
Bedale, War Memorial transcription


Bedale parish:


Bedale, War Memorial transcription:

The War Memorial for WWI and WWII in St Gregory's churchyard, Bedale

The front of the Memorial: (see also Photo)

To the glory of God
and to the honoured
memory of the men
from the
parish of Bedale
who gave their lives
for their
King and Country
in the Great War
1914 - 1919
"Their name liveth evermore"

The left side of the Memorial, on the column: (see also Photo)

Robert Stokell

Charles Z Beresford
Peter Binks
John William Buckle
Walter Corps
Ralph Goldsborough
Alfred Hutchinson
William Mudd Kay
Frederick Metcalfe
George Metcalfe
William Oliver Watson

William Atkinson
Henry Bullock
Harold Hudson

The back of the Memorial: (see also Photo)

Tom Hutchinson
John Henry Martin
Richard Nicholson
Albert Rispin
Harold Morris Thomas
Peter Taylor Watt

George Thomas Hudson
Walter Ceorge [sic] Hudson
Herbert Jaques
George Megson
Robert Miller
Benjamin Molyneux
Frederick Owston
James Sherley
John William Taylor
Frederick Timms
Walter Webster
William Stead

The right side of the Memorial: (see also Photo)

Albert E Bennison
Frederick Caygill
Harry Caygill
George Corps
John William Jordan
Arthur Bertram Lawson
John Edward Leeming
Charles Metcalf.
Alfred Milner
John Rispin
Ralph Sanderson
Joseph Shaw
David Stanley Thompson

George Caygill

The left side of the Memorial, on the base: (see also Photo)

1939 - 1945

Thomas Frederick Bell  Frank Hall
Fred Beck Robert David Hutton-Squire
James A. Beck George Kershaw
Frederick Bennington Samuel William Jarman
Lorenzo Bennington Frederick George Neill
John Raymond de la Poer Beresford-Peirse Christopher Place
Arthur Braithwaite William Sayers
Malcolm Charlish Austen Smith
Robert Francis Dunning Walter Henry Thompson
John Gibson Stanley Wainde
Christopher James Barker Alfred Watson

Data transcribed by
the late Liz Agar.
from photography by Colin Hinson