Patrington Registers - Marriages 1570-1731.
Transcription of the Patrington Registers - Marriages 1570-1731.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/ERY/PatringtonParishRegs.txt Please note I cannot guarantee that my software has always extracted the date in the date column correctly.
The dates are given in the order the appear in the register which is not necessarily numerical order.
Also note that the year commenced on the 25th March up to 1752.
but that the date column numbers the months in the modern method (English format)
The dates are given in the order the appear in the register which is not necessarily numerical order.
Also note that the year commenced on the 25th March up to 1752.
but that the date column numbers the months in the modern method (English format)
Date | Groom's and Bride's names |
1570 | |
01/10/1570 | Oct. primo die Imprimis John Reame and Anne Arcles nupti fuere |
06/10/1570 | 6 Gregorie Taylor and Margret Shippard nupti fuere |
12/10/1570 | 12 John Greneshawe and Elsabeth Audladd nupti fuere |
13/05/1570 | May 13 John Owstwicke and Joh [a] n Jackson nupti fuere |
17/06/1570 | Jun. 17 John Mattocke and Johan Hogge nupti fuere |
19/06/1570 | 19 John Cooke and Johan Browne nupti fuere |
1571 | |
05/08/1571 | Aug. 5 Robert Warner and Anne Lightfote nupti fuere |
19/08/1571 | 19 Willm. Featherstone and Anne Walker nupti fuere |
22/10/1571 | Oct. 22 Robert Graye and Ellis Carre nupti fuere |
27/01/1571 | Jan. 27 John Jacksonn and Elliss Woode nupti fuere |
1572 | |
01/06/1572 | Jun. primo die Anthonye Browne and Elsabeth Matchan nupti fuere |
07/06/1572 | 7 Willm. Pollarde and Annas Giltencross nupti fuere |
10/06/1572 | 10 Robert Dowthorpe and Bettriss Newtonn nupti fuere |
03/06/1572 | 3 Jul. 20 John Owstwicke and Johan Dunstane nupti fuere |
27/06/1572 | 27 Stephen Bawde and Elsabeth Sancton nupti fuere |
09/11/1572 | Nov. 9 John Dodd and Job [a] n Hutonn nupti fuere |
18/11/1572 | 18 Robert Blythe and Elsabeth Greene nupti fuere |
23/11/1572 | 23 John Wilsonn and Elsabeth Fisher nupti fuere |
1573 | |
17/01/1573 | Jan. 17 Robert Hogge and Frances Foster nupti fuere |
03/05/1573 | May 3 Peter Ransome and Margret Shiphard nupti fuere |
21/06/1573 | Jun. 21 Phillipp Wynde and Anne Snyppe nupti fuere |
05/07/1573 | Jul. 5 Henrye Barbare and Margret Gresopper nupti fuere |
20/07/1573 | 20 Walter Shiphard and Emme Lacke nupti fuere |
26/07/1573 | 26 Richard Clarke and Bettris Darlinge nupti fuere |
25/10/1573 | Oct. 25 John Rowthe and Ursula Sergessonn nupti fuere |
05/11/1573 | Nov. 5 Edwarde Woode and Anne Awder nupti fuere |
21/11/1573 | 21 Willm. Vicaredge and Johan Chirstie nupti fuere |
23/11/1573 | 23 John Cooke and Anne Steade nupti fuere |
1574 | |
24/05/1574 | May 24 George Kitchins and Elsabeth Thornley nupti fuere |
31/05/1574 | 31 Michael Wilsonn and Anne Estofte nupti fuere |
13/06/1574 | Jun. 13 Thomas Stevenson and Elsabeth Blithe nupti fuere |
20/06/1574 | 20 Willm. Bewes and Margret Wower nupti fuere |
27/06/1574 | 27 Richard Gray and Margret Watson nupti fuere |
03/11/1574 | Nov. 3 Richard Foxxe and Ellen Stevenson nupti fuere |
22/11/1574 | 22 John Watsonn and Katherine Wilkes nupti fuere |
22/11/1574 | eodem die John Blamer and Elsabeth Foster nupti fuere |
24/11/1574 | 24 Richard Thornley and Margret Raynard nupti fuere |
04/06/1574 | Jun. 4 Willm. Stevenson and Effame Wessdall nupti fuere |
18/07/1574 | Jul. 18 Thomas Matchan and Margret Snype nupti fuere |
20/07/1574 | 20 John Meggetson and Margret Lenge nupti fuere |
05/08/1574 | Aug. 5 Willm. Stevenson and Marie Wetherell nupti fuere |
05/11/1574 | Nov. 5 George Dixon and Margret Hall nupti fuere |
20/11/1574 | 20 Henrie Byrd and (blank) nupti fuere |
1576 | |
25/11/1576 | Nov. 25 Thomas Symson and Katherine Gray nupti fuere |
29/12/1576 | Dec. 29 Willm. Raynald and Elsabeth Holme nupti fuere |
05/02/1576 | Feb. 5 Robert Clarke and Elsabeth Ward nupti fuere |
09/05/1576 | May 9 John Grene and Cicilie Edmund nupti fuere |
15/05/1576 | 15 Thomas Dent and Katherine Stafford nupti fuere |
1578 | |
09/06/1578 | Jun. 9 Richard Weatherell and Jeane Parker nupti fuere |
14/07/1578 | Jul. 14 John (?) Daltonn and Margret Nettleton nupti fuere |
??/07/1578 | Jul. John Knocks and Dorythie Dickieson nupti fuere |
17/08/1578 | Aug. 17 Thomas Dowe and Jennet Chawmer nupti fuere |
28/09/1578 | Sep. 28 Robert Keirbie and Margret Joye nupti fuere |
05/10/1578 | Oct. 5 John Taylor and Jennet Daltonn nupti fuere |
16/11/1578 | Nov. 16 Willm. Mylns and Elsabeth Hankergge nupti fuere |
16/11/1578 | 16 Willm. Cullingworth and Gennet Mathew nupti fuere |
01/05/1578 | May primo die Wm Dune and Margret Warde nupti fuere |
28/07/1578 | Jul. 28 Thomas Wilson and Margret Kirstie nupti fuere |
14/09/1578 | Sep. 14 Wm Matchon and Johan Giltencross nupti fuere |
25/11/1578 | Nov. 25 Willm. Jervice and Ellis Mason nupti fuere |
09/01/1578 | Jan. 9 John Baynes and Isabell Bellet nupti fuere |
02/01/1578 | 2 Peter Andrew and Annas Isaac nupti fuere |
12/01/1578 | 12 Thomas Wright and Anne Whyte nupti fuere |
??/01/1578 | Jan. John Woode and Anne Chawmer nupti fuere |
1580 | |
26/07/1580 | Jul. 26 Henrye Snype and Cicilie Rawlinge nupti fuere |
16/10/1580 | Oct. 16 Thomas Mason and Margrete Mason nupti fuere |
24/10/1580 | 24 Thomas Dowe and Jeane Bellete nupti fuere |
1581 | |
10/04/1581 | Apr. 10 John Cooke and Elsabeth Wrighte nupti fuere |
26/05/1581 | May 26 Percevall Parkin and Kirchean Walker nupti fuere |
28/05/1581 | 28 Marmaduke Bankes et Anne Massingham nupti fuere |
04/06/1581 | Jun. 4 John Blythe and Joh [a] n Langdaile nupti fuere |
06/10/1581 | Oct. 6 James Chadwicke and Alice Masonn nupti fuere |
05/11/1581 | Nov. 5 Willm. Shipperd and Annes Reynolde nupti fuere |
26/11/1581 | 26 Thomas Ellerbie and Elsabeth Cocke nupti fuere |
1582 | |
22/06/1582 | Jun. 22 Willm. Deane and Elsabeth Clarke nupti fuere |
11/07/1582 | Jul. 11 Richard Hewyt and Annes Nicholson nupti fuere |
15/09/1582 | Sept. 15 Wm Shields and Elsabeth Gibson nupti fuere |
15/11/1582 | Nov. 15 John Harrison and Elsabeth Cawvingtree nupti fuere |
05/01/1582 | Jan. 5 Robert Becke and Jeane Martin nupti fuere |
27/01/1582 | 27 Willm Smyth and Margret Hausley nupti fuere |
1583 | |
12/06/1583 | Jun. 12 John Watson and Margret Parker nupti fuere |
20/10/1583 | Oct. 20 John Rawlinge and Annes Kennye nupti fuere |
22/01/1583 | Jan. 22 Wm Readmer and Jeane Wetherell nupti fuere |
07/02/1583 | Feb. 7 Wm Kirstie and Annes Thornley nupti fuere |
1584 | |
21/06/1584 | Jun. 21 John Blithe and Bridget Cooke nupti fuere |
11/10/1584 | Oct. 11 John Gorbut and Jeane Blithe nupti fuere |
18/10/1584 | 18 Thomas Blacke and Annes Blenckherne nupti fuere |
10/02/1584 | Feb. 10 Tho. Ingarim and Jeane Meysse nupti fuere |
16/02/1584 | 16 Robert Dixon and Alice Newton nupti fuere |
1585 | |
23/05/1585 | May 23 John Smyth and Annes Rider nupti fuere |
20/07/1585 | Jul. 20 Rober Graye and Johan Stancefeild nupti fuere |
18/07/1585 | 18 Peter Crawfoorth and Elsabeth Kynney nupti fuere |
31/07/1585 | 31 Raphe Hodgson and Alice Care nupti fuere |
31/07/1585 | eodem die Thomas Warde and Ellice Peacocke nupti fuere |
03/10/1585 | Oct. 3 Richard Garner and Frances Colman nupti fuere |
06/11/1585 | Nov. 6 Willm. Biltonn and Anne Cooke nupti fuere |
24/11/1585 | 24. Edward Fussie and Alice Wilkinson nupti fuere |
1586 | |
24/01/1586 | Jan. 24 John Rawlinge and Annes Sancton nupti fuere |
19/06/1586 | Jun. 19 Thomas Mayson and Agnes Smyth nupti fuere |
1587 | |
10/06/1587 | Jun. 10 Thomas Matchon and Emmet Shepperd nupti fuere |
14/09/1587 | Sep. 14 Bryan Raylieff and Isabell Taylor nupti fuere |
24/10/1587 | Oct. 24 Richard Thornley and Johan Cooke nupti fuere |
20/11/1587 | Nov. 20 Henrye Crawfoorth and Jennet Andrew nupti fuere. |
1588 | |
04/04/1588 | Apr. 4 Bartlemew Christie and Frances Warde nupti fuere |
26/05/1588 | May 26 James Tunye and Isabel Cooke nupti fuere |
25/06/1588 | Jun. 25 Edward Fuller and Johan Loveday nupti fuere |
02/11/1588 | Nov. 2 John Watson and Anne Fristonn nupti fuere |
07/11/1588 | 7 Xpistopher Headon and Anne Rawlinge nupti fuere |
09/01/1588 | Jan. 9 Nicholas Clarke and Annes Warde nupti fuere |
01/02/1588 | Feb. 1 James Watson and Kirchean Parkine nupti fuere |
1589 | |
13/05/1589 | May 13 Peter Rannsonn and Custance Snipe nupti fuere |
06/07/1589 | Jul. 6 Robert Swanne and Isabell Smyth nupti fuere |
20/07/1589 | Jul. 20 Xpistopher Moore and Jennet Bainton nupti fuere |
27/07/1589 | 27 James Willsonn and Jayne Graye nupti fuere |
10/08/1589 | Aug. 10 George Mowbray and Susanna Cornishe nupti fuere |
28/09/1589 | Sep. 28 Stephen Gedney, junior, and Alice Sancton nupti fuere |
14/10/1589 | Oct. 14 Robert Kirstie and Elsabeth Friston nupti fuere |
26/10/1589 | 26 Stephen Braidey and Margrete Swanne nupti fuere |
14/11/1589 | Nov. 14 Robert Greene and Margret Tailor nupti fuere |
01/02/1589 | Feb. primo die George Smythe and Susanna Stapleton nupti fuere |
1590 | |
10/05/1590 | May 10 Perceyvall Wilkinson and Susanna Sergesonn nupti fuere |
28/06/1590 | Jun. 28 Richard Foster and Margret Cootes nupti fuere |
24/11/1590 | Nov. 24 John Gray and Grace Blith nupti fuere |
07/01/1590 | Jan. 7 Robert Fristonn and Ellis Cawverley nupti fuere |
14/02/1590 | Feb. 14 Richard Pearsonn and Ellis Warde nupti fuere |
1591 | |
21/09/1591 | Sept. 21 James Stevenson and Jeane Litster nupti fuere |
10/10/1591 | Oct. 10 Richard Garner and Jeane Crosse nupti fuere |
09/11/1591 | Nov. 9 Oliver Jackson and Elsabeth Smyth nupti fuere |
14/11/1591 | 14 Raphe Eldrington and Emmote Matchan nupti fuere |
23/11/1591 | 23 Willm. Lawer and Elsabeth Reynalde nupti fuere |
17/01/1591 | Jan. 17 John Applebie and Hellen Foxe nupti fuere |
1592 | |
28/05/1592 | May 28 Willm. Pollard, junior, and Jeane Lillie nupti fuere |
29/05/1592 | 29 Raphe Mulleland and Ellice Thornley nupti fuere |
20/06/1592 | Jun. 20 Peter Costonne and Alice Audley nupti fuere |
29/06/1592 | 29 Richard Trusley and Agnes Crawfoorth nupti fuere |
30/07/1592 | Jul. 30 Robert Becke and Anne Tocke nupti fuere |
13/08/1592 | Aug. 13 Wm Atkinsonn and Elsabeth Waynman nupti |
24/09/1592 | Sep. 24 Wm Symsonn and Jayne Rowthe nupti fuere |
30/10/1592 | Oct. 30 John Gray and Jennet Carr nupti fuere |
12/11/1592 | Nov. 12 George Smyth and Dorathie Hausley nupti |
20/11/1592 | 20 Henrye Warde and Barbaray Warde nupti fuere |
1593 | |
23/04/1593 | Apr. 23 Willm. Knoxe and Marye Rider nupti fuere |
07/05/1593 | May 7 Willm. Deane and Bettris Blenckherne |
08/05/1593 | 8 Willm. Tumholme and Elsabeth Kirstie nupti |
13/05/1593 | 13 Thomas Laughton and Alice Browne nupti fuere |
10/07/1593 | Jul. 10 Wm Kirstie and Margerie Trusley nupti |
12/08/1593 | Aug. 12 Edward Woode and Agnes Jackson nupti |
23/10/1593 | Oct. 23 Gregorie Bilton and Johan Thornley nupti fuere |
13/11/1593 | Nov. 13 Raphe Hodghon and Ellis Lenge nupti |
12/06/1593 | Jun. 12 (?) Thomas Blenkherne and Bettris Wilkinson nupti fuere |
10/11/1593 | Nov. 10 Henrie Arnetsone and Annes Megge [tson ?] |
12/11/1593 | 12 Wm Darnell and Margret Jacksonn nupti fuere |
1594 | |
07/11/1594 | Nov. 7 Raphe Wilkinson and Annes Smythe nupti fuere |
19/11/1594 | 19 Roberte Clappam and Johan Parkinson nupti fuere |
1595 | |
05/10/1595 | Oct. 5 Willm Sheilds and Elsabeth Blenckherne nupti fuere |
16/11/1595 | Nov. 16 Edwarde Woode and Dorathie Edwardes nupti fuere |
18/01/1595 | Jan. 18 John Taylor and Cicilie Grote nupti fuere |
1596 | |
17/08/1596 | Aug. 17 Richarde Lacie and Emme Eldrington nupti fuere |
17/10/1596 | Oct. 17 John Browne and Dorathce Smythe nupti fuere |
1597 | |
29/06/1597 | Jun. 29 Willm. Cooke, junior, et Johan Caverley nupti fuere |
06/11/1597 | Nov. 6 Robertus Ellerbie and Alice Dune nupti fuere |
1598 | |
28/03/1598 | Mar. 28 John Headon and Anne Newton nupti fuere |
02/06/1598 | Jun. 2 Robert Kirbie and Anne Pudsey nupti fuere |
18/06/1598 | 18 Bryane Watsonn and Elsabeth Haton nupti fuere |
08/08/1598 | Aug. 8 George Bucke and Anne Ellerbie nupti fuere |
13/08/1598 | 13 Robert Kirstie and Emme Lacie nupti fuere |
27/08/1598 | 27 Richard Chapman and Elsabeth Burde nupti fuere |
17/10/1598 | Oct. 17 Raphe Dowsonn and Marie Jackson nupti fuere |
19/11/1598 | Nov. 19 Willm. Routh, junior, et Elsabeth Gildus nupti fuere |
15/01/1598 | Jan. 15 Robert Clappam and Elsabeth Ward nupti fuere |
30/01/1598 | 30 Richard Capes and Elsabeth Johnsonn nupti fuere |
1599 | |
01/05/1599 | May 1 Jacobus Chadweeke et Margerie Walker nupti fuere |
22/06/1599 | Jun. 22 James Shippard and Alse Gedney married |
16/10/1599 | Oct. 16 Thomas Robinson and Isabell Milns nupti fuere |
18/11/1599 | Nov. 18 Edwarde Truslay and Margret Smyth was maried |
13/01/1599 | Jan. 13 Roger Pearson and Isabell Soursbie was maried |
22/01/1599 | 22 Richard Sagge et Jane Snype nupti fuere |
1600 | |
03/06/1600 | Jun. 3 Wm Caverlay and Anne Elerbye was matied |
16/11/1600 | Nov. 16 Wm Swan et Margereta Campan nupti fuere |
23/11/1600 | 23 Laurentius Browne et Frances Blyth nupti fuere |
24/11/1600 | 24 Wm Stevenson et Jone Matchan nupti fuere |
28/01/1600 | Jan. 28 Charolus Gisbrough et Jane Wilson nupti fuere |
1601 | |
30/04/1601 | Apr. 30 Wm Sheildes and Gillian Westerdaill was maried [original says April 31st !!] |
26/04/1601 | 26 Gilbert Hewit and Katherin Gildus was maried |
11/05/1601 | May 11 Richard Perkinson and Dinis Cawwode was maried |
14/06/1601 | Jun. 14 Henry Dunne and Francis Pollarde was married |
21/06/1601 | 21 Richard Smyth and Katherin Giltenc10sse was maried |
24/08/1601 | Aug. 24 Frances Maison and Mary Knox |
06/10/1601 | Oct. 6 Oswold Rider and Maud Maison maried |
1602 | |
01/06/1602 | Jun. 1 Robert Greeneshaw and Ma fret Snowe maried |
06/06/1602 | 6 Edward Gray and Alce Rosdayle maried |
03/08/1602 | Aug. 3 John Parker and Jaine Bayes was maried |
16/01/1602 | Jan. 16 Peter Sharpe and Margret Bilton maried |
27/02/1602 | Feb. 27 Henry Vicarege and Cissalye Tayler was maried |
07/03/1602 | Mar. 7 Willm. Bewes and Agnnas Kerkbie maried |
1603 | |
11/07/1603 | Jul. 11 John Wakelane and Jane Bucke maried |
24/07/1603 | 24 Pattrick Giltencrosse and Evis Wallas maried |
30/10/1603 | Oct. 30 Henry Shepherd and Mary Salesbury maried |
06/11/1603 | Nov. 6 Edwarde Staringe and Lettis Wallas maried |
21/11/1603 | 21 John Chambers and Jane Cocke maried |
13/12/1603 | Dec. 13 Willm. Wharam and Margret Christie maried |
1604 | |
27/11/1604 | Nov. 27 Thomas Greene and Alice Fussie maried |
1605 | |
02/05/1605 | May 2 Michaell Ranson and Custance Ranson maried |
27/05/1605 | 27 Thomas Dalton and Dinis Cooke maried |
02/06/1605 | Jun. 2 Raphe Hodgson and Alice Marshall maried |
14/01/1605 | Jan. 14 Willm. Ellerbecke and Elsabeth Chapman maried |
23/02/1605 | Feb. 23 Walter Shieldes and Agnne Cocke maried |
1606 | |
27/04/1606 | Apr. 27 Robert Warde and Grace Curtise maried |
22/06/1606 | Jun. 22 Robert Harison and Ellin Smith maried |
20/07/1606 | Jul. 20 James Rawson and Agnnas Swanne maried |
18/11/1606 | Nov. 18 Christopher Dalton and Agnass Gibson maried |
18/01/1606 | Jan. 18 Huighe Scott and Jane Sagge maried |
1607 | |
12/04/1607 | Apr. 12 Christopher Gaull and Gilyan Shieldes maried |
27/04/1607 | 27 Robert Wilson and Marye Browne maried |
10/05/1607 | May 10 James Simon and Elsabeth Audlay |
18/05/1607 | 18 John Duncalfe and Margrete Hall |
21/06/1607 | Jun. 21 Marmaduke Whelpdaile and Barbara Birde |
09/08/1607 | Aug. 9 Willm. Johnson and Barbara Redmar maried |
15/11/1607 | Nov. 15 Willm. Hull and Francis Hogge |
17/11/1607 | 17 John Ostwecke and Isabell Smithe |
1608 | |
26/06/1608 | Jun. 26 John Cock and Sara Miles maried |
29/01/1608 | Jan. 29 Adam Waster and Mary Collingworth |
1609 | |
07/05/1609 | May 7 Robert Gedney and Margrete Birde |
08/08/1609 | Aug. 8 James Swaine clark and Barbara Hall |
03/02/1609 | Feb. 3 Henrye Higgan and Anne Langdaile |
11/02/1609 | 11 Henrye Wetwande and Anne Routhe |
1610 | |
02/05/1610 | May 2 Francis Tibthorppe and Margrete Dunne maried |
15/07/1610 | Jul. 15 George Borfoote and Francis Haton |
29/07/1610 | 29 Willm. Browne and Joane Atkinson maried |
06/08/1610 | Aug. 6 Thomas Mannbye and Bettrice.Rud |
02/09/1610 | Sep. 2 Willm. Birde and Anne Puckeridge |
30/09/1610 | 30 John Thornlay and Lettice Greene, widdow |
04/02/1610 | Feb. 4 Willm. Routhe als Pulley and Elizabeth Santon |
1611 | |
21/04/1611 | Apr. 21 Willm. Shepherd and Margerie Sudibye |
28/05/1611 | May 28 John Pearson and Margrete Gildus |
24/11/1611 | Nov. 24 George Mowbray and Jane Wadworthe |
19/01/1611 | Jan. 19 Arthure Darnill and Anne Pearson |
1612 | |
10/05/1612 | May 10 Peter Cooke and Doritye Routhe maried |
03/08/1612 | Aug. 3 John Johnson and Margarite Becke |
04/10/1612 | Oct. 4 Lenard Lake and Jonie Brunton maried |
24/11/1612 | Nov. 24 John Smithe and Anne Horslay maried |
30/01/1612 | Jan. 30 Francis Clarke and Ellin Smithyman maried |
1613 | |
13/04/1613 | Apr. 13 Willm. Jackson and Isabell Burnell maried |
15/06/1613 | Jun. 15 Roberte Tocke and Anne Palmer married |
07/07/1613 | Jul. 7 Edward Skeflinge and Annas Headon maried |
03/10/1613 | Oct. 3 John Twilton and Elsabeth Watson |
17/10/1613 | 17 Thomas Pollard and Ellin Chadwicke |
16/11/1613 | Nov. 16 John Smithe and Jane Skeflinge maried |
23/11/1613 | 23 Roberte Hogge and Barbara Andrewe maried |
16/01/1613 | Jan. 16 Brian Railay, ye younger, and Elsabeth Griscrofte |
27/01/1613 | 27 Michaell Ranson and Jane Warde was maried |
1614 | |
17/05/1614 | May 17 Thomas Cocke and Alce Shepherd, widdow |
31/07/1614 | Jul. 31 Richard Harrison and Annas Higgan |
14/08/1614 | Aug. 14 Richard Beastowe and Elsabeth Simpson |
15/08/1614 | 15 Edward Graye and Elsabeth Rosdaile |
21/08/1614 | 21 John Gildus and Barbara Mowbray maried |
04/09/1614 | Sep. 4 Richard Stringer and Frauncis Foxe weare maried ut supra |
16/10/1614 | Oct. 16 Francis Patteson and Margarite Isacke maried |
06/11/1614 | Nov. 6 John Addisonn and Elizabeth Truslowe maried |
08/11/1614 | 8 Robert Osmonnd and Agnes Becke maried |
13/11/1614 | 13 William Johnsonn and Katheran Tailor maried |
22/11/1614 | 22 George Simpsonn and Frauncis Herron maried |
15/01/1614 | Jan. 15 Richard Endicke and Elizabeth Kirkbie maried |
05/02/1614 | Feb. 5 Thomas Thorneley and Elizabeth Deane maried |
1615 | |
02/05/1615 | May 2 Thomas Pollard and Marie Gedney weare maried |
15/08/1615 | Aug. 15 Raiph Gisbrough and Alice Swaibie weare maried |
20/08/1615 | 20 John Atsee and Barbara Truslowe weare maried |
08/10/1615 | Oct. 8 Thomas Barchard and Frauncis Burfoote weare maried |
14/11/1615 | Nov. 14 William Watsonn and Elizabeth Southwicke weare maried |
30/11/1615 | 30 John Megsonn and Marie Cowlesonn weare maried |
1616 | |
14/04/1616 | Apr. 14 William Knockes and Frauncis Browne weare maried |
29/04/1616 | 29 Jedidia Wright and Lettice Staringe were maried |
05/05/1616 | May 5 Pattricke Giltencrosse and Hellen Cookeman weare maried |
27/05/1616 | 27 Lawrence Duncalf and Elizabeth Biltonn weare maried |
28/05/1616 | 28 Thomas Wilsonn and Rachell Bilton weare married |
29/05/1616 | 29 Peter Andrew and Elsabeth Johnson maried |
01/10/1616 | Oct. 1 Richard Moore and Francis Skeflinge |
21/10/1616 | 21 John Routh and Marie Wade weare maried |
19/01/1616 | Jan. 19 Thomas Simpson and Anne Bell weare maried |
02/02/1616 | Feb. 2 Robert Walker and Cicilie Stutt weare maried |
1617 | |
25/05/1617 | May 25 Robert Bilton and Katherin Black maried |
1618 | |
18/08/1618 | Aug. 18 George Blithe and Jane Ercles maried |
24/11/1618 | Nov. 24 Willm. Hudson and Eupheme Bray maryed |
26/11/1618 | 26 John Lamb and Constance Smith maryed |
20/01/1618 | Jan. 20 William Hudson and Elizabeth Browne maryed |
1619 | |
04/04/1619 | Apr. 4 Richard Beastow and Ann Pollard were maryd |
06/04/1619 | 6 James Morris and Ann Walker wer maryd |
15/04/1619 | 15 Robert Blith and Elizabeth Stephenson were maryd |
23/05/1619 | May 23 Robert Lake and Joan Baud were marryd |
13/06/1619 | Jun. 13 Brian Railay, thelder, and Margery Chadwick maryd |
16/11/1619 | Nov. 16 Frauncis Tibthorpp labourer and Annet Blith |
18/01/1619 | Jan. 18 Xpopher Mayson and Ann Smith were maryed |
07/02/1619 | Feb. 7 Robart Simpson and Barbara Higgon maryd |
1620 | |
18/07/1620 | Jul. 18 Peter Campion and Jane Waughen maryed |
08/08/1620 | Aug. 8 Christopher Headon and Jane Wattson maryed |
05/11/1620 | Nov. 5 Richard Crawford and Ann Cook marryed |
16/11/1620 | 16 Peter Sharp and Kattharen Wilson mar |
26/11/1620 | 26 Robert Truslove and Eliz. Simpson mar |
16/01/1620 | Jan. 16 Willm. Shepherd and Eliz. Distanc mar |
1621 | |
10/04/1621 | Apr. 10 James Newark and Jane Chambers maried |
17/06/1621 | Jun. 17 Henry Higgan Alse Peacock mar |
17/06/1621 | 17 Robert Jefferson and Barbara Megson maried |
03/07/1621 | Jul. 3 Thomas Cawood and Kathereine Johnson |
04/11/1621 | Nov. 4 John Garton and Elline Xptie (i.e. Christie) mar |
13/11/1621 | 13 Thomas Sansbye and Katheran Watson mar |
17/01/1621 | Jan. 17 Lennard Bilton and Elsabeth Stawker mar |
1622 | |
30/04/1622 | Apr. 30 Christopher Sagg and Elsabeth Lawe were married |
19/01/1622 | Jan. 19 Richard Greene and Ann Moore were married |
1623 | |
15/06/1623 | Jun. 15 Robert Westerdaile and Francis Railay married |
28/10/1623 | Oct. 28 Richard Shipwright and Dinis Higgan married |
16/11/1623 | Nov. 16 George Stevenson and Margret Chadweeke maried |
27/11/1623 | 27 John Warriner and Ann Shiplay maried |
1624 | |
29/04/1624 | Apr. 29 Robert Crosse and Ann Ulyetson married |
05/09/1624 | Sept. 5 Thomas Pollard and Ailse Beane married |
02/11/1624 | Nov. 2 Stephen Arnell and Margret Gedney married |
21/11/1624 | 21 Roger Jackson and Francis Isacke married |
23/01/1624 | Jan. 23 Willm. Conset and Ann Tumholme married |
25/01/1624 | 25 Thomas Bennit and Ann Dalton married |
1625 | |
05/05/1625 | May 5 Robert Watson and Jane Thurgate married |
15/05/1625 | 15 George Herran and Dinis Cooke married |
14/06/1625 | Jun. 14 Edward Banckes and Marye Reede married |
04/08/1625 | Aug. 4 Raphe Hall and Ailse Duncalfe married |
09/08/1625 | 9 Stephen Larde and Ursaley Cheseman married |
15/11/1625 | Nov. 15 Willm. Sansbye and Ann Raines married |
22/01/1625 | Jan. 22 Jeddia Wright and Ailse Blith married |
1626 | |
23/04/1626 | Apr. 23 James Stephenson and Ann Burrell married |
27/04/1626 | 27 Robert Warde and Ailse Higgan married |
10/05/1626 | May 10 Thomas Simpson and Elizabeth Bilton married |
11/06/1626 | Jun. 11 Thomas Parkinson and Ailse Cock married |
16/07/1626 | Jul. 16 Joseph Wallis and Isabell Pollard married |
15/10/1626 | Oct. 15 Ralphe Warde and Francis Jenkinson maried |
19/11/1626 | Nov. 19 George Lockwood and Margret Simpson married |
21/11/1626 | 21 John Bilton and Margret Isacke maried |
29/11/1626 | 29 Mathew Webster and Margret Tailler married |
15/01/1626 | Jan. 15 James Cooke and Constance Railay married |
1627 | |
03/06/1627 | Jun. 3 Willm. Cotes and Marie Hardye married |
04/10/1627 | Oct. 4 Christopher Maison and Ann Maison married |
04/11/1627 | Nov. 4 Richard Watson and Jane Beane married |
1628 | |
28/04/1628 | Apr. 28 Thomas Barchard and Jane Herran married |
05/05/1628 | May 5 Willm. Black and Ann Sheildes married |
06/05/1628 | 6 Mathias Caverlay and Rachell Willson married |
20/06/1628 | Jun. 20 Francis Corbet, clerke, and Ann Lamplough married |
28/10/1628 | Oct. 28 Willm. Andrew and Ann Bestow married |
18/11/1628 | Nov. 18 Thomas Tewnie and Iphis Chadweke married |
27/01/1628 | Jan. 27 Francis Jobson and Dinis Savage married |
1629 | |
05/05/1629 | May 5 Robert Harper and Ann Bird married |
07/05/1629 | 7 John Dalton and Ailse Shepherd married |
07/06/1629 | Jun. 7 Henrye Shepherd and Barbara Raines married |
09/08/1629 | Aug. 9 Robert Sansbye and Marie Backster married |
11/08/1629 | 11 George Leng and Abigaile Turrington married |
21/09/1629 | Sep. 21 John Storie and Marye Dugglebye married |
1630 | |
12/08/1630 | Aug. 12 Richard Thorpe and Susanna Ellerbeck married |
15/11/1630 | Nov. 15 John Flinton and Marie Megson married |
1631 | |
25/04/1631 | Apr. 25 Robert Walker and Jane Newark |
28/04/1631 | 28 Thomas Greenshaw and Isabell Cheeseman |
03/11/1631 | Nov. 3 Edward Distance and Francis Dalton married |
29/01/1631 | Jan. 29 Thomas Sagge and Emmet Hogg married |
1632 | |
03/05/1632 | May 3 Thomas Gray and Margret Knox married |
22/11/1632 | Nov. 22 Peter Ranson and Jane Cheseman married |
26/11/1632 | 26 Alexsaunder Hide and Katherin Leades married |
31/01/1632 | Jan. 31 Robert Gaull and Ann Burrell married |
05/02/1632 | Feb. 5 John Webster and Elizabeth Simpson married |
05/02/1632 | 5 Thomas Fetherstone and Ann Lake married |
12/02/1632 | 12 John Blenckerne and Ann Wrightson married |
1633 | |
28/01/1633 | Jan. 28 Franciscus Readmarre et Isabella Watson nupti fuere |
30/01/1633 | 30 Rogerus Thorpe et Isabella Dunne nupti fuere |
1634 | |
08/05/1634 | May 8 Johannes Maste et Jana Bradyly nupti fuere |
21/10/1634 | Oct. 21 Edvardus Gray et Elizabetha Watson nupti fuere |
20/11/1634 | Nov. 20 Matthias Bullocke et Alisia Wintringham nupti fuere |
1635 | |
31/04/1635 | Apr. ultimo Richardus Jefferson et Jana Cheesman nupti fuere |
18/05/1635 | May 18 Henricus Cockerell clericus et Margeria Hobman nupti fuere |
26/05/1635 | 26 Johannes Barchard et Elizabetha Tewny nupti fuere |
17/09/1635 | Sep. 17 Radulphus Dauson et Katherina Hutchinson nupti fuere |
12/11/1635 | Nov. 12 Gulielmus Bucke et Elizabetha Strickland nupti fuerunt |
17/11/1635 | 17 David Distance et Damaris Newlove nupti sunt |
14/01/1635 | Jan. 14 Robertus Younge et Emota Ellerbeck nupti sunt |
1636 | |
04/08/1636 | Aug. 4 Johannes Gray et Meriall Foster nupti sunt |
28/08/1636 | 28 Jacobus Sheepheard et Helena Moore nupti fuere |
30/08/1636 | 30 Gulielmus Cooke et Maria Storie nupti fuere |
08/11/1636 | Nov. 8 Eduardus Turrington et Anna Harman nupti sunt |
14/11/1636 | 14 Gulielmus Crosse et Jane Burrell nupti stint |
22/11/1636 | 22 Gulielmus Rennison et Laetitia vulgo Lettice Wily |
27/11/1636 | 27 Thomas Ward piscator et Elizabetha Webster nupti sunt |
1637 | |
27/04/1637 | Apr. 27 Thomas Fetherstone et Cicilia Blacke nupti fuere |
11/05/1637 | May 11 Robertus Wilson et Hellena Garton nupti fuere |
02/12/1637 | Dec. 2 Thomas Younge et Helena Middleton nupti sunt |
20/01/1637 | Jan. 20 Edouardus Gardiner et Susanna Caverley nupti sunt |
21/06/1637 | Memorandum quod Thomas Webster et Maria Bucke nupti sunt hoc anno Junij vicessimo primo Fr. Corbett, Rectr |
1638 | |
26/04/1638 | Apr. 26 Gulielmus Marshall et Anna Blenkhorne nupti sunt |
22/05/1638 | May 22 Gulielmus Wintringham et Alicia Bullocke nupti sunt |
07/08/1638 | Aug. 7 Robertus Wallis et Agnes Birde nupti sunt |
1639 | |
15/05/1639 | May 15 Gregorius Bilton et Alicia Carre nupti sunt |
25/07/1639 | Jul. 25 Johannes Higgon et Elizabetha Johnson nupti sunt |
10/09/1639 | Sep. 10 Johannes Sheilds et Jana Dalton nupti sunt |
11/02/1639 | Feb. 11 Thomas Younge et Susanna Cheeseman nupti sunt |
1640 | |
09/06/1640 | Jun. 9 Thomas Carlile et Elizabetha Brande nupti sunt |
29/06/1640 | 29 Thomas Sawer alias Shawe et Dorothaea Tocke nupti sunt |
06/08/1640 | Aug. 6 Thomas Sagge et Elizabetha Truslove nupti sunt |
13/05/1640 | May 13 Thomas Dunne et Margareta Whelpdale nupti sunt |
18/05/1640 | 18 Johannes Wilson et Anna Giltencrosse nupti sunt |
20/05/1640 | 20 Martinus Bucke et Anna Drewe nupti sunt |
20/05/1640 | 20 Thomas Tocke et Margareta Langdale nupti sunt |
27/05/1640 | 27 Johannes Lakes et Francisca Blashell nupti sunt |
28/06/1640 | Jun. 28 Christopherus Dalton et Anna Garton nupti sunt |
24/08/1640 | Aug. 24 Marmaducus Smith et Francisca Reame nupti sunt |
04/10/1640 | Oct. 4 Georgias (sic) Blacker et Gratia Mallorie nupti sunt |
18/10/1640 | 18 Johannes Dunne et Helena Shereman (? Cheseman) nupti sunt |
11/11/1640 | Nov. 11 Bartholomoeus Thwaits et Francisca Browne nupti sunt |
25/01/1640 | Jan. 25 Christopherus Omler et Jana Graye nupti sunt |
25/01/1640 | 25 Robertus Thompson et Jana Gibson nupti sunt |
1642 | |
12/05/1642 | May 12 Thomas Mammige et Alicia Gray nupti |
09/06/1642 | Jun. 9 Petrus Hompton, junior, et Katharina Chapm(an) |
25/08/1642 | Aug. 25 Brian Rayley et Elizabetha Horsley nupti sunt |
1643 | |
27/06/1643 | Jun. 27 Jacobus Fetherstone et Jana Cooke nupti |
22/08/1643 | Aug. 22 Robertus Pearson et Jana Kirbie nupti sunt |
08/11/1643 | Nov. 8 Petrus Ranson et Anna Stutt nupti sunt |
16/11/1643 | 16 Willmus Barren et Jana Moore nupti sunt |
06/02/1643 | Feb. 6 Thomas Pollard et Anna Harris nupti sunt |
1644 | |
14/05/1644 | May 14 Gulielmus Pollard et Elizabetha Sheilds nupti stint |
06/08/1644 | Aug. 6 Johannes Hodgson et Francisca Scarbrough nupti |
12/11/1644 | Nov. 12 Johannes Lakes et Emota Holmes nupti sunt |
12/11/1644 | 12 Leonard Hodgson et Maria Sharpe nupti sunt |
18/11/1644 | 18 Michaell Ranson et Alicia Wright nupti sunt |
1645 | |
13/05/1645 | May 13 Edouardus Clitheroe et Alicia Ellerbie nupti sunt |
27/05/1645 | 27 Gulielmus Coulson et Hester Robinson nupti sunt |
24/07/1645 | Jul. 24 Franciscus Redmarre et Anna Barchard nupti |
05/08/1645 | Aug. 5 Michaell Pattison et Rachell Bilton nupti sunt |
30/10/1645 | Oct. 30 Bryan Rayley sen. et Maria Coates nupti sunt |
30/10/1645 | 30 Petrus Giltencrosse et Katherina Truslove nupti sunt |
04/11/1645 | Nov. 4 Gulielmus Memprize et Maria Cooke nupti sunt |
06/11/1645 | 6 Matthias Webstar et Gratia Bradie nupti sunt |
1646 | |
02/06/1646 | Jun. 2 Thomas Simpson et Jana Hodgson nupti sunt |
09/06/1646 | 9 bris 19 Gulielmus Hardy et Anna Taylor nupti sunt |
05/01/1646 | Jan. 5 Thomas Jobson et Avice Smyth nupti sunt |
23/02/1646 | Feb. 23 Johannes Mercer vulgo Maste et Emota Blyth nupti |
1647 | |
04/05/1647 | May 4 Thomas Moore et Jana Story nupti sunt |
1648 | |
09/05/1648 | May 9 Stephanus Bilith de Welwicke et Maria Smythe Parochiae de Welwicke (bannis matrimonialibus publicatis in ecclia de Welwicke secundum legem) nupti sunt in ecclia parochiali de Pattrington |
27/06/1648 | Jun. 27 Valentinus Brough et Elizabetha Warde nupti sunt |
24/10/1648 | 8bris 24 Henricus Dringe parochiae de Marflett and Anna Smith parochiae de Pattrington nupti sunt |
1649 | |
22/05/1649 | May 22 Johannes Lardgeman et Elizabeth Pollarde nupti sunt |
27/11/1649 | Nov. 27 Gulielmus Deaneet Francisca Cooke nupti sunt |
27/12/1649 | Dec. 27 Gulielmus Sansby viduus et Jana Jefferson vidua nupt : |
1650 | |
21/05/1650 | May 21 Marmaduke Whelpedale et Barbara Jackson nupt |
30/10/1650 | Oct. ultimo Gylielmus Marshall viduus et Elizabetha Pollard vidua |
28/11/1650 | Nov. 28 Johannes Crawforthe et Susanna Skelton nupti |
12/12/1650 | Dec. 12 Johannes Reynard et Mary Tumholme nupt |
1651 | |
13/05/1651 | May 13 Jacobus Wilkinson et Alicia Clytheroe nupti sunt |
17/09/1651 | Sep. 17 Marmaduke Ellis and Jane Cressey married |
21/10/1651 | Oct. 21 John Pollard and Hellen Potter married |
06/11/1651 | Nov. 6 Robert Jefferson and Mary Bilton married |
03/01/1651 | Jan. 3 Willm. Bilton and Eadith Cooke married |
1652 | |
17/05/1652 | May 17 Robert Smith and Margaret Tibthorpe married |
??/05/1652 | May Willm. Cocke of the parish of Wynesteade married Marie Wright of Pattrington |
1654 | |
26/03/1654 | First time the 26th day of March 1654 Robert Simpson and Francis Moore was published in ye church and his mother mane (sic) is Francis Simpson and hir mother mane (sic) is Eline Moore and they are both willing to ye mariage |
02/04/1654 | Second time the 2nd day of Aprill 1654 Robert Simpson and Francis Moore was publish |
09/04/1654 | Third time the 9th day of Aprill 1654 Robert Simpson and Francis Moore was publishd - John Shieldes |
24/04/1654 | Memorandum the 24th day of Aprill 1654 that Robert Simpson and Francis Moore of Pattrington was married before me at Ryse Willm Ellerbe Hu: Bethell Bethell Bacon |
29/04/1654 | First time The 29th day of Aprill 1654 Mr. John Allyn of Ottringham and Mrs Elizabeth Rowley of Wellwicke was published at Pattrington Market and his Father name is Mr. John Allyn and he is willing to the mariage |
06/05/1654 | Second time the 6th day of May 1654 John Allyn and Mrs. Elizabeth Rowley was publish in ye market |
13/05/1654 | Third time The 13th day of May 1654 John Allyn and Mrs. Elizabeth Rowley was publish in ye market. - John Shieldes. |
16/05/1654 | Memorandum the 16th of May 1654 that John Allyn of Ottringham and Elizabeath Rowley of Wellwick was maried before me at Priston Hu : Bethell. |
29/04/1654 | First time The 29th day of Aprill 1654 Robert Elson of Pattrington and Anne Dine Hompton was published at Pattrington market and hir father mane is John Dine and he is willing to the mariage. |
06/05/1654 | Second time The 6th day of May 1654 Robert Elson and Anne Dine was publised in ye Market |
13/05/1654 | Third time The 13th day of May 1654 Robert Elson and Anne Dine of Hompton was publised in ye market - John Shieldes |
16/05/1654 | Memorandum the 16th day of May 1654 that Robert Elson of Pattrington and Anne Dine of Holmpton was maried before me at Priston - Hu Bethell |
08/07/1654 | Memorand. that Richard Cock came in with the sertificate in writting ye 8th day of July 1654 |
15/07/1654 | First time The 15th day of July 1654 Richard Cock of Winsted and Elizabeth Parker of Pattrington was published at Pattrington Market Crose. |
22/07/1654 | Second time The 22th day of July 1654. Richard Cock and Elizabeth Parker was published in ye Market |
29/07/1654 | Third time The 29th day of July 1654 Richard Cock and Elizabeth Parker was published in ye Markett - John Shieldes |
31/07/1654 | Memorand. The 31th day of July 1654 that Richard Cock of Winstead and Elizabeth Parker of Pattrington was maried before me at Rise Witnesses : Hu : Bethell Willyam Hancock Francis Cocke |
14/10/1654 | Memorandum that John Jefferson gave me notice ye 14th day of October 1654 to publish Isabell Railay and him the said John in the church the Sunday after |
15/10/1654 | First time The 15th day of October 1654 John Jefferson and Isabell Railay was published in the church of Pattrington according to the act |
22/10/1654 | Second time The 22th day of October 1654 John Jefferson and Isabell Railay was published |
29/10/1654 | Third time The 29th day of October 1654 John Jefferson and Isabell Railay was published |
02/11/1654 | Memorand. The 2nd day of November 1654 that John Jefferson and Isabell Railay of Pattrington was maried before me at Beaverlay Witnesses : Chr. Ridley John Shieldes Robert Spillsbe Elizaeth Osgodbie |
04/11/1654 | Memorandum that Willm Garton of Halsham gave me notice ye 4th day of November 1654 to publish Jane Barchard of Pattrington and him the said Willm in the Church of Pattrington the Sunday after he spake to me. |
05/11/1654 | First time The fifth day of November 1654 Willm Garton and Jane Barchard was published in the church of Pattrington according to the act |
12/11/1654 | Second time The 12th day of November 1654. Willm Garton and Jane Barchard was published |
19/11/1654 | Third time The 19th day of November Willm Garton and Jane Barchard was published |
27/11/1654 | Memorandum the 27th day of November 1654 that Will. Garton of Halsham and Jane Barchard of Pattrington was maried before me at Beverlay Witnesses Chr. Ridley John Shieldes Willm Ellerbe |
23/12/1654 | Memorand. the 23th day of December 1654 George Blith of Pattrington gave notice to publish Emmett Cooke and the said Georg in the church the Sunday after he spake to me |
24/12/1654 | First time The 24th day of December 1654 George Blith and Emmett Coocke was published according to the act |
31/12/1654 | Second time The 31th day of December 1654 |
07/01/1654 | Third time The 7th day of January 1654 |
09/01/1654 | Memorand The 9th day of January 1654 that George Blith and Emmett Coocke of Pattrington was maried before me at Beverlay Witnessese D. Hotham. John Heddon of Patterington Thomas Leake of Holme |
01/12/1654 | Memorand. the 30th day of December 1654 Richard Wintringham of Nusom in the parish of Outhorne gave notice to publish the said Richard and Johane Cooke of the parish of Hompton at Pattrington Market crosse for to be joyned in marraige, and they wheare publish the first time ye same day at Pattrington crosse, being the 30th day of December 1654 according to the act. |
06/01/1654 | Second time the 6 of January 1654 Richard Wintringham and Johan Cooke where published |
13/01/1654 | Third time the 13th day of January 16541 did published (sic) there. |
??/01/1654 | Memorand. the [Blank] of January 1654 that Richard Win. tringham of Nusom in ye parish of Outhorne and Johane Cooke of Hompton was maried before [Blank] |
1655 | |
17/04/1655 | Memorandum that Francis Aire of Wellwick gave notice ye 17th day of Aprill 1655 to publish Easter Thornlay and him the said Francis in the church the Sunday after |
22/04/1655 | First time The 22th day of Aprill 1655 Francis Aire and Easter Thornlay was published in the church of Pattrington according to the Act and none did for hid them |
29/04/1655 | Second time The 29th day of Aprill 1655 Francis Aire and Easter Thornlay was published |
06/05/1655 | Third time The 6 day of May 1655 Francis Aire and Easter Thornlay was published |
21/05/1655 | Memorandum the 21th day of May 1655 That Francis Aire of Wellwick and Easter Thornlay of Pattrington was maried before me att Rise Hu. Bethell Robert Shieldes Samuell Smyth John Smyth |
01/04/1655 | Memorand that Edmond Grenberie of Tuncstell gave notice ye 27th day of Aprill 1655 to publish Uslay Cock of Winstead and him the said Edmond at Pattrington crosse on the Markett day the same day the first time being 27th day of Aprill 1655 of their publishing in ye Markett according to the act |
05/05/1655 | Second time The 5th day of May 1655 Edmond Grenberie and Uslay Cock was published in ye Markett |
12/05/1655 | Third time The 12th day of May 1655 Edmond Grenberie and Uslay Cock was published in ye Markett |
28/05/1655 | Memorandum the 28th day of May 1655 That Edmond Grenberie of Tuncstell and Uslay Cock of Winstead was maried before me witnes Hu. Bethell Richard Hind Francis Cocke |
28/04/1655 | Memorand that Thomas Webster Corior gave notice the 28th day of Aprill 1655 to publish Isabell Moses and the said Thomas in Pattrington church both living in the towne |
29/04/1655 | First time 29 day of Aprill 1655 Thomas Webster and Isabell Moses was published according to act |
06/05/1655 | Second time The 6 day of May 1655 Thomas Webster and Isabell Moses was published according to act |
13/05/1655 | Third time The 13th day of May 1655 Thomas Webster and Isabell Moses was published according to act |
28/05/1655 | Memorandum the 28th day of May 1655 That Thomas Webster and Isabell Moses both of Pattrington was maried before me att Rise witness Hu : Bethell Thomas Blenckarne John Walker |
05/06/1655 | Memorandum that James Eddom of Cammerton in the parish of Paule gave notice the 5th day of June 1655 to publish Marie Cooke of Pattrington and him the said James at Pattrington Market Cross on the next Markett day after |
09/06/1655 | First time The 9th day of June 1655 they where published according to the act |
16/06/1655 | Second time The 16th day of June 1655 James Eddom and Marie Cooke was published in ye markett according to the act |
23/06/1655 | Third time The 23th day of June 1655 James Eddom and Marie Cooke was published in ye markett according to the act |
17/07/1655 | Memorandum The 17th day of July 1655 that James Eddom of Cammerton in ye parish of Paule and Marie Cooke of Pattrington was married before me at Rise Witnesses Hu : Bethell William Story Thomas Moour |
21/07/1655 | Memorandum That Thomas Barchard gave notice the 21th day of July 1655 to publish Anne Barchard and the said Thomas in the church of Pattrington the Sunday after according to the act |
22/07/1655 | First time The 22th day of July 1655 they where published accordding to the act |
29/07/1655 | Second time The 29th day of July 1655 Thomas Barchard and Anne Barchard was published in ye church according to the act |
05/08/1655 | Third time The 5th day of August 1655 Thomas Barchard and Anne Barchard was published in ye church according to ye act |
14/08/1655 | Memorandum The 14th day of August 1655 that Thomas Barchard and Anne Barchard both of Pattrington was maried before me at Rise Witnesses Hu : Bethell Willm. Elerbie Georg Richson |
08/08/1655 | Memorandum that Thomas Turner of Tuncstell gave notice the 8th day of August 1655 to publish Elizabeth Walker and the said Thomas at Pattrington Markett Croosse the next markett day after |
11/08/1655 | First time The 11th day of August 1655 they published (sic) according to the act |
18/08/1655 | Second time The 18th day of August 1655 Thomas Turner and Elizabeth Walker was published at ye markett cross according to act |
25/08/1655 | Third time The 25th day of August 1655 Thomas Turner and Elizabeth Walker was published in ye markett according to the act |
21/11/1655 | Memorandum The 21th day of November that Thomas Turner and Elizabeth Walker both of Tuncstall was maried before me at Rise Hu : Bethell Witnesses Pattrick Coy John Shieldes |
10/11/1655 | Memorandum that Marmaduck Fristone gave notice the 10th day of November 1655 to publish Isabell Largman and the said Marmaduck in the church of Pattrington the Sunday after according to act |
01/11/1655 | The first time the 11th day of November 1655 the said Marmaduck Fristone and Isabell Largman where published according to the act |
02/11/1655 | The second time the 18th day of November 1655 Marmaduck Fristone and Isabell Largman where published in ye church according to act |
03/11/1655 | The third time The 25th day of November 1655 Marmaduck Fristone and Isabell Largman where published in ye church according to act |
06/12/1655 | Memorandum The 6th day of December 1655 that Marmaduck Fristone and Isabell Largman both of Pattrington was maried before me at Rise Hu : Bethell Witnesses William Story Phillip Stoakes |
11/11/1655 | Memorand that Richard Garner gave notice the 11th day of November 1655 to publish Elizabeth Greanshaw and the said Richard the Church of Pattrington the Sunday after according to the act |
01/11/1655 | The first time The 18th day of November 1655 Richard Garner and Elizabeth Greanshaw where published in the church according to act |
02/11/1655 | The second time The 25th day of November 1655 Richard Garner and Elizabeth Greanshaw where published in ye church according to act |
03/12/1655 | The third time The 2th day of December 1655 Richard Garner & Elizabeth Greanshaw where published in ye church according to the act |
06/12/1655 | Memorandum The 6th day of December 1655 that Richard Garner and Elizabeth Greanshaw both of Pattrington was maried before me at Rise Witnessess Hu: Bethell William Story Phillip Stoakes |
12/01/1655 | Memorandum yt Robert Sagg gave notice the 12th day of January 1655 to publish Elizabeth Railay and the said Robert Sagg in the church of Pattrington the Sunday after according to the act |
01/01/1655 | The first time The 13th day of January 1655 Robert Sagg and Elizabeth Railay where published in ye church according to act |
02/01/1655 | The second time The 20th day of January 1655 Robert Sagg and Elizabeth Railay where published in ye church according to act |
03/01/1655 | The third time The 27th day of January 1655 Robert Sagg & Elizabeth Railay where published in ye church according to act and Elias Smith his Gardinner [i.e., his guardian.] did forbid them the 27th day of Janua : 1655 |
26/01/1655 | Memorandum That Francis Smith gave notice the 26th day of January 1655 to publish the bands of Matramonie between Marie Constable of Beverlay and the said Francis in the church of Pattrington the sunday after according to the act |
01/01/1655 | The first time 27th day of January 1655 Francis Smith and Marie Counstable where published in the church according to the act |
02/02/1655 | The second time The 3th day of Febuary 1655 Francis Smith and Marie Counstable where published in the church according to the act |
03/02/1655 | The third time The loth day of Febuary 1655 Francis Smith and Marie Counstabie where published in the church according to the act |
12/02/1655 | Memorandum The 12th day of Febuary 1655 that Francis Smith and Marie Counstable was maried before me at Beverlay witnessesse William Greenwood Robart Wright |
1656 | |
28/04/1656 | Memorandum That Richard Foster of Easington gave notice the 28th day of Aprill 1656 to publish the bands of Matramonie betwixt Darcus Webster of Pattrington and the said Richard in the church of Pattrington the next Sunday after according to the act |
01/05/1656 | The first time The 4th day of May 1656 Richard Foster and Darcus Webster where published in the church according to the act |
02/05/1656 | The second time The 11th day of May 1656 Richard Foster and Darcus Webster where published in the church according to ye act |
03/05/1656 | The third time The 18th day of May 1656 Richard Foster and Darcus Webster where published in the church according to ye act |
20/05/1656 | Memorandum The 20th day of May 1656 Richard Foster and Darcus Webster was maried before me at Rise witnesses Hu : Bethell John Grimoldby John Haggitt Phillip Stoakes |
06/06/1656 | Memorandum That Willm Black gave notice the 6th day of June 1656 to publish the bands of Matramonie betwixt Francis Smith and the said Willm in the church of Pattrington the next Sunday according to the act |
01/06/1656 | The first time The 8th day of June 1656 Willm. Black and Francis Smith where published in the church of Pattrington according to the act |
02/06/1656 | The second time The 15th day of June 1656 Willm. Black and Francis Smith where published in ye church according to ye act |
03/06/1656 | The third time The 22th day of June 1656 Willm. Black and Francis Smith where published in ye church according to the act |
01/07/1656 | Memorandum The first day of July Willm. Black and Francis Smith was maried before me at Rise Witnesses Hu : Bethell Willm. Lee Nicholas Browne |
1657 | |
30/03/1657 | Memorandum That Willm Lawhton and Anne Crosse both of Pattrington was maried at Headon the 30th day of March 1657 before me [Blank] |
14/04/1657 | Memorandum That George Simpson gave notice ye 14th day of Aprill 1657 to publish the bands of Matramonie betwixt Elizabeth Anslay and the said George in ye church of Pattrington the next Sunday after according to ye actt |
01/04/1657 | The first time ye 19th day of Aprill 1657 George Simpson and Elizabeth Anslay where published in ye church according to act |
26/04/1657 | The Second time ye 26th day of Aprill 1657 George Simpson & Elizabeth Anslay where published in ye church according to ye act |
03/05/1657 | The Third time ye 3th of May 1657 George Simpson and Elizabeth Anslay where published in ye church according to ye act |
12/05/1657 | Memorandum The 12th day of May 1657 that George Simpson and Elizabeth Anslay both of Pattrington was maried at Headon before me [Blank] |
26/05/1657 | Memorandum That Robert Shieldes gave notice the 26th day of May 1657 to publish ye bands of matramonie betwixt Elizabeth Stead of Pattrington and the said Robert in the church of Pattrington the next Sunday after according to the act |
01/05/1657 | The first time The 31th day of May 1657 Robert Shieldes and Elizabeth Stead wheare published in ye church of Pattrington according to the act |
02/06/1657 | The second time ye 7th day of June 1657 Robert Shieldes and Elizabeth Stead where published in ye church of Pattrington according to ye act |
03/06/1657 | The third time ye 14th day of June 1657 Robert Shieldes and Elizabeth Stead where published in ye church of Pattrington according to ye act |
22/06/1657 | Memorandum The 22th day of June 1657 that Robert Shieldes and Elizabeth Stead was maried be ore me at Rise Hu : Bethell Witnesses Samuell Smyth Tho Blenckarne |
11/07/1657 | Memorandum yt 11th day of July 1657 Roger Ringrose and Anne Morton both gave notice to publish ye bands of Matremonie in Pattrington church ye day after and they where published according to ye act |
01/07/1657 | The first time ye 12th day of July Roger Ringrose and Anne Morton where published in ye church accordding to ye act |
02/07/1657 | The second time ye 19th day of July Roger Ringrose and Anne Morton where published in ye church of Pattrington according to ye act |
03/07/1657 | The third time ye 26th day of July Roger Ringrose and Anne Morton where published in ye church of Pattrington according to ye act |
28/07/1657 | Memorandum The 28th day of July 1657 that Roger Ringrose and Anne Morton was maried before me at Rise Hu : Bethell Witnesses Samuel Smyth Robert Shieldes |
30/10/1657 | Memorandum that John Blithe of the Parish of Pattrington gave notice the 30th day of October 1657 to publish the Bands of Matremonie betwene him the said John Blithe and Elizabeth Overton of the parish of Easington in ye Parish church of Pattrington according to the act |
01/11/1657 | The first day of November 1657 the said John Blith and Elizabeth Overton weare published in the parish church of Pattrington according to ye acte |
08/11/1657 | The Second time the 8th day of November 1657 John Blith and Elizabeth Overton was published in the church according to the acte |
15/11/1657 | The 15th day of November they weare published againe according to the acte |
26/11/1657 | Nov. 26th day John Blith of this towne and Elizabeth Overton of Easinton weare maried |
1658 | |
25/03/1658 | Mar. 25 William Welburne and Barbara Cautharnwood was maryed |
21/04/1658 | Apr. 21 Brian Ralay of this towne & Francis Dray of Pluland in the parish of Wellwick maried |
12/05/1658 | May 12 Pattrick Gibson and Elisabeth Webster maried |
31/05/1658 | 31 Martin Rickman of Frowthinggam in the parish of Sethorne and Barbray Renison maried |
03/06/1658 | Jun. 3 Thomas Cempe of the parichs of Wisted and Jane Ralay of this towne maried |
28/06/1658 | 28 Thomas Blenkharne of this towne and Elisabeth Estrape of the parish of Secklin weare maried |
01/07/1658 | Jul. 1 Christophfer Headon and Ellin Barcker maried |
06/07/1658 | 6 Henry Foster of Esinton and Mary Bouth of Kingston upon Holl being three times published in the market according to act of Parlayment was maried |
03/08/1658 | Aug. 3 Mathew Mason of Frowthinggam and Francis Diston of this towne wedow was maried |
07/08/1658 | 7 Thomas Tocke and Avece Jobson booth of this towne maried |
10/08/1658 | 10 John Meginson and An Nuton both of this towne maried |
09/09/1658 | Sep. 9 Francis Bylit of Wellicke and Jane Barton maried |
01/11/1658 | Nov. 1 John Houghon of Nuton in the parishs of Esington and Forton Skarbrow of the same towne maried |
16/11/1658 | 16 Francis Jobson and Jane Story bouth of this towne maried |
??/11/1658 | Nov. John Wilkinson and Jane Jammars bouth of Frouthingham in the parish of Seethorne maried |
10/12/1658 | Dec. 10 William Cockaline and Ellin Pierson maried |
20/02/1658 | Feb. 20 Christopher Stevenson and Jane Potare maried |
14/04/1658 | Apr. 14 Robert Jefferson of the parichs of Wellicke and Jaine Burdas of this towne mareid |
08/05/1658 | May 8 Thomas Webster of this Towne & Jane Sharlock of Beverlay maried |
10/05/1658 | 10 Joshif Sagg of this towne and Francis Clapam maried William Story Regester |
1659 | |
12/07/1659 | Jul. 12 Thomas Garton and Ann Hall of this towne married |
14/07/1659 | 14 John Sagg of this towne and Mary Roget of Loung Riston |
26/07/1659 | 26 Robart Simpson and Elisabeth Lardgman mard |
03/08/1659 | Aug. 3 Thomas Colinwourth and An Truslay mard |
02/11/1659 | Nov. 2 John Dauson and Sarah Readhead of Esinton maried |
03/11/1659 | Nov. 3 Humfray Hall and Elisabeth Meke of Scerlay maried |
08/11/1659 | 8 Marke Turinton and Elisabeth Horinson maried |
13/11/1659 | 13 Thomas Cirbey and Ellin Cockaline maried |
17/11/1659 | 17 Richard Houghon and Marey Ward maried |
24/11/1659 | 24 John Walker and Ellabeth Reame maried |
15/12/1659 | Dec. 15 William Bilton and An Eston maried |
05/01/1659 | Jan. 5 John Meginson and Elisabeth Smith of Thorpe maried |
02/02/1659 | Feb. 2 William Featherston and Margrit Fribus of Neuton maried |
1662 | |
??/??/1662 | William Reame iunior & Ann [blank] |
03/09/1662 | Sep. 3 William Reame thelder and Ann Smyth married |
10/09/1662 | 10 Willm Smyth and Margerie Cocke married |
01/04/1662 | Apr. 1 John Shieldes wth Elling Pollard married |
08/05/1662 | May 8 Joseph Picard wth Hannah Frybus marriede |
15/05/1662 | 15 John Megson wth AyIce Peckitt maried |
15/05/1662 | 15 James Dalton wth Jane Reame married |
24/06/1662 | Jun. 24 Thomas Parkinson and Isabell Ranson married |
18/07/1662 | Jul. 18 Tho Dalton wth Elizabeth Holmes marrid |
06/09/1662 | Sep. 6 Edward Turrington & Dorothy Collidge married |
21/10/1662 | Oct. 21 George Bawne and Mary Collidge married |
18/11/1662 | Nov. 18 James Simpson and Ellin Wilson married |
27/11/1662 | 27 Willm Smyth and Jane Huson married |
29/11/1662 | 29 Willm Thompson and Susana Chadwicke mar |
1663 | |
19/11/1663 | Nov. 19 George Don and Elazabeth Wayrde his wife married |
21/01/1663 | Jan. 21 Francis Cocke and Elazabeth Kelle married |
1664 | |
01/11/1664 | Nov. first day Davide Friston and Elazbeth Barchard married |
17/01/1664 | Jan. 17 Thomas Crawforde An Barchard married |
26/01/1664 | 26 John Lambarde and An Hochan married |
1665 | |
06/04/1665 | Apr. the 6th day John Endick and Mary Tuttey maried |
15/01/1665 | Jan. 15 Willame Alliuer and Marye Poullard maried |
25/01/1665 | 25 George Bylton and Betteris Cawtheran maried |
27/01/1665 | 27 Willame Weburne and Elazabeth Walker |
06/02/1665 | Feb. 6 Robarte Douglas and Haneay Colisson married |
08/02/1665 | 8 Robarte Anwike and Ann Daylton married |
1666 | |
24/04/1666 | Apr. 24 Richarde Dalton and Rebeckea Hille maried |
08/05/1666 | May 8 Richard Clapam and Jann Cayre maried |
17/05/1666 | 17 Robarte Tilling and Margryt Oswood maried |
20/01/1666 | Jan. 20 John Mast and Eallisse Cooke maried |
29/01/1666 | 29 Jame Dalton and Jann Warde maried |
1667 | |
30/04/1667 | Apr. 30 John Gray and Sisillay Walker married |
19/05/1667 | May 19 William Scrowstan and Seunea Backas married |
04/06/1667 | Jun. 4 Stuen Foster and Deberea Beninton |
01/10/1667 | Oct. 1 Willame Campeon and Ann Watson married |
1668 | |
30/03/1668 | Mar. 30 Francis Reame and Ann Tewnie married |
11/08/1668 | Aug. 11 Hennery Osmann and Mary Donn married |
19/11/1668 | Nov. 19 Richard Fenbee and Jann Clapam married |
24/11/1668 | 24 George Byllinnee and Elazabeth Addison married |
07/01/1668 | Jan. 7 Edwayrde Robisson and Elazabeth Railay mar |
1669 | |
06/05/1669 | May 6 John Savage and Marthea Webster |
10/06/1669 | Jun. 10 Edwarde Edam and Ellinge Hedon married |
06/07/1669 | Jul. 6 Edwarde Adkinson and Elazabeth Fisher married |
13/07/1669 | 13 John Courtis and Mirstris Elazabeth Allan married |
30/09/1669 | Sep. 30 Thomas Cayrbee and Margryt Palay married |
19/10/1669 | Oct. 19 Richarde Newton and Ann Chadwick |
02/11/1669 | Nov. 2 Willame Richisson and Ann Campeon |
16/11/1669 | 16 Edwayrd Wayrd and Ann Cootford married |
18/11/1669 | 18 Willame Reame and Eaylse Gaydna married |
18/01/1669 | Jan. 18 Willam Dallton and Elazbeth Wayrd married |
08/02/1669 | Feb. 8 James Otese (? Aese) and Elazabeth Waller married |
1670 | |
14/08/1670 | Aug. 14 John Megson and Hanea Donn married |
11/10/1670 | Oct. 11 Thomas Fedderston and Joan Duncalf married |
18/10/1670 | 18 Steven Blyth and Cattran Clapam married |
14/11/1670 | Nov. 14 John Westebe and Francis Sagg married |
18/05/1670 | May 18 Robarte Watson and Jann Fribause married |
23/05/1670 | 23 Edwarde Sawer and Mary Easee married |
1671 | |
26/01/1671 | Jan. 26 Francis Purton and Easter Ginins married |
27/07/1671 | Jul. 27 William Bylton and Francis Christee married |
14/11/1671 | Nov. 14 Robert Vavisor and Elizabeth Crawfurth married |
23/11/1671 | 23 John Barton and Ann Rawling married |
1672 | |
07/05/1672 | May 7 John Adam and Elizabeth Powllard maried |
27/05/1672 | 27 Willm. Adkinson and Aylis Mast maried. |
1673 | |
05/05/1673 | May 5 Willm. Ellerby and Susanna Smyth married |
13/11/1673 | Nov. 13 Edward Medlay and Aylce Reame married |
20/11/1673 | 20 Brian Railay and Repentance Backus maried |
??/11/1673 | Nov. ibdem Francis Blyth and Ann Hardye marridd |
This Register hath been sadly neglected from the yeare 1673 to the yeare 1683 by the carlessness of the Rector and Curate in being in wch there are many mistakes likely to be found. | |
04/05/1673 | May 4 Thomas Savage & Anna Chadwick |
19/05/1673 | 19 Gulmus Gardiner & Helena Dalton |
??/05/1673 | May Richdus Gall & Margareta Smith |
24/05/1673 | 24 Edvardus Saile & Anna Ginnins |
18/11/1673 | Nov. 18 Gulms Johnson & Anna Thow |
23/11/1673 | 23 Henricus Shepard & Ursula Savage |
1677 | |
22/11/1677 | Nov. 22 Thomas Bilton & Margery Wilkinson |
1681 | |
14/04/1681 | Apr. 14 Thomas Rider & Maria Moore |
16/08/1681 | Aug. 16 Thomas Dalton & Sarah Matchan |
17/11/1681 | Nov. 17 Thomas Walker & Francisca Walker |
29/11/1681 | 29 Thomas Newton & Anna Lambert |
1682 | |
22/05/1682 | May 22 Thomas Harness Genrosus et Anna Prowde |
23/11/1682 | Nov. 23 Amos Jefferson & Dorothea Burks |
30/11/1682 | 30 Thomas Blenckarne & Maria Thornill |
1683 | |
20/05/1683 | May 20 Johnes Challenor & Eliz. Robinson |
22/11/1683 | Nov. 22 Jacobus Mast & Anna Dunn |
29/11/1683 | 29 Richardus Hodgson et Elizabetha Halam |
??/11/1683 | Nov. William Mast & Elizabeth Kirby |
1684 | |
05/05/1684 | May 5 Thomas Headon & Jana Bilet ambo Parochiae de Welwick |
01/05/1684 | 1 Robertus Dawson & Elizabetha Thompson |
13/05/1684 | 13 Thomas Dawson & Catherina Smith |
17/06/1684 | Jun. 17 Johnes Curtas de Hometon Parochiae de Halam et Francisca Chimley |
31/07/1684 | Jul. 31 Johannes Largman & Elizabetha Dunn Junr |
30/09/1684 | Sep. 30 Stephanus Ellis et Bridgeta Mickley |
14/10/1684 | Oct. 14 Moses Nicholson et Jana Headon |
13/11/1684 | Nov. 13 Johnes Largman et Maria Cammill |
19/11/1684 | 19 Thomas Walker et Maria Routon |
20/11/1684 | 20 Israel Smith et Dorothea Laughton |
26/11/1684 | 26 Thomas Jefferson et Helena Gardiner per Licenm |
27/11/1684 | 27 Robertus Westabie et Helena Booth |
15/01/1684 | Jan. 15 Robertus Jackson de Kilnsea et Elizabetha Jackson |
1685 | |
16/07/1685 | Jul. 16 Christopherus Stephenson & Anna Blyth |
02/08/1685 | Aug. 2 Johannis Adam & Margareta Smith de Rimswell Parochae de Owthorne |
14/02/1685 | Feb. 14 Johan Dunn & Mary Stubs |
[From 1686 to 1718. Weddings in Duplicate.-The Transcript is written clearly and distinctly but not with great accuracy. The original entries are scattered in great confusion among entries of Baptisms and Burials. Variations between the original entries and the Transcript have been marked by placing the readings of the Transcript in brackets.] | |
1686 | |
04/05/1686 | May 4 George Dun and Anne Matchin |
06/05/1686 | 6 Stephen Ellis and Mary Loncaster de Holam |
05/08/1686 | Aug. 5 Mark Burdus and Ann Swaille |
10/08/1686 | 10 Francis Leafe and Mary Shaw |
15/08/1686 | 15 John Wood and Elizabeth Steward |
1687 | |
19/04/1687 | Apr. 19 Gulmus (William) Blossom et Maria Thomson (Elizabeth Wilson) ambo Parochae de Preston (both of the Parish of Preston) |
24/05/1687 | May 24 Johannes Wilson et Sarah Gill |
25/05/1687 | 25 Robert Air & Elizabeth Hancock |
25/06/1687 | Jun. 25 William Atkinson & Ann Fisher |
09/06/1687 | 9 Francis Johnson & Mary Jeggar |
20/06/1687 | 20 John Chanlay & Anne Nunington |
1688 | |
03/05/1688 | May 3 Johannes Maddock (Marwick) of this (Parish) et Hannah |
03/05/1688 | 3 Thow de Paul (of the Parish of Paul) |
13/05/1688 | 13 George Stephenson and Grace Wallis |
20/11/1688 | Nov. 20 John (Jonh, sic) Walker and Hellen (Eling) Watson |
1689 | |
04/04/1689 | Apr. 4 Francis Sherat and Margaret Ellerbe |
30/05/1689 | May 30 Oliver Featherston and Martha Savage |
13/06/1689 | Jun. 13 James Raspin and Barbara Dalton |
19/06/1689 | 19 John Lakes and Do10thy Smith |
14/11/1689 | Nov. 14 Richard Hill and Anne Cook |
16/06/1689 | Jun. 16 Joseph Smith and Alice Dalton |
1690 | |
16/10/1690 | Oct. 16 Nicholas Cross and Ellinor Gordinor (Gardner) |
20/11/1690 | Nov. 20 John Barton and Beatrix Yeaton |
24/11/1690 | 24 John Warrener and Mary Cay (? Coy) |
03/02/1690 | Feb. 3 John (James) Sympson and Anne Whitacker |
03/02/1690 | 3 John Bouth and Margerett Houden of Welwick |
26/11/1690 | Nov. 26 Thomas Winterscales and Mary Craforth (Crawfoot) |
1692 | |
10/11/1692 | Nov. 10 William Scarlett(Wilfred Cook) and Elenor(Elling) Howdell |
22/11/1692 | 22 William Burn and Rachel More |
1694 | |
11/05/1694 | May 11 William Harrison and Margaret Gray |
15/06/1694 | Jun. 15 Joseph Loncaster and Katherine Fenby |
13/11/1694 | Nov. 13 Robart Bilton & Elizabeth Morton |
19/11/1694 | 19 John Walker & Elizabeth Whiting |
20/11/1694 | 20 Thomas Goldwell & Susan Atkinson |
22/11/1694 | 22 Wm Cockerline & Elizabeth Goodall |
1696 | |
17/11/1696 | Nov. 17 Wm. Shaw & Eleanor Thew |
24/11/1696 | 24 Thomas Peacock & Eliz. Wolf |
1697 | |
07/07/1697 | Jul. 7 George Robinson & Elizabeth Chambers |
13/07/1697 | 13 Edward Webster & Hannah Locking |
11/07/1697 | 11 Thomas Thew Ann Carr |
16/07/1697 | Jul. 16 Thomas Morrice & Elizabeth [blank] |
26/09/1697 | Sep. 26 John Cook & Frances Ward |
26/12/1697 | Dec. 26 Samll Cooper & Margaret Eddam |
24/03/1697 | Mar. 24 Thomas Bilton & Anne Coupledyke |
1698 | |
24/05/1698 | May 24 John Lakes & Huldah Alamby |
09/06/1698 | Jun. 9 John Jackson & Anne Atkinson |
16/11/1698 | Nov. 16 Joseph Sparrow & Eliz. Featherstone |
29/11/1698 | 29 Richard Nelson & Anne Pearson |
1699 | |
06/08/1699 | Aug. 6 William Dalton & Margaret Owebridge |
1700 | |
27/04/1700 | Apr. 27 Francis Ream & Anna Thompson |
1701 | |
31/05/1701 | May 31 Edward Thorp & Eliz. Bainbridge |
18/07/1701 | Jul. 18 Wm Maddock & Mary Welbank |
13/11/1701 | Nov. 13 James Dibney & Susannah Wallis |
25/06/1701 | Jun. 25 Wm Brigham & Sarah Saill |
13/02/1701 | Feb. 13 Robert Greenshaw & Jane Harrison |
1702 | |
07/06/1702 | Jun. 7 Wilfrid Cook & Ellenor Howdell |
1703 | |
08/04/1703 | Apr. 8 John Thorgill & Susannah Golden |
05/08/1703 | Aug. 5 Henery Osmand (of this Parish) & Betterix Cuniston of ye parish of Holmton |
08/08/1703 | 8 John Green & Sara Raynes |
19/01/1703 | Jan. 19 James Boys & Elizabeth Barchard |
1704 | |
14/05/1704 | May 14 Richard Atkinson & Ellinor Tailor |
23/11/1704 | Nov. 23 Jeremiah Matchin & Grace Stephenson |
23/11/1704 | 23 William Laws & Mary Largeman |
1705 | |
12/06/1705 | Jun. 12 Wm Rider & Anne Whiting |
31/07/1705 | Jul. 31 Joseph Lancaster (of this Parish) & Mary Parker of the parish Welwick |
07/11/1705 | Nov. 7 Wm Wilson & Ellenor Cook |
20/01/1705 | Jany 20 Bernerd Balk & Elizabeth Graystock |
1706 | |
10/09/1706 | Sep. 10 James Addamson & Tabitha Bull |
29/09/1706 | 29 Wm Burrill & Alice Langley |
12/11/1706 | Nov. 12 Benjamin Watson & Lettice Simpson |
14/01/1706 | Jan. 14 George Watson & Ellinr. Drew |
16/01/1706 | 16 Thomas Appleby & Catharine Kirby |
04/02/1706 | Feb. 4 John Kemp & Anne Watson |
05/02/1706 | 5 Matthew Walker & Mary Walker |
1707 | |
24/06/1707 | Jun. 24 Wm Shields & Elizabeth Dawson |
21/10/1707 | Oct. 21 John Dalton & Margarett Anderson |
1708 | |
11/04/1708 | Apr. 11 Richard Maddock (Marwick) & Mary Pashby |
15/04/1708 | 15 Henry Frith & Anne Jackson |
11/07/1708 | Jul. 11 Thomas Rank & Katherine blank (Billany) |
24/11/1708 | Nov. 24 Richard Rawling & Anne Watson |
1709 | |
05/07/1709 | Jul. 5 Richard White & Alice Jefferson |
1710 | |
04/05/1710 | May 4 Thomas Scoffin & Jane Billany |
16/05/1710 | 16 John Kemp & Isabell Appleby |
11/02/1710 | Feb. 11 John Burdas (of this perish) & Hannah Pudsey (of Heddon) |
1711 | |
24/04/1711 | Apr. 24 Thomas Greenshaw & Anne Pattison |
06/05/1711 | May 6 Wm Bainbridg & Jane Motherby |
14/11/1711 | Nov. 14 Samll Tutin of Hull & Anne Laughton of this Parish |
22/01/1711 | Jan. 22 Josiah Ross & Anne Miller |
1712 | |
07/07/1712 | Jul. 7 Richard Baxter & Elizabeth Thompson |
10/07/1712 | 10 Caleb Gerrard & Mary Stephenson |
12/11/1712 | Nov. 12 Henry Brown & Elizabeth Sagg |
22/01/1712 | Jan. 22 William Hotchan & Anne Wheldale |
1713 | |
29/06/1713 | Jun. 29 Thomas Ross & Mary Linwood |
03/07/1713 | Jul. 3 Wm Bells (Eells) & Mary Cross |
27/10/1713 | Oct. 27 Robert Langthorp & Jane Watson |
02/11/1713 | Nov. 2 Robert Dawson & Mary Sidsard |
17/11/1713 | 17 Wm Kell & Susannah Huton |
03/03/1713 | Mar. 3 Phillip Jackson & Anne Burton |
1714 | |
20/04/1714 | Apr. 20 John Rossendale of Hull tailor & Jane Rennison (of this Parish) spinster |
22/04/1714 | 22 Wm Garton of Halsham widdouer & Prudence Bilton of Patrington (this parish) spinster |
16/11/1714 | Nov. 16 Anthony Wallis & Anne Moxon |
25/11/1714 | 25 Richard Pearson Lab(ourar) & Elling Burton |
14/01/1714 | Jan. 14 John Smith & Mary Humberstone (Lumberstone) wid., both belonging to ye Sunk Iland |
1715 | |
15/05/1715 | May 15 Mathew Walker & Anne Reame |
26/05/1715 | 26 Francis Wade & Frances Mask |
26/05/1715 | 26 Francis Pinchbeck & Rebeccah Sheerwood |
09/06/1715 | Jun. 9 Thomas Atkin & Jael Smith |
25/07/1715 | Jul. 25 Christopher Ash of York woollen draper & Jane Dalton spinster of this parish |
04/08/1715 | Aug. 4 Thomas Moor of Terrington labourer & Joannah Ganton servant of this Parish |
19/12/1715 | Dec. 19 John Bylith junior of Welwick als Plewland & Hannah Dalton (of this parish) spinster |
1716 | |
31/05/1716 | May 31 John Tate servant & Eliz Wharton servt. |
17/06/1716 | Jun. 17 Thomas Kirk labourer & Eliz Thompson servant |
24/10/1716 | Oct. 24 John Sissons Gent of ye Parish of Hesle & Eliz Storr of Patrington wid. married by Jo Pighells, rector ibidem, by virtue of a licence granted by Mr. Jo. Senior Surr |
27/11/1716 | Nov. 27 Daniell Cook labourer & Jane Cross spinster both of this parish |
05/03/1716 | Mar. 5 Anthony Simpson of ye parish of St. Trinity in Hull weaver & Mary Linwood spinster of this Parish |
1717 | |
22/04/1717 | Apr. 22 Robart Gray of ye parish of Kayingham & Anne Burdas spinster of this parish the Banns certified by Mr. Jellison |
02/05/1717 | May 2 Thomas Fox & Hannah Marwick by Bans labr & spinster |
26/05/1717 | 26 Wm Cook lab, and Anne Coleman spinster both of this Parish by Banns |
30/05/1717 | 30 John Grascroft of this Parish servant & Isabel Brounby of the parish of Heddon servt. Banns certified by Mr. Sissison (Transcript certified by Jo Pighells Tho Greenshaw George Billton) |
25/06/1717 | Jun. 25 Ricd Cookman farmer & Ann Harison servt |
1718 | |
14/11/1718 | Nov. 14 Wm Raven blacksmith & Elizabeth Ouston servant both of this Parish 1718 |
28/04/1718 | Apr. 28 Thomas Clapham of Roose & Rachell Smith of this parish by Bans certyd by Mr. Beuer |
30/04/1718 | 30 Robart Westerby & Mary Walker both of this Parish |
01/05/1718 | May 1 Ricd Johnson of Oteringham & Hannah Smith of this parish Bans cent by Mr. Tute |
08/06/1718 | Jun. 8 George Bilton & Frances Gall both of this Parish by Bans |
22/06/1718 | 22 John Marwick mariner & Martha Chimney widw both of this parish by Bans mard by J. P. |
1719 | |
05/02/1719 | Feb. 5 George Dunn and Anne Langthorp both of this parish were marryed by John Pighells by vertue of a License granted by the Reverend Mr. Dunn minister of the Low Church in Hull 1719 |
04/05/1719 | May 4 Richard Atkinson & Ann Lakes both of this Parish by Bans |
05/05/1719 | 5 Richard Shields and Joan Wheldale by Bans ye Former A Widdower the latter A Sert |
1720 | |
25/10/1720 | Oct. 25 David Thew & Margaret Garner both of this parish He A Tailor she Toung woman by Banns married by Jo Pighells |
23/11/1720 | Nov. 23 Joseph Brown of this parish widdower & Elizabeth Hesp of Hedon servt married by Jo. Pighells Banns certified by Mr. Sissison minister of Hedon |
27/11/1720 | 27 Richard Atkinson shepherd & Margret Dalton wid. both of this Parish by Banns married by me Jo Pighells Rectr |
1721 | |
02/05/1721 | May 2 John Carlile of the parish of Humbleton sert & Elizabeth Wilson of this Parish servt by Banns married by me Jo Pighells Recr Banns certified by Mr. Thomson Curate ibidem |
1722 | |
14/11/1722 | Nov. 14 Henry Clark of the parish of Barmston & Margaret Elden of this Parish both servts by Banns married by me Jo Pighells Banns certified by Mr. Goundrill Curate at Barmston 1722 Jo Pighells, rectr. |
03/04/1722 | Apr. 3 John Garner widdower & Hannah Gray spinster by Banns both of this parish married by Jo Pighells Rect |
21/05/1722 | May 21 Richard Billany of the parish of Skeckling servt & Margarett Dunn of the parish of Patrington married by Banns by me Jo Pighells certified by ye Revd Mr. James Vic of Skeckling |
23/07/1722 | Jul. 23 Edwd Robinson of the parish of Rooss shoemaker & Frances Shields of this parish spinster married by License from Dr. Audley & Mr. Sissison of Heddon Surr by me Jo Pighells Rect de Patrington |
24/07/1722 | 24 Thomas Truslove of the parish of the Holy Trinity in Hull mariner & Mary Shepherd of this parish spinster maryed by me Jo Pighells Banns certified by Mr. Robinson Cur. at Hull |
01/08/1722 | Aug. 1 Ricd. Atkinson & Frances Iseland both of this parish by Banns maryed by Jo Pighells |
18/09/1722 | Sep. 18 William Mast wheelwright & Elizabeth Kemp servt both of this parish by Banns maryed by me Jo Pighells |
13/11/1722 | Nov. 13 Thomas Metcalf & Elizab. Flintoft both of this parish by Banns married by Jo Pighells |
08/02/1722 | Feb. 8 George Killingbeck & Mary Rawling both of this parish by banns married by Jo Pighells |
1723 | |
23/07/1723 | Jul. 23 Ranson Billany servt & Frances Bilton widdow both of this parish by Banns maried by Jo Pighells |
30/09/1723 | Sep. 30 Edward Smith of the parish of Hedon skinner & Anne Cook of this parish widdow by Banns certifyd by Mr. Sissison married by John Pighells Rectr |
17/02/1723 | Feb. 17 Lawrence Harrison & Mary Clark both of this parish by banns married by Jo Pighells |
1724 | |
07/04/1724 | Apr. 7 Thomas Hunter of the parish of Kilnsey & Easter Wilkinson of this parish servt by banns certifyd by Mr Jamison married by Jo Pighells |
20/04/1724 | 20 John Pearson widdower & Anne Taylor widdow both of this parish by banns married by Jo Pighells |
02/06/1724 | Jun. 2 George Stephenson of the parish of Easington Joyner & Isabell Jackson spinster of this parish by Banns certified by Mr. Jamison Curate at Easington married by Jo Pighells Rectr |
30/06/1724 | Jun. 30 Edward Webster blacksmith & Anne Rawling widdow both of this parish by Banns married by Jo Pighells |
14/09/1724 | Sep. 14 Ricd. Marwick widdower & Dinah Drew servt by Banns both of this parish married by Jo Pighells |
14/12/1724 | Dec. 14 John Rank batchellour & Frances Laughton widdow both of this parish by Banns married by Jo Pighells Recr |
1725 | |
18/11/1725 | Nov. 18 George Killenbeck widower and Ann Wallis singlewoman were married with Banns by Martin Johnson Curate |
1726 | |
20/07/1726 | Jul. 20 Saml Cooper & Susanna Pearson were married by Banns |
28/08/1726 | Aug. 28 James Dibney & Mary Owbrigge were married by Banns |
14/09/1726 | Sep. 14 John Willamson & Sarah Hanson were married by Banns |
07/11/1726 | Nov. 7 John Grascroft widower & Margaret Toule widow were married by Banns |
1727 | |
07/11/1727 | 7 John Steward singleman & Ann Dunn singlewoman were mard by Banns 1727 |
27/04/1727 | Apr. 27 John Kempe & Jane Stutt were married by Banns |
04/05/1727 | May 4 Robert Ellis & Ann Sag were married by Banns |
23/05/1727 | 23 Thomas Hutton & Ann Thew were married by Banns |
1728 | |
03/08/1728 | Aug. 3 William Coningston & Sarah Jackson both of this parish by Banns 1728 |
22/04/1728 | Apr. 22 Anthony Simpson & Jane Gray both of this Parish by Banns |
29/04/1728 | 29 Edward Dowser from ye Sunk Island & Ann Pawling of this parish by Banns |
15/05/1728 | May 15 Robert Sawyer of this parish & Elizabeth Wilkinson of the parish of Skefllin by Licence bearing date Apr. 28 1728 & granted by the Revd Mr. Wm. Mason Surr |
19/08/1728 | Aug. 19 Ralph Tennison & Elizabeth Baulk by Banns Witnesses H. Hopkinson Rector Jonat Cross Church John Greenshaw wardens |
1729 | |
13/12/1729 | Dec. 13 William Hutton and Mary Gawthorp both of this Parish by Banns 1729 |
04/05/1729 | May 4 Thomas Shields and Elizabeth Baxter of this Parish by Banns |
02/06/1729 | June 2 Anthony Simson & Dinah Askue both of this Parish by Banns |
23/06/1729 | 23 William Cockerline & Frances Hopper both of this Parish |
20/10/1729 | Oct. 20 James Dalton & Jane Longthorp both of this Parish by Banns |
18/11/1729 | Nov. 18 Francis Pearson & Mary Ward both of this Parish by Banns |
29/12/1729 | Dec. 29 Edward Gawthorp & Ann Pearcy both of this Parish by Banns |
29/12/1729 | 29 William Potchet & Ann Ireland both of this Parish by Banns |
1730 | |
20/04/1730 | Apr. 20 William Rawling & Mary Whit both of this Parish by Banns |
21/04/1730 | 21 Jeremiah Smith & Jane Hall both of this Parish by Banns |
19/05/1730 | May 19 William Flintoft & Mary Garner both of this Parish by Banns |
29/06/1730 | June 29 Richard Atkinson & Elizabeth Robinson both of this Parish by Banns |
06/07/1730 | Jul. 6 Richard Pearson & Ann Hotchan both of this Parish by Banns |
19/12/1730 | Dec. 19 William Joy & Frances Atkinson of this Parish by Licence bearing date Dec. 18 1730 & granted by the Rev. Mr. Thos. Jackson of Hedon Surr |
1731 | |
30/05/1731 | May 30 Benjamin Watson & Ann Hunter both of this Parish by Banns Witnesses H Hopkinson Rector Thos. Mantle Jno Simpson Churchwardens |
Data transcribed from
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1900
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
This page © 2020
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1900
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
This page © 2020