Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/ERY/ERYChCollection.txtData from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.
The place: KILHAM. Church dedication: ALL SAINTS. -P. Church type: Discharged Vicarage.
Area, 7,660 acres. Dickering wapentake *1. -Population, 1,042 *2; Church-room, 500 *3; Net value, £145. -The Church, with its soke, was given by Henry I., at the request of Archbishop Gerard, to the Dean of York, for ever. The grant was confirmed by King Stephen, and a Vicarage ordained therein 8th Id. Nov. 1252.Patron and impropriator, the Dean of York.
There was a Chantry in this Church. Torre gives a broken catalogue of the Vicars.
In the town of Kilham are fifty carucates of land, twelve carucates whereof make a knight's fee, and of which the Archbishop and Chapter of Roan held thirty-eight carucates in ancient demesne of the King in capite, and of these the King hath the custody, after the said Archbishop's death.
And six other carucates here are held of the soccage of Driffield, and six other carucates are held of Bajou, at the rent of 2s. per annum, and of these Richard de Gorum held three carucates, and the residue are held of the fee of Chauncy, and he of the King in capite.
In A.D. 1334, William de Melton, Archbishop of York, constituted Thomas de Kelom, his attorney, in his name to receive of Peter, Archbishop of Roan, and the Dean and Chapter of the same seisin of the manor of Kilham, fully granted to the said Archbishop and bis heirs, by the said Archbishop of Roan and Dean and Chapter thereof.
Valued in the King's Books at £6; in the Parliamentary Survey, vol. xvii. page 407, it is stated: " Kilholme and Swathorp. Value of impropriation (a church lease for lives) £250; Vicarage £16;" and in 1818, at £106. 18s. 4d. per annum.
"Tithe hay only belongs to the Vicar. Dean Finch augmented the Vicarage £10 per annum. There was likewise another Church, as has appeared by its ruins in the mind of man. Yearly value, about £25." Signed, " Thos. Prickett, Incumbent." -Notitia Parochialis, No. 146.
31st July 1818, faculty to re-pew the Church, erect a gallery, and make other alterations.
An Inclosure Act was passed 11 th Geo. III.
No glebe house.
The Register Books commence in 1653.
The free school, founded by John Lord D'Arcy, by deed, dated 4th October, 9th Charles I., for the free teaching of all the children and youths of the parishioners and inhabitants of Kilham, in grammar, and other books of learning. Endowment : school-house and garden, and annual rent charge of £30; of which £20 is for the master, and £10 for the usher. The Duke of Leeds appoints the master. The school is open for gratuitous instruction in Latin grammar, but charges are made for instruction in English reading, writing, and arithmetic, from 2s. 6d. to 10s. 6d. per quarter ; nearly 100 scholars, but not more than a dozen received instruction in Latin.Watson's dole. rent charge of £5 a year, distributed on St. Thomas's day among poor widows.
Elizabeth Thompson's gift, by will, dated 16th September 1745. The interest of £5, distributed on St. Andrew's day among poor widows.
Elizabeth Knowsley's gift, by will, dated in 1800. Dividends on £85. 1s. 8d. three per cent. consols, among the industrious poor not receiving parochial relief.
Robert and Jonas Thomson's gifts, £20 and £10. These sums, left for the poor, were expended in the purchase of a poorhouse. The Commissioners recommended that the interest should be distributed by the overseers.
Drinkrow's gift. 30s. in the hands of the churchwardens. The interest given among poor widows. -Vide 9th Report, page 735.
A post town.
Torre's MS. (Peculiars), page 727. Abp. Sharp's MS., vol. ii. page 243. Bodleian MS. No. 5078. Bawdwen's Domesday Book, (Chillon,) pages 12, 13. 31. 215. 223. Burton's Mon. pages 174. 234. Prickett's Bridlington, page 56.
*1 Partly in the liberty of St. Peter of York.*2 Little Keld, an extra-parochial place, is not included. Its area is 640 acres, and it contains a Population of 50. In Pope Nicholas's taxation, the Church of Little Kelk is valued at £6. 13s. 4d.
*3 In 1818, the return was 1,200.
George Lawton in 1842..
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