
1834 Electoral Roll for the parish of


1834 Electoral Roll for the parish of Welton


The Names of the Persons entitled to vote in the Election of Knights of the Shire for the East-Riding of the County of York, and the Town and County of the Town of Kingston-upon-Hull, with a Description of their Qualifications.

  • The numbers given are those in the original book.
  • The Description of the Property is by name, or by the name of the Tenant, or by the Street in the Parish where situate.
For the background to the information below, along with some useful pointers, please see the Introduction to the book from which this information came

and Surname
Place of AbodeNature of QualificationDescription of property
3241Champney, William HenryBadsworth RectoryVicarage housein Welton
3242Clapham, GeorgeWeltonCopyhold house and landin Welton
3243Cade, JosephWeltonCopyhold house and landin Welton
3244Dodson, ThomasWeltonOccupier of house and landin Welton
3245Garton, ThomasWeltonFreehold houseoccupied by James Gibson
3246Hardbattle, WilliamWeltonCopyhold housein Welton
3247Hudson, JohnWeltonCopyhold housein Welton
3248Ingmire, JohnWeltonCopyhold house and landin Welton
3249Johnson, JohnYork Parade, SculcoatesFreehold and copyhold landin Welton
3250Jackson, RichardWeltonCopyhold house and landin Welton
3251Lowthorpe, William, Esq.WeltonCopyhold house and landin Welton
3252Nelson, WilliamWeltonCopyhold house and shopin Welton
3253Popple, Miles, Rev.WeltonFreehold housein Welton
3254Parkinson, JohnWeltonCopyhold housein Welton
3255Raikes, Robert, Esq.Welton HouseFreehold house and landin Welton
3256Smith, John, Esq.WeltonCopyhold house and landin Welton
3257Stephenson, ThomasWelton MillFreehold and copyhold landin Welton
3258Towl, WilliamWeltonCopyhold landin Welton
3259Thorp, ThomasWeltonFreehold houses and landin Welton
3260Usher, RobertWeltonOccupier of landin Welton
3261Woodcock, JamesWeltonOccupier of landin Welton
3262Wright, JohnWeltonCopyhold housein Welton

and Surname
Place of AbodeNature of QualificationDescription of property
3197Brough, RobertMeltonOccupying land, at rent of more than £50 per annumMelton
3198Clark, RichardMeltonOccupying land, at rent of more than £50 per annumMelton
3199Shipton, ThomasMeltonOccupying land, at rent of more than £50 per annumMelton
3200Whitaker, Charles, Esq.Hull, North StreetFreehold house and landMelton

The above copyright data was taken from the book
The Electoral Rolls of the East Riding of Yorkshire, 1834
and was presented to Genuki by the author:
Colin Blanshard Withers M.Sc., M.B.A..