
Kilham Cemetery gravestones etc.


Kilham Cemetery gravestones etc..



These photographs were taken by Doreen Laycock and me (Lisa Blosfelds) on the morning of Thursday 18th June 2015. The weather was overcast but dry.

The transcriptions were done later (2022) by Lin Duke, who in common with most of the rest of the grave transcriptions on this site, omitted the verses.

The East Yorkshire Family History Society transcribed the stones about twenty years ago, and these transcriptions can be found in full in the booklet published by the EYFHS. However, there have been some changes in the intervening years. Firstly the cemetery remains in use so any burials which have taken place since the EYFHS visited it are not recorded in their book although we have photographed them. Secondly, many of the stones have become eroded, have fallen over or have become overgrown. For this reason we have been unable to find some of the inscriptions recorded by the EYFHS, and we have only been able to identify others by their position in relation to neighbouring stones. We have, however, taken pictures of all the memorials we could find, even those which have no inscription. With larger graves, where more than one person has been buried in the same plot, or the wording was partially hidden by flowers we have taken multiple images of the same grave. These have a suffix of a number in brackets. Compared to the churchyard, however, with (I think) one exception, there are no two people of the same name buried in the same grave. This probably reflects the greater range of forenames in use since the late Victorian age and the abandonment of the tradition of naming children after their parents and grandparents.

Views of Kilham Cemetery, June 2015

These photographs were taken by Lisa Blosfelds and Doreen Laycock on Thursday 18th June 2015. Our intention was to provide a virtual tour of the cemetery and to allow anyone looking for an ancestor's grave to see where it is in relation to other graves. The cemetery was originally opened in 1885, presumably because the churchyard itself was full. It was subsequently extended in 1956 and remains in use to this day. The graves in the new section seem to be more closely spaced than those in the old section. The old section is divided from the new one by the remains of a hedge, and only the gates of the new section can be opened, the old ones being corroded shut. There is a central path down the middle of each section. The cemetery is situated a few hundred yards to the north of Kilham, bounded to the west by the Kilham to Rudston road. Otherwise it is surrounded by open fields in a very pleasant rural setting which is made even prettier in June by the wild flowers in the fields and hedgerows. The plan of the cemetery is based on a tracing of an image from Google Earth.

Lisa Blosfelds
1 July 2015

Kilham Cemetery Plan

The links given below for the grave names take you to the first page for the relevant grave of that name.

The number for the photograph is given in the caption below the photograph.

There are three sizes of photos: the thumbnail images which link to a page containing a larger image (640 by 480 pixels), and then a full size image which is linked from the previously mentioned larger image. The full size image can of course be saved for your own personal use.

The list of cemetery views

The list of grave photographs

The photographs:

Abbey  Agars  Allan  Allerston  Anderson  Arksey 
Armstrong  Arnett  Ashby  Ashmore  Ask  Baker 
Banks  Barden  Barker  Bastiman  Beedham  Bench 
Berriman  Bird  Blacker  Botterill  Bowman  Boynton 
Bramham  Brumpton  Bryan  Burdon  Burt  Butters 
Capron  Care  Carr  Carter  Chandler  Chew 
Clarke  Clifton  Coates  Cockerill  Cooper  Cornell 
Coutts  Cowton  Croft  Crossley  Dancaster  Daniels 
Darley  Davison  Denman  Dennis  Dossor  Downard 
Easterby  Eaton  EB  Ellis  Fallowdown  Ferguson 
Fewster  Fincher  Foster  Frost  Furlong  Galtry 
Girling  Goddard  Good  Goodlass  Gray  Green 
Hairsine  Hakner  Hall  Hallett  Halliday  Hallsworth 
Hannah  Harrison  Havers  Height  Helme  Heseltine 
Hewitt  Hinton  Hobson  Hoggard  Holt  Howard 
Humphry  Hunt  Iveson  Jackson  Jeffels  Johnson 
Jones  Jordan  Kemp  Kilvington  Kirk  Kirton 
Knowles  Lakes  Lamplough  Lamplugh  Leake  Leeson 
Littlewood  Locke  Lovel  Lunn  Mallory  Maltby 
Mattick  Maulson  Mawer  Middlewood  Milner  Milson 
Mitchell  Moore  Morgantroy  Morris  Moss  Mundy 
Nagel  Nellie  Nicholson  Nobbs  Noddle  Noon 
Nordass  Oxley  Pape  Parker  Pashby  Pattison 
Pick  Pinkney  Playforth  Plowman  Preston  Pymm 
Rank  Rawson  Readman  Redshaw  Reed  Rice 
Richardson  Rispin  Robinson  Robson  Rodmell  Rookes 
Savile  Savoury  Scott  Sedman  Sellers  Sharp 
Shaw  Shepherdson  Shipley  Short  Simpson  Sissons 
Smallwood  Smith  Southwick  Speed  Stockill  Sullivan 
Sutcliffe  Tallentire  Tate  Taylor  Teale  Thompson 
Thorley  Thornton  Tindall  Towse  Turnbull  Turton 
Twiddle  Twigg  Tyler  Unknown  Unknown*  Vase 
Vickerman  Walker  Wallis  Ward  Warkup  Warrington 
Waslin  Watts  Webster  Welburn  Whiting  Wilkinson 
Wilson  Winn  Witty  Wood  Woodward  Wright 
Yeomans  Young                 
* Please note that the "Unknown*" section contains those with unreadable full surnames.

Happy hunting!

Doreen Laycock and Lisa Blosfelds