Patrington Directory of Trades and Professions for 1834
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for PATRINGTON in Pigot's Directory of 1834.
Post, - Post Office, Patrington, James Little, Post master,
- Barker Rev. Charles (vicar) Hollam
- Chessman Mrs. Lydia, Patrington
- Clifford Misses Ann & Mary, Patrington
- Cory Rev. Charles, incumbent of Tunstall
- Dunn Mr. Robert C. Ottringham
- Hildyard Rev. ---, (rector) Winestead
- Hill Rev. John, Holsam
- Inman Rev. John (vicar) Skeffling
- Linsdale John, esq. Winestead
- Mackereth Rev. John (incumbent) Ottringham
- Mackereth Rev. Miles, Ottringham
- Metcalf Rev. Robert, incumbent of Sunk Island
- Mounsey Rev. Thomas (vicar) Rimswell
- Sayle Mr. Robert, Patrington
- Sherwood George Henry, esq. Risom garth
- Smith Rev. Joshua, incumbent of Keyingham
- Sykes Rev. Christopher (magistrate) Roos
- Thoroton Colonel (magistrate) Winestead hall
- Vaughan Rev. John (rector) Holmpton
- Wilton Rev. Paul H. (vicar) Welwick
Not otherwise stated are Day Schools
- Escreet John, Keyingham
- Mackereth Rev. Miles (day & boarding) Ottringham
- Newcombe Michael, Patrington
- Wallace Ellen, Patrington
- West Robert, Patrington
- Arram Richard, Patrington
- Stephenson Matthew, Patrington
- Carter Edward, Patrington
- Chadwick Robert, Ottringham
- Dibney James, Welwick
- Edson Robert, Patrington
- Ellarby James (& farrier) Keyingham
- Hudson Richard, Keyingham
- Ingrahm John, Ottringham
- Jackson Thomas, Ottringham
- Wilson Benjamin, Patrington
- Wright John, Keyingham
- Boynton William, Ottringham
- Carter John, Patrington
- Carter William, Patrington
- Curtis William, Patrington
- Cussons John, Patrington
- Dring Robert, Patrington
- Elletson John, Keyingham
- Elletson Job, Patrington Haven
- Elletson Job, Keyingham
- Gibson Robert, Ottringham
- Harrison Edward, Keyingham
- Holderness John, Ottringham
- Johnson John, Ottringham
- Kirkwood William, Patrington
- Smith William, Patrington
- Tennison Edward, Patrington
- Tennison William, Patrington
- Thompson Samuel, Patrington
- Watson North, Patrington
- Willingham John, Keyingham
- Dickinson David, Patrington
- Holmes William, Patrington
- Stephenson & Co. Patrington
- Harrison Michael, Patrington
- Harrison William, Ottringham
- Johnson James, Patrington
- Milner George, Patrington
- Moore Thomas, Patrington
- Soulsby Charles, Patrington
- Taton Thomas, Keyingham
- Andrew Matthew, Patrington
- Baran Thomas, Patrington
- Dunnbell John, Patrington
- Hope Joseph, Ottringham
- Kemp Martin, Welwick
- Meadley Rebecca, Keyingham
- Newcombe Thomas & John, Patrington
- Pearson Edward, Patrington
- Smith William, Keyingham
- Stark Thomas, Welbeck
- Pattinson William, Patrington
- Baron William, Patrington Haven
- Clarke John, Patrington Haven
- Harrison John, Patrington Haven
- Kirkwood Matthew, Patrington Haven
- Liversedge John, Patrington Haven
- Parker William, Patrington Haven
- Pinder John, Patrington Haven
- Smales Ann, Patrington Haven
- Thorp John, Patrington Haven
- Baron William, Patrington Haven
- Chessman William (& seed) Patrington
- Clarke John, Patrington Haven
- Thorp John, Patrington Haven
- Elletson Robert, Keyingham
- Halliday John, Ottringham
- Maffam James, Ottringham
- Atkinson Henry James, Patrington
- Boynton Sarah, Ottringham
- Burrell Peter, Keyingham
- Chapman James, Patrington
- Coates Hannah, Patrington Haven
- Dunn Robert, Patrington
- Escreet John, Keyingham
- Lazenby John, Patrington
- Longhorn Jemima, Keyingham
- Morris Richard, Ottringham
- Pinder Robert, Patrington
- Robinson George, Keyingham
- Sharp George, Ottringham
- Thompson Jane, Patrington
- Thorp Edward, Patrington
- Wright Ann, Ottringham
- Blue Bell, Matthew Wreathall, Keyingham
- Board, Richard Burrell, Patrington
- Dog & Duck, George Holmes, Patrington
- Hildyard's Arms, David Dickinson, Patrington
- Sheaf, Thomas Cockerline, Welwick
- Ship, Thomas Jackson, Patrington Haven
- Ship, John Watson, Sunk Island
- Three Tuns, James Atkinson, Patrington
- White Horse, Robert Wreathall, Ottringham
- Eggleston Robert, Ottringham
- Ellarby James, Keyingham
- Elletson Robert, Keyingham
- Ingrahm John, Ottringham
- Johnson John, Patrington
- Overton Edward, Patrington
- Pinder Robert, Patrington
- Thompson Jane, Patrington
- Baron Jane, Patrington
- Chapman James, Patrington
- Dunn Robert, Patrington
- Harper Christopher, Patrington
- Robinson Joseph, Patrington
- Ellerby John, Keyingham
- Greenhead William, Welwick
- Leonard Emanuel, Ottringham
- Leonard John, Patrington
- Morris Richard, Ottringham
- Thompson William & George, Patrington
- Andrew Mary, Patrington
- Andrew Sarah, Patrington
- Barrett Jane, Ottringham
- Foster Martha, Ottringham
- Pearson Ann, Patrington
- Rank Jane & Mary, Patrington
- Robinson Ann, Keyingham
- Smith Jane, Ottringham
- Wright Mary, Patrington
- Blenkarn John, Patrington
- Johnson Robert & Christopher, Patrington
- Langthorp Thomas, Patrington
- Harrison John, Patrington
- Little William, Patrington
- Bromley James, Patrington
- Dunn George, Patrington
- Fewson Consitt, Patrington
- Land John, Patrington
- Mackereth George, Keyingham
- Andrew William, Patrington
- Biglin James, Ottringham
- Drewery John, Ottringham
- Maclin William, Keyingham
- Medforth Robert, Patrington
- Norton Robert, Patrington
- Ramsey Thomas (& draper) Patrington
- Sudderby William, Ottringham
- Tong David, Keyingham
- Wilson Isaac, Patrington
- Wreathall Matthew, Keyingham
- Andrew Aaron, Patrington
- Andrew Andrew, Patrington
- Harrison James, Patrington
- Hudson Richard, Keyingham
- Johnson Edward, Ottringham
- Morris Richard, Ottringham
- Ombler ---, Welwick
- Stamford James, Welwick
- Stephenson John, Patrington
- Stephenson Thomas, Keyingham
- Talbot James, Sunk Island
- Wright John, Keyingham
- Curtis William, surveyor of roads, Patrington
- Little James, agent to the Yorkshire fire & life office, & clerk to the commissioners of taxes, Patrington
- Norton Robert, machine maker, Keyingham
- Pearson Sarah, tea dealer, Patrington
- Raines Henry, chief constable, Winestead
- Reckhouse William, basket & mat maker, Patrington
- Roberts Joseph, brick & tile maker, Patrington Haven
- Roberts Matthew, gunsmith, Keyingham
- Robinson Joseph, hardware dealer, Patrington
- Tart John, tin plate worker, Patrington
- Wieghit John, watch maker & hardware dealer, Patrington
- To Easington, Thomas Kidson, from the Three Tuns, Patrington, every Saturday, and John Appleby, every Tuesday
- To Hull, William Barrett, from Patrington, John Willingham & Joseph White, from Ottringham, and Edward Ellis and John Capes, from Keyingham, every Tuesday & Friday -- Thomas Kidson, from the Three Tuns, Patrington, every Friday, and
- John Appleby, every Monday
Transcribed by Steve Garton. ©2000