1755/01/08 | m | Santus | Nicholas & Margery Sidgwick botp (B) | wit Tobias Dunn, Matthew Pyburn |
1755/01/08 | m | Sidgwick | Margery & Nicholas Santus botp (B) | wit Tobias Dunn, Matthew Pyburn |
1755/02/10 | m | Adamson | Thos & Ann Burnett botp (B) | wit John Harrison, Matthew Pyburn |
1755/02/10 | m | Burnet | Ann & Thos Adamson botp (B) | wit John Harrison, Matthew Pyburn |
1755/09/28 | m | Elgey | Jas & Eleanor Firbank botp (L) | wit Jas Waker, Matthew Pyburn |
1755/09/28 | m | Firbank | Eleanor & Jas Elgey botp (L) | wit Jas Waker, Matthew Pyburn |
1755/10/13 | m | Willson | John & Mary Sheerwood botp (B) | wit Matthew Pyburn, Wm Wilkin |
1755/10/13 | m | Sheerwood | Mary & John Willson botp (B) | wit Matthew Pyburn, Wm Wilkin |
1755/10/19 | m | Hanby | Chas & Jane Parkin botp (B) | wit Joseph Harrison, Matthew Pyburne |
1755/10/19 | m | Parkin | Jane & Chas Hanby botp (B) | wit Joseph Harrison, Matthew Pyburne |
1756/01/11 | m | Yarker | Wm otp & Eliz Hayton [Haton] of Darlington (L) | wit John Allison, Matthew Pyburne |
1756/01/11 | m | Hayton | Eliz [Haton] of Darlington & Wm Yarker otp (L) | wit John Allison, Matthew Pyburne |
1756/02/05 | m | Bowes | Robt Blakiston of St Oswald, Durham, & Anne Clement (L) | [see Clement] |
1756/02/05 | m | Clement | Anne of Hill Top itp & Robt B. Bowes [q. v.] | wit Robt Loftus, Matthew Pyburne |
1756/02/24 | m | Fowler | Anthony & Rebecca Johnson botp (B) | wit John Robinson, Matthew Pyburne |
1756/02/24 | m | Johnson | Rebecca & Anthony Fowler botp (B) | wit John Robinson, Matthew Pyburne |
1756/05/04 | m | Robson | John of Chester le Street, & Ann Swainstone otp (B) | wit Thomas White, Matthew Pyburne |
1756/05/04 | m | Swainstone | Ann otp & John Robson of Chester le Street (B) | wit Thomas White, Matthew Pyburne |
1756/07/20 | m | Atkinson | John & Ann Worthey botp (B) | wit Rich Prince, Matthew Pyburne |
1756/07/20 | m | Worthey | Ann & John Atkinson botp (B) | wit Rich Prince, Matthew Pyburne |
1756/09/23 | m | Elgey | John & Eliz Goulring botp (L) | wit John Harrison, Francis Ford |
1756/09/23 | m | Goulring | Eliz & John Elgey botp (L) | wit John Harrison, Francis Ford |
1756/10/03 | m | Page | John & Anne Hall botp (B) | wit Thos Sayer, Matthew Pyburne |
1756/10/03 | m | Hall | Anne & John Page botp (B) | wit Thos Sayer, Matthew Pyburne |
1756/11/23 | m | Best | Wm & Anne Buckton botp (B) | wit John Langdill, Peter Clark |
1756/11/23 | m | Buckton | Anne & Wm Best botp (B) | wit John Langdill, Peter Clark |
1757/02/10 | m | Todd | John of Easby & Anne Harrison otp (B) | wit Henry Todd, Wm Marley |
1757/ 02/10 | m | Harrison | Anne otp & John Todd of Easby (B) | wit Henry Todd, Wm Marley |
1757/05/29 | m | Burrel | John otp & Ann Allison of Winston (B) | wit Chas Hanby, John Wilkin |
1757/05/29 | m | Allison | Ann of Winston & John Burrel otp (B) | wit Chas Hanby, John Wilkin |
1757/09/08 | m | Stephenson | Joseph & Ann Jackson botp (L) | wit Thos York, Matthew Pyburn |
1757/09/08 | m | Jackson | Ann & Joseph Stephenson botp (L) | wit Thos York, Matthew Pyburn |
1758/03/28 | m | Allison | Wm & Mary Singleton botp (B) | wit Ra Singleton, Jno Allison |
1758/0328 | m | Singleton | Mary & Wm Allison botp (B) | wit Ra Singleton, Jno Allison |
1758/08/13 | m | Brown | Wm & Hannah Rumford botp (B) | wit J Sayer, John Langdill |
1758/08/13 | m | Rumford | Hannah & Wm Brown botp (B) | wit J Sayer, John Langdill |
1758/12/26 | m | Burnet | Jas [Burnett} & Margaret Smurfit botp (B) | wit John Wilkin, Wm Smurfit |
1758/12/26 | m | Smurfit | Margaret & Jas Burnet botp (B) | wit John Wilkin, Wm Smurfit |
1759/04/15 | m | Rofs | John & Ann Stewart botp (B) | wit Francis Thompson,Wm Wigham |
1759/04/15 | m | Stewart | Ann & John Rofs botp (B) | wit Francis Thompson,Wm Wigham |
1759/05/15 | m | Seymour | John of Winston & Christian Allison otp (B) | wit John Allison, Ra Singleton |
1759/05/15 | m | Allison | Christian otp & John Seymour of Winston (B) | wit John Allison, Ra Singleton |
1759/06/12 | m | Graham | Edward & Sarah Sagar botp (B) | wit John Rutherford, Richard Bell |
1759/06/12 | m | Sagar | Sarah & Edward Graham botp (B) | wit John Rutherford, Richard Bell |
1759/11/27 | m | Hunter | George of St John & Osythe Langdale otp (B) | wit Henry Todd, Richd Arrowsmith |
1759/11/27 | m | Langdale | Osythe otp & George Hunter of St John (B) | wit Henry Todd, Richd Arrowsmith |
1760/0127 | m | Dinsdale | John & Eliz Rutherford botp (B) | wit John Wilkin, Robt Davison |
1760/01/27 | m | Rutherford | Eliz & John Dinsdale botp (B) | wit John Wilkin, Robt Davison |
1760/04/06 | m | Sayer | Jas of Bowes & Eliz Carter otp (B) | wit Geo Thompson, Thos Sayer |
1760/ 04/06 | m | Carter | Eliz otp & Jas Sayer of Bowes (B) | wit Geo Thompson, Thos Sayer |
1760/04/07 | m | Harrison | Thos of Croft & Ann Davison otp (L) | wit John Bouser, Matthew Pyburne |
1760/04/07 | m | Davison | Ann otp & Thos Harrison of Croft (L) | wit John Bouser, Matthew Pyburne |
1760/05/17 | m | Atkinson | Jonathan & Margaret Bradley botp (B) | wit Thos Bradley, Matthew Pyburne |
1760 /05/17 | m | Bradley | Margaret & Jonathan Atkinson botp (B) | wit Thos Bradley, Matthew Pyburne |
1760/11/25 | m | Thompson | Wm of Staindrop & Margery Barker otp (B) | wit John Crofts, ....... ....... |
1760/11/25 | m | Barker | Margery otp & Wm Thompson of Staindrop (B) | wit John Crofts, ....... ....... |
1761/01/15 | m | Baxter | Wm of Staindrop & Eliz Elliott otp (B) solemnized at Staindrop Church | |
1761/01/15 | m | Elliot | Elikz otp & Wm Baxter (B) solemnized at Staindrop Church | |
1761/05/12 | m | Kay | Richd of South Coulton & Hannah Dennison otp (B) | wit Robt Davison, Richd Kay |
1761/05/12 | m | Dennison | Hannah otp & Richd Kay of South Coulton (B) | wit Robt Davison, Richd Kay |
1762/02/10 | m | Bowman | Wm & Mary Wilson botp (B) | wit Jno Chrishor, Matthew Pyburne |
1762/02/10 | m | Wilson | Mary & Wm Bowman botp (B) | wit Jno Chrishor, Matthew Pyburne |
1762/08/25 | m | Wheatly | Joseph of Staindrop & Dorothy Pearson otp (L) | wit Richd Sherwood, Ann Hexon |
1762/08/25 | m | Pearson | Dorothy otp & Joseph Wheatly of Staindrop (L) | wit Richd Sherwood, Ann Hexon |
1762/09/20 | m | Walker | Wm of Staindrop & Anne Martin otp (L) | wit John Walton, Jas Davidson |
1762/09/20 | m | Martin | Anne otp & Wm Walker of Staindrop (L) | wit John Walton, Jas Davidson |
1762/09/27 | m | Martindale | Gabriel of Staindrop & Ann Whitel otp (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, John Harrison |
1762/09/27 | m | Whitel | Ann otp & Gabbriel Martindale of Staindrop (B) | wit Wm WiIkin, John Harrison |
1762/11/21 | m | Dixon | Joseph of St Maries & Mary Palmer otp (B) | wit Richd Stephenson, Matthew Pyburne |
1762/11/21 | m | Palmer | Mary otp & Joseph Dixon of St Maries (B) | wit Richd Stephenson, Matthew Pyburne |
1762/12/06 | m | Forster | Thos of Barnard Castle & Mary Dunn otp (B) | wit Wm Hudson, Matthew Pyburne |
1762/12/06 | m | Dunn | Mary otp & Thos Forster of Barnard Castle (B) | wit Wm Hudson, Matthew Pyburne |
1763/05/17 | m | Hodgson | Wm of Catterick & Mary Smith otp (B) | wit John Carr, Wm Wilkin |
1763/05/17 | m | Smith | Mary otp & Wm Hodgson of Catterick (B) | wit John Carr, Wm Wilkin |
1763/09/06 | m | Burlyson | Thos of St Andrew & Mary Thirsby otp (B) | wit Cris Harrison, Elener Hutchinson |
1763/09/06 | m | Thirsby | Mary otp & Thos Burlyson of St Andrew (B) | wit Cris Harrison, Elener Hutchinson |
1764/02/19 | m | Thwates | John & Martha Thackray botp (B) | wit Robt Thackray, Ralph Singleton |
1764/02/19 | m | Thackray | Martha & John Thwates botp (B) | wit Robt Thackray, Ralph Singleton |
1764/03/12 | m | Sanderson | Jas of Hutton near Stokesly & Ann Barker otp (L) | wit Wm Marley, Mattw Pyburne |
1764/03/12 | m | Barker | Ann otp & Jas Sanderson of Hutton near Stokesly (L) | wit Wm Marley, Mattw Pyburne |
1764/05/15 | m | Rontree | Jas & Margaret Renaldson botp (B) | wit Jas Croft, Chr Brown |
1764/05/15 | m | Renaldson | Margaret & Jas Rontree botp (B) | wit Jas Croft, Chr Brown |
1764/11/13 | m | Barton | Abraham of Aston, in the county of Derby & Ann Wilkin otp (L) | wit Thos Clark, Ed Toons |
1764/11/13 | m | Willkin | Ann otp & Abraham Barton of Aston, Derby (L) | wit Thos Clark, Ed Toons |
1765/02/11 | m | Bates | John & Catherine Sale botp (B) | wit John Wilkin, Wm Wilkin |
1765/02/11 | m | Sale | Catherine & John Bates botp (B) | wit John Wilkin, Wm Wilkin |
1765/05/14 | m | Dixon | Thos & Sarah Elliot botp (B) | wit Ambrose Clement, Isaac Lunson |
1765/05/14 | m | Elliot | Sarah & Thos Dixon botp (B) | wit Ambrose Clement, Isaac Lunson |
1765/05/27 | m | Raine | Jonathan labourer & Eliz Wright spr botp (B) | wit Issac Lunson, John Raine |
1765/05/27 | m | Wright | Eliz spr & Jonathan Raine labourer bootp (B) | wit Issac Lunson, John Raine |
1765/06/11 | m | Bray | George laburer & Eliz Simpson spr botp (B) | wit Joseph Gournley, Wm Green |
1765/06/11 | m | Simpson | Eliz spr & George Bray labourer botp (B) | wit Joseph Gournley, Wm Green |
1765/11/21 | m | Rumford | Wm labourer & Ann Harrison spr botp (B) | wit Tom Brown, Wm Wilkin |
1765/11/21 | m | Harrison | Ann spr & Wm Rumford labourer bothp (B) | wit Tom Brown, Wm Wilkin |
1765/12/09 | m | Wilson | Thos [Willson] labourer & Frances Cooper spr botp (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, M Wilkin |
1765/12/09 | m | Cooper | Frances spr & Thos [Willson] labourer botp (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, M Wilkin |
1766/02/27 | m | Green | Wm labourer & Mary Rain spr botp (B) | wit Chas Hanby, John Thompson |
1766/02/27 | m | Raine | Mary spr & Wm Green labourer botp (B) | wit Chas Hanby, John Thompson |
1766/05/06 | m | Hopper | Thos of Coniscliffe labourer & Mary Thompson spr otp (B) | wit Ruth Singleton, Wm Wilkin |
1766/05/06 | m | Thompson | Mary spr otp & Thos Hopper of Coniscliffe labourer (B) | wit Ruth Singleton, Wm Wilkin |
1766/05/19 | m | Hall | John of Kirby Ravensworth & Mary Greathead otp (B) | wit Robt Wardle, Thos Eardle |
1766/05/19 | m | Greathead | Mary otp & John Hall of Kirby Ravensworth (B) | wit Robt Wardle, Thos Eardle |
1766/07/01 | m | Armstrong | John & Margaret Greenhow botp (B) | wit Geo Allison, Wm Armstrong |
1766/07/01 | m | Greenhow | Margaret & John Armstrong botp (B) | wit Geo Allison, Wm Armstrong |
1766/08/19 | m | Wallis | Geo otp & Ann Milburne of Staindrop (L) | wit Chris Hird, Jas Harker |
1766/08/19 | m | Milburne | Ann of Staindrop & Geo Wallis otp (L) | wit Chris Hird, Jas Harker |
1766/11/10 | m | Bainbridge | John & Eliz Bainbridge botp (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, John Ewbank |
1766/11/10 | m | Bainbridge | Eliz & John Bainbridge botp (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, John Ewbank |
1767/05/19 | m | Short | Chas otp & Eliz Lowther of Gainford (B) | wit John Emerson, Jno Ewbank |
1767/05/19 | m | Lowther | Eliz of Gainford & Chas Short otp (B) | wit John Emerson, Jno Ewbank |
1768/04/06 | m | Monkhouse | Robt & Eliz Thackeray botp (B) | wit John Bouser, Wm Wilkin |
1768/04/06 | m | Thackeray | Eliz & Robt Monkhopuse botp (B) | wit John Bouser, Wm Wilkin |
1768/05/10 | m | Davison | Robt of St John's Stanwick & Ann Allison otp (L) | wit Ruth Singleton, John Allison |
1768 /05/10 | m | Allison | Ann otp & Robt Davison of St John's Stanwick (L) | wit Ruth Singleton, John Allison |
1768/05/23 | m | Sowerby | John & Pealey Simpson botp (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, Geo Reay |
1768/05/23 | m | Simpson | Pealey & John Sowerby botp (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, Geo Reay |
1768/06/06 | m | Heron | Chr of Cockfield & Ann Hutchinson otp (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, Jas McKenzie |
1768/06/06 | m | Hutchinson | Ann otp & Chr Heron of Cockfield (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, Jas McKenzie |
1769/05/14 | m | Turner | Daniel labourer & Ann Moses botp (B) | wit Chas Hanby, Wm Jackson |
1769/05/14 | m | Moses | Ann & Daniel Turner labourer botp (B) | wit Chas Hanby, Wm Jackson |
1769/05/30 | m | Walton | Wm & Mary Dent spr botp (L) | wit John Wilkin, Wm Wilkin |
1769/05/30 | m | Dent | Mary spr & Wm Dent botp (L) | wit John Wilkin. Wm Wilkin |
1769/08/21 | m | Rawling | Geo husbandman & Mary Sayer wid botp (L) | wit Chas Hanby, Judith Wilkin |
1769/08/21 | m | Sayer | Mary wid & Geo Rawling husbandman botp (L) | wit Chas Hanby, Judith Wilkin |
1769/09/28 | m | Brown | Wm shoemaker & Eliz Bainbridge spr botp (B) | wit Wm Nelson, John Martin |
1769/09/28 | m | Bainbridge | Eliz spr & Wm Brown shoemaker botp (B) | wit Wm Nelson, John Martin |
1769/11/23 | m | Stamp | Robt husbandman & Eliz Young spr botp (B) | wit Geo Hodgson, Edw Bingey |
1769/11/23 | m | Young | Eliz spr & Robt Stamp husbandman botp (B) | wit Geo Hodgson, Edw Bingey |
1770/02/11 | m | Garthwaite | Wm of Wycliffe husbandman & Margaret Naton spr otp (B) | wit Marmaduke Allison, Faith Garthwaite |
1770/02/11 | m | Naton | Margaret spr otp & Wm Garthwaite husbandman of Wycliffe (B) | wit Marmaduke Allison, Faith Garthwaite |
1770/04/19 | m | Cheeseman | Nicholas & Jane Coates spr botp (L) | wit John Allison, Jno Singelton |
1770/04/19 | m | Coates | Jane spr & Nicholas Cheeseman botp (L) | wit John Allison, Jno Singelton |
1770/07/05 | m | Howson | Wm of Letwell in the parish of St John's, farmer & Jane Hodgson | (see Hodgson) |
1770/07/05 | m | Hodgson | Jane of Forcett otp & Wm Letwell in the parish of St John's, farmer (L) | wit John Aitken, Wm Wilkin |
1770/08/21 | m | Peter | David, gardener & Rebecca Brownridge botp (B) | wit Mdke Middleton, John Aitken |
1770/08/21 | m | Brownrifge | Rebecca & David Peter, gardener botp (B) | wit Mdke Middleton, John Aitken |
1770/12/10 | m | Hutchinson | Henry & Eliz Newby botp (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, Wm Moor |
1770/12/10 | m | Newby | Eliz & Henry Hutchinson botp (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, Wm Moor |
1771/05/29 | m | Wigham | Wm of Richmond, butcher & Margaret Dent spr otp (L) | wit John Ellerton, Joseph Veapon |
1771/05/29 | m | Dent | Margaret spr otp & Wm Wigham of Richmond, butcher (L) | wit John Ellerton, Joseph Veapon |
1771/09/30 | m | Turner | Chas of Kirby .............widr & Mary Shuttleworth otp spr (L) | wit Chas Shuttleworth, Mary Shuttleworth |
1771/09/30 | m | Shuttleworth | Mary otp spr & Chas Turner of Kirby ............ (L) | wit Chas Shuttleworth, Mary Shuttleworth |
1772/05/13 | m | Swales | Thos of Gilling & Eliz Marley otp spr (B) | wit Wm Marley, Wm Harrison |
1772/05/13 | m | Marley | Eliz otp spr & Thos Swales of Gilling (B) | wit Wm Marley, Wm Harrison |
1772/05/19 | m | Bishopbridge | Wm labourer & Eliz Greenhow spr botp (B) | wit Geo Bell, Wm Jackson |
1772/05/19 | m | Greenhow | Elix spr & Wm Bichopbridge labourer botp (B) | wit Geo Bell, Wm Jackson |
1772/10/.. | m | | Chris .....................& Mary Clarkson.................. | wit Matthew Clarkson, Frances Lawson |
1772/10/.. | m | Clarkson | Mary .................& Chris...................... | wit Matthew Clarkson, Frances Lawson |
1772/11/06 | m | Thackeray | Wm [Thackray] bachr & Eileen Hutchinson botp (B) | wit Wm Nelson, Frances Lawson |
1772/11/06 | m | Hutchinson | Eileen & Wm Thackeray [Thackray] bachr botp (B) | wit Wm Nelson, Frances Lawson |
1773/02/02 | m | Hildrop | John of Hutton, husbandman & Jane Thiplin otp (B) | wit Wm Whitfield, Joseph Lawson |
1773/02/02 | m | Thiplin | Jane otp & John Hildrop of Hutton, husbandman (B) | wit Wm Whitfield, Joseph Lawson |
1773/04/12 | m | Walker | John of Gainford, widr & Ann Elstob otp (B) | wit Wm Whitfield, ...Shipman |
1773/04/12 | m | Elstob | Ann otp & John Walker of Gainford, widr (B) | wit Wm Whitfield, ... Shipman |
1773/05/13 | m | Smith | Andrew of Gilling bachr & Mary Stockdale otp spr (B) | wit Anthony O.lltor, Joseph Lawson |
1773/05/13 | m | Stockdale | Mary otp spr & Andrew Smith of Gilling bachr (B) | wit Anthony O.lltor, Joseph Lawson |
1773/05/13 | m | Dent | John of St John, Stanwick, bachr & Margaret Harrison otp spr (L) | wit Thos Harrison, Ann Harrison |
1773/05/13 | m | Harrison | Margaret otp spr & John Dent of St John, Stanwick bachr (L) | wit Thos Harrison, Ann Harrison |
1773/11/15 | m | Wharton | Isarel of Barnard Castle, widr & Jane Mariner otp (B) | wit Wm Nelson, Frances Lawson |
1773/11/15 | m | Mariner | Jane otp & Isarel Wharton of Barnard Castle, widr (B) | wit Wm Nelson, Frances Lawson |
1774/02/10 | m | Johnson | Marmaduke of Kirby Ravensworth, clerk & Ann Graham otp spr (L) | wit Edw Johnson, Richd Graham |
1774/02/10 | m | Graham | Ann otp spr & Marmaduke Johnson of Kirby Ravensworth, clerk (L) | wit Edw Johnson, Richd Graham |
1774/02/19 | m | Watson | Robt otp bachr & Rachel Noth of St John Stanwick, spr (B) | wit Thos Boyd, Beatrice Jenkinson |
1774/02/19 | m | Noth | Rachel of St John Stanwick, spr & Robt Watson otp bachr (B) | wit Thos Boyd, Beatrice Jenkinson |
1774/04/03 | m | Shaw | John & Margaret Robinson spr botp (B) | wit Wm Heslop. Mary Heslop |
1774/04/03 | m | Robinson | Margaret spr & John Shaw botp (B) | wit Wm Heslop. Mary Heslop |
1774/05/16 | m | Wilkinson | John bachr & Jane Nelson spr botp (B) | wit Mat Shipman, Frances Gaskin |
1774/05/16 | m | Nelson | Jane spr & John Wilkinson bachr botp (B) | wit Mat Shipman, Frances Gaskin |
1774/05/25 | m | Wilkin | Wm bchr & Ann Stephenson spr botp (L) | wit Thos Stephenson, John Wilkin |
1774/05/25 | m | Stephenson | Ann spr Wm Wilkin bchr botp (L) | wit Thos Stephenson, John Wilkin |
1775/04/17 | m | Lister | Wm, labourer & Alice Grainger spr botp (B) | wit .... ......, Frances Lawson |
1775/04/17 | m | Grainger | Alice spr & Wm Lister, labourer botp (B) | wit ... . ......, Frances Lawson |
1775/12/07 | m | Smith | Francis bachr & Ann Spencer spr botp (B) | wit Thos Hanby, Robt Spencer |
1775/12/07 | m | Spencer | Ann spr & Francis Smith bachr botp (B) | wit Thos Hanby, Robt Spencer |
1775/12/27 | m | Moordy | John of Houghton, Durham, bachr & Jane Clarkson otp spr (L) | wit Thos Harrison, Matt Clarkson |
1775/12/27 | m | Clarkson | Jane otp spr & John Moordy of Houghton, Durham, bachr (L) | wit Thos Harrison, Matt Clarkson |
1776/ 05/13 | m | Nicholson | Richd, labourer & Ann Robinson spr botp (B) | wit Margaret Foster, Robt Turton |
1776/05/13 | m | Robinson | Ann spr & Richd Nicholson labourer bachr botp (B) | wit Margaret Foster, Robt Turton |
1776/05/14 | m | Garwood | Geo, husbandman & Ann Elwood spr botp (B) | wit Matthew Shepman, Ralph Smith |
1776/05/14 | m | Elwood | Ann spr & Geo Garwood, husbandman botp (B) | wit Matthew Shepman, Ralph Smith |
1776/05/20 | m | Heslop | Wm of Barnard Castle, bachr & Mary Friend otp spr (B) | wit Thos Dale, Thos Heslop |
1776/05/20 | m | Friend | Mary spr & Wm Heslop of Barnard Castle, bachr (B) | wit Thos Dale, Thos Heslop |
1776/05/27 | m | Shaw | Thos of St John Stanwick bachr & Eliz Heicklay otp spr (B) | wit Thos Hanby, Francis Hirt |
1776/05/27 | m | Heicklay | Eliz otp spr & Thos Shaw of St John Stanwick bachr (B) | wit Thos Hanby, Francis Hirt |
1776/07/01 | m | Hunter | David of Monk Warmouth, Durham, shoemaker & Eliz Massham spr otp (L) | wit Margaret Foster, Geo Maugham |
1776/07/01 | m | Massham | Eliz spr otp & David Hunter of Monk Warmouth, Durham, shoemaker (L) | wit Margaret Foster, Geo Maugham |
1776/07/02 | m | Bradley | John, labourer & Mary Sympson spr botp (B) | wit Samuel White, Isabel Walker |
1776/07/02 | m | Sympson | Mary spr & John Bradley, labourer botp (B) | wit Samuel White, Isabel Walker |
1776/09/10 | m | Shuttleworth | Chas, clerk & The Honorable Mary Cockburne botp spr (L) | wit Robt Shuttleworth, Anne Shuttleworth, John Halley |
1776/09/10 | m | Cockburne | The Honorable Mary spr & Chas Shuttleworth, clerk botp (L) | wit Robt Shuttleworth, Anne Shuttleworth, John Halley |
1776/10/15 | m | Smith | Ralph, shoemaker & Isabel Smith spr botp (B) | wit Geo Waine, Margaret Stephenson |
1776/10/15 | m | Smith | Isabel spr & Ralph Smith, shoemaker botp (B) | wit Geo Waine, Margaret Stephenson |
1776/11/17 | m | Donald | John, labourer & Ann Blakinsale spr botp (B) | wit John Ord, Wm Watson |
1776/11/17 | m | Blakinsale | Ann spr & John Donald, labourer botp (B) | wit John Ord, Wm Watson |
1777/05/14 | m | Snowden | Thos of St Andrew, Auckland, labourer & Ann Moor spr otp (B) | wit Wm Moor, Frances Lawson |
1777/05/14 | m | Moor | Ann spr otp & Thos Snowden of St Andrew, Auckland, labourer (B) | wit Wm Moor, Frances Lawson |
1777/05/15 | m | Hopper | Thos, carpenter & Ann Bentley spr botp (B) | wit Ruth Singleton, Joseph Broumpton |
1777/05/15 | m | Bentley | Ann spr & Thos Hopper, carpenter botp (B) | wit Ruth Singleton, Joseph Broumpton |
1777/07/15 | m | Burrel | Ralph, labourer & Mary Oldman spr botp (B) | wit Joseph Lawson, Ralph Smith |
1777/17/15 | m | Oldman | Mary spr & Ralph Burrel, labourer botp (B) | wit Joseph Lawson, Ralph Smith |
1777/08/05 | m | Hopper | Tobias, labourer & Hannah Wilson spr botp (B) | wit Robt Turton, Thos Stephenson |
1777/08/05 | m | Wilson | Hannah spr & Tobias Hopper, labourer botp (B) | wit Robt Turton, Thos Stephenson |
1777/11/25 | m | Walker | John bachr & Isabel Walker spr botp (B) | wit Thos Dawson, Francis Walker |
1777/11/25 | m | Walker | Isabel spr & John Walker bachr botp (B) | wit Thos Dawson, Francis Walker |
1778/06/27 | m | Short | Henry of Manfield, husbandman & Jane Palmer spr otp (B) | wit John Kay, Richd Stephenson |
1778/06/27 | m | Palmer | Jane spr otp & Henry Short of Manfield, husbandman (B) | wit John Kay, Richd Stephenson |
1778/07/29 | m | Douthwaite | Wm, husbandman, bachr & Eliz Smurthwate spr botp (B) | wit Mattw Gibbon, Joseph Stephenson |
1778/07/29 | m | Smuthwate | Eliz spr & Wm Douthwate, husbandman, bachr botp (B) | wit Mattw Gibbon, Joseph Stephenson |
1778/10/13 | m | Guy | Wm, husbandman & Dorothy Spencer spr botp (B) | wit Frances Smith, Robt Spencer |
1778/10/13 | m | Spencer | Dorothy spr & Wm Guy, husbandman botp (B) | wit Frances Smith, Robt Spencer |
1778/11/03 | m | Johnson | Richd, husbandman & Margaret Middleton spr botp (B) | wit Stephen Moor, Frances Lawson |
1778/11/03 | m | Middleton | Margaret spr & Richd Johnson, husbandman botp (B) | wit Stephen Moor, Frances Lawson |
1779/06/07 | m | Todd | John bchr s John Todd, Farmer & Sarah Caper spr d Wm Caper, taylor (L) | wit Thos Harrison, Joseph Lawson |
1779/06/07 | m | Caper | Sarah Caper spr d Wm Caper, taylor botp & John Todd s John Todd (L) | wit Thos Harrison, Joseph Lawson |
1779/06/22 | m | Hutchinson | John of St John's, Stanwick bachr & Margaret [Foster] otp spr (L) | wit Wm Parkin, Robt Hutchinson |
1779/06/22 | m | Forster | Margaret [Foster] otp spr & John Hutchinson of St John's, Stawick bachr (L) | wit Wm Parkin, Robt Hutchinson |
1779/09/18 | m | Lawson | Wm, carpenter & Catharine Wilkinson spr botp (B) | wit Joseph Vipor, Frances Lawson |
1779/09/18 | m | Wilkinson | Catharine spr & Wm Lawson, carpenter botp (B) | wit Joseph Vipor, Frances Lawson |
1780/03/17 | m | Shipman | Francis bachr & Beatrice Stephenson spr botp (L) | wit Chris ......, Thos Carling |
1780/03/17 | m | Stephenson | Beatrice spr & Francis Shipoman bachr botp (L) | wit Chris ......, Thos Carling |
1780/12/15 | m | Wyle | Jas, miller otp & Eliz Duffield of St John, Stanwick wid (B) | wit Jas Elgey, Frances Lawson |
1780/12/15 | m | Duffield | Eliz of St John, Stanwick wid & Jas Wyle, miller otp (B) | wit Jas Elgey, Frances Lawson |
1781/02/19 | m | Elgey | Thos widr otp & Barbara Carr of Gainforth, Durham, wid (L) | wit Richd Firbank, Robt Crozier |
1781/02/19 | m | Carr | Barbara of Gainforth, Durham, wid & Thos Elgey widr otp (L) | wit Richd Firbank, Robt Crozier |
1781/04/03 | m | Chapman | Ingram of Gainford bachr & Lydia Bowser spr otp (B) | wit Ann Bell, Geo Rigg |
1781/04/03 | m | Bowser | Lydia spr otp & Ingram Chapman of Gainford bachr (B) | wit Ann Bell, Geo Rigg |
1781/08/07 | m | Sanderson | Isaac, farmer's son otp & Eliz Hall of Houghton, Durham spr (L) | wit Geo Coates, Frances Lawson |
1781/08/07 | m | Hall | Eliz of Houghton, Durham spr & Isaac Sanderson, farmer's son otp (L) | wit Geo Coates, Frances Lawson |
1781/12/27 | m | Spencer | John husbandman & Eleanor Robinson spr botp (B) | wit Robt Spencer, Francis Smith |
1781/12/27 | m | Robinson | Eleanor spr & John Spencer husbandman botp (B) | wit Robt Spencer, Francis Smith |
1782/01/13 | m | Jameson | Wm husbandman otp & Hannah Smith of Kirby Fleetham spr (L) | wit John Smith, Thos Jameson |
1782/01/13 | m | Smith | Hannah of Kirby Fleetham spr & Wm Jameson husbandman otp (L) | wit John Smith, Thos Jameson |
1782/01/24 | m | Rayband | Andrew bachr cook to Lord Algn Percy & Margaret Henderson spr botp (L) | [see Henerson] |
1782 /01/24 | m | Henderson | Margaret Henderson spr & Andrew Rayband cook to Lord Percy botp (L) | wit John Francis Ray....., Frances Lawson |
1782/05/14 | m | Scott | Thos husbandman & Margaret Wilson spr botp (B) | wit Jas Hird, Matthew Shipman |
1782/05/14 | m | Wilson | Margaret spr & Thos Scott husbandman botp (B) | wit Jas Hird, Matthew Shipman |
1782/06/04 | m | Dent | Thos husbandman & Eliz Todd spr botp (B) | wit Matthew Hartley, Margaret Gordon |
1782/06/04 | m | Todd | Eliz spr & Thos Dent husbandman botp (B) | wit Matthew Hartley, Margaret Gordon |
1782/11/21 | m | Carpenter | Joseph husbandman & Tamar Clement spr botp (B) | wit John Shay, Susanna Clement |
1782/11/21 | m | Clement | Tamar spr & Joseph Carpenter husbandman botp (B) | wit John Shay, Susanna Clement |
1782/12/05 | m | Bailes | John widr husbandman & Ann Thersby spr botp (B) | wit Wm Dobson, ............... |
1782/12/05 | m | Thersby | Ann spr & John Bailes widr husbandman botp (B) | wit Wm Dobson, ............... |
1783/02/11 | m | Robson | John farmer widr & Jane Wiseman spr botp (L) | wit Chas Wiseman, Martin Wiseman |
1783/02/11 | m | Wiseman | Jane spr & John Robson farmer widr botp (L) | wit Chas Wiseman, Martin Wiseman |
1783/06/10 | m | Craggy | Joseph husbandman & Margaret Maphim spr botp (B) | wit Wm Terry, Ann Bell |
1783/06/10 | m | Maphim | Margaret spr & Joseph Craggy husbandman bootp (B) | wit Wm Terry, Ann Bell |
1783/11/25 | m | Hall | Geo blacksmith bachr & Eliz Mathison spr botp (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, Mary Thompson |
1783/11/25 | m | Mathison | Eliz spr & Geo hall blacksmith bachr botp (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, Mary Thompson |
1784/02/03 | m | Lawson | Matthew bachr Wright & Jane Spence spr botp (B) | wit Ben Lawson, Ralph Smith |
1784/02/03 | m | Spencer | Jane spr & Matthew Lawson bachr Wright botp (B) | wit Ben Lawson, Ralph Smith |
1784/04/13 | m | Whytell | John Whytell [Whitell] taylor & Margaret Dodds spr botp (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, Joseph Dodds |
1784/04/13 | m | Dodds | Margaret spr & John [Whitell] taylor botp (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, Joseph Dodds |
1784/11/23 | m | Kitchen | Thos husbandman & Eliz Elslob spr botp (B) | wit Joseph Hopkinson, Wm Heslop |
1784/11/23 | m | Elslob | Eliz spr & Thos Kitchin husbandman botp (B) | wit Joseph Hopkinson, Wm Heslop |
1785/06/14 | m | Dunn | Joseph of Richmond bachr & Eliz Garthorne otp spr (B) | wit Francis Earle, John Dunn |
1785/06/14 | m | Garthorne | Eliz spr otp & Joseph Dunn of Richmond bachr (B) | wit Francis Earle, John Dunn |
1785/06/25 | m | Johnson | John of Croft, bachr husbandman & Eliz Sanderson otp spr (L) | [see Sanderson] |
1785/06/25 | m | Sanderson | Eliz otp d Isaac Sanderson, farmer & John Johnson of Croft, husbandman (L) | wit Isabela Johnson, Robt Johnson |
1785/12/17 | m | Nicholson | Richd bachr, husbandman otp & Ann Robinson of Darlington, Durham spr (L) | wit Margaret Pattinson, Jane Todd |
1785/12/17 | m | Robinson | Ann of Darlington, Durham spr & Richd Nicholson bachr, husbandman otp (L) | wit Margaret Pattinson, Jane Todd |
1786/01/12 | m | Bowser | Timothy bachr & Jane Barker spr botp (L) | wit John Davison, John Whitell |
1786/01/12 | m | Barker | Jane spr & Timothy Bowser bachr botp (L) | wit John Davison, John Whitell |
1786/04/17 | m | Ormston | John of Bolton, bachr, husbandman & Mary Marley spr otp (B) | wit Samuel Ormston, Thos Shaw |
1786/04/17 | m | Marley | Mary spr otp & John Ormston of Bolton, bachr, husbandman (B) | wit Samuel Ormston, Thos Shaw |
1786/06/07 | m | Allison | John of St John, Stanwick bachr & Eliz Bell otp spr (L) | wit Ralph Smith, Benjamin Lawson |
1786/06/07 | m | Bell | Eliz otp spr & John Allison of St John, Stanwick bachr (L) | wit Ralph Smith, Benjamin Lawson |
1786/07/13 | m | Mattison | John, mason & Eliz Hodgson spr botp (B) | wit Matthew Shipman, Eliz Allison |
1786/07/13 | m | Hodgson | Eliz spr & John Mattison, mason botp (B) | wit Matthew Shipman, Eliz Allison |
1786/11/06 | m | Bowser | Thos widr & Eliz Dodds spr botp (B) | wit Christopher Marriner, Richard Bowser |
1786/11/06 | m | Dodds | Eliz spr & Thos Bowser widr botp (B) | wit Christopher Marriner, Richard Bowser |
1786/12/28 | m | Atkinson | Thos s Jonathan Atkinson, farmer, bachr & Catharine Graham spr botp (L) | wit Charles Atkinson, Nathaniel Atkinson |
1786/12/28 | m | Graham | Catharine spr d Robt Graham, Farmer & Thos Atkinson bachr farmer botp (L) | wit Charles Atkinson, Nathaniel Atkinson |
1787/02/13 | m | Heslop | Wm of Easby, bachr, husbandsman & Jane Atkinson spr otp (B) | wit Philip Heslop, Francis James |
1787/02/13 | m | Atkinson | Jane spr otp & Wm Heslop of Easby, bachr, husbandsman (B) | wit Philip Heslop, Francis James |
1787/03/12 | m | Nicholson | Richd s Jas Nicholson, farmer of Eppleby & Margaret Pattinson spr botp (B) | wit John Nicholson, Eliz Wilkinson |
1787/03/12 | m | Pattinson | Margaret spr & Richd Nicholson s Jas Nicholson, farmer of Eppleby botp (B) | wit John Nicholson, Eliz Wilkinson |
1787/03/31 | m | Froggy | Henry [Henery] of Bedale, farmer & Ann Sanderson spr otp (L) | wit Isaac Sanderson, Frances Lawson |
1787/03/31 | m | Sanderson | Ann spr otp & Henry [Henery] of Bedale, farmer (L) | wit Isaac Sanderson, Frances Lawson |
1787/05/21 | m | Angles | Richd bachr, miller & Eliz Mason spr botp (B) | wit James Hutchinson, Peter Carter |
1787/05/21 | m | Mason | Eliz spr & Richd Angles, miller botp (B) | wit James Hutchinson, Peter Carter |
1787/06/02 | m | Robinson | Anthony of Hutton Magna, bachr & Jane Thompson otp spr (L) | wit Charles Atkinson, Ann Moore |
1787/06/02 | m | Thompson | Jane spr otp & Anthjony Robinson of Hutton Magna, bachr (L) | wit Charles Atkinson, Ann Moore |
1787/06/13 | m | Lawson | Benjamin bachr otp & Mary White of Croft, spr (L) | wit Hugh James, Francis James |
1787/06/13 | m | White | Mary spr of Croft & Benjamin Lawson bachr otp (L) | wit Hugh James, Francis James |
1787/07/10 | m | Wilson | Ralph of Darlington, Durham, weaver & Mary Haddock otp spr (B) | wit Wm Marley, Frances Lawson |
1787/07/10 | m | Haddock | Mary spr otp & Ralph Wilson of Darlington, Durham, weaver (B) | wit Wm Marley, Frances Lawson |
1787/10/.. | m | Barker | John of Northallerton, widr, husbandman & Jane Williamson otp spr (B) | wit Robert Spencer,Frances Lawson |
1787/10/.. | m | Williamson | Jane otp spr & John Barker of Northallerton, widr, husbandman (B) | wit Robert Spencer,Frances Lawson |
1787/12/27 | m | Raw | Isaiah of Howden, gardener & Agnes Parker otp spr (B) | wit Samuel Benson, John Maxwel |
1787/12/27 | m | Parker | Agnes spr otp & Isaiah Raw of Howden, gardener (B) | wit Samuel Benson, John Maxwel |
1788/03/20 | m | Rayne | Jas, blacksmith & Ann Mason botp spr (L) | wit Thomas Hanby, Jane Hanby |
1788/03/20 | m | Mason | Ann spr & Jas Rayne, blacksmith botp (L) | wit Thomas Hanby, Jane Hanby |
1788/03/26 | m | Wetherale | Thos of Disgarth, bachr & Mary Dodds otp spr (L) | wit Thomas Bowser, Joseph Richardson |
1788/03/26 | m | Dodds | Mary otp spr & Thos Wetherale of Dissgarth, bachr (L) | wit Thomas Bowser, Joseph Richardson |
1788/05/13 | m | Outhwaite | John of Catterick, farmer & Dorothy Graham otp spr (L) | wit Robt Grahame, John Calvert |
1788/05/13 | m | Graham | Dorothy otp spr & John Outhwaite of Catterick, farmer (L) | wit Robt Grahame, John Calvert |
1789/05/19 | m | Cuthbertson | Wm of Kirby Ravensworth, weaver & Isabel Golesborough [Goulesbrough] | [see Golesborough] |
1789/05/19 | m | Golesborough | Isabel [Goulesbrough] otp spr & Wm Cuthbertson of Kirby Ravensworth(B) | wit Leonard Goulsbrough, Thomas Pounder |
1789/07/08 | m | Rumford | John, farmer & Susanna Clement spr d Ambrose Clement, farmer botp (B) | wit Laurence Thompson, Robert Leigton |
1789/07/08 | m | Clement | Susanna spr d Ambrose Clement, farmer & John Runford, farmer botp (B) | wit Laurence Thompson, Robert Leigton |
1789/07/09 | m | Maitland | Alexander of Hutton Magna Lieutenant of the .. Regiment & | [see Smurfitt] |
1789/07/09 | m | Smurfitt | Margaret otp spr & Alexander Maitland (L) | wit George Waine, James Best |
1789/10/08 | m | Armstrong | Wm, labourer & Frances Harwood spr botp (B) | wit Hugh James, Francis James |
1789/10/08 | m | Harwood | Frances spr & Wm Armstrong, labourer botp (B) | wit Hugh James, Francis James |
1789/10/20 | m | Johnson | John bachr & Anne [Ann] Gill spr botp (L) | wit Wm S..ainster, Wm Wilkin |
1789/10/20 | m | Gill | Anne [Ann] spr & John Johnson bachr botp (L) | wit Wm S..ainster, Wm Wilkin |
1789/12/10 | m | Nixon | John of Brignall, blacksmith & Judith Wilkin otp spr (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, .......... |
1789/12/10 | m | Wilkin | Judith spr otp & John Nixon of Brignall, blacksmith (B) | wit Wm Wilkin, .......... |
1790/05/18 | m | Richardson | Geo of Barton, husbandman & Frances Hardy otp spr (B) | wit Thomas Glover, George Thompson |
1790/05/18 | m | Hardy | Frances spr otp & Geo Richardosn of Barton, husbandman (B) | wit Thomas Glover, George Thompson |
1790/11/23 | m | Best | Jas, husbandman & Jane Hutchinson spr botp (B) | wit John Nicholson, James Hutchinson |
1790/11/23 | m | Hutchinson | Jane spr & Jas Best, husbandman botp (B) | wit John Nicholson, James Hutchinson |
1791/04/25 | m | Wetherell | Jas of Deighton, bachr & Jane Graham otp (L) | wit Robt Johnson, Willm Wilkin |
1791/04/25 | m | Graham | Jane otp & Jas Wetherell of Deighton bachr (L) | wit Robt Johnson, Willm Wilkin |
1791/08/21 | m | Smeddle | Revd John [Smeddley] bachr, clerk & Eliz Graham spr botp (L) | wit M.Duke Johnson, Wm Johnson, Robt Johnson, Thos Johnson |
1791/08/21 | m | Graham | Eliz spr & Revd John Smeddle [Smeddley] bachr, clerk botp (L) | wit M. Duke Johnson, Wm Johnson, Robt Johnson, Thos Johnson |
1791/10/16 | m | Bowes | John , husbandman & Lydia James spr botp (B) | wit Mary Thompson, Geo Thompson |
1791/10/16 | m | James | Lydia spr & John Bowes, husbandman botp (B) | wit Mary Thompson, Geo Thompson |
1792/04/09 | m | Wood | John of Wycliffe, bachr & Esther Ellwood otp (B) | wit Hugh James, Mary James |
1792/04/09 | m | Ellwood | Esther otp & John Wood of Wycliffe, bachr (B) | wit Hugh James, Mary James |
1792/11/27 | m | Richardson | Thos of Bolton upon Swale, bachr & Jane Barker otp spr (B) | Isaac Mawson, when at Hardorth School he |
1792/11/27 | m | Barker | Jane otp spr & Thos Richardson of Bolton upon Swale, bachr (B) | was killed by a fall from his horse which |
1793/02/04 | m | Wilson | John, labourer & Mary Spence spr botp (B) | wit Jonathan Johnson, Eliz Spence |
1793/02/04 | m | Spence | Mary spr & John Wilson, labourer botp (B) | wit Jonathan Johnson, Eliz Spence |
1793/04/07 | m | King | John, mason & Mary Wharton spr botp (L) | wit Mary Wharton, Wm Wilkin |
1793/04/07 | m | Wharton | Mary spr & John King, mason botp (L) | wit Mary Wharton, Wm Wilkin |
1793/05/13 | m | Robinson | Wm, widr & Hannah Layton spr botp (B) | wit Geo Bowron, Jane Layton |
1793/05/13 | m | Layton | Hannah spr & Wm Robinson, widr botp (B) | wit Geo Bowron, Jane Layton |
1793/05/21 | m | Harrison | Richd of Brignal, bachr & Martha Moore otp spr (B) | wit James Bayne, Robert Harrison |
1793/05/21 | m | Moore | Martha ootp spr & Richd Harrison of Brignal, bachr (B) | wit James Bayne, Robert Harrison |
1793/07/29 | m | Lindley | Robt, bachr & Ann Bellfood spr botp (B) | wit Richard Hawkridge, Thos Crane |
1793/07/29 | m | Bellfood | Ann spr & Robt Lindley bachr botp (B) | wit Richard Hawkridge, Thos Crane |
1794/04/28 | m | Bell | Anthony, gentleman otp & Ann Thackray of Gainford, Durham (L) | wit Jno Allison, Jane Bell |
1794/04/28 | m | Thackray | Ann of Gainford, Durham & Anthony Bell, gentleman optp (L) | wit Jno Allison, Jane Bell |
1794/05/14 | m | Robson | Wm, husbandman & Mary ............spr botp (B) | wit Thomas Bowser, Anthony Walton |
1794/05/14 | m | | Mary spr & Wm Robson husbandman botp (B) | wit Thomas Bowser, Anthony Walton |
1795/03/07 | m | Jackson | Ralph, House carpenter & Osyth Heslop botp (B) | wit Richard Hawkridge, George Thompson |
1795/03/07 | m | Heslop | Osyth & Ralph Jackson, House carpenter botp (B0 | wit Richard Hawkridge, George Thompson |
1795/04/13 | m | Hutchinson | Robt widr & Mary Barker spr botp (B) | wit Richard Nicholson, Frances Lawson |
1795/04/13 | m | Barker | Mary spr & Robt Hutchinson widr botp (B) | wit Richard Nicholson, Frances Lawson |
1795/07/27 | m | Spencer | John widr & Eliz McGee spr botp (B) | wit Bar.t M.rte..., Ann Guy |
1795/07/27 | m | McGee | Eliz spr & John Spencer widr botp (B0 | wit Bar.t M.rte..., Ann Guy |
1795/09/17 | m | Singleton | Geo of Great Smeaton & Anne Goldsborough [Goulsborough] otp (L) | wit John Goulsbrough, Eliz Carr |
1795/09/27 | m | Goldsborough | Anne [Goulsborough] otp & Geo Singleton of Great Smeaton (L) | wit John Goulsbrough, Eliz Carr |
1795/10/03 | m | Goldsbrough | John [Gouldsbrough] of Ormstone, Durham & Jane Goldsbrough otp (L) | wit John Gouldsbrough, Jane Gouldsbrough |
1795/10/03 | m | Goldsbrough | Jane otp & John [Gouldsbrough] of Ormstone,Durham (L) | wit John Gouldsbrough, Jane Gouldsbrough |
1795/10/05 | m | Bowman | Thos, servant to Mr Pulleine Esq & Ann Pulleine Johnson botp (L) | wit Ann Pulleine Johnson,Sarah Dalton |
1795/10/05 | m | Johnson | Ann Pullein & Thos Bowman, servant to Mr Pulleine Esq botp (L) | wit Ann Pulleine Johnson,Sarah Dalton |
1797/12/07 | m | Jackson | Thos & ............... spr botp ( ) | wit John Thompson, John Todd |
1797/12/07 | m | | ............................& Thos Jackson botp ( ) | wit John Thompson, John Todd |
1796/02/18 | m | Thomas | Peter, husbandman & Isabella Richardson spr botp (B) | wit Wm Bellonby, James Richardson |
1796/02/18 | m | Richardson | Isabella spr & Peter Thomas, husbandman botp (B) | wit Wm Bellonby, James Richardson |
1796/05/27 | m | Dobson | Henry, husbandman otp & Mary Robinson of St John, Stanwick (B) | wit Daniel White, Jane Burton |
1796/05/27 | m | Robinson | Mary of St John, Stanwick & Henry Dobson, husbandman otp (B) | wit Daniel White, Jane Burton |
1796/05/17 | m | Dent | Ralph of Barnard Castle husbandman & Mary Sowerby otp spr (B) | wit Joseph Clement, Daniel White |
1796/05/17 | m | Sowerby | Mary spr otp & Ralph Dent of Barnard Castle husbandman (B) | wit Joseph Clement, Daniel White |
1796/09/07 | m | Peacock | Thos of Barningham bachr & Margaret Marley otp spr (L) | wit Wm Harrison, Mary Hall |
1796/09/07 | m | Marley | Margaret otp spr & Thos Peacock of Barningham bachr (L) | wit Wm Harrison, Mary Hall |
1797/02/19 | m | Raine | John bachr & Mary James spr botp (B) | wit Hugh James, Matthew Palmer |
1797/02/19 | m | James | Mary spr & John Raine bachr botp (B) | wit Hugh James, Matthew Palmer |
1797/02/27 | m | Dawson | John of Hartlepool, taylor & Eliz Reed otp spr (L) | wit John Robson, Ann Denton |
1797/02/27 | m | Reed | Eliz otp spr & John Dawson of Hartlepool, taylor (L) | wit John Robson, Ann Denton |
1797/07/18 | m | Todd | John widr & Mary Hall spr botp (L) | wit Wm Beattie |
1797/07/18 | m | Hall | Mary spr & John Todd widr botp (L) | wit Wm Beattie |
1798/02/.. | m | Pattinson | Geo bachr & Anne [Ann] Guy spr botp (L) | wit Robert Smith, Mary Smith |
1798/02/.. | m | Guy | [Ann] spr & Geo Pattinson bachr botp (L) | wit Robert Smith, Mary Smith |
1798/05/07 | m | Thompson | Robt, husbandman & Margaret Hutchinson spr botp (B) | wit Nathaniel Atkinson, Hannah Hutchinson |
1798/05/07 | m | Hutchinson | Margaret spr & Robt Thompson, husbandman botp (B) | wit Nathaniel Atkinson, Hannah Hutchinson |
1798/12/03 | m | Rawling | Geo widr & Eliz Frank spr botp (B) | wit Thos Hanby, George Trotter |
1798/12/03 | m | Frank | Eliz spr & Geo Rawling widr botp (B) | wit Thos Hanby, George Trotter |
1799/03/26 | m | Nelson | Wm of High Conscliffe, Durham & Mary Thompson spr otp (L) | wit George Thompson, Charles Thompson |
1799/03/26 | m | Thompson | Mary spr otp & Wm Nelson of High Conscliffe, Durham (L) | wit George Thompson, Charles Thompson |
1799/05/14 | m | Spence | Geo of Richmond widr & Margaret Scott wid otp (B) | wit Wm Smith, Jos Lawson |
1799/05/14 | m | Scott | Margaret wid otp & Geo Spence of Richmond widr (B) | wit Wm Smith, Jos Lawson |
1799/09/04 | m | Thompson | Geo bachr & Mary Wilkin spr botp (L) | wit Philip Heslop, John Wilkin |
1799/09/04 | m | Wilkin | Mary spr & Geo Thompson bachr botp (L) | wit Philip Heslop, John Wilkin |
1799/09/18 | m | Thompson | Hutton, farmer & Margaret Grisdale spr botp (L) | wit John Close, Mary Bell |
1799/09/18 | m | Grisdale | Margaret spr & Hutton Thompson, farmer botp (L) | wit John Close, Mary Bell |
1799/12/09 | m | Page | Wm of St John, Stanwick, husbandman & Mary Wortley spr otp (B) | wit Wm Rawson, Frances Hutchinson |
1799/12/09 | m | Wortley | Mary spr otp & Wm Page of St John, Stanwick, husbandman (B) | wit Wm Rawson, Frances Hutchinson |
1800/05/13 | m | Wright | John, husbandman & Dorothy Elgey spr botp (B) | wit John Elgey, Isabella Richardson |
1800/05/13 | m | Elgey | Dorothy spr & John Wright, husbandman botp (B) | wit John Elgey, Isabella Richardson |
1800/11/22 | m | Bateman | Robt bachr & Ann Robonson spr botp (B) | wit Mary Bell, Hutton Thompson |
1800/11/11 | m | Robinson | Ann spr & Robt Bateman bachr botp (B) | wit Mary Bell, Hutton Thompson |
1801/04/04 | m | Hodgson | Geo, farmer & Margaret Seymour spr botp (L) | wit Ann Seymour, John Seymour |
1801/04/04 | m | Seymour | Margaret spr & Geo Hodgson, farmer botp (L) | wit Ann Seymour, John Seymour |
1801/05/16 | m | Shaw | John, husbandman bachr & Eliz Cuthbertson spr botp (B) | wit John Cuthbertson, Wm Shaw |
1801/05/16 | m | Cuthbertson | Eliz spr & John Shaw, husbandman bachr botp (B) | wit John Cuthbertson, Wm Shaw |
1801/09/19 | m | Kipling | Wm husbandman bachr & Jane Carpenter spr botp (L) | wit John Rumford, Charles Thompson |
1801/09/19 | m | Carpenter | Jane spr & Wm Kipling husbandman bachr botp (L) | wit John Rumford, Charles Thompson |
1801/09/26 | m | Dinsdale | John otp & Sarah Sayer of St John's Stanwick (L) | wit John Monkhouse, Charles Thompson |
1801/09/26 | m | Sayer | Sarah of St John's Stanwick & John Dinsdale otp (L) | wit John Monkhouse, Charles Thompson |
1801/10/14 | m | Napier | Geo Chris of Richmond, gentleman & Eleanor Shipman spr otp (L) | wit John Nicholson, Mary Shipman |
1801/10/14 | m | Shipman | Eleanor spr otp & Geo Chris Napier, gentleman of Richmond (L) | [see Napier] & Richd Stephenson |
1802/03/02 | m | Steadman | Thos of Hurworth upon Tees, Durham widr & Hannah Mason spr otp (B) | wit Margaret Robinson, Charles Thompson |
1802/03/02 | m | Mason | Hannah spr otp & Thos Steadman of Hurworth upon Tees, Durham widr (B) | wit Margaret Robinson, Charles Thompson |
1802/05/15 | m | Stapleton | Richd of Coniscliffe widr & Mary Smith spr otp (B) | wit Ann Pattinson, Eliz Moses |
1802/05/15 | m | Smith | Mary spr otp & Richd Stapleton of Coniscliffe widr (B) | wit Ann Pattinson, Eliz Moses |
1802/07/08 | m | Alderson | Wm of Weaverthorpe & Alice Simpson otp spr (B) | wit George Simpson, Mary Simpson |
1802/07/08 | m | Simpson | Alice otp spr & Wm Alderson of Weaverthorpe (B) | wit George Simpson, Mary Simpson |
1802/07/26 | m | Elgey | John of St John's Stanwick & Mary Reynolds otp (B) | wit Hannah Hutchinson, Thomas Dixon |
1802/07/26 | m | Reynolds | Mary otp & John El;gey of St John's Stanwick (B) | wit Hannah Hutchinson, Thomas Dixon |
1803/04/12 | m | Hedley | Robt, blacksmith of Darlington, Durham & Eliz Bowser spr otp (B) | wit John Bowser. Mary Dodds |
1803/04/12 | m | Bowser | Eliz spr otp & Robt Hedley, blacksmith of Darlington, Durham (B) | wit John Bowser. Mary Dodds |
1803/11/21 | m | Dixon Junr | Thos, miller & Joanna Hutchinson spr botp (B) | wit James Hutchinson, John Hutchinson |
1803/11/21 | m | Hutchinnson | Joanna spr & Thos Dixon Junr, miller botp (B) | wit James Hutchinson, John Hutchinson |
1804/01/08 | m | Elgey | Paul widr husbbandman & Ann Pattison spr botp (B) | wit William Guy, Charles Thompson |
1804/01/08 | m | Pattison | Ann spr & Paul Elgey widr husbandman botp (B) | wit William Guy, Charles Thompson |
1804/05/15 | m | Thompson | Wm of St John's, weaver & Esther Elliot otp spr (B) | wit Mary Burle, Thomas Briggs |
1804/05/15 | m | Elliot | Esther spr otp & Wm Thompson of St John's, weaver (B) | wit Mary Burle, Thomas Briggs |
1804/05/21 | m | Hutchinson | Philip carpenter & Mary Bell spr botp (B) | wit Robt Walker, Jane Bell |
1804/05/21 | m | Bell | Mary spr & Philip Hutchinson, carpenter botp (B) | wit Robt Walker, Jane Bell |
1804/06/05 | m | Wise | Wm widr blacksmith & Margaret Priest [Preast] wid botp (B) | wit Thos Dixon, Hannah Dixon |
1804/06/05 | m | Priest | Margaret [Preast] wid & Wm Wise widr blacksmith botp (B) | wit Thos Dixon, Hannah Dixon |
1804/09/05 | m | Clarkson | Anthony of Bedale, butcher & Isabella Richardson otp spr (L) | wit Wm Richardson, Mary Garth |
1804/09/05 | m | Richardson | Isabella spr otp & Anthony Clarkson of Bedale, butcher (L) | wit Wm Richardson, Mary Garth |
1804/12/26 | m | Cooper | John of Manfields, weaver & Eliz Pattinson spr otp (B) | wit Geo Bradley, Charles Thompson |
1804/12/26 | m | Pattinson | Eliz spr otp & John Cooper of Manfields, weaver (B) | wit Geo Bradley, Charles Thompson |
1805/02/12 | m | Mawson | John husbandman & Ann Eden otp spr (B) | wit John Tennet, Charles Thompson |
1805/02/12 | m | Eden | Ann spr otp & John Mawson of husbandman (B) | Wit John Tennet, Charles Thompson |
1805/05/27 | m | Stephenson | Edward widr husbandman & Hannah Tombs spr botp (B) | wit Henry Smith, Charles Thompson |
1805/05/27 | m | Tombs | Hannah spr & Edward Stephenson widr husbandman botp (B) | wit Henry Smith, Charles Thompson |
1805/06/08 | m | Bowron | Geo of Arkingarthdale labourer & Jane Johnson otp spr (B) | wit Mary Elgey, John Forster |
1805/06/08 | m | Johnson | Jane ootp spr & Geo Bowron of Arkingarthdale labourer (B) | wit Mary Elgey, John Forster |
1805/11/25 | m | Richardson | James widr & Margaret Copeland spr botp (B) | wit Michael Williamson, Eliz Dunn |
1805/11/25 | m | Copeland | Margaret spr & James Richardson widr botp (B) | wit Michael Williamson, Eliz Dunn |
1805/11/28 | m | Robinson | John of Appleton upon Wisk & Ann Rennells spr otp (B) | wit Francis Robson, Robert Reynolds |
1805/11/28 | m | Rennells | Ann spr otp & John Robinson of Appleton upon Wisk (B) | wit Francis Robson, Robert Reynolds |
1805/12/31 | m | Green | Ralph of Great Hutton & Jane Wright otp spr (B) | wit Thomas Dixon, Mary Hutchinson |
1805/12/31 | m | Wright | Jane otp spr & Ralph Green of Great Hutton (B) | wit Thomas Dixon, Mary Hutchinson |
1806/02/11 | m | Clark | Thos of Barnard Castle & Mary Hutchinson otp (B) | wit Sarah Smith, Jno Dobson |
1806/02/11 | m | Hutchinson | Mary otp & Thos Clark of Barnard Castle (B) | wit Sarah Smith, Jno Dobson |
1806/05/20 | m | Baistor | Wm of Marton & Frances Brown otp spr (B) | wit Richd Manners, John Wilkin |
1806/05/20 | m | Brown | Frances otp spr & Wm Baistor of Marton (B) | wit Richd Manners, John Wilkin |
1806/06/29 | m | Robinson | Geo of Patrick Brompton, husbandman & Alice Stephenson otp spr (L) | wit John Robson, June Stephenson |
1806/06/29 | m | Stephenson | Alice otp spr & Geo Robinson of Patrick Brompton, husbandman (L) | wit John Robson, June Stephenson |
1806/07/09 | m | Hitchen | Thos labourer widr & Barbara Brown spr botp (B) | wit John Whitell, Thomas Ruford |
1806/07/09 | m | Brown | Barbara spr & Thos Hitchen labourer botp (B) | wit John Whitell, Thomas Ruford |
1806/07/12 | m | Elgey | John husbandman & Eliz Kipling spr botp (L) | wit Wm Kipling, Ralph Smith |
1806/07/12 | m | Kipling | Eliz spr & John Elgey husbandman botp (L) | wit Wm Kipling, Ralph Smith |
1806/09/03 | m | Hutchinson | Jas, thrashing machine maker & Jane Hixon spr botp (L) | wit David M Hudson, Ann Bowman, Mary ........... |
1806/09/03 | m | Hixon | Jane spr & Jas Hutchinson thrashing machine maker botp (L) | wit David M Hudson, Ann Bowman, Mary............ |
1806/09/06 | m | Tennick | Wm of Gainford, Durham joiner & Mary Dodds spr otp (L) | wit Michael Thompson, Ann Carter |
1806/09/06 | m | Dodds | Mary spr otp & Wm Terrick of Gainford, Durham joiner (L) | wit Michael Thompson, Ann Carter |
1807/05/13 | m | Brown | Wm husbandman & Ann Stephenson spr botp (B) | wit Henry Todd, Eliz Brown |
1807/05/13 | m | Stephenson | Ann spr & Wm Brown husbandman botp (B) | wit Henry Todd, Eliz Brown |
1807/05/14 | m | Binks | Giles of St John's Stanwick & Mary Rumford otp spr (B) | wit John Rumford, Jane Stott, Geo Binks Junior |
1807/05/14 | m | Rumford | Mary otp spr & Giles Binks of St John's Stanwick (B) | wit John Rumford, Jane Stott, Geo Binks Junior |
1807/05/18 | m | Nicholson | Richd husbandman & Eliz Robinson spr botp (B) | wit John Bowser, Anthony Allison |
1807/05/18 | m | Robinson | Eliz spr & Richd Nicholson husbandman botp (B) | wit John Bowser, Anthony Allison |
1807/07/04 | m | Robinson | John of Kirby Ravensworth husbandman & Ann Clarke otp spr (B) | wit Wm Thompson, Wm Moses, Margaret Wise, Jane Heaps |
1807/07/04 | m | Clarke | Ann otp spr & John Robinson of Kirby Ravensworth husbandman (B) | wit Wm Thompson, Wm Moses, Margaret Wise, Jane Heaps |
1807/08/08 | m | Marley | Ralph of Lamesley, Durham & Mary Deighton otp spr (B) | wit Thos Dixon, Mary Hutchinson, Thos Shaw |
1807/08/01 | m | Deighton | Mary otp spr & Ralph Marley of Lamesley, Durham (B) | wit Thos Dixon, Mary Hutchinson, Thos Shaw |
1807/09/26 | m | Wilkin | John, yeoman & Alice Dixon spr botp (L) | wit Geo Thompson, Margaret Wilkin |
1807/09/26 | m | Dixon | Alice spr & John Wilkin, yeoman botp (L) | wit Geo Thompson, Margaret Wilkin |
1807/11/23 | m | Dodsworth | Robt & Isabella Allison spr botp (B) | wit John Dodsworth, Mary Simpson |
1807/11/23 | m | Allison | Isabella spr & Robt Dodsworth botp (B) | wit John Dodsworth, Mary Simpson |
1787/12/26 | m | Alderson | Joseph husbandman & Jane Short spr botp (B) | wit Wm Hedley,Eliz Wilkin,Margaret Wilkin |
1787/12/26 | m | Short | Jane spr & Joseph Alderson husbandman botp (B) | wit Wm Hedley,Eliz Wilkin,Margaret Wilkin |
1787/12/26 | m | Davison | Geo of St John's Stanwick, farmer & Eliz Hodgson spr otp (L) | wit Robt Dawson,Lydia Davison,Mary Hodgson, Robt Hodgson, Ann Davison |
1787/12/26 | m | Hodgson | Eliz spr otp & Geo Davison farmer of St Johm's Stanwick (L) | wit Robt Dawson,Lydia Davison,Mary Hodgson, Robt Hodgson, Ann Davison |
1808/02/22 | m | Ward | Wm of Richmond & Isabella Smith spr otp (B) | wit Henry Smith, Geo Hayman |
1808/02/22 | m | Smith | Isabella spr otp & Wm Ward of Richmond (B) | wit Henry Smith, Geo Hayman |
1808/05/14 | m | Brown | Robt, mason & Ann Fordy spr botp (B) | wit Ellen Pearson, Wm Temple |
1808/05/14 | m | Fordy | Ann spr & Robt Brown, mason botp (B) | wit Ellen Pearson, Wm Temple |
1808/05/17 | m | Wake | Geo of Brignall, husbandman & Mary Harland otp spr (B) | wit Wm Temple, Margaret Harland |
1808/05/17 | m | Harland | Mary otp spr & Geo Wake of Brignall, husbandman (B) | wit Wm Temple, Margaret Harland |
1808/06/06 | m | Dobbin | Thos of Stranton, Durham, farmer & Mary Hodgson otp spr (L) | wit Barbara Hodgson,Miriam Hodgson,John Hodgson |
1808/06/06 | m | Hodgson | Mary otp spr & Thos Dobbin of Stranton, Durham, farmer (L) | wit Barbara Hodgson,Miriam Hodgson,John Hodgson |
1809/05/15 | m | Johnson | John of Kirby Ravensworth, cordwainer & Margaret Row otp spr (B) | wit John Haliday, Andrew Oliver |
1809/05/15 | m | Row | Margaret otp spr & John Johnson of Kirby Ravensworth, cordwianer (B) | wit John Haliday, Andrew Oliver |
1809/05/16 | m | Shaw | Thos, miller & Ann Wright spr botp (B) | wit Thos Dixon, Michael Shaw, Mary Hutchinson |
1809/05/16 | m | Wright | Ann spr & Thos Shaw, miller botp (B) | wit Thos Dixon, Michael Shaw, Mary Hutchinson |
1809/11/18 | m | Whyfell | Jas, taylor & Mary Cheesman spr botp (B) | wit Jane Bowron, Chris Bowron, Hannah Brown |
1809/11/18 | m | Cheesman | Mary spr & Jas Whyfell, taylor botp (B) | wit Jane Bowron, Chris Bowron, Hannah Brown |