Wressle, War Memorial transcription
Wressle parish:
Source=h:/!Genuki/WM2transcriptionsToHtml/input/ERYHaydnScott.txtWressle, War Memorial transcription:
The War Memorial at the entrance to the Churchyard at Wressle.
This cross and
entrance gate
are dedicated
entrance gate
are dedicated
To the glory of God
and in sacred memory
of those who gave their
lives in the War
1939 - 1945
Specially remembered
Frank Batty
Sgt Harold Hodgson 2nd batt ??
Sgt George Scott 3rd KOR
L/Cpl Fred????
L/Bdr Harry SW?????
Lieut Peter W H Wain 81st ATR RA
and in sacred memory
of those who gave their
lives in the War
1939 - 1945
Specially remembered
Frank Batty
Sgt Harold Hodgson 2nd batt ??
Sgt George Scott 3rd KOR
L/Cpl Fred????
L/Bdr Harry SW?????
Lieut Peter W H Wain 81st ATR RA
Data transcribed by
Haydn Scott.
from photography by Colin Hinson