Gate Helmsley, Memorial Plaque transcription
Gate Helmsley parish:
Source=h:/!Genuki/WM2transcriptionsToHtml/input/NRYHaydnInside.txtGate Helmsley, Memorial Plaque transcription:
The War Memorial Plaque in St. Mary's Church, Gate Helmsley.
To the Glory of God
and in memory
of the following men
of this village
who gallantly
laid down their lives
in the Great War
and in memory
of the following men
of this village
who gallantly
laid down their lives
in the Great War
Fred Richardson | East Yorks |
James J Townsend | Kings Livpls |
Harold Bratley | West Yorks |
William Potter | Yorks Regt |
Thos Craven | RFA |
Wallace Scott | RN |
Lest we forget
Data transcribed by
Haydn Scott.
from photography by Colin Hinson