both of Howden. (Licence). Witns : Wm. Booth, Wm. Dalby. |
10/12/1754 | 10 Decr. Samuel Collin, Husbandman, & Jane Kendall, spinster, both of this Par : Witns : Joseph West, Ann West, George Wise. |
24/12/1754 | 24 Decr. Peter Millington, of Easterington, and Jane Clerk, of Howden. Witns : Thomas Turnell, John Hudson, Ann Barber. |
??/12/1754 | Decr. Banns only. Thomas Smith, of Howden, & Eliz: Kettlestrings, of Eastrington. |
??/12/1754 | Decr. Banns only. Thos. Laverick, of Howden, & Elis : Wilkinson, Par. South Cave. |
1755 | |
20/01/1755 | 20 Jany Thos. Coggin, servant, & Ann Brown, spinster, of Carr House. Witns : Richard Stather, William Cooke. |
20/01/1755 | 20 Jany James Watson & Elisabeth Agar, both of this Par : Witns : John Peach. |
28/01/1755 | 28 Jany William Gray & Mary Meggot, both of Howden. Witns : Thos. Dowson, Mary Dowson. |
10/02/1755 | 10 Feby William Gott, Husbandman, & Mary Harrison, spinster, both of this Par : (Licence). Witns : Thos. Harrison. William Cooke. |
01/04/1755 | 1 April. William Andrew & Ann Story, both of this Parish. Witns : Jno. Barry, Jno. Fiske. |
15/04/1755 | 15 April. Edward Cobb, Par. of Hemingburgh, & Elizabeth Cook, of Howden. Witns : Thomas Thompson, William Cooke. |
04/05/1755 | 4 May. John Perch & Jane Pinkney, both of the par : of Howden. Witns : Willm. Cooke. |
17/06/1755 | 17 June. William Newham & Elisabeth Bentley, both of Howden. Witns : John Newam, Edward Fleeman. |
08/07/1755 | 8 July. Thos. Royle & Ann Dowson, both of this Par : Witns : William Coats, Esther Coats. |
19/08/1755 | 19 Augt. Thos. Stainforth, weaver, & Elisabeth Webster, spinster, both of Howden. Witns : John Harrison, Tho. Bentley. |
24/08/1755 | 24 Augt. Thomas Cooke & Catharine Cade, both of Howden. Witns : William Cooke, Mary Cooke. |
06/09/1755 | 6 Sept. John Alston, Par : of St. Edmund, Salisbury, in the Co : of Wiltshire, officer in ye Excise, & Catherine Lowther, of Howden, spinster, by Licence. Witns : Elizabeth Bywater, John Stainton. |
07/09/1755 | 7 Septr Henry Bell, Junr. Par. of Bubwith, Husbandman, & Jane Blanshard, of Howden. (Licence). Witns : Robert Blanshard, William Cooke. |
03/11/1755 | 3 Novr. John Harrison & Catherine Blanshard, Widow, both of Howden. Witns : William Booth, Anthony Guy. |
25/11/1755 | 25 Novr. Robert Roulland & Elisabeth Ellinworth, both of this Par : Witns : Jonathan Goodwill, Wm. Ellinworth. |
26/11/1755 | 26 Novr. George Craven, Labourer, & Ann Riley, servant, both of this Par. Witns: Margaret Simpson, Mary Smart. |
08/12/1755 | 8 Decr John Denton, Serjeant, & Sarah Tomlinson, both of this Par. Witns : Willm. Cockburn. |
09/12/1755 | 9 Decr. James Allen, FIaxdresser, & Grace Pilkington, spinster, both of Howden. Witns : John Briggs, Junr, William Cooke. |
11/12/1755 | 11 Decr. Stephen Corbett, of St. Martin's, Leicester, Hosier, & Anna Bullen, of Howden. (Licence). Witns : John Nicholson, William Booth. |
11/12/1755 | 11 Decr. Jonathan Overan, Husbandman, & Rebecka Palmer, spinster, both of Howden Par. Witns : John Wilkinson, Willm. Harling. |
1756 | |
14/01/1756 | 14 Jany. John Oades, Blacksmith, & Mary Sherwood, spinster, both of Howden Par : by Edward Robinson, Clerk. Witns : Tho. Linthall, Joseph Jewitt. |
28/01/1756 | 28 Jany. Richard Stadder, Husbandman, of Howden, & Elisabeth Hessey, of Blacktoft, spinster. Witns : Thos. Smart, Abr : Haigh. |
03/02/1756 | 3 Feb. Wm. Nicholson, shoemaker, & Elisabeth Stainforth, spinster, both of Howden Par : Witns : John Best, Robert Kirkhouse. |
17/02/1756 | 17 Feby. William Craven, Joiner, & Eleanor Porter, Par : of Howden. Witns : Thomas Frear, Thomas Fearn. |
22/02/1756 | 22 Feby. John Sadler, Tayler, & Margaret Peers, both of Howden. Witns : John Wilson, Isaac Gedmond. |
17/03/1756 | 17 March. Robert Underwood, Husbandman, and Eliz : Kellington, Par. of Howden. Witns: R. Spofforth, Junr. Isaac Godmond. |
20/03/1756 | 20 March. Hammond Seymour, Husbandman, & Catherine Leighton, spinster, both of Howden Par : by Licence. Witns: Thomas Leighton, Isaac Godmond. |
22/04/1756 | 22 April. Thos. Bradley, butcher, & Margaret Stickney, both of Howden Par : Witns : Wm. Logan, Henry Best. |
06/05/1756 | 6 May. Willm. Royland, Husbandman, & Jane Awmon, widow, both of Howden Par. Witns : Willm Ellingworth, Wm. Cooke. |
23/05/1756 | 23 May. John Drewry, of Drax, Bookkeeper, & Martha Jackson, of Howden, spinster, by Licence. Witns : John Jackson, William Hodgson. |
25/05/1756 | 25 May. John Cobb, of Hembrough, Bricklayer, & Ann Cook, of Howden, spinster. Witns : John Eland, Thos. Bentley. |
09/06/1756 | 9 June. Cornelius Hill, of Armin, & Mary Wells, of Howden, by Licence. Witns : Tho. Bentley, Jno. Fletcher. |
21/06/1756 | 21 June. Gorge Allison & Sarah Harrison, both of Howden Par : Witns : Jas. Pears, Mary Wilson. |
29/06/1756 | 29 June. George Newby, of Sculcoates, Mariner. & Elizabeth Clay, spinster, of this Par : by Licence. Witns : Thos. Smart, Thos. Field. |
20/07/1756 | 20 July. John Bartle, servant, & Mary Harrison, servant, both of Howden. Witns : John Dallbv, Thomas Thorpe. |
12/08/1756 | 12 Augt. George Vollans, Baker, & Mary Gostlow, servant, both of Howden. Witns : William Booth, John Hudson. |
12/09/1756 | 12 Septr. George Coats, servant, & Hannah Catterick, both of Howden. Witns : Jno. Batty, Wm. Cooke. |
25/10/1756 | 25 Octr. John Blanshard, Labourer, & Ann Steaner, both of Howden Par. Witns : Jonathan Goodwill, Frances Alcock. |
21/11/1756 | 21 Novr. George Nevill, of Whitgift, & Alice Alcock, of Howden. Witns : Thos. Alcock, Wm. Cooke. |
23/11/1756 | 23 Novr. Robert Ridsdale & Mary Tasker, both of Howden Par : Witns : Thos. Atkinson, John Dallby. |
23/11/1756 | 23 Novr. Lewis Jewitt, servant, & Mary Holmes, servant, both of Howden Par. Witns : Thos. Jewitt, Wm. Cooke. |
28/11/1756 | 28 Novr. Robert Selly, of Drax, Blacksmith, & Elizabeth King, of Howden, spinster. Witns : Robart Lister, Jas. Godmond, Vicar. |
12/12/1756 | 12 Decr. William Doughty, sailor, & Jane Cammel, Mantua Maker, both of Howden Par : by Licence. Witns : Andw. Campsell. |
27/12/1756 | 27 Decr. Richard Johnson, Husbandman, & Mary Willson, servant, both of Howden Par : Witn : William Winter. |
1757 | |
04/01/1757 | 4 Jan. Thomas Weldrake, Husbandman, & Mary Hessey, spinster, both of Howden Par : Witns : Rich : Hindesley, John Laverack. |
24/01/1757 | 24 Jan. Samuel Cotton, shoemaker, & Rebecca Danscme, spinster, both of Howden Par : Witns : Christopher Waterhouse, Frs. Thackra. |
13/02/1757 | 13 Feb. .... William Lawtv, Husbandman, & Isabel Kelsey, Widow, both of Howden Par : Witn : Henry Brocklebank. |
01/05/1757 | 1 May. John Thompson, Shoemaker, & Hannah Keader, spinster, both of Howden (Licence) Witns : Henry Brocklebank, Charles Keader. |
28/04/1757 | 28 April. Thomas Drury, of Thorp, Husbandman, & Mary Kell, of Knedlington, widow. Witn : John Bullass. |
23/05/1757 | 23 May. John Headley, of Eastrington, Husbandman, & Ann Moor, of Howden, servant. Witn : William Coats. |
29/06/1757 | 29 June. Robert Wilson, Butcher, & Sarah Steel, spinster, both of Howden, by Licence, in Barmby Chapel, by Will. Burges. Curate. Witns : Robt. Crookdake, John Maynard. |
30/06/1757 | 30 June. Robert Wilberfosse, of Bubwith, Husbandman, & Sarah Smith, of Howden, spinster. (Licence). Witns : Martha Smith, Joseph Birdwhistle. |
19/07/1757 | 19 July. Charles Fearn, Skinner, & Jane Rowland, both of Howden Par : Witns : John Tiplady, Edmund Maltby. |
05/06/1757 | 5 June. Edward Day, Joiner, & Elisabeth Fearnley, spinster, both of Howden Par |
01/08/1757 | 1 Augt. Thomas Cass, Husbandman. of this Parish, & Ann Walker, of North Cave, spinster. Witns : Jno. Walker, Marmaduke Procter. E. ROBINSON, Curate. |
07/08/1757 | 7 Augt. George Harrison, Labourer, & Jane Wood, both of Howden. JAS. GODMOND, Vicar. |
27/08/1757 | 27 Augt Richard Smith. Waterman, & Ann Garnett, both of Howden. Witn : Grace Crawshow. |
30/08/1757 | 30 Augt Thomas Frear, Husbandman, & Martha Keader, spinster, both of Howden (Licence). Witns : Robt. Sutton Charles Keader. |
10/09/1757 | 10 Septr William Green, servant, & Susanna Young, servt. both of Howden. Witn : Robt. Bell. |
18/09/1757 | 18 Septr. William Hardy, Joiner, & Elisabeth Godfrey, Spinster, both of Howden (Licence). Witns : Wm. Hardy, John Bulmer. |
19/09/1757 | 19 Septr. Charles Fletcher, Husbandman, & Alice Singleton, widow (Licence). Witn : John Good. |
20/09/1757 | 20 Septr. John Mashiter, of St. Mary's, Lancaster, Ropemaker, & Ann Harrison, of Barmby, spinster (Licence). Witn: Josh. Harrison. |
25/09/1757 | 25 Sept. Martin Stainley, weaver, & Jane Eckles, widow, both of Howden. Witn : John Tiplady. |
16/10/1757 | 16 Octr. Thomas Bilton, shoemaker, & Ann Webster, both of Howden. Witns : John Tiplady, Edmund Maltby. |
18/10/1757 | 18 Octr. John Nicholson, Exciseman, & Mary Markham, spinster, both of Howden (Licence). Witns : Ann Spofforth, Charles Kedar. |
01/11/1757 | 1 Nov. John Steel, Husbandman, & Sarah Atkinson, spinster, both of Howden. Witns : William Hodgson, Thomas Peach. |
05/11/1757 | 5 Novr. James Hardy, Husbandman, & Ann Laverack, both of Howden (Licence). Witn : Robert Thornbrough. |
23/11/1757 | 23 Nov. Joseph Thompson, Husbandman, & Mary Markham, spinster, both of Howden Par : Witn : Robert Underwood. |
22/11/1757 | 22 Novr. John Leaper, Carpenter, & Elisabeth Smith, servant, both of Howden Par : Witn : William Leaper. |
23/11/1757 | 23 Novr. Robert Chaplain, servant, & Elizabeth Hardy, spinster, both of Howden Par : Witn : James Hardy. |
24/11/1757 | 24 Nov. Joseph Townend, servant, & Mary Hurst, servant, both of Howden Par : Witn : Robt. Har. |
24/11/1757 | 24 Nov. John Pinder, Carpenter, & Hannah Cass, servant, both of Howden Par : Witn : Mary Lamb. |
24/11/1757 | 24 Novr. William Abba, of Howden, servt. and Elizabeth Watson, of Bubwith, servant. Witn : Richd. Waterhouse. |
26/11/1757 | 26 Nov. Rich& Ramsey, weaver, & Mary Russell, spinster, both of Howden Par : |
27/11/1757 | 27 Novr. John Gowthorp, servant, & Elizabeth Dixon, widow, both of Howden Par : Witns : Nich : Blanshard. |
06/12/1757 | 6 Dec. Joseph Elcock, servant, & Sarah Blanshard, servant, both , of Howden Par : Witn : Robert Blanshard. |
06/12/1757 | 6 Dec. George Empson, servant, & Mary Weldrake, servant, both of Howden Par : Witn : Matthew Smith. |
06/12/1757 | 6 Dec. Edward Jewitt, servant, & Elizabeth Haigh, spinster, both of Howden Par : Witn : Abraham Haigh. |
11/12/1757 | 11 Dec. Samuel Brown, Butcher, & Mary Hall, servant, both of Howden Par : Witn : Edeyth Savage. |
13/12/1757 | 13 Dec. William Singleton, Husbandman, & Hannah Hoop, spinster, both of Howden Par : Witns : James Cammell. James Howse. |
26/12/1757 | 26 Dec. Jonathan Goodwill, servant, & Mary Walker, spinster, both of Howden Par : Witns : William Booth, Thos. Gipp. |
1758 | |
09/02/1758 | 9 Feby. Robert Waud, Victuler, & Ann Barber, servant, both of Howden Par : (Licence). Witn : Marmaduke Procter. |
23/03/1758 | 23 March. Thomas Speck, Glazier, & Mary Hogg, spinster, both of Howden Par : Witns : Richard Fearn, John Ayre. |
28/03/1758 | 28 March. William Calvert, of Hook, Husbandman, & Sarah Leaper, of Howden Par : spinster. Witns : John Leaper, Willm. Leaper. |
11/04/1758 | 11 April. George Athorp, Gentleman, & Miss Elizabeth Graver, both of Howden Par : (Licence). Witns : Thomas Graver, Robert Athorpe. |
16/04/1758 | 16 April. Robert Maskall, Shoemaker, & Mary Gastalow, widow, both of Howden Par : Witn : John Tiplady. |
27/04/1758 | 27 April. John Wightley, servant, Howden Par : & Mary Thompson, servant, Wressel Par. JAMES GODMOND, Vicar. |
07/05/1758 | 7 May. Benjamin Hill, Husbandman, & Bridgett Tutil, widow, both of Howden Par : Witn : Edward Voase. |
16/05/1758 | 16 May. Edward Jackson, of Bubwith, servant, & Elizabeth Martin, of Howden, servant. |
24/05/1758 | 24 May. Thomas Garbutt, Shoemaker, & Sarah Chambers, servant, both of Howden Par : ISAAC NICHOLSON, Curate. |
11/06/1758 | 11 June. Joseph Harrison, Husbandman, & Mary Knott, spinster, both of Howden Par : married in Barmby Chapel (Licence), by Will. Burges, Curate. Witns : Jno. Mashiter, Robt. Crookdake. |
13/06/1758 | 13 June. Edward Swan, Labourer, & Ann Pinder, spinster, both of Howden Par. Witns : John Haram, William Booth. |
20/06/1758 | 20 June. William Kerchisson, Junr. and Sarah Ayre, Spinster, both of Howden Par : Witn : Ann Drinkal. JAS. GODMOND, Vicar. |
29/06/1758 | 29 June. Robert Good & Ann Good, spinster, both of Howden, by Isaac Nicholson. Witns : Charles Fletcher, Tho : Bentley. |
23/10/1758 | 23 Octr. William Geikie, servant, & Jane Harrison, servant, both of Howden Par : Witns : William Rodwell, Philip Greenup. |
25/11/1758 | 25 Novr. George Bentley, servant, & Mary Taylor, servant, both of Howden Par : JAMES GODMOND, Vicar. |
30/11/1758 | 30 Novr. Gregory Thornton, servant, & Mary Empson, servant. JAMES GODMOND, Vicar. |
03/12/1758 | 3 Decr. Edward Thrussel, Husbandman, & Sarah Moat, widow, both of Howden Par : |
07/12/1758 | 7 Decr. George Howthorpe, Eastrington Par : & Mary Bell, widow, of Howden. Witn : Jonathan Goodwill. |
10/12/1758 | 10 Decr. John Bell, Miller, & Elizabeth Stainforth, widow, both of Howden Par : Witn : Thos. Bentley. |
27/12/1758 | 27 Decr. Robert Bishop, Labourer, & Mary Johnson, widow, both of Howden Par : Witns : Thomas Kedar, Josh. Jewitt. |
1759 | |
09/01/1759 | 9 Jany. Matthew Iveson, Husbandman, & Margaret Brooks, spinster, both of Howden Par : (Licence). Witns : John Brooks, Joseph Brooks. |
23/01/1759 | 23 Jany. Samuel Bower, Labourer, Eastrington Parish, & Mary Drabs, Par : of Howden. |
24/01/1759 | 24 Jany. Jacob Richardson, Husbandman, & Ann Hudson, both of Howden Par : ISAAC NICHOLSON, Curate. |
26/02/1759 | 26 Feb. George Easingwood & Elizabeth Atkinson. Witns: John Tiplady, Elias Branton. |
18/03/1759 | 18 March. Wm. Stockdale & Mary Riley, both of Yokefleet. Witns: Jno. Sharp, W. Riley. |
10/04/1759 | 10 April. Thomas Pickard & Mary Battle, both of Howden Parish. Witt : Tho Audas. |
17/05/1759 | 17 May. Henry Best, Shoemaker, & Rebekah Clark, servant, both of Howden Par : Witns : John Best, Mary Kirkhouse. |
22/05/1759 | 22 May. Aaron Armitage, Waterman, & Dorothy Procter, both of Howden Par : Witn : John Tate. |
05/06/1759 | 5 June. James Clemet, Staymaker, Jane Bolden, spinster, both of Howden Par : Witns : Tho. Bentley, Joseph Clemit. |
14/06/1759 | 14 June. John Jackson, Taylor, & Mary Stoneley, servant, both of Howden Par : Witns : John laverack, Elizabeth Stephenson. |
19/06/1759 | 19 June. James Gilyeat, Servant, & Martha Walsh, Servant, both of Howden Par : Witns : John Wilson, John Kirkhouse. |
26/06/1759 | 26 June. Robert Souwl, of Whitgift, servant, & Deborah Eccles, servant. Witns : Mary Burton, Martin Stoneley. |
01/07/1759 | 1 July. John Turton, of Santinley, Par. of Wragby, & Ann Haigh, Par. of Howden (Licence). Witns : Abraham Haigh, Benjamin Turton. |
12/08/1759 | 12 Aug. Thomas Audas, Husbandman, & Elizabeth Stephenson, spinster, both of Howden Par. Witns-: Thos. Brown, Jno. Stephenson. |
14/08/1759 | 14 Augt. George Blanshard, Husbandman. of Howden Par : & Sarah Earnshaw, spinster, of North Cave. (Licence). Witns : Robt. Blanshard, Junr. Robert Blanshard, Senr |
01/11/1759 | 1 Novr. Thomas Wilcock, Joiner, & Elizabeth Firth, spinster, both of Howden Par : Witn : John Hyde. |
01/11/1759 | 1 Nov. John Noble, Weaver, & Hannah Maskell, spinster, both of Howden Par : Witn : Thomas Freer. |
06/11/1759 | 6 Nov. Robert Parrot, Labourer, & Elizabeth Ward, Servant, both of Howden Par : Witn : Benjn. Watkinson. |
25/11/1759 | 25 Novr. David Pearson, Innkeeper, of Drax, and Hannah Todd, of Howden. Witns : Robt Wilson, Thos. Baitson. |
27/11/1759 | 27 Nov. Thomas Cook, servant, & Mary Norwood, spinster. Witns : Michael Norwood, Jno. Norwood. |
28/11/1759 | 28 Nov. John Stainton, servant, of Whitgift, & Ann Roberts, servant, of Howden. Witn : John Stainton. ISAAC NICHOLSON, Curate. |
14/12/1759 | 14 Dec. John Wright, & Mary Jackson, both of Howden Par : Witns : Thos Lea, David Pearson. |
20/12/1759 | 20 Dec. Richard Long, servant, & Hannah Beeston, servant, both of Howden Par : |
1760 | |
19/02/1760 | 19 Feb. Robert Johnson, Husbandman, & Ellin Bacchus, Widow, both of Howden Par. |
19/02/1760 | 19 Feby Robert Dunn, of Howden, Mercht. & Elizabeth Athorpe, of Laxton. (Licence). Witns : William Dunn, Hannah Dunn, Susana Dunn. |
08/04/1760 | 8 April. Simpson Colt, servant, & Elizabeth Airy, servant, both of Howden Par. Witns : John Kirkhouse, John Drinkall. |
28/04/1760 | 28 April, Thomas Brown, Husbandman, of Brindleys (extra parochial), & Ann Burton, of Howden, by Licence. Witns : Henry Sowley, W11. Brown. |
01/05/1760 | 1 May. Philip Greenup, Flaxdresser, & Jane Day, spinster, both of Howden Par. Witn : Jno. Day. |
01/05/1760 | 1 May. Edward Day, Joyner, & Ann Palmer, servant, both of Howden Par : |
10/05/1760 | 10 May. Edwd. Voase, Blacksmith, & Ann Savage, spinster, both of Howden Par : (Licence). Witn : Richard Sowerby. |
10/05/1760 | 10 May. Anthony Forster, Husbandman, of Stillingfleet, & Martha Chaplain, servant, of Howden. Witn : Robert Chaplain. |
13/05/1760 | 13 May. Abraham Rowntree, Apothecary, & Margaret Hudson, spinster, both of Howden Par : (Licence). Witns : Henry Sowley, Ann Spofforth. |
03/06/1760 | 3 June. Richard Ambler, Labourer, & Elizabeth Harper, servant, both of Howden Par : Witn : R. Jewitt. |
03/08/1760 | 3 Aug. John Bell & Elizabeth Maram, both of Yokefleet. Wm. Leech, Curate. Witns : Amaziah Duckles, Wm. Grassby. |
16/09/1760 | 16 Sept. Daniel Deighton, Carpenter, & Joanna Ash, Bilbrough. spinster, both of Howden Parish. Lancelot Godmond, Curate. Witns : Martin Bilbrough, Jno. Tyas. |
29/09/1760 | 29 Septr. Robert Brown, of Ellerton, Husbandman, & Margaret Durham, of Howden, spinster. (Licence). Witns : Wm Brown, Mary Brown. |
02/10/1760 | 2 Oct. John Day, shoemaker, & Ann Robsone, servant, both of Howden Par : Witn : Alexr. Blackadder. |
02/10/1760 | 2 Octr. Thomas Good, of Holy Trinity, Hull, & Maria Cass, Par. of Howden. Witn : Richard Cass. |
17/11/1760 | 17 Novr. Thomas Thompson, Labourer, & Mary Rolin, spinster, both of Howden Par. Witn : Joseph Thompson. |
25/11/1760 | 25 Novr. John Birkenshire, servant, & Elizabeth Dunn, spinster, both of Howden Par : Witn : Richd. Drew. |
30/11/1760 | 30 Novr. Joseph Clemmet, of Wresel, Husbandman, & Mary Mattrom, Par. of Howden. Witn : Thos. Atkinson. |
02/12/1760 | 2 Decr. Nathaniel Hurd, Servant, & Mary Ramsey, servant, both of Howden Par : |
04/12/1760 | 4 Dec. John Dunn, Carpenter, & Jane Stubbin, servant, both of Howden Par : Witn : William Johnson. |
08/12/1760 | 8 Decr. William White, servant, & Mary Stotheard, servant, both of Howden Par. Witn : John Kirkhouse |
13/12/1760 | 13 Decr. Thomas Drabwell, of St. Trinity in Hull, Grocer, & Sarah English, Par. of Howden, spinster. (Licence). Witn: William English. |
18/12/1760 | 18 Decr. Thomas Shepherd, Servant, Par. of Howden, & Sarah Elwood, Widow, Par. of Snaith. Witn : Th : Bentley. |
1761 | |
06/01/1761 | 6 Jany. Thomas Thompson & Mary Bradley, Spinster, both of Kilpin, by Wm. Leech, Curate. Witn : Gamaliel Thompson. |
17/01/1761 | 17 Jany. George Hatfield, Labourer, & Sarah York, Widow, both of Howden Par : |
22/01/1761 | 22 Jan. Miles Pinder, Miller, & Mary Thompson, spinster, both of Howden Par : (Licence). Witn : Stephen Maram. |
02/02/1761 | 2 Feb. Jonathan Ball, Junr. of Royston, Husbandman, & Elizabeth Emmerson, Howden Par : Witns : Jonathan Ball, Charles Scholey. |
13/04/1761 | 13 April. Thomas Barton, Husbandman, & Martha Snell, servant, both of Howden Par. Witn : John Tate. |
05/05/1761 | 5 May. Coats Smith, Husbandman, & Ann Maslin, spinster, both of Howden Par. Witn : Jacob Maslen. |
07/07/1761 | 7 July. Thomas Audas, Husbandman, & Ann Kirtison, spinster, both of Howden Par. Witns : Thomas Bentley, Catherine Kirtison. |
08/07/1761 | 8 July. John Gray, shoemaker, & Ann English, spinster, both of Howden Par : Witn : Jno. Tate. |
16/08/1761 | 16 Augt. Nicholas Penniman, servant, & Dorathy Duckles, servant, both of Howden Par : Witn : Matthew Kitchen. |
29/09/1761 | 29 Septr. William Delany, P. of Snaith, Husbandman, & Hannah Peacock, of Howden, spinster. (Licence). Witns: David Pearson, Thos. Baitson. |
19/11/1761 | 19 Novr. John Eayr, Husbandman, & Jane Newmarch, servant, both of Howden Par. (Licence). Witns : Maicl Lomb, John Newmarch. |
23/11/1761 | 23 Novr. William Bennison, Cooper, & Sarah Nevit, servant, both of Howden Par. Witn : John Bulmer. |
24/11/1761 | 24 Nov. John Brown, servant, & Catherine Thompson, servant, both of Howden Par : Witns : John Fletcher, William Kirkhouse. |
26/11/1761 | 26 Novr. Richard Barrowcliff, of Hook, & Hannah Breeton, of this Par : Witns : Wm. Glew, Ann Robison. |
1762 | |
02/02/1762 | 2 Feb. Henry Horseman, Servant, & Ann Collin, Servant, both of this Par : Witn : John Kirkhouse. |
09/02/1762 | 9 Feby. Benjamin Jackson, Husbandman, & Jane Wright, spinster, both of this Par : Witn : Christr. Iveson. |
13/02/1762 | 13 Feby. John Nuttbrown, Senr. of Howden, weaver, & Rebekah Bielby, of Bubwith, widow. Witns : Tho : Young. |
22/02/1762 | 22 Feby. John Nuttbrown, Junr., Weaver, & Rebekah Hodgson, Spinster, both of Howden. Witn : Tho. Nuttbrown. |
23/02/1762 | 23 Feby Thomas Cook, of Welton, Husbandman, and Catherine Ramsey, of Howden Par : spinster. Witns: Charles Fletcher, John Nuttbrown. |
20/04/1762 | 20 April. John Male, Basketmaker, & Mary Wilson, spinster, both of Howden. Witns : Joseph Wilson, Hannah Hall. |
27/04/1762 | 27 April. John Piccard & Mary Baines, both of this Par. Witns : Mary Piccard. |
18/05/1762 | 18 May. Thomas Scoam, Husbandman, of Howden, & Mary Abba, of Wressel Par. Witn : Wm. Coats. |
06/06/1762 | 6 June. Philip Stockdale, of Howden, servant, and Sarah Underwood, of Bubwith, servant. Witn : John Underwood. |
17/08/1762 | 17 Aug. Wm. Emmerson, Husbandman, & Hannah Leaper, both of Howden Par : Witns : Robert Athorpe, John Hudson, Josh. Jewitt. |
14/09/1762 | 14 Septr. Michael Taylor & Mary Jewitt, both of this Par : Witns : Jos. Jewitt-Smith, Jno. Hudson. |
04/10/1762 | 4 Octr. William Bell & Ann Braffit, both of Howden Par : Witns: Ann Bell, George Clark. |
05/10/1762 | 5 Octr. Elias South & Ann Robinson, both of this Par. Witn : Samuel South. |
25/10/1762 | 25 Octr. Ralph Bell, of St. Helen's Par : York, & Margaret Sharp. of this Par : (Licence). Witns : John Day, Ann Day. |
28/10/1762 | 28 Octr. Samuel Kirby & Mary Boothby, both of this Par : (Licence). Witn : John Scruton. |
22/11/1762 | 22 Novr. Thomas Tutil & Rachel Gibson, both of this Par. Witns : Benjamin Hill, John Hyde. |
23/11/1762 | 23 Novr. Edward Parrot & Ann Brigham, both of Howden Par : Witns : Wm. Brown, Michael Lamb. |
13/12/1762 | 13 Decr. John Harrison & Mary Maskall, both of Howden Par : Witns : Will. Smith, John Nutbrown. |
14/12/1762 | 14 Decr William Coward, Eastrington Par : & Sarah Bradley, Howden Par : Witns : Jno. Mallison, Rt. Athorpe. |
1763 | |
04/01/1763 | 4 Jany. John Bell & Ann Spofforth, both of Howden Par (Licence). Witns : Robt. Spofforth, Mary York. |
06/02/1763 | 6 Feby Richard Day & Martha Cass, both of Howden Parish. Witns : John Nutbrown, Willm. Palmer. |
14/02/1763 | 14 Feby. William Grassby & Helen Laycock, both of this Parish. Witns : Wm. Logan, Franois Thackra. |
15/02/1763 | 15 Feby Joseph Coates & Elizabeth Thompson, both of this Parish. Witns : Robert Giles, Thome Thompson. |
20/02/1763 | 20 Feby. Joseph Rogers, Par: of High Church, Kingston-upon-Hull, Sailor, & Lydia Cass, Par : of Howden (Licence). Witns : George Cass, John Nutbrown. |
01/03/1763 | 1 March. John Wilson, of Blacktoft, & Dorothy Reader, Par : of Howden (Licence). Witns : Tho : Bentley, Joseph Clemit. |
12/03/1763 | 12 March. John Norwood & Ruth England, both of this Par : Witns : Michael Norwood, Ann Duckles. |
23/05/1763 | 23 May. Thos. Jewitt & Elizabeth Gilderdale, both of this Par : Witns : Peter Jewitt, Jos Jewitt. |
24/05/1763 | 24 May. Jno. Fox, of Whitgift, & Catherine Dalby, of Howden (Licence). Jno. Brown, Jno. Dallby. |
29/06/1763 | 29 June. William Alcock & Rebecca Tate, both of this Par : by John Mallison, Curate of Eastrington. Witns : John Clayborn, John Kirkhouse. |
14/08/1763 | 14 Aug. John Beilby, Par : of Howden, & Mary Smith, Par : of Bubwith (Licence). Witns : Wm. Smith, Wm. Cooke. |
30/08/1763 | 30 Aug. James Bayliff & Mary Blanshard, both of this Par. Witns : Wm. Booth, Nich : Blanshard. |
13/10/1763 | 13 Octr. Joseph Body, Par. of St. Clement Danes, London, & Jane Welburne, Par. of Howden (Licence). Witns : John Best, John Kirkhouse. |
10/11/1763 | 10 Novr. John Jackson & Jane Bourne, both of this Par. Witn : Ed : Day. |
27/11/1763 | 27 .Novr. John Ashton, of Bourne Lees (extra Parochial), & Ann Stather, of Howden Par : Witn : Abrm. Jackson. |
05/12/1763 | 5 Decr. Matthew Tuby, Par : of Bubwith, & Jane Chapel, Par. of Howden. Witns : Thos. Robinson, Thomas Saunderson. |
1764 | |
23/01/1764 | 23 Jany. William Alcock & Martha Watson, both of Howden Par : Witns : Joseph Elcock, John Alcock. |
26/01/1764 | 26 Jany. Richard Buttle, Par. of Eastrington, & Mary Dixon, Par. of Howden (Licence). Witns : Edward Blyth, Thomas Dixon. |
14/02/1764 | 14 Feby. Matthew Hairsine & Ann Johnson, both of this Par. Witns : John Taylor, John Johnson. |
19/02/1764 | 19 Feby Joseph Wilson & Elizabeth Bulmer, both of this Par. Witns : Josh Jewitt, John Tyas, Thos. Brockbank. |
21/02/1764 | 21 Feby. Christopher Glew & Mary Austhorpe, both of this Par. Witns : Thos. Hallywell, George Belt. |
28/02/1764 | 28 Feby. Timothy Spivie. Par : of Hemingbrough, & Jane Banes, of this Par. Witns : Tho. Bentley, David Dallby. |
24/04/1764 | 24 April. George Cook, Par : of Adlingfleet, & Mary Johnson, of this par : Witns : Philip Scholfield, Jno. Best. |
18/06/1764 | 18 June. John Calvert, of this Par : & Ellen Bulmer, widow, Par : of Wressle (Licence). Witns : Thos. Bentley, Wm. Cooke. |
05/07/1764 | 5 July. Richard Fenwick, Par. of Selby, yeoman, & Alice Hobson, of this Par : widow (Licence). Witns : John Whitaker, James Savage. |
23/07/1764 | 23 July. John Stather & Hannah Wadsworth. both of this Par : Witns : William Gott. William Brown. |
14/08/1764 | 14 Augt. Mark Finland & Mary Meadley, both of this Par : Witns : George orge Scott, Edward Throstle. |
30/08/1764 | 30 Augt. Thomas Turnell & Clare Nixon, both of this Par: (Licence). Witns: Edwd. Nixon, John Hudson. |
25/09/1764 | 25 Septr. William Jenkinson & Ann Langerill, both of this Par. Witns : Tho. Bentley & Jno. Kirkhouse. |
02/10/1764 | 2 Octr. Thomas Allen & Christy Hill, both of this Parish. Witns : Robert Giles, Tho. Sarjantson. |
15/10/1764 | 15 Octr. Walter Sharp & Ann Boynton, widow, both of this Par. Witns : William Peck, Willm. Cooke. |
30/10/1764 | 30 Octr. Matthew Easingwood & Mary Lowther, both of this Par : (Licence). Witns : Thomas Freer, Elizth. Ward. |
13/11/1764 | 13 Nov. William Taylor & Elizabeth Harpur, both of this Par :Witns : Ephraim Harper, Wm. Cooke. |
13/11/1764 | 13th Nov. William Layborn & Ann Binnings, both of this Par :Witns : Ephraim Harper, Wm. Cooke. |
18/11/1764 | 18 Nov. Richard Strafford, Par. of Eastrington, & Mary Lister, widow, Howden Par. Witns : Matthew Kitchen. William Cooke. |
27/11/1764 | 27 Nov. Thomas Windle & Truth Jackson, both of this Par : Witns : Richard Drew, John Tindell. |
29/11/1764 | 29 Nov. Mark Rowland & Elizabeth Smith, both of this Par : Witns : Will. Smith, Ann Pickard. |
02/12/1764 | 2 Decr. Joseph Fallowfield & Rebecca Chambers, both of this Par : Witns : Robert Dunn, John Waide. |
04/12/1764 | 4 Decr. Richard Thomlinson & Judith Arthur, both of this Par : Witns : John Wilson, Samuel Scott. |
26/12/1764 | 26 Decr. Alexander Blockader & Sarah Dunn, both of this Par : Witns : George Dunn. Jno. Tyas. |
1765 | |
06/01/1765 | 6 Jany. Samuel Appleyard, Par. of St. John, Beverley, & Eliza. beth Bilbrough, of this Par. Witns : Aaron Armitage Thos. Lockwood. |
14/01/1765 | 14 Jan. Thomas Robinson & Hannah Brown, both of this Par . Witn : Thomas Crust. |
22/01/1765 | 22 Jan. William Gell, Par. of Bubwith, & Elizabeth Winter, of this Par. Witns : Thos. Brown, Jno. Wadsworth. |
05/02/1765 | 5 Feb. Thomas Hutchinson & Sutcliffe Jackson, both of this Par. Witns : John Steel, Charles Cowlam. |
19/02/1765 | 19 Feb. William Peck & Jane Bentoft, both of this Par : Witns W. Caister, Robt Sutton. |
26/03/1765 | 26 March. John Barnett, Par. of Bubwith, & Elizabeth Fletcher, of this Par. (Licence). Witns : Isaac Brabs, Tho. Bentley. |
05/05/1765 | 5 May. Thomas Nutbrown & Mary Brockbank, both of this Par : Witns : Thos. Brockbank, Willm. Lister. |
19/06/1765 | 19 June. John Audas, Drax Par : & Elizabeth Cooke, of this Par. Witns : Thor. Audas, William Cook. |
23/06/1765 | 23 June. John Dennis & Ann Leaper, both of this Parish. Witns : Wm. Andrew, Michael Lamb. |
25/06/1765 | 25 June. Robert Stephenson & Ann Stainley, both of this Par : Witns : Willm Singleton, Hannah Singleton. |
02/09/1765 | 2 Septr. George Milner, of Bishop Hill the Younger, Gentleman, & Jane Fitch, Jnr. of this Par : Spinster (Licence). Witns : Jane Atkinson, John Mallison. |
03/09/1765 | 3 Septr. Robert Waud, Mariner, & Elizabeth Andrew, both of this Par : Witns : Thos. Tattersall, John Hyde. |
16/09/1765 | 16 Sept. George Corbett & Ann Dowson, both of this Par : Witns : Matthew Bell, Jno. Claybourn. |
23/09/1765 | 23 Sept. William Cook, Howden Par : & Mary 3rafford, Catton: Par : Witns : Geo. Hutton, Jno. Batman. |
03/10/1765 | 3 Octr. John Smith & Ann Good, both of this Parish. Witns : Christy Smith & Jno. Tyas. |
03/10/1765 | 3 Octr. William St. Quintin, P. of Holy Trinity, Hull, & Eliza. beth Sharp, of this Par. Witns : Tho : Johnson, Robt. Waud. |
09/10/1765 | 9 Oct. William French, P. of Holy Trinity, Hull, & Jane. Kirkhouse, spinster, of this Par. (Licence). Witns : Jno. Kirkhouse, Mary Kirkhouse. |
27/10/1765 | 27 Oct. Robert Snarr & Elizabeth Morley, both of this Par. Witns : Willm Cooke, Willm. Palmer. |
29/10/1765 | 29 Oct. John Harrison, of York, Taylor, & Sarah Fearn, of this Par : (Licence). Witns : Geo. Seed, Eliz. Fearn. |
29/10/1765 | 29 Octr. Thomas Brown & Ann Tate, widow, both of this Par : Witns : Jno. Tate, Willm. Palmer. |
04/11/1765 | 4 Nov. Thomas Utley & Elizabeth South, both of this Parish. Witns : Samuel South, Willm Parrot. |
17/11/1765 | 17 Nov. John Wadsworth, Howden Par., & Arabella Twig, Snaith Par. (Licence). Witns: Elisha Beharrell, Tho. Bentley. |
26/11/1765 | 26 Nov. John Benson & Hannah Barnet, both of this Parish. Witns : Wm. Emmerson, Wm. Farand. |
26/11/1765 | 26 Novr. Edward Throstle & Dorothy Dent, both of this parish. Witns : Cornealious Gilyott & ...... |
28/11/1765 | 28 Novr. Simeon Wade, of Cawood, Cornwainer, & Alice Smith, of Howden, spinster. (Licence). Witns : Thomas Freeman, John Rhodes. |
02/12/1765 | 2 Decr. William Kersey & Ann Arthus, both of this Par : Witns : Wm. Gott, Ma. Arthur. |
24/12/1765 | 24 Decr. Joseph Fisher, P. of Drax, Clerk, & Mary Smyth, of this Par : (Licence). Witns : Robt. Athorpe, Margaret Mallison (by Jno. Mallison, Curate of Laxton). |
1766 | |
19/01/1766 | 19 Jany Robert Featherstone & Ann Batman, both of this Par : Witns : Matthew Smith, Jno. Batman. |
20/01/1766 | 20 Jany. John Baker, P. of St. Trinity, Hull, & Ann Ricard, of this Par : spinster. (Licence). Witns : Hester Arthur, Jno. Rickard. |
30/01/1766 | 30 Jany John Baldwin & Jane Sissons, both of this Par : Witns : James Clemet, John Clemet. |
06/02/1766 | 6 Feby George Clarkson, P. of Whitgift, & Ann Jackson, of this Par. Witns : Sarah Whitaker, Alice Nixon, Eillin Whitaker. |
10/02/1766 | 10 Feby. Thomas Hollawell & Mary Waterhouse, both of this Par. Witns : Francis Thackra, Rd. Harrison. |
06/04/1766 | 6 April. George Smith & Elizabeth English, both of this parish. Witns : Jos : Jewitt, Richard English. |
08/04/1766 | 8 April. Robert Iles, P. of Drax, & Hannah Steel, of this Parish. Witns : John Steel, Robert Wilson. |
20/04/1766 | 20 April. William Beale & Mary Underwood, both of this Par : Witns : Jno. Tyas, Jno. Newmarch. |
22/04/1766 | 22 April. Thomas Hudson & Ann Brown, both of this Parish. Witns : Thos. Hallywell, Wm. Palmer. |
29/04/1766 | 29 April. William Volans & Mary Almon, both of this Par : Witns : Rd. Andrew, Mary Paver. |
04/05/1766 | 4 May. John Harrison & Ann Jewitt, both of this Parish. Witns : Michael Taylor, Josh. Jewitt, Junr. |
27/05/1766 | 27 May. John Tasker, Husbandman, & Elzabeth Bilbrough, spinster, both of this Par. Witns : Thos. Dunn, Wm. Bray. |
30/06/1766 | 30 June. Thomas Stephenson, P. of Stillingfleet, & Mary Smith, of this Par : Witns : Matthew Smith, Geo. Hawkin. |
03/07/1766 | 3 July. Henry Vitty & Jane Stather, both of this Par. Witns : Matthew Smith, Samuell Graves. |
22/07/1766 | 22 July. Joseph Sayles, P. of Fishlake, & Sarah Kitchen, of this Par. Witns : Matthew Kitchen, Robt Tood. |
01/08/1766 | 1 Augt William Riley & Alice Robinson, both of this parish. (Licence). Witns : Robert Lister, Robert Iles. |
11/08/1766 | 11 Augt. William Thornborough, Batchelor, & Mary Watson, spinster, both of this Par : Witns : Jno. Kirkhouse, Jno. Kirkhouse. |
14/08/1766 | 14 Augt James Savage, Batchelor, & Tibby Williamson, spinster, both of this Par : (Licence). Witns : Jno. Watson, Wm. Glew. |
26/08/1766 | 26 Augt. Thomas Newham, Batchelor, & Sith Beeston, spinster, both of this Par : Witns : Thos. Nutbrown, senr. Wm Cooke. |
16/09/1766 | 16 Septr. Benjamin Wager, P. of Campsall, Batchelor, & Ann Gardam, of Howden, Widow. (Licence). Witns: Jno. Haram, Abm. Haigh. |
23/09/1766 | 23 Sept. Isaac Brabs & Margaret Jacques, both of this Par : Witns : Josa Dunn, Geo. Brook. |
19/10/1766 | 19 Oct. William Hill & Mary Deane, both of this Parish. Witns: Robert Deane, Wm. Cooke. |
28/10/1766 | 28 Octr. Abraham Haigh & Elizabeth Lister, both of this Par : Witns : Mary Garside, Wm. Andrew. |
02/11/1766 | 2 Novr. George Howdell & Sarah Collins, both of this Parish. Witns : Willm Howdle, Wm. Cooke. |
23/11/1766 | 23 Nov. James Gall, P. of Wressle, Batchelor, & Ann Turner, of this Par., spinster. Witns : Robert Sherborn, John Tate. |
25/11/1766 | 25 Novr. George Scawm, of Eastrington, Batchelor, & Frances Thompson, of this Par : spinster. Witns : George Seed, William Coates. |
25/11/1766 | 25 Nov. John Taylor, Batchelor, & Mary Young, spinster, both of this Par : Witns : David Dallby, Henry Taylor. |
02/12/1766 | 2 Dec. Thomas Harrison, Batchelor, & Sarah Barrett, spinster, both of this Par : (Licence). Witns : Jno. Thwaites, Jos. Jewitt, Jr. |
02/12/1766 | 2 Decr. Thomas Singleton, of Bubwith, Batchelor, & Ann Bilbrough, of this Par., Widow. Witns : Chas. Fletcher, Tho. Bentley. |
02/12/1766 | 2 Dec. John Harrison, Batchelor, & Elizabeth Lawrence, spinster, both of this Par : Witns : Jno. Harrison, Jos. Barker. |
04/12/1766 | 4 Decr. William Wood, Batchelor, & Alice Audas, spinster, both of this Par : Witns : Tho. Bentley, Jno. Audas. |
06/12/1766 | 6 Decr. Charles Leach, Batchr. & Mary Slack, spr. both of this Par : (Licence). Witns : James Leighton, Wm. Brown. |
09/12/1766 | 9 Dec. Samuel Hall, widower, & Susanna Brighton, widow, both of this Par : Witns : Thos. Nutbrown, Wm. Cooke. |
27/12/1766 | 27 Dec. Thomas Harlin, Batchelor, & Ann Bulmer, spinster, both of this Par : (Licence). Witns : John Best, Henry Best. |
1767 | |
10/01/1767 | 10 Jany William Hardy, Batchr. & Ann Sissons, spr. both of this Par : (Licence). Witns : Will. Smith, John Tyas. |
12/01/1767 | 12 Jany. Robert Singleton, Batchr. & Mary Newham, spr. both of this Par : Witns : Thos. Newham, Jno. Tyas. |
16/02/1767 | 16 Feby. William Harrison, of Brayton, Batchr. & Mary Tate, of this Par : spr. Witns : Josiah Lee, Jno. Harrison. |
19/02/1767 | 19 Feb. John Tranter, Batchr. & Ann Voase, widow, both of this Par : (Licence). Witns : Jno. Wilkinson, Joseph Cossins. |
05/04/1767 | 5 April. Samuel Ward, batchr. & Elizabeth Watson, spr. both of this Par. Witns : Jno. Tyas, John Nutbrown. |
01/04/1767 | 1 April. Thomas Fallowfield, of Eastrington, Bachr. & Elizabeth Dunn, of this Par : Witns : Thomas Dunn, Jno. Tyas. |
07/05/1767 | 7 May. Jarvis Cornwell, P. of Snaith, batchr. & Ann Empson, of this Par : spr. (Licence). Witns : Wm Caister, Thos. Turnell. |
03/06/1767 | 3 June. Joseph Cossins, Bachr. & Henrietta Foljambe, Spr. both of this Par. Witns : Martin Cossins, Mark Nutbrown. |
09/06/1767 | 9 June. Juhn Haldenby, Bachr. & Ann Wood, Spr. both of this Par : Witns : Thos. Wood, George Borrell. |
06/07/1767 | 6 July. Joshua Hammand, Bachr. & Elizabeth Harlin, spr. both of this Par : Witns : Will. Craven, Chas. Fearn. |
16/10/1767 | 16 Oct. William Revell, of Flixborough, Bachr. & Ruth Good, this Par., spr. (Licence). Witns : John Good, Tho. Bentley. |
20/10/1767 | 20 Octr. John Leighton, Bachr. & Mary Leighton, spr. both of this Par. Witns : Thos. Dowson, Tho : Atkinson. |
26/10/1767 | 26 Oct. Robert Dawson, of Eastrington, Bachr. & Ann Whitaker, this Par., spr. (Licence). Witns : Wm. Leyborn, Jno. Tyas. |
22/11/1767 | 22 Nov. Edmund Waterhouse, Bachr. & Mary Garnett, spr. both of this Par : Witns : Wm. Gott, Tho. Bentley. |
24/11/1767 | 24 Nov. John Petty, of Wressle, Bachr. & Mary Barker, this Par : spr. Witns : John Bentley, Jno. Tyas. |
02/12/1767 | 2 Decr. Thomas Piccard, widdower, & Phoebe Hemingway, spr. both this Par. Witns : Jno. Clemet, Thos. Atkinson. |
15/12/1767 | 15 Decr. John Duffing, Batchr. & Ann Bradforth, spr. both of this Par : Witns : John Laverack, Phillip Sted. |
31/12/1767 | 31 Decr. Richard Bainton, widower, & Sutliffe Hutchinson, widow, both this Par : Witns : Henry Bainton, Jno. Tyas. |
1768 | |
17/01/1768 | 17 Jany Thomas Holesworth, Batchr. & Mary Thompson, spr. both this Par : Witns : Amaziah Duckles, Jno. Tyas. |
08/02/1768 | 8 Feby. William Vause, Bachr. & Elizabeth Crosland, spr. both of this Par : (Licence). Witns : R. Jenkinson, Jno. Tyas. |
14/02/1768 | 14 Feby Robert Carr, Bachr. & Hannah Pinder, both of this Par : Witns : Jno. Tyas, George Bickerton. |
23/02/1768 | 23 Feb. John Spencer, Bachr. & Esther Hall, spr. both this Par. Witns: Edward Hare, Jno. Tyas. |
01/03/1768 | 1 March. John Steel, Bachr. & Elizabeth Drinkall, spr. both this Par. Witns : Robt. Copley, Jno. Tyas. |
20/03/1768 | 20 March. William Crabtree & Margaret Swales, both this par. Witns : John Lynn, Jno. Tyas. |
11/04/1768 | 11 April. William Joy, Bachr. & Mary Kettlewell, spr. both this Par. Witns : Anthy. Forster, Thos. Turnell. |
21/06/1768 | 21 June. William Hatfield, Bachr. & Sarah Moat, spr. both of thisPar. Witns : Edward Throstle, Jno. Tyas. |
26/06/1768 | 26 June. Joseph Fletcher Bachr. & Ann Hide, spr. both this Par. (Licence). Witns : Jno. Best, Sarah Tennyson. |
20/07/1768 | 20 July. John Eyre, of Fishlake, widower, & Margaret Pearson, this Par : spr. (Licence), Witns : Jno. Nutbrown, Jno. Tyas. |
20/07/1768 | 20 July. John Watson, Bachr. & Dinah Featherstone, spr. both this Par. Witns : Thos. Freer, Wm. Powell. |
31/07/1768 | 31 July. William Lawty, widower, & Mary Scoam, spr. both of this Par : (Licence). Witns: Anthy. Forster, Jno. Tyas. |
04/08/1768 | 4 Augt. Thomas Brockbank, Bachr. & Anna Maria Fearn, spr. both of this Par : Witns : Tho Nutbrown, Jno. Tyas. |
25/08/1768 | 25 Aug. Thomas Bullock, this Par., Bachr. & Jane Barker, of Drax, spr. (Licence). Witns : Jonathan Ellerthropp, Robert Barker. |
05/09/1768 | 5 Septr. Robert Spofforth, Jnr. Bachr. & Hannah Markham, spr. both of this Par. (Licence). Witns : Robt. Heseltine, Wm. Booth. |
13/09/1768 | 13 Septr William Thompson, of Wressle, Bachr. & Hannah Stainforth, this Par., spr. (Licence). Witns : Jno. Tasker, Jno. Tyas. |
21/09/1768 | 21 Sept. John Pocklington, Bachr. & Elizabeth Waterhouse, spr. both this Par : (Licence). Witns : Tho. Bentley, James Watson. |
02/10/1768 | 2 Oct. Robert Leetham, of Drax, Bachr. & Elizabeth Cass, this Par., spr. (Licence). Witns : John Pinder, Thos. Good. |
03/10/1768 | 3 Oct. Thomas Spink, Bachr. & Sarah York, spr. both of this Par. Witns : Zach. Hembrough, Jno. Tyas. |
07/10/1768 | 7 Oct. John Tyas, this Par., widower, & Margaret Gray, of Holme on Spaldingmore, widow. (Licence). Witns : Wm. Glew, G. Day, Robt. Fearn. |
17/10/1768 | 17 Oct. Thomas Atkinson, Jr. this Par., Yeoman, & Isabel Jennings, Widow. (Licence). Witns : Tho. Bentley, Jno. Tyas. |
25/10/1768 | 25 Oct. William Powell, Bachr. & Catherine Foreshore, spr. both of this Par : Witns: Wm. Locke, Wm. Booth. |
25/10/1768 | 25 Oct. Joshua Hammond, Cabinet Maker, & Elizabeth Cowlam, Mantua Maker, spr. both of this Par : Witns : E. Day, Jno. Tyas. |
26/11/1768 | 26 Nov. John Burton, of Cottingwith, Waterman, & Mary North, this Par., spr. (Licence). Witns : Michael Lamb, Mark Nutbrown. |
28/11/1768 | 28 Nov. Henry Taylor, Bachr. & Mary Singleton, spr. both of this Par. Witns : John Smyth, Jno. Tyas. |
19/12/1768 | 19 Decr William Stephenson & Ann Ion, spy. both of this Par. Witns : Robt. Athorpe, Thos. Harrison, Thos. Turnell. |
22/12/1768 | 22 Dec. Thomas Peach, Husbandman, & Phoebe Burton, spr. both of this Par : Witns : Matthew Clark, Mark Nutbrown. |
1769 | |
05/01/1769 | 5 Jany Samuel Harrison & Sarah Hessay, spr. both of this Par : Witns : John Wright, Jno. Tyas. |
03/02/1769 | 3 Feb. Richard Porthouse, of Dunnington, Roper, & Sarah Dowson, spr. this Par : (Licence). Witns : Thos. Harrison, John Harrison) Thos. Sutton. |
20/02/1769 | 20 Feb. John Smyth, Yeoman, & Mary Walker, spr. both of this Par. (Licence). Witns : Robt. Athorpe, Jonathan Ellerthrop. |
07/03/1769 | 7 March. Joseph Parker, Bricklayer, & Hannah Boys, spr. both of this Par : (Licence). Witns : Henry Best, Jnr. Tyas. |
10/04/1769 | 10 April. John Robinson, Bachr. & Mary Fairweather, spr. both of this Par : Witns : Tho : Bentley, Jno. Tyas. |
24/04/1769 | 24 April. Alexander Beckett, weaver, & Mary Coulam, spr. both of this Par : Witns : Tho. Linthall, John Claybourn. |
25/04/1769 | 25 April. Robert Giles, Labr. & Rebecca Taylor, spr. both of this Par : Witns : George Bentley, Charles Taylor. |
30/04/1769 | 30 April. Alexander Tilland, of Howden, Woollen Draper, & Hannah Wade, of Snaith, spr. (Licence). Witns : Jos. Cossins, Jno. Tyas. |
14/05/1769 | 14 May. William Bray, Labr. & Elizabeth Lawson, spr. both of this Par. Witns : Charles Taylor, Jno. Tyas. |
18/05/1769 | 18 May. Robert Collinson, Yeoman, & Hannah Turner, widow, both of this Par : (Licence). Witns : John Turner, Jno. Tyas. |
18/05/1769 | 18 May. George Bentley, Labrr. & Mary Ridsdale, widow, both of this Par : Witns : George Easingwood, Jnr. Tyas. |
07/08/1769 | 7 Augt. George Etherington, servantman, & Mary Tindal, spr. both of this Par : Witns : Jno. Laverack, Willm. Thorpe. |
12/08/1769 | 12 Augt. John Gilderdale, of Snaith, Farmer, & Ann Duckles, this Par., spr. (Licence). Witns : Elizabeth Jewitt, Jno. Tyas. |
19/09/1769 | 19 Sept. Thos. Fletcher, Butcher, & Ann Alcock, spr. both of this Par : Witns : Nich. Blanshard, Jas. Bayliff. |
25/10/1769 | 25 Octr. Thomas Peary, of St. Peter's in Barton, & Mary Tasker, spr. of Howden. (Licence). Witns : Jno. Tyas, Wm. Powell. |
25/10/1769 | 25 Octr. John Young, Marriner, & Elisabeth Bell, of Howden, servant. Jas. Godmond, Minister, Witns : Jno. Tyas, Tho Bentley. |
21/11/1769 | 21 Novr. William Ellinworth, Husbandman, & Elizabeth Pate, spr. both of this Par : W. Bristoe, Curate. Witns : Chas. Fearn, Jno. Tyas. |
23/11/1769 | 23 Novr. William Collen, Husbandman, & Judeth Bowlen, spr. both of this Par : Witns : Thomas Nutbrown, Jnr. Tyas. |
28/11/1769 | 28 Novr. Miles Potter, Husbandman, & Ann Buttle, spr. both of this Par : Witns : Walter Sharp, Jno. Tyas. |
30/11/1769 | 30 Novr. George Pennock, of Market Weighton, Joiner, & Sarah Brownbridge, of this Par., widow. Witns : William Booth, Jno. Tyas. |
11/12/1769 | 11 Decr. Lewes Jewet, Husbandman, & Sarah Bentley, Spr. both of this Par : Witns : Amaziah Duckles, Jno. Tyas. |
1770 | |
06/02/1770 | 6 Feb. William Flockton, Mariner, & Sarah Anderson, spr. Witns : Joseph Bickerton, Jno. Tyas. |
03/03/1770 | 3 March. John Thorpe, Husbandman, & Jane Rowland, spr. both of this Par. (Licence). Witns : William Coats, Mark Nutbrown. |
17/04/1770 | 17 April. John Long, Husbandman, & Sarah Jepon, spr. both of this Par : Witns : jas. Bayliff, Jno. Tyas. |
01/05/1770 | 1 May. John Copeland, Husbandman, & Susannah Stephenson, spr. both of this Par. Witns : Philip Scholfield, Rob. Kershaw. |
10/05/1770 | 10 May. Arthur Chappel, cordwainer, this Par : & Ruth Wilson, of Aughton, spr. Witns : Martin Slingsby, Jno. Tyas. |
13/05/1770 | 13 May. Robert Rowland, Husbandman, & Jane Scarborough, spr. both of this Par. Witn : Jno. Tyas. |
10/06/1770 | 10 June. Peter Millington, Husbandman, & Mary Hall, spr. both of this Par. Witns : Thomas Halywell, Jno. Tyas. |
Data transcribed from
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1913
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
This page © 2020
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1913
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
This page © 2020