Patrington Registers - Miscellaneous.
Transcription of the Patrington Registers - Miscellaneous.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/ERY/PatringtonParishRegs.txt Miscellaneous entries in the Parish Registers.
1570 - 1731.
Rector of Patrington, and Canon of York.
THE Patrington Registers, as here printed, are contained in two Volumes, the first of which is on the whole in very good condition, being strongly bound in vellum, and measures 19 inches in length by 71 inches in breadth. It contains 168 pages of parchment, on which entries are written of Marriages, Baptisms, or Births, and Burials, with 12 pages containing an undated Terrier, and notices of the erection or transfer of pews or seats in the Church.
The entries commence with a Transcript, the writing of which is somewhat faded, of the Marriages, Christenings, and Burials from 1570 to 1598, each page of which is signed by the Vicar and Curate, and four Churchwardens. The entries in this Transcript are for the most part in Latin, but English words are often inserted, as for example the usual form of a marriage entry is Edward Warde and Agnes Jackson nupti fuere." In the entries of Christenings the form "babtizatus" is universally employed. In the Burial entries the Christian name and sex or condition of the person buried is frequently given in English, while the remainder of the entry is in Latin, e.g., " Isabel Tock singlewoman mort obiit ;" " Richard Hewyt cordiner mort obiit." In 1599 entries commence apparently in the handwriting of the Rector, Humfray Hall, whose Incumbency extended from 1581 to 1626, and whose signature repeatedly occurs, together with the signatures or marks of his Churchwardens, as attesting the correctness of the entries. His entries commence in Latin, " Ellin Pinckney vidua mortua et sepulta est," but very soon are given entirely in English. In the early part of the Incumbency of Francis Corbett, who was Rector from 1627 to 1651, the entries are in English and are written in a very illiterate handwriting, but from 1634 to 1651 they are written in scholarly Latin, perhaps by the Rector himself, with the addition in the case of most of the Burials of some title to designate the condition or profession of the person buried. In this part of the Register we come across unusual terms such as rotifex (wheel- wright), chirothicarius (glover), faber lignarius (carpenter), pictor (painter), famulus sacrorum (parish clerk), senex innupta (old maid) ; and notes with regard to the number carried off, or supposed to be carried off, by the plague.
From 1653 to 1660 the Registers were by Act of Parliament taken out of the custody of the Clergy, and in Patrington were placed successively in the charge of most shamefully illiterate men, John Shieldes and William Story, who were in succession elected "Regesters" of the Parish, and authorised to publish Banns of Marriage at the Market Cross on three successive market days ; or in the Parish Church on three successive Sundays. The spelling of the names and designations of the persons, with regard to whom entries are made, is during this period outrageous, including such forms as " singellwomon, " carpinter," " saurwant," " Margrit," " Marmaduck."
After the Restoration in 1660 the Registers were beautifully kept till the close of 1662, but in 1663 a worse scribe than either of the " Regesters " was employed by Samuel Proud, Rector from 1656 to 1682. In this part of the Register Susanna becomes "Seuana," Jane is written " Jann," Grace is transformed into " Grayse," and the degrees of filial relationship are written respectively " sun," " doughter," and buried becomes " beuried." Samuel Proud's successor, Edward Saunder (Rector March 8th, 1682, to November, 1685), is very severe on the shortcomings of his predecessor. Among the Burials occurs the note-" There is a great neglect in the Register from the year 1676 to the year 1683, caused through the carelessness of the Incumbent and his Curate." During the short Incumbency of Edward Saunder, who is entered as buried on November 30th, 1683, and described as "Fidelis hujus Ecclesiae Pastor," the entries are written in Latin in a scholarly hand, and for the first time notes are made of sums paid as " Mortuaries."
His successor was John Pighells, for whose Incumbency the entries occur in duplicate. The originals are written in a small and irregular handwriting, and are mainly found in a second parchment volume of 44 pages, measuring 15¾ inches by 61 inches, which is entirely confined to the Incumbency of John Pighells and contains entries of Marriages, Baptisms, Burials, and Transfers of Pews in the Church, with little regard to their sequence and due order. These are transcribed in a hold, clerkly, professional handwriting in Vol. I. with the introductory note-" Hic Incipit Jo Pighells hujus Ecclesiae Rector." The entries, however, were carelessly made, and many difficulties in this Transcript are cleared up by a reference to the original entry. The Transcript continues to 1731, including the greater part of the Incumbency of Henry Hopkinson, who was Rector from 1725 to 1734.
The confused arrangement of the entries in both volumes of the Registers has not been followed in this reprint, but the entries have been given in their chronological order, under the three headings of Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials. To these entries there has been added the undated Terrier, and also notices, signed in most cases by the Rector for the time being, of the " erection " and transfers of the pews or seats in the Parish Church. The transcript, from which this reprint has been made, was written by Mr. J. G. Hall, Town Councillor of Hull, and most carefully revised by Dr. Collins, to both of whom the thanks of the Editor are due. H. E. M.
The above introduction had been written, but not printed, when Canon Maddock's own name had to be added to the roll of those inscribed in the Burial Registers of Patrington. Happily the work which he had set himself to accomplish was nearly finished, and it only remained to see through the press the final pages, His body rests beneath the shadow of the noble Church which by his constant care through sixteen years has been restored and beautified. Its earliest written records are by his diligence herein preserved. N T M
1652 MEMORANDUM that Francis Corbett mr. in arts of St. Johns Colledge in Cambridge was inducted into the Rectory of Pattringeton the five and twentith of May 1627
BuildingsThe mansion house consisting of Seven Bayes of Building
A Building anciently The Hall, Consisting of 3 Bays
A Large Barn seven Bays more
A Granery four Bays more
A Stable of two Bayes more
A Cottage house of Three Bays more and A Little Yard (? Yarth) adjoining
one Garden one Little orchard A Back Yarth there unto belonging, and A moated orchard in it.
Land Arable in the south Field }Two halfe Acrs by the Inholmes Side buting North on the King's high way, South on the Lands of Edward Sayle and Samuel Nicholson.
45 Acres & a half as followeth }
Three lands against the Church containing Ten Acrs and one halfe Humber Bank on the South, the Kings high way the North, Three Lands Containing fifteen Acrs the Pasture called Salt Marshe on the South, Francis Drings Close on the North.
Three Lands Containing fifteen Acrs & one Stong, the Pasture called the Intake on the South, & Mr. Ropers Garth on the North.
Three lands in the Hocker-lands containing one Acre and one half, John Saggs Close on the East and Mr. Ropers head-land on ye west.
Three lands more in the Hocker-lands Containing 2 Acrs & one stong, Mr. Thomas Crathorns Close on the East & Mr. George Dickinsons Headland on the West.
Land Arable in the North fieldThree short Lands Containing one Acr, a Pasture Called the Ings on the West & Mr. Raikes Head-land on the East.
58 Acrs & one Stong as followeth
Three lands containing flue Acrs and one Stong, Car Inholm on the North & New Clause on the South.
Three Lands containing 4 Acrs & an halfe, the Flat Car on the North & Mickle-Mars on the South.
Three Lands more Containing four Acrs & a halfe, Flatt-Carr on the north, Henry Smiths Close on the South.
Three Lands Containing Six Acrs, Flatt-Car on the North, and Thomas Daltons Close on the South.
Three Lands Containing Twelue Acrs Red Car on the North & Owbourne on the South.
Three Lands Containing fifteen Acrs, the New Dyke on the North & Sagg's Close on the South.
Three Lands in the Hocker-lands Containing four Acrs and one halfe, the Meers on the East and Robert Dawsons head-land on the West.
Three Lands more in the Hocker Lands Containing four Acrs and an halfe, the New Dyke on the East and Mr. Lancelot Roper on the West.
One Land more in the Hocker-lands containing one Acrs, New Dyke on the East, Mr Ouerton Headland on the West.
Land MedowIn the Ings 18 Acrs In the Skead Dale 6 Acrs ending the 13 plowland, Buting Eastwd on the Inholmes, Westward on the Sandy Dale, Bounding Northwd on Mr Wardell, Southward on Mr. Little.
In the Wann Dale Three Acrs ending the 13 plowland, Buting Eastward on the Skead-dale, Westward on the Cross fleet, Bounding Northwd on Mr. Deuick, Southwd on Mr Robt. Raikes an Christopher Dalton.
In the Sandy Dale 6 Acrs ending the 13 plowland, Buting Eastwd on the Rush Crofts, Westward on the Cross fleet, Bounding Northwd. on Widow Dawson and Widow Wind, Southward on Thomas Dalton Senr
In the South Coate Dale 3 Acrs, ending the 13 plow Land, Buting Northwd on the Sandy - Dale, Southwd on Humber Banke, Bounding Eastwd on John Burton, Westward on Mr. Deuick.
In the Red Car 5 acres and 60 foot:- Three Acrs, ending the 13 plowland, Buting Northwd on Winestead fleet, Southwd on the Car-Dyke, Buting Eastwd on John Burton, Westward on Mr Wardell. [Tithe besides, in later hand.]
Sixty foot more ending the 7th plowland in the Odds, Buting Northwd on the fleet, Southwd on the field Dyke, Eastwd on Christopher Dalton, Westwd on Francis Dring.
Car-Inholme, 1 Acr, Buting Northwd on the fleet, Southwd on this field, Bounding Westward on Mr Crathorne, Eastwd on the flatt Car-Dyke.
Red John Holme 3 acres:- In ye forty Acr Clause, Butting Southwd on ye Ings, northwd on the fleet, Bounding Eastwd on Mr. Crathorne westwd on ye Rish Crofts. 2 Acrs in the first Clause on the South East from bridge, Butting Eastwd on ye Inholmes, Westwd on the Humber banke.
Lands Pasture In Salt Marsh 7 Acrs and an halfe Lying for 6 Gates rateing five stong to a Gate.
In the Inholmes, In Thomas Dalton low Clause 2 Narrow Leyes, Commonly called Goose Mere Butts, Laying for an Acr Butting Northwd on the King's High way, called Alias Butts Lane, Southward on Mr. Roper's Clause, bounding Eastward on Mr. Little, Westward on Thomas Dalton.
Rents and otherprofitts:= an Ancient Composition Tyth Out of a parcell of Ground called the West Lands containing 162 Acrs at the Rate of two pence the Acre when Medow and Three half pence when Pasture, But the sd Ground is Tithable in kind wn plowd.
Item A yearly Rent of 40 Shillings payable for lords Rente. A little Clause adjoining to Mr. Rakes's Walk.
Easter Reckonings are thus RatedA Foall A Penny, A Sheep skin A half penny, A coop 11d. A Kiln 2s , A miln 2s , A Strip Mitch Cow A peny, if had a calf 14 4, Offerings 21, wages 2d. A pound.
Surplice FeesA Wedding by Banns one Shilling, by Licence Two Shillings, Christening Sevenpence, Buriall in the Church Yard 94d. , in the Church 1s , in the Chancel 10s. [Mortuarys According to law added by later hand.]
Memorand That there is more land Pasture belonging to the Rectory viz
In the flatt Car 7 Acrs & a halfe, lying for 6 Gates rateing flue Stong to a Gate [And the Flatt Carr is Tithable when Meadow in kind added by later hand.]
January 27th, 1653. Memdm that John Shields of Pattrington being chosen by the parish there to be the Register of the towne aforesd was this day approved of and sworne by me Hu. Bethell
The first stall adjoyneing to the Pewe and midle alley builded by Humfrey Hall clerke for his wife and children
The Second stall from the pewe adjoineinge to the said alley builded by Bartholomewe Christie to his use heires and successors for euer Marked wth his name in two Characters B.C.
The third stall from the pewe adjoyneing on the said Alley builded by John Thornely after whose Death the north end fell due to George amand in right of his wife and the south end to Thomas Thorneley upon Composition either of them 2 seates marked with 2 Carracters I.T.
The fourth stall from the Pewe adjoineinge on the said alley builded by Stephen Blieth for the use of him his heires and successours for suer marked with two Characters S.B.
The fift stall from the Pewe adjoyneing on the said alley Builded by John Rawling and Heugh Scott either of them two seates The sixt stall from the Pewe adioyneing on the said Alley builded by John Wilsonn and Edward Skefflinge either of them 2 seates to them their heires and successors for euer (The seates of John Wilson at ye hether end assigned to Geo. Shieldes his heires &c.)
The seauenth stall from the Pewe adioyneing on the sd alley builded. by Thomas Wilson for the use of him his .heires and successours for euer marked wth 2 Characters T.W.
The eight stall from the Pewe adioyneing on the said alley builded by John Johnsonn and Agnes Watson Widdowe either of them 2 seates to them their heires and successors for euer
The Nyenth stall from the pew adioyning on the said Alley builded by Robert Wilsonn and Rafe Crafourth either of them two seats to them they heirs and Successours for euer marked Wth R.W. & R.C.
May 30 day Nicholas Shields set tow Roumes over to John Garton in the sixt stall from the Pew adjoyneing to the seventh pew of the midil aile
The second stall from the pewe adjoyneing on the south alley builded by Robert Cooke Thomas Thorneley and Thomas Cocke wherein Thomas Thorneley is to have three seates and the other two betwene them fyve to them their heires & successors
Wherof Miles Higgan is to have one to him his heires for euer
The third stall from the pewe adjoyneing on the said alley builded by George Bucke after whose death it became due to Edward Bucke his sonne and heires to have and hold the same to him his heires and successors for euer marked wth two Characters E.B.
The fourth stall from the pewe adjoyninge on the south alley builded by Michaell Rauson and Willm Dawe Michaell Rauson the North end and Willm Dawe the Southend to them their heirs or assignes for euer
The fift stall from the pewe adjoyneing on the said alley builded by Thomas Owgram and Elizabeth Harries to them their heires and successors for euer
The sixt stall from the Pewe adjoyneing on the said alley-builded by Willm Shieldes for the use and behoofe of him his heires and successors for euer
The seaventh stall adjoyneing on the said alley builded by James Chadwick and John Smyth to them and they heires for euer
The last stall in the same Ranke builded by Thomas Veritie and Robt Osmond whereof Robert Osmond is to have two seates and the rest to remain to the use of the said Thomas Veritie his heires and assignes for ever
The second stall adjoyneing on the said alley builded by Willm Cooke to the use and behoofe of him and his heires for ever For which stal he asinded to his son Willim Cooke and to heires
The Third Stall adjoineinge on the said alley builded by Mr. John Newton to the use of him his heires and assignes for ever The fourth stall adjoineinge on the said alley builded by Gregorie Bilton for his use and behoofe and to the use of his heires and successors for ever
The fift stall adjoyneing on the said alley builded by Thomas Cocke and Willm Shipheard to the use of them their heirs and assignes for ever *Tow Roames that was Willam Shipherd's hath Thomas Webster sould and set over to Humfray Duncalf his heires and asnes for ever
Witnes Willm Story Regester Tho Webster
The sixt stall adjoineing on the said alley builded by Robert Hogg and Willm Elerbeck to the use of them their heires and successors for ever
The seaventh stall adjoyneing on the said alley builded by Thomas Mawneby to the use and behoofe of him his heires and succcessors for ever and marked with two characters T. "M. not legible
The Eight stall adjoyneing on the said alley builded by John Watsonn and Franncis Rauson equally betwene them to their and their heires and successors for ever
The nyenth stall adjoineing on the said Alley huilded by Willm Bilton and Agnes Headon equally betwene them to the use of them their heires and assignes for ever
The tenth stall adjoyning on the said Alley builded by Xpofer Mason for his use and behoofe and to the use and behoofe of his heires and assignes for ever marked wth two Characters C. & M.
The eleventh stall adjoineing on the said Alley builded by Henry Martin for his use and hehoofe and to the use and behoofe of his heires and assigns for ever marked wth two Characters H.M.
The last stall in that Ranke builded by Thomas Sauage for his use ana behoofe and to the use and hehoofe of his heires and assignes for ever marked with 2 characters T.S.
[The Sixt Stall from the Pewe adjoyning on the south side of the midel alley tow seats in the south end hath Robert Skefling sould and set over to William More his heires and assignes for ever
Witnes William Story Robart Skefling
The second stall huilded by John Blieth Robert Cocke John Distance and Frauncis Tibthropp in manner and forme followinge, first John Blieth is to have one seate in the southend of the stall on the west side secondlie Robert Cocke is to have 3 seates 2 on the west side next John Blleth and one on the east next Elizabeth Distance or John Distannce Thirdlie the said John Distannce and his wife are to have two seates in the southend of the stall on the east side Fourthly Frauncis Tibthropp is to have 2 seates on the west side of the dore another on the east in the north end
The third stall builded by Christopher Dalton and Willm Johnsonn to the use and behoofe of them their heires and assignes for ever The fourth stall adjoyning on the said North Alley huilded by Richard Smith James Stevenson and widdowe Stutt, The said Richard and James to have ether of them three Roomes and the widdowe Stutt one To belong unto them their heires and assignes for ever
The fift stall adjoyneing on the said North Alley builded by Thomas Wilson younger and James Fettherston joyning upon Richard Smith James Stevenson and are to have eyther of them two Roomes in the sayd stall to them their heires and assignes for ever marked wth the letters T.W., J.S.
The seaventh stall in the south alley bath Richard Jefferson Bought tow Rooms of Ann Smith wife of John Smith to him his heires and assignes for ever
The third stall from the bell house builded by John Newton as aforesaid bath the said John Newton hath solde (sir) assigned and set over the north part theirof as now it is devided unto John Duncalfe his heires and assignes for ever Anno dom. 1630
Memorand Margrett Ralay of Pattrington gave to George Stephen- son of Pattrington her son tow seats in the seventh stall ajoyning on the north side of ye south Aly to him and his asings for ever in the yeare of lord 1630
The part of the fourth stall of the north alley builded by Richard Smith James Stevenson and Widdow Stutt the heires of James Stevenson did set over tow Romes to John Shieldes to him and his heires and assignes for ever
Wittnes Brian Railay Elder 1645
The parte of the sixt stall on the said midle alley builded by Willm Elerbeck, Tho Wickham did hie of the saide Willm successors and the said Thomas did sett over to John Shieldes the said halfe stall as the said John can make apeare by writen to him and his heires for euer 1652
The seventh stall adjoineing of the middle allie builded by Henerie Martine for the use of his heires for ever the halfe of the stall he hath sould to Henerie Megson to him and his heires for ever. Sould by Henerie Martin
The ninth stall from the peu adjoineing of the midell Alay builded by Robert Wilson and Rapth Crawforth to them and thires heires for ever the halfe stall to John Megson and his succusseors according to the will of Rapth Crawforth by his last will and testament
The part of the third stall builded by Christopher Dalton and William Jonson Edward Jonson his son hath sould unto John Grimoldby his heires and succussers for ever the 25th day of May 1654 his part being halfe the stall.
I witnes being the regester John Shieldes
The part of the third stall builded by Christopher Dalton and Willm Jonson John Grimealdby hath sould unto Christopher Dalton his heires and succurssers for ever the 12th day of August 1654
I wittnes being the regester John Shieldes
One Stale builded by Abram Chadwick and Thomas Featherstone and his wife Sisleay and the halfe of the head end for them selves to sett in and the other halfe for their children Joyning of the litell bell piller by it selffe to them and theires heires and succurssers for ever this is recordde by us the 10th day of September 1654
I wittnes being the regester John Shieldes
February the 14
The second stale from the pew adjoyning on the south alie hath William Cocke sould tow Roumes in to Thomas Webster junr his heires and assignes for ever anno dom. 1658
I witnes being the regester William Story
The fifth stall adjoining on the north alley hath Thomas [Blank] sould to Peter Burton tow Roumes in the south
The Sixt Stall from the Pew Adjoyning on the south of the middle alley being the south end bath John [erased] sould and set over to Thomas Curtiss (?)
Mem. That in ye fowerth stalle or pew in the south side of the middle Ally two romes at the south end of the said stalle dothe belonge to Francis Aeser (?) and Easter his wife & their heires and assignes for ever and marked with caracters LT. & was Thomas Thornelay's the father of the said Easter his wife &c. June ye 23 1658
Part on the Sixt stall adjoineing on the north side of the midle ally being tow Roumes hath Robart Hogg set over to Master Francis Duicke of Hull as witnesseth my Hand
William Story Regester
The part of the second stall on the north ally builded by Robart Cocke being thre Roumes and tow of them he bath set over to William Olever his Heires and assines for ever being next to John Buck on the west side of the stall in the year 1653 as witnesseth
John Headon and Thomas Cocke
June 1 day 1653
William Storey Regester
The third roume bath Robart Cocke sett over to Thomas Cocke sone of the said Robert Cocke
The second stall from the pewe wich was Mistris Barbra Hildaird hath sould to Mr. Francis Duwick of Hull and the said W Francis Duwick hath singned it over to Thomas Webster the said stall or pewe to remaine to him and his heires and assignes for ever onely the said Mr. Francis Duwick his wife and his daughter Marie to sitt in it when they come to the towne of Pattrington and he hath set it over the five day of November 1656
I wittnes being register Francis Dewicke
John Shildes
One stall builded next the Quare dore wch Thomas Webster Builded he hath sett over to Mr. Francis Duwick tow rowne for the house wch was Mistris Barbra Hildaird and he bath sett it over the five day of November 1656
I wittnes being regester
John Shieldes
The part of the six stall on the said middell alley builded by John Rawling & Heught Scott Thomas Sagg being haire to the said stall or pewe bath sett them over to Thomas Addinson by written to him and heires of Asignes for ever
I wittnes being register
John Shieldes
Memorandum that the 22,i. of Octr. 1667 Bryan Ralay hath given and bequeathed to Edward Robinson and Elizabeth his wife the stall built by his father Bryan Ralay which stall is on the south side of the South Alley and the next the south doore save one, provided that his wife Repentance Ralay shall have full libertie to sit there whiles she liveth and the parsons waide as formerly hath been. This bequest is to Edward Robinson and his wife and theire heires for ever
Witness Sam: Prowde Rector
Joseph Smyth
Memorandum that William Bilton senr sold and set over to George Pattison tow seats in the Piew under the Pulpit adjoining on the south allie and Elizabeth widdow of the said William sold all the remainder of the said piew unto the aforesaid George Pattison
Witness my hand this 16 Jan. 1667 Samuel Prowde Rector
The seaventh Stall on the north side of the middle alley which was buillded by Thomas Maunby bath Thomas Blenckarne and Matthew Caverlay sold and set over unto Thomas Barton his heirs or successers for ever Anno dom. 1668
Witnesses Samuel Prowd Rector
Brian Railay
William Q Hearne his mke
The sixt stall in the north alley two Roomes bath Thomas Blenck- arne sold and set over unto Willm Reame junior his heires or sucessers for ever
Witnesses Samuel Prowd Rector
Brian Railay
Thomas Burton
The fowerth stall on the north side of the middle Alley tow monies in the said stall hath William Bilton senr sold and set over to Prudence Bilton for the use of the said Prudence and her heirs or assignes for ever
Witnesses Samuel Prowd Rector
Brian Railay.
The seaventh stall from the Pewe anciently: now the eighth on the south side of the middle alley builded by Thomas Wilson and marked with the characters T.W. tow roomes in the south end of the said stall hath Elizabeth Whitby sold and set over to Thomas Barton his heirs or assignes for ever July the 1, 1668
Witnesses Samuel Prowd Rector
John Burton
Thomas T. Shipheard (his merke)
The third stall from the leads doore in the south end of the church half of the said stall westward hath Ann Chadwick widdow set over to John Crawforth to the use of the said John and his assignes for ever this 14th, July 1668
Witnesses Samuel Prowd Rector
Brian Railay (his mark)
Robert R. Jefferson
The eight stall from the bellfrey two roomes in the said stall furthest from the doore bath Robert Meadley and William Meadley his sonn (both in the parish of Aubrough) assigned and set over to Samuel Thompson of Pattrington his heires and assignes for ever as appears by a note under the hands of the said Robert and Willm Meadley witnessed by Willm Shieldes John Watson and Thomas Johnson dated the 1st Octob. 1668
Witnesses Samuel Prowd Rector,
Tho. Jenings
William Thompson
Tow seats in the second stall adjoyning on the north alley builded by Francis Tibthrop vid. those tow seats next the doore one on the west side and the other of the east of the said stall doe belong to Margaret Smith and her husband in her right and their heirs or assignes as doth appears to us
Robert Masser Churchwardens Samuell Prowd Rector
Willm Cooke
On the south side of the middle ally the doore in the said stall hath John Crawforth set over to Samuel Smith the younger his heires [and assignes for ever July the 14th 1668]
Samuel Prowde Rector
Brian Railay
Tow Roomes in the fowerth stall adjoining on the north alley sold to John Shields by the heire of James Stevenson did Jane widdow of the said John Shields sell and set over to William Ream the elder his heirs and assignes for ever the 12t of August 1670
Samuel Prowde Rector
Samuell Thompson
The third Stall from the Pewe adjoining on the South alley builded by George Buck bath Edward Simpson sold and set over to Francis Smith his heirs and assignes for ever the first of May 1673
Samuel Prowde Rector
Brian Railay
Tow Seats in the south end of the sixt Pewe being of the south side of the middle Allie which tow seats formerly belonged to Thomas Addison late of Pattrington hath George Pattison sold and set over to George Billany the younger and his heires or Assignes for ever
This 25 of March 1676 Samuel Prowde Rector
Brian Railay
May the 2nd 1676
Memorandum that the first stall on the north side of the middle allie formerly belonging to Thomas Savage late of Pattrington bath the executors of the said Thomas assigned and set over unto John Savage and his heires for ever excepting tow seats in the said stall which Henry Shipheard and Ursula his wife are to have during their lives
Samuel Prowde Rector
Jan. the 22th 1676
Memorandum that the day and yeare abovesaid John Savage sold and set over to Christopher Stevenson and his heires for ever tow seates in the last stall on the north side of the south Alley which stall was built by Thomas Veritie and Robert Osmond
Samuel Prowde Rector
Thomas Shipherd Churchwarden
Jany. the 22th 1676
Memorandum that Richard Gaule and Margaret his wife hath sold and set over to Francis Blyth and his heires for ever one seat in the second stall adjoining on the north Allie which seat is on the west side of the said stall next the doore
Samuel Prowde Rector
April the 6th 1678
Memorandum that Henry Martin of Welwick gave to John Westaby of Pattrington half of that stall adjoining on the Piew and south allie marked with J.S. and E.M. to the said John and his heirs for ever
Samll Prowde
Memorandum George Lee of Pattrington bought of Peter Bilton half of the closet adjoining on ye pulpit and south allie . . . who was brother of Sarah . . . for him and his [heires for] ever
July the 8th 1678
Memorandum that the day and yeare abovesaid Henrie Dring Francis Thing his sonne bath sold and set over to John ... that stall or piewe which is the third from the rear (?) . and on the south side of the middle Allie which stall . . . Smith formerly set over to his sonne in law Henry Dring which appears under the hand of the said Francis Smith
Dated the 25th January 1660 Samuell Prowde Rectr
July the 9th 1678
Memorandum that the eight stall from the belfrie tow roomes in the said stall furthest from the doore being halfe of the stall hath Samuel Thompson sold and set over to Thomas Dalton and his heires and Assignes for ever. This stall was sold by Robert Meadley and Willm his sonne to Samuel Thompson
Samuel Prowde Rectr
July the 51 1680
Memorandum that the first stall on the south of the south allie bath Anne Dalton sold and set over to Thomas Dalton senr her sonne in law and to his heires and assignes for ever
Samuel Prowde Rectr
July the 51 1680
Memorandum that the tenth stall on the north side of the middle alley hath Mr. John Sugden of Beverley and Jane his wife sold and set over to John Burton and his heires and assignes for ever
Samuel Prowde Rector
August the 31st 1682
Memorandum that the 18th of July Humphrey Duncalf Alderman of Kingston upon Hull sold and set over to Willm Laughton of Pattrington and his Assignes for ever tow seates in the fift pewe on the north side of the middle alley as appeares under his hand Witnessed by Sam: Prowde Rector
Edmond Duncalfe
Aprill ye 24th 1684
Memorandum that the day and yeare above written Mr. Edward Little of the Towne and parish of Pattrington bought of Christopher Dalton of the said towne & parish one whole Pew or Stall buting and adjoyning on the South Wall of the said Parish Church being the Third Westward from Sir (?) Robert Hildyard's closset to the sole use of the said Mr. Edward Little and his heires for ever
E. Saunder Rector
June the 30 1684
Memorandum that the day and yeare above written John Largman of the towne & parish of Patrington set over and could two seates in the north end of a certan pew or seate adjoyning on the South Alley being the fourth from the Ministers and anciently in the right of Michael Ranson to George Billany the Elder of the towne & parish of Patrington aforesaid to the sole and proper use of him & his heires for ever
E. Saunder Rector
Aug. the first 1684
Memorandum that Francis Smith of the towne & parish of Patrington set over and could to Robt. Kemp of the said towne & parish two seats on the south side of a certan pew adjoyning on the Noth (sic) Alley being the third pew counting Westward to the sole & proper use of him the said Robert Kemp & his heires for ever
E. Saunder Rector
Memorandum that Sr. Robert Hildyard of Pattrington Knight and Bart did upon January 19th 1684 give and pass over unto his son Captan Robert Hildyard 2 whole Pewes or Clossets in the south part of the Cross Alley in the Church of Pattrington West- ward butting and adjoyning on the South Alley
E. Saunder Rectr.
Memorandum That Ursula Savage & Mary Savage being daughters and joynt executors to Thomas Savage of Pattrington theire father are and ought to be according to the custom of this town right owners and occupiers of a certan pewe or closet being the first in the west end of the Church of Pattrington aforesaid butting and adjoyning on the North Side of the middle Alley built by the above named Thomas Savage & marked with T.S. as appears by this Register Witness my hand this first day of May in the year of our Lord 1685
Edward Saunder Rector Ibm
The sixt stall from the Pewe adjoyning on the middle Alley southward builded by John Rawling and Hewgh Scott tow seats next the doore of the sayd stall hath John Cheesman sold and set over to Richard Clapham for the use of him and his heirs for ever.
George Bawne Saml Prowd Rector
Richard R. Garner (his marke)
Aprill 13th 1686
Memorandum that Samuel Spilshy hath sold & set over to Edward Gail & his heirs for ever to (sic ?) seats in ye last stall in ye middle Alley in ye north side next ye door
Jo: Pighells Rector
December 14th 1687
Memorand that Henry Shepheard hath sold & set over to Edward Gaill & his heirs for ever 2 seats more in ye last stall in ye middle Alley in ye north side
Jo: Pighells
December ye 21st 1688
Memorandum that Thomas Moor of Pattrington purchased of Stephen Blith two seats in the fift stall on ye south side of ye middle Alley ye seats being next ye Alley to him & his Assigns for ever Jo: Pighells Rec.
May ye 8th 1691
Mem. That ye last stall on ye north side of ye north Alley next ye doore belongs to Richard Hodgson & his wife and their heirs & assigns as appears to me Jo Pighells Rect.
Decem. ye 6 day 1692
(These two first seats belongs to ye executrixs of Wm. Atkinson added in a later hand) Memorand that William Bilton of Pattrington hath sold & sett over to William Atkesone of Pattrington two seats in ye eleventh stall of ye north side of ye midell alley from ye belhouss to him and his assigns for ever
John Cooke of Patrington hath sold & set over to William Elerby of Pattrington the second closet from ye belhouse on ye north side of the middle alley to him and his heires & for ever 1693
John Pighells Rect.
April 8 1703
That two Roomes in the fift stall adjoyning to ye north Alley belongs to John Grey & his wife & their heires assigns for ever as appears to me Jo Pighells Rect.
1st 1712 (added later)
And I further Certifie that Thomas Atkinson hath purchased the other two seats in the Pew of Hannah Moxson the right owner for him and his heirs for ever Jo: Pighiels Rec.
(Date written over by above entry)
Memorand that Robart Cock of hollom hath sold and set over to Mary Leaf of Pattrington one seat in ye second stall from ye Pulpit joyning on ye north alley to her and her heires for ever
June ye 19 day 1695
Memorand that William Cock of Pattrington purchased of Jewimiah Joy one pew or closit in the South part of the cross alley in the Church of Pattrington ye southormoe of ye two ajoyning of ye south Alley to him and his assigns for ever Jo: Pighills Rec.
May ye 22 day 1696
Memorand that Hugh Gaille of Pattrington Bought of Matthew Webster and of John Linwood In behalf of his wife foure seeats in the second pew ajoyning on ye south alley for him and his heirs for ever Jo: Pighills Rec.
the 19 of November 1698
Memorand that Mark Burdas of Pattrington Bought of Edward Robeson of Pattrington one pew of the south side of the south ally next the south dore but one for him and his hears for ever
Witnes Jo: Pighils Rector
Edward Robinson
George Stephenson
April ye 13 1699
Memorand that Frances Reame of Pattrington purchased of Beteris ye wife of John Barton of Pattrington by ye order of John Cookman of Ottringam 2 seats in the south end of the eight stall from ye pue on the south side of ye middell ally to him and his heirs for ever
Jo: Pighils Rec.
February the 12th 1699
Memorandum that Francis Smith of Pattrington sold to Robart Longthorp of Pattrington the fourth Clossett from the Pew ad- ioyneing on the north syde of the South Ally formerly the stall of Edward Buck which is to the said Robart Longthorp and his heires & Assignes for ever
Memorandum that John Adam of hollom sould and set over to Robart Langthorp of Pattrington tow seats in the South End of the sixt Clossit from the pew ajoyning of the north side of the south Allie to him and his heirs and assigns for ever february ye 12 day 1699 (in a parish clerk's hand) John Pighils Rector
Memorandum February 24th 1706/7
That Henry Shephard of the Town & Parish of Pattrington sold & made over to John Greenshaw & John Blenckhorn of ye sd parish the fifth stall from the Reading Pew adjoyning on ye south side of the middle Alley to each of them two seatts, to them their Heirs & Assigns for ever witness my hand the day and year above sd John Pighells Rec.
May 10th 1710
Memorand that the day & year above written Thomas Dalton of the Town and Parish of Pattrington bought of Wm. Wilson and Ellenor his wife the daughter of Mr. Edwd Webster one whole Pew or stall being the second from the Reading Pew adjoyning to the middle Alley to the sole use of him and his heirs for ever witness my hand Jo: Pighills Rect.
Nobr. 24th 1711
Memd that two Rooms in the fift stall adjoining to ye north Alley hath John Grey and his wife sold and sett over to Josiah Ross and his heirs and assigns for ever witness my hand Jo: Pighills
November 10th 1711
In the sixth stall in the north Alley two seatts in the upper end of the stall formerly Wm. Ream's hath Matthew Ashley the owner sold and sett over to Thomas Ross to him and his heirs for ever Witness my hand Jo Pighells Rr.
Oc. 3d 1711
Memorandum that two seats in the south end of the sixt Pew being on the south side of the middle Alley hath Edwd Langthorp sold & sett over to Robert Langthorp and his heirs and Assigns for ever Witness my hand Jo Pighells R.
October 13th 1720
Memorand That Thomas Best has bought of John Burton one whole Pew on the north side of the Font and next adjoyning to the lower Cross Alley in the Church of Patrington to him & his Heirs and assigns for ever witnes my hand Jo Pighells
May 11th 1721
Memorand That John Burton late of Pattrington hath set over to Henry ffrith of this parish one whole pew the second to the north door adjoining to the north Alley to him & his heirs for ever witnes my hand Jo Pighells
May 11th 1721
Memorand That John Burton late of Patrington bath set over to Thomas Pearson of this Parish two seats in the 3d pew from the lower Cross Alley & on the south side the middle Alley next the door to him and his heires for ever witnes my hand Jo Pighells Rec.
July 21 1723
Memorand that Robert Gray of Kayingham sold & set over to John Morton of Patrington one whole pew (except one seat belonging to the Parson's maid) this purchase being of five seats on the south side of the south alley next the south door but one ; to him and his heires for ever
witnes my hand Jo Pighells
December the first 1723
Memorand That two seats in the upper end of the fourth Pew from the lower Cross Alley on the North side of the Church has Thomas Rank purchased of Thomas Ross for himself & his heirs & assigns for ever
witnes my hand Jo Pighells Rect.
March 8th 1723
Memorand that ye day & year above sd I find that ye first pew on the right hand of the belhouse going up to the Chancell containing about six seats belongeth to Lawrance Harrison of this parish and to his heirs and assigns for ever
witnes my hand Jo Pighells Rect.
Memorandum Feb. 24 1725
That Thos. Greenshaw purchased of Mr. Wm. Tennyson one whole Pew in the South Isle adjoining to the South Door on ye east side of it Hen. Hopkinson
Memorandum April ye 6th 1727
I finde by ye Report of Neighbours ye half of one large Pew in the Body of ye Church adjoining to Lawrence Herrison's, belongeth to Katherine ye wife of John Pinchbeck Martin Johnson
I find at ye same time yt ye other half of ye abovesaid Pew belongeth to Mary ye wife of Thomas Thew Martin Johnson
Memorandum May 22 1727
That John Simpson, shopkeeper, in Pattrington built a new Pew at ye South End of ye Font adjoyning to Margaret Rank
Martin Johnson
Memorandum May 22 1727
That Benjamin Gorwood, Officer of the Customs in Pattrington, built a new Pew behind the Font adjoyning on Mr. John Simpson's
Martin Johnson
Memorandum May 22 1727
That Alexander Ireland, Butcher, in Pattrington built a new Pew on ye North side of Mr Gorwood allowing ye said Mr Gorwood the Privilege of going thro his Pew into his own
Martin Johnson
Memorandm May 23 1727
That Benjamin Watson purohased of John Maddock two seats in Wm Garton's Pew on ye north side of ye South Ally, west of Robert Langthorp
Martin Jonhson (sic)
Here continues the Register of the Pews & Seats in Pattrington Church.
A Large Pew adjoyning to the South door built by Mr. Wm. Catlyn for the use of him & his heirs for ever witnes my hand this 4th of Augt. 1712
Unpay'd for Jo: Pighells R.
Feb. 10th 1690
Memorand That John Watson of Pattrington has assigned and sett over to Wm. Atkinson two seats in the eight stall in the north side of the middle Alley next the Dore to have and to hold the sd two seats to Wm. Atkinson and his heires and assigns till such time as John Watson his heirs & assigns do pay or cause to be pd to Wm. Atkinson or his assigns the sum of twenty shillings in witnes wrof He sett his hand to a writing in these words : wrof Francis Smith is witness now in the possession of Anne Jackson Executrix to Wm. Atkinson
Ita testor 10ber 10110 1712 Jo: Pighells R.
Novr 3rd 1712
Memorand That the Pew going up to the Pulpitt containing six seats belongeth to Sam" Rawling & Jane his wife & to them & their heirs for ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighells R.
December 10th 1712
Thomas Atkinson hath purchased of Anne Jackson the Executrix of Wm. Atkinson deceas'd two seats in eleveth Pewe on the north side of the middle Alley to him & his heirs witness my hand for ever so that the whole pew now is his Jo : Pighells
March 14 1712-13
Two seats lately ffrancis Johnson's adjoyning to the Piller in the Cross Alley hath Richard Rawling purchased of the Executrix Anne Horsley for him & his heirs for ever
witnes my hand Jo Pighells
Aprill 7th 1713
Memorand that two seats in' the fifth Closet from the pew adjoyning on the north side of the south Alley in the upper End of the closett belong to Robert Chimney & Martha his wife & their heirs & assigns for ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighells R.
Aprill 7th 1713
Memorandum that the whole third Pew containing three seats on the North side of the south Alley belongs to Robert Chimney (Si Martha his wife & to their heirs & assigns for ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighills R.
Aprill 7th 1713
Memorand that in the fourth stall or pew in the south side of the middle Alley two rooms att the south End of sd stall doth belong to Robert Chimney & Martha his wife & to their heirs and assigns for ever witness my hand Jo: Pighelis R.
Aprill 7th 1713
Memorand that the whole second Pew on the north side of the middle Alley containing four seats belong to Robert Chimney & Martha his wife & to them & their heirs for ever, only Henry Shephard & Ursula his wife to have the use of two of those seats during their naturall lives
witnes my hand Jo : Pighells R.
Aprill 7th 1713
Memorand that the second Pew next the north door on the north side of the north Alley containing 3 seats belongs to John Pearson & Anne his wife & their heirs & assigns for ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighells R.
Aprill 7th 1713
Memorand That the 3rd pew to the West End on the north side of the middle Alley belongs to John Pearson & Anne his wife to them . & their assigns for ever witnes my hand Jo: Pighells R.
Aprill 7th 1713
Memorand That the sixth Pew on the north side of the middle Alley containing four seats more or less, belongs to Matthew Ashley & Grace his wife, & to their heirs & assigns for ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighells R.
Aprill 7th 1713
Memorand that two seats in the upper end in the sixth stall from the pew adjoyning on the south side of the middle alley belong to Matthew Ashley & Grace his wife & to their heirs & assigns for ever witnes my hand Jo: Pighells R.
June the 6th 1713
Memorand that the third Pew to the West End on the North side of the middle Alley containing two seats lately belonging to John Pearson & Anne his Wife are now made over by the sd John Pearson to John Burton & his heirs & assigns for ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighells R.
June 6th 1713
Memorand That the Pew late Samll. Burton's on the east side of Mr. Storr's Pew adjoining to the south wall, doe now belong to Mr. John Stor junr & his heirs & assigns for ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighells R.
June 22nd 1713
A new Pew the first on the north side of the middle Alley adjoyning the great Cross Alley hath Edw Thorp builded containing five seats, for the use of himself his wife & their heirs & assigns for Ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighells Rectr
November the ninth 1713
A new Pew built by Samll Harrison on the north side of the ffont to the use of him & his wife Jane Harrison & to them & their Heirs for Ever witnes my hand Jo: Pighells R.
Decembr 7th 1713
Memorand That the day & year abovewritten Katherine Dalton of the Town & Parish of Patrington bought of Wm Wilson & Elline his Wife the daughter of Mr. Edward Webster, one whole pew or stall containing about six seats or thereabouts being the second from the Reading Pew adjoining to the middle Alley, to the sole use of her & her heires for ever
witnes my hand Jo Pighells Rectr
Decembr 7th 1713
Memorand that the day & year abovewritten I find that the Pew on the Right hand in the belhouse going up into the Chancell con- taining about six seats & builded by Lawrance Harrison belongeth to Jaell Harrison of the parish of Welwick widdow & to her heirs & Assigns for ever witnes my hand Jo: Pighells Rect.
Decembr 7th 1713
Memorand That the day & year abovesd I find that the first Pew on the south side of the south Alley, where Thomas Dalton & his ffamily has many years sitt, belongs to Katherine Dalton widdow of the aforesd Thomas Dalton deceasd & her heirs & Assigns for ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighells R.
Decembr 7th 1713
Memorand That the day & year abovesd I find upon examination that the two uppermost seats on in (sic) the sixt stall in North side of middle Alley being under the pulpitt, belongs to Katherine Dalton & her heirs & assigns for ever Jo: Pighells
March 30th 1714
Memorandum That two seats in the fifth Closit from the Pew adjoyn- ing on the North side of the south Alley in the north End of the Clositt lately belonging to Jane Maddock deceased belong now to Wm Garton & his heirs & Assigns for ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighells R.
May first 1714
Memorand that Thomas Sawyer Butcher in this Parish built A new Pew on the west side of the Lower Cross Alley adjoining to ye Font southwds to ye use of him & his wife & his heirs & assigns for ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighells
May 2nd 1714
Memorand That Samll, Harrison in this Parish built a new Pew on ye west side of the Lower Cross Alley adjoyning to the Font on the North side to ye use of him his wife & his heirs & assigns for ever
witnes my hand Jo : Pighells
October 11 1714
Memorand that the fourth Pew on the west side of the great Cross Alley being the 3d from Sr Robert Hildyard's (purchased by Jeremy Joy) doth belong to Margery Bilton & her heirs for ever as appears to me Jo: Pighells Rect.
January 20th 1714
Memorandum That Edward Webster Blacksmith in Pattrington built a new pew on the north side of the font adjoyning on the west side on Samll Harrison for the use of him his Wife & every one of his Children during their Lives & after to his heirs & assigns for ever witnes my hand Jo: Pighells R.
January 27th 1714
Memorand That Margarett Rank of this Parish built a new Pew on the West side of the Lower Cross Alley & on the west side of Thomas Sawyers pew & adjoining to itt for the use of herself & all her children during Life & to her heirs & assigns for ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighells
March 23rd 1716/7
Memorand That Robert Greenshaw bought of Sam" Harrison A new Pew on the west side of the Lower Cross Alley adjoyning to the font on the north side, to the use of him & his Heirs & Assigns for ever Witnes my hand Jo: Pighells Rect. Ibid
Aprill 10th 1718
Memorand That this same pew hath John Burton bought of Robert Greenshaw to the use of him & his heirs & Assigns for ever
Witnes my hand Jo: Pighells Rect.
The Topp of the Steeple of Patrington was new Cemented in the year of our Lord 1715: itt was done in the month of July & the ffaine was putt on the 14th of August following wth great Courage & dexterity by John Burdas Bricklayer of this Town of the age of 26 years. The holes being not exactly fitted to the Iron said John Burdas was enforc'd to stand some houres wth one foot upon the Top stone, the other upon the Top of A Ladder rais'd from the Craill(?) to bring his work to Perfection, wh he did, to every one's wonder & admiration Jo: Pighells Rectr
March 11th 1712
In the last stall on the south side of the middle Alley two seats next the door hath Alice Burrell sold to Thomas Appleby to him & his heirs for ever Witness my hand Jo: Pighells
Aprill 23d 1717
In the last stall on the south side of the middle Alley the two uppermost seats hath Robert Joy bought of Wm Rawling & Mary his wife for ye use of him & his Heirs for ever
Witnes my hand Jo: Pighells R.
November 23rd 1717
Memorand That John Featherstone hath purchased of Robt. Chimney, wch he had in Right of Martha Chimney his wife, mother of the said John Featherstone, The second Pew next the Belhouse on the north side of the middle Alley to him & his heirs & Assigns for ever witnes my hand Jo: Pighells Rect.
January 27th 1717
Memorand That two seats in the Last stall save two on the south side of the middle Alley & next to the said Alley in Patrington Church belongs to Margaret Dalton wid. & Thomas Dalton her son as appears to me Jo: Pighells Rect.
July 28th 1718
Memorand That two seats next the door in the fourth stall from the lower Cross Alley & adjoyning to the north Alley of the Church hath Robert Westaby & Mary his wife sold to Thomas Thew & his heirs & assigns for ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighells Rectr
February 11th 1718
Memorand That two seats in the upper end beyond the Piller in the sixth stall downward from the upper great Cross Alley & on the north side of the south Alley of the Church bath Alice Burrill widdow sold & set over to Francis Jackson & Sarah his wife, & their heirs & assigns for ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighells Rect.
March 22nd 1719
Memorand That George Harrison aforesd hath purchased two more seats in the said Pew of ffrancis Ream the same ffrancis Ream & Ann his wife being allowed to sit therein during their naturall Lives afterwards to George Harrison & heirs for ever
witnes Jo: Pighells
February first 1719
Memorand That two seats in the last stall save two on the south side of the middle Alley & next to the said Alley in Patrington Church hath George Harrison purchared of Margaret Dalton widdow for him & his heirs for ever
witness my hand Jo: Pighells Rect.
Aprill 13th 1720
Memorand That Walter Johnson bath purchased of the Executrix of George Patison a little Pew containing two seats adjoyning to the great Piller on the left hand going up to the Pulpitt for him & his Heirs for Ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighells R.
Aprill 13th 1720
Memorand That the fifth pew from the great Cross Alley on the north side the middle Alley belongs to Jeremiah Matchan & his heirs & assigns for ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighells Rect.
May 5th 1720
Memorand That two seats in the upper End of the fourth Pew from the lower Cross Alley on the north side of middle Alley of the Church belongs to Thomas Greenshaw & his heirs & assigns for ever
Jo: Pighells
May the 24th 1720
Memorand That Thomas Ellerbie has purchased of Katharing Dalton in her lifetime one whole Pew or Stall being the second from the Reading Pew adjoining to the middle Alley to the use of him his wife & daughter & their heirs and assigns for ever
Witnes my hand Jo: Pighells Rector
July 8th 1720
Memorand That Josiah Keatley bought of Susannah Kell two seats in A Pew next but one to the pew going up to the pulpit westward in the north Alley & in the upper end of the Pew to him & his Heirs for ever
witnes my hand Jo: Pighells
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1900
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
This page © 2020