
Coverham, Roll of Honour transcription


Coverham parish:


Coverham, Roll of Honour transcription:

The Roll of Honour in Holy Trinity Church, Coverham.

1914 1918
In grateful remembrance of
these men who took part
in the Great War

J A Barker  G V Hammel  T Suttil
M Bell C Johnson D Suttil
R Bell H Lofthouse W Tidyman
J Beswick W Marriner W J Walls
H Beswick J Mawer A Walls
Jas Beswick G E Osborne W Walls
T Binks R S Osborne G Walls
H Binks P B Osborne J Walls
J Binks G H Osborne H Walls
G Binks H Read A Watson
W E Brown A Reeves T Watson
W Chapman H Render M Watson
J Chapman J W Simpson W Watson
T Chapman J E Simpson W J Watson
H Chapman G Spence G Wilson
A Connor J Spence G O Utley
R Connor M Stanley P Utley
G C Connor H Stanley J Utley
J Dawson W T Stanley Jas Utley
F T Dawson A Swann L Utley
W Hammel S W Storey  

Data transcribed by
Haydn Scott.
from photography by Colin Hinson