Patrington Parish Registers - Baptisms 1570-1731.
Transcription of the Patrington Registers - Baptisms 1570-1731.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/ERY/PatringtonParishRegs.txt Please note I cannot guarantee that my software has always extracted the date in the date column correctly.
The dates are given in the order the appear in the register which is not necessarily numerical order.
Also note that the year commenced on the 25th March up to 1752.
but that the date column numbers the months in the modern method (English format)
The dates are given in the order the appear in the register which is not necessarily numerical order.
Also note that the year commenced on the 25th March up to 1752.
but that the date column numbers the months in the modern method (English format)
Date | Name(s) and relationship |
1570 | |
07/05/1570 | May 7 die Ellen Jackson filia Johannis Jackson baptizata fuit |
16/05/1570 | 16 die Johan Sharpe filia Xpistoferi Sharpe baptizata fuit |
04/06/1570 | June 4 die Isabel Nicholson filia Wm Nicholson babtizata fuit |
18/06/1570 | 18 die Robert Thornley filius Richardi Thornley babtizatus fuit |
14/07/1570 | Jul. 14 die Willm Stilton filius Johis Stilton babtizatus fuit |
14/08/1570 | Aug. 14 die Margret Nelson filia Georgi Nelson babtizata fuit |
27/08/1570 | 27 die John Newton filius Wilhelmi Newton babtizatus fuit |
27/10/1570 | Oct. 27 die Vrsula Walker filia Edwardi Walker babtizata fuit |
12/11/1570 | Nov. 12 die George Gyldus fil Johannis Gildus babtizatus fuit |
26/11/1570 | 26 die Katherine Manners filia Henci Manners babtizata fuit |
03/12/1570 | Dec. 3 Margret Bellet filia Wm Bellet babtizata fuit |
17/12/1570 | 17 die Wm Parker filius illigetimus Leonardi Parker bab. fuit |
17/12/1570 | eodem die Alice Applebie filia Johannis Applebie babtizata fuit |
28/12/1570 | 28 die John Rider filius Robti Rider babtizatus fuit |
24/01/1570 | Jan. 24 die Elsabeth Jefferson filia Johis Jefferson babtizata fuit |
02/02/1570 | Feb. 2 die Emat Braton filia illigetima Andrei Braton bab. fuit |
04/02/1570 | 4 die James Dodd filius Johis Dodd babtizatus fuit |
16/02/1570 | 16 die Anne Tocke filia Thomae Tocke babtizata fuit |
03/03/1570 | Mar. 3 die Richard Lighterne fil Osswoldi Lighterne babtizatus fuit |
1571 | |
01/04/1571 | April primo die Margret Stilton filia Wilhelmi Stilton bab. fuit |
03/04/1571 | 3 die Richard Trusley filius Richardi Trusley babtizatus fuit |
17/06/1571 | June 17 die Isabel Tumholme filia Thomae Tumholme babtizata fuit |
26/08/1571 | Aug. 26 Pattrick Giltencross and Michael Giltencross twins babtiz |
04/09/1571 | Sep. 4 die Cicile Jackson filia Jackson (sic) babtizata fuit |
04/09/1571 | eodem die Isabel Greneshaw filia Johis Grenshaw Labtizata fuit |
23/09/1571 | 23 die Michael Owstwicke filius Johis Owstwicke babtizatus fuit |
29/09/1571 | 29 die Margret Hutton filia Thomae Hutton babtizata fuit |
14/10/1571 | Oct. 14 die Johan Strundaile filia Walter Strundaile babtizata fuit |
06/01/1571 | Jan. 6 Annas Artcles filia Johis Artcles babtizata fuit |
09/03/1571 | Mar. 9 Annas Sharpe filia Xpofer Sharpe babtizata fuit |
09/03/1571 | 9 Philip Applebie filius Applebe babtizatus fuit |
09/03/1571 | 9 James Kirstie filius Bartlemue Kirstie bab. fuit |
09/03/1571 | 9 James Reame filius Johis Reame babtizatus fuit |
09/03/1571 | 9 Elsabeth Oggram filia Robti Oggram bab. fuit |
09/03/1571 | 9 Margaret Tyvie filia Johis Tyvie babtizata fuit |
1572 | |
01/07/1572 | Jul. primo die Katherine Mason filia Robti Maison babtizata fuit |
14/08/1572 | Aug. 14 die Bartlemue Dodd filius Johis (Blank) babtizatus fuit |
29/09/1572 | Sep. 29 die Gregorie Talor filius Gregorij Talor babtizatus fuit |
26/10/1572 | Oct. 26 die Francis Warde filia Wilhelmi Warde babtizata fuit |
18/11/1572 | Nov. 18 die Samuel Strundaile filius Walter Strundaile bab. fuit |
09/12/1572 | Dec. 9 die Thomas Stevenson filius Stephen Stevenson bab. fuit |
01/03/1572 | Mar. 1 die Johan Cauverley filia Thomae Caverley babtizata fuit |
1573 | |
12/04/1573 | Apr. 12 die Wm Bellet filius Petri Bellet babtizatus fuit |
25/04/1573 | 25 die Elsabeth Stilton filius (sic) Wm Stilton babtizata fuit |
17/05/1573 | May 17 die Willm Nelson filius Georgii Nelson babtizatus fuit |
30/05/1573 | 30 die Margret Gray filia Robti Gray babtizata fuit |
07/06/1573 | Jun. 7 die Elsabeth Wilkinson filia Ambros Wilkinson bab. fuit |
21/06/1573 | 21 die John Kynnye filius Bartlemue Kynnie babtizatus fuit |
05/07/1573 | Jul. 5 die Bettris Wilkinson filia Wm Wilkinson babtizata fuit |
03/07/1573 | 3 die Wm Oggram filius Robti Oggram babtizatus fuit |
06/09/1573 | Sep. 6 die John Reame filius Johis Reame babtizatus fuit |
13/09/1573 | 13 die Edward Trusley filius Rich Trusley babtizatus fuit |
13/09/1573 | eodem die Walter Stilton filius Johis Stilton babtizatus fuit |
20/09/1573 | 20 die Robert Ellerbie filius Wm Ellerbie babtizatus fuit |
17/10/1573 | Oct. 17 die Robert Rider filius Robti Rider babtizatus fuit |
01/11/1573 | Nov. 1 die Samuel Cowper filius Rich. Cowper babtizatus fuit |
15/11/1573 | 15 die Frances Foster filia Robti Foster babtizata fuit |
05/12/1573 | Dec. 5 die Elsabeth Kirstie filia Bartle Kirstie babtizata fuit |
1574 | |
10/08/1574 | Aug. 10 die Wm Veele filius Richardi Veele babtizatus fuit |
04/08/1574 | Aug. 4 die Cornelius Strundall filius Walter Strundall bab. fuit |
08/08/1574 | 8 die Annas Ostwicke filia Johis Ostwicke babtizata fuit |
10/08/1574 | 10 die Bartle Wilkinson filius Ambros Wilkinson bab. fuit |
05/09/1574 | Sep. 5 die Margret Wilsonn filia Johis Wilson babtizata fuit |
07/09/1574 | 7 die Garrat Lerking filius Rich Lerking babtizatus fuit |
12/09/1574 | 12 die Xpistopr Shiperd filius Walter Shiperd babtizatus fuit |
13/09/1574 | 13 die Wm Gedney filius Stephen Gedney babtizatus fuit |
24/10/1574 | Oct. 24 die James Mattock filius Johis Mattocke babtizatus fuit |
03/11/1574 | Nov. 3 die John Jackson filius Johis Jackson babtizatus fuit |
03/11/1574 | eodem die Richard Sharpe films Xpistopher Sharpe babtizatus fuit |
15/02/1574 | Feb. 15 die Edmonde Walker filius Edwardi Walker babtizatus fuit |
24/02/1574 | 24 die Richard Cooke filius Johis Cooke babtizatus fuit |
26/02/1574 | 26 die Amiell Coke filius Lauranc Cooke babtizatus fuit |
30/03/1574 | Mar. 30 die Adoram Kirstie filius Bartle Christie babtizatus fuit |
1575 | |
04/05/1575 | May 4 die Wm Bewes filius Wm Bewes babtizatus fuit |
13/07/1575 | Jul. 13 die John Rowthe filius Johis Rowth baptizatus fuit |
13/07/1575 | eodem die Bartle Gray filius Wm Graie babtizatus fuit |
04/10/1575 | Oct. 4 die Wm Cawverlay filius Thomae Cawverley babtizatus fuit |
08/12/1575 | Dec. 8 die Richard Wilkinson filius Richardi Wilkinson bab. fuit |
30/12/1575 | 30 die Johan Trusley filia Rich. Trusley babtizata fuit |
31/12/1575 | 31 die Bartle Jackson filius Johis Jackson babtizatus fuit |
21/01/1575 | Jan. 21 die Agnes Gibson filia Richd. Gibson babtizata fuit |
20/02/1575 | Feb. 20 die Wm Watson filius Johis Watson babtizatus fuit |
27/02/1575 | 27 die Francis Gray filius Richard Graie babtizatus fuit |
1576 | |
11/04/1576 | Apr. 11 die John Walker, filius, Edwardi Walker babtizatus fuit |
13/04/1576 | Apr. 13 die John Cooke filius Johis Cooke babtizatus fuit |
14/04/1576 | 14 die Robt Hausley filius Robt Hausley babtizatus fuit |
18/04/1576 | 18 die Stephen Strundall filius Walter Strundall bab. fuit |
24/04/1576 | 24 die Marie Stevenson filia Thomae Stevenson babtizata fuit |
12/05/1576 | May 12 die Wm Gray filius Henric Grai babtizatus fuit |
09/11/1576 | Nov. 9 die David Graie filius David Graie babtizatus fuit |
09/12/1576 | Dec. 9 die John Campion filius Petri Campion babtizatus fuit |
28/12/1576 | 28 die Elsabeth Hogg filia Robti Hogg babtizata fuit |
20/01/1576 | Jan. 20 die John Jackson filius Thomae Jackson babtizatus fuit |
09/03/1576 | Mar. 9 die Johan Rowth filia Johis Routhe babtizata fuit |
1577 | |
06/04/1577 | Apr. 6 die Marie Jackson filia Johis Jackson babtizata fuit |
13/04/1577 | 13 die Ellen Maddocke filia Johis Maddock babtizata fuit |
03/05/1577 | May 3 die Richard Foxxe filius Richardi Foxe babtizatus fuit |
19/08/1577 | Aug. 19 die Peter Sharp filius Xpistopher Sharp babtizatus fuit |
01/09/1577 | Sep. primo Frances Manners filia Richard Manners babtizata fuit |
15/09/1577 | 15 die John Stevenson filius Wm Stevenson babtizatus fuit |
15/09/1577 | eodem die Wm Reame filius Johis Reame babtizatus fuit |
22/09/1577 | 22 die Agnes Symson filia Thomae Symson babtizata fuit |
10/12/1577 | Dec. 10 die Frances Blithe filia Robti Blithe babtizata fuit |
08/01/1577 | Jan. 8 die Richard Matchan filius Thomae Matchan babtizatus fuit |
11/01/1577 | 11 die Elsabeth Trusley filia Robti Trusley babtizata fuit |
11/01/1577 | eod. die Maude Huggon filia Georgi Huggon babtizata fuit |
15/01/1577 | 15 die Marie Jackson filia Johis Jackson babtizata fuit |
09/02/1577 | Feb. 9 die Wm Raynold filius of (sic) Wm Rainold babtizatus fuit |
11/02/1577 | 11 die John Wilson filius Johis Wilson babtizatus fuit |
09/03/1577 | Mar. 9 die Margret Stilton filia Francisci Stilton babtizata fuit |
1578 | |
23/05/1578 | May 23 die Robert Hogge filius Robti Hogge babtizatus fuit |
16/05/1578 | 16 die Wm Routhe filius Rich. Routh babtizatus fuit |
17/05/1578 | 17 die Robte Sharpe filius Raphe Sharp babtizatus fuit |
16/08/1578 | Aug. 16 die Elsabeth Stevenson filia Thomae Stevenson bab. fuit |
27/09/1578 | Sep. 27 die John Ellerbie filius Wm Ellerbie babtizatus fuit |
10/10/1578 | Oct. 10 die John Watson filius Johis Watson babtizata fuit |
13/10/1578 | 13 die Margret Smith filia Robti Smyth babtizata fuit |
18/10/1578 | 18 die Theophilus Arcles filius Johis Artcles babtizatus fuit |
12/12/1578 | Dec. 12 die Thomas Caverlay filius Thomae Cauerlay bab. fuit |
17/12/1578 | 17 die Richard Jackson filius Thomae Jackson babtizatus fuit |
17/12/1578 | 17 die Effome Gray filia Rich. Gray babtizata fuit |
27/12/1578 | 27 die Frances Smyth filia Johis Smyth babtizata fuit |
28/12/1578 | 28 die Thomas Gray filius Wm. Gray babtizatus two |
28/12/1578 | eodem die Annas Gray filia Wm. Gray babtizata } twynns |
10/01/1578 | Jan. 10 die John Hewyt filius Rich. Hewyt babtizatus fuit |
17/01/1578 | 17 die George Campion filius Petri Campion babtizatus fuit |
07/03/1578 | Mar. 7 die Frances Meggetson filia Johis Meggetson babtizata fuit |
07/03/1578 | 7 die Wm Butcher filius Thomae Butcher babtizatus fuit |
1579 | |
02/04/1579 | Apr. 2 die Jeane Newton daughter Robti Newton babtizata fuit |
02/04/1579 | 2 die Mawde Friston filia Thomae Friston babtizata fuit |
25/06/1579 | Jun. 25 die Elsabeth Walker filia Edwardi Walker babtizata fuit |
01/08/1579 | Aug. primo die John Dowe filius Thomae Dowe babtizatus fuit |
31/10/1579 | Oct. 31 die Marie Cullingworth filia Wm. Cullingworth bab. fuit |
12/10/1579 | 12 die Willm Parker filius Leonard Parker babtizatus fuit |
12/10/1579 | 12 die Robert Gray filius Henric Gray babtizatus fuit |
02/02/1579 | Feb. 2 die Johan Routhe filia Johis Routhe junioris babtizat |
02/02/1579 | 2 die Frances Warner filia Robt. Warner babtizata fuit |
1580 | |
29/03/1580 | Mar. 29 die Thomas Stevenson filius Thomae Stevenson bab. fuit |
09/04/1580 | Apr. 9 die Wm. Newton filius Robti Newton babtizatus fuit |
22/05/1580 | May 22 die Robert Dyne filius Wm. Dyne babtizatus fuit |
22/06/1580 | Jun. 22 die Robert Blythe filius Robti Blithe babtizatus fuit |
22/06/1580 | 22 die Annas Ellerbie filia Wm. Ellerbie babtizata fuit |
25/11/1580 | Nov. 25 die Robert Wilsonn filius Johis Wilson babtizatus fuit |
10/12/1580 | Dec. 10 Frances Symson filia Thomae Symson babtizata fuit |
16/12/1580 | 16 die Elsabeth Burde filia Edwardi Birde babtizata fuit |
07/01/1580 | Jan. 7 die John Bewes filius Wm. Bewes babtizatus fuit |
08/01/1580 | 8 die John Jackson filius Johis Jackson babtizatus fuit |
10/01/1580 | 10 die Thomas Foxe filius Rich. Foxe babtizatus fuit |
17/01/1580 | 17 die Anne Trusley filia Rich. Trusley babtizata fuit |
28/01/1580 | 28 die Margret Androwe filia Petri Androwe babtizata fuit |
02/02/1580 | Feb. 2 die Annas Walker filia Edwardi Walker babtizata fuit |
18/02/1580 | 18 die Wm. Campion filius Petri Campion babtizatus fuit |
26/02/1580 | 26 die Agnes Arcles filia Johis Arcles babtizata fuit |
1581 | |
10/04/1581 | Apr. 10 die Isabel Wood filia Edwardi Wood babtizata fuit |
24/05/1581 | May 24 die Thomas Dune filius Wm. Dune junior babtizatus fuit |
13/07/1581 | Jul. 13 die Thomas Mason filius Thomae Mason babtizatus fuit |
16/07/1581 | 16 die Alic Rowthe filia Rich. Routhe babtizata fuit |
05/08/1581 | Aug. 5 die John Dixon filius Georgii Dixon babtizatus fuit |
28/08/1581 | 28 die Emmet Hogg filia Robti Hogg babtizata fuit |
29/09/1581 | Sept. 29 die Annas Cauverley filia Thomae Cauverley babtizata fuit |
19/10/1581 | Oct. 19 die Edward Manners filius Richardi Manners bab. fuit |
29/10/1581 | 29 die Wm. Nelson filius Georgii Nelson babtizatus fuit |
30/11/1581 | Nov. 30 die Wm. Wetherll filius Rich. Wetherell babtizatus fuit |
30/11/1581 | 30 die Thomas Huggone filius Thomae Huggin babtizatus fuit |
01/01/1581 | Jan. primo die Agnes Wright filia Thomae Wright babtizata fuit |
12/01/1581 | 12 die Johan Megson filia Johis Megson babtizata fuit |
01/02/1581 | Feb. 1 die Katheron Reame filia Johis Reame babtizata fuit |
1582 | |
19/04/1582 | Apr. 19 die John Smyth filius Almon Smyth babtizatus fuit |
14/04/1582 | 14 die Agnes Wood filia Johis Wood babtizata fuit |
10/06/1582 | Jun. 10 die Bridget Gray filia Rich. Gray babtizata fuit |
19/06/1582 | 19 die Barbaray Burde filia Edwardi Burd babtizata fuit |
15/07/1582 | Jul. 15 die Ursula Parkin filia Percivall Parkine babtizata |
28/07/1582 | 28 die Agnes Newton et Frances Newton babtizata |
03/08/1582 | Aug. 3 die Robert Langdaile filius [blank] babtizatus fuit |
07/09/1582 | Sep. 7 die Johan Androwe filia [blank] babtizata fuit |
09/09/1582 | 9 die Elsabeth Bewes [blank] babtizat |
16/09/1582 | Sep. 16 die Margret Symson filia blank] babtizat |
07/10/1582 | Oct. 7 die Edward Grave filius [blank] babtizatus fuit |
07/10/1582 | 7 die Richard Stevenson filius [blank] babtizatus fuit |
14/10/1582 | 14 die John Gildus filius Johis Gildus babtizatus fuit |
24/11/1582 | Nov. 24 die Wm. Shipperd filius Wm. Shipperd babtizatus fuit |
24/11/1582 | 24 die Emmot Stevenson filia Thomae Steuenson bab. fuit |
25/11/1582 | 25 die Rich. Wetherell filius Rich. Wetherell babtizatus fuit |
02/12/1582 | Dec. 2 die Elsabeth Watson filia Francis Watson babtizata fuit |
06/12/1582 | 6 die Elsabeth Hodghon filia Johis Hodghon babtizata fuit |
24/01/1582 | Jan. 24 die Agnes Isaac filia Wm. Isaac babtizata fuit |
27/01/1582 | 27 die Thomas Isaac filius Rich. Isaac babtizatus fuit |
10/02/1582 | Feb. 10 die Rich. Hargraue filius Johis Hargraue babtizatus fuit |
08/03/1582 | Mar. 8 die Ellen Foxe filia Rich. Foxe babtizata fuit |
08/03/1582 | 8 die Agnes Wllkinson filia Ambros Wilkinson babtizata fuit |
1583 | |
06/04/1583 | Apr. 6 die Edward Walker filius Jacobi Walker babtizatus fuit |
01/05/1583 | May primo die George Broderick filius George Broderick bab. fuit |
26/05/1583 | 26 die Richard Friston filius Thomae Friston babtizatus fuit |
07/07/1583 | Jul. 7 die Gabriel Wood filius Johis Wood babtizatus fuit |
01/09/1583 | Sep. primo die Barbara Harrison filia Johis Harrison babtizata |
22/09/1583 | 22 die Agnes Wood filia Edwardi Wood babtizata fuit |
22/09/1583 | eodem die Alice Campion filia Petri Campion babtizata fuit |
22/09/1583 | eodem die Elsabeth Armstronge filia Xpistopher Armstrong |
29/09/1583 | 29 die Peter Currie filius Petri Currie babtizatus fuit |
13/10/1583 | Oct. 13 die Thomas Truslay filius Rich. Truslay babtizatus fuit |
09/11/1583 | Nov. 9 die Jeane Bucke filia Georgii Bucke babtizata fuit |
05/12/1583 | Dec. 5 die Edward Caverley filius Thomm Caverley babtizatus fuit |
25/01/1583 | Jan. 25 die Johan Dune filia Wm. Dune junior babtizata fuit |
03/02/1583 | Feb. 3 die Martha Blenck filia Wm. Blencke babtizata fuit |
17/02/1583 | 17 die Wm. Readmar filius Wm. Readmar babtizatus fuit |
25/02/1583 | 25 die John Pollard filius Wm. Pollard babtizatus fuit |
05/03/1583 | Mar. 5 die John Burde filius Edwardi Burd babtizatus fuit |
22/03/1583 | 22 die Edward Graie filius Wilm Gray babtizatus fuit |
1584 | |
10/05/1584 | May 10 die Rich. Broderick filius Georgi Broderick babtizatus fuit |
15/05/1584 | 15 die Wm. Mylns filius Wm. Myns babtizatus fuit |
27/05/1584 | 27 die Thomas Wilson filius Johis Wilson babtizatus fuit |
10/06/1584 | Jun. 10 die Margret Warde filia Robti Warde babtizata fuit |
20/06/1584 | 20 die Mathew Jackson fils. Thomae Jackson illigetimus bab. fuit |
26/06/1584 | 26 die Margret Audlay filia Thomae Audley babtizata fuit |
20/07/1584 | Jul. 20 die Agnes Watson filia Johis Watson babtizata fuit |
02/08/1584 | Aug. 2 die Anne Chadwick filia Jacobi Cadwick babtizata fuit |
24/08/1584 | 24 die Alice Sheildes filia W m. Sheildes babtizata fuit |
28/08/1584 | Aug. 28 die Alice Hogg filia Robti Hogg babtizata fuit |
17/10/1584 | Oct. 17 die John Maull filius Gabriel Maull babtizatus fuit |
01/12/1584 | Dec. primo die Jeane Jackson filia Thomae Jackson babtizata fuit |
05/12/1584 | Dec. 5 die Agnes Gildus filia Wm. Gildus babtizata fuit |
12/12/1584 | 12 die Thomas Rawlinson filius Johis Rallinson babtizatus fuit |
03/01/1584 | Jan. 3 die Wm. Andrew filius Petri Andrew babtizatus fuit |
08/02/1584 | Feb. 8 die Margret Kirstie filia Wm Kirstie babtizata fuit |
24/02/1584 | 24 die Robert Dyne filius Wm Dyne babtizatus fuit |
13/03/1584 | Mar. 13 die Elsabeth Foxe filia Rich Foxe babtizata fuit |
1585 | |
16/06/1585 | Jun. 16 die Wm. Watson filius Johis Watson babtizat fuit |
24/06/1585 | 24 die Henry Dixon filius Georgi Dixon babtizatus fuit |
08/08/1585 | Aug. 8 die Sarai Blith filia Johis Blithe babtizata fuit |
04/10/1585 | Oct. 4 John Robinson filius Thomae Robinson babtizatus fuit |
16/01/1585 | Jan 16 die John Rawlinge filius Johis Rawling babtizatus fuit |
22/01/1585 | 22 die Margret Blith filia Roberti Blyth babtizata fuit |
03/02/1585 | Feb. 3 die Willm. Mall filius Gabriel Mall babtizatus fuit |
10/02/1585 | 10 die Anne Bucke filia Georgii Bucke babtizata fuit |
14/02/1585 | 14 die Rich. Currie filius Edward Currie babtizatus fuit |
22/02/1585 | 22 die Thomas Care filius Thomae Care babtizatus fuit |
25/02/1585 | 25 die Martha Caverley filia Thomae Caverley babtizata fuit |
08/03/1585 | Mar. 8 die Thomas Sheildes filius Wm. Sheildes babtizatus fuit |
12/03/1585 | 12 die Peter Mylns filius Stephen Mins babtizatus fuit |
12/03/1585 | 12 die Xpistopr Audlay filius Thomae Audlay babtizatus fuit |
12/03/1585 | eod. die Olivr. Ward filius Robti Ward babtizatus fuit |
26/03/1585 | 26 die Thomas Symson filius Thomae Symson babtizatus fuit |
26/03/1585 | eod. die Wm. Stevenson ij children babtizat |
26/03/1585 | eodem die Thomas Robinson one child babtizat |
26/03/1585 | Mar. 26 die James Walker one man childe babtizatus fuit |
26/03/1585 | eodem die Frances Isaac filia Johis Isaack babtizata fuit |
1586 | |
09/07/1586 | Jul. 9 die John Huggon filius Thomas Huggon babtizatus fuit |
31/07/1586 | 31 die Bartle Chirstie filius Wm. Chirstie babtizatus fuit |
06/08/1586 | Aug. 6 die Robt. Trusley filius Richardi Trusley babtizatus fuit |
07/08/1586 | 7 die Emmat Crawfoorth filia Petri Crawfoorth babtizata fuit |
08/10/1586 | Oct. 8 die Lettis Purser filia Xpistopher Purser babtizata fuit |
29/10/1586 | 29 die John Iselande filius Richardi Iseland babtizatus fuit |
13/11/1586 | Nov. 13 die Margret Stilton filia Robert Stilton babtizata fuit |
29/11/1586 | 29 die Esabel Wood filia Johis Wood babtizata fuit |
01/12/1586 | Dec. 1 die Peter Watson filius Francis Watsonn babtizatus fuit |
25/12/1586 | 25 die Oliver Jackson filius Thomae Jackson babtizatus fuit |
05/01/1586 | Jan. 5 die Esabel Wower filia Xpistopher Wower babtizata fuit |
02/02/1586 | Feb. 2 die Marie Megson filia Johis Megson babtizata fuit |
09/02/1586 | 9 die Esabel Gray filia Richard Gray babtizata fuit |
20/02/1586 | 20 die Willm. Rosse filius Thomae Rosse babtizatus fuit |
17/03/1586 | Mar. 17 die Dynes Hodgson filia Raphe Hodgson babtizata fuit |
1587 | |
19/03/1587 | Mar. 19 die Raphe Savage filius Thomae Savage babtizatus fuit |
28/03/1587 | 28 die Ursula Braidlay filia Thomae Braidlay babtizata fuit |
08/07/1587 | Jul. 8 die Thomas Wood filius Edwardi Wood babtizatus fuit |
08/07/1587 | 8 die Thomas Pollard filius Wm. Pollard babtizatus fuit |
09/07/1587 | 9 die Henrie Snypp filius Thomae Snype babtizatus fuit |
26/07/1587 | 26 die Elsabeth Bilton filia Wm. Bilton babtizata fuit |
22/08/1587 | Aug. 22 die John Fussie filius Edwardi Fussie babtizatus fuit |
26/08/1587 | 26 die Margret Smyth filia Roberti Smyth babtizata fuit |
03/09/1587 | Sep. 3 die Annas Fox filia Rich. Foxe babtizata fuit |
10/09/1587 | 10 die Jeane Care filia Thomae Care babtizata fuit |
18/10/1587 | Oct. 18 die Emmot Ellerbie filia Wm. Ellerbie babtizata fuit |
29/11/1587 | Nov. 29 die Annis Readmar filia Wm. Readmar babtizata fuit |
01/02/1587 | Feb. primo die Richard Hall filius Roberti Hall illigettimus bab. fuit |
10/02/1587 | 10 die Jeane Gildus filia Wm. Gildus babtizata fuit |
18/02/1587 | 18 die John Rawlinge filius Johis Rawlinge babtizatus fuit |
18/02/1587 | 18 die Annis Lickbarrow filia Jefferow Lickbarrow bab. fuit |
24/03/1587 | Mar. 24 die Peter Campion filius Petri Campion babtizatus fuit |
1588 | |
04/04/1588 | Apr. 4 die Anne Raylay filia Bryan Railai babtizata fuit |
09/04/1588 | 9 die Margret Birde filia Edwardi Birde babtizata fuit |
22/06/1588 | Jun. 22 die Thomas Ingrom filius Thomae Ingrom babtizatus fuit |
17/08/1588 | Aug. 17 die Marie Truslai filia Robti Trusley babtizata fuit |
18/08/1588 | 18 die Annis Dune filia Wm. Dune babtizata fuit |
01/09/1588 | Sep. primo die Elsabeth Crawfoorth filia Henric Crawfoorth bab. fuit |
07/09/1588 | 7 die Elsabeth Mason filia Xpistopher Mason babtizata fuit |
08/09/1588 | 8 die John Wright filius Rob Wright babtizatus fuit |
29/09/1588 | 29 die Edward Bucke filius Georgi Bucke babtizatus fuit |
18/10/1588 | Oct. 18 die Margret Savage filia Thomae Savage babtizata fuit |
20/10/1588 | 20 die Robert Caverla filius Thomae Caverla babtizatus fuit |
19/11/1588 | Nov. 19 die Frances Ward filia Raphe Ward babtizata fuit |
31/12/1588 | Dec. 31 die Xpistopher Dixon filius Georgi Dixon babtizatus fuit |
01/01/1588 | Jan. primo die Wm. Crawfurth filius Petri Crawforth babtizatus fuit |
06/01/1588 | 6 die Jeane Garner filia Richard Garner babtizata fuit |
26/01/1588 | 26 die John Thornley filius Rich. Thornley junior babtizatus fuit |
08/03/1588 | Mar. 8 Marie Fussie filia Cuthbert Fussie babtizata fuit |
22/03/1588 | 22 Elsabeth Watson filia Johis Watson babtizata fuit |
1589 | |
07/05/1589 | May 7 die Anne Fuller filia Edwardi Fuller babtizata fuit |
17/05/1589 | 17 die Elsabeth Ward filia Thomae Warde babtizata fuit |
08/06/1589 | Jun. 8 die Ellis Shipperd filia Wm. Shiperd babtizata fuit |
20/07/1589 | Jul. 20 die Wm. Robinson filius Thomae Robinson bab. fuit }twins. |
20/07/1589 | eodem die Emmot Robinson filia Thomae Robinson bab. fuit }twins |
20/07/1589 | eodem die Margret Dune filia Johis Dune babtizata fuit |
02/08/1589 | Aug. 2 die Edward Care filius Edward Care babtizatus fuit |
09/08/1589 | 9 die Brian Railiffe filius Briani Railiffe babtizatus fuit |
10/08/1589 | 10 die Elsabeth Jackson filia Thomae Jackson babtizata fuit |
17/08/1589 | 17 die Francis Readmar filius Wm. Readmar babtizatus fuit |
05/09/1589 | Sep. 5 die Wm. Watson filius Thomae Watson babtizatus fuit |
20/09/1589 | 20 die Stephen Bewes filius Wm Bewes babtizatus fuit |
21/09/1589 | 21 die Annis Birde filia Edwardi Bird babtizata fuit |
27/09/1589 | Sept. 27 die Edward Gildus filius Wm. Gildus babtizatus fuit |
18/10/1589 | Oct. 18 die Edward Headon filius Xpistop Headon |
16/10/1589 | 16 die Peter Chambers filius Thomae Chambers |
28/10/1589 | 28 die John Megson filius Johis Megson |
28/10/1589 | 28 die Anne Chirstie filia Bartle Kirstie babtizata fuit |
09/11/1589 | Nov. 9 die John Bilton filius Wm. Bilton |
22/11/1589 | 22 die Elsabeth Symson filia Thomae Symson |
06/12/1589 | Dec. 6 die Wm Gedney filius Stephen Gedney |
25/12/1589 | 25 die Robert Lake filius Leonard Lake |
01/01/1589 | Jan. primo die Alice Hodghon filia Raphe Hodghon |
18/01/1589 | 18 die Richard Mowbray filius Georgi Mowbray |
25/01/1589 | 25 die Ursulai Chadwick filia James Chadwick |
25/01/1589 | 25 die Jeane Tunye filia Jacobi Tunye |
14/02/1589 | Feb. 14. die Gwalter Rannsome filius Petri Rannsom |
04/03/1589 | Mar. 4 die John Wood filius Edward Wood |
07/03/1589 | 7 die Johan Garner filia Richardi Garner |
08/03/1589 | 8 die John Savage filius Thomae Savage |
1590 | |
28/03/1590 | Mar. 28 die Edward Headon filius Edward Headon babtizatus fuit |
11/04/1590 | Apr. 11 die Jeane Watson filia Francis Watson babtizata fuit |
12/04/1590 | 12 die Annas Moore filia Xpistop Moore |
18/04/1590 | 18 die Elsabeth Fussie filia Edward Fussie |
25/04/1590 | 25 die Annas Jackson filia Johis Jackson |
25/04/1590 | eod. die Isabel Foster filia Wm. Foster |
24/05/1590 | May 24 die Ursilla Truslai filia Richardi Truslai |
06/06/1590 | Jun. 6 die Barbarai Kirstie filia Wm. Kirstie |
27/06/1590 | 27 die Marget Audley filia Thomae Audley. |
29/07/1590 | Jul. 29 die John Shipherd filius Wm. Shipherd babtizatus fuit |
08/08/1590 | Aug. 8 die Robert Maison filius Xpistop Maison |
14/08/1590 | 14 die Annas Crawfoorth and Jeane Crawfoorth daughters twynns of Henrie Crawfoorth |
15/08/1590 | 15 die Edward Lickbarrowe filius Jefferow Lickbarrow |
13/09/1590 | Sep. 13 die Jeane Blythe filia Johis Blith |
11/10/1590 | Oct. 11 die Margret Thornley filia Richardi Thornley |
08/11/1590 | Nov. 8 die Margret Hall filia Humfray Hall |
28/11/1590 | 28 die Jeane Fussie filia Cuthbart Fussie |
12/12/1590 | Dec. 12 die Richard Smyth filius Wm. Smyth |
19/12/1590 | 19 die Henrye Warde filius Raphe Ward |
28/12/1590 | 28 die John Gedney filius Stephen Gedney junior |
06/01/1590 | Jan. 6 die Richard Hewyt filius Edward Hewyt |
13/02/1590 | Feb. 13 die Henrye Foster filius Richard Foster |
28/02/1590 | 28 die Marie Pollard filia Wm. Pollard junr. |
13/03/1590 | Mar. 13 die Robert Thornley filius Robti Thornley |
1591 | |
08/06/1591 | Jun. 8 die Thomas Wilkinson filius Percivell Wilkinson babt. fuit |
07/08/1591 | Aug. 7 die Barbarai Spilsbie filia Nicholas Spilsbie |
07/08/1591 | 7 die Barbara Andrew filia Petri Andrew |
18/08/1591 | 18 die Susanna Bucke filia Georgii Bucke |
24/08/1591 | 24 die Richard Crawfoorth filius Henric Crawforth |
29/08/1591 | Aug. 29 die Agnes Wrighte filia Robti Wright |
29/08/1591 | 29 die Agnes Stevensonn filia Jacobi Stevenson |
04/09/1591 | Sep. 4 die Ellis Friston filia Robert Friston |
03/10/1591 | Oct. 3 die Thomas Robinson filius Thomae Robinson |
14/11/1591 | Nov. 14 die Christabell Gray filia Rich Gray |
30/11/1591 | 30 die Raphe Crawfoorth filius Petri Crawfoorth |
18/12/1591 | Dec. 18 die Barbarie Sothwicke filia Johis Southwicke |
09/01/1591 | Jan. 9 die Barbara Higgin filia Miies Higin |
26/01/1591 | 26 die Thomas Savage filius Thomm Savage |
22/01/1591 | 22 die Bartle Kirstie filius Bartle Kirstie |
02/02/1591 | Feb. 2 die Rich. Tunye filius Jacobi Tunye |
05/02/1591 | 5 die Thomas Megson filius Johis Megson |
12/02/1591 | 12 die Elsabeth Gray filia Johis Gray junr. |
23/02/1591 | 23 die Dynas Mallerie filia Wm. Mallerie |
28/02/1591 | 28 die Robert Watson filius Johis Watson |
06/03/1591 | Mar. 6 die Xpistopher Headon filius Xpistop Headon |
18/03/1591 | 18 die Elsabeth Hodgson filia Raphe Hodgson |
1592 | |
20/04/1592 | Apr. 20 die Barbara Mowbray filia Georgii Mowbray |
08/06/1592 | Jun. 8 die Custanc Ralay filia Brian Ralay babtizata fuit |
14/06/1592 | 14 die Agnes Mason filia Xpistop Mason babtizata fuit |
18/06/1592 | 18 die Margret Cunstable filia Xpistop Cunstable babtizata fuit |
13/08/1592 | Aug. 13 die Barbara Gildus filia Wm. Gildus babtizata fuit |
23/09/1592 | Sep. 23 die James Law filius Wm. Law babtizatus fuit |
29/09/1592 | 29 die Stephen Gedney filius Stephen Gedney babtizatus fuit |
17/10/1592 | Oct. 17 die Anne Garner filia Rich. Garner babtizata fuit |
15/11/1592 | Nov. 15 die Jeane Lillie illegittima filia babtizata fuit |
30/12/1592 | Dec. 30 die Margerie Watson filia Briani Watson babtizata fuit |
20/01/1592 | Jan. 20 die Wm. Hubbleday filius Edward Hubbleday babtizatus fuit |
28/01/1592 | 28 die Barbara Megson filia Johis Megson babtizata fuit |
28/01/1592 | 28 die Margret Blith filia Johis Blith babtizata fuit |
28/01/1592 | 28 die Annas Oggram filia Thomae Oggram babtizata fuit |
1593 | |
28/03/1593 | Mar. 28 die Barbary Wilkinson filia Percivall Wilkinson bab. fuit |
05/04/1593 | Apr. 5 die Xpistop Headon filius Xpistop Headon babtizatus fuit |
14/04/1593 | 14 die George Spilsbie filius Nicholas Spilsbie babtizatus fuit |
13/05/1593 | May 13 die Frances Care filia Edward Care bab. fuit |
27/05/1593 | 27 die Robert Symson filius Thomae Symson babtizata fuit |
01/06/1593 | Jun. primo die Xpistopher Mason filius Xpistop Mason bab. fuit |
07/06/1593 | 7 die Willm. Mallerie filius Wm. Mallerye babtizatus fuit |
13/06/1593 | 13 Osswolde Thomson fil. Isabel Thompson illigetima bab. fuit |
17/06/1593 | 17 die Peter Coston filius Petri Coston babtizatus fuit |
20/07/1593 | Jul. 20 die Frances Birde filia Edwardi Bird babtizata fuit |
29/07/1593 | 29 die Elsabeth Beck filia Robti Beck babtizata fuit |
09/09/1593 | Sep. 9 die John Readmar filius Wm. Readmar babtizatus fuit |
29/09/1593 | 29 die John Shiperd filius Wm. Shiperd babtizatus fuit |
07/10/1593 | Oct. 7 die George Shiperd filius Robti Shiperd babtizatus fuit |
09/10/1593 | 9 die Jeane Warde filia Henric Warde babtizata fuit |
18/10/1593 | 18 die Bettric Ransome filia Petri Ransom babtizata fuit |
10/11/1593 | Nov. 10 die Elsabeth Deane filia Wm. Deane babtizata fuit |
12/01/1593 | Jan. 12 die Francis Andrew filius Petri Androw babtizatus fuit |
12/01/1593 | 12 die Wm. Southwick filius Johis Southwick |
12/01/1593 | 12 die Wm. Law filius Wm. Lawe babtizatus fuit |
26/01/1593 | 26 die Margret Tunye filia Jacobi Tunie babtizata fuit |
01/02/1593 | Feb. primo die Robert Chadwick filius Jacobi Chadwick babtiz |
06/02/1593 | 6 die Wm. Knockes filius Wm. Knockes babtizatus fuit |
10/02/1593 | 10 die Christabell Stevenson filia Jacobi Stevenson bab. fuit |
16/02/1593 | 16 die Frances Robinson filia Thomae Robinson babtizata fuit |
17/02/1593 | 17 die Frances Mowbray filia Georgi Mowbray babtizata fuit |
1594 | |
25/03/1594 | Mar. 25 die Humphray Tumholme filius Wm Tumholme bab. fuit |
28/03/1594 | 28 die Marie Distanc filia Johanis Distanc babtizata fuit |
17/04/1594 | Apr. 17 die Elsabeth Railay filia Briani Ralay babtizata fuit |
21/05/1594 | May 21 die Elsabeth Crawfoorth filia Petri Crawfurth bab. fuit |
09/05/1594 | 9 die Elsaheth Gednay filia Stephen Gednay babtizata fuit |
27/05/1594 | 27 Robert Maison filius Xpistop Maison babtizatus fuit |
02/06/1594 | Jun. 2 die Barbara Hall filia Humfray Hall babtizata fuit |
09/06/1594 | 9 die Jeane Skeflinge filia Edwardi Skefling babtizata fuit |
15/06/1594 | 15 die Elsabeth Kirstie filia Wm. Kirstie babtizata fuit |
22/06/1594 | 22 die Jeane Higgin filia Miles Higgine babtizata fuit |
19/07/1594 | Jul. 19 die Jeane Oggram filia Thomae Oggram babtizata fuit |
03/08/1594 | Aug. 3 die Raphe Hodghon filius Raphe Hodghon babtizatus fuit |
11/08/1594 | 11 die Richard Bilton filius Gregorie Bilton babtizatus fuit |
07/09/1594 | Sep. 7 die John Gray filius Johis Gray babtizatus fuit |
08/09/1594 | 8 die Anne Cooke filia Wm. Cooke senior babtizata fuit |
05/10/1594 | Oct. 5 die Thomas Ward filius Raphe Ward babtizatus fuit |
10/11/1594 | Nov. 10 die Thomas Bucke filius Georgi Bucke babtizatus fuit |
17/11/1594 | 17 die Robert Shiperd filius Robti Shiperd babtizatus fuit |
1595 | |
29/03/1595 | Mar. 29 die Anne Pollard filia Wm. Pollard babtizata fuit |
30/03/1595 | 30 die Elsaheth Cocke filia Thomae Cocke babtizata fuit |
09/04/1595 | Apr. 9 die Elsabeth Coston filia Petri Coston babtizata fuit |
27/04/1595 | 27 die Margret Blencke filia Thomae Blenck babtizata fuit |
21/06/1595 | Jun. 21 die Thomas Friston filius Robti Friston babtizatus fuit |
21/06/1595 | 21 die Frances Atkinson filia Wm. Atkinson babtizata fuit |
07/07/1595 | Jul. 7 die Richard Moore filius Xpistop Moore babtizatus fuit |
25/07/1595 | 25 die Richard Garner filius Richardi Garner babtizatus fuit |
23/08/1595 | Aug. 23 die Wm. Deane filius Wm. Deane babtizatus fuit |
03/09/1595 | Sep. 3 die Katherine Distanc filia Johis Distanc babtizata fuit |
18/10/1595 | Oct. 18 die Alic Bilton filia Wm. Bilton babtizata fuit |
19/10/1595 | 19 die Frances Birde filia Edwardi Birde babtizata fuit |
15/11/1595 | Nov. 15 die Alice Blithe filia Johis Blithe babitzata fuit |
22/11/1595 | Nov. 22 die Margret Wilkinson filia Raphe Wilkinson bab. fuit |
05/12/1595 | Dec. 5 die Elsabeth Headon filia Xpistop Headon babtizata fuit |
20/12/1595 | 20 die Jeane Bewes filia Wm Bewes babtizata fuit |
28/12/1595 | 28 die Jeane Cocke filia Anthonye Cocke babtizata fuit |
25/01/1595 | Jan. 25 die Elsabeth Clappam filia Robti Clappam babtizata fuit |
1596 | |
21/03/1596 | Mar. 21 die Ellis Tunye filia Jacobi Tunye babtizata fuit |
21/03/1596 | 21 die Alice Hodghon filia Raphe Hodghon babtizata fuit |
08/04/1596 | Apr. 8 die Anne Chadwick filia Jacobi Chadwick babtizata fuit |
14/04/1596 | 14 die Anne Chirstie filia Wm. Chirstie babtizata fuit |
18/04/1596 | 18 die Jeane Cooke filia Wm. Cooke babtizata fuit |
02/05/1596 | May 2 die Anne Robinson filia Thomae Robinson babtizata fuit |
13/05/1596 | 13 die Dynis Higgins et Janeta Higgins filiae Miles Higgins |
30/05/1596 | 30 die Margret Lawe filia Wm. Law babtizata fuit |
19/06/1596 | Jun. 19 die Robert Sheildes filius Wm. Sheildes iunior bab. fuit |
20/06/1596 | 20 die Robert Trusley filius Richardi Trusley babtizatus fuit |
20/06/1596 | 20 die Anne Watson filia Johis Watson babtizata fuit |
24/06/1596 | 24 die Leonard Railai filius Briani Railai babtizatus fuit |
23/07/1596 | Jul. 23 die Robert Tumholme filius Wm. Tumholme babtizatus fuit |
17/08/1596 | Aug. 17 die Margret Knoxe filia Wm. Knoxe babtizata fuit |
02/10/1596 | Oct. 2 die Frances Ransome filia Petri Ransom babtizata fuit |
17/10/1596 | 17 die Humfray Mowberay filius Georgii Mowbray bab. fuit |
06/11/1596 | Nov. 6 die Frances Skeffline filia Edwardi Skeffline babtizata fuit |
21/10/1596 | Oct. 21 die Ursula Androw filia Petri Androwe babtizata fuit |
24/10/1596 | 24 die Thomas Coston filius Petri Coston babtizatus fuit |
22/01/1596 | Jan. 22 die Michael Christie filius Bartle Cristie babtizatus fuit |
06/02/1596 | Feb. 6 die Thomas Shipard filius Wm. Shipard babtizatus fuit |
24/02/1596 | 24 die Raphe Ward filius Raphe Warde babtizatus fuit |
24/02/1596 | eodem die Mathew Mighell filius Wm. Mighell babtizatus fuit |
14/03/1596 | Mar. 14 die Mathew Giltencross filius Wm. Giltencross bab. fuit_ |
16/03/1596 | 16 die Jeane Sieges filia Johis Slegges babtizata fuit |
1597 | |
27/03/1597 | Mar. 27 die John Atkinson filius Wm. Atkinson babtizatus fuit |
17/04/1597 | Apr. 17 die Wm. Wilkinson filius Percivall Wilkinson bab. fuit |
11/05/1597 | May 11 die Anne Talor filia Johis Talor babtizata fuit |
19/05/1597 | 19 die Wm. Shipard filius Robti Shippard babtizata fuit |
26/05/1597 | 26 die Rahel Bilton filia Gregorie Bilton babtizata fuit |
29/05/1597 | 29 die Peter Fussie filius Edwardi Fussie babtizatus fuit |
25/07/1597 | Jul. 25 die Anne Oggram filia Thomae Oggram babtizatus fuit |
21/09/1597 | Sep. 21 die Mathew Trusley filius Richardi Trusley bab. fuit |
29/09/1597 | 29 die Isabel Pollarde filia Wm. Pollard, Junior babtizata fuit |
29/09/1597 | 29 die Barbarai Blenck filia Thomae Blencke babtizata fuit |
29/10/1597 | Oct. eod. die Richard Clappam filius Robti Clappam babtizatus fuit |
18/10/1597 | 18 Anne Daine filia Wm. Deane babtizata fuit |
??/01/1597 | Jan. die Jeane Gildus filia Johis Gildus babtizata fuit |
18/02/1597 | Feb. 18 die James Tutnye filius Jacobi Tunie babtizatus fuit |
03/03/1597 | Mar. 3 die Barbara Moore filia Xpistop More babtizata fuit |
??/03/1597 | Mar. (?) die Katherine Cooke filia Wm Cooke senior babtizata fuit |
19/03/1597 | Mar. 19 die James Shipard filius Wm. Shipard babtizatus fuit |
1598 | |
26/03/1598 | 26 die Syimon Hodghon filius Raphe Hodghon babtizatus fuit |
07/04/1598 | Apr. 7 die Humfridus Tumholme filius Wm. Tumholme bab. fuit |
17/04/1598 | 17 die Jeane Bird filia Edwardi Birde babtizata fuit |
28/06/1598 | Jun. 28 die Xpistop Cowper filius Mathew Cowper babtizatus fuit |
15/07/1598 | Jul. 15 die John Cooke filius Wm. Cooke babtizatus fuit |
05/08/1598 | Aug. 5 die Robertus Ward filius Raphe Ward babtizatus fuit |
19/08/1598 | 19 die Frances Bilton filia Wm. Bilton babtizata fuit |
03/09/1598 | Sep. 3 die Margret Blassel filia Stephen Blassel babtizata fuit |
03/09/1598 | eod. die Richard Distanc filius Johis Distanc babtizatus fuit |
08/10/1598 | Oct. 8 die Francis Headon filius Xpistop Headon babtizatus fuit |
15/10/1598 | 15 die Elsabeth Law filia Wm. Law babtizata fuit |
15/10/1598 | eod. die Anne Lake filia Leonardi Lake babtizata fuit |
18/10/1598 | 18 die Elsabeth Sheildes filia Wm. Shieldes junr bab. fuit |
12/11/1598 | Nov. 12 die Willm Wilsonn filius Johan Wilson babtizatus fuit |
19/11/1598 | 19 die Elsabeth Stevenson filia Jacobi Stevenson bab. fuit |
25/11/1598 | 25 die John Blith filius Johis Blith babtizatus fuit |
25/11/1598 | eod. die Xpistop Crawforth fil. Petri Crawfoorth bab. fuit |
07/12/1598 | Dec. 7 die Frances Railay filia Briani Railay babtizata fuit |
31/12/1598 | 31 die Wm. Cocke filius Anthonie Cocke babtizatus fuit |
14/01/1598 | Jan. 14 die Henrie Megson filius Johis Megson babtizatus fuit |
21/01/1598 | 21 die Lettice Shipard filia Robti Shipard babtizata fuit |
02/02/1598 | Feb. 2 die Anne Mowbrough filia Georgii Mowbrough bab. fuit |
24/03/1598 | Mar. 24 die Steven Atkinson filius Wm. Atkinson baptizatus fuit |
1599 | |
??/04/1599 | Apr. die Jeams Cocke sone of Thomas Cocke babtiz. |
27/05/1599 | May 27 die Robarte Truslowe als Megsone bassegotten bapt. |
10/06/1599 | Jun. 10 die Wm. Dennise als Crake sonne of Ursula Dennis bapt. |
24/06/1599 | Jun 24 die Myles Higgin filius Myles Higgins baptizatus est |
22/07/1599 | Jul. 22 die Mary Myns filia Johannis Myns baptizatus est |
04/08/1599 | Aug. 4 die Anne Moore filia Xpoferi Moore baptizatus est |
12/08/1599 | 12 die Anne Urre filie Gabrielis Urre baptizatus est |
02/09/1599 | Sep. 2 die Jacobus Rawson filius Jacobi Rawson baptizatus est |
16/09/1599 | 16 die Wm. Michaell filius Wm. Michaell baptizatus est |
14/10/1599 | Oct. 14 die Barbara Routh filia Wm. Routh baptizata est |
25/11/1599 | Nov. 25 die Katherin Dayne filia Wm. Daine baptizata est |
16/12/1599 | Dec. 16 die Jane Blencke filia Thomae Blencke baptizata est |
21/12/1599 | 21 die Thomas Tuenye filius Jacobi Tuenye baptizatus est |
23/12/1599 | 23 die Barbara Bilton filia Gregorii Bilton baptizata est |
26/12/1599 | 26 die Wm. Cooper filius Mathei Cooper baptizatus est |
06/01/1599 | Jan. 6 die Thomas Gray filius Johannis Gray baptizatus est |
24/01/1599 | 24 die Jaine Westerdaile filia Johannis Westerdaile bap. est |
27/01/1599 | 27 die Elsabeth Parker filia Johannis Parker baptizata est |
27/01/1599 | eodem die Johannes Headon filius Christoferi Headon bap. est |
27/01/1599 | eodem die Ellin Christie filia Bartholomei Christie baptizata est |
02/02/1599 | Feb. 2 die Thomas Ogram filius Thomae Ogram baptizatus est |
24/02/1599 | Feb. 24 die Humfrey Woode filius Leonardi Woode baptizatus est |
02/03/1599 | Mar. 2 die Richardus Sheppard filius Wm. Shepperd bap. est |
16/03/1599 | 16 die Dinis Cooke filia Wm. Cook baptizata est |
1600 | |
25/03/1600 | 25 die Phillippe Cooke filius Wilhelmi Cooke baptizatus est |
13/04/1600 | Apr. 13 die Nathaniell Buck filius Edwardi Buck baptizatus est |
20/04/1600 | 20 die Margrete Wilkinson filia Percevaile Wilkinson bap. est |
15/06/1600 | Jun. 15 die Jane Kyrkbye filia Roberti Kyrkbye baptizatus est |
24/06/1600 | 24 die Anne Clappam filia Roberti Clappam baptizata est |
28/06/1600 | 28 die Anne Shieldes filia Wm Shieldes baptizata est |
06/07/1600 | Jul. 6 die Henricus Shepherd filius Roberti Shepherd bap. est |
02/08/1600 | Aug. 2 die Anne Bird filia Edwarde Bird baptizata est |
30/08/1600 | 30 die Henricus Hodgson filius Radulphi Hodgson bap. est |
24/09/1600 | Sep. 24 die Wm. Pollard filius Wm. Pollard baptizatus est |
05/10/1600 | Oct. 5 die Barbara Truslay the daughter of Edward Truslay was bap. |
05/10/1600 | eodem die Steven Tayler the sonne of Sissily Tayler base gotten was baptized |
09/11/1600 | Nov. 9 die Ricardus Sagge filius Ricardi Sagge baptizatus est |
09/11/1600 | eodem die Jane Mowbray filia Georgii Mowbray baptizata est |
14/11/1600 | 14 die Barbara Pearson filia Rogeri Pearson baptizata est |
07/12/1600 | Dec. 7 die Raphe Burrell filius Thomae Burrell baptizatus est |
09/12/1600 | 9 die Marye Rawlinge filia Thomae Rawlinge baptizata est |
14/12/1600 | 14 die Barbara Huton filia Margrete Huton base gotten bap. est |
20/12/1600 | 20 die Robert Westerdaile filius Joh[a]n Westerdaile vidua baptizatus est |
24/12/1600 | 24 die Ricardus Railai filius Brianni Railai baptizatus est |
25/01/1600 | Jan. 25 die Thomas Truslay filius Richardi Truslay baptizatus est |
24/02/1600 | Feb. 24. die Richard Watson the sonne of Brian Watson was bap. |
1601 | |
26/03/1601 | Mar. 26 day Stephen Ward the sonne of Raphe Ward baptized |
05/04/1601 | Apr. 5 day Jeane Sheperde daughtr of Wm. Sheperd was baptized |
29/04/1601 | 29 day Margret Oggram dau. of Thomas Oggram |
24/06/1601 | Jun. 24 day Jane Watson dau. of John Watson |
28/06/1601 | 28 day Margret Bilton dau. of Wm. Bilton |
26/07/1601 | Jul. 26 day John Stevenson son of James Stevenson |
26/07/1601 | eodem die Mary Distance daur of John Distance |
09/08/1601 | Aug. 9 day Miles Rawson sonne of James Rawson |
22/09/1601 | Sept. 22 day Mathewe Cauverlay son of Wm. Cauverlay |
04/10/1601 | Oct. 4 day John Buck sonne of Edward Bucke |
14/10/1601 | 14 day Agnes Herran daur. of Gerrard Herran |
22/10/1601 | 22 day Agnnes Robinson daugr. of Alexsaunder Robinson |
22/10/1601 | eodem die John Tewnie sonne of James Tewnie |
25/10/1601 | 25 day Jane Browne daughter of Laurence Browne |
03/11/1601 | Nov. 3 day Jane Ellerbie daur. of Robt. Ellerbie |
15/11/1601 | 15 day Jane Tailer daur. of Gregorie Tailer |
13/12/1601 | Dec. 13 day Jane Blith daur. of John Blith |
31/01/1601 | Jan. 31 day Alce Cocke daur. of Anthony Cocke |
02/02/1601 | Feb. 2 Myles Truslay son of Edward Truslay |
24/02/1601 | 24 Mathias Atkinson son of Wm. Atkinson |
07/03/1601 | Mar. 7 Thomas Christie son of Wm. Christie |
1602 | |
05/04/1602 | Apr. 5 Thomas Blenckarn sonne of Thomas Blenkarne |
11/04/1602 | 11 Margret Dunne daughtr. of Henri Dunne |
11/04/1602 | eodem die Willm Bilton son of Gregori Bilton |
16/05/1602 | May 16 Margret Chadweek daughtr. of James Chadwek |
16/05/1602 | eod. die Willm Endick son of Willm Endicke |
23/05/1602 | 23 Jone Routh daur. of Wm. Routh |
11/07/1602 | July 11 Richard Truslaye son of Richd. Truslaye |
18/07/1602 | 18 Robert Cooke son of Willm. Cooke |
21/09/1602 | Sep. 21 Mathew Burrell son of Thomas Burrell |
26/09/1602 | 26 Agnes Cooke daur. of Willm Cooke junior |
18/10/1602 | Oct. 18 James Tewnye son of James Tewnye |
17/11/1602 | Nov. 17 Margret Sheildes daur. of Wm. Sheildes junior |
21/11/1602 | 21 William Routh son of Willm Routh (boteman) |
12/12/1602 | Dec. 12 Thomas Greenshaw son of Robt. Greenshaw |
16/01/1602 | Jan. 16 Miles Shieldes son of Wm. Shieldes senior |
16/01/1602 | eodem die John Maison son of Francis Maison |
30/01/1602 | 30 Christofer Hodgson sonne of Raphe Hodgson |
1603 | |
28/03/1603 | Mar. 28 Margrete Clapham daughter of Robert Clapham |
21/04/1603 | Apr. 21 Elsabeth Mowbray daughter of George Mowbray |
15/05/1603 | May 15 Margret Gray daughter of John Gray |
28/05/1603 | 28 George Tomholme son of Willm Tomholme |
05/06/1603 | Jun. 5 Ann Tayler daur. of Gregory Tayler |
23/06/1603 | 23 John Shepherd sonne of Robert Shepherd |
02/07/1603 | Jul. 2 Anne Headon daur. of Christofer Headon |
10/07/1603 | Jul. 10 Agnnas Sagge daughter of Richard Sagge baptised |
10/07/1603 | eodem die Jane Distance daur. of John Distance |
17/07/1603 | 17 Thomas Parkinson sonne of Richard Parkinson |
17/07/1603 | eodem die Elsabeth Dunne daur. of Henry Dunne |
30/07/1603 | 30 Jane Moore daur. of Christofer Moore |
30/07/1603 | eodem die James Giltencrosse sonne of Willm Giltencrosse |
03/08/1603 | Aug. 3 Jane Michaell daur. of Wm. Michaell |
05/08/1603 | 5 Bartilmew Graye sonne of Edward Graye |
21/08/1603 | 21 Christofer Constable sonne of Christofer Constable |
21/08/1603 | eodem die Elsabeth Ward daughter of Raphe Warde |
28/08/1603 | 28 Agnne Ellerbie daughter of Robert Ellerbie |
11/09/1603 | Sep. 11 Robert Skeflinge son of Edward Skeflinge |
02/10/1603 | Oct. 2 Francis Routh daughter of Wm. Routhe Webster |
06/11/1603 | Nov. 6 Jane Pearson daughter of Roger Pearson |
04/12/1603 | Dec. 4 Willm. Giltencrossse son of Pattrick Giltencrosse |
18/12/1603 | 18 Thomas Caverlay son of Willm. Caverlay |
08/01/1603 | Jan. 8 Margret Pollard daur. of Wm. Pollard junr. |
06/02/1603 | Feb. 6 Agnne Shepherd daur. of Wm. Shepherd |
1604 | |
09/04/1604 | Apr. 9 Richard Keirbie son of Willm. Keirbie |
15/04/1604 | Apr. 15 Willm. Cocke son of Margret Cocke base gotten |
29/04/1604 | 29 Francis Vicaridge daur. of Henry Vicaridge |
01/06/1604 | Jun. 1 Willm. Fussie son of Edward Fussie |
04/07/1604 | Jul. 4 Willm. Burrell sonne of Wilim. Burrell |
22/07/1604 | 22 Elsabeth Truslay daughter of Edward Truslay |
25/07/1604 | 25 Jone Sharpe daughtr. of Peter Sharpe |
12/08/1604 | Aug. 12 Raphe Shepherd sonne of Henry Shepherd |
02/09/1604 | Sep. 2 George Chambers sonne of John Chambers |
23/09/1604 | 23 Richard Burrell sonne of Thomas Burrell |
28/10/1604 | Oct. 28 Agnne Cooke daughtr. of Willm. Cooke |
11/11/1604 | Nov. 11 Elsabeth Blith daur of John Blith |
13/11/1604 | 13 Nicholas Bewe son of Willm. Bewe |
13/11/1604 | eod. die John Wilkinson son of Persabell Wilkinson |
25/11/1604 | 25 Katherin Truslay daur. of Richard Truslay |
21/12/1604 | Dec. 21 Thomas Tock son of Robert Tock |
06/01/1604 | Jan. 6 Elsabeth Browne daur. of Laurence Browne |
06/01/1604 | 6 Thomas Sagge son of Richard Sagge |
20/01/1604 | 20 Christofer Maison sonne of Francis Maison |
??/01/1604 | Jan. Elsabeth Huton daur. of Margret Huton base gotten |
03/02/1604 | Feb. 3 Bartholmowe Christe sonne of Bartholmowe Christe |
14/02/1604 | 14 Christofer Staringe son of Edward Staringe |
10/03/1604 | Mar. 10 Thomas Mowbray sonne of George Mowbray |
1605 | |
25/03/1605 | 25 Willm. Blenckarn son of Thomas Blenckarne |
01/04/1605 | Apr. 1 Custance Hodgson daughter of Ralphe Hodgsone |
14/04/1605 | 14 Nichollas Sheildes sonne of Willm. Sheildes |
04/05/1605 | May 4 Richard Fetherstone sonne of James Fetherstone |
02/06/1605 | Jun. 2 Robert Tewny son of James Tewny |
07/07/1605 | Jul. 7 John Reame sonne of John Reame |
07/07/1605 | 7 Thomas Tayler sonne of Gregory Tayler |
04/08/1605 | Aug. 4 Francis Hogge daughter of Robert Hogge |
18/08/1605 | 18 Richard Parkinson sonne of Richard Parkinson |
21/09/1605 | Sep. 21 Ralph Ward sonne of Ralphe Warde |
21/09/1605 | eodem die Willm. Shepherd sonne of Henry Shepherd |
22/09/1605 | 22 Peter Chadweke sonne of James Chadweke |
20/10/1605 | Oct. 20 Robert Greene sonne of Ralphe Greene |
10/11/1605 | Nov. 10 Jane Ridin daur. of Oswold Ridin |
10/11/1605 | eod. die Jane Megson daur. of Ralphe Megson |
02/02/1605 | Feb. 2 Jane Staringe daughtr. of Edward Staringe |
02/02/1605 | eodem die Henry Hinde alias Sinkley sonne of Urselay Hinde base gotten |
15/02/1605 | Feb. 15 Arthure Woode sonne of Willm. Woode 12 twines |
15/02/1605 | eod. die Margrete Woode daur of Willm. Woode bapt |
09/03/1605 | Mar. 9 Agnne Dunne daur. of Henrye Dunne |
1606 | |
26/04/1606 | Apr. 26 Robert Fetherstone sonne of Willm. Fetherstone bapt |
29/05/1606 | May 29 Alse Ellarbye daur. of Robarte Ellarbye |
10/06/1606 | Jun. 10 Thomas Dalton sonne of Thomas Dalton bapt. |
15/06/1606 | 15 Peter Ranson sonne of Michaell Ranson bapt |
27/07/1606 | Jul. 27 Willm Graye sonne of Edward Graye |
27/07/1606 | 27 Agnne Caverlay daughtr. of Wm. Caverlay |
03/08/1606 | Aug. 3 Edward Truslowe sonne of Edward Truslowe |
13/08/1606 | 13 Nicholas Greene sonne of Thomas Greene |
31/08/1606 | 31 Elsabeth Tailer daur. of Margret Tailer |
21/09/1606 | Sep. 21 Evvis Chadweeke daur. of James Chadweke |
12/10/1606 | Oct. 12 Sussan Ellerbeck daur. of Willm Ellerbecke |
12/10/1606 | eod. die Willm Awdlay sonne of Willm Awdlay |
26/10/1606 | 26 Willm Sheildes sonne of Walter Sheildes |
28/10/1606 | 28 Gregory Bilton sonne of Willm Bilton |
05/11/1606 | Nov. 5 Jane Foster daur. of Margret Foster basegotten |
16/11/1606 | 16 Willm Reame sonne of John Reame |
23/11/1606 | 23 Elsabeth Riden daur. of Oswold Riden |
23/11/1606 | 23 Margrete Routh daughter of Wm. Routh tailer |
07/12/1606 | Dec. 7 Wilfraye Patteson sonne of Francis Patteson |
01/01/1606 | Jan. 1 Agnne Burrell daur. of Wm. Burrell |
06/01/1606 | 6 Francis Tailer daur. of Gregory Tailer |
15/03/1606 | Mar. 15 James Fetherstone sonne of James Fetherstone |
1607 | |
18/04/1607 | Apr. 18 Peter Chambers sonne of John Chambers |
02/05/1607 | May 2 Agnne Dunne daur. of Willm Dunne bap |
03/05/1607 | 3 Willm Burrell sonne of Thomas Burrell |
09/05/1607 | 9 Marye Mowbray daur. of George Mowbray |
24/05/1607 | 24 Willm Cooke sonne of Willm Cooke |
24/05/1607 | 24 Robert Pearson sonne of Roger Pearson |
14/06/1607 | Jun. 14 Robert Graye sonne of John Graye |
02/08/1607 | Aug. 2 Mathew Pollarde sonne of Wm. Pollarde |
09/08/1607 | 9 Agnne Rawson daur. of James Rawson |
16/08/1607 | 16 John Staringe sonne of Edward Staringe |
23/08/1607 | 23 Barbara Smith daur. of Robert Smith |
30/08/1607 | 30 Emott Blith daur. of John Blithe |
30/08/1607 | 30 Barbara Hogge daugtr. of Robert Hogge |
06/09/1607 | Sep. 6 Robert Smith sonne of John Smith |
23/09/1607 | 23 Doritye Tocke daur. of Robert Tocke |
11/10/1607 | Oct. 11 Agnne Giltencrosse daur. of Pattrick Giltencrosse |
11/10/1607 | 11 John Blenckern sonne of Thomas Blenckern |
15/11/1607 | Nov. 15 Willm Johnson sonne of Wm. Johnson |
15/11/1607 | 15 Margrete Greene daughtr. of Ralph Greene |
20/12/1607 | Dec. 20 Edward Distance sonne of John Distance |
??/12/1607 | Dec. Francis Dalton daur. of Christofer Dalton |
07/01/1607 | Jan. 7 Christopher Audlay sonne of Christopher Audlay |
27/01/1607 | 27 Willm Keirbye sonne of Willm Keirbye |
24/01/1607 | 24 John Shepherd sonne of Henry Shepherd |
14/07/1607 | Jul. 14 Agnne Truslowe daughter of Richard Truslowe |
20/03/1607 | Mar. 20 John Dalton sonne of Thomas Dalton |
20/03/1607 | 20 John Parkinson sonne of Richard Parkinson |
1608 | |
17/04/1608 | Apr. 17 Thomas Fetherstone son of James Fetherstone}2 twinns |
17/04/1608 | 17 Jane Fetherstone daughtr. of James Fetherstone}2 twinns |
05/06/1608 | Jun. 5 Elsabeth Tewnye daur. of James Tewnye |
19/06/1608 | Jun. 19 Margrete Whelpdaile daur. of Marmaduk Whelpdaile |
10/07/1608 | Jul. 10 Christopher Moore sonne of Christopher Moore |
03/08/1608 | Aug. 3 Thomas Patteson sonne of Francis Pattesone 2 twins |
03/08/1608 | 3 Agnne Patteson daur. of Francis Patteson j |
21/08/1608 | 21 Henry Vickaridge sonne of Henry Vickaridge |
21/08/1608 | 21 Francis Warde sonne of Ralphe Warde |
03/09/1608 | Sep. 3 Margrete Harris daur. of Edmond Harris |
15/09/1608 | 15 Isabell Dunne daur. of Henrye Dunne |
16/10/1608 | Oct. 16 George Huton sonne of Margrete Huton base gotten |
20/11/1608 | Nov. 20 Francis Smith sonne of John Smith |
30/11/1608 | 30 Henry Johnsonne sonne of Willm Johnsonne |
08/01/1608 | Jan. 8 John Ellerbeck sonne of Willm Ellerbeck |
22/01/1608 | Jan. xxij Anne Staringe daughter of Edward Staringe |
19/02/1608 | Feb. xix John Chambers sonne of John Chambers |
26/02/1608 | Feb. xxvj John Watson sonne of John Watson jun. |
11/03/1608 | Mar. xj Custance Chadwick daur. of Jamas Chadwick |
12/03/1608 | Mar. xij Katherin Farra daur. of Gartrude Farra base |
1609 | |
25/03/1609 | Mar. xxv John Cocke sonne of John Cocke paptized (sic) |
04/06/1609 | Jun. iiij Alse Shepherd daughter of James Shepherde |
09/07/1609 | Jul. ix Thomas Shieldes son of Walter Shieldes |
03/09/1609 | Sep. iij Jane Burrell daughter of William Burrell |
13/09/1609 | 13 Willm Caverlay sonne of Willm Caverlay } 2 twins |
13/09/1609 | 13 Barbara Caverlay daur. of Wm. Caverlay } 2 twins |
17/09/1609 | 17 Stephen Robinson sonne of Thomas Robinson |
29/09/1609 | 29 Thomas Burrell sonne of Thomas Burrell |
01/10/1609 | Oct. 1 Joane Cooke daur. of Willm Cooke |
06/10/1609 | 6 Willm Ellerbye sonne of Robert Ellerbye |
08/10/1609 | 8 John Waster sonne of Adam Waster |
08/10/1609 | 8 Jhon (sic) Reame sonne of John Reame baptized |
08/10/1609 | 8 Jaine Scotte daughter of Huigh Scotte |
14/10/1609 | 14 Thomas Mowbray sonne of George Mowbray |
18/10/1609 | 18 John Dickson sonne of Katherin Dickson base gotten |
22/10/1609 | 22 John Harris sonne of Edmonde Harris |
24/11/1609 | Nov. 24 Emmot Gedney daur. of Robert Gedney jun. |
30/11/1609 | 30 John Tidthroppe sonne of Thomas Tidthrop |
25/12/1609 | Dec. 25 Elsabeth Tocke daughter of Robert Tocke |
02/02/1609 | Feb. 2 Anne Sansbye daughter of Wm. Sansbye |
04/02/1609 | 4 Dinis Keirbye daur. of Wm. Keerbye |
24/02/1609 | 24 Richard Dalton sonne of Christopher Dalton |
04/03/1609 | Mar. 4 Margrete Pearson daughter of Roger Pearsone |
07/03/1609 | 7 Jane Watson daughter cf John Watson jun. |
1610 | |
06/05/1610 | May 6 Stephen Shepherd sonne of Henry Shepherd |
20/05/1610 | 20 John Shieldes son of William Shieldes |
10/06/1610 | Jun. 10 Willm Routhe sonne of Willm Routhe |
24/06/1610 | 24 Gregorye Tailler sonne of Gregorye Tailler |
14/07/1610 | Jul. 14 John Headon sonne of John Headon |
15/07/1610 | 15 Elsabeth Browne daur. of Willm Browne |
29/07/1610 | 29 Ralphe Greene sonne of Ralphe Greene |
05/08/1610 | Aug. 5 Jane Patteson daur. of Francis Patteson |
12/08/1610 | 12 Mauldlan Cocke daur. of Anthony Cocke |
07/10/1610 | Oct. 7 David Distance sonne of John Distance |
07/10/1610 | 7 Jane Johnson daughter o Willm Johnson |
25/11/1610 | Nov. 25 Elsabeth Higgan daughter of Henry Higgan |
22/12/1610 | Dec. 22 Francis Blashell daur. of Stephen Blashell |
23/12/1610 | 23 Robert Birde als Johnson base gotten |
06/02/1610 | Feb. 6 Willm Whelpdaile sonne of Marmaduke Whelpdaile |
10/02/1610 | 10 Robarte Watsone sonne of Johne Watsone jun. |
10/03/1610 | Mar. 10 Anne Shieldes daughter of Walter Shieldes |
1611 | |
26/03/1611 | Mar. 26 Willm Dunne sonne of Henrye Dunne |
26/03/1611 | 26 Jane Ellerbecke daughter of Wm. Ellerbecke |
31/03/1611 | 31 Thomas Hutchan sonne of Wm. Hutchan |
07/04/1611 | Apr. 7 Alce Graye daughter of Edward Graye bapt. |
01/05/1611 | May 1 Margret Cocke daughter of John Cocke |
23/06/1611 | Jun. 23 John Dunne sonne of Willm Dunne bapt. |
07/07/1611 | Jul. 7 John Yoward sonne of Anne Yoward base |
29/09/1611 | Sep. 29 Henrye Chambers sonne of Johne Chambers bapt. |
11/11/1611 | Nov. 11 Anne Herris daughter of Edmond Herris |
24/11/1611 | 24 Anne Blenckhorne daughter of Thomas Blenckhorne |
30/11/1611 | 30 Roberte Graye sonne of John Graye |
15/12/1611 | Dec. 15 Jane Pettie daughter of Thomas Pettye |
15/12/1611 | 15 Ellin Robinson daughter of Thomas Robinson |
02/02/1611 | Feb. 2 Nicholas Keirbye sonne of Willm Keirbye |
23/02/1611 | 23 James Chadwicke sonne of James Chadwicke |
23/02/1611 | 23 Jone Birde daughter of Willm Birde |
15/03/1611 | Mar. 15 Barbara Gednay daughter of Robert Gednay |
1612 | |
25/03/1612 | Mar. 25 Robart Parkinson son of Richard Parkinson } 2 twins. |
25/03/1612 | 25 Michaell Parkinson son of Richard Parkinson } 2 twins. |
05/04/1612 | Apr. 5 Francis Browne daughter of Laurence Browne |
10/05/1612 | May 10 Jane Dalton daughter of Christopher Dalton |
01/06/1612 | Jun. 1 Alce Shepherd daughter of Henrie Shepherd |
14/06/1612 | 14 John Staringe sonne of Edward Staringe |
16/08/1612 | Aug. 16 Huighe Scott sonne of Huighe Scott |
16/08/1612 | 16 Elizabeth Mowbray daughter of Georg Mowbray |
23/08/1612 | 23 Jane Minnes daughter of Robert Minnes |
30/08/1612 | 30 Richard Thornlay sonne of John Thornlay bap. |
26/09/1612 | Sep. 26 Elsabeth Swaine daughter of James Swaine |
04/10/1612 | Oct. 4 Susanna Caverlay daughter of Willm Caverlay |
18/10/1612 | 18 Anne Savige daughter of John Savige |
08/11/1612 | Nov. 8 Lettice Patteson daughter of Francis Patteson |
20/12/1612 | Dec. 20 John Smith sonne of John Smith baptized |
27/12/1612 | 27 John Tailler sonne of Gregory Tailler bapt. |
17/01/1612 | Jan. 17 Edward Hutchan sonne of Willm Hutchan |
17/01/1612 | Jan. 17 Marmaduke Whelpdaile sonne of Marmaduke Whelpdaile |
20/02/1612 | Feb. 20 Thomas Shieldes sonne of Walter Shieldes |
24/02/1612 | 24 John Higgan sonne of Henrye Higgan |
1613 | |
01/04/1613 | Apr. 1 John Jefferson sonne of Richard Jefferson baptized |
03/04/1613 | 3 Willm Shieldes sonne of Willm Shieldes |
09/05/1613 | May 9 Alce Chambers daughter of John Chambers |
23/05/1613 | 23 Thomas Younge sonne of Henry Younge |
24/08/1613 | Aug. 24 Anne Cooke daughter of Willm Cooke |
21/11/1613 | Nov. 21 Marye Johnson daughter of John Johnson |
12/12/1613 | Dec. 12 Robert Gedney sonne of Robert Gedney jun. bapt. |
12/12/1613 | 12 Katherin Griscrofte daur. of Willm Griscroft |
06/03/1613 | Mar. 6 Thomas Sansbye sonne of Willm Sansbie |
1614 | |
03/04/1614 | Apr. 3 Henry Dunne sonne of Henrye Dunne |
08/05/1614 | May 8 Thomas Jefferson soune of Richard Jefferson |
19/06/1614 | Jun. 19 Marye Shiplay daughter of Francis Shiplay basegotten |
22/06/1614 | 22 John Newton sonne of John Newton bapt. |
26/06/1614 | 26 Isabell Shepherd daur. of Henry Shepherd |
07/08/1614 | Aug. 7 Barbara Hogge daughter of Robert Hogge |
08/08/1614 | 8 George Bucke sonne of Edward Bucke |
21/08/1614 | 21 Sara Mowbray daughter of George Mowbray |
14/09/1614 | Sep. 14 Willm Johnson sonne of Willm Johnson bapt. |
18/09/1614 | 18 John Cocke sonne of John Cocke |
13/10/1614 | Oct. 13 Brian Railay sonne o Brian Railay ye younger |
06/11/1614 | Nov. 6 Ann Powlard daughter of John Powlard baptized |
07/11/1614 | 7 Robert Clarke sonne of Frauncis Clarke bapt. |
13/11/1614 | 13 Ann Wilsonn daur. of Robt. Wilsonn bapt. |
04/12/1614 | Dec. 4 John Smith sonne of John Smith late of Skeffling bapt. |
08/01/1614 | Jan. 8 Margaret Borfoote daughter of George Borfoote bapt. |
15/01/1614 | 15 Marie Bankes daur. of John Bankes bapt. |
15/01/1614 | 15 John Watson sonne of Jo: Watson bapt. |
22/01/1614 | 22 John Laike sonne of Leonard Laike bapt. |
02/02/1614 | Feb. 2 John Johnsonn sonne of John Johnson bapt. |
03/02/1614 | 3 Christofer Overton sonne of Christopher Overton |
10/03/1614 | Mar. 10 Stephen Milnes sonne of Robert Milnes bapt. |
12/03/1614 | 12 Christofer Dalton sonne of Xpofer Dalton bapt. |
12/03/1614 | 12 Thomas Graie sonne of Edward Gray baptised |
1615 | |
16/04/1615 | Apr. 16 Frauncis Browne daughter of Wm. Browne bapt. |
30/04/1615 | 30 John Veritie sonne of Thomas Veritie bapt. |
24/06/1615 | Jun. 24 Hellen Smith daughter of litle John Smith webster bapt. |
09/07/1615 | Jul. 9 Marmaduke Chambers son of John Chambers |
09/07/1615 | 9 Thomas Higgan sonne of Henrie Higgan bapt. |
22/08/1615 | Aug. 22 Robert Simpson sonne of Georg Simpson bapt. |
24/08/1615 | 24 John Bird sonne of Willm Bird bapt. |
10/09/1615 | Sep. 10 Thomas Awdlay sonne of Xpofer Adlay |
10/09/1615 | 10 Betteris the daughter of Thomas Truslove bapt. |
10/09/1615 | 10 Ann Gildas daughter of John Gildas bapt. |
22/09/1615 | 22 Michaell Pattison sonne of Frauncis Pattison bapt. |
24/09/1615 | 24 Johan Scott daughter of Hewgh Scott bapt. |
26/11/1615 | Nov. 26 Elizabeth Tocke daughter of Robt. Tocke baptised |
25/12/1615 | Dec. 25 Edmond Johnsonn sonne of William Johnsonn baptized |
17/03/1615 | Mar. 17 Jane Clarke daughter of Frauncis Clarke baptised |
1616 | |
25/03/1616 | Mar. 25 Elizabeth Sheildes daughter of Willm Sheildes bapt. |
28/03/1616 | 28 William Pollard sonne of Thomas Pollard baptized |
21/04/1616 | Apr. 21 Ellen Sheildes daughter of Walter Sheildes bapt. |
26/05/1616 | May 26 Alice Gisbrough daughter of Raph Gisbrough |
09/06/1616 | Jun. 9 John Endicke sonne of Richard Endicke |
16/06/1616 | 16 Elsabeth Hogge daughter of Robert Hogge |
16/06/1616 | 16 Francis Reame daughter of John Reame |
24/06/1616 | 24 John Thornlay sonne of Thomas Thornlay |
14/07/1616 | Jul. 14 Katherin Simpson daughter of George Simpson |
28/07/1616 | 28 Elsabeth Ellerbecke daughter of Wm. Ellerbecke |
18/08/1616 | Aug. 18 Thomas Savige sonn of John Savige |
25/08/1616 | 25 Alice Walker daughter of Mathew Walker |
08/09/1616 | Sep. 8 Anne Browne daughter of Robert Browne |
21/09/1616 | 21 Elsabeth Stoker daughter of Thomas Stoker |
06/10/1616 | Oct. 6 Anne Watson daughter of Willm Watson |
05/11/1616 | Nov. 5 Jane Duncalfe daughter of Laurence Duncalf |
29/12/1616 | Dec. 29 John Railay sonne of Brian Railay junr. |
06/01/1616 | Jan. 6 John Duncalfe sonne of John Duncalfe |
19/01/1616 | 19 Jane Shepherd daughter of Henrye Shepherde |
30/01/1616 | 30 Katherin Bucke daughter of Edward Bucke |
23/02/1616 | Feb. 23 Thomas Johnson sonne of John Johnson bap. |
02/03/1616 | Mar. 2 Thomas Adison sonne of John Adison |
16/03/1616 | 16 Anne Gildus daughter of John Gildus |
23/03/1616 | 23 Francis Bird daughter of Thomas Bird bapt. |
1617 | |
17/04/1617 | Apr. 17 Margarite Blenckern daur. of Thomas Blenckherne |
01/06/1617 | Jun. 1 Willm Pollard sonne of Thomas Pollard |
10/08/1617 | Aug. 10 Anne Knox daughter of Willm Knox |
22/08/1617 | 22 John Banckes sonne of John Banckes |
05/10/1617 | Oct. 5 Barbara Moore 4aughter of Ric. Moore |
09/11/1617 | Nov. 9 Margarit Dawson daughter of John Dawson |
16/11/1617 | 16 Robert Tocke sonne of Roberte Tock bapt. |
23/11/1617 | 23 Bettrice Smith daughter of Wm. Smith |
29/12/1617 | Dec. 29 Jane Shieldes daughter of Walter Shieldes |
1618 | |
29/03/1618 | Mar. 29 Christabell Shiplay daughtr. of Francis Shiplay base gotten |
10/05/1618 | May 10 Francis Sansbie daughter of Willm Sansbie |
26/05/1618 | 26 Thomas Watson sonne of John Watson bapt. |
31/05/1618 | 31 Barbara Dalton daughter of Christofer Dalton |
31/05/1618 | 31 John Hogge sonne of Robert Hogge bapt. |
01/06/1618 | Jun. 1 Edeth Coeke daughter of Willm Cooke bapt. |
21/06/1618 | 21 John Gildus sonne of John Gildus bapt. |
30/06/1618 | 30 Barbara Stevenson daughter of Mr. Thomas Stevenson |
13/09/1618 | Sep. 13 John Wilson son of Roberte Wilson |
26/09/1618 | 26 Willm Pollard sonne of Thomas Pollard |
26/10/1618 | Oct. 26 Faith Thornlay daughter of Thomas Thornlay |
06/12/1618 | Dec. 6 Elizabeth Ward doughter of Thomas Ward bapt. |
10/01/1618 | Jan. 10 Frauncis Clark son of Frauncis Clark bapt. |
24/01/1618 | 24 John Wood son of Gabriell Wood |
24/01/1618 | 24 Jane Smith the doughter of John Smith bapt. |
21/02/1618 | Feb. 21 Jane the doughter of Robert Bilton bapt. |
21/02/1618 | 21 Sicely the doughter of Georg Simpson |
28/02/1618 | 28 Elizabeth the doughter of Thomas Simpson |
28/02/1618 | 28 Frauncis the doughter of Willm Watson bapt. |
07/03/1618 | Mar. 7 Richard son off Bryan Railay junior |
13/03/1618 | 13 Willyam son off Willyam Ellerbeck bapt. |
14/03/1618 | 14 Thomas son off Willyam Dun bapt. |
14/03/1618 | 14 Thomas son off Thomas Stocker bapt. |
??/03/1618 | Mar. Barbara doughter of Lorenc Duncalfe bapt. |
1619 | |
01/05/1619 | May 1 Richard sonn of Henry Moore was baptised |
30/05/1619 | 30 Elizabeth the doughter of John Bankes baptised |
13/06/1619 | June 13 Richard son of Thomas Burd was baptiz. |
20/06/1619 | 20 John the sonn of Thomas Galland bapt. |
15/08/1619 | Aug. 15 Willm the son of Matthew Walker was bapt. |
20/08/1619 | 20 Jane the doughter of John Johnson was bapt. |
17/09/1619 | Sep. 17 Raiph the son of Richard Jefferson was bapt. |
03/10/1619 | Oct. 3 Bartholomew the son of Robert Shepehard was baptised |
24/10/1619 | 24 Robert Tock the son of Robert Tock was bapt. |
01/11/1619 | Nov. 1 Willm the son of Hugh Scott was baptised |
17/11/1619 | Nov. 17 Humphra Duncalfe son of John Duncalfe gent |
21/11/1619 | 21 Rachell the doughter of Richard Davy fisher |
16/12/1619 | Dec. 16 Stephen the son of John Dawson baptised |
28/12/1619 | 28 Alse doughter of Richard Beastow |
31/01/1619 | Jan. 31 William the son of Thomas Ward was bapt. |
02/02/1619 | Feb. 2 Mary the doughter of Edward Buck |
26/02/1619 | 26 Elizabeth doughter of Xpopher Dalton |
1620 | |
26/03/1620 | Mar. 26 Stephen son of Peter Naylor bapt. |
26/03/1620 | 26 Willyam son of Michaell Bradie |
09/04/1620 | Apr. 9 John son of John Pollard was baptised |
02/07/1620 | Jul. 2 Faith the doughter of Willm Ellerbecke |
06/08/1620 | Aug. 6 Elizabeth the doughter of Thomas Pollard bapt. |
20/08/1620 | 20 Ann the doughter of Gabriell Wood |
10/10/1620 | Oct. 10 Elizabeth the doughter of Willm Smith |
18/10/1620 | 18 Xpopher the son of Richard Moore |
28/10/1620 | 28 Prudenc the doughter of Robart Bilton |
03/12/1620 | Dec. 3 Issabell the doughter of John Guildhouse |
21/12/1620 | 21 Elizabeth the doughter of Thomas Thornlay |
24/12/1620 | 24 William the son of John Wattson |
30/01/1620 | Jan. 30 Urian the son of John Duncalfe gent bapt. |
02/02/1620 | Feb. 2 Robart the son of Robert Harper |
04/02/1620 | 4 Willm the son of Willm Burton |
25/02/1620 | 25 Iszabell the doughter of Brian Railay |
11/03/1620 | Mar. 11 Emmott the doughter of Wm. Sandesby bapt. |
25/03/1620 | 25 Thomas the son Frauncis Pattenson |
1621 | |
26/04/1621 | Apr. 26 Allic the doughter of Willm Dun bapt. |
22/05/1621 | May 22 Thomas the son of Peter Sharp bapt. |
22/05/1621 | 22 Jacob the son of Willm Knox was bapt. |
06/07/1621 | Jul. 6 John the son of John Lam was bapt. |
13/08/1621 | Aug. 13 John the son of Frauncis Clark bapt. |
19/08/1621 | 19 Thomas the son of Thomas Wilson bapt. |
02/09/1621 | Sept. 2 Robart the son of Robert Hogg bapt. |
04/11/1621 | Nov. 4 Ann the doughter of John Bankes bapt. |
11/11/1621 | 11 Jane Moore daughter of Richard Moore bapt. |
24/12/1621 | Dec. 24 Johan daughter of Thomas Galland bapt. |
30/12/1621 | Dec. 30 Elsabeth Barne daughter of Willm Barne baptized |
30/12/1621 | 30 Richard Truslove sonne of Robert Truslove |
13/01/1621 | Jan. 13 Willm Crawforth sonne of Richard Crawforth bap. |
13/01/1621 | 13 Thomas Duncalfe sonne of Lowerance Duncalfe bapt. |
03/02/1621 | Feb. 3 Willm Campion sonne of Peter Campion |
03/02/1621 | 3 Thomas Watson sonne of Willm Watson |
10/03/1621 | Mar. 10 Willm Dun sonne of Henry Dun straunger bapt. |
23/03/1621 | 23 Francis Tibthorpe daughter of Francis Tibthorpe |
31/03/1621 | 31 Willm Newwarkee sone of James Newwarke |
1622 | |
11/04/1622 | Apr. 11 Thomas Jefferson son of Robert Jefferson bapt. |
24/04/1622 | 24 Elsabeth Simpson daughter of George Simpson |
11/06/1622 | Jun. 11 Marie Dalton daughter of Christopher Dalton |
13/10/1622 | Oct. 13 John Walker sonne of Robert Walker |
20/10/1622 | 20 ettrise Bartchard daugh of Thomas Bartchard |
27/10/1622 | 27 Margret Pollard daughtr. of Thomas Pollard |
12/01/1622 | Jan. 12 John Mallerie sone of Willm Mallerie |
23/02/1622 | Feb. 23 Willm Nailler son of Petter Nailler |
23/03/1622 | Mar. 23 Richard Smith sone of Willm Smith bapt. |
1623 | |
09/04/1623 | Apr. ix Jane Jefferson daughter of Robert Jefferson bapt. |
11/05/1623 | May 11 John Crawforth sone of Raphe Crawforth bapt. |
11/05/1623 | 11 Richard Moore sone of Henrye Moore bapt. |
02/06/1623 | Jun. 2 Ellin Railay daughter of Brian Railay bap. |
08/06/1623 | 8 Thomas Thornley sone of Thomas Thornley bap. |
20/07/1623 | Jul, 20 Emme Trouslove daughter of Robert Truslove bap. |
20/07/1623 | 20 Rachell Bilton daughter of Robert Bilton bap. |
27/07/1623 | 27 Jane Crawforth daughter of Richard Crawforth bap. |
03/08/1623 | Aug. 3 Willm Sansbye sone of Thomas Sansbye bap. |
04/10/1623 | Oct. 4 Tobias Bucke sone of Edward Bucke bap |
23/11/1623 | Nov. 23 Dinis Dawson daur. of John Dawson |
23/11/1623 | 23 Ailse Pollerd daur. of John Pollard |
30/11/1623 | 30 James Tibthorpe sone of Francis Tibthorpe |
11/12/1623 | Dec. 11 Johane Ellerbecke daur. of Willm Ellerbecke |
21/12/1623 | 21 Katheran Watson dau of Willm Watson |
01/02/1623 | Feb. 1 Jane Tumholme daur. of Thomas Tumholme |
1624 | |
25/03/1624 | Mar. 25 Francis Moore daughter of Ellin Moore base gotten |
09/05/1624 | May 9 Thomas Jefferson sone of Robert Jefferson bapt. |
29/06/1624 | Jun. 29 Thomas Thornlay sonne of Thomas Thornlay |
18/07/1624 | Jul. 18 John Westerdaile sonne of Hobert Westerdaile |
01/08/1624 | Aug. 1 Anne Hogge the daur. of Robert Hogge |
22/08/1624 | 22 Nathaniell Swaine sonne of James Swaine clarke bapt. |
22/08/1624 | 22 Marye Beane daughtr. of Simon Beane bapt. |
05/09/1624 | Sep. 5 Grissill Campion daughter of Peeter Campion bapt. |
12/09/1624 | 12 Ann Atsee daughter of John Atsee bapt. |
19/09/1624 | Sep. 19 John Wadworth sone of John Wadworth baptized |
19/09/1624 | 19 Ann Railay daughter of Brian Railay bapt. |
28/10/1624 | Oct. 28 Jane Megson daughter of Henrye Megson bapt. |
14/11/1624 | Nov. 14 Jane Maison daur. of Christopher Maison bapt. |
18/01/1624 | Jan. 18 John Heddon sone of Christopher Heddon bapt. |
06/02/1624 | Feb. 6 Joseph Bankes sone of Joseph Bankes |
20/02/1624 | 20 Roger Barne sone of Willm Barne bapt. |
06/03/1624 | Mar. 6 Ailse Shipwright daur.of Richard Shipwright bapt. |
20/03/1624 | 20 Faith Stephenson daur. of George Stephenson bapt. |
1625 | |
03/04/1625 | Apr. 3 Elsabeth Sagg daughter of Christopher Sagg baptized |
19/04/1625 | 19 Easter Simpson daughter of George Simpson bapt. |
25/04/1625 | 25 Ann Ellerbeck daur. of Willm Ellerbeck |
22/05/1625 | May 22 Elsabeth Crawforth daur. of Raphe Crawfourth |
10/07/1625 | Jul. 10 Thomas Moore sone of Richard Moore baptized |
20/07/1625 | 20 Robert Jefferson sone of Robert Jefferson bapt. |
14/08/1625 | Aug. 14 James Dun sone of Henrie Dun baptized |
04/09/1625 | Sep. 4 Ann Sansbye daughter of Thomas Sansbye bapt |
16/10/1625 | Oct. 16 Emmot Simpson daughter of Thomas Simpson jun. |
16/10/1625 | 16 Marye Hodgson daughter of Henrie Hodgeson |
01/11/1625 | Nov. 1 Richard Bestow son of Richard Bestow |
04/12/1625 | Dec. 4 James Pattisson sone of Francis Pattison bap. |
18/12/1625 | 18 Francis Wilson daur. of Elsabeth Wilson base gotten bapt. |
25/12/1625 | 25 Willm Simpson daur. of Ann Simpson base gotten |
26/12/1625 | 26 Willm Consett sone of Willm Consett bapt. |
06/01/1625 | Jan. 6 Raphe Warriner sone of John Warriner bapt. |
05/03/1625 | Mar. 5 Peter Nailler sone of Peter Nailler |
23/03/1625 | 23 John Jefferson sone of Richard Jefferson bapt. |
1626 | |
06/04/1626 | Apr. 6 Robert Walker sone of Robert Walker baptised |
06/04/1626 | 6 Ann Watson daughtr. of Robert Watson bapt. |
16/04/1626 | 16 Easter Thornlay daur. of Thomas Thornlay bapt. |
18/05/1626 | May 18 Johane Buck daughter of. Edward Buck bapt. |
18/06/1626 | Jun. 18 Betteris Truslove daughter of Robert Truslove |
13/08/1626 | Aug. 13 Jane Megson daughter of Henrie Megson bapt. |
03/09/1626 | Sep. 3 Willm Railay sone of Brian Railay bapt. |
24/09/1626 | 24 Oliver. Bilton sone of Robert Bilton |
05/11/1626 | Nov. 5 Marie Wright daughter of Jeddia Wright |
12/11/1626 | 12 Thomas Wadworth son of John Wadworth |
12/11/1626 | 12 Elizabeth Dawson daur. of John Dawson |
16/11/1626 | Nov. 16 Abigale Bartchard daughter of Christopher Bartchard |
17/12/1626 | Dec. 17 Ann Atsee daughter of John Atsee baptized |
14/01/1626 | Jan. 14 Bridgget Blith daughter of John Blith baptized |
21/01/1626 | 21 Ailse Watson daughter of Willm Watson bapt. |
22/03/1626 | Mar. 22 Thomas Parkinson sone of Thomas Parkinson baptized |
1627 | |
26/03/1627 | Mar. 26 Jonah Fisher sone of George Fisher baptized |
15/04/1627 | Apr. 15 Robert Westerdaile sone of Robert Westerdaile baptized |
19/04/1627 | 19 Anna Sagg daughter of Joseph Sagg baptized |
06/05/1627 | May 6 Elizabeth Webster daughter of Mathew Webster baptized |
27/05/1627 | 27 Willm Reame sone of Willm Reame babtized (sic) |
29/05/1627 | 29 Robert Smith sone of Francis Smith baptized |
17/06/1627 | Jun. 17 Margret Tibthorpe daughter of Francis Tibthorpe bapt. |
24/06/1627 | 24 Elizabeth Simpson daughter of George Simpson baptized |
29/07/1627 | Jul. 29 Ailse Dun daughter of Willm Dun baptized |
19/08/1627 | Aug. 19 John Bilton son of John Bilton baptized |
26/08/1627 | 26 Michaell Ward sone of Ralphe Ward bap. |
02/09/1627 | Sep. 2 Francis Buck the son of Edward Buck baptized |
23/09/1627 | 23 Elizabeth Ward daughter of Henrie Ward baptized |
27/10/1627 | Oct. 27 Nicholas Cooke sone of James Cooke |
01/11/1627 | Nov. 1 Ann Lockwood daughter of George Lockwood bapt. |
11/11/1627 | 11 John Warriner sone of John Warriner baptized |
18/11/1627 | 18 Jane Stevenson daughter of George Stevenson baptized |
02/12/1627 | Dec. 2 Mathew Smiddish the son of George Smiddish baptized |
17/02/1627 | Feb. 17 Elias Bankes sone of John Bankes baptized |
24/02/1627 | 24 Francis Moore sone of Richard Moore baptized |
16/03/1627 | Mar. 16 Katherin Shipwright daughter of Richard Shipwright |
1628 | |
10/04/1628 | Apr. 10 Peter Jefferson sone of Robert Jefferson )2 twinnes |
10/04/1628 | 10 Margret Jefferson daughter of Robert Jefferson , |
15/04/1628 | 15 Willm Ellerbeck sone of Willm Ellerbeck baptized |
22/05/1628 | May 22 Christopher Sagg sone of Christopher Sagg bap. |
08/06/1628 | Jun. 8 Thomas Bartchard sone of Thomas Bartchard |
21/06/1628 | 21 Ann Buck daughter of Thomas Buck baptized |
22/06/1628 | 22 Tomison Crawforth daughter of Ralphe Crawforth |
22/06/1628 | 22 Thomas Railay sonn of Brian Railay baptized |
29/06/1628 | 29 Ann Sansbye daughter of Willm Sansbye |
20/07/1628 | Jul. 20 John Watson son of Robert Watson baptized |
20/07/1628 | 20 Francis Mallerie daughter of Willm Mallerie bap. |
03/08/1628 | Aug. 3 John Burton sonne of Peter Burton baptized |
23/08/1628 | 23 Thomas Hall sonne of Ralphe Hall baptized |
27/08/1628 | 27 Willm Cooke sonne of Robert Cooke baptized |
27/08/1628 | 27 George Cooke sonne of Robert Cooke baptized) 2 twins |
19/10/1628 | Oct. 19 Robert Leades sonne of Katheran Leades basegotten |
26/11/1628 | Nov. 26 Ann Simpson daughter of Thomas Simpson |
30/11/1628 | 30 Elias Nailler sonne of Peter Nailler baptized |
30/11/1628 | 30 Abell Fisher sonne of George Fisher baptized |
23/12/1628 | Dec. 23 Jane Watson daughter of Richard Watson baptized |
04/01/1628 | Jan. 4 Willm Marshell sone of Peter Marshell bapt. |
11/01/1628 | 11 George Wadworth sonn of John Wadworth baptized |
18/01/1628 | 18 Ralphe Hodghson sonn of Christopher Hodghson bap. |
01/02/1628 | Feb. 1 Iphis Parkinson daughter of Thomas Parkinson bapt. |
10/02/1628 | 10 George Blith sonne of John Blith baptized |
15/02/1628 | 15 Marie Sagg daughter of Joseph Sagg baptized |
15/02/1628 | 15 John Warriner sonne of John Warriner baptized |
24/02/1628 | 24 Mathew Truslove sonne of Robert Truslove baptized |
25/02/1628 | 25 Francis Maison sonne of Christopher Maison baptized |
1629 | |
12/04/1629 | Apr. 12 Katheran Bilton daughter of Robert Bilton baptized |
12/04/1629 | 12 Marie Andrew daughter of Willm Andrew baptized |
26/04/1629 | 26 Francis Thornlay sonne of Thomas Thornlay bapt. |
10/05/1629 | May 10 Marye Bilton daugter (sic) of Willm Bilton baptized |
24/05/1629 | 24 Marye Bartchard daughter of Christopher Bartchard bapt. |
14/06/1629 | Jun. 14 Ann Smith daughter of Francis Smith baptized |
02/07/1629 | Jul. 2 Henry Corbet sonne of Francis Corbet cler. |
05/07/1629 | 5 Willm Caverlay sonne of Mathew Caverlay |
26/07/1629 | 26 Marye Dawson daughter of John Dawson baptized |
16/08/1629 | Aug. 16 Susana Campion daughter of Peter Campion |
06/09/1629 | Sep. 6 Thomas Dun sonne of Henrye Dun baptized |
06/09/1629 | 6 Thomas Browne sonne of John Browne baptized |
27/09/1629 | 27 Ann Buck daughter of Edward Buck baptized |
27/09/1629 | 27 John Turrington sonne of Edward Turrington |
22/11/1629 | Nov. 22 James Tewnie sonne of Thomas Tewnie bap. |
22/11/1629 | 22 Emmet Cooke daughter of James Cooke baptized |
29/11/1629 | 29 Katheran Lockwood daughter of George Lockwood bap. |
05/01/1629 | Jan. 5 Ann Pruston daughter of John Pruston baptized |
12/01/1629 | 12 Elizabeth Bucke daughter of Thomas Bucke baptized |
24/01/1629 | 24 Elizabeth Reame daughter of Willm Reame |
31/01/1629 | 31 Willm Johnson sonne of Willm Johnson baptized |
24/02/1629 | Feb. 24 Francis Stephenson daughter of George Stevenson |
28/02/1629 | 28 Ann Burton daughter of Peter Burton baptized |
21/03/1629 | Mar. 21 Robert Shepherd sonne of Robert Shepherd baptized |
22/03/1629 | 22 Joan Leng daughter of George Lenge baptized |
1630 | |
11/03/1630 | Mar. 11 Ann Webster daughter of Matthew Webster bap. |
26/03/1630 | 26 Ann Ellerbeck daughter of Willm Ellerbeck bap. |
28/06/1630 | Jun. 28 Willm. Mallerie sonne of Willm Mallerie |
04/08/1630 | Aug. 4 Robert Westerdaile sonne of Robert Westerdaile |
18/08/1630 | 18 Thomas Dalton sonne of John Dalton |
21/08/1630 | 21 Thomas the son of Thomas Hunter and Elizabeth Shaw (?) |
22/08/1630 | 22 Robert Barber sonne of Robarber (sic) baptized |
09/08/1630 | Aug. 9 George Simpson sonne of Thomas Simpson jun. bapt. |
29/09/1630 | Sep. 29 Christopher Heddon sonne of Christopher Heddon bapt. |
06/10/1630 | Oct. 6 Jane Railay daughter of Brian Railay bapt. |
28/10/1630 | 28 Henrye Smith sonne of Francis Smith bapt. |
30/10/1630 | 30 Thomas Walker sonne of Matthew Walker bapt. |
03/11/1630 | Nov. 3 Willm. Atsee sonne of John Atsee bapt. |
14/11/1630 | 14 Willm. Bilton sonne of John Bilton bapt. |
15/12/1630 | Dec. 15 Willm. Hall sone of Ralphe Hall bapt. |
27/12/1630 | 27 John Dawson sonne of John Dawson bapt. |
10/02/1630 | Feb. 10 Ailse Sansbye daughter of Willm. Sansbye bapt. |
17/02/1630 | 17 John Sagg sonne of Joseph Sagg bapt, |
27/02/1630 | 27 Ellis Sagg dau. of Christopher Sagg |
03/03/1630 | Mar. 3 Willm. Sheildes sonne of Nicholas Sheildes |
1631 | |
13/04/1631 | Apr. 13 Willm. Shipwright sonne of Richard Shipwright |
05/05/1631 | May 5 Robert Simpson sone of George Simpson |
05/05/1631 | 5 Steven Megson sone of Henrye Megson |
05/06/1631 | Jun. 5 Thomas Caverlay sone of Matthew Caverlay |
27/07/1631 | Jul. 27 Ann Burton daughter of Peter Burton |
17/08/1631 | Aug. 17 Marye Dun daughter of Beniamin Dun |
24/08/1631 | 24 Thomas Corbet sonne of Francis Corbet cler. |
21/09/1631 | Sep. 21 George Andrew sonne of Willm. Andrew |
14/10/1631 | Oct. 14 Elizabeth Pruston daughter of John Pruston |
23/10/1631 | 23 Ellis Thornlay daughter of Thomas Thornlay |
23/10/1631 | 23 Elizabeth Parkinson daughter of Thomas Parkinson |
05/11/1631 | Nov. 5 Thomas Tewnie sonne of Thomas Tewnie |
30/11/1631 | 30 Willm. Wadworth sonne of John Wadworth |
30/11/1631 | 30 John Blith sonne of John Blith bapt. |
23/12/1631 | Dec. 23 Prudence Johnson daughter of Willm. Johnson baptized |
06/01/1631 | Jan. 6 Jane Enderson daur. of Christopher Enderson |
26/01/1631 | 26 Isabell Marshell daughter of Peter Marshell bapt. |
29/01/1631 | 29 Jane Watson daughter of Robert Watson |
05/02/1631 | Feb. 5 Margrete the daughter of Willm. Cumin and Jane Andrew |
08/02/1631 | 8 Leonard Tumholme sonne of Thomas Tumholme |
11/03/1631 | Mar. 11 Christopher Moore sone of Richard Moore bapt. |
14/03/1631 | 14 John Browne daughter of John Browne bapt. |
16/03/1631 | 16 Elizabeth Watson daughter of Richard Watson bapt. |
21/03/1631 | 21 Thomas Webster sonne of Mathew Webster bapt. |
1632 | |
03/04/1632 | Apr. 3 John Greneshoe sonne of Thomas Greneshoe baptized |
29/04/1632 | 29 Francis Banckes daur. of John Banckes bapt. |
05/05/1632 | May 5 Marye Smith daur. of Francis Smith |
30/05/1632 | 30 Elizabeth Cooke daughter of James Cooke bapt. |
29/07/1632 | Jul. 29 Ann Hodgson daughter of Christopher Hodgson |
15/08/1632 | Aug. 15 Thomas Hodgson sonne of Christopher Hodgson baptized |
25/08/1632 | 25 Ann Truslove daur. of Robert Truslove baptized |
12/09/1632 | Sep. 12 Ellice Leng daughtr. of George Leng bapt. |
26/09/1632 | 26 John Handcock sonne of John Handcock bapt. |
18/10/1632 | Oct. 18 Peter Burton sonne of Peter Burton bapt. |
26/11/1632 | Nov. 26 Marye Mallery daughter of Willm. Mallerye bapt. |
30/11/1632 | 30 Thomas Simpson sonne of Thomas Simpson |
10/01/1632 | Jan. 10 Elizabeth Corbet daughter of Francis Corbet cler. |
03/02/1632 | Feb. 3 Jane Reame daughter of Willm. Reame senr. bap. |
02/03/1632 | Mar. 2 Marye Megson daughter of Henrye Megson bapt. |
23/03/1632 | 23 Francis Ranson daur of Peter Ranson bapt. |
1633 | |
22/04/1633 | Apr. 22 Issabell Westerdaile daughter of Robert Westerdaile bapt. |
05/05/1633 | May 5 Willm. Moore sonne of Richard Moore bapt. |
12/05/1633 | 12 Christopher Stevenson sonne of George Stevenson bapt. |
26/05/1633 | 26 Elizabeth Barber daugr. of Robert Barber bapt. |
26/05/1633 | 26 Marye Friston daughr. of Marmaduke Friston bapt. |
30/05/1633 | 30 Christopher Sagg sonne of Christopher Sagg bapt. |
02/06/1633 | Jun. 2 Joan Caverlay daur. of Mathew Caverlay baptized |
10/06/1633 | 10 Robertus filius Nicholai Sheilds baptizatus |
26/06/1633 | 26 Gulielmus filius Thomae Parkinson baptizatus |
01/09/1633 | Sep. 1 Lucia filia Richardi Shipwright baptizata |
18/09/1633 | 18 Johannes films Radulphi Hall baptizatus |
25/09/1633 | 25 Martha filia Edvardi Turrington baptizata |
14/11/1633 | Nov. 14 Gulielmus filius Johannis Atsee baptizatus |
19/11/1633 | 19 Josephus filius Josephi Sagge baptizati |
19/11/1633 | 19 Franciscus filius Roberti Gaule baptizati |
27/11/1633 | 27 Jana filia Thomae Fetherstone baptizata |
15/12/1633 | 10bris 15 Francisca filia Johannis Blith baptizata |
21/12/1633 | 21 Thomas filius Johannis Blenkehorne baptizatus |
22/01/1633 | Jan. 22 Johannes filius Thomae Marshall baptizatus |
13/02/1633 | Feb. 13 Elizabetha filia Edouardi Bucke baptizata |
19/02/1633 | 19 Franciscus filius Gulielmi Johnson |
13/03/1633 | Mar. 13 Anna filia Thomae Greeneshaw baptizata |
14/03/1633 | 14 Maria filia Johannis Dauson baptizata |
19/03/1633 | 19 Richardus filius Johannis Wadworth bapt. |
23/03/1633 | 23 Anna filia Gulielmi Mallery baptiz. |
1634 | |
15/04/1634 | Apr. 15 Franciscus filius Christophori Headon baptizatus |
01/05/1634 | May 1 Johannes filius Petri Marshall baptiz. |
07/05/1634 | 7 Jana filia Francisci Warde baptiz. |
07/06/1634 | Jun. 7 Rebeckah filia Thomae Tocke baptiz. |
12/06/1634 | 12 Barbara filia Christopheri Crawforth baptiz. |
21/07/1634 | Jul. 21 Elizabetha filia Johannis Cooke baptiz. |
06/09/1634 | Sep. 6 Thomas filius Johannis Browne baptiz. |
13/09/1634 | 13 Susanna filia Gabrielis Wood baptizata |
24/09/1634 | 24 Isabella filia Thomae Tewny baptiz. |
03/10/1634 | 8bris 3 Sarah filia Francisci Smith baptiz. |
16/10/1634 | 16 Anna filia Francisci Corbett baptiz. |
10/11/1634 | 9bris 10 Christopherus filius Johannis Maste baptiz. |
23/11/1634 | 23 Emota filia Petri Ranson |
24/11/1634 | 24 Georgius filius Annes Bertram et populi |
31/11/1634 | Nov. ultimo Anna filia Roberti Gaule baptiz. |
24/12/1634 | Dec. 24 Maria filia Henrici Megson baptiz. |
22/01/1634 | Jan. 22 Thomas filius Richardi Watson baptiz. |
26/01/1634 | 26 Elizabetha filia Jacobi Wintringham baptiz. |
13/02/1634 | Feb. 13 David filius Marmaduki Friston bapt. |
07/03/1634 | Mar. 7 David filius Thomae Sympson baptiz. |
12/03/1634 | 12 Nicholaus filius Nicholai Sheilds 21 baptiz. |
1635 | |
10/04/1635 | Apr. 10 Francisca filia Roberti Barber baptiz. |
16/04/1635 | 16 Thomas filius Gulielmi Andrew |
07/05/1635 | May 7 Jana filia Edouardi Turrington ex decessu matris in hanc lucem intrans baptizata |
30/06/1635 | Jun. 30 Robertus filius Christopheri Sagge baptizatus [original says 31st June] |
20/08/1635 | Aug. 20 Anna filia Edouardi Distance baptiz. |
28/08/1635 | 28 Bartholomaeus filius Johannis Dauson baptiz. |
14/10/1635 | Oct. 14 Dorcas filia Matthiae Bullock et Aliciae uxoris ejus bapt. |
11/11/1635 | Nov. 11 Ursula filia Roberti Truslove bapt. |
13/11/1635 | 13 Fidelia vulgo Faith filia Francisci Smith bapt. |
19/11/1635 | Nov. 19 Johannes filius Matthiae Caverley baptiz. |
30/11/1635 | 30 Eduardus filius Christopheri Crawforth baptiz. |
02/12/1635 | Dec. 2 Johannes filius Johannis Maste bapt. |
13/12/1635 | 13 Gulielmus filius Roberti Thompson baptiz. |
17/01/1635 | Jan. 17 Gulielmus filius Thomae Fetherstone baptiz. |
18/02/1635 | Feb. 18 Elizabetha filia Thomae Greeneshaw baptiz. |
28/02/1635 | 28 Maria filia Gulielmi Johnson baptiz. |
09/03/1635 | Mar. 9 Leonardus filius Johannis Barchard baptiz. |
1636 | |
27/03/1636 | Mar. 27 Maria filia Christopheri Hodgson |
29/05/1636 | May 29 Ursula filia Johannis Blenkhorne baptiz. |
29/05/1636 | 29 Johannes filius Johannis Rawlinge baptiz. |
06/07/1636 | Jul. 6 Thomas filius Petri Burton baptiz. |
17/07/1636 | 17 Gullelmus filius Gulielmi Reame junr. baptiz. |
24/08/1636 | Aug. 24 Francisca filia Francisci Corbet clerici et Annae uxoris ejus baptizata |
05/09/1636 | Sep. 5 Douglas filia (sic) Thomae Tocke baptizata |
15/09/1636 | 15 Milcah filia Gulielmi Buck baptizata |
18/09/1636 | 18 Johannes filius Gulielmi Wallis bapt. |
24/09/1636 | 24 Georgius filius Davidis Distance baptiz. |
29/09/1636 | 29 Francisca filia Thomae Parkinson baptiz. |
18/10/1636 | Oct. 18 Maria filia Francisci Warde baptizata |
12/11/1636 | Nov. 12 Humfridus filius Radulphi Hall baptiz. |
13/11/1636 | 13 Thomas filius Johannis Blyth baptiz. |
21/01/1636 | Jan. 21 Elizabetha filia Thomae Marshall bapt. |
22/01/1636 | 22 Helena filia Georgii Stevenson bapt. |
09/02/1636 | Feb. 9 Thomas filius Thomae Dalton bapt. |
19/02/1636 | 19 Francisca filia Francisci Smith baptiz. |
03/03/1636 | Mar. 3 Radulphus filius Johannis Dalton bapt. |
11/03/1636 | 11 Johannes filius Johannis Gray bapt. |
12/03/1636 | 12 Johannes filius Nicholai Sheilds bapt. |
15/03/1636 | 15 Isabella filia Petri Ranson baptiz. |
1637 | |
26/03/1637 | Mar. 26 Thomas filius Jacobi Wintringham baptiz. |
29/03/1637 | 29 Fidelia vulgo Faith filia Gulielmi Johnson baptiz. |
10/04/1637 | Apr. 10 Thomas filius Edouardi Turrington baptiz. |
14/06/1637 | Jun. 14 Johannes filius Johannis Cooke baptiz. |
23/06/1637 | 23 Robertus filius Roberti Thompson baptiz. |
11/07/1637 | Jul. 11 Elizabetha filia Thomae Thorneley bapt. |
16/07/1637 | 16 Anna filia Johannis Blenckhorne baptiz. |
28/07/1637 | 28 Joanna filia Gulielmi Cooke baptiz. |
28/07/1637 | 28 Johannes filius Thomae Tewny baptiz. |
??/09/1637 | Sep. Robertus filius Roberti Sheepheard baptiz. |
??/12/1637 | Dec. Gulielmus filius Johannis Barchard baptiz. |
??/12/1637 | Dec. Richardus filius Thomae Barchard baptiz. |
27/12/1637 | Dec. 27 Richardus filius Christophori Hodgson baptiz. |
06/01/1637 | Jan. 6 Gullemus filius Gulielmi Oliver baptiz. |
21/01/1637 | 21 Thomas filius Christophori Headon baptiz. |
14/03/1637 | Mar. 14 Anna filia Johannis Dalton baptiz. |
1638 | |
26/03/1638 | Mar. 26 Johannes filius Matthiae Walker bapt. |
03/06/1638 | Jun. 3 Tomas filius Thomae Shaw baptiz. |
18/07/1638 | Jul. 18 Guliemus filius Francisci Corbett rectoris eccliae et Annae uxoris ejus bapt. |
15/07/1638 | 15 Cristopherus filius Johannis Gray |
22/07/1638 | 22 Francisca filia Isabella Greenshaw relictae Thomae Greeneshaw nuper defuncti baptiz. |
05/08/1638 | Aug. 5 Richardus filius Davidis Distance |
18/08/1638 | 18 Anna filia Thomae Carleile |
22/08/1638 | 22 Franciscus filius Georgii Bawne baptiz. |
09/09/1638 | Sep. 9 Dinah filia Thomae Parkinson baptiz. |
03/10/1638 | Oct. 3 Francisca filia Christopheri Crawforth baptiz. |
11/10/1638 | 11 Johannes filius Francisci Smith baptiz. |
12/10/1638 | 12 Richardus filius Gulielmi Crosse baptiz. |
28/10/1638 | 28 Maria filia Edouardi Gardiner baptiz. |
18/11/1638 | Nov. 18 Jacobus filius Thomae Dalton baptiz. |
03/01/1638 | Jan. 3 Marcus filius Edouardi Turrington baptiz. |
17/03/1638 | Mar. 17 Jana filia Jacobi Wintringham baptiz. |
17/03/1638 | 17 Anna filia Gulielmi Shields junr |
23/03/1638 | 23 Jana et Katharine filiae gemellae Annae Dunne et populi bapt. |
1639 | |
25/03/1639 | Mar. 25 Elizabetha filia Nicholai Sheilds bapt. |
03/04/1639 | Apr. 3 Jana filia Petri Ranson baptiz. |
07/04/1639 | 7 Elizabetha filia Gulielmi Oliver baptiz. |
13/04/1639 | 13 Francisca filia Gulielmi Ellerbie baptiz. |
14/04/1639 | 14 Anna filia Elizabethae Browne et populi |
17/04/1639 | 17 Johannes filius Gulielmi Marshall baptiz. |
17/04/1639 | 17 Ruth filia Roberti Thompson baptiz. |
23/04/1639 | 23 Gulielmus filius Gulielmi Cooke junioris bapt. |
02/06/1639 | Jun. 2 Robertus filius Thomae Tocke baptizatus |
25/07/1639 | Jul. 25 Marie filia Christophori Mason baptizata |
10/08/1639 | Aug. 10 Gulielmus filius Thomae Carlile bapt. |
18/08/1639 | 18 Gulielmus filius Johnannis Barchard |
25/08/1639 | 25 Katharina filia Gulielmi Reame baptiz. |
18/09/1639 | Sep. 18 Gulielmus et Richardus filii gemelli Johannis Dalton baptiz. |
13/10/1639 | Oct. 13 Elizabetha filia Thomae Tewny baptist. |
14/10/1639 | 14 Jana filia Petri Burton baptiz. |
29/10/1639 | 29 Susanna filia Francisci Smith baptiz. |
06/02/1639 | Feb. 6 Cornelius filius Francisci Corbett rectoris eccliae et Annae uxoris ejus baptiz. |
13/02/1639 | 13 Elizabetha filia Francisci Ward baptiz. |
19/02/1639 | 19 Anna filia Gregorii Bilton baptiz. |
21/02/1639 | 21 .... filia Katharinae Hide uxoris Raphe Hide qui circiter septennium abfuit |
15/03/1639 | Mar. 15 Johannes filius Johannis Maste baptiz. |
24/03/1639 | 24 Isabella filia Johannis Cooke baptiz. |
1640 | |
12/04/1640 | Apr. 12 Jana filia Thomae Shaw baptiz. |
18/04/1640 | 18 Miles filius Johannis Higgon baptiz. |
10/05/1640 | May 10 Robertus filius Roberti Gaule baptiz. |
12/07/1640 | Jul. 12 Gulielmus filius Johannis Sheilds baptiz. |
19/07/1640 | 19 Anna filia Eduardi Turrington baptiz. |
24/07/1640 | 24 Jana filia Marmaduci Fryston baptiz. |
30/07/1640 | 30 Anna filia Richardi Jefferson baptiz. |
18/09/1640 | Sep. 18 Ellzabetha filia Gulielmi Crosse baptiz. |
10/10/1640 | Oct. 10 Beatrix vulgo Bettrice filia Petri Ranson baptiz. |
18/10/1640 | 18 Robertus filius Johannis Dauson baptiz. |
24/10/1640 | 24 Isabella filia Johannis Wilkinson baptiz. |
28/10/1640 | 28 Anna filia Thomae Younge baptiz. |
19/11/1640 | Nov. 19 Richardus filius Thomae Dalton baptiz. |
20/12/1640 | Dec. 20 Johannes filius Johannis Gray, baptiz. |
23/12/1640 | 23 Franciscus filius Francisci Smith baptiz. |
28/12/1640 | 28 Gabriel filius Abrahami Chadwin baptiz. |
06/01/1640 | Jan. 6 Elizabetha filia Thomae Parkinson baptiz. |
28/01/1640 | 28 Robertus filius Christopheri Headon baptiz. |
28/01/1640 | 28 Eduardus filius Eduardi Gardiner baptiz. |
02/02/1640 | Feb. 2 Maria filia Thomae Marshall 20 baptiz. hoc anno |
1641 | |
28/03/1641 | Mar. 28 Thomas filius Christophori Crawforth baptiz. |
14/04/1641 | Apr. 14 Gulielmus filius Nicholai Shields baptiz. |
22/04/1641 | 22 Wilfridus filius Johannis Cooke baptiz. |
24/05/1641 | May. 24 Elizabetha filia Johannis Barchard baptiz. |
28/05/1641 | 28 Stephanus filius Roberti Thompson baptiz. |
29/05/1641 | 29 Robertus filius Franciscae Routh et populi baptiz. |
11/07/1641 | Jul. 11 Thomas filius Jacobi Wintringham baptiz. |
20/07/1641 | 20 Robertus filius Gulielmi Ellerbie baptiz. |
01/08/1641 | Aug. 1 Jana filia Gulielmi Bucke baptiz. |
15/08/1641 | 15 Naomi filia Francisci Corbett rectoris eccliae et Annae uxoris baptiz. |
??/08/1641 | Aug. Maria filia Roberti Sheepheard baptiz. |
05/09/1641 | Sep. 5 Anna filia Thomae Barchard baptiz. |
05/09/1641 | 5 Nicholaus filius Gulielmi Crosse baptiz. |
21/11/1641 | Nov. 21 Katharina filia Marmaduci Fryston baptiz. |
09/12/1641 | Dec. 9 Anna filia Christopheri Mason baptiz. |
09/01/1641 | Jan. 9 Richardus filius Francisci Smith baptiz. |
09/01/1641 | 9 Hester filia Christabellae Ward et populi baptiz. |
12/01/1641 | 12 Gulielmus filius Gulielmi Oliver baptiz. |
02/02/1641 | Feb. 2 Gregorius filius Gregorii Bilton bapt. |
10/02/1641 | 10 Stephanus filius Johannis Blyth bapt. |
13/02/1641 | 13 Elizabetha filia Richardi Truslove bapt. |
13/03/1641 | Mar. 13 Anna filia Johanis Wilson bapt. |
16/03/1641 | 16 Richardus filius Thomae Parkinson bapt. |
1642 | |
29/03/1642 | Mar. 29 Anna filia Georgii Bawne baptiz. |
03/04/1642 | Apr. 3 Edouardus filius Thomae Sawer alias Shaw |
10/04/1642 | 10 Edouardus filius Edouardi Turrington baptiz. |
14/04/1642 | 14 Christopherus filius Christophori Dalton baptiz. |
17/04/1642 | 17 Margareta filia Johannis Lakes baptiz. |
01/05/1642 | May 1 Susanna filia Abrahami Chadwin baptiz. |
19/05/1642 | 19 Isabella filia Thomae Younge baptiz. |
25/05/1642 | 25 Thomas filius Gulielmi Reame baptiz. |
06/06/1642 | Jun. 6 Edouardus filius Thomae Webstar baptiz. |
20/06/1642 | 20 Jana filia Patricii Gibson baptiz. |
02/08/1642 | Aug. 2 Ellis filia Johannis Higgon baptiz. |
16/08/1642 | 16 Johannis filius Davidis Distance baptiz. |
23/08/1642 | 23 Thomas filius Josephi Sagge baptiz. |
18/09/1642 | Sept. 18 Anna filia Thomae Tewney baptiz. |
11/10/1642 | 8bris 11 Francisca filia Bartholomaei Thwaytes bapt. |
13/11/1642 | Nov. 13 Jana filia Christopheri Omler baptiz. |
27/11/1642 | 27 Richardus filius Roberti Thompson bapt. |
30/11/1642 | 30 Richardus filius Gulielmi Sheilds piscatoris bapt. |
04/12/1642 | Dec. 4 Francisca filia Johannis Maste baptiz. |
11/12/1642 | 11 Thomas filius Martini Bucke baptiz. |
31/12/1642 | 31 Johannes filius Margeriae Jackson et populi |
09/01/1642 | Jan. 9 Maria filia Janae Hunter et populi bapt. |
26/01/1642 | 26 Cicilia filia Matthaei Walker baptiz. |
02/03/1642 | Mar. 2 Gulielmus filius Thomae Dalton baptiz. |
08/03/1642 | 8 Phillippus filius Gulielmi Cooke jun. baptiz. |
08/03/1642 | 8 Edouardus filius Roberti Gaule baptiz. |
11/03/1642 | 11 Richardus filius Thomae Parkinson baptiz. |
1643 | |
06/04/1643 | Apr. 6 Johannes filius Thomae Sauage baptiz. |
11/04/1643 | 11 Fidelia vulgo Faith Franscisci Corbett rectoris eccliae et Annae uxoris baptiz. |
12/04/1643 | 12 Radulphus et Georgius filii gemelli Fr. Ward baptiz. |
26/04/1643 | 26 Anna filia Johannis Donne baptiz. |
06/05/1643 | May 6 Elizabetha filia Petri Ranson baptiz. |
05/09/1643 | Sep. 5 Helena filia Marmaduci Cooke baptiz. |
24/09/1643 | 24 Martha filia Christophori Hodgson baptiz. |
27/09/1643 | 27 Anna filia Briani Rayley junioris baptiz. |
09/10/1643 | Oct. 9 Marmadukus fillius Nicholas Shieldes baptiz. |
12/11/1643 | Nov. 12. Barbara filia Christophori Crawforth |
12/11/1643 | 12. Margareta filia Jacobi Wintringham baptiz. |
01/11/1643 | 12. Thomas filius relictae Thomae Dunne occisi ante Kingstone super Hull October primo |
13/11/1643 | 13 Jacobus filius Francisci Smith bapt. |
30/11/1643 | 30 Johannes filius Abrahami Chadwin baptiz. |
24/12/1643 | Dec. 24 Maria filia Johannis Cooke baptiz. |
28/01/1643 | Jan. 28 Gulielmus filius Eduoardi Turrington baptiz. |
25/02/1643 | Feb. 25 Anna filia Edouardi Gardiner baptiz. |
25/02/1643 | 25 Edouardus filius Georgii Smiddish baptiz. |
1644 | |
06/04/1644 | Apr. 6 Johannes filius Thomae Parkinson baptiz. |
23/04/1644 | 23 Franciscus filius Johannis Blyth baptiz. |
24/04/1644 | 24 Jonathan filius Johannis Dalton baptiz. |
28/04/1644 | 28 Francisca filia Gulielmi Crosse baptiz. |
05/05/1644 | May 5 Edouardus filius Bartholomaei Gray baptiz. |
05/05/1644 | 5 Thomas filius Marmaduci Friston baptiz. |
11/06/1644 | Jun. 11 Francisca filia Petri Ranson baptiz. |
09/07/1644 | Jul. 9 Jana filia Thomae Marshall baptiz. |
18/07/1644 | 18 Thomas filius Johannis Barcharde baptiz. |
21/09/1644 | Sep. 21 Francisca filia Elizabethae Barren et populi baptiz. |
28/09/1644 | 28 Francisca filia Johannis Sheilds baptiz. |
20/10/1644 | Oct. 20 Jana filia Thomae Barchard baptiz. |
09/11/1644 | Nov. 9 Georgius filius Georgii Bawne baptiz. |
21/11/1644 | 21 Elizabetha filia Georgii Blacker baptiz. |
04/12/1644 | Dec. 4 Anne filia Georgii Bucke baptiz. |
24/01/1644 | Jan. 24 Gulielmus filius Johannes Maste baptiz. |
29/01/1644 | 29 Anna filia Gregorii Bilton baptiz. |
12/02/1644 | Feb. 12 Robertus filius Abrahami Chadwinne baptiz. |
02/03/1644 | Mar. 2 Edouardus filius Edouardi Johnson baptiz. |
02/03/1644 | 2 Elizabetha filia Patricii Gibson baptiz. |
13/03/1644 | 13 Thomas filius Christophori Mason baptiz. |
1645 | |
25/03/1645 | Mar. 25 Jana filia Johannis Lakes baptizata |
27/03/1645 | 27 Thomas filius Thomae Sauage baptizatus |
28/03/1645 | 28 Gulielmus filius Francisci Corbett rectoris eccliae et Annae uxoris (natus martii 20) baptizatus |
02/04/1645 | Apr. 2 Elizabetha filia Avis Lighton et populi |
29/04/1645 | 29 Jana filia Thomae Pollard baptiz. |
01/05/1645 | May 1 Maria filia Thomae Webstarre baptiz. |
08/06/1645 | Jun. 8 Samuell filius Roberti Thompson baptiz. |
15/06/1645 | 15 Gulielmus filius Gulielmi Barchard baptiz. |
15/06/1645 | 15 Petrus filius Gulielmi Crosse baptiz. |
15/06/1645 | 15 Elizabetha filia Christophori Crawforth baptiz. |
27/07/1645 | Jul. 27 (Francisca filia Christophori Dalton baptiz. |
27/07/1645 | 27 Edouardus filius Thomae Dalton baptiz. |
03/08/1645 | Aug. 3 :Michaell flius Petri Ranson baptiz. |
05/10/1645 | Oct. 5 Philippus :Thus Gulielmi Cooke baptiz. |
09/11/1645 | Nov. 9 Bryanus filius Bryani Rayley junioris baptiz. |
07/12/1645 | Dec. 7 Richardus filius Edouardi Turrington baptiz. |
23/12/1645 | 23 Elizabetha filia Johannis Tumholme baptiz. |
19/01/1645 | Jan. 19 Robertus fIlius Roberti Pearson baptiz. |
31/01/1645 | 31 Franciscus filius Gulielmi Reame baptiz. |
26/02/1645 | Feb. 26 Gulielmus filius Petri Burton baptiz. |
19/03/1645 | Mar. 19 Margareta filia Francisci Warde baptiz. |
23/03/1645 | 23 Robertus filius Abrahami Chadwinne bapt. |
24/03/1645 | 24 Gulielmus filius Gulielmi Ellerbie |
1646 | |
26/03/1646 | Mar. 26 Elizabetha filia Johannis Dalton |
09/04/1646 | Apr. 9 Francisca filia Josephi Sagge baptiz. |
09/04/1646 | Apr. 9 Gulielmus filius Matthaei Walker baptiz. |
12/06/1646 | Jun. 12 Michael filius Johannis Blythe |
12/06/1646 | 12 Franciscus et Francisca filius Roberti Gaule baptiz. |
04/07/1646 | Jul. 4 Margareta filia Thomae Warde baptiz. |
13/08/1646 | Aug. 13 Hugo filius Johannis Donne baptiz. |
23/09/1646 | 7bris 23 Georgius filius Michaelis Pattison baptiz. |
27/10/1646 | 8bris 27 Maria filia Gulielmi Barchard baptiz. |
19/11/1646 | 9bris 19 Elizabetha filia Edouardi Gardiner baptiz. |
22/11/1646 | 22 Jana filia Gulielmi Mem prize baptiz. |
05/01/1646 | Jan. 5 Helena filia Johannis Lakes baptiz. |
19/01/1646 | 19 Gulielmus filius Roberti Richardson baptiz. |
28/01/1646 | 28 Ellis filia Nicholai Sheilds baptiz. |
11/02/1646 | Feb. 11 Maria filia Gulielmi Pollard baptiz. |
1647 | |
29/03/1647 | Mar. 29 Matthaeus filius Edouardi Terrington baptiz. |
30/03/1647 | 30 Richardus filius Edouardi Taylor baptiz. |
13/04/1647 | Apr. 13 Thomas filius Thomae Sauage baptiz. |
27/04/1647 | 27 Elizabetha filia Thomae Addison baptiz. |
03/05/1647 | May 3 Gulielmus filius Thomae Parkinson baptiz. |
06/05/1647 | 6 Jana filia Thomae Twydell baptiz. |
24/05/1647 | 24 Anna filia Thomae Pollard baptiz. |
17/06/1647 | Jun. 17 Martha filia Thomae Webstar baptiz. |
19/06/1647 | 19 Elizabetha filia Johannis Maste baptiz. |
12/08/1647 | Aug 12 Anna filia Guliemi Hardie baptiz. |
12/08/1647 | 12 Elizabetha filia Johannis Sheilds baptiz. |
24/08/1647 | 24 Elizabetha filia Johannis Tumholme baptiz. |
30/08/1647 | 30 Maria filia Dorotheae Thorpe et populi baptiz. |
18/10/1647 | 8bris 18 Georgius filius Georgii Blacker (natus 8 die) baptiz. |
19/10/1647 | 8bris 19 Richardus filius Francisci Corbett et Annae uxoris natus 6 die 8bris baptiz. |
23/10/1647 | 23 Oliverus filius Marmaduci Fryston baptiz. |
26/10/1647 | 26 Robertus filius Gulielmi Ellerbie baptiz. |
30/10/1647 | 8bris ultimo Anna filia Abrahami Chadwinne baptiz. |
15/12/1647 | 10bris 15 Jana filia Georgii Bawne baptiz. |
21/12/1647 | 21 Jana filia Gulielmi Crosse baptiz. |
28/12/1647 | 28 Isabella filia Thomae Jobson baptiz. |
10/01/1647 | Jan. 10 Elizabetha filia Bryant Raley baptiz. |
29/01/1647 | 29 Maria filia Christopheri Crawforth baptiz. |
02/02/1647 | Feb. 2 Anna filia Christopheri Dalton baptiz. |
09/02/1647 | 9 Elizabetha filia Jacobi Wintringham baptiz. |
14/02/1647 | 14 Margareta filia Simonis Catherwood baptiz. |
1648 | |
08/04/1648 | Apr. 8 Anna filia Edouardi Turrington baptiz. |
23/05/1648 | May 23 Susanna filia Samuelis Smith baptiz. |
01/08/1648 | Aug. 1 Gulielmus filius Edouardi Johnson baptiz. |
01/08/1648 | 1 Thomas filius Thomae Webster baptiz. |
12/09/1648 | 7bris 12 Dinah filia Thomae Dalton baptiz. |
04/10/1648 | Oct. 4 Francisca filia Michaells Pattison baptiz. |
02/11/1648 | Nov. 2 Robertus filius Johannis Walker baptiz. |
16/11/1648 | 16 Thomas filius Petri Ranson baptiz. |
19/11/1648 | 19 Thomas filius Thomae Warde piscatoris baptiz. |
10/03/1648 | Mar. 10 Johannes filius Gulielmi Story baptiz. |
1649 | |
24/04/1649 | Apr. 24 Johannes filius Johannis Lakes baptiz. |
26/04/1649 | 26 Maria filia Johannis Blyth baptiz. |
10/05/1649 | May 10 Isabella filia Abrahami Chadwinne baptiz. |
14/05/1649 | 14 Gulielmus filius Gulielmi Sheepheard baptiz. |
16/05/1649 | 16 memorand. quod May 16 Thomas filius Gulielmi Cooke baptiz |
17/07/1649 | Jul. 17 Alicia filia Roberti Hunter baptiz. |
24/07/1649 | 24 Sarah filia Valentini Brough baptiz. |
29/07/1649 | 29 Benjamin filius Josephi Sagge baptiz. |
07/08/1649 | Aug. 7 Richardus filius Roberti Gaule baptiz. |
19/08/1649 | 19 Samuell filius Francisci Cosen baptiz. |
25/09/1649 | Sep. 25 Francisca filia Thomae Moore baptiz. |
??/10/1649 | Oct. Gulielmus filius Edouardi Gardiner baptiz. |
17/10/1649 | 17 Dinah filia Thomae Savidge baptiz. |
??/10/1649 | Oct. ..... Robertus filius Francisci Smyth baptiz. |
15/11/1649 | Nov. 15 Johannes filius Christopheri Crawforth bapt. |
20/11/1649 | 20 Francisca filia Francisci Warde baptiz. |
13/12/1649 | Dec. 13 Johannes filius Georgii Bowne baptiz. |
01/01/1649 | Jan. 1 Maria filia Thomae Addinson baptiz. |
03/01/1649 | 3 Elizabetha filia Gulielmi Dunne baptiz. |
13/01/1649 | 13 Samuel filius Edouardi Turrington baptiz. |
15/01/1649 | 15 Thomas filius Gulielmi Ellerbie baptiz. |
17/01/1649 | 17 Margareta filia Thomae Sharpe baptizata |
10/02/1649 | Feb. 10 Anna filia Petri Rawlinge baptiz. |
21/02/1649 | 21 Thomas filius Gregorii Bilton baptiz. |
06/03/1649 | Mar. 6 Sarah filia Thomae Webstar baptiz. |
14/03/1649 | 14 Richardus filius Thomae Parkinson baptiz. baptiz. 26 |
1650 | |
11/04/1650 | Apr. 11 Jacobus filius Jacobi Wintringham baptiz. |
16/04/1650 | 16 Gulielmus filius Gulielmi Hardy baptiz. |
09/05/1650 | May 9 Johannes filius Johannis Largeman baptiz. |
23/05/1650 | 23 Richardus filius Roberti Thompson baptiz. |
10/06/1650 | Jun. x Anna filia Francisci Headon generosi baptiz. |
13/06/1650 | 13 Johannes filius Roberti Pearson baptiz. |
27/06/1650 | 27 Franciscus filius Johannis Maste baptiz. |
19/08/1650 | Aug. 19 Johannes filius Johannis Walker baptiz. |
05/09/1650 | Sep. 5 Robertus filius Roberti Hunter baptiz. |
08/09/1650 | 8 Franciscus filius Francisci Cosens baptiz. |
08/09/1650 | 8 Johannes filius Johannis Lambert baptiz. |
20/10/1650 | Oct. 20 Ellzabetha filia Thomae Pollarde baptiz. |
23/10/1650 | 23 Georgius filius Michaelis Pattison bapt. |
26/10/1650 | 26 Francisca filia et Mallery filius Georgii Blackerre baptiz. |
27/10/1650 | 27 Katharina filia Gulielmi Deane baptiz. |
29/10/1650 | 29 Jana filia Thomae Pauston baptizata |
07/11/1650 | Nov. 7 Marmaducus filius Marmaduci Fryston baptiz. |
28/11/1650 | 28 Susanna filia Johannis Tumholme baptiz. |
17/12/1650 | Dec. 17 Christopherus filius Christopheri Dalton baptiz. |
07/01/1650 | Jan. 7 Anna filia Gulielmi Welbourne baptiz. |
06/02/1650 | Feb. 6 Johannes filius Edouardi Taylor alias Johnson bapt. |
27/02/1650 | 27 Hester filia Valentini Brough baptizata |
1651 | |
30/03/1651 | Mar. 30 Timothy filius Annae Crosse et populi baptiz. |
08/04/1651 | Apr. 8 Hester filia Bryani Rayley baptiz. |
09/04/1651 | 9 Francisca filia Gulmi Story |
01/04/1651 | Memorand. quod primo die Aprilis Katharina filia Samuelis Smyth baptizata fuit |
01/05/1651 | May 1 Johannes filius Johannis Barchard baptiz. |
18/06/1651 | Jun. 18 Lyddia filia Johannis Reynard |
15/07/1651 | Jul. 15 Leonardus filius Johannis Lakes |
24/07/1651 | 24 Dinah filia Thomae Savidge baptizata |
05/08/1651 | Aug. 5 Thomas filius Thomae Jobson sepultus (sic) |
07/08/1651 | 7 Elizabetha filia Thomae Webstar baptizata |
09/09/1651 | Sep. 9 Susanna the daughter of John Crawforth |
10/09/1651 | 10 Jane the daughter of Thomas Moore |
02/10/1651 | Oct. 2 Anna ye daughter of Peter Ranson |
02/10/1651 | 2 Francis the sonne William Barcharde |
27/10/1651 | 27 Elizabeth the daughter of Willm Marshall |
04/12/1651 | Dec. 4 Robert the sonne of Wm. Ellerbie |
04/12/1651 | 4 John the sonne of John Meson |
13/12/1651 | 13 Isaack the sonne of Mary the widow of Wm. Cooke |
16/12/1651 | 16 Thomas the sonne of Thomas Pawston |
18/12/1651 | 18 Henry the sonne of Thomas Sheephearde |
20/01/1651 | Jan. 20 Thomas the sonne of John Largeman baptiz. |
17/02/1651 | Feb. 17 Katharine the daughter of Thomas Sharpe bapt. |
1652 | |
30/03/1652 | Mar. 30 John the sonne of Robert Pearson baptiz. |
05/04/1652 | Apr. 5 James the sonne of James Wintringham baptiz. |
08/04/1652 | 8 Elizabethe the daughter of Abraham Chadwin bap. |
13/04/1652 | 13 John the sonne of Edward Gardiner baptiz. |
11/05/1652 | May 11 Christopher the sonne of Christopher Crawforth bap. |
18/11/1652 | Nov. 18 Doritie daughter of Francis Cusan birth |
1653 | |
18/07/1653 | Jul. 18 Elin daughter of Christopher Dalton birth |
??/12/1653 | Dec... Uslay daughter of Thomas Savaig birth |
14/08/1653 | Aug. 14 Robart the sonne of Robart Jefferson was borne |
The birth of children | |
02/08/1653 | 1653 Feb. 2 daye Marie daughter of John Lackes birth |
1654 | |
30/03/1654 | Mar. 30 daye Jane daughter of Rapth (sic) Hodgeson birth |
03/05/1654 | May 3 daye Katharine daughter of Sammuell Smith birth |
19/05/1654 | 19 day John son of John Polard birth |
26/05/1654 | 26 day Michell son of Michell Patteson birth |
03/06/1654 | Jun. 3 day Henerie son of Thomas Hall birth |
12/06/1654 | 12 day Anne daughter of Thomas Postan birth |
11/07/1654 | Jul. 11 day George son of Bartholomeei Gray birth |
22/08/1654 | Aug. 22 day Oliver son of John Walker birth |
29/08/1654 | 29 day Simon son of Robert Parson birth |
16/09/1654 | Sep. 16 day Elizabeth daughter of John Greanshaw birth |
22/10/1654 | Oct. 22 day Thomas son of Edward Gardinner birth |
02/11/1654 | Nov. 4 day Willm second son of John Shieldes birth |
07/11/1654 | 7 day daughter of Brian Railay was still borne |
09/11/1654 | 9 day Thomas son of Richard Cock birth |
09/11/1654 | 9 day Willm son of Francis Cossen birth |
01/12/1654 | Dec. first day Josias son of John Rannard birth |
03/12/1654 | 3 day Richard son of Thomas Moore birth |
07/12/1654 | 7 Marmaduck son of Marmaduck Wheldaile birth |
08/12/1654 | 8 day Willm son of Willm Bilton birth |
16/12/1654 | 16 Jane daughter of Willm. Railay birth |
24/12/1654 | 24 Richard son of Willm Storie birth |
27/12/1654 | 27 Timothe & James sones of John Mast birth |
31/12/1654 | 31 Bettrice daughter of Robert Smith birth |
23/01/1654 | Jan. 23 day Marie daughter of Thomas Sauaige birth |
01/02/1654 | Feb. first day Thomas son of George Crawforth birth |
10/02/1654 | 10 day daughter of Christopher Crawforth birth |
20/02/1654 | 20 day Henerie son of John Megson birth |
04/03/1654 | Mar. 4 day Sammuell son of Sammuell Norton birth |
10/03/1654 | 10 day Grace daughter of George Bawne birth |
23/03/1654 | 23 day Evis daughter of Widdow Jobson birth |
24/03/1654 | 24 day Anne daughter of Willm Deane birth |
1655 | |
14/04/1655 | Apr. 14 day Kathrine daughter of Thomas Shippard birth |
20/04/1655 | 20 day George son of Robert Simpson birth |
29/04/1655 | 29 day Margaret daughter of Willm Elerbie birth |
28/06/1655 | Jun. 28 day Elizabeth daughter of Marmaduck Paler birth |
01/08/1655 | Aug. first day Robert son and stilborne daughter of Willm Cockerline birth |
21/08/1655 | 21th day John son of John Warrinner birth |
01/12/1655 | Dec. first day son of James Bilton was stillborne |
04/12/1655 | 4 day Henerie son of Francis Cossen birth |
13/12/1655 | 13 day Thomas son of Thomas Barchard birth |
28/12/1655 | 28 day John son of Robert Hunter birth |
11/01/1655 | Jan. 11 day unbapti[s]ed daughter of Willm Welburne birth |
13/01/1655 | 13 day Margret daughter of John Jefferson birth |
03/02/1655 | Feb 3th day Willm son of Willm Marshall birth |
08/02/1655 | 8 day Anne daughter of Robert Barber birth |
25/02/1655 | 25 day Alce daughter of Willm Hall birth |
26/02/1655 | 26 day Francis son of Francis Aire birth |
27/02/1655 | Feb. 27 day Margaret daughter of Richard Cock birth |
14/03/1655 | Mar. 14 day Barbara daughter of Christopher Dalton birth |
1656 | |
05/04/1656 | Apr. 5 day Easter daughter of Gorge Blith birth |
20/04/1656 | 20 day Robert son of Robert Sagg ali [a] s Railay birth |
21/04/1656 | 21 day son of Michell Parkinson was stillborne |
23/04/1656 | 23 day Willm son of John Polard birth |
23/04/1656 | 23 day Willm son of Robert Jefferson birth |
23/04/1656 | 23 day Margaret daughter of Thomas Webster birth |
01/05/1656 | May 1 day Abram son of Abram Chadwick birth |
14/05/1656 | 14 day Robert son of Willm Storie birth |
17/05/1656 | 17 day Robert son of Robert Simpson birth |
23/06/1656 | Jun. 23 day Marie daughter of Robert Pearson birth |
01/07/1656 | Jul. first day Francis sone of Edward Jonson birth |
22/07/1656 | 22 day Barnard son of Mr. Sammuell Proud (clarke) birth |
30/10/1656 | Oct. 30 day daughter of John Lackes birth |
22/11/1656 | Nov. 22 day Anne daughter of Rapth Hochson birth |
09/12/1656 | Dec. 9 day Issabell daughter of Richard [blank] birth |
31/12/1656 | 31 day Robert son of Robert Smith birth |
01/01/1656 | Jan. first day Anne daughter of Marmaduck Fristone birth |
10/01/1656 | 10 day Mathew son of John Walker birth |
15/01/1656 | 15 day John son of Thomas Hall birth |
29/01/1656 | 29 day James son of James Bilton birth |
24/02/1656 | Feb. 24th day Elizabeth daughter of Willm Welburne birth |
28/02/1656 | 28 day Caleb son of Sammuell Pikerd birth |
09/03/1656 | Mar. 9 day Cornelius son of Sammuell Smith birth |
1657 | |
10/04/1657 | Apr. 10 day Jane daughter of Thomas Barton birth |
18/04/1657 | 18 day daughter of Thomas Sauaige was stillborne |
24/04/1657 | 24 day Sarah daughter of George Blith birth |
14/05/1657 | May 14 day Jane daughter of Willm. Railay birth |
06/06/1657 | Jun. 6 day Bridgett daughter of Peter Rawling birth |
20/07/1657 | Jul. 20 day Marie daughter of Thomas Postan birth |
15/09/1657 | Sept. 15 day Richard Norton sone of Samuell Norton birthday |
13/09/1657 | 13 day Margarett the daughter of Marmad. Paller baptized |
24/10/1657 | Oct. 24 day Margarett the daughter of Michaell Pattison birth |
24/10/1657 | the same day Thomas ye sonne of William Halle his birthday |
23/12/1657 | Dec. 23 day Ane the doughter of William Deane birthday |
22/01/1657 | Jan. 22 Thomas the soun of Thomas Webster birthday |
01/02/1657 | Feb. 1 Mary the doughter of Thomas More birth day |
21/02/1657 | 21 Richard the son of Robart Hunter birth day |
17/03/1657 | Mar. 17 day Anna the doughter of Samuell Smith birthday |
1658 | |
03/04/1658 | Apr. 3 day Dorathy the doughter of Richard Stamp birthdaie |
15/04/1658 | 15 day Dorcas the doughter of Marey Friston and Expofer Benington basegotten |
26/05/1658 | May 26 Ellzabeth the daughter of Robert Shildes birthday |
24/08/1658 | Aug. 24 day John Laughton the soun of William Laughton birthday |
25/08/1658 | 25 day Willm. Laughton the soun of William Laughton birthday |
12/09/1658 | Sep. 12 day Elisabeth the doughter of John Blyth birth day. |
03/11/1658 | Nov. 3 day Ellin the doughter of Expofer Headon birthday |
03/12/1658 | Dec. 3 day Elizabeth the doughter of John Lakes birth |
??/02/1658 | Feb. Ralph the soun of Thomas Hall birth |
??/02/1658 | Feb. Joshua the soun of Samuell Pickard birth |
16/03/1658 | Mar. 16 day Brian the soun of William Rallay birth |
04/07/1658 | Jul. 4 day John the soun of Expofer Dalton birth |
29/08/1658 | Aug. 29 Richard the soun of Richard Garner birth |
28/10/1658 | Oct. 28 Jane the doughter of Thomas Barchard birth |
31/10/1658 | 31 Bridgit the doughter of George Blyth birth |
??/11/1658 | Nov. .. day Jaell the doughter of Samuel Smith birth |
11/11/1658 | 11 day Samuel the soun of Samuel Proude birth |
27/11/1658 | 27 day William the soun of John Meginson birth |
07/12/1658 | Dec. 7 day George the soun of Expofer Stevenson birth |
??/02/1658 | Feb. Marey the doughter of Ralph Houghon birth |
??/02/1658 | Feb. the soun of Robert Hunter shewmaker birth |
(No entries from Feb. 1658 to June 1660). | |
1660 | |
14/06/1660 | Jun. 14 Gulielmus filius Josephi Sag baptiz. |
17/07/1660 | Jul. 17 Gulielmus filius Roberti Sympson baptiz. |
28/07/1660 | 28 Sara filia Thomae Coatsworth baptiz. |
31/07/1660 | 31 Anna filia Thomae Burton baptiz. |
07/08/1660 | Aug. 7 Francisca filia Gulielmi Dunn baptiz. |
12/08/1660 | 12 Jana filia Rogeri Ringrose baptiz. |
16/09/1660 | Sep. 16 Michael filius Michaelis Pattison baptiz. |
25/09/1660 | 25 Elizabetha filia Thomae Kirby baptiz. |
25/09/1660 | 25 Gulielmus filius Johannis Walker baptiz. |
02/10/1660 | Oct. 2 Gulielmus filius Marci Terrington baptiz. |
30/10/1660 | 30 Jana filia Marmaduci Pala baptiz. |
04/11/1660 | Nov. 4 Johannes filius Gulielmi Bilton baptiz. |
04/12/1660 | Dec. 4 Gulielmus filius Gulielmi Fetherston baptiz. |
11/12/1660 | 11 Francisca filia Christopheri Headon baptiz. |
18/12/1660 | 18 Rebeica filia Humphredi Hall baptiz. |
20/12/1660 | 20 Dorothea filia Samuelis Prowd Rectoris baptiz. |
07/02/1660 | Feb. 7 Elizabetha filia Ricardi Hodgson baptiz. |
21/02/1660 | 21 Gulielmus filius Gulielmi Dean baptiz. |
22/02/1660 | 22 Gulielmus filius Roberti Wallas baptiz. |
10/03/1660 | Mar. 10 Thomas filius Thomae Moore baptiz. |
21/03/1660 | 21 Johannes filius Johannis Dawson baptiz. |
1661 | |
07/05/1661 | May 7 Anna filia Gulielmi Moore baptiz. |
08/05/1661 | 8 Hannah the daughter of William Hunter baptiz. |
14/07/1661 | Jul. 14 Dinas ye daughter of Tho. Savage baptiz. |
18/07/1661 | 18 Jane ye daughter of Sam. Smyth baptiz. |
22/09/1661 | Sep. 22 Joseph Sagge sone of Joseph Sagge baptiz. |
30/10/1661 | Oct. 30 Ann ye daughter of Willm. Reame baptiz. |
03/12/1661 | Dec. 3 Frances ye daughter of John Fisher baptiz. |
05/12/1661 | Dec. 5 Margarett ye daughter of Christ. Stevenson baptiz. |
30/12/1661 | 30 Jane ye daughter Willm. Smyth baptiz. |
08/01/1661 | Jan. 8 John ye sone of Samuell Proud baptiz. |
12/01/1661 | 12 Dorothy ye daughter of Willm. Pollard baptiz. |
15/01/1661 | 15 Elizabeth ye daughter of Tho. Webster baptiz. |
02/02/1661 | Feb. 2 Ann ye daughter of Tho. Cutsworth baptiz. |
06/02/1661 | 6 Thomas ye sone Roger Ringrose baptiz. |
10/03/1661 | Mar. 10 Roger ye sone of Willm. Rayley baptiz. |
18/03/1661 | 18 Marke ye sone of Marke Turrington baptiz. |
1662 | |
03/04/1662 | Apr. 3 Christopher ye sone of Richard Hodgson baptiz. |
04/04/1662 | 4 John and Susana ye sone and daughter of Tho. Kirbye baptiz. |
18/04/1662 | 18 Mary ye daughter of Richard Cocke baptiz. |
05/05/1662 | May 5 Ann ye daughter of Thomas Barchard baptiz. |
25/05/1662 | May 25 Willm ye sone of Roger Barne baptiz. |
30/05/1662 | 30 Willm ye sone of Robert Wallas baptiz. |
12/07/1662 | Jul. 12 Jane ye daughter of Will Fetherston baptiz. |
14/07/1662 | 14 Henery ye sone of Christo. Dalton baptiz. |
18/08/1662 | Aug. 18 Thomas ye sone of Richard Garner baptiz. |
19/08/1662 | 19 Jane ye daughter of Thomas Tocke baptiz. |
04/10/1662 | Oct. 4 Ann ye daughter of John Dawson baptiz. |
21/10/1662 | 21 Mathew ye sone of John Walker baptiz. |
21/10/1662 | 21 Eliza : ye daughter of Willm Hunter baptiz. |
07/11/1662 | Nov. 7 Ralphe ye sone of Ralphe Hodgson baptiz. |
18/12/1662 | Dec. 18 Thomisin ye daughter of John Crawford baptiz. |
06/01/1662 | Jan. 6 John Maske ye sone of John Maske baptiz. |
15/01/1662 | 15 George ye sone of George Blyth baptiz. |
03/03/1662 | Mar. 3 Susana ye daughter of Joseph Picard baptiz. |
19/03/1662 | 19 Samuell ye sone of Samuel Proud baptiz. |
1663 | |
26/03/1663 | Mar. 26 Seuanea the daughter of Joh Megson baptiz. |
29/03/1663 | 29 Jame the sonne of Edwayrd Tourinton baptiz. |
20/04/1663 | Apr. 20 Willam the sonne of Willam More baptiz. |
03/05/1663 | May 3 Margryte the doughter of Willam Smyth baptiz. |
07/05/1663 | 7 John the sonne of John Watson baptiz. |
18/05/1663 | 18 Dianea the doughter of Jame Dallton baptiz. |
26/06/1663 | Jun. 26 An the doughter of John Shieles baptiz. |
30/06/1663 | 30 Thomas the sonne of Thomas Borton baptiz. |
13/07/1663 | Jul. 13 John the sonne of Thomas Daylton baptiz. |
30/08/1663 | Aug. 30 Elazabeth the doughter of Jame Simson baptiz. |
01/09/1663 | Sep. 1 day Jane the doughter of Thomas Parkisson baptiz. |
22/09/1663 | 22 Elazabeth the doughter of John Fisher baptiz. |
24/09/1663 | 24 Christoffer the sonne of Willame Tomson baptiz. |
13/10/1663 | Oct. 13 Richarde the sonne of Joif Sagge juner baptiz. |
17/11/1663 | Nov. 17 John the sonne of Christoffer Hedon baptiz. |
29/12/1663 | Dec. 29 Ralphe the sonne of Thomas Sawaig baptiz. |
11/02/1663 | Feb. 11 Richarde the sonne of Richarde Stampes baptiz. |
14/02/1663 | 14 Willame the sonne of Thomas Webstere baptiz. |
14/02/1663 | 14 Elazabeth the doughter of Willame Reyme baptiz. |
23/02/1663 | Feb. 23 Ann the dougter of Thomas Moore baptiz. |
23/02/1663 | 23 Elazabeth the doughter of John Dawson baptiz. |
25/02/1663 | 25 Rachell the doughter of Sammeuell Smyth baptiz. |
28/02/1663 | 28 Joan the doughter of Willam Denne baptiz. |
20/03/1663 | Mar. 20 Elazabeth the doughter of John Broune of Mawlton baptiz. |
1664 | |
13/04/1664 | Apr. 13 Anne the doughter of Willam Pollard baptiz. |
30/04/1664 | 30 Thomas the sonn of Thomas Daylton juner bapt. |
04/05/1664 | May 4 day Elazabeth the doughter of John Cooke baptized |
14/06/1664 | Jun. 14 day Jann the doughter of Christoffer Stuenson baptized |
16/06/1664 | 16 day Francis the doughter of John Megson baptized |
26/06/1664 | 26 day An the doughter of Fracis Smyth baptized |
28/06/1664 | 28 day Jann the doughter of Willame Hunteer baptized |
17/07/1664 | Jul. 17 day Jonathan the sonn of Thomas Cayrbee baptized |
19/07/1664 | 19 day Willame the sonn of Willame Railay baptized |
27/07/1664 | 27 day Elazbeth the doughter of Jaame Symson baptized |
03/09/1664 | Sep. 3 day Elazabeth the doughter of Roger Ringrose baptized |
14/09/1664 | 14 day John the sonn of John Mast baptized |
08/10/1664 | Oct. 8 day John the sonn of Willam Moore baptized |
09/10/1664 | 9 day Ann the doughter of Goorg Dounn baptized |
08/11/1664 | Nov. 8 day Seuanea the doughter of Willame Fedderston baptized |
13/11/1664 | 13 day Thomas the sonn of Marke Tourinton baptized |
27/12/1664 | Dec. 27 day Thomas the sonn of Joif Sagg baptized |
29/12/1664 | 29 day Elazabeth the doughter of Francis Cocke baptized |
17/01/1664 | Jan. 17 day Sammeuell the sonne of Willame Reme baptized |
21/01/1664 | 21 day Elazabeth the doughter of Wiliam Smyth baptized |
13/02/1664 | Feb. 13 day Willame the sonne of Willame Shilles baptized and alsoe Francis his doughter baptized |
23/02/1664 | 23 day Elayzabeth the doughter of Willame Tomson baptized |
28/02/1664 | 28 day Anne the doughter of John Watson baptized |
05/03/1664 | Mar. 5 day Thomas the sonne of John Beuer baptized |
1665 | |
06/04/1665 | Apr. 6 day Elazabeth the doughter of Sammeuell Proud baptized |
06/04/1665 | 6 day Robarte the sounn of Mighell Patisson baptized |
17/04/1665 | 17 day Catran the doughter of John Walkerr baptized |
24/04/1665 | 24 day Jeremyea the sonne of Joife Pyckard baptized |
27/04/1665 | 27 day John the sonne of Richard Gayrner baptized |
25/06/1665 | Jun. 25 day Willame the soun of Robarte Broune baptized |
29/06/1665 | 29 day Willame the sonne of Willame Hunter baptized |
03/07/1665 | Jul. 3 day Edwarde the sune of Edwarde Webster baptized |
05/07/1665 | 5 day Joife the sun of Thomas Hille baptized |
13/07/1665 | 13 day Elayzbeth the doughter of John Endycke baptized |
??/08/1665 | Aug. Janne the doughter of Ralph Hochan baptized |
??/09/1665 | Sept. Robert the sun of Richarde Cocke baptized |
07/10/1665 | Oct. 7 day Cattran the doughter of Willame Reayme baptized |
18/10/1665 | 18 day Jann the daughter of Christoffer Gray baptized |
24/10/1665 | 24 day Willame the sun of Willame Moore baptized |
28/11/1665 | Nov. 28 day Marie the doughter of Willame Storree baptized |
30/11/1665 | 30 day Ann the doughter of Davide Fristone baptized |
19/12/1665 | Dec. 19 day Francis the sun of Willame Doune baptized |
02/01/1665 | Jan. 2 day John the sun of Thomas Webster baptized |
04/01/1665 | 4 day Willame the sun of Willame Federstone baptized |
08/01/1665 | 8 day Mayree the doughter of Francis Smyth baptized |
22/01/1665 | 22 day John the sun of Thomas Crawford baptized |
22/01/1665 | 22 day Saray the doughter of John Dawson baptized |
26/01/1665 | 26 day Richarde the sun of Jame Simson baptized |
??/02/1665 | Feb. Joann the doughter of John Fisher baptized |
??/03/1665 | Mar. Gylbarde the sonne of Willame Shieldes baptized |
??/03/1665 | Mar. Ann the doughter of Ann Bawne basterd |
1666 | |
02/04/1666 | Apr. 2 day Willame the sonne of Richard Shieldes baptized |
03/04/1666 | 3 day Usileay the doughter of Francis Cocke baptized |
12/04/1666 | 12 Ann the doughter of Thomas Dalton baptized |
08/04/1666 | 8 Willame the sonne of Richard Hochan baptized |
08/04/1666 | 8 Jane the doughter of John Wattson baptized |
10/04/1666 | 10 Willame the sonne of Willame Hounter baptized |
20/04/1666 | 20 Grace the doughter of Richard Harwood baptized |
14/10/1666 | Oct. 14 day John the sonne of Richarde Stampe baptized |
??/11/1666 | Nov. day John the sonne of John Benne baptized |
??/11/1666 | Nov. day Ann the doughter of Willame Wellburn baptized |
??/12/1666 | Dec. day James the sonne of John Endycke baptized |
??/12/1666 | Dec. day Robart the sonne of John Shildes baptized |
??/12/1666 | Dec. day John the sonne of Willame Reame juneer baptized |
20/12/1666 | 20 Elazabeth the doughter of George Doun baptized |
06/01/1666 | Jan. 6 day Willame the sun of Jame Symson baptized |
17/01/1666 | 17 day Sammuell the sonne of Willam Tomson baptized |
29/01/1666 | 29 day Margryte the doughter of Goorg Bilton baptized |
??/03/1666 | Mar. day Richard the sonn of Seuanea Backas bastard baptized |
??/03/1666 | Mar. day Matthew the sonn of Wiliam Hunter juneer baptized |
??/03/1666 | Mar. day Elias the sonn of Willame Reame baptized |
??/03/1666 | Mar. day Willame the sonne of Peter Gorbit baptized |
1667 | |
06/04/1667 | Apr. 6 day Willame the sonn of Robarte Brounne baptized |
??/04/1667 | Apr. Elazabeth the doughter of Thomas Bourton baptized |
12/05/1667 | May 12 day John the sonn of Willam Rallay baptized |
20/05/1667 | 20 day Miriam the doughter of Christoffer Graie baptized |
21/05/1667 | 21 day Marmadeuke the sonn of David Fristone baptized |
10/06/1667 | Jun. 10 day Diena the doughter of John Megson baptized |
04/07/1667 | Jul. 4 day Ann the doughter of Francis Smyth baptized |
05/07/1667 | 5 day Willame the sonne Of Thomas Barber baptized |
22/07/1667 | 22 day John the son of John Gray baptized |
12/08/1667 | Aug. 12 day Sammeuell the sonn of Francis Person baptized |
26/08/1667 | 26 day Eaylse the doughter of Thomas Daylton baptized |
10/09/1667 | Sep. 10 day Willame the sonn of Willame Shielles baptized |
01/10/1667 | Oct. 1 day Marye the doughter of Marke Tourinton baptized |
29/10/1667 | 29 day Elazabeth the doughter of Edwarde Dun (?) baptized |
31/10/1667 | 31 day Seuanea the doughter of Wiliam Cook (?) baptized |
24/11/1667 | Nov. 24 day Mary the doughter of Thomas Crawford baptized |
28/11/1667 | Nov. 28 day Ann the doughter of Roger Ringrose baptized |
01/12/1667 | Dec. 1 day Richard the sonn of Richard Shielse baptized |
03/12/1667 | 3 day Ann the daughter of Richard Hochan baptized |
12/12/1667 | 12 day Thomas the sonn of Edwayrde Webster baptized |
01/01/1667 | Jan. 1 day Ann the doughter of Thomas Parkisson baptized |
14/01/1667 | 14 day Jann the doughter of John Dawson baptized |
16/01/1667 | 16 day Francis the daughter of Jame Dallton baptized |
17/01/1667 | 17 day Saray the daughter of William Hunter baptized |
11/02/1667 | Feb. 11 day Ann the doughter of Francis Cocke baptized |
01/03/1667 | Mar. 1 day Margryt the doughter of Willam Federstone baptized |
03/03/1667 | 3 day Sammeuell the sonne of Thomas Webster baptized |
24/03/1667 | 24 day Jann the doughter of Jame Symson baptized |
24/03/1667 | 24 day Elazbeth the doughter of Wiliam Smyth baptized |
1668 | |
08/04/1668 | Apr. 8 day Edward sonne of Ralph Hochon baptized |
??/04/1668 | Apr. Francise the daughter of Joif Sagg baptized |
20/05/1668 | May 20 day Jann the doughter of Sammeuell Tomson baptized |
06/06/1668 | Jun. 6 day Nahomy the doughter of Joife Pickard baptized |
16/06/1668 | 16 day Jann the daughter of Christoffer Stevesone baptized |
30/08/1668 | Aug. 30 day John the sonn of Peter Gorbut baptized |
24/09/1668 | Sept. 24. day Thomas the sonn of Thomas Daylton baptized |
??/09/1668 | Sept. (?) Willame the sunn of Robarte Broune baptized |
04/10/1668 | Oct. 4. day Margryte the doughter of Robert Ralley baptized |
07/10/1668 | 7 day Edwayrd the sonn of Jame Starke baptized |
02/11/1668 | Nov. 2 day Margryte the daughter of Christoffer Gray baptized |
05/11/1668 | 5 day Rebeckea the doughter of Willame Moore baptized |
17/11/1668 | 17 day Willame the sonn of Willame Scrowstan baptized |
19/11/1668 | 19 day Nathanill the sonn of Willame Sheiles baptized |
05/01/1668 | Jan. 5 day Jame and Thomas the sonnes of Hennery Clapam bapt. |
14/01/1668 | 14 day Thomas the sonn of Edwarde Webster baptized |
30/03/1668 | Mar. 30 day Franceise the daughter of Thomas Frost baptized |
1669 | |
01/04/1669 | Apr. 1 day Franceise the doughter of Goorge Bylton baptized |
13/04/1669 | 13 day Matthias the sonne of John Hirrisson baptized |
27/05/1669 | May 27 day Elazbeth the doughter of John Gray baptized |
27/07/1669 | Jul. 27 day Isbell the doughter of Wiliam Cooke baptized |
25/08/1669 | Aug. 25 day Thomas the sonn of Gorge Bylinnee baptized |
31/08/1669 | 31 day Elazabeth the daughter of Richard Dalltonn baptized |
07/09/1669 | Sep. 7 day Jame the sonn of Jame Symson baptized |
18/09/1669 | 18 day Ann the doughter of Francis Reame baptized |
03/10/1669 | Oct. 3 day Edwayrd the sonn of Edwayrd Adkisson baptized |
07/10/1669 | 7 day Thomas the sonn of Jame Dallton baptized |
07/11/1669 | Nov. 7 day Elazabeth the doughter of Goorg Dounn baptized |
30/11/1669 | 30 day Willam the sonn of Willam Alliver baptized |
10/01/1669 | Jan. 10 day Ann the doughter of Francis Gyelse baptized |
10/01/1669 | 10 day Elazabeth the doughter of Edwarde Robisson baptized |
10/02/1669 | Feb. 10 day John the sonn of Thomas Bourton baptized |
27/02/1669 | 27 day Elazabeth the daughter of Richard Clapam baptized |
10/03/1669 | Mar. 10 Elazabeth the doughter of Elazabeth Raper bastard bapt. |
1670 | |
29/03/1670 | Mar. 29 day Ann the daughter of Willame Haunter baptized |
04/04/1670 | Apr. 4 day Nathanill the sonn of Willam Shilles baptized |
10/04/1670 | 10 day Ann the doughter of Richard Shilles baptized |
21/04/1670 | 21 day Samuell the sonn of Samuell Tomson baptized |
24/04/1670 | 24 day Thomas the sonn of Francis Stevenson |
10/05/1670 | May 10 day Richard the sonn of Richard Eddom baptized |
17/05/1670 | 17 day Elazabeth the doughter of Thomas Webster baptized |
21/06/1670 | Jun. 21 day Marye the doughter of John Sauige baptized |
04/07/1670 | Jul. 4 day Elazabeth doughter of Marke Tourinton baptized |
24/09/1670 | Sept 24 day Ealse the dougter of Thomas Dallton baptised |
13/10/1670 | Oct. 13 day John the son of Willame Dallton baptized |
08/11/1670 | Nov. 8 day Seuanea the daughter of Willame Federston baptized |
19/11/1670 | 19 day Willame the sonn of Willame Cooke baptized |
20/11/1670 | 20 day Willame the sonn of Willame Reame juneer baptized |
27/12/1670 | Dec. 27 day Jooif the sonn of Jooif Pickarde baptized |
01/01/1670 | Jan. 1 day Jann the doughter of Edward Wayrde baptized |
17/01/1670 | 17 day Mary the daughter of Richard Dallton baptized |
29/01/1670 | 29 day Jann the doughter of Richard Hochan baptized |
14/03/1670 | Mar. 14 day Rowbarte the sonn of Willame Bylton baptized |
23/03/1670 | 23 day Thomas the sonn of Edwarde Robisson baptized |
06/04/1670 | Apr. 6 day Willame the sonn of Thomas Smyth baptized |
13/04/1670 | 13 day Grayse the doughter of Thomas Bourton baptized |
19/05/1670 | May 19 day Willame the sonn of Willame Richardson baptized |
29/05/1670 | 29 day Thomas ye sonn of Thomas Parkinson baptized |
26/06/1670 | Jun. 26 day Elizabeth ye daughtr. of Willm Thompson baptized |
09/07/1670 | Jul. 9 Mary the daughtr. of Francis Reame baptized |
09/07/1670 | 9 Mary the daughtr. of Willm Scrowstan baptized |
24/08/1670 | Aug. 24 Frances ye daughtr. of James Starke baptized |
04/09/1670 | Sep. 4 John ye sonn of Edward Webster baptized |
14/09/1670 | 14 Maream ye daughtr. of John Graye baptized |
02/10/1670 | Oct. 2 Sarah ye daughtr. of William Reame baptized |
19/10/1670 | 19 Thomas ye son of Francis Pearson baptised. |
31/10/1670 | 31 Sarah ye daughtr. of John Westebee baptized |
04/11/1670 | Nov. 4 Margarit ye daughtr. of Richard Shieldes baptized |
19/11/1670 | 19 Frances ye daughtr. of Peter Gorbute baptized |
19/12/1670 | Dec. 19 Elizabeth ye daughtr. of Christopher Gray baptized |
21/12/1670 | 21 Thomas ye son of James Simpson baptized |
28/12/1670 | 28 Frances ye daughtr. of William More baptized |
15/02/1670 | Feb. 15 Frances ye daughtr. of Christopher Steveson baptized |
14/03/1670 | Mar. 14 Catheraine ye daughtr. of Steven Blyth baptized |
1672 | |
15/04/1672 | Apr. 15 John ye son of William Cooke baptized |
21/04/1672 | 21 Samuell ye son of Sam Thompson baptized. |
13/05/1672 | May 13 Elizabeth ye daughter of Willm Shieldes baptized |
23/05/1672 | 23 Frances ye daughtr. Francis Smyth baptized |
06/06/1672 | Jun. 6 Martha ye daughtr. of John Sauage baptized |
??/06/1672 | Jun. ibidem Thomison the daughtr. of Jane Shaw illigitimate baptized |
11/06/1672 | 11 Thomas ye son of George Bilton baptized |
16/06/1672 | 16 Edward ye son of Edward Adam baptized |
23/06/1672 | Jun. 23 Beniamine ye son of John Megson baptized June ye 23 |
01/07/1672 | Jul. 1 Margaret ye daughtr. of Nicholas Croose baptized |
28/07/1672 | 28 Chatherine the daughtr. of Railfe Hodgson baptized |
13/08/1672 | Aug. 13 George ye sone of George Dunn baptized |
23/09/1672 | Sep. 23 John ye sone of Robert Vavisor baptized |
24/09/1672 | 24 Isabell ye daughtr. of Thomas Webster baptized |
13/10/1672 | Oct. 13 Willm the son of Henery Clapam baptized |
18/10/1672 | 18 Edward the son of Francis Leafe baptized. |
12/11/1672 | Nov. 12 Robert the sonn of Willm Reame baptized |
02/12/1672 | Dec. 2 Thomas ye sonn of John Barton baptized |
03/01/1672 | Jan. 3 Eliner the daughter of Edward Webster baptized |
03/02/1672 | Feb. 3 Frances daughtr. of Cristo Stephenson baptized |
11/02/1672 | 11 John ye son of Edward Peacocke baptized |
16/02/1672 | 16 Frances ye daughtr. of Richard Garner baptized |
1673 | |
01/04/1673 | Apr. 1 John ye son & Easter ye daughter of John Adam bapt. |
09/04/1673 | 9 Thomas ye sonn of Thomas Frost baptized |
10/04/1673 | 10 Robert ye son of Willm. Ellerbye illigit baptized |
11/04/1673 | 11 Elizabeth ye daughtr of Willm. Fetherston baptized |
13/04/1673 | 13 Edward the son of Edward Ward baptized |
??/04/1673 | Apr. ibidem Edward ye son of Willm. Adkinson baptized |
17/04/1673 | 17 Samuell ye sonn of Joseph Pickard baptized |
30/04/1673 | 30 Elizabeth ye daughtr. of Willm. Railay baptized |
03/05/1673 | May 3 Janne ye daughtr. of Francis Smyth baptized |
10/07/1673 | Jul. 10 Richard ye sonn of James Simpson baptized |
24/08/1673 | Aug. 24 Sarah ye daughtr. of Elias Whitelocke baptized |
02/10/1673 | Oct. 2 Thomas ye sonn of Hugh Wright baptized |
11/10/1673 | 11 William the son of William Dalton baptized |
11/11/1673 | Nov. 11 Ann the daughtr. of Francis Reame baptized |
??/11/1673 | Nov. ibid Dinah ye daughtr. of Richard Dalton baptized |
18/11/1673 | 18 Elizabeth ye daughtr. of William 0lliver baptized |
09/12/1673 | Dec. 9 William ye sonn of William Reame baptized |
18/12/1673 | 18 Edward the son of William Adkinson baptized |
21/01/1673 | Jan. 21 Jann ye daughtr. of Thomas Burton baptized |
03/02/1673 | Feb. 3 William ye son of John Megson baptized |
10/02/1673 | 10b John the son of Willm. Thompson baptized |
19/02/1673 | 19 Elizabeth ye daughtr. of Willm. Shieldes baptized |
03/03/1673 | Mar. 3 Ann ye daughtr. of Steaven Blyth baptized |
08/03/1673 | 8 John ye sonn of Robert Vavisor baptized |
11/03/1673 | 11 [blank] ye sonn of Railfe Hoghson baptized |
14/03/1673 | 14 Frances ye daughtr. of Edward Webster baptized |
23/03/1673 | 23 Elizabeth ye daughtr. of John Groves baptized |
1674 | |
12/04/1674 | Apr. 12th Edward ye sonn of Edward Robinson baptized |
16/06/1674 | Jun. 16 Maria fla Thomae Webster |
14/07/1674 | Jul. 14 Rachel fla Thomae Moore |
02/08/1674 | Aug. 2 Josephus fls Richardi Stamp |
04/08/1674 | 4 Gulmus fls Roberti Cooke |
19/09/1674 | Sep. 19 Ellinor fla Jacobi Symson |
24/09/1674 | 24 Francisca fla Jacobi Symson |
12/10/1674 | Oct. 12 Anna fla Thomae Frost |
13/10/1674 | 13 Johnes fls Johnis Westabie |
23/10/1674 | 23 Gulmus fls Gulmi Burton |
26/10/1674 | 26 Hellenor fla Johnis Overton genrosi |
01/11/1674 | Nov. 1 Gulmus fls Gulmi Cooke |
02/11/1674 | 2 Johannes fls Johannis Barton |
03/11/1674 | 3 Franciscus fls Georgii Dunn |
25/11/1674 | 25 Gulmus fls Edvardi Shaw |
15/12/1674 | Dec. 15 Xpherus fls Xpheri Stevenson |
21/12/1674 | 21 Thomas fls Johnis Savage |
22/12/1674 | 22 Thomas fls Gulmi Atkinson |
03/01/1674 | Jan. 3 Anna fla Edvardi Medley |
17/01/1674 | 17 Elizab. fla Johnis Addams |
21/01/1674 | 21 Johnes fls Roberti Greenshaw |
02/02/1674 | Feb. 2 Susanna fla Nicholai Cross |
1675 | |
28/03/1675 | Mar. 28 Xpherus fls Richardi Hotchin |
19/04/1675 | Apr. 19 Johnes fls Thomae Thompson |
20/04/1675 | 20 Anna fla Francisci Pearson |
22/04/1675 | 22 Rebecha fla Gulmi Thompson |
10/05/1675 | May 10 Thomas fls Thomae Burton |
12/07/1675 | Jul. 12 David & Ruth Gemelli Josephi Pickard |
08/08/1675 | Aug. 8 Sarah fla Gulmi Shields |
17/08/1675 | 17 Maria fla Elias Whitelock |
03/09/1675 | Sep. 3 Wilphredus fls Wilphredi Cooke |
14/09/1675 | 14 Stephanus fls Samuelis Spelsbie |
19/09/1675 | 19 Franciscus fls Richardi Gardiner |
24/09/1675 | 24 Eliz. & Francisca gem. Rich. Shields |
04/11/1675 | Nov. 4 Susanna fla Gulmi Ellerbie |
16/11/1675 | 16 Francisca fla Gulmi Cross |
22/11/1675 | 22 Anna fla Gulmi Reame |
30/11/1675 | 30 Margareta fla Francisci Leefe |
28/12/1675 | Dec. 28 Thomas fls Edvardi Peacocke |
30/12/1675 | 30 Thomas fls Gulmi Moore |
04/01/1675 | Jan. 4 Franciscus fls Francisci Reame |
07/02/1675 | Feb. 7 Susanna fla Gulmi Gardiner |
08/02/1675 | 8 Thomas fls Thomae Ellarbie |
23/02/1675 | 23 Margareta fla Anthonii Pickering |
27/02/1675 | 27 Maria fla Christopheri Gray |
12/03/1675 | Mar. 12 Gulmus fls Edvardi Reame |
19/03/1675 | 19 Elizabeth fla Gulmi Scrowstan |
23/03/1675 | 23 Richardus fls Richardi Addam |
1676 | |
22/08/1676 | Aug. 22 Maria fla Stephani Blyth |
30/08/1676 | 30 Samuel fls Gulmi Burton |
16/09/1676 | Sep. 16 Hilarius Vavasor fil Robt Vav [asor] |
04/10/1676 | Oct. 4 Ellinor fla Francisci Wallas |
30/10/1676 | 30 Beatrice fla Georgii Bilton |
01/11/1676 | Nov. 1 Thomas fls Henrici Shields |
16/11/1676 | 16 Francisca fla Thomae |
23/11/1676 | 23 Maria fla Johnis Say [acre] |
18/01/1676 | Jan. 18 Thomas fls Samuelis Sp [elsbie] |
11/02/1676 | Feb. 11 Thomas fls Anthonii Pickering |
15/02/1676 | 15 Anna filia Gulmi Thompson |
17/02/1676 | 17 Johnes et Catherina gemelli Johnis Walker |
17/02/1676 | 17 Franciscus fls Jacobi Simson |
27/02/1676 | 27 Edvardus fls Gulmi Gardiner |
06/03/1676 | Mar. 6 Johnes fls Roberti Gillison clerici |
09/03/1676 | 9 Johnes fls Johnis Largman |
??/03/1676 | Martii medio Thomas the son of Thomas Savage |
1677 | |
27/03/1677 | Mar. 27 Josephus fls Johnis Westabie |
24/04/1677 | Apr. 24 Robtus. fls Roberti Greenshaw |
30/04/1677 | 30 Elizabetha fla Gulmi Shieldes |
17/05/1677 | May 17 Johnes fls Gulmi Mast |
14/06/1677 | Jun. 14 Maria fla Gulmi Reame |
02/07/1677 | Jul. 2 Francis ye son of Francis Smith |
23/07/1677 | 23 Johnes fls Johnis Watson |
26/07/1677 | 26 Josephus fls Stephani Ellis |
29/07/1677 | 29 Margareta fla Rich. Hotchin |
29/07/1677 | eodem die Petrus fls Edvardi Shaw |
10/09/1677 | Sep. 10 Ellena fla Petri Gorbut |
12/09/1677 | 12 Francisca fla Xpheri Dalton |
23/09/1677 | 23 Thomas fls Gulmi Cooke |
30/09/1677 | 30 Ellena fla Jacobi Starke |
21/10/1677 | Oct. 21 Sarah fla Edvardi Webster |
23/10/1677 | 23 Johnes fls Laurentii Harrison |
22/11/1677 | Nov. 22 Saml. fls Johnis Overton genrosi. |
11/12/1677 | Dec. 11 Hanah fla Josephi Pickard |
20/01/1677 | Jan. 20 Maria fla Wilphredi Cooke |
07/02/1677 | Feb. 7 Samuel fls Francisci Reame |
05/03/1677 | Mar. 5 Maria fla Samuelis Spelsbie |
1678 | |
09/04/1678 | Apr. 9 Maria fla Henrici Shepard |
23/04/1678 | 23 Catherina fla Johnis Walker |
02/05/1678 | May 2 Georgius fls Samuel Thompson |
21/05/1678 | 21 Johnes fls Thomae Savage |
28/05/1678 | 28 Anna fla Jacobi Simson |
09/06/1678 | Jun. 9 Eliz. fla Roberti Dawson |
11/06/1678 | 11 Stephanus fls Stephani Ellis |
15/08/1678 | Aug. 15 Anna fla Richdi. Shieldes |
18/08/1678 | 18 Sarah fla Edvardi Peacocke |
22/08/1678 | 22 Gulmus fls Gulmi Oliver |
10/09/1678 | Sep. 10 Georgius fls Johnis Megson |
10/09/1678 | 10 Jana fla Laurentii Harrison |
17/09/1678 | 17 Johnes fls Johnis Addam |
17/09/1678 | Sep. 17 Joan fla Johnis Tate peregrini |
19/11/1678 | Nov. 19 Johnes fls Thomae Bilton |
21/11/1678 | 21 Sarah fla Gulmi Thompson |
28/11/1678 | 28 Maria fla Gulmi Atkinson |
01/11/1678 | 1 Samuell fls Edvardi Robinson |
03/11/1678 | 3 Eliz. fla Johnis Watson |
12/11/1678 | 12 Franciscus fls Thomae Howdell |
1679 | |
27/03/1679 | Mar. 27 Robart the son of Robart Greenshaw bapt. |
05/04/1679 | Apr. 5 Jane fla Johnis Grey |
02/04/1679 | 2 Sarah fla Edvardi Webster |
15/04/1679 | 15 Johnes fls Johnis Savage |
20/04/1679 | 20 Jana fla Gulmi Mast |
06/07/1679 | July 6 Anna fla Francisci Wallis |
13/07/1679 | 13 Sarah fla Francisci Blyth |
13/07/1679 | 13 Benjamin fls Benjamini Sagg |
1680 | |
??/??/1680 | Eliz. fla Johnis Walker |
??/??/1680 | fla Johnis Overton genrosi. |
30/05/1680 | May 30 Anna fla Gulmi Clarke |
03/06/1680 | Jun. 3 Naomi fla Josephi Pichard |
22/06/1680 | 22 George fls Thomae Bilton |
26/06/1680 | 26 Richardus fls Richardi Hotchin |
10/07/1680 | Jul. 10 Dorothea fla Robti Vavisor |
25/08/1680 | Aug. 25 Georgius fls Thomae Savage |
05/09/1680 | Sep. 5 Parcibell fls Henrici Collins |
07/10/1680 | Oct. 7 Johnes fls Benjamini Sagg |
16/11/1680 | Nov. 16 Johnis fls Johnis Watson senr. |
21/11/1680 | 21 Anna fla Laurentii Harrison |
23/11/1680 | 23 Sarah fla Jacobi Simson |
16/01/1680 | Jan 16 Saml. fls Samueli Spelsbie |
06/02/1680 | Feb. 6 Johnes fls Edvardi Addam |
22/02/1680 | 22 Gulmus fls Gulmi Scrowston |
10/03/1680 | Mar. 10 Eliz. filia Johnis Watson junr. |
1681 | |
28/04/1681 | Apr. 28 Anna fla Johnis Savage |
23/05/1681 | May 23 Gulmus fls Francisci Reame |
29/05/1681 | 29 Anna fla Georgii Bilton |
21/06/1681 | Jun. 21 Thomas fls Gulmi Atkinson |
26/06/1681 | 26 Gulmus fls Gulmi Thompson |
10/07/1681 | Jul. 10 Jana fla Johannis Barton |
18/07/1681 | 18 Henricus fls Roberti Raikes |
01/08/1681 | Aug. 1 Gulmus fls Gulmi Gardiner |
25/09/1681 | Sep. 25 Johnes fls Gulmi Kemp |
11/10/1681 | Oct. 11 Franciscus fls Richdi Winshup |
11/10/1681 | 11 Bathsheba fla Gulmi Oliver |
13/11/1681 | Nov. 13 Johnes fls Johannis Walker |
22/11/1681 | 22 Robertus fls Thomae Savage |
13/12/1681 | Dec. 13 Gulmus fls Gulmi Cross |
29/12/1681 | 29 Samuel fls Edwardi Peacock |
03/01/1681 | Jan. 3 Francisca fla Laurentii Harrison |
08/01/1681 | 8 Hellena fla Johnis Addam |
08/01/1681 | 8 .... Thomas son of Thomas Dalton |
15/01/1681 | 15 Georgius Crow fils naturalis Mariae Crow |
17/01/1681 | 17 Robtus fls Xpheri Dalton |
29/01/1681 | 29 Martha fla Richardi Shields |
31/01/1681 | 31 Maria fla Maria Shaw |
09/02/1681 | Feb. 9 Georgius fls Georgii Pattison |
23/02/1681 | 23 Jana fla Thomae Rider |
25/02/1681 | 25 Franciscus fls Francisci Thornley |
1682 | |
06/05/1682 | May 6 Jana fla Francisci Pearson |
08/06/1682 | Jun. 8 Gulmus fls Roberti Kemp |
04/07/1682 | Jul. 4 Jana fla Georgii Bilton |
08/07/1682 | 8 Margareta fla Johnis Watson |
13/07/1682 | 13 Johnes fils Josephi Pickard |
05/08/1682 | Aug. 5 Anna fla Saml. Spelsbie |
08/08/1682 | 8 Oliver fls Thorax Bilton |
15/08/1682 | 15 Johannes fls Roberti Greenshaw |
07/10/1682 | Oct. 7 Gulmus fls Petri Gorbut |
10/10/1682 | 10 Jana fla Henrici Shepard |
23/11/1682 | Nov. 23 Johanes fls Thomae Burton |
28/11/1682 | 28 Elizabetha fla Jacobi Simson |
10/12/1682 | Dec. 10 Matthaeus fls Johnis Grey |
12/12/1682 | 12 Samuel fls Johnis Megson |
14/12/1682 | 14 Jana fla Gulmi Kemp |
21/12/1682 | 21 Thomas fls Thomae Newton |
29/01/1682 | Jan. 29 Johnes et Robtus gemelli Johnis Walker |
30/01/1682 | 30 Eliz : fla Benjamine Sagg |
1683 | |
10/04/1683 | Apr. 10 Anna fla Edvardi Addam |
26/04/1683 | 26 Dinah fla Johnis Savage |
16/05/1683 | May 16 Robertus fls Georgii Pattison |
02/07/1683 | Jul. 2 Elizabetha fla Xpheri Hogg |
05/08/1683 | Aug. 5 Elizabetha fla Gulmi Clarke |
09/08/1683 | 9 Thomas fls Thoraae Rider |
21/08/1683 | 21 Georgius fls Johnis Watson |
11/09/1683 | Sep. 11 Gulmus fls Wilphridi Cooke |
25/09/1683 | 25 Christopherus fls Christopheri Dalton |
16/10/1683 | Oct. 16 Catherina fla Francisci Reame |
18/11/1683 | Nov. 18 Robertus fls Samuelis Spielsbye |
20/11/1683 | 20 Anna fla Gulmi Laughton |
28/11/1683 | 28 Benjamin fls Johannis Watson |
11/12/1683 | Dec. 11 Abraham fls Thomae Savage |
20/12/1683 | 20 Margareta fla Georgii Bilton |
03/01/1683 | Jan 3. Anna fla Roberti Kemp |
05/01/1683 | 5 Anna fla Johannis Dawson |
03/02/1683 | Feb. 3 Anna fla Gulmi Cooke |
1684 | |
01/04/1684 | Apr. 1 Maria fla Johannis Linwood |
15/04/1684 | 15 Josephus fls Benjamini Sagg |
13/05/1684 | May 13 Anna et Johannes gemelli Thomae Walker |
29/05/1684 | 29 Sarah fla Edvardi Peacock |
25/05/1684 | 25 Margarita fla Johannis Challenor |
03/06/1684 | Jun. 3 Samuel fls Laurentii Harrison |
08/06/1684 | 8 Robertus fls Johannis Walker |
29/06/1684 | 29 Gulmus fls Gulmi Dalton |
27/07/1684 | Jul. 27 Magdalena fla Henrici Shephard |
30/07/1684 | 30 Jana Mast fla Jacobi Mast |
17/08/1684 | Aug. 17 Robertus filius Gulmi Mast |
07/09/1684 | Sep. 7 Robertus fls Roberti Dawson |
22/09/1684 | 22 Johannes Blenckarne fls Thomae Blenckharne |
21/10/1684 | Oct. 21 Michael Pattison fls Georgii Pattison |
29/01/1684 | Jan. 29 Elizabetha fla Richardi Addams |
26/01/1684 | 26 Robertus Simson fls Jacobi Simson |
10/02/1684 | Feb. 10 Richardus Adam fls Johannis Adam |
13/02/1684 | 13 Margareta Langthorp fla Roberti Langthorp |
18/02/1684 | 18 Michael Dalton fls Christopheri Dalton |
26/02/1684 | 26 Prudentia Bilton fla Thomae Bilton |
08/03/1684 | Mar. 8 Johannes Savage fls posthumus Johnis Savage |
15/03/1684 | 15 Johannes Rainard fls Josiah Rainard |
1685 | |
26/03/1685 | Mar 26 Thomas Greenshaw fls Roberti Greenshaw |
02/04/1685 | Apr. 2 Edvardus Cross fls Gulmi Cross |
03/07/1685 | Jul. 3 Sabtecha Stanfield Aetat |
23/07/1685 | 23 Robertus Hodgson fls Richardi Hodgson |
19/08/1685 | Aug. 19 Gulielmus Burton fls Thomae Burton |
28/08/1685 | 28 Sarah et Alicia flae Thomae Jefferson |
13/09/1685 | Sep. 13 Elizabetha Largman fla Johannis Largman |
14/09/1685 | 14 Maria fla Israelis Smith |
18/09/1685 | 18 Susanna fla Edvardi Saunder Rectoris Hujus Eccliae |
06/02/1685 | Feb. 6 John ye son of George Lee |
24/02/1685 | 24 Anna filia Jo. Watson |
07/03/1685 | Mar. 7 Jana Bill on fla Georgii Bilton |
13/03/1685 | 13 John Atkinson fls Thomae Atkinson |
25/03/1685 | 25 Thomas fls Tho. Dalton senr. |
1686 | |
12/04/1686 | Apr. 12 Jana filia Christopher Stephenson |
21/04/1686 | 21 Anna filia Tho Sawage (Sauage) |
22/04/1686 | 22 Richardus fils Tho Ryder |
13/06/1686 | Jun. 13 John ye son of Robert Westaby |
??/06/1686 | Jun. Margret ye daughter of John Adam (Eddam) jun. |
22/06/1686 | Jun. 22 James ye son of Chr Hogg bapt. |
05/07/1686 | Jul. 5 John the son of Hen Harrison bapt. |
25/07/1686 | 25 Samuel ye son of John Walker bapt. |
25/07/1686 | 25 Thomas ye son of Richard Shields bapt. |
26/07/1686 | 26 Tomosin Hilyard (Thomasin Hildyard) baptized |
05/09/1686 | Sep. 5 George ye son Robert Dawson baptized |
16/09/1686 | 16 Thomas ye son of Thomas Blenchorne bapt. |
20/09/1686 | 20 Benjamin filius Benjamini Sagge bapt. |
03/10/1686 | Oct. 3 William fils Willmi Cooke bapt. |
05/10/1686 | 5 John fils of (sic) John Meggson bapt. |
06/10/1686 | 6 Gulmus fils Gulmi Cockerline baptized |
12/10/1686 | 12 Gulmus fits Thomae Dalton junr. baptized |
21/10/1686 | 21 Johannes fils Johnis Potter baptized |
05/11/1686 | Nov. 5 Johannes fil Laurentii Harrison bapt. |
18/11/1686 | 18 Anna fil Edvardi Peacock bapt. |
01/01/1686 | Jan. 1 Grace et Repentance fil illegit. Katherinae Deane (Katherine Fenby) et Gulielmi Raven uti asseritur |
13/01/1686 | 13 Anna fil Francisci Smith |
03/02/1686 | Feb. 3 Carolus fil Xtophori Dalton |
04/02/1686 | 4 Anna fil Mosis Nicholson |
10/02/1686 | 10 Grace et Repentance filiae Katherinae Fenby |
16/02/1686 | 16 Gullelmus fil Guilhelmi Lawes |
03/03/1686 | Mar. 3 Francisca filia Georgii Dunne |
08/03/1686 | 8 Guilhelmus fils Roberti Langthorp |
1687 | |
03/05/1687 | May 3 Anna filia Thomae Jefferson |
08/05/1687 | 8 Anna filia Wilfr. Cooke |
08/05/1687 | 8 Jacobus fils Richardi Winshap |
10/05/1687 | 10 Henricus fils Henrici Shepheard |
29/05/1687 | 29 Hellena (Elgling) filia Johnis Sagg |
29/05/1687 | 29 Hellena (Elgling) filia Johnis (Wm.) Mast |
26/07/1687 | Jul. 26 Anna filia Thomae Bilton |
02/08/1687 | Aug. 2 Rachell filia Georgii Pattison |
08/08/1687 | 8 Gulmus filius Thomae Burton |
06/09/1687 | Sep. 6 Francisca filia Thomae Wood |
09/10/1687 | Oct. 9 Francisca filia Beniam Sagg |
16/10/1687 | 16 Anna filia Xtopheri Stephenson |
06/11/1687 | Nov. 6 Maria filia Johannis Largman |
19/02/1687 | Feb. 19 Edw. filius Jois Walker |
23/02/1687 | 23 Robertus fls Edw. Eddom |
20/03/1687 | Mar. 20 Richardus fls Richardi Hodgson |
1688 | |
29/03/1688 | Mar. 29 Samuell fils Thomae Dalton |
03/04/1688 | Apr. 3 Edvardus fils Edvardi Dalton |
17/04/1688 | Apr. 17 Anna ye daughter of Robert Walker |
21/04/1688 | 21 John ye son of Willm. Cross |
22/05/1688 | May 22 Thomas fls Gulmi Laughton |
23/05/1688 | 23 Anna filia Georgii Dunn |
28/05/1688 | 28 Thomas fils Xtopheri Hogg |
02/08/1688 | Aug. 2 Gulielmus filius Francisci Atkinson |
10/08/1688 | 10 Maria filia Johannis Dunn |
04/09/1688 | 7bris 4 Elizabetha Gulmi Dalton |
02/10/1688 | Oct. 2 John fls Jacobi Mast |
15/11/1688 | Nov. 15 Sarah filia posthuma Tho Dalton de Thorpe |
27/11/1688 | 27 Pattison filius Xtophori Dalton |
04/01/1688 | Jan. 4 Robertus fls Roberti Westibie |
15/01/1688 | 15 Maria filia Georgii Lee |
24/01/1688 | 24 Georgius fils Georgii Bilton |
03/02/1688 | Feb. 3 Elizabetha filia Henrici Shephard |
03/02/1688 | 3 Maria filia Jois Sagg |
21/02/1688 | 21 Anna filia Roberti Langthoorpe |
21/02/1688 | 21 Maria filia Georgii Stephenson |
02/03/1688 | Mar. 2 Prudentia filia Georgii Pattison |
1689 | |
29/03/1689 | Mar. 29 Eliz. et Katherina gemellae Jois Walker |
24/04/1689 | Apr. 24 Anna filia Robt. Dawson junr. |
05/06/1689 | Jun. 5 John filius Marki Burdas |
07/06/1689 | 7 Elizabetha filia Gllberti Shields |
08/06/1689 | 8 Anna filia Jois Potter |
19/06/1689 | 19 Edwardus fils Robti. Pattison |
03/10/1689 | Oct. 3 Edwardus fils Hugonis Saill (Sayl) |
10/10/1689 | 10 Johannes fils Gulmi Cross |
18/10/1689 | 18 Gulmus fils Jois Walker (shoemaker) |
22/10/1689 | 22 Richardus fils Gulmi Mercer |
30/10/1689 | Oct ultimo Jacobus fils Georgii Dunn |
18/11/1689 | Nov. 18 Josephus fils Jois Chanler |
07/01/1689 | Jan. 7 Richardus fils Francisci Atkinson |
20/01/1689 | 20 Gulmus fils Georgii Harrison |
18/02/1689 | Feb. 18 Sammuel ye son of Ben. Sagg |
03/03/1689 | Mar. 3 Joes et Maria gemelli Jois Largeman |
09/03/1689 | 9 Joes fils Johannis Wood |
1690 | |
15/04/1690 | Apr. 15 Hellena (Elling) filia Gulmi Ganton |
15/04/1690 | 15 ibid Anne filia Jacobi Raspin (Rasping) |
25/04/1690 | Apr. 25 Anna filia Xtophori Dalton |
28/04/1690 | 28 William ye son of Jo. Lakes |
28/04/1690 | 28 Jane ye daughter of Wm. Laughton |
11/05/1690 | May 11 Joes fils illegittimus Francisca Scrowston et Jo. Bird uti asseritur |
12/05/1690 | 12 Joes fils Gilberti Shields |
16/05/1690 | 16 Wm. the son of Jo. Lakes |
30/09/1690 | 7bris 30 Mary ye daughter of Wm. Cockerline |
23/10/1690 | Oct. 23 Christopher ye son of Xtopher Stephenson |
28/10/1690 | 28 George ye son of George Lee |
30/10/1690 | 30 Mary ye daughter of Wm. Shields |
23/12/1690 | 10bris 23 Margarett ye daughter of John Gorner (Garner) |
30/12/1690 | 30 Mary ye daughter of Robt. Rank |
31/12/1690 | 31 Frances ye daughter of George Dun |
05/01/1690 | Jan. 5 Rachell ye daughter of Laurance Harrison |
06/01/1690 | 6 Elizabeth ye daughter of Jeremiah Joy |
20/01/1690 | 20 Robert ye son of Robt. Westiby |
03/02/1690 | Feb. 3 Susanna ye daughter of Joseph Smith |
06/03/1690 | Mar. 6 Margreet ye daughter of Robt. Kemp |
17/03/1690 | 17 Edward son of Edward Peacock |
18/03/1690 | 18 Ann the daughter of Edward Eddoms (Eddon) |
1691 | |
23/04/1691 | Apr. 23 Ursala ye daughter of Henry Shephard |
16/05/1691 | May 16 Mary ye daughter of Thomas Rider |
06/07/1691 | Jul. 6 William son of Thomas Frybus |
18/08/1691 | Aug. 18 Anne daur. of Willm. Cross |
23/08/1691 | 23 Jane ye daur. of Nichollas Cross |
22/09/1691 | Sep. 22 Ann ye daughter of George Pattison |
23/09/1691 | 23 Richard ye son of James Raspin |
13/10/1691 | Oct. 13 Jane ye daughter of Thomas Dalton |
26/11/1691 | Nov. 26 Robart ye son of Robart Langthorp bap. |
13/12/1691 | Dec. 13 John ye son of George Bilton bap. |
31/12/1691 | 31 Mary ye daughter of Robart Dauson bap. |
04/01/1691 | Jan. 4 Mary ye daughter of George Dun bapt. |
05/01/1691 | 5 Margreat ye daur. of George Robeson |
02/02/1691 | Feb. 2 Michaell ye son of Frances Atkeson (Atkinson) |
02/02/1691 | 2 Ann ye daur. of George Hereson (Harrison) |
11/02/1691 | 11 Elizabeth ye daur. of John Garner bap. |
23/02/1691 | 23 John ye son of John Routton (Routon) bap. |
25/02/1691 | 25 William ye son of William Shields bap. |
03/03/1691 | Mar. 3 James son of Francis Smith bap. |
1692 | |
03/04/1692 | Apr. 3 Mary ye daughter of William Laws |
17/04/1692 | 17 Job ye son of Christopher Dalton |
17/04/1692 | 17 Mary ye daughter of Wm. Laughton |
25/04/1692 | 25 Robart ye son of William Elerby |
01/05/1692 | May 1 Joan ye daur. of William Ganton bapt. |
21/06/1692 | Jun. 21 Robart ye son of Robart Pattison bapt. |
22/06/1692 | 22 Ann Dun ye daur. of John Dun bap. |
03/06/1692 | Jun. 3r Ann ye daugr. of Margreat Shields young woman (entry |
26/10/1692 | Oct. 26 Richard ye son of William Shields labourer bap. |
06/11/1692 | Nov. 6 Jane ye daur. of George Stephenson bapt. |
28/11/1692 | 28 Hugh ye son of Hugh Saill (Sail) |
27/12/1692 | Dec. 27 Elizabeth the daur. of William Ranson bap. |
24/01/1692 | Jan. 24 Margreat ye daur. of Robart Ranke bap. |
03/02/1692 | Feb. 3 Willm. ye son of Richard Howldernes (Holdarnes) bap. |
07/03/1692 | Mar. 7 George son of Geo. Dun baptized |
1693 | |
24/05/1693 | May 24 Jane ye daur. of Joseph Smith baptized |
31/05/1693 | 31 Mary ye daughter of Jeremiah Joy |
01/06/1693 | Jun. 1 Jane daughter of George Harrison (Herrison) baptized |
26/09/1693 | Sep. 26 James the son of Wm. Shields baptized |
27/09/1693 | 27 Ann daur of Nicholas Cross baptized |
11/10/1693 | Oct. 11 John ye son of James Raspin baptized |
31/10/1693 | 31 Samwell son of Henry Motherbe (Motherby) |
12/11/1693 | Nov. 12 Richard son of Grace Burton bap. |
25/11/1693 | 25 Thomas ye son of Willm. Cokerlin bapt. |
29/01/1693 | Jan. 29 Samwell the son of John Chanley |
08/02/1693 | Feb. 8 John son of John Walker bapt. |
02/03/1693 | Mar. 2 George son of George Patteson bap. |
06/03/1693 | 6 Willm son of Willm Mast |
14/03/1693 | 14 Mary daughter of George Lee bap. |
17/03/1693 | 17 John son of Robert Westoby bap. |
1694 | |
10/04/1694 | Apr. 10 George ye son of John Sagg bap. |
14/05/1694 | May 14 George son of George Dun bap. |
19/06/1694 | Jun. 19 Ann daur, of Thomas Dalton bap. |
15/07/1694 | Jul. 15 Mary (Ann) daur. of John Laikes bap. |
17/07/1694 | 17 Richard son of Richard Garnet bap. |
25/08/1694 | Aug. 25 Rachel ye damn of Robert Patteson bap. |
28/08/1694 | 28 Susanna ye daur. of John Garner bap. |
04/10/1694 | Oct. 4 Thomas ye son of Henry Shipard bap. |
06/10/1694 | 6 John ye son of Thos. Rider bap. |
23/10/1694 | 23 Jane ye daur. of Robart Watson |
04/11/1694 | Nov. 4 Elizabeth ye daughter of John Cookeman |
12/11/1694 | 12 Elener ye daughter of Nicholas Cross |
11/12/1694 | Dec. 11 John ye son of Robart Dalton (Dasson) bapt. |
11/12/1694 | 11 Elizabeth daughter of George Robeson |
19/12/1694 | 19 William ye son of John Wood baptized |
19/12/1694 | 19 Ann ye daughter of Robart Langthorp |
08/01/1694 | Jan. 8 Barbarah ye daughter of Thomas Rasping |
20/02/1694 | Feb. 20 Thomas ye son of William Laffton bap. |
27/02/1694 | 27 William son of William Burn bap. |
05/03/1694 | Mar. 5 William ye son of William Shields bap. |
10/03/1694 | 10 William ye son of Willm Shields the younger bap. |
10/03/1694 | 10 Edward the son of Ann Mast bapt. |
12/03/1694 | 12 Rachel ye daughter of Josiph Smith bapt. |
1695 | |
07/04/1695 | Apr. 7 Franseas (Francais) the daur. of George Bilton bapt. |
12/04/1695 | 12 Mary ye daughter of William Burton bapt. |
06/05/1695 | May 6 Richard ye son of Edward Addam bapt. |
08/05/1695 | 8 Elizabeth ye daur. of Joseph Longcaster |
04/06/1695 | Jun. 4 Lorenc (Lowerenc) ye son of Willm Hereson |
11/06/1695 | 11 Ann ye daur. of William Gauton bap. |
25/06/1695 | 25 John ye son of John Dun bap. |
23/07/1695 | Jul. 23 Margreet ye daughter of Cristopher Dalton bap. |
14/08/1695 | Aug. 14 Hugh Saile son of Hugh Saile bap. |
25/08/1695 | 25 George son of George Headlay bap. |
25/09/1695 | Sep. 25 William son of Robart Bilton bap. |
07/10/1695 | Oct. 7 Wm. son of Jeremiah Joy baptized |
08/10/1695 | 8 Mary daughter of John Couper bapt. |
29/10/1695 | 29 Mary daughter of Robart Gawturup |
25/11/1695 | Nov. 25 Wm. son of Wm. Ranson |
15/01/1695 | Jan. 15 Rachell ye daur. of George Pattison |
04/02/1695 | Feb. 4th John ye son of John Burton |
06/02/1695 | 6 Elizth. ye daur. of Wm. Cockerline |
23/02/1695 | 23 John ye son of Thomas Gowland |
24/02/1695 | 24. Frances daughter of Richard Garnit |
22/03/1695 | Mar. 22 George ye son of George Harison |
1696 | |
26/05/1696 | May 26 Ellener ye daur. of Thomas Howdell |
23/06/1696 | Jun. 23 Jacob ye son of Isarall Johnson |
24/06/1696 | 24 Christopher ye son of Wm. Laughton |
16/07/1696 | Jul. 16 James and Frances son and daur. of George Dun |
06/09/1696 | Sep. 6 Robt. ye son of Robt Chadwick |
22/09/1696 | 22 Rebeccah ye daughter of Wm. Sherwood |
27/09/1696 | 27 Wm. ye son of Mark Tarrington |
17/11/1696 | Nov. 17 John son of Wm. Hancock |
20/11/1696 | 20 Edward ye son of Robart Westoby |
16/01/1696 | Jan. 16 Ann ye daughter of Margt. Adam |
26/01/1696 | 26 John ye son of Robart Bilton |
04/02/1696 | Feb. 4 John .ye son of Francis Smith |
06/02/1696 | 6 Jaell ye daughter of Joseph Smith |
14/02/1696 | 14 Jane ye daughter of Wm. Burn |
22/02/1696 | 22 Robart ye son of Robt. Dawson |
1697 | |
25/03/1697 | Mar. 25 George ye son George Lee |
13/04/1697 | Apr. 13 Mary ye daughter of Thomas Rider |
15/04/1697 | 15 Mary ye daughter of John Cookman |
08/05/1697 | May 8 Wm. ye son of Ann Mast |
18/05/1697 | 18 Robt. ye son of Robart Rank |
09/06/1697 | Jun. 9 Margt. ye daughter of John Garner |
13/07/1697 | Jul. 13 Frances ye daur. of Robart Chimley |
03/09/1697 | Sep. 3 Wm. ye son of Wm. Shaw |
20/09/1697 | 20 Robt. ye son of George Pattison |
13/10/1697 | Oct. 13 Wm. ye son of John Sagg |
19/10/1697 | 19 Ann ye daughter of Mark Burdas |
23/10/1697 | 23 Catherine ye daughter of Barnerd Balk |
02/11/1697 | Nov. 2 Margt. ye daughter of Robt. Langthorp |
09/11/1697 | 9 Mary ye daughter of Robt. Gawthorp |
13/01/1697 | Jan. 13th Mary ye daughter of John Dun |
22/01/1697 | 22 Thomas ye son of Thomas Gowden |
26/01/1697 | 26 Thomas ye son of Thomas Howdell |
08/02/1697 | Feb. 8 Phillip ye son of Hugh Saill |
22/02/1697 | 22 Hannah ye daughter of Thom. Dalton |
01/03/1697 | Mar. 1 Wm. ye son of John Madock |
05/03/1697 | 5 James ye son of James Clapham |
10/03/1697 | 10 Susannah ye daughter of Susannah Wallis |
13/03/1697 | 13 Wm. ye son of Wm. Ganton |
22/03/1697 | 22 Ann ye daughter of Thomas Burton |
1698 | |
17/04/1698 | Apr. 17 Elizth. ye daughter of Richd. Ward |
26/04/1698 | 26 Jane ye daughter of Wm. Burn |
13/05/1698 | May 13 Bartholomew son of Richd. Garnett |
22/05/1698 | 22 Francis son of Wm. Cockerline |
23/05/1698 | 23 Elizth. daughter of Edwd. Webster |
05/07/1698 | Jul. 5 Dinah daughter of John Cook |
05/07/1698 | 5 Elizth. and Joan daughters of John Enderson |
12/07/1698 | 12 Wm. son of Wm. Lafton |
19/09/1698 | Sep. 19 John son of George Robinson |
21/09/1698 | 21 Edwd. son of Wm. Harrison |
27/11/1698 | Nov. 27 Wm. son of George Bilton |
12/02/1698 | Feb. 12 Robt. son of John Sagg |
21/02/1698 | 21 Joan daughter of Frances Barker |
1699 | |
13/04/1699 | Apr. 13 Katherine daughter of Joseph Smith |
15/04/1699 | 15 Hannah daughter of George Dun |
03/05/1699 | May 3 George son of George Stephenson |
04/05/1699 | 4 Anne daughter of Thomas Rider |
18/06/1699 | Jun. 18 Martha daughter of John Cowper |
04/07/1699 | Jul. 4 Elizth. daughter of Edwd. Webster |
18/07/1699 | 18 Thomas son of Robt. Dawson |
13/08/1699 | Aug. 13 Jane daughter of Wm. Ganton |
17/09/1699 | Sep. 17 Margarett daughter of George Pattison |
10/10/1699 | Oct. 10 John son of Robt. Rank |
11/10/1699 | 11 Wm. son of Richard Nelson |
17/10/1699 | 17 Anne daughter of Thomas Howdell |
14/11/1699 | Nov. 14 Elizabeth daughter of Barnard Balk |
15/11/1699 | 15 Susannah daughter of Josiah Sparrow |
04/12/1699 | Dec. 4 Thomas son of Robart Langthorp |
01/02/1699 | Feb. 1 Martha daughter of Wm. Burn |
14/02/1699 | 14 Thomas son of Matthew Ashley |
05/03/1699 | Mar. 5 John son of John Enderson |
07/03/1699 | Mar. 7 Anne daughter of George Lee |
24/03/1699 | 24 Wm. son of Thomas Thew |
1700 | |
07/04/1700 | Apr. 7th Mary daughter of Richd. Ward |
14/04/1700 | 14th Saml son of Saml Cowper |
15/04/1700 | 15 John son of Hugh Saill |
15/04/1700 | 15 Mary daughter of Richd. |
23/04/1700 | 23 John son of Hugh Sail |
24/04/1700 | 24 Mary daughter of John Pearson |
09/05/1700 | May 9 Mary daughter of Robert Chimney (Chimley) |
26/07/1700 | Jul. 26 Jane daughter of John Garner |
11/08/1700 | Aug. 11 Ellzabeth daughter of Robert Gowthorpe |
25/08/1700 | 25 Thomas son of Wm. Shields |
01/09/1700 | Sep. 1 Wm. son of Wm. Harrison (Herrison) |
19/11/1700 | Nov. 19 Ann daughter of John Thompson |
27/11/1700 | 27 James son of Thomas Bilton |
29/11/1700 | 29 Frances daughter of Thomas Savadge |
27/01/1700 | Jan. 27 Wilfred son of George Pattison |
31/01/1700 | 31 Francis son of Thomas Howdell |
04/02/1700 | Feb. 4 Hannah daughter of Joseph Smith |
16/02/1700 | 16 Elenor daughter of Wm. Shaw |
1701 | |
01/04/1701 | Apr. 1 Anne daughter of Richard Nelson |
15/06/1701 | Jun. 15 Wm. son of Richard Gill |
02/07/1701 | Jul. 2 Wm. son of Robart Rank |
21/07/1701 | 21 George son of George Robinson |
23/07/1701 | 23 Andrew son of Hugh Saill |
28/07/1701 | 28 Marthah daughter of Wm. Burn |
29/09/1701 | Sep. 29 Christopher son of John Enderson |
20/01/1701 | Jan. 20 Elizabeth daughter of Robt. Dawson |
29/01/1701 | 29 Martha daughter of Robt. Chimley |
10/02/1701 | Feb. xo Francis son of John Pearson |
13/02/1701 | 13 Ann daughter of Edward Webster |
18/02/1701 | 18 Robt son of Robt. Westaby (Restaby) |
25/02/1701 | 25 Thomas son of Wm. Dalton |
1702 | |
05/05/1702 | May 5 Frances daughter of Ricd. Ward |
07/05/1702 | 7 Thomas son of Thomas Howdell |
12/05/1702 | 12 Thomas son of Thomas Thew |
16/07/1702 | Jul. 16 Jane daughter of George Stephenson |
23/08/1702 | Aug. 23 George son of Thomas Bilton |
30/08/1702 | 30 John son of Nathaniell Simpson |
01/10/1702 | Oct. 1 Richd. son of Richd. Gill |
05/11/1702 | Nov. 5 Mary daughter of Wm. Ganton |
07/11/1702 | 7 Mary daughter of Wm. Shields |
22/11/1702 | 22 Anne daughter of Robt Greenshaw |
13/12/1702 | Dec. 13 Wm. son of Saml. Cooper |
13/12/1702 | 13 John son of Robt. Cunniston deceas'd |
03/01/1702 | Jan. 3 John son of George Catlyn |
03/02/1702 | Feb. 3 Hannah daughter of Roger Nairy |
1703 | |
06/04/1703 | Apr. 6 Elizth. daughter of George Lee |
08/04/1703 | 8 Henry son of James Clapham |
08/04/1703 | 8 Elizabeth daughter of James Dibney |
20/04/1703 | 20 James son of Handser Dalton |
02/05/1703 | May 2 (26) Richard son of Wm Burn |
27/05/1703 | 27 Ralph son of Robt. Rank |
14/07/1703 | Jul. 14 Mary daughter of John Marwick |
08/08/1703 | Aug. 8 Jane doughter of Robart Longthorp |
11/09/1703 | Sep. 11 Mary daughter of Thomas Savage (blank, in transcript) |
07/10/1703 | Oct. 7 Anne daughter of John Garner |
12/10/1703 | 12 John son of John Thompson |
11/11/1703 | Nov. 11 Jane daughter of Richd. Nelson |
19/01/1703 | Jan. 19 John son of Hugh Saill |
28/01/1703 | 28 Saml. son of Thomas Bilton |
19/03/1703 | Mar. 19 Christopher son of Xtopher Langdale |
1704 | |
26/04/1704 | Apr. 26 John son of John Couper |
26/05/1704 | May 26 Mary daughter of Wm. Shields |
15/06/1704 | Jun. 15 Robert son of Robert Greenshaw |
12/07/1704 | Jul. 12 Robert son of Robt. Chimney (Chimley) |
06/08/1704 | Aug. 6 Edwd. son of Wm. Harrison |
03/10/1704 | Oct. 3 John son of Thomas Thew |
31/10/1704 | 31 Ellenor daughter Edwd. Webster |
13/11/1704 | Nov. 13 Gervase (George) son of Wm. Burn |
03/12/1704 | Dec. 3 Jane daughter of Thomas Church (Kirk) bap. privately |
28/12/1704 | 28 John son of James Boys (baptd privately) |
16/01/1704 | Jan. 16 Anne daughter of John Jackson |
22/02/1704 | Feb. 22 Anne daughter of Richd Ward |
27/02/1704 | 27 John son of Wm. Ward |
1705 | |
25/04/1705 | Apr. 25 Jaell daughter of Saml. Harrison |
03/05/1705 | May 3 James son of James Dibney |
17/05/1705 | 17 Robert son of Joseph Robinson |
18/05/1705 | 18 ..... son of George Headley |
01/07/1705 | Jul. 1 Wm. son of Jane Burton a bastard child |
11/09/1705 | Sep. 11 Isabell daughter of Roger Nairy |
22/09/1705 | 22 Thomas son of Daniell Hardy |
24/09/1705 | 24 Robert son of Robert Chimley |
16/10/1705 | Oct. 16 Nathaniell son of Nathaniell Simpson |
23/10/1705 | 23 Alice daughter of Thomas Atkinson |
16/12/1705 | Dec. 16 Thomas son of Wm. Shaw |
21/03/1705 | Mar. 21 Laughton son of Robert Langthorp |
1706 | |
27/03/1706 | Mar. 27 Mary daughter of Richd Nelson |
01/04/1706 | Apr. 1 John son of Wm Cockerline |
04/04/1706 | 4 Jonathan (John) son of Hanser Dalton |
08/04/1706 | Apr. 8 Ann daughter of Robert Parnell |
16/04/1706 | 16 Wm. son of John Thompson |
28/04/1706 | 28 Isabell daughter of John Jackson deceased |
30/05/1706 | May 30 Elizth daughter of Robt. Greenshaw |
07/07/1706 | Jul. 7 George son of George Catlyn |
25/08/1706 | Aug. 25 Jane daughter of Thomas Bilton |
03/10/1706 | Oct. 3 Ann daughter of Tho: Thew |
08/10/1706 | 8 John son of John Pearson |
08/10/1706 | 8 Jane daughter of James Clapham |
17/10/1706 | 17 Anne daur. of Jeremiah Matchan |
18/10/1706 | 18 Thomas son of Thos. Atkinson |
10/11/1706 | Nov. 10 Robart and Elizabeth the son and daughter of Wm. Burn |
03/12/1706 | Dec. 3 Wm. son of Wm. Wilson |
11/12/1706 | 11 Jonathan son of John Henderson |
31/12/1706 | 31 Hannah daughter of Edward Webster |
02/01/1706 | Jan. 2 Anne daughter of Samll. Harrison |
28/01/1706 | 28 Thomas son of George Robinson |
29/01/1706 | 29 Margarett daughter of Thomas Ellerbie |
11/02/1706 | Feb. 11 John son of John Garner |
16/03/1706 | Mar. 16 Dinah daughter of Wm. Ward |
??/08/1706 | Mar. August Mary daughter of Tho. Savage Otteringham |
1707 | |
02/04/1707 | Apr. 2 Roger son of Roger Nairy |
19/04/1707 | 19 (blank) son and daughter of Tho. Kirk |
24/04/1707 | 24 Dinah and Rebeccah daughters of Benjamin Watson |
08/05/1707 | May 8 (blank) son of (blank) Nightingale |
10/06/1707 | Jun. 10 (blank) daughter of Ricd. Ward |
14/06/1707 | 14 Matthew son of James Dibney |
19/07/1707 | Jul. 19 Jane daughter of Robt. Gawthorp |
11/09/1707 | Sep. 11 Jane daughter of Thomas Savage |
23/09/1707 | 23 Robt.son of Thomas Sawyer |
16/10/1707 | Oct. 16 John son of George Watson |
17/12/1707 | Dec. 17 Jane daughter of John Kemp |
08/01/1707 | Jan. 8 Esther (Rebecca) daur. of John Thompson |
18/01/1707 | 18 Esther daur. of Daniell Hardy (Herdy) |
20/01/1707 | 20 Jane daur of Robt. Chimney |
25/01/1707 | 25 John son of Wm Cross |
08/02/1707 | Feb. 8 Gulmus et Anna gemelli Jois Marwick |
09/02/1707 | 9 Elizabeth daughter of Robt. Greenshaw |
16/02/1707 | 16 Margaret daughter of Tho. Appleby |
1708 | |
08/04/1708 | Apr. 8 Mary and Margaret daurs. of John Sleeford |
08/04/1708 | 8 Thomas son of Wm. Burrill |
26/04/1708 | 26 Ann daughter of Thomas Ellerby |
29/04/1708 | 29 Mary daughter of Wm Wilson |
20/05/1708 | May 20 Mary daughter of James Cay |
15/06/1708 | Jun. 15 John son of Ricd Nelson |
06/07/1708 | Jul. 6 Wm. son of Jeremiah Matchan |
17/08/1708 | Aug. 17 Benjamin son of Benjamin Watson |
02/09/1708 | Sep. 2 Edwd. son John Dalton |
21/12/1708 | Dec. 21 James son of Thomas Atkinson |
23/12/1708 | 23 Thomas son of James Dibney |
10/12/1708 | 10th Elizabeth daughter of Wm. Ellerbee |
13/01/1708 | Jan. 13 Catharine daughter of Thomas Kirk |
01/02/1708 | Feb. 1 Jane daughter of Saml Herrison |
17/02/1708 | 17 Robert son of George Robinson |
24/02/1708 | 24 Rachell and Sarah twins of Jno. Marwick |
1709 | |
17/04/1709 | Apr. 17 Robart son of Thomas Tew (Thew) |
17/04/1709 | 17 Robt. son of George Watson |
01/05/1709 | May 1 Wm. son of Henry Frith |
02/05/1709 | 2 Robert son of John Lakes |
13/05/1709 | 13 Thomas son of Thomas Bilton |
29/05/1709 | 29 John son of Wm. Ward |
20/07/1709 | Jul. 20 Anne daughter of Thomas Sawyer |
24/07/1709 | 24 Elizabeth daughter of Ricd. Marwick |
24/07/1709 | 24 Robt. son of Joseph Sparrow (Sprraw) |
17/08/1709 | Aug. 17 Richd son of Richd. Shields |
18/08/1709 | 18 John son of Richd Rawling |
21/08/1709 | 21 Matthew son of Joseph Keatley |
25/08/1709 | 25 Wm. son of Wm. Wilson |
29/08/1709 | 29 Hannah daughter of Roger Nairy |
26/10/1709 | Oct. 26 Hannah daughter of Danl. Hardy |
04/12/1709 | Dec. 4 (blank) of Richd. Ward |
12/12/1709 | 12 John son of John Dalton |
03/01/1709 | Jan. 3 John son of Robert Greenshaw |
01/02/1709 | Feb. 1 Wm. son of John Thompson |
1710 | |
26/06/1710 | Jun. 26 Mary daughter of John Garner |
16/07/1710 | Jul. 16 Susannah daughter of John Webster |
29/07/1710 | 29 Henry son of Richard Rawling |
02/08/1710 | Aug. 2 George and Anne gemelli Robt. Chimney |
18/08/1710 | 18 Elizabeth daughter of Stephen Robinson |
07/09/1710 | Sep. 7 Anne daughter of John Pearson |
07/09/1710 | 7 ..... of Thomas Sawyer |
28/11/1710 | Nov. 28 Jane daughter of Ricd. White |
13/01/1710 | Jan. 13 Robt. son of Thomas Scoffin |
25/02/1710 | Feb. 25 Samuell son of Samuell Herrison |
01/03/1710 | Mar. 1st Robert son of Tho. Thew |
1711 | |
15/04/1711 | Apr. 15th Anne daughter of Thomas Taylor |
29/04/1711 | 29 Thomas son of Thomas Rank |
06/05/1711 | May 6th Isabell daughter of Hanser Dalton |
07/05/1711 | 7th Laurence son of Thomas Atkinson |
10/05/1711 | 10th Jane daughter of Thomas Appleby |
24/05/1711 | 24th Robert son of Benjamin Watson |
24/06/1711 | Jun. 24th Caleb Gerrad aetat |
17/07/1711 | Jul. 17th Ann daughter of Henry Frith |
12/08/1711 | Aug. 12 Francis son of James Dibney |
11/09/1711 | Sep. 11 Ann daughter of Robe Nightingale |
21/09/1711 | 21 Emanuell son of Wm. Bourn (Burn) |
02/10/1711 | Oct. 2 John son of John Dalton |
18/10/1711 | 18 Grace daughter of Jeremiah Matchan |
23/10/1711 | 23 Jane daughter of Robt Greenshaw |
12/12/1711 | Dec. 12 Same son of Thomas Bilton |
04/03/1711 | Mar. 4 Elizabeth daughter of John Burdas |
1712 | |
26/06/1712 | Jun. 26 Samuell ye son of Wm. Ward |
06/07/1712 | Jul. 6 Wm. son of John Thompson |
14/07/1712 | 14 Daniell Hardy |
18/08/1712 | Aug. 18 Margaret daughter of Richd. Rawling |
05/11/1712 | Nov. 5 Francis son of Benjamin Watson |
05/11/1712 | 5 Elling daughter of Ricci. White |
01/12/1712 | Dec. 1 Ann daughter of Josiah Ross junr. |
21/12/1712 | 21 Jane daur. of Thomas Kirk |
16/01/1712 | Jan. 16 Rachell daughter of Thomas Sawyer |
02/02/1712 | Feb. 2 Mary daughter of Thomas Witt |
10/03/1712 | Mar. 10 Roger son of Tho. Thew |
24/03/1712 | 24 Elizabeth daughter of Wm. Langthorp |
1713 | |
05/05/1713 | May 5 Esther daughter of Wm. Burn |
31/05/1713 | 31 Elizabeth daughter of George Watson |
19/07/1713 | Jul. 19 Anne daughter of James Dibney |
28/07/1713 | 28 Anne daughter of James Cay |
02/08/1713 | Aug. 2 Lidia daughter of Edwd. Webster |
08/08/1713 | 8 Mary daughter of Robert Nightingale |
20/08/1713 | 20 James son of Henry Frith |
31/08/1713 | 31 Elizabeth daughter of Wm. Langthorp |
21/10/1713 | Oct. 21 Anne (Eliz.) daughter of John Storr jun. |
10/11/1713 | Nov. 10 John son of Saml. Herrison |
18/11/1713 | 18 Joannah daughter of John Thompson |
04/02/1713 | Feb. 4 Mark the son of John Burdas |
03/03/1713 | Mar. 3 Susannah daughter of W Pearson |
05/03/1713 | 5 Lettice Watson aetatis |
05/03/1713 | 5 Sarah daughter of Jer. Matchan |
09/03/1713 | 9 Hannah daughter of Caleb Gerrard (Garrard) |
1714 | |
11/04/1714 | Apr. 11 Mary daughter of Tho. Scoffin labourer baptised |
16/04/1714 | 16 Anne daughter of Stephen Robinson shoemaker baptised |
20/04/1714 | 20h Thomas son of Thomas Tailor farmer bapt. |
25/04/1714 | 25 Henry son of Henry Brown labourer bapt. |
27/04/1714 | 27 Robt. son of Robt. Joy bricklayer baptised |
27/05/1714 | May 27 Thomas son of John Blenk (Blenkhorn) Joyner bapt. |
01/06/1714 | Jun. 1 Anne daughter of Thomas Greenshaw farmer bapt. |
11/07/1714 | Jul. 11 Jane daughter of Thos. Bilton skinner baptised |
20/07/1714 | 20 Mary daughter of Robt. Greenshaw yeaman |
04/09/1714 | Sep. 4 John son of Thomas Appleby sheppard |
16/09/1714 | 16 Alice daughter of Thomas Best (Ross) farmer baptised |
29/09/1714 | 29 Anne daughter of John Storr yeom. baptised |
21/10/1714 | Oct. 21 John son of Ricd. Baxter labourer bapt. |
30/12/1714 | Dec. 30 Anne daughter of Wm. Langthorpe glasier |
03/02/1714 | Feb. 3 Robert son of Robt. Langthorp butcher |
03/02/1714 | 3 A bastard child Xned Elizabeth d. of Anna Nellson |
08/03/1714 | Mar. 8 Thomas son of Nathtl. Symson milner |
09/03/1714 | 9 Mary and Anne twin daughters of Tho. Ross farmer |
17/03/1714 | 17 Francis Nicholson aetat |
22/03/1714 | 22 Mary daughter of Wm. Kell shoemaker |
1715 | |
07/04/1715 | Apr. 7 Elizabeth daughter of Hanser Dalton housewright |
10/04/1715 | 10 Elizabeth daughter of Robt. Nightingale labourer |
15/05/1715 | May 15 Wm. son of Mathew Walker labourer |
16/06/1715 | Jun. 16 Wm. son of Wm. Burn farmer |
02/08/1715 | Aug. 2 Richd. son of Wm. Garton shoemaker |
30/08/1715 | 30 Anne daughter of Tho. Sawyer butcher |
25/09/1715 | Sep. 25 Wm. son of Wm. Hochen farmer. |
03/11/1715 | Nov. 3 Wm. son of Thomas Tailor |
24/01/1715 | Jan. 24 Elizabeth daughter of Samuell Harison |
26/01/1715 | 26 Margaret daughter of Marmaduke Gallaway |
08/03/1715 | Mar. 8 Burton son of Wm. Ward |
20/03/1715 | 20 John son of John Burton yeaman |
23/03/1715 | 23 John son of Thomas Witt labourer |
1716 | |
27/03/1716 | Mar. 27 Jeremiah son of Robt. Joy bricklayer |
??/03/1716 | Mar. ..... of Tho. Rank |
24/05/1716 | May 24 Anne daughter of Wm. Cockerline |
07/06/1716 | Jun. 7 Mary daughter of Francis Nicholson |
12/06/1716 | 12 Wm. son of Henry Brown labourer |
16/06/1716 | 16 Mary daughter of Thomas Atkins (Atkinson) farmer |
16/06/1716 | 16 Margaret daughter of Thomas Best proctor |
16/09/1716 | Sep. 16 Edward son of Edw. Webster blacksmith |
08/10/1716 | Oct. 8 Elizabeth daughter of Richard White labourer |
26/10/1716 | 26 Elizabeth daughter of John Storr yeoman |
08/12/1716 | Dec. 8 Thomas son of Thomas Greenshaw |
13/12/1716 | 13 George son of Robt. Chimney |
20/12/1716 | 20 William son of Richd. Nelson blacksmith |
13/01/1716 | Jan. 13 Francis son of Caleb Gerrard joyner |
10/03/1716 | Mar. 10 John son of John Tate labourer |
1717 | |
12/05/1717 | May 12 Ricd. son of Ricd. Baxter lab. |
07/06/1717 | Jun. 7 Susannah daughter of Wm. Kell labourer |
22/06/1717 | 22 Francis son of Wm. Liversiege shomaker |
08/09/1717 | Sep. 8 Mary daughter of Thos. Pattison farmer |
17/10/1717 | Oct. 17 John son of Mary Witt & Robt. Greenshaw a bastard |
27/10/1717 | 27 Margaret daughter of Robart Langthorp butcher |
14/11/1717 | Nov. 14 Anne dau. of Marmaduke (Marma Duk) Gallaway farmer |
30/11/1717 | 30 Thomas son of Thomas Ross, labourer |
09/12/1717 | Dec. 9 Elizabeth daughter of Wm. Langthorp glasier |
08/01/1717 | Jan. 8 Wm son of Thomas Sawyer butcher |
16/01/1717 | 16 Mary daughter of John Burton yeom. |
03/02/1717 | Feb. 3 Mary daughter of Wm. Twilton farmer |
02/03/1717 | Mar. 2 Samuell son of Anthony Sympson weaver |
10/03/1717 | 10 John son of Thomas Fox fanner |
19/03/1717 | 19 Richard son of John Tate labourer |
1718 | |
08/04/1718 | Apr. 8 Wm. son of Caleb Gerrard joyner |
22/04/1718 | 22 Elizabeth daughter of Robt. Joy, bricklayer |
24/04/1718 | 24 John son of George Watson tailor |
27/04/1718 | 27 George son of George Grescroft lab. |
04/05/1718 | May 4 Wm. son of Wm. Cockerline labourer |
11/05/1718 | 11 Thomas son of Monk Deuenpart a stranger |
15/06/1718 | Jun. 15 Robert son of Wm. Hotchan lab. |
10/07/1718 | Jul. 10 Phillip son of Phillip Jackson farmer |
25/07/1718 | 25 Robert son of Robert Scot farmer |
03/08/1718 | Aug. 3 Thomas ye son of Thomas Appleby shepherd |
14/08/1718 | 14. Wm. son of Wm. Garton shoemaker |
26/08/1718 | 26 Barbara daughter of Richard Cookman farmer |
29/08/1718 | 29 Anne daughter of Wm. Raven blacksmith |
01/09/1718 | Sep. 1 Robert son of John Fussy farmer |
01/10/1718 | Oct. 1 Thomas son of Thomas Rawson mariner |
02/10/1718 | 2 Francis son of Francis Pinchbeck labourer |
??/10/1718 | 20 Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Greenshaw, farmer |
30/11/1718 | Nov. 30 Anne daughter of Joseph Ross, labourer |
05/12/1718 | Dec. 5 Mary daughter of Wm. Langthorp cutler |
08/01/1718 | Jan. 8 Anne daughter of Henry Browne labourer |
16/01/1718 | 16 Elling daughter of Daniell Cook lab. |
25/02/1718 | Feb. 25 Frances daughter of George Bilton labourer |
27/02/1718 | 27 Thomas son of Thomas Best, procter |
1719 | |
28/03/1719 | Mar. 28 Wm. ye son of Wm. Liversiege shoemaker |
20/08/1719 | Aug. 20 Wm. ye son of Robt. Gray, weaver |
28/08/1719 | 28 Wm. ye son of Thomas Pattison labourer |
03/09/1719 | Sep. 3 Richard ye son of John Burton yeaman |
08/09/1719 | 8 Wm. ye son of Thomas Witt labourer |
13/09/1719 | 13 Rose ye daughter of John Blenckhorn joyner |
28/09/1719 | 28 Sarah ye daughter of Francis Andrew, farmer |
30/09/1719 | 30 Elizth. ye daughter of Jo. Tate labourer |
06/10/1719 | Oct. 6 John ye son of Peter Langrick labourer |
20/10/1719 | 20 Wm. ye son of Alexander Ireland butcher |
19/11/1719 | Nov. 19 Ann ye dauter. of Robt. Joy bricklayer |
23/11/1719 | Nov. 23 Ann ye dauter. of Thomas Rawson, marriner |
26/11/1719 | 26 George ye son of George Dunn, marriner |
20/12/1719 | Dec. 20 Prudence ye daughter of Thom. Sawyer butcher |
17/01/1719 | Jan. 17 John ye son of Thomas Greenshaw yeaman |
21/01/1719 | 21 Thomas ye son of Wm. Langthorp cutler |
08/02/1719 | Feb. 8 Robt. ye son of Thomas Sauage miller |
06/03/1719 | Mar. 6 Robt. ye son of Henry Baines, Wright |
18/03/1719 | 18 Ann ye daughter of Richard Shields farmer |
1720 | |
12/07/1720 | Jul. 12 Rachell daughter of John Pinchbeck farmer |
03/11/1720 | Nov. 3 Anne daughter of Thomas Best procter |
07/11/1720 | 7 Anne daughter of James Shields grocer |
09/11/1720 | 9 Grace daughter of Caleb Gerrard joyner |
26/11/1720 | 26 Wm. son of Wm. Raven blacksmith |
23/01/1720 | Jan. 23 Abraham son of George Dunn baker |
23/01/1720 | 23 George son of George Watson tailor |
23/01/1720 | eodem die Alice daughter of Thomas Atkinson yeom. |
13/02/1720 | Feb. 13 Elizabeth daughter of Wilim. Garton shoemaker |
21/02/1720 | 21 Mary daughter of Wm. Langthorp cutler |
21/03/1720 | Mar. 21 George son of George Bilton labourer |
1721 | |
17/04/1721 | Apr. 17 Esther daughter of Wlllm Hotchan labourer |
25/04/1721 | 25 Thomas son of Robt. Langthorp junr butcher |
18/06/1721 | Jun. 18 John son of John Grascroft labourer |
13/08/1721 | Aug. 13 Anne daughter of Wm. Liversiege shoemaker |
18/08/1721 | 18 Isabell a bastard child of Isabell Todd servt. and Ralph Tenison her master |
19/08/1721 | 19 Jeremiah son of Robt. Joy bricklayer |
26/09/1721 | Sep. 26 Anne daughter of Alexr. Ireland butcher |
03/10/1721 | Oct. 3 Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Watson farmer |
09/11/1721 | Nov. 9 Rachell and Mary twin-daughters of Thomas Greenshaw yeom. |
25/11/1721 | 25 Thomas a bastard child of Mary Shepherd servt. the father unknown |
12/12/1721 | Dec. 12 Thomas son of Richd. Atkinson labr. |
06/01/1721 | Jan. 6 William son of George Sagg farmer |
14/01/1721 | 14 John son of Mr. Wm Burstall landrider |
18/01/1721 | 18 Hugh son of Rich. Baxter labourer |
12/02/1721 | Feb. 12 Rebekah daughter of Ashton Leak schoolmaster |
12/02/1721 | 12 Mary daughter of John Tate labourer |
15/02/1721 | 15 David & Susannah twins of David Thew taylor |
23/02/1721 | 23 William son of Christopher Laughton yeom. |
15/03/1721 | Mar. 15 John son of Anthony Sympson weaver |
1722 | |
06/05/1722 | May 6 Elizabeth a bastard child of Henry Cook now of Hollim, farmer & Elizabeth Robinson of this parish deceased |
27/06/1722 | Jun. 27 Mary the daughter of Thomas Savage miller |
08/07/1722 | Jul. 8 Wm. son of Thomas Rank labourer |
08/07/1722 | eod. die Wm. son of Thomas Tailor farmer |
29/08/1722 | Aug. 29 Thomas son of Wm. Laughton butcher |
18/09/1722 | Sep. 18 Sarah daughter of Wm. Langthorp cutler |
15/10/1722 | Oct. 15 Rachell daughter of Thomas Sawyer butcher |
15/10/1722 | 15 Anne daughter of Samuell Rawling inkeeper |
05/11/1722 | Nov. 5 Jane daughter of Daniell Cook lab. |
05/12/1722 | Dec. 5 Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Watson farmer |
05/01/1722 | Jan. 5 Hannay daur. of Jo. Garner yeom. |
26/12/1722 | Dec. 26 Wm. son of Richd. Atkinson labourer |
04/01/1722 | Jan. 4 Mary daughter of George Sagg yeom |
21/01/1722 | 21 Ann daughter of Thomas Ross farmer |
22/01/1722 | 22 Ann daughter of Geo Dun mariner |
04/02/1722 | Feb. 4 Jane daughter of Christopher Laughton yeom. |
06/02/1722 | 6 Wm. son of Wm. Mast wright |
1723 | |
13/04/1723 | Apr. 13 Edward son of Wm. Raven blacksmith |
23/04/1723 | 23 James son of Richard Shields farmer |
23/04/1723 | 23 Wm. son of Robt. Langthorp junr. glazier |
24/04/1723 | 24 John son of Robt. Joy bricklayer |
09/07/1723 | Jul. 9 Anne daughter of David Thew tailor |
01/08/1723 | Aug. 1 Dorothy daughter of Matthew Mason labourer |
16/09/1723 | Sep. 16 John son of John Featherstone malster |
13/10/1723 | Oct. 13 Wm. son of Henry Toll labourer |
12/11/1723 | Nov. 12 George son of John Grascroft labourer |
16/11/1723 | 16 Thomas son o Thomas Fox farmer |
31/12/1723 | Dec. 31 Mary daughter of Joseph Brown gardener |
14/01/1723 | Jan. 14 Anne daughter of Richd. Cookman farmer |
12/02/1723 | Feb. 12 Edward son of Hugh Saill junr. marriner |
17/02/1723 | 17 John son of John Blenck joyner |
28/02/1723 | 28 Thomas and Robert twin sons of Tho. Thew shepherd |
1724 | |
31/03/1724 | Mar. 31 Richd. son of Richd. White bap. |
20/04/1724 | Apr. 20 John son of Richd. Atkinson labourer |
30/04/1724 | 30 William son of Ranson Billany lab. |
04/05/1724 | May 4 James son of Thomas Whitacre excise officer |
25/05/1724 | 25 Henry son of Wm. Mast wright |
12/07/1724 | Jul. 12 Barbara daughter of Mr. Wm. Burstall landrider |
22/09/1724 | Sep. 22 Wm. son of Thomas Atkinson yeom. |
02/10/1724 | Oct. 2 Mary daughter of Thomas Sawyer butcher |
17/11/1724 | Nov. 17 Mary daughter of Matthew Ashley inkeeper |
27/11/1724 | 27 Mary daughter of John Mawson yeom. |
23/11/1724 | 23 Rebekah daughter of Willm Langthorp cutler |
07/01/1724 | Jan. 7 Thomas son of David Thew tailor |
08/01/1724 | 8 Margaret daughter of Richard Shields farmer |
12/01/1724 | 12 Mary daughter of George Dunn mariner |
25/01/1724 | 25 Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Fox farmer |
10/02/1724 | Feb. 10 Mary daughter of Caleb Gerrard joyner |
21/02/1724 | 21 Christopher son of Xtopher Laughton yeom. |
06/03/1724 | Mar. 6 Jane daughter of Thomas Thew grocer |
16/03/1724 | Mar. 16 Joseph son of Thomas Ross farmer |
24/03/1724 | 24 Elizabeth daughter of Hugh Saill junr. marriner |
1725 | |
02/04/1725 | Apr. 2 Johanna a bastard child of John Baker junr. and Jane Jackson servt. |
02/05/1725 | May 2 Jane daughter of George Pattison inholder |
13/05/1725 | 13 Wm. son of Robert Joy bricklayer |
29/05/1725 | 29 Jane daughter of Robt. Pattison yeom. |
01/06/1725 | Jun. 1 Anne daughrer of William Hotchan labourer |
11/07/1725 | Jul. 11 Mary daughter of John Featherstone malster |
24/09/1725 | Sep. 24 Laurance son of Laurance Herrison farmer |
30/10/1725 | Oct. 30 Ann daughter of Thos. Medcalf cobler |
14/11/1725 | Nov. 14 Margaret daughter of Richd. Atkinson labourer |
09/12/1725 | Dec. 9th Ann daughter of Robt. Langthorp plum [ber] |
12/12/1725 | 12 Frances daughter of Richd Baxter labr. |
14/12/1725 | 14 Joseph son of Joseph Brown gardener |
14/12/1725 | 14 Eliz daughter of Win. Knowles wright |
23/01/1725 | Jan. 23 Samll. son of Francis Nicholson farmer |
04/03/1725 | Mar. 4 John ye son of John Walker cooper |
1726 | |
10/04/1726 | Apr. 10 Thos. son of Thos. Whitaker excise man |
16/04/1726 | 16 Thos. son of Richard White labr. |
11/05/1726 | May 11 Ruth daughter of Mr John Simpson |
15/05/1726 | 15 George son of George Stephenson |
16/05/1726 | 16 Thomas son of Thomas Watson |
25/05/1726 | 25 Margaret daughter of Thomas Sawyer |
29/06/1726 | Jun. 29 Ann daughter of Robt. Wheldale |
19/08/1726 | Aug. 19 Ann daughter of Thomas Thew |
26/08/1726 | 26 Robt. son of Robt. Patinson |
01/10/1726 | Oct. 1 Robt. son of Robt. Pickard |
20/10/1726 | 20 Jane daur. of George Patinson |
22/11/1726 | Nov. 22 Robert son of James Dibney |
13/11/1726 | 13 William son of Saml. Cooper |
13/11/1726 | 13 Richard son of Richd. Maddock |
07/11/1726 | 7 William natral son of Mary Pearson |
24/11/1726 | 24 John son of George Killingbeck |
15/02/1726 | Feb. 15 Mary daur. of John Grascroft |
21/02/1726 | 21 Richd. son of Richd. Atkinson |
12/03/1726 | Mar. 12 William son of John Steward |
01/03/1726 | 1 John son of David Thew |
02/03/1726 | 2 Jane daur of David Thew |
05/03/1726 | 5 John son of John Malton |
1727 | |
25/04/1727 | Apr. 25 Thomas son of Christ: Laughton |
07/05/1727 | May 7 Thomas son of Hanser Dalton |
08/05/1727 | 8 Joseph son of Mr. Benjamin Gorwood |
23/05/1727 | 23 Esther natural daughter of Ann Jackson |
28/05/1727 | 28 Hugh son of Hugh Sail |
06/07/1727 | Jul. 6 Martha daughtr. of John Featherstone |
13/08/1727 | Aug. 13 James natural son of Dorcas Charlton |
03/09/1727 | Sep. 3 Hannah daughter of Thomas Fox |
05/09/1727 | 5 Elsabeth daughter of Matthew Ashley |
17/09/1727 | 17 Mary daughter of Richd Shields |
23/10/1727 | Oct. 23 Susanna daughter of Willm Pope |
28/10/1727 | 28 John son of John Baron |
31/10/1727 | 31 Francis daughter of Robt. Wadsforth |
05/11/1727 | Nov. 5 Matthew son of Matthew Mason |
05/11/1727 | 5 Susanna daughter of Matthew Mason |
10/11/1727 | 10 Elizabeth natural daughtr. of Susan Sparrow |
20/11/1727 | 20 Mary daughter of John Robinson |
14/12/1727 | Dec. 14 John son of John Mawson |
17/12/1727 | 17 John son of Thomas Whitaker |
12/01/1727 | Jan. 12 Joel daughter of Laurence Harrison |
14/01/1727 | 14 George son of George Pattinson |
05/02/1727 | Feb. 5 Mary daughter of John Wade |
29/02/1727 | 29 James son of James Shields |
03/03/1727 | Mar. 3 Jane daughter of Robt. Buckles |
04/03/1727 | 4 Watson son of Robt. Langthorp |
1728 | |
20/05/1728 | May 20 Ann daughtr. of Francis Pinchbeck |
26/05/1728 | 26 Ann daughtr. of Jno Holland of ye Sunk Island |
27/05/1728 | 27 Elizabeth daughtr of Thos. Hutton |
11/06/1728 | Jun. 11 William son of Thomas Thew |
30/06/1728 | 30 Susanna daughter of Samuel Cowper |
18/08/1728 | Aug. 18 Ruth daughter of Andrew Sayl |
19/09/1728 | Sep. 19 John son of Robert Wheldale |
25/09/1728 | 25 Elizabeth daughter of Xtopher Laughton |
21/10/1728 | Oct. 21 William son of Thomas Mantle |
04/11/1728 | Nov. 4 John son of William Tennison |
18/11/1728 | 18 Xtopher son of George Stephenson |
26/12/1728 | Dec. 26 Ann daughter of Robert Pattison |
09/01/1728 | Jan. 9 Mary daughter of John Malton |
25/02/1728 | Feb. 25 William & Richard twins, sons of Thos. Radcliffe |
27/02/1728 | 27 John son of John Steward |
21/03/1728 | Mar. 21 Elizabeth daughter of Jeremiah Johnson |
1729 | |
09/04/1729 | Apr. 9 Frances daughter of Robt. Wadsforth |
04/05/1729 | May 4 John son of John Simpson |
10/05/1729 | 10 William natural son of Hannah Webster |
13/06/1729 | Jun. 13 John son of Hugh Sayle |
15/06/1729 | 15 William son of James Shields |
30/06/1729 | 30 Prudence daughter of George Pattisson |
02/08/1729 | Aug. 2 George son of John Baron |
27/08/1729 | 27 James son of Uriah Blackborn |
23/09/1729 | Sep. 23 Oliver son of John Featherstone |
29/10/1729 | Oct. 29 Benjamin son of Benjamin Garwood |
28/11/1729 | Nov. 28 Robert son of Robert Chadwick |
24/12/1729 | Dec. 24 Elizabeth daughter of Robert Sawyer |
08/01/1729 | Jan. 8 John son of Thomas Mantle |
25/01/1729 | 25 Mary daughter of Thos Metcalfe |
09/02/1729 | Feb. 9 Thomas natural son of Dorcas Charlton |
1730 | |
28/03/1730 | Mar. 28 John son of Thos. Watson |
30/03/1730 | 30 Thomas son of Thos. Hutton |
05/04/1730 | Apr. 5 John son of Edward Gawthorpe |
12/04/1730 | 12 John son of Matthew Mason |
12/04/1730 | 12 Ann daughter of John Wade |
19/04/1730 | 19 James son of James Dibney |
26/04/1730 | 26 Andrew son of Andrew Sayle |
26/04/1730 | 26 John son of Lawrence Harrison |
11/05/1730 | May 11 Catherine daughter of Samuel Cowper |
11/05/1730 | 11 Robert son of John Simpson |
14/06/1730 | Jun. 14 Lydia daughter of Jeremiah Johnson |
16/08/1730 | Aug. 16 Ellen daughter of Samuel Garland |
01/09/1730 | Sep. 1 Ann daughter of Francis Pearson |
06/10/1730 | Oct. 6 Elizabeth daughter of William Hutton |
06/10/1730 | 6 William son of Ralf Tennyson |
16/10/1730 | 16 Ann daughter of Uriah Blackburn |
16/10/1730 | 16 Jane daughter of William Potchet |
09/11/1730 | Nov. 9 Sarah daughter of Robt. Langthorp |
17/11/1730 | 17 William son of Thomas Fribus |
01/12/1730 | Dec. 1 Elizabeth daughtr. of John Robinson |
13/12/1730 | 13 Richard natural son o Mary Drew |
27/12/1730 | 27 Jane daughter of John Harrison |
10/01/1730 | Jan. 10 John son of Thos. Burton |
26/01/1730 | 26 James son of James Dalton |
28/01/1730 | 28 Robert son of Robert Buckles |
05/02/1730 | Feb. 5 Ann daughter of John Steward |
1731 | |
31/03/1731 | Mar. 31 Watson natural son of Ann Hunter |
31/03/1731 | 31 John son of James Acklem |
22/04/1731 | Apr. 22 EIizabeth daughter of Jeremiah Smith |
09/05/1731 | May 9 Elizabeth daughter of Francis Nicholson |
09/05/1731 | 9 Mary natural daughter of Margaret Langthorp |
24/05/1731 | 24 James son of Robt. Wheldale |
06/06/1731 | Jun. 6 John son of John Mawson |
12/06/1731 | 12 Mary daughtr. of Thos. Rawson |
20/06/1731 | 20 John son of John Baron |
20/06/1731 | 20 George son of William Lambert |
04/07/1731 | Jul. 4 Prudence daughter of Robt. Sawyer |
12/07/1731 | 12 Dorothy daughter of Mr. Thos. Mantle |
31/07/1731 | 31 Elizabeth daughter of John Featherstone |
15/08/1731 | Aug. 15 Ann daughter of William Flintoft |
13/10/1731 | Oct. 13 Thomas son of William Harrison |
29/10/1731 | 29 Thomas nat. son of Jane Leadham |
18/11/1731 | Nov. 18 William son of Robt Wadforth |
18/11/1731 | 18 Mary daughter of Mr. John Simpson |
26/11/1731 | 26 John son of Henry Capstack |
03/12/1731 | Dec. 3 John son of George Stephenson |
07/12/1731 | 7 Mary daughtr. of Laurence Harrison |
12/12/1731 | 12 Ellen daughtr. of Joseph Kennaly |
16/12/1731 | 16 Robert son of George Pattison |
23/01/1731 | Jan. 23 Henry son of Richard Atkinson |
27/02/1731 | Feb. 27 Jane daughtr. of Thos. Metcalf |
12/03/1731 | Mar. 12 Martha nat. daughtr. of Ann Nettleton |
Data transcribed from
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1900
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
This page © 2020
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1900
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
This page © 2020